Tuesday, June 08, 2010


This is a good way to start this post because the World Cup is fast approaching. But I was a pretty good football (soccer) player in high school, and I played for a club side in Jamaica that traveled to various rural venues to play different teams. On one such outing we played in a little village called Royal Flat, (Only you true yawdies will know where this is) and as is usually the case at such venues, because many folks have a literal interpretation of Psalms 104:14, the smell of the good collie weed was in the air. No biggie. But then, while glancing around the crowd, I saw one of those images that has stayed with me all my life: There, on the sidelines, was a kid who couldn't gave been more than eight or nine, -dreadlocks flowing- with a big fat spliff hanging from his mouth. And what was just as amazing is that none of the people in the crowd even seemed to notice or care. Still, I guess it's beats smoking a damn cigarette. What is it comedian George Wallace used to say? "The world has gone crazy."

Now fast forward. Here I am in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, far removed from those days on the rock. I am chilling with my morning coffee, (Community from Louisiana, it's a Mrs. Field thing) when the reporter leads the morning news with this. Talk about deja vu. WTF? The Rastafarian kid might have been on some sort of religious mission. I mean some religions baptize their kids at an early age, so I get the whole ritualistic possibilities of what he might have been doing. (Unlike the little rug rat who is just hooked on cigarettes in Indonesia) But a beer at the ball game for a kid who couldn't have been more than ten?

I swear these fans in Philly never cease to embarrass the hell out of me. But field, are you sure it was beer. I mean his mother or father could have put his milk in a beer bottle. Well, yes, I suppose it could. And now, the Phillies, in order to save face, are saying that the little frat boy in training might have been drinking from an empty bottle. (Memo to MLB; removing the video clips from your broadcast won't make it go away.) Yeah, OK, well he was sure enjoying the hell out of that empty bottle.

And look, I know that things aren't always as they might appear. Videos sometimes lie. Have you heard the latest about Obama? Seems folks are claiming he was in a 90's rap video ,aptly named: "Whoomp there it is". I swear you can't make this s*&t up. Although, I must admit, dude does look like his O ness. Oh stop it field, you know they say we all look alike. You of all people should know better. OK, let me stop.

But on a serious note, if that was beer in that little party animal's bottle, his parents got some "splaining" to do. I laughed when I saw the little dread back in the day, but I am older now, and that s@#^ ain't funny no more.


  1. Uhm, wow, yeah that's indeed special. How old is that kid? He can't be older than 5. Whoever is the parent of that child should be brought before Social Services -- yesterday!!

  2. LOL!

    I thought the pic was about the upcoming World Cup and how kids overseas are introduced to alcohol at an early age...nevermind, it's the Phillies!

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Don't the Phillies serve beer in plastic cups like everyone else? Probably a hoax of some sort...

    There's six African teams in the Cup this time, not too bad, but I just want to play Mexico. They say it may happen but the schedule is pretty confusing to me. Looks like after June 31st if at all.


  4. Ah, Philly, City of "special" love is all I can say.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  5. toxic parents are wild globally!


  6. FN, what is an appropriate age for a person to consume marijuana...in your opinion. Medical cases are excluded;)

  7. M. Rigmaiden, is that a trick question? Personally, I never touch the stuff. :)

    La~Coincidental, I feel you.

    Szpork,you are right, they do use plastic cups. But it's no hoax, I saw the video on the news, and the reporter filming it was there.

    AB, thanks for that link. Lawd!

  8. fn:

    u r welcome anytime!



    bon soir monsieur!

  9. The child didn't swallow. Watch his throat. Nothing in the bottle.

  10. Thank you for the work you have put into this post, it helps clear up some questions I had.I will bookmark your blog because your posts are very informative.We appreciate your posts and look forward to coming back

  11. Heh! I've NEVER met a Jamaican who can claim that they've 'never touched the stuff'! Not that I've met tons of Jamaicans in life, but the few that I have....boy oh boy!!!!!

    If our communities were intact then the need for social services might be greatly diminished. I had an Auntie Ines who lived in Holden, Missouri. She was the unofficial town Mother and whenever there was a child in need, they just took 'em to Aunt Ines' house for care and support. She had children of her own but an open door policy towards children in need.

    We need more people like that and should put more stock into people than governmental structures.

    Unfortunately, in my town, CPS has a very screwy history of taking kids away from their parents when there is no need BUT keeping abused kids with their parents when it's clear they're being abused! Bassackwardness!!!

  12. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Jamaican kid = rastafarian kid
    American kid = kid
    Indonesian kid = little rug rat ??

  13. Gregory12:57 AM

    The US could play Mexico *IF*:

    1. Mexico makes it out of their pool, in second place. That would be the likely slot, if they make past the host nation and Uruguay.

    2. The US makes it out of their pool in second place, also highly possible, if not likely. If the US beat England this Saturday, they might even exit the pool in the top spot, which rules out a match with Mexico.

    3. Mexico's likely opponent in the round of 16 would be Argentina. Getting into the Quarterfinals becomes difficult, although nothing is impossible. It would be a minor miracle for Mexico to get past the Argentines.

    4. The US will most likely meet Germany if they make it to the Round of 16. In order to advance to the Quarterfinals they will need another minor miracle. Who knows, this might be the WC full of such miracles. Or not.

    5. Given those conditions, the US could meet Mexico.

    The US - England match on Saturday will be the interesting game. The last time the US beat England was in 1950.

  14. Gregory1:09 AM

    For szpork, via Wikipedia:

    The qualification competition for the 2010 FIFA World Cup was a series of tournaments organised by the six FIFA confederations. Each confederation — the AFC (Asia), CAF (Africa), CONCACAF (North America), CONMEBOL (South America), OFC (Oceania), and UEFA (Europe) — was allocated a certain number of the 32 places at the tournament. A total of 204 teams entered the qualification competition, with South Africa, as the host, qualifying for the World Cup automatically.

    The distribution by confederation for the 2010 World Cup was:[4]

    * Europe (UEFA): 13 places
    * Africa (CAF): 5 places (+ South Africa qualified automatically as host nation for a total of 6 places)
    * Asia (AFC): 4 or 5 places
    * South America (CONMEBOL) 4 or 5 places
    * North, Central American and Caribbean (CONCACAF): 3 or 4 places
    * Oceania (Oceania Football Confederation): 0 or 1 place

    2010 FIFA World Cup qualification

    This is why there are six, rather than five, African teams.

  15. Damn Celtics. :-(

  16. Anonymous2:19 AM

    I spent 4 years in Germany and German kids are brought up on beer. Philly has a large population of Germans and that kid looks German. Field, you oughta know it is no big deal to Philly Germans. So why are you making it out to be a big deal?

    I bet even some black parents give their 3 to 4 year olds a swig of beer every now and then.

    I bet even CF or Mel will give their kids a little sip of Sam Adams.

  17. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Field, Street Pirates are shooting up the neighborhoods and killing black folks everyday in Philly. And you post about a blond-haired kid drinking beer at a ball game?

    Come on man, get a grip. Is it really relevant? Hell, I can't even make a connection to racism chasing out of your post.

  18. "Jamaican kid = rastafarian kid
    American kid = kid
    Indonesian kid = little rug rat ??"

    There you go #125. This person is obviously new here. I call ALL kids "rug rats". Talk about racism chasing. Sheeez. :(

    "I bet even CF or Mel will give their kids a little sip of Sam Adams."

    Now see....

    Anon. I am aware that a little barley and hops can't kill you. But I made a mistake in the post by saying no more than ten. That kid couldn't be anymore than six. Come on.

    But I see what Silk said, I will have to watch the tape again.

    Gregory, thanks for that update on the WC.

    Sorry Val. :( Is it just me or does Fisher get on your nerves as well?

    "Heh! I've NEVER met a Jamaican who can claim that they've 'never touched the stuff'! Not that I've met tons of Jamaicans in life, but the few that I have....boy oh boy!!!!!"

    M. that's just a stereotype. Kind of like saying all black folks like to dance. :)

  19. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Thanks, Gregory


  20. Anonymous6:50 AM

    M. Rigmaiden, is that a trick question? Personally, I never touch the stuff.

    Total deflection of the question.

    "Jamaican kid = rastafarian kid
    American kid = kid
    Indonesian kid = little rug rat ??"

    Hmmm.....now if someone had written that a little nigglet = rugrat you would have been pissed and wet yourself. This is a great example that totally shows how "chasing" totalling misinterprets what one may mean.

    Maybe you will learn from that. Doubt it though.

    Go back to your jewish love stories.

  21. Heheheh stereotype eh FN? Yeah, it's always interesting when you meet people who conform to stereotypes. There is a Mexican guy who rides a bike with an ice cooler and a bell with a specific ring down the streets around here. He sells shaved ice cream treats in the neighborhood. He wears like a ten gallon hat ranchero looking hat, is always smiling and is dark brown with a pot belly and a handle bar mustache just like a stereotypical picture and it makes me chuckle. He is rather jovial and pleasant too!

    As to the topic of this post, when we became parents, me and my husband had no idea that room training could be so difficult! We are trying to get our little son to feel more comfortable in his room, playing with his toys by himself for a stretch, in order to foster independence.

    Then, after running around all day and or getting dirty in the garden, we coax him to go to his bed. He cries his eyes out, but goes every time we tell him. The battle ended about a hour ago. He simply was too tired to continue screaming and running out of his room every three or four minutes. The process started at nine thirty and ended just after three AM. Boy oh boy!

    I am bushed but blogging to clear my mind from the ordeal. My son can be such a little cuss! But he is the bestest!

    Sometimes, we don't realize that the frustrating aspects of toddler behavior are remarkably similar to frustrated adult behavior;) It helps keep perspective.

    One cool thing is that he stays still while I cornrow his hair each day. At least we trained him successfully for that;)

    Have a good day FN:)

  22. anon6:50

    Did you protest that kids TV show Rugrats.

    You remind me of Angelica.

  23. [quote]Field, Street Pirates are shooting up the neighborhoods and killing black folks everyday in Philly.[/quote]

    Anon #125:

    Don't waste your words......SHOW THE NEWSCLIP and allow rationale minds to make their own minds up.

    Here is a Darby man and upstanding citizen who SNITCHED on a Street Pirate for BREAKING INTO HIS HOUSE. That same day another Street Pirate came along and SHOT THE MAN IN THE BACK.

    The Street Pirate knew that his antics would NOT be covered on:

    * Rachel Maddow
    * Southern Poverty Law Center
    * AfroSpear

    Philly Inquirer:
    A burglary, an arrest, a payback shooting - all in one day



    [quote]For reporting a burglary at his own home on Monday, a Darby man was shot in the back that night by his gang-member neighbors, police said.

    Now, the residents of 3rd Street, which the 3rd Street Boys gang frequents, are speaking out. Within hours of the shooting, police identified the two men believed to be responsible.

    (HELL FILLED NEGRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
    "The good people on that street are getting tired," Darby Police Chief Robert Smythe said. "People are starting to say, 'To hell with this!' "

    About 10:30 p.m., a 32-year-old man and his fiancee were entering their 3rd Street home when two men opened fire on them, hitting the man in the back.

    He was taken to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was treated and released, Smythe said. His fiancee was unharmed.

    Police believe the couple was shot in retaliation for reporting the earlier burglary to police. One of them was at home at the time and was able to identify a suspect, who is believed to be a member of the 3rd Street Boys, Smythe said.

    The suspect was arrested, and later on Monday, other members of the gang threatened the couple at their home, police said.

    "At one point, one guy had shells in his hand and said, 'This is for you, later on,' " Smythe said.

    (NOTE: HIS THREATS are INFERIOR to the treats of the TEA PARTIES)

    Police said the threats came true when Andre Roberts, 21, and Stefan Fenwick, 20, known 3rd Street Boys who live across the street from the victims, fired at the them.

    Roberts and Fenwick fled and are now wanted for attempted murder, aggravated assault, drug and gun charges, and related offenses.

    The drug and gun violations stem from a search of Roberts and Fenwick's house, Smythe said. Inside, police said, they found drugs, drug-packaging material, cash and two guns.

    Smythe said he has placed extra patrols in the area.

    "If they start tonight, we're going to finish it," he said.[/quote]

  24. CF,


    Other than talk about it like you do, what do you expect anyone to do that lives over 100 miles away.
    I am sure your little speeches here really have influence on the 3rd St gang.

    I also like to know if the street pirates are Black. The farther west you go in to the burbs of Philly the white gangs control the drugs.

  25. Hathor

    CF is a total fraud.

    All he does is take the racist arguments and diversions of people like Pat Buchanan and John Perrazzo and present them in blackface.

    There has never been a time in urban America (or urban anywhere) when there wasn't street crime, so CF has a gift that keeps on giving.

    Whenever the issue or examples of white racism are presented he reflexively launches into a rant about "street pirates".

    Street protests have very little effect on street criminals.

    I know. Unlike CF i have participated in "Stop the Violence" marches and vigils.

    But that's not what CF is really after.

    He, like most other black conservatives, is a modern day house negro who is offended at the notion of blacks challenging and confronting white people.

  26. @Mr. Field

    Did he! What was that fake crying he was doing during the after game interview? I wanted to throw something at the TV!

  27. Oh, I can see how that dude in the video could pass for the O-man.

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    More proove again that Americans are a degenerate people.

  29. Val said...
    "@Mr. Field

    "Did he! What was that fake crying he was doing during the after game interview? I wanted to throw something at the TV!"

    Hey, this blog has an East Coast bias on everything sport's related!

    C'mon Val! Those tears weren't "fake."

    Too, don't go all Stone Age on your television. It's only the messenger, and not the message.

    And, Field, support the Lakers, support excellence, no matter where it appears. :)

    I know you want the Lakers to lose, but if the boys in green win, and they do it in a sportsmanlike fashion, I'll tip my hat to them.

    What's with Laker fans being attacked at TD Garden! People take their sports waaaaaay too seriously.

    Now, you've forced Ol' Zing to deliver a zinger.

    From the East to the West,
    The Lakers are the best...unless they're not.

  30. mellaneous3:45 PM

    What up Field? That anon guy is pretty funny. Don't think giving beer to kids is a good idea.

    Val, Field- Fisher is getting on my nerves as well. That post game interview worked my nerves. I keep saying to my bball friends that I would make sure that Fisher didn't beat me. You can't really stop Kobe, Gasol is going to get his inside but Fisher and that soft dude whats his name begins with an F I would not allow to beat me.

    Oh yeah Field I played and coached youth to High School for a few years. My strategy was always not to let the guys I could stop beat me.

    I am struggling with the series however. Historically I haven't liked Boston since they dogged out Bill Russell and because the town was so racist (see Boston school riots opposing intergrated public shcools circa 1970)

    But Kobe lost me when he did that silly girl in Denver and then decided to tell on Shaq. The guy typifies the worst in jocks, he seems to have little to no character. I mean who snitches out their friend when they get busted, unnecessarily. I could see if it would have saved his own skin, but he just hated on Shaq, like some little chump.

  31. Gregory4:08 PM

    It has been my experience around the world with kids that age is that they will steal your beer if you turn your back for a second. The real problems start when they try to drive the family car afterwards.

  32. Hey wait a minute:

    Val is that girl with the pretty eyes who moved cross country to live with her girl friend who doesn't have computer access. (as evidenced by the new avatar that she now has).

    What was your old stage name?

    (This is not an attack post. I like your blog because you have so many pictures of fine women on it.)

  33. [quote]Other than talk about it like you do, what do you expect anyone to do that lives over 100 miles away.
    I am sure your little speeches here really have influence on the 3rd St gang.


    Do you see that you fed the hater Steve?

    Why do you focus on STEVE'S distance from Philly? As a native I can tell you first hand the SALES JOB that was put forth regarding how the VICTORY of the MACHINE was going to CHANGE THE CITY.

    Forget about people in Bowie MD - I am wondering about those in Philly who BOUGHT THE MESSAGE and still have the receipts.

    What are THEY going to do?

    I also like to know if the street pirates are Black. The farther west you go in to the burbs of Philly the white gangs control the drugs

    Hathor - who are you trying to pull a fast one on? I TOLD YOU I AM A NATIVE:


    Island Avenue?
    Cobbs Creek Parkway?
    Baltimore Ave?

    WHITE FOLKS??????????????????


    Thus were jacking people in this area 20 years ago. You are asking me to assume that there has been some gentrification in this area?

    The race of the people was NOT the consideration in my original post. The fact that this was done with the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banners all over the place is what you need to be talking about.

    Clearly those who sought to take over did not have all of the variables mapped out.

  34. @uptownsteve: "But that's not what CF is really after.

    "He, like most other black conservatives, is a modern day house negro who is offended at the notion of blacks challenging and confronting white people."

    What you describe is racial nihilism of a sort.

    In this case, however, it's not the denial of the the existence of all things, just the denial of the notion that blacks have an importance, value, and standing equal to that of whites, especially if they haven't earned it.

    We see an offshoot of that in the movie, A Soldier's Story. Sergeant Walters, played by Adolph Caesar, comes down hard on those blacks he considers inferior, and a burden to the black race, because they don't acquit themselves with the same propriety as whites.

    White acceptance becomes the theme: It's not for whites to accept us as we are, we must present ourselves worthy of such an honor by our comportment, by our education, by our appearance, by our fidelity to those values that whites hold near and dear.

    In short, if whites aren't accepting us, or finding us acceptable, then it's our fault, and not theirs. We have to show ourselves approved.

    And this was the general mindset in this country for years, and it still persists in some black-white interactions, and from some black quarters.

    This mindset gave rise to colorism and Tomism.

    Another black-white theme was exploited by Richard Wright, and was enshrined in his book, Native Son.

    White illumination becomes the theme, and an appeal to white guilt.

    Through the character of Bigger Thomas, Wright attempts to show whites the folly of racial oppression.

    It was Wright's hope that if whites could only see how damaging it was, how dehumanizing it was, both for blacks and whites, that whites would voluntarily resist their natural predisposition to oppress blacks.

    The first theme--white acceptance:

    "Street Pirates," as well as a host of other unsavory black characters, chief among them, rappers, are making it hard on the rest of the black community, and giving us all a black eye.

    Whites won't accept us as long as this ignorant, inferior, and untutored bunch exists and thrives.

    The second theme--white illumination:

    Most of the gains that blacks have made politically, socially, and economically, have come as a result of a great struggle.

    Nothing was freely given; we had to agitate, march, protest, and yes, "burn baby burn," to lift the booth of oppression from our neck, and to open up more opportunities for blacks in this country.

    Wright was well-meaning, but he was naive in his belief that whites would do the right thing by us, once they knew the damage that racism caused, especially to the black psyche.

  35. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Hathor, spit FN's cock out. Your doing it again. Jump back into the woodwork now. Sad, sad soul.

  36. Anonymous6:50 PM

    When are you going to do a favorable post on Israel again?

  37. @Constructive Feedback

    You know, I used to tolerate you leering on my other blog, despite the fact that I already knew that no one liked you over here on Mr. Field's blog. But that's what I do I tolerate people.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what your point is. Are you outing me? Because if so it's a little late for that.

    And I don't have a stage name, but I do have some sort of anonymity in cyberspace because of people like you.

    And it's also because of people like you that I don't share personal stuff anymore.

    Btw, You've always seemed like one of those dirty ol' men types. Lol

  38. Mellaneous, despite my joking around with Val and Field earlier, I really don't care how you feel about Fisher, Kobe, or the Lakers.

    Really, I don't.

    What I found curious about your comment is this remark:

    "But Kobe lost me when he did that silly girl in Denver and then decided to tell on Shaq. The guy typifies the worst in jocks, he seems to have little to no character. I mean who snitches out their friend when they get busted, unnecessarily."

    Tell me I'm wrong. You seem to give more weight to Kobe ratting out Shaq, than cheating on his wife.

    Is "snitching" worse than infidelity?

    You suggest that Kobe "snitching" meant he had "little to no character."

    If you wish to be angry with Kobe because he cheated on his wife, I can understand that. But Kobe divulging that Shaq sleeps around, well...that one has me scratching my head.

    I don't feel Kobe is obliged to keep Shaq's infidelity a secret. It was Shaq's place to be discreet, and not crow about his female conquests.

    Shaq breaks his marriage vows, brags about it, but this doesn't "typifies the worst in jocks" and speaks to Shaq's character...it was Kobe's "unnecessary" canarying about his friends indiscretion that has you in a snit.

    And if Shaq believed that because of some basketball brotherhood, or because of team cohesion, or some jock code, Kobe should have kept his mouth shut, then he disrespected the brotherhood, and that cohesion by placing this undue burden on Kobe, as well as on other players on the team by forcing them to keep his secret whether they liked being in that position, or wanted to be in that position.

    No snitch rules are keeping whole communities captive. What was said in that Baretta theme songs, sang by the musical immortal, Sammy Davis, Jr.:

    "Don't do the crime if you can't do the time."

    A zinger from Zing:

    "Don't tell what you don't want known, if you can't broadcast it at home."

  39. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Val, "Anyway, I'm not sure what your point is. Are you outing me? Because if so it's a little late for that."

    My goodness. CF was complimenting your blog for having beautiful women...beautiful bw. There was not an ounce of disrespect in his comment. Why imagine or fabricate anymore into what was said?

    You should know that about CF by now. BTW, Field and others DO like CF. They might resent his political position some of the time, but no one hates him, except maybe UTS and Zing.

    But obviously you do. Get a grip, girl. Hate and resentment never hurt anyone except the one with it.

  40. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Zing, "I don't feel Kobe is obliged to keep Shaq's infidelity a secret. It was Shaq's place to be discreet, and not crow about his female conquests.

    Shaq breaks his marriage vows, brags about it, but this doesn't "typifies the worst in jocks" and speaks to Shaq's character...it was Kobe's "unnecessary" canarying about his friends indiscretion that has you in a snit."

    You criticize and judge others very well. Have you ever thought about becoming a minister?

  41. Ann None said..."You criticize and judge others very well. Have you ever thought about becoming a minister?"

    I don't need that gig. I'm already booked for Judgment Day.

    Wanna know where you stand?

  42. "When are you going to do a favorable post on Israel again?"

    Whenever I feel the weight of ignorance bringing me down.

    Zing, I always give the Lakers props. But yes, there is some East Coast bias going on here. :)

    Remember, Kobe is a Philly guy. And even though he played in the burbs,his game was really honed in the rough and tumble Sonny Hill league.

  43. FN said..."Remember, Kobe is a Philly guy."

    Philly is responsible, then, for more than one Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. I mean...L.A.

    L.A. owes you one.

  44. Ann None said..."They might resent his political position some of the time, but no one hates him, except maybe UTS and Zing."

    I can't speak for UTS, but I can speak for me.

    A zinger from Zing:

    There's no hate under my pate,
    but I can't say that's true for you.

  45. [quote]Anyway, I'm not sure what your point is. Are you outing me? Because if so it's a little late for that.


    How did you take an "evil" intent out of my post?

    The WORSE possible agenda behind my words?

    Did Filled Negro, Hathor or some of the regulars chime in and tell YOU that "I ASKED ABOUT YOU (and a few other former posters) about 4 months ago?".

    YOU TOLD US that you were moving in with "your girl" - so how did I "out you"? I made a REFERENCE to you based on what you told us and what I remembered!!

    I told you that I liked the pictures of the women on your blog. I could tell that you have a creative spirit.

    Must I be "evil" because you have ideological differences with me?

    As far as "people not liking me on this blog" - indeed it is a good thing that "being liked" is not one of my main goals. You only need to look at the "beloved" people in our community which cloud our judgment on how to dispose of them so we can move forward.

    I challenge you to look at WHO IS LIKED on this blog and in the world of politics in general and figure out how such POPULARITY translates into the advancement of our PERMANENT INTERESTS?

  46. [quote]Btw, You've always seemed like one of those dirty ol' men types. Lol[/quote]


    I am a Scorpio so the "dirty" part is a toss up. :-)

    OLD? I am younger than Filled Negro but old enough to know when I am being taken for a ride.

    Man - GUILTY!!! 100% Brother man.

    You have NEVER seen me exploit YOUR "personal information"!!!

    You "tolerated" me on your blog.
    Back in the day I would read your words on the Filled Negro blog and in my attempt to understand your reasoning I would:

    1) Ask you questions on this blog (many of which you did not respond to)


    2) Go go YOUR blog to read where you are coming from (Hell - I still have the picture of the tatoo on Alicia Keys' back that I stole from your blog!!!!)

    Filled Negro and Rikyrah's friend "Christian Progressive Liberal" of AfroSpear fame (or whatever her name is - the CBC Watch girl) was so intolerant about being ASKED QUESTIONS of her IDEOLOGY so much that I'd used to fear having the police kick down my door and arresting me for RAPE - despite the fact that I don't have any idea of how she looks like if I walked past her.

    Don't go there Val!!!

    With all of the Black men who have been falsely accuse of RAPE by White women - THIS BLACK MAN who is:

    * Married to a Black women (Hey Filled Negro - brown stewed chicken tonight. I am living large with this Jamaican mother in law here!!!)

    * Has 2 children

    * Is a resident father

    * Has a good job

    * Never been locked up

    Can't afford to have someone slander him with salacious as such.

    I have NEVER disrespected you as a woman DESPITE my ideological disagreement with you.

    ASK UptownSteve if he can say the same in regards to his treatment of Black women who DISAGREE WITH HIM!!!! Make him mad and HE does as you fear that I would do.

  47. Gregory9:54 PM

    CF wrote to Val:

    "How did you take an "evil" intent out of my post?"

    I don't know, CF, maybe she just reads what you write. You should give it a try sometime, "reading comprehension" is not as bad as it sounds.

  48. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Maria has not commented lately. It's the fault of RM. I hope you are happy now.

    Field, you should do a Post on Black and White female issues, and their insecurities--cause I am sick and tired of certain bw on this blog driving ww away.

    Please put some rules in place to protect the ww from RM and 'you know who'.:)

    That photo of that kid drinking beer has made me thirsty for a cold one. Do you know of a good Jamaican beer that I might try?

  49. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Gregory, "I don't know, CF, maybe she just reads what you write. You should give it a try sometime, "reading comprehension" is not as bad as it sounds."

    Sounds like you are 'outing' Val at CF's expense, you slick dirty ol man.

    You have a serious case of jealousy toward CF. He can't be responsible for being twice as smart as you. Take that up with the Creator.

  50. I see its "The Ladies Against CS Day Today".

    Black Diaspora - I realize that there is too much "bad blood" between you and I for you to not TRANSPOSE the BLACK INFERIORITY that I have been CALLING OUT upon to ME. I understand this.

    Did you ever read my blog post about YOU?

    Black Diasporas Vision Of Our People. (Did you seem me SLANDER YOU or merely point out our differences:


    [quote]What you describe is racial nihilism of a sort. In this case, however, it's not the denial of the the existence of all things, just the denial of the notion that blacks have an importance, value, and standing equal to that of whites, especially if they haven't earned it.[/quote]


    I am going to respond to every word that you wrote. Please allow me to make a summary statement after having read your words.

    YOU DID NOT CIRCLE BACK AROUND TO ME in your comments, using MY examples (aside from Street Pirates - which I will address later).

    Let me ask you BD - when I point out that Black Actor-vists get LARYNGITIS when it comes to attacking Black Elected Officials who now hold the seats of power that are "failing them" is THIS greater evidence of your EQUAL IMPORTANCE theory that you attempt to indict ME with?

    Its like they WALK PAST those seats and go after the folks with REAL POWER. "Let me speak to the BOSS, not YOU - field hand".

    [quote]We see an offshoot of that in the movie, A Soldier's Story. Sergeant Walters, played by Adolph Caesar, comes down hard on those blacks he considers inferior, and a burden to the black race, because they don't acquit themselves with the same propriety as whites.[/quote]


    You are talking about my favorite movie now!!

    Who was that poster about 3 months ago that suggested that the "Denzel Character" was not my favorite in Soldiers story? Whiz or Kid or whatever his name was.

    I told him that he is RIGHT.

    Sergeant Walters is my favorite.
    He came down hard on Denzel because Denzel did not respect his stripes. HE RESPECTED DENZEL!!! He was the strong one, the leader who FOUGHT BACK and would not bow his head to "Massa".

    If you go to my "WithintheBlackcommunity" blog you will see the quote: "Who Gave You The Right To Judge? The Right To Decide Who Is Fit To Be A Negro?"

    You are correct that Waters went after "Weak Negroes". You are 1000000% WRONG that he did so FOR WHITE FOLKS!!!!

    Waters HATED the fact that WHITE FOLKS loved "singing", "dancing" and "athletically gifted" NEGROES!!!!

    He beat up on the enlisted men to RESPECT THE STRIPES even if a RACIST WHITE MAN adorned them.

    The night that he was beat up by the White officer is when he said "Screw the Stripes you White Racist".

    Ultimately BD - it was a BLACK MAN who MISREAD Waters that KILLED HIM!!!

    The Black man who he RESPECTED the most for his resolve is the one who MISUNDERSTOOD Waters and ultimately KILLED HIM.

    BD - why don't you SHOOT ME IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD?

    Though I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY - you treat me like the Denzel character treated Waters!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Regarding STREET PIRATES - I have a large video library of BLACK WOMEN CRYING ON THE EVENING NEWS after suffering a STREET PIRATE ATTACK where they LOST A LOVED ONE.

    IF I am a nihilist then your SISTAS who are grieving ARE TOO!!!!!

    Surely you are not this in-compassionate BD.

  51. Maria, so you commented anonymously? Very few posters here invert my initials like you. If you reread what I wrote, you'd see that YOU are the one with the problem in reading comprehension. I never insulted you. I DID point out that your self labeling seems inconsistent asked you about calling yourself a 'white' woman.

    Since you took offense to that, it is your choice.

    Don't think I have a problem with white women at all; I don't. I think YOU have a problem understanding written words that may not conform to your worldview.

    My comment was not meant to be malicious so don't take it that way.

    I have, however, been intentionally malicious with other posters when they've insulted me. Since you haven't I have no issues with you. I even defended you when someone called you the names of pasta etc because ethnic slurs are not right.

    Since you are a journalist, put on your objective hat and move on.

  52. [quote]You have a serious case of jealousy toward CF. He can't be responsible for being twice as smart as you. Take that up with the Creator.[/quote]

    Now, now #125.

    I like Gregorian Chant.

    He is always going to try to get in a sucker punch against me. He tries hard.

    No matter what I say, even if it is incontrovertible, Gregorian Chant is going to find some angle to confound me.

    If I show a video of a Black man who is shot dead on the street after being assaulted as part of a larger situation that has gotten out of hand - Gregory would accuse me of "disrespecting" the corpse of a Black man - attempting to render him as "road kill". No words about the KILLER though

    I just go with the flow.

  53. Gregory11:11 PM

    No sucker punches required, CF. BTW, your anony sockpuppet #125 is hilarious.

  54. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Gregory, "No sucker punches required, CF. BTW, your anony sockpuppet #125 is hilarious."

    Glad to see that you can laugh at yourself in the face of humiliation. Most House Negroes are like that....jiggin' and grinnin' while being humiliated. It's an automatic reaction.

  55. Gregory1:01 AM

    LOL. Oh, the burn. I'm a House Negro.

    That will have FN in stitches.

  56. Thanks anon. I needed a laugh.

    There is nothing House about Gregory.

  57. Black Diaspora 6:06 PM


  58. CF

    You're as big a liar as you are a Tom.

    "ASK UptownSteve if he can say the same in regards to his treatment of Black women who DISAGREE WITH HIM!!!! Make him mad and HE does as you fear that I would do."

    Show me where I disrespected or mistreated any woman on this board or elsewhere.

    Watch him disappear folks.

    A total fraud.

  59. [quote]Black Diaspora 6:06 PM



    In your own words, having stepped out of the "Neo-All White Jury Box" - can you tell us WHY BD's post was "outstanding"?

  60. CF

    BD's post was outstanding because he encapsulated the self-hatred and deep sense of inferiority embedded in black folks who think like you.

    No black succeeds until all blacks succeeds.

    There are no functional and prospering black communities until there are no black ghettoes.

    Blacks cannot confront whites about racism because we are so screwed up ourselves.

    We have to change in order to expect white racism to subside.

    You're a slave dude.

    You live for white approval.

  61. Anonymous1:36 AM

    UTS, "Show me where I disrespected or mistreated any woman on this board or elsewhere"

    You must be kidding. La Audiobooks, Focused Purpose, and AB are living proof of your insulting male chauvinistic pig remarks. YOU are the LIAR, you idiot.

  62. Anonymous2:05 AM

    You must be kidding. La Audiobooks, Focused Purpose, and AB are living proof of your insulting male chauvinistic pig remarks. YOU are the LIAR, you idiot.ab sockpuppet

    very clear that this comment from bovine cretin ab

    just creating more anonymous to lick that diseased asshole of hers
