Monday, September 13, 2010

I must be slipping.

I know that when I have on my Air R's I can chase racism with the best of them. But.....

"Black Eyed Peas' frontman is as well-known for his outrageous costumes as he is for his chart-topping hits.

However, the rapper's get-up during Sunday night's MTV Video Music Awards wasn't met with a warm welcome this time around.

The singer, who performed during the VMA pre-show alongside singer Nicki Minaj, outraged many fans when he appeared to be wearing blackface.

In addition to donning black face paint, also wore an all-black leather ensemble, complete with a matching shiny hair piece.

Following his performance, the Twitterverse ran amok, slamming the 35-year-old rapper and comparing his look to 19th century minstrel shows in which white actors performed in theatrical black make-up, which propagated racist stereotypes toward African Americans." [Article]

Maybe I am getting slower as I age, and my racism chasing speed isn't what it used to be, but I am looking at my man's outfit, and it just seems like a futuristic costume for a performance. In fact, it kind of coordinates with what the female rapper is wearing.

"Just because I [wear] all black including head mask as expression and emphasize my outfit, it shouldn't be looked at as racial...There are far more important things 2 bark about. (Jobs, health, education) not a black man wearing all black everything. Are you guys serious? My outfit set 'black people back 100 years' choose your twits wisely. No education sets people back, no jobs, bad health." [Article]

Yes Will, they are serious. Negroes in A-merry-ca are so sensitive these days.


  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Everybody wants to say something is racist now, a black man in all black is racist now wow!lol

  2. oh, i can't WAIT to see how AB ties obama to this!

    btw, this is a fascinating story:

    Civil Rights Photographer Unmasked as Informant

    sloppy FBI forgot to redact his name. you never can tell what those FOIAs will show.

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    People who see this as racist need to get a life.

  4. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I agree Field, when I first saw him perform...I thought futuristic robot...I'm trying to figure out why some thought he was in Black

    The guy even performed robotic movements on stage...the haters need to get a freaking clue. Damn!!! sometimes Black folks waste the racist card on dumb shit...when serious issue of daily racism is ignored.

  5. blackinalabama10:15 PM is very smart. He knew that the black mask would bring controversy. The show is about generating a buzz.

  6. LOL @ Marie regarding the AB comment! I'm agreeing with you on this one field.

    Besides, it's rather difficult for someone with a black face to paint one on and it be considered racist. That's almost like me purchasing a nappy afro wig as opposed to one that's more euro-centric

  7. Normally, Will.I.Am. is typically straight cooning since he ditched the backpacker style for the neo-pop. But I got to go with the BEP on this one, he's not doing Blackface. He's going for the futuristic robot look. He's not trying to be a minstrel.

    But Maria, you're wrong for that one. Probably right, but sooo, so wrong.

  8. BTW, maria, DAMN!!!! That's just outrageous. Amazing.

  9. So......this is, as many people put it..."racist"?


    You gotta be kidding me.

  10. Meanwhile, a man who defended his home against nearly 20 gang members (possibly MS-13) and he ends up getting arrested:

  11. I don't know what Will was trying to accomplish with his get-up but I really hate it when people say Black people have other more important things to be upset about rather than whatever is the issue at hand. We are perfectly capable of multi-tasking.

  12. Anonymous11:19 PM

    That's how I know maria likes to start her fights for no reason, then claim she's the holy white fucking victim.

  13. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Field, you got it wrong. It wasn't the Blacks who got upset, it was those liberal Whites who want to prove that they are against racism. You should know that considering they are your friends.

  14. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Val, "We are perfectly capable of multi-tasking."

    That's the trouble. Blacks multi-task over unimportant bullshit, and are proud of it, like you.

  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Field, "Negroes in A-merry-ca are so sensitive these days."

    It's due to very low self-esteem, which makes Negroes reactors to anyone they 'suspect' 'might' be making fun of them.

    It's a terrible state of mind to live with all of your life but that's the mind of a lot of Blacks. It's always skewed and on hyper-alert.

    Most racism chasers are like that, but are unconscious of it. UTS, Hathor, MackLying, and LAC are examples.

  16. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Speaking of racism chasing, please do not put Glenn Beck in the same category as Palin. He is not a racist. He is a man of God who happened to have made a mistake. But he has seen the light and has been converted.

    Field, he deserves your respect. As far as Palin is concerned, go after her because no woman should be doing what she is doing anyway.

  17. Gregory12:02 AM

    “The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” Oscar Wilde.

    I think Will.I.Am understands this.

  18. Anonymous12:58 AM

    maria dont pretend like shes innocent but shes been pissed lately and who da phukk can blame her? that nasty buceta licking carpet munching fool hardy asswipe has continuously harassed her for over a year now that cretinous sow deserves any and all abuse that is hurled her way henceforth and forever more she is a foul toad beast that deserves to writhe in misery for the psychic abuse she willingly and knowingly hurls on others phukker

  19. I skipped out on the VMAs this year and none of my Twitter peep who saw the East Coast live feed mentioned it at all. All they kept talking about was how terrible Taylor Swift was.

  20. "Most racism chasers are like that, but are unconscious of it. UTS, Hathor, MackLying, and LAC are examples."

    MackLying. Nice one.

    Have any more ad hominem attacks for us to share? Thought so.

    When will these Anons ever learn?

  21. I guess everyone here is too young to remember the Ben Vareen hooha on the same subject.

  22. Anonymous5:46 AM

    @Anon, Ummmm, Glen BEck seems to make the same "mistake" over and over again.
    Not a racist? Mr. Beck, the one who calls all accusations of racism, or programs aimed to assist the dissadvantaged, divisive plots?
    The same guy who denies racism exists (therefore calling all those who experience racism liars) unless it comes from Rev Wright or Obama? Seriously.
    If by "made a mistake" you mean "Got a radioa and TV show", then I suppose you are right.

    Hey FN, is my Blackberry racist too? or is the juice just sweeter?

  23. Thank you for that link, Mack Lyons.

  24. Maria, I co-sign with some other folks; thanks for that link. Interesting stuff.

    "Speaking of racism chasing, please do not put Glenn Beck in the same category as Palin. He is not a racist. He is a man of God who happened to have made a mistake. But he has seen the light and has been converted."

    Now see, why do people like to mess with me so early in the morning.

    "Field, you got it wrong. It wasn't the Blacks who got upset, it was those liberal Whites who want to prove that they are against racism. You should know that considering they are your friends."

    Wingnut alert!

  25. ditto fn

    i saw performance art only...
    no offense

    i am much more offended by will i am's blackfaced actions for hobama than his costume/make-up...

  26. hey lac:

    thanks for noticing maria!

    uts pretends that cave bitch maria and her black mammy maids are all angelic saints herein...

  27. anon 11:19:

    i love you


    i never slay anyone who does not snap at me first...that cave bitch maria is a masochist like the vulgar uneducated resident retard!

  28. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Too Easy.

  29. vulgar ghetto dl retard hypopcrite:

    like hobama, YOU LIE!!!!

    when did you start disliking harassment????

    carry your unwashed unlicked ass down to walmart and buy an economy pack of douches for your man's side pcs and an economy bag of B-R-E-A-T-H mints for your man...

    and then maybe we can all get along????

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Field, "Now see, why do people like to mess with me so early in the morning."

    LOL.. Beck works better than Starbucks coffee in the AM. You should be grateful for Beck. He has been sent by the Universe so that Blacks(and some Whites) can test their level of tolerance and forgiveness.

    Field, tests show that you are failing. You and others like Brohammas should learn to love him; and see him as your "spiritual brother".

    Now close your eyes and imagine hugging Beck, while he cries, "I am sorry, please forgive me." Try it..It will change your life.

    I would tell you to try the same process with Palin but that might be too dangerous. It could lead to more than just hugging. You might end up becoming a Republican, and leaving Mrs. Field. It could turn out to be a big mess.

    And then LAA would have a few choice words for you, which would trigger UTS to defend all bm. Then maria would jump in with something outrageous. Then Hathor would say something that no one would understand. And who knows what AB might do? This whole thing could turn out to be a calamity of such proportions that you would have to go underground.

    But the Repubs would be ecstatic over the miracle of your political and 'spiritual' conversion. The best part of all this would be an autographed framed picture from the one and only Michael Steele.

    Field, you will make Black history and have a New Converted Life...

    And the Voice from heaven said, "Field, do not fret over this. It is all good."

  32. AB, i am grateful that you remain such an easy source of mirth for me and everyone else here. no matter what changes in the outside world, you remain a predicable, insane clown.

    carry on. it's election day in my town and i've got some activist work to do in bringing about real improvements in people's lives. i know that's a foreign concept to you. then, i'm going to earn a living (another thing you clearly don't do).


  33. assnon:

    wtf are you talking about palin?

    i have never bashed her as i bash the sesists who torture her

    and she has never lied on hobama

  34. mareally insane:

    irony =
    a lying real cave bitch/fake nicole in mother theresa garb calling anyone else a clown

    any black guys on the local ballots?

    they all have your vote on lock bet!

  35. I never got past Nicki Minaj

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Rottnkid said...
    Well said...
    I never got past Nicki Minaj

    10:31 AM
    Me either ;D

  38. Anonymous12:22 PM

    AB, "assnon:

    wtf are you talking about palin?

    i have never bashed her as i bash the sesists who torture her

    and she has never lied on hobama"

    You see? one never knows what AB will do.

    Dear AB, I am very sorry I said anything about Palin. You are right, You have NEVER bashed Palin but have ALWAYS bashed Obama. Peace and Love,

  39. Anonymous12:24 PM

    AB, wtf are you talking about Obama?

  40. AB, I wasn't dissing Maria. I was noting the NY Times article about a Civil Rights photographer being a secret FBI plant. Take a look here.

    Like I said, Damn!!

  41. Folks act like it was Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity in black face. I didn't have a problem with his make-up.

    My problem came when he didn't take the ish off after he performed. He looked as stupid as Lady Do-Do.

    Eff and reality shows. Black folks better start paying attention to politics, community development and public policiy.

    Shout out to the Tea Party for doing their job!

    Sidebar: Field why don't you follow me on twitter @ AttorneymomNJ? I am following you.

  42. News flash:

    A flash poll taken after the Video Music Awards:

    Number of whites who cared about's costume? In the range of zero to 3.

    Looks like he's ready for a session of arc-welding at midnight.

    Give him a sword and we can call him Zorro.

  43. Attorneymom said...

    Shout out to the Tea Party for doing their job!
    They have jobs other than rallying with distorted pictures of the President? Or is good job for trying to hijack MLK day? Or is it that they work hard to back nut jobs for Congress or Senate? What IS their job? Just curious...

  44. Anonymous1:32 PM

    "Eff and reality shows. Black folks better start paying attention to politics, community development and public policiy."

    Don't forget jobs. That is probably most important for Blacks because the numbers of unemployed Blacks are growing rapidly..faster than anyone else.

  45. Anonymous1:34 PM

    AB, why can't you answer my question? Are my questions too hard for you?

  46. Anonymous1:40 PM

    RK, "They have jobs other than rallying with distorted pictures of the President? Or is good job for trying to hijack MLK day? Or is it that they work hard to back nut jobs for Congress or Senate? What IS their job? Just curious..."

    In addition to getting elected, they represent HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND GOD as indicated on MLK day. That's something the leaders of the counter-Beck rally on MLK day cannot claim.

    Does that clear up things for you, RottenKid?

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. anon:

    what questions?

    i will continue to bash hobama as he has earned thru 2016 and beyond. promise!

    much respect to every single tea partier that bashes hobama iuntil 2016!!!

    when will poor hungry homeless jobless blacks finally brew some tea like tavis??????

  49. rk:

    the job of the tea party is to protest whatever THEY deem to be wrong with hobama...blacks need to do the same just like latinos have ASAP!!!!

  50. Attorneymom said...

    Folks act like it was Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity in black face. I didn't have a problem with his make-up.

    My problem came when he didn't take the ish off after he performed. He looked as stupid as Lady Do-Do.

    Eff and reality shows. Black folks better start paying attention to politics, community development and public policy.

    Shout out to the Tea Party for doing their job!

    Though I think they're aiming at the wrong folks (gays, immigrants, Muslim, Obama's birth record) I will give credit where its due. For their mass hysteria and political ignorance, the Tea Party folks are organized and fighting for an America they want to see. Don't hate the players and don't hate the game!!

    Too many so-called 'progressives' and 'liberals' sit on the sideline waiting for someone to save us. Superman ain't coming -- get off your ass and us what God gave you to save yourself.

  51. Anonymous2:10 PM

    brohammas said...
    "Hey FN, is my Blackberry racist too?"

    Yes, it is, and you are, because you are white.

  52. Anonymous2:10 PM

    AB, "fyi
    i will continue to bash hobama as he has earned thru 2016 and beyond. promise!

    much respect to every single tea partier that bashes hobama iuntil 2016!!!"

    Three questions: 1. what makes you think Obama will get re-elected?

    2. Why do you think Blacks continue to support Obama as though he has done great things for them when he has done just the opposite?

    3. What is it about the black psyche that causes Blacks to count on people who don't give a damn about them and ignore the ones who can really help them?

  53. Anonymous2:15 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    "Though I think they're aiming at the wrong folks (gays, immigrants, Muslim, Obama's birth record)"

    There is nothing in the Tea Party agenda addressing these issues. The focus is on government growth and spending and its affect on personal liberties. The statists who run things now use crude propaganda techniques to paint the Tea Party as stupid and racist, and you lap it all up.

    You are hell on strawmen, LAC, I'll give you that.

  54. Anonymous said...
    In addition to getting elected, they represent HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND GOD as indicated on MLK day. That's something the leaders of the counter-Beck rally on MLK day cannot claim.
    Does that clear up things for you, RottenKid?
    Well yes and no. When the head of the rally Glen Beck lied, and admitted that he lied, to his sheep at the rally, I don't think that HONESTY, INTEGRITY and certainly not GOD was not present at that time. Do you? But at the same time it was clear that the counter rally did have HONESTY, INTEGRITY and certainly GOD (If you beleive in Him) because they didn't have to lie in order to appease their people. Now does that clear things up for you?

  55. needs slaps:

    or give him white gloves and call him al jolson?...

  56. @LACoincidental We have to give credit where it is due. They are broke azz white people taking action. Remember when we Black folks use to do that like around the 60's. You have to respect their efforts.

    But I did advise them to read up on Nat Turner. :-)

  57. Black folks don't need jobs. We need to our own destinies through entrepreneurship.

    I just want folks to get out of our way and stop changing the rules while we are playing the game according to racist rules.

    Truthfully, there is only one color and that is green- the color of money. Selah. Poor white folks better realize that angry rich white men are using them as pawns in their struggle maintain the status quo.

  58. anon:

    hectic day
    abbreviated replies:

    1. what makes you think Obama will get re-elected?

    because he was selected as prez just as his cuz gwb...the bush family has stolen 16 yrs of illegal prez power
    he will be selected again
    but i hope hillary runs and slays him as she almost did the 1st time as my 1st choice
    hobama makes me prouder that hc was my 1st choice each day

    2. Why do you think Blacks continue to support Obama as though he has done great things for them when he has done just the opposite?

    because they are racist masochistic fools and his deadbeat dead was black

    see more details on that note here

    3. What is it about the black psyche that causes Blacks to count on people who don't give a damn about them and ignore the ones who can really help them?

    very sadly, i have absolutely no idea!!!
    too many of us love oj and mj
    and ignore mumia and tavis
    but i am proud to be an exception to that self hating rule!!!

  59. Anonymous2:49 PM

    buceta breaf u was phukking with maria and said other foul shyt thought u didnt talk to anons u insane clown sack of cat bucetas and ur opinions on anything r irrelevant and unnecessary just like ur foul existence u deserve any and all abuse hurled ur way henceforth and forever more ya low down dirty piece of cat shyt

  60. perpetually off topic illiterate uneducated vulgar retarded dl stalker:

    for some strange reason, fn has given you permission to harass me with your vaginal obsessions and faux bilingual ghettoese vulgarities here...

    fine. let's do this!!!

    he is letting you play and i will play witcha...belee dat!!!!

    yo stank mouth man has been blowing up my cell on his side pc's trac phone all day!


    he wants me to dedicate a song to you u cluckless clueless chickenheaded reject

    like to hear it?
    here it go...enjoy dat

    from yo dj you faceless faded bitch!:

  61. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Attorneymom, stop being a colorblind dumbass. If you were to go on an interview today the color of skin would count first and foremost. You better be packing some extra skills in purse. Stupid negros.

  62. vulgar dl retard:

    here is a double dose for u bitch

    jam on it!

  63. anon:

    for more on why blacks suicidally ove hobama see:

  64. anon:

    i meant:

    for more on why blacks suicidally LOVE/WORSHIP/ADORE/RIDE OR DIE...for hobama see my letters to tom joyner linked above.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. more on the trick of hobama that has blinded black racist fools:

    Now that a black man is president, and could not have been made so without the efforts of millions of whites, the temptation for them to run out of patience with blacks' continued complaints will be tremendous. Simultaneously, millions of blacks woke up on November 5 with yet another buppie made better off on their backs while they remain jobless in dangerous neighborhoods, their immediate futures no brighter for knowing that cornbread may start appearing at the White House Thanksgiving table. When we all stop weepily singing "We Are the World" and emailing each other about what Great-Aunt Bessie would say now if she weren't dead, we'll find that race is still a festering wound. A wound believed to be self-inflicted on one side, daily resalted on the other.

  67. anon:

    both of these films superbly explain precisely why and how illuminati/bilderberg cia bred hobama was selected to trick people (especially illiterate uneducated black people like the vulgar dl retard) into adoring him:

  68. Honestly Alicia, no matter who got in the White House, that statement would still apply. In other words, what would have been the difference? Nothing, nothing at all. Unemployment among blacks will still be high, jobs still would have been lost, "bailouts" would have still happened, unemployment would still be high, jobs will still be going overseas, we'd still owe China a shit load of money, Bush tax cuts would have been still in place and voted to be extended. We'd still be fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, etc. What more do you want done? Instead of you calling Obama "Hobama", you'd be calling Hillary "that Bitch" or that old coot McCain "McInsane" or whatever. Again nothing would change except your descriptions and maybe no tea baggers. The USA would still be riding high in shit's creek.

  69. rk:

    the difference is:

    no one would be complaining about what i call others ONLY because their dads are not black!!!

    no one cared that i called gwb king shrub for 8 yrs

    i will NEVER give any politico INCULDING hobama any pass ever!!!

  70. rk:

    i think another huge difference is that all females would be less inclined to rush other mother;s babies to war...unlike naturally warmongering detached rich men who cavalierly send poor men's sons off to die!!!

  71. rk:

    another huge difference

    hillary is a 2fer
    bubba left us with a surplus

    i do not think bubba would ever pay bankers endless trillions as hobama does

  72. rk:

    hobama has made the shit deeper and the stink worse and i am supposed to pretend i love the stench and the bumpiER ride....just because his deadbeat cia dad was black???

    never that!

  73. From another blog I check out..

    Those black folks who hate on black people because we don’t conform to someone’s idea of who we are supposed to be. Those brothers who woefully compare us to the dominant culture, and find us lacking because we ain’t like them. Those sisters who hate us because we be talkin’ like this. Those haters who hate us because we don’t dress like Hollywood. Because we have an antithetical kind of swagga to the dominant swagger!

    I find these black people haters all over the internet. I have never come across so many black people who hate other black people as when I entered the black blogosphere! It’s truly amazing! There are so many brands and types of black folks who hate black folks–BFWHBF. Some BFWHBFs hate us for the way we worship God. They hate black people for the way we eat. For the way we think. For the way we dance. For the way white racists hate us. They hate black folks for being!!



  74. Here she is:

    Haters Hate Because Hating is What Haters Love
    09/14/2010 by Anna Renee

  75. attorneymom, you wrote:

    Black folks don't need jobs. We need to our own destinies through entrepreneurship.

    Entrepreneurship requires more than a simple willingness to go out in the world to take a shot at something.

    As a resident of Brooklyn, NY I ride the subway a lot. A least once a week a new group of subway performers pass through the subway car I'm in, sing a song or perform some acrobatics and pass the hat. Sometimes they have some skill. But their acts are not entrepreneurship.

    Just same old, same old. But the subway performances are more evidence that blacks default to two forms of possible employment -- sports and entertainment -- when they chase the dream.

    I just want folks to get out of our way and stop changing the rules while we are playing the game according to racist rules.

    What rules are racist?

    Meanwhile, if there's one huge change the black world must undergo, it's a change to get serious about science and math.

    But there's nothing racist about science and math. Both are pure and beyond bias. Yet few blacks pursue either.

  76. Attorneymom said...
    "@LACoincidental We have to give credit where it is due. They are broke azz white people taking action. Remember when we Black folks use to do that like around the 60's. You have to respect their efforts."

    These T.T. Party folk may be "broke azz," but their backers are loaded, with an agenda as big as their wallets.

    With money, you can buy a whole lot of effort.

    Check out the billionaire Koch brothers who are waging a war against Obama.

  77. alicia banks wrote:

    hillary is a 2fer
    bubba left us with a surplus

    It's possible Hillary will become a Democratic presidential candidate. But if she runs, she will lose. Unless Obama replaces Biden with Hillary in 2012 AND Obama wins a second term, she will have no shot. In 2016 she will be about 70 -- too old to win.

    i do not think bubba would ever pay bankers endless trillions as hobama does

    You must be joking. Actually, you're not joking. It's just that you know nothing about the financial world.

    Obama and his clown-college of financial confidants and Congressional Democrats recall only the socialist/marxist chapters from their college economics texts.

  78. Anonymous5:06 PM

    buceta breaf u was phukking with maria and said other foul shyt thought u didnt talk to anons u insane clown sack of cat bucetas and ur opinions on anything r irrelevant and unnecessary just like ur foul existence u deserve any and all abuse hurled ur way henceforth and forever more ya low down dirty piece of cat shyt

    where r those publications again? oh wait they dont exist ya lyin wannabe scholar the only thing worse than a wannabe is a wannabe who lies as much as ur stank ugly arse!

  79. black diaspora, you wrote:

    With money, you can buy a whole lot of effort. Check out the billionaire Koch brothers who are waging a war against Obama.

    As if George Soros and some other quiet big spenders have cut off Democrats and liberals.

    Anyway, Obama is doing himself in. He has shown beyond all doubt that he's got no head for economics and no sense when it comes to international threats.

    He appeases muslim maniacs while failing to boost prosperity where it can be done with the greatest of ease.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. needs slaps:

    hobama is a socialist ONLY for the rich!!!

    he has done nothing to help the poor

    you can deny the surplus king shrub pissed away like his warmongering bankster loving cuz hobama...just as you deny you blatant racism.

    what else is new you blind bigot?

  82. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Meanwhile, if there's one huge change the black world must undergo, it's a change to get serious about science and math.

    But there's nothing racist about science and math. Both are pure and beyond bias. Yet few blacks pursue either.

    hes rite about this instead of calling people hobama and raging in a virtual world buceta breaf and other blacks needs to get an education in science and math, well all hope mite be lost for that incompetent chriflin piece of dog shyt but other blacks r more then competent at learning the sciences

  83. Anonymous5:10 PM

    charles drew is a good example and george washington carver is another ford still is developing soy plastic from his work

  84. vulgar clueless retard:

    you cannot even grasp the science of your man's syphillitic dare you tackle political or math sci in advance of basic hygiene???

  85. anon:


    she has never read a book about either of these academic/scientific/medical icons

    they do not sell their bios with the ghetto pulp fictions at the hair store!

  86. Anonymous said...

    LACoincidental said...
    "Though I think they're aiming at the wrong folks (gays, immigrants, Muslim, Obama's birth record)"

    There is nothing in the Tea Party agenda addressing these issues. The focus is on government growth and spending and its affect on personal liberties. The statists who run things now use crude propaganda techniques to paint the Tea Party as stupid and racist, and you lap it all up.

    You are hell on strawmen, LAC, I'll give you that.
    2:15 PM

    Let's see .......its Tea Party candidates pushing the most asinine anti-immigrant policies, its the Tea Party folks giving the Birthers room to breathe.

    And the 'focus is on government growth and spending and its affect on personal liberties' is on one of the most basic needs in a modern Western Republic, healthcare regulation. They're rallying against not just the Wall Street Bailouts (which can go either way) but are fighting against any government regulations that could prevent another global meltdown.

    The biggest government expenditure, the War, is barely mentioned by the Tea Party - because frankly, they don't care about that type of spending. These ignorant race-baiting white folks don't give a damn about government spending so long as it used to attack scary brown people. Use government to actually help people, clean up the environment or anything else -- its the damn Federal governments on their backs.

    There's no need for the 'statists'** to paint the bulk of the Tea Party as ignorant race baiters -- they do a damn good job that themselves. Between spitting on Civil Rights leaders, calling the President from a terrorist to a chimpanzee, its clear to most level-headed folks that if not run by bigots, the Tea Party is a little too cozy with them.

    **(Good God, really, 'Statists'?! Sheesh, just call me a 'Trotskyite' while you're at.)

  87. needs slaps:

    muslims are no more maniacal than hypochristian fascists.

    your bloody christian history and present evil christian antics prove that to be so.

  88. "Though I think they're aiming at the wrong folks (gays, immigrants, Muslim, Obama's birth record) I will give credit where its due. For their mass hysteria and political ignorance, the Tea Party folks are organized and fighting for an America they want to see. Don't hate the players and don't hate the game!!

    Too many so-called 'progressives' and 'liberals' sit on the sideline waiting for someone to save us. Superman ain't coming -- get off your ass and us what God gave you to save yourself."

    I actually co-sign with that. Althoug, as BD said, the Koch money doesn't hurt.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. "The biggest government expenditure, the War, is barely mentioned by the Tea Party - because frankly, they don't care about that type of spending. These ignorant race-baiting white folks don't give a damn about government spending so long as it used to attack scary brown people. Use government to actually help people, clean up the environment or anything else -- its the damn Federal governments on their backs."

    Quote worthy!

  91. more on bubba's legendary surplus

    i will take it before hobama's legendary deficits and endless debts and swindleus pkgs anyday

  92. Black Diaspora said...

    Attorneymom said...
    "@LACoincidental We have to give credit where it is due. They are broke azz white people taking action. Remember when we Black folks use to do that like around the 60's. You have to respect their efforts."

    These T.T. Party folk may be "broke azz," but their backers are loaded, with an agenda as big as their wallets.

    Touche! Other than being too comfortable with outright bigots, the Tea Party is arguing for things that work against them. Seriously, we have middle class Americans arguing against financial regulation on investment banks and taxes on the ultra-wealthy. Do people realize that you have to pull down serious cash for the estate tax to even affect you? Did you know that most people file bankruptcy because of medical expenses?

    Arguing against one's economic and political self interest is just political sado-masochism, or 'slave catcher mentality'.

    Tea Party folks aren't just comfortable in "Massa's house", they're fighting tooth and nail to make sure "Massa's house" don't get burned down, or even a little dusty.

  93. no_slappz said...
    "As if George Soros and some other quiet big spenders have cut off Democrats and liberals."

    I don't usually respond to your claptrap for obvious reasons.

    Let the record show: George Soros is not funding a supposed "grass root" political movement, which is actually "astroturf," in a slight-of-hand move to deceive the American people.

    This T.T. Party smells. I take that back: It reeks.

  94. i cannot believe that some would rather silence the tea party than make our own noise/tea!

    loudly reeking is better than rotting in silence!

    their reeking is controlling elections while we only suffer in silence and fawning more each day....shame!!!!

  95. ALL of the war protestors of all races have given hobama a pass...why pretend its only the tea partiers who do so???

  96. LACoincidental said..."[T]he Tea Party is arguing for things that work against them....Arguing against one's economic and political self interest is just political sado-masochism, or 'slave catcher mentality'."

    Good points!

    The T.T. Party is fighting, not for its own agenda, but for the agenda of another. It's not mere happenstance that the T.T. Party emerged on the scene when it did: The Koch brothers' financial interests, under a Democrat congress, and presidency, would be threatened by their very presence, and the goals of the progressives among them.

    They couldn't stand for that! The solution: Put their own minions in power, and be done with the Dems, and moderate Repubs, once and for all.

  97. vulgar dl retard:

    the only thing worse than a tiger leaving your rejected frigid belly cold while he chases hot stray tails is you running up daily on a KKK bastard like needs slaps to voluntarily be his belly warming N bitch herein.

    you disgust me you uneducated chickenhead concubine!!!

  98. alicia banks said...
    "i cannot believe that some would rather silence the tea party than make our own noise/tea!

    loudly reeking is better than rotting in silence!"

    It all depends, alicia, whether you're up wind, or down wind.

  99. bd:

    the scorched wicked winds of debt dead amerikkka are blowing WAY DOWN on all of us...of all races...swinging lower than ever before as we are all lynched by hobama and his banksters.

    babylon is fallen!!!

    kudos to the tea party for at least trying to hold up their corner of the sky!

  100. ill winds soon come down on us all

  101. Gosh, these comments here look pretty crazy. What is wrong with folks?

  102. many black/liberal warriors refuse to give hobama any pass for any reason

    wake up and join us asap!!!




  103. ps:

  104. Anonymous8:55 PM

    LAC said...

    "**(Good God, really, 'Statists'?! Sheesh, just call me a 'Trotskyite' while you're at.)"

    You are a statist. You think the state should be responsible for people's healthcare, for instance. That would make you a statist.

    "Between spitting on Civil Rights leaders, calling the President from a terrorist to a chimpanzee, its clear to most level-headed folks that if not run by bigots, the Tea Party is a little too cozy with them."

    Nonsensical propaganda. The spitting / N-word myth has been so thoroughly debunked you look like a fool for citing it. The rest of it using the actions of few individuals to tar an entire movement.

    Many in the Tea Party movement see the folly of spending treasure on overseas adventures and nation building.

    The substance of their arguments is never addressed, instead the focus is always on the motives. It is classic political demonization tactics in full display.

  105. Anonymous10:28 PM

    AB, "very sadly, i have absolutely no idea!!!
    too many of us love oj and mj
    and ignore mumia and tavis
    but i am proud to be an exception to that self hating rule!!!"

    I think if there could be some insight into the collective conscious of the black race, it would be of immense value. It could point to a key reason why so many Blacks have such psychotic wishful thinking that lead to a deluded view of reality.

    It is clear what is happening to Blacks. Obama has not responded to the high rate of unemployment among us. Nor does it appear that he is even concerned. But the majority on this blog deny it- like LAC does; OR, they minimize what is happening to us by saying, "well, any President would have done what Obama did"-like RottenKid. We seem to be a hopeless and hapless lot. The saddest part of this crisis is that the majority of Blacks support those people who do not care about our well-being.

    Wouldn't it be great if WE could embrace HONESTY, INTEGRITY AND GOD, instead of pushing those great qualities- simply because most Blacks perceive Glenn Beck as a liar and a racist? Why must Blacks throw the baby out with the dirty bath water? How does one get so mixed up like that?

  106. Dailyfare12:49 PM

    Hmmm, well, if Will had just painted his face - I would be outraged, too. But his ENTIRE BODY is painted. His getup was futuristic and matched Nicki's outfit.

    Yeah, think before you tweet.

  107. Anonymous2:43 AM

    you disgust me you uneducated chickenhead concubine!!!alicia banks

    u disgust me u uneducation posing liar shill of a kuntwad u deserve to be abused and humiliated for the abuse u hurl on others phukk u and enjoy the fire when u burn in hell
