Friday, July 01, 2011

Are these men Gay?

I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. I am chilling with the fam in one of those lovely Western Pistolvania resorts. (I won't say where, I don't trust the surrounding area.)  

It's always good to get away and try to clear out my head. Although I can never really get away from the news and what is going on here in A-merry-ca. Sadly,as we celebrate the beauty of this wonderful experiment, we have to constantly deal with the people who are trying to take away from all the advances that we have made as a nation.

Michele Bachmann's husband calls Gays Barbarians, and the governor of Ohio just signed a bill into a law that makes it cool to carry a concealed weapon in a bar. A BAR! Call me crazy, but I am thinking that alcohol and guns are not a good mix.

Finally, I thought Mrs. Field loved shopping, but this lady has her beat.

Some of you Negroes need Jesus!

Okay I am out. I shouldn't even be blogging, but I am addicted to you folks.



  1. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Field thanks for remembering us! We're addicted to this blog tooo!!! Have fun, and wear a lifesaver in the pool, we don't want you to drown or anything!:)

    You know why we women love to shop? There's a psychological reason you know. It's because since the beginning of time the men were the hunters and women were the ones that did the gathering in the garden veggie and fruit patch. So we still have that instinct to pick the best fruit, and nowadays it translates to shopping!!! Aren't I smart??? Say yes. Have a good time and watch out for any falling firecrackers! ;))))

  2. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Oh oh! I just read the story and that is truly sad! The woman is obviously deranged. I wonder how many beatings she gave that child before she finally killed him. I'm totally sad now:((

    As for Mr.Bachmann,after listening to the audio all I can say is,UH OH here we go again! Me thinks he doth protest toooo much LOL! and we all knooooow what that means, don't we :)and he's lisping, HELLLLOOOOO!LOLOL

  3. From the previous thread, since the Field is out enjoying himself like he should this weekend.

    "What do you think that Black folk are going to do if Republicans get "their" country back? After bringing guns to where the POTUS was, telling talk show host that when you say the N-word 11 times reload, deficating on Dr. King's memory and making it a joke, do you think that black people are going to get on their knees and pray? No they just might act 100 times worst than the Tea Party and they would be justified. For almost 5 years the WHOLE media and Republicans have been treating minorities LIKE SHIT. Do you think that Blacks would bring guns to a Republican's rally? Would Hispanics? How about Gays? You get back what you put in the universe. Republicans Karma don't look so good."

    Kid, they're banking on this to happen, so they can finally live out their fantasies of "protecting the nation" by engaging in color-aroused Ku Klux Klan-style genocide, this time on a far-wider scale with implicit backing by the government.

    The moment us Negros and any other minority groups show up at the U.S. Capitol with guns in tow is the moment the rest of America shows its true colors and replicate the Rodney King beatings and Oscar Grant's murder nationwide.

    Of course, it will genuinely fuck the U.S. and leave it sucking wind as a second-tier nation dangling over the precibice of falling into third-tier status. After the bloodlust dies down, the entire nation will begin to resemble Kentucky, West Virginia and the other southern and Appalachian states -- a bunch of poor bastards who let color-aroused bloodlust blind them from their reduction by the Powers That Be™ to nameless, faceless commodities that can be used up, discarded and replaced at will by the Don Blankenships and Massey Energies of the world.

    "Goobers are always yapping about what America "affords" you, especially us unappreciative black folks.

    Even though they hate the government."

    Because they expect blacks to put on their "happy darkie face" and express unending gratitude for the meager scraps that come their way, courtesy of the ever-so-benevolent White Man: "yassuuh" "thank yuh suuh" "i's delited fo dis suuh"

    It's what they want to hear. They want themselves to feel superior to those poor little Negros, again.

  4. "Didn't Mike go to jail for rape?

    On little more than he said/she said testimony.

    Strauss-Kahn's DNA was found on the hotel worker.

    Wipe your mouth, calm down and see if you can figure out the difference between the Tyson and the Strauss-Kahn cases."

    Tyson didn't have the friends, connections and wealth of Strauss-Kahn. Then again, neither did O.J......oh wait...he eventually got locked up again, this time over something entirely unrelated. And at that point, O.J. didn't have the friends, connections and wealth of Strauss-Kahn. My point still stands.

    The defense of Strauss-Kahn relied on destroying the credibility of some immigrant darkie who was lucky enough to be graced with the presence of someone as wealthy and powerful as he. And once the trial is over, popular opinion and the media will finish off the process until her spirit is crushed to dust. The message is clear -- "don't fuck with the big dawgs unless you want to end up like this immigrant darkie bitch, understand?"

  5. "Finally, I thought Mrs. Field loved shopping, but this lady has her beat. "

    I wouldn't feel bad if she ended up catching a life sentence for killing that poor child. The Freeper in me says "hang the bitch", but I gotta supress that bloodthirsty motherfucker, or I'll end up becoming Slapstick, Jr.

    ..."and the governor of Ohio just signed a bill into a law that makes it cool to carry a concealed weapon in a bar. A BAR! Call me crazy, but I am thinking that alcohol and guns are not a good mix."

    That won't be made clear until an entire bar gets laid down by some drunk asshole who's pissed over being told "last call" or "no more for tonight".

    Then again, folks will just chalk that up to an unfortunate anomaly, even if it happens a second, third or even fourth time.

  6. Anonymous11:59 PM

    ..."and the governor of Ohio just signed a bill into a law that makes it cool to carry a concealed weapon in a bar. A BAR! Call me crazy, but I am thinking that alcohol and guns are not a good mix."

    Why must you attack everything the Gov of Ohio does? there is nothing wrong the bill he signed. People ought to be free to carry a gun wherever they feel is needed to protect themselves.

    And I can't think of a better place to have a gun for protection than a bar! It is just plain logic, which some of you liberal progressive FN folks can't comprehend because your IQ is low.

  7. Anonymous12:05 AM

    Desertflower, "As for Mr.Bachmann,after listening to the audio all I can say is,UH OH here we go again! Me thinks he doth protest toooo much LOL! and we all knooooow what that means, don't we :)and he's lisping, HELLLLOOOOO!LOLOL"

    Are you saying he is a closet gay? How dare you insult the Bachmanns! Btw, Bachmann is NOT Mr. Bachmann he is Dr. Bachmann to you. A doctor always know what he is talking about and I believe him 100%. Our children are at risk with these new gay marriage laws.

    Field is right:

    "Some of you Negroes need Jesus!"...esp Desert.

  8. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Field, "I hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend. I am chilling with the fam in one of those lovely Western Pistolvania resorts."

    Who are you trying to kid? Pistolvania doesn't have lovely resorts. The best PA has to offer for chilling is the Marriott out on City Line Ave...that's it.

  9. Anonymous12:15 AM

    "and the governor of Ohio just signed a bill into a law that makes it cool to carry a concealed weapon in a bar."
    I'm getting this image of a wild wild west bar where the two little doors swing open and in walks the cowboy with his gun drawn, "howdy pahtner"....

  10. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Are you saying he is a closet gay? How dare you insult the Bachmanns! Btw, Bachmann is NOT Mr. Bachmann he is Dr. Bachmann to you. A doctor always know what he is talking about and I believe him 100%. Our children are at risk with these new gay marriage laws."
    Believe me's gay. Soon as I heard him my gaydar went off!

    and I know you're kidding so happy fourth! ;)

  11. Anonymous12:21 AM

    mack lyons, "I wouldn't feel bad if she ended up catching a life sentence for killing that poor child. The Freeper in me says "hang the bitch", but I gotta supress that bloodthirsty motherfucker, or I'll end up becoming Slapstick, Jr."

    wow. I have never known a human that harbored such thoughts. Go get help, wash out your mouth and pray, pray, pray for having such evil thoughts.

  12. Anonymous12:23 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Who are you trying to kid? Pistolvania doesn't have lovely resorts. The best PA has to offer for chilling is the Marriott out on City Line Ave...that's it."
    They're trying to find you Field! Whatever you do, don't tell 'em! :O

    Personally, I think he went to Jamaica for a few days, it's a long weekend after all! :)

  13. @Anonymous 11:59 PM

    Ohio already have CCW Laws. Now you can go to certain stores and businesses with your gun. Most handgun crimes usually involve alcohol and drugs. People already illegally bring their guns to bars. You have a lot of shootings in bars. This law will make it worst. BTW, the Governor is installing in the State Capitol metal detectors. What's he scared of?

    @Mack Lyons

    You wonder how much longer will black people act civil? The only people treated worst than us are Hispanics ans Muslims. They're not even treated like humans on Fox. Mostly they're talked about in the third person.

  14. Anonymous12:33 AM

    KID-"You wonder how much longer will black people act civil? The only people treated worst than us are Hispanics ans Muslims. They're not even treated like humans on Fox. Mostly they're talked about in the third person."

    I disagree with you on this. 'Overall,' Hispanics and Muslims are treated better than Blacks. And get this. Hispanics and Muslims treat Blacks like shit, esp in restaurants and stores.

    But I don't believe we will ever do anything to defend ourselves. WE would rather go back to the Jim Crow days before we would stand up and fight.

    We are a very fearful race...always have been going all the way back to slavery.

  15. PilotX12:34 AM

    "Believe me's gay. Soon as I heard him my gaydar went off!"

    That is so hilarious, as soon as my wife heard him talking she gave me that look and I knew exactly what she meant. Damn, the GOP must have a HUGE closet. She also thinks Jon Huntsman is in that closet too. Oh well at least it'll be interesting to watch when Bachmann wins.

  16. Anonymous12:36 AM

    I am disappointed that Field didn't tell us BEFORE he left for a vacation. As a matter of fact, I am angry about it. I should have a say when he can take a vacation.

    I feel abandoned.

  17. Anonymous12:40 AM

    "Believe me's gay. Soon as I heard him my gaydar went off!"

    Well, your gaydar selector is obviously broken. There is NO WAY Michele would be married to a gay man. She is too intuitive and smart for that!

  18. I'm going to go out on a limb and agree with you, Field. :-) Guns and alcohol are a bad combo.


  19. Whitey's Conspiracy12:46 AM

    DAMM! I'm straight and my gaydar went off as loud on Bakkkman's squeeze as it did on Field's leathermen.

  20. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "I feel abandoned."

    Noooo! But he blogged, he's still with's only for the weekend....there, there, cheer up, it's okay :)

  21. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    DAMM! I'm straight and my gaydar went off as loud on Bakkkman's squeeze as it did on Field's leathermen.

  22. Anonymous1:07 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Oh well at least it'll be interesting to watch when Bachmann wins."
    She's not gonna win.:)

  23. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "There is NO WAY Michele would be married to a gay man. She is too intuitive and smart for that!"
    I hate to be the one to break it to you but.....
    Hows this for "intuitive and intelligent"?

  24. Anonymous1:32 AM

    PilotX said...
    "Damn, the GOP must have a HUGE closet. She also thinks Jon Huntsman is in that closet too."
    Probably is! LOL!

    GOP: Gay Old Party


  25. It Is To Laugh1:48 AM

    "Mack Lyons said...
    The moment us Negros and any other minority groups show up at the U.S. Capitol with guns in tow is the moment the rest of America shows its true colors and replicate the Rodney King beatings and Oscar Grant's murder nationwide.

    Of course, it will genuinely fuck the U.S. and leave it sucking wind as a second-tier nation dangling over the precibice of falling into third-tier status. After the bloodlust dies down, the entire nation will begin to resemble Kentucky, West Virginia and the other southern and Appalachian states -- a bunch of poor bastards who let color-aroused bloodlust blind them from their reduction by the Powers That Be™ to nameless, faceless commodities that can be used up, discarded and replaced at will by the Don Blankenships and Massey Energies of the world.

    "Goobers are always yapping about what America "affords" you, especially us unappreciative black folks.

    Even though they hate the government."

    Because they expect blacks to put on their "happy darkie face" and express unending gratitude for the meager scraps that come their way, courtesy of the ever-so-benevolent White Man: "yassuuh" "thank yuh suuh" "i's delited fo dis suuh"

    It's what they want to hear. They want themselves to feel superior to those poor little Negros, again.

    11:42 PM

    Mack, you have it all figured out. I wish you would show up in Washington with "guns in tow". Like you don't already have enough "illeagal" weapons in DC already. Whoop'em out, and take over the country.

    We're ready now.....with LEGAL firepower.

    Take your Nat Turner dreams back to your hammock.

  26. "But I don't believe we will ever do anything to defend ourselves. WE would rather go back to the Jim Crow days before we would stand up and fight.

    We are a very fearful race...always have been going all the way back to slavery."

    What led you to that impression? If we were as fearful as you believe we are, the Civil Rights movement would never have happened.

    "wow. I have never known a human that harbored such thoughts. Go get help, wash out your mouth and pray, pray, pray for having such evil thoughts."

    Yes, anon, I need help. Now everyone join hands and help me pray the Freeper in me away....

  27. Ghana Needs You1:59 AM

    "What led you to that impression? If we were as fearful as you believe we are, the Civil Rights movement would never have happened.

    Yeah, sure Mack. It's really hard to be fearful, when you have the FBI, National Guard, and "Justice" Department covering yor ass.

    The Democrats needed your votes.

  28. "Hispanics and Muslims are treated better than Blacks. And get this. Hispanics and Muslims treat Blacks like shit, esp in restaurants and stores".

    @Anonymous 12:33 AM

    I Hate to break it to you but there are a lot of Black Muslims and Black Hispanics.

  29. "Yeah, sure Mack. It's really hard to be fearful, when you have the FBI, National Guard, and "Justice" Department covering yor ass."

    Boy, I bet those Freedom Riders wish they had the FBI, National Guard and Justice Department around when this happened: rides.htm_txt_freedo1.gif

    Or this:

    Come on now, I know you're fucking with me. But you can't be fucking with me like that.

  30. Me Again2:57 AM

    Yes, I'm sorta fucking with you. I didn't access your links. I know what they're about.

    But.....who came in and made blacks less "fearful"?

    It's easy to be the brave soul, once you've had the Feds behind you.

    Too bad those millions in Rawanda didn't.

  31. "Mack, you have it all figured out. I wish you would show up in Washington with "guns in tow". Like you don't already have enough "illeagal" weapons in DC already. Whoop'em out, and take over the country.

    We're ready now.....with LEGAL firepower.

    Take your Nat Turner dreams back to your hammock."

    See what I mean? You're all rarrin' and set to go with your "Minutemen militia" fantasy of cleansing D.C. of "invading" illegals and minorities with your "LEGAL firepower". I do have to wonder how the U.S. Armed Forces and other law enforcement agencies will allow you to commence with your "Nigger and Spic cleansing" without putting you folks down themselves?

  32. "The Democrats needed your votes."

    Ok....let's run with your logic.

    Blacks are somehow naturally fearful, incapable of fighting and would rather slide back into Jim Crow rather than do so. Except they fought back. And they did so under the "cover" of the FBI, National Guard and Justice Department. All because the Democrats wanted some votes.

    You mean the FBI, which had COINTELPRO going on to neutralize "radical" black civil rights groups. The National Guard, whom the president had to place under his authority after the state governors made it damned clear about their suppression of Negro grievances. And the Justice Department, who weren't friends of black civil rights activists until they were presented with a choice of either MLK Jr.'s non-violent approach to civil rights or Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael's more violent methods.

    So the Democrats, which at the time played host to Southern Democrats, or "Dixiecrats", as they're commonly known, could get some votes. In states that were already solidly Democrat without Negro help. And all this was before LBJ signed the Civil Rights Act, causing many a Dixiecrat to run towards the loving, conniving arms of Richard Nixon and his "southern strategy" of turning the Deep South into a Republican stronghold for nearly two or three generations.

    "But.....who came in and made blacks less "fearful"?

    It's easy to be the brave soul, once you've had the Feds behind you."

    So those brave men and women calmly and quietly sat and stood in "Whites Only" waiting rooms, lunch counters and bus seats, and then braved the jeers, spit, taunts, punches, kicks, arrests and general mistreatment when and only when they gained the full and equal protection of the federal government. You're telling me they didn't do any of this knowing full well that they may not or never will gain support from the feds or other outside sources.

    You're still fucking with me, Anon. But at least you admitted it, somewhat.

  33. "Too bad those millions in Rawanda didn't."

    Where did Rwanda come from and what bearing does the Hutu-on-Tutsi slaughter and civil war have to do with the current discussion? Or is this something you're just throwing out there, for lack of anything to press your argument with?

    Please, continue shitting in your hand and throwing it on the wall. Maybe something might just actually stick. Or maybe not.

  34. Me Again3:50 AM

    OK, OK. You were the one talking abot towing the guns to DC, Mack. All I was saying, is I can defend myself from ALL comers.

    You saw what happenened on Memorial Day weekend. I know you're intelligent. I don't have to spell it out for you. I hope the July 4th weekend isn't even worse.

    But. If it IS.....what are non-African Americans supposed to do? Lay down?

    This isn't about sitting in restaurants, or where you go to piss now. And the Feds are trying to keep a "hands off" approach, to not show any bias.

    But you and I both know how this will end up, especially with the economy today.

    The Hispanics/Mexicans are going to be the variabls.

  35. I'm sorry....typing on a laptop. I hate these things. Need a full-sized keyboard.

  36. these 3 warriors are macho tough and buff like MOST gay men...???

    this i know:

    no one in america has stolen more advances than that dick hobama and his banksters!

  37. Put Your Feedbag On6:23 AM

    Shut up, your Tarazn-reject....lest these "warriors bend you over a Bananna tree, and exorcise that carpet-munching syndrove away.

  38. Black News Today:

    The Wild West, er East, er Black Suburbia, that county where uptownsteve lives.

    Were these kids licensed to carry handguns?

    Shootout at the D.C. Corral

    5-Year-Old Kid Shoots 4-Year-Old At D.C. Area Playground


    A 5-year-old boy shot his 4-year-old neighbor in the back at a Maryland playground, investigators said.

    The shooting occurred on Thursday afternoon at an apartment complex in Hilcrest Heights in Prince George’s County, about 10 miles southeast of Washington D.C., the Washington Post reported.

    The young victim, who suffered one gunshot wound to the torso, was taken to the local hospital and is expected to survive, according to Fox News.

    The 5-year-old shooter was scared after the incident and reportedly ran home to hide the handgun, which was later recovered by the police.

    It's still not clear how the boy obtained the gun.

    The shooter's uncle, 29-year-old Dee Johnson, told the Washington Post that the boy found the gun outside and claimed that the boy's mother, who lives in the apartment with three other children, does not keep guns in the house.

    Neighbors told the paper the two boys frequently played outside together -- often unsupervised.

    One neighbor who would only speak anonymously said, “I think it’s sad, little kids out here playing and one of them gets shot.”

  39. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I just noticed;

    Stevie says: uptownsteve said...
    I'm not a successful salesman and married to a high six figure attorney for nothing.

    1:38 PM

    Hm. Stevie annonces his "wifes" salary, but he doesn't give us his. "Succesful" means just staying out of prison, in your case Stevie.

    What he's trying to tell us, is that his wife is the Bread-Winnner in the house, and that she supports him and his kids.(or, whoever's kids....I don't think they do paternity tests.)

    Big man. Selling rubbers at a street riot.

    No, that wouldn't work in the high-class hood.

  40. When the story about Dominique Strauss Khan broke, I gave the benefit of the doubt to the maid, who claimed she was forced into a sexual act.

    Her story sounded plausible. She seemed more honest that Tawana Brawley or Crystal Mangum.

    Silly me. Read the following letter. In it, the District Attorney shares some facts about the "victim" and her testimony to the INS.


  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. hey jungle maytag assnon:

    happy 4th of YOU LIE!!!!!!!

  43. Another Slut Bites The Dust7:51 AM

    She's a slut who destroyed a man's career. She should serve three years in prison. That cow-whore Crystal Mangnum should be rotting her ass in jail, trading her pussy for cigs.

    It's looking really bad for her, just like she wanted to get some semen in her, just to get money out of Kahn. The inevitability of stupidity.

    It COULD have been a set-up by his political opponents. Sarkozy looks pretty snakey to me.

    Makes the US look shitty, too,

  44. Anonymous8:03 AM

    1. There are black muslims and hispanics.
    2. Muslims show solidarity and have a deep sense of history and peoplehood and make sure that this passes on from generation to generation. Blacks do not. Might learn something from this.

    My guess is there is much less bickering in the "muslim" community than is depicted in the "black community" on this blog.

  45. pyfo/projecting YOUR fantasies/ogre:


    u faceless gangbanged bottom bananaless illiterate fag bag...

  46. A Tuna Fish Out Of Water8:20 AM

    Shut up, don't know anything about dicks, one way or the other.

  47. Mark Halperin said the president was a dick.

    But this guy was so incensed about something that he shot himself in the dick. IN a surprise to no one, he's trying to blame an unseen assailant.

    Police Perusal Of Pistol-Packing Perp's Perforated Penis Pix Permitted

    Meet Otis Lockett, whose penis Milwaukee cops received judicial permission to peruse photographically.

    Lockett, who was shot in the groin early Sunday, told police that he was fired upon “by an unidentified person behind him,” according to a Circuit Court filing, which notes that the 27-year-old was treated at Froedtert Hospital “for a single gunshot wound to his penis.”

    Since hospital workers reported that the bullet’s trajectory was a “downward 45-degree angle,” cops suspected that Lockett accidentally shot himself.

    Which means that the convicted felon, who is on probation, was illegally in possession of a handgun.

    So, as first reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Detective Gena Malanche Wednesday filed for a search warrant seeking permission to have medical personnel “safely remove any bandages in the area of Lockett’s groin to facilitate photography of the area.”

    The resulting photos, Malanche added, would help investigators establish that Lockett was a felon in possession of a firearm.

    The warrant was approved by Court Commissioner Barry Phillips, who authorized cops to “photograph the penis of Otis Lockett for analysis by the proper authorities.”

    Lockett’s penis was, in fact, photographed Wednesday evening, though court records do not identify the name of the shutterbug.

  48. anon 8:03 writes:

    2. Muslims show solidarity and have a deep sense of history and peoplehood and make sure that this passes on from generation to generation. Blacks do not.

    When muslims are not out slaughtering non-muslims, they slaughter each other. Sunnis and shiites have been at it for most of the last 1,400 years.

    Meanwhile, muslims DO NOT have a sense of history. They have a continuously shared delusion based on their devotion to the Quran and the Hadith. It is a shared psychosis. Not a shared sense of history.

    In this way, the Islamic delusion is similar to the alternate universe that blacks inhabit. The one that gushes about the advanced black civilizations that supposedly dominated Africa till whites showed up and ruined everything.

  49. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Lawd be's! That Milwaukee boy was a dick smuggler gone bad slappz!

    Good thang he's be off de skreets for a bit.

    Well, 'cept for dem boys in de jailhouse.

  50. NSangoma10:49 AM


    I mean PHOCK!!!

    Marcus Bachmann, PhD
    Clinic President, Clinical Therapist
    Education: MA Regent University VA
    PhD Clinical Psychology, Union Graduate School, OH

    Regent University, sucks, not even an academically ranked school.

    But what the PHUCK, oopz, what the PHOCK is Union Graduate School?

    Michelle Bachmann, JD Oral Roberts, University: sucks, shit school academically. She lied about having a tax law degree from William and Mary, a real school.

    field booty, your JD from Oral Roberts, too?

  51. He's got good looking legs11:34 AM

    Michelle's real name is Marcus?

    OK, we're screwed, and smoking a cig now.

  52. PilotX12:17 PM

    "But you and I both know how this will end up, especially with the economy today."

    How what will end Me?

  53. Anonymous12:28 PM

    LOL@Markie and little kid.....

    Black gang violence has killed more people than the Democrat kkk ever did.

    Abortion has killed more negros than the Democrat kkk ever did.

    That black elderly couple doesn't have bars on their windows because they are afraid of the klan or tea partiers.

    Its because they are afraid of other negros.

    Black parents are not stopping their kids from playing outside after 5pm because of FOX NEWS or Glenn Beck.

    They are doing it because thats when ray ray and pookie hit the streets with their guns they got from Obama.

    "Ku Klux Klan-style genocide"

    Only in your dreams.....

    I don't blame you for trying to take negro minds off the failed "hope and change"president.

    The only thing that scares negros more than a haunted house is the mention of the klan.

    America is already a second teir nation and fast becoming a 3rd world nation.Thanks Obama.

    We already have racist black mob attacks all over America just like other 3rd world countries have.

    Hows that hope and change workin' for ya?

  54. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Islam......The Religion of peace

    Two peasant brothers were brutally crucified on “the example of Christ” as forces loyal to Ivory Coast President Alassane Ouattara continue to target perceived supporters of his ousted Christian predecessor,

    Raphael Aka Kouame died of his injuries; incredibly his younger brother, Kouassi Privat Kacou, survived the ordeal. The pair were badly beaten and tortured before being crudely nailed to cross-shaped planks by their hands and feet with steel spikes on 29 May.

    The brothers were falsely accused of hiding weapons in their home village of Binkro, which has been targeted by Ouattara supporters as the birthplace of a key enemy. They are looking for Prefect Koko Djei, President of the General Council of Oumé and an official in Gbagbo’s Ivorian Popular Front party, who is accused of distributing weapons to young Oumé men. The brothers repeatedly denied any involvement in a weapons cache, but their pleas were ignored.

    After crucifying the brothers, Ouattara’s men took them on an extensive search of Binkro, but they found only a store of medical equipment and supplies, which they looted. The seriously wounded pair were then taken to prison in Oumé, where Raphael died in the night.

    This is just one of the many atrocities that have been committed as fighting between Ouattara and Gbagbo supporters has continued in the wake of the disputed presidential election last November. Christians have been caught up in the conflict as perceived supporters of Gbagbo. Support for the two men is split broadly along geographical and religious lines, with the predominantly Muslim north largely backing Ouattara, a Muslim from that region, while support for Gbagbo, a Christian, comes from the mainly Christian south.

    Alassane Ouattara enjoys the support of Obama.

  55. Anonymous12:44 PM

    no_slappz said...
    When the story about Dominique Strauss Khan broke, I gave the benefit of the doubt to the maid, who claimed she was forced into a sexual act.

    Her story sounded plausible. She seemed more honest that Tawana Brawley or Crystal Mangum.

    Silly me. Read the following letter. In it, the District Attorney shares some facts about the "victim" and her testimony to the INS.


    Seems like she was a hooker looking for a pay day.Another Crystal Mangum.

  56. PilotX1:45 PM

    "America is already a second teir nation and fast becoming a 3rd world nation.Thanks Obama."

    Don't blame Obama for that. he's trying to rescue this ignorant mass of stupid while the likes of Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum are trying to turn this into Jeezusland in which we are taught humans had dinosaurs as pets 6,000 years ago. Nice try though, maybe some of your tea party friends might believe ya.

  57. Anonymous2:21 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Regent University, sucks, not even an academically ranked school.

    what the PHOCK is Union Graduate School?

    Michelle Bachmann, JD Oral Roberts, University: sucks, shit school academically. She lied about having a tax law degree from William and Mary, a real school.
    Whoooooooaaaaaa! Holy Cow!
    Can anybody say "white privilege"??? LOL!


  59. PilotX10:13 PM

    "She's not gonna win.:)"

    I don't know, the stupidity and reactionary instinct may put her in the WH. This is what happens when you only have a two party system. We have a habit of "throwing the bums out" and if the alternative is a crazy right winged bunch of cronies then that's what you get. We'll see but it would be funny.

  60. Anonymous10:44 PM

    PilotX said...
    "We'll see but it would be funny.

    Hilarious actually! :)

  61. Anonymous10:46 PM

    How come this blog is so inactive today?

    No posts from 2:21 till 7:03 and then none till 10:13...Weird!

  62. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I guess guns are needed in Ohio, but not just in a bar. After the dirty deeds done at the Ohio zoo. Have to be protected from anyone that would sexually molest an animal.
