Friday, July 22, 2011

No deal for you Negro!

Rrrrrriing. Rrrrrriing.Rrrrring. "Mr.Boehner, that's coming from the White House, are you going to answer it?" "No, f&^k that nig guy. Let it ring."

Poor O, he can't even get these clowns to answer his phone calls these days. Mr. Tan Man walked away from talks on the debt ceiling and it doesn't look like he is coming back anytime soon. He held a press conference tonight and put down a marker on behalf of his wingnut friends.

I guess O thought that he had my man figured out after a few rounds of golf but he was wrong. He will never be able to get into the mind of a wingnut.

"Obama’s rhetorical floundering is the sound of a bewildered politician trying to be heard over the long, withdrawing roar of ebbing faith in a failing model of governance. From Greece to California, with manifestations in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Illinois and elsewhere, this model is collapsing. Entangled economic and demographic forces are refuting the practice of ever-bigger government financed by an ever-smaller tax base and by imposing huge costs on voiceless future generations.

Richard Miniter, a Forbes columnist, is right: “Obama is not the new FDR, but the new Gorbachev.” Beneath the tattered, fading banner of reactionary liberalism, Obama struggles to sustain a doomed system. Democrats’ dependency agenda — swelling the ranks of government employees, multiplying government-subsidized industries, enveloping ever-more individuals in the entitlement culture — is buckling under an intractable contradiction: It is incompatible with economic growth sufficient to create enough wealth to feed the multiplying tax eaters. " [Source]

O, with all due respect; it's time to double down. Show George Will and others that if this is to be the end of big government we will not go down without a fight. Show them that what the progressive proposes is not "incompatible with economic growth", but by putting people first, it is essential for it to take place.

The people who make up the "entitlement culture" are the fat cats and corporations who have been sucking the life out of this country for their own selfish gains and giving nothing in return. Steve Wynn, for instance, has the nerve to cry a river over Obama's policies hurting his bottom line yet his company had a growth of over 300 million dollars from the same time last year, and his stock prices have more than tripled since 2009. Yeah, some Socialist.

Sorry Mr. Wynn, it seems that the government subsidies Mr. Will complains about has only helped folks like you.

"Obama displayed frustration with the Republicans, saying Boehner had failed to return his phone calls during the day, observing it wasn’t the first time during the debt-limit talks he had been “left at the altar,” and declaring the Republicans had walked away from “an extraordinarily fair deal.”

O, my question to you would be this: Why would you want to get married to those people in the first place? 



  1. They will eventually have a bill - or the boys who REALLY run DC will come knocking on Boehner's door. (Nothing like a good 'chat' with some angry bankers to set a politician right.) The question is - whose gonna have to give more, Obama or the GOP.

    Right now, if no one gives anything and they sign a 'clean bill' (that one page bill that O'Donnell holds up every night on Last Word) then its Obama. By doing nothing he's winning.

  2. "O, my question to you would be this: Why would you want to get married to those people in the first place?"

    Wait, I actually know the answer to this one. Obama is convinced that if he only makes dinner well enough and keeps the house clean enough and raises the children well enough, his Republican "husband" will stop beating him. Seriously, listen to what he says. He thinks he can take some issues "off the table" if he caves in enough, and then the Republicans will let him get his way on other issues. He's too stupid for words, but so is any other battered wife.

  3. Michael Hudson has a pretty good handle on the economic/Wall Street end of this coming clusterfuck:

    And now there's rumor that instead of an 11:59 Hail Mary play, the GOP's gonna let the U.S government stew in shutdown for a little while before doing anything about the debt ceiling:

    And to address, hopefully for the last time, yet another raving piehole seeking attention from the wrong sources:

    "Mack, why must you tell lies? And while you're paying me the "no nevermind" (unbelievable), remember that it was you who lied and then dragged your effeminate emotions all the way over to this thread to bother me."

    Heh, "effeminate emotions". Apparently all you can manage are a few barbs laced with emasculating language, a little finger-waging, and, well, not much else. *shrugs*

    And this was posted since the likelihood of the last post in the previous topic being posted post-moderation is now slim-to-none.

  4. NSangoma8:43 PM

    ... When President Reagan, who loved to brag that he was an economics major in college, picked up Arthur Laffer’s “supply side” napkin -- a sort of fortune cookie that said the lower marginal tax rates are, the higher government revenues will be -- both Reaganomics and our current econochaos were born.
    After four months in office, Reagan told the Congress: "High taxes and excess spending created our present economic mess. More of the same will not cure the hardship, anxiety and discouragement it has imposed on the American people." So, a man who made his political reputation by attacking “spend and tax” Democrats invented “spend and borrow” Republicanism.

    Unfortunately, Reaganomics did not work. When Reagan became president -- and began to cut taxes -- the federal deficit was 2.5 percent of the national economy. When he left, eight years later, the deficit was 5 percent of the economy. Interest payments on the debt jumped to $169 billion in 1988 from $69 billion in 1981. At the time, those were astonishing numbers, and they have exploded since.

  5. Mack, I think we're seeing what happens when racism and stupidity trump common sense. Boehner wants to deal so does McConnell. They're right wing thugs, but they're not stupid. They know just how bad it would get if America defaults.

    But, they're wed to a bunch of showboating primadonnas like Cantor and Bachmann and a house full Tea Party backed buffoons who don't realize a) how much Obama is willing to give up to keep the ship a float and b) what kind of serious financial ass raping we're all gonna get in two weeks. Frankly, they're just as stuck with ideological malcontents as Obama is with the progressive caucus who want some sort of showdown at the OK corral.

  6. "He's too stupid for words, but so is any other battered wife.

    Don't tell me you're one of those guys who stand around looking stupid while his best friend's busy giving his wife a shiner or two.

  7. I don't have a very good feeling about the budget situation, but then I saw something like this coming BEFORE Prez. Obama's election.

    Medicare cuts could potentially equal fewer residency slots. Yikes!

  8. Dr.Queen said...

    I don't have a very good feeling about the budget situation, but then I saw something like this coming BEFORE Prez. Obama's election.

    Medicare cuts could potentially equal fewer residency slots. Yikes!

    Exactly, Dr. Queen. The entire healthcare industry is fueled by Medicare and Medicaid.

  9. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Well I don't know what the entire healthcare industry runs on, but what I do know is that as of this week here in Puerto Rico no doctors are accepting the government health plan and thousands of people here are right now bereft of any medical insurance or medical care at all!

    This is a poor island where the average salary for a teacher, cop or nurse is one thousand and change a month! Thus many of these professionals subscribe to the government health insurance for a lesser premium, as well as the indigent. Well the doctors claim the government owes them millions and they now refuse to give services!


    And the government, as did Marie Antoinette, says "let them eat cake"!!!

  10. LACoincidental said...
    Exactly, Dr. Queen. The entire healthcare industry is fueled by Medicare and Medicaid.

    Yes, but it's being ruined by insurance companies and lawyers.

  11. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Gee, just like the UK...lower the reimbursement to below cost...and you end the Universal.
    Wonder how many wingnut welfare positions will be needed once the US 'takes back the country' to the Bad Old Days?
    Bachmann suckles greatly at the Federal teat...what happens to her cushy world when the money stops (it won't just end at the border between Real Mericans and 'those people')?
    Once the Glorious Capitalist Revolution goes Galt...who needs all those astroturf useful idiots?

    If there is an ensuing financial will be selling off as much as you can at vastly reduced prices. That includes your labour. I suggest you review the pricing for Second and Third World...and see if you can somehow live on that wage.

    Although the Goobers scream for a collapse, I am indeed old enough to have personal connection with the Great Depression. Only the rich have good memories of that time (cheap, cheap disposable labour/ rockbottom prices/ ineffectual government).

    Giving away Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid is NOT a Grand is a deal with Satan...and would be foolish. Comparable to Hoover. We have long since forgotten his accomplishments (which were many) and remember only his asinine faith in the Fwee Market.


  12. "If there is an ensuing financial will be selling off as much as you can at vastly reduced prices. That includes your labour. I suggest you review the pricing for Second and Third World...and see if you can somehow live on that wage."

    This isn't living off of $5/hour we're facing. Nope -- the Powers That Be™ would love it if Americans can adapt to making $5/day.

    And once Americans adapt to that bit of harsh reality, there's nothing they can do unless it involves copious amounts of bloodshed.

  13. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Mack, you are indeed correct. They do visualize the return of Robber Baron days as a societal good.


  14. "Heh, "effeminate emotions". Apparently all you can manage are a few barbs laced with emasculating language, a little finger-waging, and, well, not much else. *shrugs*"

    LOL. Sounds like those little barbs made a bigger gash than anticipated. And how cute was that little emotional outburst of yours on the previous thread. What did it? Calling you are liar, or calling you Macklina?

  15. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Who are "they" mandinka?

    "Although the Goobers scream for a collapse, I am indeed old enough to have personal connection with the Great Depression."

    More lies from mandinka.

    Where's Obama's plan?Can someone shoot me a link?

    No plan.

    No leadership.

    Just cry to the media like a little Liberal.

  16. Anonymous9:56 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "Heh, "effeminate emotions". Apparently all you can manage are a few barbs laced with emasculating language, a little finger-waging, and, well, not much else. *shrugs*"

    LOL. Sounds like those little barbs made a bigger gash than anticipated. And how cute was that little emotional outburst of yours on the previous thread. What did it? Calling you are liar, or calling you Macklina?

    Macklina - Har---Har----Wasn't that the name of eye mascara?

  17. Anonymous9:58 PM

    LAB, it was more that you beleeverate that women are lesser...and openly state this beleef. No wonder you yearn for the massive then you hoperate your pittance will overcome any qualms a starving person might will probably be proportionately reduced...and in the same quandary as you now face.
    And thinkerating that wingnuts are the masculine? How many are chickenhawks? How many are closeted? How many have dates...with women not their Mom?
    Seriously, it is almost as if you are venting your rage at Moms unto the posters.


  18. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Wow...Liberal as a 'slur'. Obviously you have no concept of the meanings for this term. Can't bring your racist self to use 'migger'? Or you thinkerate you are covering up that portion of your psyche?

    As posted, I never have used a sockpuppet. Can't say the same for you, eh? And yes...I am more than horribly familiar with the Great Depression. Stick your fingers in your ears and chant all you wish...I am reluctant to have a repeat of that time. Simply put, you will be grateful when I deign to have you clean my cottage you will have pay for the time. Sound good to you yet? You will sell your TV, your car, your gold....everything you can to eat. And will work for me or others equally well situated....for almost nothing. And...if you aren't can't do anything about it. My circumstance may encounter some small adjustments...but I have been very cognizant of those times returning and am prepared. Thinkerating that gold or guns or livin' off da' lan' will protect you is the hopeful dream of wanna-be apocalypse fanboys.

    Feel free to peruse what your genetic donors did during this time. Judging from the lack of familiarity with upper income norms or the habits of the idiot rich..I would surmise your parents and grands are working class...and you might thinkerate you are out...not really.


  19. Anonymous10:09 PM

    It Black Amerkkka News

    Stunned Straphangers Look On As Women Brawl Over Seat On L Train In Brooklyn

    One Of Combatant's Baby And Stroller Seen Rolling Away Before Help Arrives

    NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Passengers riding an L Train in Brooklyn Tuesday watched in amazement as two women brawled over a seat.

    Video of the incident was recorded by a straphanger with an iPhone and posted to YouTube. It took place around 9:30 a.m. Tuesday as the train was headed from Morgan Avenue to Jefferson Street in Brooklyn.

    One of the women was pushing a baby in a stroller when a profanity-filled verbal spat began and quickly escalated into a full-fledged street fight.

  20. BetterMan10:21 PM

    "Although the Goobers scream for a collapse, I am indeed old enough to have personal connection with the Great Depression."

    You are getting crazier by the post. So in the past you said you were in your 60's, while I know this is bullshit and you are a white guy in his 20's, let's run with that shall we.

    The great depression was in 1929 - let's assume you aren't saying you were born in 1929 and were at least 10 years old to be familiar with anything as you said.

    So at minimum today you would be 92 years old - this conflicts with your in your sixties bullshit.

    Damn you are not only a nutjob, you are a very bad liar as well. Then again we would't call you a dumbass if you had brains.

  21. Anonymous10:24 PM

    As posted,mandinka is a liar and fraud.Feel free to prove me wrong.

    But mandinka,begin with linked facts and data.Something you never do.

    Clean your cottage outhouse?No indoor plumbing?

    You gonna treat me like big labor treats astroturfed illegals?

    2$ per protest march per day with no dental?

    Mandinka,how liberal of you.Or should i say how "migger" of you?

    Mandinka, did you ever wash your hair?Whats up with those eyes?

  22. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Only in Obama's Amerkkka

    Parent complains after children were searched at pool

    LANCASTER, Ohio -- About 65 children attending summer camp at the Robert K. Fox Family Y were told Tuesday to lower their bathing suits so counselors could visually inspect the suits after feces was found in the swimming pool.

    That upset parent Ibrahim Y. Haroon, who said his 9-year-old son came home traumatized. He filed a complaint with the Lancaster police.

    Now the Y is investigating what happened and reviewing its policies, Executive Director Mike Lieber said today.

    Feces also was found in the pool on Monday and two other times within the last couple of weeks, he said. That could sicken the campers and the counselors in the water with them, he said.

  23. Anonymous10:46 PM

    "Steve, what the hell is wrong with you? For the last time, the CONVICTED vicious rapists of Dunbar Village. Or do you happen to think that when people speak of "rapists" they are referring to you? You and Macklina are the only hysterical and delusional males on this blog. The other black men who comment are not defensive, insecure and mentally infantile as the two of you. It's pathetic.

    Mold is an idiot.

    I totally agree. uts and Mack Lyons are a bunch of whiners like my sister. They need to grow some balls and admit the truth that bm racists need their asses in prison and need to discussed.

  24. IfItQuacksLikeALiberal-Duck11:08 PM

    Mold your dream girl Sarah Just sent you a message about Obama.

    "This is the same president who proposed an absurdly irresponsible budget that would increase our debt by trillions of dollars, and whose party failed to even put forward a budget in over 800 days! This is the same president who is pushing our country to the brink because of his reckless spending on things like the nearly trillion dollar “stimulus” boondoggle. This is the same president who ignored his own debt commission’s recommendations and demonized the voices of fiscal sanity who proposed responsible plans to reform our entitlement programs and rein in our dangerous debt trajectory. This is the same president who wanted to push through an increase in the debt ceiling that didn’t include any cuts in government spending! This is the same president who wants to slam Americans with tax hikes to cover his reckless spending, but has threatened to veto a bill proposing a balanced budget amendment. This is the same president who hasn’t put forward a responsible plan himself, but has rejected reasonable proposals that would tackle our debt. This is the same president who still refuses to understand that the American electorate rejected his big government agenda last November. As I said in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Tax Day Tea Party rally, “We don’t want it. We can’t afford it. And we are unwilling to pay for it.”

    Now the President is outraged because the GOP House leadership called his bluff and ended discussions with him because they deemed him an obstruction to any real solution to the debt crisis.

    He has been deemed a lame duck president. And he is angry now because he is being treated as such.

  25. Hey BetterMan, having a "personal connection with the Great Depression" could mean he had parents and grandparents old enough to have lived through it, and thus could tell him stories of how they managed to survive during those times. But go ahead and do...whatever it is you're doing.

    "LOL. Sounds like those little barbs made a bigger gash than anticipated. And how cute was that little emotional outburst of yours on the previous thread. What did it? Calling you are liar, or calling you Macklina?"

    Damn. I guess this IS all you can do. It's actually quite pathetic seeing you grasp for straws like this.

    At least the Anons like the one @10:46PM don't know any better. They'll jump on anyone's wagon if it means scoring points off of the people they want to attack.

  26. BetterMan12:01 AM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Hey BetterMan, having a "personal connection with the Great Depression" could mean he had parents and grandparents old enough to have lived through it, and thus could tell him stories of how they managed to survive during those times. But go ahead and do...whatever it is you're doing.

    Mack, could be, but not likely seeing as how he said "I am indeed old enough to have personal connection with the Great Depression." this in conjunction with his prior bragaddacio statements of nearly two dozen personal experiences and professions.

    Sure he wouldn't have said he is old enough for someone to tell him all about it, or old enough to have a real connection through reading a book on it.

  27. Wesley R12:10 AM


    This day has been planned since 2001 when the first Bush Tax Cuts took effect. The wingnuts wanted to take as much money out of the economy with the first and second tax cuts, 2 wars, drug plans off the books so they could go after what the left calls the 'Big Three' In other words they wanted to starve the beast. They could then justify getting rid of the 'big 3' programs. In the meantime, Obama put the TaxCuts, Wars, Bushies Drug Plans on the books, since he did that the wingnuts say we have a debt problem, and naturally the wingnuts cry about the debt Obama created. This current debt debate is a wingnut creation, However once again the Dumocrats follow along.

  28. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Lady Killer:

    Anthony Sowell, 'The Cleveland Strangler,' Found Guilty Of Murder

    After more than two days of deliberation, jurors convicted Ohio serial killer Anthony Sowell of aggravated murder in the deaths of 11 women whose decomposed remains were found at his Cleveland home.

    He was found guilty on scores of additional charges related to the deaths, including kidnapping.

    Families of the victims hugged and wept as Judge Dick Ambrose read the verdict just before 3 p.m. on Friday. Sowell, wearing a gray polo shirt in court, could face the death penalty.

    Sowell, 51, had pleaded not guilty to more than 80 offenses related to the deaths of the women, who began disappearing in 2007.

    The bodies were discovered in Sowell's Cleveland home in 2009.

    He'd previously served 15 years in prison for a 1989 rape conviction.

    The bodies of five women were found in shallow graves in Sowell's back yard. Four more bodies were discovered on the third floor of his home, and the remains of two more women were discovered in the basement. Several were so badly decomposed had to be identified using dental records.

    Sowell told detectives during the interrogation that he heard in his head a voice that told him not to go into a third-floor bedroom where two bodies were found. He also told them about "blackouts" and "nightmares" in which he would hurt women with his hands. He told detectives that he began losing control of his anger about the time the victims started disappearing.

    In his closing arguments, Sowell's attorney John Parker argued that none of the defendant's DNA had been linked to his client. He said that Sowell, an honorably discharged U.S. Marine, "deserved better." He also accused police of mishandling the crime scene.

    But Richard Bombik, Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor, said there was a distinct pattern in Sowell's violent behavior and evidence "overwhelmingly" linked the deaths to him.

    "This is not complicated, ladies and gentlemen," he told jurors in his closing statements. "Do not make it complicated."

  29. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Wesley Said...

    This current debt debate is a wingnut creation, However once again the Dumocrats follow along.

    Wesley, what exactly was Obama's plan? Beside the budget he put out that would raise what WE owe another 1.6 trillion, but actually the CBO said, nah add another 2.3 Trillion on top of that. You know the one that not one senate member voted yes on including 100% of dmeocrats? How come democrats haven't put out a budget as required by law in over 2 years? How do they know what we are spedning or how much we owe? What exactly does Obama want to do besides raise taxes and get a huge credit card increase to take him past when he has to continue campaigning for re-election? I say continue because his last 61 trips were campaign fund raisers for relection. I am calling my credit card company right now and telling them this is bullshit, my card is maxed out but I can't pay it unless they increase my limit and let me borrow more money, this way I will owe them even more and this is the right thing to do, right?

  30. "Damn. I guess this IS all you can do. It's actually quite pathetic seeing you grasp for straws like this."

    You can't even control yourself. Typical ladyboy hysteria. Do you have amnesia?

    You've been pinky swearing and giving yourself emotional pep-talks all this time about how I'm not getting to you, and how you're not going to pay me anymore attention. Yet you keep coming back. Do you think I want you giving me attention? I've already programmed 911 on speed dial.

    So why don't you hurry keep that promise. Move on and do something more manly for a change. Go pound a nail, go roll in dirt... stop trying to taunt and bicker with women over the internet. Unbelievable.

  31. Wesley R1:15 AM

    Anonymous 12:31,

    Obama and the wingnuts can solve the problem in 2 years, but they won't. If you've read some of my comments before you would see I support to a degree Rep Fattah's plan for a national 1% tax on every business transaction to pay down the debt. After that, no more income tax, capital gains tax, business tax etc.. O'Really?, the last few weeks, and Sen. Coburn on C-Span's Washington Journal this morning said the same thing. But The fact is, The Wingnuts supported Bush running the debt up off the books. Obama put everything on the books and he is the blame. But the Dumocrats went along so yea BOTH are to blame.
    Field can confirm this, I said last year, let all the Bush tax cuts expire, take military spending down to the Clinton era and the crisis is done. Easy fix then, now we have more debt because we didn't take the easy road.

  32. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Hate to sound the nut here, but I believe in the NWO.I believe these mofo's,i.e the people who run the governments of the world which ain't THE PEOPLE,have been intentionally steering us toward economic destruction for many years.

    I very much so believe that they intended to get rid of this model
    and bring us under a one world governance.

    I believe this was intentional.The choices that these people in government all over the world have been making shows that they are evil and they want us to be slaves to their next corrupt system.Even the words they speak prove that these people intended for a worldwide economic collapse to come about.

    They are evil men and women,worse than demons.

    Demons actually fear God.


  33. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Field, "Show them that what the progressive proposes is not "incompatible with economic growth", but by putting people first, it is essential for it to take place."

    Get serious. This is a capitalistic society that we live in. When has anyone in capitalistic America put people first? Certainly not the Democrats or the Republicans. Progressive liberals have never had much spunk when it comes to standing up for the little people or their so-called ideals...which amounts to nothing. Republicans once again run the outcome of the debt ceiling. Why? Because they are the true capitalists for which capitalism has been made for.

    Either Obama signs according to the wishes of the GOP/Tea Party or the county defaults. That is how committed and how far they are willing to go.

    Tell me, Field. are you willing to go into default for the first time in American history under the 'first' black President? I don't think so. I am sure Obama isn't willing to. The poor bm just isn't smart enough or strong enough to match wits and guts with the Repubs and you know it.

    The outcome of this debt ceiling default will tell a lot about some of you black bloggers. That is, my guess is you haven't the foggiest idea of what's at stake and you sure as hell don't know how to support Obama and how to give him strength and hope. But that's always been true of Blacks. We are spineless weaklings who are no match for white Repubs or any Whites for that matter. We lack power.

    For instance. we already know uts and Mack Lyons are powerless fruit cakes who are not real, esp that nutty dickless Mack Lyons. I swear, he cries more than a 5-year old girl. Nothing manly about him. lol..a total wimp. Many of our people are like that. Now you might consider me White but I am not. I am just a pissed off BM who is pissed off at his own race for being spineless for decades.

  34. Anonymous2:22 AM

    On the previous post, Macklying to LAA:

    "Why the fuck do you keep sticking your head out of the doghouse, knowing full well you're just gonna get hit again?"

    Sounds like you the dumbie that keeps sticking his head out the doghouse.

  35. Anonymous2:25 AM

    "Demons actually fear God."

    Well, they are better off than humans are atheists who actually hate God.

  36. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Mack Lyons, I once thought that you were an ok guy. but you are not. You are an asshole who surpasses uts. I bet uts is sooo glad you are on this blog.

  37. Anonymous2:33 AM

    I have never seen a President so ignored and thought so little of by the Congress. Obama has failed the office of the President terribly. He is the most powerless President in the history of our nation. Obama proves our powerlessness as a race and our continued need to be accepted by the White ain't gonna happen folks.

  38. @Anonymous 2:33

    You must be white or a Tom. One person actually said on their blog what he really needs to do is declare Martial Law and arrest every got damn Tea Bagger for treason. Some white people in America hate Black people sop much that they would rather destroy the world than let a black person run it. That is some shit that Constructive Feedback would say about blacks being powerless.

  39. @Anonymous 2:21AM

    Don't you have somewhere you have to go in the morning Mr. Cain? I think you're ready to take Jesse Lee Peeterson's title for biggest all time sellout.

  40. Hey, Anon.12:19 AM, Anthony Sowell isn't related to Thomas, is he?

    "I have never seen a President so ignored and thought so little of by the Congress.."

    Gee, I wonder why that is? I will give you a hint; it ain't because he is tall.

    "The outcome of this debt ceiling default will tell a lot about some of you black bloggers. That is, my guess is you haven't the foggiest idea of what's at stake and you sure as hell don't know how to support Obama and how to give him strength and hope..."

    Either you are new here or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. But here, I will help you:

  41. Hi 5ving La-Coincidental @ 8:46PM.

  42. Anonymous7:45 AM

    KID, "You must be white or a Tom. One person actually said on their blog what he really needs to do is declare Martial Law and arrest every got damn Tea Bagger for treason. Some white people in America hate Black people sop much that they would rather destroy the world than let a black person run it."

    Kid, I thought I would never agree with you but do about Obama declaring Martial Law. It's a powerful idea but like I said, "bm are powerless. Their claim to fame is being able to speak words w/o ever intending to act on them. Obama is smart enough not to even mention martial law because he would have hell on his hands w/o any support from Blacks or Whites.

    You are also right about some Whites such as the GOP and Tea Party combined would rather America go down in flames than to follow any bm anywhere. Their selfish pride, fear, and white grandiose superiority passed down to the American psyche from days of slavery won't let accept ANY BM as their equal. It also won't let any bm accept HIMSELF as their equal.

    If Obama actually accepted himself as equal, he wouldn't be in the spot he is in. He would have used the power of his office to slam some of those dummies a long time ago. Instead, he is less than a lame duck President that whines and everyone ignores.

    I have said it many times on FN blog that being Black is to seek White approval; it is a curse to be a bm in America. Obama is proof that it is so, even at the level of the most powerful office in the world he is powerless.

    If I could change my color, not that I hate being Black, but I would have a much better life being White w/o fearing white supremacy.

  43. Anonymous8:00 AM

    KID, "Don't you have somewhere you have to go in the morning Mr. Cain? I think you're ready to take Jesse Lee Peeterson's title for biggest all time sellout."

    I always have somewhere to go. What about you? And who is Mr. Cain, somebody you know?

    Jesse Lee Peterson isn't the only sellout in the black race. Just about every Black I know is a sellout against his or her race.

    Consider the Blacks who are fighting for illegal immigration, the Israelis killing the Palestinians, the Mosque at ground zero, Black corrupt politicians, etc--but lack the will to fight for our children, community and race. We haven't learned how to unify and care and DO what's best for the survival of our race, and we NEVER will.

    All we ever do is complain about what the white man is doing to us, and we do NOTHING. Why? Because we ARE powerless, but we won't admit it. Hell, the last time we had any power was when MLK was alive.

  44. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Field, ""I have never seen a President so ignored and thought so little of by the Congress.."

    Field said, "Gee, I wonder why that is? I will give you a hint; it ain't because he is tall."

    That's my point. I knew Obama would not have the power of other White Presidents simply because Whites wouldn't allow it. And it's NOT just the GOP/Tea Party. Some Democrats have the same problem with Obama's color WH as the Republicans do.

    In other words it's basically MOST of White America. You see, racism is very much alive and as strong as ever. If it is to survive, the Black President must be rendered LESS THAN other White Presidents...Obama must be rendered powerless.

    What better time to show the world how incompetent he is than to default on America's debts?

  45. Anonymous8:24 AM

    "He's too stupid for words, but so is any other battered wife."

    Mack-"Don't tell me you're one of those guys who stand around looking stupid while his best friend's busy giving his wife a shiner or two."

    8:47 PM

    You should be one to talk. You stood around while your good buddy uts stood up for those convicted rapists and the NAACP in the Dunbar incident.

    YOU have no right to call anyone on battering...YOU need to STFU...PUNK.

  46. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Anon, "The outcome of this debt ceiling default will tell a lot about some of you black bloggers. That is, my guess is you haven't the foggiest idea of what's at stake and you sure as hell don't know how to support Obama and how to give him strength and hope..."

    Field, "Either you are new here or you have a serious reading comprehension problem. But here, I will help you:"

    Dear Mr. Field, thank you for the reminder, it was very helpful. Please accept my most humble apology. You outlined the consequences of a NOW imminent debt default perfectly.

    May I suggest you consider to posting the comprehensive list more than once? Those are serious matters will have grave effects on us poor Blacks.

    Sometimes Negroes fail to "get it" the first time around, or when it's too late when the shit hits the fan. Then we wonder what the hell happened; and then we blame someone for our misery. That 'someone' is usually the white man.

  47. anon 2:21

    Progressive liberals have never had much spunk when it comes to standing up for the little people or their so-called ideals...which amounts to nothing.
    Obviously Your world in contained in a bubble.

  48. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Black News from A-mer-kkka

    Since McD's went black365 violence has increased by 76% at stores all over A-mer-kkka

    McDonald's Manager Accused Of Punching Customer

    MARIETTA, Ga. -- An arrest warrant has been issued for the manager of a Marietta McDonald's after she punched a mother of two autistic boys in the face, Marietta police said.

    It happened at the McDonald's on Bells Ferry Road, police said.

    The manager, Tiffany Denise Allen, told the woman that the twin boys’ service dog, Barkley, wasn't allowed inside, police said. Allen was off duty.

    The law, however, states that the dog is allowed inside.

    The boys’ mother, Jennifer Schwenker, said the incident took place on July 12 when she took the boys to the McDonald's to have lunch.

    Channel 2’s Diana Davis got her hands on a surveillance tape showing one of the twins and Barkley enjoying the restaurant’s play area.

    The family was about to leave when Allen told them there were no dogs allowed, police said.

    Schwenker explained that Barkley is a service dog, allowed by federal law in all public places including restaurants. Schwenker offered to provide proof of the permit for the dog, Marietta police said.

    It wasn’t enough for Allen, they said. The tape shows her following the family around the McDonald's, even down the hall to the restroom.

    When Schwenker tried to leave, she lost track of one of the boys. In a panic, she threw her drink on the floor and it splashed on Allen, police said.

    The tape shows Allen running after Schwenker in a rage, police said. Marietta police Detective Gwen Lewis told Davis that she has never seen anything like it.

  49. Anonymous9:41 AM

    anon 2:21

    Progressive liberals have never had much spunk when it comes to standing up for the little people or their so-called ideals...which amounts to nothing.
    Hathor, "Obviously Your world in contained in a bubble."

    I have been living in a black bubble all of my life. Americans like you and other Whites have kept me there.

  50. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Slapnuts, re: black news...Wow. I had no idea that violence has increased by 76% since they decided to make Blacks their target customers.

    Some Blacks hate Blacks, and most certainly don't trust each other. So it is not surprising how they treat customers at McD today.

    It's terrible what has happened to so many Blacks. It comes from centuries of slavery, discrimination, disrespect and shamed for being Black by the white majority.

    That won't change in America. You are living proof that Whites have a need to find fault with Blacks in order to feel good about themselves. You should be happy we exist. Otherwise, there would be no reason for you to live. White suicide rate would be sky high.

  51. Anonymous10:04 AM

    "O, my question to you would be this: Why would you want to get married to those people in the first place?"

    Wait, I actually know the answer to this one. Obama is convinced that if he only makes dinner well enough and keeps the house clean enough and raises the children well enough, his Republican "husband" will stop beating him. Seriously, listen to what he says. He thinks he can take some issues "off the table" if he caves in enough, and then the Republicans will let him get his way on other issues. He's too stupid for words, but so is any other battered wife.

    8:34 PM


    Being Black, I relate very well to your answer. It is the way of life for most Blacks. We have sought the approval of Whites since the days of slavery. It's all been in vain, but we don't know how to do anything differently. To actually do something without seeking the approval of others outside of our race would be quite radical for us.

    Hence, Obama is merely mirroring what Blacks have always done: "Seek the approval of Whites by being subservient." The sad thing about that process is "it doesn't work." Simply because Whites cannot lower themselves to accommodate Blacks. They can't. They would lose their identity and superiority in the process. And why would ANYONE want to do that? NONE.

    The pathetic thing is Obama keeps trying the impossible. Each time he does, he mirrors what Blacks are about...seeking the approval of the wm. When we don't get it, we become angry. It's pretty sick, but we don't know how to turn inwardly and care for ourselves because we lack self-worth "inside".

  52. Anonymous10:09 AM

    "I don't have a very good feeling about the budget situation, but then I saw something like this coming BEFORE Prez. Obama's election."

    It's going to be catastophic for the poor, esp Blacks. I really think the good Rev is right about OCT 21. The end is near.

  53. Anonymous10:28 AM

    SlapTroll, watched the video of the alleged incident. Wite girl lies. And she would not be the first to call her pet a 'service dog'. How many Goobers done declared they self a 'sovran citzen'? They also have 'documentation'.
    One can go to the Consumerist website for some comments.


  54. "Black News from A-mer-kkka

    Since McD's went black365 violence has increased by 76% at stores all over A-mer-kkka...."

    Slappy, I would give you the white news from Norway, but I don't have to, since it's all over the headlines. ;)

  55. Anonymous10:34 AM

    Oh, in case you are curious...most elite don't worry over the Left Behinds. In fact, one might consider it a justifiable response to the Left Behind habits of thuggery and violence.
    Liberals may never invite you to their home...but the Cons see you as serfs. Liberals won't associate with you...but the Cons will abuse you.


  56. Anonymous10:45 AM

    mold, you are a very insightful and wise person. thank you for your comments.

  57. This comment has been removed by the author.

  58. This comment has been removed by the author.

  59. Anonymous said...
    That's my point. I knew Obama would not have the power of other White Presidents simply because Whites wouldn't allow it. And it's NOT just the GOP/Tea Party. Some Democrats have the same problem with Obama's color WH as the Republicans do.

    But YOU voted for him anyway, whereas I saw what was coming and didn't.

    Prez. Obama has been disrespected in ways I could NEVER imagine. Still, I NEVER once trusted the folks to do the right thing no matter how many people supported Obama in wanting "change".

    So where is the outrage from Blacks who live in Ohio over how Boehner has treated "our" President?????

    What about the rest of you? Besides on a blog, where's your outrage for how YOUR candidate is being treated? Letters. emails, smoke signals?

  60. Molidiot,

    Stop supporting your own posts, you psycho, stalking, looney, need a life, weirdo!

    Uh oh, here comes vulgar assnon!!

  61. Anonymous11:33 AM

    As posted, unlike the Cons and wingnuts, I have never used sockpuppets. So why do you persist in lying? Does it make you feel more adult....more of a heroic manly man?


  62. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Seems the heroic brave hero of Con thought and wingnut dreams was a Fundie right-winger...and bravely set off a bomb and shot unarmed children for de cause.


  63. anon 9:41
    Then you must be working for 5 dollars/day, 7 days a week and have no recrimination to racist hiring,etc.

    These progressives weren't the politicians, they were the average person who thought they could get control of their destiny

  64. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Seems the heroic brave hero of Con thought and wingnut dreams was a Fundie right-winger...and bravely set off a bomb and shot unarmed children for de cause.


  65. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Dr Queen, "Prez. Obama has been disrespected in ways I could NEVER imagine. Still, I NEVER once trusted the folks to do the right thing no matter how many people supported Obama in wanting "change".

    So where is the outrage from Blacks who live in Ohio over how Boehner has treated "our" President?????

    What about the rest of you? Besides on a blog, where's your outrage for how YOUR candidate is being treated? Letters. emails, smoke signals?"

    There is no outrage from Blacks. Surely you know that. We only know fear and its fear that keeps us nice Negroes in check. We are a fearful race, afraid to do much of anything. Face it. After Obama there will be little, if any, desire or use for us. No one likes us anyway.

    You are 100% correct regarding Whites to do the right thing. but it's the human condition. since when have humans, Black or White, done the right thing? Humans have a propensity to be selfish, greedy, prideful, lustful and angry.

    If we were good people, we wouldn't need laws to make us do the right thing. Blacks are no different, esp those in Ohio. The 'right' thing to do is to speak out, and be outraged over the treatment of Obama. But they are as quiet as a mouse. Other than commenting on a blog like this, ALL Blacks are quiet as a mouse.

    But we now know that black blogs are not effective at ALL. Blacks are still politically silent and fearful.

  66. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Hathor, "anon 9:41
    Then you must be working for 5 dollars/day, 7 days a week and have no recrimination to racist hiring,etc.

    These progressives weren't the politicians, they were the average person who thought they could get control of their destiny"

    True. I am working for minimal wage, 7 days/week.

    Progressives who thought they could get control of their destiny were wrong and they were White.

    Just think where that puts the Blacks. No control, no destiny and no nothing in America. Even Field has to be subservient to his Jewish tennis coherts otherwise, he doesn't get to play with them.

  67. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I can't imagine people not returning the call of the President of the United States.

    You FN folks are probably mortified, considering most of you have said that Obama is(was?) the most powerful man on the planet?

    Well, why is it he can't get a return phone call from a weasel like Boehner?

  68. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Black Brooklyn Crime Beat:

    One dead, teen girl injured in Brooklyn shooting


    July 23, 2011

    A Brooklyn man was gunned down early this morning, and a teen girl was shot in the leg, cops said.

    The shooter fired rounds into the face and body of a 21-year-old man outside on Pitkin Avenue, near Rockaway Avenue, and wounded a 16-year-old girl, who was shot in the right leg around 3:45 a.m in Brownsville.

    The man, whose name was withheld, was pronounced dead at the scene. The girl was in stable condition at Brookdale Hospital.

    Cops have not arrested the gunman yet.

    You might like:

    Two wounded in shooting at Brooklyn pool (Local News)

    NYPD Daily Blotter (Local News)
    Man shot dead in Queens over double-parked vehicle (Local News)

    Off-duty cop shoots armed man in Brooklyn bar brawl (Local News)

    Rap star Nicki Minaj's cousin shot dead in Brooklyn (Local News)

  69. Anonymous12:47 PM

    My goodness! more senseless killings and violence among Blacks. When will it stop?

  70. Anonymous1:03 PM

    field writes:

    I would give you the white news from Norway, but I don't have to, since it's all over the headlines.

    ONE Norwegian psychopath. Even in a country that enjoys huge cash flows from its North Sea oil sales there are a few crazy people who once in a while lash out.

    I will bet that more than a hundred people die PER DAY in Somalia because the war lords, directly and indirectly, kill them.

    Meanwhile, ONE nut with a weapon or two and an ammo supply can kill a lot of people. This lone Norwegian nut will skew the murder statistics in Norway for the year.

    Meanwhile, is Norwegian history defined by violence? No. Okay, Vikings. But for the last hundred years Norway has been known for awarding Nobel Prizes. And maybe an unfortunate friendliness with Nazis. In Norway, murder is rare. Mass murder is unheard of.

  71. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Meanwhile, is Norwegian history defined by violence? No. Okay, Vikings. But for the last hundred years Norway has been known for awarding Nobel Prizes. And maybe an unfortunate friendliness with Nazis. In Norway, murder is rare. Mass murder is unheard of.

    But rape is not. 100% of all rapes in Norway have been committed by...wait for it.....Muslim immigrants.....ahhh..multiculturalism fails......yet again.

  72. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Rap star Nicki Minaj's cousin shot dead in Brooklyn (Local News)

    I guess somebody shitted on em, or did they whip it out and piss on em....gotta love that black culture.

  73. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I can't imagine people not returning the call of the President of the United States.

    You FN folks are probably mortified, considering most of you have said that Obama is(was?) the most powerful man on the planet?

    Well, why is it he can't get a return phone call from a weasel like Boehner?

    Because despite king obama acting like a dictator he is not, he has no right and is pretty arrogant to think he can order around the other leaders of the other 2/3's of government. The white house is but 1 of 3 equal sections of our government. EQUAL for good reason, otherwise we would have bribery like obama does wholescale for the people he likes we are not a democratic majority, we are a republic.

  74. Anthony Sowell 11 victims

    Jeffery Dahmner 38 victims

    John Wayne Gacy 57 victims

    Adolf Hitler 100 Million victims

    Josef Stalin 30 Million victims

    You're right us black people are too stupid to keep up with you "smart" white people.

  75. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Nice point, Kid.
    I will also mention that the person from Norway is a Fundie Con.
    And some wonder why I don't hand out my address to wingnuts? This is why...
    Brave, heroic manly wingnuts have a tendency to offer up Second Mendment responses to those who disagree...particularly when the 'opposition' is known to be unarmed.


  76. Kid, you must have made that all up. Are those real people?

    "But rape is not. 100% of all rapes in Norway have been committed by...wait for it.....Muslim"

    Link please.

  77. Anonymous2:53 PM

    I'm coming late to this party, but can someone explain to me why O is negotiating at all? The Republican owners would like to demolish social programs, sure, but their own world would go into a tailspin if the debt ceiling isn't raised. Am I wrong? Wall Street and corporate America need U.S. solvency to stay afloat, no? It seems to me that Boner and Cantor and the schizoid crew are just bluffing, that they will be quickly Replaced if they don't do their master's bidding on the ceiling.

    Someone more knowledgeable refute this.

  78. Anonymous3:26 PM

    kid writes:

    Anthony Sowell 11 victims

    Jeffery Dahmner 38 victims

    John Wayne Gacy 57 victims

    Adolf Hitler 100 Million victims

    Josef Stalin 30 Million victims

    You're right us black people are too stupid to keep up with you "smart" white people.

    Rwanda -- 800,000 slaughtered.

    Meanwhile, records for starving people to death are incomplete, so it's hard to estimate the number killed that way by the thugs who control Somalia and the other African nations where famine and disease run rampant.

    However, every credible source says MILLIONS die every year in Africa due to conditions imposed by war lords and other thugs fighting for power or to keep power in these primitive countries.

    About FIVE MILLION Africans die every year from drinking dirty water.

    Considering that cleaning water is easy, the fact that African thugs refuse to protect and provide clean water means they are committing mass murder.

    It is murder by depraved indifference.

  79. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Anthony Sowell 11 victims

    Jeffery Dahmner 38 victims

    John Wayne Gacy 57 victims

    Adolf Hitler 100 Million victims

    Josef Stalin 30 Million victims

    You're right us black people are too stupid to keep up with you "smart" white people

    Black America....ticker is moving too fast, give me some time.

  80. Anonymous3:34 PM

    If the US defaults, history will connect the default with Obama. If there is a default, it will be his legacy. No one will remember the people in Congress.

    A default would be Obama's burden. And he won't let himself go down in history with that millstone around the neck of his reputation.

    Or maybe he would. He's doing his best to cripple the US economy, handcuffing every profitable business because he thinks people care about his half-baked, hare-brained idealism.

    Nah. At the last minute, he'll cave. Small tax increases for Big Spending Cuts.

  81. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Adolf Hitler 100 Million victims


    14-17 million

  82. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Kid, you must have made that all up. Are those real people?

    "But rape is not. 100% of all rapes in Norway have been committed by...wait for it.....Muslim"

    Link please.

    2:53 PM

    Here you go, before the usual apoligist Soros cronies attempt to attach the sources, a couple link directly to the Norway Police report just published.

  83. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Keep selling the lie that Obama handcuffs/over regulates/otherwise restrict business...I'm sure there are foolish gullible low-infos who will beleeverate such utter silly nonsense. If you am an is in Internet pr0n...but nothing else. Obama has always been a centre-right what you are selling is poo.

    Why are you Trolls not cheering on your Norwegian Second 'Mendment remedy dude? He did just what you have proposed. Librul Huntin' License.


  84. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Atlas Shrugs and Gateway Pundit are known liars. Why would you pretend that they are valid? Do they pay you to lie? Or do you enjoy lying to people?
    Note how the Troll avoids linking to the Norewegian websites that are valid.
    Nice lie about Soros. As if the Left was even remotely funded the same way as the Right.
    They are still liars.
    Show some valid sources Troll, keep your 'sorces' to your 'alone time'.


  85. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Why are you Trolls not cheering on your Norwegian Second 'Mendment remedy dude? He did just what you have proposed. Librul Huntin' License.


  86. BetterMan4:51 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Why are you Trolls not cheering on your Norwegian Second 'Mendment remedy dude? He did just what you have proposed. Librul Huntin' License.


    I would bet your left testicle that he looks more like you than me and that you have more ideals and political views in common with him than I do. In fact I bet both of your little testicles this is 100% accurate.

  87. BetterMan4:54 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Atlas Shrugs and Gateway Pundit are known liars. Why would you pretend that they are valid? Do they pay you to lie? Or do you enjoy lying to people?
    Note how the Troll avoids linking to the Norewegian websites that are valid.
    Nice lie about Soros. As if the Left was even remotely funded the same way as the Right.
    They are still liars.
    Show some valid sources Troll, keep your 'sorces' to your 'alone time'.


    Get the hell out of here with this nonsense asswipe, if you can't read just admit it. You have to be one of the dumbest leftards I have seen in awhile, you make UTS look like a genius. Dipshit.

    So what did you find innacurate? Tell us here specifically, can you read? Did you read it? I bet you can't, I bet you read like you write, gibberish and if it gets to complicated with double syllable words you get lost.

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. Here's the video of the McDonald's incident on WSBTV:

    From what I saw, the off-duty manager should have stayed "off-duty" and not worried about the service dog. And yeah, many autistic kids do have service dogs:

    Jury's out on the drink-spilling/throwing, as it happened off camera. If this woman was really frantic about losing track of her kid, she may have dropped the drink in a panic or out of exasperation.

    "I guess somebody shitted on em, or did they whip it out and piss on em....gotta love that black culture."

    The problem? You think this IS black culture. You're about as lost of a cause as the original "Lost Cause".

  90. Anonymous said...
    Kid, you must have made that all up. Are those real people?

    "But rape is not. 100% of all rapes in Norway have been committed by...wait for it.....Muslim"


    Is that what you want on top of your resume? Instead of fu***ng someone you will fu***ng kill someone?

  91. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19826:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    And some wonder why I don't hand out my address to wingnuts? This is why...


    Nobody wonders why you don't give your address out.Nobody has ever asked for your address.

    So stop lying.

  92. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19826:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Atlas Shrugs and Gateway Pundit are known liars. Why would you pretend that they are valid? Do they pay you to lie? Or do you enjoy lying to people?
    Note how the Troll avoids linking to the Norewegian websites that are valid.
    Nice lie about Soros. As if the Left was even remotely funded the same way as the Right.
    They are still liars.
    Show some valid sources Troll, keep your 'sorces' to your 'alone time'.


    A simpleton pretending.

    A wasted mind.Instead of reading and doing work,mold chooses to lie and con.

    So tragic...

  93. Shabazz6:51 PM

    "From what I saw, the off-duty manager should have stayed "off-duty" and not worried about the service dog. And yeah, many autistic kids do have service dogs:"

    Why would an autistic kid need a service dog, can they not see?

    Since when is it legal to have disgusting, disease-ridden animals in a restaurant, fast food, or otherwise?

    No cash paying customer should have to deal with the stink and health risks involved with animals that lick their dicks and asses all day long sitting near them while they try to enjoy their food.

    This is just another example of some random white bitch who thinks the world should pander to her whiteness, and her dog.

    She's lucky I wasn't there, 'cause I probably would've smacked the white, privileged bitch my damn self.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. "Why would an autistic kid need a service dog, can they not see?"

    "Since when is it legal to have disgusting, disease-ridden animals in a restaurant, fast food, or otherwise?"

    Applies to service animals only. Unless you end up at one of those swanky restaurants that let women cart around their pomeranians and toy poodles in their purses.

    "No cash paying customer should have to deal with the stink and health risks involved with animals that lick their dicks and asses all day long sitting near them while they try to enjoy their food."

    They don't. The vast majority of places explicitly ban pets, with exception to service animals only.

  96. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Shabazz said...

    Since when is it legal to have disgusting, disease-ridden animals in a restaurant, fast food, or otherwise?

    I think it was the late 1960's when they made it legal for blacks to enter restaurants,fast food, or otherwise?

  97. Anon @4:07, a fellow Norweigian killed 7 people in a bombing blast and executed 80 more in cold blood. Yet you're still focused on a "muslim rape epidemic". Exactly how divorced from reality are you that you can carry on such a bout of cognitive dissonance?

  98. "I think it was the late 1960's when they made it legal for blacks to enter restaurants,fast food, or otherwise?"

    "The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990[1][2] (ADA) is a law that was enacted by the U.S. Congress in 1990. It was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H. W. Bush, and later amended with changes effective January 1, 2009.[3]

    The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits, under certain circumstances, discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964,[4] which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal."

    I wasn't sure if you were being serious, or if you were trying to once again equate blacks as "animals".

  99. "I wasn't sure if you were being serious, or if you were trying to once again equate blacks as "animals".

    He was trying to equate blacks to animals.In case you didn't notice; most people like him tend to love animals more than they do those terrible blacks.

  100. Anonymous8:16 PM

    Dear Trolls, too bad that I stated quite baldly that both Atlas Shrugged and Gateway Pundit are known liars. Your furious hissy fauxtrage only confirms that both of those sites and their contributors should be treated like the partisan liars they are.
    I'll comment that not one of you offered a website with a peer-reviewed government report..or an academic study.
    Please use those self-affirming for stoopids websites with my blessing...there is really no accounting for taste...but do not try to sell your Goobertainment as information, Facts, or Data.


  101. Shabazz8:16 PM

    You know what it was trying to do mack, trying to equate us with animals. While they bed them, go figure.

    Whites and lawn jockeys never miss a shot at trying to make us (Blacks) seem inferior, like we're worthless throwaways. I fucking can't stand the lot of you.
    Shit like what slapnuts siad above is precisely the reason why I feel the way I do.You fucking white incest laden redneck trash, you're lucky I'm not the damn pres., I'd have all you cocksuckers in concentration camps.

  102. Anonymous11:00 AM

    "No cash paying customer should have to deal with the stink and health risks involved with animals that lick their dicks and asses all day long sitting near them while they try to enjoy their food."

    How do we know that you didn't lick somebody's dick and/or ass before you came to the restaurant in question?

  103. Shabazz11:22 PM

    "How do we know that you didn't lick somebody's dick and/or ass before you came to the restaurant in question?"

    And how do we know you white crackers don't protect dogs to the death because you like to have sex with them?
