Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day?

I don't know if some of you are adult enough to handle this subject, but I am going to post it anyway.

I bet it sucks to be Anne Lynne Montgomery right now, girlfriend is on the run because her seventeen year old student was bringing her more than just apples to class.

Anne bore two kids for her student and is being charged with two second degree felonies for having sex with a minor.

Of course there is the racial twist to our little story (duh, that's why I am blogging about it) Anne is white and her young paramour is of the Negro persuasion. It happened four years ago so our student was thirteen at the time he was learning biology from Ms. Montgomery.

Oh well, happy Father's Day young man,it should get really interesting for you from here on out. (Story)

Finally, I would love to have been a part of that group when O and Mr. Tan Man teed it up for a round today. I am pretty sure I would have shot a lower round than O. Not Mr. Tan Man, though. He is a seven handicapper. Still, I bet I would have made him cry by telling him how A-merry-ca is treating her poor.
Sadly, I am not sure if O would have been listening to me; he would have just been crying over his missed putts.


  1. PilotX10:06 PM

    First. Ha!

  2. Hey, Love does not discriminant eh. That's what she said

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Geez Field...this is rather sad in a number of ways. Obviously this woman suffers from severe low-self esteem to take advantage of a 13 yr. old! I don't care how "Mandingo-ish" he looked to her.

    I remember two women in the news several years ago who went to prison for fornicating with minors.

    I just want to celebrate those Dads, Step Dads, Granddads, Uncles and other male family members who stepped up to the plate and provided guidance, love and security to their loved ones. In some cases, these men also extended this to those in the neighborhood who needed it regardless of DNA.

    Let's give it up for them. Mercy..we have a number of examples of those who are just the opposite. They need grace and rehab.

    Happy Father's Day!

  5. happy father's day fn!






  6. hobama and his corp ed posse have fired droves of veteran teachers with morals

    they are being replaced by droves of amoral young teachers...

    the abuse will only worsen...

    watch. see.

  7. ps:

    the female teachers are wilding on students FAR worse than the male teachers...

    further proof of the FATAL wounds that the amoral vdlr and her generation of rabid hyena she beasts in heat have left within our world...

    see more:

  8. "Obviously this woman suffers from severe low-self esteem to take advantage of a 13 yr."

    Carolyn, let me play a little devil's advocate; would we be saying that if the genders were reversed?

  9. Happy Father's Day to all.

  10. lebron james' mom is a pookie cousin of the turbo pookie vdlr...


  11. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Happy Father's Day to Dads everywhere. May your children honor you, and love you as you have loved and cared for them.

  12. FN said: "Carolyn, let me play a little devil's advocate; would we be saying that if the genders were reversed?"

    I think I see your point, I would state in both cases that we are dealing with the "legal" interpretation of pedophilia (youth under 18) and I further assert that men who prey on young girls are insecure and have low self esteem issues. They feel more in control with them. "Most" women or men their age can't be manipulated in ways that are empowering to them.

    I hope I haven't misinterpreted your point.

  13. Anonymous2:34 AM

    "Obviously this woman suffers from severe low-self esteem to take advantage of a 13 yr."

    Like most humans, she is trying to compensate for her feeling of low self-worth. They BOTH are desperately trying to heal a wounded heart as best they can.

  14. Gee, not even a 13 year old white boy would have given that pig a second thought. Goes to show.

  15. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Poor Anne Lynne Montgomery. She must be frightened to death.

    For this story to happen in Texas makes it even more poignant.

    Maybe this is a call to relax the laws when there is sex between Blacks and Whites. I mean, there is something going on inside these people of different colors when they are smitten by Mr. Lust.

    The law should have compassion for both and let it go. I am sure she won't get 20 years. Obviously, the woman loves the kid.

  16. Anonymous6:12 AM

    laa, "Gee, not even a 13 year old white boy would have given that pig a second thought. Goes to show."

    are you saying "it goes to show" that there is a somebody for everybody?" :)

    or, maybe you are saying, "white beauty is in the eyes of the black beholder?"

    or....wait. i am getting dizzy.

    this jamaican drink is kicking my ass. i think i'll go lie down for a while.

  17. PilotX6:49 AM

    "Gee, not even a 13 year old white boy would have given that pig a second thought. Goes to show."

    Teenaged boys with hormones running around WOULD do a real pig if given a chance. What doesn't make sense to me is the attractive women doing little boys or as we secretly think where the hell were those teachers when I was in school.

  18. The greatest gift I ever had
    Came from God; I call him Dad!

  19. Anonymous7:30 AM

    So Field you nominated D.Wade of all people as FN of the day for allegedly being a good father?

    Field,why must everything you do be for controversy including FN of the day?Cause you know that shit about D.Wade being a good father ain't true.Google is your friend.

    And I still have not forgot about you putting Rihanna in the house for shooting a rapist.SMGDH.Did that have anything to do with Rihanna shooting a BLACK man rapist?cause I'm sure it did.

    @post wonder what kinda time that woman will do for raping that little boy?I'm guessing not much, if anything.In fact I think black men collectively will tell that boy and the world just how thankful he needs to be that a white woman even looked his way.U just know that somewhere some black man has read this story and is gushing and bragging right now about how white women just can't get enough of the black ding-a-ling.Anyways....

    Happy ManuFather's Day to everybody that bought a hallmark card for this occasion.


  20. ~
    field negro breaph, your post is an insult to Negroe fathers.

    I have 2-children, a daughter and a son; I am a father, everyday.

    To my fellow Negroe fathers; let your children celebrate you, but more importantly Negroe fathers, celebrate your children everyday.

  21. Here is another case for you:

    Given California's demographics, I suspect the 13 year old is an "ethnic" boy.

  22. Here is another gem: Jennifer Riojas. She became pregnant and was charged with sexual assault.

    By the nature of sex, (male dominant/female passive) I find it difficult to charge a woman with sexual assault. From my perspective, the term connotes one has to be the actor/aggressor, not the passive recipient.

  23. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Teens Helped Unsupervised, Roaming Negro Children in Jersey City

    MYFOXNY.COM - Several children were spotted running around a Jersey City street on Wednesday. They were naked and hungry and their mother was nowhere in sight. Two teenage girls came to the rescue.

    "They were running up and down the road- no clothes on," said Nilaja Wyatt, 17. She decided to take control of the situation after her friend Aaliyah Glover said her mother almost ran over one of the kids.

    "We saw a little boy -- he ran in front of our car so my mother had to swerve her car," Aaliyah Glover said.

    The teens gathered the six children and brought them inside. That's when they found out the kids' 2-year-old brother was in the upstairs apartment all by himself. The door was locked, so they broke in.

    "He was crying," Wyatt said. "He had a snotty nose, everything, crying standing by the door."

    They said there was no food in the apartment.

    "They were hungry," Glover said. "We asked them did they eat, he said he didn't eat in two days."

    So the teens fed and bathed the children and waited for their mom, who was out with a boyfriend, to come home. She never did, so they called the cops.

    Only in Obama's Amerkkka.......Well maybe Africa to.

  24. Quote AnonnyFrom PreviousPage: "
    So clearly the hockey stick was all pucked up."

    Ooh goody, we have finally stumbled on to a subject that I know something about.

    The hockey stick projection is certainly not fucked up. It is not a construction of one scientist as you idiotically suggest. There are nearly a dozen model-based and proxy reconstructions of Northern Hemisphere mean temperature by different groups all suggest that late 20th century warmth is anomalous in a long-term (multi-century to millennial) context.

    In short, there have been eleven other studies by scientist all over the world that support the general conclusions of the hockey stick graph.

  25. Quote AnonnyPrevious page."The emails weren't unclear, they were very clear and rife with fraud people telling other "scientists" to use made up data to show an increase in global warming because the real results show a decline in temp is just total fraud."

    This is a flat lie.

    There was no fraud (as no less than eight academic enquiries have found) and there is no evidence of any wrong doing whatsoever in the stolen emails.

    No wonder you haven't got the guts to post under an identifiable name.

  26. Anonymous10:29 AM


    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote AnonnyPrevious page."The emails weren't unclear, they were very clear and rife with fraud people telling other "scientists" to use made up data to show an increase in global warming because the real results show a decline in temp is just total fraud."

    This is a flat lie.

    There was no fraud (as no less than eight academic enquiries have found) and there is no evidence of any wrong doing whatsoever in the stolen emails.

    No wonder you haven't got the guts to post under an identifiable name.

    Ahh the angry nasty liberal. Posts his view, calls a few names and demands you agree with his statements, because he says so.

    I suggest you look up the term napoleonic complex if your DR hasn't already told you all about it. What a nasty little pathetic individual you are.

    You aren't bright enough to realize the hilarity of someone like you posting under the name "Purple Cow" attempting to validate his juvenile statements by saying someone else doesn't hsve guts.

    Guts? Perhaps it is something you don't have, lack of need for self aggrandizement. Enough time wasted on a non thinker and emotional cripple whose only skill is bellicosity.

  27. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198210:47 AM

    "There was no fraud (as no less than eight academic enquiries have found) and there is no evidence of any wrong doing whatsoever in the stolen emails."

    Enquiries done by people who suport the gobal warming hoax?

    What did you expect?

    Climategate showed fraud,data manipulation,and attempts by climate scientists to keep their data hidden.

    Also climategate showed that the American media is fully invested in the gobal warming hoax and the refusal of the American media to provide honest coverage of climategate is shocking.

    All you have to do is go online and read the emails.

  28. "All you have to do is go online and read the emails."

    I've read the emails - there was no fraud.

  29. "Ahh the angry nasty liberal. Posts his view, calls a few names and demands you agree with his statements, because he says so."

    I'm neither angry, nasty or Liberal.

    So you are batting zippo on this one.

    If you have any content on this subject to share with us, I would be glad to read it and rip your arguments to shreds for you.

    I'm here to serve.

  30. Anonymous11:04 AM

    The entire "climate gate" bullshit came down to the one chart Michael Mann called a hockey stick. There was no fraud, and his research and others has been validated over, and over and over.

    The same people who don't believe in global warming believed in the rapture. In a word, morons. But they are in high places and refuse to take action. The latest crop in Congress is the worst so far, and the Republican candidates for prez are equally bad. They play to the base and won't support legislation.

    One only needs to look at flooding, drought, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, extreme heat, record tornadoes, extreme cold, melting ice cakes, rising know it's REAL, getting worse, and we're most likely beyond the point of people able to reverse it. the weather patterns have become permanently disablized due to climate change. People are also getting sicker.

    "From these and other extreme-weather events, one lesson is sinking in with terrifying certainty. The stable climate of the last 12,000 years is gone. Which means you haven’t seen anything yet. And we are not prepared."

    Review of book Changing Climate, Changing Health

    I worry about my grandchildren's future on this planet.

  31. Anonymous11:04 AM

    PilotX "Teenaged boys with hormones running around WOULD do a real pig if given a chance. What doesn't make sense to me is the attractive women doing little boys or as we secretly think where the hell were those teachers when I was in school."

    You consider that woman attractive? she looks like a pig. Pilot, you would do a pig if she were White...admit it, you dream of such.

    By your comment, you imply that you find ANY ww attractive, and by extension you find ANY bw unattractive. You are such a prejudiced fool.

  32. Anonymous11:09 AM

    PC, "I'm neither angry, nasty or Liberal."

    You are in profound denial. Just go back and read your angry demeaning condescending comments about individuals, Christians, Americans and America.

    Mr. PC, you aren't just angry, you ARE anger.

  33. Anonymous11:12 AM

    "By your comment, you imply that you find ANY ww attractive, and by extension you find ANY bw unattractive. You are such a prejudiced fool."

    Why do you care? Black people do NOT own each other. Do you not get that? A black man is ENTITLED to find ANY white woman more attractive than ANY black woman. This is America.

  34. Anonymous11:14 AM

    The Bellicose Cow Said...

    "Ahh the angry nasty liberal. Posts his view, calls a few names and demands you agree with his statements, because he says so."

    I'm neither angry, nasty or Liberal.

    So you are batting zippo on this one.

    If you have any content on this subject to share with us, I would be glad to read it and rip your arguments to shreds for you.

    I'm here to serve.


    Ahh, you are just dealing out hilarity today.

    "because he says so."

    "I'm neither angry, nasty or Liberal"

    OK if "you say so".

    I have no desire to enter into an adolescent name calling fest with someone who cannot objectively view facts. Someone who relies on questionable opinions and name calling to support his ill formed thoughts.

    However, I have seen one statement of truth and honesty from you, clearly you do have an intellect that is well suited to serving and so you are being genuine when you say you are here to serve. Allright, go get me a beer and a hamburger, make the burger well done to ensure any parasites are killed.

    Later, much later.

  35. Anonymous11:21 AM

    "If you have any content on this subject to share with us",

    "Us?Just how many are there inside your head with you?"

  36. "I have no desire to enter into an adolescent name calling fest with someone who cannot objectively view facts."


    Truth is, for all your bluff and bluster you refuse to debate me because deep down you know global warming is real and you have nothing to debate with.

    Facts have a known left-wing bias.

  37. "Us?Just how many are there inside your head with you?"

    Ok dogbreath, I'll rephrase my statement.

    'Do you have any facts relating to global warming that you would like to share with the good citizens who read this blog?'

    Happy now, sweety?

  38. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Anonymous said...

    "Obviously this woman suffers from severe low-self esteem to take advantage of a 13 yr."

    Like most humans, she is trying to compensate for her feeling of low self-worth. They BOTH are desperately trying to heal a wounded heart as best they can."
    I agree with this, and I would add a wounded mind.

    I want to add my Happy Fathers Day to Mr.Field and all of the men here who may or may not have birthed children, but none the less serve as an virtuous example to the youth. Happy Fathers Day! May you be blessed with joy and many gifts! :)

  39. Quote DesertFlower "May you be blessed with joy and many gifts! :)"

    I was, I got tickets to a Twenty/20 game at Edgbaston.

  40. Anonymous11:45 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    "I have no desire to enter into an adolescent name calling fest with someone who cannot objectively view facts."


    Truth is, for all your bluff and bluster you refuse to debate me because deep down you know global warming is real and you have nothing to debate with.

    Facts have a known left-wing bias.

    Ha-Ha thanks for being so entertaining today. I admit you used to irritate me. Now that I see how small you really are you are actually pretty funny in a sad pathetic way. Global warming is real and I bet you are still looking for your money from the tooth fairy (my apologies if using the word fairy have aroused any of your homoerotic phobias)

    Speaking of homoerotic, you are obviously upset about something, did your child not call you and say happy fathers day?

    Now, where are my beer and burger? Or are you just being a leftist, never delivering on what you say?

  41. StandUP11:50 AM

    The next president of the United States. This is a real leader.

  42. So Anonymous, we can take it that you have absolutely no argument to make.

    You don't even have the guts to argue your own case, because you know your arguments will be eviscerated.

    All you are left with is insults.

    Why are you even here?

  43. Anonymous12:28 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    I was, I got tickets to a Twenty/20 game at Edgbaston.


  44. Thanks to all the folks wishing me and others a happy father's day.
    (I loved that quote from QPT)

    Carolyn, thanks for explaining your position.

    That quote from Anon @ 2:18 AM was on point as well. The president of Anon. Inc. should be proud.

    Perry for President? Well, he has the hair for it. But, sadly, that's about it. He seems to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

  45. I further assert that men who prey on young girls are insecure and have low self esteem issues. They feel more in control with them. "Most" women or men their age can't be manipulated in ways that are empowering to them.<<

    I told my then-teenage girls many years ago to not get excited if some man told them they were pretty (It's like saying the sky is blue. So what? So don't get excited.) I also advised that men who prey on teens will do so because they can get away with sh*t with a 17 year old that they couldn't pull with a grown woman.

    One day, my younger daughter was approached by a 30-year old man (she was 15 at the time) who suggested they "hook up."

    She looked him directly in the eye and told him she was a child and asked him what was the matter with him that he couldn't handle real women.

    Creep couldn't get away from her fast enough.

  46. Anonymous12:43 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    So Anonymous, we can take it that you have absolutely no argument to make.

    You don't even have the guts to argue your own case, because you know your arguments will be eviscerated.

    All you are left with is insults.

    Why are you even here

    Oh, I have plenty to discuss but not with you. The definition of irony is you of all things saying others have nothing but insults and a liberal/leftist/Marxist saying someone doesn't have the guts to stand strong independently - HA.

    Anyway, again I have plenty to discuss but not with angry little nitwits like you. Yes, your senses are correct, you have been deemed unworthy. I love a stimulating discussion, but also readily recognize that you don't argue with loons and mental midgets on a blog, you have already repeatedly displayed that you allow your emotions to become facts because "you say so” Real facts elude you to be hidden in your political views and I will not stoop to your level.

    So get lost and try to piss off someone else, your just a silly cow to me and are dismissed.

    Although for the last time and I warn you, your tip is in jeopardy - where the hell is my burger and beer? I thought you were here to serve?

    Oh, and why am I here? Well it certainly isn't for you. What a narcissistic thing for you to say. More proof you are like a pile to be stepped over, lest one dirty themselves. On second thought, never mind the burger and beverage, you no doubt would foul it with the fecal matter swirling around you .

  47. What if the handsome young black man were the teacher and the fat, ugly but blond white female were the student? I figure he'd be facing life imprisonment, without having checked out the state and seen what the potential penalties are.

    Look at it this way: They charged this white woman with only two counts of a second-degree felony. How many additional counts would they have come up with if it were a Black teacher and a white blond 13 year-old?

    What's this second-degree felony crap? Why not charge the woman with rape (since the boy was too young to consent). I googled this case, but I couldn't determine the state they live in.

    Otherwise, I would have given you the list of crimes with which a Black man could and would have been charged with if he had done the same thing.

    As is so often the case, white people's receive sweetheart deals in the criminal (in)justice system just get better at this, the second step of the process.

    The sweetheart treatment STARTS in the first step of the process, when the police don't shoot this woman dead because (I thought she had a gun!)

    You see, white people are ALLOWED to have guns, but Black people are not. It's right there in the Second Amendment! Don't tell me you haven't read the Second Amendment! This clause is right in there after the last sentence, in the minds of white police officers, white juries, white judges, the ALL WHITE US Senate, and the white teacher who cuts your child's braid off as punishment for an infraction at school.

    Ooops. I guess I've been ranting and raving, but I haven't said anything that I haven't said before and that I won't say again in the future.

    In all fairness to all of the Black men rotting in southern and norther jails for this same behavior, this woman should be give consecutive life sentences or the electric chair if it is available. I hope she gets an all-Black jury and the electric chair. Maybe, like the O.J. case, that would present another "teachable moment" for white people.

    What would they learn? White people should always demand that their cases be tried before an all-white jury, because the presence of anyone of any other color robs them of the justice that white America intends for white America to receive.

  48. Anonymous12:47 PM

    FN Said...

    Perry for President? Well, he has the hair for it. But, sadly, that's about it. He seems to be a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

    Oh I dont' know Field. He is a strong man who has proven in texas that certain values work. Texas is the only state actually creating jobs and prospering, it is no accident.

    But no doubt, he is the polar opposite of the nanny state big government tax and spend type.

  49. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Francis L. Holland said...
    What if the handsome young black man were the teacher and the fat, ugly but blond white female were the student? I figure he'd be facing life imprisonment, without having checked out the state and seen what the potential penalties are.

    ...and what if you hit lotto, and what if you suddenly you get a call from Sandra Bullock saying she saw your picture fell madly in love and wants to have your baby?

    She is a woman. Women get off - (pun intended) easier when they molest young boys. Why? Because of reaity, young boys will stick it in anything with those hormones raging and don't tell me you don't remember how horny you were when you were his age. When a man molests an innocent young girl they get harsh sentences and treatment as they are less likely to protect themselves.

  50. PilotX1:19 PM

    "Also climategate showed that the American media is fully invested in the gobal warming hoax and the refusal of the American media to provide honest coverage of climategate is shocking.

    All you have to do is go online and read the emails."

    No mention that several inquiries foubd there was no fraud in the matter. Go to the previous blog posts and see for yourself or just do a bit of research. How can you make sense of a bunch of stolen private e-mail that was taken out of context? Please examine issues from more than just a biased POV.

  51. PilotX1:22 PM

    "You consider that woman attractive? she looks like a pig. Pilot, you would do a pig if she were White...admit it, you dream of such."

    Your reading comprehension skill are nil huh? My comment should have been clear to anyone with more than an IQ of 1 soooooooooo...........nevermind.

  52. Quote Anonny:"Anyway, again I have plenty to discuss but not with angry little nitwits like you"

    Translation - He doesn't have a clue how to argue the point. However he hasn't got the balls to admit that, so he's invented a bizarre "You are angry and I don't argue with angry people" meme.

    What a loser.

  53. Rick Perry - isn't he the guy that organized a day of prayer to convince God to end the drought in Texas a few months back?

    How's that working out for y'all?

    I guess with God's help the drought must be over by now, right? Your reservoirs and rivers must be overflowin' with crystal clear, pure rainwa...


  54. Anonymous2:29 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonny:"Anyway, again I have plenty to discuss but not with angry little nitwits like you"

    Translation - He doesn't have a clue how to argue the point. However he hasn't got the balls to admit that, so he's invented a bizarre "You are angry and I don't argue with angry people" meme.

    What a loser.

    Feel better? Good for you.

  55. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Funny how you goobers mistake lies for fact.Keep believrating fox news is real news while believing i would ever let you near my special place.


  56. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Funny how you goobers mistake lies for fact.Keep believrating fox news is real news while believing i would ever let you near my special place.


    Purple Cow: We know this is you, stop fooling around. Same thoughts, same ideology. Same illogical nonsense delivered with anger. Yup, this is the little wanker, fanny pack wearin one himself. Stand up when you talk to me; oh, sorry, didn't realize you were already standing.

  57. I think I seen somewhere where it happened with a young black girl and a grown white man she met on the internet. I think he's in prison now.

  58. PilotX4:41 PM

    "Rick Perry - isn't he the guy that organized a day of prayer to convince God to end the drought in Texas a few months back?"

    Why yes he is. Republican version of science I guess. No wonder they want to undereducate our kids, so th enext generation won't know how stupid these folks are.

  59. The doctor has put my Dad on 'The Pathway' which means he has less than 24 hours to live. Nursing staff will now be able to proscribe any drug they see fit to keep him comfortable without needing a prescription.

    So with his impending death and the work I'm going to have to get through this next few days you have some time off from me.


  60. Anonymous5:06 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    The doctor has put my Dad on 'The Pathway' which means he has less than 24 hours to live. Nursing staff will now be able to proscribe any drug they see fit to keep him comfortable without needing a prescription.
    So sorry about your dad! I will be praying for his comfort and for your peace of mind. Know that he will always be with you in spirit and memories.

  61. kosher kkk needs slaps:

    make sure you wish a black man happy father's day today

    you are his criminal demonic jew seed:

  62. Anonymous5:32 PM

    alicia banks said...
    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    make sure you wish a black man happy father's day today

    betcha eat u some frootloops you know what fathers day causes in blacktown = mass confusion who your daddy I dont know

  63. Anonymous5:39 PM

    kosher kkk needs slaps:

    make sure you wish a black man happy father's day today

    you are his criminal demonic jew seed:

    Brudda achmen la ramen noodles wut is da origin of da humen beans??

    well it be afreeka....

    Wrong - it is asia - china. Is this supposed to be smurts peeps cause dey sounds awful dumb

    we uses da lotion cause our skin get ashy dis seperate us from aneemullss...rah and egg human beings give burth to da egg cause dey in water....tonsils enable you to breaf da water - I hate to stop wathcin before dey starts eatin each udder

    hey but recently dey found da dinosaur remains...all of dem?

  64. PilotX5:56 PM

    Purple Cow, sorry to hear about your dad. Just lost our mom a few months ago and I know it's rough. Hang in there.

  65. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Happy Fathers Day to those Men who stand with their children!

    Umm..if a Goober wants to lie about Global Climate Change...all well and funny to me. Unlike your lying self, I do have training and experience with the Science community. So...when you pretenderate to credentials by claimerating 'Climategate' reveal your self as a self-aggrandizing buffoon. One without even the merest clew about the rigours of inquiry.
    But, I suppose it meet the no-qualifications of homeskooling and fake kkkolleges.
    No...we will not accept your trash-script from BillyBobSkool O Bible and Larning.
    Oh, if you are mewling like Left Behind over a mild email that denigrates your non-achievements...may I suggest you read what your Masters have planned for your unterMensch ilk.

    Still, Happy Fathers Day!!


  66. Anonymous6:50 PM

    PC, losing a love one is never easy, whether there were strong ties or not. The heart still grieves a loss.

    What grace that your father is departing on or near Father's Day. That is a blessing!

    Take care of yourself and I'll be here when you return.

    Fyi, I'm not the anon who debates you but enjoy your comments.


  67. OK he's dead, the home just called.

    My wife and my brother's wife have gone round to spend the night with Mom. I guess it could be construed as strange that it's our wives that are comforting Mom, but from here it just seems like the right thing. I'm here with the boys.

    Mom has totally delaminated apparently. Last Friday she was telling me that Dad needed to die because it was his time, but when the reality happened she completely lost it. My brother Tim has taken her to the home to view the body. I'm worried about Mom, she has been with Dad since she was 18 years old and it's going to leave a huge hole in her life.

    Another of my brothers - Dan has just turned up to walk Dad's dog Poppy. It's funny how different people react to the death of a loved one.

    Me? I've drunk one-and-a-half bottles of a rather nice Fitou.

    Sorry for all this - this isn't really the proper forum for personal grief, I don't suppose.

  68. Anonymous6:58 PM

    "What's this second-degree felony crap? Why not charge the woman with rape (since the boy was too young to consent). I googled this case, but I couldn't determine the state they live in."

    It's different for a boy 13 than for a girl. Any boy 13 and older gives his consent to any woman by his erection. The woman did him a favor and made him a hero among his black male friends.

    It's no secret in the black community what this boy accomplished with a ww is every bm's dream. Even better, she bore his children. I'd say the black kid is happy and other black males either admire him or they are very jealous of him.

    Field, thanks for posting this story. It shows we have come a long way, which I am sure you wanted people to be aware of.

  69. Anonymous7:02 PM

    As far as comeliness, the human predilections are many and varied. The Rs consider Sarey a if they have not seen an actual woman in ages. Newt likes his...plastic. Vitter likes diapers and hookers.
    We might discuss the number of lads who frequent the 'certain areas' of DC...where women are not at all welcome. Or the distaff areas where men are only attending with friends.
    It is much more interesting than the 1950s fake sit-com marriages portrayed to keep the priests who visited little boys happy. Ask Donna Reed what she thought...or Lucille Ball. Both women with intelligence, talent and strong opinions.


  70. @Desertflower:

    "I agree with this, and I would add a wounded mind."

    Touché. The psyche is a powerful force!

    @Purple Cow:

    Blessings and peace as you struggle with one of life's biggest challenges. The death of a loved one.

    @Sharon with WI:

    Don't you just love it when those talks with our daughters are helpful to them in meaningful ways. This 30 yr. old "man of stunted growth" may have had an epiphany after the encounter. Wisdom shown at that time from a young one--can't escape that!

  71. Anonymous7:16 PM

    PC-"Sorry for all this - this isn't really the proper forum for personal grief, I don't suppose."

    There are no rules for grief or where you grieve. Grief cuts its own path and flows according to its way of healing. The death of a parent can bring a river of grief. Each person has his/her own way of grieving. Go with it for as long as it takes....Grief is a process of healing.

  72. Lock that child abusing teacher up. I don't care if the boy's plumbing works, he is a child. The teacher abused her position of authority.

    Forget about the racial angle.

    If this were a man who impregnated a young girl twice, charges with be pressed for statutory rape. What's good for the goose...

    This boy will need therapy just as much as any girl would.

  73. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Yeah moldlox,it takes intelligence to believe the CIA is sending you messages through your teeth.

  74. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Desertflower-"Don't you just love it when those talks with our daughters are helpful to them in meaningful ways. This 30 yr. old "man of stunted growth" may have had an epiphany after the encounter. Wisdom shown at that time from a young one--can't escape that!"

    I don't know if the young 30 year old male got any wiser but the 15 year old certainly did. She also learned that she had been self-empowered by her mother- and used that power to say, "NO" to a lusting manipulating predator who had bad intentions and was twice her age.

  75. Anonymous7:42 PM

    what is amazing is that this woman is White, the boy is Black and they live in Texas! Things are changing in America. I have now seen two impossible racial events occur during my lifetime:

    (1)the election of Obama, and (2) this amazing Black-White love-fucking story out of Houston!

    I don't care what you FN atheists believe. There IS a God.

    Mr. Field, REPENT!

  76. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Too bad this kind of activity is considered manly in the black community.


  77. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Too bad this kind of activity is considered manly in the black community."

    i agree. but it is what it is. that is the culture of the black community. it's very different from the white community and therefore the law is either not enforced or it is enforced with max penalty. If the underaged child is Black, there will be no penalty imposed on the white person. If the underaged child is White, max penalty will be imposed on the black person.

    This flexibility in Texas law is not to be unfair or even biased, but to show respect and honor the differences in cultures. I bet any good lawyer or judge will tell you that.

  78. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Wow, such a 'witty' retort. Well, it passes for one amongst the wingnuts...which is why there is no paid group of wingnut comics. Why pay losers to show they are without talent?
    Well, the CIA can contact me directly as they have already spoken with me about has the NSA and some other, more secretive government agencies. See, when you graduate from a real college with a real degree in a real field...some folks seek you out for work. How's that sheet of paper from Beck doing for your job search?
    Not to worry, I'm certain there is value in attending homeskool...or taking classes at BillyBobSkool O' Bible and Larning...or any other kkkollege. Really. It might only be that you are permanently marked as a gullible sucker for any piece of poo marked 'conservative'...but it keeps Ralph Reed in young, virile rentboys. It lets Sarey holiday in an RV without needing to find funds for it.
    But...the main idea is that it pisses off adults...or Liberals...same thing.


  79. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Slapnuts-"Yeah moldlox,it takes intelligence to believe the CIA is sending you messages through your teeth."

    ROFLMBAO!! Slap, have some mercy on mold. Easy up on the whip.

  80. Purple Cow, sorry for your loss. I know that it doesn't seem like it at times, but you can always feel free to come here for peace and comfort.

    Someone told me to repent. Is there someone I can repent to? I might have a few things I need to say.

    "Too bad this kind of activity is considered manly in the black community"

    Wait,I want to repent for taking a minute out of my life to read that garbage.

  81. Anonymous8:40 PM

    In fact,i have done some work for the NSA.have to be on alert for you homeskool goobers.

    Watch tv.....You may remember that major bust in the late 90's? My intel lead to that happening.I ask for no reward.I take please in stooping wingnut goobers.

    I'm doing the lords work.

    Unfortunately, after some hard diddling with my dad,my NSA career was cut short.

    I work for a major law firm in Pennsylvania.You may have heard of it.


  82. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Slapnuts-"Yeah moldlox,it takes intelligence to believe the CIA is sending you messages through your teeth."

    ROFLMBAO!! Slap, have some mercy on mold. Easy up on the whip.

    Notice my comment went way over heshe's head.

  83. molded reptile:

    u r a sorry generically arrogantly ignorant bastard snake like your peer slug kosher kkk needs slaps

    fix that asap

    Washington D.C. -- A computerized tomography (CT) scan of the chest cavity of a new dinosaur fossil reveals a heart more closely resembling a bird or mammal organ, rather than a modern reptile's. This discovery, which suggests that the dinosaur was warm-blooded, with a relatively high metabolism, is reported in the 21 April issue of Science.

    When Michael Hammer, professional fossil collector and co-author of the Science paper, discovered the remains of a dinosaur in South Dakota, he guessed from the unusually well-preserved ribs that its chest cavity might hold some internal organs.

    Although researchers don't fully understand how this happens, animals' soft tissues can sometimes become fossilized in oxygen-poor environments, such as the sediment beneath a streambed.

    Instead of paring away the bones from their surroundings, Hammer carefully cleaned the surface of the skeleton. Before sending the specimen to its new owners at the North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, physician Andrew Kuzmitz had its chest region CT scanned. A team from the Museum and from North Carolina State University produced three-dimensional images from the CT data and analyzed the results.

  84. Anonymous8:47 PM

    PilotX said...
    Purple Cow, sorry to hear about your dad. Just lost our mom a few months ago and I know it's rough. Hang in there.

    You guys are brothers?

  85. Anonymous8:51 PM

    So wuts your point Ab on the dinosaur post are you trying to say that we should be callin you willo? A two legged bird hipped dino? U are an ole fucker no heavy as a hippo she aint heavy she my willo

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. illiterate lard assed brainless faceless molded:

    you are too dumb to be a joker...

    and too genetically defective to know the joke is on you

    u r a slug bastard who is unfit to be kosher fish food like needs slaps

  89. molded defect:

    u make me thank hobama
    for his genocide

    he will rid the world of albino bastards like u before u breed more bigoted buffoons

  90. molded asstronaut:

    your racism and ignorance are cosmic

    u r one twisted witless bastard

    The Nummo
    (also Nommo)

    The Dogon religion focuses on immortality because the key spiritual figures in the mythology, known as Nummo, were immortal. According to the Dogon, these fish and serpent like beings came to Earth from another star system. When they died and were reborn they could remember their previous existence. The Dogon elder Ogotemmêli described life and death for the amphibious Nummo as being like a snake shedding its skin. According to the Dogon, in the beginning of human existence, immortality was the norm and time as we know it was irrelevant.

  91. Anonymous9:22 PM

    A mind is a terrible thing to waste.In your case ab,its not so bad.You pretend to know everything,while you post nothing.

    Mindless goober mindless rants.


  92. mellaneous10:08 PM

    Hey Field hope you had a good Father's Day so far and wish everyone else one as well.

  93. Anonymous3:04 PM

    "Field, thanks for posting this story. It shows we have come a long way, which I am sure you wanted people to be aware of."

    Yes, it's true. The Civil Rights Movement was ALL about the black man's right to have sex with white women without getting his neck stretched. NOTHING else.

  94. Field, love your blog, but you have to get a hold on your comment section. Racist comments should not be allowed, and this is the last refuge for Alica Banks, in which she has been demoted to the fool that she really is, on other blogs. Please!

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