Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's about time!!

I am glad to see that the Scott Sisters will be free from their Mississippi jail after 16 long years.

I won't get into this story again, it has been well documented here and other places. (Well, some other places. Some of you so call pro black women bloggers have been woefully silent on this issue.) But let me say this: folks here in A-merry-ca should not get upset when people in other parts of the world laugh at the notion of "American exceptionalism". It's cases like this that makes such a notion a joke. A life sentence for an $11 robbery? !!!

So Haley finally did the right thing and decided to act on behalf of these poor women. (For the record, he did not pardon them, he marely suspended their sentence for medical reasons. Yes, there are conditions to their release: One sister (Gladys) will have to give her kidney to the other (Jamie) whose kidneys are failing her.) Is there anyone reading this who doesn't believe that Haley did what he did for political reasons and to ease the sting of his ignorant comments about civil rights, recently?

And I have to take a moment to rip Ben Jealoous and the NAACP. I heard Jealous on CNN praising Barbour for his actions and refusing to say that he finally acted, after six years in office, for political reasons. Come on Ben, stop it! You know Haley only acted the way he did because he is thinking about 2012. Most A-merry-cans still don't know about the Scott Sisters, but I guarantee you that if one of them had died in jail, just in time for Haley's run, they would have.

So Governor Barbour, unlike those other Negroes like Ben Jealous, I won't be thanking you for s^&t. You should have acted six years ago. The state you lead -and which you are a product of- did this to these poor women, and countless others before them. You get no praise here, and I hope that everyone with half of a brain realizes why you did what you did.

Thank you NAACP! Even though,as usual, you were behind the 8 ball, and it was race chasing bloggers like moi screaming injustice for anyone who will listen, who were in front of this story. Still, we understand that you are the official face of the Negro in A-merry-ca, and if you hadn't gotten involved or Haley hadn't decided he wanted to be president someday, Gladys and Jamie would still be rotting in jail.


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Yes, I read that also and am quite happy. It's about time!!

    It came to mind what I had read hear on your blog about him, and I agree that it's purely political.

    I guess he wants to known as Santa Claus.

  2. Suzan8:06 PM

    Now these are my Sheros. God Bless them and their Families. Jealous is a disgrace- plain and simple...remeber what your Parents taught you... be mindful of Folks and their names. I wonder if Carlson will advocate for this govenor's excecution... Thanks Field

  3. I'm with you Field, I won't be thanking Boss Hoggs for s$^t either. All I heard on MSNBC today was how Mississippi Governor Haley Barbor granted clemency to the Scott Sisters.

  4. Anonymous8:24 PM

    This event will raise a lot of questions for Barbour come 2012. It will make him look worse than Bull Connor. It SHOULD be an easy slam dunk for Dems to crush him. But SHOULD and what the Dems actually do usually are stupidly different.

    Ben Jealous is a gutless Negro who heads a weak and useless organization for Colored People. He is a disgrace. But maybe he is trying to become President of America down the road? He seems to be trying to play politics with the press and Americans of all colors, esp the Whites.

  5. Field,

    Those of us who knew about this case years ago and written many letters to Haley requesting a pardon for the Scott sisters knows he did it for political reasons. However, I am THANKFUL the mother of the Scott sisters lived to see this day.


    If you had not checked out my other blog I emailed you, when you get time check it out. It is getting crazier in my section of the the divided states. LOL

  6. It was political. People have been on dialysis for 20 years, so it is not apparent the she would have died or that the other sister is a suitable match.

  7. Whitey's Conspiracy9:44 PM

    Glad for them and their families that they can shed their chains and leave their cages. They're people again now instead of statistics. White Americans treasure black women above only black men. Our original sin still haunts our soul.

  8. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Field, "Is there anyone reading this who doesn't believe that Haley did what he did for political reasons and to ease the sting of his ignorant comments about civil rights, recently?"

    Yes...I do NOT believe he did it for political reasons. He did it out of compassion and love for the sisters. Why must you always put Haley down? He is an honorable man without a racist bone in his body.

    What's the use of trying to talk sense into you and your followers? A bunch of racism chasers like yourself and 'most' on this blog won't believe it. I bet you are all progressive liberal Black Dems, too. The Whites that used to comment-RT, Brohammas, Kathy, Karen, Maria, Grinder, Christopher, Jody and others have left because you so-called Field Negroes unfairly blame Whites for everything. Hell, even Frank D left.

    Barbour is innocent! Stop trying to make him into a racist.

  9. It's about fucking time. And to add insult to injury, the men involved in the robbery have already served their time long ago.

    That's right -- these ladies got a longer sentence then the guys who actually did the robbing. Ain't that some shit?

  10. Anonymous 9:52:

    "The Whites that used to comment-RT, Brohammas, Kathy, Karen, Maria, Grinder, Christopher, Jody and others have left because you so-called Field Negroes unfairly blame Whites for everything. Hell, even Frank D left."

    Don't fool yourself. The people you've mentioned are still here, they aren't commenting or don't have much to say. Although, a few of them post as Anonymous or in aliases. I discern their spirit.

  11. Sandy24810:29 PM

    I think the state of Mississippi didn't want to continue to foot the bill for medical treatment. JMHO. I don't see this as an act of compassion from the governor at all and anybody who believes that is just subjecting themselves to an old Jedi mind trick.

    While I think the sentence was not fair, it really gets on my nerves to see our people participating in armed robbery. When the hell are we going to learn?

  12. Wesley R10:29 PM


    Great post. The only thing a disagree with is your point if one of the sisters would have died in jail then most Americans would know about this case. The media doesn't report on cases like this unless the persons are blond hair and blue eyed. For example, we hear about missing or murdered people all the time, which we should. How many African American or other colored kids do we hear about in those cases.
    lol to 9:52. You should find a sports web site or barber shop to hate at.

  13. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Granny, "Don't fool yourself. The people you've mentioned are still here, they aren't commenting or don't have much to say. Although, a few of them post as Anonymous or in aliases. I discern their spirit."

    Granny, you're part of the reason they left...because you are a know it all who discerns spirits and what others think. You are truly one of those so-called Field Negroes who blame Whites for everything.

  14. Anonymous10:45 PM

    "While I think the sentence was not fair, it really gets on my nerves to see our people participating in armed robbery. When the hell are we going to learn?"

    Do I detect a FN poster with a conscience and concern about the criminals in our race robbing, killing, and electrocuting dogs? Well, it's a little late, now. We are infested with robbers and street pirates and dog killers.

  15. Anonymous11:04 PM


  16. Big Up to all the activists who have put in work on this. Yeah, Barbour did what he did for political expediency - nobody is gonna convince me otherwise. But it is the many faceless individuals who made this happen, folks.

    Take a bow

  17. Anonymous 10:42:

    "Granny, you're part of the reason they left...because you are a know it all who discerns spirits and what others think. You are truly one of those so-called Field Negroes who blame Whites for everything."

    Well...anonymous, they sure didn't try to get too fat away from me because they visit my blog too. BTW, I don't blame whites for everything, I am just straightforward in what they!

  18. Anonymous11:37 PM

    granny, you sound like a racist and 'who' of those mentioned is on your blog? NONE.

    You are just trying to get a couple days head start on negative judging Whites for the year 2011. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  19. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Field, "It's cases like this that makes such a notion a joke. A life sentence for an $11 robbery? !!!"

    What you fail to recognize is the financial strain people in Mississippi are under. It is a poor state and $11 is a considerable amount of money to be stealing. It has NOTHING to do with race, but the large amount of money that Field is trying to make small. It won't work. In MS $11 is a lot of money.

    In addition, in MS they are people with Christian moral values and Christian ethical PRINCIPLES: "Thou shalt not steal." If you violate that Commandment, you are to be sufficiently punished according to MS law.

  20. "The Whites that used to comment-RT, Brohammas, Kathy, Karen, Maria, Grinder, Christopher, Jody and others have left because you so-called Field Negroes unfairly blame Whites for everything. Hell, even Frank D left."


    I don't know why Brohammas and RT left. Probably because they got sick of advanced trolls such as yourself. Maria was hounded off the blog by FP, LAA and Alicia Banks. Grinder and poor ole Frank left because they got outsourced by the trolls brought in from Anon, Inc.

    Funny you didn't mention Constructive Feedback. He was good for the long-winded pseudointellectual sermon, if nothing else. People here got tired of that.

    "Granny, you're part of the reason they left...because you are a know it all who discerns spirits and what others think. You are truly one of those so-called Field Negroes who blame Whites for everything."

    "granny, you sound like a racist and 'who' of those mentioned is on your blog? NONE."

    You White folk sure do whine a lot about being "blamed" for stuff. How about you sack up and quit whining about those big bad Field Negros picking on you? You people make me sick with your crybaby bullshit.

  21. Anonymous, you should be nominated "DRAMA QUEEN" of the year! I swear! Smh!

    My great-grandbaby does not cry as much as you do. You've got me almost to the point where I want to send you a baby bottle.

  22. "What you fail to recognize is the financial strain people in Mississippi are under. It is a poor state and $11 is a considerable amount of money to be stealing. It has NOTHING to do with race, but the large amount of money that Field is trying to make small. It won't work. In MS $11 is a lot of money."

    If the state is so destitute that $11 represents a vast sum of money, then shouldn't the state and local governments be to blame for allowing such poverty to exist in the first place?

    In many other locales, theft of $11 represents petty theft, something that would be rectified with a relatively short sentence. One that is much shorter than the life sentence the Scott sisters received. Perhaps a couple of years max. Guaranteed if the Scott sisters were your average ordinary (white) Americans, they would have ended up with a suspended sentence, at worse. Or perhaps they would have been allowed to walk away while the menfolk got their just desserts.

    "In addition, in MS they are people with Christian moral values and Christian ethical PRINCIPLES: "Thou shalt not steal." If you violate that Commandment, you are to be sufficiently punished according to MS law."


    So, you're using the 10 Commandments as pretext for justifying locking up two women FOR LIFE, over $11 dollars. Alrighty then.

    I get the feeling that a lot of these people with Christian moral values and Christian ethical PRINCIPLES actually cherry-pick a lot of the shit they read in the Holy Bible. They pull out the parts that justify their own personal value system and conveniently forget about the rest, until they need something to throw at an "unbeliever".

    So you cherry-pick shit that allows you to see two women get locked up for life over $11 dollars and sleep comfortably at night. As any true "Christian" would do.

    Which lets me know you don't know jack shit about Christ, because He'd condemn your stupid ass for such self-serving bullshit.

  23. "What you fail to recognize is the financial strain people in Mississippi are under. It is a poor state and $11 is a considerable amount of money to be stealing. It has NOTHING to do with race, but the large amount of money that Field is trying to make small. It won't work. In MS $11 is a lot of money."

    It costs far more than $11 to incarcerate someone for life no matter what state you're in. Therefore the good Christians of MS cost themselves quite a lot money for a petty crime.

  24. khia2137:05 AM

    It's mentioned in several of the articles covering this story, that it was costing the state a lot of money for the one sister's treatment. It's never mentioned that this was just the right thing to do. Well, there you go. This wasn't altruism. This was cost cutting.

  25. @ anon at 9:52: speak for yourself.

    granny is one reason i come back to read. i left because i was constantly attacked and insulted by AB and LA.

    happy new year to all! granny, hope the book's going well.

  26. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Mack Lyons Said....

    You White folk sure do whine a lot about being "blamed" for stuff. How about you sack up and quit whining about those big bad Field Negros picking on you? You people make me sick with your crybaby bullshit.

    Now this is the funniest thing I have ever seen you write Mack. I shall save this and remind you. How you have taken another bloggers words and manned up and stopped your endless whining and crying. Crybaby finger pointing sure as shit woudl know all about that now wouldnt ya?

    If the state is so destitute that $11 represents a vast sum of money, then shouldn't the state and local governments be to blame for allowing such poverty to exist in the first place?

    THIS is what is wrong with the country. People like you. The STATE is not your mother or FAther. THE STATE is not responsible for people financial well being. UNless you are a welfare handout pharia who lives off money the STATE steals from those who create. The STATE or Government simply exists to provide minimal community services supported by the taxpayer and not support non taxpayers.

    This is the difference between you and adults who create. Now stop you endless whining like the little bitch you are and man up. Aint no daddy comin to bail you out.

    Oh and by the way. Glad these sisters are out. But in the end of the day, armed robbery where the victim gets beat is still armed robber and they dont get to get lucky and choose a lighter sentence because the guy only had $11, instead of more money. DOnt want to go to jail? DOnt rob someone with a shotgun and then beat his head. It's that simple.

  27. Anon 11:47 pm,why are u messing with me?

  28. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Field, "Anon 11:47 pm,why are u messing with me?"

    LOL. As usual, you can tell when I am messing with you. You are smart enough to see through the bullshit. It must be the astute lawyer in you.

    But I must say, you have some folks like Mack Lyons who actually try to make a logical defense out of illogical bullshit...ROFL...poor

  29. PilotX11:44 AM

    Gotta love Mississippi. Kill little black boys and civil rights workers you get community service, steal $11 and get life. Is anyone here surprised in the least? That's why those MS St. players waited to hit Hawaii before acting up.

  30. PilotX11:46 AM

    Anon is right, I could buy the entire state for $11 but who the hell would want it?

  31. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Mack Lyons said, "You White folk sure do whine a lot about being "blamed" for stuff. How about you sack up and quit whining about those big bad Field Negros picking on you? You people make me sick with your crybaby bullshit."

    I can see that Mack Lying is going to be as blind next year as he always has been. LOL

    Brotha Mack, I am Black, NOT White. I am a Field Negro who fights for fairness, justice and righteous. And yes, I am speaking out for Whites on FN blog who have been unfairly treated- and quite frankly, insulted by Negroes like you and Granny.

    I miss them because they had good commentary, far better than your your stinking illogical irrational pile of bullshit. Folks like you and Granny drove them away because you are jealous and insecure.

    Of course, you and Granny DENY ANY Whites are gone, despite the obvious. You have twisted minds.

  32. Anonymous11:56 AM

    anon is right. we need more color, more whites to add some 'color' to FN blog. it's too damn boring with an all black cast.

  33. PilotX12:36 PM

    Yep, no way we can have good intellectual conversations among just Black people huh? Uncle Ruckus has spoken.

  34. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Win-win for Barbour.
    'Release' of 'innocent' Scott Sisters for the Liberals.
    Dumping a shiftless, lazy don'wanna work dirtbag off the Welfare rolls for the conservatives.
    If either Sister goes stoopid...back to jail they go...with Barbour not taking the 'Willie Horton' penalty.
    Oh...was it really $11 dollars? Did they set up the robbery?
    It seems there is more to the tale than poore innocent gals.
    Perps lie...almost always...hoping for a sucker to bite.


  35. Anonymous1:35 PM

    PilotX "Yep, no way we can have good intellectual conversations among just Black people huh? Uncle Ruckus has spoken."

    No, we can't. Travis Smiley has proven that with the yearly State of the Black Union. Blacks only can see the 'black' side of things. Blacks have been thinking the same old intellectual stuff, with the same old non-working behavior, thinking and non-action for at least a century. Where has it led us? Rap music and hip hop music that demeans and denigrates our bw(and by extension, trashes the entire black race); black-on- black crime; leading race of out-of-wedlock children born; Blacks hating on Blacks because they think out of the Black-box(whatever that is); name calling-ho's..niggers..coons..bitches.. uncle toms..uncle negro, etc.

    Present day Blacks heroes such as Michael Vick, Marion Barry, etc. are the BIG attraction...basically anyone with cruel and criminal lives, we uphold. And we will defend those kinds of people to the detriment of ourselves.

    It is obvious that Blacks are in a trap they cannot spring themselves.

    We need new ideas, new attitudes, and new information. Judging by how we talk to each other and curse each other and put each other down, I really don't see much adult discussion with the INTENT to make black lives better. It just isn't happening. We are like a bunch of king and queen 'babies' name calling, yelling, and blaming each other. We don't talk 'to' each other, we talk 'at' each other.

    Imo, the salvation of the black race lies in a collaborative effort from EVERYBODY because-as a race-, we are in deep deep psychological, emotional and spiritual trouble. No 'human being' can survive in that sorry state. That state only continues to lead to more alienation among us.

  36. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Was a stupid deal, yes, political, and now roiling the transplant/medical world, violating rules.

  37. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The thing is that fat boy is forward thinking. You see after Katrina ,his state got a lot of federal money which he diverted to relatives and friends who kicked back some of it to him.His appetite now whetted ,he looks to the national stage just as how Sarah Palin realized the amount of money that can be gathered from a national audience of idiots. Thing here with our good old boy is that he has a nasty past. The sort of thing that does not go over well with people out of the boondocks so he throw a few crumbs to the blacks to make up for the shyte over the years. Why old haley was even posing with a negro boy the other day!
    Nice try cracker but the times have changed and your past is the granite monkey on your back that will weigh your plump ass down. You're a backwater boy and you will stay backwater.

    As for you tiresome "We'ers" who always seem to know what is right or wrong concerning blacks and are always
    running on about "we black people" this and "we black people" that ,if you play the lottery and win ,will it be a "we black people" won the lottery or will it be "I" won the lottery?

    Also, The NAACP sent me an e mail asking for a donation and I replied that since they mucked up that Shirley Sherrod situation I will be doing my contributions with the local black community in my area instead of contributing further to their bourgeois outfit. I received a notice that my e mail couldn't be delivered!!!!!
    If you're out there reading this Ben, I know "you" read my e mail but needed to pretend that you didn't.

  38. Finally! Those poor sisters. And as others stated, this was more about politics and cost cut. This entire thing should not have happened two those women in the first place, there was more inside the mortar than the pestle when it first went down. Despite my relief for these women, I hope come election day it still backfires for Haley.

    Maria said: 'i left because i was constantly attacked and insulted by AB and LA."

    What are you talking about? I have never given you anything that you didn't deserve.

    And here I figured you got a bright idea to do some airplane traveling. Let me give you an idea: If you travel within predominantly black cities, there are likely more black TSA employees. Follow that tip and you might finally get some black guy to finally feel you up.

    Maria, from now on I suggest that you just stop pressing the L and the A keys, in fact just dig them out completely. That way you won't make this mistake again.

  39. PilotX2:54 PM

    Black people only see the black side of things. Watch out, genius at work. No mention of the many successful Black people out there that even went to HBCU's and had Black professors and everything. I guess we are all just pant sagging, crack using welfare kings queens while all good white folks are wealthy, smart and smell good. Wow, I think Uncle Ruckus is really on a roll today. Surprised our troll didn't bring up 40 ozs. and watermelon.

  40. I agree 100% with this post and Field...can you imagine the injustices that didn't make the news and are ongoing especially in the criminal justice system.
    My understanding is that there are a number of small towns in Mississippi that remain in a time bubble.

  41. Anonymous 11:49:

    You have some serious issues. On top of it, you seem to be having a major identity crises.

    Nevertheless, if you were as intelligent as you think you are, you would even have my respect. However, when I read you comments, it's like reading those of an immature child in junior high school who jumps to conclusions and is overly sensitive and full of drama.

    You call yourself and claim to be fighting for righteousness, justice, and fairness, but those qualities seem to be lacking and nonexistent when it comes to your own people. Seeing how you're claiming blackness. In fact, you would give up all the freedoms blacks have fought for because you fall under the category of a massa pleaser, instead of a person fighting for equal rights that all human beings are entitled to on this earth.

    Even MLK would shake his head at you, and Malcolm X would have had plenty to say about you, but it wouldn't have been flattering, you can believe that.

    If a fellow steps on a person's foot accidently without knowing, he wouldn't know that he hurt that person if that person did not holler ouch!

    Your asleep at the wheel because you cannot even see what is going on right under your nose. There are some folks rising up at this very present time that long for the good old days when blacks had no rights and not only blacks, but other minorities did not have any rights either and that includes poor whites because their ancestors did not come from the king and queen's courts. They were indentured servants and were subjected to the same treatment, believe it or not. That's a part of history that they do not highlight and try to keep hush...hush. Slavery of the masses equals freedom for the ELITE.

    However, there are some things that need to be ironed out, because it is deeper than people think. That's the honest to God truth! I kid you not. Nevertheless, you do not have to take my word for it. There have been many times when I have sounded the alarm and folks ignored it, until it was right up on them.

    You can think what you want to about me, and might not like my style of expression, but it's not about me,it is about US! I'm not perfect and never professed to be, I have human flaws just like any one else because I am a human being just like anyone else. I am not here to win a popularity contest, but I am on a mission, and whether you believe that or not does not matter. And whether people know it or not, when it is all said and done, the game is rigged, and it is not just rigged against blacks either!

    I'm out! Peace! And may you all have a pleasant and Happy New Year!

  42. Oops, I forgot to add, the game is rigged, and not just rigged against blacks, that's just a diversion tactic.

  43. Anonymous3:52 PM


    how was your Kwanzaa? Is it over yet? Read the poem below and then wonder again aloud what would happen if you get to the root of what you are driving at. What would happen if you are succesful in continuing to segregate Blacks from the rest of America? This of course would include the financial ramifications.

    ‘Twas the night before Kwanzaa
    And all through the ‘hood,
    Maulana Karenga was up to no good.

    He’d tortured a woman and spent time in jail.
    He needed a new scam that just wouldn’t fail.
    (“So what if I stuck some chick’s toe in a vice?
    Nobody said revolution was nice!”)

    The Sixties were over. Now what would he do?
    Why, he went back to school — so that’s “Dr.” to you!
    He once ordered shootouts at UCLA
    Now he teaches Black Studies just miles away.

    Then to top it all off, the good Doctor’s new plan
    Was to get rid of Christmas and piss off The Man.

    Karenga invented a fake holiday.
    He called the thing Kwanza. “Hey, what’s that you say?

    “You don’t get what’s ‘black’ about Maoist baloney?
    You say that my festival’s totally phony?

    “Who cares if corn isn’t an African crop?
    Who cares if our harvest’s a month or two off?
    Who cares if Swahili’s not our mother tongue?
    A lie for The Cause never hurt anyone!

    “Umoja! Ujima! Kujichagulia, too!
    Collectivist crap never sounded so cool!
    Those guilty white liberals — easy to fool.
    Your kids will now celebrate Kwanzaa in school!”

    And we heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight:
    “Happy Kwanzaa to all, except if you’re white!”

  44. PilotX3:54 PM

    Hey Granny, methinks this is a humor troll as no one can be that obtuse. Even no-slaps wasn't this bad so it has got to be a Black person imitating a white racist but ya never know.

  45. PilotX3:56 PM

    Oh yeah I almost forgot, Happy Kwanzaa! Kuumba my sistas and brothas!

  46. I wrote about it Wednesday when the news broke and covered it for BlogHer during the summer. I'm glad they'll be released, but Barbour scores no points with me. He's a jerk--1.) The kidney deal 2.) framing the release in the context of saving Mississippi the cost of treating Jamie and 3.) for repeating the board's line about they're being no longer a threat--all his comments stick in my craw, and yes, it was strictly a political move on his part.

    But I'm happy for them and their mom.

    Don't get me started on Ben Jealous.


  47. laa:


    maria is still feiging angelic bs

    happy 2011!


  48. the scott sisters are free...

    now free the land and mumia and millions more!!!...

  49. mareally a disgrace to teena marie:

    the sista you wanna be passed...didja hear?

    as long as u are the kim k of this blog, u shall be checked chick!

  50. i am not the kim k of this blog; repeating a claim doesn't make it true...never hit on anyone. you are too narrow-minded and racist to think a white person, white female, could be interested in black political or social justice issues. many issues defy color. this is not a dating site. i am an activist IRL who has accomplished more than both of you combined who do nothing but attack. you will never bring me down to your level.

    all i have ever posted is on topic and not personal to any men here. ever. you all know it. AB you will be checked for your craziness as long as you are YOURSELF and LA will be checked for your colorism, racism and hatred of latinos as long as you are YOURSELF. you should be ashamed of yourself and thanks for stopping by to make my point...

    you both need a life--that's my wish for you in 2011.

  51. mareally a lying fool:



    i revere white female warriors over all media
    u and kim k will never be revered by me

    and we all see how uts and rk etc revere u herein

    funny how your "life" is centered around your exclusive denial and slander of black women...

    your arrogant ignorance is surpassed only by your brazen and eternal jungle fever

    may 2011 bring u the hobama bastard baby u covet

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. mareally a bold lying gnat:

    shoo fly!

  54. do you think i comment about you because you're a black woman? nice try! i comment on the insane things you say. i don't comment about "black women." and like i SAID THIS IS NOT A DATING SITE. i have three kids, i am not trying to have more!

  55. PilotX5:49 PM

    Looks like you were right Field.

  56. mellaneous6:03 PM

    Field ditto! Of course Barbour did it for political reasons. I am glad that he let them go it was about time.

    For the anon who says that Barbour is a good person and means well, the fact that he rewrote the history of the Citizens Councils-- which were notorious for maintaining the Jim Crow separatist status quo, by any means necessary --says that he is either a dishonest person or disengenous

    And its odd that anon keeps misrepresenting the point and the subject of many of Fields blogs. I have come to the conclusion that folks like him, hear and see what they want to see. Folks like him take every anecdote and inference out of context because they don't want to understand.

    In fact this socio-economic-political system that oppresses us all --which by the way is what most folks are talking about when they complain about the system not some poor or middle class white folks who without a job are just as defenseless as everyone else-- depends on working folks of all colors and culture to not understand whats really going on.

    And if anon was really paying attention he would see that black folks indulge in as much USA kool aide drinking as whites, they just want a bigger share of the pie.

    Most black folks don't care about gov't killing in Afghanistan or Iraq or if Coke or Dole murders workers trying to organize a union or that the cell phone, laptops and electronic gadgets that they love are made cheaper because of African loss of life.

    When many of them toast the New Year far from their mind will be the plight of the Haitians, or the fact that many in the developing world don't have clean drinking water, nor will they give much thought to the mother on welfare and will simply write off those brothers and sisters caught up in just trying to survive as just them n----s.

    And black anon you are right we need new ideas. Actually we need to apply the same old truth that we refuse to acknowledge and enact and that is, this system, as long as it exists and continues to perpetuate its inequities will continue to produce the outcomes which we disdain so much in our ghetto dwelling bretheren and sisteren.

    Restructuring, revision, redistribution and ultimately revolution should be our rallying cry. But of course we're too comfortable so we will continue to blame its victims for acting the way that victimized and oppressed folks have acted since the inception of class society( look it up)

  57. mareally way too easy:

    u disrespect and slander all righteous black women like me beacause my reality has nothing to do with your blinding jungle fever

    what you call crazy is sanity sans hot black stud sex

  58. Anonymous7:13 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hey Granny, methinks this is a humor troll as no one can be that obtuse. Even no-slaps wasn't this bad so it has got to be a Black person imitating a white racist but ya never know.

    3:54 PM

    And thats the really hilarious part. Despite knowing the truth. Despite knowing the depravity. You chose to attack the person who brings the light to you and say they must be joking instead of you for following a voodoo type faith. I guess BM's like you don't want truth. Then you still worship something that makes you of questionable intelligence and a laughing stock. Got any chickens around that you could kill to put a curse on me or guarantee your corn harvest in winter?
    Somewhat tribal I'd say.

    WHy don't you cut of your nose too if you really want to be different? I know it hurts but you definitely wont be like the man and you will be considered just as smart.

    Happy Kwanza Brudder. May your next corn harvest be one that fills the mouths of all women with hot curling irons.

    And since when is telling someone that they are nuts racist? Oh thats right. Thats your lame pathetic excuse for everything.

    How weak.

  59. "h yeah I almost forgot, Happy Kwanzaa! Kuumba my sistas and brothas!"

    Same to you, Pilot!

  60. are one of the bloggers out here who hold things down, so I was not surprised that you blogged about it. Now some folks, on the other hand, not so much. :)

  61. Interesting read here, folks:

    Scott Sisters Kidney Donation Threatens Organ Transplant Laws

    Governor's Deal Violates 50-Year-Old Donation Laws Outlawing Coercion and Rewards; What If Sisters Aren't a Match?

  62. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Haley Barbour ain't worth shit!
    Better get MISSISSIPPI's justice system into the 21st century Boss Hoggs.

    Good going Field, and I wholeheartedly agree about Ben Jealous, big fat, FAIL for praising this racist pig.

    all the best to the Scott Sisters, May God have mercy on you and your families.

    Happy New Years, Field; give Mrs. Field a 3Chics Blessings!

  63. Very interesting read, folks:

    Scott Sisters Kidney Donation Threatens Organ Transplant Laws

    Governor's Deal Violates 50-Year-Old Donation Laws Outlawing Coercion and Rewards; What If Sisters Aren't a Match?


  64. Rippa, thanks for that link. There are so many issues with this conditional suspended sentence issued by "boss hog". The medical ethics folks are saying that it's just flat out wrong.

    Big up 3chics! Same to you.

  65. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Was a stupid deal, yes, political, and now roiling the transplant/medical world, violating rules.

    2:24 PM

    I posted this this afternoon. guess it got missed.

  66. @Granny - you know it, ma'am. I'm still around.

  67. PilotX10:20 PM

    The funniest part about my stalker's post is the inference that celebrating Kwanzaa somehow makes this countr ymore divided. Well how bout I join a confederate group and celebrate the good old days and even party on cession day. That would make me a real 'merikkkan huh?

  68. Rippa,

    Barbour would be up there with other people who think the free market should guide the administration of transplants.

    If the sister was willingly donating her kidney and was not a match, sometime it is worked out so she could donate to a match and another match would reciprocate.

    If the one sister remains healthy it is a fair chance she would get a transplant in four years, since they have extended the doner requirements, such as being young accidents victims or having to match all six antigens.

  69. "A life sentence for an $11 robbery? !!!"

    The amount speaks more to their competence than to their culpability. They lured a victim into an ambush.

  70. It is a poor state and $11 is a considerable amount of money to be stealing. It has NOTHING to do with race, but the large amount of money that Field is trying to make small. It won't work. In MS $11 is a lot of money.<<

    Are you contending that $11 in MS will purchase goods and services that would be much more in other states? A house, perhaps. Maybe a car? LOL. That is so much B.S.

  71. Anonymous5:24 PM

    RT-"@Granny - you know it, ma'am. I'm still around."

    Oh, isn't it coincidental that you show up at this time? What happened. did you get an email from Granny?

  72. Anonymous12:01 PM

    PilotX said...
    The funniest part about my stalker's post is the inference that celebrating Kwanzaa somehow makes this countr ymore divided. Well how bout I join a confederate group and celebrate the good old days and even party on cession day. That would make me a real 'merikkkan huh?

    Ahhh, how does suggesting something even more outrageous even make sense to you?

    Stalker? WTF are you talkin bout. So someone calls you on reality and you flip to name calling, trying to infer they are the crazy ones. Remember who is worshipping what there Mr Ho Curling Iron, Toe Vice, Happy Winter Corn Harvest head.

  73. Anonymous 5:24:

    One of these days, you'll grow up and reach maturity, and you'll realize that I, the people who post on here, black, Asian, Native American, Eastern Indian, white,etc., and those with different lifestyles and religions are not the enemy. But until then, I guess folks will have to suffer through your juvenile rantings and ravings, or totally ignore you.

  74. Anonymous10:21 PM

    They'll both be back in jail inside of 3 weeks...

  75. I'm happy for the Scott sisters. I think the group that is going to suffer the most from this is the NAACP, because they put their seal of approval on Haley Barbour, even though he was seen defending the [White] Citizens' Council just a few weeks ago. If Haley runs for the Republican nomination, then we will discover IMHO why Haley was defending the [White] Citizens' Council: His family (and perhaps he himself) were members and he's trying to inoculate himself against that information before it becomes public.

    When it does become public, and I believe that it is the truth and the truth will come out IMHO, the Ben Jealous will look like a flaming A-hole for having been at a press conference with Barbour and for having said that what Barbour did was a something so wonderful that other governors should do the same.

    Ben Jealous has about thirteen months before the history of Haley Barbour becomes known, which is not intended as a statement of fact, but rather as my opinion of where this will go and what we will eventually find out.

    You know you have a popular blog when participants start to talk about why others left. Unfortunately it reminds me of the discussions in the whitosphere.

    I think there are Government-paid writers who visit blogs and try to keep the discussion within the field of what the Government finds acceptable. And they also seek to turn discussions into idiotic blather about who left and why.

  76. Francis,

    You are an web icon...Much respect from me.-)

  77. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Thank you for a great article. I was criticle too, like a lot of black bloggers, considering NAACP methods for getting in the press. But at the end of the day, the Scott Sister's are free, or freer than they'd be under that racist Mississippi system. I'm grateful to the NAACP, President Ben Jealous, the black bloggers, and everyone else who advocated to get these women free.

    We all know Barbours a full blown KKK politician, but we don't have to vote for him. The NAACP played his game, but they were most likely the last big step to setting these girls free.

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