Tuesday, February 08, 2011

The search is on for Dr. Booty.

"I like 'em round, and big
And when I'm throwin' a gig
I just can't help myself, I'm actin' like an animal"

Maybe it started with Sir Mix A Lot, I am not so sure. Maybe J-Lo, or, more recently, Kim. It could be all this interracial dating going on in A-merry-ca these days. Whatever the reason for this trend, white women now have another part of their bodies to upgrade. (I know I know, not all white women have certain....ahem , challenges in the booty area. And not all sisters look like Serena.) You poor folks, as if your breasts and your lips aren't enough to worry about.

Anywhoo, here in Philly it seems that Dr. Booty (my name for him/her) is on the loose

"A 20-year-old British tourist died early Tuesday after she allegedly flew to Philadelphia to get silicone injections into her buttocks at a Hampton Inn in southwest Philly, sources say.

Police executed a search warrant at the Hampton Inn on Bartram Avenue Tuesday afternoon with suspicions that a woman is renting rooms in which she performs non-FDA approved butt implant procedures, sources say.

Suspicions of these hotel-room medical procedures came about after a woman visiting from England died 1:30 a.m. Tuesday after she had a butt enhancement procedure at the Hampton Inn and was brought to a local hospital, according to court documents.

Sources say the butt injections occurred in room 425 of the Hampton Inn and the now-deceased woman complained of chest pain shortly after the procedure.

The preliminary cause of death is attributed to silicone injected into the woman's vascular system, ultimately stopping her heart, according to the Delaware County medical examiner. The autopsy is not yet complete.

Four women from England, including the woman who died, traveled to Philadelphia on Feb. 5, sources say. One of the women had gotten a buttocks-enhancement procedure in Philly last November and brought three of her friends to receive the same butt-implant procedures in hotel rooms this week, court documents say.

When the woman who later died began feeling ill, the woman who performed the procedure took off, sources say.

The women stayed in rooms in the Hampton Inn, which were reserved by the woman who was hired to perform the butt injections, sources say. "

Look, I have heard of coming to Philly to get a nice cheesesteak, but a butt? That's a new one. --Oh the power of popular culture influences. These poor girls flew all the way over from England because they wanted to get all Serena when they put on their True Religions. Now what are they going to tell the loved ones of this poor girl? That she had an accident while trying to put more junk in her trunk? Her poor mother. I hope she doesn't blame herself for passing on a lighter trunk to her poor daughter. I mean some things just can't be helped. It's not everything mother nature gives us that we should go messing with. The booty is....well...you just don't mess with it. These booty doctors need to quit. Nose job? No problem. Breast job? Go for it. Lipo? Knock yourself out. Booty touch up? DANGER WILL ROBINSON!

Finally, on a far more serious note: Let's hope that Philly's finest got the right culprits who took that pregnant young lady's life outside of Philadelphia Traffic Court yesterday. You fight a woman and you beat her to death?! Are you serious?! Your parents should have been lining up at the police station to turn your sorry asses in.

I'm out.


  1. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Isn't England where that nut Purple Cow lives? I knew he looked up to the USA like all black Englanders do.

    What happened was a tragedy. But be forwarned, NEVER GO TO PHILLY FOR ANYTHING. Because something invariably will go wrong!

    Finally, big asses are not necessary.

  2. No words, Field. Kicking and beating a pregnant woman to death? Only the most trifling of human beings (if they can even be called that) would stoop low enough to pull some shit like that.

  3. Well, butt pads would have worked just as well, and been a lot less lethal. But then again...maybe not. I'm reminded of an old girlfriend who had a penchant for padded bras. (yeah, yeah, I know it was for HER benefit because SHE wanted her clothes to fit better) anyway, when my date with destiny finally came... I mean arrived, needless to say I was disappointed.....for a few seconds. hahaha

  4. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Ever see a Black girl with a huge ass past 25? Its all down hill and cellulite from then on, not a pretty picture. Now , them whites womens age well and those perky latinas....oohhhh now we talkin!!!

  5. mellaneous8:45 PM

    Field I was trying to appreciate black womanhood ala Serena and others until you put up the story about young Toya.

    And the woman who died as a result of physical vanity speaks volumes about the kind of values that so-called civilized Western society has reinforced.

    Dogs count more than women.

    Man talk about taking the wind out of your sails...

    And just think I am always ostracized and criticized for suggesting that we have to change our society so that all can enjoy the benefits of it.

    As long as we have folks who are marginalized and ghettoized we are going to have this kind of senseless violence from folks who obviously don't think they have anything to lose.

    And of course the young girl was trying to make something of her life and the haters and ne'er do wells were trying to pull her down.

    And anyone who tries to make racial points out of this is just plain heartless.

    And for those who want to use this to beat up black men go ahead. But know that this doesn't happen out of the sky blue and its not genetic. Only when the conditions that produce this kind of insanity change will the insanity end.

    Ultimately for evil to continue reign GOOD people have to continue, finger-pointing or handwringing,or pointing to peripheral solutions,or victim blaming or self-hating!

    justice then peace

  6. Two tragic stories. There are no words.

  7. mellaneous8:59 PM

    Field I nominate this kid Jamail Johnson as Field Negro of the Day check out what he did to try to save some folks from getting shot at a party and he lost his life in the process seems like he was well liked as well.



  8. Myself, and others are continuously asking this question: Who is protecting black women and black children?? This is why some black women need to be coached continuously on how to vet their partners, and run for dear life when pookie and dem try to "holler". This is where you will surly end up!

    There is a lot I can say, but I realize if I continue, Ill be repeating myself and risk being called an angry, ugly, manless extraterrestrial. So why bother? But I'll have the nerve to say one thing though, she wasn't by herself, but yet she was the only one to die. What was the boyfriend doing when two men were kicking and beating his pregnant girlfriend, at the least?

    "A 20-year-old British tourist died early Tuesday after she allegedly flew to Philadelphia to get silicone injections into her buttocks"

    This isn't new, Asian women are on to it as well. Years ago when the lip implants got popular, I saw this coming. For generations, white women, non-black women, and the enabling racist media have tried their best to make black women feel ashamed, awkward, undesired and down right non-virtuous for having these very feminine attributes. And while forcing black women to feel they must alter their appearance to appease white supremacy, and for the sake of romantic and economical survival.

    And while I DO NOT hate white women, I don't have a drop of sympathy for these women, so bring on the hate if you dare. It's all in their game, they know when to shift and exploit the very "sour grapes" to their benefit. These are the REAL jealous and insecure women, people are always getting it twisted. Soon they will kink their hair and probably risk being brain damaged.

    Oh, and I hope they're not risking their lives doing these procedures for the sake of attracting certain black men inclined. No need, just having white flesh has always been suffice.

    And on to the other news...

    Btw FP, you had me holding my stomach laughing on that previous thread. It seems, some people were not satisfied until they lost their only false pride possession to a cyber castration.

  9. Mel.thanks for that link about Jamail Johnson. *shaking head*

    "What happened was a tragedy. But be forwarned, NEVER GO TO PHILLY FOR ANYTHING. Because something invariably will go wrong!"

    Sorry Anon. as I have stated before; Philly is one of the most underrated cities in the world. Now some of the folks here.....*again, shaking head*

    yeahright you need Jesus. :)

  10. laa,

    "This is why some black women need to be coached continuously on how to vet their partners, and run for dear life when pookie and dem try to "holler"."

    Yes, there are trifling and irresponsible brothers out here who are after nothing but "dat thang" but why do you sistas insist on claiming that this only applies to black men or that white men are any different?

    If you really believe this then you are blind.

  11. The killing of a pregnant woman was just downright disgusting. I don't believe in the death penalty under any circumstance -- but those Negroes need to be locked up in a deep, dark hole until "the Sweet Lord calls them home".

    As for the butt implant thing -- the crazy things people are doing to keep up with the latest beauty trends. This woman died to obtain a standard of beauty which was considered a sign of being fat 20-30 years ago outside of Black strip clubs.

    Like Kayne West's mother and many others -- we as Westerners are willing to die for a standard of beauty.

  12. "Like Kayne West's mother and many others -- we as Westerners are willing to die for a standard of beauty."

    Damn La~, I forgot about Kanye's mother. Deep. :(

  13. "These are the REAL jealous and insecure women, people are always getting it twisted. Soon they will kink their hair and probably risk being brain damaged."

    Okay, so white women are jealous of and want to look like black women.

    "Oh, and I hope they're not risking their lives doing these procedures for the sake of attracting certain black men inclined. No need, just having white flesh has always been suffice."

    Oh, but they don't need to swell their lips and butts because us white flesh craving negroes will take 'em anyway.

    And of course the white boys want to get with black women but black men, who abandon the black women, intimidate the white boys from pursuing the black women.

    Yep, LAA has got it all figured out.

    God bless her.

  14. field negro said...

    "Like Kayne West's mother and many others -- we as Westerners are willing to die for a standard of beauty."

    Damn La~, I forgot about Kanye's mother. Deep. :(

    In deed Field. I love a thick bootied, chesty woman as much as the next brother. But the fulfillment of my juvenile fantasy aren't worth woman's life and health. And, with few exceptions, fake parts usually scream - vapid women to most men.

    Both Dr. West and this young lady were willing to risk their health for some cartoonish standard of beauty sold to us by Hollywood. We are a sad and vapid species.

    The sad and ironic part is that this girl could have achieved the same results by investing in squats and deadlifts. If you want a great look, diet and exercise is best. I was shocked when I saw a few female Olympic weightlifters. A lot of those women have bodies what would make many lap dancers to shame. Serena's curves are mostly genetic -- but they're also the results of almost 20 years of working it out on the tennis court.

  15. Paul Kersey10:32 PM

    LAC: "we as Westerners are willing to die for a standard of beauty."

    Judging by your picture, you apparently lack that will.

  16. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Paul Kersey said...
    LAC: "we as Westerners are willing to die for a standard of beauty."

    Judging by your picture, you apparently lack that will.

    He does seem to have a muscular head though.

  17. Paul Kersey11:07 PM

    "He does seem to have a muscular head though."

    Good thing there's no performance enhancing drug testing for pompous know-it-alls.

  18. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Nose job? No problem. Breast job? Go for it. Lipo? Knock yourself out

    You are not this stupid FN. You have to be kidding. It's all dangerous ass hat.

  19. In a recasting of the "irresistible force meets an immovable object" paradox, what would be the outcome of Serena William's ass contacting LAC's head?

    Would the universe survive?

    Tune into "Clash of the Black Holes" Thursday at 9:00 eastern on the Discovery Channel to explore this fascinating look at the amazing world of physics involving Black people.

  20. Anonymous12:22 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Okay, so white women are jealous of and want to look like black women.

    No offense, but black women are the least desirable women to date,marry, or f*ck. No one is jealous of black women.

  21. LAA-

    this post just makes me tired in general.

    to your point, quite a few bm don't define their manhood by providing for and protecting women and children. they are on a whole other tip, swearing it is loneliness that makes folks notice. the boyfriend is of the typical clueless as to what manhood variety. the murder victim was ALSO the typical clueless bw that hasn't vetted properly. you BETTER know that your protector will spring into action when it is time to, BEFORE you honor him with the blessing of moving his dna forward. if not, this is what you run the risk of happening. my gut tells me he had involvement. for all the Laci Peterson fascination, negroes have been offing pregnant bw and girls for the LONGEST. those that don't want to pay child support and don't even want to wait til the baby comes so he can take it and have his mother or new girlfriend raise it to prevent paying child support. come on now.

    notice on this blog, folks are NOT going to get a negative comment about Sarah Palin or ww in general unchecked. but folks can take as many shots as they please at bw to the sound of crickets. yet, when folks don't respect bm it has GOT to racism. silence is often received as agreement. let the crickets keep chirping...

    LAA, it should also be said that it is NOT just pookie n'em participating in the wholesale dishonoring of bw. the "good" ones are taking their shots as well. i make a point of calling this out so that more bw can recognize the game and STOP being complicit in their exploitation. the "good" ones point to pookie as evidence of his "goodness" yet when folks take a moment to look at the BEHAVIOR one will see it is identical. it is the same song just a different melody.

    the blog idiot said in part:

    "but why do you sistas insist on claiming that this only applies to black men or that white men are any different?"

    now on WHAT planet is there anyone saying THIS? you as a dumb negro are projecting. it is dumb bm that go around SWEARING that all other women are different and better than bw. i HAVE heard some bw say that overall wm are better providers and protectors than bm. now WHO would look at the condition of the white collective and the condition of the black collective and ARGUE?

    in truth, bw are socialized and HEAVILY conditioned to look at wm with suspicion from the word go. bw have it drilled into their heads that wm only will use them for sex. now IF folks would look and get familiar with the truth, anyone can see who it is that is REALLY uses bw for sex and anything else they can get from her. so as it relates to wm, bw are ALREADY better positioned to vet properly. it is with bm that most bw act foolishly. it might have a lot to do with all of the low bar setting, excuse making, help a brotha out conditioning that most bw are subject to from childhood. you know, bm are victims and need a LOT of protection and coddling. they can't be held to the same standard of other men and it is NOT THEIR FAULTS.

    Mr. Mell-

    "Ultimately for evil to continue reign GOOD people have to continue, finger-pointing or handwringing,or pointing to peripheral solutions,or victim blaming or self-hating!"

    you just described the mess you do on the regular. IF bm are thinking someone ELSE is going to tell them to STOP killing each other and bw and children YOU are out of your mind. SURELY more bm are capable of freeing their minds from the mental chains of slavery? surely more bm can reject mentacide?

    FN, kanye i love mutts west's mother died from having lipo. her biggest flaw seemed to have been her choice of doctors. the woman in the post, was she even a doctor?

    also, if you are looking to objectify folks and render them to body parts, maybe you could use KimK or JLo pics and leave the chocolate sisters out of it like you do the rest of the time? just a suggestion...

  22. LAA-

    as i said to the sexist fool(s) on the other thread, folks are defining manhood ALL WRONG. certain organs are indicative of GENDER and that is all...

  23. Anonymous4:39 AM

    uts-"Yes, there are trifling and irresponsible brothers out here who are after nothing but "dat thang" but why do you sistas insist on claiming that this only applies to black men or that white men are any different?"

    No one said what YOU are thinking. It is abundantly clear that your mind is so full of wrong information you believe is right that you are incapable of learning anything new.

    You are only capable of seeing HOW your wrong thinking is "already" right(so you think).

    Addicts and alcoholics think like you. Recovery for them is to "unlearn" a lot of wrong twisted thinking they have been doing since childhood. You might want to look into how they unlearned a lot of insane stinking thinking--in order to be able to hear and observe sane ways of thinking.

    Because right now you are an idiot who doesn't know he is an idiot. And that is sad and pathetic for a black male(NOT man) like you.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. i'm fairly sure if one has the money, it's legal to do pretty much anything to your body via elective surgery. one might have to fly to switzerland or something for the major stuff, but i suspect in this country it's possible to find a licensed surgeon who will change any part desired. this has got to be a case of stupidity+lack of money. she should've saved the airfare and used it to go to a real doctor. i hate to be harsh, but this is a candidate for the Darwin Award.

  26. Neil the grass.. is married to a black woman.

    "FN, kanye i love mutts west's mother died from having lipo. her biggest flaw seemed to have been her choice of doctors. the woman in the post, was she even a doctor?

    also, if you are looking to objectify folks and render them to body parts, maybe you could use KimK or JLo pics and leave the chocolate sisters out of it like you do the rest of the time? just a suggestion..."

    hmmmm no, I happen to like the body part on this sister in question. Sorry. But your "suggestion" has been taken. When I need an editor you will be the first to know. Promise.

    Anon 12:22 AM, judging from your comments I am guessing that you don't date women, period. I am just saying. Guys like you tend to be.....how do I say this? Dateless.

  27. it was not lipo. it was a tummy tuck and breast reduction. these are surgeries women often do for themselves.

  28. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Have to agree with Dyke. Seems to me that Philly, although the 'jungle' in the adolescent fantasy lives of some posters, has a number of Board-Certified Surgeons. Some actually do Plastic Surgery.
    The piece about the PTC death was spun. What difference is from pregnancy? How pregnant? Was it blastocyst...or 8.9 months? What is the point of emphasizing her 'work' and 'schooling'? Reminds me of the lawyer joke about pleading the Perp who killed his parents as an 'orphan'.
    That 3 yo...so sad.

  29. Anonymous7:42 AM

    At my age, I can tell you that there are those who like every variable of the human condition. Just look at the pics...Serena and Arianna...and both have their fans.


  30. Sarge7:58 AM

    I do not make light of the poor woman who died for the sake of her "enhancement", but sitting in a cramped airline seat in "sardine class" going back to Europe, on your sore ass, doesn't anyone think of that?

    If one is going to go to Philidephia for "bootie emhancement", why not just go, eat about ten cheese steaks with fries, go to the Melrose and garf down an apple pie or two, and voila! Lsdies, your bootie will be enhanced without the trauma of needles, and it will be a whole lot more enjoyable, too.

    In my area we have young folks of the caucasian pursuasion who have done pretty much the same thing as that young, well, for want of a better word, "man".
    One guy went to where his Signifigant Other worked and blew her away with a shotgun, another went to a day-care where his soon-to-be-ex-wife was picking up their kids and did her in.

    Both men did this in front of their own children and onlookers, they declared how much they "loved" their victim while doing the deed, and when arrested yelled, "You don't understand! You don't understand"!

    Nope, I don't.

  31. Anonymous9:13 AM

    maria said...
    it was not lipo. it was a tummy tuck and breast reduction. these are surgeries women often do for themselves.

    Really? Where? Where do women operate on themselves? Sudan? Sounds dangerous to me, what do they do buy equipment and then use local anesthetic so they can operate on themselves?

  32. i did not say perform. i did not say do TO themselves. deep comment.

  33. Anonymous9:52 AM

    maria said...
    i did not say perform. i did not say do TO themselves. deep comment.

    Now even more incomprehensible.

    Do you mean "have done for them" instead of "do for themselves"?

    Try hooked on phonics, versus chuggin with ebonics.

  34. Anonymous9:58 AM

    You can do better than this story.

  35. Queen Bearilla spews

    "it is dumb bm that go around SWEARING that all other women are different and better than bw."

    Then she turns right around and grunts...

    "i HAVE heard some bw say that overall wm are better providers and protectors than bm."

    How would you or they know either way?

    Are you being provided for or protected by a wm?

    Do you respond to disembodied voices?

  36. FN

    "Anon 12:22 AM, judging from your comments I am guessing that you don't date women, period. I am just saying. Guys like you tend to be.....how do I say this? Dateless."

    I'm also guessing that he's white.

    Notice that FP didn't unload on HIM though.

    The Aunt Jemima syndrome.

  37. Hey Field, you better get on this, the State of Maryland is about to take your mountain away.

  38. Anonymous11:55 AM

    How could this happen in such a nice progressive city like Philadelphia???

  39. Anonymous11:56 AM

    "Anon 12:22 AM, judging from your comments I am guessing that you don't date women, period. I am just saying. Guys like you tend to be.....how do I say this? Dateless."

    I'm just going by research and data thats available.

  40. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Ummm FakeAnon The Dateless...your proof exists only in your own mind. Check out the Wikipedia page on Fallacies of Logic..or head over to an academic blog for what Scientists use for data.
    FakeAnon The Coward...not only have you shown the weakness of your debate, you also have shown that you are a chickenpoo coward. Please, by all means, continue to emphasize and reinforce your utter lack of nearly everything.


  41. Anonymous12:22 PM

    You know, it's fairly civilized around here without AB.

    I'm sure it's just the calm before the shitstorm, though.

  42. Of course. One of the products we sell is social media monitoring. Blogs and blog comments like this certainly pop.

  43. fp:


    lost court jesters like uts will adore and covet white women/marias who do not look like their moms/themselves no matter what surgery they do or do not have!!!

    they will dream of and create and adore children who do not look like them because they hate their own skins/faces/lips/hair etc...

    white supremacy is STRONGER than silicone and hair dye!!!

    today i will give hobama a break...because....well...um...cuz:

    michelle lies!!!

    like hobama, michelle lies!

    hobama's dyed hair is as glaringly obvious as sammy sosa's/michael jackson's bleached skin...

    will any of their lies ever stop???



  44. Anonymous3:56 PM

    And st reagan didn't use dye? Politics is partly show business...which is why Sarey and Christine and Michelle have 'careers'. They are more pleasant to the eye than adult, thinking women.


  45. Anonymous3:57 PM

    yeah cuz that naty shit stain just showed up and eye wish shed just crawl into a corner and kill herself she simply useless

  46. Anonymous3:58 PM

    that is to say stank breaf bucetalickinbanks

  47. molded:

    raygun is dead
    hobama is slaying all poor black mongrels like u

    raygun and hobama are now both the new nig killer apps

    all because hobama loves raygun and insane nigs love hobama



    cc nancy LYING about raygun's dyed hair asap!!!


    rsvp asap


    brain dead vdlr:

    is THAT why u r the most brain dead bimbo on the net??? ...to be pretty to sexist fools like molded????

    FAIL! - u r STILL the most vulgar and deeply gruesome faceless bimbo online...

    u hobama nazi nigs r truly hilarious

  48. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Hmmm. Looking at AB's picture, I'd says she's had a butt implant or two in the face.

    Probably comes from having her head up her ass all the time.

  49. blind dl sex toy collecting assnon:

    see MUCH more on the wife of that 2 faced cia ass in DC


  50. Anonymous6:54 PM

    u useless rhodent biter ya stank breaf banks kuntlickinfool!

  51. fn:

    classic racial truths here =

    potent poison for rabid hood rat hobama nazis like the vdlr:

    Obama’s mere presence in the Oval Office is offered as proof that “the land of the free” has finally made good on its promise of equality. There’s an implicit yet undeniable message embedded in his appearance on the world stage: this is what freedom looks like; this is what democracy can do for you. If you are poor, marginalized, or relegated to an inferior caste, there is hope for you. Trust us. Trust our rules, laws, customs, and wars. You, too, can get to the promised land.

    Perhaps greater lies have been told in the past century, but they can be counted on one hand. Racial caste is alive and well in America.

    Most people don’t like it when I say this. It makes them angry. In the “era of colorblindness” there’s a nearly fanatical desire to cling to the myth that we as a nation have “moved beyond” race. Here are a few facts that run counter to that triumphant racial narrative:

    *There are more African Americans under correctional control today -- in prison or jail, on probation or parole -- than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began.

    *As of 2004, more African American men were disenfranchised (due to felon disenfranchisement laws) than in 1870, the year the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified, prohibiting laws that explicitly deny the right to vote on the basis of race.

    * A black child born today is less likely to be raised by both parents than a black child born during slavery. The recent disintegration of the African American family is due in large part to the mass imprisonment of black fathers.

    *If you take into account prisoners, a large majority of African American men in some urban areas have been labeled felons for life. (In the Chicago area, the figure is nearly 80%.) These men are part of a growing undercaste -- not class, caste -- permanently relegated, by law, to a second-class status. They can be denied the right to vote, automatically excluded from juries, and legally discriminated against in employment, housing, access to education, and public benefits, much as their grandparents and great-grandparents were during the Jim Crow era.




  52. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Just to let you know the young lady from England who died in Philly wasn't white.

    Way to stereotype and assume...


  53. Anon.8:37 AM, I am looking now for where I wrote that the woman that died in Philly is white......nope, don't see it. Sorry. :(

  54. Anonymous2:53 PM


    I guess it was this part of your original post which led me to believe that you automatically assumed it ws some flat assed white girl:

    "Whatever the reason for this trend, white women now have another part of their bodies to upgrade."

  55. That anyone would undergo a surgical procedure by an unlicensed medical professional boggles the mind.

    A plastic surgeon on Good Morning America Thursday discussed this tragedy. He noted that the buttocks are an area of the body that is filled with vascular tissue that can quickly carry to vital organs any injected toxins.

    He also noted that there are people who think the medical silicone used in plastic surgery procedures is the same as what is found at your local ACE hardware store. (It's not.)

    In any case, any surgical procedure has its risks; that risk is lessened considerably when it's done by a medical professional in a hospital or clinic and not by some sketchy character in a hotel room.

  56. The sad and ironic part is that this girl could have achieved the same results by investing in squats and deadlifts.<<

    That's *exactly* what the doc on GMA advised.

  57. kidding:

    like hobama u lie!!!

    from 1986-1996
    i ruled atl!

    sean hannity ruled atl at wgst

    and i ruled it at wgst and wigo!!!

    "Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000

    "Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997

    "Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

    "Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994

    "Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994

    "Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993

    "Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993

    "Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993

  58. Anonymous6:45 PM

    This is a funny article, but what is even more amusing is the fact that people are trying to make this a black/white thing... there are many more sistas than we know about getting the same procedure done to try to gain some standard of beauty in the black community as well.... Whites may be plumping their lips and butts, but ask yourself how much money Softsheen Carson or Revlon made last year on creamy crack... African Americans were at one point using lye to achieve straight hair, often times with severe disfigurements to the face, head and scalp... SOOOOOOO, the lesson here is, let's all just try to be happy with what we have, because u may think the grass is greener on the other side, but the water bill is probably high as hell... Peace

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