Friday, December 28, 2007

Let's impeach his ass!

Here comes another cut and paste job. (Hey, I am on vacation)
This article penned by some members of the Judiciary Committee is serious, and it should not be ignored.

Did I mention that I agree with it 100%?

"The allegations that he abused power are credible.

[U.S. Reps. Robert Wexler (D., Fla.), Luis Gutierrez (D., Ill.) and Tammy Baldwin (D., Wis.)
are members of the Judiciary Committee]

Last month, the House of Representatives voted to send a resolution of impeachment of Vice President Cheney to the Judiciary Committee. As members of the House Judiciary Committee, we strongly believe these important hearings should begin.

The issues at hand are too serious to ignore, including credible allegations of abuse of power that, if proven, may well constitute high crimes and misdemeanors under the Constitution. The allegations against Cheney relate to his deceptive actions leading up to the Iraq war, the revelation of the identity of a covert agent for political retaliation, and the illegal wiretapping of American citizens.

Now that former White House press secretary Scott McClellan has indicated that the vice president and his staff purposely gave him false information about the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson as a covert agent to report to the American people, it is even more important for Congress to investigate what may have been an intentional obstruction of justice. Congress should call McClellan to testify about what he described as being asked to "unknowingly [pass] along false information." In addition, recent revelations have shown that the administration, including the vice president, may have again manipulated and exaggerated evidence about weapons of mass destruction - this time about Iran's nuclear capabilities.

Some of us were in Congress during the impeachment hearings of President Bill Clinton. We spent a year and a half listening to testimony about Clinton's personal relations. This must not be the model for impeachment inquiries. A Democratic Congress can show that it takes its constitutional authority seriously and hold a sober investigation, which will stand in stark contrast to the kangaroo court convened by Republicans for Clinton. In fact, the worst legacy of the Clinton impeachment - where the GOP pursued trumped-up and insignificant allegations - would be if it discourages future Congresses from examining credible and significant allegations of a constitutional nature when they arise.

The charges against Cheney are not personal. They go to the core of the actions of this administration, and deserve consideration in a way the Clinton scandal never did. The American people understand this, and a majority supports hearings, according to a Nov. 13 poll by the American Research Group. In fact, 70 percent of voters say the vice president has abused his powers, and 43 percent say he should be removed from office right now. The American people understand the magnitude of what has been done and what is at stake if we fail to act. It is time for Congress to catch up.

Some people argue that the Judiciary Committee cannot proceed with impeachment hearings because it would distract Congress from passing important legislative initiatives. We disagree. First, hearings need not tie up Congress for a year and shut down the nation. Second, hearings will not prevent Congress from completing its other business. These hearings involve the possible impeachment of the vice president - not of our commander in chief - and the resulting impact on the nation's business and attention would be significantly less than the Clinton presidential impeachment hearings. Also, even though President Bush has thwarted moderate Democratic policies that are supported by a vast majority of Americans - including children's health care, stem-cell research, and bringing our troops home from Iraq - the Democratic Congress has already managed to deliver a minimum-wage increase, an energy bill to address the climate crisis and bring us closer to energy independence, assistance for college tuition, and other legislative successes. We can continue to deliver on more of our agenda in the coming year while simultaneously fulfilling our constitutional duty by investigating and publicly revealing whether Cheney has committed high crimes and misdemeanors.

Holding hearings would put the evidence on the table, and the evidence - not politics - should determine the outcome. Even if the hearings do not lead to removal from office, putting these grievous abuses on the record is important for the sake of history. For an administration that has consistently skirted the Constitution and asserted that it is above the law, it is imperative for Congress to make clear that we do not accept this dangerous precedent. Our Founding Fathers provided Congress the power of impeachment for just this reason, and we must now at least consider using it. "

So what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's do this.

Check out Wexler's site and get involved.


  1. I said Cheney and Bush should have been impeached a LOOONNNNGGGG time ago. Funny thing about our government is, they'll try to have some hearings and enforce disciplinary action AFTER the dumb duo leaves office...

  2. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Thanks for the scoop, and the link to Rep. Waxman. Cheney is a war monger/profiteer and a hellacious chickenhawk. Impeachment would be a step in the right direction for that Dick.

    Have a irie New Year, all year mon!

    P.S. I, too, believe the draft should be re-instituted, as per your sidebar.

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    So what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's do this.
    Posted by field negro at 12:02 PM

    There you go again, attack-in-nin Cobb's republican buddies again.

  4. Dick "Fatty" Cheney most definitely should be impeached.

    Bush too.

    While I agree with Rep. Robert Wexler, I wonder how he plans to get around Speaker Botox?

    Memba, Speaker Botox said, "Impeachment is off the table," followed by, "Bush isn't worth impeaching." Girlfriend is on the payroll and I think she will kill any attempts to impeach either Bush or Cheney.

  5. If Pelosi keeps getting in the way of impeachment (her district was the first city to pass a resolution demanding impeachment, mind you), how fast can you say "Rep. Cindy Sheehan" next November?

    Her refusal to impeach is endangering her seat. At least Reid has a few more years before he has to worry about losing his Senate seat; but his foot-dragging on this just might cost him his Majority Leader position (there's talk about replacing him with Chris Dodd).

  6. "Memba speaker botox". Yep,she is on the take!

    Nsangoma,I am going to leave Cobb's buddies alone from here on out...I think.

  7. Speaker Botox is a Pacific Heights socialite, who belongs back home at the family mansion, hosting teas for the charity ladies.

    Pelosi's "San Francisco liberal" bona fides was always highly overplayed.

  8. For someone like her to stand in the way of impeachment?? She DAMNED sure is on the take.........*SMDH*

  9. For some reason this administration is untouchable. The majority voted Democrats in during the last election for checks and balances, but nothing changed. I do not think we will see an impeachment. Washington, DC needs a major overhaul of fresh new political faces.

  10. Anonymous12:58 AM

    "The majority voted Democrats in during the last election for checks and balances, but nothing changed."

    Nothing changed because, deep down, they agree with "Bush's middle-east policy."

    They're not going to tell you that though. They're using their "against the war" rhetoric to gain office, not to end the war.

    Forget their words, keep you eye on their actions.

  11. Hi FN,

    Nancy Pelosi wouldn't allow this, after all someone's feelings may be hurt.

    The democrats are pathetic; I am totally disappointed and disgusted with their “dog and donkey” show.

  12. Congress would be lucky if they got around to approving the placement of the roach traps in the bathrooms, much less impeaching anyone.

    The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

  13. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Maybe the democrats caan't call for impeachment. THey might be called to the stand to answer the question why they voted for the war. All their quotes will come back to haunt them. Forget it, impeachment would be trouble for the democrats.

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