Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A wingnut Governor showing his true colors, and a cell phone debate.

I see that Governor Big Hair is already showing the rest of A-merry-ca how he would act as our leader. (h/t to Nichole Wicks for this story)

"SAN ANTONIO (Reuters) – Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Monday added to state lawmakers' special session agenda a measure that would criminalize "enhanced pat-downs" by Transportation Security Administration agents at airports in the Lone Star State.

The bill died during the regular session of the Texas Legislature, which ended May 30, and the Republican governor -- who is thinking of running for president -- has been under pressure from conservatives and Tea party groups to ask lawmakers to reconsider the measure. During special sessions, the Legislature may only consider items that the governor puts on the agenda.

"I am grateful that the governor heard the calls of the people demanding that lawmakers stand up for the liberties of Texans," Wesley Strackbein, a conservative activist and founder of TSATyranny.com, told Reuters. Strackbein said he traveled to the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans over the weekend to confront Perry on the issue.

The bill would make it a Class A misdemeanor -- punishable by up to a year in prison or a $4,000 fine -- for a TSA agent to "touch the anus, sexual organ, buttocks, or breast of another person, even through that person's clothing" for the purpose of "granting access to a building or a form of transportation."

TSA pat-downs have drawn some high-profile criticism, including from former Miss USA Susie Castillo, who said in a widely-viewed online video. that she felt "molested" by a pat-down at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in April.
The proposed law passed the Texas House during the regular session but was pulled off the Senate floor without a vote after U.S. Attorney John Murphy circulated a letter to senators warning that TSA has the authority to prevent airplanes from taking off from Texas airports if the agency cannot certify that they are safe.

In a blog on its website, TSA pointed out that the supremacy clause of the U.S. constitution prohibits states from regulating the federal government.
"We, transportation security officers in particular, are trying to work in partnership with the traveling public to make you safe on flights," the blog says. "Work with us to provide the best possible security. That's all we ask." [Story]

Oh yeah, the Supremacy Clause. Hey, who needs a "stinkin" Supremacy Clause when you are going to be your own country, soon?   

Finally, there is a fierce debate going on  among some of you about who invented the cell phone. Some of you Negroes have declared that it is Dr. Henry Sampson, the brilliant African American engineer and author who became the first African American to earn a PhD in Nuclear Engineering back in the day. 

Well, there is a problem, because some folks have declared that Martin Cooper, a white guy, invented the cell phone. And, sadly for some of you Negroes, they might be right. But here is the deal: It doesn't matter who really invented the cell phone, we are just glad to have it. Unfortunately certain folks in this country can't stand to see members of another tribe take (or get) credit for anything, so that "color arousal" kicks in. (Thanks again for that word Francis)
Then, as is to be expected, there is a push back. Black folks can't understand how folks in the majority have such a hard time giving them credit for anything, and they wonder why Charlie always has to "check and raise" us at every turn.    

But here is the deal people; none of it matters. You have given more than enough of your blood sweat and tears for this country. Don't get caught up in this silly game of who invented what. It will take you away from focusing on what's really important: Making sure that you do what is right for you and your family, and ensuring that one day your children might be in a position to invent some things of their own.


  1. Farley11:23 PM

    I read/heard somewhere that Lucille Ball came up withe the idea of how a cellular phone would work. Maybe Reader's Digest...

  2. Whitey's Conspiracy11:24 PM

    "Ol gov seccesh don't care about no federal supremacy clause.

  3. Sorry Farley it was Greta Garbo. She actually has a partical copywrite for it. It's the technology that switch the signal from tower to tower. She stole some of it from Germany in WWII. At least that's one of the rumors.

  4. Ah, maybe it was this I was recalling: "The guys also investigate the claim that Lucille Ball exposed a Japanese spy ring by listening to radio signals transmitted by her tooth fillings. Hmmm ..."


  5. We were both wrong Farley, it was Hedy Lamarr. We were close. It was a Hollywood Actress from the 40's.

  6. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "I see that Governor Big Hair is already showing the rest of A-merry-ca how he would act as our leader. (h/t to Nichole Wicks for this story)"

    Well least he won't violate the war powers act.Instead of doing alot of shuckin an jivin, he might get us out of Iraq and Afghanstan.

    Something Obama promised he would do his first 2 years in office.


    "Unfortunately certain folks in this country can't stand to see members of another tribe take (or get) credit for anything"

    "Black folks can't understand how folks in the majority have such a hard time giving them credit for anything,"

    Wasn't it liberal black folk who started the black invention myth?

    White folk just can't understand why negros like taking credit for things they didn't do.

    Another thing white folk don't be understanding is how 20+ thousand negros are dead in a war over city property that don't belong to you.


  7. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Here's the deal folks. As a child I was told that a black man invented the cotton gin because he got tired of picking all that cotton by hand. This story was told to me by other Blacks in the community. The name of the black man was never told to me...just that a black man invented the cotton gin.

    Many years later, it turns out that no black man EVER invented such. From that day forward, I realized that Blacks have not invented a damn thing. We just make up shit to make ourselves feel better, but the truth is, we are not great inventors. We are good at sports, dancing, singing and bs.

    Even at politics, we come up short. Obama, Charlie Rangel, Michael Steele and the Black Caucus all prove that we are not very good politicians.

    Let's acknowledge that the wm is a great inventor. But as Mr. Field says, "that's ok." I mean, some of us still are able to reap the benefits.

  8. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Gov Rick Perry has guts like most white Texans do. I am glad he is fighting the TSA's inappropriate pat-downs. Somebody needs to take action on this.

    He would make an interesting candidate for President. The more I look at the GOP's prospects, the BETTER they look. I am afraid the Dems look pretty weak for 2012.

  9. Cool. Thanks, kid.

  10. Uhm, Anon, only one dem is running and he's got all the reps beat already.

  11. Anonymous12:13 AM

    KID, "We were both wrong Farley, it was Hedy Lamarr. We were close. It was a Hollywood Actress from the 40's."

    Thanks Kid. I am glad that you are around more often these days because I always learn something from you. Thanks again.

  12. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Farley, "Uhm, Anon, only one dem is running and he's got all the reps beat already."

    I know. That's why the dems look weak in 2012. They can't win the WH.

  13. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am writing out of concern that you still remain a progressive liberal leftist. I do not see where it is to your advantage at all. As a matter of fact, it is working against you.

    As a successful Negro, you would be far better off as a Black Conservative among the ranks of Colin Powell and other Black Conservatives who are very successful and powerful men.

    Black dems are weak and undependable...even you must admit that. What they say they will do they never do. If their lips are moving, you can be sure they are lying.

    Once again, I offer you the grand opportunity to become a Black GOP. Opportunities like this only come once in a while. Take advantage of it, Mr. Field. You'll be glad you did. STEP UP YOUR GAME.

  14. Farley12:25 AM

    Then you don't know ;).

  15. There are successful and powerful black men who don't feel the need to sell their soul for some brief notoriety and self-aggrandization, ;).

  16. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Farley, "There are successful and powerful black men who don't feel the need to sell their soul for some brief notoriety and self-aggrandization, ;)."

    Really? is this some fantasy in your mind, or do you really know them? I swear, I have been Black all of my life and there hasn't been ONE who hasn't disappointed me...Obama, Rangel, the Black Caucus, Colin Powell, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Tavis Smiley, Cornel West, rappers, hip artists.

    Like I said, I can't think of ONE who hasn't sold their soul for money, status, position, fame, ego or power.

  17. No negro didn't invent no cell phone.

  18. kid said...
    "Sorry Farley it was Greta Garbo. She actually has a partical copywrite for it. It's the technology that switch the signal from tower to tower. She stole some of it from Germany in WWII. At least that's one of the rumors."

    That kid is one dumb summabitch.

  19. "successful and powerful black men who don't feel the need to sell their soul for some brief notoriety and self-aggrandization, ;)."

    Yes, there are many and one of the best passed on last year. Dr. James Henderson, professor emeritus at Tuskegee I. He died in Md, where he had a beach house next to the old Frederick Douglas home in Highland Beach.

  20. Thomas Negroson1:16 AM

    kid said...
    We were both wrong Farley, it was Hedy Lamarr. We were close. It was a Hollywood Actress from the 40's.

    Fool. Everybody knows Count Basie invented the transistor.

  21. Anonymous1:56 AM

    I am getting tired of the disrespect some of you folks give KID. He gives accurate information and you fools act like fools.

    Now you WILL respect KID's knowledge and intelligence. He is ten times smarter than anyone on this blog, except MAYBE Field...but even there it is debatable.

    Now lay off KID, he is a fighter!

    dear Mr. Field, KID was right. you should throw some of these Black and White SOBs off FN. They treat KID like he is a black Rodney Dangerfield. It is shameful.

  22. Anonymous1:58 AM

    "That kid is one dumb summabitch."

    This kind of shit has got to stop.

    "Fool. Everybody knows Count Basie invented the transistor."

    You had better pray that KID never catches your ass.

  23. Anonymous2:01 AM

    One thing about Perry, he has the looks and the hair to be President of these divided states. As we all know, "looks" is important in being a President, esp if you are White. All 'white' Presidents have been good looking.

  24. "Many years later, it turns out that no black man EVER invented such. From that day forward, I realized that Blacks have not invented a damn thing. We just make up shit to make ourselves feel better, but the truth is, we are not great inventors. We are good at sports, dancing, singing and bs."

    In other words, "dem nggers didnt invent shett and teh only thang deys good at is runnin dem balls and sangin dem tunes."

    It's amazing the things that whites tell themselves about blacks to make themselves feel better. And even more amazing the things that some blacks believe about themselves because they allowed their more capricious white counterparts to murder their self-esteem.

    Meanwhile, here's Wikipedia's list of African-American inventors and scientists. Enjoy.


  25. I wouldn't be surprised if Gov. Goodhair edged out Mittens and the long line of weirdos and wooden men for the GOP presidential nomination.

    Dark horse candidate? Sarah Palin. If she gets the nom, America gets it's fix of soap-opera theatrics from here out until Election Day. Oh, and Obama gets an automatic second term :D

  26. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Mack Lyons--"In other words, "dem nggers didnt invent shett and teh only thang deys good at is runnin dem balls and sangin dem tunes."

    It's amazing the things that whites tell themselves about blacks to make themselves feel better. And even more amazing the things that some blacks believe about themselves because they allowed their more capricious white counterparts to murder their self-esteem."

    Why must you belittle playing ball, dancing and singing? those are honorable qualities and they are meaningful. It is what keeps us going. and it has nothing to do with what the wm thinks.

    It's about us and what we are doing and what we are good at. Inventions, science, medicine and politics just doesn't seem to fit us very well, esp at high levels like President.

    One more thing we are very good at is "ministry"...preaching.

  27. Anonymous2:24 AM

    Btw, Milton Mathis was executed today in Texas. Gov Rick Perry believes in enforcing the law. If he runs for President, count on him doing what he says. Not ONCE has he reneged on his word.

  28. Anonymous2:28 AM

    there is no way Blacks could be in anyway inventors of the most sophisticated technology of today. Art? of course. but science is a little too much, which why there are so few Blacks in the field. actually the only one I know is Dr. Queen.

  29. Anonymous2:29 AM

    what about LAC? Nah.

  30. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    there is no way Blacks could be in anyway inventors of the most sophisticated technology of today. Art? of course. but science is a little too much, which why there are so few Blacks in the field. actually the only one I know is Dr. Queen.

    She's in the field allright, tryin to figure out why bunny rabbits don't make noise when they hittin it......cotton balls, queenie it's cotton balls.

  31. Anonymous3:16 AM

    "Meanwhil0e, here's Wikipedia's list of African-American inventors and scientists. Enjoy.


    Mack, so sorry but these are false myths. The truth along with corresponding facts can be found at this site.


  32. "He would make an interesting candidate for President. The more I look at the GOP's prospects, the BETTER they look. I am afraid the Dems look pretty weak for 2012."

    That's funny, looking at them has the opposite effect for me. BTW, it turns out that Newt had another Tiffanny & Co. account.

    "Once again, I offer you the grand opportunity to become a Black GOP. Opportunities like this only come once in a while. Take advantage of it, Mr. Field. You'll be glad you did. STEP UP YOUR GAME."

    Sorry, I was recruited very heavily to the dark side a long time ago. Unfortunately, they wanted me to go to the back of the tent.

    Besides, I don't know how to jig.(See Anon @11:52PM as a great example of someone who has the jigging down pat. How can I compete with that?)

  33. I think that list is a little disingenuous anonny, firstly it seems to take different versions of a variety of inventions and taken only the white inventors as the ‘true’ inventors. Secondly, there are very few inventions that were invented by just one bloke. In reality many inventions are cumulative efforts with successive inventors standing on the shoulders of others. To simply take these series of connections and extract any that were of African descent is a bit naughty.

    Then of course you have the rather nationalist bias of all these invention claims that make it difficult to judge who the true inventors were, and who were copy-cats.

    A good example of this is man-powered flight. Pretty much every country in the world has a guy who invented the airplane. In America you claim two bothers did it - I can’t remember their names but I seem to remember they worked in a bike shop. In Britain we are taught that Richard Pierse was a few years earlier (he was actually a new Zealander but we gloss over that bit of the story). In France they claim a guy called Ader was the first, but there are also Germans, Russians, a Swede, A Dane an Indian and a Cuban etc etc. The list is endless, and I doubt we will ever know the truth.

    Similarly in Britain John Logie Baird invented the T.V. but in America, France and Germany it’s other guys. It’s the same syndrome.

  34. Quote:Kid: "We were both wrong Farley, it was Hedy Lamarr. We were close. It was a Hollywood Actress from the 40's."

    She was actually Austrian, and a very brilliant mathematician. She is most famous for inventing a torpedo guidance system that is still used in some torpedo systems today

  35. the cow lows:

    Pretty much every country in the world has a guy who invented the airplane.

    Really? Every country in the world? Every country in Africa? They have a guy? A Kenyan perhaps?

    All the Islamic countries, too? Most of the Islamic countries still doubt the US put a man on the Moon. They pretty much claim if Allah and Muhammad didn't mention it, then it never happened.

    A few days ago there was an amusing story in the news. Iran claimed it put a satellite in orbit. The launch and subsequent orbiting of the satellite supposedly put great fear in the hearts of American leaders because it showed that Iran could launch a transcontintental missile that might carry a nuclear warhead to the US.

    It appears the press, which did not witness the launch, bought this story hook, line and sinker. The source was Ahmadinejad, an unimpeachable oracle of truth.

    Meanwhile, regarding most inventions or intellectual advances, there are people in the usual leading nations who are feverishly working away -- simultaneously -- on the next step in whatever.

    But the advances always occur somewhere among the relatively small number of free, capitalistic, democratic nations. Not Cuba. Not North Korea. Never in Islamic nations. And never in Africa, with the possible exception of South Africa.

    Not much happens in South America either. Brazil is the exception.

  36. field linked to "push back":

    Wendal claimed:

    Black inventions (so much for white supremacy)

    The helipcopter, the cellular phone, the street sweeper, heating furnace, gas burner, even ice cream among many many other important inventions by the people of African American descent can be read about here. So much for your ignorant theories on black inferiority.

    Ice cream? Ice cream? It's troubling enough that some dope thinks the "invention" of ice cream was important.

    But why do blacks insist on this fantasy about inventions?

    One of the most telling examples of black non-inventiveness surfaced a couple of years ago when a young guy from Malawi or other abjectly poor African nation appeared on the Daily Show to talk about the fact that he built the country's first wind mill, and that he was inspired by some pictures he saw in some books. He may have even stumbled over a physics book.

    Hundreds of years after wind mills first appeared, a kid in Africa built a primitive version. It would be hard to find an example of African backwardness more stark than this one.


  37. No Slapzzzz, any chance of you growing up and acting like an adult anytime soon?

    As a matter of interest how old are you? 13? 14?

    I would be embarrassed if my 11 year olds debated in the infantile manner that you do.

  38. Headlines appearing on Drudge Report:


    Egyptians prefer Osama to Obama -- 21% to 12%...

  39. the cow writes:

    I would be embarrassed if my 11 year olds debated in the infantile manner that you do.

    So you encourage others to do as you do, which is to omit facts whenever they get in the way of your wishes and fantasies.

    No black nations or Islamic nations have any inventions or intellectual advancements to their credit.

    As you pointed out, the only nations that make innovation standard operating procedure are white or asian, and they are capitalistic democracies.

    Actually, in your limited listing of innovative nations, you cited only white nations. But I think we can agree that asian nations are strong innovators too.

    African nations? What are they doing? Still working on improvements to the spear? Actually, it appears one of the new pastimes is to engage in the spread of Islam. Thus, a double whammy. Black and Islamic all in one nation. Clearly the path back to the first millennium. A short path, unfortunately.

  40. cow,

    Based on your comments, you exhibit that English attitude of condescension expressed as The White Man's Burden.

  41. fn:

    did you forget that the tsa rapes became law under hobama's watch????

    are they really ok with you???

    only sheeple think being molested for security is ok....


    accuracy trumps tribalism

    i only want the RIGHT inventor to be credited...white or black!!!!

  42. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Racist black mobs attacking whites in Woodbridge,VA.

    Racist black mobs have been attacking whites and asians for over a month now.

    Of course the media censors the race of the attackers and victims.If racist white mobs attack blacks would the media censor the the race of the perps and victims?


  43. tsa rapes are NOT ok

    hitler would love how the sheeple ignore their impact FAR beyond airport security

    just like the nazi hobama does


    “Is that a Pistole in your pocket, Nappy, or are you just happy to see us? Opt Out!”

    In response to public and pilot outrage at sexual assault by transportation security authorities and to the carcinogenic x-ray machines used to scan flyers, New Jersey lawmakers announced on Monday the introduction of several resolutions banning such practices. Additionally, the U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security is holding a Transportation Security Administration Oversight Hearing today (10 AM Wednesday).


    Deborah Jacobs, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, noted:

    “In England where they spent about a third of all [their] security budget on video surveillance, there is study after study after study that shows that those who observe the surveillance are tracked to look at pretty girls’ special parts, and to use those kinds of technologies to essentially violate women’s privacy, or children’s or boys’ or whoever we might be looking at.

    “The same danger exists here, and that’s something we should be aware of. It’s been absolutely consistent in the tests. Some jurisdictions have even stopped using these technologies.”




  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. fn:

    how is hobama's actual law ANY worse than perry's failed one?????

    none of the hobamas
    malia and sasha will EVER be patted down...


    why is that ok with you??????????

    U.S. pilots to be exempt from pat-downs
    Cancer survivor is forced to show her prosthetic breast to TSA agents

    Another woman likens her pat-down to 'sexual assault'
    Orlando airport may ditch TSA in favour of private firm
    Fears of travel chaos as Thanksgiving approaches

    President Barack Obama has defended TSA amid a growing furore over whether new 'aggressive' pat-downs at airport security are over the top.

    The U.S. President, speaking at a Nato summit in Lisbon today, said he understands the frustrations of U.S. airline passengers who are subject to intrusive security screenings.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1331454/Obama-defends-TSA-pat-downs-President-gets-skip-them.html#ixzz1Q0izpDow

  46. fn:

    ben franklin knows that tsa rapes are NOT OK!!!!





  47. Dr. Queen:

    thank you!

    what that retarded racist lying bitch nig boy kiddo failed to post is:


    deddyless brainless mindless soulless nig kid:

    u lie like hobama u nig!!!!

    if you had any racial pride

    you would hate that racist hobama you black bumbling mongrel nig!!!!!!!

    i am still waiting you ignorant lying real bitch/fake dog!!!!

    yap that link to me asap leroy!!!

  48. Mack Lyons

    "It's amazing the things that whites tell themselves about blacks to make themselves feel better. And even more amazing the things that some blacks believe about themselves because they allowed their more capricious white counterparts to murder their self-esteem."

    What's even more pathetic is the racist losers who hang around this blog 24/7 posting as "anonymous" or "slappz" and use this board as emotional viagra to spew the hate they don't have the balls to spew face to face.

  49. Anonymous said...
    Gov Rick Perry has guts like most white Texans do. The more I look at the GOP's prospects, the BETTER they look. I am afraid the Dems look pretty weak for 2012.

    MMMmmm! I don't know about that.
    May I suggest that you google the following:

    Gay Rick Perry
    Is Rick Perry Gay?
    Governor Perry is so gay!
    Queen Rick Perry
    Rick Homo Perry
    Rick Perry caught in bed with male
    Perry Loves Cock
    Gay Texans for Perry
    Perry the Fairy
    Perry a hairdresser?
    Perry a Total Hairdresser

  50. Anonymous10:04 AM

    One thang fo sho......Negros luv dem some Popeyes.And dey get made when Popeyes be running out of chicken.


  51. Billy Jack10:18 AM

    What's even more pathetic is the racist losers who hang around this blog 24/7 posting as "anonymous" or "slappz" and use this board as emotional viagra to spew the hate they don't have the balls to spew face to face

    Or the old black racist know-it-all who fakes his way through blog comment debates everyday.


  52. Anonymous10:22 AM

    uptownsteve said...

    What's even more pathetic is the racist losers who hang around this blog 24/7 posting as "anonymous" or "slappz" and use this board as emotional viagra to spew the hate they don't have the balls to spew face to face.

    Whats even more pathetic is racist black posters come on this board everyday and make stuff up about themselves{mold,queen},and they pretend they are better than everyone else.

    Pathetic indeed..............

  53. kidding:

    if hobama had any racial pride he would not dog poor mongrels like YOU....GLOBALLY

    u are a poster retard for LYING black sheeple fool!!!!

    shame on u nig boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The hip hop world is abuzz with rapper Lupe Fiasco’s branding of President Obama as biggest terrorist of them all. But Fiasco’s political views are not very different than many other hip hop performers. Rather, the suffocating liberalism of “mainstream” politics and corporate culture prevent radical performers from getting “room to breathe or airtime to occupy.”


    The Libyan people are paying the price for Moammar Gaddafi’s insubordinate behavior to the Godfathers of global finance capital: the U.S. and Europe. “Gaddafi’s sin for being placed on imperialism’s death row consists largely of the challenges he posed to the free reign of Western capital in the region, of his refusal to relinquish Libya’s national sovereignty to become another unconditional ‘client state’ of Western powers.”


    Bruce Fein, author of “American Empire: Before the Fall” says, “If another country did to us what we are doing to Libya, we would incinerate it with nuclear weapons.” As to President Obama’s contention that the U.S. is not at war with Libya and, therefore, the War Powers Act has not been triggered, Fein says, “If it’s not war, then the United States is committing murder in Libya.” The White House also claims that no state of war exists because U.S. personnel are in little danger. Says Fein: “The same would be said if the U.S. launched ICBMs with nuclear warheads and utterly destroyed a country,” without itself sustaining casualties.





  54. Vidal Babboon10:25 AM

    You people are more preoccupided with people's ha, ANY people's hair, than any race I've met.

    What's up with that?

  55. Like Shooting Crabs In A Barrel10:35 AM

    Jesus, this stuff gets old.....and there is Alawys hard-clad proof:

    "Fred said...
    No negro didn't invent no cell phone.

    1:03 AM"


  56. Anonymous10:35 AM

    MS Any Vagina Said...

    MMMmmm! I don't know about that.
    May I suggest that you google the following:

    Gay Rick Perry
    Is Rick Perry Gay?
    Governor Perry is so gay!
    Queen Rick Perry
    Rick Homo Perry
    Rick Perry caught in bed with male
    Perry Loves Cock
    Gay Texans for Perry
    Perry the Fairy
    Perry a hairdresser?
    Perry a Total Hairdresser

    So what are you trying to say? You are now homophobic? Listen Ms Soros funded bullshit artist. Do you change your view to fit whatever you need to in order to promote new world order? You are disgustingly transparent.

  57. Anonymous10:50 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Mack Lyons

    "It's amazing the things that whites tell themselves about blacks to make themselves feel better. And even more amazing the things that some blacks believe about themselves because they allowed their more capricious white counterparts to murder their self-esteem."

    What's even more pathetic is the racist losers who hang around this blog 24/7 posting as "anonymous" or "slappz" and use this board as emotional viagra to spew the hate they don't have the balls to spew face to face.

    Who do you think you are foolin with this fake tough guy act, you know you would get your ass bitch slapped back to mama to cry some more the first time you met a real man that wasn't like the white guilt lefty pansies you know.

    Grow the hell up, the only thing you accomplish with your toughguy act is solidifying the stereotype of angry, violent negroes who can't cope with problems without becoming violent.

    Hey, Ann G Myma, lend Steve your hanky so he can wipe away his tears, he seems to be crying a lot lately. Wimp.

  58. lickless brainless vdlr:

    u do have belated educational options!!!!

    best wishes u turbo breeding drone!!!!

    As higher education becomes more expensive than it has ever been and the job market for recent graduates remains tougher than it has ever been I guess it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the number of Americans viewing college as a worthwhile investment is lower than it’s ever been, down to 63% last year from 80% in 2008.

    Before you dismiss this post as some wacky, contrarian diatribe this idea is not as farfetched as it may sound and there is precedence—at least in other countries. A 2009 study of more than 35,000 published in the UK (the most comprehensive of its kind ever conducted there) recommended parenting education for school students, deeming it one of the most important tools for stabilizing families and ultimately communities there.

    Here in the U.S. successful parenting remains the most powerful weapon we have to combat many of society’s larger problems: dropping out of high school (which costs taxpayers more than $100 million annually) and incarceration, (which costs us even more). Yet if you ask ten different parents to define successful parenting, you are likely to get ten different answers.

    While one person may see his obligation as fulfilled as long his kid doesn’t starve, another believes he or she has failed unless junior makes it to the Ivy League. The fact that there is no real consensus—and that we shy away from establishing any—is in some ways quintessentially American, but also increasingly problematic. If we’re never allowed to set standards for what constitutes a bad parent (or for the sake of political correctness a less than stellar one) then how can parents who need to, and want to, actually improve?


  59. retarded kid:

    yo lying son

    lay low

    A Texas man convicted of murdering two people, and paralyzing another, was executed Tuesday, despite evidence he suffered from metal retardation.

    Milton Mathis, 32, was convicted in 1999 for shootings that killed a 24-year-old, Travis Brown III, and 31-year-old, Daniel Hibbard.

    The Texas Correctional system discovered that Mathis suffered from mental retardation after IQ tests were administered, but decided to go through with execution because prosecutors contended that his criminal behavior indicated “near-normal


  60. retarded lying bitch kiddo:

    see cornel's racial pride shine asap

    see cornel SLAY that shameless permed out sold out mongrel al sharpton...hobama's fav hobama nazi vote czar!!!

    CHICAGO — Rev. Al Sharpton and Cornel West will continue their heated debate on President Barack Obama and the Black community this Saturday in Chicago at the National Newspaper Publishers Association’s annual conference.
    Sharpton and West previously got into a spirited argument over Barack Obama in April on the Ed Schultz Show on MSNBC.




  61. muhammad ali would say:

    sharpton will die in the chi

    see cornel as he prays while he slays

    west will slay the best and be the sharpest



  62. Spicy Wings11:31 AM

    Shut up for a minute, AB, if you would be so kind to all of us.

    I want to know:

    Where did "wingnut" come from? It's always directed to conservatives on this site.

    Why does it have to be a conservative wingnut? What IS a "wingnut"????????

    Why can't liberals, like that stupid fat slut, Jeanene Garafolo(sp) be a "wingnut"/

    Just curios.

  63. "Grow the hell up, the only thing you accomplish with your toughguy act is solidifying the stereotype of angry, violent negroes who can't cope with problems without becoming violent."


    I guess you told me huh, "Anonymous".

    friggin pussy.

  64. bold kkkop assnon:

    police your blog

    and YOU stfu!!!

  65. Rick Perry's Qualifications for President

    * Has a degree in Animal Science
    * Cheerleader
    * Dubya Ranch Hand
    * Spent entire career living off of government dole, though typically and hypocritically anti-government
    * Specializes in hair dye and botox application
    *Choreographs dance routines for Dallas Cowgirl Cheerleaders
    * Fond of sleeping with male secretaries.
    *Destroyed Texas

  66. Spicy Wings11:43 AM

    Can anyone here, besides that cow AB, even try to give me a rational explanation. Please?

  67. agm/sql:


    that makes perry's resume STILL thicker and more public than hobama's


    Here's how Morain sums up Obama's paper trail:

    30: The approximate number of legal cases Obama was involved in:

    4: The number of years Obama was a full-time lawyer

    70%: The amount of time Obama spent on voting rights, civil rights and employment, generally as a junior associate. (The rest of his time was spent on matters related to real-estate transactions, filing incorporation papers and defending clients against minor lawsuits.)

    3,723: The number of billable hours Obama accrued while working at Davis, Miner, Barnhill & Gallard.

    Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/warner-todd-huston/2008/11/18/la-times-only-just-notices-obama-has-thin-resume#ixzz1Q1KYvhu0


  68. what part of "razor thin resume" do you brain dead hobama nazis perpetually fail to comprehend?

    bashing hillary/sarah/perry etc all ONLY make hobama look WORSE

    as they ALL have FAR better resumes as politicos than that hoax hobama



  69. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Homophobia is alive and doing well on black blogs.Its sad to see black America being so homophobic.

    It must be so hard to be gay and black in America.Keep your head up and be proud.It will get better.

  70. s:

    it is hardEST to be gay and black

    as blacks are the world's worst homohaters

    as wanda sykes said

    black homohatred tortures black gays even more than racism

    but that wm tranny agm/sql does not faze us at all!!!!







  71. s:


    It is an undeniable and historically proven fact that those who are oppressed often become the most cruel oppressors. The United States were founded by slave masters who wanted to be free from British rule, even as they simultaneously stole, enslaved, dehumanized, and forcibly ruled captive Africans for centuries. As fellow hostages on plantations, mulattos were often the most rabid overseers and treacherous house niggers, and often crueler than many white slave masters. In Nazi death camps, Jewish and Polish SS officers who passed as Germans were far more brutal than their actual German Nazi peers. During America’s genocide against Native Americans, Native American scouts and African-American Buffalo soldiers legendarily assisted white men as they robbed and slaughtered red, brown, and black people who looked like them. White gays are usually more blatantly racist than any of their racist heterosexual peers, especially those who control gay media. Closeted gays and gays who feign at being "healed heterosexuals" gaybash more rabidly than any homophobic or sexually bigoted heterosexual...

    Murderous gaybashers exist and are religiously sanctioned in every human race. Yet, I remain convinced that racism and sexism combine to create a uniquely hot hatred of homosexuals within most black gaybashers globally. I have penned many columns, hosted countless talk radio shows, and engaged in heated debates with diverse friends on the subject of black gaybashers for decades. I have elaborated ad infinitum about precisely how racism and sexism combine and degenerate too many black men who regard themselves exclusively as life support systems for penises, and too many black women who regard themselves exclusively as concubines/breeders for these aforementioned black macho men.

    This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!! Also, blend in the arrogant ignorance of uneducated masses who know and desire to know absolutely nothing about the universal scientific nature of homosexuality in literally every living species. All of these ancient ingredients mesh into a perfect and pervasive recipe for social poison that festers deep within the core of global black cultures and ferments into a potent emotional and psychic venom that is spewed by a diaspora of African gaybashers like legions of deadly cobras.

  72. Spicy Wings12:14 PM

    " alicia banks said...
    fat sloppy witless illiterate blogless cow pie brained assnon:

    your lack of education regarding renowned political jargon is a personal problem.

    handle that asap.

    11:46 AM"

    I try to ask a simple question, and the only answer I get is from an ugly-assed negro "educator".

    Oh well...I guess you get what you ask for.....at least, that's what I was always taught.

    Maybe there are loftier implications to that phrase.

  73. s:

    proof that hobama nazis rule all

    they even ignore that hobama is dl as they bash HIS own balck gay peers






  74. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I have seen stories about gays being attacke,raped,tortured and murdered in Africa.

    I can believe America money are vgoing to these Africian dicks who allow this to happen.


    Worst jobs president since the Great Depression.

    Overseeing the worst housing downturn and slide in home prices since the Great Depression.

    Polls show 66 percent of Americans think the U.S. is going in the wrong direction.

    44% of Americans fell like they are worse off than they were when Bush was president.

    Hows that hope and change workin' for ya?

  75. s:


    africa has
    corrective rapes

    jamaica had
    murderous gay mobs
    homohate reggae etc

    we gays are lynched all over the world

    especially here in the usa

    see more:




  76. s:

    like all hobama nazi mongrels

    that racist retarded kid only hopes to silence those who dare to call out that unchanged hoax hobama...


    When you hear the word "Nazi" don't think jack-booted thugs, mass murder of civilians and Jewish extermination camps, think breakdown of the rule of law, destruction of individual rights, and silent obedience to authority because they came before the final endgame.

    These same trends that led Germany and Europe to the abyss in World War II are visible in America and the Western world today. Naomi Wolf's The End of America is a must read. Watch her talk about the book in this 2007 lecture, and read her article 'Fascist America, in 10 easy steps.' Her book came out during the late stages of the Bush era. It was clear by then that the Executive Branch is in charge and Congress is ceremonial. Nothing has changed under President Obama.


  77. Heddy Lamar12:33 PM

    Slapnuts said...
    Homophobia is alive and doing well on black blogs.Its sad to see black America being so homophobic.

    It must be so hard to be gay and black in America.Keep your head up and be proud.It will get better.

    Most black men have gay tendencies, but they consider themselves "bisexual". That's why AIDS is so much more of a problem wiht blacks.

  78. Somebody said it a few days ago.

    If she was a horse, they'd shoot her.

  79. Oh yeah, whites are so gay tolerant.

    Who killed Matthew Shephard?


    Who killed Jesse Dirkhising


    Who killed Barry Winchell?


  80. Achmed12:51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Somebody said it a few days ago.

    If she was a horse, they'd shoot her.

    And if she was a goat, uptown would bone her.

  81. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "Grow the hell up, the only thing you accomplish with your toughguy act is solidifying the stereotype of angry, violent negroes who can't cope with problems without becoming violent."


    I guess you told me huh, "Anonymous".

    friggin pussy.

    wow and even an anon doesnt need to get violent or start cryin like a little bitch but you do . An anon who is anon is better then you, has more self control is more mature then you -damn you must be a real piece of shit

  82. Slapliar

    "Worst jobs president since the Great Depression."


    More jobs created under 2/12 years of Obama than in 8 years of Bush.


    Rant on goober.

    You're obviously scared to death of the fact that Obama will be reelected handily.

    And then who knows what's next?

    Luis Gutierrez in 2016?

  83. Salty Dawg12:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh yeah, whites are so gay tolerant.

    Who killed Matthew Shephard?

    Who killed Jesse Dirkhising

    Who killed Barry Winchell?


    Ya, and who raped uptown in the shower every single day he was in the Coast Guard?


  84. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Achmed Said....

    uptownsteve said...
    Somebody said it a few days ago.

    If she was a horse, they'd shoot her.

    And if she was a goat, uptown would bone her.

    No, no, no Urethra Steve likes gettin boned in de ass by little white boys. They are the only people he can control. Everyone else just smacks him on his scarred little black bitch forehead.

  85. Jemelle12:58 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    More jobs created under 2/12 years of Obama than in 8 years of Bush.

    Man, you will say anything, won't you. That is absofuckinglutely ridiculous.

    Obama is the worst jobs President since Carter. He's done.

  86. hey coon uts:

    more on matthew for u and your blackish dl false god hobama

    u r welcome u twisted twisting dishonest clueless beta male bitch



    Thank you President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0!!!

    Unlike former president King Shrub/George W. Bush, you did not veto the belated Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

    Thank you for enacting this new law that will finally equate the deaths of homosexuals with others who are hated, beaten, and murdered.

    We homosexuals sincerely appreciate that our ongoing murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings will now be as legal as the countless murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings of heterosexuals. All hate crimes are escalating in this violent world increasingly filled with bigoted, jobless, homeless, and hungry people…

    The excessive and unequal frequency of our violent abuses may wound us a bit less, now that our fatal gaybashings will be illegal. We homosexuals are indeed violently abused by all races and classes of persons all over the world.

    Please remember that the profound and valid equality we seek still escapes us as you continue to evade and ignore the real legal changes that we homosexuals so desperately need. That equality includes:

    The equality of marriage and international marital benefits

    The equality of not being forced to live lies in uniform

    The equality to share all insurance benefits and other financial assets with our spouses

    You must understand that all of the above human rights make the equal right to become an illegal punching bag or a corpse feel like a criminally small feat.

    We are weary with your waiting and window dressing Sir.

    And, we are watching you…


    Alicia Banks


  87. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Is this the same Rick Perry who wanted to secede from the union??? Now he wants to be President of that same union? As a Texan I can assure you that there are many Texans who would rather have Bush than this brainless wannabe. Take Bush and multiply Rick Perry 5Xs dumber. It's a shame.

  88. hobama's legendarily successful and deliberate sabogtaging and bankrupting of every state


    perry's failed
    secession for 1 state

    thatloser hobama makes perry look like he is WINNING!!!

  89. The Country1:10 PM

    Anybody but Obama

  90. Who killed Harvey Milk?

    C'mon SeaBiscuit.

    Gimme an answer.

  91. and perry has LOTS of NATIONAL company calling 4 secession from that nazi hobama!!!

    This is not a call for anarchy. It is the realization that the modern presidency has aggregated to itself powers it does not have or, in the case of Libya, is ignoring the War Powers Act that limits its ability to engage the nation in conflicts Congress does not ultimately authorize.

    It is the realization that every United Nations treaty the United States signs deprives it of its sovereign rights.

    It is a call for consideration that regional groups of States with common interests might provide better government within such groups, leaving to the central government the responsibility to protect the nation via a common military, conduct foreign affairs, and return to the gold standard that would protect the value of a common currency.

    When one-in-five Americans give credence to the right of secession, it is clear that the problems being experienced in all fifty States, the massive regulation of all activities within those States, the imposition of a centralized "core" curriculum to be taught in all schools, is arousing a rediscovered sense of liberty among Americans.

    What steps must be taken to retain that liberty and even to restructure the Union are as yet undetermined, but they are increasingly entering the public debate.

    There is no debate that something is terribly wrong when a president is elected whose eligibility and legitimacy is in serious question while the courts do nothing to address this critical constitutional issue and the Congress does nothing while sending bills for his signature.


  92. Anonymous1:14 PM

    RE: homophobia is exemplified NOT by the bm but by the bw called Ann G Myma who has it in for Gov Perry.

    Ann G Myma is sick indeed, if she thinks her little homophobic list disqualifies Mr. Perry for President. Field must be cringing since he has been a proponent of homosexuals.

    What a dummy this Ann G Myma is! a complete disgrace to her race and humanity.

    Someone please tell her to stfu.

  93. Seabiscuit1:14 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Who killed Harvey Milk?

    C'mon SeaBiscuit.

    Gimme an answer.

    Some other faggot.

  94. Montana Tea Party President Condones Violence Against Gays


  95. stupid coon uts:

    cc that bs to all of the black preachers/balck thugs who lynch black gays daily

    start with this homohating pookie thug BABY killer here u ruthless ignorant mf

    A 20-year-old Long Island man is behind bars and accused of brutally beating the life out of a 17-month-old boy that he was babysitting. The little boy was "acting like a little girl", Pedro Jones told police, reports ABC 7.

    "Police were called to the scene [at the Shinnecock Indian Reservation] around 8:25 Sunday night. The child was in cardiac arrest, police said. He was pronounced dead at the hospital a short time later. According to court documents, Jones, who was not related to the boy, punched him over and over with closed fists and grabbed him by the neck. Documents say he confessed to the crime, telling troopers, 'I was trying to make him act like a boy instead of a little girl. I never struck that kid that hard before. A one-time mistake, and I am going to do 20 years.' He told troopers he planned to marry Roy's mother, who is a member of the Shinnecock Indian Nation. They lived together on tribal land in Southampton."


  96. jigging jigabbo uts:


    and u prove that daily

    ask tracy morgan


  97. Spicy Wing,

    Right wing of the Republican Party, thus "Wingnut" when one is crazy.

    Don't know the genesis of "Moonbat," but that what crazies of the Democrats are called.

    Neither party will agree with the other when one of them has gone of the edge.

  98. coon uts:

    cc that bs to the kin of donald young and that homo side pc killer hobama!!!!!!!


  99. Gary Ray Bowles, Florida Serial Killer who Preyed on Gays


  100. Labeler1:47 PM

    Hathor said...
    Spicy Wing,

    Right wing of the Republican Party, thus "Wingnut" when one is crazy.

    Don't know the genesis of "Moonbat," but that what crazies of the Democrats are called.

    Neither party will agree with the other when one of them has gone of the edge.
    Let me illustrate by example:

    Slapnuts is a "wingnut"

    Purple Cow is a "moonbat"

    uptown is a "douchebag"

    no slappz is a "jew"

    kid is a "moron"

    alicia banks is "just plain crazy"

  101. uts:



    blacks prey on gays daily too...globally!!!

    u r a racist moron

  102. White Male Shoots and Hacks Gay Roomate to Death after "turning straight again"


  103. Labeler

    You forgot one

    Anonymous posters are "pussies".

  104. Spicy Wings1:51 PM

    "Hathor said...
    Spicy Wing,

    Right wing of the Republican Party, thus "Wingnut" when one is crazy.

    Don't know the genesis of "Moonbat," but that what crazies of the Democrats are called.

    Neither party will agree with the other when one of them has gone of the edge.

    1:30 PM

    Thank you Hathor. I knew "wingnut" was synonomous by the liberals to "slur" conservatives. I've just never understood why.

    Shouldn't the liberals be "leftwingnunts"?

    A bird can't fly without both wings.

    A better idea: let's just have us a real civil war, and whoever has the most wings left on the opposing sides, wins!

  105. dumb racist coon uts:

    The partially clothed body of Eudy Simelane, former star of South Africa's acclaimed Banyana Banyana national female football squad, was found in a creek in a park in Kwa Thema, on the outskirts of Johannesburg. Simelane had been gang-raped and brutally beaten before being stabbed 25 times in the face, chest and legs. As well as being one of South Africa's best-known female footballers, Simelane was a voracious equality rights campaigner and one of the first women to live openly as a lesbian in Kwa Thema.
    Her brutal murder took place last April, and since then a tide of violence against lesbians in South Africa has continued to rise. Human rights campaigners say it is characterised by what they call "corrective rape" committed by men behind the guise of trying to "cure" lesbians of their sexual orientation.

    Now, a report by the international NGO ActionAid, backed by the South African Human Rights Commission, condemns the culture of impunity around these crimes, which it says are going unrecognised by the state and unpunished by the legal system.











  106. Rash of Gay Murders in Scotland

    A lotta niggas over there!


  107. Lt. Commander Johnson2:01 PM

    "uptownsteve said...
    White Male Shoots and Hacks Gay Roomate to Death after "turning straight again"

    Damn. I just KNOW I left my crying towel around here somewhere.

    So, tell me Semen Steve.....how many years are they going to give you? We're so sad to see you go, but we know you'll make lots of big black buddies! *sniff*

  108. They even icing gays in Israel!

    Where's Slappy?


  109. Irving's "Magic" Johnson2:11 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    They even icing gays in Israel!


    They better put a stop to this quick, or uptown's gonna run out of kosher meat!

  110. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Downlow Steve Said....


    You forgot one

    Anonymous posters are "pussies".

    Ohhhhhhh you are a SPOOKy dude. U so scawey....wooooooooooo

    Nothing wrong with that, everyone likes pussies - oh right, except for you - how is your ass pussy doin?

  111. Anonymous2:20 PM

    UptownSteveSays Call Me Mary Said...

    "They even icing gays in Israel!"

    Now this is sick, I know what your gay "icing" is and you aint gettin none of that here. I bet you don't even put sugar on it when you work for your white gay icing.

    Look, I know you are sorta outed but do you have to post every article that you find on the gay blogs you belong to?? Starting to really suck....oooooohhh hope I didn't excite you to much Uptown Mary.

  112. Colin Ireland The "GAY SLAYER"

    British Serial Murderer


  113. Anonymous2:41 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Colin Ireland The "GAY SLAYER"

    British Serial Murderer


    Mary, Stop it now. I mean it. You are embarassing everyone. How stupid are you really? You think looking up every case of crimes against gays in history proves anything? This is from 1993 you dolt. The only thing you are proving is you can compile a scattering of issues around the world throughout history to support your half-cocked (don't get excited) loony lefty agenda. How about what happened in Nigeria/Kenya Just last week you simpering intellectually challenged dolt. It is men like you who further the science behind the bell curve. I say men loosely and no I am not talking about your bunghole when I say loosely.

    Now, stop it I said, stop posting all the sites you come across while gay blogging. We don't play dat shit round here fagola.

  114. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Wingnut has been defined elsewhere. Moonbat was the absolute best retort the wingnut welfare scions could do...as DFH was NSFW and it had been co-opted by a Lefty Blogger.
    Seems the Cons were still miffed that the DFHs were more desirable than pompous, closeted self-righteous christian dorktroopers.
    Perry and his...eerie similarities to 'fabulous' bush are known to Texans. Some have even blogged in the Lefty blogosphere about how Perry can never run...as his Jeff Gannon/Guckert is far more public. Well, Perry does have that hair...makes up totally for his crashing the Texan economy before the housing bubble burst. And the elimination of jobs was sheer Con genius. All those well-educated workers without pay, benefits or medical care just begging to toil in the fast food franchises. He also slobbers down the christian Dominionist and Reconstructionist goo...quite often and with great gusto. While it makes Goobers feel good that their delusions are 'just as good as eveeel Science'...it has limited the University grants. Not to many sane folk want tax money to be used to 'study' how many angels can dance on pinheads. It has made it more difficult to recruit persons with skills...as they are keenly interested in the schools. Hmmm...China, with rational schooling...or Texas, where Jesus rode dinosaurs with the Flintstones. Tough call. Not.
    Oh, more than a few Global Climate Change doubters are also christians.


  115. coon uts:

    cc this to hobama who murdered his gbm lover....shame!!!!!!!

    MORE proof that u nigs are the worst homohaters on earth!!!

    The widow of Lord Glenconner, who has left his fortune to his West Indian manservant, has appealed for him to return part of the estate to the family.

    Distressed Lady Anne Glenconner said she hoped that Kent Adonai, 48, ‘would do the right thing’.

    Lady Anne, who was a close friend of Princess Margaret, said it was a ‘surprise’ to learn that her husband had left the multi-million pound estate on the Caribbean island of St Lucia to Mr Adonai.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2005408/Lord-Glenconners-widow-pleads-manservant-fortune.html#ixzz1Q2B4ljGM

  116. Homo Crapiens3:20 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    You do know a possum is a gay black pussy right?

    3:07 PM"

    The hell you say!!!!

    That's why my car slid 1,600 yards on that cold winter nite, so many years ago. (and stunk, too)

  117. Anonymous3:23 PM

    UTS, is it me...or are the Trolls so out of Logic, Facts and rationality that they have devolved to doing the childish 'you am gay' lie?
    Brings to mind the days when I was declining to date lads for a number of reasons (their lack of hygeine, their lack of sense, their lack of decent Southern manners, their inability to understand I was equally human, and my horribly filled schedule) and they always responded with the 'you muss be GAY!'.
    Time proved them quite wrong.
    Yet, I wonder why this...and being a girl...are the ultimate negatives for them. Are they that confused?


  118. molded moron:

    it is not rocket sci

    all of the isms are related
    sexism and heterosexism are evil twins

    beta male bitches like uts hate women and gays

    they think of all gay men as women
    even though MOST gay men are buff and macho and could beat uts down easily

    and real het men do not hate or slur women or gays

  119. Anonymous3:30 PM

    The Adult Recession: Age-Adjusted Unemployment at Post-War Highs

    Since the Great Depression, the worst episode of unemployment came in the second half of 1982 and the first half of 1983. Over that time, the unemployment rate stayed above ten percent from September through June—reaching 10.8 percent of the labor force in November and December of 1982. A naïve examination of the raw unemployment rates would suggest that the downturn of the early 1980s resulted in a labor market even weaker than what we have experienced as a result of the collapse of the housing bubble. However, the demographics of the labor force have changed significantly over the last quarter century. After adjusting for the aging of the population since the early 1980s, the current labor-market downturn has resulted in both a higher unemployment rate and a longer period when the rate of unemployment remained over 10 percent.


    Obama,the worst job president since FDR.

  120. Anonymous3:37 PM

    CBO: Stimulus almost doubled U.S. debt

    A new report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) finds that President Obama’s economic stimulus program helped nearly double U.S. debt.

    The 2011 Long-Term Budget Outlook, released Wednesday morning, reports that the “the combination of automatic budgetary responses” and Obama’s stimulus “had a profound impact on the federal budget.” According to CBO projections, before Obama’s stimulus became law, federal debt equaled 36 percent of GDP and was projected to decline slightly over the next few years. Instead, thanks in large part to the stimulus, debt reached 62 percent of GDP by 2010.

    Other lowlights from the report include:

    •Debt will reach 70 percent of GDP by the end of this year – the highest percentage since World War II.
    •Spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will reach 15 percent of GDP by 2035 – spending on all government programs has averaged 18.5 percent over the past 40 years.
    •Total government spending is set to hit 27 percent of GDP by 2035.
    •Taxes are sight to grow from 19 percent of GDP in 2013 to 23 percent by 2035.
    •Americans “at various points on the income scale would pay a larger percentage of their income in taxes than people at the same points do today.”
    •The effective marginal tax rate on labor income would rise from about 25 percent now to about 35 percent in 2035.

  121. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Weak Job Growth Leads to Further Rise in Unemployment

    The EPOP for African Americans hit a new low.

    The unemployment rate edged up again in May, reaching 9.1 percent, as the rate of private-sector job growth slowed to just 83,000. There were also downward revisions to the prior two months data, which lowered the average for the last three months to 160,000, approximately 70,000 more than what is needed to keep pace with the growth of the labor force. Some of the weakness in May probably stemmed from quirks that exaggerated April job growth. For example, the retail sector reportedly added 64,000 jobs in April. It lost 8,500 in May. Health added 36,700 jobs in April, compared with an increase of just 17,400 in May. Food manufacturing added 6,300 jobs in April, it lost 7,000 in May. These are most likely quirks of seasonal adjustments, not sharp shifts in the economy itself.

    Taking a longer, three-month snapshot, there is not much that is very encouraging. A loss of 5,000 jobs in manufacturing brings the average gain over the last three months to 13,000. Construction added 2,000 jobs in May, bringing its average gain to 4,000. Job growth in retail has averaged 16,700 over the last three months. Health care has added an average of 28,000 jobs since February. The rate in restaurants has been 23,000.

    Construction employment is likely to remain close to flat for the rest of the year. Manufacturing may go back to adding jobs, but probably only at a rate of around 10,000 per month. At that pace, it will take two decades for employment to return to its pre-recession level.

    One especially discouraging sign was the loss of 2,200 jobs in the employment services sector following a weak gain in April. The weak growth in this sector, coupled with the stagnation in hours, suggests that job growth is not likely to accelerate soon. The weakness in the private sector goes along with a government sector that lost 29,000 jobs in May and has lost an average of 24,300 jobs over the last three months.

    Wage growth remains weak. Over the last three months the average hourly wage increased at a 1.6 percent annual rate. This is down slightly from its 1.8 percent rate of growth over the last year.

    There was nothing in the household data to suggest a brighter picture. The overall employment-to-population ratio (EPOP) was unchanged at 58.4 percent, just 0.2 percentage points above its low for the downturn. The EPOP for African Americans fell by 0.3 percentage points to 51.2 percent, hitting another new low for the downturn. The EPOP for black men fell 0.8 percentage points to 56.1 percent, a new low. The EPOP for black women was unchanged at its low for the downturn of 53.7 percent.

    By education, the least educated are faring worse, with the EPOP for workers without high school degrees falling 0.4 percentage points to 38.5 percent, also a low for the downturn. Interestingly the data on unemployment by industry shows a sharp year-over-year drop for construction. The 16.3 percent May rate is 3.8 percentage points below the May 2010 level. The current rate suggests that unemployment in the construction industry may at most be adding 0.3 percentage points of structural unemployment.


  122. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Unemployment spells are again getting longer with both the mean and median durations rising. The mean duration rose to 39.7 weeks, a new high for the downturn.

    There is very little positive news in this report. It should be viewed in conjunction with the stronger growth in April, which makes the picture somewhat better. However, even the 160,000 average growth over the last three months was very weak for this stage in a recovery, and there are more signs suggesting slower growth than any acceleration.

    The decline in house prices seems sure to continue for the rest of the year. This loss of wealth ($1 trillion since last summer) coupled with wage growth that is lagging inflation will ensure weak consumption growth. State and local governments will continue to make cutbacks, and there is a strong likelihood of further cuts in federal spending in the fiscal year beginning October 1. The unemployment rate may continue to creep upward without new stimulus.

  123. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    more on rich nyc blacks who would describe u as a pauper kapo peasant



  124. Mold,

    "UTS, is it me...or are the Trolls so out of Logic, Facts and rationality that they have devolved to doing the childish 'you am gay' lie?"

    They're idiots, clowns and losers.

    They have no facts or logic and have resorted to outright heckling and harassment in an obvious attempt to dominate Field's board.

    And AB has dengenerated into one of them

    They hate it that a black man has a popular forum where educated abnd thoughtful black folks can come and discuss issues important to them.

    So just like they burned down Rosewood and the black "Wall St" of Tulsa, they seek to destroy that which threatens them and reminds them daily of their insignificance.

    Don't let them win.

    Stay black. Stay strong.

  125. Lt. Commander Johnson3:56 PM

    " Brings to mind the days when I was declining to date lads for a number of reasons (their lack of hygeine, their lack of sense, their lack of decent Southern manners, their inability to understand I was equally human, and my horribly filled schedule) and they always responded with the 'you muss be GAY!'.
    Time proved them quite wrong.
    Yet, I wonder why this...and being a girl...are the ultimate negatives for them. Are they that confused?


    3:23 PM"

    I have never, ever, heard a "woman" call a male a "lad".

    I think you, moldess, has had problems with "lads", because you're one of those "trannies".

    You know, "Any port in a storm will do"?

    UTS can tell you all aboust it, while he's making biscuits.

  126. Anonymous4:04 PM

    "Stay black. Stay strong."

    Mold isn't black.Just thought you should know.

    You should have posted"don't make our Democrat massa's mad.Things can go bad on the Democrat plantation.

    One more thing,can y'all find some good white people to call the "white Martin Luther King".

    Jim Jones????? Fred Phelps??

    Thats worse than the most violent areas of town having a street named after MLK.

    You can list all the whites that have killed gays all you want negro steve.Still won't beat the numbers of gays being raped,tortrured,murdered in Africia and other Muslim countries.

    Don't believe me? Do something.Its called research.Prove me wrong.

  127. Slapnuts

    "Don't believe me? Do something.Its called research.Prove me wrong."

    Nah goober.

    You made the assertion and the onus is on YOU to prove it.

    I'm calling bull$hit.

    Prove ME wrong.

    Unless you pulled it out of your lying a$$ like 99% of your other assertions.

  128. kidding:

    even wf michelle b has more black racial pride than u do nig....shame!!!!

    she already has a blackER agenda than hobama


    NEW ORLEANS — As the latest figures shows Black unemployment climbing to 16%, Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) claims that the Obama administration has failed African Americans.

    Bachmann pointed to the figures at the recent Republican Leadership Conference held in New Orleans last weekend.

    “This president has failed the Hispanic community. He has failed the African-American community,” she said. “He has failed us all when it comes to jobs.”


  129. Serial Gay Murders in lilly white Australia


  130. Where you at Slapnuts, you lying racist POS?

    Can't back your statements, eh?

    Now surprise me some more "Obama is the worst President since Harding" bull$hit.

    See Mold, this is how you treat these punks.

    Like the annoying little insects that they are.

  131. gd fool uts:


    Today is the third anniversary of the murder of Sakia Gunn, the 15-year-old African American lesbian from Newark whose killing ignited a movement and led to New Jersey's first bias-murder prosecution.

    Gunn was stabbed to death when she and four friends were attacked by two men after rejecting their sexual advances by declaring themselves to be lesbians. .

    In April, 2005, Richard McCullough, 32, drew a 20-year prison sentence after admitting that he stabbed the Westside High 10th-grader in the heart while yelling homophobic slurs.


  132. Anonymous4:22 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Where you at Slapnuts, you lying racist POS?

    Can't back your statements, eh?

    Now surprise me some more "Obama is the worst President since Harding" bull$hit.

    See Mold, this is how you treat these punks.

    Like the annoying little insects that they are.

    Yo mama.......

  133. s:

    uts is too stupid to do any research

    he prefers to spew unchecked elitist sexist colorist myths...

    and racist nigs like him are satiated with lies like "a white man did worse"...


    no white country has sanctioned rapes of lesbians and their children as "corrective"

    no white country is torturing and imprisoning gays like uganda etc








  134. Anonymous4:29 PM

    The facts are there.The proof is in my post.Click the links,study the charts.

    See negro steve does what his tranny friend does.When presented with facts,they pretend they don't exist.

    I know your use to have the white man do everything for you.Here's your chance to be a strong black man.

  135. Anonymous4:30 PM

    UTS, the idea of Proof came about when some Trolls were asked to show their work. Put fear in them...as it did with Slappy and the Bristol version.
    I would like to see their basis for the assertion that, like them, I am a wite, uneducated rural simpleton. It could be that they can't conceive of any other type of human being. Or that they are still miffed at being 'outed'...and really, really want to do the same to me...but lack the requisite skills. So they bluster.
    Ummm...dearies, being my age means that you write like Dead White Guys. It was a standard and required for matriculation (ask your Teacher). Yes, I do know some poets with ratty hair managed to do otherwise. I am simply not that talented...nor able to refuse the trappings of advanced education so easily for Art.

    Still, it is funny to see their greatest and best thought consisting almost solely of...you gay. Or that one is like them.


  136. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Thanks AB.Some choose to be smart and know the facts like you do.

    Some choose to be dumb like steve.

  137. Which post Slaps?

    What time?

    I've seen sewer rats with more character than you.

  138. Now AB is aligning with Slaps the white racist.

    My sister, you are truly pathetic.

  139. gd fool uts:


    dumb demon seed illiterate mini clones of u torture black virgins daily
    (turbo bred by the vdlr and her clones)

    who have not even discovered if they are het or gay


    Massachusetts sixth grader committed suicide one week ago today. Carl was relentlessly bullied at his school for six months, and, although he was not gay, his mother says "classmates called him gay on a daily basis, made fun of his clothes and threatened to harm him."
    Sirdeaner L. Walker says the New Leadership Charter School did "nothing" to stop the harassment despite repeated warnings. The mother says her son was peer pressured into not reporting his tormentors to school authorities, WCVB-TV reports. "I said 'Carl, do you know the names of the children? Tell them.' He said, 'I don't want to say them because they will label me a snitch. A rat. A tattle tell.' "


  140. gd fool uts:

    nig u have never been my brother

    and u have never been in my tribe

    and u never will ne

    i respect s because he researches and thinks
    even when i disagree
    unlike u and the retarded kid...u dumb dirty black hobama nazi bastard

  141. Anonymous4:38 PM

    And AB has dengenerated into one of them senile steve

    gosh senile steve for once u make sense that shit stain is nothing but a racist black man hating fool

  142. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    UTS, the idea of Proof came about when some Trolls were asked to show their work. Put fear in them...


    So mold, how did the CIA and NSA contact you?

    Why did you turn them down?

  143. Anonymous4:39 PM

    TrollNut, it may have escaped you that I declined to do others work as they are lazy wites. It may also have eluded you that I don't feel the need to constantly remind Goobers that Evolution and Global Climate Change are indicated by Data. As I assume the readers are adults, not middle school youths. While I will offer the basic and simple information to those who are still children and unable to avail themselves of the material...I can't see doing the same for those claiming to be adult.
    Your version...is to make a spurious claim...than dare others to disprove you. While it can be done...it wastes time to repeat the efforts done around the time of the US Revolution. Yes, you are that simple. And worse, boring.

    Obama is an Eisenhower R who thoughtlessly allowed bush appointees to remain and Cons to promulgate disaster kkkapitalist policies. Given the ease of stepping away from Rev Wright...I would hope that Obama could do so just as quickly to the banksters, Kochs, and other undesirables.
    Though, with the choice of him or the witless wonders the Rs are parading...


  144. Anonymous4:40 PM

    nig u have never been my brother

    and u have never been in my tribe

    and u never will ne kuntlickin banks

    gosh for someone who claims to be proud of their african american heritage u sure toss out the nig acronym a bit much doncha think? for someone who claims to be a scholar, dont u think u could spell better and be more ya know concerned about how ur so called edumacayted ass comes off? LOSER!

  145. baby deddy magnet vdlr:

    wtf do u know about a "black man"

    your serial sperm donors are only thug perps

    cc this to them and kidding:

    when they all learn to wear belts and condoms...then maybe they can tell me about a prez

    u feel me tho???

  146. Anonymous4:49 PM

    TrollNut, it may have escaped you that I declined to do others work as they are lazy wites. It may also have eluded you that I don't feel the need to constantly remind Goobers that Evolution and Global Climate Change are indicated by Data. As I assume the readers are adults, not middle school youths. While I will offer the basic and simple information to those who are still children and unable to avail themselves of the material...I can't see doing the same for those claiming to be adult.
    Your version...is to make a spurious claim...than dare others to disprove you. While it can be done...it wastes time to repeat the efforts done around the time of the US Revolution. Yes, you are that simple. And worse, boring.

    Obama is an Eisenhower R who thoughtlessly allowed bush appointees to remain and Cons to promulgate disaster kkkapitalist policies. Given the ease of stepping away from Rev Wright...I would hope that Obama could do so just as quickly to the banksters, Kochs, and other undesirables.
    Though, with the choice of him or the witless wonders the Rs are parading...


    Evolution and Global Climate Change has nothing to do with the question i ask.

    Ok mold but you didn't answer the question, so i will repeat it.

    So mold, how did the CIA and NSA contact you?

    Why did you turn them down?

    Please stay on topic mold.

  147. Anonymous4:51 PM

    "Your version...is to make a spurious claim...than dare others to disprove you."

    How dare posters do what you yourself has done many a times.

  148. SOS, Anon, Inc.5:04 PM

    Field....as self-declared "In Charge Of The White House" Secretary of State of Anon, INC., due to Stevie's repeated admonitions, I hereby declare this song, by the immortal band Beck, to be our anthem. (Of course, when the President gets back from Gambia, he might change it).

    Name of the song is "The Loser"

    "In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey
    Butane in my veins so I'm out to cut the junkie
    With the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables
    Dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose
    Kill the headlights and put it in neutral
    Stock car flamin' with a loser and the cruise control
    Baby's in Reno with the vitamin D
    Got a couple of couches sleep on the love seat
    Someone keeps sayin I'm insane to complain
    About a shotgun wedding and a stain on my shirt
    Don't believe everything that you breathe
    You get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve
    So shave your face with some mace in the dark
    Savin' all your food stamps and burnin' down the trailer park

    Yo, cut it.

    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Double-barrel buckshot)
    Soy un perdidor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

    Forces of evil in a bozo nightmare
    Banned all the music with a phony gas chamber
    'Cause one's got a weasel and the other's got a flag
    One's got on the pole shove the other in a bag
    With the rerun shows and the cocaine nose job
    The daytime crap of a folksinger slob
    He hung himself with a guitar string

    Slap the turkey neck and it's hangin from a pigeon wing
    You can't write if you can't relate
    Trade the cash for the beef for the body for the hate
    And my time is a piece of wax, fallin' on a termite
    That's chokin on the splinters

    Soy un perdedor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Get crazy with the Cheeze Whiz)
    Soy un perdidor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Drive-by body pierce)

    Yo bring it on down
    (Soy un perdedor I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?)
    (I'm a driver, I'm a winner; things are gonna change, I can feel it.)

    Soy un perdidor

    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (I can't believe you)
    Soy un perdidor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    Soy un perdidor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Sprechen sie Deutches, baby)
    Soy un perdidor
    I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?
    (Know what I'm sayin?)"

    Um.....of course, you should try it out on YouTube, just to hear it.

    God Bless, and Good Night.

  149. PilotX5:57 PM

    "So you encourage others to do as you do, which is to omit facts whenever they get in the way of your wishes and fantasies."

    Speaking of which Slappz did you see that you were misinformed? Check the comments in the other post to see details and get back to me.

  150. PilotX6:00 PM

    "So just like they burned down Rosewood and the black "Wall St" of Tulsa, they seek to destroy that which threatens them and reminds them daily of their insignificance."

    So true, so true.

  151. "Alicia Banks," Slapnuts/SouthParkConservatives/Frank Drackman, and noslapps are clearly "Agenda Trolls" whose modus operandi is to quell intelligent conversation. The denizens of this blog should make an effort to ignore them.

  152. Massa6:11 PM

    AB is just plain shitting ugly, and a bitch from the dpths of mud hell.

  153. mold woman from u.n.c.l.e6:17 PM

    The Affected Profundity Troll. A mutant subspecies of Sophist Trolls, Affected Profundity Trolls post endless pages of pretentious drivel that is intended to appear wise, but which generally makes little sense (if any). Affected Profundity Trolls enjoy asking themselves questions, sometimes answering them and sometimes leaving them hanging, for they believe this looks intelligent and lends an aura of mystery to their incoherent ramblings. Affected Profundity Trolls aspire to become Sophist Trolls, but lack the intelligence necessary to make the leap.

    So this is mold.Makes sense.

    This is uptownstevie......

    The Mutt. Alternatively known as Dogs or Yapping Dogs. Mutts are pack animals characterized by their loud barking – vociferous, repetitive, usually ignorant and irrational criticism of anything and anyone they do not like. Mutts frequently become obsessed with a few or even a single poster with whom they disagree, often for purely personal reasons. Like a dog gnawing at a bone, the Mutt will attack the object of its ire over and over again, making a fool of itself in the eyes of those who understand such childish behavior for what it is. Often one Mutt in a group of Yapping Dogs will act as the alpha of the pack, while the others chime in to voice their mindless (but loud) support for their leader's opinions.

  154. Anonymous9:33 PM

    PilotX-"Speaking of which Slappz did you see that you were misinformed? Check the comments in the other post to see details and get back to me."

    PilotX, have you ever heard of the polite word "please"? when asking a question to Whites of Slappz stature? You need to come off your high horse and recognize your place.

  155. Anonymous12:02 PM


    How does one have "serious" discussion on this blog, Field? Wasn't this suppose to be about Perry?

  156. Anonymous4:34 PM

    perry would still be better than the nigger.
