Friday, February 05, 2010

What happened to "Barry" Mr. President?

I won't be watching the Winter Olympics this year, because unfortunately the Jamaican bobsledding team was eliminated from that competition.

Anywhoo, tonight I want to talk about names. Yes names. It seems that the voice of the wingnuts, Glenn Beck, is at it again. This time he is making a federal case of the president's name. Apparently Mr. Beck really has issues with the name Obama, especially when my man had such a nice Christian name like Barry and ditched it. See folks, it's like this: If you are a true A-merry-can (especially one who was called to lead the rest of us) you just can't go ditching your A.-merry-can name for something so un-A-merry-can. I think they call that "nativism". But Beck and his friends are good at that. (And they call me the racism chaser.)

John Knefel over at True Slant sums things up pretty well:

"Respected race theorist Glenn Beck has made the world a better place, as he is want to do, by — wait for it — stoking White, nativist fears about our crazy black man president and his crazy black man president name. Beck, to his credit, has found what works — stoking White, nativist fear — and he has stuck with it. No point in reinventing the wheel, or, in Beck’s case, the Hood. Welcome to Barack-gate 2010!
The earnest folks over at Media Matters noted yesterday that on Beck’s ham radio program, Let’s Get Racial!, the tolerant host voiced his displeasure with this “Barack” (!?) Obama character, specifically this “Barack” (WTF!?) part of his name:

[Barack Obama] chose to use his name Barack for a reason — to identify, not with America — you don’t take the name Barack to identify with America. You take the name Barack to identify with what? Your heritage?" The heritage, maybe, of your father in Kenya, who is a radical? Is — really?"

Hmmm, "race theorist". Is that what what they are calling guys like Beck these days?

Anyway, we always knew that some folks in A-merry-ca were uncomfortable with the president's name. Mr. Beck is just now confirming it for us. And he thinks he really got his O ness with an Aha moment by uncovering what Knefel is calling "Barack-gate 2010".

"Beck has already devoted time on his show to focusing on the super-important-Arabian fact that Obama’s middle name is Hussein, but apparently the fascination with the president’s name hasn’t quite worn out yet. So, okay, let’s pick this xenophobic rant apart.

'[Barack Obama] chose to use his name Barack for a reason — to identify, not with America–'

I’m going to stop you right there. Beck bravely posits here is that there is some set of things called “American,” and that the name Barack, a resoundingly African-sounding name, is not a member of that set. This catalogue of ”American Things” is, presumably, set in stone. WOP-y names such as Giuliani and filthy-mick names such as
O’Brien have always been as American as apple pie, whereas weird names like “Barack” will never be.

'You take the name Barack to identify with what? Your heritage? The heritage, maybe, of your father in Kenya, who is a radical?'"

Well let's just go ahead and give Mr. Beck the Peabody Award for excellence in journalism right now. What an idiot.
Having said all of that, I know what I don't want to see; civil rights groups crying a river because Beck is on the radio saying what his listeners want to hear. Please get over it. The Glenn Becks of the world aren't going anywhere, so focus on mobilizing people to vote and to become more involved with the political process. Let them know that the best way to get back at Glenn Beck and other xenophobes like him is to put more people with funny sounding names or who look different than he does into office.


  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    This is funny, Field, because the most popular name according to most census records I believe is now Jose across A Merry Ca.....

    Aloha from Makaii

  2. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Glenn Beck is a piece shit, who i don't think believe half the shit that comes out of his mouth.

  3. Anonymous11:27 PM

    AND one more thing which is just killing Beck is that most of the Joses across A Merry Ca voting for BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA!



  4. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Lord, Beck is a fool. There's no such thing as an 'American' name unless you're talking about indian names in the language rather than translation. However, where it gets real fun is where he calls "Barack" an African name.

    I'll let y'all in on a secret that's hardly ever mentioned even by those of us who are in the know, because, honestly, Obama gets enough flap with his middle name: Barack isn't African. Barack is *gasp* Semitic. IOW, it's roots are in Hebrew/Aramaic and Arabic. Obama's variant is likely Muslim rather than Jewish given his father's faith but it's origin is Semitic. The Jewish variant is Baruch (meaning blessing/blessed) and the Arabic variants which also mean blessing/blessed are Mubarak (the more common Arabic version) but the Arabic form Barack is also used.

    Now given that we're a country filled with Semitic er "Christian" names like Micheal, Johnathan, Hiram, Matthew etc. Beck is an even bigger idiot. Also, since Beck's first name isn't a Semitic or Christian name he's the odd man out.

    Since biblical/Semitic names are the most popular here and therefore the most A-merry-can, I wonder why that heretic Glenn hasn't changed his name to be more American? I wonder why he wants to emphasize his non-Americaness?


  5. Trapped in SC11:43 PM

    Fuck Glenn Beck.

    Like Field said, Don't get mad, just make sure your voter registration is tight.

    But people like Beck do give us a wonderful insight into the mind of SOME white people. If they feel like this about the duly elected President of the United States, how do you think they feel about the average brotha' or sista' in an job interview, or as a doctor giving us medical advice, or as a realtor showing us homes in neighbohoods?

    But I digress, let me get back to my original thesis.

    Fuck Glenn Beck.

  6. Makaii, how are the links tonight?

    "honestly, Obama gets enough flap with his middle name: Barack isn't African. Barack is *gasp* Semitic. IOW, it's roots are in Hebrew/Aramaic and Arabic. Obama's variant is likely Muslim rather than Jewish given his father's faith but it's origin is Semitic. The Jewish variant is Baruch (meaning blessing/blessed)"

    Folks, this is why you should come to the fields, you can learn so much. Thanks J.

    Trapped in SC, why don't you tell us how you really feel?

  7. Anonymous11:56 PM


    The links all work tonight!

    But that green "Boston Tea Party" of a few days ago continues to lead me to a Blogger log in page????

    Barack explained about how his name means blessing in Arabic in his first book, I recommend that book to everyone, well worth the read. He actually wrote it himself, what an idea


  8. Anonymous12:11 AM

    @field -- Glad to be of service. That tidbit of knowledge was something I didn't dare speak of online when the election was going on. Sure, I'm a bit paranoid but the way I saw it republicans may not care about me in particular but they can turn up a search string and use google just like anybody else. When it comes election time, I'm a hardcore yellow dog democrat who won't give out an iota of information I think can be used by repubs to harm. :)

    P.S. If you're curious, Obama's first and middle names add up to blessing and handsome/beautiful so we could say he's a blessed handsome/beautiful Obama.


  9. To Glenn Beck, with much love:

  10. Trapped In SC, do you think you could do granny a big favor and retype the first line again that you typed again, sign my name at the bottom of it, and hit the publish button? Please!

  11. Field:

    Check this out. I wonder how ole Pat is gonna clean this up. Do you think he'll claim he was doing the Lord's work and trying to save those heathens over in Africa or is he the one that really made a pact with the devil? Look like he is gonna need a little saving himself.

  12. Makaii,I checked that link again and it worked for me. I will re-link it just for you.

    Speaking of links: Granny and FO, thanks for the links with your comments, I will check them out.
    Glenn & Pat, I wouldn't miss those two for anything. :)

  13. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Field... Your favorite friend Angela McGrowan spoke at the Tea Party Convention today..

  14. Gregory12:48 AM

    Beck's specialty is idiotic statements, but this one is moronic even by his low standards.

    As I've said before, in other developed nations the mentally ill are given medical treatment. In 'Mur-ka, they are given shows on Fox News.

  15. Anonymous12:55 AM

    So what's new? Beck has already accused Obama of being a racist. That is, he hates white people.

    Beck is merely taking advantage of the recent Republican polls that believe Obama is a racist and not a citizen.

    Besides, Beck will do anything for theatre drama.

  16. Anonymous12:59 AM

    I jut wonder why he took the name of the father who abandoned him instead of the family that actually raised him.

  17. Geneva Girl1:12 AM

    You've got to watch the Olympics! Jamaican skier, Errol Kerr, who is half American and trains at Alpine Meadows, is competing in the ski cross event. He is only half of the Jamaican ski team. (I can't find who the other athlete is.)

    Not only is Errol pretty good, he's also easy on the eyes!

  18. Anonymous1:13 AM

    As someone in Recovery, I never, ever wish an addict or another alcoholic to lose sobriety and go back to drinking or using (whether I like them or not)...Beck is the sole def needs to get back on the Horse...

  19. Trapped made me think of it.

    The video is a bit silly and was a tad long. You can skip to just past the middle to the more relevant part.

  20. inside the Fox asylum
    the inmates run the show
    and the word integrity
    isn't one they know

    these people are disgusting
    cronies, hacks, and shills
    they will stop at nothing
    to score their silly thrills

    glen beck may be stupid
    but let's be really frank
    in this sorry ass nation
    he's laughing to the bank

    his popularity numbers
    are almost off the chart
    boy our damn school system
    has certainly done its part

    these conservative bastards
    are all born without a heart
    they have not any conscience
    as they tear the world apart

    let us take back the asylum
    then lock up all it's doors
    throw the keys away forever
    shut down these media whores

  21. agape20101:35 AM

    Here's something for your readers FN:

    Gender: Masculine
    Usage: Biblical, Hebrew
    Other Scripts: בָּרוּך (Hebrew)
    Pronounced: bÉ™-ROOK (English), BER-ook (English), BAR-ook (English), BAHR-ook (English) [key]
    Means "blessed" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament this was the name of a companion of the prophet Jeremiah. The deuterocanonical Book of Baruch was supposedly written by him. A famous bearer was Baruch Spinoza, a Dutch-Jewish rationalist philosopher.

    Baruch is also Barak, is also Barack

    For further information on this see my other response.


  22. Nina Simone1:44 AM

    The more things change, the more it stays the same. This is nothing but white supremacy 2.0 with new tatics. It's a lot more subtle with new code words. And since things have changed quite a bit here in America, which a lot of people aren't happy about it; they don't like being censored. So they've come up with new ways to keep up with the 21st century. Not "American" enough is code for not white enough. Glen Beck and his army of listeners/followers want to perserve the status quo; which is old, white, male, & Christian. And everyone else should just know their place.

  23. agape20101:49 AM

    Here is some more info. for your readers on why the Pres. may have renamed himself (you can find out all the information in a book called "The Bible"):

    Judges 4:6
    Judges 4:8
    Judges 4:9
    Judges 4:10
    Judges 4:12
    Judges 4:14
    Judges 4:15
    Judges 4:16
    Judges 4:22
    Judges 5:1
    Judges 5:12
    Judges 5:15
    Hebrews Hebrews 11:32

    All of these scriptures tell the story of a man in the Bible named Barak. Even if you are not a believer or a Christian it is n interesting read and story.


    PS - "Glen" is not in the Bible, and from my understanding it means this:

    Main Entry: glen
    Pronunciation: \ˈglen\
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English (Scots), valley, from Scottish Gaelic & Irish gleann, from Old Irish glenn
    Date: 15th century


    : a secluded narrow valley


  24. Field:

    You got mail. I forgot to put the link in the first one so I sent a second one too. Please go read it and check out the link.

    I agree with you Nina, except for the Christian part. Them folks is no more Christian than witches and warlocks. Their full of doodoo! And some evil doodoo at that...

  25. agape20101:52 AM

    @ FineFrog:

    Loved it! You never miss do you...


  26. Agape:

    That about sums up Beck's name. For he is a barren valley and narrow-minded.

  27. agape20102:05 AM

    ^5 @ Trapped in SC...


  28. agape20102:07 AM

    @ GrannyTruth:

    how apropo that Barak means blessed and Glen means a barren narrow valley.

    If that aint the truth I don't know what is...


  29. Geneva Girl2:29 AM

    I got curious and had to find the other member of the Jamaican ski team, as mentioned in Kerr's wiki. Apparently, there isn't one. Kerr is it!

    Go team Jamaica!

  30. My mom's name is Maizie. What country is that? My middle name is Norman. I hated it when I was a kid. The name was for my dad's best friend, who had been crippled with polio not long before I was born, & who must have felt so honored, as middle names in my family traditionally come from family, & as I grew up I understood I was the one who had the honor. F*ck U Beck.

  31. anon12:59
    Barack Obama goes by the name that his parents gave him and put on his birth certificate.

  32. Filled Negro:

    Do you mind if I tell you the impact that you are having on my life?

    I wake up. Go outside of the house that I own in my suburban, conservative town to get the papers. While being indoctrinated Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and Gannett's USA Today - I browse my computer over breakfast with my wife and kids in the background.

    After browsing my own blog, going to "Booker Rising" I go to the "Filled Negro" blog.

    The "Filled Negro" blog gives us ONE thread per day. The "Self-Chumming" rate of this post is off of the charts as compared to most other "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser" blogs.

    Filled Negro's blog is the best of these blogs because he knows that his fans have a hunger that has been built up over night. They want to be fed and Filled Negro mixes up a concoction of CHUM that is flavored with the "Essence Of Republican/Conservative Flavored blood platelets" as the main aphrodisiac to the mix.

    For you, Filled Negro, I have christened an award that matches the NAACP Spingarn award, named after a Jewish man embedded within who was entrusted and loved all the while in the background he turned the NAACP's membership list over to the Feds. I present you the honorary "Filled Negro Self-Chumming Attention Redirection Award". This is given to the entrusted individual who operates within a "protected space" where he is compelled to keep the masses focused upon what HE knows that they collectively WANT to focus upon per their lusts, all the while he knows within his heart that they have far more important problems which impact them more significantly that they NEED to be focusing their mental brainpower upon.

    The winner of the inaugural "Filled Negro Self-Chumming Attention Redirection Award" presented by the "Association of Black Market-Driven Organic-Culture Progressive-Antagonists"

    You win the prize Filled Negro. You have earned it.

    It is amazing how Glen Beck and all of the White people at the Tea Party have such a gravitational influence upon you.

    We see mass conventions of Black people who gather for:

    * The Bronner Brother's Hair Show
    * The Congressional Black Democrat Caucus Weekend
    * The National Bar Association
    * The TV One After Party - after the Democratic National Convention

    and STILL these gatherings don't register upon Filled Negro as does this gathering of Whites who chose to assemble.

    You and others need to figure out what unique attribute allows these group of WHITE FOLKS that have made such a decision so threatening to you.

    I bet if I gathered up a similar amount of people from Yeadon PA into a meeting that it would not trigger a similar emotion out of you.

    It is up to YOU to figure this out.

  33. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Folks, this is why you should come to the fields, you can learn so much. Thanks J

    Thank God your readers are smart my man, they make up for, ah never mind.

  34. "and STILL these gatherings don't register upon Filled Negro as does this gathering of Whites who chose to assemble."

    Easy. Even I can figure that out. Freak shows always get the headlines.

  35. tiffani8:00 AM

    This is given to the entrusted individual who operates within a "protected space" where he is compelled to keep the masses focused upon what HE knows that they collectively WANT to focus upon per their lusts

    As a reader said a few months ago, this blog is like a reality tv show, and field is the director/producer.

    I have thought the same, FN is a master at knowing his audience and playing them in his hands. And they don't even know it.

  36. [quote]I have thought the same, FN is a master at knowing his audience and playing them in his hands. And they don't even know it.[/quote]


    As a Black man who did a research project in 2008 as I went to every "Urban Mall" in Metro Atlanta to document the "Obama T-Shirts and Trinkets" that were for sale. Where instead of the Obama campaign having to spend their campaign funds for advertising - PEOPLE WERE PAYING THEIR OWN MONEY FOR T-SHIRTS to do his advertising - I HAVE CHANGED!!!!!

    My goal is to PROFIT from this effect.
    I need to strip my JUDGMENTALISM which has caused me to miss out on this opportunity and instead GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT and are willing to pay for.

    Shame on me for allowing the Korean vendors to make big cash while I stood in JUDGMENT!!!

    I will now operate with the notion of increasing the velocity of cash within the Black community. Taking the money off of those who don't know what to do with it in a productive manner and instead apply it to investments in their own interests.

    I merely need Filled Negro to tell me the secret ingredients of his "Self-Chum".

  37. Ehhh, I thought a blog was a place where people write about whatever they want, people read it, and the exchange is opinions on the topic. I was unaware that there is a a Committee, evidently headed by UnConn, that is the arbiter of what a blogger is to write about. Silly me, I was under the impression that a blogger can write about anything he/she chooses... That the content of a blog is completely of the bloggers choosing. The tail does not wag the dog.

    Face it UnConn... your red-herring argument about Field's topics is really a raging case of jealousy that he gets so much more interaction on his one blog than you do on your five or six or however many you have. If there are topics that you think should be blogged about, then knock your silly self out... blog away... That no one wants to play with you, well, Boohoo.

  38. @Trapped:
    But I digress, let me get back to my original thesis.
    Fuck Glenn Beck.

    LOL! Perfect!

  39. maybe beck could change his name to Akbar Zib, which means biggest dick in arabic. the saudis rejected a man with this name as ambassador.

  40. Why do people jump everytime Palin or Beck comes up with some nonsense?

    Neither one is worth the breath it takes to speak his/her name.

    They are both mentally challenged (retarded) attention whores.

  41. Anonymous10:56 AM

    "Newt Gingrich for president!!
    He's no Muslim; he's an amphibian!"

  42. Geneva Girl, thanks for giving me a reason to watch the winter games. Although I am guessing that I wont be watching for long. I am pretty sure that my lone skier probably doesn't have the skills to medal.

    agape2010, more knowledge to chew on. Thanks!

    Jody, why do you even try to engage the [un]constrctive one? Although I realize that he is funny in a sad kind of way.

    Note how he brags about his "suburban" home in his "conservative" town? Listen to that Malcolm X speech again. The [un]constructive one is exhibit A of what he is talking about.
    Who cares where you live? As long as you are raising your family in the right way, and contributing to society, that is all that should really matter. But the [un]constructive one thinks it's important that we know that he lives in the burbs around conservative folks. That is, in a word, pathetic.

    "Field... Your favorite friend Angela McGrowan spoke at the Tea Party Convention today.."

    Yep, she stil wont take me up on my challenge. But I know some of her people so we will see.

  43. [quote]your red-herring argument about Field's topics is really a raging case of jealousy that he gets so much more interaction on his one blog than you do on your five or six or however many you have.[/quote]

    My Dear Jody -

    Why would you assume that jealousy is my motivation against Filled Negro?

    I have done nothing to restrict his right to express himself. Instead I sit back in amazement and watch a virtuoso at work.

    Filled Negro is the closest thing to Spike Lee's "Malcolm X" that I have ever been witness to. Where as the movie version of Malcolm X had the power to raise his hand to the group of NOI members huddled outside of a hospital in protest and get them to fall in line and exit the scene........I am working with Filled Negro to develop and direct his power likewise.

    Filled Negro has the power to impress upon a group of "young Black males" who's actions have them playing the part of "Street Pirates" and instead as he raises his hand that has an ink pen in it - he could command them to be actual builders of their community.

    As I look at the "Right Frame Hall Of Shame" I see that Mr Negro is making note that with one month under the belt in 2010, the city of Philadelphia is already 3 carcasses ahead of last year.

    We all know that Sarah Palin has not been leading any midnight raids down Wissahickon and dutifully pick off these people who now appear in the body count. Thus, Jody, I am merely challenging Filled Negro and others who PURPORT to be focused upon achieving a higher standard of living that is preceded by a higher consciousness to CONSTRUCT A MODEL OF THE WORLD THAT BETTER APPROXIMATES THE PROBLEMS WITHIN THE ECO-SYSTEM under consideration. Instead they prefer to construct one that most approximates their ideological slant.

    Get it Jody?

    Ironically I am STRUGGLING to CHANGE the "Black Establishment" just as my friend Mellaneous is struggling to CHANGE America. Except she sees America as evil and that it won't be transformed until those who conservatively hold onto the ESSENCE of America that was around during its founding RELINQUISH it.

    With me and the Black Establishment - they cleave to the founding of the Black American CONSCIOUSNESS which for them is built up SLAVERY rather than our far longer history as FREE PEOPLE from the land of our origins that were charged with fielding a CULTURE that expressed the standard of living they sought.

  44. [quote]But the [un]constructive one thinks it's important that we know that he lives in the burbs around conservative folks. That is, in a word, pathetic.[/quote]

    Filled Negro:

    Clayton County Georgia - to the north of me WAS ONCE considered a "suburban enclave" (as was Yeadon PA - no doubt). Today it is clear that the functional essence of this word is NOT defined by the proximity to the core city.

    Clayton proves that when housing policy within the core city (that is controlled by Democratic Progressives) changes and thus triggers a mass exodus to the "first ring cities" of which Clayton houses many - that the CONSCIOUSNESS of the people that is retained TRUMPS the question of the relative position of the land.

    In the truest sense of the word "conservative" - those who have been treated by more than 50 years of POLICY within Atlanta; they move out of these circumstances; yet they CONSERVE this way of life and culture, projecting it into their new abode - they TOO should be considered "conservators" of the culture that they know best and are most comfortable with.

    Thus, Filled Negro, since I don't believe that the "Negro" has any particular genetic behavioral traits (aside from Black women who don't wear their hair natural being averse to wetting it up with a mid-day swim when she knows that she has a social affair to go to later that evening ) your analysis of me is incorrect. The suburbs are NOT the key factor that we should be focusing in upon.

    Instead the question is: "Is the PREVAILING PREFERENCES that are driven by people like you actually propelling the Negro closer to a MANAGED STATE by which his permanent interests are dutifully arranged in line with where he needs them to be in order to grow and prosper?"

  45. Jody, as someone recently said about Maria, GET FIELD'S DICK OUTTA YOUR MOUTH. He is not your leader or your god and he does not need your salvation. he can speak for himself. so shut the fuck up. And I love FN and his blog, but I get sick of some of his ladies defending him.

    hope that's not too harsh, but I know I am at least the 2nd person that tires of this.

  46. Tuna.... I am speaking for myself. It is not defending Field perse.. but more the idea that a blog is the creation of the blogger and UnConn spends an aweful lot of time trying to tell Field what to write about... and that IS arrogance personified. Kinda like you telling me to shut the fuck up. Aint gonna happen.

  47. "Face it UnConn... your red-herring argument about Field's topics is really a raging case of jealousy that he gets so much more interaction on his one blog than you do on your five or six or however many you have. [...]"

    I think it interesting that the FN blog has so many comments after a post but I realize that pointing fingers at others is much more fun and self-deflecting than actually taking responsibility and seeking the TRUTH of an issue, no matter how unpalatable it may be. So much smoke and mirrors in the topics of the FN blogposts. And I have honestly never read so many self-righteous, hateful and bigoted comments in my life, as on this blog (well, maybe on Stormfront). So true whoever said "Even God fears the day when the Slave becomes the King."

    No one comments on CF's blog because he has a nasty habit of trying to write the TRUTH and backing it up with FACTS, which NO ONE on this blog seems able to do ... it is only an emotional whine-fest, a scapegoat hunt and is a fascinating insight to human psychology but when CF exposes the fact that every one finger you point at the Straw Man there are three pointing back to yourself, you cannot enjoy wallowing in your treasured Victim-Hood Status, the terrible fruit of which is that NOTHING EVER REALLY CHANGES and the future indeed looks bleak ... you set it up so that nothing can really change because the fact is ... you LIKE IT THE WAY IT IS. The FEW ELITE profit from keeping the emotion-controlled easily manipulatable gullible masses bamboozled. Toss these people a Socialist Bone, tell them you "respect" them and they are happy. CF throws all the Vic-timz back on themselves, and that's just no fun, so they all resort to silly ad hominem attacks on him. Nobody quite can respond to him and argue with him on his level of consciousness. I find that interesting.


  48. Anonymous12:53 PM

    "Akbar Zib" AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm learning arabic, thanks to maria! You just gave me the laugh of the day! Ahahahaha! That's gonna be my new cus phrase and nobody will know!! :)))

  49. CF do you have an angle
    is it acute, obtuse, or right
    your bizarre non calculations
    must keep you up at night

    this tool called the internet
    is very powerful indeed
    it helps to express feelings
    inner demons are then set free

    I see with all your posting
    you just let them demons fly
    if it wasn't for blogging
    your giant ego would up and die

    field as for your topics
    hey this is your damn blog
    if CF doesn't like it
    tell him to go and suck a frog

    hey it's not the biggest
    in Arabic that's Akbar Zib
    but just in case he dribbles
    I suggest he wear a bib

  50. Gregory1:38 PM

    You have the technology to check IP addresses. Inquiring minds want to know how many sockpuppets are being used by CF.

  51. co-sign with Jody!

    Thank you Jody for telling them what a blog is all about. I'm glad you told them because they act like a blog is for them to dictate what people should write or think. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if a person doesn't like what someone writes about then go somewhere else. No one is holding anyone hostage on here.

    Some folks sausage and eggs are over cooked!

  52. Anonymous1:43 PM

    tell him to go and suck a frog

    did you just come on to cf??

  53. "Inquiring minds want to know how many sockpuppets are being used by CF."

    Gregory, that thought has crossed my mind many times too. I'm serious!

  54. tracen1:48 PM

    No Jody, you are stupid. FN started this blog so that all can vent about anything. There are no rules, so don't try to make some up. The only rule is no censorship.

    I agree with Tuna, stop defending, shut the fuck up and write from your heart. Not what you hope fn would like to are seriously infatuated. Like a lover protecting her man.

    God, I hope you are black. Probably just another white chic, using social justice to make yourself feel better.

    FN is a good looking cat, and a good guy, and really appeals to the ladies. I am not hatin' ;) but damn, move on outta here and find a dating site or something.

    Now if your black, you can stay, but shut the fuck up.

  55. thug4life1:49 PM

    Gregory, that thought has crossed my mind...

    you don't have one.

  56. To paraphrase Al Franken, "Glen Beck is a big fat idiot" He is an uneducated, low-class, philistine or questionable breeding with an undiagnosed mental health issue. Fear not, he will have his Joe McCarthy moment one of these days. I personally am betting on calling the President a nigger on tv, which no matter how much his fans like it, would make Fox fire him and make him persona non grata with any mainstream outlet, though he could get play on some extreme fringe white supremacist outlet. If not that, then he will seriously do something so insanely off-the-chain to make himself a pariah eventually. To paraphrase that racist apologist screed Gone with the Wind, "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday"

    Oh and he looks like a haystack head.

  57. Thugforlife:

    You wish. Hahahaha!

  58. Oh and to anon whatever number, Obama didn't "choose" his father's name, it was on his birth certificate since he was the man's father and the husband of his Mother.. His mother could have changed his name when she split with O Sr, but didn't, and though you can legally change your name, most people don't even to spite their parents. My Dad didn't raise me either but I still have his last name, and so do most kids whose fathers don't raise them, as long as Dad's name was on the birth certificate and particularly if the mother was married to the man. Things are a bit different now since more mothers wed and unwed give their child their own last name or a hyphenated version of it, but in Obama and my time of birth, that was the standard. Talk about red-herrings.

    Oh and stop picking on Jody you other random new commenters. She is entitled to disagree with CF. Personally, I choose not to read his trash, or that of several other ranting trolls, but if she wants to slog through that insanity and express her disagreement or not that is her business. And no need to be vulgar and say she is sucking Field's appendage, most of what CF says, that I have read or skimmed, I find objectionable but I just don't waste my breath on him or the others, but that is no reason to pick on Jody for doing so. As you both said, CF can talk if he wants and so can Jody, until or unless Field decides to moderate comments. So why don't you STFU. Or even better, say what you want, but don't talk about others having the right to disagree with Field while trying to deny someone else being allowed to disagree with them.

  59. In my honest opinion, I believe that Beck is still on drugs. He has the dope fiend look in his eyes. We all know what it does to your brains and the egg commercial illustrated it.

  60. "Fear not, he will have his Joe McCarthy moment one of these days. I personally am betting on calling the President a nigger on tv, which no matter how much his fans like it, would make Fox fire him and make him persona non grata with any mainstream outlet,"

    LisaMJ, I disagree with you on that one. FOX would NOT "fire" him. He is too good for their ratings. He would just call Rev. Al and the the other Black race experts, apologize on his program, and it would be all good. :)

    tracen, I happen to know Jody, she is a good person with a good heart. (She does incredible work here in Philly and is a social activist of the highest order.) Having said that, there could be nothing physical between us (and I know she won't mind me saying this) because Jody does not play on my team-if you get my drift-

    Now it's Bob Marley's birthday everybody, let's show each other some love. I know it's hard, because there is an entire convention going on in Dallas now that is dedicated to NOT showing love.

  61. Anonymous2:38 PM

    well that explains that cat photo

  62. LisaMJ:

    Al Franken has LEGISLATIVE POWER.

    Glen Beck has NO AUTHORITY.

    It is interesting to see the "sliding scale" of OPPOSITION TO AUTHORITY that many of you all display.

    On the upside of the mountain you struggle against AUTHORITY that stands in your way.

    After you reach the pinnacle of POWER, with you as the ESTABLISHMENT you shirk the accountability that comes along with it - refusing to accept the blame for the continuing problems.

    INSTEAD you accept a poll of 2003 Republicans done by "DailyKOS" and use it to make the case that your enemy, the Republicans are racists and you blame them for the failure rather than noting that with 60 votes and control over the US government you still failed.

  63. [QUOTE]Personally, I choose not to read his trash, or that of several other ranting trolls, but if she wants to slog through that insanity and express her disagreement or not that is her business. And no need to be vulgar and say she is sucking Field's appendage, most of what CF says, that I have read or skimmed, I find objectionable but I just don't waste my breath on him or the others, but that is no reason to pick on Jody for doing so.[/QUOTE]


    The essence of BIGOTRY is to be able to STATE that someone is "objectionable" more than you can PROVE that this person is objectionable.

    For you - you depend upon the sentiments of FELLOW BIGOTS around you to understand you when you "wink, wink".

    I challenge you to go through my "garbage" and pick out one of those gems that you wish to tear me apart with.

    You might find that your problem is that FROM YOUR PERSPECTIVE only my views are "objectionable". Thus we need to do an inspection of you based on a more rationale reference.

  64. I get a kick out of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert kicking Beck's ass on a regular basis. Stewart does it outright and Colbert takes the disingenuous approach. Love 'em both. Keith Ohlbermann is another one who hates Beck & regularly hails him as "Worst Person in the World".

    I have tried to watch Beck but he is so insane and so awful and upsets me so much I just want to break the tv.

  65. ~
    You the one, CS, is dat you?
    ... The 40 or so visitors, most of them men, all but one of them white, were attendees of the Eighth Abbeville Institute Scholar's Conference, a four-day gabfest on the resurgent topics of state nullification and secession. At the conference, which runs through Sunday, a collection of scholars and lay folk will discuss what they see as the decided downsides to living in an imperial-minded, centralized-power-mad American Empire, one in which state's rights, personal liberties and personal connections to the land and fellow man have all but vanished. ...

  66. Trapped in SC3:22 PM

    Conservatives have this tendency to demonize non-white,non-evangelical people as “others” who aren’t real Americans.

    To this end, CF is a highly evolved species of weirdo.

    He/she/it spares no expense in telling us shiftless, brainless, amoral black folks what our failings are, whether it be the educational system, or the nature of our political hierarchy, or his unequaled ability to classify and demonize the black criminal as a monster preying upon the goodness of the white majority.

    What he always fails to do however, is to tell us what his plan is.

    I'm so glad you weren't around in 1863, because your argument would have went something like this:

    Abe Lincoln has LEGISLATIVE POWER.

    Your Master has NO AUTHORITY.

    It is interesting to see the "sliding scale" of OPPOSITION TO AUTHORITY that many of you all display.

    On the upside of the mountain you struggle against AUTHORITY that stands in your way.

    After you reach the pinnacle of THE PLANTATION, with you as the ESTABLISHMENT you shirk the accountability that comes along with it - refusing to accept the blame for the continuing problems.

    INSTEAD you accept a poll of 2003 Slaveowners done by "DailySLAVE" and use it to make the case that your enemy, the Slaveowners are racists and you blame them for the failure rather than noting that with 1500 slaves and control over the plantations you still failed.

    You should be on Stormfront. For real.

  67. Since this is the first time I've ever read this blog (Nice blog! I'll be back!), I sort of imagined what Glenn Beck would think of this blog:

    "'Field Negro'? Why can he call it 'Field Negro' and get away with it, but when I call the president a 'field negro' I get called a racist? It must mean that black people are racists... and Marxist too!"

    Glenn Beck: a bottomless well of crack-pottery.

  68. [quote]He/she/it spares no expense in telling us shiftless, brainless, amoral black folks what our failings are, whether it be the educational system, or the nature of our political hierarchy, or his unequaled ability to classify and demonize the black criminal as a monster preying upon the goodness of the white majority.[/quote]

    Trapped In South Carolina:

    Do you see the perversion of your thoughts? (Does everyone else notice that UNLIKE LisaMJ I engage the people who I disagree with. I tell them WHY they are wrong and correct/redirect their viewpoint. This is the difference between a mere ROCK THROWER who is secretly begging those who chafe their skin to SHUT UP and allow them to remain in their own bigotry versus a person who knows what he believes and can connect it to reality.)

    South Carolina:

    During the Civil Rights struggle - our people acknowledged our INFERIOR STATE and then pointed to the societal stratification that came from the FOOT UPON OUR NECKS which made us that way.

    As we fast forward to TO-DAMNED-DAY where the Negro or his favored Party has more control over the KEY INSTITUTIONS that bear upon him THAN EVER BEFORE when an "Observant Negro" like me dares to make note of how little has changed DESPITE the prevailing control that PEOPLE THAT YOU FAVOR must be noted that you have SWITCHED.

    Whereas before you blamed the operators of the system for your impotence.

    Today you ATTACK those, like me, who are observing your antics.

    You deserve a "GO SIT DOWN" for today.

    What he always fails to do however, is to tell us what his plan is.

    You sound like a friend of mine who I debated with yesterday. Despite being at the HEIGHT of PROGRESSIVE POWER in America and over the Black Community - you are forced to attempt to SAVE FACE by demanding that I PROVIDE YOU WITH A SOLUTION while YOU never are made to JUSTIFY your "solution" that is now shackled upon our collective necks?

    By the way South Carolina - I just watched "Gangland" today. They had on the "Gangsta Crip Killers" gang out of Columbia SC.

    As much as some of you are focused on the "Tea Parties" - these organized street pirates are honorary "Klansmen" per their murderous deeds.

    How do you pervertedly turn your attention from THEM and instead attack ME for bringing them up? THEY are killing Black people and selling drugs in the Black community in Columbia.

  69. @Hathor - cosign

    Obama started going by Barack when he was at Occidental and during a time in his life when he wanted to "grow up." Lots of young men do this when they enter adulthood--drop the diminutive form.

    Beck reads conspiracy into everything.

  70. @field

    The Jazz have been in Utah for a LONG time, friend. You only start frowning now?

    I concede the irony the name engenders.

  71. Anonymous4:53 PM

    TRACEN "No Jody, you are stupid. FN started this blog so that all can vent about anything. There are no rules, so don't try to make some up. The only rule is no censorship."

    No Tracen, you are stupid and need to STFU. Jody was here long before your ignorant mean ass showed up.

    No one on this blog is more dedicated to justice, fairness and equality than Jody. America and the world need MORE people like Jody, and LESS fools like your arrogant WRONG-JUDGING ass.

    So maybe YOU ought to consider leaving FN blog, and take that big-ass TUNA with you.


  72. Trapped in SC5:14 PM

    "Do you see the perversion of your thoughts?"

    Is that the best you got? Is that you "Putting me in my place?"

    If only you would debate those who really hate you with such vigor. But you won't. You're really just the worst kind of dude. A guy that loves nothing more than to take us on a tour of our failings, but can't really take his real adversaries to task. You like the guy who just bought his first BB gun and now thinks he's a sniper.

    In case you forgot, this thread was about Glenn Beck. But I bet you wholeheartedly support what he was saying.

    Not even a "maybe Glenn Beck says some fucked-up shit some of the time."

    Or maybe a "The black community has issues but so does every community."

    Or a "What the hell difference does it make what his name is?"

    Noooooo. you move into a full-throated defense of a system by blaming the victims of said system for being in that system. Are you afraid of white people? Do you feel beholden to them for letting you live in that gated community? Did a black chick break your heart in college? Seriously, man.

    You come on a blog entitled "The Field Negro" and do nothing more than spout slightly more Afrocentric versions of the types of rants that you hear on the Rush Limbaugh show. Street Pirate this, black inner city that......Jesus! All written with the type of fake erudition that one can only have when he is the probably the first person in his family to go to college.

    Stop hedging you bets, friend. Don't sit on the sidelines criticizing the black community only to come back when we succeed and say that you knew we could do it the whole time. Black Americans have arrived at this moment in time against every social apparatus and every mainstream movement trying to denigrate our achievements, destroy our men, debase our women, scandalize our leaders, and demonize our culture. The very fact that you can even have an education that allows you to be as exquisitely wrong as you are is not a testament to those bullshit social theories to claim to profess, but to the countless brown-skinned people who have been beaten, hung, chased and killed for you to have the ability to be in a position to get that education.

    Boy, I bet the guys at your office just love you.

    Oh yeah, caps lock is a noun, dude, not a way of life.

    Like I said, Stormfront is hiring. or maybe

    Take your pseudo-black ass over there.

    P.S. Co-sign on anon 4:53

  73. Anonymous5:46 PM

    CF-"For you, Filled Negro, I have christened an award that matches the NAACP Spingarn award, named after a Jewish man embedded within who was entrusted and loved all the while in the background he turned the NAACP's membership list over to the Feds. I present you the honorary "Filled Negro Self-Chumming Attention Redirection Award". This is given to the entrusted individual who operates within a "protected space" where he is compelled to keep the masses focused upon what HE knows that they collectively WANT to focus upon per their lusts, all the while he knows within his heart that they have far more important problems which impact them more significantly that they NEED to be focusing their mental brainpower upon."

    Wow, that's deep. It's scary too-especially about the entrusted Jew who was trusted by all, but was a double agent all along.

    Nah. I am sure Field is not like that. What makes you so suspect, CF? Because he is giving the people what they want?

    Is that Field's fault? Actually, I tune into FN blog to read his post, AND to read YOUR comments. IMHO, FN blog wouldn't be nearly as interesting if you weren't a regular, and I am truly grateful to you for being here.

    I am not sure, but FN blog would lose a good percentage of its audience if not for the outraged reactions to your comments.

    By any chance, are you and Field working together? God bless you, brother.


  74. Stacks6:04 PM

    Oh great, two bootlickers :(

  75. he went to Barack because it's his GIVEN NAME, you racist mofo.

  76. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Just read that if the Saints win tomorrow that Reggie will propose to beautiful sexy Kim Kardashian.

    Well, it won't happen: Colts 35 Saints 10

  77. Black Sense6:31 PM

    This why Balck folks aren' jumping on the bandwagon of Black conservatism; BC are against the minimum wage and identify more with Wall St than MLK Blvd, they don't speak out against racism which most Black people identify as an issue in America and they act as apologist for white racism, blaming the victim as you do on a dialy basis with double talk and innuendos, they believe Al Sharpton coaches Blacks to march against racism and BC attack Black ledership which bothers Black people, they are against affirmative action yet watch Republicans like Bush give jobs to inept cronies based on skin color and and self-interests, (Gee Brownie you did a hell uv a job)and Michael Steele is an affirmative action job holder, BC should stop apologizing for corporate pollution, they shoudl've spoken out against the Iraq war instead of following the Republican lead, they didn't speak-up regarding Katrina and tried to defend Bush, they don't see the need for healthcare where Black people are hurting and BC defend the status quo, they act like all Black people are a herd led by Jesse Jackson and other Blacks and the BC are seen as nothing but attack dogs from the Republicans, and Black people know how the government helps people: social security, medicare, civil rights etc. BC may have a place in America but at this point most Black Americans see it as anti-black because there is no voice that speaks up for Blacks in general. Larry Elder, Armwrong Williams who was exposed for taking money from Bush and writing columns pushing his educational platform. Michael Steele, Star Parker, the person who said that Black people of Katrina 'had welfare mentalities.'

  78. [quote]A guy that loves nothing more than to take us on a tour of our failings, but can't really take his real adversaries to task.[/quote]

    South Carolina:

    You say "a tour of our failings".
    I have learned over time to respect that YOU have the right to your own interpretation of my actions. You don't have a right to MOLEST MY motivations by mischaracterizing them.

    What you fail to see is that you are unwilling to make a dispassionate assessment of the forces that threaten our people - judging all of these threats as EQUAL. Instead you and others seek to apply your "Non-White White Supremacy" which has the White man's blow of death against the Black as MORE DEADLY than any "Death Blow" that a Black man could ever hope to render upon us.

    South Carolina - when the racist White Southerner of the past entertained foreign visitors he would show them the beautiful feathers on the peacock that was his Southern environment. The beauty of the land, his well-kept farm and the animals therein. He was loathed to show the scarred UNDERBELLY of the human suffering that racism had allowed.

    Ironically South Carolina - where as when YOU and others seek to bring INDICTMENT against the NATIONAL establishment you say "We should judge a society by how it treats its prisoners and its poor".

    However, South Carolina, when I dare acknowledge the INCUMBENCY of the Progressive Establishment that controls our communities and go past the PORTRAITS IN CITY HALL and instead into the streets, showing the death, intimidation, injustice and uneducated IGNORANCE - serving as an INDICTMENT AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO PROTECT THIS PRESENT ESTABLISHMENT ------ YOU act as the White Racist defender of the establishment used to act when someone was critical of his scheme. YOU attack the critic - asking why he has slandered you.

    You want me to look at your rose garden but not the dead body that was thrown to the unkempt plot of land right next to it. It is America's racist history, per your view - that caused the dead Black man to get shot and discarded after a shooting last night. I should NOT hold it against you for failing to be outraged. I should only smell you roses after smelling your behind.

    How long are we going to play this game?

    The Deadly Game Of The Politics Of Street Signage In Atlanta:

  79. CareFree6:42 PM

    tracen said...
    "No Jody, you are stupid. FN started this blog so that all can vent about anything. There are no rules, so don't try to make some up. The only rule is no censorship."


    "Now if your black, you can stay, but shut the fuck up."


  80. Trapped in SC7:18 PM

    South Carolina:

    You say "a tour of our failings".
    I have learned over time to respect that YOU have the right to your own interpretation of my actions. You don't have a right to MOLEST MY motivations by mischaracterizing them.

    Translation: I've read a lot of Larry Elder columns.

    What you fail to see is that you are unwilling to make a dispassionate assessment of the forces that threaten our people - judging all of these threats as EQUAL. Instead you and others seek to apply your "Non-White White Supremacy" which has the White man's blow of death against the Black as MORE DEADLY than any "Death Blow" that a Black man could ever hope to render upon us.

    Translation: I'm not worried about racism against blacks, that makes too much sense and I really don't want to fight that fight. I rather feel a smug sense of patronizing superiority by telling that kid on the corner that can't get a job because of racism that it is all in his mind and that he should pull his pants up.

    South Carolina - when the racist White Southerner of the past entertained foreign visitors he would show them the beautiful feathers on the peacock that was his Southern environment. The beauty of the land, his well-kept farm and the animals therein. He was loathed to show the scarred UNDERBELLY of the human suffering that racism had allowed.

    Ironically South Carolina - where as when YOU and others seek to bring INDICTMENT against the NATIONAL establishment you say "We should judge a society by how it treats its prisoners and its poor".

    However, South Carolina, when I dare acknowledge the INCUMBENCY of the Progressive Establishment that controls our communities and go past the PORTRAITS IN CITY HALL and instead into the streets, showing the death, intimidation, injustice and uneducated IGNORANCE - serving as an INDICTMENT AGAINST PEOPLE LIKE YOU WHO PROTECT THIS PRESENT ESTABLISHMENT ------ YOU act as the White Racist defender of the establishment used to act when someone was critical of his scheme. YOU attack the critic - asking why he has slandered you.

    Translation: It's okay for white people to defend racism under the guise of white privilege or conservatism, But blacks cannot have pride unless we have it in the absence of the total understanding of the black experience. We can't talk about the problems that we overcome because it makes white people feel bad. We were not equals for a long time in this country not because of racism, but because we didn't have the meta-cognition to know that we did not deserve to be.

    You want me to look at your rose garden but not the dead body that was thrown to the unkempt plot of land right next to it. It is America's racist history, per your view - that caused the dead Black man to get shot and discarded after a shooting last night. I should NOT hold it against you for failing to be outraged. I should only smell you roses after smelling your behind.

    Translation: I am not concerned with the eradication and destruction of racism, for my enlightened postracial stances on issues concerning blacks reveals the notion that race is a minor impediment.

    How long are we going to play this game?

    Translation: I'm running out of shit to say.

    BTW, Since you live in Atlanta, why don't drive over to Montgomery and ask Richard Shelby why he is holding up 70 appointees to critical positions in the Government?

    But he's a white guy, so I know you won't do that.

    Do better next time.

  81. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Thank you TRAPPED in SC! it's about time, I am so SICK and TIRED of SHAKY BLACK MEN that will NOT! speak up!

    You know what, it is NO WAY in the world GLENN BECK should still be on TV! well, it is because WE have BLACK MEN such as, CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK and other's that are BOWING and SHUFFLING! and the more they BOW! the more GLENN BECK and other's will ATTACK the President!

    If someone had told me BLACK MEN would be on TV assisting MASSA in persecuting our people, I would not have believed it! but, yet, we have a entire SLEW of BLACK FOLK that have LOST their mind's! what in the world is going?

    You know what, I watched C-SPAN today and they were showing the speaker's at the TEA PARTY CONVENTION, this one WHITE LADY did not hold back, she let it be known what they up too, the TEA PARTY MISSION is to DESTROY the further advancement of AFRICAN AMERICAN'S! forget about other Minority's! these people are after us! these people will try to destroy AMERICA to keep our people from Thriving!

    Their goal is to Destroy the HEALTH CARE BILL! EDUCATION, and the JOB'S BILL! these people are on a mission to ATTEMPT to BLOCK anything that they, will HELP BLACK FOLK! this is their TRUE MISSION! this AIN'T GOT NOTHING to do with TAXE'S!


  82. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Correction, what they were up to!

    Anything that they think will HELP

    If a poor black person cannot get proper HEALTH CARE, well GOD forbid, they may DIE!

    If a poor Black person CANNOT get a proper and JUST EDUCATION, God forbid, they may STEAL and SELL DRUG'S and go to PRISON!

    If a poor BLACK PERSON want to Work and cannot find a JOB, they may give up HOPE, get Depressed and do something they thought they would never have to do, to Survive!

    I listened to what the TEA PARTY people were SPEWING and trust me, they have plan's for us! they commented on RIGGING the BALLOT BOX in NORTH CAROLINA! they boasted about being able to NOT put DEMOCRAT or REPUBLICAN on the ballot box! this was done in NORTH CAROLINA, where the population is SIXTY FIVE percent BLACK and most of the BLACK'S voted DEMOCRATIC!


  83. mellaneous8:34 PM

    Hey Field and others. Beck is foolish but he is dangerous because he does have an audience. As silly as this stuff seems to us it is taken serious by a lot of non thinking citizens. Its a beautiful distraction that distracts folks from recognizing that the problem is not more selfishness and scapegoating and hate but less. We need government to help and aide people who can't help and aide themselves not less. And all the while the war budget just grows and grows and their homes are being snatched even when there is money to renegotiate the loans. But we can always say 'that that Negro isn't really a citizen just like we figured he isn't one of us.'

    Did you catch the Jon Stewart interview with O'Reilly the other day? He nails the problem with FOX news on the head. I believe the interview is still on FOX. Its probably on YOU TUBE.Now you know where I am coming from so I don't think CNN is much better, it just gives news that appears more palatable to the American public, but it is still not objective being heavily biased toward US imperialism.

    And I KNOW folks have heard what that ultra right winger Tancredo said. And trust me, while some on this blog make it seem like words have no power, they indeed do. To suggest that literacy tests be brought back is not idle talk. Beneath it all he and his ultra rightist thugs (oh yes this thuggish behavior, suggesting that folks votes be taken away is a threat to steal a hard earned right) are suggesting that all Americans should not have the same rights, especially the right to vote and He and his kind should be the ones who should determine who gets to enjoy full membership.

    This requires a reasoned and thought out response by black leadership and those aspiring to be black leadership. The immigrant community should also take this threat seriously as well.

    This is how fascism begins. The ruling class(ruling rich) take advantage of disenchanted sectors of the working class and small business folks to stir up divisiveness.They stick their fingers in old wounds and play to folks baser instincts and peoples desire to look outside themselves to point fingers and scapegoat others for the problems at hand,especially economic ones.

    Trapped in South Carolina --bravo well said:
    "Black Americans have arrived at this moment in time against every social apparatus and every mainstream movement trying to denigrate our achievements, destroy our men, debase our women, scandalize our leaders, and demonize our culture. The very fact that you can even have an education that allows you to be as exquisitely wrong as you are is not a testament to those bullshit social theories to claim to profess, but to the countless brown-skinned people who have been beaten, hung, chased and killed for you to have the ability to be in a position to get that education."

  84. mellaneous8:36 PM

    I don't understand UCN if he dislikes this blog so much why does he stay on it, peeing on everyone with the same on staid and stale ideas. I don't spend any time on his blog because I know I disagree with him and I know that I am not going to change his mind.

    I still suspect that he needs and seeks attention. Maybe he should spend more time with his family.

    That was a bit low I know, but this black conservative suggested that my passport be taken, in other words that I leave the country. Imagine that! I disagree with him so I should leave the country. Hell I have a right to demand that this gov't act right, by the very important historical fact that my ancestors toiled in its fields without just compensation.

    But this was all because despite all of his bellowing, his ideas have already been tested and found wanting. In fact, this system he treasures so much, is the bane of humanity. Just ask the underdeveloped world about his beloved capitalism and his so-called free enterprise --usually known to them as unfair and unbalanced trade, or they know it by its desire to keep them down by always supporting their corrupt and dictatorial leaders. Of course its all done in the name of stability for profit making.

    Leila- where have you been? You have not been paying attention. I tore him a new one on Field's last post and the best he could do was tell me to leave the country and then he actually got mad and told me to sit down lol

    Brother Field, Jody, Grannystandingforth, Uptown Steve, Alicia Banks and other posters have taken him to task on many occassions.

  85. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Mellaneous, "I still suspect that he needs and seeks attention. Maybe he should spend more time with his family."

    Your remark about his family says a lot about your character. It diminished you greatly.

  86. Trapped in SC9:06 PM

    Mellaneous, "I still suspect that he needs and seeks attention. Maybe he should spend more time with his family."

    Your remark about his family says a lot about your character. It diminished you greatly.


    Said the anonymous poster.

    Hey anonymous poster guy, your girlfriend in speaking on CNN.

  87. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Trapped in deep SC, "Hey anonymous poster guy, your girlfriend in speaking on CNN."

    I don't watch tv, so you will have to tell me who my CNN girlfriend is. Hope she is beautiful.

  88. IseeIsee:

    You (and others) are SERIAL STRUGGLERS.

    [quote]If a poor black person cannot get proper HEALTH CARE, well GOD forbid, they may DIE![/quote]

    As I recall it - By us assisting the ASCENSION into POWER of "people cared about us and had our best interests in mind" over our local institutions was supposed to increase the BENEFITS packages and thus we were to get HEALTH CARE!!!

    If a poor Black person CANNOT get a proper and JUST EDUCATION, God forbid, they may STEAL and SELL DRUG'S and go to PRISON!

    IseeIsee - when I was growing up in Philly - the present establishment was STRUGGLING to take over the school system. NOW they are in power and you STILL are talking as if QUALITY EDUCATION is merely one struggle away.......IF we don't ask questions and remain supportive to the establishment.

    If a poor BLACK PERSON want to Work and cannot find a JOB, they may give up HOPE, get Depressed and do something they thought they would never have to do, to Survive!

    IseeIsee - I had you on track for being "deep". You say you want Black folks with JOBS and WORK. It is clear that THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

    There is PLENTY of WORK THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE within the community. Doing so indeed brings a great sense of reward for the connection and the advancement.

    YOU are actually talking about MONEY, more specifically a LIVING WAGE.

    You and Mellaneous are frustrated. Despite your nominal FREEDOM and POLITICAL control over your community - you have not been able to leverage this theoretically favorable situation, moving it from PAPER into real world advantage.

    You look around and you choose to strike out at the CORPORATIONS. Ironically you and others are forced to argue that the "CORPORATION TOOK YOUR JOB OVERSEAS". In truth YOU are still present in the same land, still have skills to market and still have needs for the compensation and mental development that this JOB that had been framed in the context of a CORPORATION had offered to you.

    IseeIsee - at what point do you double back and consider the PROMISES that had been made to you by the Activist/Advocate who motivated you to come along?

    Now he has POWER over the key institutions in your community that your people seek civic services from and yet YOU and others are focused on the ADVERSARY that has departed, leaving you all to yourself to become conscious about your SELF-DETERMINATION that is staring you right in the face.

    (A person like Mellaneous sees "Boot Straps" as a taunt, as an EXPECTATION placed upon someone who is of DAMAGED STOCK!!!

    Why don't you ask those who lead you along WHY THEY DID NOT PREPARE YOU for the day you had "Won" and were RESPONSIBLE for all that the departed adversary USED TO handle?)

  89. [quote]That was a bit low I know, but this black conservative suggested that my passport be taken, in other words that I leave the country.[/quote]


    You just don't get it.

    I was less interested in seeing you LEAVE THE NATION AND PERMANENTLY STAY OUT of "the Belly of the Beast".

    I was more interested in seeing you go to the Embassy of the BELLY OF THE BEAST and grovel to get back IN!!!!

    If they demanded finger prints and your DNA - YOU would be swabbing the inside of your mouth to give it to them - for their records.

    [quote]In fact, this system he treasures so much, is the bane of humanity.

    Just ask the underdeveloped world about his beloved capitalism and his so-called free enterprise --usually known to them as unfair and unbalanced trade, or they know it by its desire to keep them down by always supporting their corrupt and dictatorial leaders. Of course its all done in the name of stability for profit making.[/quote]

    Mellaneous are you Jody's sister?
    You attempt to tug upon the very same sentiments YET are unable to ask those who you see as 'wounded' to abide by the principles that you seek to push upon those who you 'change'.

    I am less concerned about your expert ability to detail for us how someone has "suppressed" others around the world as I am worried that YOU don't know how to talk to those who are wounded and get them to make not that the foot is not on their neck DESPITE your verbal insistence to them that they are injured and should be wearing their neck brace.

  90. I didn't forget about you Low Country.

    [quote]. We can't talk about the problems that we overcome because it makes white people feel bad. We were not equals for a long time in this country not because of racism, but because we didn't have the meta-cognition to know that we did not deserve to be.[/quote]

    Low Country - here is what you are missing. This PRESENT establishment order CAME TO POWER based upon their PROMISES that if we as voters assisted them in getting their PORTRAIT HUNG UPON THE WALL at City Hall that the PROBLEMS SUFFERED AT THE TIME would be resolved.

    I struggle to understand why you have such an aversion to play back the video tapes, edit them and then REMIND those who sit in the seats of power over your local communities what they have PROMISED you.

    Since you did in fact "overcome" a lot you need to continue your struggle to force the ESTABLISHMENT to not be so comfortable in knowing that their seat is safe.

    Translation: I am not concerned with the eradication and destruction of racism, for my enlightened postracial stances on issues concerning blacks reveals the notion that race is a minor impediment.[/quote]

    Low Country - Is it RACISM that was the problem or was it THE LAW and its ENFORCEMENT that allowed RACISTS to assault you with impunity?

    If you are RACISM CHASING then you are going to be busy, running behind every racist as he as an INDIVIDUAL mouths something that you don't like.

    IF you are aware of YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS then you will merely focus upon the instances where he violates your rights and then pursue legal action against him.

    Low Country - it is when YOU and other "Racism Chasers" are so worried about the threat from WHITE FOLKS walking across your lawn that you have your shotgun pointed outward through the window but you FAIL to make note of the INTERNAL TERMITES who are eating the hell out of the "load bearing beams" that are holding up your shotgun shack - YOU AND EVERY OCCUPANT WITHIN are going to DIE as the roof falls in and everyone's necks are snapped.

    I demand that each threat from "EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS" be treated EQUALLY.

    Some of you all are infected with "No-White White Supremacy" and thus you demand that I focus upon the threat from WHITE FOLKS in an manner that is SUPERIOR to that which the internal termites are doing while inside of our "protected space".

  91. FO, Perfect link for Beck! nice job.

    You're right, Field. Forget 'em, and make sure that lots more people like Blessed Handsome Obama get elected! If they get their knickers all in a twist over Barack, imagine how excited someone like Stu Rasumssen ( would get them?

  92. CF, I thought you said you live in the suburbs. I've never been to a suburb where they were doing all of what you are speaking of. In fact, most of them are so quiet you can hear a pin drop. So, now, what type of conservative suburb do you live in?

  93. Hey Seda, long time no see, how have you been doing? Nice to see your fonts again.

  94. Anonymous12:13 AM

    CF "IF you are aware of YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS then you will merely focus upon the instances where he violates your rights and then pursue legal action against him."

    So true. But many folks don't know their legal rights and so they have no other alternative but to scream and chase racism. That's an effective way of guilting the hell out of white folks.

    Every now and then, it works. Look what happened to Imus! It didn't change anything in black community but that wasn't the point.

  95. Anonymous:

    Is CF soothing your conscience and helping you to reinforce your fear of blacks? Yeah look at what happen to Imus, he got off easy. Real easy wouldn't you say? I think he did.

    Imus ought to be thanking Jesus every day because he was blessed in the fact that none of those girls he called nappy headed hoes fathers didn't stomp a mud hole in him.

  96. Geneva Girl1:10 AM

    Actually, Errol Kerr is quite good. He's being touted as the Usain Bolt of skiing. He was on the U.S. Olympic team, but switched alliances to Jamaica. Probably won't medal this year as he's only 23, but given that most people in his event are in their late twenties or early thirties, there's hope for him in future Olympics.

  97. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Granny, "Imus ought to be thanking Jesus every day because he was blessed in the fact that none of those girls he called nappy headed hoes fathers didn't stomp a mud hole in him."

    Granny, why do you think such violent thoughts? You should be studying scriptures, praying, meditating and thinking about God.

    In your younger days, were you a person who was in and out of jail because you stayed in fights?

  98. Anonymous:

    Nah, I need to be doing just what I am doing speaking the truth. But now that you mention it, I do need to pray for you to be able to deal with reality because you seem to be a person that loves to escape from it or can't deal with it. Because in reality a lot of men would have went up side Imus head talking about their child like that.

    BTW, in my younger days, had you known me, when you finish counting those birds, you would have learned your lesson about trying to test me! Comprende?

  99. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Granny "BTW, in my younger days, had you known me, when you finish counting those birds, you would have learned your lesson about trying to test me! Comprende?"

    What does "when you finish counting those birds" mean?

  100. Anonymous10:41 PM

    "What does "when you finish counting those birds" mean?"

    It means she would have knock you out. They teach Christians how to fight for God. Remember the Crusades? So don't be effing with Granny.

  101. Hey, Granny,
    I've been busy remodeling my house. I hope to finish it up soon and get more blog posts - and comments! - out.

    All the best!

  102. Barack, spelled Barak, is actually a name from the Bible. He was Deborah's enforcer in the Old Testament.

  103. Richard20004:42 PM

    Barack explained about how his name means blessing in Arabic in his first book, I recommend that book to everyone, well worth the read. He actually wrote it himself, what an idea jump higher save fuel Electronic Cigarette tava tea error fix

  104. Granny and FO, thanks for the links with your comments, I will check them out. jump higher
