Sunday, February 27, 2011

And the best actor award goes to Scott Walker.

It's Oscar night. Yawn. Mrs. Field is in another other room watching the Oscars right now, but I could care less. I think that of all the movies nominated for best picture I might have seen one: The Social Network. BTW, shout out to my homie, M. Knight, for winning a Razzie for the worst film of the year. WTF happened to you? Ever since The Sixth Sense it's been all down hill. (I see bad movies.)

I know that a lot of you Negroes are lamenting over the lack of people of color in this year's parade of nominees, but you will have to get over it. I agree with Anthony Mackie; you Negroes in Hollywood are too damn lazy. You need to start making and producing your own movies. Stop sitting around and hoping and praying that major studios will green light a deal for you. Make your own. There has to be more than Tyler Perry and Oprah out there. Jesse and Al care about black actors in "Hollweird", I don't.

Finally, if I was wearing a hat right now I would tip it to those protesters in Wisconsin. I must admit that I didn't think that they would hang in this long, but they have. I am sure that the wingnuts were hoping that it would be over by now. And you can sense their frustration mounting as their man in Madison makes some PR missteps. They have even attempted to make it racial. Yes, in the Twilight Zone of wingnut politics, it's black wingnuts who are subjected to racism from left wing liberals. But any confrontation to fire up the base is good. Blame the unions for putting us into this mess when Stevie Wonder can see that it's not the evil union's fault.

Since it's Oscar night I will stick with the theme and say that the phony governor should get a best actor award for his job of hoodwinking people into believing that his union busting tactics is about balancing his state's budget. If it really was about balancing the budget, he would forget about trying to end the right to collectively bargain by state union employees and accept all the financial concessions that the unions have given. But he will not. He is the main actor in this play and he is enjoying being on stage.

"Work it girl! Field come look at Jennifer Hudson's gown....."

I give up!


  1. amen and ditto fn!

    anthony is yet another black man i adore

    and my wife and i both refused to watch
    the oscars!...we just watched an old ice cube/baby shero bio film we love

    "the longshots"

  2. Anthony Mack just keep it "100% Funky" like my man, whose a struggling writer, likes to say. I just went to the Pan African Film Festival here in LA. Great films and good or for ill, Black people doing their thing. However, few of these films will get distributed. Why? Because rich Black Hollywood holds onto their money like G-Money and his Crack Pipe and Black audience won't go see movies that challenge them. They'd rather watch the next Madea BS come out.

    Since I've been in LA (two years next Sunday) I've been to two film festivals and seen three Black produced theater performances. Why don't I see more Black stars with bank coming out to support. Hell, forget what I've seen, how long has Danny Glover been shopping around his Toussaint Louverture biopic? Reggie Hudlin is shopping around Black sci-fi. Where are Will and Jada Smith? (Those two are serious geeks, allegedly.)

    But, I think I know the real reason why. There a few places on earth where Black people avoid each other than LA, and Holly-Weird in particular. It took me 6 months just to find Black people in larger groups than 10 at a time in Hollywood. I thought it was some sort of unwritten zoning law.

    Black Hollywood are some serious crabs in a barrel. I've never seen so many Negroes hate on each other so much. Its like watching RHWOA on steriods and LSD -- and just as much bad weaves and botox.

  3. Wesley R10:57 PM


    The Wisconsin Governor is doing his best to get Obama re-elected.

    Anthony Mackie is saying what I've been saying for years. Quit asking others to 'give' us something, and do for ourselves. TVONE Washington Watch today talked about that. Alot of African Americans are starting schools and programs in the community but the general public never hears about it. However, thats the way to do it.

    Sixers are over 500 now.

  4. PilotX11:00 PM

    Michelle freaking Malkin has the nerve to write that the LEFT is racist and homophobic? Dear god WTF is wrong with these people? Anyhoo Walker seems dumb enough to actually think he's right in this battle. Other governors are smart enough to try a tangental attack at the unions, even Krispy Kreme, but this brain warrior in WI is trying a full frontal assault. He's like the dumb kid you trick into hitting the hornets' nest with a stick. The GOP loves its dumb, the wife refers to him as the male Sarah Palin. Sad part is dumb people usually think everyone else is as dumb as they are. He showed what he was rreally up to on his "Punked" audition but we all know why he won't accept the deal that would balance the budget, we all do. Typical conservative, hide your true motives, badly in most cases. i would respect him much more if he just admitted he wanted to destroy the unions and be done with it. That would make his one year in office much easier for all of us.

  5. mellaneous11:06 PM

    Since its Oscar night the correct praise is Bravo Field, Bravo, brother.

    Field said:
    "the phony governor should get a best actor award for his job of hoodwinking people into believing that his union busting tactics is about balancing his state's budget. If it really was about balancing the budget, he would forget about trying to end the right to collectively bargain by state union employees and accept all the financial concessions that the unions have given. But he will not. He is the main actor in this play and he is enjoying being on stage."

  6. mellaneous11:16 PM

    -LAC you are right about the HOllywood types. I used to go to the Black Film Festival when it was held in Miami and it didn't seem like they were interested in working with one another but just trying to make a name for themselves.

    I think they are just reflective of the rest of us.

  7. px:

    even mm is telling rebel truths about hobama and blind racist leftists who excuse and adore him...

    and her book is a classic

    it is filled with many hard truths about hobama/his chi slums etc

  8. PilotX12:03 AM

    Yeah but MM is a bombthrower and is typical of the hypocrisy on the right. She quotes little known and rarely heard of lefties while the biggest stars on the right (Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, Malkin, ect)regularly use inflammatory language and imagery. It just comes across as Lebron James being mad at Kobe because he plays basketball.
    On another note why do their highest profile leaders either lie or don't know what they're talking about, check out story about Newt criticizing Obama for not "enforcing" DOMA. he is either misinformed or lying, typical of conservatives.

  9. mellaneous12:06 AM

    Field this article in Forbes clarifies the lie about public sector workers taxing others for their benefits.

    From Forbes

    "The Wisconsin Lie Exposed – Taxpayers Actually Contribute Nothing To Public Employee Pensions"

    "Gov. Scott Walker says he wants state workers covered by collective bargaining agreements to “contribute more” to their pension and health insurance plans. Accepting Gov. Walker’ s assertions as fact, and failing to check, creates the impression that somehow the workers are getting something extra, a gift from taxpayers. They are not. Out of every dollar that funds Wisconsin’ s pension and health insurance plans for state workers, 100 cents comes from the state workers.

    How can this be possible?

    Simple. The pension plan is the direct result of deferred compensation- money that employees would have been paid as cash salary but choose, instead, to have placed in the state operated pension fund where the money can be professionally invested (at a lower cost of management) for the future.

    Many of us are familiar with the concept of deferred compensation from reading about the latest multi-million dollar deal with some professional athlete. As a means of allowing their ball club to have enough money to operate, lowering their own tax obligations and for other benefits, ball players often defer payment of money they are to be paid to a later date. In the meantime, that money is invested for the ball player’s benefit and then paid over at the time and in the manner agreed to in the contract between the parties.

    Does anyone believe that, in the case of the ball player, the deferred money belongs to the club owner rather than the ball player? Is the owner simply providing this money to the athlete as some sort of gift? Of course not. The money is salary to be paid to the ball player, deferred for receipt at a later date..."

  10. px:


    i hate all neocons

    but i love truth from any source

    and no neocon has slain poor people like hobama and his banksters....not even gwb

  11. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Lets see union thugs in action....

    Union thug wants to perform sex acts on a 17 year old kid.

    If your a Jew and don't support union thugs, than your a bad Jewwwwwwww.

    Union thug hits a 17 year old girl.

    Rhode Island Union Thug — "I'll F ck You in the Ass, You Faggot!

    SEIU Protester to Black Tea Partyer: Do You Have Any Children That You Claim

    Whats next,union thugs? Gonna bring out the organized crime?

    Anyone got Tony Soprano's number??

  12. Gibson12:35 AM

    Simple. The pension plan is the direct result of deferred compensation- money that employees would have been paid as cash salary but choose, instead, to have placed in the state operated pension fund where the money can be professionally invested (at a lower cost of management) for the future.

    Many of us are familiar with the concept of deferred compensation from reading about the latest multi-million dollar deal with some professional athlete. As a means of allowing their ball club to have enough money to operate, lowering their own tax obligations and for other benefits, ball players often defer payment of money they are to be paid to a later date. In the meantime, that money is invested for the ball player’s benefit and then paid over at the time and in the manner agreed to in the contract between the parties.

    Mell, sorry this is all spin .

    The average salary for an MPS teacher is $56,500. When fringe benefits are factored in, the annual compensation will be $100,005 in 2011.

    This is all taxpayer funds by the way. The retirement plan has a significant portion funded/matched by the employer which in this case is us the taxpayers. If the teachers were offered to lump in a portion of the funds for retirement with elimination of the sweet matching funds deal then I am sure they wouldnt like having this pittance added to their salary and it wouldnt be enough.

    At the end of the day the real dilemma is that of effectiveness. In public schools in WI, take grade 10 in example. Only 41% of kids are proficient in reading and a shocking low of 28% in math. This is failure for high protected salary on the taxpayer back of the worst kind. Teachers are not effective, they are overpaid and if they were effective then we should give them raises. But not being able to hold them to standards and results or accountable makes them grossly overpaid for horrible results.

  13. Somehow I think all the unions will be wiped out and we'll all go back to about 1880 or so and then people will look around and finally realize who's holding them back. And then we'll organize again, with blood shed and all the rest. Every other generation has to relearn everything. I hope we still get to keep indoor plumbing.

  14. PilotX2:14 AM

    Gibson, is that the average teacher salary or the average of a 20+ year teacher's salary? Thing is when there is collective bargaining there are two sides doing the negotiations. Is 56K too high for a teacher? What is the proper amount IYO? If we lower the pay and benefits of teachers how will we attract bright graduates to that profession? It's already a hard and stressful job but if we also start paying them like crap and taking away benefits who will want to teach?
    @SPC, interesting you can find union "thugs" on youtube but no conservative can ever find Tea Party thugs/racists, ect. Interesting. You even found the one Black Tea Party member, now that's some good searching.

  15. mellaneous2:17 AM

    Gibson I hope you go to the site that I referenced it is not spin at all.You referenced one particular group or section of workers.

    Your guesses are incorrect! The facts say differently.

    There are some public dollars tossed in but not nearly what the propaganda would have folks believe.

    Please read the entire article as well as referencing if you can the actual language in the contract and you will see your numbers and your suppositions are way off.

    What little is actually pumped into public sector jobs from the public is a pittance compared to the tax breaks the rich receive along with the other subsidies and corporate welfare that big business rakes in yearly.

    But read the article at that the article references as well.

    Murr - you are exactly right the rulers want to take us to third world conditions where we have no unions, starvation wages and no rights on the job whatsoever

  16. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Field, "I agree with Anthony Mackie; you Negroes in Hollywood are too damn lazy. You need to start making and producing your own movies. Stop sitting around and hoping and praying that major studios will green light a deal for you."

    What you fail to recognize is the need for Negroes to get the approval of Whites in order to feel better about themselves.

    So it's not all about being lazy Negroes, although that is a common theme that runs through our race. Face it. Negroes aren't particularly known for being hard workers. Hopefully, that image will change among Blacks, Whites, Latinoes and Asians as well over the next decade as more Blacks become hard-working Conservatives instead of the ypical lazy-ass go for nothing liberal dem.

  17. Anonymous2:42 AM

    Field, I thought you were a movie buff. Anywany, one of the greatest movies I have ever seen is "The King's Speech". There is not one person of color in it, but the story, and the acting was exceptional. It will go straight to your heart if you love a very human story about a man trying to find his voice and over-coming his terror of speaking.

    It's a movie everyone can relate to, especially Blacks--even though all the actors are White and British.

    Go see it. You won't be disappointed.

  18. @South Park Conservative

    Stephen Mayhle DEAD
    Eric Kelly DEAD
    Paul Sciullo II DEAD

    They were killed by Richard Poplawski

    George Tiller DEAD

    He was KILLED BY Scott Roeder

    Michelle Malkin has a good UNION job why can't other POOR Americans? The You Tube of the FAKE injuries and drama is BULLSHIT.

    Now you are concerned about Homosexuals, Women, and Jewish people. Where were you and the rest of the Republiklan Party when they were being attacked by Beck and Fox?

    Some 17 year old PLANT trying to take food out of my family and friends mouth I would react the same.

    In the words of Richard Lennox Franklyn Thomas Pryor I would have told her to have a Coke and a smile and to STFU!

  19. Anonymous3:03 AM

    From previous post:

    AB, "morehouse college recently had its first wm valedictorian.."

    What you failed to mention was that the first wm valeditorian was also Morehouse's FIRST wm. You see, that's why they should not allow ANY Whites, NOT ONE, because they will set new records academically win all of the awards, except maybe sports.

    Keep the college all Black so that competition won't be as high academically.

  20. "Field, I thought you were a movie buff. Anywany, one of the greatest movies I have ever seen is "The King's Speech". There is not one person of color in it, but the story, and the acting was exceptional. It will go straight to your heart if you love a very human story about a man trying to find his voice and over-coming his terror of speaking."


    Mel.thanks for that link. Facts are always good.

    SPC, is that avatar your way of celebrating the 20th anniversary of Rodney King's beat down? :)

    "However, few of these films will get distributed. Why? Because rich Black Hollywood holds onto their money like G-Money and his Crack Pipe and Black audience won't go see movies that challenge them. They'd rather watch the next Madea BS come out."

    Will somebody please say amen, and pass the offering plate? I am in the church of La~Coincidental right now.

  21. Oscar for Best Impersonator of Muammar Gaddafi goes to:

    Farrakhan: Mideast uprisings will come to US

    By Becky Schlikerman –

    Chicago Tribune report

    February 27, 2011

    Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan predicted on Sunday that America faces imminent uprisings that mirror those in the Middle East.

    “What you are looking at in Tunisia, in Egypt … Libya, in Bahrain … what you see happening there … you’d better prepare because it will be coming to your door,” Farrakhan said in a booming voice, thousands of followers cheering in his wake.

    Farrakhan also called on President Barack Obama to allow protesters to march, urging the president not to attack innocent people when they do.

    The controversial minister spoke to a packed house at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont as part of the 81st annual celebration of Saviours' Day, which marks the birth of the faith’s founder, W. Fard Muhammad.

    The keynote address, titled “God will send saviours,” capped a weekend of workshops focused on health, preparing for natural disasters and unidentified flying objects. The Nation of Islam believes in a UFO called “the wheel” or “the Mother Plane.”

    Farrakhan has described a 1985 religious experience in which he ascended into a flying saucer and heard the voice of Elijah Muhammad predicting historical events that came to pass.

    For about four hours, Farrakhan spoke and jumped from topic to topic, citing religious texts.

    He praised Scientology and its founder L. Ron Hubbard.

    Farrakhan extolled the virtues of Scientology and its auditing process, which is considered spiritual counseling by its members.

    “L. Ron Hubbard is so exceedingly valuable to every Caucasian person on this earth,” Farrakhan said.

    “… L. Ron Hubbard himself was and is trying to civilize white people and make them better human beings and take away from them their reactive minds … Mr. Hubbard recognized that his people have to be civilized,” Farrakhan said to a cheering crowd.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. la coincidental, you wrote:

    Black Hollywood are some serious crabs in a barrel. I've never seen so many Negroes hate on each other so much. Its like watching RHWOA on steriods and LSD -- and just as much bad weaves and botox.

    Oh. Yeah. As if it's different for asians, hispanics and whites.

    As they say, in Hollywood, nobody knows anything. Luck is everything, and if some gimmick works once, others will copy it and the copying will continue until the gimmick stops working.

    According to news reports, the only memorable word spoken last night at the Oscars was when an actress said "fuck" on TV.

    Inasmuch as every word in those insipid Oscar acceptance speeches is scripted, you know she put everything she had into this "screen test", and the most dramatic scenario her scriptwriter (probably herself) could concoct was one ensuring media coverage lasting as long as celebrity media coverage lasts. In her case, a reference to her Oscar speech will undoubtedly appear in her obituary.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Mackie is both right and wrong. There are no major black owned studios, Perry being the notable exception, and even Perry has to go through white owned distribution channels.

    The issue is how it is possible (and more importantly profitable) to make movies that have a consistent appeal to roughly 14% of the population. It's not exactly the easiest thing to do. Like him or not, Perry has figured that out.

    It's very easy to tell other people that they ought to risk millions of their own money so that other people will feel better about themselves. Oprah and other people HAVE spent $$$ on Black oriented films with decidedly mixed results. It's not just Hollywood; it's also the audience.

    I liked Mackie's work in "Night Catches Us" but if he's gonna call people out we must ask has he risked his own wealth to produce, distribute, create or market black films? I don't know.

    But I do know the answer is not as simple as "Black people being lazy" unless we also want to accept that answer for the question of why aren't there any black auto companies ,etc..

  26. A CEO, a union member, and a Teabagger are sitting at a table with a dozen cookies. The CEO takes 11 and turns to the Teabagger and says "watch out for that union guy, he wants part of your cookie"

    FYI Field, the Koch brothers are setting up shop in PA.... organizers are already organizing....

  27. @LAC, I would LOVE to see a big-budget epic about the Haitian Revolution. But given that (with the exception of some of the Polish troops who switched sides) virtually all of the whites shown would be bad guys, how would you market that to a studio who is trying to sell the movie in North America and Europe?

  28. no_slappz said...
    Oscar for Best Impersonator of Muammar Gaddafi goes to:

    Farrakhan: Mideast uprisings will come to US

    Maybe you haven't heard but employers are weeding out candidates who are unemployed and who have low credit scores.

    Add to that the people who are going to be adversely impacted by the federal budget cuts and Americans are going to eventually take it to the streets.

    Of course you'll be serving at one of the Koch brothers' functions. LOL

  29. Remember something folks, when you give your money to Tyler Perry you give it to Rupert Murdoch. Perry works for Fox. How else is a studio going to give all that money to a Black man, unless he Toms?

  30. LAC,

    "Why don't I see more Black stars with bank coming out to support. Hell, forget what I've seen, how long has Danny Glover been shopping around his Toussaint Louverture biopic? Reggie Hudlin is shopping around Black sci-fi. Where are Will and Jada Smith?"

    You also have to wonder why blacks with real money and influence in Hollywood like Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey and Quincy Jones are more than willing to bankroll depraved, black bashing pap like "Precious" and "The Color Purple" but won't get behind black stories of triumph and uplift.

    It's maddening.

  31. @uptownsteve

    Eddie Murphy has been trying to make August Wilson's "Fences" for almost 15 years. There's also a Franz Fanon script floating around and Don Cheadle would be great in it. Hollywood don't want to show strong black people.

  32. Kid, some of Perry's movies are cheesy but I like his message of a strong Black man who stands by his troubled but talented Black woman. That is special, nothing Tommish about that is there?

  33. lying racist assnon:

    like hobama
    u lie!!!!

    racist whites like you really believe u r innately smarter than blacks
    black fools like illiterate kid reinforce such racist delusions...shame!!!!

    that is why zora hurston rejected integration
    she knew racists like you would use it to deny and sabotage black academic excellence
    how right she was!!!

    Packwood's mere presence on campus wouldn't make history at this school founded by a black minister and cabinetmaker two years after the end of the Civil War. Howard Zehr, Morehouse's first white student, graduated in 1966, and there have been dozens of other whites on campus since.

  34. Whether Precious or The Color Purple were good movies or not (I like them), it's wrong to see them as "depraved" and "black bashing."
    I like triumph and uplift too, there's room for both. But without movies like Precious and CP, triumph and uplift is an empty exercise in Socialist Realism.

  35. uts:

    u have proven that you are even more racist than kid

    by pretending u want more black films while bashing 2 black classics

    carry on nig

    see more on precious and black saboteurs like u...follywood has no monopoly on lost disloyal detached shallow inept nigs...

    u prove that here each day and no one is making films herein...

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. kid, you wrote:

    Eddie Murphy has been trying to make August Wilson's "Fences" for almost 15 years.

    Lots of people have been attempting to make lots of movies for the last hundred years, but almost none of them have been made. Meanwhile, history has shown that way too often stage-plays do not succeed as movies.

    If Murphy wants to make Fences, let him put up some serious money. Getting other people to risk their money is always a tough sell. In case you do not know, almost every egotist who goes to Hollywood to produce movies loses his shirt.

    There's also a Franz Fanon script floating around and Don Cheadle would be great in it.

    As if there's more than a handful of people who want see some white-bashing movie.

    Hollywood don't want to show strong black people.

    Hollywood will do anything that makes money. Cartoons. Computer-generated space aliens. Talking animals. Anything that makes money.

    Inasmuch as your idea of "strong black people" invariably rests on the concept of blacks showing their strength over whites, rather than, say, a black leader cleaning up a black cesspool nation in Africa, you're going to have trouble convincing the money-men how they'll profit.

    I did not see Invictus, but I believe it was about Nelson Mandela overcoming apartheid. In South Africa there was a special situation offering a platform for a black empowerment story.

    "Hotel Rwanda"? Depsite the FACT that blacks were hacking other blacks to death, this pathetic movie attempted to blame the butchery on whites who lived in Belgium.

    Do Spike Lee movies make money? Probably not. "Inside Man" probably did, but it took an interesting script from a white screenwriter, Jodie Foster, Denzel Washington and a couple of other stars to make it fly.

    Meanwhile, the head honcho running the TV show Private Practice is a black woman.

    As for stories about the Haitian revolution, well, since 1803 life in Haiti has been bad to worse. These days, life in Haiti is as lousy as it gets, which suggests that the worst thing that ever happened in Haiti was for that half of Hispaniola to get its independence.

    Independence for Haiti has not led to freedom or prosperity. In fact, the only time you can say that life was reasonably stable was during the 1930s when the country was under the control of the US Marine Corps -- which at that time was entirely white.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. uptown, you wrote:

    You also have to wonder why blacks with real money and influence in Hollywood like Tyler Perry, Oprah Winfrey and Quincy Jones are more than willing to bankroll depraved, black bashing pap like "Precious" and "The Color Purple" but won't get behind black stories of triumph and uplift.

    Wonder? Not at all. The decision is always based on whether the backers believe the movie will make them some money. You should get it out of your head that movies are made for any other reason.

    If you want to make a documentary about Frantz Fanon, then getting backing on that basis. But almost no one wants to go to a movie to get educated. So good luck getting money to make a movie that will put audiences to sleep.

  41. tyler perry has done more to improve the imagery of black america than any sexist racist gangsta loving nig herein who dares to bash him...

    his films showcase strong beautiful rainbow hued black women and feature educated blacks who love people who look like them and own nice homes etc...

    see more on tyler

  42. @Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden

    Part of COINTELPRO was to stop the rise of a "Black Messiah: and to pit Black men and women against each other. Tyler's movies do have strong Black Women just like "The Color Purple", his movies also have weak black men just like"The Color Purple". BTW, I'll give you $100 for every movie Tyler played a strong Black man.

    We need more movies on subjects such as Black Wall Street, George Jackson, Angela Davis, Elaine Brown, Bobby Seals, and others. Mr. Paul Mooney was right when he said that Tyler is the new Black Mammy.

  43. @ Alicia Banks

    Sister you seriously need to chill. When Stormfront gives you a "shout out" you definitely need to think about what you are doing.

    That's no joke.

  44. lying kid:

    there are strong men in every single tyler perry film
    tyler often plays them!

    u have probably never watched one!

    even hill harper was a hero in "for colored firls"

    even mr. evoloved in the color purple

    the african missionary preacher and his family saved celie's children etc

    like hobama boy u lie!!!

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. notthing is as cold as the hard truths u deny.

    chill that.

    den run tell massa his ice is colder u racist fool

  47. paul mooney is a dl flamer hobama nazi...

    how long as he been in follywood???

    where are his films????

    tyler is hated because he is rich and more successful than his peers.


  48. To you folk that love tyler's movie I want you to do something for a minute. Look at the You tubes of the old "Tom and Jerry" cartoons with the Mammy in it. You see her shooting dice, drinking, and carrying weapons. Now look at one of Tyler's movies with a white person next to you.

  49. nig kid:

    the same envious nigs like u who bashed madea...

    bashed tyler even more when she was absent from "for colored girls"

    haters never sleep.

    only well rested persons run follywood and the world...


    run tell massa to let u catch some zzzzzzzzzzzs asap

  50. @Alicia

    If Tyler made a movie with a actual castration of a black man you would by your ticket in advance. All Tyler's movies are visual castrations for black men.

    O/T: Anonymous shut down the Koch Bros. AFP site.

  51. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Slappy, you actually used Facts! Congratulations! Show a biz. One highly dependent on Fwee Market principles. Lots of desperate, poor labour who do just about anything to work (like take jobs from Woody Allen). Ever attend a cattle call? Each of those X thousand wants the same job you do. Makes for Ayn Rand moistness...and a very unpleasant work environment.

    SPC, Odd how your heroic alleged 17 yo brave hero manages to find a 'union' person who does exactly what the underwear journo wishes a 'union thug' to do...and uses Mr. Peabody's Wayback machine! WI and Koch are 2011...and the date stamp for heroic not-staged-at-all per Breitbart revelation was 2008.
    Tabitha Hale has no valid CV. But she does claim to have been a 'female accoutrement' to music makers. Sounds like 17 is a stretch. As far as assault...if someone stands so close to me that when I turn to IHaveaMasters to answer his non-question..and I have a sign in my is likely that you placed yourself there to 'fall' to the ground with 'injuries' suffered in an an 'assault'. Isn't it 'interesting' that as peaceful demonstrators make their displeasure with Governor Weasel known...and that most US citizens identify with the union...that there would magically appear a claim of 'union thuggery' by paid employees of Freedom Works. a wingnut welfare org.


  52. Anonymous11:02 AM

    GibsonTroll, where do you find your 'numbers'? A teacher making 100K? Average salary is 56K? Before you fib some more..what is the median wage of the teachers who are in classrooms? Seems you forgotterated to mention you added in Principle wages. Although they have more administrative duties and responsibilities...they are still teachers. is when you add in the 'benefits'. Like a gabillion dollars for the reduced car price. Seems auto dealers give unions volume discounts. Or the maxillion beans for the use of state parks. Just have to consider that a benefit and give it the the value of a DayPass at Mickey World.
    What is the test? Who takes the test? What other issues are involved? Isn't WI having a hollowing out by outsourcing? Teachers pay fact, in many rural areas of the US they are the largest tax source. So your puerile plaint of them being on some others 'back' is specious. As far as protected...the wage is negotiated at each contract juncture with the School Board. This is not logrolling by the CEO and Board...who give each other raises. What standard? How christian a teacher is? How close to schoolmarm poverty? The teecherating of IntelligentCreationismDesign? Grossly overpaid? By whose metric? Master's usually means at least double the pay teachers accept. We are getting a deal.


  53. Brother Love11:48 AM

    Let's see:

    February 28 is the 59th day of the year.

    So far, there have been 57 murders in Philadelphia.

    What? Did you all take a vacation or something? Slackers.

  54. With everything going on in the Middle East and the Maghreb at the moment, I can't think of a better time to make a movie about Frantz Fanon and Les Damnés de la Terre.

  55. mold, as always, you jabber away in a world of your own making. You wrote:

    Show a biz. One highly dependent on Fwee Market principles.

    You get only partial credit.

    Hollywood is a union town -- all the way. Every person on a crew is in one union or another. Screenwriters Guild, Directors Guild, Screenactors Guild - unions represent everyone. The cameramen, the sound people, even the people who chauffeur everyone else.

    The only people out in the cold are those trying to break in.

    Actors may get few roles, but who cares? Pursuing long-shot opportunities is an individual decision.

    I have ties to the Screenwriters Guild and at the moment I am writing a script about an aging black dreamer living in the psychiatric wing of a hospital who believes whites have carried the world to hell in a handbasket. But through some quirk of fate he obtains the power to put the whole world back on the right track. What does he do? He uses his power to create a global Zimbabwe.

    Lots of desperate, poor labour who do just about anything to work (like take jobs from Woody Allen).

    Like all film-makers, Allen pays union scale to his crew.

    Ever attend a cattle call?

    Acting ain't my thing. Why would I go? But due to the fact that a well known TV producer/director is one of my high school buddies, I've been on the sets of his shows.

    Each of those X thousand wants the same job you do.

    Not quite. When the casting call for "Annie" is announced, the casting director does not want to see you.

    Makes for Ayn Rand moistness...and a very unpleasant work environment.

    Ayn Rand shrewdly picked her way through Hollywood and managed to sell two novels that were commerically successful. The Foutainhead was a dreary film made from a dreary book, and Atas Shrugged is a collection of wooden characters who may soon appear on the screen.

    Her other writings are more interesting and much shorter. I share some common ground with Objectivits.

  56. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Slappy, strange how you conflate union workers with the Randian circumstances of actors. One might beleeve you are trying to sell something.
    You don't know the biz...or you know about Woody. It is a small world.
    Ties to the Screenwriters that like reading their website? Or is it the 'purchase' of 'screenplays' by beleeving christians? Nothing like 'acting credit' on movies made by Revrund BillySue to make me avoid any religios. Somehow these Entitled Narcissists beleeverate their crap spewing of Fundie dogma-poo is the same as doing acting. Meh. I'll take an off/off/off/off Broadway or a Disney clone. At least there is talent and the possibility of growth in the profession.
    So, you get set visits off from a high school acquaintance. No surprise. 'Friends' of the chef/owner/producer/manager/etc pull this all the time. It is easier to accommodate them if they keep quiet. People who didn't know your name in school will attempt to mooch off you...I defer to Kathy Griffin's description.
    You should give the entire history of Ayn Rand. Her 'selling' the books should do. Or would you prefer to offer other aspects of her life?
    Were you aware Objectivists are considered functional mentally ill?
    Telling folks this is like saying you agree with some tenets of NAMBLA.


  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. u r no ebert kid:

    i would LOVE to see you explain just how tyler's movies castrate black men...

    that would be worth printing for hilarity!!!

    tyler has never done a one woman film or show featuring madea

    she is always but ONE sole comic relief character within his rebel mix of great black role models...

    and TONS of wm actors have dressed in have other black ones

    but because they are not rich
    and beloved like tyler...u ignorant haters give them passes.

    nig kid pleez!!!

  59. @The Purple Cow

    Making a Frantz Fanon movie would be like the Matrix or Spike Lee's Malcolm X, it would wake people up and Hollywood don't want to do that.

  60. mellaneous1:09 PM

    @kid I have to agree with you making black movies that paint whites as the bad guy may be difficult.

    @ Steve I agree about needing to see movies about black triumph. But they won't be made for the big screen beca use its not what folks go to the movies to see, not even a lot of black folks.

    I am not feeling you on the Color Purple, however I saw the women in that movie as being triumphant. I think it showed that there is a clear class divide in our community. It was primarily upper middle class and petite bourgeosie black men that felt that the movie misportayed their class. But black men with money were indeed patriachal and followed white men in their thinking and treatment of women.

    The backlash caused a good movie,one of the best ever to lose a well deserved Oscar.

    But to your other point,positive movies about black folks don't do all that well. You should look up the box office sales for "Akila and the Bee" and the "Great Debaters"

    Reinforcements of stereotypes play well, look at the success of "The Green Mile" or "Precious"

    But black folks support the industry, they make up about 30 percent of the movie going audience.

    What has to happen is that directors and producers have to go the underground route again. Do the Oscar Micheaux thing and just produce good independent movies as cheaply as possible and market them the old fashioned way and use the internet and the many black blogs and websites.

    I think that Danny Glovers film would strike a chord with some audiences and he should do what he needs to do to get it to the screen and then go into the inner cities and market his product.

  61. Anonymous1:14 PM

    He does make money...and loves to dress cross-gender.
    His stereotyping is well known. Men are, at best, buffoons.
    Still...I think Rambo 8 through 20 are insulting to those who served. Rocky steps are for tourons. Can't argue they didn't sell. Must be the audience loves a inarticulate loser. At least the male 12-25 demographic.


  62. mellaneous1:22 PM

    AB said:tyler perry has done more to improve the imagery of black america"

    Has anyone watched "Meet the Browns." It has the most asinine scripts and black folks looking and acting as foolish as I have ever seen. Please somebody tell me that this stuff is even good entertainment. Its just updated Step N Fetchit.

    I think Madea is funny but walks a line but it has real plots that seek to make a point which I can work with. It has socially redeeming themes.

    But "Precious" will still go down as one that set perceptions about black folks back. Because while I don't like admitting this its true more often than not that the US working class is not trained to think critically so they lazily rely on TV and the movies and bad anecdotes to form their opinions about the world. Thats true of everyone in the US black, white, Latino, and Asian.

    Why do you think the conservatives are reigning in the political arena? I mean folks vote for folks who do nothing in the interests of the working class. They cut the rich folks taxes, they talk about cutting services for the poor, the ailing, the elderly, the young and even the handicapped. They promise no security no help for workers but more hating on women by trying to cut family planning. And they go after other workers who have a little more.

    --Jody you nailed it with that story.

    --Kid I feel you, the Tom and Jerry Mammy example is a good one.

  63. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Mell, the movie biz is like any other. They proclaim how innovative they are and they need tax breaks to fuel the creative work of business. Yet, they all seem to stick to the same formulas and crowd around buzzwords and themes that were good in the past.
    Dorky Hornet? TV show.
    Drooling slacker loser gets hawt chick...
    Natalie Portman as weepy preteen....
    Animation made for 'special' kids...
    Taking a risk...with other's money...unless it is real cheap (Boring Witch Project)...won't fly.

    As Stewart opined...funny first, politics second. It's a has to entertain. If you want to make Great are delusional. Art is a side benefit..


  64. mell:


    danny g has a great new film

    see more:

  65. @Kid

    Hollywood are not the only people that make movies.

  66. mell

    i despise all mindless tv sitcoms
    and chitlin circuit gospel plays/ghetto operas

    i adore tp's FILMS only!!!

  67. mell:

    ask any p-5 teacher

    we see millions of girls like precious each day....

    shaniya davis was no shock to us as most americans

  68. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Your hero, Danny Glover:

    "Glover sought to make a film biography of Toussaint Louverture for his directorial debut. In May 2006, the film had included cast members Wesley Snipes, Angela Bassett, Don Cheadle, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Roger Guenveur Smith, Mos Def, Isaach De Bankolé, and Richard Bohringer. Production, estimated to cost $30 million, was planned to begin in South Africa, filming from late 2006 into early 2007.[4] In May 2007, President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez contributed $18 million to fund the production of Toussaint for Glover, who is a prominent U.S. supporter of Chávez. The contribution annoyed some Venezuelan filmmakers, who said the money could have funded other homegrown films and that Glover's film was not even about Venezuela.[5][6] The following June, some Venezuelan filmmakers petitioned for Glover to reconsider using the funds provided by their president while the actor was scouting locations outside the Venezuelan capital Caracas.[7] The petition resulted in the local film guilds Anac and Caveprol being outlawed by Venezuela; the country's state-backed film institute Cnac was also instructed to sever ties with the guild.[8] In April 2008, the Venezuelan National Assembly authorized an additional $9,840,505 for Glover's film, which is still in planning.[9]"

  69. Shady - the only limitation is our imagination. Black hollywood needs to take a cue from hip-hop and the Nigerian film industry. Between DVD's, smaller local cinemas (they are a few that still exist) and Web-based technologies, there's no reason why small budget films can't be distributed outside of the mainstream channels.

    Let's look at Perry (God Help Us) and Oprah Winfrey -- virtually anything they touch will be gold (or at least platinum plated silver). Hell, they turned Torture Porn "Precious" into an Oscar contender and brought several works of modern (and classic) AfAm lit to American audiences. Will and Jada turned both their kids into mini media stars and through their not so secret Scientology ties, have access to Hollywood's major power-brokers. And Jay-Z is rich enough that he officially distributes his own records now. And that leaves out Magic, Bob Johnson, etc.

    Why not use that clout and power to bring powerful and positive images of Black thought to cinema?

    Its not like the money's not there.

    12.5% of the population is a lot of people -- 37,500,000 to be exact. 10% of that population could bring 60M ticket sells. No small money. We can definitely get on that "Chitlin' Circuit" grind. We did for Black Gospel, Jazz, Blues, R&B and Hip-hop. Why not cinema?
    Or, should Black Hollywood continue with minstrel shows and vanity pieces? The choice is ours.

  70. @ The Purple Cow

    Hey if Lenny Henry can make a movie like that I'll be there, besides he a Virgo like me and Field.


    The time "The Color Purple" takes place was when lynching was at a all time high. In "Schindler List" I didn't see any of the people beating their wives. I know that every so called "Black" movie can't be about heros all the time. Somebody has to play the heavy. spick Lee made the point that the first week a movie is released is the most important. Movies like "Rosewood" had their tickets stamped for "white" movies and the box office was innaccurate.

  71. typo I mean "Spike" Lee.

  72. Gibson1:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    GibsonTroll, where do you find your 'numbers'? A teacher making 100K? Average salary is 56K? Before you fib some more..what is the median wage of the teachers who are in classrooms? Seems you forgotterated to mention you added in Principle wages.

    Looks like reading comprehension also isnt one of your skills. No surprise there.

    "When fringe benefits are factored in" Benefits you addled old worm food include pension contributions etc.

    Although they have more administrative duties and responsibilities...they are still teachers. is when you add in the 'benefits'. Like a gabillion dollars for the reduced car price. Seems auto dealers give unions volume discounts. Or the maxillion beans for the use of

    Mold - Trolls have hairy upper lips, cankles and defecate all over themselves, I would look in the mirror if I were you. Go suck an egg you old rotten minded festering senile infant. You have yet to back up one fact, always spin, always talk down to everyone on the blog as if your pontificating gibberish is so clever.

    When you learn how to communicate properly instead of playing games and being insane then we can have a discussion, until then I relegate you to the insane land you dwell in and watching your gibberish I give all on this blog a stock tip, buy depends and invest in scooter batteries.

  73. Dawn Keebals2:01 PM

    You don't know the biz...or you know about Woody. It is a small world.

    Telling folks this is like saying you agree with some tenets of NAMBLA.

    Mold the filter between your ass and your mind needs to be changed again. Your still talking gibberish mixed with shit.

    What are you an actor/screenwriter now too along with your being a radio station owner/DJ, published author, departmental head for a large company, are one seriously sick individual - get help, seriously get some help.

  74. @Kid

    I was thinking more along the lines of Bollywood and Nollywood, the world's biggest centre for movie making, and the world's fastest growing centre, respectively.

  75. @ The Purple Cow

    I know that America ain't the center of the Universe. Lil' Wayne produces some "Bollywood" singers. The world is getting closer. I'm still waiting for a "Red Dwarf" movie to come out. America tried to make a all white version and a "ghetto" version. Hell England has more black owned Cable stations than America. They even named a TV station after a fictional black character, Dave TV. A station named after Dave Lister, you couldn't do that in 'merica.

  76. Anonymous2:25 PM fake numbers is fine..but showing them as fake hominem time? I do know what teachers make...and I can look up the total cost to the School District. Your numbers are pulled out of ManDumplings Draft Deferment. Even here some Heeyucks keep beleeverating the teachers make 80K. No. Median wage runs about 36K...tops out at 40K or so with benefits. From the School District budget. So...either the district is dishonest...or someone is lying about teacher pay.

    KeebalTroll, strawman? You make things up and then wail about how I could not do all the things you made up. Since you invented them...I really can't say. It is your delusion.
    You really should get used to the idea that some folks have done more, are doing more and will always do more than you. Thought you would have realized this when you were 'tracked'.


  77. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Cow, love the Bollywood. I did like 'Robot'

    kid, Red Dwarf!! Racist and rude and unapologetic. Stoopid good fun.


  78. nig kid:

    the day that whiners like you become as concerned about abusive black men in real life as u are with keeping such abusive black men omitted from realistic black films...

    that is the day the revolution will come

    wounds heal best in open air
    millions of white films feature abusive white men

    while whites heal their wounds
    nigs like u hide theirs as they fester...shame!!!

    cinema trumps censorship!

    wtfu and stop hating on tyler!!!
    he could not care less as he excels!

    one of my fav films is ""the burning bed" with farrah f
    i never heard one wm whine about marital rape/alcoholism/husband torching etc after that film...

    i can imagine how u would whine had that been filmed with a black cast!...



    ask any teacher/child svc worker/social worker/ER doc or nurse etc about torture porn

    they could tell u some common real stories that make the classic colorist film precious look like a disney film

    even the original autobiographical book PUSH makes it "precious" look like a pristine tale!

    wtfu and go visit the real world asap!!!

  79. This comment has been removed by the author.

  80. lying nig kid:

    re stormfront

    u and uts act like 2 jilted gay snow queen pros who strolled over there and got rejected

    like hobama
    u lie

    cc me a shout out

    and i accept all shouts for telling truths!!!

    just as i respect truths from any source

    i respect an intelligent kkk member more than an ignorant illiterate sexist lying beta male bitch nig like u on any day...


    i will gladly shout that out anytime!!!


    do the hosts at stormfront know how much free pub u and uts give to their site???

    they owe both of u nig fans much cash!!!!

  81. kidder:

    i sure hope someone makes a film about the hobamas' elitist hypocrisies!!!...shame!!!!

    With a schedule as hectic as President Obama's it must be hard to stick to a training regimen without help -- but why does he insist on having his old trainer fly out from Chicago to D.C. regularly when Obama and his wife exhort the rest of us to drive less? And in a recession? According to Ashley Parker at the New York Times, Obama's fitness czar Cornell McClellan comes out to D.C. every week:

    Read more at the Washington Examiner:

  82. Alicia Banks said:

    "...i respect an intelligent kkk member more than an ignorant illiterate sexist lying beta male bitch nig like u on any day..."


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. overseer kid:

    how did i know you would not close your case with a link to the kkk shout out u lied about u shameless bitch???

    run tell massa his kkk kin are smarter than u boy!

  85. mareally swirled:

    seen this?

    swirl gone wrong?

  86. hobama nazi kid:

    the real life biopic is "DOOMED POOR MONGRELS 2011-2016"

    that is what u should fret!!!!

    run tell massa hobama is killing poor nigs like u!!!

    What does this portend for Black folks?

    Well, which ones? LeBron, Beyonce’, Earl Graves, Magic, Oprah, Ken Chenault, and other well-to-do Black folks will be just fine. Oh, I forgot to add Steve “how to be a man” Harvey.

    Poor and working-class Blacks, on the other hand, are caught between a rock and NO place—the “hard place” option no longer exists.

    Simply put, the current economic crisis is much deeper than job and business creation. Both can be undertaken and still feature exploited workers with no health benefits or a living wage.

    So what options exist for the Black poor and working class?

  87. @ Alicia Banks

    Stop jocking Fields blog and post on your own. Who pays ya, Alex Jones or the Klan? As a so called "teacher" why do you use the word "retarted"? Most people get fired for doing that. Stop Bogarding his Blog.

  88. dual blogger kid:

    hallucinate with that hypocrisy much?????


    give us a break from your severe retardtion and go blog at YOUR own blog!!!

    every child i teach is smarter than you

    i am not a special ed teacher
    i teach only gifted babies with better dna than u will ever have/create

    and u really are glaringly retarded


    your english is atrocious!!!!

    retarDed etc

    damn u r dumb!!!

    u r welcome!!!!

    run tell massa u playin overseer for fn too boy!!!

  89. outshone outmatched snitch bitch kidding:

    just because massa lets u play po po on the farm

    does not mean u will ever police me on this blog

    run tell massa fn is the ONLYEST boss man up in heah nig!!!

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Anonymous4:13 PM

    kid, most of the Klan that gets public appearances is far more literate and well-mannered. AJones just draws the mental defectives. Although the writing is spotty...there is too much logical structure to it for a Jones Goober.
    Any other options?
    I assumed a of the Scaife wingnut welfare folks who was let go when the need for fake Clinton lies dried up.


  95. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Has anyone seen LAA or FP lately??

  96. molded hater liar:

    alex jones is a veteran proven researcher/rebel/media legend

    shame how u 2 worthless usless drones keep slandering him herein!!!!

  97. anon:

    i pray i see them both soon

    they void out kid's retardation
    and molded's incessant racist lying psycho bs

  98. phx:


    i became a pvt tutor to evade retarded nigs like kid and their bad dumb seed!!!

    u will never see the directors of "the king's speech"
    bashing the directors of "jackass"

    only evil envious nigs exclusively burden black directors so...shame!!!


    u will never see gangster actors like robert deniro and joe pesci beefing in real life like black rapper fools 50c and jah rule etc....

    nig boys like retarded kid need to grow up and stop disgracing sane feminist black men like tp!!!!

  99. hey fn:

    did you catch the blackish hobama toasting the lily white oscars?...


  100. needs slaps:

    another violent wf for u to ignore

    Conway woman faces a felony battery charge after Police say she cut her husband with a meat cleaver.

    Kimberly Boyette, 25, is charged with second degree battery for cutting her husband, Chet Boyette, with a meat cleaver. Conway Police got a call about the incident early Sunday morning. The caller told a dispatcher that she and her husband had been playing with knives and he was accidentally cut.

  101. u will never see the directors of "the king's speech"
    bashing the directors of "jackass"

    only evil envious nigs exclusively burden black directors so...shame!!!

    Alicia - there are several caveats to your argument that you ignored. You're right, the director of high minded films like the "King's Speech" wouldn't bother worrying about "Jackass". But, white people aren't only represented by Jackass and Winter's Bone (a contender about Meth and Trailer Parks).

    For Black cinema in mainstream media - we rarely, if ever positive intelligent Black people. Maybe Eve's Bayou or Love Jones.

    Mostly its Soul Plane or torture porn (Precious).

  102. Anonymous5:35 PM

    ' kid said...

    @ Alicia Banks

    Stop jocking Fields blog and post on your own. Who pays ya, Alex Jones or the Klan? As a so called "teacher" why do you use the word "retarted"? Most people get fired for doing that. Stop Bogarding his Blog.'

    muah muah muah muah muah everybody is sick of this sow hogging fields blog that buceta lickin moron! u show that nasty shithead kid u show it!

  103. lack:

    many black films are made that are great dramas and they flop...

    blame ticket buyers like kid


    danny g
    "to sleep with anger"

    wonderful film...sleeper...bust

    typical of all who try to cater to those who are not nigs like the vdlr and kid

    that is why i cannot believe haters deny the DIVERSE POSITIVE BLACK imagery in ALL of tyler's films!!!

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. lickless tamed tiger free
    blogless faceless vdlr:

    if only u DID have your own ghetto blog like the retarded kid!!!

    then u could spare us your vulgar virtual stds herein!!!!...ick!!!!

  106. lack


    here is a new great black film

    bet it flops too

  107. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Odd that a person who purports to be AfAm would be so supportive of AJones..a noted conspiracy nutter. Almost as if the person was trying to give protective cover to the ranting of AJones. ' not all wite dudez with mental instability...there be a greater audience!!'
    Except...I personally know AJones listeners. The beleevers are sad, delusional folk who worry me that they will 'save' their children from the Vast Conspiracy of the shooting defenseless children in the head, rather than allow them to be investitures by the devotees of Cthulhu and Vogon. The other listeners can't find chicken-biting freaks in the US anymore...and AJones is a pretty close substitute.


  108. molded liar:

    alex jones is far less racist than that blackish hobama

    aj has dedicated his life to saving and educating all who will listen in all races

    hobama is slaying poor people as no white prez before


  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. molded drone:

    where are your films??
    proven theories???

    alex j is clairvoyant

    about hobama/flouride/wmd lies by bush/stolen elections in 2000 & 2004/fake elections in 2008

    slander is easy when lying like u 2 dogs


    OE STFU!!!!

  111. molded liar/retarded nig kid:

    like hobama u lie!!!

    what have u done to save one soul from the nwo???

  112. molded psycho faceless racist liar:

    pretending that i am a wm clone of u will never pass as a debate skill herein


    and it will never help u or nig kid grow brains

  113. mellaneous6:14 PM

    - Kid good point about the background of the times that Color Purple took place.

    But it was stil a good movie about the internal goings on or at least a slice of life that black women experienced.

    When you go back and look at it you will see it clearly had redeeming qualities and some real positive aspects.

    Mister redeemed himself in the movie
    There was a connection to Africa that was different
    Black women were shown acting independently
    Mister the main black character actually owned his farm, which a lot more did than folks can imagine these days.
    The cinematology was breathtaking
    And it didn't ignore the racism surrounding it

    Kid the movie no matter how it seem ill timed for the period was nevertheless a good pic

  114. "In May 2007, President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez contributed $18 million to fund the production of Toussaint for Glover, who is a prominent U.S. supporter of Chávez."

    A Black actor receiving funds for a movie about a Black man who helped free his largely Black country from the bonds of a colonizing power (France) by a man whom we in the U.S. are supposed to hate because he represents the "wrong" government in charge of the country.

    I suppose if Glover was receiving his funds from Israel or another country that's "friendly" to U.S. interests for a movie that was more in tune with what largely white American audiences want to see, then there wouldn't be so much outrage, if any.

    And the whereabouts of FP and LAA? Who knows? People come and go in this blog every day.

  115. Anonymous7:59 PM

    AB, "lying racist assnon:

    like hobama
    u lie!!!!

    racist whites like you really believe u r innately smarter than blacks
    black fools like illiterate kid reinforce such racist delusions...shame!!!!"

    I am not White, I am Black, you fool. And Kid is one of our more intelligent and more educated bm. Your ignorance of our race is astounding. Just read the comments by the bm on this blog and you will see how shallow we are in education.

    Kid is one of the more educated progressive liberal black dems on FN. Look at Mell. it's obvious he has not gone to college and i question uts and mack lyons.

    Face it. If Whites or Asians started attending black colleges there would always be a White Valadictorian and you KNOW It.

  116. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Mack Lyons-"And the whereabouts of FP and LAA? Who knows? People come and go in this blog every day."

    Why didn't you ask about the whereabouts of RT, szpork, and other Whites? Oh, I forgot. You are a racist...never mind.

  117. "Why didn't you ask about the whereabouts of RT, szpork, and other Whites? Oh, I forgot. You are a racist...never mind."

    I guess the "People come and go in this blog every day" portion didn't include some of our illustrious white commenters. Not that I was even thinking about race.

    Which makes your post rather ironic, as you want to hold onto viewing "race" as a social construct designed to keep you at odds with other groups and give you something to "belong" to. Now don't you feel like a silly goober?

  118. "Face it. If Whites or Asians started attending black colleges there would always be a White Valadictorian and you KNOW It."

    Which goes to show how much you are invested in maintaining the so-called "supremacy" of whites and other ethnic groups over Blacks. I bet you look in the mirror and curse yourself for not being white or Asian, or any other number of ethnic groups you see as "superior" to Blacks.

    "I am not White, I am Black, you fool. And Kid is one of our more intelligent and more educated bm. Your ignorance of our race is astounding. Just read the comments by the bm on this blog and you will see how shallow we are in education.

    Kid is one of the more educated progressive liberal black dems on FN. Look at Mell. it's obvious he has not gone to college and i question uts and mack lyons."

    I don't know how well Kid will receive the "complement", especially one that comes from what appears to be a snake-tongued tom.

    Is this supposed to be how a Black Conservative is supposed to carry his/herself? By playing the self-hating caricature that attacks his own folks while making themselves "safe" and "non-threatening" for white folk to be around? That's pretty pathetic.

  119. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Mack Lyons, "Which goes to show how much you are invested in maintaining the so-called "supremacy" of whites and other ethnic groups over Blacks. I bet you look in the mirror and curse yourself for not being white or Asian, or any other number of ethnic groups you see as "superior" to Blacks."

    Oh come on, Mack. I know you have wished you were of another race many times. How many Blacks have not? Not many.

  120. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I know very little about the history of the film industry, but I do remember reading several years ago that in the early 20th century & up to WWII, there was a very prolific black film industry producing films specifically for the black community. If what I read was correct, what the heck's happened to that industry since then?

  121. "Oh come on, Mack. I know you have wished you were of another race many times. How many Blacks have not? Not many."

    Nah. I can safely say I haven't, "brother".
