Sunday, September 06, 2009

Day three!

"Field how old do you think Lenny Kravitz is?" I don't know, 39 maybe? "Nope, he is 45."
Wow, who knew? "Field I am thinking of cutting my hair, what do you think?" I am sure it would looks nice short, dear. "Why do you say that, don't you like it this length?" Ahh, no, that length is fine. I like that length, too. "You are just saying anything at this point, because, the truth is, you are not even thinking about my hair."

"Field, I know you are dying to get to that laptop and blog, but don't even think about it." Come on now, why would you even think that? You must really think I am hooked on this blogging thing if you think I can't do without it for a couple of nights. My phone is off and I haven't even been thinking about work, much less blogging.

"I know you field, you will probably get on that damn computer on the sneak while I am sleeping or in the bathroom or something. But don't worry, I will be checking out the field Negro tomorrow; just to make sure."

Hey, do any of you have an extra room at your place where I could crash for a couple of days?
I don't require much... well, maybe just a laptop.


  1. Lol. Careful FN you're gonna come home one day and all of your friends and family are gonna be sitting there waiting for you to give you a blogging intervention.

  2. All I can think of is this scene:

    "I am your WIFE. I am the greatest GOOD you are EVAH gonna get!"

    Field, if you get in too much trouble, there's a spare room at Chez Chili (and we've got wireless internet!!)

  3. Careful Field, that laptop caint give up no nookie!

  4. LOL at Monie.

    Field, I have plenty of room, and air-conditioning (you'll need that more than anything). And I would love to help you out.

    But the thing is, you are not the only one in trouble. I've been spending too much time on your blog. These days my boss is sneaking up and playing the 'Aha! I got you on the internet' game. And at home, that damn muscular 'Ving Rhames' picture of yours (that's what my sweetie calls you, he's such a playa hater) got me questioned the other night - again.

    Sorry, but you've caused enough trouble already, and besides, what would the neighbors think? :)

  5. Anonymous2:38 AM

    You're welcome here in Cali, Field. Only problem is it's a community property state so if you really get in trouble you better stay there. I don't want to take responsibility if you have to give away half of your stuff like us dudes do out here.

  6. Word up to Mrs Field.


  7. Anonymous5:57 AM

    You think she could at least give you like 15 minutes a day....

  8. yes. and the next time you are in DC let me know!

  9. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I love your wife and I love that you "complain" about her in a grudgingly affectionate way. She knows your sneaking; we women ALWAYS know, LOL! But, what I find delightful is that you are trying hard. She is, too. You are a lucky couple. Ignore Black Art Depot (haters not only hate, they debilitate, agitate, and instigate).

  10. Anonymous9:03 AM

    field on holiday just like the lib-papers....and poor van thosed out with the garbage......LOL

  11. Personally, I wouldn't do anything that could potentially keep me from having my toes curled, LOL!!

  12. On this labor day lets take a look at the unions.

    48% of Americans approve of unions.Thats the first sub-50% approval since the 1930's

    51% of Americans think labor unions hurt the U.S. economy.


    Labor Unions and their thug like tatics at the townhalls and their blind support for Democrats have hurt big labor.

  13. I guess it would be too hard to update your blog even if you had a smartphone? Oh well maybe your wife is just trying to protect you and give you some time away from all this internet madness so you can be a better blogger. That's a good way to spin it lol.

    And I see some of your favorite trolls have shown up cause hardly anyone outside of their circle of one knows who Van Jones is. Put it this way I'd rather be Van Jones resigning for the good of the White House (his words not mine) than Dick Cheney where just about everyday evidence points to him basically runinng a shadow government beind Bush's back. His trial(s) will be epic in American history

  14. LOL at the offers.La-Incognita,I think you have that man right where you want him:)

    Oh well,my lock down is almost over.

    Yes Van Jones is gone,so who will be the next bogeyman?

  15. "51% of Americans think labor unions hurt the U.S. economy."

    So what do they think of corporations?

  16. Anonymous3:17 PM

    who taught you how to turn the computer on?

    I think it's great that the lower IQ people can be on the internet, too. Hey, Van Jones should have lots of free time on his hands these days. You two can spend all day slapping each other on the back and claiming that you somehow win... poor, deluded reverse-racist saps.

  17. "51% of Americans think labor unions hurt the U.S. economy."

    So what do they think of corporations?-Ernesto

    That's about as bad as "we don't want public officials talking in public schools". ROFL!!!

  18. "who taught you how to turn the computer on?"

    Your mama! She thought me some other things,too.

    I am back.

  19. Anonymous5:19 PM


  20. I just spent 7 days with very very limited access to the internet, email and no TV. I absolutely hate to say it but reading and writing in the blogs to say nothing of the TV wastes so much time in the real world. Sigh.... I got things to do.

  21. I love your Labor Day picture Field.

    The meaning of Labor Day struck me as I was driving home Saturday night around 9:20 pm. You could see these big tractors, all lit up like the Mother Ship, plowing the fields.


    Ummmm, pot-kettle-black

  23. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Hello Field, I love your site.

    To Anon @3:17 - Yo momma sucks cock in hell!!

  24. Hey Anon @3:17 I've worked with many caucasian women and they always ask me to set them up with someone like Field Negro. They love black men and do not want to be exposed. They especially do not want their parents to know.

    When we were slaves, many, many, many, white men slept with the "House N...." and also to, as Sarah Palin would say, many, many, many white wowan also f...ked black men.

    White people love f...king black people behind closed doors but never want to be exposed.

    They are hyprocrites!

  25. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Hye Anon@3:17, I bet your mom slept with a black man but she will never expose it, but I guarantee you that you will never know because she is hyprocrite.

  26. Reesie said: "When we were slaves, many, many, many, white men slept with the "House N...." and also to,"

    I don't know where all of that came in, but it bothers me when people say things like that. Those black females were not "House N...:

    Most of them were brutally raped, and the rest could fall under nothing less of sexual extortion - either by will or by force. You are not a "house" anything when you've been abused, exploited and repeatedly raped by the tender age of 8-10 years old.

    Btw, for some of you black people who like to throw around the black Mandingo flattery, please take in consideration - There are people who have 'sex' or fantasize having sex with sheep and other animals, but that doesn't mean they see that 'animal' as an equal.

  27. Soapbubble9:27 PM

    LMAO at the Steele/Humpty pic. And Steele isn't in a disguise. LOL

  28. pierced10:09 PM

    New to the site Field - love your brashness and boldness. Congrats on the award!

    Hope Mrs. Field gives you a pardon on your little weekend blogging "indiscretion.
