Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hail to the "Dick"?

O is in town tonight collecting some big checks at David Cohen's crib up in Chestnut Hill. It must be nice. As if Comcast needed more of an edge over their competition. BTW David, my service sucks lately.

I know who won't be at O's fund raiser; my man Mark Halperin. It seems he went a little overboard on MSNBC this morning.  Mark, this could be a "Game Changer" for your ass. I hear that the White House called MSNBC to complain. (A little thin skinned aren't we there O?)

But this begs the question; would a "well respected" journalist call any other president of these divided states "a dick"? I doubt it. But such is the case with O, he is......different.

Halperin is no fan of his Oness, so I guess it was just hard for him to control him self when he saw O acting all uppity "dick" like.

Personally, I don't think that MSNBC should have suspended Halperin, --you all know how I feel about free speech. But it's just interesting to see certain people struggle to contain their inner "color arousal" (thanks for that word, Francis) in public.


  1. Whitey's Conspiracy9:46 PM

    Halperin swings and misses yet again. He's as predictably wrong as swallows are punctual.

  2. Whitey's Conspiracy9:48 PM

    Yessssssss! 1st!

    Srsly Halperin must be related to someone; no one unconnected lasts like that.

  3. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Oh you mean like when they called Bush a murderous fascist? I think Obama got off lightly with Dick.

    Now what I really want to know is how the hell does he fund raise for days last week, play golf all weekend hold a press conference telling others to work and then goes back out campaigning, this guy doesnt' do beans except campaign on our dollars. The campaigner in charge.

  4. I wish President Obama were a real Dick, really I do.

  5. "I know who won't be at O's fund raiser; my man Mark Halperin. It seems he went a little overboard on MSNBC this morning. Mark, this could be a "Game Changer" for your ass. I hear that the White House called MSNBC to complain." LOL, good one Field. The best statement I've read today!!!! BTW, another commenter wondered who he might be related to. His father is Morton Haperin, who served in the Johnson, Nixon, and Clinton administrations. Some type of foreign policy expert.

  6. Anonymous10:34 PM

    The state of America by Dream Theater: Song Name; On the Backs Of Angels

    Standing on the backs of angels
    Destined to create
    Mounting the attack
    While heroes carry (our) weight

    We spiral towards disaster
    Survival fading faster

    Riding out the wave
    Content to feed off the machine
    Leading us to death
    The new American dream

    You're blinded by your hunger
    Beware, your days are numbered

    Tears fall from the shameless
    Shelter me,
    Guide me to the edge of the water
    Selfless are the righteous
    Burden me,
    Lead me like a lamb to the slaughter

    The lines drawn in between.
    What is right and what is wrong
    Victims on the radar
    Straining us along

  7. Everyday is more name calling from sympathy chasing clowns. Sickening cycle we endure day to day. More people disrespecting the president and more people proud to be ignorant. It's a sad time in America. We're surrounded by net cowards.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Oh you mean like when they called Bush a murderous fascist? I think Obama got off lightly with Dick.
    Bush is a murderous fascist, you retarded, right-wing bigot. Furthermore, if you think anyone on this blog is stupid enough to buy that trash from the Media Research Center, then truly, you're the dick!

  9. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
    Bush is a murderous fascist, you retarded, right-wing bigot. Furthermore, if you think anyone on this blog is stupid enough to buy that trash from the Media Research Center, then truly, you're the dick!

    No one is stupid enough to believe the truth when it is written.They are all pop tards like you.

  10. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Strauss-Kahn Case Seen as in Jeopardy

    The sexual assault case against Dominique Strauss-Kahn is on the verge of collapse as investigators have uncovered major holes in the credibility of the housekeeper who charged that he attacked her in his Manhattan hotel suite in May, according to two well-placed law enforcement officials.

    Although forensic tests found unambiguous evidence of a sexual encounter between Mr. Strauss-Kahn, a French politician, and the woman, prosecutors do not believe much of what the accuser has told them about the circumstances or about herself.

    Since her initial allegation on May 14, the accuser has repeatedly lied, one of the law enforcement officials said.

    Senior prosecutors met with lawyers for Mr. Strauss-Kahn on Thursday and provided details about their findings, and the parties are discussing whether to dismiss the felony charges. Among the discoveries, one of the officials said, are issues involving the asylum application of the 32-year-old housekeeper, who is Guinean, and possible links to criminal activities, including drug dealing and money laundering.

    Could this be yet another case of a black woman have sexing with a white guy than crying rape?

  11. Anonymous11:19 PM

    My, how history is twisting and turning in so many unexpected ways. Another black woman's allegation of sexual abuse at the hands of a white man or men looks like it will be blown out of the water. How unfortunate. Black women will never be believed when the alleged abuser is white. A black "victim" has to be flawless like Rosa Parks and she still might lose.

  12. Field,
    Left and right, people think they can talk any slick way to and about the POTUS. Of course, calling the President a 'dick' on national television (that isn't owned by Murdoch) is considered a big no-no. But the fact that he even let it slip out of his mouth shows how low we sank as a country.

    Personally, I say Obama should have ignored Mark Halperin, because, in the end, who the hell cares what some wonk says on 'Morning Joe'? Roll with the punches. Now, but retaliating and paying this guy any attention does make Obama, well, look like a dick.

    Now George Bush would have demanded 'Morning Joe' be put on 2 week hiatus. But we Black folks in the white collar world have to develop thicker skin than most.

  13. Thin skinned? Not at all. Rahm Emanuel, a man who is no stranger to offensive name calling, would have been on the phone to MSNBC immediately had this happened when he was chief of staff.

    There are some things you just don't do as a journalist. One of them is calling the president, particularly a sitting president, a d*ck.

  14. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198211:36 PM

    LACoincidental said...

    Now George Bush would have demanded 'Morning Joe' be put on 2 week hiatus. But we Black folks in the white collar world have to develop thicker skin than most.

    Since when has Obama had"thicker skin"?

    Obama has attacked radio host and tv networks more than Bush ever did.

    Obama should have learned his lesson long ago.

    Let a Soros front group handle this.

    Never punch down.

  15. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh you mean like when they called Bush a murderous fascist? I think Obama got off lightly with Dick.
    Bush is a murderous fascist, you retarded, right-wing bigot. Furthermore, if you think anyone on this blog is stupid enough to buy that trash from the Media Research Center, then truly, you're the dick!

    Look at the nasty lefty, well then Obama is a dick you left wing Bigot, how many people has Obama killed in Libya, Yemen, Pakistan? You definitely are a soros funded twat. You always and instantly immediately attack the source and try and smoke the truth (alinsky alert, Alinsky alert) there is video of this you know you disengenious vile piece of shit. Also, seeing your viewpoints you couldnt' buy anything unless the seller took EBT cards so piss off any vagina, hyprocrite. I would rather be a dick - then a scumbag like you.

    Oh and riddle me this bat-twat - Bush got called all sorts of names and he never attempted to restrict the media, ban, outlaw reporters, get them fired, Obama does this all the time, who is the fascist dictator? or is that too deep of a thought for your hanky to sort out.

  16. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Now George Bush would have demanded 'Morning Joe' be put on 2 week hiatus. But we Black folks in the white collar world have to develop thicker skin than most.

    That's cool cause genetically you already have thicker epidermis.

  17. Wesley R12:02 AM


    Really, Comcast? Man get Directv and you can watch 6 College Football Games at a once on Saturday Night. You can almost do the same with College Basketball.

    The Halperin incident shows the difference between MSNBC and Foxnews. Foxnews' Host and 'experts' have called The President far worst and they get a pat on the back.

  18. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Ann G Myma, "Bush is a murderous fascist, you retarded, right-wing bigot. Furthermore, if you think anyone on this blog is stupid enough to buy that trash from the Media Research Center, then truly, you're the dick!"

    It's because of people like you that hateful name calling continues.

    Someone needs to lock you up and throw away the key because you are the kind of black person we don't need in our race. Go join a tribe in Africa or the Aborigines in Australia!

  19. @Anonymous 11:48 PM

    "Oh and riddle me this bat-twat - Bush got called all sorts of names and he never attempted to restrict the media, ban, outlaw reporters, get them fired, Obama does this all the time, who is the fascist dictator? or is that too deep of a thought for your hanky to sort out".

    First fascist are not elected, just ask George W. Bush, Adolph Hitler, and Benito Musslini. People were fired for saying anything bad about Shrub. Ever heard of the Dixie Chicks?

    You mentioned that he did bad things in Pakistan, you mean like what happened in Abbotabad? Then there's the "bad" thing in Libya. You mean like saving 100,000 lives in Benghazi? Boehner just like Limbaugh wanted him to "fail". Yes he stopped a genocide.

    Just say you hate him because he's Black and call it a day. Also you look pathetic trying to protect a couple of fat assed Billionaires that bitch aabout not having to fly their jets FREE. When will the rich get taxed? Republicans first said that $250,000.00 is considered poor, especially if you're a plumber. Now they said that a teacher in Wisconsin making $50,000.00 is rich. Which is it?

  20. To the folks at Anonymous Inc:

    What do you think that Black folk are going to do if Republicans get "their" country back? After bringing guns to where the POTUS was, telling talk show host that when you say the N-word 11 times reload, deficating on Dr. King's memory and making it a joke, do you think that black people are going to get on their knees and pray? No they just might act 100 times worst than the Tea Party and they would be justified. For almost 5 years the WHOLE media and Republicans have been treating minorities LIKE SHIT. Do you think that Blacks would bring guns to a Republican's rally? Would Hispanics? How about Gays? You get back what you put in the universe. Republicans Karma don't look so good.

  21. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Field, "But this begs the question; would a "well respected" journalist call any other president of these divided states "a dick"? I doubt it. But such is the case with O, he is......different."

    Of course he is different. He's the first black President of these UNITED Republican States.

    Let's face it. As a bm Obama had to know the hell he was going to get as President. The only ones who didn't expect it are Blacks. Now, why is that?

    Because throughout our history, we have never been able to see the R-Train coming. It's always too late after the train has flattened us...AGAIN.

  22. Anonymous1:02 AM

    KID, "What do you think that Black folk are going to do if Republicans get "their" country back? After bringing guns to where the POTUS was, telling talk show host that when you say the N-word 11 times reload, deficating on Dr. King's memory and making it a joke, do you think that black people are going to get on their knees and pray? No they just might act 100 times worst than the Tea Party and they would be justified. For almost 5 years the WHOLE media and Republicans have been treating minorities LIKE SHIT. Do you think that Blacks would bring guns to a Republican's rally? Would Hispanics? How about Gays? You get back what you put in the universe. Republicans Karma don't look so good."

    Kid, I love it when you come on FN blog. I wish you would come around more often, bro, because you are like a secret weapon against racism. You always flatten those racists to the point they have to try to attack you in order to defend themselves.

    Unfortunately for those racist Conservatives, there really is no comeback to your amazing and well thought out arguments. I am sooo glad that you are on our side.

  23. @Kid...I posted about this on my blog awhile ago. If you disrespect someone who's story truly is one of pulling himself up by his bootstraps and making the most of his education how do you think Black folks are going to respond. The various bloggers that ask why Black folks still vote Democratic need only look at their comment section to see why.

    WRT Halperin as I said on the radio this morning if a "renowned" college educated journalist can't express himself any better than that I think we--as a country--have larger problems.

    It's okay though if POTUS is re-elected in 2012, Halperin et. al only have themselves to blame. There's no better way to get Black folks to rally round than picking on one of our own.

  24. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Field, "I hear that the White House called MSNBC to complain."

    Mr. Field, ab has called Obama every low-down dirty word in the english language. And still the WH has not called you to complain.

    Have you wondered about that? I sure have. I mean, what do they consider you, black milquetoast?

    There is something wrong with this picture...someone at the WH is not doing their job.

  25. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Dear Mr. Field,

    Glenn Beck left Fox today. He gave his swan song and left...I cried. As a bm I did not expect to be crying because of his departure.

    I did not realize how much he had meant to me, as I am sure he meant to you, another bm.

    Mr. Field, isn't life funny? We never know how much someone means to us until they are gone.

    Mr. Field, please remember that piece of wisdom so that you won't make that mistake again.

  26. "The Halperin incident shows the difference between MSNBC and Foxnews. Foxnews' Host and 'experts' have called The President far worst and they get a pat on the back.."

    Yes, but FOX isn't a REAL news station.

    I am pretty sure that no supposedly main stream journalist called the frat boy a dick. If someone looks it up and provides a link I would appreciate it.

    I will wait.....

    "Personally, I say Obama should have ignored Mark Halperin, because, in the end, who the hell cares what some wonk says on 'Morning Joe'? Roll with the punches. Now, but retaliating and paying this guy any attention does make Obama, well, look like a dick."


    Anon 1:36 AM, you are killing me.:(

    Yes Wesley,it's that bundle thing. Mrs. Field loves their high speed Internet service. But I feel you. I sense a FiOS coming on.:)

    Slapnuts, weren't you one of the wingnuts crying a river about powerful liberal politicians being taken down? And now you are changing your tune because the case against the Frenchman isn't as strong as folks thought it was?

    Shame. You wingnuts are soooo predictable.

  27. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "Halperin is no fan of his Oness, so I guess it was just hard for him to control him self when he saw O acting all uppity "dick" like.

    Personally, I don't think that MSNBC should have suspended Halperin, --you all know how I feel about free speech. But it's just interesting to see certain people struggle to contain their inner "color arousal" (thanks for that word, Francis) in public."

    You've GOT to be kidding. Making this into a black-white thing? How ridiculous. I listened to the press conference and agreed he DID sound like a dick at times.

    I guess you see race everywhere. This is just stupid.

    And I'm a Dem.

  28. "I guess you see race everywhere. This is just stupid.

    And I'm a Dem."

    I don't believe you!Come on, fess up, you are wingnut, aren't you?

  29. Anonymous7:28 AM

    No, I am not a "wing-nut." Never voted Republican in my life.

    Like I said, you're making this into a race issue.

    Did you listen to the press conference? His dismissiveness on certain issues--like Libya--was dickish.

  30. Some nobody on cable called Obama a dick? Wow. And for this, there's a tempest in a teapot. Well, no shock there.

    This episode is so unimportant it will be forgotten bofore the 4th fo July weekend is over.

    Notice that absence of joy over the death of bin Laden? As every airline passenger knows, the death of bin Laden has meant NOTHING.

    As every American knows, the Obama "stimulus" program has accomplished NOTHING.

    There are NO NET job increases.

    Every move Obama has made is impinging more and more on the economy.

    Oil drillers cannot drill where the easy oil is located. New banking regulations have gotten major banks to begin expansion programs in other countries. Goldman Sachs is adding 1,000 jobs in Singapore, where it previously had a tiny office.

    Obama's idiotic economic plans are leading to more oil imports and more outsourcing of banking -- two huge sources of revenue. But the idiot-in-chief says "who cares about that?"

    It all boils down to the recent video clip where he said, "well, I guess the shovel-ready projects weren't so shovel ready".

    In other words, he sheepishly admitted this economic plan was a total failure. He's one of those morons who can't admit that he's wrong and that a new and entirely different approach is in order.

    He'd be forgiven for being wrong if he got behind some winning ideas that just happen to violate his internal wish-list. Like opening up all oil-rich territory to drilling.

  31. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Mark Halperin is free to say whatever he wants about Obama. He just can't say it in his position as a political analyst on national TV. Its a question of how he does his job. I think he should be fired and not suspended.
    Someone who claims to be a journalist should have enough of a vocabulary to communicate what he thinks, however unflattering, without resorting to vulgarities.

  32. Halperin is just another one of these rightwing Jews trying to get their "white guy" card punched.

    They're worse than Uncle Toms.

    They don't realize the Bachmanns and Becks still calm them "hebes" as soon as they leave the room.

  33. "Did you listen to the press conference? His dismissiveness on certain issues--like Libya--was dickish."

    Yes, I did.

    But this isn't about Obama. What do you think it is that caused a "well respected" journalist to use a word like "dick" to describe the way HIS president comported himself at a press conference?

    BTW, being color aroused does not necessarily mean racist.So methinks you you might projecting be projecting a bit.

  34. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Halperin is just another one of these rightwing Jews trying to get their "white guy" card punched.

    They're worse than Uncle Toms.

    They don't realize the Bachmanns and Becks still calm them "hebes" as soon as they leave the room.

    8:08 AM
    Blogger field negro said...

    "Did you listen to the press conference? His dismissiveness on certain issues--like Libya--was dickish."

    Yes, I did.

    But this isn't about Obama. What do you think it is that caused a "well respected" journalist to use a word like "dick" to describe the way HIS president comported himself at a press conference?

    BTW, being color aroused does not necessarily mean racist.So methinks you you might projecting be projecting a bit.

    8:34 AM
    You've totally lost it here. It WAS about Obama. Prove Halperin is racist, please.

    And who exactly is "color-aroused?" And projecting WHAT? I'm racist because I don't agree with you? And because I think it is OK for a Democrat to take issue with the president upon ocassion?

    Funny, that.

    People thought Bush was a retard. They just didn't get caught saying it on camera.

    Nice double standard. So dick is code for "uppity."

    Spread the word!

  35. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19828:53 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Halperin is just another one of these rightwing Jews trying to get their "white guy" card punched.

    Your ignorance is astounding.

  36. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Field, "BTW, being color aroused does not necessarily mean racist.So methinks you you might projecting be projecting a bit."

    Good point Mr. Field, I was thinking the same thing about anon's racist conclusions about you. It is obvious that Halperin still has a ways to go before letting go of his color arousel regarding Obama.

    But isn't that the case for most of us, both Blacks and Whites? I mean, we ARE a color aroused racist nation...that's no secret. When I look at the names Obama was called that referenced his color, it is astounding how profoundly damaged Americans are regarding race.

  37. "You've totally lost it here. It WAS about Obama. Prove Halperin is racist, please."

    Why should I have to prove something that I didn't say?

    "Nice double standard. So dick is code for "uppity."'

    It depends who is saying it.

    "Funny, that.

    People thought Bush was a retard. They just didn't get caught saying it on camera."

    Did you say that you were a dem.? Now I really don't believe you.

    "And projecting WHAT?"

    You tell me. I don't know what's in your heart. ;)

  38. mh should have been suspended because it was unprofessional and extreme


    halperin did not lie!!!
    so it is hard to suspend someone for honesty

    hobama proves that he is the dick in chief with each bankster bailout/agendaless black mongrel diss/illegal war etc...


    honest trumps tacky

    i just hope that dick hobama is dismissed in 2012!!!

  39. Anonymous9:11 AM

    "But isn't that the case for most of us, both Blacks and Whites? I mean, we ARE a color aroused racist nation...that's no secret. When I look at the names Obama was called that referenced his color, it is astounding how profoundly damaged Americans are regarding race."

    I agree. Many don't know their own racist tendencies because they are looking for logical rational evidence as proof. Since when has racism been logical and rational?

    No, we must FIRST call it out for what it is. Many, both Blacks and Whites, know behavioral or verbal racism when they see, hear or feel it.

    Afterall, it's been in America since it's inception. The American heart KNOWS racism and color arousel when it arises.

  40. UncleSam9:12 AM

    Happy Independance day everyone, isn't it great to live in the best country in the world. The greatest country that so many died for to create and maintain freedoms, the greatest country that immigrants all over the world flock to. Don't worry, once we get a real president and get rid of the lawbreaker things will be great once again.

    Happy Independance Day and don't forget to display your american flag proudly for all that this country affords you. It is like no other in the world, you literally can do whatever your mind, talents and efforts lead you to.

  41. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The term DICK has no racial implications. Even if a white person says it about a black person.

    NONE. Nice try.

  42. Anonymous9:16 AM

    AB, "i just hope that dick hobama is dismissed in 2012!!!"

    don't you EVER call Obama such names!! you are an idiot like Halperin- and I hope the WH calls Field and complains about your black ass!

    OBAMA IN 2012!!!!

  43. Liberal Tormentor

    "Your ignorance is astounding."

    Nah, you know I'm right and that's why you're upset.

    And what I'm starting to realize more and more with Slappy and others like him is that they are furious that a black made it to the Oval Office before a Jew did.

    They just can't accept that.

  44. hobama has been FAR more fascist and warmongering than gwb

    especially to poor americans

    why is it that hobama nazi clones still cannot see that this mf hobama makes gwb look like a liberal peacenik????

    When will these racist fool-aid drunken hobama loving drones wtfu???????????????????????

    Tax cheat Geithner
    AFP image
    Bank/Corporate Bailouts: Although the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), otherwise known as the bankster bailout, occurred on Bush's watch, Obama fully supported it as necessary. Obama then followed up this massive wealth grab with a gargantuan stimulus bill which has basically been absorbed by the financial crisis as well. All said, Bloomberg and others reported the taxpayer guarantees for Wall Street are upwards of $23 trillion. Additionally, the best part of Obama's cabinet and appointed czars are directly connected to big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, Obama and Democratic leaders gave the Federal Reserve even more regulatory power over the economy. The Administration hails the Financial Reform bill as a big political accomplishment, but the bill never addressed the three major problems: doesn't break up or reduce the size of too-big-to-fail banks, doesn't remove the massive government guarantees to the giant banks, and it won’t even increase liquidity requirements to prevent future meltdowns. The inmates are too clearly running Obama's asylum.

    AFP image
    Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.

  45. Internet Rights Eroding: The open and free Internet is under full assault under Obama's leadership. It has become obvious that there has never been much in the way of Internet privacy, especially since the Patriot Act went into full effect. But now, free access to information via the Internet is the target of legislation such as The Protecting Cybersecurity as a National Asset Act, aka the "Internet Kill Switch" bill, and the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA), aka the domain "Blacklist" bill. The free Internet is also being threatened by market-based "net neutrality" agreements, civil lawsuits, technical censorship via search engines, and yes, blogging taxes too. Finally, the DHS has been arbitrarily seizing domain names, which is clearly unconstitutional. Given that Obama is completely in bed with Google and others in the corporate information cartel, you can bet he will show his support for these endeavors even if only by remaining silent as they are debated then implemented.

    Obamacare Fascism: Even many progressives view Obamacare as a purely fascist policy. When a progressive tries to defend Obamacare these days, the best argument they can give is "at least Obama tried to fix the problem." It's their way of subtly deflecting blame to Bush for ignoring it because he was too busy "smokin' turrurists outta their holes". Healthcare reform was meant to increase competition and affordable coverage for all Americans. Yet, the private insurance monopolies remain and citizens are mandated to buy from them under penalty of jail, while 1000 of the most connected corporations are exempt from the law. Furthermore, the FDA remains under the full control of Big Pharma/Chemical giants and the giveaways to the drug companies have only increased. Finally, when there are huge profits involved in deciding if people live or die, and budgetary rationing of services, you will always have "death panels." So, yes, the corporate government healthcare merger is complete with for-profit "death panels." Folks, if you want to know what the modern-day definition of fascism is, you just read it.

  46. Anonymous9:19 AM

    i hope everyone has a quiet 4th of july.

  47. dickless blogless assnon:

    your demands are as impotent as you are herein.

    spare me.

    u will never make any rules about that dick hobama that i will ever follow.


  48. Oh looks like former World Bank President Dominque Strauss-Kahn is going to weasel out of the sexual assault charges against him.

    His lawyers have been able to raise extreme doubts about the veracity and credibility of his (black female) accuser.

    Somehow the FN protofemmes will find a way to blame these developments on a black man.

  49. Anonymous9:31 AM

    "His lawyers have been able to raise extreme doubts about the veracity and credibility of his (black female) accuser."

    I didn't know his accuser was Black. That changes everything. He should not be found guilty based on lies.

    Thanks for the tip, uts.

  50. Anonymous9:33 AM

    "Thanks for the tip, uts."

    That's what Mold said while he bent over.....

  51. "Happy Independance Day and don't forget to display your american flag proudly for all that this country affords you.."

    I have mine right here.

  52. Anonymous9:41 AM

    field negro said...
    "Happy Independance Day and don't forget to display your american flag proudly for all that this country affords you.."

    I have mine right here.

    Awesome, do you attend any fireworks shows, BBQ traditional things? We have a huge block party where neighbors, family and friends all hang most of the day and then put on a nice fireworks display from 9-12. Most of the neigborhood winds up on our block usually during the fireworks averages a guess of over 200+ people. Hell of a community event. Its a blast.

  53. "Happy Independance Day and don't forget to display your american flag proudly for all that this country affords you.."

    And I thought my paycheck affords me my lifestyle.

  54. coon uts:

    when did u start caring about your richer peers who bash and abuse black women less than u do???

    even this rapist imf dog is a better man than u
    he loves his hair/skin/mom/sister etc

  55. coon uts:

    how is this rape any worse than mike tyson raping and beating his own wife robin givens/groupie desire etc???

    or oj stabbing 2 humans to death?

  56. flag waving coon uts:

    your paycheck is no more secure than any other black mongrel per that blackish dick hobama and his beloved wm banksters


  57. beta male bitch uts:


    proto trumps beta

    u lying original mf

  58. The point is AB that if I don't earn a living all the flag waving in the world isn't going to put food on the table or petro in the car.

    Goobers are always yapping about what America "affords" you, especially us unappreciative black folks.

    Even though they hate the government.


  59. uts:

    point taken.

    but my point is:

    NONE of us are safe no matter what race we are and what flag we wave.

    not even uber rich bros like u who live in gated enclaves.

    especially under that ruthlessly elitist blackish dick hobama and his wm bankster rulers/posses.

  60. "Awesome, do you attend any fireworks shows, BBQ traditional things? We have a huge block party where neighbors, family and friends all hang most of the day and then put on a nice fireworks display from 9-12. Most of the neigborhood winds up on our block usually during the fireworks averages a guess of over 200+ people. Hell of a community event. Its a blast."

    Are you inviting me to your party?

    I have a date with a very tough golf course today, but let me know where you live and I will see if I can make it.- Although 200 people is a bit much. I don't like crowds.- But hey, anything for Uncle Sam on the 4th. :)

  61. "how is this rape any worse than mike tyson raping and beating his own wife robin givens/groupie desire etc???"

    Didn't Mike go to jail for rape?

    On little more than he said/she said testimony.

    Strauss-Kahn's DNA was found on the hotel worker.

    Wipe your mouth, calm down and see if you can figure out the difference between the Tyson and the Strauss-Kahn cases.

  62. "Goobers are always yapping about what America "affords" you, especially us unappreciative black folks.

    Even though they hate the government."

    Now now UTS, let's get in the spirit. Maybe you can join me as we visit our Anon friend's block party. :)

  63. coon uts:

    nigs like u and louis f are STILL pretending mike tyson is innocent...even as he belatedly admits he beat and raped his wife.

    how is that any dif from the racists who cheer/clear that racist rapist dsk now????

    rich white men like dsk and oj buy freedom daily?


  64. sexist racist dog uts:


    Second only to “Sankofa”, “Mandingo” is a classic film on the brutality of African
    slavery in America. In a bloody scene, star Ken Norton is forced to maul a fellow slave as
    white masters and mistresses cheer. It is a haunting scene; from which ghosts spooked
    me as I watched Mike Tyson chew on Evander Holyfield. Centuries later, Black men still
    shed each others’ blood for show.

    Perhaps now, after Mike has publicly mauled a champion, in view of millions, his
    unconditional defenders will consider that he may have raped a groupie, late one night,
    when they were alone in his hotel room. Now that he has maimed a stronger man, before
    the world, they will consider that he may have brutalized his ex-wife, and other weaker
    persons, in private. We all display our best behavior in public. What is Mike’s worst?

  65. FN

    "Now now UTS, let's get in the spirit"

    Actually FN I'm heading up your way this evening.

    Staying with my in laws in Mt. Airy and going to my brother's cookout on Sunday in Willingboro, NJ.

  66. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Obama gave thousands of weapons to mexicans gangs that have been used to kill over 200 Mexicans and 2 law enforcement officers.Now these guns are showing up in American.

    From ABC15

    For months the ABC15 Investigators have been searching through police reports and official government documents. We’ve discovered assault weapons linked to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ controversial “Fast and Furious” case strategy have turned up at crime scenes in Glendale and Phoenix communities. …
    The ABC15 Investigators uncovered documents showing guns connected to at least two Glendale criminal cases and at least two Phoenix criminal cases also appear in the ATF’s Suspect Gun Database, a sort-of watch list for suspicious gun sales.
    All four cases involve drug-related offenses. In one Glendale police report dated July 2010, police investigators working with DEA agents served search warrants at homes near 75th and Glendale avenues in Glendale, and 43rd and Glendale avenues in Phoenix as part of a “large scale marijuana trafficking” investigation.
    Police investigators reported they “obtained information that members of the (trafficking) organization were using the homes…as stash houses used to store large amounts of marijuana temporarily.”
    They reported finding hundreds of pounds of marijuana, more than $63,000 in U.S. currency and three guns inside the homes. One of the recovered weapons, a Romarm/Cugir WASR-10 rifle, appeared in an official ATF Suspect Gun Summary document in November 2009, proving agents knowingly allowed the suspicious gun sale, months before the weapon turned up at the crime scene.
    In a separate Glendale Police Department case, dated November 2010, detectives discovered “bulk marijuana and weapons” inside a residence near 75th Avenue and Bethany Home Road in Glendale. Investigators recovered nearly 400 pounds of drugs and several firearms from the home.
    One of the recovered weapons, another Romarm/Cugir WASR-10 rifle, appeared in an official ATF Suspect Gun Summary document in February 2010.

    Thanks Obama.Change we can believe in.

  67. s:


    if gwb had been busted selling one pistol to one mexican he would have been crucified


  68. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Maid who accused DSK of sexual assault repeatedly lied: sources

    Investigators initially found the 32-year-old accuser’s account credible when she said that Strauss-Kahn, 62, forcibly made her perform oral sex after she mistakenly went into his room while he showered, but they now have many questions.

    Within a day of the May 14 incident, the maid called a friend who was in jail for allegedly possessing 400 pound of marijuana to discuss how she could benefit from the tryst, The New York Times reported.

    That phone call was recorded by authorities, the report said.

    Equally troubling, investigators learned that several people from around the country made multiple cash deposits in her bank account totaling $100,000 over the past two years, the Times said.

    Read more:

  69. that dick hobama’s perpetual extravagant vacations make gwb look like a frugal workaholkic too…



  70. Anonymous10:16 AM

    So true AB.Over 200 Mexicans killed,two American agents,and now these guns are in the hands of ray ray,pedro, and pookie.

    If this had happen to Bush,the media would be screaming "BUSH HATES MEXICANS!!!!!"But since it happen under Obama's watch, the media just yawns.

  71. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "Awesome, do you attend any fireworks shows, BBQ traditional things? We have a huge block party where neighbors, family and friends all hang most of the day and then put on a nice fireworks display from 9-12. Most of the neigborhood winds up on our block usually during the fireworks averages a guess of over 200+ people. Hell of a community event. Its a blast."

    Are you inviting me to your party?

    I have a date with a very tough golf course today, but let me know where you live and I will see if I can make it.- Although 200 people is a bit much. I don't like crowds.- But hey, anything for Uncle Sam on the 4th. :)

    Sure you and the family would be more than welcome. Crowds aren't that bad, well, not sure about parking that might be tough. But the neigbors don't mind everyone parking on the lawns as they are all at the party too.

  72. add his constant golfing to his perpetual vacations...when DOES this dick hobama actually work????

  73. this dick hobama is actually telling his fans

    "remember 2008!"

    do they not remember all of his lies and promises is 2008???

    do they remember "hope and change and jobs" in 2008???

    where are they ALL???

  74. shame!!!!!

  75. "Oh you mean like when they called Bush a murderous fascist? I think Obama got off lightly with Dick."

    Someone upthread wrote that.

    To the best of my knowledge, no editor of TIME magazine or teevee "journalist/analyst" EVER referred on national cable teevee to Dubya as a "dick."

    What GWB was called on blogs is not the same as a national journalist slurring the POTUS on national teevee.

    That being said, I'm glad Halperin made naked his anti-Obama bias for all to see. He'll never be taken seriously again as an "analyst."

    PS. Who's the "dick" now, Mark?

  76. Anonymous10:31 AM

    field negro said...
    "Goobers are always yapping about what America "affords" you, especially us unappreciative black folks.

    Even though they hate the government."

    Now now UTS, let's get in the spirit. Maybe you can join me as we visit our Anon friend's block party. :)

    Actually no UTS would not be welcome, We already have a neighbor just like him. He comes each year, eats and drinks for free, watches the fireworks that rival any town show as the neighborhood pitches in (all except him). Then even though surrounded by nieghbors of all races and skin colors laughing and having fun, does nothing but make racist comments and attempts to ruin everyones party. Mostly because he can't be racist he is black - (his words) and all the other blacks getting along with people and not hating others and joining his racist diatribes at a party must be Toms.

    This year we are going to stick a mortar shell up his ass and send him packing, of course he like UTS will cry racism because we cut him off from the free booze and food, even though it is just because he is a total "dick"

    On second thought, yeah bring UTS too, we have lots of attitude adjusters and I will have the biggest shell ready with his name written right on it and personally light the fuse.

  77. hobama slipped and spoke his bilderberg selection

    he and gwb were SELECTED for 8 yrs each

    hobama will win in 2012 regardless

    that is why he can now speak of MORE cash to banksters even as MORE jobless people starve etc


  78. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Now this is a true leader.

    Marco Rubio, says Obama uses class warfare like a third world leader and not like the president of the United States. Right on Marco, we need more Senators like him.

  79. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Shaw Kenawe said...
    "Oh you mean like when they called Bush a murderous fascist? I think Obama got off lightly with Dick."

    Someone upthread wrote that.

    To the best of my knowledge, no editor of TIME magazine or teevee "journalist/analyst" EVER referred on national cable teevee to Dubya as a "dick."

    That would be Keith Olbermann while at MSNBC.

  80. Anon-Goober

    "Actually no UTS would not be welcome"

    Don't worry Jethro, I wouldn't show up if invited.

    I can think of about a billion things I'd rather do than socialize with a bunch of external nasal haired, yellow toothed, knuckle draggin meth addled goobers whose idea of "cuisine" is rabbit and Gowanus catfish.

  81. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Mark Halperin is free to say whatever he wants about Obama. He just can't say it in his position as a political analyst on national TV. Its a question of how he does his job. I think he should be fired and not suspended.
    Someone who claims to be a journalist should have enough of a vocabulary to communicate what he thinks, however unflattering, without resorting to vulgarities.
    I totally agree.
    It's certainly not the same to call someone a "murderous fascist" as compared to calling him a "dick". Not the same to call someone a "greedy criminal" as to call them a "b*%#@^d" etc.

  82. Mr. Sulu12:16 PM

    OH MY!

    So, it's looking like the "maid" who accused Strauss-Kahn is just a typical lying, blackmaling, scumbag.The Crystal Mangnum Syndrome, part Deuz.

    Now, who would have EVER suspected that?

    I'll bet she was liking it while SK was shoving his photon torpedo up her black hole.

  83. Anonymous12:56 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    "Actually no UTS would not be welcome"

    Don't worry Jethro, I wouldn't show up if invited.

    I can think of about a billion things I'd rather do than socialize with a bunch of external nasal haired, yellow toothed, knuckle draggin meth addled goobers whose idea of "cuisine" is rabbit and Gowanus catfish

    Well, thanks for highlighting that if you HAD BEEN invited "you wouldn't show up" In true coon fashin your forgot the most important part - You WERE NOT invited. Isn't it kind of cooney tunes to say, I wasn't invited but if I was..I'd...I'd......what a dumbcoon you are.

    Now get out of here with your racist crap you piece of shit. Don't use your skin color as a crutch, your just a hateful little cunt, that is why people hate you, not the excuse you make to keep you sane - your skin color. Without racism what are you left with? You, and that isn't much. See if Mold will give you a sausage for your BBQ and you can ride each other's rockets to celebrate.

    Let me pull a cooneytunes before signin off..

    LMBAO!!! Tee-Hee-Hee-. what is it with the Tee-Hee anyway? You sound like a British woman.

  84. like cornel

    alice walker loved hobama...once

    even she is waking up and seeing that dick as the terrorist he is


    When asked about Israel’s accusation that groups participating in the mission have ties with extremist and terrorist organizations like Hamas, whose 2006 election in part led to the blockade, Walker stated that she believes Israel and the United States are great terrorist organizations. “If you go to Gaza and see some of the bombs — what’s left of the bombs that were dropped — and the general destruction, you would have to say, yeah, it’s terrorism. When you terrorize people, when you make them so afraid of you that they are just mentally and psychologically wounded for life — that’s terrorism,” she said, adding that she knows the feeling from growing up in the segregated South.

    Like rapper Lupe Fiasco, she went on to cite U.S. interventionist policies and the use of drones in the War on Terror as examples, but also stated that she did not endorse the firing of rockets by Hamas.

    “But it’s extremely unequal. If people just acknowledge how absurdly unequal this is. This is David and Goliath, but Goliath is not the Palestinians. They are David. They are the ones with the slingshot. They are the ones with the rocks and relatively not-so-powerful rockets. Whereas the Israelis have these incredibly damaging missiles and rockets. When do you as a person of conscience speak and say enough is enough?”

  85. Slapnuts,

    Mark Halperin has been a panelist on Meet the Press several times, a panelist on This Week with George Stephanopolous, a guest on The Wall Street Journal Report, and 60 Minutes. And is a Senior Political Analyst and an editor of TIME magazine.

    Keith Olbermann doesn't possess those kinds of serious creds.

    Olbermann is an entertainer.

    Your comparison doesn't work.

  86. men get away with rape daily

    especially when they are rich wm who rape poor bw

    shame!!!!! 43856470/toxic-amoral-parents- are-worse-than-the

  87. I love it when I make them go nuclear.


    "Now get out of here with your racist crap you piece of shit. Don't use your skin color as a crutch, your just a hateful little cunt, that is why people hate you"

    Nah goober, most people like me.

    I'm not a successful salesman and married to a high six figure attorney for nothing.

    And you're the clown who posts as "anonymous".

    Stop projecting fool.

  88. Anonymous1:52 PM

    White guys calling him a dick while the black guys want to "cut his f*ing nuts off..."

    poor guy

  89. wm banksters dicking the masses as that blackish dick hobama is their poster boy... prepping to break them off another bailout...

    poor poor guys/gals

    we are all screwed!

  90. But the white girls like him

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. coon uts:

    u black hobama girls love him even more uts

    u and tom j and al s and lack etc are all side pcs for hobama


    i knew u posted that as assnon even before u replied again

    we see u nig

    and i am going to tear that hobama bitch tom j on my blog a new 3rd ass asap this pm bet!


    what wfs love only impresses ojs like u

  93. lovesick bromanced coon uts:

    u bm hobama girl bimbo bitches who hated gwb but adore his clone hobama enrage me!!!!!!!

  94. It was over before it started. Did you really think a prominent, powerful Khazar was going down for sexually assaulting an African maid? In New York City of all places? If you did, then you don't know God's allegedly chosen people. They don't go down for nothing. There was Alan "crazy Zionist" Dershowitz galloping all over the media screaming settle, settle!

    Pam Martens sums it up on Counterpunch. I urge you to read the entire article.

    Excerpt: June 20, 2011

    What does it say about a society when one of its preeminent criminal law professors is casually on the stump extolling the dumping of a sexual assault case before the case has even begun in court because “money is more important.” Cyrus Vance, by the way, does not represent himself in this matter. As New York County District Attorney, he represents the public interest. If Vance has strong enough evidence to get a conviction, if he has evidence of serial sexual assaults on women, he has a legal and moral duty to take this predator off the streets; money and meddling by a Harvard Law professor notwithstanding. (An email to Professor Dershowitz at his Harvard email account asking if he were a paid consultant to the Strauss-Kahn team has thus far gone unanswered.)


  95. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    ditto for the nyc rape cops/rapist dogs in blue....shame!!!

    A furious fashion exec faced down two city cops she says raped her and, in graphic detail, described yesterday how one of them violated her while the other acted as a lookout.

    By turns defiant and tearful, the 29-year-old woman said they took advantage of her drunken state to launch a sexual assault so savage and so sudden it left her with a bruised cervix.

    "I couldn't believe two police officers that had been called to help me had instead raped me and left me in a pool of vomit in my bed - to die," she testified in a clear voice.

  96. Anonymous2:30 PM

    AB, "especially under that ruthlessly elitist blackish dick hobama and his wm bankster rulers/posses."

    i TOLD you to stop calling our President that filthy name that Halperin used.

    what are you, a Halperin lover? u are a tommin no good fool.

    u r a traitor to your race. i hope KID and uts give you a good blk ass-kicking cause u need it.

    Obama took on a job nobody else could do. remember?

    he is doing the best he can to give new life to an economy that was devasted by the goober gwb.

    Obama is doing a great job. nobody could do it better.

    as far as poor people he is taking good care of people LIKE YOU but you don't appreciate it. u r an ungrateful fool.

  97. brain dead hobama nazi assnon:

    i am a truth lover.

    it is true that hobama is a dick.

    handle that like u stupidly play blog cop herein.

  98. The entire episode was like something from an elementary school playground. Halperin was encouraged, by Scarborough and Brezinski (sp? to say something naughty. If MSNBC wants to really make a statement, they should all be suspended. I may think Reagan, Bush II, etc are "dicks" but I'd never say it on television. There should be respect for the office if not for the man.

  99. hey hobama zombie assnon:

    more on that dick hobama:

    President Obama seems positively eager to dismantle the safety nets put in place in the Thirties and strengthened by a Black-led movement in the Sixties. He calls it “Winning the Future” – a future that “holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America.” By virtually all indices, Black fortunes have plummeted under the First Black President, whose policy is to let the (chocolate) chips fall where they may.

    Where previous Democratic administrations have treated Black communities with benign neglect, Obama’s policy is best described as depraved indifference.
    Having collaborated in two recent major budget agreements with the Republicans that have already wiped out much of the life supports that made a dignified Black existence barely possible, and with more fiscal massacres to come, Obama characterizes his current posture as “Winning the Future.” That future holds nothing but further pain and decline for Black America. His budgetary formula includes only $1 in closed corporate loopholes and higher taxes on the rich, for every $3 he slices from federal spending, most of it from education, health and other social programs. Then, like a cat scratching in kitty-litter, Obama tries to hide his actual deeds with a wonderfully crafted but totally fabulist speech: “We will all need to make sacrifices,” he said, without quantifying what was being sacrificed by whom. “But we do not have to sacrifice the America we believe in.”
    Obama has already explained, to anyone that was actually listening, what kind of America he believes in. It is one in which people are tossed about to sink or swim with the tides.

  100. Even more on that blackish dick hobama/gwb 2.0:

    In the year that followed, Obama would pump $14 trillion into Wall Street’s accounts, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, but the “rising tide” would swamp Black America. Black male unemployment, which stood at an official rate of 17.2 percent when Showell posed his question, would exceed 20 percent as the crisis deepened, with never a hint of targeted policy consideration from the Obama administration. Today, at 16.8 percent, Black male unemployment is markedly higher than twice that of white men (7.7 percent) – a significant widening of the great gap that has come to be thought of as “normal,” beginning in the early Seventies. The “hidden” chasms of Black joblessness have grown even more under Obama’s economic tutelage, as Blacks disproportionately crowd the subterranean corridors of the long-term and “discouraged” unemployed – a despairing cohort whose ranks have swelled to record levels during this rich man’s “recovery.”
    Black wealth has virtually disappeared. Data gathered prior to 2007, when the full scope of the subprime mortgage catastrophe was just becoming known, showed median Black family wealth at about $5,000, one-twentieth of the median white family’s $100,000 holdings. Since then, the bottom has fallen out from under whole communities, with Blacks hit by far the hardest. By the second quarter of 2010, Black home ownership had declined from its 2007 level of 48 percent to 46.2 percent, a 3.7 percent drop, and still falling – a guarantee that median Black household wealth is well below the $5,000 registered in 2007. (Median wealth for single Black women at the top of their earning capacity, ages 36 to 49, was precisely $5 – five dollars! – in 2010.)
    Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president. As election year 2008 began, Obama took the most pro-banker, laissez faire capitalist position on home foreclosures of the three major Democratic presidential candidates. John Edwards backed a mandatory moratorium on foreclosures and a freeze on interest rates, while Hillary Clinton supported a “voluntary” halt and $30 billion in federal aid to homeowners. But Obama opposed any moratorium, mandatory or voluntary, and balked at cash for homeowners and stricken communities. As president, his program to stem the flow of foreclosures has been pitiful, near worthless in slowing the spiral that has taken down much of what once considered itself the Black middle class.

  101. Hey hobama girl assnon:

    Once more with feeling on that dense dick hobama:

    WASHINGTON – During his third State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Barack Obama cracked a joke about TSA pat-downs – and earned an immediate rebuke from the ACLU.
    Hailing the benefits of high-speed rail, the president jested that it would allow travelers to avoid being subject to the controversial airport pat-downs policy.
    "Within 25 years, our goal is to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail, which could allow you go places in half the time it takes to travel by car," Obama said. "For some trips, it will be faster than flying – without the pat-down."
    Awkward laughter and a scattered applause followed as Obama smiled and chuckled.
    Moments after the president made the remark, the American Civil Liberties Union fired out a Tweet that read: "President Obama makes funny about TSA pat-downs, but the violations of the Constitution are NO JOKE!"
    It was accompanied by a link to a scathing report on the ACLU's Web site, which noted complaints "from men, women and children who reported feeling humiliated and traumatized by these searches, and, in some cases, comparing their psychological impact to sexual assaults."

  102. More for you hobama nazi-ish mjj drones who think that mjj was an unbleached saint:

    He didn’t say it in those exact words, but former child star Aaron Carter finally admitted that pop icon Michael Jackson tried to get him high and drunk so he could have his way with him. At the time, Carter, the younger brother of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, was 15 and riding a wave of success as a teen pop star.
    I never talked about it. This is the first time. I do…I miss Michael. I have spent such incredible times with him. I did things with him that nobody else did. But I was also troubled about what he did to me. Yes, he gave me wine. I mean, I could have refused, but I was 15. He gave me cocaine. I felt weird about that and other stuff. We spoke afterwards, hours and hours, on the phone. I admired Michael, but his behavior bothered me a lot. Then my mother called the police.
    I believe him. Rumors swirled for years about Jackson’s interest in the adolescent Carter. But Carter consistently denied the rumors. Carter, now 23, fit the profile of the young, white tenderoni’s that Jackson was attracted to. Jackson even dyed his eldest son’s hair to make him look more like Carter.

  103. One more reason hobama willl win in 2012 no matter what!

    Hobama has abused latinos too
    But a repub may abuse them MORE

    We blacks do not have that problem
    No wm would EVER be allowed to abuse black mongrels by black mongrels like that blackish hobama…


    Armed with fresh census data, Latinos around the country are flexing their political muscle. From state legislatures to Congress, the Hispanic vote is getting a voice.
    Twelve million Hispanics are expected to vote in next year's elections, according to a survey the National Association of Latino Elected Officials released last week.
    Latino officials see big Hispanic vote in 2012

    These findings come after census numbers show that Hispanics make up 16.3% of the U.S. population and are now the country's largest minority group.
    Nevada is one state where their political power is growing, and it's getting an additional seat in Congress.

  104. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I honestly believe that people like Halperin say the things they say just to see if there will be any repercussions, and they are crazy enough to do it; White privilege makes them do it. So, Halperin should lose his position out of principle alone.

  105. Gotta .45 For Ya. Happy July 4!5:31 PM

    Well, we saw how much trouble all those "youths" across the country caused during Memorial Day weekend.

    Get ready for the 4th of July weekend!!!!!

    Hopefully, the cops will bust a few caps into some of those poor, misunderstood "youths"!

  106. Anonymous6:05 PM

    shut up cunt breath banks! u ought to be tried for treason!

  107. Anonymous6:06 PM

    thought u didnt blog on weekends liar! hows that paper coming along? hows that 250 iq treating u? solved any problems lately? lying diseased sack of cat c unts banks

  108. Gotta a Kevlar vest and Machete for your .45 pea shooter6:08 PM

    Bring it, FOOL!!

  109. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Yo, YO UTS in Da New Jersey already.

  110. Anonymous8:36 PM


    What are your thoughts on Michelle Obama?

  111. Anthony,

    You didn't ask me, but I'll jump in and say that the FLOTUS is an intelligent, caring, gorgeous woman; and I am in awe of her.

    She's awesome.

    Best I've felt about a First Family in a long, long, long time.

    BTW, did I tell you I really, really, really admire the FLOTUS?

  112. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Anthony said...

    What are your thoughts on Michelle Obama?

    Who the Wookie in the white house?

  113. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Jay, the Press Secy called msnbc & I'm sure he enjoyed every second of it. He used to be Halperin's boss, so had to have one more go at him I suppose. I was surprised the WH called, too, until Jay indicated he was involved.

  114. Gotta .45 For Ya. Happy July 4!1:28 AM

    "Gotta a Kevlar vest and Machete for your .45 pea shooter said...
    Bring it, FOOL!!

    6:08 PM"

    Apparently, you've got your oppressed clothing on. I'd like to test your kevlar vest againt a 230 gr jacketed HP against your head, however. Or arm. Or neck. Or leg. Or balls. Or foot. Or big gnarly toe.

    As long as everyone is civilized, there's no problem, huh?

    Happy 4th of July

  115. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Am I the only un-troubled by the "dick" statement? I mean, what? I've called Obama worst. Let's see, when he decided that "Drill, baby, Drill," was a responsible energy policy; when he signed the Bush tax cuts extension; also when he started bombing Libya and every time I hear about a drone attack somewhere in Yemen or Pakistan....I call Obama worst than Dick. Fuck Him.
