Friday, May 30, 2008

I have your "racist prick" right here!

"Subject: Crap

Bart, you published Sam D saying
It's disgusting.
Many people (and some on Obama's staff) have tried to accuse the Clintons of being racist, but this goes beyond anything I've ever seen. Why would a black person hate the Clintons so much? Why would anybody hate the Clintons so much?
It is titled "You know I have seen this picture a few times before, but I never noticed Hillary and Bill." Has any Clinton-supporting site ever put up anything so hateful? Sam D
Of course this represents the Obama campaign and no supporter of Clinton, not a single one, would ever do anything so disgusting. Wanna buy a bridge?
Why do you reprint this stuff?
Because this campaign has always been about playing dirty pool. The Clintons had to be turned into racist for Obama to have a chance.
People like to pretend it was Hillary who decided to divide us, but 6 months ago but she had a united Democratic party behind her - why would she stir things up?
You really must want Obama to lose now and in the general election while you pretend you never say anything nasty about Obama. Mike in Cheney
Mike, Sam and I chose to attack that racist prick in Philly. You're saying assholes who publish shit like this are above criticism?

Besides, why not take the challenge? Are there any "hate Obama" hate sites on the web?
I can show you many "I hate Hillary" sites. "

I never like to get into pissing matches with other blogs. Frankly, if I spent all my time responding to the bullshit and scurrilous attacks from the left and the right, and from black and white folks, I wouldn't have time to write shit. But every now and then I get the occasional bullshit that I feel pressed to respond to.

The above exchange took place on a site called "Bart Cop" (They linked me but I won't link them, I don't believe in giving free hits to mofos who piss me off). Now this asshole felt a need to call me a "racist prick" on his site. No harm no foul, I have been called a lot worse. But the reason this ass hole took offense to me and felt a need to go out of his way to call me out is what set me off.

I have a picture of the Ice Queen and blow job bill on my sidebar, and I know the shit is controversial, but hey, that's why I put it there. And frankly I was going to remove it until mofos starting e-mailing me about it and threatening me and shit. So me being me, decided to keep it there a little longer to piss off some of these same folks.

They say shit to me like; "how dare you put up a parody of a lynching?" Like I need these mofos to tell me about what a painful legacy this has left on these divided states, and what it has done to my people. Funny, all the other times I have posted comments and pictures about lynchings on this site, all I heard then were crickets coming from the direction of these assholes. You see lynching and what it represents, only bothers them when you somehow disparage their heroes, the Clintons, not when you call it out for what it really was and still is.

"A racist prick'? Yeah Okay, I am trying to find a pic of Hillary at a Klan rally to post as soon as someone can send one to me. I wonder what they will say then? I can't wait.


  1. I sincerely hope that you find a picture of her at aklan rally and of a 12 year old Chelsea selling kookies & lemonade. That would be so funny to me.

  2. Anonymous6:32 PM

    They say shit to me like; "how dare you put up a parody of a lynching?" Like I need these mofos to tell me about what a painful legacy this has left on these divided states, and what it has done to my people.

    Field Negro you are full of shit. I am a black woman. I told you I did not appreciate the parody. What did you tell me? You said I was new here and if I did not like it to go somewhere else.

    You do treat AA like we are inferior to your Jamacian ass. Fuck you. You use white people when you want a pat on the back. You use AA when you want to look superior.

    The picture is insulting. It is offensive. Is it so important for you to say fuck someone else that you can disrespect my people?

  3. Anonymous7:07 PM


    If these people are mad at you, then they better not wander over to You Tube. There's a video over there called "Hillary's Downfall," that makes your photo look downright mild.

  4. Anonymous7:10 PM

    That picture doesn't bother me, but Maya Angelou might argue with you about it. She 's for Hill if I remember right. There's a ton of anti Obama sites around of course. Fun for everyone.

  5. get off your 'woe is me' shtick anonymous. and don't be anonymous

  6. have you ever seen a


    just wondrin'



  7. Anonymous7:35 PM


    The only person who is full of shit is you. Get off your high horse with this American black versus Caribbean black bullshit.

    And I hope that photo stays up.

  8. Field,

    Nice to see you so angry. It took me a while to figure out mofos, but hey, I'm just a "stoopid white broad".

    Well, the Hill-billy's will try to beat you down, especially those old black and white women who seem to think a woman should be in Le Blanc Maison next. Me, I have been with the O Man (as you like to call him) from the beginning. I have a saggy ass sign in my window which has been there over a year.

    I didn't drink the O-Aid. I listened to him from day one (back at the keynote speech in 2004). Experience; no, he has none to speak of. Folks behind him with plenty of experience; he has plenty. Don't be surprised if he is another LBJ or better than. With all of his schtick, LBJ was a fine president. We wouldn't be where we are today without that man.

    As for the fanatics on your blog who are going to give up on you, oh well. There are legions of us out there who appreciate your honesty and patriotism and love of truth and justice.

    Your humble servant,

  9. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Way off topic but the bowling magazine just got here:::::::
    When Obama went bowling it was his first time in 30 years. He quit after 7 frames after getting a spare. Thanks

  10. Anonymous8:30 PM

    "Field Negro you are full of shit. I am a black woman. I told you I did not appreciate the parody. What did you tell me? You said I was new here and if I
    did not like it to go somewhere else. You do treat AA like we are inferior to your Jamacian ass. Fuck you. You use white people when you want a pat on the back. You use AA when you want to look
    superior. The picture is insulting. It is offensive. Is it so important for you to say fuck someone else that you can disrespect my people?" Anon

    Is that a kitty cat I hear meowing from a distance?
    Here kitty, kitty, kitty... Calm down little kitty.

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Context is everything. Censorship does not make it go away.

    To the HillBilly fan from the other site. There is a big difference between equity and equality and satire and racism. It is important you figure it out... and by the way Bill Clinton was NEVER black.

    As a woman of color I will submit that Hillary Clinton is a racist as bitch...

    Field, I'm with you on this.

  12. Anonymous10:06 PM

    Who is offended by the pic? Hillary and Bill aren't the ones swinging from the damn tree.

    I saw the "Without Sanctuary" exhibit and quite frankly one of these pics should be on every blog of substance. The pic can't possibly offend me. The person who took the picture offends me, the people laughing and pointing offend me, the system that condoned this offends me, a whole lotta stuff offends me, but not the photo itself....from that, I draw strength.

  13. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Keep up the good work, Field....I am also offended by whoever took the picture, who attended the rally, and the assholes that are smiling as if they are going to heaven...I hope the people who attended this lynching is roasting in hell...

    Plus, Billary can kiss by ass too.

  14. I've always found the picture disturbing, but the parody of it actually allows me to look at it. Keep expressing yourself just the way you want to.
    BTW, the anti-hillary blog is retooling to take on Obama. That's not sexism, that's politics.

  15. Anonymous11:18 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    They say shit to me like; "how dare you put up a parody of a lynching?" Like I need these mofos to tell me about what a painful legacy this has left on these divided states, and what it has done to my people.

    Field Negro you are full of shit. I am a black woman. I told you I did not appreciate the parody. What did you tell me? You said I was new here and if I did not like it to go somewhere else.

    You do treat AA like we are inferior to your Jamacian ass. Fuck you. You use white people when you want a pat on the back. You use AA when you want to look superior.

    The picture is insulting. It is offensive. Is it so important for you to say fuck someone else that you can disrespect my people?"

    @ Anon, I was sooo gonna say that "anonymous" was kitty. Same old indignant victim-pity-party tone one finds in all her sorry writing.

  16. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Field, i think you are the man. I love your Blog. I don't like Hillary and HATE some of her followers (Taylor Marsh is an idiot, for example)
    And i STILL think you're wrong for that photo!
    Take it down, or not. But don't BS yourself like you're unjustly getting bumb rushed here.

  17. So Bart Cop and it's denizens are offended eh? I wanna know what these mofo's response was to the lynching parody of Michelle Obama that was up, briefly, at Kos. I'm betting it was the response that came from NOW and all the other feminists. **crickets**

    It's your damn blog, you just do want you wanna do Field, we got your back.

  18. Anonymous11:58 PM

    For all you black em eff's who claim who are SO offended by the photo--get out the field and take your colored asses back to the house. Do yo thang field,your people know where you're coming from.

  19. "@ Anon, I was sooo gonna say that "anonymous" was kitty. Same old indignant victim-pity-party tone one finds in all her sorry writing."

    So much hate for the Kittster. Why?
    btw, I've had posters on my blog claiming that the Kittster is not not a woc, but is really white. Of course, that is only rumor. But it sure makes so much sense explaining her alliance to her sisters in whire robes over at Tennessee 'guerrilla' women.

    Anyway, the pic is great. Field and others, if you want a taste of Clinton Racism, just google clinton+haiti. As co-ink-adink would have it, I just finished a post where I touch briefly on bj Bill's policies in the first and only Black Republic.

  20. The photo on the sidebar is metaphorically correct. I voted for Clinton twice. I took up for H. Clinton when people attacked her on the grounds that her husband is sexually compulsive and that she insisted on a more active role as First Lady than planning luncheons. I took up for him, too, bc many presidents before him had been apparently sexually compulsive and that had never been a criteria for judging a president. And it was clear that this was not the real reason that Republicans wanted him impeached. That said, I waited too long for either Clinton to take up for "us" (all those who live in America besides the 1%) and they just didn't do it. I read Obama's books, looked at his voting record and his resume, and easily determined that he was the best candidate. Up to that point, the Clintons were just another set of Democratic politicians who had let "us" down, and the list of others, black and white, who have done the same is nauseatingly long. When they injected racism into the this campaign, they became much more intolerable than the majority of their counterparts. They became hatemongers. They became metaphorical lynchers. If Obama had emboldened and/or appealed to misogyny in running his campaign, I would have denied him my vote and would have called him on it metaphorically and otherwise.

    And beyond that, it's your blog, you can post whatever you want, and I can make a choice whether or not to come over here and read it or look at it.

  21. Anonymous12:28 AM

    You know I glanced at the photo and didn't even bat an eyelash. It's only because of this post that I looked at it more carefully and noticed Obama's head photoshopped into the picture. Either way the Bill & Hill show was still relevant to how they treated all Black people. Adding Obama just clinched it.

    So Field, when Obama officially gets the nomination next week will you be joining Mrs. Field [and us] for a tall drink of O-aide?

  22. Anonymous1:20 AM

    The photo, which I've seen plenty of times (albeit w/o the H&B transposition) is a pretty awful picture. Every time I see it, however, I'm offended at what I obviously see: the strange fruit hanging from the tree, the gleeful smiles on the faces of the audience, the formality of the attire of some of the viewers -- which indicates the seriousness with which they have come to participate in the lynching, the jeering, cheering and overall excitement of the spectators, the institution which sanctioned the travesty, etc., etc. The list, of course, is endless. I am not, however, offended by the use of the photo, which, to me, speaks to several issues of this presidential campaign: the injection of race into the campaign by both Clintons, the result of which has backfired on Hillary.

  23. Let me count, how many times now have I been summoned over here because so many bitchez want to assign something to me. Look you scrubs; I’m not worried about you or any of you other misogynistic trolls trying to peg something on me. I swear the God, Brokekonman you want my pussy so goddamn bad that you cannot go one post/blog a day without citing my name or whereabouts somewhere. Damn, must you see me every where, must everyone become me in your eyes? Get over me already, I’m not worried about you or any of you shit talking motherfuckers who cannot leave me out of your comments over here. Damnnnn...


  24. Anonymous2:53 AM


    Remember this image I made a couple of weeks ago? Feel free to right-click on it and use as you wish. I do. :)

  25. It's a shame you never grew up in my 'hood, kitty you'd learn to crack on people better. The best you could o was come up with me "stalking" you?

    That sounds a little "Mary-Annish" to me.

    Aren't you supposed to be burning a cross in DC tomorrow? No?
    Well I guess it's back to the grind on Monday to teach working class woc to get their GEDS so you can feel empowered to exercise your privilege to go on poc's blogs and tell them how to think or vote and admonish them for their "imagined" racism they keep accusing the Clinton of(any of that sound familiar?).
    Ooops, I shouldn't have said that. I gotta keep the rumors out of my head!
    Anyway, instead of talking about your pu**y, can you actually and factually disprove the Clintons' racism when he sat in the oral office getting serviced whilst setting up a situation in Haiti that we see today; a "child-slave government" existing only to serve U.S. interests, as labor jobs flew out of the U.S., but he exercised his..uh..pen to pave the way for the prison industry to "grow"?
    Who went to those prisons, kitty?
    After your girls get GEDs, where did they go in the 90s and where are they going presently?
    I loved it when my girl Amy Goodman got him on that shit 2002, all he could do was stammer.

  26. Anonymous3:56 AM

    Wow, nice post from kitty. Christopher is still not biting on the I have your "racist prick" right here! title yet.

  27. i suppose AA anonymous also took offence at the monkey t-shirt on your side bar then...
    no-one commented on the monkey t-shirt..
    does that make it ok then?

  28. I'm a black woman and I am not offend by the picture because it's called satire!

    Look at the context and the subtext Anon.

    Say what you will about Mr. Negro but I do not think he's condescending to "AA's". I am a black American and I'm sick of people saying all people from the Caribbean are arrogant. I mean one of my uncles is but what can you do? My parents have pride and confidence and if someone mistakes that for arrogance, that's their problem.

  29. Almost from the day I put up the "I Support Obama" button on my blog, the hate email began to arrive.

    Pingback allows the Menopause Mafia to keep track of pro-Obama sites and the Hillbots waste no time targeting sites who dare to depart from the Hillary is entitled to be the nominee meme.

    At first, the email was just the usual paleo-feminist responses to my attacking Hillary for voting for the Iraq war and then lying about it. Criticize Hillary's hawkish record in the US Senate naturally meant I am a misogynist. Just the usual, boilerplate responses.

    But since Hillary Clinton invoked political assassination as her reason for remaining in the race through June, the tone of the hate email I get from the Hillbots has changed dramatically. It has become decidedly more racist and insane. So insane that I've been tempted to turn it over to the FBI.

    I have saved every one of these emails and after the last primary is over next week, I will be putting the best of them in a post on my blog for readers to see. There is no question in my mind that many of the people orbiting Hillary Clinton are batshit crazy.

  30. Field, I think this should put a smile on your face. It represents the demographic in DC today who will never have to worry about rubber bullets, being spied on by police during their organizational planning meetings, getting gassed as I have seen in most of the demos/protests that I've been involved in.
    Some of us will never forget the last two RNCs, or Seattle.

  31. Hey Field'

    I was going to tell you about Cali pix.The thing about the pix that disturb me was who was hanging from the tree.I had to do a double take. I said Damn, its Barack.We seen that picture millions of times, I laugh when it was bill & hill in the crowd, but seeing Barack, I thought let those damn Hillary supporters see it.

  32. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Let me count, how many times now have I been summoned over here because so many bitchez want to assign something to me. Look you scrubs; I’m not worried about you or any of you other misogynistic trolls trying to peg something on me. I swear the God, Brokekonman you want my pussy so goddamn bad that you cannot go one post/blog a day without citing my name or whereabouts somewhere. Damn, must you see me every where, must everyone become me in your eyes? Get over me already, I’m not worried about you or any of you shit talking motherfuckers who cannot leave me out of your comments over here. Damnnnn...

    Talk about paranoia...I've never heard of this person in my life. Or Bartcop for that matter.

  33. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Please take the lynching photo. I serves no purpose except to promote hate.

  34. "Fuck you" sorry anon 6:32PM, you don't seem like my type. But thanks for the offer :)

    And remember, it's not called the world wide web for nothing.

    "So Field, when Obama officially gets the nomination next week will you be joining Mrs. Field [and us] for a tall drink of O-aide?"

    I will have a drink with you Obamaholics, but it won't have O-aid in it.

    "Field, i think you are the man. I love your Blog. I don't like Hillary and HATE some of her followers (Taylor Marsh is an idiot, for example)
    And i STILL think you're wrong for that photo!
    Take it down, or not. But don't BS yourself like you're unjustly getting bumb rushed here."

    anon.11:33PM, that's a fair and reasoned point. And because of folks like you I suspect I will be taking the picture down one day.....eventually ;)

    Thanks robster, I will check out that pic.

  35. Field don't take the picture down because you be keeping it real in the field that is the reason I

    come to your site and the comments are well though out and great.

  36. Anonymous5:22 PM

    I love how the first anonymous comment suggests you put on an AA skin when it's convenient. Shite, if it wasn't in your profile that you're Jamaican and you didn't mention it every once in a blue moon, I wouldn't have known. Seems like being a U.S. citizen, you wear the AA role more obviously and more often than your "island" role. If you weren't speaking from the heart about issues of importance to African Americans, you wouldn't have the following that you do around here. I say keep it up, and don't let anyone get to you (not that anyone does, of course.) ;-)

    As for the photo, I won't comment one way or the other. I mean, being white means that pic can never resonate for me on any level in any way like it would for someone black. So it seems impolitic as all hell for me to have an opinion on it that was shared anywhere beyond my own dinner table.

  37. Field, do you. Censorship be damned. Do you. The picture makes me uncomfortable. And that's a GOOD thing. We need to be uncomfortable about some things for crying out loud. We need to feel sick sometimes and think hard sometimes. Otherwise, we will be fooled into thinking everything really is a-okay in the USA. And we all know better than that.

    Obama. '08. Naj in VA.

    PS - the posts on this site are the best; my Obama sign is raggedy as heck too!

  38. The shit was disgraceful.

    This is supposed to be "the field negro", not t"he field nigger".

    And it is a damn shame that white folks had to call you on it.

    You claim to understand the painful legacy of lynching, but it seems to have no effect on your decision-making.

    Do me a favor: if you get it in your head to photoshop Coretta Scott King doing a tip drill?


    Try to have some fucking respect for your people.

  39. Well, I gotta admit, my first reaction to it was to laugh, but then almost immediately I thought, whoa. . . one of the most horrible, disgusting immoral recreants acts ever perpetrated by white Americans and Field is making a parody of it.
    If you were white I'd really raise hell about it, but yea, there are different standards for different things and race sometimes dictates those standards.

  40. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Field -
    Thanks, again, for your blog and this forum. Does not matter where you were born; anyone identifying with "field Negro" is good enough. And, I come to this forum because of the fearless integrity evidenced in your blog-accounts and your refusal to bathe in the comfort of cynicism. The sidebar photo of the lynching: I appreciated the timing - PLEASE - keep it there for as long as you want. The only things missing in the photo(which are in the wider angle view)are the images of the children whom were there and countless other lynchings - they are adults now - AND - they vote. These are the "...hard working [white] Americans..." to whom HRC was referring and race baiting. (And Christopher, each member of the 'Menopause Mafia' knows this). Thanks for this forum...I come here and I like it BECAUSE it speaks from the heart of another field Negro who is also righteously pissed off and angry.

    Georgia "Flash"

  41. When I first saw the picture, I thought that it was over the top, but it also fairly contrasted the behavior of Hillary Clinton (and her #1 supporter Bill) who have tapped their inner bigot during the course of this race. Your sidebar is one of my favorite parts of your blog.

    I speak as someone who was a fan of Bill Clinton (& didn't think this affair was anyone's affair) as well as of Hillary. Although I started out as a supporter of John Edwards, I was open to Obama or Hillary once he dropped out.

    No more. She has managed to lose my vote all by herself. She alone is responsible for her loss and her conduct has become too Bush-like for me.

    If the Clintons don't care about their legacy, nor should anyone else.

  42. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Obama has the AA vote. now he can throw trinty out like garbage. Suckas. must be his white half dissin trinity.

  43. Anonymous9:15 PM


    I'm a big fan, and a chronic lurker that fools around with occasional blog posts. I prefer comedy, and regret, kind of, the serious tone that follows.

    There was a lot of outrage, on this blog, over the “lynch Tiger Woods” incident and the Golf Channel announcer, Kelly Tilghman, who used that offensive language in a joking manner. Here is your sage-like advice to her after she apologized.

    “you should be apologizing to all the relatives and ancestors to the black men who have been brutalized and lynched in this country, from Thomas Shipp to William Brown. When you trivialize something as abominable and inhumane as lynching, you set us all back 50 years, and you insult us all.”

    Those are powerful words and they should have been published in all the major newspapers. However, now you’ve posted a photo of a lynching (photo-shopped) and are using it in some sort of twisted comedy aspect to make a point. WTF??? Sorry Field, but I don't understand your rationale.

    I respect the First Amendment, and once took an oath to defend the Constitution, so do what you feel is right. However, I don't think that photo does anything to help alleviate any political and/or racial tensions anywhere. Please take it down. I respectfully ask you to forget Hillary. She will not be the nominee.

    Please focus your superb writing abilities on defeating McBush.
    "Everybody knows the boat is leaking, everybody knows the captain lied," Leonard Cohen

    Peace, out

  44. Anonymous10:43 PM


    Check this out!:

    The true face of the Hillary campaign.

  45. I think the picture speaks volumes. Yes, its disturbing and hurtful to look at. But we (black people as a whole - lets not get into the african american/caribbean thing cuz thats doing nothing for us) need to remember why its so disturbing. With all the comments that have been made towards Obama in terms of assassination, being shot, and all that shit, I think the picture is a pretty accurate atmosphere. Where's the uproar with that Michelle Obama picture where she's tied tree? Hilary Clinton is racist and she keeps showin her ass. I don't understand why people are still quick to defend her.

    Keep it up, remind folks of the turn this election has taken cuz yes, it really is that serious. Plus this is your blog, you shouldn't have to accommodate it to make other folks feel comfortable.

  46. Anonymous2:52 AM

    Looks like Obama might have Hill on his staff. She'll be in charge of health care legislation maybe sort of.

    Obama is walking through landmines that he himself laid out now by aligning himself with the wrong people for far too long. This racist talk is silly. Imagine if he'd just built up his polico cred in Kansas. Wait, do they have teleprompters in Kansas. He sucks without one. It's time to shift gears and do something completey different. I've got it!!! Let's call McCain a racist.

  47. I love your blog and I'm not particularly offended myself, but dude, you should really take that picture down. It's counterproductive and for every person who thinks it's funny there'll be another who is squicked (and justifiably so.)

    Just ask yourself, WWOD - What Would Obama Do? OK, I admit, I've drunk that sweet delicious O-aide.

  48. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Field, some crazy ass b***h at TPM Cafe doesn't like you. She even called you an Obamabot.

  49. john B. I was just going to post that same clip "inadequate black man"?

    Denver is going to be very ugly.

  50. Zoe and rw thanks for your different points of good job of showing my previous post and the seeming contradiction. But keep in mind, that incident happened on the heels of Jena when folks were having lynching parties and the backlash was fierce.
    My writing and posts at the time reflected my mood.

    Robster tpm cafe can call me whatever she wants as long as it's not collect.Christopher Robinson the same goes for you.

  51. Anonymous10:25 PM


    Thank you for your response. I like to think that someday, there will be absolutely no tolerance for racism.

    Uh, so I guess the rule is, "It's wrong to trivialize lynching, except when it isn't". Does that sound okay to you?

    And....It looks like Judge Mauffray may be removed because of his bias.

  52. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Man, that's sad. Bartcop was one of the first blogs I read regularly. I didn't know he went off the deep end over Clinton. You know, I'm beginning to think that the viable Presidential candidacy of a black man has hit some white liberals in the same way 9/11 did. In fact it seems to have created more Dennis Millers than 9/11 did.

  53. This is not to pile on, but...

    The people hanging from the trees are someone's ancestors. They were real people. I must wonder how it would feel to see someone in my family tree portrayed this way in order to score a poltical point and get a laugh.

    Maybe this is generational. The younger people seem to think that nothing is off limits for humor and a "gotcha." I don't happen to agree. I'm not telling you to take it down. You might want to consider how this reflects on you, however.

    My grandmother only once referred to lynchings in the 40 plus years I had her in my life. It was someone from her high school and all she did was mention it and trail off. She couldn't even talk about it. Those were real people hanging from those trees.

  54. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Dayum another PRICK with a small penis and a broke one at that. geez even the skinheads stopped the MONEY ORDERS lmao

    We call this pay now or pay later
    ot this is another game Soon we will know and my king will be in the front row
    Field: I am free for a few days and will right my thoughts about Trays a few

    ps Thanks for the support at Twitter

  55. Anonymous6:30 PM

    west coast story said...
    This is not to pile on, but...

    The people hanging from the trees are someone's ancestors. They were real people. I must wonder how it would feel to see someone in my family tree portrayed this way in order to score a political point and get a laugh.

    Afrikan said:
    Billie called our people "Strange fruit and sang about our murdered people hanging from trees like fruit
    In Kuba (my spelling) we do it this way

    Arboles sur llevan un strange fruit,
    sangre en las hojas y sangre en la raiz, cuerpos de
    negro en la southern breeze,
    Strange fruta colgando de los arboles de alamo.
    pastoral del sur Galante,
    la protrusion de ojos y la boca torcida,
    aroma de magnolias, dulce y fresca,
    entonces el repentino olor de carne quemada.

    Aqui es fruto de los cuervos arrancar,
    para que la lluvia recoger, el viento a chupar,
    el sol a la podredumbre de los arboles a caer,
    aqui es una extrana y amarga cosecha.


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