Friday, December 05, 2008

White America, we are even: You gave us the O man, and we gave you OJ.

The Juice will be 70 before he is loose again. He tried to work his magic on one more white woman but she wasn't having it.

"I'm not here to sentence Mr. Simpson for what's happened in his life previously in the criminal justice system. ... The jury decided. There are many people who disagree with that verdict, but that doesn't matter to me."...

Yeah, sure your Honor. But here is the thing: us black folks would understand if the Juice had gotten the maximum. We set his ass free once and he couldn't keep his stupid ass out of trouble. And what he doesn't understand is that it wasn't even about him. Hell we knew he did it. We set him free for all the men who were lynched down South without a trial. We set him free for all the innocent men who sit and rot in prison because they are poor or because of their race. We set him free because of all the Rodney Kings who weren't caught on tape. We set him free because the L.A.P.D. had declared war on on some of their own citizens, and racist like Mark Fuhrman had infiltrated their ranks. That's why his guilty butt was set free.

So white A-merry-ca, we are even now. You helped to give us Obama, and you finally got OJ. I am glad you are not still mad at us for our little moment of celebration the first time the Juice was set loose. But you have to understand; we needed it then. Shit wasn't going too well for us as a people. We had just come through the Reagan years, and Clinton was still all a glow over his Sister Souljah moment. So we needed something, anything, to help us say, fuck you whitey.
But those days are over now. Hell it seems like such a long time ago. Now we have a black president, a black man who has worn the "Green Jacket", two black coaches in the same Super Bowl; and, of course, Oprah. Is this Utopia or what?

So sorry Juice, we won't be taking to the streets for you like we did for Rodney King. You better hope your lawyer does a good job on your appeal, but somehow I don't think if Johnny himself came back from the dead he would be able to save you this time. So get used to prison life, and try to make the best of it. Write a book or something, and stay out of trouble. Oh, and watch your "Naked Gun." (I couldn't resist)

"I stand before you today sorry, somewhat confused,...I feel apologetic to the people of the state of Nevada."This was the first time I had the opportunity to catch these guys red-handed who'd been stealing from me and my family…In no way did I mean to hurt anybody or steal anything from anyone. I didn't want anybody else's stuff, I wanted my own... I wasn't there to hurt anybody, I just wanted my personal things,I was stupid, I'm sorry, I didn't know I was doing anything illegal. I thought I was confronting friends and retrieving my own property."

You know who I feel sorry for? Clarence C.J. Stewart, the poor guy who was sentenced with the Juice today. Poor Clarence, doesn't he realize that bad things happen when you hang with this guy? Although maybe I shouldn't feel so sorry for him after all; because at least he is still alive. Still, President Bush if you are reading this, and if you happen to have any of those pardons left, could you hook old C.J. up please? It won't make us forget Katrina, but it's a start.


  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    FN, you are too funny....but I must say, when I heard the verdict I couldn't help feeling sorry for OJ...Now, about that run of yours...why don't you do the run in a full body leotard...It would give the impression of naudity...those things leaves very little to the imagination....I think that would satisfy all FNs and HFNs who are holding you to this bet....I would hate for you to get arrested for indecent exposure....after all you are my favorite blogger...LR

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    I sorry this Field your whole post on this topic is funny as hell :)

    I remember the whole OJ trail and thinking to myself this guy is guilty as sin. But, family was like screw that "Let the Juice loose".Now, years later everyone is talking about it's damn time someone locked up OJ crazy ass.
    It's amazing how time flies.

  3. I wasn't one of those black folks celebrating when OJ was "set free" for murdering his ex wife and her friend. Here in L.A. County(where talk of The Trial was 24/7,and emotions ran high)I was symbolically "kicked out of the race" by friends,relatives and coworkers for not jumping on the band wagon to cheer on a man that got away with the double murder of two human beings.


    The Juice made haste to reconnect with his white girlfriend the minute he left the courtroom. He took the Afro-centric art off his walls(put up for show when the black jurors toured his home post trail)and ignored the black churches he attended for a hot minute to stir up sympathy.

    All that being said, I DO understand where you're coming from an historical perspective.

    However,The Juice was too arrogant and stupid not to keep a low profile. His clueless ass thought he could get back into white America's good graces after his acquittal. He misread the depth of white Americans' shock,anger and disgust.

    When he became a pariah instead,he did his damnedest to get his ass thrown BACK in jail,WHERE HE BELONGS.

    I only feel sad for ALL of his children--they have suffered more than enough.

  4. The bizarre thing is that O.J. doesn't appear to know why he's going to prison. He thinks he was convicted for attempted theft, like he only tried to swipe a few things he believed were his, his "stuff." Didn't he notice that six of the counts contain the words "deadly weapon," four counts use the word "kidnap," & two counts the words "armed robbery"? Will he now appeal on the grounds that he didn't understand the charges against him?

    Oh well, even before the murder raps we thought of OJ as the kind of guy who had "associates" rather than friends.

  5. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Sorry Field, I don't think Bush reads your post but if he did, he would probably get the paper work all wrong just like he got the WMD all wrong and pardon the wrong guy in this deal and C.J. would still be in jail.
    I just got a Page Not Found 404 error when I tried to go to that link you provided in the first paragraph. Aloha from Maui. Makaii

  6. you nailed it--he didn't get WHY Black people were cheering. He thought it was cuz he was The Juice. His rambling whining statement in court ("I sang to their mothers when they were sick!" SMH)showed the kind of desperation he was feeling as he learned it was so not about him.

  7. Anonymous9:48 PM

    As my long suffering wife observed when OJ took off down the freeway in the white Ford Bronco, the man did what he was trained to do, he ran.

    Still OJ was one of the best. But being one of the best athletes does not guaranty being the best off the field.

  8. Clarence C.J. Stewart was as clean as a baby's bottom before he came into OJ's orbit: no arrest record, raised four kids who are all clean and not so much as a speeding ticket.

    Listening to OJ's bizarre, rambling speech to the judge today, I realized he's not very bright. He still doesn't get it.

    You can't take a loaded gun into a Las Vegas hotel room, hold people hostage and threaten them and then laugh about how scared his victims looked. They had it all on tape, starring Orenthal J. Simpson and co-starring Clarence C.J. Stewart.

  9. But you have to understand; we needed it then.

    Couldn't you have found someone more serving than OJ? Especially since this guy wouldn't have been caught dead with a black woman.

  10. "the man did what he was trained to do, he ran." Yes, unfortunately he never stopped running from reality.

    A couple of you nailed one of the really sad issues. His court room statement was sad and pathetic. HE REALLY DOESN'T GET IT.

    Sorry about that anon.9:33PM. I fixed that link. And you are in Maui? I hate you.

  11. "Couldn't you have found someone more serving than OJ? Especially since this guy wouldn't have been caught dead with a black woman."

    I agree classical one. But unfortunately,the Rosa Parks of the world are few and far between. We take em where we can get em.

  12. First snipes, now oj? This shit ain't right, it's a conspiracy I tell ya. Don't make me get a black T-shirt. Oh man, I'm too devastated. I'm so not enjoying this... not one bit. But wait! I hope they don't ever ever ever go after tiger... kobe, cuba... or taye and those others. Oooh please no... just that thought alone. I beg you not. I won't be able to stand it.

  13. That title had me rolling Field. "Please baby baby please!". HAHAHA! I wrote about Bush & OJ offering up lame excuses. If there was any justice Bush would be in a jail cell right next to him with a real life "Go To" Monopoly card.

  14. This case wasn't about kidnapping or robbery! It was about murder...

  15. Anonymous1:45 AM


    Who do you think is sicker in the head… OJ or Clarence Thomas? Ans. CT is sicker, much sicker than OJ--and far more dangerous.

    OJ is a narcissistic jackass who once made a mockery of the justice system but couldn’t keep his crazy ass out of trouble. But CT is a self-hating suck-ass who tries to use the justice system to make a mockery and hurt African-Americans.

    I think “HN” is too nice of a title for CT. He needs a special title to match his passionate desire to wipe out anything “hopeful” for Blacks.

    How about “LIVE-1”? (That’s EVIL spelled backwards)

  16. Anonymous1:48 AM

    This gives new meaning to "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

    I think we just witnessed O.J.'s last day of freedom. He's not coming out of that prison alive.

    And if you're a gambler, the prison itself is on the east side of Interstate 15 at Jean, NV. Just a few miles north of the California border.

  17. Yo I thought O.J. was gonna break out into some old negro spirituals right after he begged and pleaded. I swear, dud sounded like a newly captured runaway slave didn't he?

    Its too bad we couldn't have another Bronco-like police chase before or right after sentencing. I'm thinking exposure like that would boost sales for the big three especially if he's driving a hybrid.

    Fuck it...

    what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas, and his Black ass wannabe gun totting thug knew better.

    BTW: could we add Clarence Thomas to the trade for Obama?

  18. Anonymous3:26 AM

    nobody talks about ron goldmans roomates in newyork who died with thier heads hanging off back in the day,bad drug deals we all forget fay resnicks convient move 1 day before the murders,or how the la pd called oj snow jay for all the blow they did in his home,or the fact that nichole simpson was a nfl whore whom had sex with marcus allen,but i guess if your a cracker its all good!oh lets not forget that the blood on the socks contained some kind of anti coagulant in it only found in crime labs or the fact that the blood spots on the socks & bronco were perfect little drops instead of smears,how did oj kill to grown people with a knife in a residential upscal hood & nobody heard a peep?sounds kinda like a hit to me.lets not forget a known racist cop ran around with the blood in his pocket for a few hourse to make shit stick.why would he risk his kids upstairs asleep peeping him kill thier people saw thru that shit,white guys who cant get hot chicks like nichole will never see thru it.funny how evey devil i know thinks he's guilty but blacks dont.when you think about it we will never match the #'s of blacks whom have died at the hands of below average sized penis white men.but payday is coming & we will loose but we will take lots of your loved ones with us.better to die fighting evil than to live with the likes of them!

  19. on waking and hearing the verdict on tv... i thought the same thing as your headline field.. the second thought was that they can have him...

  20. Anonymous6:33 AM

    OJ was found not guilty for the murders of Nicole/Goldman because Johnnie Cochran created resdonable doubt. It had nothing to do with US. It was due to Johnnie's brillance as a criminal attorney.

  21. Anonymous6:42 AM

    OJ only got probation for the lil mishap in Vegas...but he got 10 years for Nicole and 5 for Ron Goldman.

  22. Yo I thought O.J. was gonna break out into some old negro spirituals right after he begged and pleaded.

    LMAO! OK?

    All I know is, if I beat a double murder rap and had $25,000 a month from the NFL pension coming in to live on, you would never see my phat white ass again.

    I would disappear.

  23. Anonymous9:47 AM

    All I know is, if I beat a double murder rap and had $25,000 a month from the NFL pension coming in to live on, you would never see my phat white ass again.

    I would disappear.

    I don't Blame you I'd do the same thing. The thing with OJ was he never was mentally stable and the guy seem to begging to get caught.

  24. You said it field and it was all the truth!! That kneegro should have stayed his ass in the strip club!! HA!

  25. why did you even waste time on him, FN?

    He got away with killing 2 White folks, and was STILL this stupid.

  26. watching OJ yesterday
    with his sorry...I was amazing and slightly deranged that
    he truly believed and believes that he should have
    returned to being this race neutered icon
    beloved by the world after his acquittal for two murders.

    His version of crazy is fascinating
    but the Goldmans
    being at the sentencing
    is stalkerish and really fascinating.

  27. Anonymous11:59 AM

    FN - I agree with your perspective but must add my two cents:

    OJ was acquitted of murder charges...that means NOT GUILTY! Now let's not get it twisted...I'm no OJ doubt he was a outstanding HOF football player but he wasn't no fuckin' Gale Sayers or Jim Brown. OJ was a sell-out to many in our community..shit, I grew up in the neighborhood (Potrero Hill-Hunter's Point...the largest and LAST black hoods in Frisco) and the man never came to visit his mother. She lived in the same modest house on Thornton Ave. that he bought her early in his career...and just for context, it's this same home that the fuckin' Goldman's tried to take from his sick/elderly mother when they brought their civil suit against him...but I digress.

    Anyway, according to our "so-called" justice system, the man was acquitted. But of course, popular (mainly white and biased) opinion and the constant media circus (mainly white and biased) magnification of OJ's post-murder trial proclivities (shackin' with gold-diggin white bitches, golfing in Aruba, pickin his nose, pullin his pants outta his ass...just plain ole stupid shit) you can't tell me that they weren't just waiting to use some "OJ incident" to put this nigga away...even if for a short period time.

    A poll was taken a few years ago...and it revealed that many whites (90% I believe..) in america would love to see OJ RETRIED for murder. Now, I'm no attorney (FN help me out on this) but wouldn't that be called double jeopardy? So...regardless of the FACT that he was acquitted almost ninety percent of white folks in america would have love to see his black ass retried for the same me that's pretty telling.

    Anyone here can claim this shit about "feeling...thinking...I thought...he did it" but that doesn't change the fact he was ACQUITTED.

    In spite of white folks voting for this "new" negro...this "clean and articulate" negro as Biden put it. IMHO, BO is more symbol than substance...and black men in america are even GUILTY when our "so-called" justice system has decided otherwise.

    "The jungle creed says the strongest feed on any prey it can, but I was branded beast at every feast before I ever became a man..."

  28. Anonymous2:08 PM


    I used to watch the news daily, since I was about 10 years old. What broke me of that habit was the (first) O.J. trial. At first, I tried to avoid news of the trial, since it was in general very poor coverage, and concentrating on minor trivia. Eventually, I just stopped watching the news entirely.

    In any case, I hope he got a fair trial this time, just as I hope he got a fair trial last time.


    Even on strictly selfish grounds, Obama was the best viable pick for the vast majority of Whites; frankly, Whites owe Blacks for Obama more than the other way around; after all, the vast majority of Blacks voted for him; far too many many Whites did not.

  29. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I'm with Christopher, with that type of money and the fact that he got off before, if it was me, I would have stayed in hiding.

    I actually watched this fool's apology or whatever that 4 mins of rambling was and its clear that Negro was not working with all the cards in the deck.

    How are just going to get your stuff with a posse of cats and, that is illegal. LOL

  30. If you get away with doing something really horrific once in your say screw it; I got lucky. I am dropping out and laying low for the rest of my life.

    Maybe even become a born again Christian or something.

    He just would not go away. Then the dude writes a freaking book on top of it all! It's almost like he was rubbing everyone's nose in it or something.

  31. "In any case, I hope he got a fair trial this time, just as I hope he got a fair trial last time."

    Zimbel,you could argue that he didn't get a fair trial this time.(Jury make up) But you know what; like tjwash said, he should have kept his ass out of trouble, knowing that he wouldn't ever get a fair trial because of who he is.

    No CaliPro,the way things stand now, he could not have been retried for the Brown, Goldman murders.

  32. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I would enjoy reading your column and comments if the profanity could be eliminated...

  33. Anonymous5:54 PM


  34. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Fair Trial?

  35. Anonymous8:46 PM

    We set him free because of all the Rodney Kings who weren't caught on tape. We set him free because the L.A.P.D. had declared war on on some of their own citizens, and racist like Mark Fuhrman had infiltrated their ranks. That's why his guilty butt was set free.

    This makes perfect sense. Black man gets beaten by the white male cops, black man denied justice by white men...SO (drum roll please) the black man gets away with killing white women and jews. It is this kind of logic that black people are infamous for. I am sure you will be thinking this way if jews start getting away with murdering black people and claim it is their due because of what the white man has done to them. And considering that when it comes to crime, a white woman is 1000 trillion times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime by a black man then the other way around. So that this "They did it to us bullshit" reaks of lack of critical thinking and integrity. Black men have committed far more injustice towards other black men then white woman and jews combined ever have.

  36. OJ got away the first time cuz of the color of green and he was in california. Nevada is notorious for severe penalties. He picked the wrong state to behave like an entitled idiot. That said, there is no way that someone with his record and was not famous would have gotten the same sentence. Maybe 3 years suspended with probation. but at his age with no prior convictions, this sentence is harsh for this crime.

  37. "This makes perfect sense. Black man gets beaten by the white male cops, black man denied justice by white men...SO (drum roll please) the black man gets away with killing white women and jews. It is this kind of logic that black people are infamous for. I am sure you will be thinking this way if jews start getting away with murdering black people"

    I am sorry anon. I didn't get the memo that Ron Goldman represented all Jewish people. And btw, I hardly think OJ was thinking I am going to kill that Jewish guy when he put the knife in Goldman's neck.

    Me thinks you are a bit too sensitive there anon. you are starting to remind me of myself.

    "I would enjoy reading your column and comments if the profanity could be eliminated..."

    I would enjoy writing my columns a lot more if I could eliminate the profanity as well. It's just that I am not that smart and I can't think of any other way to express myself other than a timely fuck you when it so moves me....whoops, I did it again.

  38. Anonymous11:47 PM

    OJ is damn fool. He just couldn't stay out of the limelight.

  39. Anonymous1:53 AM

    And what about the reason he was stealing that stuff at gunpoint in the first place ? He was supposed to have handed ll that shit over to start paying some of the civil suit Goldman's family won against him, what was it about 33Mill or some ungodly number. Otherwise he could have told someone and called the cops etc. But Juice is smarter than all of that. That's why he looks so baffled. I still love the family tale of the old Polish Grandpa chewing his dumb ass out in the bank one day because Simpson fumbled the previous Sunday. He can sharpen all of his skills in the big house. Does that make him Big HN of the day ?

  40. Anonymous4:54 AM

    FIELD NEGRO, if their is any race on earth that know's how to set you up, it is the WHITE RACE, look at what they are trying to do to BARACK, notice I said "trying", I for one, never ever believed that O.J murdered his wife, and RON GOLDMAN, you see as a AFRICAN AMERICAN WOMAN, I learned a long time ago to pay close attention to every detail, these murder's had to do with drug's, and their is more to this than meet's the eye, and as far as MR. GOLDMAN is concerned, he is running on guilt, his son was a drug addict, and if the truth be told, why was he at nicole's house anyway? when it come to crime's their are some crime's that seem's out of character for a black person to commit, a BLACK MAN cutting off a person's head! now come on people! think about it!

  41. OJ's an idiot. He was never part of the "community" and I was pissed when the NBA playoffs (the Knicks were playing) game was interrupted to show a stupid freeway chase. I didn't see a single minute of the so-called "trial of the century".

    I'll never forget seeing his interview with BET where he said with such disdain "Where am I supposed to go Africa?!" I think he had/has some serious issues and loved being in the spotlight.

    OJ would have been under the jail if he wasn't rich, end of story.

    If what happened to Nicole was a hit, she would have had a bullet to the head. The person that killed her was angry and it was personal.

    I really feel for OJ's kids. I saw the two youngest ones in Century City once. I can't even imagine what their lives are like.

  42. Anonymous12:33 PM

    commit, a BLACK MAN cutting off a person's head! now come on people! think about it!

    4:54 AM
    Thats what im talking about,sorry devils but that looks more like your work! black people do stupid shit white people do crazy over the top stupid shit,it all comes back to penis size hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,lil man.

  43. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Funny how white & jewish drug addicts get our sympathy but boy do we hate those black crackheads,who ever killed em did a service to nicholes children,i feel nothing for the deaed priviledged jew,or the NFL/coke whore,oj was plain stupid for even knowing these pieces of shit,but maybe he was in good company with his arrogant ass.

  44. Anonymous2:47 PM

    uhhh anonymous I am assuming you mean whitey when you say devils -- have you ever heard of this cat ? unless he spent waay too much time at the beach he's no white devil but that's some fairly freaky shit he did and in Philly too...oh and here's another one with some pretty accomplished blade work too : another case of some serious tanning butter or a black butcher ? -- saying stupid racist shit always makes you look like a stupid racist doesn't it ?

  45. Anonymous5:55 PM

    "It is this kind of logic that black people are infamous for..."

    And what kind of logic is it to put all black folks in the same monolithic mindset or frame of reference?

    No logic at fuck you, you racist douchebag...if you don't like the point of view that some of us have or express here, then go blog somewhere else.

    and another thing...Fuck OJ.

  46. Anonymous6:49 PM

    this is a constant theme of american justice. we have a situation where a black man have slipped past the legal and social barriers and achieved a goal and status reserved for the ruling class. to reassure the public that this is just a freak event there will be a number of devastating attacks on black men reassuring the public that things are still under control and black men are not running free in this country. watch the news. you will see a endless number of black male athletes,entertainers,polititions,and businessmen going through the court system in the next few years removing all wealth from them. Any woman who wants to destroy a black man will find the authorities more than willing to help her out. Remember in neo-colonialism the crisis is not that one gets through, but that you don't make sure it won't happen again and that if they try it will not be pleasant.

  47. The first OJ trial, the prosecution blew it.

    Sure, ask an actor to put on a glove that will put him away.

    Of course the glove won't fit.

    OJ will be a Hall Of fame player who will go from a running back to a tight end while in prison.

  48. I believe that Ron Goldman figured a way to set OJ up. I'm not sure how he did it, just why.

  49. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Sorry, Field, but, I gotta go the other way here. He was found innocent (and in my naive mind, he was), but they wanted blood. After finding him not guilty, they made him pay anyway. He wrote a book (content of no consequence - this is "A-merry-ca", free speech and all that) and they wouldn't let him use the proceeds to pay off his "debts". Now someone has stolen his property and he has no right to get it? Sure, he went about it the wrong way, but, desperate men take desperate measures.

    Police departments are found not guilty, even when the evidence says the contrary. Where are the civil suits there? The few that came to pass say they are found guilty, but the city and state pay for the awards that go to the victims - not the police officers themselves. Yet, Simpson had to pay out of his pocket. I just want some type of equity to be had, some sense of fair play.

    Find a man not guilty, leave him not guilty and get over it. The O Man won on his own merit and "they" gave us nothing. Score even? Not by a long shot. (Don't get me wrong - your sarcasm is not lost on me.)


  50. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "All I know is, if I beat a double murder rap and had $25,000 a month from the NFL pension coming in to live on, you would never see my phat white ass again."

    Come, now. $25,000 a month is nothing when they demanded that you pay millions for a crime you didn't commit (according to the courts). Peace.

  51. Anonymous10:44 AM

    If OJ was smart he'd be gucci- shaded up, kicking back at the camel races with Michael Jackson...havig bid A-merry-ca a temporary fuck-off

  52. Anonymous1:03 PM


    I suspect that if that's grounds for a new trial, his lawyers will consider that as an option. However, if you choose to write up a Amicus Curiae on the topic, and are looking for co-signers, I'll certainty consider adding my signature. I don't know enough of the relevant law to even consider writing one myself for this case.

  53. Anonymous5:45 PM

    There's alot of hate on this blog. So ALL blacks danced around when OJ was acquitted? So NO whites did anything at all to get Obama elected? The whites this, the blacks that. It's sad really.

  54. Anonymous6:22 PM

    better not to talk about it then 5:45 anonymous ? this is one of the few places people can trade barbs and thoughts in an atmosphere where there is more sense than nonsense. and if you think this blog is full of hate you haven't read very many blogs...

  55. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I am glad you are not still mad at us for our little moment of celebration the first time the Juice was set loose. But you have to understand; we needed it then.

    I wasn't mad, I was scared.

  56. "I wasn't mad, I was scared."

    Me too 0:

    "If OJ was smart he'd be gucci- shaded up, kicking back at the camel races with Michael Jackson...havig bid A-merry-ca a temporary fuck-off"

    Yes, and you can add my man Roman Polanski to that list.

    "There's alot of hate on this blog. So ALL blacks danced around when OJ was acquitted? So NO whites did anything at all to get Obama elected? The whites this, the blacks that. It's sad really."

    I told you FN and HFN that George Bush reads my blog.

  57. Anonymous9:25 PM

    For some reason I never felt good about the fact that OJ got off with the murder. Not all black people were celebrating!!! I thought he was guilty but it did not matter to me whether he was had been convicted of that murder or not.

    I hate when people say black people celebrated and then go off on that rant about how this is compensation for black men suffering injustices in the past!!!

  58. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Couldn't you have found someone more serving than OJ? Especially since this guy wouldn't have been caught dead with a black woman.

    Amen!!! Thats where black people who cheered feel short!

  59. Anonymous1:22 PM

    uhhh anonymous I am assuming you mean whitey when you say devils -- have you ever heard of this cat ?


  60. I remember the day of the verdict quite well. At the outset of the trial, I remarked to my boss that part of me hoped Simpson would get off because of the message it would send to the LAPD, which for decades has been a gang of racist, homophobic, self-righteous, fascist thugs.

    That same part of me sympathized with blacks who cheered the acquittal. But once I saw the mob in the street outside of the courthouse on camera, wow, that was one of those images that brought forth the fight-or-flight response in my white lizard brain. I'm telling you, I was starting to wonder whether it might not be a bad idea to find a gun show somewhere.

    And then there was the crime itself, which was the brutal and cold blooded murders of two people who, whatever their faults might have been, surely didn't deserve to have their throats cut. And there were the ludicrous trimmings on that turkey -- everything from the televised car chase to the rap-rhyming Johnny Cochrane.

    Not exactly a moment of triumph for the American judicial system, that's for goddamned sure. Sic transit gloria mundi

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Oh my fucking god anonymous you are heelarious. Know why your pockets are so deep. cause they aint got shit in em except your gnarly ass needing a fucking manicure, crackstem stained hands. Did you know that the internet is not really a way to be invisible and even your lack of any colored education makes you stand out same as that funk wafting out of your unwashed ass does every place you go ? There aren't too many things stupider than threatening people online because you can be found out with your hands in your holy pockets quicker than you go through a 20 dollar rock you fucking moron. For fun I would love to see you kick my ass, you're fantasizing about scaring Beaver Cleaver but it aint happening homie. You need to mess with Beaver Cleaver cause he's scared of someone who's black. You got the wrong caucasian asshole. That word comes from the word Caucasus which is greek for I am going to kick your stupid ignorant wankster shit talking ass but since you aint got you now white education, or any other fucking color for that matter I thought I'd splain it for you. Good luck with your next macho moron bullshit comment, I can't wait.

  63. Anonymous11:08 PM

    "We set him free for all the men who were lynched down South without a trial. We set him free for all the innocent men who sit and rot in prison because they are poor or because of their race. We set him free because of all the Rodney Kings who weren't caught on tape."

    You field negroes (if by "field" you mean "the Democratic Party's house") are silly negroes, indeed.

    I mean, free a guilty black man if you feel that it helps to balance the scales of justice, but to free a rich one, who married a white woman, and doesn't give a shit about your community or your problems? Please. Free some drug dealer or carjacker. But OJ? He's not worth it.

  64. Oh my fucking god anonymous you are heelarious. Know why your pockets are so deep. cause they aint got shit in em except

    Damn i cant even hit you with a closed fist,whatta puss,dude im telln ya,you dont want this! i saw ya pic,dont they have a blog spot for goofy ass white boys like yourself!

  65. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Slap me bitch, it'll be worth the ice chips they give you in ICU. WHo did you blow to make up that blog name for you its really clever.

  66. Anonymous10:49 PM

    yeah you're right i don't want this you're boring and jealous of white people plus you're fucking ignorant.

  67. Anonymous12:43 PM

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