Monday, June 20, 2011

Desperate measures.

I see where some poor guy just robbed a bank for a dollar so that he could get proper medical care. (h/t Vaughn for this story) That is not a good look for A-merry-ca. This reminds me of the story of that Michigan woman who is trying to sell her handwritten letter from O to pay her house note. Both cases of desperate people doing whatever it takes to survive in these post Bush apocalyptic times.

"A 59-year-old man has been jailed in Gastonia, N.C., on charges of larceny after allegedly robbing an RBC Bank for $1 so he could get health care in prison. Richard James Verone handed a female teller a note demanding the money and claiming that he had a gun, according to the police report.

He then sat down and waited for police to arrive. "… I say, 'I'll be sitting right over here, on the chair, waiting for the police,'" Verone told reporters, recalling the June 9 robbery in an interview from Gaston County Jail.

   And wait for the police, he did.

"He's sitting on the sofa as you walk in the front door," the bank teller said in a 911 call.

Police arrested Verone where he sat. He was unarmed.

Verone said he asked for $1 to show that his motives were medical, not monetary, according to news reports. With a growth in his chest, two ruptured disks and no job, Verone hoped a three-year stint in prison would afford him the health care he needed.

"I'm sort of a logical person and that was my logic, what I came up with," Verone told reporters. "If it is called manipulation, then out of necessity because I need medical care, then I guess I am manipulating the courts to get medical care."

But the charge of larceny, not armed robbery, is unlikely to keep Verone behind bars for more than 12 months. He is being held in Gaston County Jail on a $2,000 bond, according to a spokesman for the jail, and is scheduled to appear in court June 28." [Story]

Poor Richard, the poor  guy can't buy a break; he didn't even rob the bank right.

I wonder if he voted for Obama and "Obamacare"?


  1. Wow, everytime some right winger wants to bark off about 'Obama-care' we should hand over this guy's story and tell them to either help this man or STHU.

  2. Farley9:39 PM

    It'd be nice if they'd just "STFU" anyway.

  3. Anonymous9:43 PM

    Only in Obama's Amerkkka.

    Hows that hope and change working for ya??

  4. Slapnuts said...

    Only in Obama's Amerkkka.

    Hows that hope and change working for ya??

    Well, its a lot better than Republicans 'Screw grandma' philosophy.

  5. "With a growth in his chest, two ruptured disks and no job.."

    That's it? Is the growth at least cancerous? He sounds like a spoil entitled brat to me. Now if he had cancer on the brink of going terminal, or was in need of dialysis, I might understand. But no sympathy here, wrong is wrong.

  6. field asks:

    Still, the truth is, that it makes you a person with an engineering degree. A PE makes you an engineer.

    A PE license is for people who mainly want to run engineering consulting firms. Those who get the PE license generally have five years of experience after college graduation in their engineering specialty. Or a master's degree and maybe two or three years of work experience. I went to Wall Street two years after graduating from engineering school. Take that any way you like.

    What is the name of the device that your team patented?

    It has a very simple name. It's called a vane. It controls fluid flow within a closed body.

    Like I said. Simple but unique, and therefore patentable.

    Engineers working for corporations rarely get the PE license. There's no need. It's never a job requirement unless you're a project manager at Fluor, Bechtel, KBR, etc.

  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    Wow, everytime some right winger wants to bark off about 'Obama-care' we should hand over this guy's story and tell them to either help this man or STHU.

    9:35 PM

    Or use your qoute to show how gullible or is it purposefully misleading democrats are.

    Hello, Emergency room, I have no money and need medical care, ok sir, go to this hospital. Hello Medicaid, Have no money needs insurance ok sir here is your card. Millions of people live on this and you don't know this? The problem with Obamacare is that few will pay for all and everyone will have "medicare". There are so many programs out there that all this guy would have to do is walk in to an office and he woudl walk out with cash to survive and go apartment hunting with public funded healthcare. Stop the hype. We already pay through the nose for it.

  8. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Farley said...
    It'd be nice if they'd just "STFU" anyway

    Be happy to, can I keep what I have earned to? Otherwise if I am paying for everyone else's choices, then no, I am gonna at least vent while you tell me how bad I am for payin.

  9. field writes:

    This reminds me of the story of that Michigan woman who is trying to sell her handwritten letter from O to pay her house note.

    Destiny Mathis lives in Indiana, but what's reading comprehension here?

    In any case, she wrote Obama and told him she was in dire financial straits. Is it really a surprise he wrote back?

    According to the article, appraisers have valued the Obama note at $11,000.

    Obviously he knew a personal letter to a private citizen has a substantial value to a collector. He knew he the note he sent her was convertible into cash.

    That raises the issue of how Obama can solve our national financial troubles. All he has to do is send similar notes to every person in America who requests one.

    Imagine. Thousands and thousands and thousands of people receiving short, handwritten notes from the president that can be sold for $11,000 each. Perhaps some Americans will need two, three or four of them. But if Obama devoted all his energy to sending these valuable pieces of paper to everyone in need, he'd solve our national financial crisis before the next election.

    These letters would be the true Obama Bucks. Money you can count on.

    He could probaby sell some longer notes, actual letters, to China. Maybe China would pay $50,000 for each full page letter.

    No doubt he could sell a lot of them in Nigeria. Nigeria seems to be a country with a lot of unclaimed bank accounts. I get letters all the time from Nigerians who ask me to help them be accepting the transfer of millions of dollars that are just laying around in dormant bank accounts.

    Obama could exchange his letters and notes for the contents of those accounts. This is gonna work. I can tell. The nation is saved and we will owe it all to the uplifting notes sent out from the White House on that presidential stationery, nice envelope and a 44-cent stamp.

    Nice return on the investment. About a dollar and half per letter after accounting for the president's paycheck.

  10. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Obama is definitely a superhero, he has a new nickname:

    Captain Incompetence. Remember you heard it here first (after I heard it somewhere else :)

  11. Vent, whine. It's what babies and republicans do until they get their. No real constructive dialogue comes from them. At least babies have an excuse. Next tie hold your breath ;).

  12. Motown Records:

    Meanwhile, Fiat is now the owner of Chrysler. How much longer will Fiat let its investment remain in Detroit?

    State to Run Detroit's Worst Schools


    DETROIT—The worst-performing public schools in Detroit will be removed from the city's school system and run by a new state authority charged with turning them around within five years.

    The move, detailed Monday by Gov. Rick Snyder and other state leaders, is intended to test a new concept that may be expanded to improve other troubled schools around the state.

    Mr. Snyder, a Republican, said the authority, known as the Educational Achievement System, will start up a year from this fall with as many as 39 of the 130 Detroit schools.

    The city schools selected will be among those that tested in the bottom 5% academically statewide.

    Overall, about 200 of Michigan's 4,000 public schools fall into that category—and all eventually could be candidates for the parallel school system if it works for Detroit, Mr. Snyder said. The new authority will be run by Roy Roberts, the current emergency manager of the Detroit public schools.

    Schools placed under the control of the new authority must remain for five years, aided by administrative support from Eastern Michigan University.

    "We have too many failing schools in our state," the governor said at a news conference at Renaissance High School on the city's northwest side, adding only 16 percent of Michigan high school graduates are college-ready, based on ACT scores, and that the state ranks poorly in math and reading.

  13. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Farley said...
    Vent, whine. It's what babies and republicans do until they get their. No real constructive dialogue comes from them. At least babies have an excuse. Next tie hold your breath ;).

    Now, Now Farley two word go together very well, babies and dependancy - we know this isn't conservatives now don't we .

  14. Whitey's Conspiracy1:41 AM

    More a comment on how Mr. Logical added 1+1 and came up with pi. I'm a universal medicare supporter, and I hope that the man gets care (though that's the last thing he'll find in the cage) but not to keep people from committing crimes. He lives in the research triangle and robbed a bank for medical care? What's wrong with dealing with the debt in bankruptcy instead/ Medical bankruptcy's a lot more benign than the cage.

  15. Anonymous1:50 AM

    These are desperate times and that poor man was desperate. I hope he gets the medical help he needs and deserves. However, in America the land of greedy capitalists, he might not get medical help.

    You see, in a country of capitalistic materialism, there is no good reason for the rich and powerful to help the poor and vulnerable.

    A better logical solution for him would have been to move to Canada, Cuba or UK where everyone is 'certain' to get medical care.

  16. Anonymous1:56 AM

    LAA, "That's it? Is the growth at least cancerous? He sounds like a spoil entitled brat to me. Now if he had cancer on the brink of going terminal, or was in need of dialysis, I might understand. But no sympathy here, wrong is wrong."

    My dear laa, i had no idea you were a member of the tea party. You go, girlfriend!

  17. Anonymous2:02 AM

    OT but I have a special word for Justice Thomas...but you won't like it although you should!

    Your filter won't let it pass. To friggin bad!

    Chicano Power!

  18. No one should have to have themselves deliberately locked up just to get health care.

  19. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Your filter won't let it pass. To friggin bad!

    Chicano Power!

    Viva La Raza!!! En Mexico.

  20. no_slappz.

    Took you long enough to look up PE.

    Our first encounter, you were some financial person and your blog looked liked the financial version of John Nash's garage wall in the movie A Beautiful Mind.

  21. "no_slappz.

    Took you long enough to look up PE.

    LOL! Yes, his Google skills must be slipping.

    "Destiny Mathis lives in Indiana, but what's reading comprehension here?"

    She lives in Indiana and you are still not an engineer.

    You see, in a country of capitalistic materialism, there is no good reason for the rich and powerful to help the poor and vulnerable.

    "A better logical solution for him would have been to move to Canada, Cuba or UK where everyone is 'certain' to get medical care."

    Yes, and hopefully that will be the case here in A-merry-ca soon.

  22. PilotX6:58 AM

    This country got where it is by luck and now that luck is starting to run out. How can you be a world leader when half of the country pushes creationism in science class and no one says a peep. Sad day. No partisanship needed because wrong is wrong. OK, just a little partisanship, the only rational candidates in the GOP wear magic underwear. Interesting.

  23. For a second I thought that mugshot was of Andrew Breitbart.

  24. pilotX writes:

    This country got where it is by luck and now that luck is starting to run out.

    Luck? Luck? I see. So in your mind, a couple of dimwit brothers were walking along the beach in Kitty Hawk when they saw something that looked like a strange bird. At first they didn't know what to make of it, but after fooling around with it for a while, they realized it was some kind of contraption with a engine and a fan blade.

    Yeah, they said to each other, if we can get the engine to run we can sit here in the shade of that upper part while this fan blows air over us. What a great way to enjoy the beach, they said to each other. We get a cool breeze and shade. Boy are we lucky.

    How can you be a world leader when half of the country pushes creationism in science class and no one says a peep.

    Here's a little tidbit for you. The semiconductor industry was founded by several people, including Robert Noyce. A few of them were the sons of ministers. It was their belief in the principles of physics that was the basis for their defection from their family's faith.

    Their doubt about the faith of their fathers led to the creation of the most transformative technology of the 20th century. It's still far from running its course and is likely to have a profound effect on the lives of every human.

  25. anon wrote:

    "A better logical solution for him would have been to move to Canada, Cuba or UK where everyone is 'certain' to get medical care."

    Oh yeah. You can move to Canada or the UK, bring your chronic illness with you and check into the nearest hospital. Yeah. You can do that.

    Cuba? Somebody must have seen Michael Moore's "Sicko". The Cuban healthcare system is as broke as the rest of the economy. Even Fidel himself has been hovering at the brink of death because some half-baked doctor botched his abdominal surgery, after which he was no longer capable of tying his own shoes, let along trying to run the failed Marxist state.

    What was wrong with Fidel? State secret. No one knows. That's why Chavez from Venezuela went to Cuba for his medical treatment. He wants the secrecy. It would undermine his regime if the real reason got around.

    He probably has some form of cancer. No doubt the value of keeping the truth from reaching the world seemed more important to Chavez than getting top-notch treatment.

    In the coming year the cancer will reappear. The surgery was probably to remove a tumor, and the Cuban quacks probably missed enough of it that his days are numbered.

  26. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Field, "Yes, and hopefully that will be the case here in A-merry-ca soon."

    come on Field, you know that is not going to happen. ObamaCare is about to be dismantled and thrown out by the rich and powerful capitalists. There is nothing the poor can do about it.

  27. Just read about this this morning and was struck by the extreme measure he took.

    As individuals who elect our representatives, our President, etc., we need to force reform. Day after day we read stories like this and struggle with our own financial issues but we aren't united in a movement to make change. Having been a teenager in the late Sixties & a protestor in the early Seventies, I know it works. Social media is a valuable forum but voting is another.

    I always admired Cindy Sheehan, the woman who protested the war on Dubyah's Crawford property. Her son had been killed in Iraq. Her response was picked up by news media around the world and she turned it into a movement. It just wasn't big enough to motivate our representatives to get out early.

    It sounds hopeless but it isn't. Corporations rule the world but the pendulum theory will swing things in the other direction some day. Just hope we haven't all been eliminated by then.

  28. Anonymous8:15 AM

    no_slappz, "Their doubt about the faith of their fathers led to the creation of the most transformative technology of the 20th century. It's still far from running its course and is likely to have a profound effect on the lives of every human."

    We don't need more transformative technology, we need more heart transformation for the good of the human race. You certainly need an inner change drastically. For you are on a destructive course of racial hate.

  29. Anonymous8:21 AM

    no_slappz, you have been found out. you are a teenager who is afraid and angry. this blog is your outlet to vent. at least thank field for without him, you'd have no place to go. welcome, brother...even though you hate yourself and by extension, others.

  30. Anonymous8:38 AM

    "It sounds hopeless but it isn't. Corporations rule the world but the pendulum theory will swing things in the other direction some day. Just hope we haven't all been eliminated by then"

    I wouldn't worry much about corporations in California Cali girl. Businesses are leaving cali left and right, the entitlement state of free stuff has gotten out of control. Not sure why the politicians think one state (with some support from the rest of the US) can totally support another country without issue. Keep raisin them taxes, when they run out of other peoples money which they already have, then what?

  31. "no_slappz, you have been found out. you are a teenager who is afraid and angry. this blog is your outlet to vent. at least thank field for without him, you'd have no place to go. welcome, brother...even though you hate yourself and by extension, others."

    Lawd, isn't that the truth?

  32. Anonymous8:58 AM

    PilotX said...
    This country got where it is by luck and now that luck is starting to run out. How can you be a world leader when half of the country pushes creationism in science class and no one says a peep. Sad day. No partisanship needed because wrong is wrong. OK, just a little partisanship, the only rational candidates in the GOP wear magic underwear. Interesting.

    How can we be a world leader when schools push the global warming hoax,liberalism, and teach that fudge packings ok?

  33. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Thanks UTS
    Now I can jizz on Sharon's face all day long. Appreciate that.

  34. fn:

    the post bush apocalypse has become the WORSE hobama armageddon!!!

    and it has become so DIRECTLY by the bloody hands of hobama and his banksters

    your blaming and denial will never protect one black mongrel CRUSHED & IGNORED by hobama


    we will all be ROBBED & IMPRISONED by!!!

  35. horridly ironic that one would try to get prison healthcare via a bank robbery

    while hobama and his banksters rob and imprison us all via hobamacare

    that will gut medicaid and medicare so that poor people get LESS health care than the avg bank


  36. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Uptown Steve Sed...

    "Lawd, isn't that the truth?"

    Is this wut u put in u're hair? I thnk u mean Lard -- lern to spel idjut

  37. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Clearly this man is mentally unwell.

    The problem of mental illness is a worldwide concern and one which governments typically do not want to spend their money on.

    So we have them in the streets begging for money and also drug addicted because they self medicate.

    The mentally ill are often unable to comply with the procedures, paperwork and bureaucracy necessary to get any kind of help.

    Often times the family members just get tired of living their lives around the needs of this person and give up on them. This is especially true as the economic crisis puts an added squeeze on these families.

    So they end up living on the streets, in parks, subways and under bridges. :(

    What is the solution? You tell me.

  38. R.I.P. Agent Brian Terry10:36 AM

    Did you ever hear of "Operation Fast & Furious", otherwise known as "Operation Gunwalker"?

    Probably not, if you listen to the liberal media. will. Some heads in the Obama administration are going to roll.

  39. Anonymous10:45 AM

    The man in no way seems "horribily unwell." He knew exactly what he was doing and why. What heartless bitches the women on this blog are. I'm shocked. What if the man was black, would you care then? Unreal!

  40. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Its sad a white man has come to this in Black Run America.

    Is the white man the new nigga?

  41. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Slappy...before you pretend to knowledge on a might want to check your audience. While wingnuts and christians are notable lacking in credentials and experience...other folks are not. Your fantasy about the PE is a 'tell'. And, you write like the wanna-be hourly labourer given the most mundane of rote tasks...not an Engineer. Your mathematical illiteracy is completely a 'tell'. One does not survive the classes by using FOX 'Maff'.

    Wonder why the wite boy is so gleefully anticipating the RIF of so many teenage girls who pack fudge in all those seaside venues? Is it that they snorted in derision at his hygenically challenged self? Was it that they declined to worship his manly beleefs? Could it be that these women thought of themselves as humans and totally independent of his needs...unlike the chattel he so insistently requires them to be?

    BarkBarkWoofWoof has a neat piece on how Gubmint don' make nuttin'...worth a read. My fave was that we usually hear the line from parasites or slackers...sort of a 'look over there....LESBIANS!!!' from Diapers Vitter/Larry Craig/Mark Foley/Newtie/Sarey.

    Just for the stoopids...your Masters fired millions of 50 somethings to avoid paying them pensions and wages. Seems the pensions were raided and one might be imprisoned for theft...had not the 50 folks been 'surplus'. While a 15 callow wite youth thinkerates that he am the most glorious of workers...once you get past 40...the likelihood of finding other work diminishes. Your taxes paid for this obvious Data. It is public. So...between 50, when the Fwee Marketeers cut your job...and 65, when you can get 15 years of hoping you don't have medical issues. Plus, many states with large incest groupings (christians) tend to deny claims by the poor. Keeps them able to be Rite2Work and cheaper. Not providing medical care is the short term. And welfare programs have been cut since st reagan lied to us about the Welfare Queen. Oh, thank you st that wite folks need it...the safety net is gone!


  42. Anonymous11:44 AM

    My brother understands economics instinctively, so when he says something, I listen.

    I keep seeing/hearing this "the government creates NOTHING" meme and it just drives me frigging crazy. It's a favorite of the right and it's just so wrong it's making me crazy. And I can't argue the most recent occurrence because it came on a board that I'm a moderator for, with a strict no politics policy. The most interesting part of this is that it comes from ... wait for it ... a right wing California real estate appraiser. He creates ... ??

    The bulk of our economy "creates nothing". Banks, supermarkets, barber shops, tanning salons, plumbers, electricians, and real estate appraisers all create nothing. They move people, money, goods, etc. around, but make nothing. They do, however, offer jobs, add value and make money. This economic activity is key to our economy.


  43. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The worst part of it is that government can/does do one thing that none of these other business can do: create demand. Government builds roads, water and sewer systems, buildings, courts, provides health care, and order military hardware. All of these create demand from whole cloth (actually from taxes or borrowed money). But unlike the service businesses that are dependent on demand created by others, government can (and does) decide to do things, and that independently creates demand. No other entity has the power to create demand completely out of nowhere.

    That's why this is just so wrong. It's part of the "government is evil" meme that they cite repeatedly without challenge. It interestingly came at the end of a diatribe by this clown saying "don't hate on big business, they create nearly everything in this economy". Which ignores the fact that 99.7% of the businesses (by number) in the country are classified as small businesses, that over 50% of the jobs in the country are in small business, that small businesses pay 44% of all private payroll, etc. Here is a small business owner who so completely drank the tea that he can't even see his own company's contribution to the economy.


  44. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Not only that, when one of the last major industries in the country -- the automobile manufacturers -- were in trouble two years ago, the right-wing meme was to let them die; that'll teach them a lesson in capitalism, and kill off the left-wing labor unions while they're at it. Aside from the fact that it would have decimated one of the last few manufacturing industries left in the country -- all the others have been shipped oversees by those noble American captains of industry -- it would have destroyed the demand economies of the cities and states where the companies were located. The first to go would have been the small businesses that relied on GM and Chrysler, and not just the parts suppliers; it would have been the banks, supermarkets, barber shops, tanning salons, plumbers, electricians, and real estate appraisers.

    The next favorite right-wing economic mantra is that lower taxes are the only way to stimulate the economy. Fareed Zakaria makes the case that cutting taxes and spending by the government doesn't stimulate the economy.

    The Republican prescription is to cut taxes and slash government spending — then things will bounce back. Now, I would like to see lower rates in the context of tax simplification and reform, but what is the evidence that tax cuts are the best path to revive the U.S. economy? Taxes — federal and state combined — as a percentage of GDP are at their lowest level since 1950. The U.S. is among the lowest taxed of the big industrial economies. So the case that America is grinding to a halt because of high taxation is not based on facts but is simply a theoretical assertion. The rich countries that are in the best shape right now, with strong growth and low unemployment, are ones like Germany and Denmark, neither one characterized by low taxes.

    I never studied economic theory beyond a class I had in high school, but it doesn't take a degree from the London School of Economics to know that tax cuts alone don't lead to prosperity. Every time in recent memory that we've tried massive tax cuts, we've gotten a recession soon after: Reagan in the 1980's and Bush in the 2000's, and we've had some of the best economic times when we've have comparatively high taxes; i.e. the 1950's, when the top tax rate was a whopping 91% under that socialist Dwight Eisenhower. What we need is a balance of both revenues and spending, and so far, all the Republican offerings have been unbalanced... in every sense of the the word.

  45. Anonymous11:54 AM

    it is sad what people do when they are desperate they should not have arrested that man they should have helped him but that is not what our society is about most americans would cringe if they knew his story

    speaking of desperation its a shame the lengths buceta breaf will go thru to get attention on this blog like spamming 247 and saying nonsensical bullshit

    eye guess thats the state of america today sad jess sad

  46. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Wonder why the wite boy is so gleefully anticipating the RIF of so many teenage girls who pack fudge in all those seaside venues? Is it that they snorted in derision at his hygenically challenged self? Was it that they declined to worship his manly beleefs? Could it be that these women thought of themselves as humans and totally independent of his needs...unlike the chattel he so insistently requires them to be?


    Could it be mold doesn't know what the f*ck heshe is talking about?Could it be it went way over heshe's head?

    We should all be greatful mold didn't go work for the CIA,NSA,or those other groups that tried to recuit mold!!!!

  47. They Don't Fall Far From The Butt Plug Tree12:04 PM

    "Anonymous said...

    BarkBarkWoofWoof has a neat piece on how Gubmint don' make nuttin'...worth a read. My fave was that we usually hear the line from parasites or slackers...sort of a 'look over there....LESBIANS!!!' from Diapers Vitter/Larry Craig/Mark Foley/Newtie/Sarey.


    11:43 AM"

    Well, well....mold's "brother" from BarkBarkWoofWoof is a notorious flaming faggot.

    Why am I not at all surprised?

  48. mold woman from u.n.c.l.e12:11 PM

    Mold's brutha is white?

  49. Anonymous12:23 PM

    mold woman from u.n.c.l.e said...

    Mold's brutha is white?

    Mold is white, he is a young white male who got kicked out of school and starting stalking people on several blogs, also posts here as the anon who curses and calls AB buceta bref, used to post as Socrates, had a few other names but now sticks with Mold.

    Sick little fucker really. So far has had about a dozen professions, makes one up depending upon the topic to show his expertise, used to speak in really bad ebonics to try and "pretendarate" he was an old black woman, gave that up and now just speak in disconnected jibberish.

    One thing that has been constant in all his personalities is he likes it in the ass, hard. Suspect severe physical sexual abuse from his parents - especially his father who even he says has diddled him on occasion. His one and only friend on this blog is UptownSteve, they often agree - that is the one thing about Mold that actually makes sense.

  50. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Poor Richard, the poor guy can't buy a break; he didn't even rob the bank right.

    I wonder if he voted for Obama and "Obamacare"?

    Fueled Negro, Sorry I meant Field, did you mean this Obamacare? One of the most if not the most corrupt lie filled piece of legislation ever forced down the throats of america?

    PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC) recently released its annual report on medical cost trends for 2012, and it is revealing.

    1) The report shows health care costs and premiums continuing to rise—and uncertainty increasing for employers who offer insurance to their workers. Health care spending increased by 7.5 percent in 2010 and will grow by 8 percent this year.

    2) In 2012, it will rise again by 8.5 percent. This is exactly the opposite of the President’s promise that his health care plan would reduce premiums by $2,500 per person.

    3) Perhaps most concerning are the findings of a survey also released by PWC divulging how employers are likely to react to Obamacare. The survey showed that nearly half of employers will drop their coverage, dumping employees into the government-run exchanges. Individuals who qualify would then receive generous federal subsidies to purchase insurance. If more employers than expected dump coverage, as other experts have predicted, the cost of the subsidy program will explode deficit spending. The results of the PWC survey indicate this is likely to be reality.

    4) Even if employers do not dump coverage entirely under the new law, according to the survey, five out of six employers will completely re-evaluate their benefits strategy. Four out of five employers will make changes to help cover new costs under Obamacare, including raising premiums, deductibles, and co-payments.

    5) Employers who offer coverage to their workers face growing uncertainty regarding costs under the new law. The negative consequences of Obamacare’s changes will be threefold: higher costs for those with employer-sponsored coverage; a greater debt burden on current and future taxpayers; and slower growth in job creation and the overall economy.

  51. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I know mold used the name "newssouls" and i also think she is socrates and mold is AB'S stalker.

    Think for a sec.How many old American black women or black women of any age post like mold does?

  52. Anonymous12:35 PM

    These are the people lefties fight for against americans every day. This is who lefties are.

    Kenyan Muslim leaders call for death penalty for gays

    Sapa-AP | 14 June, 2011 13:09

    Muslim leaders in Kenya have called on the government to introduce the death penalty for homosexuals and to boycott their businesses, media reports said Monday.

  53. does anyone here ever understand what the hell molded/nell is saying in its streaming senseless racist rants?????????

  54. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Health care in this country is and always has been obscenely expensive! It is an industry,a business!

    In the "most powerful" country in the world. Is it obscene that only an elite few can have adequate,timely medical care???

  55. From the Department of Economic Fantasies:

    The worst part of it is that government can/does do one thing that none of these other business can do: create demand...

    Really? There may be a few tasks best left in the hands of government. But only the delusional believe government creates demand.

    Government builds roads, water and sewer systems, buildings, courts, provides health care, and order military hardware.

    Oh. So it wasn't until governments built roads that people knew which way to direct their horses. Okay.

    Water? I see. People weren't thirsty till their governments told them about water? Yeah okay.

    Sewers? Yeah, nobody had the sense to do something about the accumulation of waste till the government showed up.

    Of course it's true that clean water, waste disposal and healthcare are pretty much non-existent in most of Africa. So we can see why programs aimed at public health issues are important. Without well run programs, entire countries become disease ridden sewers.

    All of these create demand from whole cloth (actually from taxes or borrowed money).

    You really don't know which end is which, do you?

    What you really mean, though you don't understand it, is that government, by spending tax dollars, induces people to become suppliers of goods and services purchased by the government and put into public use.

    But unlike the service businesses that are dependent on demand created by others, government can (and does) decide to do things, and that independently creates demand.

    Yeah. Nobody needs a doctor till the government says a doctor is needed. Nobody need water till the government says so. Nobody needs national defense until the government points out the foreign threat. Nobody needs a school till the government mentions it.

    No other entity has the power to create demand completely out of nowhere.

    In fact, every need is clearly evident long before government ever sticks it snout in. While there's no doubt the government alone should handle national defense, pretty much every other function should be shared with the private sector, with the private sector handling as much of the load as possible.

    Only the government has the power to skew markets. When markets are skewed, then it becomes necessary for the government to monkey with them in others ways, ways that are supposed to minimize the skewing. But government intrusion in markets always backfires.

  56. desertflower writes:

    Health care in this country is and always has been obscenely expensive! It is an industry,a business!

    Yes it is. In Cuba, it's a failure.

    In the "most powerful" country in the world. Is it obscene that only an elite few can have adequate,timely medical care???

    Only the elite? The cost of Medicare and Medicaid are two of our governments largest expenditures. In NY State, the Medicaid system now spends $13,000 per year, per Medicaid enrollee.

    While it's true that medical care is expensive, what do you want to do to lower the cost?

    Do you believe doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, theapists, etc believe they should take a big pay cut?

    Should drug companies stop developing drugs? If they stopped research and development, then a major cost would disappear. Then they could sell existing drugs for less.

    Do you think it would cut healthcare costs if people from other countries were stopped from sneaking into the US to have babies that are automatically citizens who are entitled to Medicaid?

    Is it possible the dumb oaf who robbed the bank believing jail was his best path to medical care was deprived of treatment because the US does virtually nothing to stop illegal aliens from getting billions of dollars of free care?

  57. wtf is molded/nell saying?????

  58. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Mold is off her meds,AB.

  59. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...

    Health care in this country is and always has been obscenely expensive! It is an industry,a business!

    In the "most powerful" country in the world. Is it obscene that only an elite few can have adequate,timely medical care???

    12:51 PM

    Then why did you insult this guy and say he was mental?!

  60. hobamacare is a corp hoax that will ruin ALL by design!!!

    only the govt and its pharma corp poss will gain...


    wait. watch. see.

    But the biggest threat to President Obama's plan is both widely overlooked and absolutely fundamental. The measure aims to vastly increase health care coverage while effectively freezing the ranks of the already-busy providers needed to furnish all those extra check-ups, cancer screenings and angioplasties: America's physicians.

    "If you expand demand and cut the fees -- the main thing the law does to reduce costs -- doctors will simply say, 'I don't need you,' and take higher-paying customers," says Dr. Richard Cooper, an oncologist at the University of Pennsylvania and expert on the doctor supply issue. "It's already happening with Medicare and Medicaid patients, and will only get worse."

    The looming doctor shortage creates three unintended forces bound to block the objectives the plan is designed to achieve. First, Medicare and Medicaid patients will increasingly face long waits to see a doctor, if they can find a physician to treat them at all. Second, people who need care urgently will flood already overloaded emergency rooms, just the scenario the plan is trying to avoid. Third, the tight restrictions on the number of physicians make it extremely difficult for insurers to find HMOs or medical groups craving new business, and hence willing to accept deep discounts in exchange for new patients.

  61. Here's alittle news on taxes and other costs of doing business in the US.

    When the real issue is the cost/productivity of labor in other countries versus the US, the ONLY tool the US government has is the power to raise and lower taxes.

    Thus, as we have seen, the all-in costs of manufacturing in other countries is lower than the all-in costs here. However, the US has the advantage of political stability.

    Thus, companies in the US don't have to fear their assets will be seized by the government. Of course asset seizures happen in other countries. Saudi Arabia seized US oilfield assets long ago. Venezuela seized a lot of US oil drilling assets last year.

    Nigeria seized US assets several years ago. Nigerian seized US refineries. But, true to form, the idiot Nigerians lacked the brains to run them. Thus, all the refineries eventually stopped operating. Then the Nigerians called the American companies to help them. Now the refineries are running again.

    Obama, in his infinite stupidity, has caused the government to impose a de facto tax on Americans by refusing to allow the expansion of oil drilling here. He is single-handedly forcing the US to rely on more imported oil than would free-market forces. In the end, his way means less jobs here, less oil tax revenue collected here, more imported oil, and more profits on imported oil remaining outside the US in the foreign accounts of Exxon, etc.

    So, if the incompetent in the White House lowered the tax rate on profits earned outside the US, that money would begin to flow into the US economy. He could lower the tax rate to zero. Then a lot of money would flow into the US economy. But he's too smart for anything like that.

  62. only the govt and its pharma corp posses will gain...

    that is ALL hobama seeks!!!



  63. Time for a flush Field.

    This anon jack ass is totally out of line.

  64. hobama is dumbER than sarah palin!!!

    here is more proof:

    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered only after the complex bill was signed.

    The change would affect early retirees: A married couple could have an annual income of about $64,000 and still get Medicaid, said officials who make long-range cost estimates for the Health and Human Services department.

    Up to 3 million people could qualify for Medicaid in 2014 as a result of the anomaly. That's because, in a major change from today, most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility.

  65. Anonymous1:52 PM

    uptownsteve/AKA Limp Bizcuit said...
    Time for a flush Field.

    This anon jack ass is totally out of line.

    Ahem....excuse me genius, but if you made poopies in the field you can't flush. It is dirt.

    Which anon? What did he say that offended you? Is it a lie? Is it worse than the names you usually call people when your small intellect can not cope with how the world works and gets exposed?
    Is it? Please specify. Are you man enough to be clear or would you just like some help back onto your crutches?


  66. Democrats At Work1:55 PM

    Remember Pelosi's famous quote:

    I paraphrase, "Why have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it".

  67. Democrats At Work2:01 PM

    I meant "We, instead of "Why", of course.

  68. Anonymous2:04 PM

    alicia Banks said...

    "does anyone here ever understand what the hell molded/nell is saying in its streaming senseless racist rants?????????"

    Maybe UptownSteve can lend his hand at translation; he and Mold are old butt buddies. Remember he always says ROTFLMBAO;

    ROTFLMBAO - Rollin On The Floor Lickin Molds Balls and Ass Out

  69. Take Your Nappy Self Back Home2:45 PM

    Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

  70. Slapnuts said...
    I know mold used the name "newssouls" and i also think she is socrates and mold is AB'S stalker.

    Think for a sec.How many old American black women or black women of any age post like mold does?

    Don't forget the Mandisha username.

    She's the ONLY black woman in America that has time to post on Field's blog everyday, under a thousand different usernames EVERYDAY!!!.

    But hey, you gotta give her credit for being creative!

  71. And free heath care for everyone is dumb idea without also requiring some personal responsibility, like no smoking and maintaing a health weight.

  72. Smoking Fatty2:57 PM

    So, if you're fat, and you smoke, you don't have to pay for Obamacare?

    Damn, pass me a deep-dish pizza & a carton of Marlboros!

  73. I wish those who speak of Medicaid and Medicare actually knew how these worked. You should surely know when you get to be my age and use them. Medicare is not FREE, it cost $110/mo now with a $200 deductible and it DOES NOT COVER ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL EXPENSES. You will have to pay for additional private insurance to cover those and usually with a copay.
    If you have to go to a nursing home in your old age, make sure you don't have any assets, because if all states are like mine that Medicaid will come out of your estate, that means NOT FREE. You will have to be really well to do to afford $9000/mo +, and you may even have to pay out of your own pocket too with Medicaid.

    I know, all those poor people, some of whom are the working poor who may have house, that the state my put a lien on for Medicaid. In time their will be more old people than younger people without insurance.

    Be sure to opt out of these when you need them. If all opted out, that think this isn't what government shouldn't be doing; Medicare and Medicaid would be solvent.

  74. kudos to Jacob Zuma!!!

    he is my newest hero!

    he refuses to be played by michelle hobama's pre-africom PR bs


  75. Dr. Queen:


    morphed faceless cloned psychos loom in legions herein...

  76. hathor writes:

    Medicare is not FREE, it cost $110/mo now with a $200 deductible and it DOES NOT COVER ALL OF YOUR MEDICAL EXPENSES.

    Free? Who said FREE? Somebody gets paid to provide the healthcare AND somebody pays for it. Taxpayers get hit for $300 Billion.

    Medicare and Medicaid take a huge bite. Medicare costs about $8,000 per enrollee.

    Meanwhile, the lowest healthcare expenditures in the US occur in Utah, home of the Mormons. They disapprove of alcohol, smoking and coffee. The benefits of their clean living are evident in their healthcare bills.

    If the entire country followed their example, our national healthcare bill would drop by a full one-third.

    If people cut way back on drinking, stopped smoking, ate right and got a little exercise, our national healthcare bill would drop in response to prevention. That's free.

    Lung cancer and emphysema would almost disappear if America quit smoking. COPD would drop sharply if people ate right and got a little exercise.

    Then there might be money for the poor slob who wants to go to jail for the healthcare given to prison inmates.

    By the way, a lot of inmates are illegal aliens.

  77. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Desertflower, "Often times the family members just get tired of living their lives around the needs of this person and give up on them. This is especially true as the economic crisis puts an added squeeze on these families.

    So they end up living on the streets, in parks, subways and under bridges. :("

    This is terrible and scary because it could happen to anyone's mind. How can family members as well as society desert the mentally ill, who truly need help? What has happened to the human heart?

    Maybe, like God, it is nearly dead? This country needs a spiritual uplift.

  78. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I know, all those poor people, some of whom are the working poor who may have house, that the state Hathor Said...

    "my put a lien on for Medicaid. In time their will be more old people than younger people without insurance.

    Be sure to opt out of these when you need them. If all opted out, that think this isn't what government shouldn't be doing; Medicare and Medicaid would be solvent"

    Even Worse, Obamcare is going to cover up to 3 million middle class folk (if everyone on earth doesn't get waivers except for the poor shmcuck working two jobs and actually paying taxes for illegal aliens to demand what they want.

    Some people should just never be in charge, they don't have a clue and have no concept of cause and effect.

    WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama's health care law would let several million middle-class people get nearly free insurance meant for the poor, a twist government number crunchers say they discovered only after the complex bill was signed.

    The change would affect early retirees: A married couple could have an annual income of about $64,000 and still get Medicaid, said officials who make long-range cost estimates for the Health and Human Services department.

    Up to 3 million more people could qualify for Medicaid in 2014 as a result of the anomaly. That's because, in a major change from today, most of their Social Security benefits would no longer be counted as income for determining eligibility. It might be compared to allowing middle-class people to qualify for food stamps.

  79. Anonymous3:53 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kudos to Jacob Zuma!!!

    he is my newest hero!

    he refuses to be played by michelle hobama's pre-africom PR bs


    Wow, he snubbed the wookie. They aren't to happy about the illegal war in Libya, that is the main issue. That's it, South Africa will go on the Obama's shit list, next step he will try and hurt them somehow.

  80. usa = united states of asia

    bet they create moe jobs than hobama inc!!!

    A Chinese national company is interested in developing a 10,000- to 30,000-acre technology zone for industry, retail centers and homes south of the Boise Airport.

    Officials of the China National Machinery Industry Corp. have broached the idea — based on a concept popular in China today — to city and state leaders.

    They are also interested in helping build and finance a fertilizer plant near American Falls, an idea company officials returned to Idaho this month to pursue.

    Read more:




    libya is ONLY the tip of the iceberg within hobama's BLOODY ELITIST GENOCIDAL african agenda

    and ONLY because it has more gold and oil than all of its african peers


  81. usa = united states of asia

    bet the chinese create more jobs than hobama inc!!!

  82. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I am shocked that Farrakhan would say, "there is a murderer in the WH!". He has some nerve.

    Chicago has some big mouth folks in that windy city.

  83. anon:

    did lf lie????

    hobama is a global murderer WORSE than his cuz gwb

    we tell cold hard truths in the chi!

  84. hobama is a chi town gangster

    al capone is proud!!!

    The Justice Department, which oversees the ATF, says the idea was to allow the sale of handguns, AK-47s and .50 caliber rifles to so-called "straw purchasers," who'd then pass them along to the cartels. In theory, ATF agents would then trace the extent of the smuggling networks in an effort to stop the illegal cross-border gun trade.

    Oops No 1: The agency had no real way to trace the guns once they left the country -- and no real power to operate in Mexico.

    Oops No. 2: The gangs used the weapons for what you'd expect. At least two American agents have been killed with Fast and Furious guns. God knows how many Mexicans have died; since 2006, more than 40,000 have died in the drug wars.

    Read more:

  85. how tacky are the hobamas???????

    today is a great day!!!!

    The two daughters of U.S. President Barack Obama sparked a storm of controversy just minutes after landing in Africa with their mom, first lady Michelle Obama. Obama’s beautiful daughters, Malia and Sasha, looked worn and exhausted after their long transatlantic flight from America. Feeling a little chilly in the night air, the girls draped themselves in South African flags. This seemingly innocent gesture sparked outrage among the S. African people and around the world. Some took to message boards in protest.

    One man, who is American, wrote:

    Since when has it become acceptable dress to “wrap yourself” in another countries national flag? These two [young] girls are being led down a very bad path being allowed to disrespect South Africa’s flag that way. And truly, who gives a hoot that they are going to Africa… the American public is footing the bill to send them and her mother (no government

  86. more proof that hobama and his nazis are WORSE than gwb!!!


    WASHINGTON (AFP) - Two top US senators on Tuesday introduced a bill that would retroactively support America's military role in Libya, amid a raging debate over whether President Barack Obama flouted the law by not getting prior congressional approval.

  87. more proof that hobama is more evil and egotistical than gwb


    President Barack Obama overruled top lawyers from the Justice Department and the Pentagon and decided he has the legal authority to continue the air war in Libya without congressional approval, the New York Times reported Friday night.

  88. Hey Field I'm not trying to tell you what to do , but you need to get rid of ALL the trolls. I had organized trolls from the Conservative Citizens Council and Anti Idiotarian Rottweller troll my site. They finally left after I moderated them. Some take on a Jewish personality thinking that they can be as racist as they want to be and not called out on it. They always have statistic proving the inferority of blacks. It might affect our campaign to get out the votes. Van Jones has a project you should look up called June 23rd/Rebuild the Dream. PS: he's also suing Glenn Beck and Fox.

  89. One more thing Field, please block Alicia. She's a decriment to blacks everywhere. Do you know on a racist website called Right Turn is her face on the Janice Hahn political video. Alicia you stepped over the line even for you. You reached Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas territory. You need medical help, seriously no joke.

  90. retarded kid:

    u lie like hobama

    u r a bold brain dead liar

    cc the link u sorry mf

    fn is not your missing daddy
    stop whining u lying bitch

  91. hey nig kid:

    see more on clarence thomas

    u inept lying uneducated dreg hobama girl bitch

  92. Smoking Fatty said...
    So, if you're fat, and you smoke, you don't have to pay for Obamacare?

    Damn, pass me a deep-dish pizza & a carton of Marlboros!

    If you're fat and you smoke you have to pay for ALL your medical expenses.

    Clear now?

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Hmmm...Fwee Markets and wite privilege gave us bush. Affirmative Action gave us Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
    While my snark was to make a is more than clear that some of you lads have yet to learn how to approach women. Hint...we are not your property and will avoid any POS that has that teeny-weeny attitude. Didn't your homeskool have hygiene lessons? Or was that removed for moral gawdliness?
    Gee, the blooger Mustang Bobby is gay. What a non-issue. Unless you are closeted. I did note that not one poster could respond to the very basic theme of the BarkBarkWoofWoof post.
    Keep trying to fauxOut me. While you assume that all persons are like you...that only holds for your immediate group. If you leave the village/Village...people are not all wite, they are varied in lifestyle, they live in family groupings that are not 1950s sitcom hells. While the Mormons are allegedly healthy...they also dip into your Welfare cash to marry minor children. And ship the lads out of the state. They also 'adjust' their numbers. Which you might know, if you had even a slight and glancing contact with Public Health and government discussion.

    For those unfamiliar with the family issues around mental health...don't be so quick to judge them. Most families try for years to exist with the patient. Sometimes it can't be done. Would you keep the son who attacks their siblings with tools? Would you let your adult child continue to steal/assault/etc? Your own resources might be quite thin after 20 years of looney.

    Golly, it must have hit home when I snarked that the girls brushed you off. Instead of claimerating it was them...look in the mirror, take showers and ask why other guys are successful in dating and you are not. It's you. Stop being a jerkhole. Don't treat women as if they should be grateful for your are not Justin Bieber or any other elite. Women are not chattel. Women are thinking, feeling beings who have as much right as you. Duh.


  95. Anonymous5:37 PM

    It is odd that so many Cons and their wingnut welfare dorktroopers are so needing to end Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid. Would it be that the money would be given to the most high and royal highness business leaders? Would it be that now you have no option but to buy form your fiendly neighbourhood 'protection' salesman?
    Just went to Jamaica with some Canadians. While they were not Bronfmans...they were the of the vast conforming middle. And they giggled for hours over the Goobers and Heeyucks who wanted to end their Universal. Makes me question if the anti-Universal Canadians exist...or are they just imaginary....saying what the writer wishes to sell the rubes.

    Jamaica is like parts of the US...only more complected.


  96. Anonymous5:59 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Anonymous6:01 PM

    And once again i went over molds head.

    Thats twice in 3 days.

    Mold is most definitely CIA,NSA, AND OTHER GUBMIT material.

    Mold is one of Amerkkka's best minds.......

  98. PilotX6:17 PM

    "Luck? Luck? I see. So in your mind, a couple of dimwit brothers were walking along the beach in Kitty Hawk when they saw something that looked like a strange bird. At first they didn't know what to make of it, but after fooling around with it for a while, they realized it was some kind of contraption with a engine and a fan blade."

    Yes Slappz, luck. If America hadn't won WWII and got a bunch of German engineers and Russia had not launched Sputnik and scared the hell out of everybody this country would not gave spent billions on science education which led to NASA, a slew of engineers and an influx of mioney building schools this would still have been a backwards, racist and superstitious nation on the whole. You can tell the last generation did most of the heavy lifting in math and science as we now have to import most of our engineers and higher math professors from Asia. Just look at the many states pushing creationism. That ain't a way to ensure this nation's tech advantage. Hope I'm wrong but doesn't look like it. Sad when the majority of the candidates of a major party don't believe in evolution.

  99. PilotX6:19 PM

    "How can we be a world leader when schools push the global warming hoax,liberalism, and teach that fudge packings ok?"

    Or when conservatives want to teach that the earth was created in 7 days by an invisible man in the sky and dinosaurs were pets. Must be nice to be that f'n stupid. I can tell you were homeschooled.

  100. pilotX jabbers as though the world was created in 1945:

    Yes Slappz, luck. If America hadn't won WWII...

    Oh. More luck, I guess. Building a war machine that smashed Germany and developing the atomic bomb to put the final crush on Japan. Just luck. Yeah. The way you think, the force that keeps an airplane aloft must be luck.

    ...and got a bunch of German engineers...

    Werner von Braun? Big deal. As if the only development after WWII that mattered was rocketry. In terms of war, the atomic bombs that hit Japan were dropped from airplanes, a delivery system that is part of our nuclear arsenal today.

    ...and Russia had not launched Sputnik and scared the hell out of everybody...

    Going to the Moon was a great feat. It was thrilling and the thought of it all gets me all misty. But there's no evidence it changed anything on earth. You're probably one of those people who believes a vast array of commercial products were part of the outcome of the Space Race. But that's one of the great myths of the going to the Moon.

    ...this country would not gave spent billions on science education which led to NASA...

    What? The same old schools -- MIT, CalTech, etc -- provided the engineers and scientists. Offhand, I can't think of a single science/engineering school that was founded in the 1950s. But, yes, a a number of people joined in to form NASA. But it's not as though the Space Race required millions of workers. But it did require millions of taxpayers.

    ... a slew of engineers and an influx of mioney building schools this would still have been a backwards, racist and superstitious nation on the whole.

    Schools? Engineering schools? What schools? After WWII the country went on a school building binge to make classrooms for the millions of kids born to WWII vets.

    Schools were for the Baby Boom generation, which peaked at about 75 million people -- everyone born from 1946 to 1964. Building schools had nothing to do with the Space Race.

  101. Anonymous6:55 PM

    PilotX said...
    "How can we be a world leader when schools push the global warming hoax,liberalism, and teach that fudge packings ok?"

    Or when conservatives want to teach that the earth was created in 7 days by an invisible man in the sky and dinosaurs were pets. Must be nice to be that f'n stupid. I can tell you were homeschooled.

    You do realize that you are in the minority not because the world is stupid and you are not. No, quite the opposite. History will show you each and every one of your idealogies has been tried, tested and failed. Oftentimes with horrific results as the ones putting forth the communistic/liberal/marxist theories also thought they knew better then everyone and killed them to prove it.

  102. Anonymous7:00 PM

    PilotX said...
    "How can we be a world leader when schools push the global warming hoax,liberalism, and teach that fudge packings ok?"

    Or when conservatives want to teach that the earth was created in 7 days by an invisible man in the sky and dinosaurs were pets. Must be nice to be that f'n stupid. I can tell you were homeschooled.

    How could ones heart be filled with so much hate?The amount of hate that is shown to people of Christian faith is shocking and sad.

    So many smart people have been driven from this board because of hate.

  103. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Kid Said.....

    Hey Field I'm not trying to tell you what to do , but you need to get rid of ALL the trolls. I had organized trolls from the Conservative Citizens Council and Anti Idiotarian Rottweller troll my site. They finally left after I moderated them. Some take on a Jewish personality thinking that they can be as racist as they want to be and not called out on it. They always have statistic proving the inferority of blacks. It might affect our campaign to get out the votes. Van Jones has a project you should look up called June 23rd/Rebuild the Dream. PS: he's also suing Glenn Beck and Fox.

    Kidd, do you realize that you are one of the most racist idiots out there? Your vocabulary and lack of world knowledge says a lot about you. So now you advocate getting rid of anyone who does not agree with you? What do you add to conversations except for ebonic slanted grammar and horrible misunderstanding of even liberal talking points?

    I love van Jones suing glenn beck and fox. Figures you are a fan of his. A little truther in you aye?
    I wonder how van jones is going to get around saying that beck committed slander calling him a marxist, because he hasn't been much of one lately. Hmmmmm??? Or is that to complicated for you?

    What grade did you drop out of High School? Did you go? Sorry you hate jews, don't go the way of Hitler although you already are a socialist/communist/marxist/democrat.

  104. Anonymous7:14 PM

    no_slappz said...
    "Yes it is. In Cuba, it's a failure."

    How do you know? Have you lived there?

    "The cost of Medicare and Medicaid are two of our governments largest expenditures."

    As Hathor has so eloquently put i and let me reiterate, after the government has taken our money all these years for Social Security,IT STILL MAKES THE OLDSTERS PAY THROUGH THE NOSE FOR MEDICARE!!!

    "Do you believe doctors, nurses, hospital personnel, therapists, etc believe they should take a big pay cut?"

    If the cost of living weren't so high, YES!

    "Should drug companies stop developing drugs?"

    Drug companies are theives. they refuse to allow other companies to produce the drugs generically untill they have made a fortune. The majority of these drugs aren't even completely tested for safety before they are being sold at astronomical prices!! But I know you know that!

    Do you think it would cut healthcare costs if people from other countries were stopped from sneaking into the US to have babies that are automatically citizens who are entitled to Medicaid?

    No! and let's leave the strawmen for the cornfields.

    illegal aliens from getting billions of dollars of free care?

    Strawman, but I'll answer anyway, these illegals are WORKING HERE IN CASE YOU HADN'T NOTICED!!!

    I think it's a damn shame that so many working American familiues don't have 100 bucks in savings or health and dental plans, that's what I think! and I'm talking black AND white!

  105. PilotX7:17 PM

    "You're probably one of those people who believes a vast array of commercial products were part of the outcome of the Space Race."

    Missing the point entirely I see. The space race was but one a part of the investment into technology and engineering. Keep up son.

    "Schools? Engineering schools? What schools? After WWII the country went on a school building binge to make classrooms for the millions of kids born to WWII vets."

    Good catch, but why aren't there more schools being built as our population keeps expanding? Also, think about the curricula installed in the schools.

    "I can't think of a single science/engineering school that was founded in the 1950s"

    That's because you think in a linear blind fashion. Florida Tech was created in the 60's because the thousands of engineers involved in NASA wanted a school to attend and send their kids to. Missed again sonny, stick around you might learn a thing or two.

    "Schools were for the Baby Boom generation, which peaked at about 75 million people -- everyone born from 1946 to 1964. Building schools had nothing to do with the Space Race."

    So by your logic the leaps forward in computer technology and aerospace design had NOTHING to do with the space race. Sure Slappz, whatever you say dude. Thousands of engineers say otherwise but I'm sure you're an expert on this matter too.

  106. PilotX7:19 PM

    "So many smart people have been driven from this board because of hate."

    Which is why you're still here because you and your namesake are dumb as rocks. You are free to leave whenever you see fit son. Bet nobody misses you either;-)

  107. PilotX7:22 PM

    "How do you know? Have you lived there?"

    C'mon Desert, you know Slappz is our resident expert in EVERY field. Whether it be education, engineering, history, Islamic culture or bedwetting Slappz is a genius. Just smile and nod and be nice to the individual.

  108. PilotX7:27 PM

    1958 Brevard Engineering College is founded by by Dr. Jerome P. Keuper to offer continuing education opportunities to scientists, engineers and technicians who are working for NASA at Cape Canaveral. working at what is now Kennedy Space Center. The new school grew quickly, in many ways paralleling the rapid development of space technology that was taking place at Cape Canaveral

    Slappz says: "Offhand, I can't think of a single science/engineering school that was founded in the 1950s"

    But I can. What does that tell you son? Maybe you should STFU sometimes and you might learn something.

  109. alicia banks said...
    retarded kid:

    u lie like hobama

    u r a bold brain dead liar

    cc the link u sorry mf

    fn is not your missing daddy
    stop whining u lying bitch

    5:12 PM


    You see she has no racial pride, humanity, or class. What 300I.Q. person that work around children call someone retarded? You think it's funny mentioning my deceased father that was murdered? You are a Tom and a self hating black woman.

    Field, Alicia and no_slappz, and slapnutz are destroying the blog. Let Alicia blog at her site for a while instead of yours. eventually the Secret Service WILL GIVE HER A CALL WHEN THE PRESIDENT MAKES A TRIP TO CHICAGO. She needs to be locked up.

  110. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Then why did you insult this guy and say he was mental?!

    This was not meant as an insult.
    As health professionals we are taught and know from experience that when a person has a pressing urgent, emergent medical need, be it trauma, or whatever the crisis may be. The mental state of the patient as well as their family and immediate friends that may accompany them, is altered.

    The mental state is altered because of the medical situation/crisis.

    Health professionals are taught this so that we may be able to deal with and manage more effectively the situations that arise.

    It is said that they are not in their "right" mind. As can be witnessed by a screaming parent running into an emergency room with a collapsed child in arms.

    This gentleman's actions are those of a person in an altered state of mind.
    But in addition,as I watched the interview video, his eyes and manner of expressing himself are giveaways to the fact that there is something not quite right here. If he has ruptured disks why not file for disability instead of waiting in jail three years til he's 62 and can collect regular SS?? Something is awry and it's entirely possible that worry and stress over his condition may have pushed him over the edge.

    No offense meant. There is no sin or crime in being mentally ill.

  111. Anonymous7:42 PM

    PilotX said...
    "C'mon Desert, you know Slappz is our resident expert in EVERY field."

    :) Well it doesn't hurt to refute every once in a while! ;)

  112. I love van Jones suing glenn beck and fox. Figures you are a fan of his. A little truther in you aye?
    I wonder how van jones is going to get around saying that beck committed slander calling him a marxist, because he hasn't been much of one lately. Hmmmmm??? Or is that to complicated for you?

    What grade did you drop out of High School? Did you go? Sorry you hate jews, don't go the way of Hitler although you already are a socialist/communist/marxist/democrat.

    7:13 PM

    @Anonymous 7:13 PM

    Well at least they did teach me to capitialize names and titles in elementarty school.

    I am not anti Semitic, but you ARE a racist.

  113. Anonymous7:48 PM

    PilotX said...
    "C'mon Desert, you know Slappz is our resident expert in EVERY field."

    No,that would be your friend mold.

    but you are our resident bigot.

  114. kid said...
    Field, Alicia and no_slappz, and slapnutz are destroying the blog. Let Alicia blog at her site for a while instead of yours.

    Now how in the world did you manage to leave the resident stalker/phycho Mandisha/mold/assnon/other username off this list?


  115. PilotX8:05 PM

    "No,that would be your friend mold.

    but you are our resident bigot."
    Slapnuts says:"Its sad a white man has come to this in Black Run America.

    Is the white man the new nigga?"

    And I'M the bigot. Welcome to conservative America where up is down and insane is the new black. SMDH

  116. PilotX8:07 PM

    Hey Slappz where are ya? You don't like learning things from a Black man or something?

  117. Chronic pain syndrome with no hope of a cure can be quite daunting. Palliative care is usually the only option. When the insurance runs out or you lose your job and benefits–the lack of pain medication or procedures used to contain it can drive some folks to desperate acts.

    The best comedians can’t make this funny especially for most of us who have some compassion for human suffering.

  118. PilotXXX in the cockpit8:21 PM

    PilotX said...
    Hey Slappz where are ya? You don't like learning things from a Black man or something?

    Where is a black man teaching something?

  119. PilotX8:41 PM

    "Where is a black man teaching something?"

    At your mom's house.

  120. This, From Your leader9:00 PM

    " Democrats At Work said...
    Remember Pelosi's famous quote:

    I paraphrase, "Why have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it"."

    I notice none of you Dumbocrats have bothered to comment on this comment. Why is that? Isn't she a liberal genius?

  121. Pelosi is smarter than my right big toe9:05 PM

    Oh. My bad. Maybe THIS guy is your genius:

  122. Anonymous9:19 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Where is a black man teaching something?"

    At your mom's house.

    Dere goes da black man.

    Uhhh, Yeah, yeah, uhhhh, yo, but who's u'r dadeeeeeeee?

  123. Anonymous9:25 PM

    @Anonymous 7:13 PM

    Well at least they did teach me to capitialize names and titles in elementarty school.

    I am not anti Semitic, but you ARE a racist.

    7:43 PM

    oh, I see a dumb man, say he is dumb and he says, you only say I am dumb because I'm black you are racist. Nah, that tired old shit don't work, you just dumb. Your skin color aint got nuttin to do wit it. Only someone as stupid as you would judge somebody by how they look, for thats the only thing you have in common with other black folk, skin color and hair texture. So this means we on the hook cause you an idjut?

    Love the way you play the permanent wittle kid victim, but, sniffle, sniffle, my daddy wuz murdered, sorry to hear that, man up and stop being a wittle boy. If you start throwin rocks then don't turn all pussy when someone throws back....waahhhhhhhhhh. Mommy...dey wont lissen to me...wahhhhh.

    Have you thought about the getting a GED or maybe learnin a trade? Do you detail cars? Mines needs a good detailin..

  124. You Have No Gonads9:40 PM

    OK. We'll have an auction!


    This, From Your leader said...
    " Democrats At Work said...
    Remember Pelosi's famous quote:

    "I paraphrase, "Why have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it"."

    "I notice none of you Dumbocrats have bothered to comment on this comment. Why is that? Isn't she a liberal genius?

    9:00 PM"

    Going once....


  125. Show Me Something Dumb10:31 PM

    "" Democrats At Work said...
    Remember Pelosi's famous quote:

    I paraphrase, "Why have to pass the healthcare bill to see what's in it"."

    I notice none of you Dumbocrats have bothered to comment on this comment. Why is that? Isn't she a liberal genius?

    9:00 PM"

    Huh.....STILL no comments??????

  126. Anonymous11:00 PM

    My goodness! this thread is full of name calling hateful people. With the exception of Desertflower, the rest of you are caught in the vice of anger and hate. Whether you know it or not, that is an addictive state of mental illness.

  127. Anon 10:31 PM, you must have missed it, my hand was up. Pelosi is smart enough to get elected over and over again from her district. Looks to me like she is doing something right.
    I have yet to see Mr. Tan Man shake things up like he promised.

    Pilot X, I think Slappy is off studying for his PE exam. :)

  128. Anon 10:31 PM, you must have missed it, my hand was up. Pelosi is smart enough to get elected over and over again from her district. Looks to me like she is doing something right.
    I have yet to see Mr. Tan Man shake things up like he promised.

    Pilot X, I think Slappy is off studying for his PE exam. :)

  129. Anonymous2:45 PM

    WELL....He must have thought he had no other thing to live he woke up one day, got his breakfast and said I guess I should go to jail today.

    I feel bad for him and I wish him the best.
