Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Can't we all just get along"?

There is so much angst and anger in A-merry-ca these days and the natives are just taking things out on each other. (Rodney, that was a famous quote, but if your ass was around today you wouldn't have been alive to make it. That was BO. Before Obama.) Sadly, those charged with protecting the reservation are on edge as well. They do things that we don't expect them to, but when they do we are no longer surprised.

We have all seen the video from the land of Starbucks by now. No need to dwell on the obvious. Girlfriend was seventeen. I know, I know, she was rude,belligerent, and ignorant, (these kids need some serious home training)but that overhand right (Or was it a left?) shouldn't have been put on a girl. -Or any woman for that matter- Had that been a female police officer dusting it up with this jaywalker I wouldn't have tripped, but watching a man go all Mike Tyson on a woman is not cool. I don't care if he is wearing a uniform. And who the hell catches a beat down for jaywalking?

I don't think I am going to ever get like my man Francis Holland with the W.A.A.M. self help group. BTW, that's an acronym for "whites are after me". You gotta love Francis. But man the s*&t out hear is depressing. And this is not only about white folks gone wild. Humans have gone wild. (I still can't get over the two year old that those animals shot to death in Chester.) But when humans charged to protect me go wild, there is an added dimension to my anxiety and exasperation.

There is more:

"Five current or former New Orleans police officers were indicted in federal court Friday in the shooting death of a man in the days after Hurricane Katrina and burning of his body.
Federal prosecutors allege that one NOPD officer
fatally shot 31-year-old Henry Glover without justification, and that other officers burnt Glover's body and left it in a torched car beside a levee. The 11-count indictment also alleges two other officers lied and helped cover up the incident.

Charged are former officers David Warren and Lt. Robert Italiano, and three current cops, Lt. Travis McCabe, Lt. Dwayne Scheuermann and Officer Greg McRae . "[Article] (h/t Michael A down in Nola)

Of course, this was before Obama, before our post racial A-merry-ca. This was when there was real angst and tension on our reservation. Not anymore, Obama changed all that....

Sorry Francis, I don't need "W.A.A.M." therapy just yet. I have to figure out who is really after me, first.

*Pic courtesy of AOL....OK, that's bullshit! Pic lifted from AOL. :)


  1. FN I'm happy you covered this. Perhaps now more people will see that many police officers are brutes for hire. I don't deny that they can serve the public good at times, but unfortunately, for many of us they are legal terrorists.

    I am saddened to read about the man in New Orleans but what I saw in East Oakland as a kid with police and law enforcement in general, this is no surprise. And that is sad. We shouldn't have to deal with this mess.

  2. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Perhaps Rodney King shouldn't have made it? See his record below

    July 27, 1987: According to a complaint filed by his wife, King beat her while she was sleeping, then dragged her outside the house and beat her again. King was charged with battery and pleaded "no contest." He was placed on probation and ordered to obtain counseling. He never got the counseling.
    November 3, 1989: King, brandishing a tire iron, ordered a convenience store clerk to empty the cash register. The clerk grabbed the tire iron, causing King to fall backwards and knock over a pie rack. King swung the rack at the clerk and fled the store with $200. King was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, second-degree robbery, and intent to commit great bodily injury. In a plea agreement, King pleaded guilty to the robbery charge and the other charges were dropped. He was sentenced to two years in prison, but was paroled on December 27, 1990.

    After being seen speeding on the 210 freeway by CHP officers, King led them on a chase at speeds estimated at up to 110 to 115 mph. When finally stopped, King refused requests to get into the prone position and appeared to charge one of the officers. He was beaten and arrested. King was charged with felony evading. Charges were later dropped.

    May 28, 1991: King picked up a transvestite prostitute in Hollywood who happened to be under surveillance by LAPD officers. King and the prostitute were observed in an alley engaging in sexual activity. When the prostitute spotted the officers, King sped away, nearly hitting one of them. King later explained that he thought the vice officers were robbers trying to kill him. No charges were filed.

    June 26, 1992: King's second wife reported to police that King had hit her and she feared for her life. King was handcuffed and taken to a police station, but his wife then decided against pressing charges.

    July 16, 1992: King was arrested at 1:40 A.M. for driving while intoxicated. No charges were filed.

    August 21, 1993: King crashed into a wall near a downtown Los Angeles nightclub. He had a blood alcohol level of 0.19. King was charged with violating his parole and sent for sixty day to an alcohol treatment center. He was also convicted on the DUI charge and ordered to perform twenty days of community service.

    May 21, 1995: King was arrested for DUI while on a trip to Pennsylvania. King failed field sobriety tests, but refused to submit to a blood test. He was tried and acquitted.

    July 14, 1995: King got into an argument with his wife while he was driving, pulled off the freeway and ordered her out of the car. When she started to get out, King sped off, leaving her on the highway with a bruised arm. King was charged with assault with a deadly weapon (his car), reckless driving, spousal abuse, and hit-and-run. King was tried on all four charges, but found guilty only of hit-and-run driving.

    March 3, 1999: King allegedly injured the sixteen-year-old girl that he had fathered out of wedlock when he was seventeen, as well as the girl's mother. King was arrested for injuring the woman, the girl, and for vandalizing property. King claimed that the incident was simply "a family misunderstanding."

    September 29, 2001: King was arrested for indecent exposure and use of the hallucinogenic drug PCP.

  3. Trapped in SC10:55 PM

    People have always been out of the damn minds. Every thing that is happening has always happened.

    We just have a 24 hour news cycle, camera phones, and the internet now. We see and know about everything, so it's easy to get discouraged. Or involved.

  4. Too bad Obama isn't a friend of this girl, he could have invited her and the cop for ice tea at the White House.

    @M. Rigmaiden

    I agree with you 100%. Cops are terrorists.

  5. Trapped..that's a good point about the 24 news cycle. And now we have more s&^t to be crazy with.

    East Oakland huh M. No wonder you have so much fight in you.:)

  6. No offense but cops are like lawyers. I've met some good ones like yourself, but it's always the bad ones that get the headlines and make the good ones look guilty by association.

    I agree with the other posters. A lot of this stuff has been going on since before most of us were born, but now that we have the 24-hour news cycle we see more of it seeing the light of day.

  7. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Val and M Rigmaiden,

    Don't like cops? Try Somalia.

  8. Thank you Field. I don't condone her actions, but like I said in the previous thread...If he did that to a young pretty white girl, people would have been up in arms, chalking her stupidity to age, while they checked all the women in his background for signs of domestic abuse.

    That cop probably had no tolerance for black people to begin with, he got angry too fast and wanted revenge like he was in a friggin bar fight. He did not act out of personal safety, nor professionalism. Just like the one who body slammed the frail, confused, cane holding elderly black woman with dementia in a parking lot for holding a knife to protect herself.

    When it comes to black females being brutalized from the same cops where is the outcry from the same black community and from more black men? Where are the black T-shirts for black women?

  9. Anonymous11:37 PM

    That girl deserved that punch - you don't resist arrest.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Val and M Rigmaiden,

    Don't like cops? Try Somalia.

    11:19 PM

    sharia--that's what RM wants. sharia, with guns.

  11. Anonymous12:02 AM

    The NOLA cops can fry and I don't support the death penalty. Those weren't cops, those were animals.

    What exactly did this young female retard think would happen if she put both hands on a cop and with her full body weight shoved him? The young black man was the only one of the three who acted like he had an ounce of brains and he tried to drag this dumb bunny away but she was dead set on mixing it up with a beefy cop. Over a jay walking ticket? I don't condone police brutality and the cop should receive serious discipline. But you know what? If you act out like you haven't a single brain in yor head and get physical with someone, you deserve to get your ass kicked. All these girls had to do was provide ID. Instead, they acted beyond stupid.

    And don't tell me how afraid black youth are of cops. If you fear someone has the capcity to take your life you don't agitate for a physical confrontation. If you do, you asked for whatever you got. I have no patience or sympathy for disrespectful mouthy youth who have been rasied to believe they can say and do whatever they like with no consequences.

    I had an LA cop get in my face over jaywalking and I certainly rolled my eyes and made "that" face but I did what I was told. I'm going to go to jail over jay walking when donkeys fly. These young ladies are utter morons.

  12. LOL at Anony 12:02, you sound like someone I know. But you know what, as long as he gets penalized for his part, everything else you said is fair enough.

  13. jane doe12:14 AM

    " And who the hell catches a beat down for jaywalking?"

    No one did. He didn't beat her down. He defended himself from two insane VIOLENT bitches who were assaulting him. They were ASSAULTING him- did you miss that? Did you miss they had done this numerous times before he defended himself? Did you listen to the audio?
    I am a white woman in Seattle and I got a $100 jay walking ticket. I know plenty of white folks that have too. Perhaps it doesn't lead to this as often BECAUSE WE DON'T ACT LIKE THAT AS OFTEN. They should get away with it because they are black, more attitude then brains, and violent? No. Female thugs should get the same treatment from the cops as male thugs. You think he should have maced her? Take a look on youtube at people who have been maced. It is 10000x worse. If he had hit her hard she would have been on the ground and/or had a broken jaw. If he was acting out of anger he would have kept hiting her.
    This incident happened on MLK Jr Blvd. So classy. I heard the n word used more than 6x by onlookers. Why the NAACP not complaining? Don't they care when the N word is used on MLK Jr Blvd? They would if it was me that said it.

    p.s.- those thugs have a long history of violent crime although they are only 17 and 19. F them.

  14. jane doe12:17 AM

    "But you know what, as long as he gets penalized for his part"

    Sorry LaIdiotica but he had the right to defend himself. He won't be penalized for not putting up with abuse from the ebonic KKK. You should be penalized for not having a brain in your race-card playing skull

  15. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Watched the video. And read the armchair police comments. Maybe you should send her your card and encourage her to have the lawyer do the 'fighting'.


  16. If this had been a domestic situation and the guy had punched the girl in the face, he would have been arrested on the spot. A full blown punch to the face of a woman? He doesn't need to be on any police force. He would have NEVER hit a white woman in the face. I hope they sue the police force to the knees! This cowardly punk ass cop didn't see the girl as a female, he just saw her as another nigga.

  17. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Anon 12:17: STFU. Notwithstanding the exceedingly bad behavior of these young twits, the cop acted with excessive force. He should have waited for backup then wrestled the little bitch to the ground if necessary but punching her was excessive.

    The girl asked for it but a cop is a trained professional and should know better. He was lucky the young man didn't jump on him because by escalating this interaction, the cop put himself in harm's way. This cop needs some serious retraining.

  18. And Jane Doe is still angry, bitter, racist and ineffective.

    We already know you are a white woman, you mention it all the time. You better be careful, your klan over at stormfront might start accusing you of stalking this blog for a mandingo.

    White people like you always deserve the mace, you like to spit, kick, show your underwear and act the fool even at age forty. From how I see most of you act, you're lucky they don't riddle you with bullets the way they do black people for minor reasons. And how do you know what mace feels like? Go figure.

    Anyway Jane the white woman, you stay angry, stay bitter, and please stay out the rain.


  19. NSangoma12:54 AM

    ... I don't believe that she was a threat to him. ...

    Calling all cops, calling all cops ; check with CF first, to see if he deems the situation to be a threat, before tagging a Negroe up-side her ho ass, motherfucking ass, ass, haid.

    Ware Shaniqua 'n'em at?

    She be wid Tisheta 'n'em, jumpin-nin on deh po-po, dat ware she be at.


    "The officer is going to be transferred to the training section for a few days to review the tactics that he's been taught," Metz said. "The issue we have to investigate is whether the force he used is reasonable given the combative resistance he was facing".

  21. Justice58 said "This cowardly punk ass cop didn't see the girl as a female, he just saw her as another nigga."

    Exactly. That's the point people don't get. They are being side tracked by "her" behavior.

    This is just a lighter version of the many black males who get brutalized by white cops. The thing is many of the black males do provoke the cops or resist arrest just the same, but the black community somehow forgets that part and only looks at the outcome brutality when it involves the black males. Black females don't seem to get such benefit and compassion.

  22. Gregory1:06 AM

    Touching down briefly, so forgive the abbreviated thoughts.

    Spain 0 Switzerland 1. La Furia Roja should be red with embarrassment rather than fury.

    I am at a loss over the video from Seattle. Jaywalking is the norm in most places where I spend my time, so the interaction seems strange all the way around. The reaction and subsequent beatdown hardly seems proportionate to the "crime".

    Despite Rodney King's serial douchebaggery (as documented by a very concerned anony), his question is still valid. Can't we all just get along?

  23. Anonymous1:07 AM

    Anon, "Perhaps Rodney King shouldn't have made it? See his record below"

    Yeah anon, maybe Rodney shouldn't have made it but he did. It was his 'Destiny' to mock the odds in order to expose a gang of cops beating him to death. Even when they were pounding him with vicious strikes, someone was recording their actions. That tape of proved how cops have been brutalizing and terrorizing Blacks for decades- preceded by the Jim Crow days and the KKK.

    Nothing has changed much since Rodney King. Cops still beat and shoot Blacks as if they weren't human.

    Ironically, the ones who do these horrific things are the very ones who are less than human. They are like animals without a conscience who are supported by society.

    Maybe the street pirates and the cops will have it out one day. Maybe evil will destroy evil.

    Earth is a dangerous place, always has been since humans arrived.

  24. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "he just saw her as another nigga."

    Well, maybe she was.

  25. @ La♥audiobooks

    If Seattle police officials are sending the officer back to training, then they know he fucked up. He put himself in danger and could have started a got damn riot. No one was made safer because of what this punk ass officer did.

    MSNBC's Tamron Hall aired the video w/ audio. A witness stated to the officer that he had hit a 17year old in the face with a closed fist. The officer said..."I Don't Care! A full blown punch to the face of a woman and he doesn't care? See, wrong skin color!

    I just want the young lady to get paid. Hit the mofos deep in their pocketbook. It's the only thing they understand. That'll get their got damn attention really quick.

  26. @ 1:14

    I'm not amused. Don't fuck with me!

  27. Anonymous1:31 AM

    Reminds me of a joke from the '70s. If I'm getting mugged, I'm not going to yell "Help, some niggah bitch come help me!" I'm going to yell for a cop.

    Being 17 doesn't make the bitch any less dangerous, does it? When a cop gives someone an order, you're supposed to respond, not attack him. If you do, you might just get your head busted.

    Bitch deserved to get slapped down.

  28. Gregory1:34 AM

    "Submit to Authority" has always been the rightwing authoritarian mantra.

  29. Maria you are talking out of your ass. Keep my name out of your mouth. I do not advocate sharia, although some of the sharia banking practices seem a better alternative to our current practices.

    You're lame for trying to say something disparaging at my expense.

  30. Gregory is right. All you guys are just pro authoritarian.

  31. @1:31am

    Joke from the 70's? Mofo please!

    The bitchass cracka cop hadn't been trained otherwise the force wouldn't be sending him back to training. He couldn't get a young girl under control. Weak punk ass mofo!

  32. coffee and cigarettes1:39 AM

    That police officer acted way out of line. It doesn't matter if the girl was rude, as field said a man doesn't punch a woman in the face, let alone a police officer punch a young girl. The girl was getting physicial, but she obviously posed no real threat to him. He is a trained professional and I'm sure he's been through many such circumstances before or he's been trained on how to react. He could've shoved her back, restrained her, but instead he punches her.

    To all the people saying.."I would've acted like this.." Than you would be wrong too..And it doesn't matter. You're not police officers, we expect much higher standards of behaviour from police than the average citizen..they're trained professionals that are charged with upholding the law.

    This is exactly when cops need to be held accountable. Power corrupts and you don't know what a person is capable of doing when they're in a position of more power than you. And in situations like this is when hidden prejudices come out in force...Would he have punched the girl if she had been white? Did he get angry that much quicker because she was a black girl undermining his authority?

    I think the girls were acting like brats, but this does not justify a punch in the face or excuse the cop.

  33. Joelle Andes1:48 AM

    "This cowardly punk ass cop didn't see the girl as a female, he just saw her as another nigga."

    This black thug didn't see this cop as a man but just another cracker. Same with you guys. You objectify him with YOUR prejudices. Those two acted like animales. Their instinct was if they thuged out enough they could get off the hook. Guess it works, I wouldn't know since I don't have the race card priveldge. F-them. I'm sure the last 7 times they were arrested it wasn't their fault either? They acted like animals. On a street named after MLK Jr. He would hang his head in shame at these nappy headed hos.

  34. The cracka ass cracka cop was displaying thug cracka bitchassness! And now the girl is gonna get some payola!

  35. Cocoa_Goddess2:21 AM

    Gee, I wonder who that Anonymous guy is. He seems very familiar.

  36. Anonymous2:35 AM

    "To all the people saying.."I would've acted like this.." Than you would be wrong too..And it doesn't matter. You're not police officers, we expect much higher standards of behaviour from police than the average citizen..they're trained professionals that are charged with upholding the law."

    What do you recommend he should have done after she shoved him? Beg her to stop? If I had been the cop, I might have shot her stupid ass and I'm Black. In the black community you might get shot for putting your hands and pushing someone. Hell, even a wrong look might get your ass beat.

    And what about the dumbass teenager who shoved the cop? Should she have been held to a standard? Or should they just let her ignorant ass go?

    Again, if she hadn't put her hands on him, followed by a 'shove', she wouldn't have been punched. I am surprised that he didn't pull out his taser and lit her stupid ass up.

    I bet she won't be putting her hands on another officer again. Good lesson for her. It might save her life next time.

    There are too many ignorant ass teens in the black community whose elevators only go to the ground floor. She was an absolute fool.

    And whether the cop hate Blacks or not, she gave him a reason within the law to knock her moronic ass out when she shoved him. Any black person knows that cops have been known to do a lot more than what he did. She was lucky.

    I guess God looks out for dummies.

  37. Anonymous2:45 AM

    Field, "Sorry Francis, I don't need "W.A.A.M." therapy just yet. I have to figure out who is really after me, first."

    It's the street pirates. How many more times must it be told to you before you get it?

    CF, where are you? Help me out here. I can't seem to get through to Field.

  38. My boy Sippinwineman made we watch this video today, over and over, and then we argued about it. Still, I have some questions:

    1) Why didnt the cop call for backup? If he did, where the hell was it??

    2) Wheres the video from the cops car? Or is this a city/state that doesnt have car cameras?

    3) Why hasnt someone taught these girls the proper way to behave around the police, especially when youre in the wrong!

    A blogger by the name of Seattle Slim said that these two girls had priors for resisting arrest before. I dont know if thats true, but it is food for thought.

    The fallout should be interesting.


  39. What do you recommend he should have done after she shoved him? Beg her to stop?

    When the policeman realized he couldn't bring the situation under control, the sensible thing to do was call for back-up!

    This was a 17 year old young girl. The officer is suppose to be a trained professional & able to diffuse a situation, he didn't. He escalated it. Fucking incompetent moron!

  40. Anonymous3:13 AM

    "A blogger by the name of Seattle Slim said that these two girls had priors for resisting arrest before. I dont know if thats true, but it is food for thought."

    Seattle Slim is always on the money. Both girls DO have a record for resisting arrest. It is just a matter of time before their reckless dummbasses go too far with the wrong cop and end up dead.

    It's too bad they aren't interested in getting an education and avoiding confrontation with the police. Of course, when they have support for acting ignorant, from some of the folks on this blog, why should they bother to make anything of themselves other than eff-ing with police?

  41. Anonymous3:20 AM

    "This was a 17 year old young girl. The officer is suppose to be a trained professional & able to diffuse a situation, he didn't. He escalated it. Fucking incompetent moron!"

    I think he diffused the situation quite well by rattling her pea brain.

    Being 17 years old is old enough to know right from wrong, unless you have an IQ of 10. And she may very well be that dumb.

  42. I'm against any man punching a woman in the face. There are other ways of subduing a 17 year old girl. The officer failed miserably as a trained professional. It took him nearly 3 minutes to subdue a young girl and had his back turned to the crowd a couple of times. Just got damn incompetent! Why do you think the officer is taking his sorry ass back to training? Because he fucked up by escalating the situation and putting himself in danger of causing a riot.

    Oh, but looky here what else Seattle Police have been up to:

    On April 17th, the Seattle Police Department’s gang unit responded to a 911 call made by a man who claimed that he was robbed by four Latino men with a machete. One of those officers who responded to the call detained a Latino male suspect, threatened to “beat the [expletive] Mexican piss out” of him, and kicked him in the head. The suspect was later released after police confirmed that he had nothing to do with the alleged robbery.

  43. J58 you're on fire. Keep it up;)

  44. Anonymous3:40 AM

    "..The officer failed miserably as a trained professional. It took him nearly 3 minutes to subdue a young girl and had his back turned to the crowd a couple of times. Just got damn incompetent!"

    I think most officers are poorly trained and incompetent. That is all the more reason not to screw around with someone with a badge. Those two girls knew exactly what they were doing. In fact, they had prior records. How many times can one get away with resisting arrest before some incompetent and uncaring cop "clocks" their ass?

    And just because they are sending him for training does not mean he was wrong. That could be normal procedure for political reasons for public cases like this.

  45. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Tell me, Justice58...if that teen had acted the same way with a cop in Texas, what would have happened to her dumbass?

    BTW, I am from Big "D", so no bs please.

  46. And just because they are sending him for training does not mean he was wrong.

    Oh well, I can explain it to you but I can't make you understand it!

  47. Tell me, Justice58...if that teen had acted the same way with a cop in Texas, what would have happened to her dumbass?

    BTW, I am from Big "D", so no bs please.

    Hmmmm hum...And I know exactly who you are so stay your ass away from me! MMMMMMMKKKKKK

  48. Anonymous4:01 AM

    And who the hell catches a beat down for jaywalking?

    Apparently, no one unless a cop decides to "check someone out" and uses said offense to initiate and justify a stop-n-frisk.

    That girl deserved that punch - you don't resist arrest.

    Anonymouse, I dare say you wouldn't be taking your current tone.....or even be here....had those girls been a couple of blonde Beckys who were "just having a bad day". Missing White Girl Syndrome would have kicked in and the cops would have really been in some deep shit.

    Maybe the street pirates and the cops will have it out one day. Maybe evil will destroy evil.

    Maybe those words will ring true when I start hearing about cops and their families being found shot execution style, beheaded and stuffed in trunks and when I hear about gangs like the Crips, Black Mafia and Gangsters Disciples being better armed than most U.S. military units.

    And whether the cop hate Blacks or not, she gave him a reason within the law to knock her moronic ass out when she shoved him. Any black person knows that cops have been known to do a lot more than what he did. She was lucky.

    Nah, the cop was lucky. Any number of people could have had That Moment™ and pulled the gun out of the guy's holster. Or tackled him on the ground and had everyone stomp his lights out.

    That Moment™? You know the one. The one where you're so fed up with shit, you actually do something about it, with that moment touching off some bigger shit.

  49. Anonymous4:08 AM

    The question that should be asked is "why did these girls think if they thugged out enough the cops would just go away?"
    I am white, and can guarentee you I would assume being abusive to cops would make things 10000000x worse not better. What entitlement did they feel? Racial?

  50. Anonymous4:09 AM

    "That Moment™? You know the one. The one where you're so fed up with shit, you actually do something about it, with that moment touching off some bigger shit."

    Well, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that moment.

  51. "The question that should be asked is "why did these girls think if they thugged out enough the cops would just go away?"
    I am white, and can guarentee you I would assume being abusive to cops would make things 10000000x worse not better. What entitlement did they feel? Racial?"

    But of course. Since they're Niggers, it had to be entitlement. After all, it's what Niggers seem to value the most, amirite or no? *shrugs*

    Just your typical Nigger doing typical Nigger shit.

  52. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Well, I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on that moment.

    Such moments are rare, and they happen when you least expect it.

  53. Anonymous4:18 AM

    "What entitlement did they feel? Racial?"

    Nope. To them the police are the enemy anyway. Having said that, they are just stupid angry black teens previous records of trouble with the police.

    I think they are headed for bigger trouble. They really need to be in anger management courses. But I doubt it will help those two. Anger and stupidity is a terrible combination, regardless of race.

  54. Anonymous4:21 AM

    "Such moments are rare, and they happen when you least expect it."

    Right. Again, I wouldn't hold my breath. And if it does happen, it won't be Blacks. It'll be the Latinos cause they are much more together in purpose, religion, and families.

  55. The two girls were wrong as two left shoes. Neither one of them had any business pushing and carrying on the way that they did. The one that the cop was arresting was cussing the cop out and struggling with the cop as if she did not have to obey him. She really got beside herself. The other girl did too when she boldly pushed the cop. She should have stayed out of it. The young man with them was the only one that acted like he had some sense out of both of the girls and the cop.

    The cop was out of line for punching the girl in the face, he could have pushed her back, been a little more firm and authoritative verbally, and that would have been better on his behalf. He could have handled it a little bit better than what he did. However, both of those girls put themselves in that position when they chose to push on a cop. Keeping it real, they are lucky because they do have a few psycho's on the force (not all of them) that would have emptied every single bullet in their behind and thought nothing of it because they know they won't be prosecuted. So, from what I viewed on the video. All three of them acted stupid and did not handle the situation well.

    The cop did put himself in danger too when he did not call backup. If he had been in say like Oakland, L.A. or North Richmond punching a girl in the face like he did we might be reading an altogether different story.

    I was in L.A. and an eyewitness to how the Watts Riot jumped off back in 1964. Although, I can say that it was under totally different circumstances and that cop deserved to get his behind kicked because no one laid a hand on him or threaten him in that situation.

    With that said, what I don't understand is how a jaywalk escalated into a physical confrontation in the first place and the violence that took place of all three behalfs. That is the part that does not make sense to me. It should have been a citation or warning and getting physical should not have even entered the picture.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. If the cop was defending himself,he was right to knock the girl out,she didn't seem to be acting like a lady to me,so some of you folk need to back up and smell the coffee,the teen was showing her behind and got checked,end of story.
    We ain't right in all confrontation with police,I just don't think this battle is worth fighting!
    Maybe Al Sharpton will take the case,he hasn't been on CNN in a few days!

  58. Anonymous 4:21:

    "It'll be the Latinos cause they are much more together in purpose, religion, and families."

    Oh, really! that why Mexico has become similar to a war zone and the gangs have taken over? Or over in El Salvador is that why they had those death squads kill thousands of people and even killing people at that priest's funeral and killed those American church women because they are more together, religious and have purpose? Wow, I didn't know that!

  59. Granny they do have a lot of solidarity when they immigrate to the US. They have their own economy out here, and they support each other in a web of services that families offer each other. I was this first hand when I tutored NCLB in the South side of town where the majority of Mexican immigrants reside.

  60. The cop shouldn't have hit the girl. He's the cop and should have better diffused the situation as he was trained to do. Becoming a bully does not raise my confidence in the city police department. No, he probably wouldn't have done this to a white teenage girl. (He would have just pulled out a tazer. )

    That said if you want to be treated as a lady, than grow up little girl, become a woman and act like one worthy of the title.

    American children in general need classes in elocution and etiquette. I know, it's sexist. But alas, good manners makes everyone feel comfortable. Maybe if the girl's parents taught her some....

    As far as black women being the most unprotected group. I'll co-sign for that. Women shouldn't have to rely on strangers for protection. Where was the father's supervision so that she didn't get in this position in the first place?

    Again, most of the blame should be placed on the cop as a trained professional.

  61. Rigmaiden:

    I agree that they do have more solidarity but they are no better than us is where I disagree. They support each other because a lot of them have family and friends that are illegal immigrants trying keep out from under the radar of ICE and because of language barriers.

  62. Afterthought...

    I once had a pastor say, "Spank your kids when they tell you 'No!' now, before the cops knock em out as a teen when he says '#$%^ no!' to them."

  63. Smashed:

    I agree with everything you said, except the part where he would have used a taser had she been white. I doubt that very seriously. More than likely, he would have repeatedly used "miss" or called a white policewoman to handle it.

  64. When that girl kept calling him weak that sorta was provoking him to get more violent with her because she was challenging his manhood in a sense, and well...he did appear to be weak in strength for a male in that line of duty. I'm just saying.

  65. [quote]I just want the young lady to get paid. Hit the mofos deep in their pocketbook. It's the only thing they understand. That'll get their got damn attention really quick.[/quote]


    I won't bother going to do the research on the financial condition of Seattle, its school system and the state of Washington to buttress my argument. However, do you find it interesting that in the name of 'VICTIM COMPENSATION' you (and many others) support taking PUBLIC MONEY and putting it into the pockets of PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS (and their Trial Attorneys) because they are VICTIMS?

    I am going to spend more time on the Progressive notion of AUTHORITY.

    Two equal human beings. Educated at the same elementary school back in the day.
    * One woman puts on a POLICE UNIFORM that is made of a "cotton/polyester mix" and is given a brass shield that is a badge and a 9mm "service weapon".

    * One man dawns the "Pants On The Ground" uniform of a Street Pirate. He purchases his weapon out of the trunk of a car from a gun runner who bought a bunch of them from Georgia and drove it up I95 to meet the demand.

    Despite the fact that they are otherwise equal and potentially competent human beings with their unique life experiences their ACTIONS are evaluated so differently by 3rd party observers.

    Justice58 its not that I have a problem with noting the special role that the police have and thus they must be held to a higher standard............................IT IS WHEN SUCH EXPECTATIONS that are placed upon this OTHER EQUAL HUMAN BEING are so SMALL that the EXPANSE between these two being so GREAT causes one to question the entire system of thoughts that create this situation.

    Each and every day ONE EQUAL HUMAN BEING punches another EQUAL HUMAN BEING IN THE FACE. Unfortunately the act of doing so is not CAMERA WORTHY and thus 99% of these assaults are not captured by camera phone.

    From a monetary stand point in regards to the city treasury AND a from the perspective of CIVILITY - the notion that one PUNCH is "MONETIZED" to teach a lesson to the authorities yet the other PUNCH is ignored, chocked up as merely a statement of the present state of chaos in an urban environment is not a rational way to manage this situation.

    Did I ever show you the video of the Detroit cop who said "Society attempts to force me as a cop to act respectfully toward a person who wishes to knock my head off".

  66. HEY FILLED NEGRO!!!!!!!!

    [quote]I don't think I am going to ever get like my man Francis Holland with the W.A.A.M. self help group. BTW, that's an acronym for "whites are after me". You gotta love Francis. But man the s*&t out hear is depressing.[/quote]

    I am lazy this morning so I won't go out to find the video clip.

    You'll have to imagine a video of the character from "The Boondocks" named HUEY. Imagine the sound and vision of him doing an open mouthed laugh.


    The WHITE MAN ALWAYS AFTER ME syndrome!!!!!!!

    He is indeed a worthy co-founder of AfroSpear!

    The story that he told about how a WHITE MAN was surprised that he was an attorney said all that I needed to know. This is what happens when you have your own SELF-WORTH extended out for OTHERS to validate you.

    I now understand.
    It is not "RACISM CHASING" that you are doing.

    Instead it is one perpetual "VALIDATION SEEKING" operation.

    Just as UptownSteve receives no benefit in admitting that I am not attacking "all Black people" - the WHITE MAN has no benefit in VALIDATING YOU. Thus the chase continues.

  67. The woman in pink is physically interfering with a lawful arrest/stop. She puts her hands on an officer and pushes him. Not very smart. Not smart at all. It's incredibly stupid.

    At that point the officer is legally entitled to stop the assault/interference. He could have shot her. He could have used his taser. He could have used his nightstick. He could have used his flashlight. He could have used mace or pepper spray. None of those choices are pleasant for that girl.

    What he's not required to do is accept interference/assault. I'm not fond of cops but people must realize that they aren't going to win in the streets against cops. Save it for the courtroom. Laying hands on a cop is insanely dumb. The gender of the person doing it is irrelevant.

  68. Check this out:

  69. Seattle is strange about jaywalking, almost obsessive. I don't know why. Cops in Boston could care less.

    I know the neighborhood where this happened. It's a fairly harmless blue collar area in a fairly low crime city.

    The SPD has a strange past in Race relations and the young woman was lucky in some ways because a number of African Americans have been shot over the years, killed, by SPD in dubious situations.

    And the force normally has back up overkill. I'm surprised the officer was alone as the usual policy is to have teams of officers from all racial and gender backgrounds in response situations.

    When I lived there, I had a SWAT team on my lawn in an over reaction to two drunk kids having a minor dust up on the sidewalk.

    Another time I answered the door to see a semi circle of armed cops outside it responding to a complaint about a noisy party in another part of the building. It was summer, late at night and the fact I was standing there blinking sleep away in my underwear was enough for them to conclude there was no party in my place.

    I had a latino gang banger as a neighbor for a while until he was taken down and for real emergencies involving him and his 9 millimeter, the response was slow even though there was a new cop shop within a 10 minute walk.

    The cops can also be amazingly dumb. In another situation an officer's son, a white kid, stole a cruiser for a joy ride and in some mistaken ID thing two groups of cops shot at each other in a crowded neighborhood for 10 minutes before they figured it out. Thankfully none of the bullets hit anyone.

  70. I agree with macklyons. If the cop had been killed it would have been evident just how professional he was.
    The assumptions that some commenters make about the actual dumbness or character of the girls, doesn't matter. In the next instance he may punch someone, whom he's underestimated. Could also be a woman.

    I ask many of these commenters, why waste time and money having a Police Academy, why not just pay thugs to police the streets.

  71. M. Rigmaiden said...
    Maria you are talking out of your ass. Keep my name out of your mouth. I do not advocate sharia, although some of the sharia banking practices seem a better alternative to our current practices.

    You're lame for trying to say something disparaging at my expense.

    1:34 AM
    LOL. what are you, 2 years old?

    i made a valid point. you're not sophisticated enough to understand your own positions or where they lead.

    you advocated physically harming criminals. you advocate more than the banking practices, and that alone is hysterical enough!

  72. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Maria, leave M.Rigmaiden alone.
    Why don't you go make a pizza or something.
    I'll take mine with pepperoni.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. La*Audiobooks

    "When it comes to black females being brutalized from the same cops where is the outcry from the same black community and from more black men? Where are the black T-shirts for black women?"

    Awww will you stop???

    There has been outrage all over the media and blogosphere from black men and black people in general.

    What kills me about you La*Audio is that you cheered wildly when focusedpurpose and others yapped about the "number one threat to black women was black men" and encouraged black women to date white men.

    You think that white cop looks at black women as delicate creatures to be protected?

    You think he would have thrown a punch at a white women who was doing the same thing as those two black girls???

    And now after all that bull$hit, you're complaining that black men aren't running around wearing "WAOD" t-shirts.

    The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.

  75. fn:


    the ONLY job in america that is worse than teaching children is having to police them...

    he needed a partner and a FAR less brutal restraining technique...

    he was dead wrong
    but so was she!

  76. maria:

    i do not hate all cops

    i know 100s who are very cool and i spent yrs training them...

    i do hate the ones who are brutal racists etc


    you are SPOT on regarding mostly rabid's vocal orifice of choice is indeed habitual hypocrisy/fatal flatulence etc!!!!

    it is clear that she "bullies" you too!!!

  77. fn:

    i thought u might post about hobama's speech

    what did u think of it?

  78. false19:52 AM

    Hey, it's 2010 already. You put women in the military or on the police force with a gun, license to kill, and a fucked up attitude, but you're not allowed to punch one if she's up in your face? Seems that gender equality only goes one way. Women want all the priviledges of men with none of liabilities. They want to be generals without going into combat. They want to curse like a sailor and mix it up physically but cry foul when you've had enough.

    Is that not a double standard?

  79. Shabazz9:53 AM

    "i know 100s who are very cool and i spent yrs training them..."

    alicia stanks, you lying,fat sack of shit, why don't you give it a rest?
    What pray tell, did you train these "100's" of offiers in?
    There you go, yapping your lying trap again.
    Wasn't it you a couple of posts ago, who said I always talk about my achievements you hypocrite?
    Remember the Scott sisters?
    Will you be there monday?

  80. f1:


    equality is always cool until u have to share the pains with the perks...

    no one wants the right to be equally brutalized...but i do know lots of women that would have cold cocked him!!!

    none of them are weak young girls like the one this big macho man chose to punch though....

  81. NSangoma9:59 AM

    What dat, Chris Rock?:

  82. shaDUMBbassed out:

    you are a moron with no life experience and no research skills

    i am 46

    i have spent over 34 yrs teaching children and adults in many arenas

    i was a formal instructor etc for 2 atty generals

    i am a formal scholar in interpersonal & org comm and i trained cops regarding how to be first responders at crime scenes of pedophiles ETC...

    perpetual boys/LETCHES like you!!!

    i have been an adult in academia and the workplace since i was 12 were still learning how to tie your shoes then no?

    my UNIQUELY outstanding diverse resume is grander than any uneducated retarded eternal french fry maker like you could ever imagine

    my greatest corp feats are OSD of my media DUAL envy???

    and this is further PROOF of my extensive public record in my birth name that fools too inept to google as well as the avg 8 yr dare to BRAG about not being able to document!!!


  83. shadumbass:


    i also have many cool lesbian cops who are personal friends

    they taught me a lot about guns too!

    run up on me!!!

  84. There is no need in the year 2010 for the KKK or the Glen Becks of the world to degrade and marginile black folk,reading here this morning it's clear we do it better hands down!

  85. bmp:


    like black niggers like shabassed out who hate on educated blacks who actually DO something with our lives...


    i am not a turbo breeder
    i have dedicated my life to protecting and educating the children of others....only to come here and be degraded by envious worthless fertile child support owing niggers like shabassed out daily!!!!

    ditto for my a therpist she spends 24 hrs 7 days a week caring for kids parents have abandoned abused and thrown away....


  86. shabassedout:

    u r a liar and a fool

    i said u brag about your clownish insincere "activism"

    you clearly have NO accomplishments

    your envy evinces that daily!

    and regarding you bragging as i said

    ref: the comical harping on the scott sisters yet again...scan up!!!

  87. BigMac

    "There is no need in the year 2010 for the KKK or the Glen Becks of the world to degrade and marginile black folk,reading here this morning it's clear we do it better hands down!"

    Well nobody degrades and slanders black folks more than the grinning obsequious house negroes like you.

    And what the hell is "marginile"?

  88. Good Morning uts,YOUR MEDS HAVE BEEN ORDERED!

  89. re rodney king

    i think he is gorgeous tragic kind and sad...

    no one deserves to be killed for being foolish

    if so, shabassed out would have been beaten to death long ago

  90. yeah, yeah

    Go home and get your f-kin shinebox.

  91. see more on the tragic life of rodney king here

    my wife mentors many lost illiterate beautiful baby boys like rodney....

  92. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Granny, "Oh, really! that why Mexico has become similar to a war zone and the gangs have taken over? Or over in El Salvador is that why they had those death squads kill thousands of people and even killing people at that priest's funeral and killed those American church women because they are more together, religious and have purpose? Wow, I didn't know that!"

    That is true, IN Mexico and parts of S. America. However, in the USA and especially CA, I see a lot of unity among them in their religion, business and families. That is not the case among Blacks.

    Make no mistake, in the USA, they are united.

  93. Anonymous11:23 AM

    "And what the hell is "marginile"?"

  94. AB--i am not defending cops. i personally filed a brutality complaint against three undercover cops in my city who cussed at and manhandled my son and and a couple of his friends. the cop grabbed my son, got in my son's face and told my son he should be glad he didn't beat the shit out of him and threatened to stick his "shoe up" my son' "ass." only when my son threatened to call the cops did one reveal he WAS a cop. one cop was demoted as a result and another suspended. some are them are power-hungry pricks who think they're not accountable.

  95. maria:


    if more would police the police as you did...fewer bums like the one who bashed this girl in the face would linger on forces to anuse others!

  96. Anonymous11:43 AM

    I ask many of these commenters, why waste time and money having a Police Academy, why not just pay thugs to police the streets.

    Why not pull the cops off the street altogether? Places like inner city Oakland and Detroit are probably hopeless anyway. if people don't want cops there, just pull them out. Send them to the suburbs to set up a line of defense.

  97. aBuse others...

  98. "I ask many of these commenters, why waste time and money having a Police Academy, why not just pay thugs to police the streets."

    And I'll ask you, what's the purpose of your question?

    Are you saying the cops have a right to act like thugs?

  99. Instead of having Iced Tea at the White House they would have to have a skim double venti caramel macchiato.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  100. UTS,
    Sarcasm in ref to some comments.

  101. Ah the destructive one,always good for a laugh:) excuse the typing I am on my crack berry at the airport enjoying the comments.

  102. "
    i made a valid point. you're not sophisticated enough to understand your own positions or where they lead.

    you advocated physically harming criminals. you advocate more than the banking practices, and that alone is hysterical enough!"

    No Maria you're just an illiterate who doesn't know how to comprehend a sentence. Interesting how the only strength you have is to have that psycopathic asshole back you up.

    Birds of a feather...Idiot! lol!

  103. mostly rabid:

    why limit our vision to birds?

    ANY species can see you bully maria herein daily....scan up hypocritical schizo foolatto!!!

  104. mostly rabid:

    u and your cowardly pizza loving alter ego/pseudonym cloned assnons BOTH/ALL harass maria daily!!!

  105. fn:

    have a dafe flight!

  106. have a Safe flight fn!

  107. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Thank you Shady Grady. The young woman jumped into a situation...and the officer had to quell it immediately. Armchair police should get out and ride as observers.
    Oh, the police do hit white women. And Tase them...and use batons on them. Not every white person is Paris Hilton.


  108. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Maybe if I use the term 'trailer trash' some might realize that white folks have run-ins with the law.


  109. ditto anon!

    see graphic abuses by psycho cops against intl victims of all races/genders here

  110. The restraint cops show unruly white people is amazing.

    Skip Gates got locked up for far less than this.

  111. anon:

    i know you will not censor the
    universal brutality of psycho cops like uts did

    he sanitizes his entire world = mandatory for delusions

  112. ie

    here is an even yonger wf who was even more brutalized by cops

  113. The restraint cops show unruly white people is amazing."

    Exactly. White people usually get maced or zapped when they start kneeling out hard kicks or chunky bites, and sometimes not even then. Only a white man can turn his back and run from the cops without fear of being riddled with bullets.

    Ok, lets play the other reverse game. What if the cop was black and he punched 17 year old white girl? All these anonys and that nasty Jane Doe would be singing a different tune. Becky would get her bi-polar meds hand delivered from the judge with glass of water, and that black cop would be in the unemployment line while preparing for a civil lawsuit. We all know it.

  114. No Maria you're just an illiterate who doesn't know how to comprehend a sentence. Interesting how the only strength you have is to have that psycopathic asshole back you up.

    Birds of a feather...Idiot! lol!

    1:22 PM

    RM, i find you to be a very sad, angry person.

    personally, i draw my strength from being able to see the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in the things you post, in exposing your unreasonable positions and highlighting the inane responses you when people simply disagree with you (eg, how i'm "proud to be white.")

    i am happy to have the support of AB and anyone else, but it isn't something i need, expect or covet before i can speak my mind.

  115. Anonymous2:57 PM

    What kills me about you La*Audio is that you cheered wildly when focusedpurpose and others yapped about the "number one threat to black women was black men" and encouraged black women to date white men.

    Woooo boy, it's getting harder and harder to formulate a response to this that won't get me jumped on by the WAOD crowd. Not that I should care about something like that. Just keep in mind that most Whites don't have Black womens' best interests at heart....oh wait, that'll sound hypocritical since some Black men don't have their own womenfolk' interests at heart, either.

    See? Pretty hard to come up with a response that won't leave me open for attack. I'll just say that when the White guy goes all Ike Turner / O.J. Simpson on his Black "love", he has far greater means at his disposal for permanently disposing of his former Black lover.

  116. No Maria, you are a nitpicking loser who derives their pleasure from picking fights with people online. Your record speaks for itself. If you are that analytical you would not have taken such offense when I called our President a Mulatto or when I asked you about how you label yourself.

    Projection to the fullest.

    I'm only angry at rapists and child molesters and those who put words in my mouth.

    And again your reading comprehension is lacking. Get the hell over yourself and leave me be.

  117. maria:

    ditto x 2!

    and she is the one daring to always call out others as sad and angry

    i am a fiery leo

    i am filled with passion...happy and angry...and that is evident here and all over my own blog

    only those hater fools i rigidly slay like that foolatto mostly rabid slander me as some rigid mean angry monster and only after they have been ALL of that as preludes to their annihilations by me!!!!

    that is how we lionesses do!!!

  118. mostly rabid:

    "And again your reading comprehension is lacking. Get the hell over yourself and leave me be."


    u the dd scholar?

    this is akin to michael jackson telling someone they are lacking color in their cheeks!!!

    foolatto pleeez!!!!

  119. mostly rabid:

    coming from the bully that is you

    it is like hobama telling someone their speech lacked substance!

  120. Few cops are going to respond tamely to someone interfering with a lawful arrest/stop and certainly not to anyone putting their hands on them or pushing them. They just won't.

    Whether it's a fist, nightstick, kick, flashlight, violent shove, mace, pepper spray, or gun, if someone is stupid enough to initiate force with a police officer in most cases they will find that the officer has a superior capacity for violence.

    If we KNOW that cops already have lower trigger mechanisms for justifying violence against black citizens, why in the world would someone deliberately get physical with a cop? That's just retarded.

    As mentioned above multiple times, what did the woman in pink think was going to happen when she grabbed and pushed a cop? Right or wrong she can't win that confrontation on the street. Smarten up.

  121. Ok, lets play the other reverse game. What if the cop was black and he punched 17 year old white girl?

    We wouldn't hear words like--"lets hold off on judgement until there is an investigation". His ass would be grass!

  122. As mentioned above multiple times, what did the woman in pink think was going to happen when she grabbed and pushed a cop?

    She's a 17 year old. She has the mentality of a teenager!

  123. [quote]There is no need in the year 2010 for the KKK or the Glen Becks of the world to degrade and marginile black folk,reading here this morning it's clear we do it better hands down![/quote]


    YOUNG JEEZY is far more DEGRADING to Black people than ANYTHING that you can pin on Glenn Beck:

    Despite all of this the Democrats STILL invite him to the stage in their "Get The Black Folks Out To Vote For The Democrats" rally.

    [quote]these niggas jus hatin they aint talkin bout shyt(shyt)
    ima grown azz man i flip my own bricks(eyy)
    i dont need yo help i can own my own dick(haha)
    aint no muthafucka help me write my rhymes(nope)
    aint nan nigga pay for my studio time(naw)
    see me at the top wanna claim my fame(damnn)
    nigga took my chain ya muthafuckin right(right)
    u betta off sayin a nigga took my life(yaaa)
    ya wanna sasinate my character but i aint actin(eyyyy)
    it aint addin up so u niggas subtractin(chea)
    big said it first mo money mo problems(problems)
    the way i see it mo problems mo money(eyyy)

    i got the streets on lock atlanta on my back
    i do it for tha hood u gotta problem wit dat
    real niggas alwayz rap shyt easy
    when i speak these niggas belive me 'cause bitch im jeezy
    (reapet 1x)

    (verse 2)
    eyes wide shut i dont see dese niggas(no)
    'cause deep n ya heart ya wanna b me nigga(yaaaa)
    wanna stand in my shoes wanna fuck my hoes(eyy)
    wanna live my life wanna rock my shows(nooo)
    ya young punks wit cha loose ass lips(whew)
    i keep a A-R wit them loose ass clips(pow)
    what type of real nigga name himself afta a bag(huh?)
    nigga you's a hoe a louis vuitton fag(haha)
    my name aint dick so keep it out ya mouth(damnnn)
    it is what it is look i am tha south(dat's right)
    big mack you niggas small fries(yaaaa)
    u just anotha nigga im mo lyke a franchize(dats wutsup)


    I was born in the fields raised in atlanta
    pop bust a nut years so i waz made in atlanta

  124. Shady Grady,

    "As mentioned above multiple times, what did the woman in pink think was going to happen when she grabbed and pushed a cop? Right or wrong she can't win that confrontation on the street. Smarten up."


    What's really missing from the inner city urban culture today, that which is causing the people there to stagnate and atrophy, is the absence of an elder culture.

    I grew up in the inner city during the 70s and we were told FORCEFULLY by our elders "Don't argue with the cops". "Don't ever raise your hand to a cop." "If a cop stops you be courteous and cooperative."

    Not because they loved cops but because they knew very well what could happen to belligerent young negroes at the hands of cops.

    Hell, what could happen to innocent negroes at the hands of cops.

    These two girls probably have mothers who are barely in their thirties, very little contact with their fathers if any, and don't know the rules of survival for black folks.

    In a few more years, they'll be dropping some OOW babies and the whole process will repeat itself.


  125. Anonymous3:26 PM

    YOUNG JEEZY is far more DEGRADING to Black people than ANYTHING that you can pin on Glenn Beck:

    Does it mean we have to sit quietly and tolerate anything Glenn Beck says?

    Once again, Blacks have no right to complain about racism or being marginalized or anything else that others may do until we get our own little fucked up house in order. That seems to be the theme from CF, et al.

    Other races aren't asked this. Just ours. Guess that goes to show that Niggers really are a worthless people, huh?

  126. oh RIGHT. not to beat a dead horse, but you never explained why you didn't simply call him biracial, instead of slurring him with mulatto.

  127. ditto maria

    she just denied it was a slur because she is both a coward and a moron in addition to being a bully foolatto!

  128. Maria because I wasn't raised with the term being a slur and therefore do not perceive it as such. Rottnkd already showed you a link that said the term was not considered universally pejorative but that he did not like the term. So be it.

    You are outside of that ethnic group and for every link you can provide that says the word is a slur, I can provide other links where the term is used in a non insulting way. So this is a matter of perspective and experience.

    I don't care for many of the President's polices but would never slight anybody just because of their ethnicity. This is why the other poster who insulted you based upon being italian wasn't cool.

    And about beating dead horses, I already told you that I was asking you to reconcile your self label of being 'white' with the socioeconomic position that Italians have occupied in this country.

    You cited a link a few months ago showing that Italians were victimized via a huge lynching in the South back in the day. Usually people that got lynched in mass were not part of the mainstream 'white' population unless they were criminals. Therefore I believe my question to you was justified.

    Too bad you figured I was insulting you. Apparently you have odd sensitivities and since I am not a mind is what it is.

    I already apologized if you took offense to what I said and now that horse has already been beat too much.

  129. mostly rabid:

    all debates are uncensored and unrestricted by time

    by that i mean...

    the only overly beaten dead horse is the one they slew to make your weave!!

  130. CF:

    I am an old woman and I understood the words in his rap lyrics that you posted. He is not degrading anyone black, he is talking about people being jealous of his success as a rapper and putting him down. And he is not talking about committing violence towards anyone in it either. Why don't you just say that you do not understand what he is saying because of the urban way he is expressing it.

  131. BTW, CF I understood what he was saying and I am not into rap music. But I am a music lover. I'm more of a R&B and gospel person. I'll listen to county and western, opera, classical, and jazz too-variety, but rap is not one of them.

  132. This comment has been removed by the author.

  133. Granny thanks for explaining Jeezy's lyrics to CF. I have mixed feelings bout him. I think he has great production but sometimes he does say stuff that glorifies thuggery. Guru remains one of the best rappers ever precisely because he never went theres

    As to the ugly disgusting troll comment about weaves, inapplicable. And it's quite telling that someone who is young enough to be your daughter can rile you up so much. Aren't you supposed to be older and wiser than me? Of course you are not much more than a middle aged fool who is so transparent that someone half their age can call you out.

    AB you are a pathetic piece of shit.

  134. Oops, sorry about that CF, but I missed the line where he called referred to women as hoes. Forgive me, now that was out of line and degrading.

  135. Granny, so many rappers call women hos and bitches that I'm almost immune to the terms as slights. That is pitiful.

  136. mostlu rabid

    u r being way too hard on your foolatto self

    it is not "pathetic"

    it is typical/human/universal

    we all naturally embrace/find comfort in the sound of our own names...

  137. But then again, CF, what is a groupie and some of those video vixens? They called them loose women back in my day.

    And yes Rigmaiden that is so true. I can still remember Tupac's song about "You wonder why we call them a "B". I hate to say this but he gave some pretty good reasons for it. :) But still men shouldn't call women out of their name and should remember that it was a women that carried them in their womb for nine months and birth them into the world. Without women they wouldn't be here on this earth.

  138. mostly rabid:

    he foam from your mouth confused me in your last post

    i have no idea what you are barying retadrdedly about

    every day is a blessing

    i am proud to be 46 like that "middle aged" hobama!!!

    how old are u you immature envious foolatto?

    when did u begin breeding your charmed angelic death proof spawn??

  139. The foam from your mouth confused me in your last post

    wtf r u braying t 4:06??/

  140. mr/mostly rabid/mandisa ranting?:

    i just saw your blog

    why no photos?

    why not show off the horse's hair since you are so alllegedly concerned with deaths in vain????

    let us see that horse's legacy!!!!

  141. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Shut up Alicia. Just.Shut.Up.

  142. mandisa ranting:

    i despise all foolattos of all ages

    and anyone of any age who messes with a lion gets mauled


  143. assnon/mandisa:

    cc that to mostly rabid/yourself

  144. Maria:

    All of my great-grandparents on my dad's side were referred to as mulatto or creole and they were not offended by neither term. So were some of my grandparents on my mom's side. They were more offended by being referred to as the "N" word. So, therefore, I think it depends on the person and what they consider offensive. The majority considers the "N" word more offensive.

    Some terms in the English language change so much throughout history that even the word "negro" and "African American" and "Black" is offensive to some people, until to me it is becoming a battle not worth fighting over because in another decade there will be another term used and people will consider all of the above obsolete and offensive. Why people just can't use people's given names and make the color of people's skin obsolete and call it a day is beyond me.

  145. Granny yes, I've always been conflicted about such language used to describe women, particularly Black women since we tend to be marginalized.

    After I had my Lena dog, I could see where the term comes from. She is a pitbull and doesn't take any mess. She fought this one dog that tried to roll up on my son's stroller sniffing. She intercepted that dog and bit the shit out of her.

    My Lena dog is so badass that the OWNERS of the dog she bit apologized to us. After all they let their dog off leash and Lena was on her leash the whole time!

    Ever since my son was born she gives him a licky kiss every morning and when he cries she immediately stops what she's doing and goes to lick him to cheer him up.

    The term bitch can have a double meaning it seems. But I think a ho is a ho.

  146. Mack Is Lying:

    We only need to make extended observations of how Glenn Beck/Fox News is able to get a rise out of people who seem oblivious to the media artifacts that cause more WHITE FOLKS to lipsync the "N-Word".

    One thing is fortunate though - where as vinyl records and CDs produced a physical record of these ignorant lyrics - a lot of WHITE FOLKS eventually lose the MP3 download when their computer hard drive crashes - this clearing out the "N-word" references.

  147. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Why is it so hard to consolidate all your thoughts in one post? Why all the responses?

    I would think that a person who refers to herself as a lioness would be more decisive.

    We are not interested in your L'esprit de l'escalier. One post is enough.

  148. Granny thanks for explaining that to Maria. She's given me shit about a label that (like you) my Louisiana side of the family was/is called. There is no offense taken when the word is used in my family. Perhaps since you are older and wiser, she'll listen to your reasonable explanation.

    You make allusions to your family history a lot. I cannot wait to see your book when it is released!

    I do think that its universally unacceptable for a person outside of the Black race to use the term NIGGER. And then when its been appropriated by Blacks usually the term is 'nigga'. I didn't grow up using that term and when I moved to Atlanta, I was surprised that people used the term self referentially as a term of endearment, nigga. But NEVER did they say nigger.
    Maria, you've got a LOT of nerve trying to lecture ME about MY CULTURE and what labels I can use to describe myself or OTHER PEOPLE who are part of my demographic.

    I've NEVER done that to you because it's not my place. Learn yours.

  149. assnon:

    cc that to granny and ALL of the other multiple posters herein

  150. [quote]I am an old woman and I understood the words in his rap lyrics that you posted. He is not degrading anyone black, he is talking about people being jealous of his success as a rapper and putting him down. And he is not talking about committing violence towards anyone in it either. Why don't you just say that you do not understand what he is saying because of the urban way he is expressing it.[/quote]

    Granny - you know YOU ARE RIGHT.

    I must apologize to Young Jeezy as I failed to look past the gratuitous use of the N-word and should have considered his message.

    I KNEW I should have used the other song in which he says that WHILE HIS MOTHER WAS IN CHURCH PRAYING FOR HIM................he was at home looking in the Refrigerator for the BAKING SODA.


    It ain't to:

    * Brush his teeth
    * Scrub stains off of the wall
    * As a laundry detergent aid
    * To deodorize his kitchen sink drain

    If only you all would tell Michelle Alexander who wrote "The New Jim Crow" book that Ronald Reagan did not distribute baking soda to the community - people like YOUNG JEEZY give hints on how to cook up CRACK via their music.

  151. I have heard some of my own people (referring to my color group of people) that will preach to you a sermon about calling them "black" people. They'll tell you that black is the color of shoe dye, etc., and they are not black. Then there are some who will preach you a sermon about calling them "African-American", and will tell you that they are not from Africa and that they were born in the USA and are American. Then there are others who, well...don't get me started on what they will preach to you about calling them a "negro".

    That's why it would defuse a lot of unneccesary conflict in the world if people would just refer to people by their given name and make the color of people's skin obsolete and an offensive term. The color of people's skin seems to be a divisive root of what causes major attitudes, disagreements, and conflicts that human beings can't seem to get pass in recognizing people as equals. Or see others as another individual person like them with human behavior characteristics or human flaws or the same human nature traits.

  152. Granny you're right for the most part. I think where race or perceived ethnic group is important is when trying to ID victims of crime and perpetrators of crime.

    Also human beings are innately visual creatures. When referencing people descriptions of features are usually prefaced by a racial description.

    I don't know if that acknowledging physical differences is bad. But the politics associated with these labels are divisive, as you say and obviously can be a bother.

    As an aside, I once tried race neutral descriptions of people when conversing with normal folks. This is an example:

    Me: Yes she is nice.
    Them: How does she look? I am curious.
    Me: She has almond shaped eyes that are somewhat close together, they are brown. Her nose is narrow on the bridge but fleshy and points up. She has a square jaw and caramel complexioned skin. She has straight brown hair in a bob.
    Them: Okay what race is she?

    I just don't know how we can get away from qualifying even descriptions like the one above without talking about race in some way or perceived race.

  153. CF:

    Yes, I know what they use baking soda for. And could it be that he was in that song telling about how his life used to be instead of giving out instructions on how to make crack? CF, it is not like what baking soda is used for is top secret in the hood or suburbs or anywhere else for that fact. I mean even newspapers, magazines, MSM articles and news outlets have divulged that information. Unless someone doesn't have a television, radio, computer, or read some type of print that is the only way that would be some information that would be considered not public knowledge.

    I don't know how old you are, but even Little Richard sung in his songs about "crack" when he sung that song, "We Gone Shake It Up, We Gone Rock it Up. Or Johnny Guitar Watson sung about it when he sung that song, "Look at all that Money Going up in Smoke". Please don't get me started on some of the Heavy Metal, Rock n Roll and Country Western music lyrics about drugs or the same mess in rap music. I remember a country western song back years ago where the artist was singing about using his cocaine on the train. There were even songs back in my day about drugs sung by blues artists, etc by white and blacks folks. So, stop trying to make it look like rappers are the "one and only" cause of corruption in the USA. There is a long list of people who can take blame for that, which includes Hollywood movies, politicians, etc. And btw they started it first! Strange how you never complain about those CEOs at the top in the music industry that are paying them to make those type of songs. Nor do you complain about those movies CEOs. It is always the low man on the totem pole. Nor do you complain about those CEOs and CIA folks that are instrumental in smuggling drugs and guns into our neighborhoods and getting the lion's share of the profits the reason why the drug war was a faux in the first place and in reality another form of genocide. I guess street pirates only applies to black people in your book and not those white collar street pirates who are able financially to spread global destruction.

    It was not black street pirates or rappers putting out information on how to make bombs, which can cause mass destruction.


    I think that you are a very intelligent young woman and you are willing to hear the other side's views if reasonable without getting offended and apologize if you've offended anyone that's what I like about you. That shows maturity.

  154. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Babies and pit bulls. A pit bull "who loves kids and never hurt anyone" mauls a kid a week around here. I'll pray for your son since you are too stupid to recognize the risk.

  155. mellaneous6:02 PM

    CF said:

    "If only you all would tell Michelle Alexander who wrote "The New Jim Crow" book that Ronald Reagan did not distribute baking soda to the community - people like YOUNG JEEZY give hints on how to cook up CRACK via their music."

    CF did you read Michelle Alexander's book? It appears that you didn't, because the last thing she did was blame the community for the War on Drugs and the resulting lock down of the black community and the resultant second class citizenship as a result of having a record.

    What are you talking about? Crack came out long before Jeezy even thought about rapping about baking soda. Do you watch any crime shows? If you do you would witness all kinds of diabolical criminal schemes, but no one blames them for starting or suggesting crimes.

    Granny thanks for breaking down what Jeezy was actually saying and thus destroying CF's silly arguments.

    CF has a bad habit of doing this kind of thing. He is like the guy who reads one book on thermonuclear science and suddenly thinks he is a thermomnuclear scientist.

    CF is continual proof that "a little bit of knowledge is dangerous."



    He said he wants Obama to PUT HIS BOOT ON BP'S NECK - just as the Civil Rights Leaders said that White Supremacists did to BLACK PEOPLE Back in the day.

    Filled Negro - I now realize why GLENN BECK is such a threat to you and other Progressive Fundamentalists - HIS SHOW TODAY IS DETAILING IT ALL!!!

    What happens if we get a DICTATOR per Obama BUT THEN the "Tea Parties elect SARAH PALIN" in the future??

    It is wise council to get the PRESIDENT THAT YOU LIKE Extra-Constitutional Powers only to regret it when someone YOU DON'T LIKE gets into POWER?

    Do you think that Democracy Now or Naimi Klein or Noam Chomski or Seymour Hersh are watching this DICTATOR thing?

    Are you sure that Glenn Beck is CRAZY or is he just CALLING SOME OF YOU OUT?

    Name one person who you disagree with YET who is not attacked?

  157. [quote] And could it be that he was in that song telling about how his life used to be instead of giving out instructions on how to make crack? [/quote]

    Granny - If a Country Western star wrote a song in which he TOLD OF his past history of intimidating BLACK PEOPLE - but never SUGGESTED ANYONE DO THIS IN THE FUTURE - would you accept this?

    Please Granny. I told you before that there is nothing that you could EVER do to shake my agape love for you. NOTHING!!

    At the same time there must be some point at which you will not allow ANYONE to cross.

    What is this immutable point that not even Young Jeezy could cross?

  158. mellaneous6:09 PM

    ditto brother Field ditto. I told you what I thought.

    I see you brought out the racists, the legalists and the insensitive today with this post (lol)

    I think I understand why some folks wrote in anonymously they weren't saying anything worth noting. Kind of like Jane Doe she is aptly named because her opinions aren't distinguishable from other run of the meal racists. Nothing to see there.

    But Field I can't help but wonder what their opinion would be about the rights of cops if one hit them like that no matter what they were doing or what their record happened to be.

    Man class society is sure hard on human beings and human affinity. Its really easy to be cavalier when it aint happening to you.

  159. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Granny: none of the people you mentioned held themselves out as gangsters. Not even Johnny Cash glorfied his ex offender status and he never held himself out as some badass.

    A lot of jazz musicians were junkies but they didn't write music about how cool it was.

    Rappers pride themselves on selling their street cred and thug identity. That's the primary difference between rappers and all those other folks. Rockers wrote about drugs but they weren't trying to promote themselves as murderous gangsters. And some of these rappers have engaged in serious violent crime. How many rockers have been shot to death by "rivals" or been accused of shooting someone? I've lost track of how many aspiring rappers with real rap sheets have been murdered where I live. Can't think of a single rocker. Lee Morgan's crazy wife murdered him.

    You are comparing apples to gorillas.

  160. Anonymous:

    Are you trying to be slick slipping in the gorillas comment? Oh puhleeeeezzze! Heavy metal music is known for it's violent and satanism lyrics and they glorify themselves with names and songs with names like Father of Death Metal" along with Possessed and Death, other pioneers of death metal in the United States include Autopsy, Necrophagia, Master, Morbid Angel, Massacre, Atheist, Obituary and Cannibal Corpse. Some Rock n Roll Lyrics glorify hating blacks,beating your wife, and pornography.

  161. Let's see. An idiot white cop punches a girl. Five years ago, corrupt cops on the most corrupt police force in one of the most corrupt cities in the US commit murder.

    Meanwhile, there are an average of 1.2 murders per day committed here in NY City. Virtually all of them are committed by hispanics or blacks. Mostly by blacks.

    This year in NY City, the number of murders committed by white killers is close to ZERO.

    But, hey, let's stick with the important stuff, a punch in the head and a five-year-old crime that occurred during a hurricane.

  162. CF, did you read what I said? I am not into rap music.

    Once again, why do you just complain about the low man on the totem pole but leave the CEOs and those at the top out of your complaint? After all, they're the ones making the real money off of all of those lyrics, drugs, etc.?

    Figuratively speaking, wouldn't it make sense that in order to put a stop to what you regard as an enemy to the black community, wouldn't you want to chop off the enemies head first. After all, it's the CEO heads of the music industries that make it possible for those lyrics that you have a problem with getting out in the public airwaves. They, also, are making billions off of those lyrics and the low man on the totem pole.

    Or are you afraid to confront those CEOs because of the Corporate Network that might indirectly cause you to lose your job in the Corporate world when word gets out through the Corporate Network that you need a lesson in knowing your place?

    BTW, CF, I love you too.

  163. no_slappz:

    "This year in NY City, the number of murders committed by white killers is close to ZERO."

    Are you on some types of drugs or are an alcoholic or are you just a natural born idiot who loves to make racist asinine statements?

  164. Anonymous7:12 PM

    You Niggers are funnier than a barrel of Porch Monkeys...
    Please don't stop!!
    I wonder how many Black Babies were aborted today? You know, while y'all be cryin about some Ho gettin Bee-Otch Slapped, makes ya think.
    Or Smile:)

    it was about 3,500 BTW, every little bit helps..


  165. Rappers pride themselves on selling their street cred and thug identity. That's the primary difference between rappers and all those other folks. Rockers wrote about drugs but they weren't trying to promote themselves as murderous gangsters. And some of these rappers have engaged in serious violent crime.

    Anon, you have just shown your ignorance about Hip-Hop. In the early days of Hip-Hop the music was primarily about having a good time and getting away from the Streets, not glorifying violence. Sure there was gangsta rappers -- but even the most hardcore guys like Ice-T were pretty much preaching against gangbanging in the 80's.

    Hip-Hop was also very eclectic. You had party music like Hammer and the Beastie Boys, goofy kiddy pop like Will Smith, out-there spacey hip-hop like PM Dawn and hardcore acts like Rakim. All these artists were making hits while having very different styles and influences.

    So why did we go from Kurtis Blow and Run DMC to, well, Lil' Wayne? Why are the top selling artists a bunch of fouled mouth wannabe thugs? In a word -- white people. Suburbia drives the hip-hop market.

    The change happened in the mid to late 90's for one main reason -- White teenage boys love NWA and the Wu-Tang Clan. That's it. Yes, young Black boys love to hear the aggression and toughness, as well experience their dreams of wealth and power. But if suburban kids weren't eating it up, most of your gangsta rappers might go gold at best.

    The biggest buyers of gangsta rap aren't Black folks, its young white men. So, you market to your biggest consumers.

    Until little Tucker and Chad start listening to the GRITS or Q-Tip, gang-banging music is all you're gonna get.

  166. Anonymous7:16 PM

    "If we KNOW that cops already have lower trigger mechanisms for justifying violence against black citizens, why in the world would someone deliberately get physical with a cop? That's just retarded."

    That's the point. Anyone who is Black who gets physical with the police deserves a good hard right upside their head. Actually, God was with that stupid 17 year old. HE took mercy on her idiotic butt.

    And I can't believe the commenter excusing and justifying that teen's lame brain actions because she is only 17 years old.

  167. Does it make more sense to you that a grown policeman should be allowed to sock a teenager in the face with his fist. However, if a teenager's parents did the same thing, white folks would be sending out child protective services to take the child out of their custody and the police to arrest them and put them in jail. Is that a double standard? Or do you think that only grown policemen should be the only ones to chastise other people's children? Curious minds want to know.

    BTW, I did not justify or excuse the girl or the police's actions in this particular incident.

  168. Thanks Granny for giving some history on crack. Thanks for giving some history on hip hop LAC.

    Now you mentioned you grew up on the East Coast. I cannot imagine the vibrancy of the air at the time.

    We are likely close to the same age and I recall doing ciphers with cousins and free styling for fun because everybody had fun and rapped; even old ladies had their fifteen minutes of fame rapping.

    Sadly the fun in hip hop has been eroded for a while.

  169. Anonymous7:31 PM


    "This year in NY City, the number of murders committed by white killers is close to ZERO."

    Are you on some types of drugs or are an alcoholic or are you just a natural born idiot who loves to make racist asinine statements?"

    He's just trying to let folks know where Blacks rank in American society. Why are you sooo offended?

  170. RM--i have no desire to rehash or explain a single comment i made months ago that i barely remember and that was completely inconsequential. you really need to get off your computer more. your opinions and outlook are extremely narrow lighten up! have fun!

  171. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "BTW, I did not justify or excuse the girl or the police's actions in this particular incident."

    I wasn't talking about you. However, I still say that teen had no business getting physical and interfering with the law. She got off easy in this case. Had the cop been a cold-blooded hater of Blacks her ass would have been dead and he would get off, much like the cop in Oakland will.

  172. "He's just trying to let folks know where Blacks rank in American society. Why are you sooo offended?"


  173. Anonymous7:45 PM

    MR, what's with you and Maria?

  174. Anonymous 7:35.

    Yup! I don't think she should have done what she did either. That is like playing Russian Roulette the way I see it.

  175. Anonymous7:49 PM

    MR, is this a Black and White thing between you and Maria?

  176. mellaneous7:58 PM

    Granny you are eating CF's lunch this was right on the money. How have you been? I been busy, really busy so haven't had as much time to go back and forth with my favorite contrarians and just backward human beings.

    Granny said:

    Once again, why do you just complain about the low man on the totem pole but leave the CEOs and those at the top out of your complaint? After all, they're the ones making the real money off of all of those lyrics, drugs, etc.?

    Figuratively speaking, wouldn't it make sense that in order to put a stop to what you regard as an enemy to the black community, wouldn't you want to chop off the enemies head first. After all, it's the CEO heads of the music industries that make it possible for those lyrics that you have a problem with getting out in the public airwaves. They, also, are making billions off of those lyrics and the low man on the totem pole.

    Or are you afraid to confront those CEOs because of the Corporate Network that might indirectly cause you to lose your job in the Corporate world when word gets out through the Corporate Network that you need a lesson in knowing your place?

    Well said, well said.

  177. mellaneous8:06 PM


    Anyone familiar with this story out of Las Vegas in which a 21 year old man was shot by cops who broke in his house saying he was a dealer when it appears he was just a weed smoker.

    A 21-year-old father-to-be was killed last Friday night by a Las Vegas Police Department narcotics officer serving a search warrant for marijuana. Trevon Cole was shot once in the bathroom of his apartment after he made what police described as “a furtive movement.”

    Police have said Cole was not armed. Police said Monday they recovered an unspecified amount of marijuana and a set of digital scales. A person identifying herself as Cole's fiancée, Sequoia Pearce, in the comments section in the article linked to above said no drugs were found.

    Pearce, who is nine months pregnant, shared the apartment with Cole and was present during the raid. "I was coming out, and they told me to get on the floor. I heard a gunshot and was trying to see what was happening and where they had shot him," Pearce told KTNV-TV.

    According to police, they arrived at about 9 p.m. Friday evening at the Mirabella Apartments on East Bonanza Road, and detectives knocked and announced their presence. Receiving no response, detectives knocked the door down and entered the apartment. They found Pearce hiding in a bedroom closet and took her into custody. They then tried to enter a bathroom where Cole was hiding. He made "a furtive movement" toward a detective, who fired a single shot, killing Cole.

  178. Mellaneous:

    I'm doing great and have been pretty busy myself working on that book and other projects in my community. So, I don't have much time to post that often myself.

    I hadn't been feeling well for a few days, but I'm feeling somewhat better today. I'm trying to take it easy.

  179. mellaneous8:10 PM

    Granny I hope you get well soon. I really want to read that book when you're done. It sounds like your life has been pretty full and that you have witnessed as well as participated in some of the movements of our times.

    Say one for me I am trying to figure out how to get the rest of my seminary education paid for, but part of me doesn't want to finish cause all the study takes me out of circulation and action.

    But I guess I'll have to trust God!

  180. Anonymous8:35 PM

    The biggest buyers of rap might be whites only because there are more of them but in my 'hood, it's all black youth listen to. According to what I read, rap music has had the greatest decline in sales of any genre. I guess the white kids got bored with it.

    Granny: how many rockers have killed each other? Where's the east coast/west coast rocker feud? some rockers, a few, were into satanism but the heavy hitter mainstream rockers were not are not nihlists. Gene Simmons and Ozzy osbourne portray themselves today as harmless rockers. Mainstream rappers who make the big bucks have traded on their gangster/criminal histories.
    It's been 20 years since rap was diverse and upbeat blah, blah, blah. Once gangsta rap arrived, nothing else had a chance. And what other ethnic/racial group has delighted in portraying their women as "ho's"? Then bitch about how racist other countries are because they think we are all criminals and hookers. Russell Simmons ought to be in prison for the traitorous images he exported around the world about black people.

  181. [quote]Are you trying to be slick slipping in the gorillas comment?[/quote]


    When I read the comment I took it that Anon #147 was talking about the WHITE ROCK AND ROLLERS being "Gorillas". They sure are a hairy bunch.

    How did YOU understand the comment?

  182. LOL! CF

    You got a point there CF, I think you nailed it bullseye.

  183. [quote]Granny, so many rappers call women hos and bitches that I'm almost immune to the terms as slights. That is pitiful.[/quote]

    Do you think it would help if someone started a "Media Matters" type organization that monitored rap lyrics and then brought for the IGNORANT verses to public awareness? Or would this generate too much e-mail traffic and possibily shut down the Internet mail servers because there is so much abundance to choose from?

    [quote]You Niggers are funnier than a barrel of Porch Monkeys...
    Please don't stop!!
    I wonder how many Black Babies were aborted today? You know, while y'all be cryin about some Ho gettin Bee-Otch Slapped, makes ya think.
    Or Smile:)

    it was about 3,500 BTW, every little bit helps.

    Frankly Drunkman:

    Since there is no such scientific term as RACE might it be that 3,500 of your RELATIVES were aborted today?

    With this Seattle cop emboldened as such about getting away with his PUNCH - per your wishes there is like 8 to 1 White women in Seattle who might be the next victim of his sucker punch.

    For some reason I don't think that you would be assuming the same "open mouth" position about this excessive action by the cop if a "Scandinavian-type" woman were on the receiving end.

  184. Nah, Anonymous the white kids haven't gotten bored with rap. The reason why saies have went down the economy is bad so everybody is into bootleg and burning CD's now and they download music into their IPods.

  185. Alright Granny.
    You convinced me with that last comment to not respond to Mellaneous.

    I'll just let him ride for now.

    I should let Melaneous know that I was reading a book at the pool side for the last few hours by Rev James Forbes of the Riverside Church in the NYC. He is a "Progressive Christian" and, perish the thought, Bill Moyers did the introduction to the book.

    I am trying to understand what makes a "Progressive Christian" (like you) "tick".

    After getting through the first 30 pages and reading Moyers accounts of how CONSERVATIVE Christians responded to "9/11" I was made to ask you a question Mellaneous:

    Are their any PROGRESSIVE MUSLIMS in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan that project the same messages of 'functional disarmament' to their ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALISTS that are nearby?

    It seems to me that if the Left/Right war in the USA was counterbalanced by a Left/Right war in Islamic nations - both sides would be so distracted by their local battle they neither would have time to wage international battles.

    The same with the Palestinians. I see all of the "Progressive Jews" on Link TV that stand against Israels "atrocities" - where are the LEFTIST PALESTINIANS that ask their "right wingers" to lay down their arms, turn the other cheek and give peace a chance?

    In summary - the flaw with Progressivism is that while it does a good job firing INDICTMENTS at their "local conservatives" it needs a whole lot of work getting the "opposing conservative" that is far far away to fall in line, thus riling up the LOCAL CONSERVATIVES to remain on guard.

    (Do some of you understand what I am saying? I WATCH YOU ALL!!!!!)

  186. As for songs with lyrics talking bad about women, those are nothing new either. The only difference is that they were a little more discreet in the language they used instead of being more out in the open with it.

    For example: The lyrics to the song called...Everybody knows About My Good Thing, which even Mick Jagger remade.

    Anyway, in the song the lyrics go like this:

    I was talking to my neighbor
    About the way you wear your hair
    And He said
    You must have a lot of children
    because the milkman is always there
    Call the plumber darling
    It must be a leak in my drain.

    I was talking to the Butcher
    And he said
    you always in need
    I guess that's why my icebox
    is always full of meat
    Call the plumber darling
    It must be a leak in my drain

    Please don't ask me to give an interpretation of what he meant by his drain.

    Oh yeah, Esther Phillips was a heroin addict, and she made a song back in the day, about heroin and she considered more of a jazz artist. In her lyrics she said:

    You keep saying
    Kick it, quit it
    but have you ever tried?

    An old blues artist back many years ago, I can't remember his name right off hand sung a song about smoking weed. His lyrics went like this.

    Give me my champagne and reefer.
    Nothing wrong with getting high.

    And that country western song I referred to about the cocaine on the train. I can't remember his exact lyrics because I only heard it once when I took a trip to Tacoma, Washington back many years ago. But I do remember him singing he had to have his cocaine while riding on the train.

    Talking about violence in songs is nothing new either, like I said before entertainers used to be more discreet with it.

    And no I am not excusing the lyrics of today. I am just pointing out that there is really nothing new about sex, drugs, and violence in music. According to those at the top who in the entertainment business of distributing those type of songs out in the public and making billions off, drugs, and violence sells. Not my opinion but theirs!

  187. BTW, I could tell you lyrics to some songs that came out way before some of you were even born that were worst than that. And that was in an era when people really were against any type of music other than a church hymn and would have swore you were demon possessed and doing the devil's work. Teenagers had to sneak to listen to and pray that they didn't caught by their parents.:)

  188. Huddie Ledbetter (Leadbelly) and one of my country cousins in the south used to get together and play the guitar back many years ago. He lived in a neighboring town close by. They would play street corners back then. A couple of his family members married into mine.

    You would really see what I mean by nothing new regarding lyrics if you heard his song, "Take A Whiff On Me"

    I bet you don't know what Whiff means. :)

  189. Anonymous10:47 PM

    You don't want to be wrong or you are intentionally missing my point. Rap has taken the biggest dip of all genres. Okay?

    And I know all about racy lyrics. None of these artists were promoting themselves as criminals to sell their music. Now do you get it? There was no shoot out at the OK Corral between Mississippi and Chicago blues artists. Okay? I'm done trying to debate someone who just wants to recreate reality.

    We have a generation of young black women who think denigrating black females in mainstrem popular culture is entertaining. How silly do you look now?

    As a child, I wouldn't know what whiff meant but I knew fuck was a big time bad word and it would have been unacceptable to put the word in mainstream popular music.

  190. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I hadn't heard about NOLA case. They also "outlawed" guns around that time in New Orleans, the lawyers will be working on that for while. As much as I love LA and Cajun food, I never been to NO. My first girlfriend was shot there and I don't think the place much since.


  191. Anonymous 10:47:

    No I'm not missing your point or am I trying to have a right or wrong contest. My point is and still remains that nothing is new regarding lyrics of violence, sex, or degrading women in music. The only difference in past and present is they were a little more discreet with their choice of words in the past.

    Please do tell me in what way does it make me look silly because younger women think it is entertaining, I didn't teach them to think like that.

    And the CEOs of that company are not guiltless in those young men promoting themselves as gangsters to sell records. After all, all of those companies have publicist employed in the music industry; therefore, it must be an okay policy with the CEOs of the company for them to be able to do that and that is where the complaints need to be directed to.

    Let me make myself clear since you didn't get it the first time. I'm not making excuses for their lyrics nor do I uphold or agree with their lyrics. I'm merely saying that the entertainment industry has always been like that and promoted sex and violence and denigration of women.

    BtW, they had shootouts back in those days too between blues artists and customers too. That's why they called juke joints the "Hole In The Wall," but you being a child back then wouldn't know that now would you.

  192. Anonymous11:39 PM

    I shouldn't post this cause I'll catch hell but THANK YOU. It is kind of scary to live in "progressive Seattle" and hear people talk about how it is perfectly okay for a trained professional to put a fist to a woman's face (who just happens to be "one of them") and in the same breath complain about why communities of color don't trust the cops. You can't have that both ways.

    It is NEVER a police officer's fault when it is a person of color. In that recent case where they pulled over the wrong (Latino, of course) kid and slammed him out, it was only "wrong" because he was the wrong person of color...not because of the force that was used.

    All said, the "well, he was justified" bit just gets me so heated. Because people are so simple. And want us all to get along but don't want to do the work to make that happen. That's the American Way after all.

    Okay...I'm sure I'll be fired Monday. Plenty more time to post random comments online I guess.

  193. szpork:

    You not missing much as far as the scenery goes, believe me New Orleans looked nothing like the pictures they promote on postcards and travel brochures when I was there in year 2000. It was rundown. Their hotels charge an arm and a leg. I had to pay $10 for a dry hamburger at the one I stayed in, and it wasn't all that to me. Since Katrina I'm sure it probably looks worst. As for the Cajun food, you can make that yourself. It's so simple to make.

  194. Granny and other commenter, Lucille Brogan was explicitly vulgar. Circa 1920's and early 30's.

  195. Cocoa_Goddess2:11 AM


    I love N.O. I actually went to N.O. in 2007. Parts of it were still rundown but of course the French Quarter and Jackson Square were in good shape.

    I tell you what, though, I make sure I never go during Mardi Gras! Never!

  196. The Champagne and Reefer song was by Muddy Waters.

    There have been plenty of vulgar blues, rock, rock and roll and pop artists, some extremely so but with a few exceptions they did not have the explicit profane language which is common today in most rap. Can a rapper write a song or give an interview without saying "b****" this or "n****" that. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it.

    Although there's always been cutups -see list below- for whatever reason modern rap seems to excel in that.

    Pat Hare (blues/rock-n-roll) who wrote the song "I'm gonna murder my baby" did just that and also killed a policeman for good measure.
    Willie John (Fever) ended up in prison for manslaughter.
    Sam Cooke was shot dead by a madam after a prostitute allegedly stole his money.
    David Allan Coe (country) was in and out of prison for most of his youth and young adulthood.
    Steve Earle (country/rock) has been in prison.
    Varg Vikernes (racist black metal) murdered another metal musician and did 16 yrs in prison.
    John Bonham drunkenly attempted to rape a stewardess but it was covered up.
    We know that Ike Turner abused women but per biography so did Ronnie Van Zant, who was also routinely being arrested for drunkeness and assault.

    In their youth the Rolling Stones were constantly in legal predicaments because of drugs.

    Muddy Waters and Howling Wolf were in regular physical fights with band members and ruled as much through physical intimidation as they did through musical knowledge.

    And Charles Mingus (jazz bassist) who was also certifiable and actually had album liner notes written by his psychiatrist, was also possessed of a fierce temper and low tolerance for mistakes, which led to him repeatedly stopping performances and beating up musicians who weren't up to his standards...

    And Hound Dog Taylor (blues) shot his bandmate Brewer Phillips when Phillips made an indecent remark about how he used to know Taylor's wife. Phillips survived and the two men remained friends.

    The difference I think is that none of this was considered normative for the respective genre.

  197. RM--granny didn't explain anything to me--you should have learned from her comments that she was actually agreeing with me.

    no one calls biracial people like obama mulatto anymore. she's talking about what her elders used to be called--and she also said they found it "less offensive" than the N word. LESS offensive. that means mulatto IS offensive.

    mulatto is that context, was, is, will always be a slur. no one in polite society calls obama a mulatto and doesn't mean it to be offensive. no one.

    you are an idiot. and i should "learn my place?" how dare you. i think you are mistaken. this isn't your blog.

  198. Anonymous10:23 AM

    "We are likely close to the same age and I recall doing ciphers with cousins and free styling for fun because everybody had fun and rapped; even old ladies had their fifteen minutes of fame rapping.

    Sadly the fun in hip hop has been eroded for a while."

    It's coming back M.Rigmaiden.
    Check this girl out, she's tight.
    And ntw, Guru is one of if not my favorite rapper.
    I saw a flyer for her somewhere, she's got 2 performances in DC this weekend for juneteenth.
    I wish I could make it.
    It's probably gonna be hot.


  199. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Shady grady the only idiot is you. None of the people you listed marketed their music based on their violent bahavior. Nor did they brag about it in interviews. But you and granny are free to miss my point by a light year and babble about dirty lyrics and battling musicians. Their respective musical genres were not marketed as art forms populated by gun toting, drug dealing felons.

    If you don't get it by now, you are incapable.
