Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Seeing Red.

I would like to start this post by thanking the people of California- on behalf of the Ganga farmers of my Island home- for shooting down Proposition 19. Thanks to you, their profit margins will remain high. (Speaking of high; WTF was Michelle Bachmann smoking last night? God bless Chris Matthews for calling out her simple ass.)

So this is the day after the "shellacking" (His words not mine) given to O and company by the A-merry-can people. I must say that his wimpy response today left me disappointed. "Humbling"? You "promise to do better"? Somebody pass the barf bag. If I see the tan-man and that dude with the skyscraper hair gloating on television one more time I will puke on Mrs. Field's rug.

I wish some of these poli-tricksters lived in the real world like the rest of us.

Field on his way to work. He spots a reader of the blog (some dude who works in the building) who can't wait to let him have it:

"Yo field, what happened to your boy down in Washington? I guess 'the man' made his black ass know who was in charge" I am thinking he is talking about 5, so I make a comment about Eagles fans being vindicated. "Nahhhh, not McNabb, your boy, Obama. It's time he started keeping it real, field. He needs to realize who put his black ass in power. He forgot how he got there, field. He got to Washington and got new. You know how you Negroes like to do. Then he came around here begging us for our votes at the last minute, after ignoring us for two years. F&^% him! Come on field, blog about that s*%t! I bet you won't do it". I hope he is reading.

You Negroes are angry, and rightfully so. O got his ass handed to him by folks who won't be making your lives any easier. He had his majority, and dumbocrats being the wimps they are, blew it. The ones who did stick their necks out got their asses handed to them because everyone else was in retreat. And, if we are going to keep it real, Only Captain Smith of Titanic fame did a worse job of communicating than O's White House did.

Actually, the Titanic metaphor isn't quite fitting, because unlike that huge iceberg that hit the doomed ship on the night of April 14th, we actually saw this one coming. The republi-clowns made it clear that they wanted his O ness to fail from day one. So they don't mind if the Titanic goes down, they all have lifeboats. The wealthy and the well connected always do. It's those poor folks caught in the bowels of the ship who will perish.


  1. As Dr. Phil likes to say "How's that working for you." This is what I'd like to say to the folks who couldn't or didn't vote as they did in 2008. Yes they may want and alternative, but it isn't in place, so they would rather have the party of NO and disruption and consumption as an alternative. Can talk about the man now, but could you have at least stood up and made yourself known, but you were waiting for his Blackness to be bestowed upon you. To have him kiss your ass, to bow down and ask what can I only do for you. Not to worry, if it get serious in the repeal of the 14th amendment with the constitutionality of the Civil Rights Laws questioned or the next time around there wont be enough people to renew the voting rights act or if you need that Birth control refill and your Pharmacist for the day can't in good conscious fill it. Not to worry, because you can always say that the man didn't look out for us, so its all good.

  2. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Stop your whining, Field. Now that grownups are back in charge of the House, the country will stop going to shit.

    Not that anything can be fixed - yet. Don't forget leftist democrats still control the Presidency and the Senate.

    but you can cheer up. Now that the worst Stalinist pogroms can be stopped, America will get back to business and the economy will finally get better. And just who do you think will be there to take the credit come next election? Just like with Slick Willie, losing the congress will get Obama his second term.

  3. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Hathor: With all due respect, the idea that black people's right to vote is in any way contingent on the Voting Rights Act is ridiculous, as is the idea that it will lapse in the foreseeble future. The idea that the 14th ammendment is going to be repealed is even stupider.

  4. anon8:05,

    That's what some of the candidates that have been elected see as viable possibilities.

    I understand what it take to actually repeal the amendment and why I did not say that it would be appealed. I said it might just get seriously considered.

  5. PilotX8:14 PM

    Grownups? I think it was 1996 the last time I heard a Republican say anything resembling an adult remark. Democrat party? Somebody needs to grow up alright.

  6. Anonymous8:19 PM

    You need to get out more, PilotX.

    Socialism is the ideology of kindergartners. it's time to man up.

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I think there is this saying that exemplifies this whole thing.
    "I do not belong to a politically organized party. I am a Democrat."
    I am not going to blame anyone, but Congress has to pass legislation to stay in office. They can't just be the obstructive party. I think they should take solace in the 1948 Dewey v. Truman election. They were so sure that the Repubs were going to take the white house again after taking Congress, but that backfired...big time.

  8. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Change is over.

  9. Funny how the Right Wing Tea Party freaks want the same thing that rich old white men. Also, its interesting that most of the Tea Party stars weren't ordinary citizens, but business tycoons with no grasp of political reality (Fiorina, Whitman, Palladino), career GOP operatives and state party hacks (Sharon Angle), straight up whack jobs (Art Robinson) or wanna be media talking heads (O'Donnell).

    There were no 'Joe the Plumber' types in this election. As much as folks wanted to call this a grassroots uprising, I call you on that bull. Sure, regular folks showed up to vote these clowns in, simply because the majority of Americans are frustrated and politically naive. (And some case, some voters are just plain evil, cynical and/or delusional.)

    Now for all the 'average Americans' that voted these ass clowns in - you've been had and don't say moderates and liberals didn't warn you about these jokers. You may have lower taxes, but to pay for the deficit these creeps will try to slash everything from Medicare to Student Loans -- basically things that keep working families afloat.

    Lawrence O'Donnell made a smart point last night about the Debt ceiling and how the Tea Party will react. Will these right wing goobers do what's necessary to keep the country afloat. Or, for the sake of screwing over Obama, will they let the country default on its debt and basically send us into a worldwide meltdown, again?

    The GOP of yesterday? Sure, they'll hold their nose to support Democrats if their arms are twisted hard enough. They were conservatives, but not assh**.

    Today's Tea Party/Proto-Fascist Right, Obama could pull a Royce Grace style move and snap their political arm in three places -- they'd still rather watch things burn to the ground than give 'that liberal Ivy League Kenyan Muslim Socialist' a victory.

    These are the same Tea Party backed loons who stopped funding on a defense build because it had provision to end DADT. To flip off LBGTQ people, the GOP would defund the military in a time of war.
    And there will Tea Party Movement nitwits cheering this nonsense on.

    No one ever went broke overestimating the stupidity of the American people.

  10. "Change is over"

    It never really came. Not how I wanted it. :(

    "Stop your whining, Field. Now that grownups are back in charge of the House, the country will stop going to shit."

    Funny, it stunk a lot more under W.

  11. "Lawrence O'Donnell made a smart point last night about the Debt ceiling and how the Tea Party will react. Will these right wing goobers do what's necessary to keep the country afloat. Or, for the sake of screwing over Obama, will they let the country default on its debt and basically send us into a worldwide meltdown, again?"

    Yep. Let's see how Mr. Paul and Co. vote on this one.

  12. Anonymous8:54 PM

    "Change is over."

    What change?

  13. Trapped in SC8:57 PM

    Change is over.

    I know you wish that were true. But you know, with maddening clarity, that is isn't.

    The way conservatives are crowing you would think that something other that a typical mid-term defeat happened. Yeah, they got about 60 seats, but how many for those were blue dogs who took a stand by not voting for health care only to lose anyway? How much of that 60 seat loss was due to near 10 percent unemployment? How much of that was simple racial hate of Obama? How much of that was young people staying home because Obama wasn't on the ballot?

    You really can't believe that the wave that came over America was something other that old scared white people defending their misguided right to "keep the government out of the their Medicare!"

    You know that the Republican Party has about 15-20 good years left until it becomes a party of the south and border states. We all know that. You know it too.

    Actually, the tea party will ultimately fuck it up for the republicans. Unlike the democrats, who actually can get away with disappointing their base, the tea party won't be ignored, and they will cause the republicans to lose the middle.

    Like I said last night, enjoy it.

  14. The ones who did stick their necks out got their asses handed to them because everyone else was in retreat.

    From what I've been reading, it's actually the opposite: that it was the "blue dog"--right-wing--dems that got shellacked much worse than the unabashedly liberal dems who embraced Obama and the legislative advances that did occur since his inauguration.

  15. Wesley R9:09 PM


    I've been saying all along that Obama's 'communicators' sucked. As part of the health care bill, 2.5 BILLION dollars was issued to Black and other minority colleges yet noone knows about this.

    The first mistake Team Obama made was throwing Howard Dean under the bus after his strategy helped get Obama elected. But Dean didn't get along with Emanuel. You Chicago folks can have Emanuel, I don't trust that guy at all.

    Bachmann is just like all of the other Republicans. They use the Rove rules, just say the same thing over and over and over and after while it becomes fact. No matter how nuts it is.

  16. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Trapped in circular thinking said...
    "You know that the Republican Party has about 15-20 good years left until it becomes a party of the south and border states. We all know that. You know it too."

    Sorry loser, but a new future emerged yesterday. Marco Rubio won big in Florida. The nations first hispanic female governor, Susana Martinez, was elected in New Mexico, as a republican. Allen West, a black Reagan Republican, won in a very, very white Florida House district. And your very own south Carolina elected the second Indian-American republican governor. Bellweather states of Ohio and Pennsylvania returned to the republican fold, and northern tier states turned a lot bluer.

    It's not just old white men anymore.

    Be afraid, very afraid.

    Change is over.

  17. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Field, ""Nahhhh, not McNabb, your boy, Obama. It's time he started keeping it real, field. He needs to realize who put his black ass in power. He forgot how he got there, field. He got to Washington and got new. You know how you Negroes like to do. Then he came around here begging us for our votes at the last minute, after ignoring us for two years. F&^% him!"

    Field, I want to commend you for finally posting the true feelings of 'most' Blacks, instead of catering to your resident IDs like Granny, Hathor, Mack Lying and the like. These types of HN follow nothing but losers. And Obama got his ass handed to him. And rightfully so.

    He threw you folks under the bus a long time ago, but you Negroes continue to worship O as if he was a God,-and a wimpy one at that.

    Well, the American people with some sense of self-worth and ability to "see" have spoken. Obama is finished and so are the Dems. What gets me is that the First Lady hasn't done anything either.

    I swear, there is nothing but a big mess in the WH. Well, two years from now it will be all over for Dems.

  18. It's not just old white men anymore.

    Actually, it is primarily old white men, they just got a few colored folks as mouthpieces. The game ain't change, only the players. Trust me, moderate GOP candidate, particularly minorities weren't getting past the lunatic race baiting, women hating fringe of the party.

  19. Anonymous9:20 PM

    TSC, "You really can't believe that the wave that came over America was something other that old scared white people defending their misguided right to "keep the government out of the their Medicare!""

    I am continually amazed at how you can mentally sculpture shit to suit your reasons 'why' people aren't voting your way. You are such a dreamer. No kid can match you.

  20. Anonymous9:22 PM

    TSC, "You know that the Republican Party has about 15-20 good years left until it becomes a party of the south and border states. We all know that. You know it too.

    Actually, the tea party will ultimately fuck it up for the republicans. Unlike the democrats, who actually can get away with disappointing their base, the tea party won't be ignored, and they will cause the republicans to lose the middle."

    Dream on, kid, dream on.

  21. Anonymous9:25 PM

    LAC: There is a whole new talent pool of minority and female candidates rising in the GOP. And some pretty talented not so old white guys too. Embrace your misconceptions. It will make 2012 that much easier.

    Muah hahahahahah!

  22. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Isn't it interesting that Granny is no where around? guess she finally woke up and realized she was on the wrong

  23. Anonymous9:30 PM

    anon true what you said. Old thinking Negroes like LAC, Hathor and TSC just don't get it.

  24. anon 9:12

    Maybe if you had something worth saying, you would stop calling my name.

  25. You too

    9:25 and others who have no original thought.

  26. Gregory9:38 PM

    I think what your anony freepers fail to grasp is that the Tea Party cost the GOP the Senate. The Tan Man's agenda is not going anywhere fast.

    It was an undeniably big victory in the House, but I give the 'baggers about a month before they are fighting with their GOP colleagues, once the reality of life in DC settles on them. Until then, party on.

  27. Anonymous said...

    LAC: There is a whole new talent pool of minority and female candidates rising in the GOP. And some pretty talented not so old white guys too. Embrace your misconceptions. It will make 2012 that much easier.

    I got two names for you - Colin Powell and JC Watts. Once those two of your 'new talent pool' step off the right wing plantation and had the nerve to point out the racism within the Republican party, they were put out

  28. Anonymous9:49 PM

    PA picked Toomey who promises to end their Social Security, steal their pensions, ship as many manufacturing jobs as possible to China...but there won't be any of that eveel Yurpean Socialismitics!
    Confusing Stalin with Scandinavian Socialism seem to indicate a mental aberration...if not illness. And claiming that Randian self-indulgence is more adult than the fairness encountered in kindergarten explains why the writer still can't find a decent chattel.


  29. Anonymous9:50 PM

    What we saw yesterday was a renewed commitment to the American ideals of personal liberty. The Tea Party is still a little rough around the edges, but they have successfully completed Phase 1 of returning the GOP to its conservative ideals. Phase 2 happens in two years. This is a diverse, younger republican party that is laying the foundation of American resurgence. Those like TSC, LAC and Field who hold to the politics of racial and class resentment will be left in the dustbin of history.

    Change is over.

  30. Anonymous9:54 PM

    LACK said"I got two names for you - Colin Powell and JC Watts. Once those two of your 'new talent pool' step off the right wing plantation and had the nerve to point out the racism within the Republican party, they were put out"

    Waht? JC Watts was never put out and Powell was all but offered the Republican nomination for president. He left for his own racist reasons.

    Where do you get this crap? Keef Overbite?

  31. Gregory said...

    I think what your anony freepers fail to grasp is that the Tea Party cost the GOP the Senate. The Tan Man's agenda is not going anywhere fast.

    It was an undeniably big victory in the House, but I give the 'baggers about a month before they are fighting with their GOP colleagues, once the reality of life in DC settles on them. Until then, party on.

    Gregory, more likely, since most of the freshman class of 'Tea Party activists' were little more than nobody GOP hacks and bored billionaires - the real surprise will be for the conservative imbeciles who voted for these frauds and freaks.

    But given the fact the Republicans keep getting more craven and obnoxious every year (Bachmann looks she mixes meth her Botox treatments), you're right - these fools will self destruct.

    Let's just pray that they don't take out half the country with them.

  32. Trapped in SC9:56 PM

    To the various anons.....

    This wasn't a mandate, you know. The entire house comes up every 2 years. only 15 percent of the house flipped.

    15 percent.

    That's it.

    I know you want this to be a populist uprising, But it really isn't. People are mostly mad about the economy, and old white people will really be pissed when the republican-caused shutdown of government makes their SSI check late, causing the coining of a term political term, the "cat food conservative".

    If unemployment is 7.5 percent, instead of 9.6 percent in 2010, and the person everyone expects to the Republican nominee, Sarah Palin, actually gets the nomination, you fuckers will be in your garages with the car running two years hence, killing yourselves.

    You got a touchdown, but you are still down 14 points, and Sarah Palin's your quarterback, Rush Limbaugh is your featured running back, and Glenn Beck is your wide receiver.


    "What we saw yesterday was a renewed commitment to the American ideals of personal liberty. The Tea Party is still a little rough around the edges, but they have successfully completed Phase 1 of returning the GOP to its conservative ideals. Phase 2 happens in two years. This is a diverse, younger republican party that is laying the foundation of American resurgence. Those like TSC, LAC and Field who hold to the politics of racial and class resentment will be left in the dustbin of history."

    Ooooh. I see we have a CFC (cat food conservative) in our midst.
    Shut the fuck up, already.

  33. Anonymous9:58 PM

    LAC, "I got two names for you - Colin Powell and JC Watts. Once those two of your 'new talent pool' step off the right wing plantation and had the nerve to point out the racism within the Republican party, they were put out"

    Well, at least they are a lot braver than Obama and Michelle. They have NOT said a word about racism and it's been on fire across America.

    I sometimes wonder if Obama knows anything about racism in America because he AND Michelle have not said a word about it. It's as though it doesn't exist.

    So, at least Black Repubs will speak up about it. You Dems are too 'wimpy' and scared to mention it.

  34. Anonymous10:02 PM

    TSC said:
    "Ooooh. I see we have a CFC (cat food conservative) in our midst.
    Shut the fuck up, already."

    Typing throught the tears, TSC? what a whiny fucking pussy you are.


  35. Wesley R10:04 PM


    I thought about you saying that Obamas "wimpy response today left me disappointed"
    My father called me and said the same thing. He said he couldn't take it and changed the channel. I said he was chosen to be The First for a reason just like Jackie Robinson. Robinson had the temper to deal with those folks in MLB. Obama is like that but he needs to understand that everybody doesn't like him and get more hard core.

  36. DSmith10:09 PM

    Anonymous is spam, he/she is offering no real insight to the political hustle thats been active before 2008. Like the party of NO, come up with something constructive.

  37. Anonymous said...

    LACK said"I got two names for you - Colin Powell and JC Watts. Once those two of your 'new talent pool' step off the right wing plantation and had the nerve to point out the racism within the Republican party, they were put out"

    What? JC Watts was never put out and Powell was all but offered the Republican nomination for president. He left for his own racist reasons.

    Where do you get this crap? Keef Overbite?

    Oh, the selective memory of a Neo-Con. I'm not even going to get on how Bush threw Powell under the Bus.

    And the JC Watts saga came long before MSNBC, which is only about 5-6 years old. JC Watts was quitely pushed out of the Party when started speaking out against the racism in the GOP in 2003. He was the #4 ranked house member but was treated like the water boy.

    The second JC Watts mentioned that the Republican Party should end bigotry and truly reach out - he 'retired' and disappeared until recently.

    So long as JC Watts was a 'happy Negro' Republicans loved him. The second he grew a pair and demanded to be treated like an elected official and not window dressing, he was ousted.

    History Lesson Over.

  38. Trapped in SC10:11 PM

    Oh, the Cat Food Conservative is upset.

    Don't be mad.

    BTW,You are so right. I am a whiny pussy.

    Only eleven more steps to go. Then I'll be cured.

    You have the house.

    Now, take your tricorner hat off, Benjamin.

    You win.


  39. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Jeez trapped, just think how bad your gonna feel after the next election.

    Better come over the winning side now.

  40. Anonymous10:18 PM

    LAC: History lesson? JC must have put out very "quietly", so quiet only you heard it!

    the guys on sean Hannity's show all the time, talking up republicans.

    Man, you are a joke!

  41. Trapped in SC10:22 PM

    Seriously anons,

    You have been guzzling the Kool-Aid while awaiting that comet to take you away to heaven. Are you fucking serious with this cracker-jack, right-wing propaganda bullshit???? Those statements above is like an avalanche of diarrhea. I really don't know where to start. This is a typical and oft repeated conservative talking point that ALWAYS leave out the obvious FACT of this destructive policy that never worked yet is continually repeated. In one word: Deficits. According to Satan's boss, Dick Cheney, "Deficits don't matter"...of course unless they are liberal deficits, which by the way, there have been few to none in the last 40 years. The primary effect of tax cuts is to make the rich richer. Whenever Democrats talk about a middle-class tax cut, what do conservatives do? They scream bloody murder as if those who live paycheck to paycheck are "unworthy" of tax cuts and giving them this is a "bad thing" that amounts to a hand-out. Why is that? I"ll tell you why. The U.S. has the most expensive gargantuan military in the world. It is not paid for by having bake sales and car washes. It is paid for with TAXES! It is paid for by the taxes of 98% of the populace. A deficit is created when you spend more than you take in in taxes. Who had the largest deficits in the last 40 years?? "Conservatives", Reagan, Bush I and Bush II . The reason why conservatives are the biggest hypocrites about deficits is because the massive wealth of the common man is used to pay for our bloated military and socialism for corrupt bankers. You sinister fucks will never acknowledge that the reason we are in the economic mess that were are in is because Bush cut taxes while starting TWO wars; one illegal. Those two things are tragically incompatible. You can't cut taxes while having a gargantuan, wasteful military budget AND fighting two wars....unless the tax cuts are only for a few select people.... This is the conservative evil hypocrisy in a nutshell: Deficits are only bad if they are racked up by liberals looking to help the poor. However, deficits are good when taxes are cut, giving tax breaks to the very richest of the rich....all while our military budget expands each year...
    What stimulates an economy is people going out buying shit. Period. Cutting people's wages and tax cuts for the richest 1% has never done it and never will.

    Also, conservatives weren't all that concerned with "liberty" when they voted to maintain Jim Crow laws. Nor when Bush defiled and shred habeas corpus. The Constitution is a Liberal construct. Liberty is a liberal philosophy. How did conservatives "accomplish" the Constitution??? Your random, meandering grasping at straws to try to justify the sinister history of conservatism is definitive proof of its uselessness as a philosophy in this country. Conservatism has done NOTHING. It desperately tries to rationalize its impotence everyday. You have outlined that nothingness perfectly. It was a joke divorced from a punchline.

  42. I work at a medical firm and today we got "the talk". 23% cut in Medicare payments. Dr's screaming about bonuses. Anthem fucked us out of money because they bullshited payment (Shout to the Auditor - I guess). Dr.s are screaming. They're cancelling the Christmas Party. I'm Screaming because that's when lower staff get OUR Christmas bonus. Government or Private sector...**SMH**

  43. I'm gonna play Warcraft Footy Frenzy 3. Azeroth portal. Game name: Street_Pirate. Yes the underscore. Get at me.

  44. Anonymous10:36 PM

    "I must say that his wimpy response today left me disappointed. "Humbling"? You "promise to do better"?"

    Those are the words of a HN. Btw, you so-called Field Negroes have worshipped and followed him from day #1. Only HNs follow HNs.

    Field, you should change the name of your blog to House Negro. You progressive liberal black Dumbocrats are sooo messed up. You kool-aid drinkers are a joke. LOL

  45. Anonymous said...
    You kool-aid drinkers are a joke. LOL

    10:36 PM

    What color are your teeth from the Kool Aide you've been drinking?

  46. Anonymous10:39 PM

    TSC:"of course unless they are liberal deficits, which by the way, there have been few to none in the last 40 years"

    Wrong. All deficits have been liberal deficits.

    "The primary effect of tax cuts is to make the rich richer."

    Wrong. Cutting taxes on income incentivizes more income. It is not the governments right to decide who is "rich".

    "the massive wealth of the common man is used to pay for our bloated military and socialism for corrupt bankers."

    Wrong. The bottom 50% pay NO federal income taxes. None. And those corrupt bankers are Barak Obama's biggest donors.

    "Also, conservatives weren't all that concerned with "liberty" when they voted to maintain Jim Crow laws."

    Those weren't "conservatives", they were "democrats". And that was a half century ago, anyway.

    "The Constitution is a Liberal construct. Liberty is a liberal philosophy"

    That's the old meaning of the word, the renaissance definition of "Liberal". Today's liberals are marxists, and embrace collectivist and statist policies at direct odds with the constitution.

    Todays conservatives are defending the concepts of liberty embodied in the constitution. So, if you say you are a liberal in the renaissance meaning of the word, you are a conservative today.

    Welcome aboard, TSC!

  47. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    I work at a medical firm and today we got "the talk". 23% cut in Medicare payments. Dr's screaming about bonuses. Anthem fucked us out of money because they bullshited payment (Shout to the Auditor - I guess). Dr.s are screaming. They're cancelling the Christmas Party. I'm Screaming because that's when lower staff get OUR Christmas bonus. Government or Private sector...**SMH**"

    Welcome to Obamacare! Did you think this shit would be for free?

    Muah hahahahahahah!

  48. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You kool-aid drinkers are a joke. LOL

    10:36 PM

    Rttn Kid said, "What color are your teeth from the Kool Aide you've been drinking?"

    10:38 PM

    It doesn't matter because you are still a HN who follows another HN who apologizes to the master for being black and wrong. black liberals are a mess. hell, you aren't even smart but you try to be with off-the-wall rationale why you lost. LAC, TSC, and others are on jigging, folks.

  49. Anonymous11:00 PM

    anon said to RttnKid, "Welcome to Obamacare! Did you think this shit would be for free?

    Muah hahahahahahah!"

    That is hilarious! hahahahahaha...ROFL...ahhhhhhhh

  50. Anonymous11:09 PM

    @ Anon. 9:58PM

    Please see the speech in Philadelphia
    which was on March 18, 2008 showing Barack Obama's ideas on race. Just copy and the paste the
    following in your browser, please.

    You might find it more fitting to do a few Google searchs than to waste your time making comments which don't make sense.

    Aloha from Makaii

  51. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Proposition 107, banning affirmative action in government operations, won easily in Arizona 60-40 (with 92% of precincts reporting), carrying every county in the state except the Four Corners Indian reservation county.

    Viva Arizona!

  52. Wrong. All deficits have been liberal deficits.

    liberal as in big

    Wrong. The bottom 50% pay NO federal income taxes. None.

    Bottom 50% of what. 50% of those making over a hundred million, 50% of those making under $24,000 a year or 50% of the population, which I know are you are wrong on that.

  53. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    You kool-aid drinkers are a joke. LOL

    10:36 PM

    Rttn Kid said, "What color are your teeth from the Kool Aide you've been drinking?"

    10:38 PM

    It doesn't matter because you are still a HN who follows another HN who apologizes to the master for being black and wrong.

    I didn't ask you all that. What color are your teeth? Red, Blue or Brown?

  54. Anonymous11:34 PM

    @ Hathor: Bottom 50% of income level.

  55. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Aloha from Makaii said, "You might find it more fitting to do a few Google searchs than to waste your time making comments which don't make sense."

    Are you another Dem who is pissed off because you got your asses handed to you?

    I vaguely remember Obama trying to have a 'teachable moment' about racism when it impacted his friend Gates, but he folded like a Kimona in a soft breeze and ended up having a beer before the nation with the offending cop.

    Today he folded again. He tends to wilt, doesn't he? He is too docile for my conservative taste. But you liberal progressive black Dems are attracted to people like that. What gives?

    And why are you in Hawaii? there are hardly any blacks out there. Are you lost? Better hurry back to Philly where progressive liberal black life is good.:) least that's the impression I get from Field.:)

  56. Trapped in SC11:46 PM

    Of what income level, asshole? Do you even know?

    How much do you want to bet that most teabaggers (i.e. working class whites) are the ones screaming about taxes while at the same time not paying their fair share.

    Blacks only make up 12 percent of the population, Hispanics 13. So the other twenty five percent who skate on their taxes are..............tell us all, anons?

    Too late.........TEABAGGERS!!!!!

    So I ask you all again, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU CONSERVING?

    Math is fucked up, ain't it?

  57. Anonymous11:49 PM

    RttnKid, "I didn't ask you all that. What color are your teeth? Red, Blue or Brown?"

    I lost my teeth years ago because I couldn't afford dental insurance. Fortunately, I ran into a conservative Black Repub who showed me how to make a LOT of money.

    So my teeth are perfectly white. I am so glad I crossed over to the Republican side where people know how to make money and take care of themselves.....It's heaven.

    Did I answer your question?

  58. Anonymous11:54 PM

    TSC, "How much do you want to bet that most teabaggers (i.e. working class whites) are the ones screaming about taxes while at the same time not paying their fair share."

    That is a ball face lie. Tea Party people always pay their fair share of taxes. They are fair minded and honest people...true Americans. They are not phony. They are the real deal. That's why the American people voted for them.

  59. Anonymous11:56 PM

    TSC: "Math is fucked up, ain't it?"

    You are pretty fucked up, aren't you? Who said anything about race? The point is the "rich" pay all the taxes.

    Conservatives are conserving the political, legal, and moral system that has produced the richest, strongest, most free nation on earth.

    Now go back to your teabagging, you limp-dicked ball sucker, you.

    Muah hahahahahahah!

  60. anon 11:34,

    What would that be? The median income? 50% of income level could be 500 million dollars?

    Median household income 2008 as per US Census was $52,029. It may be possible that some paid no federal taxes, not that zero households paid no taxes. I certainly did and I am sure that I've been under the median house hold income and have paid federal taxes for 35 years. I may even owe federal taxes on my retirement income, sure as hell will when Social Security is included.

    I sometimes wonder when people spout this stuff about the deficit, the National debt and taxes do they do any research or are they so rich (have money that's not income and many tax shelters)or so poor that they don't pay taxes or bother to know what they pay.

  61. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Field, that photo in your post show men who are accustomed to power and know what to do with it.
    For the last time, please cross over and become a winner. Join the Repubs and Tea Party. You'll be glad you did.:) Michael Steele will attest to that.

  62. The point is the "rich" pay all the taxes.

    When Richard Nixon was President and had some of income from the sale of his book, he paid less taxes than my middle class parents with 2 more dependents than he.

  63. Anonymous12:17 AM

    Hathor said...
    "I sometimes wonder when people spout this stuff about the deficit, the National debt and taxes do they do any research"

    Here you go, Hathor.

  64. Anonymous12:19 AM

    I bet Jody is crying her eyes out. I feel so sorry for her because she worked so hard to prevent this landslide from happening. The Tea Party was and is too powerful for Dems.

  65. anon12:17,

    2.7 to 4.0% is hardly zero, which that statement implied by saying: "... NO federal income taxes.none"

  66. Anonymous12:28 AM

    @ Hathor: you're kidding, right?

  67. anon 12:28

    You must not read the link or the comment to ask that, or is it that your comprehension skill is failing you.

  68. Anonymous1:06 AM

    AnonPUSSY, Viagra must of stop working for you!

    You are always the first to bring your ass here every day to get your stick hard the truth of the matter is YOU LOVE all this blackness in the Fields. You are the ultimate scholar when it comes to black people. I am in awe of your knowledge of the country, especially when it comes to black people, I am learning so much from you. STOP being a COWARD; it is time to get your ass a tag name, so the readers in the Field can separate your punk ass from legitimate occasional Anon commenter.

    I know this post will give you an orgasm like one you never had before! In the infamous words of the Queen Tea Bagger/Republican fame, whore Palin "MAN UP!"

    LMBAO on your nerves to call someone a pussy, Trap, Lac, Hathor, etc.., identifiable, if you are going to engage drop the Anon you still have the shield of your computer!

    Brown Eyes Beauty ;-)


    See how simple that is!

  69. fn:

    hobama has not made our lives "any easier".

    he made our lives harder than any prez before him as he bilked us for banksters and pharma corps.

    he also reminded us each chance he got not to ask him for *hit because he was not our prez!!!

    hobama and his CHOSEN wm wall st/trilateral commission posse failed us on his OWN and he blatantly ignored us as he did so.

    karma is real.

    do not blame the republicans for hobama being more republican and elitist than the republicans are!

  70. never forget, hobama's cloned cuz gwb was equally despised...

    but he was despised by millions who had homes and jobs as they despised him!

    hobama is despised from shelters and soup/job lines....which does not make the hatred he evokes "any easier"!

  71. Anonymous2:41 AM

    hey ya buceta breaf asswipe what r u doing up so late? eye thought ur wife was keeping ur bed warm ya sack of dog shit!

    u have talked the loudest and aint said shit ya loser jump off a cliff already loser the world will thank me for the suggestion trick!

  72. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Seems the anons are literally hung over on their "victory". Good job, guys, you took your swipe at that Nigger in the Oval Office and come 2012, you guys are gonna drive his nigger ass out. I bet you guys wish you could do that with a pickup truck

  73. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Mmm, You finally wiped the stickiness off your hands and keyboard (smiling). Yep, you are just what I thought you were, a racist white sexual defiant who NEEDS to talk shit on a black blog to fulfill his sexual fantasies. You had plenty of people engage your Field fetish tonight. I know you want and need me to feed into your ignorance so you can feel like a real man, but YOU ARE NOT MY TYPE. ANNOPUSSY YOUR ARE THE JOKER here in this Field, Stay the BITCH ASS COWARDLY ANNOPUSSY THAT YOU ARE.

    Brown Eye Beauty ;-)

  74. So my teeth are perfectly white. I am so glad I crossed over to the Republican side where people know how to make money and take care of themselves.....It's heaven."

    And I bet some poor Third World worker making a few cents an hour made your dentures. :)

    "Proposition 107, banning affirmative action in government operations, won easily in Arizona 60-40 (with 92% of precincts reporting), carrying every county in the state except the Four Corners Indian reservation county.

    Viva Arizona!"


    "Welcome to Obamacare! Did you think this shit would be for free?"

    No, we didn't, we actually believe in paying our fair share. Unlike some people.

    I hope the Anons. are enjoying the moment. I only wish I could be around 100 years from now to see all the beautiful beige children that their offsprings produce....just kidding!! I didn't mean to scare you. I know that is what you right wingnuts are trying desperately to avoid. :)

  75. Brown Eye Beauty, don't be so hard on the Anon. I don't need a letter from the President of Anon. Inc.

    Some of these poor Anons are lonely and scared. It's why I provide a public service for them. I hope you can appreciate that. :)

  76. "Proposition 107, banning affirmative action in government operations, won easily in Arizona 60-40 (with 92% of precincts reporting), carrying every county in the state except the Four Corners Indian reservation county."

    With affirmative action verboten in government operations (i.e. contracts, bids, hires, etc.), one can proceed to block the hiring of Blacks, Latinos and other minorities on the presumption that since they are now to be hired based on their own merits, their merits are somehow not good enough to be hired or awarded any bids. White Arizonans can indulge in their fantasies of the Negro and other undesirable minorities being unfit and thusly undeserving of government work while not violating any laws or drawing any undue attention to themselves. At least in theory.

    This election proves how easy it is to tap into the average White American's fears, anxieties and lack of knowledge. Once you hit this vein of gold, you can lead these poor saps anywhere you want. The corporatists among us know that and have hence spent billions of dollars to shape this country into a compliant consumer paradise and perpetual kickback machine.

    "That is a ball face lie. Tea Party people always pay their fair share of taxes. They are fair minded and honest people...true Americans. They are not phony. They are the real deal. That's why the American people voted for them."

    Polite people will say the above is "idealistic". Realistic people will say it's a bald-faced lie. The Corporatist will simply chuckle and think to himself "Wow, these people really believe that shit!"

  77. The anons usually keep their messages short and sweet, so I'll do the same here.

    Four words: status quo, writ large. Enjoy the festivities.

  78. why do hobama nazis think it is truly OK for hobama to "bow down and kiss" and cater ONLY banksters?????????????

  79. The contempt for government will be the downfall of our country...I don't hate the government ..I can't understand people who are unemployed bashing the government and seeking cuts all that means in the real world is less jobs and more unemployment..

    I am not surprised by Obama's weak posture either It is true there is an aspect of his personhood that lacks grit and substance...

    The question is where does the country go from here...

  80. "This election proves how easy it is to tap into the average White American's fears, anxieties and lack of knowledge. Once you hit this vein of gold, you can lead these poor saps anywhere you want. The corporatists among us know that and have hence spent billions of dollars to shape this country into a compliant consumer paradise and perpetual kickback machine."


  81. Uptown,

    I read this quote this morning who said this Tina Brown??

    I no longer like to enbolden white folks at any level it seems backward to me to make them icons and powerful..

    I perfer to deconstruct them and open them up for people of color to observe they are mortal and can be defeated..

  82. uts:

    that quote details exactly how that half black hoax hobama duped a rainbow of voters!!!

    he will not fool the rainbow twice!

  83. so much deep suicidal denial here indicative of ZERO lessons learned even in a brutal OMINOUS dem defeat!!!...tragic:


    hobama and his banksters have destroyed america for decades to come including unborn paupers...

    nothing stinks like a half black man betraying and ignoring the black mongrels who worship him like drones STILL!...

    what hope & change????!!!

    when will jobless homeless hopeless unchanged blacks brew some tea???!!!!

    how many people are eating cat food now???? elders? single moms???

    how many starving americans would love some cat food now???

    hobama's speech on race was an evasion of race as he betrayed and dumped the beloved bm pastor he pimped for 20 yrs to earn a blackish persona in churchgoer hobama spent black slumlord cash with his fellow slumlord moguls valerie j and tony rezko...including his own home!!!

    no old white men are more ruthless and rich than hobama's banksters!!!

    "we have ALL been had" (& not in the way maria likes!) by hobama as we are unchanged and hopeless and poorer than ever!!!

    i will now stop asking hobama nazis to wake up
    i now know that you are going to sleep forever...shame!!!!!!!!!

  84. Rightwing Exposure 101.

    Can any of the conservatives on board explain what the GOP plan for economic recovery is?

  85. Anonymous11:13 AM

    What the heck are you talking about?

    Sometime reading your rants,they just don't make since.

    I think you need to redirect your efforts, towards those who are really hurting our people.

  86. clueless clucking assnon/maria:

    thanks for reminding me precisely why i hate hobama and his moronic blind nazi clones of you!

  87. hey--i did not post anything. but you already know how i feel. say something new for a change. or something that makes sense. or is on topic. take your pick.

    or, go away.

  88. Anonymous11:27 AM


    Once more a rant, and calling Obama
    half a blackman,does that mean you are half a Wo.... And I quote "SHAME" !!!!!

  89. Thursday, November 4, 2010
    After the Storm...

    Instead of paying attention to the talking heads in the media both print and electric I woke up after the mid-term elections and stared at myself in my bathroom mirror affirming once again that I define my existence and reality...

    I also realize the most important forces and influences in my orbit are those I allow into my circle of life. Political candidates are human scripts whose voices read words that are meant to solict votes nothing more but votes...

    My life is shaped by how I define what is progressive and worthy. I am still going to respect my elders, mentor the youth, love my family, speak to my neighbors, feed the birds and love this wonderful thing called life...

    The storm is a good thing reminds me of many things that are important

  90. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Teach our children to vote.

  91. Teach wingnuts to think.

  92. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Field said: "I hope the Anons. are enjoying the moment. I only wish I could be around 100 years from now to see all the beautiful beige children that their offsprings produce....just kidding!! I didn't mean to scare you. I know that is what you right wingnuts are trying desperately to avoid. :)"

    You read me at least, all wrong. I would love to see a future full of beige children, a merging of peoples and interests rather than continued segregation, a world where people make their associations freely and are not constrained by group identities.

    It is YOUR side Field that enforces this group mentality. YOUR side that clings to cliched animosities like a security blanket, YOUR side that labels dissenters as Toms and House Negros.

    Are there racists on the conservative side? Of course. There are 300 million people in this country, and the parties split them 50-50. Don't you believe there are some vile characters that wind up on your half of the fence? I believe the fringe characters on both sides do not define the whole.

    When it comes down to it, some consideration shoud be given to the stated principles of the other side, whether or not you believe it 100%. And it is the conservative-libertarian side that espouses a race neutral vision based on economic freedom and a commitment personal liberty.

    So come and join the side of prosperity and renewal, and leave behind the politics of resentment, collectivism, and state power.

  93. "It is YOUR side Field that enforces this group mentality. YOUR side that clings to cliched animosities like a security blanket,"


    It was your side who started mobilizing on November 9th 2008 to take their country back from the non-white socialist underserving hordes who they felt had usurped it and that has been the tea party mission all along.

    "YOUR side that labels dissenters as Toms and House Negros."

    See above. In addition if you can show me a black conservative who make a positive remark about their own people I'll stop using the term Tom forever.

    Anonymous, you can shut me up right now by detailing the GOP plan for economic recovery.

    You can't and you won't because there is none.

    This was all about taking down Obama and gaining power.

    Goobers all over America are sleeping soundly again secure in the knowledge that the white man's days in America are not done yet.

  94. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Field, "I didn't mean to scare you. I know that is what you right wingnuts are trying desperately to avoid. :)"

    Don't ever do that again! some of us have weak hearts and cannot bear the thought. What would our kids look like? Broad features and kinky hair? What would that do to the existing white beauty in our families. Well, that's part of the Tea Party stop that kind of interracial crap.

    Rand Paul would never allow that in his family. Neither would Beck, Rush, or Hannity. O'Reilly would go bonkers. Field, you are a cruel man...nothing but a troublemaker. And wipe that damn smile off your face!

    Btw, Mack Lyons-- you are a traitor. You, Race Traitoress and Maria need to see psychiatrists who believe in 'whiteness'- because you are lost, lost, lost. I bet you have trouble finding where you live upon leaving work at the end of the day.

  95. assnon:

    i am an entire female just as u are an entire moron.

    that whore hobama is half female as dl bottom male etc

    and he was smashed harder than ever at the polls tue...did ya hear?



    you are a whole wholly witless wigger...

    and this is not your blog.

    u boss "black men" in your bed but you will never rule fn's blog.


  96. "Rand Paul would never allow that in his family. Neither would Beck, Rush, or Hannity. O'Reilly would go bonkers."


    As if any self-respecting black person would want to mix fluids with those inbred peckerwoods.

  97. not a wigger, no black men in my bed. also none of your business.

    i guess it must make you crazy to be of so little value to anyone in this world that you have to attack anyone who disagrees with you the way you do! i really feel sorry for you. all alone in your little cell all day.

  98. Anonymous2:05 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Can any of the conservatives on board explain what the GOP plan for economic recovery is?"

    Incentivize job creation by lowering the tax burden and returning stability to the economic landscape. Let the market do efficiently what the government can only do inefficiently.

  99. Didn't Bush cut taxes?

    While expanding government.

    That's what got us into the mess in the first place.

    You're not saying anything, just smoke and mirrors.

    What's the plan Anon?

    What government programs are you going to cut?

    And if the free market is so efficient why did so many big companies gleefully take government bailout money?

  100. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Bailouts are not part of a free market. Those companies should have been left to bankruptcy.

    Bush did not cut spending; he was not a fiscal conservative, he was a "compassionate" conservative.

    Cutting taxes and reducing governemnt spending is a proven formula for expanding the economy and creating jobs.

    The democrats are pursuing policies that have proven to be failures over and over again.

    Now, change is over.

  101. "Bush did not cut spending; he was not a fiscal conservative, he was a "compassionate" conservative"

    Wasn't Reagan a fiscal conservative?

    Record deficits, mass unemployment, greater gaps between rich and poor during the 80s.

    This is a joke.

  102. priceless hypocrite hobama nazi maria:

    thank you for proving your rapidly depreciating value with each "post"!

    u r sinking faster than hobama's worthless american dollar!

  103. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Reagan was saddled with a democrat congress (house and senate)who refused to cut spending.

    Reagan's polices also ushered in a 25 year growth period.

  104. mareally reaching:

    your twisted fantasies about my superior life are as insane and inaccurate as your jungle fevered obsessions over the blackish beaten hobama...

  105. mareally a pathological liar:

    like hobama, u lie!

    i disagree with many people herein very respectfully...even fn

    respect is always earned

    that is why i will never respect wigger bimbos like you!

  106. Anonymous4:19 PM

    u unemployed fucking loser buceta breaf moron shut the fuck up nobody cares what u have to say and its clear ure a bully but totally dysfunctional in ur shambles of a life ya fool! hows that iq treatin ya loser?!

  107. Anonymous4:35 PM

    The midterms was just a downpayment and a beginning.

    And young people, many who voted for the O, are now listening to an alternative viewpoint. The O man couldn't fill an auditorium for a last GOTV rally, but Ron Paul spoke to a sellout crowd on a university campus.

    I have personally spoke to hundreds of young people who are "getting" that the Dem policies are going to screw them. There is an awakening, but it isn't trending towards the Dems.

    And Wesley, believe me, the Tea Party "gets" that so much of the legislation that got rammed through was cover for de facto "reparations", like the BS Pigford settlement. That sh*t is going to stop and hard. I eagerly await for a THOROUGH investigation of the Pigford mess, the "Clean energy" mess and all the other scams designed to transfer large sums to those "in the know" in the minority communities, while screwing over the white productive class.

    That's over too. Hope you got your "piece of the pie", cause the freebies are over. Bake your own d@mn "pie".

    And the AA community "still" hasn't learned that they aren't the Kingmakers the politicos like to pretend they are. The AA vote counts only where the white independent vote is split. I laughed out loud listening to the spin how the AA GOTV in Philly was going to bring it home for Sestak.

    Look back at the last two years and remember them as the high water mark for the grievance and race-hustling industry, coz it's OVER.


  108. Anonymous4:56 PM

    UTS, "As if any self-respecting black person would want to mix fluids with those inbred peckerwoods."

    Oh anybody on this blog knows that YOU would mix with a white woman anytime anyplace and it doesn't matter where she comes from. YOU are no self-respecting black person. In fact, you are a disgrace to the black race and most of all, to the human race. YOU are disgusting.

  109. Was it something I said?


  110. And Wesley, believe me, the Tea Party "gets" that so much of the legislation that got rammed through was cover for de facto "reparations", like the BS Pigford settlement. That sh*t is going to stop and hard. I eagerly await for a THOROUGH investigation of the Pigford mess, the "Clean energy" mess and all the other scams designed to transfer large sums to those "in the know" in the minority communities, while screwing over the white productive class.

    That's over too. Hope you got your "piece of the pie", cause the freebies are over. Bake your own d@mn "pie".

    And there folks is the Tea Party mindset - lets screw over the country because a Black or Brown person might benefit.

  111. The Republican agenda for the betterment of America, the one about wrecking the Obama Presidency, does that include anything positive about middle-class Americans...the millions of us out here who pay your salary and your life-time benefits, those who are jobless because their jobs were shipped overseas for corporate benefit, the ones who can't get healthcare because of pre-existing conditions?

    Republicans want to end spending and bailouts. The Republicans orchestrated the first bailout under Bush and their tax cuts for the wealthy are responsible for 60% of the current deficit and thats not counting the wars they started. Yet, they want to lay the blame on the black guy with MSM's help. Under Obama they had to pay it back and be held accountable for it. Bush did not require that.

    The GOP will pursue impeachment based on whatever false grounds they hope to find. Remember...Obama can still win a 2nd term. If they can remove him from office now, their 2012 problem goes away. Those who will become chairman over different agencies are tied to the industries they will suppose to be overseeing making it easier to steal more from the taxpayers.

    Less government translated means more unemployment only it will be for government employees this time. Yup! Privatize schools and end education for the average American unless their daddy is rich. End the energy department equal more unemployment and kill environmental responsibility with less oversight over pollution, defunding science, technology, and a range of other stuff the GOP and corporations hate.

    The missing millions of dollars mysteriously unaccounted for during Bush term was re-funnneled back into the campaign elections through chamber of commerce, military, and other organizations with the help of the crooked Supreme Court Judges to defeat the Dems and make America a one party nation. Yup, the GOP are the real gangstas. Now, sit back and watch how they'll try to model unemployment benefits after the new deal's Social Security Act that will allow only those with college degrees to get it leaving out minorities since those with college degrees are mainly the white majority. Does that sound familiar? A zebra does not change it stripes and those good old boys southern strategy doesn't either. Same old same old.

    The only thing I fault Obama for is that he is too trusting of some people that are stabbing him in his back and compromised too much with those who hate his guts instead of putting his foot down. Other than that his intentions was to help ALL of the people. His base got to impatient expecting him to do it overnight, when they expected and asked way less from prior Presidents.

    Nevertheless, the GOP main agenda get that *nigger* out the WHITE house. McConnell is being straight up about what their goals are with his hateful bigot self. So, the GOP can go back to business as usual screwing the peasants of Amerikkka. Good luck with the GOP folks.

  112. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Field, "Brown Eye Beauty, don't be so hard on the Anon. I don't need a letter from the President of Anon. Inc.

    Some of these poor Anons are lonely and scared. It's why I provide a public service for them. I hope you can appreciate that. :)"

    Field, I am beginning to suspect that you enjoy messing with anons. Nevertheless, we "humbly"(like Obama) thank you for the public service you have provided anons. We look forward to 'speaking out' for fairness and justice everyday! Thank God the GOP and the Tea Party has heard our cries. Many thanks to FN blog.

    BTW, it is rumored that Fox wants to present to you an award of gratitude for making the GOP and Tea Party campaigns a success. I know you will be humbled...Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Beck will do the presenting. Sarah Palin, along with Christie O'Donnell will be there to give you warm GOP and Tea Party hugs. I am sure it will be a very moving experience for you. I suggest you wear a diaper in your underpants to absorb any wetting that might occur.

    There are a lot of tickets being sold for this event. Surprisingly, more tickets are being bought by Blacks from coast to coast than Whites. Apparently, they really want to see this historical event.

    Fyi, no Latinos have bought any tickets, thus far. Apparently, they don't give a shit.

    Human Resources, Anon, Inc.

  113. yes, granny, you are 100% right when you said:

    "The only thing I fault Obama for is that he is too trusting of some people that are stabbing him in his back and compromised too much with those who hate his guts instead of putting his foot down"

    this includes the american hospital association, which "supported" health reform because they like the individual mandate to buy insurance (less charity care) and then turned around and gave heavily to republicans during this election.

    and the chamber of commerce, which shot down climate change and other legislation.

  114. Libertarians = John Birch Society of which the Koch brothers and their are affiliated with. If I remember correctly their dad was one of the big cheeses in that society. They funded the teaNuts. Palin is poison for sho! However, America likes dummies, trash, and bigots. Nevertheless, the people voted for the GOP to take over the house and most of them called themselves voicing their anger towards the Bluedogs, but indirectly played right into the GOP hands. Smart? Well, time will tell won't it.

    They couldn't find any dirt to smear President Obama with so now they have a chance to make up some false charges and his supporters that stayed at home and didn't vote and those who took the word of the GOP over Obama after the last screwing they gave America, well...they deserve the government of their own choosing this past Nov 2. Good luck with that!

    My only prayer is that the poverty level doesn't rise more than it did during the gangsta parties rein.

  115. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Everytime I read Granny's comments, I picture a drooling old lady with glazed eyes typing away, with stars, planets and little birds circling around her head.

  116. anon 5:49,

    That may be you that you are visualizing in the near future. Old age is an alternative to death, how you spend it, is not always left up to you.

  117. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Well, I hope I don't spend it inflicting my paranoia on others.

  118. Anonymous 6:02:

    I could care less what you assume about me. You assumptions mean diddly squat to me. All of your insults and comments are nothing but little minor distractions and your petty-ass wishful thinking that you know what you could do with.

    However, your comments let me know how much disrespect and disdain you have for the elderly. I wonder if you are guilty of elderly abuse because your comments convince me that you might be. If what I am thinking is true you are one sick cookie!

  119. Anonymous6:30 PM

    LAC, "And there folks is the Tea Party mindset - lets screw over the country because a Black or Brown person might benefit."

    No, you are wrong. They are not trying to screw over the country. They just want to exclude folks like you. It looks like they will succeed, considering they have no resistance from anyone. I bet less than 20% of Blacks voted. That in itself is a statement how Blacks feel about what happens to them.

    So you and Granny should stop your whining and accept what happens to you. besides, you are descendents of people whose parent's parents were once slaves! You can handle it. Come on, let's work together with the Tea Party and GOP.

  120. "Well, I hope I don't spend it inflicting my paranoia on others."

    Are you kidding?

    That's all you do on this board.


  121. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Granny, you sound depressed. What's wrong? This Obama, GOP and Tea Party thang got you down?

  122. For all the liberals who have lost hope:

    What the fuck has Obama done so far?

    But you know, Obama's a corporate shilling socialist who only give speeches.

  123. "And Wesley, believe me, the Tea Party "gets" that so much of the legislation that got rammed through was cover for de facto "reparations", like the BS Pigford settlement. That sh*t is going to stop and hard. I eagerly await for a THOROUGH investigation of the Pigford mess, the "Clean energy" mess and all the other scams designed to transfer large sums to those "in the know" in the minority communities, while screwing over the white productive class."

    clapping @ what LaCoincidental.

    Did Marna really write "white productive class"? bet she doesn't pay as much taxes as most of the black folks on this blog. :)
    Ahhh the wingnuts, I hope they enjoy this moment.

    "Field, that photo in your post show men who are accustomed to power and know what to do with it.
    For the last time, please cross over and become a winner. Join the Repubs and Tea Party. You'll be glad you did.:) Michael Steele will attest to that."

    Nope, I will pass. I just can't jig that well.

  124. Anonymous9:24 PM

    Field, Sen. Mitch McConnell has made it clear, that the goal of the GOP is to make sure Obama is not re-elected. Obama's response has been silent like a punished child.

    You must stop following docile bm who weaken in the face of the GOP. Learn how to transcend that paralyzing fear passed down from slavery that punished by the fury of the white man.

    Join the GOP and overcome your fear wm! Become strong. Conservative bm are not weak and afraid- like so many black Dems are. And black dems have a right to be afraid. Who is going to stand up for a bm who appears to be a weakling as President?

    I tell you, the Dems made a terrible terrible mistake when they failed to elect Hillary Clinton, the Iron Lady. She would have been kicking ass and taking names. Senator Mitch McConnell would be toothless by now.

    Oh well, suit yourself.

  125. Anonymous 6:35:

    Are you on illusionary drugs or are you seeing pink elephants? Because your imagination is definitely running wild in your assumptions regarding me. Maybe, you should try and channel your imagination into something constructive like a fiction or fairy tale books instead of wasting your irrationally, overactive imagination in your extremly weak attempts at amateur mind reading and leave the adult conversations to us grown folks. I'm just saying.

    FYI, I am a very BLESSED woman!!!! *wink*

  126. Anonymous10:08 AM

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