Thursday, February 05, 2009

"Never trust a big butt and a smile".

"pulled up in the Benz, they all got up in We all went to din and then I had to pay If you f****n' with this girl then you betta' be paid You know why Take too much to touch her From what I heard she got a baby by Busta My best friend say she used to f**k with Usher I don't care what none of y'all say I still love her"....Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger But she ain't messin' wit no broke niggas Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger but she ain't messin' wit no broke niggas "

~~Kanye West-Goldiggers~~~

I love me some Lisa Raye, I really do. I think she is one fine sister. Y'all can keep your Halle Barry, I will take Lisa Raye. At least that's what I used to think, until I read this story. To say this brother, Michael Misick,---the leader of a very lovely Island not far from my own beloved homeland-- went overboard would be an understatement. Talk about whipped. This brother must have have had more than a few bowls of red colored soup served up by Lisa. (You ladies from down the way will know what I am talking about) I mean are you serious? A million dollars for interior design? And a $275,000 shopping spree in a jewelry store? Not to mention the Rolls and two chartered jets. All this on an island with a little over 30,000 people.

But I know what happened to this brother, he caught Lisa Raye in "Players Club", and like me, was hooked. How else do you explain him spending his country's entire GDP on his blushing bride? Talk about high maintenance. The sad thing is that this brother might have gotten in over his head trying to keep Lisa happy, and he subsequently had to dabble in some places where he shouldn't have been. That is where my outrage with the story comes in. Because no matter how much he loved his new bride, he has to remember that he was the Prime Minister of of the Turks & Caicos Islands and his first duty was to the people on his Island who elected his sorry ass. If what is alleged is true--- that he got a personal loan of 6 million dollars from a developer for favors--- he is just another corrupt house Negro politician who once again let his people down. The fact that he was p.....well, whipped, just makes the story funny and sad. And now the Brits are all over his ass. ( I know I know, it's just the white man once again trying to keep a brotha down)

Oh well, all is well that ends well. Take heart fellows, Lisa is back on the market. Apparently the Prime Minister and the first lady have called it splitsville. It just goes to show you that money can buy you a lot of things, even a fine ass Hollywood wife, but it sure can't buy you happiness.


  1. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Maybe we can work that into the stimulus bill.


  2. Damn, I thought I was gonna be first!

    Im sorry, I get why folks think this woman is fine, but she is way, too OVAH, and it has gone to her head!

    "...more than a few bowls of red colored soup..."

    Man, you are wrong for that! Im not even from the Islands, but I know what that means, lol.

    Yes, it is true gentlemen, you shouldnt " the big butts when they smile!"


  3. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Money can't buy you happiness, but you sure can rent it, and with enough money you could lease it for a while.


  4. Man it's a bad day for vilified divas. First vapid Beyonce being put down by Etta, and now this?

    Lisa Raye fine. Um...okay. Givce Halle, Joy Bryant, your fellow Yardie chick who played Mia Dalma in the Pirates of Carribean flicks..they're fine. But Lisa Raye always struck me as kinda ghetto and kinda sleazy. Which is what this drooling dude was thinking when he saw her. Despite his education, he's acted like an island bamma wanting a American showpiece wife. Well, be careful what you wish for. And as for his political/legal problems, he needs atalk to Jamaican prime ministers and members of PNP and JLP on the fine art of graft and dealing with developers, hotel moguls...

  5. Oops typo. I mean "Give me Halle etc." over Lisa Raye.

  6. PS I went to Princeton with Tigerhawk. Glad you are visiting over there. He needs the flava.

  7. Lisa Raye is beautiful.

    Really elegant and poised.

  8. The Prime Minister gives new meaning to the term, "pay to play."

    I reminded of this oft-repeated story. This old, rich guy asked his young, beautiful, new bride, "Would you have married me, if I had been poor?"

    She responded, "Would you have married me, if I had been ugly?"

    It seems that they both got what they wanted in this relationship, that is, until the money ran out, or when the "play" became increasingly likely to take place on the cheap, than in the luxurious style to which the bride had become accustomed.

    Misick's fall from grace is not going to make anyone weep, except maybe himself, and certainly not the people that he should have been representing, rather than his own selfish, horny interest.

    Lisa Raye's certainly not going to cry.

    There's still more fish in the waters off those islands that she can hook with her beauty and youth, and live lavishly off of.

    I just hope that the next fish has his own pond, rather than borrowing one from the people he's sworn to protect.

  9. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Ain't got no love for Mike Misick, he's been fuckin up my Turks & Caicos. Corruption galore man, he's making his side deals selling government owned land to all kinds of foreign hotel and condo developers at prices reserved for Belongers (TCI citizens). Then his fellow ministers get in on the act and make their own deals, only for Mike to find out and shake 'em down later....

    They built a causeway in 2007 to connect the islands of North and Middle Caicos for about 13 Million, given as a grant by the EU, but it only took one hurricane to snap that bridge in two pieces. That shit really makes me wonder. Ain't no money left for the country, the Treasury is damn near depleted. It coulda been him trickin' on Lisa, but I don't know. All I know that wasn't none of that cash being spent to the benefit his fellow countrymen and women. It's like those guys don't give a damn about the country or its constituents, it's just one huge lick.

  10. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I don't know if it's true or not, but someone updated the Wiki entry stating that the FBI is investigating allegation he raped one of her A-merry-can friends at a party last summer.

    I'll take Gabrielle Union. :-)

  11. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Wow. Nice prose and logic, Black Diaspora.


  12. LOL @ Lola. Hey, when can we trust the big butts?

    Chris, you are killing me.
    "But Lisa Raye always struck me as kinda ghetto and kinda sleazy."

    And um...what's wrong with that? I kid I kid people. And yes, he has to see my JLP and PNP peeps if he wants to learn about graft and shakedowns. Well, maybe just my JLP peeps. My roots with the PNP runs deep, I can't put them down. Now I don't want no Tivoli man shooting up my blog. :)

    "Woe", thanks for that info. It's always nice to hear from folks who have a close up perspective on stuff I blog about.

    Black Diaspora, I like that anecdote. So true.

  13. "I don't know if it's true or not, but someone updated the Wiki entry stating that the FBI is investigating allegation he raped one of her A-merry-can friends at a party last summer."

    R.J., it's true there were rape allegations against him last April. Yes Chris, Tiger Hawk seems like cool people. His site does alright, although some of his peeps don't have much love for the field. :)

  14. Anonymous10:42 PM

    These two gives true meaning to the word getto love to the max.

  15. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Is T & C even a viable spot now that USAIR (which pretty much monopolized US routes out of Charlotte) and US economy in general is shit? Seriously, even this dude's graft might be too little too late.

  16. The things men do for good pussy. We will fuckup our lives in unimaginable ways for a few moments tight cooch. It's just a fact.

  17. why so much hate on Lisa Raye? I "heard" (there is no supporting documentation to back this up, I literally heard it in passing on the radio) that he took out leases for the jets and Rolls in her name, so now she's stuck with about a million in debt. She loses cool points for being dumb, and standing by/joining in while her man was abusing his position, but he's the one who should have held the standard. He was the elected official ... no sympathy for his big booty blindness. He should have done better by his people and his wife.

  18. Field,

    When are we gonna see your butt and a smile.

    President Obama nas been in office 15 days. You ain't run down Broad Street yet!!!

    Do you keep your word or what?

  19. Good. Serves him right. He wasn't going to do any of that sh*t for Angela Basset or a Michelle Obama look a like.

    Oh please, Caribbean black men like him don't necessarily need sweat rice to mek dem run dung deh "carmeal" skin woman dem and dem from ova yonda. You know what I'm talking about, Field.... Lark?

    I hope the Brits go after his ass... He bit the hand that bought him. What a dumb borrowed negro. Most black people can't even afford to live there in T$C any more. It's getting stupid like that in certain parts of the Caribbean. It's becoming the playground for the rich, while everyone else with who happens to have melanin live in total frustration because of idiots like Misick (who makes "mi sick" get it :). Shoo, I can't even afford to live in the VI anymore. It's all by design. I am so sick and tired of these -sell out your people and your country- negroes. Just add the idiot to your slave catcher/overseer list.

    BTW... If Lisa was non-black, would you have called her a "goldigger", or a lucky woman who found a man with financial security? Just asking.

  20. I show my ignorance by not knowing who Lisa Raye is. All I can say is women have been exchanging good looks for material gain since the dawn of time and men keep buying. Life is full of players.

    I've been seeing your blog name everywhere and I am amused. Thought I'd drop by. Glad I did.

  21. Yes tuscanb, they must always find a way to blame the woman, some way some how. They will even go as far as voodoo. Sigh.

  22. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Well I heard he was just as wicked the other way with babygurl from 106 and park so I think it was broke before splitsville. It just goes to show you when someone isn't married and they are fine you have to read the fine print!

  23. i would trust a big butt over a skinny azz any day...
    and yes mr field.. when's the run going to happen hon?? will it be a spring streak?? are you waiting til the first 100 days are over...?? what??

  24. Anonymous2:30 AM

    He was shacking with his mistress Rocsi while LR was stateside. He is just your average weak d*ck.
    Men do what they want to make themselves feel goood. Don't hate on the sista.

  25. This "brother" was STEALING from his own people long before Lisa Raye came along. He's be taking kickbacks and dishing out favors from the minute he took office. He's an asshole and that's got nothing to do with Lisa Raye. This post should have been entitled "Niggas Ain't Shit!" but I guess it's easier to blame the black woman when a brother is screwing up all by himself.

  26. Hmmm. They both deserve each other. The voters and those who live on T&C have to suffer. Sad.

    I have no sympathy for Island politicians who take bribes and let the developers do whatever they want. They are not smart. Don't they realize over development ruins what attracted people to the island in the first place?

    Exhibit A. The Dutch side of St. Maarten. Every time I go to see my parents there is more traffic, more high rises and more fast food places. Thank god my folks live on the French side which actually has zoning laws and property taxes.

  27. I just love, love, love it to bits when men choose looks over substance and get their tails burned in the end..

  28. But it was worth the run, wasn't it?
    I'm sure if he had the chance to do it all over again and knowing what would happen in the future, he'd probably say, "Aw, WTF!!!"

    I would...

  29. Good Post Field, woman stop making excuses for the Karrin Steffans, Lisa Rayes of the world, and yes Misick aint not different than Kwame Kilpatrick or any dark skinned brotha of influence placing overvalue on low rent light skinned sistas!

  30. tuscanb and other ladies defending LR, this post was not bashing Lisa,-"but I guess it's easier to blame the black woman when a brother is screwing up all by himself."- it was calling out her husband.

    Marci, I am going to get in that run before the spring break.But hey, it's cold outside. brrrrrr. :(

    La~incognita is that new heart for me?:) Hey, what are you saying, that this yawdie is CS? Not! My top ten fave sistas includes Kerry Washington, Nia Long,Debbie Morgan,& Venessa Bell-Calloway. Yes Lark is still number one, but her look is the exception not the rule with moi. Oh, and someone above mentioned Gabby Union. I co-sign with that as well.

    "But it was worth the run, wasn't it?
    I'm sure if he had the chance to do it all over again and knowing what would happen in the future, he'd probably say, "Aw, WTF!!!"

    I would..."

    Hey geoffrey, at least you are honest.

  31. "La~incognita is that new heart for me?:)"

    Typical men, it always has to be all about them. LOL

  32. Anonymous9:46 AM


    Do you know Lark Voorhees even dates black men?

    I have the strong suscpicion that she doesn't.

  33. Anonymous10:16 AM

    She is too hood, and, I doubt if any man could deal with her on a daily basis.

  34. Maybe it's me but...

    Dude's got the keys to the Castle of some of the finest real estate in the western hemisphere...

    And this is the best Banana Boat Kwame can do?


    Hang his dumb, no taste ass.

  35. red colored soup, LOL! And she buryed his drawers in the back yard, too!

  36. Field,

    I agree with some of the posters above. You're being unnecessarily harsh on Lisa Raye, when Misick has been having women on the side for their entire marriage, even some rather openly. I think this is a case of they got what they got. He got an American Girl. She got a premier of a small island and the prestige that goes with that, the wedding of her dreams, yada yada. The only thing that she didn't get was a baby. That would have put her in an even better place.

    I can't hate the players, only the game. And in this case, the game doesn't need to be hated. It is what it is and did what it do.

  37. Anyone who thinks they have a chance with Lisa Raye better have 275K worth of jewelry laying around and a small island ready to embezzle from.

  38. Diamond is still fine.

  39. Speaking of nookie-whupped crooked politicians - this from the brothel:

    Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said Tuesday that his fellow Republican Senate colleagues are “scared to death” by President Barack Obama’s popularity.

    “What’s been going on in a lot of these votes is that some folks are just scared to death quite frankly of the new president and his polling numbers and sort of holding under the table,” Vitter told radio host Laura Ingraham. [...]

    Vitter insisted that that “half” of the Senate Republicans are intimidated by Obama’s high approval rating, which according to the latest Gallup poll stands at 64 percent.

    As evidence, he pointed at the 19 Republicans who voted to confirm Eric Holder as Attorney General. [...]

    [Vitter] voted against each of Obama’s appointments that was not confirmed by a voice vote.

  40. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Doesn't Vitter have some whores he needs to lay with in betrayal of his wife?

  41. Funny how Elliot Spitzer went down for nookie...

    Kwame Kilpatrick went down for nookie...

    But Rethuglys only go down when they are messin' around with children...

    Or boys (Foley).

    Talk about diminished morality.

  42. You know you "ain't" right insinuating us southern sisters put that hoo-doo on ya!

    Go B.

  43. Anonymous1:05 PM


    You and some of the faithful drinkers here at your tavern are going to laugh at me...but honestly...I need a little education here:

    What do you mean by red soup? I am clueless.



  44. My lady's hairdresser also did Lisa Raye's hair. Ms. Raye let it be known that she wasn't really feelin dude, but that the opportunity was just too great to pass up.

    Sure, she's a Golddigger, but he knew what he was getting into. That's on him.

  45. Anonymous2:10 PM


    "But Rethuglys only go down when they are messin' around with children...

    Or boys (Foley)."

    Remember what ol Edwin Edwards said while he was running for LA Governor:

    "The only way I can lose this election is if I'm caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy".

  46. Granted there is corruption everywhere. But what I don't get is Black leaders'(specially in the developing world) inability to empathise with their masses.
    For some unexplainable reason, these men (mostly men) are happy living decadently amidst masses of impoverished, starving even dying people. And they think they have made it. While there is corruption with other societies as well, it appears that politicians of other races do some considerable giving back to their own people and pocket some for themselves. With black leaders (generally speaking) there seems to be a blindness to some basic needs of their people. Seriously we need to address this discrepancy. Is it a lack of empathy, an inablity to see the humanity of their own people while demanding it from the others?

  47. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I really don't want to sound like I'm hating on her, but I think he could have kept her happy with $5,000 a month and a Mercedes C Class. She doesn't seem to be one that's long on class...not that money = class. I hate to see people of color living with corrupct governments and not being able to do anything about it. So I hope he gets what's coming to him...and since I don't know the whole story...I don't know what that is.

  48. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Grata, you bring up an interesting topic.

    The famine, AID epidemic, poverty and lack of development (infrastructure-wise) in Africa is solely attributable to the Afrian black man.

    How can black African heads of state live lavishly amid abject poverty and squalid conditions? Is it inherent lack of intelligence? Is it an inherent sense of selfishness?

    No longer can these conditions be attributed to imperialism. For example, South Africa is no longer white ruled, it's black ruled and the country is rampant with crime and poverty.

    I find it odd that the continent from which the proverb "It takes a village..." has leaders who don't give a shit about the village, their country or continent.

    I find that utterly disgusting.

  49. Field,

    I have somebody better than Lisa Raye--check it out:

  50. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Herr Prime Minista why whould ya spend all dat dough for that vilaine demoiselle?
    Last Friday I took this beauty on a date and it cost me only $5.00 .
    We went to Mc Donald got four spicy poulet sandwich and deux apple pie .

  51. Anonymous6:41 PM

    THANK YOU, GRATA, it's about time someone spoke up!! I am sick and tired of our people, allowing BLACK POLITICIAN'S get by with stealing from their own people! and that's what it is STEALING!! when are we going to step forth, and call them on their behavior?

    I am sick and tired of AFRICAN AMERICAN's, screaming RACISM each and every time our people are caught doing something wrong, if this man and LISA RAY lived in LUXURY, and their was POVERTY around them, then LISA RAYE and her husband both, should go to JAIL! LISA RAYE saw the POVERTY around her! and she could have cared less, so that make's her a PARTICIPANT in her HUSBAND'S wrong doing, and trust me she REAPED from her husband's wrong doing, and yes she is a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, but, she is a SIMPLE MINDED BLACK WOMAN.

  52. "How can black African heads of state live lavishly amid abject poverty and squalid conditions? Is it inherent lack of intelligence? Is it an inherent sense of selfishness? "

    I hate to bash my African brothers. But having grown up there and seeing the burdens the women have to carry due to the said behavior. I think the time is right to hold these men accountable. Otherwise we become accomplices in these attacks on our dignity by our own.

  53. "LISA RAYE saw the POVERTY around her! and she could have cared less, so that make's her a PARTICIPANT in her HUSBAND'S wrong doing, and trust me she REAPED from her husband's wrong doing, and yes she is a BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, but, she is a SIMPLE MINDED BLACK WOMAN."

    She is more than guilty by association. After Gold digger add Blood sucker.

    The good thing is there is a thing called truth. We can remain denying and defending our leaders all we want but chidren are still dying unnecessarily and poverty is destroying our people because of these same leaders we defend. The truth is permanent and the consequences are real.

    The truth is one straight line. I don't think we can even locate our position from that line as a people.

  54. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Come on Field...

    First of all, I should just send you the link to the actual testimony. ole dude admits to using her celebrity to promote travel and tourism for his island. He said, since their wedding, that island is now the #1 hollywood retreat in the carribean.

    He fathered a child to his other woman after there wedding. By the way that was the other woman's 2nd child with him. He had a hidden agenda too!! He was caught up more then she was.

    She testified because Great Britain is hauling in everyone in his abuse of funds inquiry. And the fact that he got kickback from a developer. Same political bullshit different country.

    this article was a tad distorted and biased. It's unfortunate that she is being slammed. He came on the scene like her knight in shining armor. He set her up with that lavish princess like wedding.
    I don't know any woman that would say "keep your change" when presented something like that.

  55. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Check out

  56. "You and some of the faithful drinkers here at your tavern are going to laugh at me...but honestly...I need a little education here:

    What do you mean by red soup? I am clueless."

    LOL! Adam, I would really prefer to have one of the ladies answer this for you. Let's just say that there is a very....aaaaem,personal part of the woman in that soup and it is supposed to cause blind devotion from the drinker to the person who prepared it....ladies could one of you help Adam please? I can't do this without getting in trouble.

    Naturale Smile, I honestly didn't want to put as much blame on Ms. Raye as the good PM here. He is certainly more culpable.

  57. Anonymous10:00 PM

    It is not soup. Its stewed peas. LOL

  58. Anonymous10:43 PM


    Last I looked, Michael Misick is a grown man.

  59. Wow, he's hit the F!@# up. I'm sure the loving was good while it lasted but you cannot turn a hood rat in the a house wife. The fact that she rolled on him is a trip.


  60. this has been hilarious to read. he's corrupt...she, well...they were both adults.

  61. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Lisa Raye saw a grimey brotha who was hungry for a light skin'ted showpiece ... and did her thang.

    In other words, game recognized game.


  62. Hey Filled-Negro:

    Just think about all of the poor people who are native to the island that could have used some of that money that was used on the interior decorating.

    T&C Per Capita GDP - $11,500
    Government Revenues $47 million

    US Per Capita GDP $48,000
    US Government Revenues: $2.524 trillion

    Despite the people of Southwest Philly having a higher Per Capita GDP than T&C I assure you that the people on the island live in less fear for their lives.

  63. Anonymous6:54 PM

    While I'm no LR fan, but why is she getting all of the hate? Why blame the victim?
    She had her own mediocre success and thought she'd found her prince (ok Prime Minister). Would you rather she'd hooked up with a local buster?
    He's the grimy one. Didn't he kick her out of the mansion and moved in the chick from 106 & Park? Weren't both MM and LR treated for bite marks and scratches after an altercation?
    He's a joke and he gives Black leadership a bad name.

  64. Anonymous1:37 AM

    He should'nt have some of that pooh-pooh stew she was serving him!!!LOL!!

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