Friday, October 09, 2009

Guns don't kill people: husbands and family members with guns do.

I really wish racism would leave me alone. Here I am trying to enjoy a quiet evening, and here comes the son of a bitch trying to get me to chase him again. But I won't bite. Although, I must admit, that it's pretty tempting to put on the old track shoes. Police handing out KKK cards? WTF! See, this is why I don't shop at Wal-Mart.

But I am going to leave Kennett, Missouri alone. (For now) Because tonight I want to blog about the culture of guns here in A-merry-ca, again. I know I told someone in the comments section yesterday that I was going to leave it alone, but I can't. This story is too compelling.

And before I get to the actual story let me me give you this little gem: Last night there were two (yes I said two) murder suicides in our fair city. One victim was a 90 year old and the other was a victim of domestic violence. I suspect, that in both cases, a lawfully owned firearm was used. One of the tragedies of guns in this country is that over 23,000 people die each year from accidental shootings. I bet the gun lovers and NRA types would never peddle those facts like they do the other crap that they like to try to sell to the A-merry-can public. (Guns don't kill people, people kill people...blah blah blah). The fact is that guns don't really protect you from criminals like the NRA folks would like you to believe, and if you happen to own a hand gun you are more than four times likely to be killed by one. (Kind of like the poor souls in Killadelphia last night.) BTW, this study comes from the University of Pennsylvania; that "fly by night" diploma mill whose claim to fame is that they were one of the first four colleges in A-merry-ca.
So now to the real story: Some of you might -or might not remember Maleanie Hain. She is the soccer mom who liked to pack heat while attending her kids soccer games. She became a celebrity among the NRA folks and gun lovers here in A-merry-ca, and they defended her with her law suit in her fight to be able to bear arms at her five year old child's soccer games. Well they can withdraw the suit now, because Meleanie Hain is dead. She was shot by her husband in the kitchen of their Lebanon home while her trusty pistol sat in her backpack.

"Meleanie Hain always carried her holstered 9mm Glock pistol, even to the grocery store, and was holding a rifle while she talked to someone outside her house last week..."

Sorry Meleanie, It always happens when you least expect it. I sure hope that the NRA folks send her some nice flowers.
Pic courtesy of MSNBC.


  1. How much ya wanna bet it all grew out of an argument over the meth lab in the garage? This one's got "white trash" written all over it.

  2. Using someone's personal tragedy to score some cheap political points?

    How do you think her kids and family would feel about reading this?

    Enjoy your weekend field..

  3. cinco8:15 PM

    If you feel like you need a gun to protect yourself from an ex/ or s/o never let it leave your side. What a coward this loser of a man was...

    I believe in your right to carry a gun, but you better know how to use it!

    There's no way to protect yourself from anothers' lunacy; and there's no way to make this shit end.

    In this case, perhaps there's a glimmer of hope in that the children are alive, albiet forever 'damaged' by the horror of their lives up to now...

    Too many advocating the 'right to bear arms' are ill prepared for the life altering consequences.

  4. How do you think her kids and family would feel about reading this?

    Probably not as bad when they found the body. I hope there's some follow-up reporting on this one, because I bet it'll show that the family was a real circus.

  5. Ouch. That hurt! Kennett, Missouri. Hmm, my brother lives nearby in Arkansas. He could (and does) tell some stories.

  6. Anonymous8:19 PM

    grinder said...
    How much ya wanna bet it all grew out of an argument over the meth lab in the garage? This one's got "white trash" written all over it.

    Stereotype much?

  7. Quoi de neuf (what else is new) guns,NRA,uneducated deadly mixture!

  8. Stereotype much?

    If she turns out to be a French Literature professor and he's a research biologist, and the kids are in the local Montessori School, I will happily eat crow. But I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.

  9. Plantsmantx8:23 PM

    I'm glad they killed themselves before they could kill someone else.

  10. It's time like this that I wish I had the technology to get a video capture of the clip I have from PBS's Frontline "War on poverty" series where the Klansman was rattling off about having "them" (whoever they are, but you know the usual paranoiac "them" who are to to get paranoiacs) come and grab your guns.

    You know the stuff the NRA says.

    I am mystified as to how something which was to protect me from standing armies and feared might be, in the words of Joseph Story: "At one time it was said, that the militia under the command of the national government might be dangerous to the public liberty; at another, that they might be ordered to the most distant places, and burthened with the most oppressive services" Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution 3:§§ 1195--97

    You mean like sent to Iraq and Afghanistan?

    Well, if there is a right to a gun, then there sure as heck must be a right to a nutritious diet, sanitary water, decent shelter from the elements, a safe environment, and humane medical care. Programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, public housing and food stamps are rights.

    ANy country that allows for a right to a deadly weapon, but doens't care for the basic needs of its people is fucked up.

  11. sad & silly...but that's A-merry-ca!

  12. "ANy country that allows for a right to a deadly weapon, but doens't care for the basic needs of its people is fucked up."- Laci the Chinese Crested

    Good point and co-signed!

  13. Damn!

    So much for Karma being a bitch who lives on the south-side of Chicago.

  14. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Good article I have become a recent fan of your Blog.BTW field, did you know dimewars took you off their blog roll? And that they added Sandra Rose(a house negro in my opinion). So now the blog roll is populated by sites that do nothing but diminish blacks and perpetuate stereotypes. If one was prone to paranoia one would think dimewars is a front for (as you say)republiklans.

  15. Well you know Field, they could still say that her husband was the one able to use the gun for personal protection. I'm just saying... :)

    And I won't be surprised it they weren't meth head "white trash" either. They could also be what many whites would consider a good ol "normal American" family. (Why is it that some white people always try to pawn the bad deeds over on the white trash excuse)

    Wow, Mr. R the kettle. Now picture her black, still feel the same way?

  16. La♥Incognita said...
    Wow, Mr. R the kettle. Now picture her black, still feel the same way?

    Well you know i'm not racist.You may not know that Tyra Banks is my babies mama.

    So i would feel the same way if she was any color.

    Off topic for a good cause.

    Help Barack Obama win the Heisman Trophy!

    "If you don't vote for Obama to win the Heisman, you're worse than the Taliban."---Tony

  17. No meth that we know of. Turns out he was a parole officer and had been a prison guard. Don't know what she did for a living.

    He shot her while she was webcamming with another guy. She had been planning on leaving him, and her friends in a gun-rights group knew that the marriage was in trouble and that (apparently) she had mental problems.

    There was no protection order, and I didn't see any indication that he was known to be violent. Interesting that she felt a need to take the gun to the kid's soccer game but not to wear it at home when webcamming with her boyfriend.

    Three kids, aged 2 to 10. Ran from the house shouting that daddy had shot mommy. Maybe if people like this would confine their armaments to less lethal objects, two people'd be alive today. Just saying.



  18. grinder said...
    No meth that we know of. Turns out he was a parole officer and had been a prison guard. Don't know what she did for a living.

    Are they still meth labs??? I thought most of the meth was coming from Mexico nowadays.

  19. "Interesting that she felt a need to take the gun to the kid's soccer game but not to wear it at home when webcamming with her boyfriend."

    Oh dear. grinder made a point I actually agree with. What the hell now is gonna happen to the sky?

  20. Are they still meth labs??? I thought most of the meth was coming from Mexico nowadays.

    If all the meth is coming from Mexico, then will they please put the damn Sudafed out with the rest of the medicine?

  21. pierced9:34 PM

    Those who live by the sword - die by the sword.

  22. "pierced said...
    Those who live by the sword - die by the sword."


  23. grinder said...
    Are they still meth labs??? I thought most of the meth was coming from Mexico nowadays.

    If all the meth is coming from Mexico, then will they please put the damn Sudafed out with the rest of the medicine?

    True dat....

    Saw on tv a while back were the DEA busted a shipment of crystal meth coming from Mexico.

    That stuff looked like glass.

  24. Gregory9:51 PM

    She took a loaded gun to her kid's footy match. Are the refs in that league really that tough?

    Who does she think she is, Sir Alex Ferguson?

  25. Gregory9:52 PM

    If anyone here knows where to find meth, it is probably Mr. R.

  26. cinco9:53 PM

    @ grinder LOL! I agree damn Sudafed under lock and key, with limits on how much and how often you can buy it...of course meanwhile, the deadlier drugs are easily available whereever you turn...

  27. I've been home all day with a cold and I need Sudafed

  28. I know here in CT, it's a big PITA in some stores you have to go to the Pharmacy...feel better.

  29. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Live by the gun die by the gun. It's called Karma baby.

  30. "Using someone's personal tragedy to score some cheap political points?

    How do you think her kids and family would feel about reading this?"

    Probably the same way that the kids who have lost loved ones to gun violence all over this country would feel.

    "BTW field, did you know dimewars took you off their blog roll? And that they added Sandra Rose(a house negro in my opinion). So now the blog roll is populated by sites that do nothing but diminish blacks and perpetuate stereotypes. If one was prone to paranoia one would think dimewars is a front for (as you say)republiklans."

    Anon. that's their loss.

    I co-sign with Laci as well.

  31. Anonymous10:31 PM

    @La♥Incognita -- Whiteness is such a glorious state of being that whites who don't make the cut get booted. No longer human even just trash. How sad is that?


  32. Wow, Obama wins Nobel and wingnuts heads explode. Cool, now get the troops home.

    Back on topic...this is a sad but predictbale story. Gun nuts are a hazard to themselves and others. I wouldn't trust most of them with a sharp pencil never mind a loaded 9 mm.

  33. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Guns, Guns, Guns.

    Just fantastic.

  34. I was thinking about something. She took her gun with her to the children's soccer games. What kind of role model is that? I bet she was one of those moms who preached non-violence to her children. What if her gun would have accidently went off at one of those soccer games and hurt one of the children.

    Some folks you put their brain in a bird and it'll fly upside down backwards.

  35. Thought you'd write about the Nobel tonight.

  36. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Oh God, now this. A 62 year old man mistook his fiance for an intruder and killed her the night before they were to be married. So sad.


  37. Frayboa12:26 AM

    Bob - Thought you'd write about the Nobel tonight.

    Hopefully FN is too embarrassed about that, as all Americans should be. What a joke.

  38. I know this might sound a bit crass and cold hearted but the reality is that it serves the bitch right. Let this be a lesson to all those guns-don't-kill-people-kill, heads-up-the-ass in denial mofo's out there who still think that we need no gun control in order to bring some sanity to this insane society that we live in.

  39. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Thank God this man had a gun.If not,he and his friends would be dead.

    Its sad to see Democrats wanting to take away peoples rights to own guns yet they don't want to lock criminals up.

  40. Anonymous 12:39:

    Why do people need a gun? Don't you have confidence in your police department? I mean after all, it's people like you who always brag on what such a good job they are doing when they kill innocent, unarmed black people, beat up on elderly senile women, elderly men, parapalegics in wheelchairs,and the disabled. Therefore, people shouldn't need a gun unless it for hunting and everyone that owns one does not hunt. After all, we have America's finest to protect us.

  41. Anonymous12:57 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 12:39:

    Why do people need a gun? Don't you have confidence in your police department? I mean after all, it's people like you who always brag on what such a good job they are doing when they kill innocent, unarmed black people, beat up on elderly senile women, elderly men, parapalegics in wheelchairs,and the disabled.

    Its people like you who piss and moan about the police everyday.So why do you think they are going to protect anyone?

  42. Frayboa, what's the matter? Obama Derangement Syndrome got ya down?

  43. Anonymous1:34 AM

    Another incident of bigoted stupidity:

  44. Phorcur1:36 AM

    Grinder, are you suggesting that the prez has actually done something to deserve a prize (even as tainted as the NPP is)?

  45. Anonymous1:42 AM

    So much for having the gun "for protection". I just want to know how weak the background check was to issue the gun permits in this case.

  46. Sure, Phocur. He's gotten your wingnut crowd all riled up to come right out and show how much you hate your own country and everything it stands for. That's reason enough by itself to cheer the award!

    What's really funny is that the only people who are against it is the Republican Party and the Taliban! Ha ha ha ha ha! Nice company!

  47. Anonymous 12:57:

    Yup, I sure do talk about those on the police force that are corrupt and have anger management problems and plan to continue to do that. Other than that, I have no problem with the police. In fact, one of my own children and other relatives are police. BTW, I know quite a few police as well and have socialize with them.

    Nevertheless, I don't need a gun. Nor am I on the bandwagon of NRA advocating gun ownership. But what I do advocate against is police corruption and brutality.

  48. Anonymous 12:57:

    "Why do we think that police are going to protect anyone." LOL!

    That's their job isn't it, or has their description changed to beating on senile elderly women, elderly men, parapalegics in wheelchairs, and petite young girls? The problem I have with that is that the police are hired to protect and serve with honor, courage, and bravery. It's supposed to be a position of honor. Doing those things I mentioned up above does not take any courage, bravery, or honor, it only takes a coward hiding behind a badge.

  49. Field, Thanks for deciding to post about this tragic story. I don't think it's exploitation at all, which is what I was accused of. Sadly this story illustrates what many of us have been saying all along.

    One minor quibble with your post, if I may. That figure of 23,000 accidental shootings is for non-fatal. I call it a minor quibble because when you add the fatal accidents to the suicides and murders, the number is over 30,000 a year.

    My remarks about this case drew terrible flak from the pro-gin crowd. I feel stronger seeing the same points raised by you over here.

  50. [quote]One of the tragedies of guns in this country is that over 23,000 people die each year from accidental shootings. I bet the gun lovers and NRA types would never peddle those facts like they do the other crap that they like to try to sell to the A-merry-can public.[/quote]

    Words from yet another Second Amendment Confiscator.

    Filled-Negro: If 100,000 people were ACCIDENTALLY killed by guns each you could you detail HOW THIS JUSTIFIES you Violating The Constitution Of The United States and thus taking my 3 hand guns?

    I am a BLACK MALE.
    My possession of 3 guns has NOT motivated me to kill anyone.

    The most perverted thing about your position is that logically you are arguing to the GOVERNMENT:

    "Government - My Black sons are KILLING EACH OTHER with reckless abandon. We need you, the EXTERNAL GOVERNMENT, to come into our community and make sure that guns are never allowed into the hands of my Black sons so they don't kill another person within. PLEASE HELP US because when we are left to our own devices in the streets that we now control CULTURALLY and POLITICALLY - only DEADLY RESULTS are rendered.

  51. "Hopefully FN is too embarrassed about that, as all Americans should be. What a joke."

    Frayboa,you can embarass me for a million five all day long. Your beef might be with the folks in Oslo, not his O ness.

    J, thanks for that link. All I can say is wow.

    AbdulAlim, maybe "crass" is what it takes to make some of these folks wake up.

    Bob, I might blog about the Nobel Prize later. Right now I am just enjoying watching wingnuts. :)

    Ahhh the [un]constructive one and his projection. I am still reading my post to see where I said what you accused me of saying.... nope, don't see it. Sorry. :(

  52. Another sad statistic this illustrates is the No. 1 cause of death for hetrosexual women under the age of 40 is death by men who "love them." As much as I find her gun toting behavior reprehensible, it does not mitigate or excuse the fact that a man who was her husband, the father of her children, decided that if he could not maintain control over her, she would die.
    Please do not forget that is the essence of this tragic, and too common story..... a story that plays out across race and class, fyi.

  53. If two people have reached a point where they cant get along,then someone needs to pack a suit case quick and fast.But I guess being right out weighs being righteous!

  54. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Grinder, the black community is filled with guns and violence. You previous posts show you disapprove of stereotyping, but here you go. The world will never change unless people like "them" and you start changing. The term white trash is wrong, as is nigger. Shame!

  55. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Grinder, the black community is filled with guns and violence. You previous posts show you disapprove of stereotyping, but here you go. The world will never change unless people like "them" and you start changing. The term white trash is wrong, as is nigger. Shame!

  56. Folks, I don't get this. I live in the hood and there are guns and drugs everywhere. Why you all freaking out about the gun. I don't get it. We need to clean up our own yards before we can take to someone else's. I am truly puzzled by all my brotha's and sista's comments on here.

  57. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Granny: Absolutely not, no confidence in the po po. They just lock us up and beat on us. How can YOU have confidence in them racists?

  58. My response to your post can be found here. It is quite lengthy and comments were not it's place

  59. @AbdulAlim, can you also let me know how many of the hundreds of women murdered by intimates each year also deserved it? If we knew ahead of time in which cases of domestic violence or murder "it serves the bitch right" I am sure that as a society we could allocate resources to more deserving victims with the proper political stances.

    I am always mystified when intelligent people of mostly good will seek to restrict other people's rights. Whether people like it or not, private gun ownership is not going away anytime soon. If you don't like it, work to repeal the Second Amendment. Your other choice is to not own a gun. But you don't get to tell other people whether or not they should own guns.

    This was a tragic domestic violence case. That has nothing to do with a person's right to keep and bear arms. Sadly, apparently the woman did not think that things had deteriorated to the point where she needed to keep a gun to protect herself from her husband. Even in the most bitter of arguments, how many men or women seriously think that their partner will kill them?

    As far as the Penn study that not having guns makes someone safer that is not necessarily a very convincing study or argument. If criminals are included that makes comparisons between people having guns and not having guns invalid.

    If someone were unfortunate enough to be in a Columbine or Virginia Tech situation or any other place where there is an armed insane or criminal person trying to kill you, you would want to have a gun to be able to fight back. No one in their right mind is going to say "I'm safer not having a gun".

    Why do the police and military have guns? Would the police be safer without guns?

  60. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Couldn't agree more Field,
    I don't like y'all Darkies havin guns either.
    And if the gun laws were really enforced 99% of y'all wouldn't have em.
    Oh, I could go on about how Gun Control started when y'all finally got your walkin papers..but whats the point?
    And if Enis Cosby had a gun, he'd.....
    Umm he'd probably still be dead, that Gang-sta lifestyle aint conducive to long life expectancies...


  61. @ Shady_Grady:

    Your response proves exactly my point. Here is a woman who despite having a gun could not defend herself against someone who was quicker at the draw. If there were no guns present, I would dare say it is possible that she would be still be alive. CIVILISED people have better options to resolve disputes than to first reach for a gun.
    Fact: WE LIVE IN AN EXTREMELY VOIOLENT CULTURE. We glorify and worship violence as a god and sacrificed tens of thousands of bodies that are claimed by gun violence each year at its bloody alter. As someone once said, "violence IS as American as apple pie".
    And yet we dare call ourselves a civilised culture.
    Guns are our phallic symbol and we have sucked on its tip for far too long.
    Am I sorry for what I said in my earlier comment? HELL NO. If we continue to insist on this insane pathology of worship at the alter of the gun then we deserve what we get in SPADES.
    One more thing: the only beneficiaries of this savage behavior are the corporate weapons manufactures who are laghing all the way to the bank and will step over your bloody bullet riddled ass without a seconds hesitation.

  62. [quote] Why you all freaking out about the gun. I don't get it. We need to clean up our own yards before we can take to someone else's. [/quote]


    You just introduced a construct that is mutually exclusive to many of the people you are talking to.

    If there is no UNIFYING FORCE for them to fight against - they would be forced to stand accountable for the conditions in the parcels of land where they have present control over.

    There are no places in this nation which have more "Black people being murdered" and "Black people's CIVIL RIGHTS being violated" than inside the Black Community. These communities are dominated by Progressives.

    The focus upon the GUN gives them an opportunity for transference. If they can blame the gun manufacturer or gun dealer or NRA then their PROTEST MILIEU is continued.

    IF, HOWEVER, they are ever made to do inspection about the CULTURE and CONSCIOUSNESS that affords the people are inculcated by it to HATE AND MURDER one another then their level of comfort in their own ideology will be compromised.

    They want their ideology to grow in POWER more than they seek a safe Black community.

  63. Shady Grady,
    I also saw a study which showed than in a situation like Virginia Tech, if you had a gun you might have gotten killed by the shooter or shot the other students mistaking them for the shooter. Having a gun in certain situations doesn't make you safer unless you have trained for it. If it did not, there would be no reason law enforcement or the military special forces to train.

    Having the right to carry or common sense is not synonymous. Melanie Hain's statement didn't follow the statistics only some theory. I am sure she had a six sense about the relationship with her husband. Her posturing reminded me of female blogger I read some time ago, boasting how she carried and did such when answering the door and how she and her daughter were sure not to be raped because she carried and she was teaching her daughters to do so. Where as it is more likely that a rape would be perpetrated by an acquaintance. In the instance of a date rape, would she have the gun cocked in case he crossed the line?

    I am for revisiting the second amendment. What is interesting, at the time there really weren't many laws restricting a white man's right to carry. That wasn't even an issue, even though we make it so now. The problem I see in many interpretations of the Second Amendment, is that should be no restrictions, they want guns as easily purchased as a pack of gum. I use to say cigarettes, but that has changed. I will say that the changes are needed for the children, which conservatives always make fun of that argument. 15 year olds do not have the power to brings illegal guns in to their neighborhoods, but they have the money to buy them. I think the gun lobbies are primarily responsible for the bootleggers to rule and profit off the 15 year olds.

  64. The world will never change unless people like "them" and you start changing. The term white trash is wrong, as is nigger. Shame!

    Sorry, but "these are my people," and I know of what I speak.

    By the way, on a separate issue here, guns, we as a country are long past the point where guns can be confiscated. It's a useless debate, because confiscation will never happen.

  65. Anonymous2:20 PM

    grinder said...
    The world will never change unless people like "them" and you start changing. The term white trash is wrong, as is nigger. Shame!

    Sorry, but "these are my people," and I know of what I speak.

    Your gay right grinder? How do you like when people stereotype you?

  66. @AbdulAlim
    The woman did not do anything to warrant death. I do not understand how you can say she deserved to die. That's certainly callous. The responsibility for her death lies with her husband, not with society or gun rights supporters or anyone else. For some reason anti-gun people often seem unwilling to place proper responsibility for such actions where they belong. In Oakland a man just stabbed his wife to death and another man killed his girlfriend with a gun before killing himself.

    Does that mean that knives are now a phallic symbol? Should knives be outlawed? Or maybe the problem is violent men (people)? Why is it that some men are able to own weapons and never harm anyone while others go out looking for people to hurt?

    @Hathor- I read about that study and there were some issues with it as well. Let me just say that if someone has taken the time to purchase a weapon then they should certainly practice with it. The vast majority of people , gun owners or not, will never be in a situation where their lives are at stake. But if they ever are, it is certainly better to have the ability to defend yourself and others. By definition, people are certainly more relaxed around intimates than strangers, which makes intimate violence so emotionally devastating and hard to guard against.
    I live in Michigan , which has been a "shall issue" CCW state for about eight years. People that were opposed to this issued all sorts of dire warnings of increased gun violence, shootouts in parking lots and so on. But it didn't happen. Gun violence overall dropped. Certainly there were a multitude of other factors in this but the point is that generally the sort of people that take the time to get a CCW and undertake the training are usually not the sort of people out committing crime.

    I don't think you will find many sane people that oppose going after illegal gun dealers. The problem is that there is a significant proportion of the anti-gun lobby that simply doesn't think anyone should be able to own guns. Because someone went over the edge and killed someone else is no reason to take guns away from others. As mentioned, confiscation is not only illegal but totally implausible.

    You mention revisiting the Second Amendment. I appreciate your honesty. I don't think that will ever happen though. A sizable number of Americans simply won't stand for revocation of the Second Amendment.

  67. Anonymous2:41 PM

    I bet the gun lovers and NRA types would never peddle those facts like they do the other crap that they like to try to sell to the A-merry-can public.

    blah blah blah

    Instead of blaming guns Democrats need to look at their failed programs that have caused most of the violence in this country.

    Sad to see libs use this murder to try to take away peoples rights.

    But why stop at guns?

    What about knifes?

    Baseball bats?

    When/where do you stop?

  68. Your gay right grinder? How do you like when people stereotype you?

    You will have to go to other threads and read what I've written about that.

  69. But why stop at guns?

    What about knifes?

    Baseball bats?

    When/where do you stop?

    For starters, we stop at misspelling. It's knives, not "knifes." As for the substance, the issue is how efficient the instrument is. It's a lot harder to kill someone with a knife or a baseball bat than it is to kill them with a gun. That's why I'd rather have people fighting with knives and bats. Keeps the death rate down.

  70. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Hard to kill someone with a Knife???
    OJ made it look pretty easy, and no offense, but he doesn't seem like the sharpest knife in the drawer...
    Might wanta get that AIDS dementia treated grinder,


  71. Easier to shoot than to slice.

  72. Anonymous4:01 PM

    grinder said...
    Easier to shoot than to slice.

    Its easier to poison than to shoot.A little anti-freeze does the trick.

    And theres no blood or brain matter to clean up.


  73. soon as they start making baseball bats and knives that can kill people in bunches by simply pulling your finger back I will want restrictions on them as well.

  74. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Rippa "So much for Karma being a bitch who lives on the south-side of Chicago."

    Don't bet on it.

  75. Next to the word irony in the dictionary ought to be a picture of this woman.

  76. "Anonymous said...
    Granny: Absolutely not, no confidence in the po po. They just lock us up and beat on us.
    9:01 AM"

    I have to say that I agree with you, especially, the way they've been cutting up lately. : )

  77. Eacal9:33 PM

    FN - Frayboa,you can embarass me for a million five all day long."

    That sounds like HN behaviour there, FN, real step 'n fetchit stuff.

    The prez could have declined the NPP, awarded for what the Norskis 'hope' he will do. Or do you think the prez thinks he actually deserves it?

    It also appears that Robt Gibbs lied about the nomination being a surprise. That had been published in February.

  78. Has anyone ever declined the Nobel prize? I don't mean have their name removed from nomination.

  79. Derianuc10:36 PM


    Klaatu barada nikto

  80. Undstio10:41 PM

    Hathor, btw, it's 'A Canticle for Leibowitz'

  81. Undstio,
    I knew that, but I often do that when I type. I'll change it.

  82. Even though I have read a lot of science fiction and remember the impressions of the stories and movies I like, does not mean I remember, after fifty years, any dialog.

  83. Derianuc11:09 PM

    That phrase is etched in my brain after watching that movie so many times, back when Sat Night at the Movies was the only movie in prime time.

    Spoken by Klaatu to Patricia Neal (to be repeated to Gort) in the cab. I always figured it meant 'bathe her & bring her to me'.

  84. Anonymous11:40 PM

    This lady look's Hard Core!!! and we wonder why White men are going CRAZY!!! look at the type of women they are married too!

    Now, I don't know why the President feel's as if he doe's not Deserve the Nobel Peace Prize!!!! well, He doe's!!!

    This man has to deal with a BUNCH of out of control White men, he deserve's the Nobel Peace Prize for that!!!

    He has to try to undo the damage the White man has been doing around the World! in other word's he has to Clean up their MESS!!! he deserve's a Nobel Peace Prize for that!!

    Think about it! a Black man has to be the one to apologize, for the white man's behavior! the President Deserve's the Nobel Peace Prize for that!! and he deserve's to be paid for it!!! a Million dollar's is not Enough, for the work that is before him!!!


  85. Anonymous12:25 AM he cleaned up shitcogo oh no wait that where they beat thier honor students to death?

    or clean up the likes of the dallas city hall elected officails all blacks that were just found guilty of robbing the public of millions....

    or cleaning up all the lives ruined by all the black men abandoning thier families....

    damn just watch Cops 90% of the shitholes arrested are black men!

    so what is he cleaning up !?!?!

  86. Anonymous12:48 AM


    According to the site there have been six people who declined the prize.

    Le Duc Tho refused the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973.

    The others were in chemistry, Physiology and literature in different years.


  87. Anonymous1:07 AM

    @Field -- You're more than welcome for the link. I'm just sad to see such a preventable and tragic death. The description of that man bawling as he spoke to 9-11 was heart wrenching. Another needless death.


  88. "so what is he cleaning up !?!?!"

    I wish he was cleaning up Wall Street greed which costs us TRILLIONS and the Iraq War which costs us more TRILLIONS. Why do you want to focus on the small fry and let the big fish off the hook just because they lack color?

  89. Anonymous5:41 AM

    A gun won't save your ass if the other guy shoots first - as Melanie would tell you
    if she could .

  90. "Her husband was a parole officer in Berks County and a former prison guard at the State Correctional Institute in Camp Hill. He also had worked part-time for Lebanon County Central Booking."

    Yes, gun ownership should be restricted to properly vetted government employees. Obviously we'd all be safer if that were the case...

  91. He shot her while she was webcamming with another guy. She had been planning on leaving him, and her friends in a gun-rights group knew that the marriage was in trouble and that (apparently) she had mental problems.<<

    If she had "apparent" mental problems, I'd like to know how she legally could possess a gun.

  92. Words from yet another Second Amendment Confiscator.<<

    Constructive Feedback:

    No one is talking about taking handguns and other firearms away from anyone.

    The discussion at hand about about gun control, which is a lot different than some governmental entity literally taking out of the hands firearms belonging to hunters, gun enthusiasts and other law abiding citizens.

    That said, I really would like to know how a woman with mental problems was able to legally have access to a gun.

    There should be controls over who is able to purchase firearms. The mentally ill and felons, by law, are not to have possession of them. Yet, you have the nut in the Virginia Tech case being able to have access to deadly weapons and shops like Badger Gun in West Milwaukee that turns a blind eye to "straw buying" weapons (the practice of legally buying a gun and turning it over to a felon who is unable to do so). Not surprisingly, Badger Gun has the dubious reputation of being number one in the country for selling firearms that were later used in crimes.

  93. @AbdulAlim, can you also let me know how many of the hundreds of women murdered by intimates each year also deserved it? If we knew ahead of time in which cases of domestic violence or murder "it serves the bitch right" I am sure that as a society we could allocate resources to more deserving victims with the proper political stances.<<

    You have got to be kidding. It served the bitch right, as you put it, could apply to the woman who didn't get dinner on the table on time or got a beating because some guy looked in her direction. No one has a right to beat up or kill another person because "the bitch deserved it."

    I can only pray you have no woman in your life. If you do, I will pray for her.

  94. It's a lot harder to kill someone with a knife or a baseball bat than it is to kill them with a gun. That's why I'd rather have people fighting with knives and bats. Keeps the death rate down.

    Knives and bats also have another, primary purpose. While either may be used as a weapon to injure or kill someone, that it not the intended purpose of these utensils. You can't say the same for a gun.

  95. Wow I missed this news item. Bitch deserved to die. I do not feel sorry for her at all. She was seeking publicity and will find it six feet under. Hope the nra will send a nice floral arrangement for their dead poster child. Mr. FN, please block idiots from planet wingnuttia like from mr.r from posting ignorant comments on your great blog, Damn! I had to curse. Keep up the great work.

  96. DuchessDee6:09 PM

    My heart goes out to the children. Who lived in this horrific house. They were ridiculed by their peers when their mother began to walk around with her gun in public but also were coward when their parents would argue in the home.

    How will the story end for them. Will this cycle repeat itself? Will they grow up in domestic volience, will they also carry guns on their hips. I am concerned for them.

  97. @Sharon:
    I am quoting from AbdulAlim's comment:

    "I know this might sound a bit crass and cold hearted but the reality is that it serves the bitch right."

    I don't believe that. I think the comment is crass. I was being sarcastic in my response but I really would like AbdulAlim to let me know ahead of time which murders I shouldn't be concerned about. So I think your response is directed to AbdulAlim, not to me?

  98. If someone has no criminal record and is not currently in a mental institution, theoretically how would society prevent them from purchasing a gun? Should anyone that's ever had issues be permanently barred from possessing firearms? Do we want everyone's medical history to be available to the gun industry and the state? Should someone that was treated for depression growing out of a domestic violence situation be forever prohibited from owning firearms?

    There are lots of people that in my opinion shouldn't own guns. But because I think they are disturbed or irrational is not a legal standard by which to prevent their ownership.

    A gun is the most effective means of self-defense. It's an equalizer in a way that a knife or a bat may not be.

  99. So I think your response is directed to AbdulAlim, not to me? <<

    Like the kids say, "My bad." So noted. :-)

  100. Anonymous8:00 PM

    live by the gun...

  101. Field,

    You continue to reach by using the most extreme examples to support your anti-gun position. There will always be these idiots who misuse firearms. This husband and wife were a mess....and probably a joke in their community.

    Meanwhile, you think the criminals will somehow put down their weapons, stop their killing, stop their robbing, stop their home invasions, their rapes, etc.... based on some gun control fantasy world. It's not going to happen. The thugs and predators will always have their weapons.

    These negative stories are always highlighted by the media.... but there are legitimate examples of citizens using guns to protect themselves every day....but we don't hear those stories. They don't make CNN or MSNBC.

    I'm all for gun control....and closing the loopholes (gun shows, etc).... But I don't think you would be satisfied with that.
    You seem to want law abiding folks to be just give up their weapons, as if that's going to make crime go away. But it won't... that would only change the already lopsided balance of power to give the criminals even more of an advantage.

    I say law abiding citizens deserve a fighting chance.

  102. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Our society and culture have depended upon and revolved around the gun since day one, and it's finally come home to roost--in many of our streets, homes, barrooms, and parking lots, mostly among people who know each other and have long-standing vendettas going on between them.

    The woman's death is tragic and unfortunate, but I'll say two things:

    First, she didn't sound any too stable herself, if the fact that she carried a loaded gun to the grocery store, to her young kids' soccer game, etc.

    Secondly, I agree that had there not been firearms present, she'd undoubtedly still be alive today. The presence of firearms makes killing and adverse life-altering events much too easy, imho.

    Thirdly, the loophole that allows just anybody to walk into gun shows anywhere in the country and purchase a firearms, with no background checks, waiting periods, or anything, needs to be closed right away!

  103. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Saying that guns dont protect people is like saying money grows on's bull shit. My sympathies to the womans family. as a friend to those who have commited suicide and a friend to many whose parents have commited suicide they could have done it with a bottle of bleach or brake fluid, just so happens guns are very simple. Oh and to "the angry independent" if he didnt shoot her he would have stabbed her with a kitchen knife which do you prefer?...or he could have beat her with a lamp. yall remember that man that was killed by a crazy man, him and his whole family, well how much do you wanna bet that right in that moment he was wishing he had a 45. and new how to use it. oh and if i walked in a texas school and were intending to shoot somebody i would be met by a dozen teachers pulling every kind of pistol you could imagine on me. all the wrong people are going to always have guns thats why all the right people should also have a gun so they dont become the victum. If you take the guns away from the people the honest people turn then in and the criminals keep them. come on folks put 2 and 2 together. oh and as for "a merry ca" its america and no other so get it right. and as for "live by the gun die by the gun" this is true, if you go and flash your peice all around somebodys gonna notice and shoot your butt for being stupid, its like a crazy muslim extremist shooting his bullets in the air...does he think they are going to disappear into the abiss.?.? naw then come down a hit whatevers in the way with a force strong enough to kill a person. but if i carry mine in my pocket and some fool trys and rob me with a gonna make him crap his pants when i pull out my 45. and ill keep my money and my life. If you decide your gun is for protection then you are good, but if you carry with a trigger finger you are stupid and shouldnt be able to carry a fire arm.
