Friday, May 01, 2009

Things to do.

Mrs. Field is being particularly fatalistic this evening. She was reminiscing about one of her co-workers who died at an early age of cancer. "Field, anything in particular you want to do before you die, or did that you want to do again?" Now I am thinking to myself: there was that girl in Ocho Rios....."Ahhh yeah," I tell her. "I have lived a pretty full life, but there are a couple of things". "Like what? "

"Well, I would have a serious meal of ackee and saltfish with some fried dumplings and bread fruit. It would have to be cooked by a Jamaican over 60. And I would definitely listen to Catch A Fire by the Wailers one last time." "Anything else?" "Yeah, I probably would want to visit that eco resort we went to on Saba Island. That place was gorgeous."

"What about something you haven't done?" She said. "Hmmmm, let me see now, that's a hard one", I am telling her. (All the time there is a certain washed up actress that keeps popping in my head) "I would say visit the Goree Island." "Yeah, that's right, you always wanted to go to there." She kept looking at me as if there should be more. "No that's pretty much it. Marrying you made my life complete, dear. "

"Field", she said, ..."you are full of shit."

Before I check out tonight I want to comment on his O ness getting to pick one of the supremes. (This is sooner than I thought) O man, here is a little advise from the field: Please pick a woman, any woman. I don't care if it's Judge Judy. One out of nine just isn't going to cut it. There are more female lawyers in this country than men, so it shouldn't be too hard.

Whoever you pick, just get ready for a fight, because the wingnuts are already foaming at the mouth.


  1. Boy ah teef plenty breadfruit in mih day. Ah used to put de golden ray butter on dem and full mih belly.

  2. LOL at your saltfish (you can really tell you're an island man at heart :)
    Most Mainland Americans know it as codfish. Don't forget the green bananas, sweet potato and the boil plantain.

    ""anything in particular you want to do before you die"

    Would going to Brazil and being in the company of two-three gorgeous looking young men be a bad thing? Just joking.

    You know, I didn't realize there are more women lawyers now, I bet a lot of black female lawyers too. Hint: He needs to pick a black female. If the rethugs are going to lash either way, you might was well go for a biggie anyway.

  3. oh wait, ah fohget fungi wid deh saltfish.

  4. I would love to see a woman, I am kinda hopin he will pick a Latina.... that "first" has yet to happen on the court. In any case, I will be happy if he finds someone that meets the criteria he set forth today...

  5. "I am kinda hopin he will pick a Latina"

    Nah, but thanks for playing though.

    (ok I'm just teasing, and being playful tonight :)

  6. Ok one last thing, my bad, I don't think Fungi (foonji) is a Jamaican thing, we cook it in the VI. Ok off to bed.

  7. Mi nu want nu fungi,if a nu ackee mi nah yam it. Mi nu likky likky yu nu

    Rippa,stop it bwoy, yu a mek mi get hungry. Mi neva know se yu cum from Jamdong.

  8. Anonymous12:03 AM

    as far as the meal goes, it would be 2 crawfish etoufee enchilada's with the verde suace, one cup of spicy gumbo, and some crunchy french bread all on one warm plate. With a cold beer.

    I have no idea if those enchiladas exists but they should. szpork

  9. BTW, sticking with the Jamaican theme: My man Geoffrey Phillip sent me a couple (TWO) of his books to give away. (Geoff is a pretty damn good Jamaican writer. See sidebar) So this is what I will do: if you want one of the books, be one of the next two people to post a comment. Then shoot me an e-mail at with a mailing address and I will send a book out to you.

  10. La~do you want one of the books?

  11. Yup, I'm interested in "who's your daddy", but could you also ask him if he ever heard of stories about "brunancy and Brutocoma"? My childhood memories are flooding in right now. I sent you an email :)

  12. Okay, cool, I will send out a book to you next week. My assistant usually does stuff like that for me, so give it a few days. :)

  13. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Gov. Jennifer Granholm (D-MI). Born in an exotic land called Canada and has many years experience as Attorney General in her adopted state.

  14. Hey Field,

    If you're ever in Cleveland stop by Dailey's Blue Mountain Inn. You will love the Jerk Chicken,Pork, and some"Ting"(that's what it called) to wash it down .They also have Saltfish and Ackee too.They also have a "sound system".

  15. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I want someone who can go toe-to-toe with Scalia, has the ability to form consensus like Stevens with excellent longevity in their DNA.

    I don't much care what body parts they have or the color of their skin. If your only criterion is female then you could have had Harriet Miers.


  16. NaturalSmile5:07 AM


    Normally, I reserve Saturday for red pea soup - but I guess now I will have to start my day with some ackee & "sawfish" and some fried dumpling!

    By the way, you must go to Ghana, Cape Coast. Visiting cape coast castle or Elmina is cool. But more importantly, you must stay at this bed and breakfast owned by a new york family called One Africa. Took my breathe away. I thought I was in paradise in the motherland!

    Check it out!

  17. Robbie, do you want one of the books? You were next.

    Joy, I want someone to go toe to toe with Scalia as well. And someones who has all the qualities you mentioned. But that should still be a woman. Why do people always assume that diversity and comptetence is mutually exclusive? It's not. We should be able to find a woman with all of those traits.

    kid, thanks for the offer to come to Cleveland (a very underrated city)You will have to take me to that spot. Love me some "Ting". It's the only exception I make to my no soda policy. But sorry, I will have to pass on the Jerk Pork. :)

    NaturalSmile, thanks for the 411 on that spot in Ghana. It sounds like it's all that. I hope that bread and breakfast is still there when I go.

  18. You don't care if it's Judge Judy - LMAO

    Love it, FN.

    Yes, it needs to be a woman. Period.

  19. metricpenny10:41 AM

    rikyrah beat me to it - LOL at the Judge Judy line!

    Definitely a woman - for ALL the Supreme Court nominations he makes during his administrations. Yeah, I think there will be more.

  20. Anonymous2:29 PM

    A gay Hispanic male...

    Might as well piss off the conservative cabal.

  21. and here I was about to "awww" at the "you complete me moment"

    your wife's hilarious

    i definitely didn't know there were more female lawyers than men...I probably should've known though, yikes :-/

  22. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Field, I'm calling you on this one. In your original post you is a little advise from the field: Please pick a woman, any woman. I don't care if it's Judge Judy

    When challenged you respond with....But that should still be a woman. Why do people always assume that diversity and comptetence is mutually exclusive? It's not. We should be able to find a woman with all of those traits.

    Yes we should but your original post said the only requirment was body parts. Body parts and skin color is what gets us Clarence Thomas and almost got us Harriet Miers.


  23. Yes Mo Mrs.Field is a regular laugh a minute.

    Joy,you will get used to me,I was joking with my Judge Judy comment.

  24. Anonymous5:12 PM


    this article once again proves your blog is pointless with no valuable information. you are full of field sh$t. it was totally pointless except for showing your true art of bs. as for the sc should obama pick the best possible candidate. i dont care whether white black male or female. i want the best. anything else is a slap in the face of justice and equality which the same court is entrusted to preserve

  25. "this article once again proves your blog is pointless with no valuable information. you are full of field sh$t."

    It's called the world wide web. Please feel free to use it. There are a lot of great blogs out there with lots of great information.

    ".. it was totally pointless except for showing your true art of bs."

    Consider yourself lucky. A lot of people pay good $ for my bs. ;)

  26. It would have to be cooked by a Jamaican over 60.That's the way I feel about soul food.

  27. Anonymous7:46 PM

    Tomorrow is the Broad Street Run. I will look for you. lol.
    Nude of course.
    Perhaps you can use Barack's Supreme appointment to get out of this charade of a bet. For example, If he picks a white male conservative the bet is off.


  28. Field said:

    Consider yourself lucky. A lot of people pay good $ for my bs. ;)


    I always find it amusing that people want to take the time to tell you what a waste of time it is to take the time to read your blog....whew! thats some serious pretzel logic!

  29. WoodyOfWoody2:22 AM

    Joy 3:54pm:

    Why do people always assume that diversity and comptetence is mutually exclusive?The Detroit City Council? OK, that's not exactly diverse.

  30. "Rippa,stop it bwoy, yu a mek mi get hungry. Mi neva know se yu cum from Jamdong."

    Actually man, I'm from Trinidad & Tobago. But you already know how we all eat the same stuff pretty much.

    Right now I am somewhat confused about my heritage. I was told that I was a COON on my blog by a Black man who says he's a Christian and a member of The Sons of The Confederacy.

    Check it out:

    Who Would Jesus Vote For?Oh yeah and one more thing...

    all you Black Christians who voted for Obama are going to be punished by God. Yeah, I thought I shopuld pass that on.

  31. Who Would Jesus Vote For?Oh yeah and one more thing...

    all you Black Christians who voted for Obama are going to be punished by God. Yeah, I thought I shopuld pass that on. 2:35 AM
    Well, I'm Jewish, so....

  32. Anonymous6:52 AM

    "It would have to be cooked by a Jamaican over 60."

    I feel you on that!

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