Friday, June 18, 2010

"The first thing we do let's kill all the lawyers"

Isn't that what Ronnie Lee Gardner did? Kill his lawyer? So why did we have to take out poor Ronnie Lee like that? And, by firing squad no less. Wow, and here I thought I was living in the 21st century. Silly me.

Although, some things do point to the fact that we are living in a new age: Turns out the Utah AG actually tweeted about those three snipers sending a few bullets to Ronnie's heart. Nice.

"Shurtleff's next tweet announced: "We will be streaming live my press conference as soon as I'm told Gardner is dead. Watch it at"
'The silence was deafening': A first-person eyewitness account of the execution]
But even without a Twitter-happy A.G., death by firing squad draws media attention, given its infrequency and seeming archaism. And there's the inevitable question: Firing squads still exist in the United States? "

You have got to love those folks in Utah. I wonder what Joseph Smith would think about all of this?


  1. Filled Negro:

    Once again your "self chumming of the day" proves to be rather disappointing.

    You had the following items to choose from an you punted.

    1) "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" member Lil Bootsy indicted for MURDER!!! This might cause his next album - which he will record from death row to go double platinum. This worked for Mumia "Killa Mu" Jamal and Tookie Williams

    2) Tea Party Right Wing Militia Members Infiltrate Victory Party for LA Lakers - triggering rioting, looting and attacks on police.
    Had you called for the arrest of Sarah Palin you would have made me as proud as does Ed Schultz

    3) NE Philly man shot in SW Philly
    Is there a difference between a 2 year old and a 28 year old being murdered in Philly? Aren't they both enumerated by one tick mark on your Philly homicide count?

  2. Gregory10:51 PM

    If those topics are so important then why don't you blog about them.

    Oh, that's right, I forgot that no one reads your blog(s).

    Respond all you want to Gregorian Chant. Just remember that that silence doesn't always indicate consent. It often indicates contempt.

  3. Trapped in SC10:56 PM

    "Just remember that that silence doesn't always indicate consent. It often indicates contempt."

    Nice. I have to remember that one.

  4. incognomen11:11 PM

    What's wrong with a firing squad? It's quick, painless and much less creepy than lethal injection (which Gardener had as an option).

    I don't think the state should be in the business of killing people, but since it is, it's nice to have options. I'd rather make someone shoot me than go out like a bitch waiting for poison to inch through an IV drip.

  5. i just heard about this on NPR. on the idea of police abuse:

    poor guy!40 years old, never been on a plane before, didn't speak english, couldn't find his mother, they tazed him to death.

    only shock was this didn't happen in the US.

  6. [quote]Respond all you want to Gregorian Chant. Just remember that that silence doesn't always indicate consent. It often indicates contempt.[/quote]

    Gregorian Chant:

    A lot of people in the White community were SILENT when it was time to take a stand for JUSTICE during the Civil Rights Movement. Indeed this was a show of their contempt over justice.

    At the same time there is a lot of "silence" over today's most popular mode of murder for Black people except this time there is an expanded crowd that are "deaf and mute" on the issue.

    Perhaps you should look at the daily page count widget at the bottom of my blogs. I get the feeling that you prefer a Black man who agrees and who runs a heavily posted upon web site focused upon Basketball or Hip Hop than you do one who not only disagrees with you but can tell you where you are strategically out of line.

  7. i really, really doubt getting shot to death is "painless." go watch some more tv, incognomen. on tv, people can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes, too. just like they can get shot multiple times, and not feel it. cause tv is 'reality' now. or something.

    we're just a barbaric failing empire, Field. acceptance of this makes life easier, for me at least. i no longer lose sleep over the fact that the American experiment with Democracy and freedom are being destroyed before my eyes. of course, i also don't have children, so it's easier for me to understand what the future is going to be like here. which is: more firing squads.

  8. Gregory11:39 PM

    If so many people read your blog(s), then why do you insist that Field post on the topics of your choice?

  9. Trapped in SC12:12 AM

    The entire Conservative movement has adopted nihilism ideology. This truly does make them physically dangerous.

  10. Anonymous1:11 AM

    C'mon Field, the dear departed was a White Supremicist who'd spent the last 25 yrs livin off the Taxpayers, you know, like y'all N-Words do.
    Just imagine it was Dick Chaney gettin shot, you know you'd be smilin that shit eating grin all you N-words have when you find a really tasty Watermelon.
    And the firing squads still the way they execute people in Africa, where y'all should go back to if you hate it here so much.
    Might wanta take your Primaquine when ya go, cause they still have Malaria in Africa, for those of you who didn't inherit the Sickle Cell.
    Have I left anyone out...
    oh yeah, Michelle Obama?
    looks like a Chimpanzee.


  11. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Gregory, "Respond all you want to Gregorian Chant. Just remember that that silence doesn't always indicate consent. It often indicates contempt."

    I disagree. Silence often indicates 'apathy' and unintended 'complicity'. The silent majority often falls into this category. Whether they condone or don't condone wrongs their silence, they are being 'complicit' with the wrongs done.

    The "silence" by the media while Blacks are being murdered, raped, kidnapped or end up missing is due to 'apathy', supported by a complicit silent majority.

    "Contempt" is usually expressed verbally and/or physically. It was what those two teenage sisters in the video displayed against an apathetic white police officer who is almost always supported by a 'complicit' silent majority.


  12. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Chicago dyke, "we're just a barbaric failing empire, Field. acceptance of this makes life easier, for me at least. i no longer lose sleep over the fact that the American experiment with Democracy and freedom are being destroyed before my eyes."

    Well, Sigmond Freud once said, "America is a mistake...a giant mistake!"

    Look at it this least we tried anyway. And it ain't over til the fat lady sings and she hasn't sung yet.

  13. Anonymous2:51 AM

    "The entire Conservative movement has adopted nihilism ideology. This truly does make them physically dangerous."

    And pray tell, what has the liberal progressive movement adopted, besides abortions?

  14. LOL@Frank

    Go back to Africa and watermelon eating? LMAO

    Hey if a guy want to go out with the bullet, then let him. The bullet got him in the situation, so maybe he wanted to go out with his head up. There were no last words of his innocence nor remorse. He was ready to die. Redneck, African American, Jew, Muslim, or whatever he showed courage for the choice of the bullet over lethal injection.

    Go hard or Blog behind your PC all day like Frank!!!!

  15. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Field, the Street Pirates are a 'daily' firing squad. They are squads that stay busy in the black community murdering Blacks.

    So why are you so concerned about a firing squad in Utah, that infrequently shoots a convicted murderer, when the Street Pirates are shooting innocent Blacks everyday?

  16. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Frank, "Might wanta take your Primaquine when ya go, cause they still have Malaria in Africa, for those of you who didn't inherit the Sickle Cell.
    Have I left anyone out...
    oh yeah, Michelle Obama?
    looks like a Chimpanzee."

    Frank, you are a piece of work. LOL what's the matter, can't you sleep? Is that recurring nightmare with the voo doo witch-doctor chasing your ass with a white skull that looks like you keeping you awake? Eat some watermelon. It'll help you sleep.LOL

  17. Anonymous7:52 AM

    OK Constructive Feedback, can I pry your motherfucking lips from a white man's asshole for a second?Could you please put Glenn Beck's turd down? OK.

    Since you are all so much for law and order, where was your outrage when Richard Poplawski killed three policemen in Pittsburgh because Glenn Beck told him too.

    Hey I know that one of them was black and you can't stand black people , but what about the two white cops?

    And while we're on Beck (or Massa as you like to call him)he's planning a march on Washington on August 28, the same day as Dr. King ( known to you as that Socialist) march.So I know that you want to hear Beck's "I have a Dream speech"(yes he is giving one.
    I know you want to be in that front row as Beck figurative SHITS on Dr. King's grave.

    Brother you make Jesse Lee Peterson look like Malcolm X.

  18. [quote]If so many people read your blog(s), then why do you insist that Field post on the topics of your choice?[/quote]

    Clearly you don't keep up with the facts.

    I explained to my good friend Filled Negro that there is a "Top 5 List" of important issues that IMPACT BLACK AMERICA that all of us could more or less agree upon.

    I challenged my good friend Filled Negro to consider how frequently his "Self-Chumming of the Day" topics appear on this list.

    Whereas I see many of the people who post on this blog ALSO cheering Voyager's "Police Taser Related Death Count" - there are far, far, far more Blacks & Browns dying from "Street Pirate Tasers" - THE AK47 or 9mm.

    But I hear you Gregorian Chant. My blog is not popular. As I listened to the local independent radio station yesterday I heard a wonderful leftwing radio news show "Counterspin", "Counterpunch" something like that.

    They talked about how the loss of readers in the newspaper industry resulted in the loss of INVESTIGATIVE REPORTERS. This has allowed GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATE POWERS to go unchecked. As the Federal Democrats ponder a bailout package for the NEWSPAPER INDUSTRY because their muckraking is important - I may apply for some of this government money to initiate a new Muckraking Alliance To Keep The Black Establishment in line.

    The name: AFROPick - where we pick upon these entities so they are no longer SOLD OUT to outside interests such as their party or ideology

  19. [quote]OK Constructive Feedback, can I pry your motherfucking lips from a white man's asshole for a second?Could you please put Glenn Beck's turd down? OK.[/quote]

    Pseudo Black Intellectual Anon:

    ME with my lips upon the "White Man's Asshole"?

    Tell me about YOUR theories on where the Black community should receive its funding for EDUCATION and HEALTH CARE? Not only do YOU need "the White man" - the CORPORATIONS THAT YOU HATE is a vital force in your ability to avoid living like a person in Laos.

    Please detail the COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT strategy that you have to go along with your goal for "Black faces in high places"?

    You don't know who you are dealing with Punk.

    Since you are all so much for law and order, where was your outrage when Richard Poplawski killed three policemen in Pittsburgh because Glenn Beck told him too.

    Pseudo Black Intellectual Anon:

    IF "I did it because someone told me to do it" was YOUR DAMNED CONCERN you would go through all of the lyrics of the "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirates" and make note of all of the MURDER THREATS AGAINST any "Black man who steps to them" are contained within?
    Make note that out of all of the genres of entertainment - "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" IS MOST DEADLY to its entertainers and listeners.

    Why don't you start a campaign to get MORE BLACK COPS to patrol Black communities? Watching one episode of "The First 48" will show you that, per THE CONSCIOUSNESS THAT many people in certain communities share with YOU - they have the POLICE as the force that is standing in the breach between civilization and chaos. Unfortunately the vast majority of these cops in these communities are WHITE.

    What CONSCIOUSNESS are you developing in these communities - Punk?

    Instead you seek to play footsie with me, throwing up this crazy White kid from Pittsburgh as if I should be embarrassed by his actions and made to shut up.

    There are far too many Kneegrows like you who far too many people connect with mentally at their own peril.

    Hey I know that one of them was black and you can't stand black people , but what about the two white cops?

    I can show you a long string of Black cops that have been murdered by Street Pirates. Their Black wives and Black children now fatherless.

    Their own mistake is to choose to be a public servant in a community filled with people like you who live an "I Don't Give A What" life.

    [quote]And while we're on Beck (or Massa as you like to call him)he's planning a march on Washington on August 28, the same day as Dr. King ( known to you as that Socialist) march.So I know that you want to hear Beck's "I have a Dream speech"(yes he is giving one.
    I know you want to be in that front row as Beck figurative SHITS on Dr. King's grave.

    This is the first that I have heard about Beck's march. You do keep an eye on your adversary don't you?

    You should be relived that last year the "Black Family Picnic" was held in Washington DC as the "Tea Party Movement" had their largest rally to date. THE ONLY BLACK PEOPLE who were murdered that weekend in Metro-DC/Baltimore were murdered via the normal background static of homicides that would have occurred even if the Tea Party was not held.

    Brother you make Jesse Lee Peterson look like Malcolm X.

    Jesse Lee Peterson and Malcolm X never referred to Black people as THE LEAST OF THESE.

    Can you say the same thing about your favored Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser leaders? They transact upon Black Inferiority and our damaged state. We HAVE TO wear the "inferior uniform" in order to be the poster child to the White Liberal Snarling Fox.

  20. Mr. Constructive Feedback can I ask you a question.Why do you get some sort of orgasmic schadenfreude
    when black people die ,get hurt,sued, or go to jail? Do you have some sort of mental problem ?When youshoow you extreme hate for blacks it shows some sort of defect in your mental capacity.You must really hate yourself and want to be white?

    What is it?

  21. (Damn "Kid" is back)

    [quote]Why do you get some sort of orgasmic schadenfreude
    when black people die ,get hurt,sued, or go to jail?

    Intellect Of A.....

    Your problem is that you willfully molest my position.

    I am the "Ida B Wells 2010" in defense of the MURDER VICTIM.

    Just as Mrs Wells had to fight against BIGOTS who didn't appreciate her riling up the masses, troubling them with the news that a "Black Man Was Lynched Yesterday" - so to are bigots like YOU entrenched.

    You see "Intellect Of A.....", you and others don't want to have the scars on the underbelly of your days where "Mission Accomplished" banners hang upon your community and favorable people are in control - to be EXPOSED.

    That "Negro who got himself KILT last night" will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER be as important as - what did Farrakhan say? - PROTECTING THE IMAGE OF BARACK OBAMA, for example.

    You see if certain capitalists are said to CARE MORE ABOUT MONEY and BUSINESSES more than the "small people" then it is true that you and others care more about protecting your CAPITAL - the people you have appointed as your leader.


    This is what I argue in this piece:

    Do you have some sort of mental problem ?

    I am the new "Fannie Lou". I am SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED as I watch this FOOLISHNESS that transpires as you try to redirect over Police Tasers, Glenn Beck or Tea Parties.

    When youshoow you extreme hate for blacks it shows some sort of defect in your mental capacity.

    Hummm. He thinks that I am showing EXTREME HATRED FOR BLACKS.

    In truth I am making my people 1000% EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS!!!!

    A Killer who is BLACK murders Black people JUST AS DEAD as does a WHITE MAN who kills us. YOU are the one who has HATRED in your heart.

    You must promote a WHITE MAN WHO MURDERS or a Police man to be FAR FAR FAR more SUPERIOR than anything a lowly Ghetto Dweller who never raised his hand and took an oath to uphold the law.

    STRIP OFF the uniform of this officer and the "Pants On The Ground" uniform of the Street Pirate and there are EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS.

    It is YOU with the damned problem PUNK!!!

    You can't bear to RAISE UP the street pirate to an EQUAL HUMAN BEING. You should have done this when he was 5 and NOT A STREET PIRATE.

    Staring you in the face is the mangled wreckage of your SOCIAL THEORIES.

    Instead of noting the CONTAMINATED products that come from your PRODUCTION LINE, shutting it down, RECALIBRATING IT WITH NEW METHODOLOGIES and then MANAGING IT FROM HERE ON OUT - it is YOU who make use of a series of REDIRECTIONS and PERPETUAL STRUGGLES that you have one mission with:


    He knew that some times BIGOTS needed to be ROLLED OVER. He knew that CONFRONTATION of IGNORANCE and HATRED is the only way to destroy it.

    [quote]You must really hate yourself and want to be white?[/quote]


    I hate that you expect me to show my "Black Loyalty" by GOING ALONG WITH YOU.

    I hate that you don't want my GOD GIVEN INTELLECT, applying it to the scrutiny of the SCHEME that you would have me to follow.


  22. I won't write a responce I'll use your own words:



  23. I am sorry destructive I will check with you before I post again.
    Hi Frank, how are they treating u in there?

  24. [quote]I am sorry destructive I will check with you before I post again.[/quote]

    That's just it, Filled Negro!!

    I want you to CHECK WITH YOUR OWN SOUL as your guide.

    It comes down to the question that I cannot answer for you: WHAT IS THE ULTIMATE PURPOSE OF THIS ORACLE?

    Do you have any intent to free the field negro and the house negro on this blessed JUNETEETH DAY?

    Whereas the Blacks in Galveston Texas had been freed by LAW years prior this was merely the day that they received AWARENESS of their freedom.

  25. My god mr Field, old destructon is revving and dieseling right out of the gate.

    He's better than crazy Peter Kent over at 538, your very own heirloom troll.

    And Drackuman seems to be carrying ancestral Balkan capacities for hate to his new home...nice.

    At the rate we're going expect public hangings on Radio Rwanda with Glen Beck as the Pitch man for the rope maker.

  26. LOL@ Charles Rich!

    Wait, I almost forgot aout Beck's march on Washingtion. My man is channeling his inner King. It should be interesting. :(

  27. ? We've executed people (and still do) by electric chair for a long time now. That's strikes me as far more painful than being shot by expert marksmen. At the same time it's hard to feel sorry for this guy; he killed multiple people.

  28. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I see the Porch Monkey (CF) has been busy this AM.

    Considering he operates 8 blogs, which have had a total of 2 hits the last 3 years...

    He NEEDS Field.

    I limit him to only comments which are on-topic over at my place, which tends to cut down on the repetitive trash.

    Kinda got tired of the boy losing the same argument with himself over and over.

  29. [quote]I see the Porch Monkey (CF) has been busy this AM.[/quote]

    This from a man who says that when White folks depict Michelle Obama as a monkey they are racist.

    And YOU are WHAT? (besides a fraud)

    [quote]Considering he operates 8 blogs, which have had a total of 2 hits the last 3 years...
    He NEEDS Field.

    The boxes full of calculus books sitting inside of Fredrick Douglass High School in Baltimore, which is near to you, sit PACKED UP AND UNREAD as well.

    Does this SHOW EVIDENCE of them containing WRONG INFORMATION BET Uncut?

    I limit him to only comments which are on-topic over at my place, which tends to cut down on the repetitive trash.

    You are a greater molester of honor and dignity in your selection of topics than is Filled Negro.

    White people must feel honored that ANY ONE OF THEM in the entire USA can do something that will have them appear with top billing on YOUR propaganda blog.

    YET despite the fact that Street Pirates drop a 2 million selling record in which they threaten to KILL ANY BLACK MAN THAT STEPS TO THEM - when they actually KILL A BLACK MAN - like Lil Bootsy did - he can't even send you a demo tape of his murderous deeds for you to publish.

    IF we need to look at the ubiquitous WHITE ENTERTAINMENT EXECUTIVE and attack him for what he has GREEN LIGHTED then most certainly there is a need to inspect SOLD OUT KNEEGROWS like yourself regarding what you are FILTERING from public awareness.

    We know you are working hard. Now we need to know WHOM YOU ARE WORKING FOR.

  30. Wasn't he killed by firing squad b/c he's Mormon and some of them believe blood must be spilled for atonement?

    Thank you for keeping Mitrice on the side of your blog. I saw something come on about Natalee Holloway last night and thought, "What about Mitrice?"

    Since you mentioned our lives in the 21st century, I wanted to share with you an essay (yes, essay) I wrote for BlogHer, "The Cylons Cometh: Human-machine Hybrids and Our Impending Immortality."

    You may have heard that some Google founders and other high-tech millionaires, part of the Singularity Movement, believe we're headed toward a "leap in evolution" and a science vs. fundamental religion moment that will require us to make a decision. Those of us who don't make the leap will die off, they believe. How? Whether through the course of time or helped along to our demise otherwise, I don't know.

    Sounds like stuff from a scifi movie, except these people have the money to push it hard. So much in the world has changed quickly since I was born in 1960.

  31. Anonymous12:52 PM

    The Porch Monkey strawmans - The boxes full of calculus books sitting inside of Fredrick Douglass High School in Baltimore, which is near to you, sit PACKED UP AND UNREAD as well.

    This is why the Porch Monkey is a Monkey sucking that white conservative penis every single day. I don't live in Baltimore...

    I live 50 miles away, in another city, in another state - Virginia!

    Yet the Porch Monkey, unable to argue with anyone except himself, sets up a strawman argument over "Calculus books in Baltimore, Md."!

    The Porch Monkey then proceeds to gibber, swinging from Massa's front porch between Lawn Jockey duties -

    YET despite the fact that Street Pirates drop a 2 million selling record in which they threaten to KILL ANY BLACK MAN THAT STEPS TO THEM

    Quit sucking that white man's dick for living and take it up with the "Street Pirates" moron!

    Here's a pic of the Porch -

    Notice the Porch Monkey can never respond to a question or an argument...

  32. Like Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said; thanks for putting Mitrice on your side-bar, Mr. Field.

    I, too, think of Mitrice every time I see a story about Holloway. I'm still hoping Mitrice will be found alive.

  33. Trapped in SC1:20 PM

    There are some people who hold the advantage because they have no shame and are out of range of any honest challenge. It might be possible to make them look foolish, but even then they'll likely withdraw into claims of victimhood and they're pretty much bullet-proof so far as people who take them seriously and share their views are concerned.

    I swear to god, I would send CF a tinfoil hat if I knew where to mail it to.

    I don't understand how a person can always, without fail, give safe harbor and intellectual cover to the racists, homophobes, wingnuts and bigots of the world while at the same time condemning any aspect of the black experience that isn't up to his standards (or lack thereof).

    There's something really fucked up about a person who will go to such extremes to make people who look like him, sound like him, and probably act like him look bad. Or to always, without fail, "expose" our own failings to a degree that is not even done to us by our enemies.

    There's something sad about that.

    Believe it or not, there are a lot of ways that blacks have progressed in the country, but there is an underclass of people who need to have a group of people marginalized, just to have something to complain about. If every black criminal fugitive turned himself in tomorrow, if every so-called "welfare queen" got a job and got of the government dole, if every inner city black pol decided not to take kickbacks and hush money, there would still be those out there with a proverbial axe to grind. After all, they still would be black, and for some on the conservative side of the spectrum, that's enough.
    There would still be assholes ranting on about "street pirates" or assorted bullshit like that.
    Because the truth clashes with their preconceived idea of reality. It's not enough to provide a nuanced critique of what a group of people needs to work on. (You think we don't know that black crime is bad?)

    I can see some conservative points. Running deficits year after year is bad over the long term for a nation, a family needs both parents at home, every one is responsible for their own actions, there should be as little government interference as possible in the private sector. Those are fair points, in a perfect world.

    As blacks we are experts at noticing, responding to, and fighting, racism. We deal with it, indirectly and directly, overtly and covertly, almost daily without fail, every day of our lives. Do think that we wake up in the morning looking for racist whites(or in your case, racist blacks)? We are exposed to it, from going to the bank, to picking up kids from school, in the workplace. I simply do not subscribe to the notion, as some black conservatives do, that we have no right to point out white racism until we clean our own proverbial houses, that's a bullshit argument made by bullshit people. Black crime, black ignorance, black (insert negative stereotype here) will end at the same time that white problems end, which is to say that it won't ever end. But, I don't see white folks saying to themselves, "Hey, bubba, You ain't got no right calling blacks niggers while you are sister fuckin' and serial killin'". Even a mildly retarded person would know that many of the problems that plague our community are caused by systematic inequalities caused by decades of institutional racism.

    And in the final analysis, when we don't have a way out, we make a way out, violently, if necessary. Our way of life is reduced to the level of Locke and Hobbes, which is to say we survive, motherfuckers, just survive.

    But is a person who is walling to make a critique also willing to examine the causes with as much scrutiny as the effects? Or does knowing that most criminal behavior by blacks can almost always be traced back to some form of racism something that escapes the purview of the conservative mind?

    Or is it just that we don't want to discuss the truth of the situation, just the perceived truth?

  34. Anonymous1:53 PM

    CF, "(Damn "Kid" is back)" LOL. I was thinking the same thing.

    CF, "Hummm. He thinks that I am showing EXTREME HATRED FOR BLACKS."

    I had hoped kid had been on a retreat to clear his mind of blaming the other fellow for HIS OWN THINKING. Unfortunately, he remains a prisoner to his own projections on others. Poor guy.


    I hate that you expect me to show my "Black Loyalty" by GOING ALONG WITH YOU.

    I hate that you don't want my GOD GIVEN INTELLECT, applying it to the scrutiny of the SCHEME that you would have me to follow.


    Amen....beautiful, I appreciate the way you stand on "principle" instead of following the "herd" of mice. That takes inner strength, courage and trust in your self-an independent mind and self-confidence rarely exhibited on this blog. Most follow the "herd" mentality that imprison critical thinking.

  35. Anonymous2:00 PM

    The Porch Monkey is a shill for white supremacist conservatives.

    He sits on that lawn 24x7 and spews shit about how black people are f'ed up.

    It's the same old simple-minded ignorant shit over an over - by the same old simple minded Lawn Jockey.

    This clown is so diligent at sucking white conservative racist dick - the Hotels in Atlanta, when they have a conservative group rent space...

    Put up brass plaques in every toilet stall with Porch's name and number...

    So they don't have to spend 6 months cleaning up the "For a Good Time Call..." graffiti from the Men's bathroom walls.

  36. BET Uncut - Do you see why it is so important for you and others to follow my advance and not allow the words of YOUR ADVERSARY to define you?

    Just imagine if I were to read your IGNORANCE and believe myself to be a money? I would go to my roof and jump off.

    I am less disappointed at YOU, BET Uncut, than I am that so many of your Progressive friends who are reading your ignorance have not called you out for your hateful antics.

    The next time Filled Negro finds some anti-Obama Republican that calls him a "monkey" it will be clear that a group of people who react to a "racial offense" only when it is carried out against a political friend are not WORTHY of having their wishes for this type of IGNORANCE to be removed from the public space retired.

    PLEASE keep going BET Uncut.
    With every post you show that you have more in common with your Slave-holding relatives from St Kitts and Nevis than you do those who they enslaved.

  37. Alvin Greene and Jim Clyburn aren't the only boobs produced from the Palmetto state.

    [quote]I swear to god, I would send CF a tinfoil hat if I knew where to mail it to.[/quote]

    Digitally scan it and send it to

    I don't understand how a person can always, without fail, give safe harbor and intellectual cover to the racists, homophobes, wingnuts and bigots of the world while at the same time condemning any aspect of the black experience that isn't up to his standards (or lack thereof).

    Low and Country - I AGREE WITH YOU.

    I cannot understand how the people who proclaim that "I Am A Man" would then favor Black Inferiorist policies after long years of struggle where they have favorable people in power yet they need to seek national socialistic policies in order to education their children, for example.

    There's something really fucked up about a person who will go to such extremes to make people who look like him, sound like him, and probably act like him look bad.

    Clearly your town of "Bumphuck, SC" doesn't have a broadcast news channel. Here in Georgia I ask the very same thing that you do about the STREET PIRATES.

    Each and every day no less than 4 out of the top 6 stories involve some STREET PIRATE who:

    * Murders
    * Assaults
    * Rapes
    * Robs

    some other individual in the community.

    WHY don't they care more about the RACIAL PROFILE that they are putting forth and how others will act upon it?

    Or to always, without fail, "expose" our own failings to a degree that is not even done to us by our enemies.

    Low & Country - MY ENEMIES are those who you sup with who think that BLACK PEOPLE WOULD STARVE were it not for their grace. They know that people like you are easily bought and don't ask for much.

    After 20 to 50 years of their association with you THEY stand more powerful than ever. YOU would have a tough time enumerating the new competencies that have been developed as you cheered for their victories per YOUR help.

    There's something sad about that.

    You have my 100% agreement on the shamelessness of this one.

  38. [quote]Believe it or not, there are a lot of ways that blacks have progressed in the country, but there is an underclass of people who need to have a group of people marginalized, just to have something to complain about. If every black criminal fugitive turned himself in tomorrow, if every so-called "welfare queen" got a job and got of the government dole, if every inner city black pol decided not to take kickbacks and hush money, there would still be those out there with a proverbial axe to grind.[/quote]

    FAR LARGER would be those who transact off of BLACK INFERIORITY who would be out of a JOB for those who are "The Least Of These" would depart from their FLOCK.

    My problem with YOU and others is not your concern for "The Least of These" it is that you have NO DAMNED PROOF to show that you are interested in helping them to become the "UN-least of these" chump!!!

    After all, they still would be black, and for some on the conservative side of the spectrum, that's enough.
    There would still be assholes ranting on about "street pirates" or assorted bullshit like that.
    Because the truth clashes with their preconceived idea of reality.

    It pains me to read you il-logic.
    You keep hearing me talk about STREET PIRATES when I am focusing upon the VICTIMS OF the STREET PIRATE ATTACKS.

    You have firmly assumed the position held by the BIGOTED WHITE of the past. He was tired of Negroes complaining about LYNCHING while failing to note all of the UPSTANDING WHITE CITIZENS who have never LYNCHED A NEGRO.

    In his piousness he fails to note that these Whites who heard about the series of lynchings yet who remained SILENT about them were functional enablers of that which their neighbors have done.

    As blacks we are experts at noticing, responding to, and fighting, racism.

    I am not contesting your RACISM CHASING pedigree.

    I am challenge YOU to show that you have any stomach to go after these other motivations by which people in our community are terrorized and slaughtered.

    I refuse to believe that you are as dumb as your words lead one for you to believe you are.

  39. Anonymous4:50 PM

    You guys love to gang up on CF with your bs, don't you? Of course, when someone calls one of you a monkey, you scream, and call them inhumane racists. But when YOU call someone else a monkey, you approve.

    The trouble with black folks like you guys who attack other Blacks such as CF, is that you prove again and again your own hypocrisy, and how viciously fragmented and unaccepting Blacks are of each other. You suck.

  40. Anonymous5:35 PM

    With every post you show that you have more in common with your Slave-holding relatives from St Kitts and Nevis than you do those who they enslaved.

    For the 256th time, Porch - whatever dude down there was boffing your grandmother...

    He wasn't related to me!

  41. Trapped in SC5:44 PM

    You always fall flat, because you cannot parody that which is already a self-parody in reality.

    "I am challenge YOU to show that you have any stomach to go after these other motivations by which people in our community are terrorized and slaughtered."

    what does that mean?.............................what the fuck does that mean?...........................................?

    what THE FUCK does that mean?

    No, actually, I challenge you to sound more like a black man confronted with the reality of race in America than the head of a community White Citizen's Council or head of the Gwinnett County Republican Party.

    Nigga, You couldn't be more worthless if you tried.

  42. [quote]"I am challenge YOU to show that you have any stomach to go after these other motivations by which people in our community are terrorized and slaughtered."[/quote]


    Bigots like you too often have their ears stuffed up from the spit from your handler's tongue. You thought that they were stimulating you to feel good when in truth their goal was to insure that your ear drums did not vibrate, triggering INFORMATION to flow to your brain.


    You see this and believe that I am attacking the NEGROES that stole these units.

    I SEE THIS and I empathise with the Black people who have the MISFORTUNE of having to live around people who DON'T GIVE A DAMN that a little Black baby has to suffer as such.

  43. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Analosity dribbles - how viciously fragmented and unaccepting Blacks are of each other.

    Care to toss in some cello with those violins? The only thing more pathetic than a black conservative playing the victim violin...

    Is his white conservative Massa joining in.

    The reason Porch gets his ass kicked isn't because he is a conservative black person...

    It's because he's an ignorant asshole.

    Lots of other black conservatives post on the internet. You want to visit any of the black conservative sites not to chickenshit to allow liberal posters - you will find an active and lively (and frequently civil) debate going about philosophies and current affairs.

    The Porch Monkey isn't a black conservative. What he is is a cut rate agent provocateur Lawn Jokey, whose single mission is to repeat the same old dumb assed shit, holding a little sign instead of a lantern.

    Every single new poster on any board the Porch Monkey pollutes has the same experience. They will initially seek to engage him in a debate about some crap he's posited (something stupid with caps and "Pirates"). To be greeted with non-response or, a litany of strawmen.

    As such, it isn't the fact that Porch Monkey is a black conservative...

    It's the fact he's a jackass.

  44. BET Uncut - I can think of no one else who can better articulate bigoted ignorance than you. Thank you. PLEASE KEEP TALKING.


    YOU are "kicking my ass"?

    I am motivated to tell you the same words in regards to you "kicking my ass" that your female love interest has been telling you for decades regarding your sexual escapades - "Wake me up when you get finished".

    Lots of other black conservatives post on the internet. You want to visit any of the - you will find an active and lively (and frequently civil) debate going about philosophies and current affairs.[/quote]

    This from a man who has an IP FILTER on his blog despite claiming that he deletes REPETITIVE posts.

    The Porch Monkey isn't a black conservative. What he is is a cut rate agent provocateur Lawn Jokey, whose single mission is to repeat the same old dumb assed shit, holding a little sign instead of a lantern.[/quote]

    Indeed - straight up Porch Monkey - just as so many other White bigots called Black men who "didn't KNOW THEIR PLACE".

    The bigger indictment against you is where you are SILENT despite Black people being assaulted and terrorized.

    More Blacks in Baltimore MD were murdered during Memorial Day 2010 than any Tea Party operative has laid a hand on any Black people since January 20th, 2009.


  45. Anonymous8:04 PM

    You guys love to gang up on CF with your bs, don't you? Of course, when someone calls one of you a monkey, you scream, and call them inhumane racists. But when YOU call someone else a monkey, you approve.

    The trouble with black folks like you guys who attack other Blacks such as CF, is that you prove again and again your own hypocrisy, and how viciously fragmented and unaccepting Blacks are of each other. You suck.

    Get back to us when you've been kept out of stores, forced to go to around back to pick up food and generally abused and looked down upon solely by how your skin and other features looked. Not defending the curbstomping-in-progress of CF, but really, hypocracy? Considering how our ancestors were treated, indulging in a little hypocracy now and again should be the least of your concerns.

    As for CF? Folks "feed" guys like this by responding to every little post he makes. Anyone notice how no one really gives a shit about Franky Boy? Anyone seen how little mention is made of him by other commenters? If you want CF to finally step off of his soapbox, then your best bet is to simply talk around him. Deny him an audience and he slinks off to whereever there is one that'll entertain him.

  46. [quote]Get back to us when you've been kept out of stores, forced to go to around back to pick up food and generally abused and looked down upon solely by how your skin and other features looked.[/quote]

    Mack Is Lying:

    I am not sure of the stock of ancestors that YOU came from but the conscious people that gave birth to me through the generations wished for the day where THREE truths would be the case:

    1) When their progeny would never have to suffer from the injustice and intimidation that they suffered from

    2) That none of these people in the future would attempt to gain "street cred" by tapping into their past oppression

    3) MOST OF ALL!!!! They hoped beyond hope that no BLACK MAN would ever

    - Terrorize
    - Molest
    - Murder

    Black people during the time of their FUTURE FREEDOM that the WHITE RACIST did to them during the time of their bondage.

    [quote] Not defending the curbstomping-in-progress of CF, but really, hypocracy? Considering how our ancestors were treated, indulging in a little hypocracy now and again should be the least of your concerns.[/quote]

    If I go to the BLACK MOTHER who's son was murdered in Metro-Atlanta on Friday night do you think that she will be more circumspect about how HER ANCESTORS WERE TREATED or would she be looking for what the Street Pirates have done to recreate the "Miss Jane Pittman" murder scene of her son TO-DAMNED-DAY????

    [quote]As for CF? Folks "feed" guys like this by responding to every little post he makes.[/quote]

    Actually I am more so "Fed" by ignorance and bigotry which is allowed to proceed unchallenged "amongst friend".
    The problem is that a person like you is used to standing upon the MORAL HIGH GROUND and raining indictments upon others.

    When I show the audacity to think that those who MURDER BLACK PEOPLE ARE ALL EQUALLY CONTEMPTIBLE this causes a massive disruption in your life force.

    [quote] Anyone notice how no one really gives a shit about Franky Boy? Anyone seen how little mention is made of him by other commenters? [/quote]

    Wow. So now you compare Me to Frankly Drunkman?

    His goal is nothing more than character assassination of Black people so that there will always be a "Nigger" beneath his feet.

    MY GOAL is to show people like you that you are EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS. That you need to appoint leaders that seek to DEVELOP COMPETENCY WITHIN YOUR COMMUNITY so that you will rise to your GOD GIVEN LEVEL OF CAPABILITIES.

    For a certain ideological entity that is used to TRANSACTING ON BLACK INFERIORITY AND OUR "DAMAGED STATE" I can see how such a notion is a threat.

    I don't choose to try to BEFRIEND you, Mack Is Lying. This would have me to compromise my position for the sake of popularity.

    INSTEAD I choose to put forth a commonly agreed upon list of BLACK PERMANENT INTERESTS and then challenge you to PROVE TO YOUR OWN DAMNED SELF that in all that you support - you are actually advancing toward this end.

    Some of you are merely pacified that one's INTENTIONS sit right with you. You all are likely among the largest groups of consumers of diet pills that MARKET these good intentions to you while taking your money and not producing the desired results.

    If you want CF to finally step off of his soapbox, then your best bet is to simply talk around him. Deny him an audience and he slinks off to whereever there is one that'll entertain him.

    Wow Mack Is Lying - throughout history this has been done by the Establishment Powers who knew that they needed not address the challenge of those they knew they could roll over.

    A person who STANDS UPON THE QUALITY AND INTEGRITY OF HIS PRINCIPLES should have no problem shutting down a "hater".

    Maybe you should ask yourself "Who is actually the hater"?

    Do you see the importance of my not seeking your approval lest my mission be compromised into an attempt just to APPEASE YOU?

  47. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "If you want CF to finally step off of his soapbox, then your best bet is to simply talk around him. Deny him an audience and he slinks off to whereever there is one that'll entertain him."

    Right. Then why are you guys wasting your time criticizing him? Obviously he is saying things that are pressing your buttons; challenging you as a black man, or maybe as a man, period.

    Maybe no one else is commenting because they are secure in their skin and aren't challenged like you guys are. It's YOU guys who ought to be concerned about WHO you are. Right now YOU don't look so good as black men.

  48. You've given me yet another reason to hate Twitter.

    As for Joseph Smith, he would be too busy plagiarizing to notice or care.

  49. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I am not sure of the stock of ancestors that YOU came from but the conscious people that gave birth to me through the generations wished for the day where THREE truths would be the case:

    1) When their progeny would never have to suffer from the injustice and intimidation that they suffered from

    2) That none of these people in the future would attempt to gain "street cred" by tapping into their past oppression

    3) MOST OF ALL!!!! They hoped beyond hope that no BLACK MAN would ever

    - Terrorize
    - Molest
    - Murder

    Black people during the time of their FUTURE FREEDOM that the WHITE RACIST did to them during the time of their bondage.

    So first, you insult my "stock" of ancestors and highlight your stock as being enlightened individuals who longed for the day that their successors wouldn't victimize or be victimized by their fellow Black peoples in the same manner that their massas did to them. Which translates to you saying that Blacks are helpless creatures that only do things that the White Man either shows them or they pick up from. You are a rather cunning and underhanded individual, CF. I'll give you credit for that.

    Actually I am more so "Fed" by ignorance and bigotry which is allowed to proceed unchallenged "amongst friend".
    The problem is that a person like you is used to standing upon the MORAL HIGH GROUND and raining indictments upon others.

    Which most people here can easily dismiss as highly disingenuous. This was Thrasher's problem, too, before his self-imposed exile from FN. The "raining down indictments from moral high ground" is actually your department, CF. The word of the day? PROJECTION.

    Wow Mack Is Lying - throughout history this has been done by the Establishment Powers who knew that they needed not address the challenge of those they knew they could roll over.

    A person who STANDS UPON THE QUALITY AND INTEGRITY OF HIS PRINCIPLES should have no problem shutting down a "hater".

    Maybe you should ask yourself "Who is actually the hater"?

    Do you see the importance of my not seeking your approval lest my mission be compromised into an attempt just to APPEASE YOU?

    No. I don't expect you to "roll over" or anything of that sort. In fact, I expect nothing of you. The fact that you actually invested the keystrokes needed to respond to this post means nothing to me. My response to you, CF, is more or less for the benefit of OTHERS here.

  50. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Right. Then why are you guys wasting your time criticizing him? Obviously he is saying things that are pressing your buttons; challenging you as a black man, or maybe as a man, period.

    Maybe no one else is commenting because they are secure in their skin and aren't challenged like you guys are. It's YOU guys who ought to be concerned about WHO you are. Right now YOU don't look so good as black men.

    So in effect, you're calling anyone who makes a comment here insecure and challenged.

    What a way to insult nearly all of the people who post here.

  51. This is why I don't support Constructive Feedback,Project 21, Thr Cato Institute, Grover Norquist, or any or the Conservative groups that want to get me killed.In the words of of of your great leader, Jesse Lee Peterson,the man how tried to jump and beat up Jesse Jackson Jr. and Sr., Thank white people for slavery.BTW, he works for Sean Klannity fake Civil Rights groupBOND. They distribute toys for racist bounty hunters that calls a little black girl nigger several times .

    Some of these guys have gotten people killed by their slander, they use disclaimers like "I am not advocating this" before suggesting someone does it , they do the same type disclosure to invoke Hitler's name to smear who they disagree with and expects their lemmings to buy into it .

    Billo the Clown got Tiller murdered, bekkk's rheteric got three Pittsburgh cops murdered and Barney Goldberg inspired a whacko to kill innocent people in church in Knoxville two years ago.

    They do not have to leave their air conditioned confines to have their wishes granted.

  52. [quote]Which translates to you saying that Blacks are helpless creatures that only do things that the White Man either shows them or they pick up from. You are a rather cunning and underhanded individual, CF. I'll give you credit for that.[/quote]

    Mack Is Lying - I assure you that most other intellectually honest people on the board can see where you took to great of a "logical leap" as a means of attacking me that your finger tips made it to the edge of the other building that you jumped toward but you were not strong enough to PULL YOURSELF UP. Instead your carcass is now laid out upon the cement below.

    [quote]only do things that the White Man either shows them or they pick up from.[/quote]

    In case you want to know the late Senator Ted Kennedy and the present Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg best represent these WHITE FOLKS that you speak of that are leading the way for the INFERIORS.

    As much as a person like you are inclined to attack Clarence Thomas YOU NEED TO BE "holla'rin' at your girl". She has far more legal positions about Black people that will have to be vacated the day that we find ourselves on our own as our own government, seeking to survive, than what Thomas has put forth.

    Kennedy has a sweet spot for "The Least Of These" and was glad to lobby on behalf of any people who answered to the call "Hey you 'The Least Of These' person!!!".

    Its when one starts to ask 'How do we become the UN-LEAST OF THESE' that this consciousness proves to be problematic.

  53. Now I feel better.
    AFROSPEAR allowed KID'S BLOG to join their membership rolls!!! (He hasn't posted a message since Nov 09). I get the feeling that Kid is the "Alvin Greene of AfroSpear".

    [quote]This is why I don't support Constructive Feedback,Project 21, Thr Cato Institute, Grover Norquist, or any or the Conservative groups that want to get me killed.[/quote]

    Kid - I don't need your "support" nor am I looking for it.

    I am on a mission to figure out why YOU SUPPORT WHAT YOU DO SUPPORT.

    I want to know what would it take for you to STOP SUPPORTING it and instead seek out a more EFFECTIVE SET OF SOLUTIONS as this has failed you so.

    In the words of of of your great leader, Jesse Lee Peterson,the man how tried to jump and beat up Jesse Jackson Jr. and Sr.,

    Jesse Lee Peterson has MURDERED fewer Black people than have the popular figures:

    * Lil Bootsy
    * C Murder
    * Whom ever killed rapper G-Baby
    * Screw it - here is the top 10 list right here:

    If you can find where J.L.P. was involved in ANY of these murders of Black men I will personally denounce him.

    [quote] Thank white people for slavery.BTW, he works for Sean Klannity fake Civil Rights groupBOND.

    The people who SING ABOUT MURDERING BLACK PEOPLE per their rap music do more harm to Black people than you can point out what Sean Hannity has done.

    [quote] They distribute toys for racist bounty hunters that calls a little black girl nigger several times .[/quote]

    Wow. Do I need to post some "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" lyrics that call these little girls that are now 18 year old and above:

    * Bytches
    * Hoes
    * Sluts

    and then they list how many of them they have "done" because they gave them money to get their hair done?

    If the KLAN was to design a genre of music that would set forth the "Life Imitating Art" conditions by which Black folks would be murdered they would have chosen "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate" music over County Music.

    Look at your blog man.
    It is CLEAR who you are sold out to.

  54. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Field, I haven't had a chance to read all the comments, so maybe it was already addressed. But, I would have thought you knew this:

    He had a choice...(I can't remember ir the other was the gas chamber, or lethal injection)

    He CHOSE the firing squad. Utah might be the only state that actually gives you a choice.

    Personally, I'd take the firing squad too.

    AND....if you want to bring Joseph Smith into this, you should read up on the Mountain Meadows massacre.

  55. Cocoa_Goddess12:38 AM

    Dammit Field Negro, why won't you blog about the topics I want you to blog about! LMAO!

  56. Gregory1:14 AM

    Apologies for the sparse updates but life is a bit complicated at the moment.

    The US were robbed. No more need be said.

    England looked like shite and may not make it past the first stage. Rooney apologized for being a twat, although not convincingly, kind of like his play against Algeria.

    Anelka got sent home following a beatdown by Mexico. France may also not make it past the groups.

    Cameroon became the first nation to officially be eliminated, taking the hopes of many Africans with them. One brief glint of genius from Eto'o and that was about it.

    Brasil v Côte d'Ivoire is the last match tomorrow and would be the one to watch if your time is limited. Canaries versus elephants, let's see who shows up and who doesn't.

    It's been a great World Cup so far. I still have hope of getting there for the final matches but that is a slim hope at the moment.


  57. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Mack Lyons, "So in effect, you're calling anyone who makes a comment here insecure and challenged.

    What a way to insult nearly all of the people who post here."

    There you go again- fabricating and thinking everyone should think as you do.

    No, I am NOT saying what YOU are saying. What I said is clear, plain and simple and it does not include all the people who post here. Go back and read my comment again.

    When it comes to seeing, hearing or observing anything new, you seem to have a learning disability. All you are able to see is the chatter of your own mind, which leaves you in the predicament of not only mis-understanding another person with a different view or opinion, but yousee them as your adversary. So you attack, blame and accuse the brother of not knowing what it is to be a black man...which is like YOU, of course.

    FYI, I don't want to be like you or think like you- or any of the other cast of characters on this blog who hate the racist term "monkey", but strangely use it on others, to show their own contempt and hatred for not fitting into their model of a black man.

    When you use that term on another brother, you are 'validating' what white racists have said all along about Blacks. You Mack Lyons, TSC, btx3 aren't black men. You are boys with a warped image of what it is to be a black man. You are every bit as disgraceful as the ones you criticize. It's sickening.

  58. Anonymous3:56 AM

    OK, y'all damn porch monkeys,
    Y'all like basketball so much, you should have a 24 second clock on your posts. You can only posts what you can type in 24 seconds, who has time to read the 30 fuckin pages CF posts eve

  59. [quote]OK, y'all damn porch monkeys,
    Y'all like basketball so much, you should have a 24 second clock on your posts. You can only posts what you can type in 24 seconds, who has time to read the 30 fuckin pages CF posts eve[/quote]

    Frankly Drunkman:

    You and BET Uncut share 2 dysfunctional attributes:

    1) You both attempt to insult me by calling me a monkey (it doesn't work)

    2) You both are fundamentally ignorant in your presentation

    Is your family from St Kitt or Nevis and/or were they Pilgrims?

    Have you ever heard a Black man lay claim to their ancestors being freaking PILGIRMS as BET Uncut has done?

    I mean most Black people have "White ancestors". Not all of them from the White man raping the Black woman - which was legally permissible during the period of Slavery. Hell you all even did this after Slavery - when you didn't give a phuck about the law. You know - the time in this nation when "No Black man had any rights that a White man need respect".

    In essence the racist WHITE MAN WAS THE ORIGINAL STREET PIRATE in this nation.

    I meant to say earlier that there were some White women who bore a Black man's child at that time Frankly Drunkman. You did see the movie "Mandingo" didn't you?

  60. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Is your family from St Kitt or Nevis and/or were they Pilgrims?

    Have you ever heard a Black man lay claim to their ancestors being freaking PILGIRMS as BET Uncut has done?

    First, what is your fixation with St Kitts or Nevis? Which ever white dude that climbed that coconut tree to boff your grandma was probably a drunken sailor, who probably had been on a ship for so long...

    Even the island goats were afraid!

    Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts, moron - not Virginia.

    You did see the movie "Mandingo" didn't you?

    Mandingo was fiction moron. Sexual titillation for white women fantasizing about giant black dick. Try reading a history book, instead of having serial orgasms over the thought of some black man ravishing your ass - and you might get an education...

    And not have to carry around a bottle of windex to wipe your screen off every 10 minutes.

  61. [quote]First, what is your fixation with St Kitts or Nevis? Which ever white dude that climbed that coconut tree to boff your grandma was probably a drunken sailor, who probably had been on a ship for so long...[/quote]


    BET Uncut - You once bragged about your pedigree of your family.

    As I recall it you said that you, A BLACK MAN, had some 'Pilgrims' in your family tree.

    I might be wrong about "Pilgrims" but there was some other group of WHITE EUROPEAN settlers that you have claimed as you own.

    IS THIS A TRUE ASSESSMENT of your past statements?

    Further you told us that these WHITE EUROPEANS settled in the islands of St Kitts and Nevis.
    Unfortunately you deemphasized the fact that there were native people's on these islands and how your ancestors rolled over them.

    So my female ancestors were up in a coconut tree huh?

    KEEP TALKING MAN. I could not ask for anything more than what you are doing to seal your fate in the minds of some.

    You are merely Frank Drunkman bathed in a little bit of chocolate or caramel. Same consciousness between the both of you.

  62. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Analosity sputters - All you are able to see is the chatter of your own mind, which leaves you in the predicament of not only mis-understanding another person with a different view or opinion, but yousee them as your adversary. So you attack, blame and accuse the brother of not knowing what it is to be a black man...which is like YOU, of course.

    That's really funny when a white guy gets into defining who and what is black in defense of a supposed black man who posts on an internet board.

    Let's take down why you are full of shit, and where being accepting of others in a world where "opinions are like assholes", has nothing to do with being accepting of someone who wants to sink to being an asshole like yourself or Porch.

    And why you feel that black people, and only black people should continue to have white people define who is, or is not part of the group in some modern day brown paper bag test reminiscent of Jim Crow and slave classifications systems aka Quadroon and Octaroon determining their market value based on admixture.

    The fundamental right of any community is to exclude that which is of no value, or inherently destructive to the community. It's why our society builds prisons. One of the most pernicious structures of slavery and Jim Crow was to take away that right by the black community. Some folks, like yourself - want to keep it that way.

    Now - as numerous posters have pointed out, the Porch Monkey didn't earn that approbation because he is a conservative. He earned that approbation through his actions. His actions are no less despicable, or harmful to the community as the mythical "Street Pirates" he bemoans. His stock in trade isn't political discourse, it's prostitution. And because that sociopathc black whore sucks your white dick in a special way, doesn't turn it into anything sanctified - because it's still prostitution.

    The Porch Monley's tawdry warez are the dysfunctions - real, perceived, or manufactured all pointing to the inevitable conclusion that the "black community" is somehow fucked up. Really no different than a whore telling a John he's got the biggest dick she's ever seen. The Porch Monkey sucks white racist conservative dick, with the same verbal aplomb. The Porch Simian is a "crisis" whore, wherein the so called black community is always in crisis. Never mind the fact that if a black person was sociopathic enough, or racist enough = they could paint the white community in America as one where white men regualrly and commonly butt fuck their sisters and children resulting in inbreeding - based on the actions of some poor, isolated white communities in Apppalachia.


  63. Anonymous12:52 PM


    The issue being the definition of what is the "black community". The Porch Monkey fixates on poor urban communities, and the dysfunction of poor, isolated black communities in the inner city. Never mind the fact that the vast majority of black folks don't live there anymore - just as the vast majority of white folks don't live in mud brick houses or log cabins anymore. Never mind the fact that in each and every one of the "black" cities with black Mayors he moans have "crime problems" in his endless ministrations to raise that small flacid white conservative dick - the simple fact is, through the efforts of those same Black Mayors crime levels in those cities is at it's lowest point since 1950. The Porch Monkey bends over and spreads his legs with "the drug problem in the black community" - never mind the fact that 90% of the drug customers are white surburanites, and the fastest growing drug "crisis" in America is the flood of meth and heroin addicted white people - in the suburbs and rural areas.

    So, we are not dealing with "conservatism" here - we are dealing with racial prostitiution. And calling out the Porch Monkey for what he is, isn't any different than calling out that drug dealer, that pimp, or that rapist for being what they are...

    Not part of the community.

  64. Trapped in SC1:18 PM

    That was awesome, btx3

  65. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Porch backpeddles - I might be wrong about "Pilgrims" but there was some other group of WHITE EUROPEAN settlers that you have claimed as you own.

    IS THIS A TRUE ASSESSMENT of your past statements?

    I have a white great grandfather, who "married" my black/Indian great grandmother post Civil War. Upon his death in 1893 he willed his estate, which included several thousand acres to his "common law wife" and their children - all but 20 acres which we still own. The families recognize each other as cousins.

    I also have a white grandmother on the other side of the family - who lived with my black great grandfather for 20 years until his death in a mining accident, and had 5 children by him. The two families recognize each other as cousins.

    Like it or not, them's the facts, and climbing up on your Massa's porch shaking your banana like yourself - ain't gonna change it.

    I have a black great-great grandfather who was a slaveholder. He was a free black man who owned a fairly large farm. He purchased his wife from a neighboring plantation in 1855, as a slave. Since the Black Codes of 1840 in Virginia prohibited any free black from manumitting a slave, in the eyes of Virginia Law - she, and their children were legally his slaves.

    This is why watching Mandingo as your history education may get your little dick hard - but it doesn't do a damn thing for your brain. The discussion was based on your believing the Mondo movie as being historical fact - that the reason black Americans have white blood is solely the rape of black women. That quite simply isn't true. While there certainly was that sort of thing going on - if you weren't such an ignorant asshole, you would read the work of people like Paul Heinegg of the University of Virginia - who points out that the majority of free blacks before the Civil War, a population which made up over 1/3 of the blacks in Virginia and the Carolinas - were a result of white women having children by black men, under the laws of the time which accorded the children's status, slave or free - to be the same as that of the mother.

    Further you told us that these WHITE EUROPEANS settled in the islands of St Kitts and Nevis.

    Again - this is your fecund imagination. What I said was that black gg-grandfather was free because his grandfather, who had been held as a slave in the West Indies (Cuba), had volunteered to join the British Army on it's way to fight in the American Revolution. The British Army commonly offered slaves their freedom if they would serve as soldiers. Which he did, right on through the battle of Yorktown. For which he, his wife and children were freed. I believe, but can't prove yet that he was a member of the Black Hessian Regiment.

    Now what white man was, who impregnated by sodomizing your grandmother in that tree on St Kitts...

    I have no freaking idea, Porch.

  66. Anonymous3:19 PM

    And BTW - Porch... This evening when you are wanking your man meat, yet again - at the thought of ravishing creamy white thighs with that 1" nail of iron hard black manhood in revenge for those white men who apparently fucked your grandma's brains out St Kitts, leaving nothing to pass on to you...

    You might want to consider these words by MLK weren't meant for white folks -

    Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

    Or as your mother used to tell you -

    Boy, you'll gp blinf doin' that!"

  67. Anonymous4:50 PM

    btx3, "And calling out the Porch Monkey for what he is, isn't any different than calling out that drug dealer, that pimp, or that rapist for being what they are...

    Not part of the community."

    Who are YOU to determine who is part of the community or not? If CF is a porch monkey then so are you. After all, it is a term used for ALL Blacks. NO? And again, you are merely agreeing with what Whites thought of Blacks all along. How pathetic.

  68. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Who are YOU to determine who is part of the community or not?

    You should be asking yourself that question. asswipe.

    After all it was you who started this Suarez with -

    You Mack Lyons, TSC, btx3 aren't black men.

  69. I am so happy that I made this diagram preemptively. I realized that sorry MoFos like BET Uncut were lurking out there.

    The Porch Monley's tawdry warez are the dysfunctions - real, perceived, or manufactured all pointing to the inevitable conclusion that the "black community" is somehow fucked up.[/quote]

    BET Uncut:

    YOUR entire political disposition rests on the notion that "BLACK PEOPLE ARE PHUCKED a result of Slavery and Jim Crow".

    This is the basis of your Transaction of Black Inferiority.

    It is clear to me that the only time you like making the case that the "Black Community if Phucked Up" is when you can gain PROFIT from such a tawdry transaction.

    I have the view that the SOLD OUT MoFos that have undue influence over the Black community are Phucked up Individuals and that the BLACK RANK AND FILE who have our interests in mind had better wrest control from them if they want to experience a better future.

    You and WhiteBowieSteve attempt to enshrine your leftist viewpoint in Blackness. Thus when I fire at you I am said to be attacking all Black people.

  70. [quote]Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity.[/quote]

    The key fraud and flaw with your argument is that the quest for UNITY over the knock down battle for TRUTH is the problem.

    Kneegrows like you don't believe that the Black community can survive such a debate.

    Whereas there is a need to develop a SYSTEM by which conflict can be managed - you and other intolerant ones have no stomach for dissension.

    Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity.[/quote]

    I agree with you.
    But it is YOU who is filled with hatred and resentment.

    It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true.

    YOU are blind with your bigotry so few people would come to you to see BEAUTY or UGLINESS.

  71. Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...

    Wasn't he killed by firing squad b/c he's Mormon and some of them believe blood must be spilled for atonement?

    I don't know if he was Mormon, but Utah did keep the firing squad option around longer than most due to the "blood atonement" concept.

    Ronnie Lee Gardner had the option of the firing squad because when he was convicted it was still regularly used in Utah. I believe there are two or three additional Utah death row inmates who have the option of choosing the firing squad over lethal injection, but it's not an option for those convicted more recently.

    When the US reinstated the death penalty, the first person executed nationwide was in Utah, and Gary Gilmore was killed by firing squad.

  72. this blog is so good and informative.
