Saturday, October 16, 2010

Easy riders.

I see that the folks over at News Corp are living up (down) to their reputation as scum bags. Great guy that Rupert Murdoch, if only we had more like him. I know that the republican party wishes that they had more guys like him.

"Cablevision has said it currently pays News Corp $70 million every year for its channels, but the Rupert Murdoch-run company is demanding more than $150 million a year.

Fox Networks said Cablevision was seeking "preferential treatment" in negotiations.

"After days of posturing and the appearance of negotiating, they formally stopped even the pretense of negotiating at 8 p.m., declaring an "impasse," and made no further efforts toward reaching a new agreement before the expiration," said Mike Hopkins, Fox Networks' president of affiliate sales." ....'We remain willing to negotiate and hope that future talks ultimately will be productive, but as of now, Cablevision has declined to counter our most recent proposal."'

Both companies have been at loggerheads with other parties this year over the contentious issue of rising programing fees paid by cable and satellite operators.

Some of Fox's channels are currently off air on Dish Network and there is a possibility more Fox stations will go dark on Dish at the end of the month. "

And, finally, why is Obama and the main stream media trying to keep a brotha down in the upcoming Congressional elections? That ain't right. So the brotha rides with the Outlaws. It's not like he is dealing "meth" with them or anything.

"NBC News late Friday reported that Republican challenger Allen West, who is running in a tight race against Rep. Ron Klein, ignored a supporter's warning not to invite the Outlaws, a national motorcycle gang, to a campaign bike riding event earlier this year.

In its report, NBC said it obtained an exchange of e-mails between West and an unidentified supporter who warned, "criminal organization members in leather riding up [I-]95 is not the picture Allen wants.

West, NBC says, replied: "Please, no more references to criminal," adding, "I was never more amazed at how members of the Outlaws guarded me during an interview. In the NBC report, West is asked why he'd "defend" the Outlaws: "I don't think I defended the Outlaws," he says. "Did I say I condone their behavior? That I'm happy for them to do whatever they want?"

The segment -- which says the incident has hurt West among law enforcement Republicans -- was broadcast nationwide on NBC Friday and Democrats pounced, using it to slam West and the GOP. "

Do you see that, people? They just "guarded"him. He did not ride with them. He is not an Outlaw.

"Allen West is just the latest Republican candidate with an extremely disturbing past that Republican Leader Boehner and the (National Republican Congressional Committee] have promoted,'' the Democratic Congressional Campaign Commitee[sp] said in an e-mail."

Oh stop it. Would you say that if he was a white man? Or a democratic black man? Where is Michael Steele when you need him?

"West's campaign manager, Josh Grodin, denounced the report as a "political hatchet job by the liberal mainstream media...Let me be perfectly clear, Allen West has absolutely no ties to the outlaw bikers club - an organization with a history of criminal activity, as well as racism against African Americans." [Source]

You tell em, Josh.


  1. Aren't those the same bikers that McCain had a rally with when he was running for President and offered his wife to?

  2. Gram Parsons and the Rolling Stones tried something similar with the Hells Angles at Altamonte. It bit them in the a$$ too I recall.

  3. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Field, do you have a Harley?

  4. Anonymous2:05 AM

    Granny's drunk again!

  5. I'm sitting here wondering why a Black guy, nevermind if he happens to be down with the GOP, is even affiliated, let alone rolling with a biker gang like the Outlaws. I only say that because most of these biker gangs, like the Hell's Angels and Mongols, aren't exactly on friendly terms with African-Americans. If this guy was a Democrat, Fox News would be riding this puppy up and down the highway to Hell and back.

    Speaking of Fox, it sounds like News Corp. is getting a bit greedy with the cheese. I wonder how this will play out if Murdoch's bunch are insistent on getting a bigger hunk.

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Those anons be suckin dick again, yo!

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    If this guy was a Democrat, Fox News would be riding this puppy up and down the highway to Hell and back.

    You mean just like NBC who created this lying hit piece on a Black who dared to go off the Plantation and is "riding the puppy down to hell and back? how dare a Black man not be a democrat. Its desperation when they try to smear a 22 year military vet to help the demoncratic candidate who is losing.

  8. anon 7:22,

    Vets are human beings like the rest of us.

  9. "I only say that because most of these biker gangs, like the Hell's Angels and Mongols, aren't exactly on friendly terms with African-Americans. If this guy was a Democrat, Fox News would be riding this puppy up and down the highway to Hell and back."


    Yes WC, someone got stomped to death at that Stones concert.

  10. You mean just like NBC who created this lying hit piece on a Black who dared to go off the Plantation and is "riding the puppy down to hell and back? how dare a Black man not be a democrat. Its desperation when they try to smear a 22 year military vet to help the demoncratic candidate who is losing.

    Self-righteous indignation, ladies and gents.

    And as far as a Black man not being a Democrat? Considering the history of the GOP after Nixon welcomed with open arms all of the Dixiecrats LBJ ran off with the Civil Rights bill, a Black man stumping for the GOP should know what he's getting himself into. I'm sure Mikey knows that. And he has guys like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to remind him of that every single day.

  11. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Mack Lyons said;

    Self-righteous indignation, ladies and gents.

    And as far as a Black man not being a Democrat? Considering the history of the GOP after Nixon welcomed with open arms all of the Dixiecrats LBJ ran off with the Civil Rights bill, a Black man stumping for the GOP should know what he's getting himself into. I'm sure Mikey knows that. And he has guys like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to remind him of that every single day.

    Do you realize how utterly disconnected and immature you sound? Are you 15? Or a doddering old man with Alzheimers?

    Self Righteous....Are you a hypocrite much...BWaaaaaaaaa

    I watched the clip from NBC and its laughable how hard they stretch to try and paint another winning republican in a bad light.

    He..he..denies being connected to the outlaws but GASP, we have proof, he, he, ....subscribes to a motorcycle magazine......see...there you go...
    My god liberals are insane and pathetic.

  12. Anonymous12:01 PM

    You people (liberals) are such a bunch of narrow-minded conformists. Any black who doesn't stay on the plantation needs to be cut down as an example. NBC is a mouthpiece for the democrat party that cynically plays on the fears of blacks to keep them in their pens.

    Why can't blacks be allowed like other people to have a diversity of political opinion?

    Mr. West is a free man who has decided for himself what he believes, but you would deny him any legitimacy just because of the color of his skin. This is an indefensible postion.

  13. I watched the clip from NBC and its laughable how hard they stretch to try and paint another winning republican in a bad light.

    He..he..denies being connected to the outlaws but GASP, we have proof, he, he, ....subscribes to a motorcycle magazine......see...there you go...
    My god liberals are insane and pathetic.

    Keeping up the indignation? I'm sure you're this outspoken when injustices befall Blacks as a whole, irrespective of political stance.

    I was merely bemused by the fact that this man managed to get himself associated with the likes of the Outlaws.

    You might want to keep the ad hominems down, otherwise people will start thinking you' know....a "wingnut".

  14. Why can't blacks be allowed like other people to have a diversity of political opinion?

    Mr. West is a free man who has decided for himself what he believes, but you would deny him any legitimacy just because of the color of his skin. This is an indefensible postion.

    Of course. He has the right to align himself with any political group he wishes. Meanwhile, I and others reserve the right to lay criticism to said alignment.

    You seem to be such an enlightened individual that you're using the color of his skin as a foil for your own reverse racism. And I'm sure you'll keep defending Mr. West for as long as he's on your side politically. I wonder how much your tone will change if and when he feels the need to swap parties...

  15. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Mack: "And I'm sure you'll keep defending Mr. West for as long as he's on your side politically. I wonder how much your tone will change if and when he feels the need to swap parties..."

    That's just it Mack, my support of Mr. West is based on ideological brotherhood, not blood. I am an American who stands with other Americans, black or white, in defense of liberty.

    There are racists of all colors on both sides. Both sides decry racsim, but only Republicans at least say they are for a color blind society. The racialist policies of the Democrats can only perpetuate race-based acrimony.

    Political alignment based on race is not rational; political alignment based on interests is. In 2010, it simply is not the case that blacks' interests are bound to them at birth. The beauty of America is the freedom of the individual to be what they will.

    You may be skeptical of conservative motives (in some cases, rightly so), but at some level words must mean something. I support Mr. West and look forward to future where blacks who freely wish to stand with those of us who cherish traditional American ideals feel free to do so without incurring the opprobrium of black America's liberal gatekeepers.

    BTW Mack, I enjoy reading your posts as you are obviously an intelligent and thoughtful person who just happens to wrong about almost everything.

  16. When you invite thugs and gangsters to your party, the stench rubs off. And for a man who proclaims he has a higher security clearance than the president, why would he need meth dealing racist outlaws to "guard him"?

  17. Sandy2481:54 PM

    Isn't West the Army O-5, Lt Col, who claims to have had a higher security clearance that the President of the United States? GMAB

  18. If I remember correctly Field, it was a young black man who, pushed from behind by the crowd, dared to regain his balance by touching one of their motorcycles and was promptly hauled behind the stage and stomped into the clay. It was every bit as much a lynching as it would have been in Bombingham with a rope.

  19. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Mack Lyons Said

    Keeping up the indignation? I'm sure you're this outspoken when injustices befall Blacks as a whole, irrespective of political stance.

    Again you are totally illogical and disconnected. Try to stay focused and discuss one problem at a time. Your imagined scenario of how someone else may or may not react to another issue at some point in time is not a relevant discussion point on the specific topic at hand.

    I see people and actions, I dont see skin color. If a man is an asshole, he doesnt get a pass as you would wish because he is Black or White. An ass is an ass. You dont force respect in this life, you have to earn it!! And if you havent earned that respect because of your actions, dont you dare go all child on the world and cry "you only think I am an ass because I am Black" No, you an ass cause you an ASS!!

    With that said, YOUR get out of ASS card has been revoked. See if you can logically stay on point and discuss a specific issue without blaming the world, history or your mamas pancakes for a problem.

  20. "I watched the clip from NBC and its laughable how hard they stretch to try and paint another winning republican in a bad light.

    He..he..denies being connected to the outlaws but GASP, we have proof, he, he, ....subscribes to a motorcycle magazine......see...there you go...
    My god liberals are insane and pathetic."

    Wait, did you read the post or go to the link? I think an e-mail between Mr. Allen and an aide is more than just a "stretch".

    Come on now, I think Mack might be right; maybe you are a wingnut.

    "Isn't West the Army O-5, Lt Col, who claims to have had a higher security clearance that the President of the United States? GMAB"

    Yep. What does that tell you?

    "You may be skeptical of conservative motives (in some cases, rightly so), but at some level words must mean something. I support Mr. West and look forward to future where blacks who freely wish to stand with those of us who cherish traditional American ideals feel free to do so without incurring the opprobrium of black America's liberal gatekeepers."

    What are "traditional American ideals"? Think before you answer that question. You might not want to give the standard republican line.

    If you are a conservative your motive for being a conservative doesn't really matter. The damage has already been done.

  21. "Mack Lyons Said

    Keeping up the indignation? I'm sure you're this outspoken when injustices befall Blacks as a whole, irrespective of political stance.

    Again you are totally illogical and disconnected. Try to stay focused and discuss one problem at a time. Your imagined scenario of how someone else may or may not react to another issue at some point in time is not a relevant discussion point on the specific topic at hand."

    Actually, it is relevant. And Mack's response was also quite logical. If you take an opposing view just because the person is not aligned with you ideologically you have zero credibility with this matter, and your opinion is irrelevant for purposes of this discussion.

  22. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Field, "If you take an opposing view just because the person is not aligned with you ideologically you have zero credibility with this matter, and your opinion is irrelevant for purposes of this discussion."

    Field, what are you saying, that anon has no credibility? Why are you are attacking this poor anon on MackLying's behalf? the anon is just trying to have a decent conversation with some of you mean-spirited-forever-a-liberal-black- dems. Apparently, that pleasure and work trip you took yesterday didn't do much for your disposition. Actually it seemed to have pissed you off. Was it that bad?

    You ignored my question about the Harley. I asked because there are black lawyers who enjoy riding bikes. I thought you might be one of them, considering you are a very adventurous fella. Let's go biking can bring Granny, if you must.:)

  23. Anonymous 3:13:

    What if I know how to ride one, would that surprise you? Would that turn into a beer moment for you and a diet pepsi for me? Of course the drinks would be on you. :)

  24. "You ignored my question about the Harley. I asked because there are black lawyers who enjoy riding bikes. I thought you might be one of them, considering you are a very adventurous fella. Let's go biking can bring Granny, if you must.:)"

    Ok, sorry for being hard on that other Anon. Please tell the president of Anon. Inc. that I apologize.

    No I do not own a "hog", and I have never had the pleasure of riding one.

    I do have a buddy with a Hayabusa and I plan to take a spin on that bad boy one day. (Lawd I hope that Mrs. Field isn't reading this.)

    BTW, I bet Granny could strap on a leather jacket and ride circles around some of the folks on this blog. :)

  25. Nah, Field, I was kidding with Anonymous. I haven't rode on a motorcycle since my children were small. When I was younger, I was sorta of a daredevil and would try stuff just to see if I could do it. My brother and female cousin had a harley. She was female and was four feet eleven inches.

    A woman that used to be a neighbor of mine a long time ago was killed on a motorcycle in the late 80s. She was in her mid 60s. So, I'll leave riding on to these young people.

  26. Granny, I understand. But I bet if you put your mind to it... Hey, I am just saying that folks shouldn't assume anything.

  27. Yes, Field that is true, the mind is a powerful thing and all it takes it good focused concentration. But my daredevil days are over and when you get my age you just want to enjoy, participate, and cherish the simple things in life that most people take for granted.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Hold up! Brother West told The Hotline that the whole thing is a nonstarter because if Lisa Myers had done "her research, she'd know that the Outlaws do not accept blacks, Jews or gays."

    You can't make this kind of stuff up!

  30. Yes, but my dear friend Nathaniel; do we know if Mr. Allen is any of the above? :)

  31. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Come on now, I think Mack might be right; maybe you are a wingnut.

    Actually, it is relevant. And Mack's response was also quite logical.

    And as far as a Black man not being a Democrat? Considering the history of the GOP after Nixon welcomed with open arms all of the Dixiecrats LBJ ran off with the Civil Rights bill, a Black man stumping for the GOP should know what he's getting himself into. I'm sure Mikey knows that. And he has guys like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh to remind him of that every single day.

    If you consider discussing the fictitious charges against West, being supported by talking about Nixon, LBJ, Glenn Beck and Rush as supportive of that argument and proof. Your even more nuts then liberals are accused of being if you expect me to agree with that completely transparently delusional logic. LBJ and nixon or any other moment that coudl be listed in the history of this country have not a damn thing to do with what West is being accused of. Damn, no wonder people never get out of the circle. Wouldnt know critical thinking and lack of excuse making if it hit them in the face.

  32. Field, check this out.

  33. you couldn't give no local Pagan love? 1% bikers are not below the surface "racist" even the ones whom don't let blacks with in there ranks.. its just clear as day that you are not welcome to be apart of there group... I know some hipster bearded looking white dude really wants to be a Black Panther but settled to become a MOVE member instead (they had a whitey on the 1st wave MOVE movement before the 2nd wave when the City of Phila burned there houses down... and never rebuild them properly... and Mayor Street basically told them to go F- themselves... that same Mayor Street that don't understand Architecture aesthetic... I was close to tears when Suburban style homes in North Phila) however one thing about 1% bikers is they want to left ALONE, free to rome the earth loaded off of meth without much of a care unless its there brother or off to the next rally fueled with beer, booze, broads and more meth... yea the Democrat whom thinks all republicans are bible thumping jihadist would be all over this but 1% are a few people I wouldn't wanna mess with

  34. Anonymous7:29 PM

    I think field is gettin like his democratic hero Mr Biden. Maybe he thinks his brain is bigger then his skull as well. Will somebody tell Biden thats how autism exist...when your brain doesnt get the right blood supply is overlarge and cannot develop the normal wrinkles. Ah thats it, democrats are smooth...smooth brained..thus their inability to look at facts and reach logical conclusions. Therefore endlessl relying on time machine blurred with current events rhetoric.

  35. "Field, what are you saying, that anon has no credibility?"

    I just read what he wrote again. So yes, that would be correct.

  36. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Anon, 7:29pm, LOL. Your comment is hilarious, and a perfect description of Field and his liberal cronies. It all makes sense why they will get their asses handed to them Nov 2. They have wrinkle-free brains...LOL

  37. Anonymous9:50 PM

    "Field, what are you saying, that anon has no credibility?"

    field said to anon, "I just read what he wrote again. So yes, that would be correct".

    7:58 PM

    Field, you are delusional. YOU need to get some wrinkles in your brain.

  38. baahh I didn't read the above comments because it is painful. A big but, but this guy is a tea bagging moron with little or nothing to add to the conversation. I don't like how the national media (or you) brings this guy to our attention. It is a crappy house raise which unless you are a district voter it doesn't matter. It has nothing to do about race. He is a moron along with the rest of his teabag brothen (and sistren).

  39. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Ray Said...
    baahh I didn't read the above comments because it is painful. A big but, but this guy is a tea bagging moron with little or nothing to add to the conversation.

    bahhh?? Are you feeling like the Black SHEEP of the family?

    I didn't read the above comments because it is painful.

    For Demoncrats learning the truth might add some wrinkles to the brain and be painful to the required sheeple way of thinking.

    A big but, but this guy is a tea bagging moron with little or nothing to add to the conversation.

    How do you know the Anon has a big butt? (you spelled it wrong) So you act like a sheep, tell him he has a big butt and then say HE has nothing to add to the conversation because he is a Teabagger? (oh thats liberalism 101 start calling names when you cant discuss things)

    Question though, if that anon is a teabagger, for every teabagger there has to be a teabagEE. What flavor were his nuts in your mouth? C'mon Baah..Bahhh, Ray. Don't be sheepish and tell us, what flavor were they? Maybe they tasted like your favorite dish Lamb chops cause you eat your own?
