Friday, June 17, 2011

Louie Louie!

For tonight's segment of wingnuts gone wild,I give you one Louie Gohmert from the great state of Texas.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, an actual idiot, has said something idiotic.
Remember terror babies? And "overt homosexuality" in the military? And repealing the 17th Amendment? And "moo goo dog pan or moo goo cat pan"? This is the guy behind all of those "hits." He's a racist moron whom a civilized nation would consider institutionalizing for his and our safety. But in God's favorite country that He has ever created, ever, men like Gohmert are elected to Congress, over and over again.
What did he say this time? 

GOHMERT: And I know the president made the mistake one day of saying he had visited all 57 states, and I'm well aware that there are not 57 states in this country, although there are 57 members of OIC, the Islamic states in the world. Perhaps there was some confusion whether he'd been to all 57 Islamic states as opposed to all 50 U.S. states. But nonetheless, we have an obligation to the 50 American states, not the 57 Muslim, Islamic states. Our oath we took is in this body, in this House. And it's to the people of America. And it's not to the Muslim Brotherhood, who may very well take over Egypt and once they do, they are bent upon setting up a caliphate around the world, including the United States. And this administration will been [sic] complicit in helping people who wants [sic] to destroy our country." [Source]

Hey Texas, about that secession thing.


  1. No Habla11:21 PM

    What's so nuts about that?

    You should have shown the guy who had a hispanic textifying befere a committe, and the Mex dude was speaking in Spanish, through an "interpreter", and he called him out.....(I paraphrase)...."You've been living in this country since 1988, and you can't speak English before this commitee"???????????????

  2. Farley11:23 PM

    I want my three favorite TX cities to secede from TX.

    One of them isn't Dallas.

  3. No Habla11:27 PM

    Sorry for all the typos. I hate laptops.

  4. Field...
    They (naysayers)can't let it go and are just unable to actually believe that a man of color was overwhelming elected to the most powerful position in the U.S. and the world. Oh the stuff they come up with and this guy really took time to think about this moronic explanation for the President's gaffe and actually said it too! Amazing...

    Kudos to Dwayne Wade and Happy Father's Day to all.

  5. PilotX11:55 PM

    Republicans love them some stupid. Combine this guy, Palin, Bachmann, Fox, Perry and Bush jr. and you may get an IQ point. At least they take care of their mentally handicapped so they're not all bad huh?

  6. I thought we took care of that "Obama is a Muslim" thing with the birth certificate. Or did that take care of the "Obama was born in KENYA!!!" thing?

    Couldn't this guy just be honest for once and call Obama a "Nigger"? I know his type are just dying to say it, but they can't, because it'd spell the end of their political careers to do so.

    So we must persist in hearing Republicans such as Mr. Gohmert invent creative, new ways of calling Obama a "Nigger" without saying the word "Nigger".

    "But in God's favorite country that He has ever created, ever, men like Gohmert are elected to Congress, over and over again."

    Because his views are shared by a good majority of the state. Which explains why Texas is in the shape it's in today.

  7. "Republicans love them some stupid. Combine this guy, Palin, Bachmann, Fox, Perry and Bush jr. and you may get an IQ point. At least they take care of their mentally handicapped so they're not all bad huh?"

    These people are dangerous. If given offices of any importance, they'll fulfill their Yee-Haw Cowboy fantasies of putting the boot to any poor, dumb brown country that even looks at them funny. Greater amounts of military capital will be wasted on replicating spagetti western movies on an international scale, only with U.S. soldiers as the proverbial "white hats" and any dirty brown country that's conveniently devoid of any serious retaliatory capability as the villains and "black hats".

    And it will all go swimmingly well, at least until they step on the proverbial fire ant bed. Most folks in the South are well-acquainted with fire ants.

    The blowback from getting stung will make all their dreams come true. I guess about that time they can finally drop the pretenses of "democracy" and order mass pogroms for "enemies of the state", starting with overt Muslims and anyone who can "identified" as Muslims. Rest assured that Hispanics will be the next group targeted. The process will wrap up with us black folk, given a choice between being dispatched as "enemies of the state" or returning to our original pre-ordained roles of menial servitude, all in the name of "Freedom™".

  8. Anonymous12:29 AM

    "PilotX said...
    Republicans love them some stupid. Combine this guy, Palin, Bachmann, Fox, Perry and Bush jr. and you may get an IQ point. At least they take care of their mentally handicapped so they're not all bad huh?

    11:55 PM"

    Well, you've got Byrd & the Weiner, who have to be in the negative IQ combined, not to mention Jackson Lee & Waters, and the people you mention look like geniuses....I forget the brilliant guy who said Guam might tip over and sink.

  9. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Here's another one of your liberal buddies whose cranium is full of sh!t:

  10. Anonymous12:42 AM

    PilotX, "Republicans love them some stupid. Combine this guy, Palin, Bachmann, Fox, Perry and Bush jr. and you may get an IQ point. At least they take care of their mentally handicapped so they're not all bad huh?"

    Funny how you see the stupidity of Republicans but fail to see your own stupidity, like Weiner. Not once did you call him stupid. In fact, you wanted him to remain as part of the brilliant dems. I am neither dem nor Repub, but I must say dems are by far the biggest dishonest hypocrites of our two party system. In 2012 you will be history.

  11. Anonymous12:49 AM

    Mack Lyons-"Couldn't this guy just be honest for once and call Obama a "Nigger"? I know his type are just dying to say it, but they can't, because it'd spell the end of their political careers to do so."

    You just can't let go of that nasty offensive word in your mind and heart, can you? Yet, you project it on someone else other than you.

    Mack, "So we must persist in hearing Republicans such as Mr. Gohmert invent creative, new ways of calling Obama a "Nigger" without saying the word "Nigger".

    No, it's YOU who keeps thinking about the word that demeans your race. No one else is saying it but YOU. How long will you hate on yourself and your people? Show some dignity for yourself and the black race for a change. Are you so sick that you can't honor your people? You are a pretty sick dude.

  12. Anonymous1:02 AM

    Mack Lyons--"The blowback from getting stung will make all their dreams come true. I guess about that time they can finally drop the pretenses of "democracy" and order mass pogroms for "enemies of the state", starting with overt Muslims and anyone who can "identified" as Muslims. Rest assured that Hispanics will be the next group targeted. The process will wrap up with us black folk, given a choice between being dispatched as "enemies of the state" or returning to our original pre-ordained roles of menial servitude, all in the name of "Freedom™"."

    Wow. everything is catastrophic with you...doom and gloom. Total negativity. You also compulsively obsess- and worry about an imagined future that your dark mind is addicted to.

    Do you have debilitating bouts of depression?

  13. Anonymous1:14 AM

    Louie is right about homosexuality in the military. And most Black Americans who are devout Christians agree. Why should heterosexuals in the military suffer because of homosexuals.

    One can expect a lot of turmoil in the military ahead. It will weaken our armed forces. Something must, and will change...soon. The Republicans will make sure of it.

  14. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Because his views are shared by a good majority of the state. Which explains why Texas is in the shape it's in today.

    The best economic state in the Union!! Why do you think that is? Rick Perry for the white house baby!!!

  15. Anonymous1:31 AM

    "The best economic state in the Union!! Why do you think that is? Rick Perry for the white house baby!!!"

    i didn't know Texas was in such good financial shape. the country should take a lesson from Texas. and yes, Rick Perry has to be a genius in these terrible economic times. he should be encouraged to run for President to get our economy and country "back" to normal because Obama does not belong in the WH.

  16. Russians Love You Too, Comrade2:11 AM

    What is your problem with Texas? If they want to seceed.....why not?

    What's the problem?

    I'll tell you what the problem is........white folks will flock to Texas, bringing the wealth, and creating the jobs.

    And believe me we ain't going down without a fight. It's in our blood.

    Just leave us alone, and do what you do.

  17. Kiss My Alamo2:52 AM

    I notice none of the usual negroes on this website have rejecteted what I said about secession. Why is that?

    Wouldn't you like a seperate nation? You black folks can rebuild your Tulsa's and Rose-what-ever, and shatter the Bell Curve, and maybe even have the chance to have yourself a slave one day.

    From this day forward, I will press for the state of Texas to proclaim itself an independent nation.

  18. Quote:KissMyAlamo"I notice none of the usual negroes on this website have rejecteted what I said about secession. Why is that?"

    Well at a guess, it might be because they don't understand what the word "rejecteted" means.

    You need to learn a basic command of spelling and English usage before you criticize the intellect of others, genius.

  19. Quote Anonny 1:14"Why should heterosexuals in the military suffer because of homosexuals."

    They won't suffer they should be glad of the Gay comrades. Some of the most effective soldiers of all time have been Gay.

    'Xerxes the Great' used Gays as his shock-troops to lead other troops into battle, conquering most of the known world for the Persian empire in the process.

    Similarly the Norse 'Berserkers' were also made up of a largely Gay contingent.

  20. Anonymous6:57 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote Anonny 1:14"Why should heterosexuals in the military suffer because of homosexuals."

    They won't suffer they should be glad of the Gay comrades. Some of the most effective soldiers of all time have been Gay.

    'Xerxes the Great' used Gays as his shock-troops to lead other troops into battle, conquering most of the known world for the Persian empire in the process.

    Similarly the Norse 'Berserkers' were also made up of a largely Gay contingent.

    And you are an impartial participant of the winky wank parade are ya.

    In your pink prancing historical military review you forgot how effective the greeks were - you knew they would always stand behind you.

    So now I know why you are such an irritable cocksucker - you are.

  21. Mad Cow7:34 AM

    Yes. The Purple cow is obviously a recipient with anything resembling a purple head.

    You are faggot EuroTrash, Cow.

  22. field writes:

    "Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, an actual idiot, has said something idiotic. Remember terror babies?

    Terros babies? Is it news to you that China has been practicing exactly this tactic?

    As recent news coverage has shown, there are birthing centers in California built for Chinese women who come here to give birth then return to China, thereby creating a legitimate American citizen who can return to the US at any time to enjoy the benefits of US citizenship.

    The Islamic world is aware of this tactic. It's an old game that's generally worked in America's favor. But there's no reason it will in the future.

    Is it by some weird quirk that many Texas hospital report that over 75% of babies born in their maternity wards are born to illegal immigrants?

    Gomert may have exploited concerns about the overall terrorist intentions of muslims to highlight an obvious problem, but his essential message is right.

    People do enter the US, legally and illegally, for the purpose of delivering babies here and thereby obtaining for them the most valuable citizenship on the planet.

  23. Gohmert said:

    And it's not to the Muslim Brotherhood, who may very well take over Egypt and once they do, they are bent upon setting up a caliphate around the world, including the United States. And this administration will been [sic] complicit in helping people who wants [sic] to destroy our country."

    Gohmert's statement is accurate.

    As always, the problem boils down to the blindness of Americans. Blindness to the fact that Islam is a religion AND a political doctrine AND a military, AND the fact that no part can be separated from the whole.

  24. Maxine Waters and Cynthia McKinney, two morons who are the Special Ed Congressional represenatives.

    Especially Waters. Based on questions she asks during Congressional hearings, it appears she has brain damage.

  25. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Don't forget Shiela Jackson Lee.

    how many times does 18k black farmers go into 90,000 claims?

  26. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Field, always wondered why you never blog about anything other than "behaviour" you don't like about republicans.

    I mean for example, don't you find it interesting that our president blames the horrible economy on those new fangled ATM machines? (At least it wasn't bush 3 years later) isn't this scary?

    Or that democrats in San Fran now want to ban goldfish because of the inhumane treatment they must be going through during breeding and captivity and that we paid for this yearlong study on goldfish?

    Or that Obama rejected the views of top lawyers in the DOJ and decided he had legal authority to go to war in Libya without congress approval and in his mind it is ok to go to war and then say the UN is in charge of american forces so who needs approval from the american representatives or people?

    Or that under Obamanomics yesterday it was announced the misery index is the worst in 28 years

    Or that Bill Daley, Obamas very own economic advisor says that he can't defend Obama's indefensible economic policies

    Or that the IMF has Slashed the U.S. Growth Forecast, Warns Of Pending Crisis…

    Nah, none of these things are important, we know the only people who disagree with Obama are white racist republicans, uh-huh.

  27. Anon @ 8:44 AM, you make some good points, but sorry, I can't get on board with your team when folks like Louie are around.

    " From this day forward, I will press for the state of Texas to proclaim itself an independent nation."

    Where can I send donations to your cause?

  28. Fox News is a joke. That was some straight "house" cooning man.

  29. Anonymous10:52 AM

    What I guess really amazes me is how folks miss the forest for the trees. So we gave money to china so they can study rare dogs and cats. We know that we will be borrowing this money from them to give to them and we also know that it is a fact that Chinese consider dog and cat meat a delicacy. These are facts - yet we want to call this guy out for saying it in a less than politically correct way. Wait a minute - who are the crazy ones here? If this was literally coming out of your pocket and your wife said she was going to give 100$ from your wallet to Malcolm down the street so he could buy better food for his family and you had to go to Malcolm to borrow the money to give to your wife to give to malcolm...who is the crazy one again?

  30. Absolutely -- Let's hold those hearings on Christian Militants. A truly excellent idea.

    Democrat: We Need 'Analysis of How Christian Militants … Might Bring Down The Country’

    Thursday, June 16, 2011

    By Michael W. Chapman

    ( – At a congressional hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said that investigators needed to analyze Christian militants in America because they too might try to “bring down the country.”

    In an exchange with witness Patrick Dunleavy, the former deputy inspector of the criminal intelligence unit, New York Department of Correctional Services, Rep. Jackson Lee mentioned the case of a man who blew up an abortion clinic and proposed that this perhaps was an attempt to undermine U.S. law that allows a woman to procure an abortion.

    Rep. Lee then said, “As we look to be informational, we should include an analysis of how Christian militants or others might bring down the country. We have to look broadly, do we not?”

    Dunleavy answered: “I don’t know that Christian militants have foreign country backing or foreign country financing.”

    Lee then said, “I don’t think that’s the issue. The issue is whether or not their intent is to undermine the laws of this nation.

    And I think it is clear that that is the case. So it’s not -- your distinction is not answering the question.”

    The hearing on Muslim radicalization in U.S. prisons was held on Wednesday by the House Homeland Security Committee, which is chaired by Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.).

  31. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The A-merry-kkkan Zeitgeist of anti-intellectualism (which has its roots in organized religion/the church) continues to thrive. "Stupidity should be painful; ignorance fatal"... Celebrating ignorance (an A-merry-kkkan tradition)is profitable: Witness the glamorization of idiots like Gohmert; Palin; Bachman; Rhianna; the list would exhaust the space here.
    And what's up with Chekneekwas and Sapphires and "dey" cell phones; with Tyrones's proclivity for showing their drawers?
    Bill Crosby rocks... And, the "jigging must stop".
    Happy Father's Day to you, FM; your blog is refreshing.


  32. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Oops... My bad - hit the wrong key; I meant FN.

  33. "I am neither dem nor Repub, but I must say dems are by far the biggest dishonest hypocrites of our two party system. In 2012 you will be history."

    That first sentence was a lie!

    I know it because of your last one:

    "In 2012 YOU will be history"

    republiclowns are so dishonest.

    "In your pink prancing historical military review you forgot how effective the greeks were - you knew they would always stand behind you."

    Weren't many of the Greek soldiers also Gay? Was that "behind you" comment meant to be funny?

    Sup G'Man?

  34. Mohammed Hussein Obama Bin Laden11:33 AM

    There are sound reasons to question this Presidents sense, if not loyalty when it comes to foreign relations.

    When the people of Iran rose up in a secular, pro-western movement last year, Obama refused any support and said nothing as they were brutally shot in the streets.

    When similar movements backed in part by Islamists arose in Muslim countries with which we had more favorable relations, Obama was quick to show support for regime change.


    This is also a president who told his newly appointed director of NASA, Charlie Bolden, that his "primary mission would be to reach out to Muslim nations to improve relations and help them feel good about their contributions to science". Not to further the American space program or support technological developments, but cheer up Muslims about their backwardness. WTF?

    My first conclusion is that he is simply an idiot, but, in light of his actions, the idea that he is actively working against the long-term interests of the United States is not necesarrily just the product of some fevered racist imagination

  35. @The Racist at 11:33 AM

    If I can remember on his FIRST day in office when Former President Bill TOLD Dubya that his MAIN concern was to go after al Qaeda Dubya's Press Secretary released the LIE that Former President Clinton's staff TRASHED THE OFFICE. Why spread a lie like that? It is illegal to damage property belonging to the U.S. Government. Also it is immpossible to just damage the G's, W's , and B's on printers and typewriters without damaging the whole mechanism. His main objective was to invade Iraq. In August he got the intel titled "bin Laden determined to attacked US",HE DID NOTHING. When America got attack it took him THREE MONTHS to attack Afghanistan. On 9/11 only rich Arabs and people named bin Laden could fly.He didn't even let the damn FBI interview the family members of the guy that DID 9/11. In 1995 HE STOP GOING AFTER BIN LADEN AND EVEN MADE A JOKE ABOUT IT. The current President WENT after bin laden and they got him. On Fox Judge Napalitano called for the ARREST of the POTUS for KILLING A WORLD LEADER. So now bin Laden IS a world leader? You Republican are RACIST AND PATHETIC.

  36. "My first conclusion is that he is simply an idiot, but, in light of his actions, the idea that he is actively working against the long-term interests of the United States is not necesarrily just the product of some fevered racist imagination"

    Riiiight. And 911 was an inside job. *slowly shaking head*

  37. Mohammed Hussein Obama Bin Laden12:27 PM

    kid said..."If I can remember on his FIRST day in office when Former President Bill TOLD Dubya that his MAIN concern was to go after al Qaeda Dubya's Press Secretary released the LIE that Former President Clinton's staff TRASHED THE OFFICE. Why spread a lie like that? "

    Actually, you can't remember. That the Clinton staff maliciously and childishly trashed the White Offices is a well-documented matter of fact. President Bush, btw, went out of his way NOT to publish this disgraceful episode.

    Bill Clinton was too busy selling pardons and stealing furniture at the end of his term to be bothered with al Qaeda. Clinton was grossly negligent in combatting terrorists, exemplified by his non-action on the Cole bombing and refusing to authorize taking out of Osama bin Laden. Clinton's actions led directly to 9/11. This is why he had Sandy Berger go into the National Archives and destroy evidence prior to the 9/11 Commission hearings.

    And Bin Laden wasn't a "world leader"; inferring that just shows how much of an idiot you are.

    Osama bin Laden was nailed as a direct result of intelligence gained by the Bush adminstration. Obama dithered for 6 months before finally letting the Seals take him out, and only because his poll numbers were sinking along with his terrible economy.

    Obama has been an utter disaster for the United States. It is up for debate whether this is due incompetence or malfeasence. Either way, he has to go.

  38. Anonymous12:43 PM

    In your pink prancing historical military review you forgot how effective the greeks were - you knew they would always stand behind you."

    Weren't many of the Greek soldiers also Gay? Was that "behind you" comment meant to be funny?

    Ummmm, si, si senor. That's why they call it "greek"

  39. Anonymous12:46 PM

    "My first conclusion is that he is simply an idiot, but, in light of his actions, the idea that he is actively working against the long-term interests of the United States is not necesarrily just the product of some fevered racist imagination"

    Riiiight. And 911 was an inside job. *slowly shaking head*

    But, but, one of obama's buddies who was "railroaded" (translation had the truth exposed) by glen beck thinks 9/11 was an inside job, you mean you don't? :)

  40. I commend you, Field, for your allowing the stupid to show themselves here in all their ignorant, malicious, inane glory rather than just ban them. It's like you are providing a PSA for what kind of human being one should strive not to be.

  41. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I commend you, Field, for your allowing the stupid to show themselves here in all their ignorant, malicious, inane glory rather than just ban them. It's like you are providing a PSA for what kind of human being one should strive not to be

    Couldn't agree more, self aggrandizing, narcissistic vacuous me only, kill the infidels and disbeliever thoughts are so, so, selfish aren't they?

    The world is 2 flat!!Your stoopid!!!

  42. Anonymous1:50 PM

    field, "That first sentence was a lie!

    I know it because of your last one:

    "In 2012 YOU will be history"

    republiclowns are so dishonest."

    No, I am not a Repub, I am an independent who would vote for either party IF they represented the best interest of America. The dems simply do not.

    mr field, you really ought to consider expanding your limited horizon of 'dem' or 'Repub' thinking. It's too narrow and leaves you without other possibilities.

    Don't end up like Kid in Cleveland. That would be sad indeed.

  43. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Field, the 'long-term interests of the US' are letting Goober and Heeyucks continue to make deciderations and being bosses over those darker complected folks. Jess like Stonewall Jackson did at Fort Pillow.
    Perry's economic miracle...was to take the Fed money offered by Obama to cover the massive losses caused by Con policies. Only by comparing Gov Goodhair with Christie, Snyder, Kasich, Walker and T-Paw does Perry look adequate.
    Gomer Gohmert is indeed the placing of the 'Merican Idiot into office to serve as a representative of the lower orders of our polity. Instead of beleeverating the Brietbart tales about our their entire statements. Or, watch Mr Stewart point out the deceit over quote mining.
    Waters is not nearly as obtuse as the racists wisherate. Though, Steve Friend was...and Pat Toomey is. But IOKIYAR.


  44. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Field, the 'long-term interests of the US' are letting Goober and Heeyucks continue to make deciderations and being bosses over those darker complected folks. Jess like Stonewall Jackson did at Fort Pillow.
    Perry's economic miracle...was to take the Fed money offered by Obama to cover the massive losses caused by Con policies. Only by comparing Gov Goodhair with Christie, Snyder, Kasich, Walker and T-Paw does Perry look adequate.
    Gomer Gohmert is indeed the placing of the 'Merican Idiot into office to serve as a representative of the lower orders of our polity. Instead of beleeverating the Brietbart tales about our their entire statements. Or, watch Mr Stewart point out the deceit over quote mining.
    Waters is not nearly as obtuse as the racists wisherate. Though, Steve Friend was...and Pat Toomey is. But IOKIYAR.


    2:06 PM

    Cool, Field thanks for letting us play the word mixup game.

    So let me make sure I have this right, with posts made under the name Mold the object is to take the words that are mixed up and find the real hidden sentence's in all the jibber jabber? This one looks challenging it is quite jumbled and silly, but ok, I will give it a try.

  45. PilotX3:14 PM

    "Funny how you see the stupidity of Republicans but fail to see your own stupidity, like Weiner. Not once did you call him stupid. In fact, you wanted him to remain as part of the brilliant dems. I am neither dem nor Repub, but I must say dems are by far the biggest dishonest hypocrites of our two party system. In 2012 you will be history"

    Funny, you may have missed my previous statements that I am not a Democrat. Weiner seems like a smart guy, he did some dumb shit but he doesn't come across as a Gomer Pyle clone like this Gomert guy. If you were on Millionaire and needed to phone a friend be honest, would you call Weiner or Gomert. Seriously man.

  46. PilotX3:21 PM

    "I mean for example, don't you find it interesting that our president blames the horrible economy on those new fangled ATM machines? (At least it wasn't bush 3 years later) isn't this scary?"

    Little correction Anon, the Min ATM stands for machine so there is no need to call it an ATM machine. Just so you know.

  47. PilotX3:23 PM

    "Gomert may have exploited concerns about the overall terrorist intentions of muslims to highlight an obvious problem, but his essential message is right."

    So Gomert found his target audience, racists. Slappz maybe you would feel more comfortable in his congressional district. Must drive you crazy there in NYC with so many Brown people and all. Just saying.

  48. PilotX3:25 PM

    OT but you didn't see my question last time Slappz. What do you do for a living? or if not the specific job what industry?

  49. PilotX3:30 PM

    More evidence of republican stupid. A major presidential candidate wants to teach "intelligent design" in science class. I have yet to see a Dem propose legislation undermining evolution so looks like the GOP likes its stupid a bit more vocal. Hmmmmmmmm why do conservatives hate science?

  50. Anonymous4:24 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I mean for example, don't you find it interesting that our president blames the horrible economy on those new fangled ATM machines? (At least it wasn't bush 3 years later) isn't this scary?"

    Little correction Anon, the Min ATM stands for machine so there is no need to call it an ATM machine. Just so you know

    Sigh....ok. Is that it? Hope you recognize irony, no one in this day and age would say ATM's first introduced in 1972 are a plausible excuse for the economy, nor would anyone probably not over the age of 75 use the word "newfangled" but thanks for that. I Will wait for a less vapid thought.

  51. Anonymous4:34 PM

    More evidence of republican stupid. A major presidential candidate wants to teach "intelligent design" in science class. I have yet to see a Dem propose legislation undermining evolution so looks like the GOP likes its stupid a bit more vocal. Hmmmmmmmm why do conservatives hate science?

    No, legislation proposing undermining the "theory of evolution" but what you do see is democrats fighting tooth and nail to ensure what some believe is censored and prohibited. I guess some just don't know the mysteries of the universe as well as you do and aren't smart enough to say one theory is better than another without solid proof, because it is the one you believe.
    What do I believe? Doesn't matter, but I recognize a fool when I see him when he is convinced again despite basing his belief on a "belief" or theory that someone else is stupid for not thinking his way and endorsing his belief as he sees it. Really, well, science doesn't work that way. Science is hard cold fact and unknown until solidly proven, only the fool closes the door on the improbable as he see's it, after all, weren't so many improbable things crazy to supposed thinkers such as yourself at the time? Someone like you was in the court of queen elizabeth crying blasphemy when colombus wanted to sail around the world thinking it was round for theory then was that the world was flat and colombus was stupid.

    No as for theories, again interesting that the "theory of evolution" has just recently changed as our knowledge expands, now scientists believe early man originated in china and not africa due to solid genetic evidence. Wonder what else we will learn as we continue to learn, or do democrats know everything and everyone else is just "stoopid"?

  52. PilotX5:03 PM

    "Sigh....ok. Is that it? Hope you recognize irony, no one in this day and age would say ATM's first introduced in 1972 are a plausible excuse for the economy, nor would anyone probably not over the age of 75 use the word "newfangled" but thanks for that. I Will wait for a less vapid thought."

    Seems you took my advice there huh son?

    "No as for theories, again interesting that the "theory of evolution" has just recently changed as our knowledge expands, now scientists believe early man originated in china and not africa due to solid genetic evidence. Wonder what else we will learn as we continue to learn, or do democrats know everything and everyone else is just "stoopid"?"

    What is more interesting is that most Republicans believe that humans sprouted out of the garden of eden. Interesting that you claim I would be the one crying blasphemy when I actually trust and espouse science where you actually need evidence and data while conservatives "believe" and want to inject beliefs into science. Don't try to muddy up th ewaters as conservs usually do, your folks are the ones trying to undermine science. As far as legislation to undermine science google "Republicans and intelligent design" and see what you get. My question still persists, why do Republicans hate science? Also, do you agree with Bachmann?

  53. PilotX said...
    "More evidence of republican stupid. A major presidential candidate wants to teach "intelligent design" in science class. I have yet to see a Dem propose legislation undermining evolution so looks like the GOP likes its stupid a bit more vocal"

    No public schools actually teach creationism.

    But all public schools are forced by democrats to promote the global warming myth, another faith-based belief that ignores real science.

    So I guess you are not listening, or just hear what you want to hear.

  54. PilotX5:13 PM

    Gee, more evidence of Republicans hating science. Seven states, all with a majority of Republicans in the legislature, are proposing laws that undermine evolution. Hmmm, what's going on here? Seems it's conservatives and Republicans that have a problem with accepted science. Also anon, that's the nature of science, as more data comes in things change unlike the conservative view that Jeezus or his daddy made people out of dirt and won't move from that position. See, I actually study and understand science while your group looks at new findings as weaknesses when in actuality they represent the strength of scientific inquiry. Typical conservative bait and switch. That was a pretty weak comment about Dems knowing everything and new evidence. Tell your new findings to a group of Republicans and see if they believe you or still believe what they learned at the Creation Museum, which BTW resides in a red state. Shocking huh?

  55. PilotX5:16 PM

    "But all public schools are forced by democrats to promote the global warming myth, another faith-based belief that ignores real science"

    OK, show me one school that has been "forced" to teach global warming which BTW is still being studied and we can't say whether it's a myth or not. Too early to tell, unless you know something climate scientists don't know. Just guessing you're not a climate scientist. Also, quick question Abel before you start another climate change screed, do you agree with Bachmann's position?

  56. PilotX said..."most Republicans believe that humans sprouted out of the garden of eden"

    I didn't believe this, so I looked it up and apparently it is true that about half (53%) of Republicans don't believe in evolution. As a republican who believes in evolution, I find this disheartening. However, as 40% of the population as a whole belives in creationism, it's not just a Republican thing.

    But what irrational belief is more harmful, creationism, which doesn't really involve bothering other people, or global warming, which means turning all economic control to the state and lowering living standards across the globe?

  57. Anonymous5:21 PM

    "Sigh....ok. Is that it? Hope you recognize irony, no one in this day and age would say ATM's first introduced in 1972 are a plausible excuse for the economy, nor would anyone probably not over the age of 75 use the word "newfangled" but thanks for that. I Will wait for a less vapid thought."

    Seems you took my advice there huh son?

    How about you be real specific on what advice you are talking about, before I mistake your woefully misplaced arrogant tone for something it may not be. You democratically tap danced all aroun the main point, yet still have not said anything worth much. Do you agree with Obama on "does newfangled ATM machine thingies" ?
    Or not. Put up or sit down with the minstrel show.

  58. PilotX said...."OK, show me one school that has been "forced" to teach global warming which BTW is still being studied and we can't say whether it's a myth or not."

    All public schools have government suppied global warming propaganda that they must hammer into kids head. Our government spends billions promoting the idea of anthropogenic global warming.

    And if we can't say whether it's a myth or not, why are we teaching it as fact to our children?

    It is already having negative consequences, in rising energy prices, lost jobs, and the erosion of basic freedoms.

  59. PilotX5:27 PM

    "But what irrational belief is more harmful, creationism, which doesn't really involve bothering other people, or global warming, which means turning all economic control to the state and lowering living standards across the globe?"

    Climate change is happening whether we believe it or not. We are pumping lots of CO2 into the atmosphere and we do need to stop doing it. How this will affect future climate is unknown but it is in the interests of coal and oil companies to dismiss any research as unnecessary. Don't you think we should research the affects CO2 will have on our climate? I agree that too many people have jumped on one bandwagon or the other but neither is helpful or beneficial. The deneyers are just as big of a problem as proponents. Unless you have an advanced degree in climate science your opinion is not something I will take seriously.

  60. PilotX5:31 PM

    "All public schools have government suppied global warming propaganda that they must hammer into kids head. Our government spends billions promoting the idea of anthropogenic global warming.

    And if we can't say whether it's a myth or not, why are we teaching it as fact to our children?

    It is already having negative consequences, in rising energy prices, lost jobs, and the erosion of basic freedoms."

    Show me any evidence of this being true. I will ask my friends who are principals at public schools but I'm guessing this is hyperbole. So basically what you're saying is because global warming is being taught in public schools you align yourself with a party that dismisses science and embraces religious myths. Interesting position.

  61. PilotX5:34 PM

    Look up the "Louisiana Science Education Act" created by Republicans and signed by the Republican governor that 40 Nobel Prize winning scientists says undermines science education because it undermines biological evolution. Funny that an Ivy League educated Republican who majored in Biology pushes creationism. Weird party.

  62. Anonymous5:34 PM

    My question still persists, why do Republicans hate science? Also, do you agree with Bachmann?

    Actually no I don't agree with her and your question is disingenuous. We may just as well ask why all democrats are so hateful and dumb and believe anything dear leaders tell them despite solid irrefutable proof of the opposite.

    But as I mentioned neither you nor I nor anyone I know, has anything but a theory on this topic and only an arrogant fool would claim the science is solid and closed. It is hardly closed, hardly. For all we know Bachman may be right, there may be a god who created man. How do you know there is not? Prove it to me. Am I religious no, but there are many, many things that were clearly foretold in the bible that happened over and over again. Coincidence – there is no such thing. In science every reaction has a cause, every one. Do I know what it is? No. Am I arrogant enough to say my thoughts are the only ones that can be right? Only an unintelligent emotional non thinking man would think this. It is the open mouth that has an empty head. Convinced of what he says he knows that he learned from others of similar background in the small miniscule sphere of things that he has been exposed to, he learns nothing from those that differ and does not expand or improve his existence. It is a sad life when you think the sum total of man is just what you can comprehend and that is it. If you are so arrogant to believe that your existence is the pinnacle of the universe, then while I do not know, I have a "theory" that you are in for a very large letdown.

  63. PilotX5:35 PM

    Still didn't answer my question Abel, do you agree with Bachmann's position on teaching "intelligent design"?

  64. PilotX said..."So basically what you're saying is because global warming is being taught in public schools you align yourself with a party that dismisses science and embraces religious myths."

    No. You are quick to build strawmen.

    I do not align myself with Republicans because they dimiss science. I align myself with Republicans because they believe in freedom.

    The party that is dismissing science to undermine freedom is the democratic party. I will align myself with anyone who works to stop the Statist agenda. This is vastly more important than religious views about man's creation.

  65. PilotX said...
    "Still didn't answer my question Abel, do you agree with Bachmann's position on teaching "intelligent design"?"

    Not as fact.

    It is acceptable if is taught in the context of discussing the religious beliefs of others.

  66. PilotX5:41 PM

    "But as I mentioned neither you nor I nor anyone I know, has anything but a theory on this topic and only an arrogant fool would claim the science is solid and closed. It is hardly closed, hardly. For all we know Bachman may be right, there may be a god who created man. How do you know there is not? Prove it to me"

    Science is not designed to prove a negative. Your challenge is like me asking you to prove to me sea sprites and fairies don't exist. Maybe pink flying elephants exist, prove they don't. Science doesn't care if a god or gods exist, doesn't matter what is relevant to science is how do things happen in the NATURAL world. There are people who study supernatural events but it ain't science. I take it anon you are not a scientist. And for the 1,000 time, I am not a Democrat so why do I care what they believe or care about? Simply put Republicans are bad on science and it's interesting you disagree with a leading Republican contender's view of scientific education. I also disagree and that is a reason I am not a Republican. We need more science education for our students not less. And if you really aren't religious you are supporting the wrong party as the GOP pushes religion in their agenda.

  67. Anonymous5:42 PM

    PilotX said...

    Climate change is happening whether we believe it or not. We are pumping lots of CO2 into the atmosphere and we do need to stop doing it. How this will affect future climate is unknown but it is in the interests of coal and oil companies to dismiss any research as unnecessary. Don't you think we should research the affects CO2 will have on our climate? I agree that too many people have jumped on one bandwagon or the other but neither is helpful or beneficial. The deneyers are just as big of a problem as proponents. Unless you have an advanced degree in climate science your opinion is not something I will take seriously.

    Science is not politics, nor should it be. However Global warming renamed climate change is Politics. It is in it's infancy stage of discovery, then how knowing almost nothing in fact early predictions and thoughts were so completely and totally wrong can you as a person who is a vanguard of science support climate change when all of the science to date has been invalid, innacurate and incorrect? Polar bears increased in population, they did not become extinct, the world cooled, it didn't warm up, and on and on. So much so that scientists have had to fake data to get continued funding. If you say you are smart and beleive in science then why are you falling for this failed hoax theory that has been so far Proven incorrect?

    Sure you heard about the recent fraudalent data in regards to CLimteGate sea levels are not rising. Science, fact fiction or politics? I would rather believe in a benevolent god then worship at the feet of a failed politician.

  68. PilotX5:46 PM

    "It is acceptable if is taught in the context of discussing the religious beliefs of others."

    The religious beliefs of others is not an acceptable discussion topic in a science class. Now if it is a comparative religion class that would be perfect but would Republicans allow the teaching about a religion other than that of Jeezus?
    This is a dangerous path Republicans are taking us on. We need more science taught to compete with other nations in the future and any time lost discussing foolishness is time lost. Too bad the majority of Republicans want to push their religious views instead of educating our students.

  69. This comment has been removed by the author.

  70. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Science is not designed to prove a negative. Your challenge is like me asking you to prove to me sea sprites and fairies don't exist. Maybe pink flying elephants exist, prove they don't. Science doesn't care if a god or gods exist, doesn't matter what is relevant to science is how do things happen in the NATURAL world. There are people who study supernatural events but it ain't science. I take it anon you are not a scientist. And for the 1,000 time, I am not a Democrat so why do I care what they believe or care about? Simply put Republicans are bad on science and it's interesting you disagree with a leading Republican contender's view of scientific education. I also disagree and that is a reason I am not a Republican. We need more science education for our students not less. And if you really aren't religious you are supporting the wrong party as the GOP pushes religion in their agenda.

    No, In your mind a superior being is a sea sprite or fairie, it is not to me.

    If you wish more science education then you are the one who is supporting the wrong party. Remember schools all across the nation are eliminating honors programs and advance science and math classes due to the "disparities in the racial gap" You see the democratic supported type of thinking believes that because thier is an insignificant amount of minorities succeeding or qualifying for honors, sciene, advance math that it must be racist to continue to teach these classes and allow asian/white to outnumber minorities. As there are not enough minorities in these classes they will cut them to provide classes that all can achieve equally.

    A republican detests this sort of thing as it dumbs down our country under the cover of racial disparity while doing nothing but lowering all levels instead of raising as many as possible.

    And the democrat says what on this and the importance of science?

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.

  72. turbo breeders = dumbed down defective drones who are dumber than ever and will vote....

    we are doomed.


    I refuse to vote for any elitist. There are no other options. I refuse to be a sporadic drone for incessantly corrupt politicos. I refuse to be played by those who dupe the masses at voting booths. I will not waste another vote on the least of lesser evils. I have decided that choosing between feces and excrement is indeed no choice at all. I will no longer stomach the political bile.

    I will never vote again. But, I will also never abandon my debts to all of you. I will continue to be a superior educator and toil to save babies, many of whom are bred by parents who are even more inhumane than politicos. I will continue to be an ideal citizen, as all of you. I will continue to inspire and save gay teenagers from those who hate and torture them the very same way that rabid racists haunted and tormented all of you…

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. PilotX5:54 PM

    "Sure you heard about the recent fraudalent data in regards to CLimteGate sea levels are not rising. Science, fact fiction or politics? I would rather believe in a benevolent god then worship at the feet of a failed politician."

    I trust good science and not made up stories or hyped data. Climate science does not have any connection to the population of polar bears and the climate scientists I know haven't based any of their conclusions on polar bear populations. Is there bad science on both sides? Yes. Is there good science out there? Yes. There is and always has been climate change. It may not become a problem for another 100 years or it may not be a problem at all but we don't know. What we do know is we have pumped tons of CO2 into the atmosphere and we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas. I really don't debate atmospheric science because most people have no clue what they are talking about. If you are a climate scientist and have credible research on the matter I would love to read what your opinons are but if you are not nothing personal I don't really care what you think. Now this was a discussion about Republicans and science not climate change. I know you have a weak position so you have to change the topic but fact is Republicans are bad for the country due to their relationship with the hard religious right which wants to inject creationism into public schools which we seem to agree is a bad thing.

  75. Anonymous5:54 PM

    "It is acceptable if is taught in the context of discussing the religious beliefs of others."

    The religious beliefs of others is not an acceptable discussion topic in a science class. Now if it is a comparative religion class that would be perfect but would Republicans allow the teaching about a religion other than that of Jeezus?
    This is a dangerous path Republicans are taking us on. We need more science taught to compete with other nations in the future and any time lost discussing foolishness is time lost. Too bad the majority of Republicans want to push their religious views instead of educating our students.

    Of course they would and do. Only don't get confused, A religion that promotes murder, hate, pedophilia, murdering non believers, stoning women is shunneed and loudly rejected. This is not religious intolerance, it is sanity. Only someone insane or someone expecting others to handle problems would think differently.

    Freedom of religion is and always has been one of the cornerstones of the US. Not as we have it today where democrats and people who believe in nothing get mortally offended and try and shut them up at the drop of a hat when someone actually has faith in something and may just be more mentally healthy then a gloomy self obsessed pessimist.

    Am I jewish, no. But I sure won't go to court when I see the star of david or protest - I know what I beleive in and I also know I don't have the right to force my will on others. Unlike democrats who basically want company in thier misery.

  76. the world is insane and upside down

    dumb jocks make millions

    most teachers barely make living wages...

    countless geniuses rot in cages/on death rows...

    and this mf and hobama are rich "leaders"


  77. PilotX6:01 PM

    "If you wish more science education then you are the one who is supporting the wrong party"

    Show me where I support any political party.

    "No, In your mind a superior being is a sea sprite or fairie, it is not to me."

    Not sure of your point here as I don't subscribe to language such as "superior beings". That is religious language and I'm not a religious man;-)

    "A republican detests this sort of thing as it dumbs down our country under the cover of racial disparity while doing nothing but lowering all levels instead of raising as many as possible."

    I agree but I don't care about the color of the student's skin. If that is the case that Republicans care so much about education why are they pushing anti-evolution laws? I'm sorry but I can't buy your idea Republicans are good for education. Do you think weakening evolution will help our students in the future?

  78. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Pilot X Said...

    If you are a climate scientist and have credible research on the matter I would love to read what your opinons are but if you are not nothing personal I don't really care what you think.

    You are right, I am not an expert, far from it nor a climate scientist. But you are extremely opinionated on this as well, are you a climate scientist that your views are valid and worth caring about versus mine which are invalid and you have dismissed because unlike you I am not a climate scientist? Are you a climate scientist?

  79. PilotX6:12 PM

    "Freedom of religion is and always has been one of the cornerstones of the US. Not as we have it today where democrats and people who believe in nothing get mortally offended and try and shut them up at the drop of a hat when someone actually has faith in something and may just be more mentally healthy then a gloomy self obsessed pessimist."

    I totally agree that we have religious freedom in this country which is one of the things I dig about our country but I also have the freedom FROM religion.

    "Only don't get confused, A religion that promotes murder, hate, pedophilia, murdering non believers, stoning women is shunneed and loudly rejected. This is not religious intolerance, it is sanity."

    Not sure what point you're trying to make but I can assume you are referring to Islam. That is a bad way to view a major world religion. I know many Muslims and they don't stone women or kill non-believers obviously. Religion has a place in our nation but not in a public school and especially not in a science class.

    "Freedom of religion is and always has been one of the cornerstones of the US. Not as we have it today where democrats and people who believe in nothing get mortally offended and try and shut them up at the drop of a hat when someone actually has faith in something and may just be more mentally healthy then a gloomy self obsessed pessimist."

    I kinda disagree with this assesment. Atheists are not people who don't believe in "anything" as I believe in lots of things just not a god(s). If that is pessimistic in your view you are free to have that view but that doesn't make it true. For someone who says they are not religious you sure use religious language very well. No wonder you tend towards the Republican party.

    "Am I jewish, no. But I sure won't go to court when I see the star of david or protest"

    I agree, people should be free to wear their stars of David if the ywish just like Palin does. Now if they try to force my kids to wear one or participate in Jewish prayer then yes i would have a problem. People are free to practice any religion they choose but they do not have the right to practice it in a way that infringes on someone else's right to not participate.

  80. PilotX6:15 PM

    "You are right, I am not an expert, far from it nor a climate scientist. But you are extremely opinionated on this as well, are you a climate scientist that your views are valid and worth caring about versus mine which are invalid and you have dismissed because unlike you I am not a climate scientist? Are you a climate scientist?"

    I am not a climate scientist nor do I wish to be. I am studying for another degree in meteorology. Some of my professors are climate scientists who are currently studying climate change and I get info from them all the time. Your opinon seems to be climate change is a hoax while my opinion is more research needs to be done on the matter. Which opinon seems more reasonable? I don't have a concrete opinion because I am not an expert and will admit I am taking a wait and see approach. See the difference?

  81. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I am not a climate scientist nor do I wish to be. I am studying for another degree in meteorology. Some of my professors are climate scientists who are currently studying climate change and I get info from them all the time. Your opinon seems to be climate change is a hoax while my opinion is more research needs to be done on the matter. Which opinon seems more reasonable? I don't have a concrete opinion because I am not an expert and will admit I am taking a wait and see approach. See the difference?

    No you are mistaken, I don't think it is a complete hoax. The theory makes sense from what we know of science. I too am taking a wait and see approach and looking into it as much as possible, However and this is the big however, for something that is not scientifically sound YET and as you said and I agree needs much more research, going all in to trash our economy and the worlds based on a very shaky theory so far is criminal. We all should be encouraging more research, funding, but in no way shape or form developing any type of unworkable green credit exchange or anythign else of the sort until it is more sound scientifically.
    Now you infer your wait and see opinion is more reasonable., versus my not liking the literal hoax that has been exposed. This hoax and the lies are factual and scientifically proven. There have been lies and scandals and data has been manipulated, so which one to you as a science lover seems more reasonable? Facts as proven thus far or having faith that despite the facts the theory is still sound so lets wait and see?

    Either way. The snake oil salesmen like Al gore and all the predictions that they rushed to market to make a fortune off global warming were incorrect. Scientists have been found repeatedly falsifyin data when the models necesary to support global warming had literal opposite results. This makes me even more skeptical and while the "theory of global warming, climatechange or the next new name after the ocean fraud data gets more publicity makes sense, I don't trust any of them now and will wait and see. In the meantime someone like Obama should not be crashing the economy to set up an exchange for he, gore and fannie and freddie prez to get rich selling carbon credits. The science is too young for that. If anything spend money on developing a super solar battery that will make all his schemes moot.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. fn:

    re: neal b telling whites in atlanta to buy guns and kill blacks


    i hate this racist boar with a deep hot passion

    i have hated him for decades

    and like all racist fools he is worse than ever

    boartz is getting worse due to hobama's post-racial amerikkka


  84. PilotX7:00 PM

    ," going all in to trash our economy and the worlds based on a very shaky theory so far is criminal."

    I don't see anyone trying to trash any economies. If so it is not the scientific community because if CO2 levels will cause damaging effects to our planet the scientific community can make suggestions as to how to mitigate the effects but it would have to be economists that figure out how to keep global monetary systems in tact. Science doens't care who makes a profit one way or the other, it just represents the data.

    "my not liking the literal hoax that has been exposed. This hoax and the lies are factual and scientifically proven."

    Sorta kinda not really. You may be referring to the e-mails that were taken out of context but maybe you are referring to some other "scandal". Please provide me with the details and the "scientific proof" you are referring to. I am not aware of any specific researcher's work being totally dismissed as being fabricated. Please name names.

    "Either way. The snake oil salesmen like Al gore and all the predictions that they rushed to market to make a fortune off global warming were incorrect. Scientists have been found repeatedly falsifyin data when the models necesary to support global warming had literal opposite results"

    Al Gore is not a climate scientist. Anytime anyone makes hyperbolic claims one way or the other should be dismissed. Which models are you referring to? What are the names of these models that do not support global warming? As someone who is not a climate scientist you are sure making definite pronouncements about models and what data they show. Have you seen actual data output from said models? Can you name one climate model? What was the data input into these models? If you aren't sure about those questions your above statement and beliefs should be taken with a grain of salt. Now you see why I do not discuss climate change. I thought this was a discussion about Republicans and science and not a non climate scientist's opinin about something she/he has no in depth knowledge?
    If you agree that the majority of Republicans do not believe in evolution how can I trust them with our students' science education if they reject a basic tenant of biology? Legit concern right?

  85. PilotX7:07 PM

    "This makes me even more skeptical and while the "theory of global warming, climatechange or the next new name after the ocean fraud data gets more publicity makes sense, I don't trust any of them now and will wait and see."

    Global warming is not a "theory". BTW whom do you mean when you say you don't trust "them"? Do you mean climate scientists? If so if you don't trust climate scientists to study the atmosphere whom do you trust?
    The attempt to undermine scince is a staple in the GOP playbook. When I was studying under a well known and respected climatologist back in 2004 he told me about how his fellow researchers were being harassed by Bush administration officials and their work confiscated and many of them intimidated into "tweeking" their results. We both figured it was no surprise as Bush was an oil man and any findings that showed a connection between CO2 and AGW would be bad for them. The RW media has succeeded in painting all climate scientists with a broad brush in its attempts to create doubt in any findings that aren't to their liking. Many good scientists were unfairly sullied by conservative propaganda.

  86. Anonymous8:23 PM

    PilotX said...
    The attempt to undermine scince is a staple in the GOP playbook.

    The only thing the GOP has to do is stand back and watch global warming worshipers make false claim after false claim.

    Think 50 million global warming refugees or Himalayan glaciers.

    Even though you leftist kooks force school kids to watch Al Gore's propaganda, less and less Americans believerate.....

  87. PilotX8:33 PM

    "Think 50 million global warming refugees or Himalayan glaciers."

    What climate scientist has made this claim? Seems those on the right need to pick who they listen to more carefully. Also most effects of high levels of CO2 won't be seen for years and most researchers say the most profound effects will be in the poles so most of us won't recognize the effects. Hell, I wish the GOP would sit back and let teachers teach real science and not religious mythology. Slap is exhibit A in how conservatives do not understand science.

    "Scientists have been found repeatedly falsifyin data when the models necesary to support global warming had literal opposite results"

    Let me reiterate my questions so they won't be missed. Name the scientist(s) who have been proven to falsify evidnce and name the climate model that doesn't show warming in the future. From those doing the research and those familiar with the research into climate change say that most climate models show a warming trend and there is good model consensus. Who says differently?

  88. PilotX8:36 PM

    "The only thing the GOP has to do is stand back and watch global warming worshipers make false claim after false claim."

    And as I stated previously the GOP has not stood by but actively participated in attempt to discredit respected climate scientists. I'll take the word of a real scientist doing good work over that of an internet troll that has at best taken an intro level weather class. Yeah we liberals do tend to be kinda elitists huh?

  89. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Yeah we liberals do tend to be kinda elitists huh?

    Yup, in a class all by yourself. If you really think you are smarter than everyone else because you have a cause....Be careful, you don't want to paint your mind into a closed corner, not much light gets into dark corners.

    Hey, a little thought for you, there are many and I do mean many scientists who are convinced that the earth has undergone these climate changes throughout it's history and recorded warming is also being observed and documented on other planets in our solar system, all credited to a little thing called the sun and solar flares which have been very active recently. Now, there are no humans or autos on Mars, Jupiter, Pluto, Triton - at least not in my world of reference. What gives? why do you think these planets are warming exponentially and in line with the earth (although solar flares will cause global cooling for the earth on a grand scale) Could it be that the science is still so unknown no one should ever shackle themselves to any half completed theory just as yet?

    The UN is talking about plans to combat "global warming" such as seeding the ocean with iron, scattering heat-reflecting particles in the stratosphere, building towers to suck carbon dioxide (CO2) out of the atmosphere, and erecting a giant sunshade in space are all on the examining table.

    What happens if one of these half baked crazy theories has an ecological impact that cannot be reversed? All based on science that has not been proven yet. That is why global warming/climate change folks are scary in thier beliefs in the mystical as nothing has been proven yet.

    Who knows what impact say seeding the ocean with iron might have, maybe it will kill all life and in chain reaction us. Makes a reasonable person want to study more doesn't it?

  90. Anonymous9:10 PM

    I'll take the word of a real scientist doing good work over that of an internet troll that has at best taken an intro level weather class. Yeah we liberals do tend to be kinda elitists huh?

    See you were doing well, having an intellectual conversation with a couple of folks on here, do we all agree no, but no one denigrated to name calling. THIS is what liberals are famous for. You can't garner agreement even though you admitted there were several points that you agree with, so you debase the other person you were having a discussion with and call them a internet troll that is essentially a dumbass because at best " they took an internet class" As if you are superior because you are actually taking a "course" really? Are you that immature to actually believe your own hype?

    This is why liberals come off so dumb and ill informed time after time, they are so busy touting how good they are for some minor accomplishment and they miss that others may just not care to boast to nameless nobodies and whilst they think someone is following them, they have forgotten to look ahead and see the person they thought was behind.

    Or, could be just the nasty habit liberals have of liking to end all discussion with personal attacks when the thinking gets to hard. I will let you explain which method you are using here.

  91. Steven D, I think I provide a very good service for A-merry-ca. :)

    I enjoyed the back and forth between Pilot X and that Anon.
    That was a good debate.

  92. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Name the scientist(s) who have been proven to falsify evidnce and name the climate model that doesn't show warming in the future.

    Ok for starters how about:

    James Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Michael Mann, famous for Mann's "Hockey Stick"; Gavin Schmidt, NASA climate modeler, and; Stephen Schneider, Stanford professor and Al Gore confidant

    Wow, here is an actual email from one of those "scientists" with fake data to hide the actual DECLINE of global warming.

    From: Phil Jones
    To: ray bradley ,mann@XXXX, mhughes@XXXX
    Subject: Diagram for WMO Statement
    Date: Tue, 16 Nov 1999 13:31:15 +0000
    Cc: //';l[1]='a';l[2]='/';l[3]='<';l[4]=' 110';l[5]=' 114';l[6]=' 111';l[7]=' 98';l[8]=' 115';l[9]=' 111';l[10]=' 46';l[11]=' 88';l[12]=' 88';l[13]=' 88';l[14]=' 64';l[15]=' 97';l[16]=' 102';l[17]=' 102';l[18]=' 105';l[19]=' 114';l[20]=' 98';l[21]=' 46';l[22]=' 107';l[23]='>';l[24]='\"';l[25]=' 110';l[26]=' 114';l[27]=' 111';l[28]=' 98';l[29]=' 115';l[30]=' 111';l[31]=' 46';l[32]=' 88';l[33]=' 88';l[34]=' 88';l[35]=' 64';l[36]=' 97';l[37]=' 102';l[38]=' 102';l[39]=' 105';l[40]=' 114';l[41]=' 98';l[42]=' 46';l[43]=' 107';l[44]=':';l[45]='o';l[46]='t';l[47]='l';l[48]='i';l[49]='a';l[50]='m';l[51]='\"';l[52]='=';l[53]='f';l[54]='e';l[55]='r';l[56]='h';l[57]='a ';l[58]='<'; for (var i = l.length-1; i >= 0; i=i-1){ if (l[i].substring(0, 1) == ' ') document.write("&#"+unescape(l[i].substring(1))+";"); else document.write(unescape(l[i])); } //]]> k.briffa@XXX.osborn@XXXX

    Dear Ray, Mike and Malcolm,

    Once Tim’s got a diagram here we’ll send that either later today or first thing tomorrow.

    I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline. Mike’s series got the annual land and marine values while the other two got April-Sept for NH land N of 20N. The latter two are real for 1999, while the estimate for 1999 for NH combined is +0.44C wrt 61-90. The Global estimate for 1999 with data through Oct is +0.35C cf. 0.57 for 1998.

    Thanks for the comments, Ray.

    Prof. Phil Jones
    Climatic Research Unit Telephone XXXX
    School of Environmental Sciences Fax XXXX
    University of East Anglia

    So clearly the hockey stick was all pucked up. We know that is why they changed the name to "climatechange" cause global warming is declining. So now it's global cooling from the greenhouse effect magnifying the heat of the sun? Maybe, maybe not but this proves so far the science is a fraud, while the sun is having solar flares - that is real.

  93. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Oh and another email asking that all messages be deleted as people found the 1945 problem - that the global warming data noting increase was faked and that it is actually cooling!!

    From: Phil Jones
    To: “Michael E. Mann”
    Subject: IPCC & FOI
    Date: Thu May 29 11:04:11 2008


    Can you delete any emails you may have had with Keith re AR4?

    Keith will do likewise. He’s not in at the moment – minor family crisis.

    Can you also email Gene and get him to do the same? I don’t have his new email address.

    We will be getting Caspar to do likewise.

    I see that CA claim they discovered the 1945 problem in the Nature paper!!



    Prof. Phil Jones

    Climatic Research Unit

    Now, this is factual, factual is science. Now what do you say? Conspiracy? Lies? Racism - God I hope you don't stoop to that.

  94. PilotX9:31 PM

    "Hey, a little thought for you, there are many and I do mean many scientists who are convinced that the earth has undergone these climate changes throughout it's history and recorded warming is also being observed and documented on other planets in our solar system, all credited to a little thing called the sun and solar flares which have been very active recently."

    Gee, the planet has fluxuations in tempature? Wow, who could have known that? I mean what credible climate scientist would factor in natural causational factors? Thank Zeus we have an anonymous poster on a blog to think of such things. You just saved us all.
    Seriously, working with geologists climate scientists are able to correlate the amouth of CO2 in the atmosphere and the amount of warming. According to an acquantance working on a PhD in geology at Uof Utah there is reason to be concerned about how much CO2 is in our atmoshpere now. As far as studying other planets I had this exact conversation with a scientist studying the atmosphere of Mars and in his opinion AGW is worse than is being reported. Nice try though.

  95. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Michael Mann and the debunked hockey stick graph.

    And of course you libs haven't done anything to silence global warming skeptics or made a dollar in profit--- awwwww yes some of the biggest gw pushers have made hundreds of millions of dollars or own/have stock in gw companies.Think Robert Kennedy,Jr. and Al Gore.

    In simple terms, this is all about the green industry replacing the oil industry in this country.

    Trillions of dollars at stake.

    Again look at the gw pushers in this country and Europe.

    Speaking for myself only,its not hard to dismiss the "science" when it comes from the gubmit or people with agendas.

    Think saccharin or silicone breast implants.

  96. PilotX9:47 PM

    "determined that Dr. Michael E. Mann did not engage in, nor did he participate in, directly or indirectly, any actions that seriously deviated from accepted practices within the academic community." This from the investigation by Penn State University into the methods employed by Dr. Mann

    The report of the independent Science Assessment Panel was published on 14 April 2010 and concluded that the panel had seen "no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit." It found that the CRU's work had been "carried out with integrity" and had used "fair and satisfactory" methods. The CRU was found to be "objective and dispassionate in their view of the data and their results, and there was no hint of tailoring results to a particular agenda." Instead, "their sole aim was to establish as robust a record of temperatures in recent centuries as possible."

    The Science and Technology Select Committee inquiry reported on 31 March 2010 that it had found that "the scientific reputation of Professor Jones and CRU remains intact". The emails and claims raised in the controversy did not challenge the scientific consensus that "global warming is happening and that it is induced by human activity". The MPs had seen no evidence to support claims that Jones had tampered with data or interfered with the peer-review process

    That from an inquiry by the British government.

    The American Meteorological Society stated that the incident did not affect the society's position on climate change. They pointed to the breadth of evidence for human influence on climate, stating "For climate change research, the body of research in the literature is very large and the dependence on any one set of research results to the comprehensive understanding of the climate system is very, very small. Even if some of the charges of improper behavior in this particular case turn out to be true—which is not yet clearly the case—the impact on the science of climate change would be very limited."

    This of course is the official stance of the AMS which has the backing of leading researchers in atmospheric science here in the US.

    There is no there there in "climategate" despite what those who are in opposition to climate change research. To call it a hoax and say these men have been shown to be frauds is only a position taken by those outside of the atmospheric community as the majority of climate scientists agree there is something to warming due to human involvement. Nice try though.

  97. PilotX9:51 PM

    "Michael Mann and the debunked hockey stick graph."

    See above, many researchers have shown an increase in global temps over the last century.

    "And of course you libs haven't done anything to silence global warming skeptics or made a dollar in profit--- awwwww yes some of the biggest gw pushers have made hundreds of millions of dollars or own/have stock in gw companies.Think Robert Kennedy,Jr. and Al Gore."

    And this is the problem exemplified by you Slap. This is not a political issue as I don't care what Al Gore thinks as he is not a scientist. I don't care if someone makes money or not I care whether the planet is changing due to human interaction and if so how much. Is that not something we should study?

  98. PilotX9:54 PM

    "In simple terms, this is all about the green industry replacing the oil industry in this country.

    Trillions of dollars at stake."

    Exactly, the oil companies have a stake in this. I for one would welcome cleaner energy sources as we cannot continnue to pollute out planet without consequences at some point in the future. As Dr. Jones said, it's about the grandkids but that's just me being conservative in this matter. See, it is possible.

    BTW anon, you gave some scientists who have been maligned but what climate model shows a cooling trend? Still curious.

  99. PilotX10:06 PM

    Climategate had its expected results. Like a typical conservative smear campaign they muddied the water and made those involved look bad and then ignore the inquiries that cleared them and their methods. Anon and Slap took the bait as expected and use the allegations, not the investigation results, as evidence of a coverup. How many of our personal e-mail would look suspicious if someone hacked into our personal computers.

  100. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Climategate had its expected results. Like a typical conservative smear campaign they muddied the water and made those involved look bad and then ignore the inquiries that cleared them and their methods. Anon and Slap took the bait as expected and use the allegations, not the investigation results, as evidence of a coverup. How many of our personal e-mail would look suspicious if someone hacked into our personal computers.

    Sorry, it wasn't bait and just because someone vested in climate change says ah don't worry the impact will be minor doesnt make it so. SMoke and mirrors aren't satisfactory, telling someone that bad data has been found, delete the emails specifically discussing use of bad date to HIDE decline in global warming isn't a smear campaign, isn't someone elses doing, isn't the person reporting it being a bad guy, it happened, they did it. No other twists and turns will work. They were not cleared, thier methods were what got them caught, in writing. So no, no finger to point on this one. It is that simple.

    And again you disappoint me. Having a factual discussion on science, you have to lapse into liberal code smoke bombs, took the bait as if you are this mastermind who just knew if you used words like smear campaign, disproved because they said so in thier investigation that verbiage would wipe away all semblance of fact (remember science is factually based, spin verbiage holds no water) . I guess this is like Acorn completing a report on themselves and following the investigation, wouldn't ya know it, they were innocent (judges thought differently though) Anyway as you say, nice try, but hardly, and I do mean hardly scientific at all.

    The emails weren't unclear, they were very clear and rife with fraud people telling other "scientists" to use made up data to show an increase in global warming because the real results show a decline in temp is just total fraud.

    No other spin, plain fraud. Which would not be necessary if Global warming were real. But it isn't thus they need to LIE........................

    By the way for a man touting his love for science you sure go off the factual plain a bit and delve into the political verbiage realm to maintain the illusions.

    Smear campaign indeed!!

    Anyway thanks for the debate, I enjoyed it. It was a pleasure to have the majority of our discussion without the usual conversation stoppers. I don't completely agree with you, but still have an open mind and learn more everyday, it's the only way to live. Funny things I was convinced of ten years ago, seem so trite now in retrospect, I am sure you are similar.

  101. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Ok PilotX, it's time for me to go make my homegrown version of global wamring but I'll leave you with this answering your last question on a model showing global cooling. The men mentioned are renowned scientists, these arent' hacks. Check it out and give it some thought. Also, last paragraphs are just released information on NASA funded University of Colorado fudging number by adding to the actual sea levels to show an increase that is not there. Seems like global warming may be more of a religion than you think. You have to believe in something that science refutes is happening, so they change the records to make it what they like it to be. That is not truth, nor science, nor anything but despicable and part of a huge Ponzi scheme.

    Dr. Don Easterbook, a geologist and professor emeritus at Western Washington University, has concluded that sea surface temperatures will experience a drop that could last for the next 25 to 30 years based on his observations of the Pacific Decadal Oscilliation or PDO, a weather phenomenon that reverts between warm and cool modes. He's not alone.

    Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics with the National Autonomous University of Mexico sees evidence that points to the onset of a "little ice age" in about 10 years that could last for much of the 21st Century. The U.N. computer models are not correct because they do not take into account natural factors like solar activity, he said in a lecture.

    This view is also advanced in a paper published by the Astronomical Society of Australia. The authors anticipate that sun's activity will diminish significantly over the next few decades.

    In reality, the main arguments underpinning man-made global warming have been unraveling for quite some time Bonner Cohen, a senior fellow with the National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), has observed.

    "The alarmists have a problem," Cohen explained. "The climate isn't doing what they theory says it should be doing. The temperature is not rising in a linear fashion, which the man-made global warming theory says it should be doing. Instead there has been virtually no warming over the past 10 years, which is insignificant in geological terms, but very significant when you consider the alarmist theory."

    "Even though man-made greenhouse gases are going up, there is no evidence that these emissions are in fact driving temperature upward," he continued. "Of course, historically warmer temperatures have lead to higher Co2 levels, not the other way around. The lesson here is that association is not causation."

    When warming and cooling trends are placed within a larger geological context the "alarmist position" becomes unsustainable, he added. The history is deliberately ignored and dismissed by the U.N. because it would undermine the political agenda attached to global warming alarmism, Cohen has argued.

  102. Anonymous10:43 PM

    continued - this is the info on the new Oceangate


    Most recent fudged data on sea levels; just released in the past few days:

    The University of Colorado Sea Level Research Group has admitted to falsifying data on increased sea levels. The NASA funded group claims glacial melt is removing weight that had been pressing down on land masses, which in turn is causing land mass to rise. This welcome news mitigates sea-level rise from melting glacial ice, meaning sea level will rise less than previously thought. However, it is very inconvenient for alarmist sea level predictions. Therefore, instead of reporting the amount by which sea level is rising in the real world, the Sea Level Research Group has begun adding 0.3 millimeters per year of fictitious sea level rise to “compensate” for rising land mass.

    The extra 0.3 millimeters of fictitious sea level rise will add up to 1.2 inches over the course of the 21st century. While this is not monumental in and of itself, it will allow alarmists to paint a dramatically different picture of sea level rise than is occurring in the real world. For example, the current pace of 8 inches of sea level rise for the present century is essentially no different than the 7 inches of sea level rise that occurred last century. However, with an artificially enhanced 9.2 inches of sea level rise, alarmists can claim sea level is rising 31 percent faster than it did last century.

  103. Anonymous10:46 PM

    PilotX did you mean this hansen?

    In October of 2008, Hansen made the announcement that it was warmest Oct. in history. A few days later after all the doom and gloom headlines passed he announced “Oops, never mind, I was wrong.” He only admitted the mistake after he was “outed” by other scientists. In reality, Oct. 08 was quite an average October. It Ranked 70th in the last 114 years.

    In 2007 Hansen was forced by reporter Stephen McIntyre to revise his published figures for US surface temperatures, to show that the hottest year in history was not 1998 as he had claimed, but 1934.

    Well It wasn’t exactly a correction. He fought tooth and nail against correcting the numbers, mislead the press and in the end Hansen didn’t fully make the change. Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request and gained access to all the NASA Documents related to the incorrect data, It showed that unlike an objective scientist, Hansen wasn’t very anxious to correct his mistakes.

    According to multiple press reports, when NASA corrected the error, the new data apparently caused a reshuffling of NASA’s rankings for the hottest years on record in the United States, with 1934 replacing 1998 at the top of the list.

    These new documents, obtained by Judicial Watch through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), include internal GISS email correspondence as NASA scientists attempted to deal with the media firestorm resulting from the controversy. In one exchange GISS head James Hansen tells a reporter from Bloomberg that NASA had not previously published rankings with 1998 atop the list as the hottest year on record in the 20th century [not true].

    Hansen announced recently that “The 12-month running mean global temperature in the Goddard Space Institute analysis has reached a new record in 2010 The main factor is our estimated temperature change for the Arctic region.” The GISS figures show that recent temperatures in the Arctic have been up to four degrees C warmer than the long-term mean.

    Those arctic numbers that important to Hansen’s announcement were a figment of his creative imagination.

  104. PilotX11:20 PM

    "No other spin, plain fraud. Which would not be necessary if Global warming were real. But it isn't thus they need to LIE........................"

    There was no spin and no lie. Did you even read the iquiries in which no malfeasance was found? Each man was cleared by reputable scientific authorities. You can believe what you want but it is bad science to just state emphatically global warming is a fraud. What research have you done or read to make such a conclusive statement? You know for certain that the vast amount of greehouse gasses we are putting in to the atmosphere will not have a net warming effect? After admitting you are not a climate scientist you have no standing to make such a claim. Like I saud, that is bad science. As far as making derisive comments about conservatives wasn't it you and the other posters making similar statements about liberals? If you can't stand the heat. I only comment about what I see and from my POV it IS conservatives who have no training on atmospheric scince making statements similar to yours without any proof or made up proof. And I stand by my assessment of conservatives buying into the bait and switch tactics. Each and evry comment that those men made have been explained and accounted for but it was not reported in the corporate media so I wouldnt expect the average joe to see or know they were cleared.
    BTW anon still waiting on that model data that showed global cooling trends.

  105. There are some truly stupid motherfckers that are posting comments regarding this douchebag CONgressman. Dude knows as much about Islam, that I know about Zoroastrianism, which is absolutely nothing. Speaking as a Muslim, there is no such thing as a world wide caliphate. During Islamic history, there were many different types of governments. There were monarchies, emirates, Imamates, caliphates, sultanates, Khanates, blah, blah, blah. Islam is practiced differently, in different parts of the world. Plus there's more than just 57 so called Muslim states. Now, as far as the MB is concerned, the people of Egypt are currently taking steps to cut them off at the knees by asking the government to postpone the September elections, to give time to other political factions to organize and if the people vote them in then that's their business. There is this one dumb ass, no slappz or whatever the hell that person has glossed him or herself. Hey idiot, stay in your lane and comment on sht you know about
