Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Exit stage left please.

It's 12:12 AM. I just finished doing some real work to keep the roof over my head, I am heading to bed, and before I turn off my computer, I lurk over to get some "Nat Turner's Revenge" in me. Of course this is when I see this.

Chris why did you have to remind me of this shit? Now I am going to have to post about Andrew Young's ignorant ass. And please folks before you start with the e-mails and nasty comments about what a great civil rights icon Andy Young is and blah blah blah, spare me, I really don't give a fuck at this point. The operative word here is was. I know the brother marched with King, and for that he will always get my respect. But at some point you have to say: Andy, enough already, get the fuck off the national stage, and go retire and enjoy the rest of your life somewhere. If you are not smart enough to avoid making dumb ass comments and doing stupid shit like being a spokes person for S-cam Walton, just don't do shit.

People get mad at me when I talk about the old guard of the civil rights movement being obsolete, but this is why. While I love people like John Lewis who really got their asses kicked back in day, and even some of my own mentors (may their souls rest in peace) like Dr. Jessie Stone, and E.E. Cleveland, it's time for most (not all) of these people to hang it up. I am even going to surprise some people and say that Rev. Inc. is still cool with me. I honestly don't mind when they do shit to piss off whitey, because I still find that they are willing to do some things that makes the status quo uncomfortable. But for the most part these old vanguards from the past civil rights era are out of touch and far too often focus on the wrong shit.

If I go to one more of these fucking Urban League or NAACP balls at one of these white owned hotels; with all their fucking black tie and phony ass pretentious people, all trying to out do each other, I hope somebody slaps me right on top of my bald ass head. I have had it up to the top of my shine with the likes of Andy Young and all the usual suspects in race inc. You know who the fuck you are.

So thanks Chris for posting that little article and pissing me off tonight. I think I can go to bed now. Oh, Mrs. Field says fuck you for making her life miserable once again.


  1. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Man, you're a damn trip.

    George M.

  2. Andy's just mad that he's got a gut the size of a water buffalo. He should cut back on the fat cat lunches and call Jenny Craig.

    It's ridiculous to 1) say Obama's too young and 2) keep buying into this thing that Clinton was our first black president because he, like a lot of brothers, got a naive yet opportunistic white girl to give him a blow job.


  3. Anonymous5:37 AM

    I'm afraid you don't have to do much, if you're white, to become an honorary Negro.

    All you have to do is complete one or two of the following prerequisites:

    > Mingle with blacks, especially mingle with them in church.

    > Release your pocket lizard in the oval office, and let a young white female intern grab hold of it and spend the afternoon caressing it again and again.

    > Purchase a penthouse office in Harlem to be close to blacks.
    (I understand its up for sale now. I wonder why?)
    click here for more info.

    > Date black women. You don't have to marry them, or have them bear your children. Just dating them is enough.

    > Have black friends speak favorably of your black credentials.

    Andy Young's comments were so insulting to blacks as to make him an honorary red neck.

  4. He should have left the stage a long time ago...

    And I think he may be a little senile.

    Combine that with the unending desire to stay relevant...and you end up with someone who will do/say damn near anything.

    I was done with him when he sold out to become cheerleader for Wal-Mart not too long ago.

    All of these guys should just pick a day and have a mass retirement celebration...and ride off into the sunset. Unfortunately that's not going to happen. 'Civil Rights Incorporated' isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's still too profitable.

  5. I was going to comment, but then you posted that picture of Tyra on your sidebar. Sweet.

  6. heyyy field. :)

    wow. that was totally uncalled for. had jokes for days. it's a shame when we will embrace an 'honorary' negro over one of our own. just wow.

    and i'm cracking up at that Rev. Inc. lol.

    oh! so i had a book club meeting not too long ago and we were talking about good political blogs. i showed them yours and now they're all hooked! lol. one of them recognized you from NPR, so she's just giddy about reading your blog everyday. you're famous field! lol.

  7. 12 12 07

    Hey there FN:
    I should congratulate you for growing. This is in response to your sidebar about Oprah. You know I have always gotten on you about calling her a House Nigga and here you are giving her props. Haven't you seen the Spook that sat by the Door? At one point, I hoped it was Condi, but instead Colin Powell and Oprah have showed us that they are loved by white folk and care about Black folk. This might represent a paradigm shift for the future. I think it is just fine to get white housewives to read Toni Morrison and to open a school for girls in SA no? Not to mention all the charitable contributions to HBCU's she has given. She has always been a field negro in disguise, imho. Don't let expedience confuse you...ehehhehehehe Good to see you:)

  8. Field, Jack Turner over at Jack & Jill Politics has already revoked Mr. Young's Negro card. Permanently.

    I suggested to him that rather than revoking the Negro card, just hand him the lantern and put him out on the lawn.

    I know what Andy Young used to be. It's painful what he's become, and like a dog in misery, you have to think about putting the dog out of his misery, if you get my drift.

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I think it is just fine to get white housewives to read Toni Morrison and to open a school for girls in SA no?

    That reminds me of when I was at the Zora Neale Hurston Festival in Eatonville and saw a bunch white suburban moms in this Black town around a bunch of Black folks at a Black festival trying to get Maya Angelou's autograph.

    Cracked me up.

  10. FN,

    Where have YOU been?

    Jack Turner (Andrew Young - I hereby revoke your Black Card and I (Andrew Young - go somewhere and sit down) have both posted on this.

    Young is ridiculous. Martin Luther King, Jr. was all of TWENTY-SIX when he was named head of the Montgomery Improvement Association.


    So, Martin Luther King should have just hung around until someone told him that it was ' his time'?

    Do I need to point out that Barack Obama is only ONE YEAR YOUNGER than when Bill Clinton was elected President?


    Who the hell is Young kidding? 8 years is an eternity in politics.

    The press will leave Malia and Sasha alone the same way they did Chelsea. That's a subversive way to bring up that ' But,he'll get shot, and you don't want those poor babies without their Daddy' patronizing bullshit excuse.

    Where are these Black advisors to Hillary? I've been told they exist, but I haven't seen them doing interviews, and believe me, being the political junkie that I am, I read as much poltical stuff as possible.

    But, the icing on the cake for me was this:

    "Bill is every bit as black as Barack," he said. "He has probably gone out with more black women than Barack."

    For that alone, Andy Young needs to go stand in the Handkerchief Heads for Hillary bleachers.

    Negro, Please.

    As a Black woman, to be so blatantly disrespected, it disgusted me.

    I was so livid; it's been a tipping point for me.

    I have been teasing, since the beginning, that while I have seen the ‘ Kool-Aid’ drinkers w/regards to OBama, I am not one of them. I have since decided that I have found my own Kool-Aid w/regards to Obama.

    I can’t take it. I can’t take anymore of these patently absurd Lawn Jockey, Handkerchief Head moments from our so-called ‘Elders’. We’ve waited long enough for them to hand over the baton.

    Obama isn’t perfect; I know that. I’m fully aware of his flaws. But, it’s time for us to make our own mistakes and accomplishments. Young and his ilk have been so patently pathetic in their reasoning as to why they can’t support Obama, they show their hand. Just admit that you’re a damn Clinton Lawn Jockey, and get it over with, instead of pretending that you have actual policy issues with Obama.

    we’ve waited long enough for the baton to be passed. Folks don’t seem to want to pass it gracefully. It must now be snatched and grabbed. And, I’m going to tell you that something has been lost, because we have too many organizations that are personality-driven, instead of being purpose-driven. Purpose driven organizations can withstand changes in leadership; purpose driven organizations are those who prepare their organizations for the next generation. We have organization upon organization led by folks who literally DIE without preparing someone to lead the next set of battles. Young and nearly all of them have totally dropped the ball. They have to be put out to pasture.

    Here is a fabulous takedown of Young:

    Shame on the Irrelevant

    The tag team with this was your boy, Shelby Steele, saying on national tv - Hardball,

    " In many ways, Hillary Clinton is blacker than Obama."


  11. mandhisa,


    Glad to see you posting again here. :)

  12. Social movements are a living thing. They evolve as time goes on and the movement evolves or they simply wither and go away.
    OF course, the civil rights movement in this country is NOT going to wither and go away until every American is on an equal footing with every other American. . . but I digress.
    When a movement starts out, it requires people who can raise hell, whip people into a frenzy and inspire civil disobedience, etc. Those talents become a burden as the movement progresses into legitimacy. It requires new personalities and new ways of doing things.
    Poor Andy and many others like him just don't have the skills to handle those things, which is understandable. They become lost and flail around like ship without a rudder, especially when others still expect them to be the leaders that they once were.
    It's time for a new crew to step up and take the wheel and LET guys like Andy sit back and enjoy their celebrity and legendary status which they earned.

    Oh, and yes. Tyra can just stand there, look incredible and smile or even talk silly if she wants. . . all 160lbs of her. Does anything in the world look any better?

  13. Field, you must be psychic because me & the crew of 5's discussed this yesterday esoteric to the group. . .well you know white folks are the underwriters to these organiztions. As for Young, you notice there have been plenty of disparaging comments from the ole'guard to undermine Obama's candidacy. The ole' guard never says anything profound, they just dismiss his candidacy. . . and like I told the crew of 5 yesterday the ole' guard can choose to function in the way they see fit -- but just know your institutions will die with you.

  14. Amen on this whole post F.N.

  15. Field--I am still scratching my head over this. Andy Young must be taking checks from Giuliani and Mitt. Notice I didn't say huckabee, because that Christian Talban muvfuka will get enough black votes from the same ignorant church people and pastors who seemed to think that preventing faggots and dykes from marrying or caring for kids is somehow more important to the black community than any other issue...

    PS Yes, said "faggot" and "dyke." I do NOT equate them with "nigger" and if you wish to challenge me fine. I am what I am. I think gay people should be forced to endure the same drama as all of us married people... LOL

  16. As for Young, you notice there have been plenty of disparaging comments from the ole'guard to undermine Obama's candidacy. The ole' guard never says anything profound, they just dismiss his candidacy.

    That's why I say that I've had ENOUGH of these Handkerchief Head, Uncle Ruckus moments. They are becoming too numerous to count, and they just anger me. They anger me on G.P. And, they also anger me because they're doing it in defense of a candidate that just isn't worth it.

    . . and like I told the crew of 5 yesterday the ole' guard can choose to function in the way they see fit -- but just know your institutions will die with you.

    Yep, and they don't seem to care that the institutions will die. They need to go away.

  17. @ rikyrah -- I wholeheartedly agree, your commentary from earlier hit the bullseye; the ole' guard is irkin' the crap out of me. The generation gap is vast & wide and Young's comments prove it -- and it doesn't have to be that way. None of the journalists will step to the plate and grill the ole' guard about their fascination with "Handkerchief Head
    ". We're lacking total objectivity.

  18. Hillary's Harpies, black, white, male and female, have convinced themselves that electing Hillary, is electing Bill to a 3rd term.

    Sorry folks, but nothing is further from reality.

    Le Hill, ain't Bill. She's an angry, neoconservative Hawk, bought and owned by AIPAC and the military industrial complex. She sashays around in her Rayon pantsuits -- camel toe on display, and thinks she's better than you and me.

    I understand how Andrew Young might believe if he kisses Hillary's fat ass, she will let him sleep in the Big House but the fact is, after dinner is served and eaten, Hillary will show him to the door.

    The only blacks who get to sleep over at Hillary's are her domestics.

  19. I guess it's not only politicians who flip flop. A few months ago, Obama was an inauthentic black man who couldn't be trusted because white people respected him. I recall some heated discussions here about that.

    Second, the old civil rights fossils anxiously await the younger generation to step up and lead the way. If younger people were stepping up, the issue of being led by the old and useless guard would not be an issue. Talk is cheap. Still waiting...

  20. @ west coast story -- if you got the impression that we are waiting in the wings you are sadly mistaken, there are many people I know that have worked at all the ole' guard institutions because they believe in the role it has served our communities, but due to generational politics or other irrelevant matters they leave. No one is expecting anything from the ole' guard, we are wondering why one of our own is stepping up why are they dismissing the candidacy without objective analysis-- I expect more from them [just like they expect more from us] then to say "Hillary is more black than Obama". I repeat, the ole' guard is not saying anything profound about Hillary's candidacy. As for young folks leading the way, isn't that what Obama is doing and look at how the ole' guard is treating young folks -- all their comments lack substance. And for all that the ole' guard has endured we expect them to present serious dialogue about the candidates -- i have yet to hear that. . . reread rikyrah's posting for add'l insight

  21. Second, the old civil rights fossils anxiously await the younger generation to step up and lead the way. If younger people were stepping up, the issue of being led by the old and useless guard would not be an issue. Talk is cheap. Still waiting...

    @ west coast story -- if you got the impression that we are waiting in the wings you are sadly mistaken, there are many people I know that have worked at all the ole' guard institutions because they believe in the role it has served our communities, but due to generational politics or other irrelevant matters they leave. No one is expecting anything from the ole' guard, we are wondering why one of our own is stepping up why are they dismissing the candidacy without objective analysis-- I expect more from them [just like they expect more from us] then to say "Hillary is more black than Obama".

    Thank you.

    There ARE people who are not going for Obama because of POLICY. I can point you to the sites and you can read them.

    The thing is, The Old Guard has NOT used POLICY as a reason to dismiss Obama's candidacy.

    We have had a series of Handkerchief Head, Uncle Ruckus explanations.

    Or, they'll collapse to ' It's not his time', AS IF this is a coronation for HIllary Clinton. AS IF this woman is OWED the Presidency of the United States because she suffered the public humiliation of that man's philandering.

  22. muze holla at the book club for me!
    Mahndisa, what's up girl? how are things in Cali?

    rikyrah, Andy Young has been slowly losing it for awhile now, but his comments recently have been over the top 0)

    "That's why I say that I've had ENOUGH of these Handkerchief Head, Uncle Ruckus moments. They are becoming too numerous to count, and they just anger me. They anger me on G.P. And, they also anger me because they're doing it in defense of a candidate that just isn't worth it."

    I agree with those comments, but it's not only these old guard Negroes, some of these new Negroes are in the same boat.

    "Second, the old civil rights fossils anxiously await the younger generation to step up and lead the way. If younger people were stepping up, the issue of being led by the old and useless guard would not be an issue. Talk is cheap. Still waiting..."

    You won't be waiting long for me WCS. I am out here (not just in cyberland) on the ground ever day. I am trying to stay active locally, and hopefully some of us can get a national movement started. Hey, maybe politically Obama is it; I am not too sure yet.

  23. Christopher,

    "The only blacks who get to sleep over at Hillary's are her domestics."

    Comments like this are just damned silly and they show how many of those who don't like Hillary are motivated more by irrational hate than by reason.

    You see, one of the men I most respect is the late Ron Brown, who was treasury secretary in the first Clinton Administration, in which Hillary had a big role in picking the team.

    Rather than joke about the Lincoln bedroom, I'd rather discuss the roles Black people like Alexis Herman and Governor Deval Patrick had in the Clinton Administration. The Clintons relied upon Black people as partners for leadership and expertise.

    Do you remember that Black Washinton power lawyer, Vernon Jordan, who was Clinton's confidante, friend and golfing buddy, seen with Clinton at every turn? He's part of what convinced me to vote for Clinton in 1992. Clinton had an obvious ease with Black people that came from familiarity with us, our culture, our political life, our values and aspirations. (Yeah, he put too many of us in jail, but white America was demanding it.) There's only so much a guy can do in this stinking country.

    Clinton's going to be the president, she's going to end the 43-term white male monopoly of the president, with Barack Obama on the ticket as vice president, and we're all going to be proud of our country in a way that we never, ever have been before.

  24. history is still playing it self out -- hold off on your assumption

  25. RE Clinton's blackness: Jocelyn Elders, Lanie Guanier, and Hazel O'Leary. I will not be voting for a Clinton any time soon.

    This old fossil is going to vote for Obama. I see in TIME magazine where people trust Obama more, think he is more honest, but are supporting Clinton because she has more experience. I honest to god don't even know what to make of this. Supporting someone you can't trust but has more experience at, what, being better at being a prevaricating mouthpiece for the status quo? Did you see her answer the question on license plates for the undocumented? I don't know where this woman stands on anything. And her attacks on Obama have been, ah, well, lame, as the kids say.

    Aside from that, Clinton is too conservative for me and I don't see anything good coming from her adminstartion for black people, poor people, or the middle class. Remind me what Bill Clinton did for us? NAFTA where he shipped jobs across the border and overseas? I don't know or care if Hillary is Bill Clinton Redux. I don't want any parts of her or him. The best thing Clinton did was balance the budget. He let all those people get slaughtered in Rwanda but he couldn't run into Bosnia fast enough. Yeah, sure, first black president my eye.

    Getting back to Andy Young, what he said about Obama was pathetic. The man has had a solid history in the civil rights movement so I guess he's entitled to make an ass of himself from time to time. I really don't care about the WalMart connection. My mayor, who has a solid human rights history, went to bed with some dodgey folks while consulting and I'm not holding it against Ron Dellums either. And neither of these guys have done business with the kind of unsavory crazies that Rudy Giuliani has with his company that he REFUSES to sever ties with while pursuing his bid for president.

    It's kind of tiresome to see the age bashing that goes on on these sites run by younger people. The only thing I can take solace in is that in a few years, someone will be kicking your ass too for being irrelevant.

  26. This old fossil is going to vote for Obama.

    Good choice, west coast story!!!

    As Oprah said, "Barack is the one!"

    Yes he is!

  27. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "Second, the old civil rights fossils anxiously await the younger generation to step up and lead the way. If younger people were stepping up, the issue of being led by the old and useless guard would not be an issue. Talk is cheap. Still waiting..."

    Thank you, West Coast Story. I read this post and comments, and I've read the posts and comments on this subject at three other black blogs. I've come away from all of them with the same thought- what are y'all actually going to DO? I read all the comments about the "old" civil rights leaders, and how they need to move out of the way, pass the baton, etc. What I don't see is concrete statements about what the younger folks are going to do, and why it will be better and more appropriate for the times. Hell, I don't ever see any vague statements along those lines. Every time I read a post like this, I think about Richard Pryor talking about what Jim Brown said to him- "Whatcha gone do?" Whatchall gone do? Huh? Do y'all have any real idea beyond sitting in front of a damn computer screen and bitching about old people? When they were in their prime, they weren't sitting around complaining about somebody not passing the baton to them. Generally speaking, y'all don't seem to have any real sense of conviction, and y'all definitely don't inspire much confidence. I wouldn't be surprised if within a couple of years, a lot of you aren't acting like a certain other "black" blogger and his sycophants, and sheepishly admitting to being persuaded by "The Bell Curve".

  28. lol@Mrs. Field getting her two cents in.
    "You go girl!"

  29. Anonymous12:17 PM

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