Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A hanging and a fake pimp.


Oh lawd dem black helicopter folks done lost their natural minds.Please tell me that they didn't hang a man in Kentucky and write "fed"on his chest. And, to top it off, the man is a census worker. Oh lawd!

Oh field, calm down. All the details are not even out yet, the man may have hung himself for all we know. The FBI is investigating so I am sure that they will get to the bottom of it. You can't blame right wing talk radio or wingnuts for this one.

Maybe so, but the man was a census worker, and the word 'fed" was marked on his chest. What if it's some angry hillbillies and they just don't like the fact that in the not too distant future, according to the very same census folks, they are going to be a minority in this country? What in just the sight of a census worker set them off?

Yeah field, and what if the man was just having marital problems, and couldn't take it any more? The man could have written "fed" on his own chest and then hung himself. Ever thought of that field Negro?

Yeah I thought of it. But I keep thinking of a lot of other things,too. Which says as much about the state of our country as it does my warped twisted mind.

Story here:

Speaking of the black helicopter crowd. I see fatso (AKA Andrew Brietbart) is promoting the guy being touted as the conservatives version of Michael Moore, James O'Keefe on his site.

Mr. O'Keefe and his film crew has garnered notoriety for exposing some dumb ass workers in the ACORN offices in different parts of the country.

What you are not hearing from the right, is that this clown and his side- kick were kicked out of ACORN offices here in Philly and some other places as well. See, it's like this, here in Philly we know a fake ass pimp when we see one.

Pic courtesy of HuffPost.


  1. SickupandFed9:36 PM

    And this just in...

    They are being sued by ACORN.

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    He's white. No one's gonna care about a white lynching. Except Fox News, maybe.

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    The IRS, the Census, and the Bureau all have cut ties with Acorn. Even Obama thinks they should be investigated.

    My question is, why did Acorn prevent its workers from unionizing? Why did they seek an exemption from paying the federal minimum wage?

  4. Anonymous9:54 PM

    anization was founded in 1970 by Wade Rathke, George Wiley and Gary Delgado. Wade Rathke's brother embezzled $948,607 from the group and affiliated charitable organizations in 1999 and 2000, but ACORN executives did not inform law enforcement. A whistleblower revealed the fraud in 2008, leading to the departure of both Dale and Wade Rathke. The National Labor Relations Board also found that ACORN attempted to thwart union organizing efforts within its own organization by firing two workers attempting to unionize ACORN.

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    This lynching is devastating news. Who could have done such a dastardly deed? I hope they catch the killers and give them life.

  6. It may have been a bunch of hillbillys making moonshine back there in the woods and thought the census worker was a 'revenuer'?

    Nope, I think this is what it looks like. Some mentally ill Rush/ Glenn fan decided to take some action.

    This could be the beginning of something very ugly.

  7. cooper10:47 PM

    Rachel Maddow says the guy was a single father with 2 kids, worked 2 jobs to get through college to become a teacher and had survived a bout with lymphoma. He doesn't sound suicidal to me. Time will tell.

  8. Anonymous10:53 PM

    No doubt this was done by black Obama supporters.

    After all, this is Obama's America.

  9. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Giving the day the authorities found the body 9/12, the same day as that event in Washington with glen Beck. The word fed written on the body suggests home grown terrorism. The crime seemed to occur in Kentucky and that it was not brought national attention until today means that it is a homocide investigation. I think the crime is about anti-government sentiment, and the feds are still involved.

  10. Anonymous11:54 PM

    I checked out some local websites on this and one guy claimed he knew the people who discovered him. He said the body was stripped naked and that a census pamphlet and some material on Obama was taped to his body. I don't know if it's true but the guy was right about other stuff.

    Also, the body was discovered in an area of the park that isn't forested. It's not far from the road, has a picnic area nearby and is visited by park workers all the time who have an office also not too far from the site.

    Although there's a lot of drugs in the area, you don't hang someone unless you want attention. You can find all kinds of ways to hide a body in rural areas but this body was meant to be found and meant to make a statement. I would be VERY surprised if this doesn't turn out to be a political killing.

    These people have made it clear that if you're not on their side then you're the enemy. In their minds, white folks voting for Obama are the same as black folks. How appropo then that they start by lynching this white man the way they used to lynch blacks. Democrats and folks on the left of all colors have just been sent a huge message that we ignore at out own peril.

    This is the Knoxville Church Shooting all over again. If these deranged assholes can get to "the leaders" then they'll take out the rest of us or as Adkisson called us "the footsoldiers of the liberal movement."

    Just like before hate radio and hate tv are linked once more to political violence and murder.


  11. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Correction: That's "...*can't* get to the leaders..."


  12. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Really now, one could've taken one look at this guy and tell he was a fake, from the moment he walked through those doors.

  13. killer are just heartless, they are animal it also scared me lot

  14. Repugnicants are seeing our next census as some kind of power grab by President Obama.

    I believe we'll find this incident to be a shot across the bow, a clear signal that some are going to sabotage government counting folks this time around.

    I hope I'm wrong.

  15. Sounds to me like he was mistaken for an undercover fed narc or ATF

  16. Mack Lyons3:43 AM

    "It may have been a bunch of hillbillys making moonshine back there in the woods and thought the census worker was a 'revenuer'?"

    Same thing I was thinking. You'd never know what could be going on up in them woods.

  17. "Really now, one could've taken one look at this guy and tell he was a fake, from the moment he walked through those doors."

    A fake what? I didn't know that census workers went undercover. Maybe they need to in the age of Obama.

    j. and Monie I hope you too aren't right. :(

    Anon 9:54PM, I know this isn't the climate, but can we at least acknowledge that ACORN has done some good things?

  18. This is most disturbing and sad.... If this indeed turns out to be a political killing, I sincerely hope that those that have been dialing up the rhetoric of hate and fear will back it down, although I sincerely doubt it.

  19. It's sad that he's dead and his two kids are left without a dad.

  20. The funny part about this ACORN faux-gotcha is the fools on Capitol Hill calling for retraction of funds. They may have left their resolution too open ended that could also bust some of these "bigger fish" contractors and their obviously more serious infractions. All over some silly pimp & ho show!

    As for the census worker (if the story is true), there's always that 2nd amendment those wingers always cling to that can counter that mess. Folks should know their methods, expect the worse in these backwooders, and stand firm while getting the boots ready for some butt insertion. Tree-huggin' and "green" mentality isn't my version of a response to ultra-right wing nuttery. Enough of that bi-partisan mess!

  21. Tree-huggin' and "green" mentality isn't my version of a response to ultra-right wing nuttery. Enough of that bi-partisan mess!

    CHURCH!! Make no mistake that just because the media color liberals with a very narrow paintbrush as being "green" clean air loving, 'can't we all get along' Dudley Doright pacifists doesn't take away from the fact that liberals were the ones back in the 60s/70s that stayed in the streets raising hell, but then that was when people were compelled by a cause to where even their own lives didn't matter but now who needs a revolution when you got the internets , fantasy football and people more worried about missing ' dancing with the has beens?' by the day?

  22. ditto fn!

    this murder is senseless and i hope the moronic killers pay quickly!

    bright side? = the census may now be hiring nationwide?

    why would any census employee risk death now?


    re: black helicopters

    when ice cube and the rappers sing about "ghetto birds", they never get dissed like the "rednecks:...

    see proofs of conspiracies here:

    and, do not sleep in "REX 84"!

    The following quotes are taken from Black Helicopters Over America: Strikeforce for the New World Order by Jim Keith:

    “The secret government plan dubbed Operation Rex 84 came into being at the confidential orders of President Ronald Reagan, and authorized the setting up of at least 23 huge American concentration camps (or “emergency detention centers”) ...During the summer of 1993, residents of Midtown Atlanta, Georgia were shocked in the early hours of the morning as three military helicopters came churning through their high-rise condo canyons....Special Operations Command units conduct urban-training exercises abut four times a year...During the latter half of 1994 alone, hundreds of reports from all over the land of these ominous black craft have been circulating..."

    truth is INFINITELY strangER than fiction


    re: acorn

    it takes only one bad apple...

  23. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Fake pimp, YES...Fake hoe, hmmmmm.

  24. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Is there anyway we can paint this cracka black so we can holla "RACISM"?

    Are you really saying that the Philly division of ACORN only breaks the law for genuine pimps and hoes?

  25. uptownsteve9:59 AM

    They can't send a more clear signal.

    In the last 40 years any Democratic President provokes the anti-government extremists to action.

    During the Clinton administration Randy Weaver, Eric Rudolph and of course Tim McVeigh resorted to violence and terrorism against the federal gov't.

    A black liberal President will likely send them over the edge.

    Get ready people.

  26. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Fake pimp, YES...Fake hoe, hmmmmm.

    - Mr. R(acist)/Frank

    ..and yet its the ritz who goes down! Somebody get limbaugh or the NAAWP!

    The times sho are a changin! LOL!

    HA HA!!

  27. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Psssst Field...
    Kentucky fought on Y'alls side in the War of Northern Aggression, Google that Shit..
    And yeah, they had Slaves, just like Maryland, Missouri, and DC..
    Y'all got more to lose from big Government than we do, Google "Tuskeegee Syphillis Study" sometime...I love Google
    It ain't white fokes givin y'all the HIV-ie...


  28. Anonymous11:22 AM

    field negro said...
    "Really now, one could've taken one look at this guy and tell he was a fake, from the moment he walked through those doors."

    A fake what? I didn't know that census workers went undercover. Maybe they need to in the age of Obama.

    I was making reference to the fake ass pimp at Acorn. This is what you get when you lump to different story together.

  29. Well, one thing's for sure: they can't say that he was killed by a Black man, persons, or people. The only Black person in Clay County Kentucky or the Daniel Boone National Forrest is hanging from a tree and probably has been since the early 1900 to act as a reminder.

  30. Shabazz11:38 AM

    He's white. No one's gonna care about a white lynching...

    I know I don't!

  31. Oh yeah, Field?

    Obviously youse people in Philly have an aversion to this country's current post-racialness. So what if white men are now coming out the closet as pimps and not waiting for Halloween parties. No seriously, today we have white GOP rappers. Why can't we have white pimps?

  32. Anonymous11:51 AM

    "Going to be a minority" whites have been a minority in the A-T-L since back before they named the worst parts of every major american city after Martin Lucifer King...
    No, its not what the Georiga Lotto Megamillions is up to, Thats how many future Dr. J/Michael Jordan/Tupacs?Beonces have been aborted this year, the vast majority by Evil White Doctors... works out to bout' 1452/day, you do the math, oh thats right, you can't...
    just means that in the 5 minutes it took me to type this another 15 potential Kanye's went into the suction cannister...

    God Bless Roe v Wade...


  33. Anonymous11:55 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    During the Clinton administration Randy Weaver resorted to violence and terrorism against the federal gov't.

    What violence did Randy Weaver resort to during the Clinton administration?

    Maybe if Democrats wouldn't be threatening to take away people's rights their wouldn't be so much hate towards the federal gov't.

    I mean, Obama hadn't even had a chance to give Michelle a good post-election fuck before Democrats went on tv talking about taking away people's rights.

  34. uptownsteve12:03 PM


    Rednecks and their guns.

    Must be compensation for small dicks.

  35. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Home boys and their guns, must be compensation for small brains.

  36. uptownsteve12:12 PM

    I'd wager on who had the higher IQ.

    An inner city drug dealer or some toothless trailer park meth addicted goober screwing his sister.

  37. Anonymous12:13 PM

    What's the difference between the two Steve? The difference is that the inner city drug dealer does far more damage to his OWN community than said hillbilly.

  38. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I think it's about time white people learn what it's like for us in the South.

  39. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anonymous said...

    I think it's about time white people learn what it's like for us in the South


  40. uptownsteve12:26 PM

    "What's the difference between the two Steve? The difference is that the inner city drug dealer does far more damage to his OWN community than said hillbilly."

    The hillbilly meth dealer?

    How so?

  41. One thing we can be sure of: The wingnuts like Michelle Bachman, who was advocating non-compliance with the Census, will sanctimoniously deny any connection between their overheated rhetoric and violent acts like this one.

  42. Anonymous3:12 PM


    "Anon 9:54PM, I know this isn't the climate, but can we at least acknowledge that ACORN has done some good things?"

    Why don't you do a post about the "good things" ACORN has done? Because a lot of people don't know what that "good" is/was. All many know are the slimy crooked crap they have been doing in places across America, which has proven what the GOP, Rush, Beck and others have been saying.

  43. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Shabazz, "He's white. No one's gonna care about a white lynching...

    I know I don't!"

    everyone knows you don't.

    you love to hate whites and wish there were more on earth for you to hate.

    you have been cursed with a hateful miserable life.

    how pathetic!

  44. Anonymous3:24 PM

    This man was LYNCHED!!! now I have never heard of a White man being LYNCHED in America!!! and if they were it was done in secret!

    Now some of you Black people seem to be taking this lightly, but, the reality is, the word Hanging and Lynching is associated with Black's, in the past our people were the recipient's of these type's of Crime's! so if these people will not hesitate to LYNCH one of their own people, then what message are they sending to African American's, this go's deeper than the President!

    This crime should fall on the shoulder's of Alicia and all the other Obama Hater's, for they have managed to bring forth a Spirit of Demonic Activity that is beyond, anything that I have witnessed in my Fifty some Year's of living!!! and to top it off, a Black Woman is one of the Culprit's! that being Alicia!

    Alicia if anything were to happen to the President, the Blood will be on your HAND'S!!!! MR.R if anything were to HAPPEN to the PRESIDENT the BLOOD is on your HAND'S!! and this go's for all the rest of you Anonymous Race Baiter's!!!! you are causing Discord in the Land!!!!!

    Now I don't know who any of you people are but, you are driven by Demonic Force's!!! in other word's you are Filled with UNCLEAN Spirit's!!! you see, you are the people that keep me Praying for the Land and the President's safety, you are the people that, could care less if it is a Race War!!!! but, I am one of the people, that has to Tear down and Destroy each and every thought and word that you put in the Atmosphere! and God only know's what you people do in secret!


  45. No way, how terrible is that? I hope the FBI can get more details. That word FED scrawled on his chest is gruesome. What kind of person would do that?

  46. assnon:

    the haters you slander
    voted for obama you fool!

    your delusions about racism
    will do nothing to protect you or obama from his own gwb cloned/escalated evil deeds...

    if voters had jobs, food,
    and homes, they too would be as elated and adoring as you curiously are....

    obama is not hated because he is 50% black...we hate him because he is 100% elitist and warmongering, just like his mentor gwb!!!!

  47. Anonymous3:42 PM

    This man was LYNCHED!!! now I have never heard of a White man being LYNCHED in America!!!

    Really? I'm under the impression that almost 1/2 of all lynching victims have been white

  48. assnon:


    the only thing more repulsive than obama nazis who say:

    "you must adore obama because his dad is black!"

    are those rabid fools who say:

    "you must adore obama so he will not get shot!"

    both "arguments" are equally masochistic and moronic!

    i will love obama ONLY when he deserves it...unlike u

    until then:

    do not waste your time blaming me for obama's own political suicide as he breaks ALL of his promises to voters...

    and stop fretting over what the secret svc is paid to do!!!
    let them earn the pay they will never share with u!

  49. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "This man was LYNCHED!!! now I have never heard of a White man being LYNCHED in America!!!"

    Read American history. There you will find white men lynched.

  50. assnon:

    millions of black men and women have stopped gulping obama's gray kool-aid

    you should really stop swilling the stupid serum too!

  51. assnon:

    back away from the religion of obama

    his yellow skin is not the sun
    he is not your god!

    wake up!!!

  52. fn:

    those black helicopters/ghetto birds are headed to pa.

    watch those skies!

  53. assnon:

    nothing is as "unclean" and "demonic" as poverty, ignorance, elitism, your hypochristian arrogant ignorance etc....

    "what we do in secret"???
    why pray tell are all you holy fools ALWAYS obsessed with what others do privately/sexually? are your own vapid pvt/sext lives so damned boring???

    how dare you act as if mr r. and i are not JOINED BY INCREASING MILLIONS daily as obama earns every iota of our HATRED...just like obama nazis like you do!!!

    do not dare slander and police me!

    reserve your horridly limited mental energy to educate and save your silly sorry suicidal self!!!!

  54. From Wikipedia "Between 1882 and 1968, the Tuskegee Institute recorded 3,437 lynchings of African Americans and 1,293 lynchings of whites.[1]"

    Or 37.6 % approximately of all lynchings were white.

  55. @Lady-Cracker

    Yeah but... there is a difference between a lynching and a hanging. I'm pretty sure in most cases Whites were hung as opposed to Blacks being lynched.

    Although in the case FN is talking about it sounds like a lynching.

  56. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Abbee Lee, this was done by People! and like i said before, it take's a certain Mindset to Lynch a Human Being, and trust me, since I have been reading this Blog and commenting, I find that it is people such as Alicia, that will not have a Problem with standing back witnessing a Human Being being Lynched! she remind's me of the White Woman that would Cheer their Husband's on as they Hung and Burned Black's!

    Now Alicia may be a Black woman but, she is the type of woman that has developed a Subhuman Nature along the way! in other word's, she has picked up certain trait's that are unbecoming in Black Women! I don't know when and how it happened but, a certain Spirit has attached it self to Alicia, now I will not Call that Spirit OUT yet!!!


  57. Anon 3:24, the only "demonic forces" around here are whatever ones made you unable to use an apostrophe correctly. Here's how it goes: Yes for possessive ("This is field's blog"). No for plural. ("There is only one field, but there are millions of blogs.")

    You're welcome.

    Now, as for lynchings, someone correct me if I am wrong but isn't a lynching a murder committed by more than one person, usually a crowd, for the purpose of not simply punishing someone but to send a warning to a whole population?

    Until the full details come out on this one, we're not going to know if it qualifies as a lynching. But the idea that blacks are the ONLY ones who were ever lynched is, not to put too fine a point on it, the stupidest fucking thing I've heard today.

  58. assnon:

    got glasses????

    i was one of the first posters to lament this murder today

    so what are you moronically ranting/preaching about????

    an evil fool like you "calling out" an "evil subhuman spirit" is dually redundant and masturbatory!
    spare us all herein!!!

    psychotic amoral church niggers like you reek in the nostrils of god with a stench that is putrid and colorless!!!

    nothing is as subhuman as HYPOCRISY & IGNORANCE!

    your brain is glaringly smaller than that of any animal!

  59. assnon:

    it always clueles evil foolish sheeple like you, who need to be taken out, who are always harping hypocritically about "calling out" others...


    "i see YOU" getting dropped!!!

  60. assnon:

    while you are playing preacher,
    remember that nothing is as unholy as the elitist global sins of your god obama....u blaspheming bufoon!!!!!!!

    Here are a few excerpts from “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches”:

    “There is a striking irony that African-American Christians are so uncritical of Paul’s writing about homosexual activity but have maintained a critical attitude or simple rejection of Paul’s instructions on slavery.

    African-American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time, they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’

    …what is perceived as natural does indeed change over time.

    ...'love the sinner, hate the sin'. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes.

    I regard sin as those behaviors that violate, destroy, and abuse our fellow human beings and our relationships with them. In this respect, homosexuality does not belong in the category of sin any more than heterosexuality does.

    Much of black heterosexuals’ antihomosexual sentiment exists as a means of countering the perception of black sexuality being perverse…

    …we know that lesbians and gays can and do reflect the same Christian moral character found in heterosexuals.

    …most gay men and lesbians were not raped and are not rapists.

    No reputable scientific study concludes that homosexuality is a choice and can be overcome.

    …black Christians will recognize that the mire of homosexuality debates threaten our measure to be faithful Christians for the poor, the infirm, the imprisoned, and those suffering from violence."

  61. assnon:

    are you a good "black woman"/good wife?????

    i am a feminine african queen who is indescribably proud to be a lesbian and NOTHING like you!!!!

    i am more woman than a gaybashing shrew like you will ever be...

    your buybull "calls out" ideal "women" too!

    "Black people brazenly ignore their bibles completely unless they are referring to homosexuals. Black people who dare to order homosexuals to obey nonexistent biblical marital laws for homosexuals simultaneously disobey biblical laws that order married heterosexuals as follows:

    Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one
    man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)

    Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in
    addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles

    A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If
    the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)

    Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden.
    (Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)

    Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the
    Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be
    construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)

    If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the
    widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately
    does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
    otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10;
    Deuteronomy 25:5-10)

    Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew
    5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)

    Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10)

  62. field negro said...
    "Really now, one could've taken one look at this guy and tell he was a fake, from the moment he walked through those doors."

    A fake what? I didn't know that census workers went undercover. Maybe they need to in the age of Obama.

    I was making reference to the fake ass pimp at Acorn. This is what you get when you lump to different story together."

    Anon, you are right. I stand corrected.

  63. i knew that white people had been lynched, but they weren't lynched for their race, or if they were, it was because they were race traitors most of the time.

    most lynching in the US were Black people, and white race traitors.

    here's one link.

  64. Anonymous6:14 PM

    "What's the difference between the two Steve? The difference is that the inner city drug dealer does far more damage to his OWN community than said hillbilly."

    The hillbilly meth dealer?

    How so?"

    Drug offenders made up 37% of prison population,which represented the largest source of jail population growth between 1996 and 2002. (probably higher now.)

    And you take into account The prevalence of imprisonment in 2001 was higher for
    -- black males (16.6%) and Hispanic males (7.7%) than for white males (2.6%)
    -- black females (1.7%) and Hispanic females (0.7%) than white females (0.3%)

    Then you would except that drug dealing in black community has an outsized effect on said community, if for no other reason that it puts large numbers of black men in prison.

    (stats are from Bureau of Justice Criminal Offender Statistics.)

  65. the wm matthew shepherd was lynched!!!

    I disagree. What happened to him was horrendous, and chilling as all hell, but I don't think it can be called a lynching.

    The dictionary definition of lynch is "to put to death by mob action without legal sanction." Shepherd was killed by two dirtbags. It was a hate crime, but I don't think two people qualifies as a mob.

    My own view of lynching is that it takes more than a mob. To me, there has to be an intention, which can be implicit, to send a larger message.

    I don't think Shepherd's killers were trying to warn the homosexuals of Wyoming. I really don't. It was a thoroughly disgusting crime, but not a lynching in my book.

  66. grinder

    i disagree

    it takes only one person to hang/kill another

    a lynching is any public execution/slaying

    justin t lynched janet j by pretending he was innocent in exposing her breast...

  67. grinder

    clarence thomas dared to claim a "high tech lynching" when he was only honestly exposed as a racist letch in public too

  68. assnon:

    NOTHING is as UNHOLY, UNGODLY, SUBHUMAN, EVIL, IGNORANT as you and your buybull bs!!!

    I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some of the specific laws and how to best follow them.

    a) When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord (Lev 1:9). The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

    b) I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

    c) I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness (Lev 15:19-24). The problem is, how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

    d) Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?

    e) I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?

    f) A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an Abomination (Lev 11:10), it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this?

    g) Lev 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?

    h) Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev 19:27. How should they die?

    i) I know from Lev 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

    j) My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev 19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? (Lev 24:10-16) Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

    I know you have studied these things extensively, so I am confident you can help.

  69. grinder

    research matthew

    if he had been het
    he would have been robbed and beaten

    because he was gay and feared and hated and disposable
    he was robbed and slain and left to rot, tied like a scarecrow...

    that makes it a hate crime in my book

    many whites still do not see rodney king's beating as a racist act

    i do
    for the very same reasons...

    had he been white
    he would have only been arrested
    because he was black
    he was arrested and pulverized

  70. Anonymous6:48 PM

    grinder said...
    "Anon 3:24, the only "demonic forces" around here are whatever ones made you unable to use an apostrophe correctly. Here's how it goes: Yes for possessive ("This is field's blog"). No for plural. ("There is only one field, but there are millions of blogs.")"

    Now, we have a punctuation police. What's next, a grammar police?

    Your comments, under the guise of rectification, sought to ridicule.

    You understood iseeisee, despite her spelling.

    You're not standing taller for your remarks, you've shrunk a bit.

    Miss Manners

  71. alicia, I agree that it was a hate crime, but I don't think it was a lynching. There was no mob, and no one was trying to send a larger message. Please don't think this is my attempt to soften the heinous nature of what was done to the young man. I just think words ought to be used carefully, especially certain words.

    Yes, anon 6:48, I ridiculed the one poster's incorrect use of apostrophes. Someone slept through grade school English class, and it wasn't me.

  72. assnon:

    like any prez always, obama may indeed catch a cap in his bony fake clueless ass on any day...

    but stats say it will be a homeless, hungry, jobless wm soldier....who has never even met me or mr. r...

    so rather than stupidly "call out",
    CHILL OUT!!!

    you buybull toting clown!

  73. grinder

    we disagree as usual

    in a small campus town of homohating macho cowboys like laramie

    EVERY act to ANY outsider is a warning indeed

    especially the FATAL stalking/baiting/and bashing of one
    brave out gay college kid v. rabid insecure "townies"...

  74. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Police: Census worker dies of asphyxiation
    The Associated Press MANCHESTER, Ky. -- Kentucky State Police say the preliminary cause of death for a census worker found near an eastern Kentucky cemetery is asphyxiation.

    The body of 51-year-old William E. Sparkman was found in rural Clay County on Sept. 12. State police said in a statement Thursday that Sparkman was found with a rope around his neck that was tied to a tree, but his body was in contact with the ground.

    Capt. Lisa Rudzinski, commander of the Kentucky State Police post in London, says law enforcement "has not been able to rule out accidental death, suicide or homicide."

    Why is it black people are always the first to rush to judgement and the first to bicth about there being a rush to judgement?

  75. Anonymous8:12 PM

    SIGH...I am SICK of the alicia banks troll. I wish it would go away...

  76. "Why is it black people are always the first to rush to judgement and the first to bicth about there being a rush to judgement?"


  77. assnon:

    thanks for letting me know i have slain haters yet again

    i can always count on your tired selective "sighs" like boxing trainers rely on smelling salts to signal a KO!

  78. FN,
    I guess anon 7:51 thinks that one bleeds to death when they are hanged.

  79. assnon:

    black farmers "called out" obama LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago!!!

  80. Anonymous9:37 PM

    grinder said...
    "Yes, anon 6:48, I ridiculed the one poster's incorrect use of apostrophes. Someone slept through grade school English class, and it wasn't me."

    But that doesn't give you the right to correct her. It's
    small-minded and mean.

    Attack her ideas, not the manner in which she expressed them.

    I found her ideas clear, and had no problem following them, despite the misspelling.

    It appears you flunked Sunday School, slept through it, or wasn't permitted to attend.

    You would do well to learn, or remember, the Golden Rule.

    Miss Manners

  81. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Alicia Bank's, good, I got your attention, if you were to take heed to the Bible you will note that, the two blind men crying out by the side of the road represent two men living in Sin, Now, God will reveal insight to his true Servant's in different revelation, each Servant of God will give a different interpretation.

    Now in my God given Revelation, the two men can represent two men living in Sin together, take note they were crying out because Jesus was a Healer and they wanted to be Delivered! now, in my God given interpretation, these two men were Homosexual's!! and yes, Jesus had to encounter the same Spirit's that are around today!

    Grinder, you do not want to do Battle with me! now,I may not put Punctuation's where they belong but, I can put you where you belong!!! and you belong on front Street!

    Grinder, I have observed you, when are you going to step up? when are you going to See the LIGHT? for trust me, you need to be Set FREE! for you are most in need of a Spiritual Awakening! or shall I say a (Generational) liberation!

    Grinder it must be hard for you to face the fact that a White man was Lynched! now that has to be pretty hard to digest, now it is a possibility that White men Killed this man, but, I think you already know that, so you can try and find every excuse there is but, yet, we have White men that seem to be out of Control! so how will you defend that? because in observing you, I find that you are good at not facing the Truth!

    I am finished with you and Alicia!


  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. Anonymous12:59 AM

    grinder, you are really catching it tonight. Wow. Is it raining in Seattle?

  85. assnon:

    you are too GENERICALLY illiterate and ignorant to even quote any precise scriptures as i did you babbling idiot!!!

    sexuality is not a disease
    ignorance is!
    and you are fatallay infected you
    hypochristian shrew!!!

    if i dared to use a buybull as a weapon against someone who had actually read it, and that person FATALLY REVERSED that buybull upon me and SLEW me so well with my own weapon of choice, as i have slain you....yeah...i would be "DONE" too!!!

    "i see" you are you holy fool!!!

    religious fool niggers like you disgrace jesus!!!

  86. assnon:

    I love how Jesus called out hypocrites and profiteers in churches. I love how he walked among the outcasts of society. Today, Jesus would not befriend mega rich TV pastors or hang out at their fashion shows inside gilded temples. He would walk within ghettos and trailer parks and befriend heartbroken homosexuals and haggard homeless people in storefront churches and public parks.

    "For me, its just one of the great mysteries of the universe: how so many people can revere the Bible and think that it is God’s inspired revelation to his people, and yet know so little about it.
    …just as I came to see the Bible as a very human book, I came to see Christianity as a very human religion. It did not descend from on high. It was created, down here on earth, among the followers of Jesus in the decades and centuries after his death.

    In the South, it is true, more people revere the Bible than read it…For most Christians [in other parts of the world], Christian faith is about believing in Christ and worshipping God through him. It is not about belief in the Bible.

    Paul’s injunction to women to be “silent” in the churches and “subordinate” to their husbands was not originally part of 1 Corinthians 14 (vv. 34-35) but was added by later scribes intent on keeping women in their place.

    The problem is in part that the Gospels are full of discrepancies and were written decades after Jesus’ ministry and death by authors who had not themselves witnessed any of the events of Jesus’ life.

    Our very first reference to Jesus’ tomb being empty is in the Gospel of Mark, written forty years later by someone living in a different country who had heard that it was empty.

    Our first records of any of Jesus’ public miracles were written thirty-five to sixty-five years after the fact, by people who had not seen any of these things happen, who were basing their stories on oral traditions that had been passed down for decades among people trying to convince others to believe in Jesus.

    …many of the books of the New Testament were not written by the people to whom they are attributed (Matthew and John) or by the people who claimed to be writing them (2 Peter, 1 Timothy). Most of these books appeared to have been written after the apostles themselves were dead; only eight of the twenty-seven books are almost certain to have been written by the people traditionally thought to be the authors.

    Who were Jesus’ disciples? Lower-class, illiterate, Aramic-speaking peasants from Galilee… These [biblical] authors were not [illiterate]...Whoever these authors were, they were unusually gifted Christians of a later generation…A large number of books in the early church were written by authors who falsely claimed to be apostles in order to deceive their readers into accepting their books and the views they represented.

    The biblical scholars were all living in a different world from ours and reflected the assumption and beliefs of people in their world…homosexuality didn’t exist in their world. Why? Not because men didn’t have sex with men (they did) or women with women (they did) but because there was no sense of sexual orientation in that world, or any world, until the notion of sexual orientation developed among Western thinkers in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries…This is true for everything found in the Bible. It was written in a different world, a different context.

    …the Bible, after all, condemns tattoos. In the same book, Leviticus, the Bible also condemns wearing clothing made of two different kinds of fabric and eating pork. And, it indicates that children who disobey their parents are to be stoned to death…In my opinion, people need to use their intelligence to evaluate what they find to be true and untrue in the Bible.

    The profoundly Jewish religion of Jesus and his followers became the viciously anti-Jewish religion of later times, leading to the horrific persecutions of the Middle Ages, and the pogroms and attempted genocides that have plagued the world down to recent times."

  87. assnon:

    you dare to preach your senseless
    scriptureless nonsense to grinder too???

    why is it always the most LOST church niggers like you who fret over SAVING someone else?
    as if you yourself are even SAVED?

    save us from your holy bs!!!!!!!

    I love how Jesus called out hypocrites and profiteers in churches. I love how he walked among the outcasts of society. Today, Jesus would not befriend mega rich TV pastors or hang out at their fashion shows inside gilded temples. He would walk within ghettos and trailer parks and befriend heartbroken homosexuals and haggard homeless people in storefront churches and public parks.

    Intelligent pastors encourage believers to become biblical scholars. Ignorant cowardly pastors encourage illiteracy so that they can control the limited minds of their moronic flocks. Do what Jesus would and read: JESUS INTERRUPTED – REVEALING THE HIDDEN CONTRADICTIONS IN THE BIBLE (AND WHY WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT THEM) by Bart D. Ehrman.

  88. Shabazz12:17 PM

    everyone knows you don't.

    you love to hate whites and wish there were more on earth for you to hate.

    you have been cursed with a hateful miserable life.

    how pathetic!

    I don't care!

  89. shabass:


    as usual, i have absolutely no idea what you are ranting about...

  90. Shabazz12:52 PM

    Not about you this time flea, ao shut yo trap and stay in your place!

  91. shabass:

    stop playing boy

    you hate me because you know there is no place that a maggot like you can ever define or dictate for a queen like me

    you kufi clad court jester!!!

  92. Shabazz5:03 PM

    asslickling-licia, you stuptid troll bitch, nobody said anything to you.
    go back to playing with your dildo you bullydike bitch

    (btw)- nice promo job boy.

  93. shabass:

    say wha????

    again -you are a goon speaking greek to me

    castrated morons like you play with dildos because you need them...i do not

    your vulgar obsessions with sex acts reveal your own lack of sexual action


    your very own twisted germy sex starved fantasies are showing yet again...ick!!!!

  94. Anonymous8:27 PM

    ab "sexuality is not a disease
    ignorance is!"

    Yes, ditto! I love your comebacks, they are so beautiful.

    ab-"you kufi clad court jester!!!"

    ROFL. You describe him so perfectly and with such brilliance.

    ab, I am so glad you are on this blog. You bring an energy, strength and intellect unmatched by anyone.

  95. People, people! Can we at least agree that there is nothing wrong with playing with a dildo?! Except in Alabama, where they are illegal. And that, I presume, is the result of the efforts of the wood carvers union.

  96. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Definitely, a lynching. They stripped him naked. The rumors are confirmed. There's no way 1 person carried this out.

    They gagged him and slowly executed him -- likely in front of a group.


  97. anon:


    i love u!


    to each their own

    what is VERY wrong is how sexually clueless, misogynist clones of shabass, with their cramped weary wet fists, brazenly ignore these truths:

    most women do not have vaginal orgasms!!!

    authentic lesbian sex never engages dildos!!!

    most lesbians do not own/need dildos!!!

    like viagra, het couples buy most dildos!!!

    millions of impotent/wise het men pratice lesbian sex with their wives/lovers/mistresses...and become BETTER lovers:

    when sexual morons like shabass spew such vulgar and arrogant sexual ignorance, they are ONLY accidentally bragging about their very own boring, shafting, prematurely ejaculating sexual ineptitude!!!


    kufi clad court jesters think they have jokes, even as they have no idea that they ARE jokes!


    run and buy that book above now!!!

    and some slow rolling hard-up trick might just thank me for the suggestion!

  98. authentic lesbian sex never engages dildos!

    Well, then to hear my lesbian friends tell it, there must be a whole lot 'of fake lesbian sex goin' on. Each to their own indeed. Not that I'd know.

  99. trickster2068:39 PM

    That white girl couldn't wait to get into those clothes. And it is surprising that her higher education class in journalism didn't hip her to the recording laws of Maryland. She is one of the privileged--- her father is something, somebody.

    Personally, if I saw that duffy ass dude my spidey street sense would have went way up! Like he researched watching Hustle and Flow.

  100. grinder:

    "authentic" is the operative word

    all true lovers (het and gay) are infinitely creative and endlessly diverse...

    to each their own as they keep love and passion alive


  101. "As long as you're both adults, you both agree, you don't disturb the neighbors, and no one winds up in the emergency room -- and if your height is at least twice your waist size, you take videos -- then have at it!"

  102. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Just what we need: a faggot and a dyke to tell people about their sex lives.
