Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"You've Got Mail"

I received the following e-mail before I went on vacation. I was impressed with the gentleman's honesty and his willingness to discuss an uncomfortable subject. I asked him if I could share it with my fellow field hands and he said cool. (The one caveat being that I didn't publish his full name). I will call him RL.

"Dear Field-

First off, I have to tell you that I'm white. I mean really white. I was born and raised on a farm in rural Minnesota. I grew up on country music, the religious right, and extremely boring food. After high school, I moved to Madison, WI. Madison considers itself a center of progressive, liberal ideas. I bought into that. I didn't fit in where I was from, and I thought the "liberal" Madison thing was right for me. But I worked for three years as a Special Education Assistant at East High- the school that serves more low-income/racially diverse students than any other in the city. I saw a disproportionate number of black kids labeled learning disabled or emotionally disturbed, and therefore part of Special Ed., simply because their parents weren't around (addicted to drugs, locked up, or just plain absent) or they realized that the standard education system didn't offer anything for them. Most of these kids truly believed that the only paths out of poverty were sports, music, or selling drugs. I thought it was a failing of black culture, black parents, hip hop, etc. I was in my early twenties. There had been only one black kid in my grade in high school. Nobody told me any different. I had no idea.

During the time I lived in Madison, I became friends with some Socialists and Anarchists. I sort of agreed with their ideals but I wasn't ready to face the fact that every bit of mainstream culture was designed to get me to distrust anybody that seemed the slightest bit different for any reason. Besides, the degree of their passion for the cause seemed to be proportionate to the size of the checks their bourgeois parents sent every month. Two years ago I fell in love with the Obama message- I truly believed that he would bring about a new era of equality and prosperity- and I was really proud to vote for our first black president. My more politically aware friends told me I was naive, but I told them they were too cynical. Hope and change would save us all.

Fuck that. It seems so obvious now. So obvious that I'm shocked there aren't riots in the streets.

I'm 30 years old. I live in a small town in northern Wisconsin (my wife got a job here when she graduated law school last year). With no college education, a year of unemployment under my belt, and the majority of my work experience in the building trades (where nobody is getting work right now) I should be on the Glenn Beck train blaming brown people and socialists for my situation.

Thank god for the internet. It's given me access to ideas that are not available from any other source around here. Such as: 1) Most of the problems that regular poor/working class people have are the direct result of decisions made by the rich, with the full knowledge of the inevitable result. 2) It's in the interest of the rich/ruling class to cultivate racism to distract people from the true source of their problems. 3) The choice between Democrats and Republicans is not a true choice between change for the better and change for the worse. 4) Capitalist greed is color-blind, but its effects are felt most harshly by non-whites.

Before I started reading your blog and others like it, I thought I was part of the solution. I know better now. I may not have been making things much worse by myself, but I wasn't making things any better. I have learned in the last year that patronizing, paternalistic thought and action are not part of the solution. I have learned that real equality and justice are farther away than the media and politicians would have white "liberals" believe. I've had racist thoughts. I've said racist things. I'd like to blame that on the culture I grew up in, but most of the time I knew better. And I can't blame my raising for my own actions. I am a grown man and I am responsible for what I do.

I don't know the answer to the problems facing our world. But I do know this: next time I'm in Madison (or another large city- I haven't seen any non-whites in Rhinelander, WI) and I see a black man on the corner asking for spare change, I'm not going to blame his lack of initiative or unwillingness to "pull himself up by his bootstraps". I know his situation is the result of systematic capitalist greed, made worse by paternalistic white bourgeois liberalism. It's easy to see everything in terms of color-blind economic injustice but I know there is more to it than that.

If you read this and think "This fucking asshole is just as racist as ever", I need to hear that. All I see are problems, in my own life and in the world around me. What I'm learning is that the problems in my own life and the problems in the greater world are interconnected. The most obvious solutions seem light years away, but I am trying to take steps in the right direction. Your writing has been a valuable resource to that end. Thank you."

No, thank you RL. Heartfelt honesty without paternalistic posturing is always appreciated.
If you are ever in Philly look me up. We will have some beers and cheese steaks together.


  1. Any WHITE man in America has always had an express lane for display on the Filled Negro blog.

    This is no different albeit for a different reason as he support's Filled Negro's position instead of forwarding an "Obama Spook" cartoon to his Republican friends as proof of the impending return of the "Klan" in this country.

    [quote]1) Most of the problems that regular poor/working class people have are the direct result of decisions made by the rich, with the full knowledge of the inevitable result.[/quote]

    I can show you some poor people with screwed up credit that they did all on their own.

    2) It's in the interest of the rich/ruling class to cultivate racism to distract people from the true source of their problems.

    There are plenty of RACISM CHASER who are poor and have the greater goal of keeping their flock UNIFIED.

    [quote] 3) The choice between Democrats and Republicans is not a true choice between change for the better and change for the worse.[/quote]

    Who said that the >85% of Blacks that are loyal Democrats are so because they are interested in doing all that is necessary for CHANGE FOR THE BETTER?

    [quote] 4) Capitalist greed is color-blind, but its effects are felt most harshly by non-whites.[/quote]

    Go to Chad, Niger or Equatorial Guinea to see what the ABSENCE OF CAPITALISM is a mother.

  2. "Thank god for the internet. It's given me access to ideas that are not available from any other source around here."


    Something I picked up on during my info-sci degree program. If you can weed through the "madness", you can pick up all sorts of stuff on the WWW. It's just a matter of knowing your limits (AKA information overload).

  3. Anonymous10:09 PM

    Rhineland, WI is just cabins, lakes, timber, and a snowmobile track. Small wonder there's no jobs. Right here, they won't look at your resume if you've been unemployed for 6 months. It's not like I had a vote in closing down where worked.

    But no, I can't get on board the Commie train. It's dehumanizing.


  4. That letter was straight from the heart, honest, and sincere. I liked it! He kept it real and has my respect.

  5. Farman10:52 PM

    Nah. Too many implications that ignore other factors in this.

  6. Trapped in SC10:52 PM

    A quick story.

    A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below. She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."

    The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.

    "She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat."

    "I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"

    "Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."

    The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."

    "I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"

    "Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are or where you are going. You've risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem. You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."

    Not mine, but cool nonetheless.

  7. Hi Granny!

    That letter was straight from the heart, honest, and sincere. I liked it! He kept it real and has my respect.

    Well said!

  8. Off topic: Obama actually fired McChrystal. He really surprised me. I'm glad he did it.

    Now if he could just get the U.S. the heck out of Afghanistan. Oh wait, we have to get those minerals first. I keep forgetting about that.

  9. Trapped in SC11:11 PM

    Yeah Val. He actually shocked a lot of folks by doing what he had every right to do.

    Maybe last night he had an epiphany. He realized, "Hey, I'm the goddamnned President! They do what I say, not the other way around!

    It's funny how wingnuts will try to paint a decisive action like this as some kind of weakness.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. President Obama is not weak. He just does not like to waste time with childish BS, or divisiveness, and all of the silly racist snares that political pundits and the GOP lay out to entrap him with. He is more mature and intelligent than that. And like Steve said, he has accomplished a lot in his 18 months, but heaven forbid if they give a black man credit for accomplishing anything that a white President couldn't, wouldn't, didn't, and should have done.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13.'s up fellow "Street Pirate"??!! I see you just mugged another commentators opinion. -
    Just kidding!!!

  14. Wish me luck CF, getting ready to play Footy Frenzy 5.4 AR. My name is Street Pirate.

  15. If President Obama did let his black side show and checked them like a brotha would, then they'd be hollering that he is belligerent and an angry black man. Don't forget that when a black person expresses their displeasure, it is not labeled as being straight forward it's labeled belligerent, defiant, or defined with some other negative meaning. I guess it's the BASS in black people's voice that is too strong for them and scares them.

    President Obama is more like another Jackie Robinson experiment with him on trial by white folks. A trial that determines whether or not that race barrier for the SACRED WHITE HOUSE should be broken.

  16. Oh yeah, and capitalist greed is not color blind if the color is green.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Dear Letter Writer,

    This blog (the Field Negro) is good, but here's one that will teach you much:

    Go here daily. Comment. You'll learn.


  19. coffee and cigarettes12:28 AM

    I really enjoyed that letter. Its refreshing to know that somebody can grow up in such surroundings and still grow to have such an outlook.
    Some people are naturaly humane, and some are naturally anti-human. COUGH COUGH CF.

    "I'm learning is that the problems in my own life and the problems in the greater world are interconnected" << This deserves a standing ovation!

    And I agree 100% that republicans and democracts are not a real choice..Obama is better than Bush but thats pretty much it. I'll defend him from righties and racists, but I have yet to see any change "I can believe in."

    He is just one man though, he can't do much by himself even if he wanted to.

    I think that there is a word that describes our current system perfectly and that is PLUTOCRACY. And corporate media, combined with public apathy, keep this plutocracy going strong.

    And I'd like to point out that CF is wrong, once again.

    "Go to Chad, Niger or Equatorial Guinea to see what the ABSENCE OF CAPITALISM is a mother."

    The problems in Chad, Niger and Guinea have NOTHING to do with socialism or capitalism...they have everything to do with wars, unstable democracy, and corruption.

    Democracy and peace do not equal capitalism.

    From wiki:
    "In October 2006, Chad was placed at the top of the list of the world's most corrupt nations by Forbes magazine for "what may turn out to be the single most piggish use of philanthropic funds". Proceeds from a project, funded in part by the World Bank, to build an oil pipeline through Chad and Cameroon were supposed to have been ring-fenced by Déby's government to assist and feed "the desperately poor people of these nations". Instead, some $30 million was diverted to buy arms to keep in power the government of President Idriss Déby"

    My dear friend is Idriss Deby anything but a hardcore capitalist? He's making himself rich off the misery of others. If he was American, I would imagine he would be one of those people you so whole-heartedly defend.

  20. Anonymous1:03 AM

    Dear Field, many thanks for asking RL's permission to post his email to you. I can relate to much of what he wrote because it came straight from the heart.

    What I found moving and inspiring was RL's apparent transformation from a 'very White' mindset in Minn. to a heart of compassion and mercy for the suffering of poor non-whites, and poor Whites. That's what I call 'a 'heart under reconstruction' to connect and identify with a bigger segment of humanity that is disenfranchised.

    It is heartening to know there are RL's out there, even in Rhinelander, WI.:) It's because of people like RL that gives me hope for the human race.

    America and the world need more humans operating at the conscious level of RL, if the human race is to survive, imo.

    Again, thanks for posting a great post. And many more thanks to RL...Peace.

  21. Gregory1:09 AM

    Several points, in no particular order.

    Ghana v US this Saturday, England v Germany & Mexico v Argentina on Sunday should make this a memorably footy weekend.

    CF will not be convinced but many of the problems of Africa are not caused by the absence of capitalism but are the result of capitalism as practiced by developed nations exploiting Africa. CF inhabits a cartoon world painted in primary colours, like szpork, which segues into my next point.

    By rational and objective measures (the type applied to previous presidents), Obama's first 18 months in office have been successful. If he would bother to engage in soundbite communications then idiots like szpork wouldn't label him a "commie". They would just call him an uppity nigra, which is more or less what they are doing now anyway.

    Remember that MacArthur became something of a cause célèbre for the wingnuts of the '50s. I expect McChrystal to play the same role with our current crop of nutjobs on the right.

  22. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Trapped in SC said...
    "It's funny how wingnuts will try to paint a decisive action like this as some kind of weakness."

    Funny thing, isn't it.? Obama dithered for months over whether to send more troops to Afghanistan. Obama dithered for weeks over how to respond to the Deepwater Horizon spill. But when McChrystal criticized the president, he was gone in a day.

    You know what is absent from the coverage of the McChrystal thing? Any discussion at all of whether his criticisms of Obama's administration were valid. No one seems to want to talk about that.

    But we did get a nicely scripted Lie of the Day:

    "I don't make this decision based on any difference in policy with Gen. McChrystal, as we are in full agreement about our strategy. Nor do I make this decision out of any sense of personal insult."

    - B. Hussein Obama explaining why he's kicking McChrystal to the curb.

    Vain, foolish, corrupt, and weak.

  23. RL seems like an honest person who is interested in other perspectives. Good on him! There is hope for our species yet!

  24. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Speaking of the poor and jobless in this post, things just got worse.

  25. RL, I, too, thank you for your letter, and would like to throw a few pennies into the mix, pennies gathered as a black person along the road of life--stretches of which have been paved, and well-maintained, and stretches which have been nothing more than cloddish dirt, dirt showing years of wear, bordered by deep trenches, with deep uneven grooves across its surface: the clear result of heavy rains, and heavy snows assaulting it over the years.

    What stands out is that you seem to have spent a large part of your life searching, searching for a way to make sense of your life, and of your world.

    (Mind you: This is what I infer, not what is necessarily true for you.)

    For me, had I been able to search and to seek in the way that you did, would have been a luxury.

    When you're behind enemy lines, which is what it was like for me growing up, and living, in this country, you're too busy looking out for sniper fire, being careful not to stray into mine fields, and avoiding other forms of danger lurking around every corner, and behind every door.

    Over time, you quickly learn survival techniques, and behavioral techniques--life-saving responses that allow you to navigate the terrain without being shot at, and, if shot at, how to move quickly, and agilely to evade capture, or a bullet through the head.

    As it was, I was too preoccupied with survival to examine my life (except to ask, "Why me? Why any black?), and to extract meaning from it (except to dream how great it must be to be white, where no door is closed to you).

    I have since learned that life is not about searching out who I am, nor learning the purpose of life (because life's purpose is pretty clear: it's about experiencing), but it's about choosing and deciding who I wish to be, and creating that.

    Review your four observations again. You'll find, after a brief examination, that these divisive ideas have been around a long time--pre-antebellum, and post-antebellum.

    You admit to "racist thoughts," and to saying "racist things."

    I'm afraid, this will be your lot as long as your believe that blacks and whites are fundamentally different, that your ethnic tribe is better, or different than my ethnic tribe.

    Until you can see all races as one and the same--no separation--but as a seamless part of the whole, one race, you'll always entertain thoughts of racial superiority, or the belief that your race is privileged because of your whiteness.

    Racism is a seductive concept. One with which I've never had to wrestle.

    Notwithstanding the multitudinous problems that you may see in your personal life, or throughout the world, the answer to these vexing problems--despite their seeming complexity--is simplicity itself.

    I touched upon it earlier, and will reiterate it here, in a slightly different form.

    Humankind can solve its most perplexing problems--and bring peace upon the earth--with one idea, one value, the knowing, and accepting of could save us all:

    "We're all one."

  26. Peace Field and friends,

    While I appreciate RL thinking about what’s happening in society and reaching out: I question his anon status. What good is engaging a different perspective (from those around us) if we remain seated by failing to own our words/views and can't fathom backhanding the scrutiny that may follow? We should not be silenced by others or allow fear to harbor what we believe. But in due time we all reach our height and RL is taking one step further than before.

    He says, “I thought it was a failing of black culture, black parents, hip hop, etc.” But later says that, “Most of the problems that regular poor/working class people have are the direct result of decisions made by the rich, with the full knowledge of the inevitable result."

    We can’t deny that a way of life…understanding…seeing…yearning..imitating…has its root. Yes, we have structural problems embedded in the make up of this country that foster an uneven playing field. But we can’t ignore personal choice and the pursuit (or lack there of) of knowledge and true consciousness. (Note: true example not a stereotypical hypothetical) If a young black man believes selling drugs, driving a Range Rover, being a brand junkie, yet living in the projects is a way to get over on the system we have to question mentality and the development of that mentality. Yes, we can and should question the lack of resources but we can't deny the resources that are available and are not being used or sought after.
    A whole lot of people are lost…that much we know. The question is what do we do about it?

    “Hope” and “change” must be backed with action, accountability, and awareness.

    Lastly, I would be interested in seeing the following statement elaborated on.

    “It's in the interest of the rich/ruling class to cultivate racism to distract people from the true source of their problems.” –RL

  27. Anonymous2:16 AM

    BD: You are so full of yourself, it is nauseating. Why not just "simply" thank RL and leave it at that? Why must you always go into your own story and finish with advice on how every one should live, as though you have ALL the answers?

    It is clear that RL has his OWN Path of growth to follow. And he has been doing just fine without your advice.

  28. Anonymous 2:16:

    Why are you so bitter?

  29. Anonymous said...
    "BD: You are so full of yourself, it is nauseating. Why not just "simply" thank RL and leave it at that? Why must you always go into your own story and finish with advice on how every one should live, as though you have ALL the answers?

    "It is clear that RL has his OWN Path of growth to follow. And he has been doing just fine without your advice."

    You've got major issues, no?

    You're right about me being "full of myself." I can think of anyone I'd rather be full of, than me.

    It's certainly better than being full of you, or full of anyone else.

    "Why not just "simply" thank RL and leave it at that?"

    Now, who's giving unsolicited advice? Your statement might have carried some weight had you been willing to follow your own advice.

    The "pot and kettle" have something in common!

    "Why must you always go into your own story and finish with advice on how every one should live, as though you have ALL the answers?"

    Why? Because "my story" is the only story I know.

    If you care to go into your story, well, I'd go into yours, too.

    I have some of the answers, but certainly not all of them. For example, I have no answer for your gratuitous attack against me.

    But I'll give you one thing to consider: An attack is a cry for help.

    At no point did I say that anyone must follow my prescription, but it's telling that that is what you read.

    In addition, I offered RL no advice that he was constrained to follow.

    I laid out a path for humanity, and, for your own reasons, you took exception to it.

    I agree, too, RL has done well pursuing his own vision.

    Now, if you don't mind, I'll get back to pursuing mine.

    And just so you know: I will continue to respond in a manner that suits me and not you. If you find that intolerable, ignore me: You don't have to read what I write--especially since your stomach sours so easily.

  30. "If a young black man believes selling drugs, driving a Range Rover, being a brand junkie, yet living in the projects is a way to get over on the system we have to question mentality and the development of that mentality."

    Yes, we do need to question what creates that mentality. But then, most should already know the answer to what causes the development of that mentality, and that is EXTREME POVERTY and many intentional brick walls set up to limit and prevent them from using those resources. Although, most people wouldn't want to admit that extreme poverty is to blame and would rather place the blame on anything but that. They wouldn't have to make those choices if the playing field were leveled and fair. But since they aren't, they may feel back up against the wall with no other way out.

    If a person is hungry and lacks the basic necessities in life that are vital and mandatory to all human beings in order to exist, they will take desperate measures to survive. For example, illegal immigrants take all sorts of dangerous chances crossing our borders to find work. Well, we have citizens who live right here in America that are forced because of an unfair playing field to take the same chances in order to survive.

    Believe it or not, most of them would prefer to have a job making a decent living rather than taking penitentiary chances or worst dying in the streets over stupid stuff. However, some give up trying to get a job when faced with rejection after rejection in seeking employment because they lost hope. If a person has a choice between starving to death and eating, which choice do you think they'll make?

  31. BTW, I'm not taking up for them either. Just giving an example of how those that that are deprived of the basic necessities, lack of resources, and who are unable to get a job think.

  32. Cocoa_Goddess4:04 AM

    Granny said: Just giving an example of how those that that are deprived of the basic necessities, lack of resources, and who are unable to get a job think.

    That's exactly what Maslow was describing in his theory of "hierarchy of needs".

  33. Anonymous said...
    "BD: You are so full of yourself, it is nauseating. Why not just "simply" thank RL and leave it at that? Why must you always go into your own story and finish with advice on how every one should live, as though you have ALL the answers?

    It is clear that RL has his OWN Path of growth to follow. And he has been doing just fine without your advice."

    I'm your huckleberry!

    Do I detect a little jealousy here, a little envy on your part, a little self-righteous indignation?

    I don't know if BD is full of himself or not, but you, my insufferable ninny, are lacking in the civility that marks those of distinction, and good breeding.

    Apparently, Annony, you're living a rather narrow, and claustrophobic existence...otherwise you'd have something of worth and value to give RL...some encouragement, and support.

    But, instead, you rushed into your private madness, and distorted worldview, and attacked BD who, I'm sure, responded to you out the kindness of his heart, hoping that you'd take inventory of your social deficiencies, and turn your life around.

    My guess...BD's words were written, not just for RL, but for others who frequent here as well...even you.

    I have no such delusions. Lost causes stay lost, and are forever trying to find themselves.

    Annony, do you know your way home? Do you need assistance? Did you lose your guide dog? Your road map? Your sense of direction?

    It appears RL is on a quest. Since he's grown, he would have never given his consent to have his letter republished here without knowing ahead that those who read it might offer their opinions, their thoughts and, yes, their advice.

    What he did took courage! More courage than it took you to attack and belittle a fellow poster.

    It's a sad day in the blogosphere when the likes of you use it to bolster their own ego by attacking a pure stranger.

    You, too, have a path to "follow." If yours cross mine, I may not respond with the civility I'm now responding.

    A zinger from Zing:

    There's not that many foolish, and stupid people in the world...just a handful...they just move around a lot.

  34. Granny, I don't know if you're still around or not.

    Consider this: I knew many black graduates of colleges in the South that, if they couldn't get a job teaching blacks in a country school somewhere, were reduced to taking jobs as secretaries, and file clerks.

    There's nothing wrong with file clerks and secretaries, but these highly-educated individuals worked in jobs where they were overqualified, or their qualifications were never fully realized in the area in which they were trained, and educated.

    Those jobs went to whites, and not to blacks.

    We have many reasons to be angry, and disloyal to this country. But that hasn't been our way.

    The Panthers sought to fight fire with fire, and MLK, Gandhi's approach.

    And through it all, we didn't seek to bring down the government, just make it receptive, and responsive to our humanity.

    And what do we get from the other side for our patience, and cooperation: a disgruntled, and self-centered wail--"We want our country back!"

    That's the problem: It never belonged to them.

    What we're seeing are threats of violence, civil war, secession, and the brandishing of weapons by armed militia.

    And, too, we have certain politicians picking up the chant, using dog whistle words, and phrases to whip up their base.

  35. agape20105:04 AM

    wow...that letter warms my heart...and fed my soul...

    I thank you RL for being candid and sharing what you've learned on your journey thus far.

    Now I will share what I know for sure....

    1. Politics is all about me and my friends can run the country better than you and you're friends...

    2. There are three political parties in America...the Democrats..the Republicans...and the Bueaucrats...and the Bureaucrats run both parties...

    3. The reasons for poverty are volumous...and they are at once systematic AND systemic...

    4. You can never go wrong by choosing to love ;)

    I applaud you!


  36. Diaspora:

    That's the truth and nothing but the truth. I know what you talking about and can relate to it as well. Not only in the South did that happen, it happen here on the West Coast and East Coast as well.
    And they wonder why there is a wide income gap between whites and blacks.'s because they've never played fair and have always made sure that everything tilted in their favor regardless if it was unscrupulous on their behalf or if they used deceptive practices to ensure that everything tilted in their favor.

    People reap what they sow. Remember back a year or two ago, I said that a lot of people were going to get to feel, experience, and see how poor people felt. Now, a lot of them are jobless, hungry, and homeless, etc. The only sad thing about it is that the poor have to suffer along with them, but at least the poor know how to survive, because they've had to do it all their lives.

    Yup, most people don't realize that "REPENT" really means change your way of thinking. America has a lot to REPENT for and that is the truth and nothing but the truth.

  37. "CF will not be convinced but many of the problems of Africa are not caused by the absence of capitalism but are the result of capitalism as practiced by developed nations exploiting Africa. CF inhabits a cartoon world painted in primary colours.."

    Damn I wish I said that. Gregroy, that is spot on.

    And this from c&c:

    "My dear friend is Idriss Deby anything but a hardcore capitalist? He's making himself rich off the misery of others. If he was American, I would imagine he would be one of those people you so whole-heartedly defend."

    Yep, Destructive Wingnut should be writing a letter as well and telling us thank you for the knowledge.

    "Any WHITE man in America has always had an express lane for display on the Filled Negro blog."

    Not true Destructive, you seem to be in an "express lane" on this blog yourself. You aren't white, are you?

    I co-sign with #125. RL moved me a little bit. And trust me, that's hard to do. :)

    Sup Granny? How are things on the left coast?:)

    Agape, great advice as usual.

    BD & Zinger are some eloquent cats. Yep.

  38. Hello Field, all is well on the left coast.

  39. [quote]And I agree 100% that republicans and democracts are not a real choice..Obama is better than Bush but thats pretty much it. [/quote]

    My dear Coffee/Cigs:

    You say this while failing to note that the Democratic Party:

    * Enjoys the loyalty of more than 85% of Black people
    * Presently controls 100% of the key institutions in Black America
    * Got into power by making affirmative promises to the Black community about what they'd do IF BLACK PEOPLE SUPPORTED THEM!!!

    How is it that you try to EQUALIZE the Democratic and Republican Parties when in fact they are NOT EQUAL in their influence over the Black community?

    I'll defend him from righties and racists,

    Why don't you defend the BLACK COMMUNITY from the people who have a Death Grip over our consciousness? They have our RACIAL INTERESTS fused with their POLITICAL interests for the benefit of the Democratic Party.

    RACISTS? - Oh yeah. Those who believe that Black People are Inferior and they transact with us, making us dependent upon their system of distribution WHILE NEVER DEVELOPING COMPETENCIES WITHIN OUR CULTURE - they are RACIST in that they don't believe that we have the ability to construct a system that works for our PERMANENT INTERESTS. "Teach a man to fish........." has been lynched by some.

    but I have yet to see any change "I can believe in."

    Coffee/Cigs - this is what I can't understand about you.

    Again - THINK OF A PRESCRIPTION DRUG that you were convinced into consuming by an individual that you had CONFIDENCE in. You were told that if you TAKE THIS PILL you will be cured.

    The Glaxo-Smith-Klein sales man who sold you the pill - UptownSteve - also told you that the RED PILL from the competitor has been specially formulated to cause liver failure in Black people - don't take it no matter what they tell you.

    Coffee/Cigs - now that you have an entire medicine cabinet full of BLUE PILLS per the confidence man's advice and you STILL are in pain - ISN'T IT UP TO YOU TO FIND AN "ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE SOLUTION"?

    I thought that you had the mindset "A woman (and everyone else) should have CONTROL OVER HER BODY"?

    Do you really believe that you should be in control over what you ingest?

    Again - WHAT HAS THE BLACK ESTABLISHMENT done to develop an ORGANIC ALTERNATIVE to the Democrats and Republicans? This is a force that exists OUTSIDE of the American Political Domain.

  40. [quote]That letter was straight from the heart, honest, and sincere. I liked it! He kept it real and has my respect.

    Granny, my dear Granny!!!

    "From the Heart" does not mean "From the Brain".

    Again I ask how the same people who try to show equal contempt for Democrat and GOP are some of the biggest advocates for one of them.

    They say "watch out for those who are trying to pry us loose. In doing so they are plotting to have THE OTHER PARTY gain in power per our departure. (It goes on and on and on like this folks. NEVER are you able to consider your own interests. )

  41. [quote]CF will not be convinced but many of the problems of Africa are not caused by the absence of capitalism but are the result of capitalism as practiced by developed nations exploiting Africa. CF inhabits a cartoon world painted in primary colours, like szpork, which segues into my next point.[/quote]

    Gregorian Chant:

    Here is the deal with you man.

    I am not worried about the fact that you are able to articulate how CAPITALISM HAS NEGATIVELY IMPACTED CERTAIN PLACES.

    My problem with you is that you are unwilling to notate:

    1) Where 'non-capitalistic' systems have caused injury

    2) How it just so happens that YOU (and BD who is in exile) live in a CAPITALISTIC nation which you are trying to CHANGE for the better (Quasi-Socialism)

    Why don't you go to one of these other nations that you say were damaged by Capitalism and harvest them into fully NON-CAPITALISTIC nations. I assure you that the people in those lands could use your brilliance more than us Capitalists here in America need it.

    Why not disconnect your umbilical cord from the stomach lining of the "Capitalistic Beast" who's BELLY you receive your nutrition from?

    With the wealth that is being fomented in China, India and Brazil AND you grieving about how they are TAKING OUR JOBS OUT OF AMERICA - I get confused - are you angry that the Evil Empire America is being brought back down closer to ROOM TEMPERATURE as other people in other nations rise up OR are you ultimately SELFISH-SELF INTERESTED that you only care about the employment situation in the USA?

  42. isn't it funny how this guy believes things that even CF can't bring himself to embrace about his own people?

    i am curious as to what actions RL has taken to place himself in the category of being part of the "solution."

    i happily voted for obama but i never thought he would be able to achieve what this guy did--nor was that an appropriate aspiration to place on one guy, no matter who.

    i, too, applaud the public soul-searching but i'm a doer. words are easy.

  43. "Actually", CF, "from the heart" DOES mean "from the brain"--it's a metaphor, and it references the response that comes from one's deepest, most essential truth; one arrives at one's deepest, most essential truth after thoughtful integration of one's individual and familial and tribal and cultural values--with values being defined here as those aesthetics broadly recognized as being positively promotional of the community. And before you give me a bunch of crappy examples of "values" that tear at the community, understand that we are appalled at those behaviors BECAUSE THEY ARE ANTITHETICAL TO OUR VALUES!

    We see RL speaking his most heart-felt truth here as the integration continues.

  44. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Funny thing, isn't it.? Obama dithered for months over whether to send more troops to Afghanistan. Obama dithered for weeks over how to respond to the Deepwater Horizon spill. But when McChrystal criticized the president, he was gone in a day.

    Funny how some people think Obama should had jumped on Afghanistan and the oil spill on DAY ONE, without doing any research or preparation on either issue whatsoever. Then again, people were still expecting the Magic Negro to wave his hands and magically solve both problems without so much as twitching a muscle.

    It's also funny how so many people are deriding Obama as "weak", either because he hasn't let his inner Black Man out for the public to see or because he hasn't gone off on half-cocked tangents al a Shrub. The man THINKS before he ACTS, not the other way around. Now how being a thinking man equates to being "weak" is something I could never completely fathom -- the closest I've come to a conclusion is that this country places more emphasis on brute strength than intellegent movement.

  45. [quote]isn't it funny how this guy believes things that even CF can't bring himself to embrace about his own people?

    Maria - My Italian-America sista:

    You want me to "connect to" my people's MISERY as evidence that I "get it". There is 1 million and one other cable channels from which they can receive this information.
    Some of these channels connect to the misery of people who allow others to call them "The Least Of These" without responding with a punch in the face by putting the message:

    * To a music beat
    * A preachers cadence
    * A community actor-vist public affairs show

    Maria there are many outlets.

    RARE, however, is that one channel which disturbs you more than these others. (Besides Fox News, Fox Business, Fox Sports and even the local independently owned Fox affiliate for DARING to carry that wretched name that is the modern day "KKK TV")

    You see Maria - I don't need to hear any more messages reminding me about the INFERIOR position that the Black diaspora (small "d") is in. I choose to look for those individuals who can tell me about their EQUAL HUMANITY.

    Get this Maria not their EQUAL HUMANITY as a pretext of going to the GOVERNING AUTHORITY or polluting oil company and FORCING THEM to respect the EQUAL HUMANITY of these people - the "Least Of These".

    I am talking about identifying their EQUAL HUMANITY and having the PEOPLE THEMSELVES implement ORGANIC systems which control their own HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT in line with their EQUALITY that they now have become conscious of.

    In summary many of you are seeking to have the governing authority RESPECT YOUR EQUALITY and affirmatively act against others who are unwilling to "share" with you, forcing them to live up to this social contract.

    What is stopping Filled Negro from going into North Philly and crafting a SOCIAL CONTRACT amongst those people? He is able to do a social contract far more cheaply than "Legal Zoom". Besides with this digital divide thing that is present - many of these "Least Of These People" in North Philly don't have access to an Internet connected computer. Their 400 years of oppression has rendered them disconnected from the "Information Super Highway".

    Maria - like it or not I SEE THE GAME. I see how the Progressive thinks. While you may believe that your INTENTIONS make you pure at some point these "From the HEART" based antics has to be turned into a slice of bacon and scrambled eggs on the table for the hungry to ACTUALLY EAT!!

    If you are serious - meet me at 1pm over Gregory's house. I am going to help him and Black Diaspora return home out of exile. It is only then that they will both realize their full potential.

  46. DuchessDee8:06 AM

    I too have seen many young brothers believe the only way they can provide for their families drugs, ball or music. their own road to freedomland. trying to get them to think outside the box is difficult but not impossible. mentoring is a small but satisfying part of the solution. folks step up and mentor

  47. [quote]It's also funny how so many people are deriding Obama as "weak", either because he hasn't let his inner Black Man out for the public to see or because he hasn't gone off on half-cocked tangents al a Shrub. The man THINKS before he ACTS, not the other way around. Now how being a thinking man equates to being "weak" is something I could never completely fathom -- the closest I've come to a conclusion is that this country places more emphasis on brute strength than intellegent movement.[/quote]

    Mack Is Lying:

    Do you notice how much you LIVE VICARIOUSLY through the notion of how OBAMA IS SEEN?

    * I thought that you voted for Obama and the rest of the Establishment Machine to insure that Black Unemployment came closer to that of "White Unemployment"?

    * I thought that you voted for HOPE and CHANGE so that all agents that threatened Black people where put in check. Not only the POLICE and the Right-Wing Militia (remember the "Civil Rights Division was shuttered for the past 8 years) but also the STREET PIRATES. Only with the Street Pirates they were victims of employment discrimination which you VOTED to fix

    * I thought that with NCLB being an evil scheme to harm Black students that the former head of the Chicago Public Schools was going to turn things around. His new national scope was going to empower him to achieve better than the 51.9% graduation rate that he rung up in the Chicago Public schools - who's population is 87% Black and Latino.

    Do you see Mack Is Lying - those people like WhiteBowieSteve have the monopoly on the word SELLOUT - the truth is that those who shift their original focus which had them entering into the POLITICAL ACTIVISM arena to FIX THEIR STREETS yet now they are instead fully enamored with the MACHINATIONS of the POLITICAL OPERATIVES - protecting THEM, their PERMANENT FRIENDS while their PERMANENT INTERESTS remain unattended to - does the lack of application of the label "SELLOUT" indicate OTHERWISE?

    Again I ask, Mack Is Lying - if your key interests remain UNCHANGED or worse come the next election cycle will you expand your consciousness from its present question which asks "Why should I vote for the evil racist GOP"

    over to "WHY am I VOTING in the hopes of advancing my community's interests when VOTING ITSELF has not given me what I desire? This despite having the best possible circumstances on PAPER at present."


  48. i'd meet you, sure.

    but review what i said. i said, what actions has he taken based on his new found enlightenment?
    and if you knew me you would know that i do walk the walk. did so just last night.

  49. coffee and cigarettes8:24 AM

    CF instead of going off on tangents why don't you answer the one question I actually directed at you?

  50. CF

    "You want me to "connect to" my people's MISERY as evidence that I "get it"."

    You're too busy connecting to white supremacy and it's perpetuation.

    Somebody has to be paying you.

    I haven't seen this much sweat and determination toward a cause since "Rocky".

  51. UTS,
    I wonder if he works at all considering the amount of time spent here and the length of comments.

    My excuse; I'm RETIRED.

  52. CF

    "Again I ask, Mack Is Lying - if your key interests remain UNCHANGED or worse come the next election cycle will you expand your consciousness from its present question which asks "Why should I vote for the evil racist GOP"

    This is really some weak ass shit.

    It was the GOP which caused the economic collapse dummy.

    Tax cuts for the richest 1.5%, deregulation, two costly wars..etc

    The fuckin GOP had us paying $5 a gallon for gas so they could drill oil in the gulf and Alaska and caused this recession were in and the unemployment and almost crashed the stock market.

    You think people are stupid CF?

    You blindly recite the Fox News line but anyone with a brain knows created this mess that Obama is merely trying to clean up.

  53. From Wikipedia:

    In August 1967, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) instructed its program "COINTELPRO" to "neutralize" what the FBI called "black nationalist hate groups" and other dissident groups. In September 1968, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover described the Black Panthers as "the greatest threat to the internal security of the country."[31] By 1969, the Black Panthers were the primary target of COINTELPRO. They were the target of 233 of the 295 authorized "Black Nationalist" COINTELPRO actions. The goals of the program were to prevent the unification of militant black nationalist groups and to weaken the power of their leaders, as well as to discredit the groups to reduce their support and growth. The initial targets included the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the Revolutionary Action Movement and the Nation of Islam. Leaders who were targeted included the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., Stokely Carmichael, H. Rap Brown, Maxwell Stanford and Elijah Muhammad

    On January 17, 1969, Los Angeles Panther Captain Bunchy Carter and Deputy Minister John Huggins were killed in Campbell Hall on the UCLA campus, in a gun battle with members of US Organization stemming from a dispute over who would control UCLA's black studies program. Another shootout between the two groups on March 17 led to further injuries. It was alleged that the FBI had sent a provocative letter to US Organization in an attempt to create antagonism between US and the Panthers.[33]

    One of the most notorious actions was a Chicago Police raid of the home of Panther organizer Fred Hampton on December 4, 1969. The raid had been orchestrated by the police in conjunction with the FBI. The FBI was complicit in many of the actions. The people inside the home had been drugged by an FBI informant, William O'Neal, and were asleep at the time of the raid. Hampton was shot and killed, as was the guard, Mark Clark. The others were dragged into the street

    OK CF I know you hate these people, but don't you think the Government owe these people for what they went through.The FBI didn't do this to the Klan. They are the reason why Blacks kill each other.They are the reason for our disunity.Look at the name of the groups the Government went after.Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, they went after them ALL.

  54. wow fn!

    beautiful letter!!!

    thanks for shating made my day

    as audre lorde said,
    all of the -isms are related

    money green trumps all other colors in every arena


    and all of the politicos of all races including hobama are rabidly elitist and color blind to all who are poor indeed

    our ONLY unique curse as blacks is that we are the poorEST globally...but the global poverty
    of hobama's new world order will bring multi-colored equity to that madness as well...

    may god bless us all everywhere!

  55. [quote]My dear friend is Idriss Deby anything but a hardcore capitalist? He's making himself rich off the misery of others. If he was American, I would imagine he would be one of those people you so whole-heartedly defend.[/quote]

    My dear friend Coffee/Cigs:

    It is clear that, per your bias, you make use of CAPITALISM as a catch all for all of the greed and exploitation that exists in this world.

    When communist Russia moved thousands of people in order to exploit mineral resources inside of their own borders did they temporarily switch over to CAPITALISM to carry this out?

    What you point out with Idriss Deby is a matter of:

    * the absence of checks and balances in government to prevent one's personal interests to top those of the people

    * the lack of INFRASTRUCTURE by which the PEOPLE can produce organic capital that allows them to support their desired standard of living - BEYOND depending upon the commodity of OIL or the PIPELINE that runs through their country for no other reason than the fact that they are a landmass that is "there" (ie: No value add - in the way of refineries or treatment plants that promoted the nation as the desired pathway).

    If the pipeline pulled out and all capitalists departed - would this nation SPRING TO LIFE because the capitalist's "boot has been removed from its neck"?

    I notice that you didn't tell me that my tangents were WRONG, only that they were tangents.

  56. [quote]It was the GOP which caused the economic collapse dummy.

    WhiteBowieSteve - you need to go to REMEDIAL civics class.

    * The Federal Budget is official passed by the FEDERAL LEGISLATURE.

    * The Executive branch gives a budget outline that specifies PRIORITIES for spending - but the CONGRESS ultimately passes it and then hands it to the president for signature.

    * ALL SPENDING from the budget must receive CONGRESSIONAL APPROPRIATION. Just because you have a BUDGET does not mean that you will receive THE PERMISSION TO SPEND IT (See the border fence at the South)

    With this congressional session being the FOURTH IN A ROW IN WHICH THE "GOOD GUY" DEMOCRATS HAVE CONTROLLED BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS - it is stunning to listen to YOU and OBAMA think that WE ARE STUPID as you talk about the immediate past President as having wrecked the economy ALONE without mentioning anything about the CO-EQUAL BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT known as the CONGRESS and the part that they have played.

    As a "Democrat who is Black" your guilt is even worse as in the LOCAL AREAS that you control where our people are in our highest concentrations - despite the MISSION ACCOMPLISHED SIGNS that you have put up as a show of your power - our PERMANENT INTERESTS continue to be molested.

    WHO enforces the laws on our streets?
    WHO defines the key local economic policies that make these places good places to invest in business versus places that should be avoided?

    A CLASSIC SELLOUT by any other name.

    You are not called as such for no other reason that the "Sellout activity" that you do is POPULAR and the typical person that would call you as such - is STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO YOU in agreement with you.

  57. [quote]The FBI didn't do this to the Klan. They are the reason why Blacks kill each other.They are the reason for our disunity.[/quote]

    I thought that what is KILLING US was the guns from the "Stawman Purchase" guns that the "Interstate Street Pirates" purchase from Georgia , transport them up the Interstate system of the East Coast and then sell them out of their trunks in DC, Baltimore, Philly, NYC, Boston and New Haven?


    Does it seem ironic to you KID that this same route that once was called "The Underground Railroad" which was crafted to take Blacks to their freedom is now PAVED with gas stations lining the exits.

    TO-DAMNED-DAY you see STREET PIRATES - who carry guns on the trip - JUST AS HARRIET TUBMAN DID when she made her journey. Except THIS TIME the guns that the Street Pirates transport are used to KILL "The Least of These".

    Kid - do you see that in your struggle YOU ARE ONLY ABLE TO fight the SYSTEM rather than any who are part of the FORCE who's boot is on your neck?

    If this SYSTEM leaves you all alone to allow you some self-determination - YOU will go back to chase after this system so you will have something to STRUGGLE against.

  58. CF

    "WHO defines the key local economic policies that make these places good places to invest in business versus places that should be avoided?"

    Okay this is were you get smacked to the wall like the annoying insect that you are.

    Let's take Baltimore, one of your favorite whipping boys, for example.

    Detail a "local economic policy" in Baltimore that discourages business.

    Note to the board:

    I guarantee you that this phony will either change the subject or avoid the question altogether.

  59. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Off topic:

    54 people shot in Chicago over the weekend! 54!


    Right and they, with TARP and other legislation are reversing the downward economic trend that started when the Republicans ran all three federal branches of government and quadrupled the deficit, doubled unemployment and ran the economy into the gutter.

  61. anon:


    we are all in much pain and panic...

    it will be a long hot summer and teen jobs are nonexistent as the few lucky adults have them...

    see more:

  62. cf:

    "Right and they, with TARP and other legislation are reversing the downward economic trend"


    where does uts live?????????????????

  63. anon:

    please pray for us in chi

  64. Anonymous10:35 AM


    Will do. Keep your head down over there.


  65. anon:

    thank u!

    peace & blessings to u too!

  66. cf:

    homes, jobs, and umeployment benefits are BLEEDING PROFUSELY nationwide!!!

    does uts live in hobama's "57th"


    Foreclosures down in 2010 first annual decline in 5 years.


    Unemployment down

  69. uts:

    only fools like u are played by fuzzy math

    drones like u find comfort in disinfo because ignorance is bliss

    got a window to peek out of that is not in your gated enclave???

    run look see!

    Austin, Tex. – Roughly 3.5 million homes will face foreclosure this year, and it will be at least two more years before the housing market gets back to “normal,” said Rick Sharga, a senior vice president at RealtyTrac, which closely monitors foreclosure activity across the country.

    For the first time in two years, fewer homeowners are missing mortgage payments, Treasury Department regulators reported Wednesday, but foreclosures are surging as many loan-modification efforts fail.

    Three years have passed since the mortgage debacle made most sub-prime and nontraditional loans unavailable, and most loans since have been "plain vanilla" fixed-rate mortgages to prime-credit borrowers. The better-performing newer loans stand in contrast to the dicey old ones that finally are being flushed away for good.

    The report raises the prospect of a new surge of foreclosed homes flooding the market at a time when home sales already are tumbling due to the expiration of federal tax credits for buyers.

    Sales of new homes fell 33% last month to the lowest level on record, according to the U.S. Commerce Department. And a survey released Wednesday by the Mortgage Bankers Assn. said applications for home purchases and refinancings fell again despite the availability of the lowest fixed mortgage rates in more than a year.

  70. uts:

    the only thing harsher than the fuzzy math being happily fed to gullible drones like u is the COLD HARD truth being printed about our DEPRESSION being masked by hobama inc as a RECESSION!!!

  71. uts:

    take a drive/walk WAY osd your gates and wake up!!!!

  72. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Field, "Not true Destructive, you seem to be in an "express lane" on this blog yourself. You aren't white, are you?" true. CF has a 'special' express lane just for him, and he has never thanked you.

    But AB has the 'jet lane'. You got to be extremely quick on the 'jet lane' less you might get run over. Just ask UTS, he knows what it feels like to be run over by AB.

  73. @field - This letter is a tribute to your willingness to reach out and educate the ignorant among us, including myself. I know it's not your job to teach me or anyone else, but I do appreciate all I've learned from you and many others here.

    RL said, "I have learned that real equality and justice are farther away than the media and politicians would have white "liberals" believe."

    This is a bitter pill to swallow, but we can't avoid it.

    @Zing - Thank you. We need more arbiters of kindness and courtesy standing up for others.

    I avoided the comment section on this blog for awhile but you give me hope. The comments are often dominated by bullies and bystanders; I truly appreciate your attempt to bring civility to the discourse.

    Nah. Too many implications that ignore other factors in this.

    I'd like to hear more about what you mean.

    Trapped in SC - I'm going to remember this one and pass it on.

    @coffee and cigarettes
    I'm learning is that the problems in my own life and the problems in the greater world are interconnected" << This deserves a standing ovation! COSIGN!

    @black diaspora
    I'm afraid, this will be your lot as long as your believe that blacks and whites are fundamentally different, that your ethnic tribe is better, or different than my ethnic tribe.

    Until you can see all races as one and the same--no separation--but as a seamless part of the whole, one race, you'll always entertain thoughts of racial superiority, or the belief that your race is privileged because of your whiteness.


  74. AB,

    We all know this "anonymous" who seems to be so enamored with you IS YOU.

    You ever consider professional help?

  75. Gregory11:58 AM

    Another shocker, Italy are going home early after a defeat to Slovakia. Slovakia and Paraguay advance to the Round of 16.

  76. uts:

    i never post as anon

    i never need to as u do

    actually uts i think it is u...

    u r bored with posting as your own assnon

    u r a schizo coward

    u have no life etc...

  77. Cocoa_Goddess12:05 PM

    Gregory, I love your World Cup updates! :D

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. uts:

    u ever consider a moving away from the 57th state?

    or just moving away from the horrid slayings i dole out daily?

    is your gated home paid for?

  80. uts:


    i think the PRIMARY reason cowards and fools like u post as anon is because u simply have nothing valid, true, or sane to post...

  81. rl wrote:

    Thank god for the internet. It's given me access to ideas that are not available from any other source around here. Such as: 1) Most of the problems that regular poor/working class people have are the direct result of decisions made by the rich, with the full knowledge of the inevitable result.

    Full knowledge of inevitable results? If giving home mortgages to anyone able to take a call from a mortgage broker was so obviously going to end in disaster, why did those aware people so witlessly borrow every possible dime?

    Maybe because they knew there is no real consequence for defaulting on a loan.

    2) It's in the interest of the rich/ruling class to cultivate racism to distract people from the true source of their problems.

    Wrong. Cultivating feelings of racism is the work of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and a long list of black racism profiteers. It is whites and asians who pay the bills for it.

    3) The choice between Democrats and Republicans is not a true choice between change for the better and change for the worse.

    A reasonable observation.

    4) Capitalist greed is color-blind, but its effects are felt most harshly by non-whites.

    In other words, when the economy is weak and tax revenue declines, it is those who depend most on government subsidies who feel the pain.

    Like most readers/commenters here, rl needs a couple of courses in economics.

    Meanwhile, why do we import oil and gas rather than drilling here?

    Why do we send those truly high-paying jobs to other countries when the only barrier keeping them from Americans is Congress?

  82. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Porch Gibbers fro his perch - With this congressional session being the FOURTH IN A ROW IN WHICH THE "GOOD GUY" DEMOCRATS HAVE CONTROLLED BOTH HOUSES OF CONGRESS

    Preceded by Republican control of the House from 1994 - 2006 (12 years), control of the Senate and House (2000-2006)...

    And 100% control of all three branches of the Government (Executive, Judiciary, and Legislative because you are waaaaay to ignorant a Porch to remember what those are)for 6 long years.

    Now - as you were Lawn Jockeying?

  83. uts:

    you are a fuzzy math loving moron

    only hobama's stats and fools like u dismiss millions who are underemployed/not looking/never counted etc....

    your delusions will not pay your landscaper/util bills etc

    Even as the American economy shows tentative signs of a rebound, the human toll of the recession continues to mount, with millions of Americans remaining out of work, out of savings and nearing the end of their unemployment benefits.

    Enlarge This Image

    Monica Almeida/The New York Times
    “There are no bad jobs now. Any job is a good job,” said Jean Eisen, who became unemployed more than two years ago.

    The New Poor
    Trading Down

    Articles in this series will examine the struggle to recover from the widespread strains of the Great Recession.

    Long-Term Unemployment

    The New York Times
    Economists fear that the nascent recovery will leave more people behind than in past recessions, failing to create jobs in sufficient numbers to absorb the record-setting ranks of the long-term unemployed.

  84. szpork

    "Wrong. Cultivating feelings of racism is the work of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Reverend Jeremiah Wright and a long list of black racism profiteers. It is whites and asians who pay the bills for it."


    You sorry inbred goober.

    I bet most of the blacks here pay more in tips than you pay in taxes.

  85. UTS pieces of shit can do nothing more than stink up a room.

    They cannot debate intelligently because well...what do you expect from a piece of waste?

  86. mostly rabid:

    on that we agree!

    the lingering putrid stench that IMMEDIATELY permeates this blog with each of your "posts" evinces that...ditto!!!

  87. Anonymous1:44 PM

    UTS - Not sure we are out of the recession yet. We are at the leading edge of two more economic hits - foreclosures on Jumbo loans, and the credit card industry collapsing due to over-leveraging debt.

    With that said, President Obama has done a number of things to help the economy.

    The $20 billion Small Business stimulus, universally opposed by Rethuglys should help in jump-starting the economy through making loans available again to small business.

    Second, tightening up the reins on the obscene fees charged by banks and credit card companies over the short term may well tank the most corrupt of these organizations. However, by eliminating the ability of unscrupulous bankers to double, triple, or even quadruple the interest and debt owed by consumers arbitrarily - it will help consumers being able to actually pay off the principal.

    Lastly - the VC Market is showing real signs of life again, after 8 years of somnolence under the Bushit. Unable to make money through gimmicks, fraud, and ridiculously inflating the real estate bubble enabled by conservative policies - investors are having to return to making money the old fashioned way...

    Earning it instead of stealing it.

    However - we are not going to dig our way out of a pit dug by 10 years of conservative stupidity and corruption in 18 months.

  88. Kid - do you see that in your struggle YOU ARE ONLY ABLE TO fight the SYSTEM rather than any who are part of the FORCE who's boot is on your neck?

    You're right Constructive Feedback.Now could you please get your foot off of my neck!

    Go read some Fanon and come back when you grow up.

  89. mellaneous1:46 PM

    Field thanks for posting RL's letter it's encouraging.

    Brother RL --( and I call you brother because any human being that chooses to act like one,which you have clearly decided to do, is my brother or sister) thank you for you letter.

    That was real. I have had the pleasure of working with other whites who have decided to give up their racism to do battle with the real source of all our problems, which you correctly identified as capitalism. (And of course more specific US imperialism)

    Continue to read and study. Get frustrated like all of us but never, never, never give in to the temptation to blame the victim. No doubt you will be tempted when you see shiftless folks of all colors, or backwards white workers and the continuing apathy of many of your fellow citizens.

    And don't yield to despair either. The working class has the potential that we think it has. Just because many of all races hold on to their bigoted ideas of one another and continue to embrace a system and ideas (anti-immigrant, homophobia, sexism, racism and hatin on poor folks)which clearly does not benefit them, thats just where they are now.

    Eventually folks will wake up. Especially if folks continue to share their ideas in the marketplace of ideas (like this blog for example).

    The idea that indeed "another world is possible" and becoming more obvious, that it is necessary will without doubt, one day catch hold.

    Must reading is Michelle Alexanders book, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the age of Colorblindness. Read first, the last chaptter entitled "All of us or none of us" It will inspire you and affirm you as well because surprisingly she believes that change is impossible without a restructuring of our ideas and eventually society.

    Sounds like your Socialist and anarchist friends have helped you head in the right direction.But it wouldn't hurt to read "Democracy for the Few" by Micheal Parenti as well.

    Unabashed Socialism may indeed not be the answer, but a thinking person searching for alternatives to this crazy way of living knows that something has to replace capitalism.

    And RL if you visit the Twin Cities look me up at I work with folks who do anti-war and anti-racism and anti-foreclosure work here in the Twin Cities.

    Again keep struggling!

  90. btx

    "However - we are not going to dig our way out of a pit dug by 10 years of conservative stupidity and corruption in 18 months."

    That's it.

    And only the most dishonest or incredibly stupid would suggest that we could.

  91. assnon aka mostly rabid:


    i am intensely amused by how all of you cowering hobama nazis have not said ONE word about how hobama is now officially even MUCH MUCH MORE of a clone of gwb by having chosen gwb's top gen to man his very own wars!!!!

    now THAT is something that manages to REEK even more than you and lack do!!!!!!!!



    that is true

    but this is truer:

    hobama has ONLY dug us TRILLIONS of feet deeper!

  92. M. Rigmaiden said...
    UTS pieces of shit can do nothing more than stink up a room.

    And no one knows this better than your urinade colored ass. Now go get some f*ckin' sun!!!

    And BTW, the next time you tell me "fuck you", make sure you specify whose d*ck I should use, yours or your man's, a'ight?

  93. Again, bravo to Field for such a thought provoking post!

  94. uts:


    the MOST dishonest and stupid are YOU who pretend hobama has NOT ONLY dug us deeper...

    and that we are in any semblance of any kind of upturn/recovery!!!!!

  95. maam:


    u r my shero!!!

  96. Now come on sistas!

    Can't we all just get along?

    I thought brothers were the hostile ones.

  97. uts:

    only morons interject gender into what is universal

    especially court jester morons like you who bicker and brawl with real kings herein all day

    got amnesia u sexist flea bitten dog???

  98. uts:

    u hav no integrity or intelligence

    the dif in u and i is that i would never slay that mangy bitch mostly rabid all day and then go all mother theresa when cf slays u...

    shame that u just did so you sexist amoral fool!

  99. alicia banks said...


    the MOST dishonest and stupid are YOU who pretend hobama has NOT ONLY dug us deeper...

    I don't know why this is so hard for folks around here to understand. Pres. Obama's background/experiences in dealing with national and international issues when he entered the white hosue was in no way near what it should have been. So it's no suprise that the country is where it is today.

    That said, I believe his inexperience plus his being Black was a recipe for being set up to fail. He allowed himself to be promted to the national stage when he wasn't ready, and now he's dealing with the consequences.

    Every Black person that has ever done anything as a "first" be it in sports, politics, or any other field knows this to be true, when you get to the top, you'd better damn well be ready for what comes with it.

  100. mellaneous2:09 PM

    Wow some great stuff on this thread!

    Gregory right on, but CF ain't hearing you.
    Gregory said:
    "CF will not be convinced but many of the problems of Africa are not caused by the absence of capitalism but are the result of capitalism as practiced by developed nations exploiting Africa. CF inhabits a cartoon world painted in primary colours, like szpork."

    Amen Zinger who said:
    "There's not that many foolish, and stupid people in the world...just a handful...they just move around a lot."

    Coffee and Cigs said:
    "Democracy and peace do not equal capitalism."
    And thank you for correcting CF when you said
    "how is Idriss Deby anything but a hardcore capitalist? He's making himself rich off the misery of others."

    I would have to add to your statement about the African countries that your observations are right on but the capitalist developed countries did have a hand in their underdevelopment and encouraged some of the corruption which benefited them when they were busy trying to extract the wealth of those countries.

    Agape what up Sis? Ditto
    "There are three political parties in America...the Democrats..the Republicans...and the Bueaucrats...and the Bureaucrats run both parties...

    The reasons for poverty are volumous...and they are at once systematic AND systemic..."

    Trapped where did you get that little story? It was telling.

    Granny good point:
    "Believe it or not, most of them would prefer to have a job making a decent living rather than taking penitentiary chances or worst dying in the streets over stupid stuff. However, some give up trying to get a job when faced with rejection after rejection in seeking employment because they lost hope."

  101. maam:


    he is being sliced by his own paper thin resume

    but hobama is also being betrayed by his cousins who selected him
    to become prez


    we all know gwb and dick c had a hand in his new gen pick!

  102. "I don't know why this is so hard for folks around here to understand. Pres. Obama's background/experiences in dealing with national and international issues when he entered the white hosue was in no way near what it should have been. So it's no suprise that the country is where it is today."

    Oh what a steaming pile of crap.

    MMM if McCain (Mr. Experience) had been elected what would he had done about the economy or the war differently or more effectively than Obama?

    It's the damn experienced GOP who created the mess in the first place.

  103. uts:

    hobama has been more GOP than the GOP in every arena!!!

  104. Kathy2:19 PM

    thanks for posting RL's letter.

    and Black Diaspora:
    "You admit to "racist thoughts," and to saying "racist things."

    I'm afraid, this will be your lot as long as your believe that blacks and whites are fundamentally different, that your ethnic tribe is better, or different than my ethnic tribe.

    Until you can see all races as one and the same--no separation--but as a seamless part of the whole, one race, you'll always entertain thoughts of racial superiority, or the belief that your race is privileged because of your whiteness.""

    thanks for that, well put.

  105. uts:


    especially now with his very own shiny new recycled GOP war general!!!

  106. uptownsteve said...
    It's the damn experienced GOP who created the mess in the first place.

    Negro Puleezzee!!! You still don't get it do you, this isn't about Repubs and Dems, this is about the have's and have not's. Besides the fact is takes far more than 8 years to get into the kinds of mess we're ALL in right now.

    Personally, I blame what's going on now on GREED plain and simple, the gulf oil spill sure as hell is about greed as was the real estate bubble, which was destined to crash.

    But negroes like YOU, who voted for Pres Obama STRICTLY because he was a Black man that appeared to be "qualified", graduated from the top school in the world, spoke proper english and didn't seem to piss white folks off too much, did so thinking you were getting something fresh and new.

    Well watcha' thinking now, Pres Obama is doing or saying anything that any white president wouldn't do or say.

    So where's the effing positive change you Obama fans chanted so loudly about now?

  107. ditto maam:

    uts is a broke partisan drone moron in an increasingly elitist one world govt = hopeless


    the very same black racist fools like uts/lack/mostly rabid et al who once called this very SAME GOP DARLING "general betrayus" will now only call him "general beloved" ONLY because hobama chose him and the blindly adore hobama and ANY choices he makes....

    and that is why those mofos are INDEED BLACK HOBAMA NAZIS!!!!

  108. Anonymous2:33 PM

    UTS: ""I bet most of the blacks here pay more in tips than you pay in taxes."

    Black are notorious for being the WORST tippers around. Look it up, rufus.

  109. anon:

    sad but true

    and if he is too dumb to look it up...he can just ask any avg waiter/waitress in any venue

  110. hey uts:

    what recovery??????

    this is why teens have no summer jobs all over the usa!!!!

  111. AB & MMM - who would do a better job? Of the 3 main competitors, what other option did we have than Obama, really.

    Hillary -- the most blatant case of political nepotism and 'star-f**ing' in the Democratic Party. Not to take away from her obvious intellect and skills, but short of being the former President's long suffering wife (and manipulating that role into nabbing a Senate seat) her resume's no thicker than Obama's.
    As Kat Williams said "Hillary, the invitation said Bill Clinton + 1. You're the Plus One."

    And as I said yesterday, Hillary and Obama are virtually identical in their politics, in terms of international policy.

    Politics aside, McCain should never be anywhere near the Oval office for one obvious reason -- he picked Sarah Palin as VP. Anyone that foolish to unleash that insipid moron on the world should never be elected dog catcher.

    Nader -- don't make me laugh. Beyond the fact that his cultural tone-deafness and ideological hardline attitude would get him impeached by now, the man has never been elected to, well, anything. He's got even less management and political experience than George W. Bush.

    Obama won not because he's Muhammad Ali, he won because he's a Klichko -- an intelligent competent fighter in a lackluster weight class.

    Alicia, before you start on 'hobama nazi' nonsense, think before you speak (you won't, but its worth a try.) You may not like it, but in terms of Presidents, Obama's not the god awful train wreck, Socialist demigod or corporatist sellout all of the howlers on the left or right thinks he is. He's not great, but he's not terrible either.

  112. Shabazz2:44 PM

    Kumbaya - ya

  113. Teen jobs have always been a problem, Alicia. No one said the recovery wasn't slow.

    And what does Abramoff working at a Pizza Joint have to do with anything? Hell, I thought it was a of "Oh, how the Might Hath Fallen" and pretty damn funny.

  114. LACoincidental said...
    AB & MMM - who would do a better job? Of the 3 main competitors, what other option did we have than Obama, really.

    1) A country at war needs a soilder as President. I
    ve been pretty consistent in saying that was my primary appeal with McCain.

    As for the comment about Hillary, if you think sleeping with a sitting President for 8 years doesn't afford one some skills that rubbed off, literally and figuratively, than you may want to reevaluate whether or not your wife is really pleased with your pipe laying skills, LOL!!!

  115. lack:

    U R A LIAR
    SO U SLUR!!!!!!

    u r blind by choice

    i have no respect for that

    but i have even less patience

    no one gets a free ride

    i voted for hobama as a lesser evil

    i will never sit by like u choose to and silently watch him become more evil each day

    i will never key him be unchecked as he morphs into gwb 2.0!!!!!

    new gen and all!!!!

    abe lincoln was PUSHED into greatness...he was a racist who freed slaves under duress!!!...and then only some...




    u stay happy in their playbook boy

    never me
    never that!!!

    see ALL here:

  116. re hc

    ditto maam!!!

    her resume is a thick encyclopedia compared to hobama's razor think sealed manchurian chi-town thug bs....

    why the hell do hobama nazis think bashing hillary makes hobama legit???

    it makes him look even MORE unfit to be prez!!!!

    the fact that bubba is a 2fer is just gravy!!!!

  117. lack:

    i will never LET hobama be unchecked as he morphs into gwb 2.0!!!!!

    new GOP gen and all!!!!

  118. maam:

    ever notice how sexist hobama nazis like lack absolutely ignore that hc is smarter than bubba by his own admission?

    that she was a lauded corp atty in ar for many yrs?

    that she is also a yalie?

    and that hobama was never a senator in nyc and a weak horrid IL senator who spent ALL of his time voting present and campaigning for prez IMMEDIATELY etc..........???????????

  119. lack:

    only hobama nazis whitewash unprecedented poverty and unemployment with such casual fantasy

    "Teen jobs have always been a problem, Alicia. No one said the recovery wasn't slow"

    NEVER before in my 46 yrs have i seen so many ELDERS with familiesat working at mcdonald's etc

    only hobama nazis pretend that recover is slow
    when it is really NONEXISTENT!!!!

  120. lack:

    the tea partiers know that silent coddling = death

    even if they see so ONLY because hobama is a black clone of the wm gwb they worshipped

    u should not be asking
    "who did we vote for"

    u should be asking
    "what is the man we voted for doing for US/to us...and why???"

    as always
    u r fatally distracted and arrogantly ignorant

    until we RIDE hobama as the abolitionists rode abe l

    you nazis and all the rest of us will always be hobama's global slaves!!!!

    if any of the dems=repubs had ridden gwb too...perhaps the lies that are now hobama's wars may also have been evaded

  121. Shabazz3:20 PM


  122. Shabazz3:23 PM

    We need a hostage negotiator down here, there's been a hijacking!

  123. shabassed out:


    do u have anything to contribute?



  124. 1) A country at war needs a soilder as President. I
    ve been pretty consistent in saying that was my primary appeal with McCain.

    As for the comment about Hillary, if you think sleeping with a sitting President for 8 years doesn't afford one some skills that rubbed off, literally and figuratively, than you may want to reevaluate whether or not your wife is really pleased with your pipe laying skills, LOL!!!

    MMM - Bullshit!! We don't need an old war horse as President. Last time I check neither Lincoln or FDR served, and they did just fine leading a nation at war.

    And as for that whole "rubbing off skills" nonsense lets see your life partner apply for a Masters in biology because he was 'laying the pipe' to you. My girlfriend is a lawyer and I'm a software analyst. We learn a lot from each other about our careers. But I can't defend a tenant in a court room and she wouldn't know the first thing about load balancing or interface specifications.

    Hell, if that were the case -- my mother could work on my brakes while my father made my favorite eggplant dish. SMDH.

  125. "Negro Puleezzee!!! You still don't get it do you, this isn't about Repubs and Dems, this is about the have's and have not's."

    Righties always use this diversion when it's THEIR FUCKUP.


    "But negroes like YOU, who voted for Pres Obama STRICTLY because he was a Black man that appeared to be "qualified", graduated from the top school in the world, spoke proper english and didn't seem to piss white folks off too much"

    You're projecting.

    This is exactly why you HATE him.

    Aside from the fact that he's a progressive Democrat and not a coonservative (you black righties swore to God that one of you would be the first black POTUS. As it stands you'll be luck to get a congressional seat.)

    "A country at war needs a soilder as President. I
    ve been pretty consistent in saying that was my primary appeal with McCain."

    What kind studpidity is this?

    Our two greatest war Presidents, Lincoln and Roosevelt, did not serve in the military.

    That's why the Constitution was designed with civilians supervising the military.

    BTW, "FlightSuit" Bush was the one who started the wars.

    How'd that work out?

  126. shabassed out:

    where is your blog?

    go police that!

    got one?


    cc that to lack
    he asked me to reply!

  127. Kathy3:34 PM

    Blogger LACoincidental said...
    Politics aside, McCain should never be anywhere near the Oval office for one obvious reason -- he picked Sarah Palin as VP. Anyone that foolish to unleash that insipid moron on the world should never be elected dog catcher.


  128. "Black are notorious for being the WORST tippers around."

    And goobers are known for not having jobs.

  129. Kathy3:45 PM

    Alicia, I read some of your posts for entertainment, but could you at least leave off all the links?

  130. lack:

    U R A LIAR
    SO U SLUR!!!!!!

    Confirmation that you're simply bat shit crazy and need not pay attention to your rants. I'm not blind, I simply live on planet earth and deal with things like a rational adult.

  131. Trapped in SC4:01 PM

    "We need a hostage negotiator down here, there's been a hijacking!"

    That was funny as hell.

  132. LACoincidental said...
    And as for that whole "rubbing off skills" nonsense lets see your life partner apply for a Masters in biology because he was 'laying the pipe' to you.

    You know you computer "types" have throughly earned your reps for being super nerds that don't comprehend much beyond computers, LOL!! Damn dude where's your ability to draw inferences??

    You TOTALLY glossed over the fact that Hillary was an established attorney in HER OWN RIGHT sleeping with a President. WTF did you think she was doing when she was in the white house, having tea parties for the esteemed ladies of DC everyday?? HELL NO, Hillary like anyone with her intellect and political asprations, was using her connections to the white house to sit back in the cut and absorbed as much as she could.

    Now if we wanna play these silly intellectual games as you have described in your post, then what you're really saying is that a person with a half a brain couldn't observe/read up on/and actively participate on a project (let's not forget that heatlh care reform started with Hillary) and not learn a damn thing about how to run this country?

  133. You know Steviepoo, I'm no more a rightie, than you're a Magnum man, LOL!!!

    Let's be clear here, I don't hate Pres. Obama, I simply don't feel he wasn't ready to be President. And I've got PLENTY company in feeling that way.

    And your mention of Bush as a "real" military man shows just how far you'll go to try to make a simple minded point. The problem is that you ALWAYS end up stepping in your own bullshit when you do.

  134. "As for the comment about Hillary, if you think sleeping with a sitting President for 8 years doesn't afford one some skills that rubbed off, literally and figuratively, than you may want to reevaluate whether or not your wife is really pleased with your pipe laying skills, LOL!!!

    Why does it always have to boil down to sexing and referencing male genitals with that person? I didn't know women who can only acquire intelligence through having sex with men.

    We should at least give Hillary credit for having her own brain.

    And I don't see how a "soldier" or an ex soldier could necessarily make a better president even at a time of war. Apart from the fact that any dimwit could enlist in the US army, to give a possible war monger all that power to put more lives on a battle field can also backfire.

  135. Anonymous4:16 PM

    And who cleans off your shoes at night?

  136. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Thankyou La*audiobooks!

  137. katty:


    u are welcome to ignore them though

    i have an aversion to anti-intellectual lazy people who never document their claims

    they are the only ones perturbed by links, i am honored to repel them with my links
    they never matter to me

  138. lack:

    hobama has been doing LEGENDARY bloody global evil for almost 2 yrs...

    the world is in shambles!!!

    and you are still incesssantly and solely harping about him being the best choice for prez

    i file that under PROOF of BLINDNESS BY CHOICE!!!!

  139. lack:

    are u "bat shit crazy"???

    or just blind as a crazy bat???

  140. tsc:

    you cackeylacky bama fools love to cackle huh?

    carry on

    that explains the global guffaw that your state has become!!!

  141. assnon:

    you have way too much time on your furry lil hands and nothing on your tiny lil mind

  142. bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy
    bat shit crazy...

  143. alicia banks said...

    you cackeylacky bama fools love to cackle huh?

    carry on

    that explains the global guffaw that your state has become!!!


    Ok, I shouldn't laugh because my Mom's family is from NC and my Dad's from SC.

    But I'm from Cali, LOLOLOLOL!!!

  144. Anonymous4:36 PM

    "ghetto breeze,makes me feel fine..."

  145. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Ab whispers hobama has ONLY dug us TRILLIONS of feet deeper!

    That is no more or less valid than the fact that the Bushit dug us in the hole in the first place after the last Democrat left him a surplus.

    This is what happened the last time Republicans fucked up -

    And it's what will happen if Obama doesn't spend those "trillions".

  146. maam:

    no diss to your sc kin or any of the other regal kin tsc disgraces in close proximity...

    "we black fold gat dat royalty and riff raff in err state err


    i do so love how tricksc always posts that belated bama buffonery like it is a contribution to the convo...

    like my furry fan who comes in to signal serial slayings by being even more vapid and moronic that the vapid morons i slay!!!


    i wish i could shut her down like u slew mostly rabid!!!!

    she went ghost and is still reeling!!!

    u rock maam!!!

    who knew one fatal body blow about her own pvt tiger would destroy her!!!!

    u made my day!!!!

  147. btw:

    we agree to disagree

    i DO think hobama is worse

    for promising to end the wars that he is only escalating endlessly

    for giving checks to bankers that gwb never penned

    for abusing poor black people more flagrantly as they ask for his autograph while they starve

    for buying gm then ignore detroit


  148. maam:


    "You know Steviepoo, I'm no more a rightie, than you're a Magnum man, LOL!!!"

    u r on a roll!!!


    i am taking notes thanks!!!


  149. Anonymous4:49 PM

    UTS, "AB,

    We all know this "anonymous" who seems to be so enamored with you IS YOU."

    You are wrong, AS USUAL. How many times must I tell your dumb ass that I am not AB and that AB has too much pride to post as an anon. AB wants folks to know who she is when she speaks. GET IT?

    You are jealous of AB because she has admirers and you don't.

  150. Alicia, I was just kidding about the links, I love them:))

  151. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Damn ab, hold it down for your hood, that's wassup!
    You and the Tasco microscope community college bitch are some real chickenheads!
    You still fucking with tee-tee's baby daddy?

  152. Anonymous4:53 PM

    UTS, you are getting creamed not only by AB but MMM and RM are slicing chunks off of your ass, too.

    Where is your manhood? Stand up and fight back. You oughta be able to win 'at least' one fight, u sorry Negro!

  153. Shabazz4:55 PM


  154. Shabazz4:57 PM

    And, why don't you win any fights anonny?

  155. kathy



    i have to stay in warrior mode herein due to all the toxic haters


    that is why i so adore the comic relief maam has given me today by slaying fools with the precision of a neurosurgeon!!!

    she inspires me to step up my slayer game!!!

  156. Anonymous5:01 PM

    that is why i so adore the comic relief maam has given me today by slaying fools with the precision of a neurosurgeon!!!

    she inspires me to step up my slayer game!!!

    Hoodrats of a feather flock together.

  157. assnon:

    that is how i do!
    it is a universal lioness thang 24/7...i slay hyena haters in my sleep!!!


    if u did not know i always "hold it down" for my hood...u r as late as you are loony!!!!

    i wish i was the warrior that maam is though...

    i am just a kitten compared to the jugular vein bloodletting she has unleashed in this blog jungle today....

    i have been scratching at that mutt mostly rabid for wks..since
    she shamed herself on dd and db...

    and maam came in here today and
    eviscerated that fertile ho with ONE swift line!!!!

    now that is feline ferocity for real!!!!


    u better stay hidden.... you late coward!!!

  158. assnon:

    u have me twisted with reginaynay

    we are not hood

    but we are lethal

    especially maam!

    so beware

  159. Anonymous5:08 PM

    mamm is a dumb, hoodrat bitch who wouldn't know her man from her parole officer.

    But it figures alicia, not to repeat myself, refer to 5:01pm.

  160. assnon:

    when u just make up silly bs that is all a lie, does it really make u feel good? like a debater?


    the more u lie about our lives

    the more lethal and regal we look

    thanks for that

  161. assnon:

    if u have to lie about me in order to insult me

    that just means i am even more regal than i know

    ditto for the slayer queen maam!!!

  162. Anonymous5:11 PM

    and maam came in here today and
    eviscerated that fertile ho with ONE swift line!!!!...

    Maybe M.Rigmaiden has a job, a life and other pertinent issues to deal with than to banter with an almost 50 y.o. college student?

  163. assnon:

    where are your degrees?

    education is eternal

    real educated intellectuals know this

    and whereever that stupid slain bitch mostly rabid is...she is reeling!!!!

  164. uneducated assnon:

    hobama is 47

    he is older than me

    and as all emaciated chain smokers like him
    he looks older

    why is he never called OLD etc???

    the only thing worse than a sexist is a sexist ageist


  165. Trapped in SC5:20 PM


    that is how i do!
    it is a universal lioness thang 24/7...i slay hyena haters in my sleep!!!


    if u did not know i always "hold it down" for my hood...u r as late as you are loony!!!!

    i wish i was the warrior that maam is though...

    i am just a kitten compared to the jugular vein bloodletting she has unleashed in this blog jungle today....

    i have been scratching at that mutt mostly rabid for wks..since
    she shamed herself on dd and db...

    and maam came in here today and
    eviscerated that fertile ho with ONE swift line!!!!

    now that is feline ferocity for real!!!!


    u better stay hidden.... you late coward!!!"

    where are your degrees?

    education is eternal

    real educated intellectuals know this

    and whereever that stupid slain bitch mostly rabid is...she is reeling!!!!


    Awwwwwwwww. Nice.

    Really, this is a blog, you know. No one is really trying to impress anyone.


    You need to forgive yourself for what you put out there in the name of cultural pride. It is embarrassing yes, but you are doing yourself a disservice by talking as you do about how great you are only to prove time and time again that you are typical; hungry, bitter, loud and delusionally wrong to boot.

    You are not a sane and sensible person. That much is clear. And yes, I thought it was funny, because no other person comes on here and infects this blog with the bullshit that you do.

    Maybe UTS, myself, LAC, and MR don't respond to you as much as you respond to us because THEY ARE ACTUALLY WORKING, MAKING A LIVING, AND ENJOYING LIFE. WE ACTUALLY HAVE SHIT TO DO.


    I don't sit here making asinine statements comparing Barack Obama to George W. Bush when even a moron like you should know that they are ideological opposites at the very least.

    As if you are doing your part to help the environment by riding a fucking horse to work.

    NOTHING you say is ever true.
    You rant and rant and rag on Obama - yet you never specify what he has supposedly "fucked up." Perhaps that is because you know that Bush your hero (the little dumb fuck from that shithole Texas) is responsible for ALL the shit that is now spreading through and across America. The dumb ass wars which were sold with lies about WMD. The Afghan fiasco - which he started and then abandoned. The Wall Street meltdown which occurred before he left office as a result of he and his cabal of right wing scumbags throwing fuel on the fire with more and more deregulation. The Gulf Oil mess which Cheney created by meeting with oil gas and coal execs behind closed doors and developing strategies to further gut environmental and OSHA regulations. EVERYTHING - ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING that stinks today is the result of you scumbag Republicans fucking things up during the eight years you had the steering wheel - and now you seem like you want more of the same?

    Fucking asshole. You are easily the biggest cretin on this site next to the Uncle Tom with the hard-on for "street pirates" . Like him, however, you have no ability to reason - simply because you have no intelligence.


    Stop being an internet poser.


  166. alicia banks said...

    if u have to lie about me in order to insult me

    that just means i am even more regal than i know

    ditto for the slayer queen maam!!!

    AB, slaying LaIdiots posing as assnon's/urinades, THAT's what's up, LOL!!!

    I mean really, we ALL know who one of the assonon's is by the language she uses and what she says to me is a dead give-away.

    And like I said before, as long as the stalking doesn't translate to real life, she can continue to get the only climaxes in her life by staying stuck to my #$%t.

  167. I got a question for some of you out there who are Conservatives.

    What do you think about Glenn Beck's recreation of the March on Washington? He said it is a homage to Dr. King.

    He once called Dr. King a racist.


  168. maam:


    i have NEVER listed any resume herein or online

    i have never listed my corp awards etc

    i have ONLY listed SOME my media kudos and academic awards here

    if haters like the bama tsc who thinks edumacation=GED could see both of my real resumes

    she would only hate on me even more!!!

    i am amused that all the stalkers and haters herien only see a 10th of my real life's work and go off about that even....

    they could never handle the truth!!!!!

  169. totallyretardedsc:

    u are lying and fantasizing as always

    u r illiterate and delusional

    u r selectively policing this blog
    that belongs to fn


    but this line is classic:

    "... when even a moron like you should know that they are ideological opposites at the very least."

    not to mention 2 yrs of escalation of gwb's ENTIRE agenda

    48 hrs ago hobama just made gwb's
    top gen his own...

    i rest my case.

    they are clones!!!!

  170. totallyrepeatingbssc:



    is that why u r so late and reticent all the time?

    r u getting in when u can at a library?


    was this a freudian slipped ref to that baby bama fool that lives inside your schizo corn fed head?

    u lost me like dust in the wind on your filthy porch coon!

  171. The Magistrate5:46 PM

    "alicia banks" troll:

    Is it THAT hard to consolidate your nonsensical claptrap in one post?! JEEZ!!!

  172. totallyregisteredatalibsc:



    i am the cretin who hates u hobama nazis and your false war god hobama more than u could ever hate me

    and u better never forget it like u forget to sweep that porch missy...ya heah me nigh?

  173. the maggot straight:

    got scan?

    use it

  174. Anonymous5:50 PM


    Yes...I "got scan." All I see are the simian scratchings of a troll who lacks the self control to think before it posts.

  175. tmisc:


    way too much detail = busted yourself


    but it explains why u r in line at the lib all day...nahmean?

  176. assnon:

    u have just added 4 wasted posts herein...


  177. Anonymous6:21 PM

    My two (not four, you obnoxious bitch) posts are a drop in the bucket compared to the sheer volume of pollution that you pump in this blog on a daily basis.

    And you can stick your "fyi" up your ass. I am sure there is plenty of room.

    Blogspot seriously needs an "ignore" function. Several of the posters her hold good conversation, but mentally unstable trolls like "alicia banks" ruin the experience.

  178. kid said...
    I got a question for some of you out there who are Conservatives.

    What do you think about Glenn Beck's recreation of the March on Washington? He said it is a homage to Dr. King.

    He once called Dr. King a racist.


    Are you serious? So being a conservative means being 100% aligned with likes of Glenn Beck?

    Are YOU 100% aligned with Southern Democrats who have membership with the KKK? They've hung MANY blacks you know .

    Geez, it certainly doesn't take long for "debates" around here to get 'ignant REAL quick, LOL!!!

  179. Are you serious? So being a conservative means being 100% aligned with likes of Glenn Beck?

    Kid: You gotdamn right!


    Are YOU 100% aligned with Southern Democrats who have membership with the KKK? They've hung MANY blacks you know .

    Kid: You're right I hate them motherfucker.That why they all at the same time followed their leader Ronald Wilson Pagan out of the Democratic Party into the Republican Party because they looked at F.D.R.,Truman,Johnson and Kennedy as NIGGER LOVERS!
    Geez, it certainly doesn't take long for "debates" around here to get 'ignant REAL quick, LOL!!!

    Look I'm from Cleveland, Ohio. My folks are from Wetumpka,Montgomery,Birmingham, and Bessermer Alabama.My mother ised to serve Bull Conners his damn lunch. We had a black Republican (J. Kenneth Blackwell) nullify almost every gotdamn vote in Cuyahoga County and he helped get Dubya elected a second time. Thank God that those Republican whites were so racist that they wouldn't even vote for a nigger. Even if he would do whatever they say.

    This reminds me of a old lithograph that I see a lot in black history books. A black slave is holding to the tree of liberty. His master is in the river and about to go over a cliff. The slave says "Master I'll save you."The Master says" I rather die than have a nigger save my life." Blackwell still didn't learn his lesson.

    I didn't see any black Republicans coming to the aid of their brothers in Cuyahoga.

    If you're not on my side,then you're in my way!

    If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!


  180. kid said...
    If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!


    Blah, Blah, Blah, talk is cheap, what are YOU actually DOING to makes things better for black folks?

  181. Number one,I don't screw my people.Gangbangers and dope dealers do that minally. Black Republicans are worst than any Crip, Blood, Vice Lord , or Black Ganster Disciple out there and that's the God honest truth.I live in the real world,not Kowboy Klannity Kostello's America.I'm glad that when I grew up the people that Klannity, Oreilly, and Limbaugh hate , Black Nationalist, Panthers and conscious brothers pulled my coat to the real.

    Two , you didn't answer any of my questions.That's called deflection.You want to make this about me, not the truth. You didn't mention what Blackwell did in Ohio. Rachel Maddow and Keith Olbeermann did more for the community than you did, and they're white.They have something you don't have , call it negritude or soul,you don't have it.

  182. See Kid,I can see trying to have an intelligent debate with you is going to be like, well, dealing with a child.

    You can continue to think with all your little might that X white person has done more for Blacks that me, I really don't give a shit. Hell, you can tell me the KKK has done more than me to help my people and I'll likely burp and continue on my way. What I've found is that Black folks like you go on and on about what other folks are doing while your ass is sitting on the damn sidelines, talkng shit that the Black people who are actually doing something aren't doing enough.

    Tell you what, when you can tell me what Brown, Anthony, Myrick, and Williams, have done to advance Black folks, then maybe I'll address your ignorant ass points!

  183. As for you negritude/soul comment, I guess I consider myself lucky that when God call's me home, your funky black ass won't be sitting at the pearly gates making a decision to let me in, LOL!!!

  184. "AB, slaying LaIdiots posing as assnon's/urinades, THAT's what's up, LOL!!!"

    Regardless of what AB and I may have had in the past, I think we are to the point where we respect each other along with the views we may or may not share. Stop trying to pit other people to fight your battles. You are worse than a coward. You have the audacity to adopt the character of a weasel when in fact you have the mental capacity of a fowl.

    And don't worry about me being anonymous, as I've told you before, I always enjoy letting you know who I am and how I feel about you. So therefore, you need to understand that I'm not the only person on this blog who thinks you're a pride-less cunumunu.

  185. This is a very interesting set of comments.

    Yes I actually do have other things to worry about than stupid idiotic color struck women who post insults to people on the internet, especially women who brag about their supposed accomplishments. As a wise man said above, real people on the ground don't feel a need to brag about their accomplishments because they are DOING things.

    It's fun to talk shit online and can be cathartic, but this is truly ridiculous.

    I can always look at the number of comments and see that a self referential troll piece of shit is dirtying FN's doorstep, which gets old after a while.

  186. Regarding a comment somebody made above about Tea Parties, I went to another Tea Party meeting last night. There was a petroleum engineer that lectured on the mechanics of deep sea oil well drilling and explained just a small amount of the complexity of the drilling process.

    The media does not accurately report what goes on on oil rigs and how that ties into the current gulf crisis. No insults to our President or Black people were uttered.

  187. Well you still didn't answer my question.I know you're hurt because the truth hurts.Also you wanted a decent conversation, now you sound like Dolomite.

    You said you wanted a debate. What's to debate? I believe in helping black people out , and you don't.I'm suppose to say that you're right , take all the money from the poor and give it to rich corporation so they can take it overseas and close more American factories.

    You ever talk to a brother that's thuging or trying to be hard? They learned about the book "Will to Power". They read John Paul Sartre, they aren't stupid.When they get around "real thugs" like the Republicans , they get lost.In Cleveland I met with James Box from Amer-I-Can and Jim Brown from the Clevland Browns.They get jobs for troubled youth.They yurn them around. As far as I know when there are riots in the street or in prison, gang violence , you NEVER call the black Republican.What can they do?They get real people with real solutions. They call brother Field. They may call our friend Granny Standing Up For Truth.They call Rikyrah from Jack and Jill.Sometimes they may even call me. One thinmg I know for certain, they sure as hell won't call you!

    Now do you have any solutions on how to stop Glenn Beck from descreating Dr. King's march?People might get hurt or killed (Again) because of Glenn.

    I'm waiting!

  188. [quote]That is no more or less valid than the fact that the Bushit dug us in the hole in the first place after the last Democrat left him a surplus.

    BET Uncut:

    When was the last time that the INDEPENDENTLY CHARTED city of Cleveland was able to utilize its HUMAN RESOURCES within to be SELF-SUFFICIENT enough to pay for the standard of living that the people desire?

    When was the last that that Philly..............

    When was the last time that Newark

    * Trenton

    * Baltimore

    * Chicago

    * Millwaukee

    * Detroit

    * St Louis

    * Rochester

    * Buffalo

    You get the picture.

    You and others demand that MANUFACTURING return into the USA and in these places. I am not sure that you all are READY to accept all of the economic trade offs for this to happen (pollution, wage EXPLOITATION, unfair labor practices - per your perspective)

    I would be impressed if no Field Negro stood in line these next few days because THE IPHONE 4 IS MADE IN SOUTH KOREA rather than in the South Side Of Chicago where jobs are needed.

  189. M.Rigmaiden:

    I spoke with some people too about the problem in the Gulf.Some Republicans want the President to launch a tatical Nuke to shut the oil off. The folks at Daily Kos who keep up on these things didn't have to tell me that it would cause a chain reaction and might blow up the earth . Also radiation has a half life of 50,000 years.

    Now about the Teabaggers (Sorry I hate people that call my people niggers)probably treated you nice because they wanted a "example". See this one right here hates niggers on welfare too.Go to You Tube and you will see people throwing bottles at blacks at Tea Parties. Calling them niggers and such. On one I seen Michelle Malkin get cursed out at by whites.She didn't say anything because she gets paid for tomming.Rigmaiden I know you test probably near genius , but you don't believe that all the racism that's happening at the tea/race parties is being caused by Democrats like the whole right and Pat Robertson said.If you believe that then I should stop being a Progressive and do like Rev Jesse Lee Peterson said and thank white people for slavery.

    If I sells out , I gets the hells out.

  190. Anonymous9:09 PM

    "BET Uncut:

    When was the last time that the INDEPENDENTLY CHARTED city of Cleveland was able to utilize its HUMAN RESOURCES within to be SELF-SUFFICIENT enough to pay for the standard of living that the people desire?

    When was the last that that Philly..............

    When was the last time that Newark

    * Trenton

    * Baltimore

    * Chicago

    * Millwaukee

    * Detroit

    * St Louis

    * Rochester

    * Buffalo

    You get the picture.

    You and others demand that MANUFACTURING return into the USA and in these places. I am not sure that you all are READY to accept all of the economic trade offs for this to happen (pollution, wage EXPLOITATION, unfair labor practices - per your perspective)

    I would be impressed if no Field Negro stood in line these next few days because THE IPHONE 4 IS MADE IN SOUTH KOREA rather than in the South Side Of Chicago where jobs are needed."

    Awwww Jeez, not this shit again, dude.

  191. Constructive Feedback:

    All the cities you mentioned have one thing in common. When blacks became powerful politically, whites took their factories and moved them to all white areas. Nowdays they take their factories out of white areas and move them to third world countries so they can exploit the minorities there.It's called colonialism. I take it you didn't read "The Wretched of the Earth", or A Dying Colonialism."

    You want to quote books or people that aren't familiar with the real world , so I'll have to get something out of fantasy.Dr. Seuss wrote a book called "The Lorax".It's about the rich consuming the resources and stripping the place dry and leaving. Look at how the Oil companies screw not just America , but the world.You have companies like Timken Steel in Akron/Canton.Bush made the owner Ambassador to Austria and he moved his factory to China.We should be BLESSED we didn't have any company heads like these in WWII where instead of helping their fellow Americans, they go overseas to save a few million bucks.Yes let's get rid of welfare, start at the very top with Rupert Murdoch and work our way down.

  192. Kid you're trippin as you always have when it comes to me. I don't really care too much about what people think of me. I interact usually to get information. Plain and simple. The talk the petroleum engineer gave was very useful and had little to do with politics at all. The meetings I go to are well structured with a speaker and q&a format afterwards. There is really no room for bitching and complaining and if someone acts like a retard, they are not welcome.

    Get over yourself Kid. For some reason you see shit on tv and think that all people who question the actions of our government are sellouts or tea baggers.

    Go to a tea party meeting in your area before you cast so many aspersions. For someone who speaks so much revolutionary talk, I'd imagine your intelligence gathering mechanisms would be more sophisticated than what you present here.

    About testing as a 'genius' Kid, if you knew anything about me, you'd realize that I don't subscribe to that bullshit. I have worked with kids tutoring them for a number of years and believe that such titles are divisive and that all humans have the capacity to excel as 'geniuses'.

    But you are so busy critisizing me simply because we don't share the same politics that you can't see we might be on the same side, in terms of wanting what is good for our ethnic group, and America in general.
