Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goodbye Huck!


Oh my, these are indeed tough times for my friends in the GOP. Who is going to be left to run against O when the dust clears?

Mike Huckabee- may god bless his god fearing soul- has decided that he does not have the stomach for a presidential run and is begging out. He says that being president would take him to the "limit of his human capacity." Somehow that doesn't seem right coming from a man who professes to be so close to the big guy. I suspect that the love of the almighty dollar, or a lack of enough of it (a billion and counting) is what's keeping ole Mike off the campaign trail.

It has gotten so bad that former first lady Laura Bush has found herself on the recruiting trail. (Calling Governor Krispy Kreme.)She has called the wife of Mitch Daniels in a desperate pitch to get her husband in the race. Just call Mitch Daniels the Bush candidate. Good luck with that, Mitch.

Anyway, so now we know that Newt is in, and so is Ron. Mitt is in, but he might have some "splaining" to do to his base. I know he tried, but I suspect that it wasn't good enough. Mitt pushed for (and got)health care reform in his home state. And now the wingnuts are crying anybody but Mitt. If the poor guy could only get out of his own party's primary he might have a shot.

Finally, a warning to the wingnuts who do not want to raise the U.S. debt ceiling:

“The full consequences of a default – or even the serious prospect of default – by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and the value of the dollar.”

The author of that quote is none other than Ronald Reagan. [Source]

I guess that changes things a little.

*Pic courtesy of


  1. PilotX7:26 PM

    I can't wait to see the debates between these nitwits. I just won't play the RR drinking game because I'm still hung over from '04.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Huck is out? Must be some long lost mistress (male or female, pick your choice) lurking in his past because it appeared he would have been a shoo-in for the Repubs nomination.

  5. Anonymous7:38 PM

    ronald reagan was no master of economics at all what he said is irrelevant to the economy for gawds sake that nigga was using the laffer curve and the laffer curve dont werk dummies! dont fall for all that hype about the debt ceiling it is an artificial dilemma duh! damn qoohole banksters!

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    once again wannabe dawktaw kimqueef is soiling this comment section wit her irrational statements jess like buceta breaf banks always has duh! they the same sockpuppet idgit qooholes1

  7. Anonymous said...
    after ya looked up limburger on wikipedia ur dumb ass then decided to comment on world affairs like ure some kind of expert chrick please ure so ignint u aint even know who mike huckabee was until field negro did this post DUMMY!

    Don't you know it's rude to talk with your mouth (and ears) full??

    BTW, tell Paps AKA "sharp shooter", I what's up!


  8. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Obama’s own words onincreasing the debt ceiling in 2006,

    The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

    A sign of leadership failure indeed.Americans do deserve better than the man child in the whitehouse.

  9. PilotX8:13 PM

    "A sign of leadership failure indeed.Americans do deserve better than the man child in the whitehouse."

    Maybe we should elect a guy who created the personal mandate for health care and he is now trying to distance himself from it? Or maybe the guy who cheated on 66.6% of his wives while trying to impeach the sitting prez for doing the same? Or how about a woman who couldn't even finish 4 years of being a governor of a state with more bears than people? Or maybe an insane woman from Minnesota? Wow, must be some kinda ODS to make the R's look forward to oneof their bozos winning. Let's not play the hypocrisy game conservatives, for your own good.

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    PilotX said...
    Let's not play the hypocrisy game conservatives, for your own good.

    No one beats the left when it comes to hypocrisy.

  11. PilotX8:27 PM

    "No one beats the left when it comes to hypocrisy."

    Au contraire mon fraire. We can play that game all day long. "Keep your government hands off my medicare". Yeah, the left has a monopoly on hypocrisy. Ha! This kid is delusional.

  12. "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure"

    So was reagan a failure?

  13. "Ha! This kid is delusional."

    Being "delusional" is a wingnut trait.

  14. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Obama Dec. 20,2007

    The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.’

    We can play this game all day long.

    field negro said...
    "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure"

    So was reagan a failure?

    Yes..... If we use Obama's on words.Obama did vote AGAINST raising the same debt ceiling he wants to raise now.

    Its soooooo unfair to use the words of the left against them.

    field negro said...
    "Ha! This kid is delusional."

    Being "delusional" is a wingnut trait.

    "Delusional" like Obama gonna

    PAY MY RENT!!!!

    BUY MY GAS!!!!


    If so, give me a penny and call me delusional.

  15. "Delusional" like Obama gonna

    PAY MY RENT!!!!

    BUY MY GAS!!!!


    If so, give me a penny and call me delusional.

    8:51 PM


    One day he just might pay YOUR rent..Be careful what you wish for..

  16. "Yes..... If we use Obama's on words.Obama did vote AGAINST raising the same debt ceiling he wants to raise now."

    Link, please.....

  17. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Obama on the Debt Limit: Then and Now.

    In 2006, Sen. Barack Obama voted against raising the debt ceiling to allow the U.S. to borrow more money, saying Washington was saddling future generations with its out-of-control spending. Now, his administration is implying that those who say the same are irresponsible.

  18. PilotX9:37 PM

    Oh so conservatives aren't hypocites? Uhhh, didn't john Kyle today say he would vote against the same legislation he proposed on comprehensive immigration? Oh that's right, conservatives are immune to seeing their own mistakes. Oh well, we'll let the voters decide how much conservative hypocrisy they can stand this November.

  19. PilotX9:43 PM

    Also SPC, those in the know understand a certain number of senators and congressmen on both sides of the aisle vote against raising the debt limit as a theatrical show but the leaders know it absolutely has to be done which os why it always gets done but many politically naive folks don't understand this.
    Try this one on for size "Read my lips"...........wasn't Obama that said that was it?

  20. Anonymous10:22 PM

    and Hispanics make up 40 percent of recipients in
    rural areas, but 62 percent in urban areas."

    From your own study, FN.

    Showing that AA's make up the majority of recipients, out of line with their actual #'s. The Georgia case study about children in the system made the same point. There may be more whites overall, but the % show huge differences.

    Again. The parasitic permanent underclass is dark.

    What is the so-called "cracker" equivalent of
    "1st da Month", aka, the Black Welfare Anthem?

    If I'm wrong, then why are Detoilet and every other majority black district beyond salvation? If black culture and black work ethic is so great, why the white flight?

  21. "If I'm wrong, then why are Detoilet and every other majority black district beyond salvation? If black culture and black work ethic is so great, why the white flight?"

    "Why the white flight"? Because some white folks...ahh never mind. I am not sure that cities like New York, DC, and Philadelphia are "beyond salvation", since I see many white folks moving back into the cities.

  22. Wesley R11:44 PM


    Huckabee is a little nuts. But the Republican Party has been hijacked by the far right loons and he can't go where he needs to inorder to win the nomination.

  23. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Here is the liberal hypocrisy on gas. Amazing how liberals are full of hate and rhetoric no matter what the situation, high prices under bush bad, under Obama somehow good. Cuckoo!!

  24. Anonymous12:18 AM

    So wait, let me get this straight. Everyone is discussing the raising of the debt ceiling as if its just a bar that needs to be increased. YOu are aware that this is money WE OWE other countries because we did not live within our MEANS and continued to pander and buy votes to keep those on the democratic plantation. SO you want to borrow more and become more and more insolvent and weak as a nation. Whats next? It will run out some day.. What next?

    Either grin and bear change now or be forced to be completely deprived later. Hmmmmmmmmm........

  25. QueenLaOinker12:25 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Huck is out? Must be some long lost mistress (male or female, pick your choice) lurking in his past because it appeared he would have been a shoo-in for the Repubs nomination.

    7:37 PM

    shut da hell up buceta bref I gots worried bout you I hear you a goner but Iguess dis was just yo moms takin your bro home you lucky it look just like you

  26. togomo12:50 AM

    PilotX: "trying to impeach the sitting prez for doing the same?"

    No one ever tried to impeach Clinton for cheating on Medusa, I mean Hillary.

    Clinton got in trouble for lying to the country, committing perjury under oath, hiring private investigators to trash Monica, hypocritcally violating the same sexual harassment codes he had pushed into law, and needlessly dragging the country through 18 months of nonsense rather than manning up and admitting what he did.

  27. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    Anonymous said...
    after ya looked up limburger on wikipedia ur dumb ass then decided to comment on world affairs like ure some kind of expert chrick please ure so ignint u aint even know who mike huckabee was until field negro did this post DUMMY!


    Don't you know it's rude to talk with your mouth (and ears) full??

    BTW, tell Paps AKA "sharp shooter", I what's up!


    7:55 PM

    golly kimqueef cante u come up wit something better than incest jokes that shyt is so played out qoohole idgit imbecile geezuscryst! for someone who claim to be so edumacayted u got a lot of explainin to do for ur lack of decent comebacks u prolly were the lone kid who got tongue tied when everybody clownt u as a kid always losing the dozens game cuz u ha none u ha no game u ha no life u ha no edumacayshun and u ha nothing but that nasty filthy weave cap where underneath is a substance the consistency of cotton burs that smell like piss not to mention the trimethylamine u emit on a daily basis wannabe dawktaw queefkim u a hot mess!

  28. Huck says Trump better for A-merry-ca than O? No wonder he got out of the race.

  29. field writes:

    Anyway, so now we know that Newt is in, and so is Ron. Mitt is in, but he might have some "splaining" to do to his base.

    Seems the country is most interested in electing a president who is relatively young. That knocks out Newt and Ron Paul and leaves Mitt and Chris Christie. They will demand spending cuts and call for a reduction of regulations that stop businesses from growing. There are thousands of regulations that kill domestic economic growth, that simultaneously encourage American companies to locate operations in other countries.

    That's what Obama is doing for business and the economy.

  30. Only tiny industries of no consequence to the overall US economy are growing. But they're only growing only because they're getting a huge helping hand from the government.

    Like solar energy, which makes products with no intrinsic value that are forced on businesses either by law or through tax policy. Like electric cars.

    That's the Obama way. Force car companies to make electtric cars. GM sold 493 Chevy Volts in April.

    Who buys a $41,000 electric car?

    Why are buyers offered a tax credit for purchasing a car with a $41,000 price tag?

    Buyers of $41,000 cars are affluent buyers. Aren't Democrats angry about giving tax breaks to affluent people?

    GM gets special breaks for building electric cars. Aren't Democrats angry about corporations getting special breaks?

    GM will sell only small numbers of these ridiculous cars, which means the total value of the tax breaks will amount to very little. But it's the throught that counts, isn't it? Tax breaks for rich people and big corporations?

  31. field writes:

    Mitt pushed for (and got)health care reform in his home state. And now the wingnuts are crying anybody but Mitt.

    Really? Haven't heard that. However, it's true that ObamaCare has already failed. But after the example of Massachusetts, is the failure of a similar national program a surprise?

    It seems to be a standard of Democratic reasoning that if a small social program fails, the next obvious step is to attempt the same program on a national scale.

    Democrats reason that such programs fail because they are small. What is never addressed is the idea that social programa are deeply flawed, or simply wrong.

    There is a belief among Democrats that an Economy of Scale exists in all economic activities tied to government social programs. This idea is sacrosanct despite the unbroken string of failures proving the opposite.

  32. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Ooh, can I end Welfare to Wites!? No more massive subsidies to prop up the Southern welfare economy. No more cash for SUVs. No more suburban gifts. If wite folks can't pay for services...they don't get them.
    Detroit was eradicated because their was icky nasty living-wage unions in that burg...and one simply must make an object lesson...even if the cost is extensive.
    If it so business...why do so many heroic brave businessclones spend extra money to keep out unions? Not only is it a cost...the overall expenditures are usually more. However, one does get to be 'pure' and dogmatic about labour issues.
    And surely the management will recognize the innate superiority of wingnut and TeaBagger employees. Eventually. Someday. Any time now, the glorious Galtian god of commerce will reward the Troo Beleevers with more income. Yeppers.

    bush support? Gosh, since his mediocrity left appointment...nearly all candidates have 'neglected' to mention they are running as Rs. Funny, they didn't when Nixon resigned. They didn't when st reagan waged mighty heroic brave war on the massive threat of Grenada.

    Clinton? The best you have is that some pudgy pol from Arkansas didn't have to pay? That women willingly accepted him...but tell you to pay...up front...and full price? Why yes...Clinton was the greatest threat to the nation in the estimation of...some Scaife? Excuse me while I laugh at you...for being gullible and unable to learn from your mistakes.


  33. field warns:

    Finally, a warning to the wingnuts who do not want to raise the U.S. debt ceiling:

    “The full consequences of a default – or even the serious prospect of default – by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate. Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and the value of the dollar.”

    The author of that quote is none other than Ronald Reagan.

    Nevertheless, Obama will raise the debt ceiling and push the nation closer to default rather than cut spending -- current spending, not spending projected to occur a few years down the road.

    Worse, Obama is doing nothing -- NOTHING -- to increase real economic opportunities.

    When it comes to economics what makes Obama such an incompetent fool?

    The proof is in the unemployment rate of more than 9%. Further proof is in his refusal to lower corporate tax rates on income earned in other countries.

    Large multinational US corporations have at least $1 TRILLION in foreign profits that are not brought back to the US because taxes on those foreign profits are too high.

    Amazing, isn't it? When the total cost of manufacturing in the US is too high, companies build plants in other countries and manufacture there. Then, many of the same companies are discouraged from bringing the profits from those plants back to the US because taxes are too high.

    What do they do? They invest in the other countries. Build more plants, or improve the plants they have.

    But that's Obama. Any idea or current practice that makes no economic sense goes to the top of his list of things that are good.

  34. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Umm...RomneCare was never a was a subsidy to the Insurance companies. But, Universal means Goobers would have to wait their turn...Palin forbid...and that sicker people would have dibs.
    As for keeping the firms profitable...RomneyCare is wonderful.
    What is it about Universal that upsets widdle whiners?


  35. GM is barely squeaking by. However, if it survives, it will survive because the government-backed chpater 11 rescue will have given the company enough time to move its most important and most potentially profitable operations out of Detroit, and most likely, out of the US.

    The US is still far less attractive to manufacturers than a lot of other countries. Is Obama too blind to see the obvious?

    Meanwhile, Obama is edging closer to granting amnesty to millions of people in the US illegally. Obviously they're future Democrats.

  36. ObamaCare --

    History's biggest gift to health insurers.

    What Romney Care did on a tiny scale, ObamaCare would do on an Intergalactic Scale -- at least when it comes to enrichment through government intervention.

    As for improving the health of the nation -- well, that's a big laugh.

    If the people of the US want better health, all that's necessary is for everyone to quit smoking, cut way back on drinking, eat sensibly and get a little exercise.

    Our life-style health problems would drop sharply as would the healthcare expenses our bad habits lead to.

    NOTHING, no other strategy can do as much, and no other strategy can do it for free.

  37. golly kimqueef cante u come up wit something better than incest jokes that shyt is so played out qoohole idgit imbecile geezuscryst! for someone who claim to be so edumacayted u got a lot of explainin to do for ur lack of decent comebacks u prolly were the lone kid who got tongue tied when everybody clownt u as a kid always losing the dozens game cuz u ha none u ha no game u ha no life u ha no edumacayshun and u ha nothing but that nasty filthy weave cap where underneath is a substance the consistency of cotton burs that smell like piss not to mention the trimethylamine u emit on a daily basis wannabe dawktaw queefkim u a hot mess!

    Incest is the ONLY explination for a bat shit crazy, stalker, genitalia obsessed psycho like you.

    Luckily for me, I'll be off to med school soon then you'll have no one else to stalk and harass around here since AB doesn't post very often anymore.

    I guess at that point, you'll go back to "playing" with your own demon seeds.

    Gotta run "daddy's girl", LOL!!!

  38. Ass-non

    "If I'm wrong, then why are Detoilet and every other majority black district beyond salvation?"

    Youre ranting again Goober.

    DC, Atlanta and PG County are great places to live.

    "If black culture and black work ethic is so great, why the white flight?"

    White flight was financed by the US government starting after WWII to accomodate white folks fleeing the dying urban industrial centers.

    If black culture and black work ethic is so great, why the white flight?

  39. Slapstick

    "Worse, Obama is doing nothing -- NOTHING -- to increase real economic opportunities."

    Awwww Slappy, were it not for Tarp and the stimulus package we might have very well plunged into Depression.

    Let's try this AGAIN.

    What is your suggestion to increase economic opportunity?

    Do you or any other braindead rightwinger have anything to offer except "Ah hate Obama"?

  40. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Dr.Queen, why won't you just ignore the troll? Alica is ignoring it (finally) now it has move on to you. If you ignore it, it will move on to someone else. Being that most of us on this blog are already mature enough to ignore, it will then have no choice but to move on to another BLOG.

  41. CarterHeartsObama9:17 AM


    "Worse, Obama is doing nothing -- NOTHING -- to increase real economic opportunities."

    Awwww Slappy, were it not for Tarp and the stimulus package we might have very well plunged into Depression.

    Let's try this AGAIN.

    What is your suggestion to increase economic opportunity?

    Do you or any other braindead rightwinger have anything to offer except "Ah hate Obama"?

    You really are a funny guy there Stevey Boy, Stimulus saved....bwahaahah have to catch my breath I am laughing so hard AT you.

    "Might have plunged into depression", son we are in not only a depression but a stagflation as well. You do know raising the debt ceiling means we need to borrow more then we ever have in history just to keep the juggernaut of the current socialist in charge fueled don't ya?

    Others might disagree with you on the stimulus and I am not talking about the fictional cities that Obama said the stimulus created millions of jobs in, oh wait he changed that to saved...I say forestalled the obvious.

    Lets see, Ohio just said Obama's policies and stimulus actually created and saved 450 thousand state and local government jobs...woohoo maybe you were also destroyed/forestalled roughly one million private sector jobs.

    So, now how did that stimulus work out? By the way you do mean the first stimulus and not the 2nd and 3rd covert ones right?

    So the stimulus created half a million taxpayer funded jobs and eliminated twice that amount of jobs where taxes are paid to fund the jobs that were created. Hmmmm...

  42. Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen, why won't you just ignore the troll? Alica is ignoring it (finally) now it has move on to you. If you ignore it, it will move on to someone else. Being that most of us on this blog are already mature enough to ignore, it will then have no choice but to move on to another BLOG.
    The idiot isn't a troll because trolls harass EVERYONE on a site, not just fixating on one or 2 individuals. This idiot is a STALKER who's fixated on AB and I. She also has a username she uses to posts on THIS blog and in case you're wondering, this stalker is MR. And Alicia isn't really ignoring it, I suspect she rarely posts anymore because she gets tired of the BS from this psycho EVERYDAY!!!

    I have an even better idea. Why don't you ask Field why he allows this psycho to harass and stalk and post filthy $hit everyday, because I really don't get it.

    FYI, people with these types of mental issues don't stop unless forced to and they'll continue as long as they're allowed to. And luckily for me, I'll soon be too busy to give a damn and visit this site anymore. Because clearly the stalking/harassing won't stop until I stop posting here.

  43. Anonymous9:29 AM


    "If I'm wrong, then why are Detoilet and every other majority black district beyond salvation?"

    Youre ranting again Goober.

    Allright bone in the nose, delusional bell curve representative, pants on the ground, watermelon eatin, shit I wants me some sicken sambo lets "conversate"

    "If black culture and black work ethic is so great, why the white flight?"

    White flight was financed by the US government starting after WWII to accomodate white folks fleeing the dying urban industrial centers.

    After WWII roosevelt was kicked out as the new deal brought us 9% unemployment for years (sound familiar) and stagflation. Americans wanted the country back and away from socialism, manufacturing boomed as a result of this and the global need for products. Economic standing for all people including blacks rose double digits.

    But lets not forget, previously you said white flight was a myth and that prosperous blacks moving on up left the poor blacks behind (whites were already long gone having tired of the crime, violence and other behaviours) so it isn't white flight, it's black flight remember sambo?

    If black culture and black work ethic is so great, why the white flight?

    Your just a delusional comedian today aren't you? This is fucking hilarious..bwawawawa.

  44. Boehner has recently had conversati­ons with Wall Street executives­, asking how close Congress could push - to the debt limit deadline - without sending interests rates soaring and causing stock prices to go lower. These are two guys who voted "Yes" all 7 times that Bush requested the debt ceiling raised (the final vote was to $11.315 trillion).


    I can wait for the response for this one. You know who I'm waiting for..

  45. outtatownsteve rants:

    Awwww Slappy, were it not for Tarp and the stimulus package we might have very well plunged into Depression.

    As usual, your ignornace precedes you.

    TARP, a Bush program, has been wildly successful. However TARP is NOT, as you seem to think, and economic stimulus program. It was undertaken to keep the financial system running.

    As for the "stimulus package" Obama cooked up, well, where are those "shovel ready" projects he said he would fund? Can you name even one?

    What is your suggestion to increase economic opportunity?

    Open ALL oil & gas regions to drillers, including ANWR and off both coasts.

    Eliminate corporate income taxes.

    Eliminate farm price supports.

    Eliminate the federal flood insurance program.

    Cap Medicare expenditures for sick geezers with less than six months to live.

    Replace all Defined Benefit Pension plans with 401K-style plans

    End fleet mileage standards for car makers.

    Authorize a huge huge increase in the number of H-1B visas issued to scientists and engineers to come HERE to work.

    Allow insurance companies, especially health insurance companies to compete nationally, rather than limiting them to state-by-state competition.

    Create a school voucher program.

    End the embargo of Cuba.

    Send Seal Team Six to Libya to kill Khadafy, to Syria to kill Assad, to Iran to kill Ahmadinejad and the top mullahs and to Saudi Arabia to kill the top members of the royal family.

    Withdraw our forces from Afghanistan, end our alliance with Pakistan and tell India it can do whatever it wants to either country.

    Create federally funded scholarships -- based solely on merit -- for kids attending our best schools for science and engineering.

  46. Well, well

    It looks like Slappy and the anon Goobers have been drooling all over the board since I posted this morning.

    Just answer one question for me guys.

    If Conservatives have the magic pill for economic growth and prosperity, why is it they fuck up so enormously every time they're in office?

    Reagan left office with record deficits and a wrecked economy.

    Bush Sr. got voted out because he couldn't turn the economy around.

    Clinton left office with a budget surplus and record prosperity.

    And of course George Bush gave us the current recession.

    Discuss among yourselves.

  47. Anonymous11:54 AM

    "Because clearly the stalking/harassing won't stop until I stop posting here."

    No, it will stop when you STOP engaging it, Fool.

  48. Anonymous said...
    "Because clearly the stalking/harassing won't stop until I stop posting here."

    No, it will stop when you STOP engaging it, Fool.

    No, it will stop when Field stops allowing it to happen.

    It's called COMMENT MODERATION and most of us bloggers use it quite frequently and effectively.


  49. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Cons like to fantasize that pretendering is the Exact Same as doing. Note how many ChickenHawks wrapped their well-fed frames in the mystique of SEALs...when not one could even meet the entry standard.
    Why yes, being a jerkhole to women is the Exact Same as an elite warrior. Reminds me of all the 'experts' who can QB better than the P-burgh concussion dude. Ummm...he has how many shots to the head and is still immensely superior at football than all those 'heroes'.


  50. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Haha, Queen aka Kim aka stillflyinmy40s (or something like that, her original screen name) is only a poor substitute for Alicia.

    Kim has a blog? (cricket sounds)

  51. Anonymous12:26 PM

    UTS, good question. I have dealt with Rs for decades and find the current crop of incompetent boobs to be odd. Many local Rs pay bills, clear roads, keep the utilities running...why can't the Cons? Why does RINO equal pragmatic, able and rational?


  52. Chimp Out12:28 PM

    You all saw the story of the CraigsList murder. A guy goes to buy a (non-existent) computer from 3 "teens", they rob him then end up murdering him. Of course, we know without checking that the psychopathic murderers are negroes. That's Typical Negro Behavior. It's such a common story these days.

    But Wayne Bennett posted yesterday about a white harassing negroes on the NYC subway. Notice that no negro was actually injured.

    Do you negroes have a "murder gene"? Or is it just your amoral victim-obsessed culture?

  53. Queen Truth Squad12:30 PM

    "Luckily for me, I'll be off to med school soon then you'll have no one else to stalk and harass around here since AB doesn't post very often anymore."

    You have to PASS the MCATS then be ACCEPTED. LIAR, LIAR, PANTS ON FIRE. And since instead of "studying" the past month you've been fucking around on this blog, you're going to fail. If you get in it will only be at Howard or through AA because your constant ignorant comments reveal how stupid you really are.

  54. To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers, one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary. It makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!

    BTW, how well is the stalking working for you assholes? And I mean career wise, LOL??

  55. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Why aren't you brain-challenged negroes supporting Huckabee? As governor, he freed a negro thug from prison, and the negro went on to murder white police officers while they had lunch. That's something that you people admire.

    When asked if he regretted freeing the negro thug, Huckabee replied that he had to do it because "he was black". Huckabee is a reverse-racist, and so you should like him.

  56. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Kim got herself a job through affirmative action and she's too dumb to even know that.

    However, I think it is only a rumor that her desk plate says "sheboon". That's just mean.

  57. outtatownsteve, lost in his fog, asks:

    Just answer one question for me guys.

    If Conservatives have the magic pill for economic growth and prosperity, why is it they fuck up so enormously every time they're in office?

    John Kennedy led the US into Vietnam, Johnson escalated the war, doing plenty of damage to the national mood and putting a huge burden on the economy. Nixon started the US back in the right direction -- and he went to China, opening relations that are, despite what you may think, good for the US.

    Reagan left office with record deficits and a wrecked economy.

    What planet are you on? By the time Reagan left office, the US had brought the Soviet Union to its knees, setting the state for the well publisized "peace dividend".

    Meanwhile, during Reagan's term long-term and short-term interest rates dropped from the punishingly high levels of the Carter administration to healthy levels good for growth.

    When Reagan entered office, long term Treasury rates were 15%. When he left office, those rates were down to about 8%.

    Bush Sr. got voted out because he couldn't turn the economy around.

    Oh. Let's see. Carter -- Obama's guru -- enacted the Community Reinvestment Act, which was the first step in the Savings & Loan Crisis, and he ended Regulation Q, which amounted to pulling the pin on the hand grenade that became the Savings & Loan Crisis.

    Bush 41 was in office while that mess, created by the ineptitude of Democrats, was cleaned up.

    Clinton left office with a budget surplus and record prosperity.

    Clinton, the wussy, stood by while al Qaeda grew, and he did nothing after the first World Trade Center bombing in 1993. He did nothing consequential after al Qaeda bombed to US embassies in Africa.

    Clinton stood by while the Internet stock market bubble inflated and popped, probably because, in part, it personally enriched Clinton's pal, Terry McCauliffe. Meanwhile, Clinton had nothing to say about Enron, which was able to engage in the scam portion of its business because Clinton was in office and enforcing no securities laws. But Clinton did manage to kill all the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas, on the orders of his pipe-smoking and utterly grotesque attorney general, Janet Reno.

    And of course George Bush gave us the current recession.

    Leave it to you, moron, to pretend that 9/11 never happened. And leave it to Democrats to pretend that giving mortgages to people with low credit scores, weak job prospects and NO money for a downpayment is a sensible way to finance home purchases.

    Of course, Obama is now bemoaning the tighter lending standards. Now you need downpayments of 20%, which means all the deadbeats who defaulted in the last few years have no chance of getting another mortgage within the next five years.

  58. Kim admires me12:49 PM

    I think that Kim would be a fine example of a negro doctor, just like the one that treated Michael Jackson, or the one that treated Kanye West's mother.

    Now make sure to put "AFRICAN AMERICAN" on the top of any admission papers, so you get that affirmative action bump up and replace a more qualified white person. Hey, that's how Wayne got into law school.

  59. To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers, one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary. It makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!

    BTW, how well is the stalking working for you assholes? And I mean career wise, LOL??

  60. White Foreman12:55 PM

    Kim wrote:

    "get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there"

    Hey, wait a minute, I thought that you people are the coons? Then who are the goobers?

  61. White Foreman1:00 PM

    So what do you toothy non-goobers think about the Black Foreman on the House tv show?

    First off, they give him a criminal past. Then they have him being in love with that skanky white promiscuous lesbian slut. She also goes around advising people that cheating on their spouses is healthy and good, etc.

    Don't you negro women get ticked off at tv always showing that your negroes are crazy for white sluts? Don't you people have any standards?

  62. Anonymous1:03 PM

    What 'dead boys' does Huckabee have in his closet? You'd think that the wingnuts, after forgiving the drug addiction and priestly impulses of ManDumpling...would be more than happy to have one of their very ignorant own running. Maybe it is that 'urban person' in the office...doing work...and showing wites how it gets done. Who wants to run when your slothful Southern relaxed tempo will be viewed as lazy? Huckabee does pardon matter what they have done...or will do. All you need is the magic phrase 'christian'...and you have a GOOJ Card!
    Well, it is Arkansas...where folks who can read are looked upon with suspicion. Where Little Rock is considered sinful and urban and a temptation to hard-working slavecroppers. Gosh, it is like PA in that one should be staying in Gooberville and making the mighty, mighty wage of $2/hour...and not going to that eveelbig city.
    Huckabee for NOLO Press will creator!


  63. outtatownsteve, because you know nothing about economics and finance, you gleefully make statements like the following:

    Clinton left office with a budget surplus and record prosperity.

    Record prosperity? The Internet Bubble put hundreds of millions of dollars in the pockets of venture capitalists. For them it was a win-win. For stock market investors the Internet Bubble was a lose-lose, and for the tax payers the Internet Bubble was a lose-lose.

    Why? Because when the Bubble burst, stock market losses overwhelmed stock market gains, which means for a few years the government collected virtually no net capital gains taxes.

    The "prosperity" of Clinton was mythical, but the myth was transformed into real losses because the Internet companies themselves, with the exception of Amazon, never earned any money. Nothing. Not a dime. They were bombs that only lasted as long as the equity money given them by utterly stupid "investors", otherwise known as hapless fools.

  64. Dr Who?1:12 PM

    To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers, one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary. It makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!

    BTW, how well is the stalking working for you assholes? And I mean career wise, LOL??

    12:37 PM

    How stereotypical, it isn't that the "stalkers" as you call them reply to the garbage that you spew , no. It's that you are special. Yes Sha-nae-nae you are truly one of a of millions upon millions "of your kind".

  65. Breaking NON-News:

    Trump Not Running for President: 'Decision Does Not Come Easily Or Without Regret'
    May 16, 2011 12:43 PM

    After a roller-coaster flirtation with a presidential bid, Donald Trump bowed out of the 2012 contest in true Trump fashion, sayng that while he would not be a candidate this year, if he had run, he would have been able to win the primary and the general election.

    Wow! Imagine that? Trump's out. Who could have predicted it?

  66. White Foreman1:19 PM

    To be fair, idiot Bush II was a huge factor in the recession. If not for 9/11, his entire legacy would have been about minimum taxes on the rich and minimum restrictions on big corporations. That's precisely what he was sent to Washington for.

    Just because Obama is an incompetent, AA dummy doesn't mean that Bush was somehow good.

    Besides, the big money people own both of them. They put the same people in their cabinets. If the black racist negroes weren't so blinded by their own racism, they'd see that.

  67. Those muslims can't stop the hate.

    Mob attacks Christian protesters in Egypt...


    Hamas PM: Pray for an end to Israel...

    Protesters try to breach border on 3 fronts...

    350+ hurt in Israel embassy protest in Cairo...

    Obama regrets 'loss of life'...

    Demonstrators pour in from Syria...

    'Iran fingerprints'...

    Israel blocks anti-war activists' ship from Gaza...


    Miami imam, 2 sons charged with supporting Taliban...

    Administration approves 200 more new Obamacare waivers...

  68. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Can someone post dr.queen/flyn40s/mmm/kim's blog link please?

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Huckabee...the preacher who couldn't. The Governor who found FOX rubes more profitable than cost-plus, no-bid contracts. The pundit who batted 0.000001. Unlike TedNugent, Huckabee uses firearms and hunts.


  72. Anonymous said...
    Can someone post dr.queen/flyn40s/mmm/kim's blog link please?

    Someone already did, didn't they?
    You know the blog about the PhD student who's also Black and single?

  73. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Huckabee...the preacher who couldn't. The Governor who found FOX rubes more profitable than cost-plus, no-bid contracts. The pundit who batted 0.000001. Unlike TedNugent, Huckabee uses firearms and hunts.


    Randon gibberish time? Wee walla binky you momma dun stinky wutta de hella you sayin der foamey homey

  74. The real beneficiary is Obama - its shaping up to be a cake walk for him. What's going on is that all of the big boys and possible dark horses of the GOP are reading the political tea leaves and realizing for all the Tea Party noise they made in the midterms - they've got nothing to really take on Obama. Gingrich, Romney and Paul? That's what the GOP is going to run against Obama?! Short of a dead hooker or a live boy in trunk of the POTUS limo - Obama will get a second term.

  75. Snakeskin Cowboy1:51 PM


    Ted Nugent would tear your head off, crap down your next, and think hang you're stinking carcass up for pig bait.

  76. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Uptown Steve,
    I read the article you posted and again as I do each time have to wonder if you even read the articl or have the intelligence to understand what it says.

    The opening paragraphs alone show you what a typical idealouge sounds like all name calling and venom and most of all projection. It's totally laughable. The nations deficit screams for austerity and sacrifice, instead the GOP insist the nations wealthiest be spared even a 3 % tax hike. That's it...really, that's it?

    How about the deficit does call for austerity and sacrafice by cutting spending and not forcing, FORCING americans to pay for other Americans choice of lifestyles. The very same americans who do pay 90+% of the bill as it is. So it isn't about reigning spending in and stopping the waste, it's about trying to find another gravy train to keep funding the freebees, but nowhere does he mention that if the taxes were raised forget 3% but to raised to 100% on these people, it would fund Obama's massive governement for all of 10 minutes. Then once you have taken away 100% of the money, where will you dip next time?

    "Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

    In the past 40 years Republican ideology has gone from solid principles to hype and slogans. Stockman says: "Republicans used to believe that prosperity depended upon the regular balancing of accounts -- in government, in international trade, on the ledgers of central banks and in the financial affairs of private households and businesses too."

  77. LOL!!!!

    You can always tell when you have the goobers exercised because they shriek and respond to your posts repeatedly.

  78. Queen Truth Squad2:11 PM

    Notice how she never addresses the facts when she's caught in a lie: that she's NOT in school anywhere.

  79. Anonymous2:16 PM

    The Obama bump didn't last long.

    Dr.Queen said...

    Someone already did, didn't they?
    You know the blog about the PhD student who's also Black and single?

    You said a few post ago you had a man.You single?

    Hard to keep all them lies straight.

    Be careful though.You might do what mold did the other day.Get your many sockpups confused.Whatever happen to newssouls?

  80. Anonymous2:18 PM

    59 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    You can always tell when you have the goobers exercised because they shriek and respond to your posts repeatedly.

    Your funny, you use the same act over and over again. Try this, you can always tell when Steve is ringin his bellcurve because he avoids all facts and claims others are upset.

    Love ya babe, keep hangin and dingin that dong.

    Oh didn't you also say DC was a great black city? Woo-hoo your funnier and funnier each day. I give it to you DC is currently 70-80% Black, perhaps thats why it also shares the following traits with other BLACK communities

    The District of Columbia, which is approximately 70% Black, leads the U.S. in many areas:

    -The nations highest crime rates
    -Strictest gun control (only black criminals are allowed to have guns)
    - Highest incarceration rates
    -Highest birthrate
    -Highest death rate
    -Highest rate of federal assistance per capita
    -Highest number of welfare recipients per capita
    -Highest rate of illegitimacy
    -Highest high school dropout rate even though its teachers are the highest paid in the U.S.
    -Highest rate of ghonnorrhea and syphilis
    Highest incidence of AIDS. Nearly 1 in 3 now approaching 2 of every 3 Black women is aids positive.

    Yeah baby, don't invite me to your house if this is your standard of "doin good"

  81. Anonymous2:19 PM

    You said a few post ago you had a man.You single?

    Hard to keep all them lies straight.

    Be careful though.You might do what mold did the other day.Get your many sockpups confused.Whatever happen to newssouls?
    spc wt

    even spc wit his wite trash self ca see thru ur lies dummy! now she gone say that u misread her comment and took it out of context if she responds this nasty filth pile is clearly getting annoyed at anons who have callt her out and she deserves to be annoyed and pisst retard!

  82. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Dr.Queen said...

    Someone already did, didn't they?
    You know the blog about the PhD student who's also Black and single?

    You said a few post ago you had a man.You single?

    No, NO, she said she was a man at one point. Or is still now? I don't know I cant keep it's character straight anymore.


  83. Anonymous2:23 PM

    @SPC: I did notice that Kim was an engineer not too long ago, now she's a medical researcher.

  84. Queen Truth Squad said...
    Notice how she never addresses the facts when she's caught in a lie: that she's NOT in school anywhere.

    How about this. Instead of you obsessing over me, why don't you tell the world a little something about yourselves? Oh that's right, you people have no lives, no success, no achievements personal or otherwise, thus there's absolutely NOTHING to tell.

    And it's clear you're threatened (on the internet of all places) of a highly ambitious Black woman scientist with a number of personal and professional achievements, otherwise you wouldn't be so damn obsessed with me.

    BTW, isn't that the Repubs favorite politically strategy, keep calling someone a liar until people start to believe it? Of course, the problem is that "$hit don't work" with highly educated Black folks, LOL!!!!

    And this may explain why there aren't many Black in the Repub party.

  85. qoohole banks try to spam away the comments she dont like nice try toots but it aint workin here! what a shame that the self professed most edumacayted person wannabe dawtaw da kimqueef, that is, cante come up with a comeback other then anons r stalking her and she has a blessed life and many degrees and is a successful scientist what a gottdam fool! talk about overcompensating! we all know that raggedy piss wig weaver aint goin to no medical school bytch said she was in med school last year already now she studying for the mcat? bytch cante even keep her lies strate but one thing is telling she said that buceta breaf banks no longer posts here cuz of the harassment from anons GOOD! that is the point as long as qoohole banks and or kimqueef post here this anon will have something to say

    what a shame that kimqueef is demanding that field negro put up comment moderation this comes from someone who is obsessed with private parts and ethnic slurs like calling poor maria macaroni and other egregious names chrick u aint nothing but a trimethylamine secretin fool liar fraud and whore duh!

    Did you clean your ears yet?

  86. Anonymous2:28 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    The real beneficiary is Obama - its shaping up to be a cake walk for him. What's going on is that all of the big boys and possible dark horses of the GOP are reading the political tea leaves and realizing for all the Tea Party noise they made in the midterms - they've got nothing to really take on Obama. Gingrich, Romney and Paul? That's what the GOP is going to run against Obama?! Short of a dead hooker or a live boy in trunk of the POTUS limo - Obama will get a second term.

    Actually, your granny could run against Obamas record and win, the rest of this year is going to be hell and when the dollar crashes (this year) he is officially the worst president ever in U.S history.

    Ron Paul or Herman McCain will sweep the election. Obama has proven over and over and over he is an affirmative action president, all hate and finger pointing and not able to fix or do anything other then blame others and spend more.

  87. la concidental opines:

    ...they've got nothing to really take on Obama. Gingrich, Romney and Paul? That's what the GOP is going to run against Obama?

    Ron Paul, despite claims to the contrary, is not a presidential candidate.

    His Randian Libertarian ideas are okay until he gets to drug legalization -- legalization -- not just decriminalization. To press for drug legalization is madness and his inability to see the obvious nightmare consequences of legalization ends any chance he might have had to mount a credible candidacy.

    Gingrich knows the issues, but the US is not likely to replace Obama with a candidate over 65.

    Romney is, at this point, the best choice. And he's a good choice.

    So too is Chris Christie. Moreover, Pawlenty has done nothing to undermine his candidacy.

    Obama, on the other hand, has to run against his record, which is a record of unbroken administrative failures. The Republican candidate is secondary.

    Unemployment is over 9% and NOTHING Obama is doing -- which appears to be nothing at all -- is improving the picture.

    Gasoline prices are $4 a gallon. Even though Obama said he wanted to force Americans to use less gas by making gas and other forms of conventional energy more expensive, voters want cheap gas and they'd like it even more if as much gas as possible were to come from American oil wells, drilled in America by American oilfield workers.

    But Obama has stated that he wants to buy oil from Brazil as well as all the other foreign sources selling to the US now. What a guy. Seems he hates American oilfield workers.

    The ObamaCare program is turning into a huge fiasco, with virtually every participant "opting out".

    Meanwhile, the after-glow of executing bin Laden is just about gone. In another month, the glow will have disappeared and it will have no vote-getting power in November 2012.

    We are facing a national financial crisis that Obama has made worse, not better. Just like the old days -- when Jimmy Carter was running for re-election.

  88. Dr.Queen said...
    what a shame that kimqueef is demanding that field negro put up comment moderation this comes from someone who is obsessed with private parts and ethnic slurs like calling poor maria macaroni and other egregious names chrick u aint nothing but a trimethylamine secretin fool liar fraud and whore duh!

    Did you clean your ears yet?

  89. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I like Kim, even if she is a delusional black racist.

  90. South Park Conservatives said...
    You said a few post ago you had a man.You single?

    Hard to keep all them lies straight.

    Be careful though.You might do what mold did the other day.Get your many sockpups confused.Whatever happen to newssouls?

    Kinda thick, huh SPC?

    Such a shame too to be stupid, racist, AND thick, LOL!!!!

  91. Ass-non

    You have a link for those DC "stats" you posted?

    Or did you just pull them out of your a$$ as usual?

    I pick door number 2.

  92. Anonymous2:34 PM

    And it's clear you're threatened (on the internet of all places) of a highly ambitious Black woman scientist with a number of personal and professional achievements, otherwise you wouldn't be so damn obsessed with da queef

    nobody is obsessed wit u at all u r simply easy prey u r stoopid u r uncouth ur iq is about the size of paris texas which is to say its very small and gee what else dummy oh u run those liver fish lips like theres no tomorrow but never ha nothing to say therefore u make urself a target due to ur stupidity duh! the day that any anon is jealous of u is the day that hell freezes over dummy!

  93. Anonymous2:35 PM

    senile steve ure such an idiot writing ur s like dollar signs very much like queefkim u cante possibly believe that shit stained sack of trash has any edumacayshun can u? otherwise ure more senile then u appear nucka!

  94. First Ass-non takedown

    The HIV infection rate in DC is 3%.

  95. Anonymous2:38 PM


  96. Anonymous2:38 PM


  97. Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen, why won't you just ignore the troll? Alica is ignoring it (finally) now it has move on to you. If you ignore it, it will move on to someone else. Being that most of us on this blog are already mature enough to ignore, it will then have no choice but to move on to another BLOG.

    Just wondering anon, whatcha' thinking now? Do you really believe maturity has a damn thing to do this?

    Most blog admins get used to blog commentors making negative comments about and toward them. What's unusual here is that almost every day, no matter how much I STAY on topic, at least 10 comments will be directed at me that have NOTHING to do with the blog post. Put another way, Fields commentors have FAR more to say toward ME than him, now I find that just a tad bit strange, don't you?

    As far as I'm concerned, what happens here is simply a microcosm for all the psychos that exist in the world and maybe the reason you feel far more compelled to address me rather than them is because YOU"RE one of them.

  98. Anonymous2:40 PM

    All right everybody, NOW LISTEN UP:

    As of right now, Kim is mah beeotch!

    (That's how you negroes say it, right?)

    So anybody messes with her, then they is messin' with me. What will I do about it, you wonder? I'll tell you: I'll call you a racist. Believe me, you can't live with the anguish of that. For any of you true diehards, who still don't get the message, I might even have to call you a goober. That's right, you heard me: a goober.

    Sorry to be so rough on you, but I think there's no other choice.

    You all play nice now.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Obama's biggest single economic failing is that he didn't get the USA into enough debt, because he didn't borrow enough money to pay for a big enough stimulus.

  101. Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen, why won't you just ignore the troll? Alica is ignoring it (finally) now it has move on to you. If you ignore it, it will move on to someone else. Being that most of us on this blog are already mature enough to ignore, it will then have no choice but to move on to another BLOG.

    So far, 24 of 101 posts of negative bullshit directed at me and I'll bet you think that's normal for a blog, right?

    And I'm sure the number will continue to rise until Field moderates the post at the end of the day.

    I bet I could post on a white supremacist blog and get less "feedback", LOL!!!

    Any thoughts on that?

  102. outtatownstevie proudly states:

    The HIV infection rate in DC is 3%.

    No. The overall percentage of DC people infected with AIDS is 3%.

    D.C. HIV stats:

    Diagnosed: 4.7 percent of black residents, 2.1 percent of Hispanics and 1.8 percent of whites

    HIV population: 70 percent male, 75 percent black

  103. Anonymous2:51 PM

    so wannabe dawktaw da queefkim ure counting the number of posts about ur chriflin lyin disgusting fraudulent ass? has it occurred to u that u r such a fool that many commentators here really dont like u? nobody defends u except the senile and the carpetmuncher who dont come round no more so wut were u sayin? that field negro should start comment moderation? if he did half of ur bullshit vacuous statements wouldnt make the cut ya dipshit idgit!

  104. Rest In Pieces2:52 PM

    Here I sit; all broken-hearted.
    Tried to crap; but only farted:

  105. White Foreman2:53 PM

    Kim is a girl, it's not right to be saying those sleazy things about a girl.

    There should be some standards.

  106. Anonymous2:59 PM

    @slappz: c'mon, you know that black racists don't know how to handle statistics. E.g., if negroes commit 100 murders and a white commits one murder, then negroes say that it's all the same. They can't understand.

    But you can try rhyming things, that might help.

  107. Anonymous3:03 PM

    First Ass-non takedown

    The HIV infection rate in DC is 3%.

    Steve, I know you are angry and drooling at the keyboard and thinking of questions to ask to avoid talking about facts and reality but really brutha you gotta try to think harder then that. Are you seriously set out to disprove that DC is a black hell hole? Really? Do you actually think anyone including any blacks who live there would have any respect for you at all? To prove what? That you are liberal and can argue away the truth even though it hits you in your little nappy head like a ringer on the bellcurve of your head?

    Again you post an article that clearly you did not read and almost certainly do not understand.

    Did you see this paragraph before coming on here trying to claim that DC is wonderful and doesn't have a Black Aids problem?

    As No Slaps said, do you understand what being aids positive is? Probably not, it's over your bell curve.

    "Between 30 and 50 percent of infected D.C. residents don't know it, Hader said. It is a "modern epidemic," she said, "modern in both its scale and its complexity"

    You live in an alternate reality, thats for sure, one where idiocracy is the norm.

    Oh and do try and get some new material, I know you think of ass pushing and pulling a lot but it has gotten old.

  108. Anonymous3:04 PM

    ""In America today, AIDS is virtually a black disease, by any measure"

    What white racist said dat?

    Okay, it's a trick question. A negro said it... Phill Wilson, executive director of The Black AIDS Institute in Los Angeles.

  109. Anonymous said...
    thank goodness buceta breaf dont post here all that much under that name anymore we all know that nasty sow is still around but tired of the heckling goes under other names wut a pathetic shit stain! jess like wannabe dawktaw with no edumacayshun talkin bout i is a doctor! please!

    Hey Anon, that'll be around 28 of 112 psychotic, stalking, shit talking, harassing posts directed at me, and maybe 5 to Field?

    Yeah, that's REAL normal, just like a blog should be!

  110. No slappz just makes up statistics.

    Where's the link you got that info from Slappy?

    Your ass AGAIN?

  111. Anonymous said...
    theres nothing worse then an incompetent boob who dont know the depths of their failings jess like kimqueef over here bytch cante even keep her lies strate about her edumacayshun and now she playing the victim race card bytches like her weavecap piss smelling burrheaded self always blame their own incompetence on the big bad racist boogieman they simply refuse to accept their stupidity and therefore they keep running those fish lips sounding dummer and dummer and dummer and dummer
    Incest is the ONLY explination for a bat shit crazy, stalker, genitalia obsessed psycho like you.

    Luckily for me, I'll be off to med school soon then you'll have no one else to stalk and harass around here since AB doesn't post very often anymore.

    I guess at that point, you'll go back to "playing" with your own demon seeds.

  112. Assnon

    "Between 30 and 50 percent of infected D.C. residents don't know it, Hader said. It is a "modern epidemic," she said, "modern in both its scale and its complexity"

    What city do you live in?

    Been tested for HIV?

  113. And I recall that the author said 30 to 50 percent of DC residents, not black DC residents.

    That would include whites, asians and hispanics.

    "In 2007 the DC population distribution was 55.6% black, 36.3% white, 8.3% Hispanic (of any race), 5% other (including Native Americans, Alaskans, Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders), 3.1% Asian, and 1.6% mixed ."

  114. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen, why won't you just ignore the troll? Alica is ignoring it (finally) now it has move on to you. If you ignore it, it will move on to someone else. Being that most of us on this blog are already mature enough to ignore, it will then have no choice but to move on to another BLOG.

    So far, 24 of 101 posts of negative bullshit directed at me and I'll bet you think that's normal for a blog, right?

    And I'm sure the number will continue to rise until Field moderates the post at the end of the day.

    I bet I could post on a white supremacist blog and get less "feedback", LOL!!!

    Did you ever think people just don't like you and it's you that is abrasive and phony? With your made up name and all? You are a phony braggart who does nothing but make up things that are incredulous (still waiting for that scientific paper on aids cures that you published) that you back up with nothing, attempt to denigrate your obvious betters with gutterish ghetto speak and homophobia, nastiness beyond the pale and then amazing claims that you have multiple degrees but choose to act like a half witted racist ghetto hood rat.

    Truth is people see the garbage you are and the hypocrisy and don't like you at all...even though your family has "fitty seben duhgrees" and some white guy lives in a trailer some where.

    Your just a lowlife hoodrat who is so full of herself that she is about to explode and soil everyone around her/him, whatever you really are Pat.

  115. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Christie, a man famous for being bravely heroic to a person half his size...and doing so with NJ State Troopers backing his heroic bravery by tossing the other guy out. Yep. Classy. T-Paw has the singular idiocy of removing funding for bridge a major Interstate bridge fell down. Nothing like tax breaks for Goobers to highlight the need for infrastructure maintenance...yes, even Heeyucks have to pay into that fund. Just because it isn't all Jesusy and making women pay for not dating losers...doesn't mean it should not be done.
    Daniels is the grate wite hope of the Villagers...which should be enough to send him back home. All they care about is who fits their party bush.
    Huckabee is a typical well-fed Southern preacher...just like Pat Robertson...who had a stable of fillies from his kkkollege. Funny how not one of the gals could get arrested.
    Powerline.Goober as a 'sorce'. Silly fool...waving dirty Vitters is not an adult activity. Try reading some actual experts on subjects...then get back to us when you have a Grade Five grasp of the concepts.
    If I wanted to be lied to...I'd watch least they are giddy with cheerleader antics.
    Sarey can't run...she has her grandchild to raise. And Todd tends to wander if not watched. Just read the Alaskan blogs.
    Bachmann...I hear the Midwestern wind howl through her empty, hollow head. Shame she was only picked for photo ops.
    Not to worry, Obama will likely be re-elected by the majority of the US he works. Wingnuts might want to try it.


  116. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Did you ever think people just don't like you and it's you that is abrasive and phony? With your made up name and all? You are a phony braggart who does nothing but make up things that are incredulous (still waiting for that scientific paper on aids cures that you published) that you back up with nothing, attempt to denigrate your obvious betters with gutterish ghetto speak and homophobia, nastiness beyond the pale and then amazing claims that you have multiple degrees but choose to act like a half witted racist ghetto hood rat.

    Truth is people see the garbage you are and the hypocrisy and don't like you at all...even though your family has "fitty seben duhgrees" and some white guy lives in a trailer some where.

    Your just a lowlife hoodrat who is so full of herself that she is about to explode and soil everyone around her/him, whatever you really are Pat.
    anon wit sense 310

    sadly anon these types of psychos will continue to lie till their blue in the face they have no honor they have no real life achievements and they have nothing to hold onto but a fantasy world where everyone is against them and they are the smartest jess like buceta breaf banks it s no small wonder that eye call them one in the same sockpuppets since their mo is the same dummies!

  117. dumbdownstevie said:

    No slappz just makes up statistics.

    Where's the link you got that info from Slappy?

    Are you proud of having a cement head? Seems you are.

    The numbers I cited came from YOUR article.

    After witnessing your antics here, it's easy to see why you approve of Obama. No matter how each of his plans fails, you can't believe he supported the plan in the first place.

    Or, no matter what policies and principles of Bush he opposed, you can't believe he has run much of his administration on exactly the same policies and principles. Or, you can't believe Obama caught the benefits of Bush policies that were later ended in the Obama administration, like waterboarding, the practice that put the US on the trail of bin Laden.

  118. Anonymous3:20 PM

    UTS, you keep on asking for where the wingnuts 'found' their fibs. Nothing like Fact-Checking to make them nervous. And when you show that they are making poo up...they get defensive. It is more about their beleef than about Truth.
    DC has a history...and it is far more about wites making life difficult for other citizens...because they can. Makes those losers sweat when they realize that wite privilege is going away...and some folks want to return the 'favour'.
    I'll admit to having friends from the DC area and its suburbs. And they are quite open about the 'Southern efficiency'. You-all should do more reading and less bloviating. Preened pompous pundits with no historical knowledge (or any knowledge) push agendas per their Masters.


  119. Anonymous3:21 PM

    quote steve: "Where's the link you got that info from Slappy?"

    quote slappz: "The numbers I cited came from YOUR article."

    that is classic :)

    oh boy, give a black racist an AA job and he really does start to think that he's smart

  120. Anonymous3:22 PM


    "Between 30 and 50 percent of infected D.C. residents don't know it, Hader said. It is a "modern epidemic," she said, "modern in both its scale and its complexity"

    What city do you live in?

    Been tested for HIV

    That would include whites, asians and hispanics.

    "In 2007 the DC population distribution was 55.6% black, 36.3% white, 8.3% Hispanic (of any race), 5% other (including Native Americans, Alaskans, Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders), 3.1% Asian, and 1.6% mixed ."

    I live in Nunayourbusiness town - I am not like you and can think and don't get goaded like a little child. Yes I was tested and negative for HIV, and unlike you I am not on the downlow, don't have sex with black women (or for you men) and use protection so the odds of my getting aids are low. Can you say the same? The odds are against ya.

    Anyway, you digress to much, the whole point is you said DC is a wonderful black led and run community, now you are trying to say it's not really that black? Damn have you no shame?

    Why do I keep hearin bells??

  121. Don't gloat yet goober.

    I was talking about this $hit you posted earlier.

    Highest incarceration rates
    -Highest birthrate
    -Highest death rate
    -Highest rate of federal assistance per capita
    -Highest number of welfare recipients per capita
    -Highest rate of illegitimacy
    -Highest high school dropout rate even though its teachers are the highest paid in the U.S.
    -Highest rate of ghonnorrhea and syphilis
    Highest incidence of AIDS. Nearly 1 in 3 now approaching 2 of every 3 Black women is aids positive.

  122. Anonymous3:25 PM

    Are you proud of having a cement head? Seems you are.

    The numbers I cited came from YOUR article.

    Steve, you do know that when I said you did not read nor understand the articles you posted this wasn't a "lie" it was a fact. I am sure after getting humiliated countless times you read it in depth, thing is you just can't understand it. So you then look for someone like Obama to interpret what it all means for you.

    Have a nice day sweetey and go listen to your favorite song to cool down and stop drooling

  123. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Waterboarding gives Cheney a frisson and you the delight of torturing someone who will never be able to return your abject cowardice. So, when will you enlist..oh brave, heroic manly man? Why is it so necessary for you to torture unarmed people? What is your need to cause pain to others? Does it give you...thrills?
    Gutless, spineless chickenhawk...put your ManDumpling-like cowardly self on the line. You talk tough...from well behind the lines. Go get 'em...bring it on....tough far away from any danger or risk. And gleefully volunteering some unknown Arab for your torture pr0n. How about we waterboard you? See how you take it?


  124. trick question3:32 PM

    All of this illustrates that blacks will never get out of the hole they're in, because they refuse to admit there is a problem.

    DC is a great city? Holy Crap.

    Not even Kim would say that.

    Here's an easy question: what racist said that he gets alarmed when approached by "young black males" when walking near his home in DC?

  125. Speaking of black racists' inability to understand math: they say that they are all descendants of African Queens and Kings. They don't see anything wrong with believing that.

    It's like taking a chimp to watch a launch of the space shuttle. They just can't grasp it.

  126. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Must be Goober lives in Incestville, the small town goodness of marrying close kin. All the wonders of gossiping about the relatives, having deaf and red-haired children, and the closed insular society where all that matters is who Grandparents stole from.
    Silly weasel, DC is a great city. Maybe not for scared Vitter-filling wite boys who only venture out to seek other like-minded Friends of st reagan...but for lots of folks, it is not as terrible as suburban wussies would have you beleeve.
    Were you always the lads who were the targets of jokes and scams? You sure act like it.
    Not to worry, the girls will lie to long as you pay.


  127. Anonymous3:47 PM

    moldilocks says: "Not to worry, the girls will lie to long as you pay."

    Anybody hazard a guess as to the percentage of black females who are prostitutes, as compared to other races?

    Let's face it, blacks are more likely to be involved with:

    illegitimate births
    talking funny

    and on and on, all the lowly things of life.

    Yet instead of correcting problems, you blame whitey instead or else deny there is a problem. Maybe deep down you sense that you, as a race, can't be civilized.

  128. Talk About Glowing In The Dark!3:48 PM

    Speaking of DC, look at the bright side...if and when those goat-humpers ever get a nuke, where do you think they'll use it?

  129. Anonymous3:59 PM

    "Speaking of DC, look at the bright side...if and when those goat-humpers ever get a nuke, where do you think they'll use it?"

    That or Manhattan again as a target. In fact, it'd be nice if we real Americans could make a deal with them: if you attack DC, NYC, SF, LA, Boulder CO, or any liberal city, then we won't mind at all and we won't retaliate.

    Ahhh, I have a dream!

  130. BTW I finally am certain

    Slappy DOES post alternately as "anonymous".

    What a sick loser.


  131. Anonymous4:06 PM

    there there now steve, you poor monkey boy

    your dimwitted perception ironically saves you from knowing how inferior you are

    even Alicia kicks your emasculated butt, ANYTIME SHE CHOOSES

  132. Anonymous4:09 PM

    UTS, it is the sockpuppet so beloved of wingnuts. Who else would give them support and praise their oh-so-genius pronouncements? Like not quite 'special' lads from school days...they have to laugh at their own jokes.
    Or invent heroics. Or pretend that women date them. Or that they know something.
    Shame. They should just recognize their limitations. Not every person gets to be Valedictorian. But most of us turn out to be functional.
    Yes, I did notice that Goober bravely slunk away when you asked for proof. But not before one last bluster of buffoonery. Seems you added the thing they hate most, Truth.


  133. Steve Wendleman4:11 PM

    steve has to laugh at his own supposed humor, no one else would. Plus, he thinks that somehow comprises an argument.

    I truly believe that the average black racist has the same level of mental development as a white teenage boy. You talk and think the same.

  134. Anonymous4:14 PM

    just like moldilocks: every liberal teenboy claims he is the purveyor of Truth . It is so trite, yet still funny.

    Yes, white teenboy == immature black adult

    No wonder the whit teenboys love your rap so much, you are on their level.

  135. Anonymous4:22 PM

    field you love to bad mouth america so why don't you tell us about your island paridise,j-may-key oh that's right with a little half ass marxism and tnb you turned j-may-key into detoilit.

  136. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Dr. Thump said...

    Ms.Queef said...
    "Allen, a Wharton Business School grad, Emory MBA, and University of Chicago law graduate, was "fired" from the show after Trump criticized his "unbelievable education," and numerous degrees from elite universities".

    Well, well, well, what have we here? Another barely educated Chump critical of a Black person who's very educated."

    Well that sure as hell doesn't mean you. Talk about about an "unbelievable education", the very idea that ghetto trash like you even graduated from high school is a joke.

    You will never be a doctor.

    10:12 PM

  137. Anonymous4:30 PM

    BTW I finally am certain

    Slappy DOES post alternately as "anonymous".

    What a sick loser.


    4:02 PM

    Are you as certain of this as you were that DC is a succesfully black led paradise? Or then later it is not? Your an assclown, nothing but a dingle dongle ass clown. Can't discuss facts unless you now them so now try and decrease the effectiveness of the sources by saying, oh no it's only one source.

    You can ring someone elses bell, not mine.

  138. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Yes, I did notice that Goober bravely slunk away when you asked for proof. But not before one last bluster of buffoonery. Seems you added the thing they hate most, Truth.


    Tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbass, did you miss the show where even steve had to backtrack you fake blackman. Why don't you tell everyone why a cracka like you gets off pretending to be a befuddled old dumbass granny? WHy will you not let Socrates our of the box in your head, he was just as despicable as you, but at least he could string together a coherent sentence.

  139. detective outtatownsteve writes:

    Slappy DOES post alternately as "anonymous".

    For my own entertainment, which "anon" posts do you think I wrote?

  140. Black News Today:

    Cali Swag District Rapper M-Bone Killed In Drive-By Shooting
    Bone, 22, died of two gunshot wounds to the head in his hometown of Inglewood, California...

    ...MCDONALD'S to shake up food ordering system; Replace cashiers with touchscreens...Unemployment among blacks expected to rise...

    ...Two charged with hate crimes for MCDONALD'S transgender beatdown...

    ...CHANGE: Obama Assets Total as Much as $12 Million...


    ...Post-Bin Laden Bump Has Vanished

  141. PilotX5:35 PM

    ...Post-Bin Laden Bump Has Vanished

    and he'll still win! Ha!

  142. Anonymous5:36 PM

    You can't even think for yourselves...but cheat, rather obviously and badly, off from me. And then pat your hairy corpulent back at your 'brilliance'. No wonder Left Behind applies.
    Sorry, but I am laughing so much at your ineptitude.
    'Yer one too'...or 'so's you' if that was wit or a retort. With minds like must be lonely. And fake equivalence!
    Either you-all are teeners..or you are severely developmentally delayed. Not to worry, with a Trust Fund...even sappy droolers like bush, the Quayles, Paul, etc...can pretend to being Just As Good as Bill Gates. So, where's your Cover the Stoopid money?


  143. PilotX5:37 PM

    "Are you as certain of this as you were that DC is a succesfully black led paradise?"

    Check some of the property values in D.C. and then ask your question.

  144. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Yes, I did notice that Goober bravely slunk away when you asked for proof. But not before one last bluster of buffoonery. Seems you added the thing they hate most, Truth.


    Projecting again mold?Just because YOU do that everyday doesn't mean everyone will follow you.

  145. Anonymous5:44 PM

    "Are you as certain of this as you were that DC is a succesfully black led paradise?"

    Check some of the property values in D.C. and then ask your question.

    Right, but you are also aware that the Feds are as of today tapping federal retirement funds as we are "OUT OF MONEY" and can't borrow any more again as of today.

    Lets see what happens to those property values when the rest of the country taxpayer funds dries up for all those inflated and useless government jobs or should I say the "artificial" black middle class.

  146. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Mold....good news, the two black girls that beat up that transgendered person in McDonalds are being charged with hate crimes. This should calm down the attacks on the Hermaprodites of the world. You should be safe going to McDonalds and buying dinner for you and your mom.

  147. Gasoline prices are $4 a gallon. Even though Obama said he wanted to force Americans to use less gas by making gas and other forms of conventional energy more expensive, voters want cheap gas and they'd like it even more if as much gas as possible were to come from American oil wells, drilled in America by American oilfield workers.

    But Obama has stated that he wants to buy oil from Brazil as well as all the other foreign sources selling to the US now. What a guy. Seems he hates American oilfield workers.

    Oil drilled from American oil wells is not, and will not be earmarked solely for American consumption. It's going on the open market, where the Chinese, Indians and any other national interest can purchase it.

    At best, it'll put a next-to-insignificant dent in US fuel prices. At worse, the effect is totally nonexistant. But at least a few American oilfield workers gain employment. That's probably the only positive effect from this.

    You want to drop the price of gas? Crack down on Wall Street speculation that keeps the price of gas at record highs.

  148. Anonymous said...
    Did you ever think people just don't like you and it's you that is abrasive and phony? With your made up name and all? You are a phony braggart who does nothing but make up things that are incredulous (still waiting for that scientific paper on aids cures that you published) that you back up with nothing, attempt to denigrate your obvious betters with gutterish ghetto speak and homophobia, nastiness beyond the pale and then amazing claims that you have multiple degrees but choose to act like a half witted racist ghetto hood rat.

    Truth is people see the garbage you are and the hypocrisy and don't like you at all...even though your family has "fitty seben duhgrees" and some white guy lives in a trailer some where.

    Your just a lowlife hoodrat who is so full of herself that she is about to explode and soil everyone around her/him, whatever you really are Pat.

    Did it ever occur to you that I couldn't give a damn what a bunch a low life UNDEReducated poor white trash assholes and coons like MR think of me? Things like you with your unknown identifies are no more logical than a bunch of 12 year old girls as far as I'm concerned, green with jealously because my life is far more successful that yours will EVER be.

    EVERY educated Black who defies your unfounded stereotypes and racism to become highly successful anyway, is your enemy #1. And THAT not only makes you a psychotic bunch of children of bitches, it makes you pathetic as well.

    So continue to do you because I don't really give a damn Ms. Marine Biologist of the century. Just know that I won't stop posting here until I'm banned by Field.

    In the meantime, you and all my other "fans" can CONTINUE to KISS MY BLACK ASS!!!!

    BTW, how much algae do you think you'll scoop up after the floods in MIssissippi subside?

  149. PilotX8:44 PM

    "or should I say the "artificial" black middle class."

    I just worry about us folk in the real middle class. Why should color matter since you conservatives are colorblind or is that another conservative lie?

  150. PilotX8:47 PM

    "Your just a lowlife hoodrat"

    wow, this ignorant troll hasn't figured out how to properly use YOUR yet?
    Field, I leave and the stupid continues.

  151. PilotX8:50 PM

    "Oil drilled from American oil wells is not, and will not be earmarked solely for American consumption. It's going on the open market, where the Chinese, Indians and any other national interest can purchase it."

    C'mon Mack these dimwitted conservatives don't understand basic commerce. They still believe the drill baby drill and tax cuts will save us along with, ha, vouchers. Oh the complex problems we have can be solved with such simple conservative ideas. I don't know if they're delusional or just dumb or both. At least you care enough to try.
