Thursday, July 21, 2011

A couple of days in D.C.

So anyway, I am here in D.C. for this broadband conference and I am surrounded by all these powerful and influential people. The conference organizer is a very smart and hard working guy named Dvid Honig (Georgetown Law the whole nine), and he has done a wonderful job of bringing together everyone with power, money, and influence in the Internet and telecom industry. David is very committed to making sure that poor people and people of color have high speed Internet and broadband access. Right now I am listening to some dude named Aneesh Chopra who is O's director of technology in his Office of Science & Technology Policy....or some such thing.

Anywhoo, now I know why O fails to connect with us folks out here in the real world on so many levels. He has all these smart people around him with all these really great ideas, but they don't really know how to put the nuts and bolts together. They seem to lack street awareness and know how. Just my two cents.

I sat next to Marc Morial at lunch. He seems like cool people, and he gave a really nice speech. Just to make conversation I told him that I would like to interview him for the blog sometime, and he said cool. I felt bad about lying to fam because I really don't interview people. But it's all good. He will forget about his promise by the end of the day. He has much more important things on his plate right about now. I wonder if either him or Ben Jealous will ask O why he is meeting with my brown brothers and sisters and not us black folks?(You Negroes can be so Jealous.-no pun intended-)

I am listening to some brother who sounds like the dude who told Axel Foley that he is not falling for the "banana in the tail pipe" trick in Beverly Hills Cop, and he is going on and on about opportunities for entrepreneurship and innovation in the broadband industry: Blah blah blah blah....I know that there is a point to all of this, but I just haven't figured it out yet. I mean unless your name is AT&T, Verizon or Comcast, I am not sure how you can really be a player here in Washington. Uncle Rupert sure figured it all out. But when you have loot like he does you can start on third base.

Still, it's nice to see that Honig is bringing in all the big boys to make them accountable. Not to mention the fact that he is keeping the spotlight on the FCC so that they don't renege on all the promises that they made to us about minority inclusion when it comes to media ownership.

Anyway, I want to own a radio station. The call letters would be WNOJIG. So let me look around while I am here; I just need some investors to get that bad boy off the ground. "Hello sir, I was noticing your name tag, The Field Negro. Hmmm very provocative. We might have talk about that."

OK, maybe I have to lose the name tag, first.      



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Field, this sounds like a good start. However, if they're not fighting for net neutrality and a break up of the big telecom companies, they're not saying much of anything, IMHO.

    AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, Cox, Cablevision, Comcast and Time Warner Cable control the very backbone of the information age. And you folks think the "too big to fail" model is bad for Wall Street? That kind of consolidation makes the railroad robber barons of the Gilded age look like low level con men.

    Also, if we don't set a barebone rule that where legally enforce consistent high speeds and open standard for architecture we'll see more cases like Comcast blocking Netflix because they want to boost Hulu market share. Or, we'll have ISP's shaking down clients for basic broadband service.

    Sorry, but this is a personal issue for me.

  3. it is hobama and his banksters who have fashioned the greatest digital divide in history

    hobama's very own internet apartheid will be a legendary class/quality/price gap

    stay tuned

    this cannot be blamed on bush
    that retard is pc illiterate

  4. I know Marc Morial and he will not forget his promise to let you interview him. That's how he rolls.

  5. "Also, if we don't set a barebone rule that where legally enforce consistent high speeds and open standard for architecture we'll see more cases like Comcast blocking Netflix because they want to boost Hulu market share. Or, we'll have ISP's shaking down clients for basic broadband service."

    Comcast wants to drag people away from their computer, where they can use alternative streaming video services, and back in front of the TVs, where Comcast can peddle its own on-demand services via their DVRs and set-top boxes. I wouldn't be surprised for Comcast to first lower their 250GB cap to 100GB and offer unlimited bandwidth for their own streaming services or their partners' services.

    Basic broadband service sucks for a lot of people, in regards to price. I'm not gonna contrast this to Europe, because I know of a lot of areas there where the broadband situation is worse (you get high speeds, but end up with ridiculously low caps of 5GB, 10GB, 50GB, etc.)

    A lot of people mentioned how broadband Internet service, now that the Internet itself has become an essential service for many people, should be regulated as a public utility, in the same vein as gas and electric service.

    Doesn't sound like a bad idea, except that a number of people believe since these corporations own much of the broadband infrastructure, that it should be theirs and theirs alone to do as they please with. Which is why the U.S. government should be the one rolling out fiber optics to as much of the country as possible, with no private corporate ownership of the infrastructure. The ISPs can still take on customers, but it will be akin to, say, a cab company charging $XX to ferry customers along a public-owned interstate highway. As it stands in many areas, the cab company owns the highway and is the only company allowed to use it, therefore it's the only game in town and can charge as much money as it wants. And other than walking along the 56k dirt paths, there's not much other people can do about it.

  6. Anonymous6:55 PM

    When former Second World countries have faster, cheaper and wider broadband the US still 'exceptional'?


  7. "Anonymous said...

    When former Second World countries have faster, cheaper and wider broadband the US still 'exceptional'?


    Mold, we also live in a country where people consider 'regulation' and 'public good' bad words. So, not surprising. Now, we do more innovative stuff with the web here - but, we are definitely lagging overall in broadband penetration, especially in wireless communications. They are kids in Korea and Japan that can do things with their phones that would put our laptops to shame.

    Mack, as usual, we're on the same page. The government originally laid down the first lines for the internet -- they need to reinvest in it. The overall infrastructure of the internet is by definition, a public good and should be regulated as such.

  8. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Technology and broadband bring the black experience to America:

    Watch the video of two black women fighting over who-knows-what while one's baby in a carriage rolls away.

  9. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    When former Second World countries have faster, cheaper and wider broadband the US still 'exceptional'?


    Which countries are those that have faster, cheaper and wider coverage than the U.S?

  10. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Well, I'll leave you to do your own work. But I did give a hint with the term 'Second World'. You could also compare the speeds, cost and carrying capacity with the First World.
    Cue whine that eveel elderly AfAm female will not do as ORDERED! And the wailing over the inability of wite lads to do simple Internet searches...will commence.
    Oh, one might read Fact-based Lefty blogs. They have been mentioning this for years.


  11. Damn La~Coincidental, you should be here. All that fancy talk went right over my head. :)

    "Mack, as usual, we're on the same page. The government originally laid down the first lines for the internet -- they need to reinvest in it. The overall infrastructure of the internet is by definition, a public good and should be regulated as such. "

    Watch it, some might view that as unAmerry-ca.

  12. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Cue whine that eveel elderly AfAm female will not do as ORDERED!


    You mean the elderly 3 shades lighter than a brown paper bag,use to pass has white folk,AfAm female will not do as ORDERED!


  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Not So Anonymous8:29 PM

    Mold, you a red bone?

  15. Anonymous8:32 PM

    SlapTroll, why do you insist in making stuff up? I did not say what you wisherate me to have uttered. Why do you lie? Can't help yourself?

    As far as ....Well, I'll leave you to do your own work. But I did give a hint with the term 'Second World'. You could also compare the speeds, cost and carrying capacity with the First World.
    Cue whine that eveel elderly AfAm female will not do as ORDERED! And the wailing over the inability of wite lads to do simple Internet searches...will commence.
    Oh, one might read Fact-based Lefty blogs. They have been mentioning this for years.


  16. Not So Anonymous8:44 PM

    While I am most certainly a 'pass-for' with skin much, much lighter than a paper bag...I have observed the treatment of AfAms from the perspective of the privileged white majority.


    Mold is a black who could pass for white?

  17. Anony Mouse9:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Well, I'll leave you to do your own work. But I did give a hint with the term 'Second World'. You could also compare the speeds, cost and carrying capacity with the First World.
    Cue whine that eveel elderly AfAm female will not do as ORDERED! And the wailing over the inability of wite lads to do simple Internet searches...will commence.
    Oh, one might read Fact-based Lefty blogs. They have been mentioning this for years.


    Translation for Mold;
    "I don't have a clue, I just talk shit and have never and will never be able to back up anything I say, cause I can't find the original guy who wrote the blog comment to ask him"

    Mold, you are a joke.

  18. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Not So Anonymous said...
    While I am most certainly a 'pass-for' with skin much, much lighter than a paper bag...I have observed the treatment of AfAms from the perspective of the privileged white majority.


    Mold is a black who could pass for white?

    No, Mold is White trying to pass for black, he added the paper bag analogy cause that's how he takes a shit.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Not So Anonymous said...
    Mold is a black who could pass for white?

    Don't forget the light coloered eyes.

    Don't ya'll remember when Mandinka had her pic as her avatar? Surely you remember the urinade jokes, LOL???

    I don't know about passing for white given what appeared to be naps on top of the head.

    Maybe Jewish, LOL!!!

  21. Anonymous9:23 PM


    I do remember mandinka and her pic.No i don't think mold could pass for "wite".

    And those naps......

    Mold you til have those naps?

    It should have hit me a while back who mold really was.

  22. "Mack, I would ignore you otherwise, but I can't stand a meddlesome gossip man who spread rumors worse than a woman. I have duked it out with Slappz ESPECIALLY when he took racist liberty to black women and black children! Remember when he said his son went to a predominantly black school in NY, and that the black children were practically stupid and thieving? Do you remember that? And I don't recall YOU saying anything about that, nor when he trashes on black women/black mothers. Go find a bra someplace and go sit down."

    Damn, LAA. Not a single insult aimed in your direction and you come back, claws out, mouth foaming with language that, well, I guess is supposed to verbally emasculate me. Don't tell me you're just another dog that hollers when hit, just like our "friend" BetterMan.

    And again, you ignore the numerous times I've called Slappy Boy out on his racially charged "all blacks are shit" rhetoric. And again, it's something that I haven't noticed you doing until you were called out over it. I remember quite a few people accusing you of ignoring Slappy -- I guess since you were too busy gunning after Steve and any other commentator who didn't kiss your funky ass whenever you felt like dropping trou......but I digress.

    Look, I decided not to pay you any nevermind after the last shitstorm between you and me. And after this, I will go back to paying you no nevermind. Because frankly, you're not even worth the words I type on this here screen.

  23. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Mack dont defend ab she believes david duke is more righteous then obama and her sockpuppet buddy wannabe dawktaw miss kimqueef does nothing more then pollute this blog with ignorance someone who claimerates to be so edumacayted acts in a lowly way is a dead give away nothing ever to substantiate their claims jess hot air and Mold knows this is true and has callt their bullshyt out

  24. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Damn, LAA. Not a single insult aimed in your direction and you come back, claws out, mouth foaming with language that, well, I guess is supposed to verbally emasculate me. Don't tell me you're just another dog that hollers when hit, just like our "friend" BetterMan.

    The violent rhetoric of the mindless, typical.

    My dog farts in your general direction (while deciding to make a meal out of you or not)

    It's like watching little kids have tantrums - "droppin trou" jeez what century are you from granpa?


  25. Bleach11:27 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mack dont defend ab she believes david duke is more righteous then obama and her sockpuppet buddy wannabe dawktaw miss kimqueef does nothing more then pollute this blog with ignorance someone who claimerates to be so edumacayted acts in a lowly way is a dead give away nothing ever to substantiate their claims jess hot air and Mold knows this is true and has callt their bullshyt out

    Hi Mold, whats up, your IP gave you away. So why do you switch to anon when you are cursing out AB and DR Queen? We know it's you, why don't you just do it as Mold?
    Shit calling A black Woman a white guy is just as bad as a white guy pretending to be a black woman - right nutjob?

  26. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Field, "(You Negroes can be so Jealous.-no pun intended-)"

    I believe the pun was intended. Ben Jealous is worthless like the NAACP is.

    Field, do you know the country's life depends on whether Congress and the President can come to an agreement on the debt ceiling before Aug 2? Do you know if they don't the American economy is going to take a serious dive like a fire trail falling out of the sky?

    So why aren't you as relentless about the well-being of America as you are about that sorry ass Murdoch? I swear, I don't understand you or your followers.

    Your priorities are all screwed up. Of course, when did Negroes EVER get their priorities right? NEVER! Maybe there is something to that Bell Curve, afterall.

  27. "The violent rhetoric of the mindless, typical.

    My dog farts in your general direction (while deciding to make a meal out of you or not)

    It's like watching little kids have tantrums - "droppin trou" jeez what century are you from granpa?"

    Oh, it must be "fake" Mold. This is why I got a Blogger account with a sign-in. Helps thwart impersonators.

    "Hi Mold, whats up, your IP gave you away. So why do you switch to anon when you are cursing out AB and DR Queen? We know it's you, why don't you just do it as Mold?
    Shit calling A black Woman a white guy is just as bad as a white guy pretending to be a black woman - right nutjob?"

    How do you know this man's IP address? You know something we don't about Blogger? Please tell us. I'm sure even Field would be interested.

  28. Anonymous12:02 AM

    Been a while since I've commented. I read a bio of Murdock years ago. His company at one point was highly leveraged, to the point that when a small bank called a half million loan, it almost took down the organization. The large loan holders leaned on the tiny bank; they didn't want to get stuck with less than nothing. I actually had the stock for about 3-4 years. I bought it at around $23, and sold it around . . . $23. All the money went to the pockets of the family. Keep the heat on him, FN, and thanks for all you do - naomi

  29. Anonymous12:08 AM

    "Hi Mold, whats up, your IP gave you away. So why do you switch to anon when you are cursing out AB and DR Queen? We know it's you, why don't you just do it as Mold?
    Shit calling A black Woman a white guy is just as bad as a white guy pretending to be a black woman - right nutjob?"Bleach

    How do you know this man's IP address? You know something we don't about Blogger? Please tell us. I'm sure even Field would be interested. Mack Lyons

    golly Mack u me field and everybody else wants to know how this fella could know anons IP addresses go ahead Bleach spit it out qoohole! jess goes to show that when u try to defend stoopidity u end up lookin even stooopider dummy! so kimqueef how many anonymous identities have u signed in today to stroke that massively disgusting ego of urs or are u in buceta breaf disguise today kuntlick?

  30. Anonymous12:12 AM

    here is proof Mack Lyons that ab is a kuntlickin racist supporting shit talking loser that thinks david duke is okay. what a kunt!

    alicia banks said...

    Hey uts:

    Tell your boy hobama that this could change his 2012 game!


    Former Ku Kulx Klan Grand Wizard David Duke is planning a tour of the United States to see if he can get enough support for a presidential run in 2012.
    The Daily Beast reports:
    A former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, member of the Louisiana House of Representatives and Republican executive-committee chairman in his district until 2000, Duke has a significant following online. His videos go viral. This month, he’s launching a tour of 25 states to explore how much support he can garner for a potential presidential bid. He hasn’t considered running for serious office since the early ’90s, when he won nearly 40 percent of the vote in his bid for Louisiana governor. But like many “white civil rights advocates,” as he describes himself to The Daily Beast, 2012 is already shaping up to be a pivotal year.
    11:00 AM
    alicia banks said...

    that racist dd is smarter than that racist hobama

    see some of david duke's best videos here:
    11:03 AM

  31. Anonymous12:53 AM

    Mack Lyons, "I'm just wondering. And I ask the same of the guys who are gunning hard for Uptownsteve. Talk about picking a target, freezing it, personifying it and then just trolling and attacking the hell out of it. You guys have your work cut out trying to cowl him into silence."

    Why do you try to cover for UTS when he is clearly wrong? Is it UTS-right or wrong- I still stand by you, brother?

    Mack you have no integrity and you certainly don't put vitues and principles before personality. You love UTS and would nail Christ to the cross in order to get UTS's approval.

    But not me. Any SOB who supports teens who terrorize and gang rape and make the mother do unspeakable things to her a low life. He is every bit as low as those teens and NAACP.

    So go ahead. Stand up for Stevie for the world to see that you are an asshole like Steve.

  32. "Why do you try to cover for UTS when he is clearly wrong? Is it UTS-right or wrong- I still stand by you, brother?

    Mack you have no integrity and you certainly don't put vitues and principles before personality. You love UTS and would nail Christ to the cross in order to get UTS's approval.

    But not me. Any SOB who supports teens who terrorize and gang rape and make the mother do unspeakable things to her a low life. He is every bit as low as those teens and NAACP.

    So go ahead. Stand up for Stevie for the world to see that you are an asshole like Steve."

    Damn, son. That must be some good, strong shit you're smoking to come to those conclusions. I bet your grocery bill's high as hell, too.

  33. Anonymous1:20 AM

    mack lyons, "Damn, son. That must be some good, strong shit you're smoking to come to those conclusions. I bet your grocery bill's high as hell, too."

    you call that answering questions put to you? you are exactly of the same mindset as uts. pathetic toming loser.

  34. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Anonymous said...
    here is proof Mack Lyons that ab is a kuntlickin racist supporting shit talking loser that thinks david duke is okay. what a kunt!

    Moldilox you on fire tonight pinky what gots into you who pissed in your red?

  35. Has everyone seen this?

    According to FauxNews there were NO terrorist attacks under George Bush's presidency.

    9/11? - never happened, you dreamt the whole thing.

  36. Anonymous5:58 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Has everyone seen this?

    According to FauxNews there were NO terrorist attacks under George Bush's presidency.

    9/11? - never happened, you dreamt the whole thing.

    I just love the USA don't you? It's the best country in the world for sure.

  37. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Poor babies, inform them they will have to do their own homework...and they throw hissy fits. Add in the Fact that Lefty blogs have been commenting on net neutrality and the much slower speeds, higher cost and lesser capacity of Fwee Market 'broadband' companies....and they have to hurry and lie.
    One might mention the lawsuits against municipalities who were offering -gasp- eveel Socialminalised the muni was cheaper, faster and had more capacity...but the Fwee Market would lose precious profit.

    Note how the Goobers have to 'create' a strawman persona for them to rail against? Well, call me a 'lesbian'. For surely the scribblings in the widdle boys room were written by...someone.
    Nice to know they have the social and mental maturity of middle school bullies. And their antics only show that they and their intellectual peers should never be unsupervised.

    Sorry Goober, your bloodlust must remain unsatisfied. Just because some low-skill, low-education, low-status loser wants to kill...does not mean we should acquiesce to their base and illogical desire. Funny how they term loyalty to the US Constitution and the US Bill of Rights as supporting da terrists/murdrs/rapsts/etc.


  38. "Field, this sounds like a good start. However, if they're not fighting for net neutrality and a break up of the big telecom companies, they're not saying much of anything."

    Amen LAC.

  39. Mack

    "Damn, son. That must be some good, strong shit you're smoking to come to those conclusions. I bet your grocery bill's high as hell, too."


    There really are some sick sad creatures around these parts.

    Maybe I'll take a break.

  40. LAA

    "Steve, I've never uttered nor insinuated anything close to black men being potential rapists. Simple minded self. One could equally wonder why you get so defensive when the topic turns to male convicts, thugs and rapists."

    Okay, so which "rapists" did Mold defend?

    Or was it "potential rapists"?

  41. Anonymous8:35 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Has everyone seen this?

    According to FauxNews there were NO terrorist attacks under George Bush's presidency.

    9/11? - never happened, you dreamt the whole thing.

    This reminds us of how sad and petty leftist are.How jealous and self hating foreigners can be.Marry a American?A white American?LOL

  42. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Bully For Tea

    by digby

    I've been lectured recently about being nice to these people because they're just good folks with different views and problems of their own that I should try to understand and empathize with. But I can't empathize with people who think it's cute or funny or useful to surround average citizens having a meeting to bully and intimidate them. I'm sorry, I just can't. In fact, I think it's immoral not to speak out against them.

    They may have their grievances, but there's is no reason on earth to do this:

    A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, Marxists and socialists.

    The liberal group — organized by — decided to leave the park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the home to continue their protest.

    Roseburg Democrats Dean and Sara Byers said Monday they told tea party members who followed that they were not welcome to drive down the lane to their home.


    A leader of the tea party group, Rich Raynor of Roseburg, disputed the liberal group's version of events.

    “They are liars,” said Raynor, director of Douglas County Americans for Prosperity. “That is what communists do.”

    Members of the smaller group said Monday they were intimidated by the tea partiers, whom they accused of violating their constitutional right to peacefully assembly.

    Roseburg resident Lillen Fifield, 70, called the group's actions an “act of domestic terrorism” and said she was appalled that a peaceful gathering — mostly of women older than 65 — was interrupted.

    “It is not OK to go around and intimidate and threaten people. That is not acceptable in a polite society,” Fifield said.

    Conservative organizers defended their actions and said they will continue to protest similar gatherings.

    “We were there to find out what they had to say and to bring a notice to the public that this kind of thing was going on. Quite honestly, if they have it again, then we are really going to make it well known,” Raynor said.

    Raynor said the group believes is a communist front and said he would not stand for America becoming a fascist nation.

    Sara Byers said she could not believe the meeting was targeted for protest. She said the group supports the middle class and wants to take back the government from the stranglehold of corporations.

    She laughed at the accusations of communism and said the two groups actually have more in common than people think.

    “I just said, ‘Are you kidding me?' ” Byers said.

    Tea party members posted a 2:46-minute video of the confrontation in the park and added captions.

    On the video, heckling members of the larger group celebrate breaking up the meeting.

    “That sure did it in a hurry, huh?” a man says. A woman references next year's election year and shouts, “Sure shows who is going to win! We are!”


  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Mold aka Mandinka,

    Who called you a lesbo and why do you have to mention young girls,cheerleaders,and lesbians everyday you post?

    Jealous much?

  45. ROTFLMBAO at the comments on this thread overnight!!!!

    All it took was a mention of the words urinade and nappy to cause Mandinka Mold to change into the stalking, vulgar Assnon, LOL!!!!

  46. Anonymous8:48 AM

    In today's black news

    Chicago man kills another over dripping air conditioner

    A dripping window air conditioner led to the execution-style killing of a West Side man, police said Monday.

    Charles Sims, 28, shot Jimmy Parker eight times about 2 a.m. on June 2, police said. Sims appeared in court Monday on a charge of first-degree murder. He is being held without bond.

    Sims’ sister had complained to him that Parker dropped water on her from the window of an apartment building in the 5600 block of West Washington, police said.

    But the water was simply condensation falling from an air conditioner in a third-floor apartment where the 29-year-old Parker was visiting a woman, Chicago Police Detective Anthony Noradin said.

    The warm water fell on Sims’ sister when she returned home to the building shortly before midnight on June 1, police said. She called police to report the incident.

    She also told her brother, who returned to the building and confronted Parker outside, police said. When Parker denied it, Sims punched him, police said.

    Then Parker hit Sims, who allegedly pulled a 9mm handgun and shot Parker. Sims allegedly stood over Parker to finish him off, Noradin said.

    “He administered a coup de grace of sorts,” he said.

    Six witnesses have identified Sims as the shooter, Noradin said, adding that Sims has denied involvement in the shooting.

  47. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Bully For Tea

    by digby

    I've been lectured recently about being nice to these people because they're just good folks with different views and problems of their own that I should try to understand and empathize with. But I can't empathize with people who think it's cute or funny or useful to surround average citizens having a meeting to bully and intimidate them. I'm sorry, I just can't. In fact, I think it's immoral not to speak out against them.

    They may have their grievances, but there's is no reason on earth to do this:

    A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, Marxists and socialists.

    The liberal group — organized by — decided to leave the park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the home to continue their protest.

    Roseburg Democrats Dean and Sara Byers said Monday they told tea party members who followed that they were not welcome to drive down the lane to their home.


    A leader of the tea party group, Rich Raynor of Roseburg, disputed the liberal group's version of events.

    “They are liars,” said Raynor, director of Douglas County Americans for Prosperity. “That is what communists do.”

    Members of the smaller group said Monday they were intimidated by the tea partiers, whom they accused of violating their constitutional right to peacefully assembly.

    Roseburg resident Lillen Fifield, 70, called the group's actions an “act of domestic terrorism” and said she was appalled that a peaceful gathering — mostly of women older than 65 — was interrupted.

    “It is not OK to go around and intimidate and threaten people. That is not acceptable in a polite society,” Fifield said.

    Conservative organizers defended their actions and said they will continue to protest similar gatherings.

    “We were there to find out what they had to say and to bring a notice to the public that this kind of thing was going on. Quite honestly, if they have it again, then we are really going to make it well known,” Raynor said.

    Raynor said the group believes is a communist front and said he would not stand for America becoming a fascist nation.

    Sara Byers said she could not believe the meeting was targeted for protest. She said the group supports the middle class and wants to take back the government from the stranglehold of corporations.

    She laughed at the accusations of communism and said the two groups actually have more in common than people think.

    “I just said, ‘Are you kidding me?' ” Byers said.

    Tea party members posted a 2:46-minute video of the confrontation in the park and added captions.

    On the video, heckling members of the larger group celebrate breaking up the meeting.

    “That sure did it in a hurry, huh?” a man says. A woman references next year's election year and shouts, “Sure shows who is going to win! We are!”


  48. Mack Lyons said...
    How do you know this man's IP address? You know something we don't about Blogger? Please tell us. I'm sure even Field would be interested.

    It's easy as hell to hack into a blog or so I've been told by a certified hacker.

    And it doesn't take a hack to prove Mold is the psycho, stalking b*tch Mandinka, just a little attention to the language it uses and some common sense. Besides, who else has the time/sits on their ass all day, scouring the internet for blogs and posting randomness 24/7???

    EVERYONE else on this blog has a CAREER!!!!!!

    And Field indirectly confirmed my suspicions months ago.

  49. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Bully For Tea

    by digby

    I've been lectured recently about being nice to these people because they're just good folks with different views and problems of their own that I should try to understand and empathize with. But I can't empathize with people who think it's cute or funny or useful to surround average citizens having a meeting to bully and intimidate them. I'm sorry, I just can't. In fact, I think it's immoral not to speak out against them.

    They may have their grievances, but there's is no reason on earth to do this:

    A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, Marxists and socialists.

    The liberal group — organized by — decided to leave the park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the home to continue their protest.

    Roseburg Democrats Dean and Sara Byers said Monday they told tea party members who followed that they were not welcome to drive down the lane to their home.


    A leader of the tea party group, Rich Raynor of Roseburg, disputed the liberal group's version of events.

    “They are liars,” said Raynor, director of Douglas County Americans for Prosperity. “That is what communists do.”

    Members of the smaller group said Monday they were intimidated by the tea partiers, whom they accused of violating their constitutional right to peacefully assembly.

    Roseburg resident Lillen Fifield, 70, called the group's actions an “act of domestic terrorism” and said she was appalled that a peaceful gathering — mostly of women older than 65 — was interrupted.

    “It is not OK to go around and intimidate and threaten people. That is not acceptable in a polite society,” Fifield said.

    Conservative organizers defended their actions and said they will continue to protest similar gatherings.

    “We were there to find out what they had to say and to bring a notice to the public that this kind of thing was going on. Quite honestly, if they have it again, then we are really going to make it well known,” Raynor said.

    Raynor said the group believes is a communist front and said he would not stand for America becoming a fascist nation.

    Sara Byers said she could not believe the meeting was targeted for protest. She said the group supports the middle class and wants to take back the government from the stranglehold of corporations.

    She laughed at the accusations of communism and said the two groups actually have more in common than people think.

    “I just said, ‘Are you kidding me?' ” Byers said.

    Tea party members posted a 2:46-minute video of the confrontation in the park and added captions.

    On the video, heckling members of the larger group celebrate breaking up the meeting.

    “That sure did it in a hurry, huh?” a man says. A woman references next year's election year and shouts, “Sure shows who is going to win! We are!”


  50. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Bully For Tea

    by digby

    I've been lectured recently about being nice to these people because they're just good folks with different views and problems of their own that I should try to understand and empathize with. But I can't empathize with people who think it's cute or funny or useful to surround average citizens having a meeting to bully and intimidate them. I'm sorry, I just can't. In fact, I think it's immoral not to speak out against them.

    They may have their grievances, but there's is no reason on earth to do this:

    A small political gathering of about 18 liberal thinkers at River Forks Park Sunday afternoon erupted in conflict when about 35 members of the conservative tea party intruded upon the meeting, waving flags and holding signs accusing the rival group of being communists, Marxists and socialists.

    The liberal group — organized by — decided to leave the park and move its potluck to a nearby home. Members of the conservative group followed, parking at the entrance of a private lane leading to the home to continue their protest.

    Roseburg Democrats Dean and Sara Byers said Monday they told tea party members who followed that they were not welcome to drive down the lane to their home.


    A leader of the tea party group, Rich Raynor of Roseburg, disputed the liberal group's version of events.

    “They are liars,” said Raynor, director of Douglas County Americans for Prosperity. “That is what communists do.”

    Members of the smaller group said Monday they were intimidated by the tea partiers, whom they accused of violating their constitutional right to peacefully assembly.

    Roseburg resident Lillen Fifield, 70, called the group's actions an “act of domestic terrorism” and said she was appalled that a peaceful gathering — mostly of women older than 65 — was interrupted.

    “It is not OK to go around and intimidate and threaten people. That is not acceptable in a polite society,” Fifield said.

    Conservative organizers defended their actions and said they will continue to protest similar gatherings.

    “We were there to find out what they had to say and to bring a notice to the public that this kind of thing was going on. Quite honestly, if they have it again, then we are really going to make it well known,” Raynor said.

    Raynor said the group believes is a communist front and said he would not stand for America becoming a fascist nation.

    Sara Byers said she could not believe the meeting was targeted for protest. She said the group supports the middle class and wants to take back the government from the stranglehold of corporations.

    She laughed at the accusations of communism and said the two groups actually have more in common than people think.

    “I just said, ‘Are you kidding me?' ” Byers said.

    Tea party members posted a 2:46-minute video of the confrontation in the park and added captions.

    On the video, heckling members of the larger group celebrate breaking up the meeting.

    “That sure did it in a hurry, huh?” a man says. A woman references next year's election year and shouts, “Sure shows who is going to win! We are!”


  51. "Field, do you know the country's life depends on whether Congress and the President can come to an agreement on the debt ceiling before Aug 2?"

    One of the problems with A-merry-ca is that she needs a life. I bet that if Justin Beiber were to suddenly get laryngitis it would be bigger news than if a debt ceiling agreement was reached.

  52. Dont really like this bieber kid

  53. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Again, another string of comments that consist of personal attacks, hurray for out side cheers and thread highjack attempts. Too much effort to find the few pieces of thoughtful information. Not worth the trouble.

  54. Anon.10:58 AM, you are right, you would think that they are in Congress for crying out loud!

  55. Anonymous11:26 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  56. Anonymous11:28 AM

    A warning for those whites who want to go "Blindside".

    Pines son charged with killing adoptive mom who tried to save him

    One week after being released from jail for stealing his adoptive mother's jewelry, 21-year-old Gerard Belmonte was ordered held without bond Thursday, charged with her murder.

    Police still have not determined what exactly led the young man to allegedly kill Natalie Belmonte in their Pasadena Estates home and dump her body in a nearby marsh.

    The slaying is all the more tragic because of their special bond: in 2000 in Broward Circuit Court, Natalie formally adopted Gerard, then only 10, from her native Guyana. She rescued the boy after his father — Natalie's uncle — had died.

    More recently, Natalie Belmonte had intervened to free him from the clutches of the judicial system for pawning $20,000 worth of her jewelry.

    "She'd do anything for him," said Aquila Rodgers, who worked with Natalie at a Weston real estate office. "She loved him as if he were her own."

    And Gerard Belmonte, or Gerry as he was known, in turn, cherished her, Rodgers said. "She was his lifeline."

    "We don't know what happened," Rodgers said. "He must have snapped."

    In a court appearance Thursday, Gerard Belmonte hung his head and stared at the floor as Judge John Hurley read the gruesome details of the killing and the preliminary evidence against him, then ordered that he be held without bond. A public defender told the judge Belmonte is on a suicide watch at the Broward County Main Jail.

    Belmonte admittedly was the last person to see his mother alive.

    On Sunday he reported her missing from their home.

    Mother and son had attended a friend's graduation party together in Hialeah and returned home just past 2:30 that morning, authorities say.

    Gerard Belmonte told police he was drunk, went to bed and awoke at about 11 a.m. to find his mother missing — her car keys, purse and cellphone still at home. He told authorities he never left the house all morning.

    But a neighbor's surveillance cameras show a man matching Gerard Belmonte's description, at about 5 a.m., repositioning Natalie Belmonte's red Lexus so the trunk is angled toward the front door. The individual is then seen dragging a large object — about the size of an adult — to the car and then putting it in the trunk, and driving off, according to police.

    Investigators found blood in the trunk and in the home, pointing to "a violent struggle," according to the police affidavit.

    The body of 43-year-old Natalie Belmonte was found Wednesday in a swampy area near the 1600 block of Northwest 196th Avenue. She had suffered serious injuries to the head.

    In a trash bin at a nearby shopping center, police found garbage bags containing men's clothing, towels, bedding and pillows resembling items from the Belmonte home. DNA indicated that the clothes had Natalie Belmonte's blood on them, according to police.

    Natalie Belmonte was a divorced mother of three who "looked like a movie star," said Marvin Rosengarten, the Lauderhill attorney who handled her 2008 divorce from Andre Belmonte, also of Pembroke Pines.

    In addition to Gerard Belmonte, she had two natural children: another son, 17, and daughter, 20, with Andre Belmonte.

    Gerard Belmonte, adopted only by Natalie, wasn't claimed as a dependent in the divorce, as her other children were, because he legally wasn't considered a child of the marriage, Rosengarten said.,0,3697166.story

  57. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Black Bumper Cars:

    Harlem hit-run victim dies, charges upped against driver


    July 22, 2011

    The Harlem man who was mowed down by a boozy hit-run driver last night died this morning and police are now upping the charges against the callous reckless driver, cops said.

    Simone Walters, 43, has thus far been charged with leaving the scene of an accident, driving with a suspended license and driving while intoxicated for fatally hitting the 53-year-old victim, cops said.

    The victim died at Harlem Hospital and more serious charges are pending.

    Walters, driving a silver BMW sedan southbound on Seventh Avenue, hit the man at 10:40 p.m. as he crossed the road at West 119th Street, cops and witnesses said.

    The impact of the collision shattered the car’s windshield, witnesses said.

    As the victim lay splayed on the ground, Walters allegedly zoomed off down Seventh Avenue but a towtruck idling in the area gave chase, sources and witnesses said.

    She turned onto West 110th Street, where she then collided with a 2010 Mitsubishi.

    There were no injuries in the crash.

    Walters proceeded to zoom along to East 104th Street, where she hit a parked GMC, cops said.

    The smashup snapped the BMW’s front driver’s side wheel and axel, bringing Walters to a screeching halt, cops added.

    She was quickly nabbed at the scene and brought to Harlem Hospital under police guard.

  58. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Bully For Tea

    by digby

    Hey Mold, What happened? You haven't mindlessly reposted that silly article in a few hours, are you slipping? Funny how the author of that article, where did you copy that from Soros destroys america with flipped script

  59. Anonymous1:05 PM

    You Goobers sure is funny! Not in the way you intend...which is to be racist jerkholes...but because you are trying so hard. Like your 15 yo mental and social peers who soak their clothes in urine for shock value and to 'piss off adults' don't see our guffaws at your abject loserness when we turn the corner.
    AfAms commit crimes. Wow...what a non-issue. And your point is.....? Was Jeff Dahmner Black? How about the man who shot his wife in Boston? Do Native Americans commit crimes? Indians?
    Your expertise is that of David Duke or Addison Graves Wilson...being a racist weenie. I love how you thinkerate that you are all that...and it is nice that one as 'special' as you has such a rich and delusional fantasy life.
    Oh, did I mention that I was involved in dealing with crime statistics? Makes your activities all the more silly.


  60. Mold,

    It just gives some meaning to the little pinhead goober's day.

    Sad really.

  61. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I question your 'authority' and 'expertise'...mainly because you don't have any. And trying to pass off 'sorces' as just plain lying on your part.
    No wonder you all whine...without the got nuttin'

    If you hadn't guessed, that is also why I encourage the use of valid sources and Facts, Data and Science.


  62. Anonymous1:15 PM

    UTS, pretty sad existence....writing moronic screeds from Mom's basement. Maybe the local LEO told them to stay off the corner? Gotta love that 'magical thinking'.


  63. BetterMan1:21 PM

    Oh, did I mention that I was involved in dealing with crime statistics? Makes your activities all the more silly.


    Wow, interesting, what job was this Mold, Tell us, we are all very interested. Maybe we can learn something from you.

  64. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Mold aka Mandinka is nothing but a sick twisted fraud.

    Go check out what she used to post when she was posting under the nme"mandinka".

    You will note the same words,writing styles and lies.

    Mold aka Mandinka now claims she was involved in dealing with crime statistics.

    Just more lies from mold aka Mandinka.

    Mold aka Mandinka needs to lay off the urinade.

  65. Mohammed Sucks1:45 PM

    Massive car bomb explosion in Oslo, Norway. Anybody want to wager whether on not Muslims were behind it?

    I REALLY DO wish they'd start pulling that crap in the U.S.

  66. BetterMan1:53 PM

    Slapnuts said...
    Mold aka Mandinka is nothing but a sick twisted fraud.

    Go check out what she used to post when she was posting under the nme"mandinka".

    You will note the same words,writing styles and lies.

    Mold aka Mandinka now claims she was involved in dealing with crime statistics.

    Just more lies from mold aka Mandinka.

    Mold aka Mandinka needs to lay off the urinade

    Oh, so as Mold himself would say his history of being a sockpuppet is a long one. I saw him do it with Socrates/The Dr Queen and AB vulgar anon, a couple more fleeting names, but didn't know about mandikam sounds like a name he would make up.

    I wonder how he is going to spin this request to back up that he was involved with dealing with crime statistics, he can't really say he refuses to do someone else work...then again Mold doens't make sense anyway so why not.

  67. Anonymous1:54 PM


    It just gives some meaning to the little pinhead goober's day.

    Sad really.

    U put da lime in da COCONUT and mix it all up

  68. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Mohammed Sucks said...
    Massive car bomb explosion in Oslo, Norway. Anybody want to wager whether on not Muslims were behind it?

    I REALLY DO wish they'd start pulling that crap in the U.S.

    Of course everyone knows the ones who are responsible for this act of terrorism will be muslim.

    Yet to the Obama regime,white middle class people are the real terrorist.

    Comment by Alex Jones: This DHS video is purposefully designed to transmit fear and hatred of Muslims over to white Americans. Look at the part of the clip where an image of “Jihad Jane” is displayed, the blue eyes are artificially intensified in order to get the message across.

    This is about playing minorities off against whites, creating further resentment and suspicion, getting us at each other’s throats just as how different racial groups were set upon each other in Hitler’s Germany to create an environment of fear and distrust, motivating people to inform on each other for the state.

  69. Anonymous2:18 PM

    SlapTroll and Butters, why are you lying? Is your ability to discuss so minimal that you must resort to lies?
    I decline your offer to 'out' myself. I use no that is a right wing methodology...pretty much exclusively.
    Maybe you hope to gain acceptance for your own efforts if you can claimerate that 'they does it too!!' Not so. I post using a theme that has a meaning...which you could never, ever comprehend.
    Still, if all you have is willful lies...why should you be tolerated?

    The US is behind on the faster speeds, lower cost and greater capacity of other nations' broadband. Your great Fwee Market is selling you what others had about a decade ago. holds true for cars and some other products. Yes, your much vaunted 'exceptionalism' is returning us to the days of Plantation South. Great job bushies!!


  70. BetterMan2:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    SlapTroll and Butters, why are you lying? Is your ability to discuss so minimal that you must resort to lies?
    I decline your offer to 'out' myself. I use no that is a right wing methodology...pretty much exclusively.
    Maybe you hope to gain acceptance for your own efforts if you can claimerate that 'they does it too!!' Not so. I post using a theme that has a meaning...which you could never, ever comprehend.
    Still, if all you have is willful lies...why should you be tolerated?

    The US is behind on the faster speeds, lower cost and greater capacity of other nations' broadband. Your great Fwee Market is selling you what others had about a decade ago. holds true for cars and some other products. Yes, your much vaunted 'exceptionalism' is returning us to the days of Plantation South. Great job bushies!!


    Blah. Blah, rant, wiggle, evade, duck, use liberal double meaningless speak...

    So tell us, what did you do that made you very familiar with criminal statistics? Was this when you were a D.J? Radio Station Owner? Harvard Grad Lawyer? Head of a large corporation? Pilot? Certified Accountant and many more.....stop blathering and blithering and answer a very simple question. You posted on here your expertise on criminal statistics so others would say, oh, Mold knows what he is talking about. Cool, now share with us what makes you the expert.

    Forget everything else, focus little one, question and one question only

    What makes you an expert on criminal statistics and what job did you hold or do you hold that provided enough expertise for you to publicy declare this?

  71. "The US is behind on the faster speeds, lower cost and greater capacity of other nations' broadband. Your great Fwee Market is selling you what others had about a decade ago."

    If you had a near-monopoly on the market and a captive audience, wouldn't you do the same? Why should I busy myself pouring money on infrastructure improvements when I could sit down and just let pure profit roll in from doing nothing but keeping prices as high as the market will bear?

    "Blah. Blah, rant, wiggle, evade, duck, use liberal double meaningless speak..."

    This sums up just about all of your posts, doesn't it?

    I hate to say it, but I'm starting to miss Constructive Feedback's posts. At least he made an effort to add some semblance of intellect in his posts.

    "you call that answering questions put to you? you are exactly of the same mindset as uts. pathetic toming loser."

    Oh, I didn't know you actually had "questions" that were worth answering.

  72. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Butters, you only want to 'out' me. And you lie.
    Perhaps you are still pouting that the pretense to expertise you and others attempt is so easily discounted. Well, if you had done the actual work...and not just tried to would understand.
    Poor sockpuppet. That overweening urge of yours to 'avenge your shame' at being caught is funny. You may have thoughterate your disguise was perfect...but you fooled only your self.
    The US is behind on the faster speeds, lower cost and greater capacity of other nations' broadband. Your great Fwee Market is selling you what others had about a decade ago. holds true for cars and some other products. Yes, your much vaunted 'exceptionalism' is returning us to the days of Plantation South. Heckuva job bushies!!


  73. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Mack, it is more about the illusion of debate for them. Recall their greatest heroes were the actor Ron Reagan who pretended and the cheerleader bush.


  74. Anonymous3:04 PM

    When mold aka mandinka went away for a few days,what do you think happen?

    Both AB and Queen's anon stalker stop posting.The very moment mold aka mandinka started posting again,so did AB and Queen's anon stalker.

    Mold aka mandinka has been proven to be a lie.Everything about mold aka mandinka has been a lie.

    Why do you think mold aka mandinka can't back up anything she post about herself with facts?

  75. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Thank you for clearing up your own activity. Your lying continues. Must be you need to deflect attention from your sockpuppetry and to say 'you does it too!!!'. No, I don't.
    Thank you for letting us know you are the stalker of others.

    As for me not 'outing' my self for your may continue to feel frustrated in your need to stalk.
    Oh, I do offer those who know. And your pretense to be credentialed is put paid by the fact that you have to ask. Real experts can see by the very still don't get it.


  76. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I question your 'authority' and 'expertise'...mainly because you don't have any. And trying to pass off 'sorces' as just plain lying on your part.
    No wonder you all whine...without the got nuttin'

    If you hadn't guessed, that is also why I encourage the use of valid sources and Facts, Data and Science.


    1:11 PM

    duh this is really stoopid kim da queef and nutslaps are stooges of alterego kuntlickin idgit ab they are far too stoopid to say something factual so the only thing they know to do is lie jess like ab lies each and erry day its also funny that this anon and mold and mandinka have been confused for one another mold is clearly different then this anon and eye dont know who mandinka is supposed to be but whatever it is that person must have affected u guys to keep bringing up its name

    so kimqueef how is that medical school curriculum treatin ya? so ab hows that 250 iq treatin ya? talk about people who are stone cold liars! some black burrhead is suppose to be the smartest person on the planet yet they spend their time here all day? some trash ghetto slut is supposed to be going to medical school but cant put together a coherent sentence? chumps!

  77. Anonymous3:36 PM

    This sums up just about all of your posts, doesn't it?

    I hate to say it, but I'm starting to miss Constructive Feedback's posts. At least he made an effort to add some semblance of intellect in his posts.

    Sure it does, logic and critical thinking to liberals sounds like bla-bla-bla. Common sense without emotional diatribes does not compute - there must be a plot somewhere right? I mean after all you are the center of the universe.

  78. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Cool, now share with us what makes you the expert.

    Forget everything else, focus little one, question and one question only troll cunt

    golly ab answer those questions about urself and u too kimqueef erry time somebody asks u about ur qualifications that uve bragged about insults prevail who is the liar? phukkin chumps!

  79. Anonymous3:40 PM

    so kimqueef how is that medical school curriculum treatin ya? so ab hows that 250 iq treatin ya? talk about people who are stone cold liars! some black burrhead is suppose to be the smartest person on the planet yet they spend their time here all day? some trash ghetto slut is supposed to be going to medical school but cant put together a coherent sentence? chumps!

  80. BetterMan3:41 PM

    Butters, you only want to 'out' me. And you lie.
    Perhaps you are still pouting that the pretense to expertise you and others attempt is so easily discounted.

    Silly boy ,I already said I didnt have expertise and was glad that you said you have expertise on criminal statistics. All I wanted to know is how do you have this expertise...why is it so easy for you to make claims but never ever ever be able to support them, are we all supposed to live in liberal fantasy land? C'mon buddy don't be so weak, if you say something stick with it. Tell us how you are an expert on criminal statistics, you need to teach us, remember we are the dumb ones who can't write coherent sentences and don't buy the finger pointing permananet victim mantra, so help us, we need it and you sound like the one who is ready to change the world.

  81. Anonymous3:43 PM

    It's easy as hell to hack into a blog or so I've been told by a certified hacker. kimqueef da wannabe dawktaw who lax the smarts to even shine shoes on the corner

    so u dont know how to hack into a blog one of ur sources told u that it is easy cuntlicker so pony up bytch explain how its so easy to hack into this blog and get IP addresses and out people cunt! oh wait u cant do that since jess like errything else u say that comment came strate out ur asshole chrick

  82. Anonymous3:46 PM

    so kimqueef how is that medical school curriculum treatin ya? so ab hows that 250 iq treatin ya? talk about people who are stone cold liars! some black burrhead is suppose to be the smartest person on the planet yet they spend their time here all day? some trash ghetto slut is supposed to be going to medical school but cant put together a coherent sentence? chumps!

  83. BetterMan3:55 PM

    If you had a near-monopoly on the market and a captive audience, wouldn't you do the same? Why should I busy myself pouring money on infrastructure improvements when I could sit down and just let pure profit roll in from doing nothing but keeping prices as high as the market will bear?

    Somewhat Pseudo Intellectual take. You make it sound as if to run an telecommunications company once all the hard work of planning, implimenting, financing is done, they just sit and reap profits. I guess you really have no experience at managing something to make a claim such as this.

    here are several corporations that provide internet with various forms of access, so the monopoly lable is incorrect.

    Companies are in business to provide you a value added service and make a profit, if you don't like the service you can switch or not use it at all and they sure do a "lot of nothings" at considerable expense to keep networks up and running. This is not a bad thing as you seem to be trying to indicate.

  84. Anonymous3:56 PM

    betterman noticed u avoided the question when asked so eyel post it again why dont u spend some of ur energy asking cuntlicker buceta breaf banks for proof that shes the smartest human on the planet shes made these claims and evades them every time shese asked to show proof same with kim da queef over here too she claims to have so many degrees she forgets which ones she has but cant speak half way decent english so if ur job is to vet people vet them and ule see ure on the wrong side of this ya smegma lickin teabagger

  85. BetterMan3:58 PM

    betterman why dont u spend some of ur energy asking cuntlicker buceta breaf banks for proof that shes the smartest human on the planet shes made these claims and evades them every time shese asked to show proof same with kim da queef over here too she claims to have so many degrees she forgets which ones she has but cant speak half way decent english so if ur job is to vet people vet them and ule see ure on the wrong side of this ya smegma lickin teabagger

    Mold, you said it all, Nothing more need be said.

  86. Slapnuts said...
    When mold aka mandinka went away for a few days,what do you think happen?

    Both AB and Queen's anon stalker stop posting.The very moment mold aka mandinka started posting again,so did AB and Queen's anon stalker.

    Mold aka mandinka has been proven to be a lie.Everything about mold aka mandinka has been a lie.

    Ding, ding, ding, I do believe we have a correct answer here folks, LOL!!!!!!!

    And isn't it a fact that EVERY serial killer known to man, once had a history of stalking?

    Things that make you go "get my glock", LOL!!!!

  87. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Answering yourself? Butters, that is what middle school kids do. Echo chamber much?
    Oh, if you had any clue about business (not the fake stuff on TeeVee with loud salesmen) you would have realized the Truth behind their post.

    Troll, please define Logic and Critical Thinking. Not the fake one you use where the outcome is preordained. Which Logic System are you touting? If the answer to your 'critical thinking' is that the Con is always the correct are not thinking critically? You are following dogma. Perhaps you could cease pretenderating and use words correctly.


  88. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Answering yourself? Butters, that is what middle school kids do. Echo chamber much?
    Oh, if you had any clue about business (not the fake stuff on TeeVee with loud salesmen) you would have realized the Truth behind their post.

    Troll, please define Logic and Critical Thinking. Not the fake one you use where the outcome is preordained. Which Logic System are you touting? If the answer to your 'critical thinking' is that the Con is always the correct are not thinking critically? You are following dogma. Perhaps you could cease pretenderating and use words correctly.


    What in the hell are you ranting about Mold/Vulgar Anon/Mandinga/Socrates - your ranting a mile a minute and having all these random thoughts.

    All we wanted to know was how you have criminal expertise and to share that with us, you got busted so now you are flipping out. Don't flip out, this isn't new. We all knew who you were a long time ago.

    Also, just in case you missed it you outed yourself again by forgetting you were posting as the vulgar anon and speaking as mold and vica versa, just what is your mental problem?

  89. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Answering yourself? Butters, that is what middle school kids do. Echo chamber much?
    Oh, if you had any clue about business (not the fake stuff on TeeVee with loud salesmen) you would have realized the Truth behind their post.

    Troll, please define Logic and Critical Thinking. Not the fake one you use where the outcome is preordained. Which Logic System are you touting? If the answer to your 'critical thinking' is that the Con is always the correct are not thinking critically? You are following dogma. Perhaps you could cease pretenderating and use words correctly.


  90. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Troll, please define Logic and Critical Thinking. Not the fake one you use where the outcome is preordained. Which Logic System are you touting? If the answer to your 'critical thinking' is that the Con is always the correct are not thinking critically? You are following dogma. Perhaps you could cease pretenderating and use words correctly.


    4:12 PM

    mold they are too dumb to understand what ure saying and also too stoopid to see that were not the same person

  91. Anonymous4:17 PM

    All we wanted to know was how you have criminal expertise and to share that with us, you got busted so now you are flipping out. Don't flip out, this isn't new. We all knew who you were a long time ago. queef supposedly as an anon

    golly queef its such a shame how wrong u r cuntlicker but eye know eyem rite about u if u ever stepped foot in a college classroom it was to blow the teacher for a grade but who wants to accept a bj from someone with chronic halitosis cuntlicker!

  92. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Answering yourself? Butters, that is what middle school kids do. Echo chamber much?
    Oh, if you had any clue about business (not the fake stuff on TeeVee with loud salesmen) you would have realized the Truth behind their post.

    Troll, please define Logic and Critical Thinking. Not the fake one you use where the outcome is preordained. Which Logic System are you touting? If the answer to your 'critical thinking' is that the Con is always the correct are not thinking critically? You are following dogma. Perhaps you could cease pretenderating and use words correctly.


  93. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Well, I have never been a mini-skirted blonde line reader for FAUX. I have never been a TaxBagger. I have never mindlessly repeated marching orders or talking points...for pay or for free. I have never used sockpuppets. I have never hidden racism behind code words or dog whistles. I have never used religion as an excuse.


  94. BetterMan4:55 PM

    Well, I have never been a mini-skirted blonde line reader for FAUX. I have never been a TaxBagger. I have never mindlessly repeated marching orders or talking points...for pay or for free. I have never used sockpuppets. I have never hidden racism behind code words or dog whistles. I have never used religion as an excuse.


    Cool, then can you tell us how you are an expert on criminal statistics? You seem a bit unhinged there buddy.

    Shhhhhhhhh don't tell anyone but if you feel safer just have Mandinga come back and tell us why Mold is an expert on criminal statistics or do it as the vulgar anon or maybe Socrates can help out.

    Do it, it's easy take one finger at a time and press the keys in fact, here I will help you, just do what you do best, copy and past this sentence and then finish it.

    I Mold, said I was an expert on criminal statistics because I worked as: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  95. Anonymous5:00 PM

    nope betterman wannabe kim da queef why dont u spell out ur self profssed qualifications and edumacayshun cuntlicker oh wait u cante do that cuz ure all lies this anon could give a phukk about mildew and his degrees but at least he talks like he has some edumacayshun unlike buceta licker and ghetto sluttina da kimqueef who get angry erry time theyre asked about their ahem degrees

  96. Anonymous said...
    Also, just in case you missed it you outed yourself again by forgetting you were posting as the vulgar anon and speaking as mold and vica versa, just what is your mental problem?

    The problem as I see it is 2 fold.

    1) Lack of job/career.

    2) Aerosolized $hit particles have infected her cerebellum, aka having $hit for brains, LOL!!!!!

  97. Anonymous5:05 PM

    1) Lack of job/career.

    2) Aerosolized $hit particles have infected her cerebellum, aka having $hit for brains, LOL!!!!! wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef

    the way eye see it is that u have no life no skills and no future no talent and no common sense u r not a doctor nor will u ever be u lack the empathy and the intelligence to practice that art cuntlicker so go back to that alley of urs and turn some chricks since its the only way u can generate income burr headed qoohole lickin imbecile!

  98. Anonymous5:05 PM

    100 stoopid comments by ignorant fools like cuntlick banks and her alter ego wannabe kim da queef wholle never be a doctor

  99. Anonymous5:14 PM

    That's all you have? Accusing me of doing what you do? Again, I have never used sockpuppets. I only speak to what I have actually done. Whether you can comprehend..or really your problem.
    And laughing at your own highly indicative.


  100. Slapnuts said...
    Mohammed Sucks said...
    Massive car bomb explosion in Oslo, Norway. Anybody want to wager whether on not Muslims were behind it?

    I REALLY DO wish they'd start pulling that crap in the U.S.

    Of course everyone knows the ones who are responsible for this act of terrorism will be muslim.

    Yet to the Obama regime,white middle class people are the real terrorist.

    and a bunch of other bullshit....


    In white peoples news:

    THE CANADIAN PRESS — OSLO - A bomb ripped open buildings in the heart of Norway's government Friday, and a man dressed as a police officer opened fire at an island youth camp connected to the ruling party. At least seven people were killed in the blast and nine more in the camp shootings, the peaceful nation's worst violence since World War II.

    Oslo police said 9 or 10 people were killed at the camp on Utoya island, where the youth wing of the Labor Party was holding a summer camp for hundreds of youths. Acting Police Chief Sveinung Sponheim says a man was arrested in the shooting, and the suspect had been observed in Oslo before the explosion there.

    2:13 PM

    I swear..just because your skin is white that doesn't automatically make you clean.

  101. And on Twitter:
    I'd wager you've just paused in your search for caycee anothony to rage at muslims.

    are you completely i.nbred??? THE GUY IS A WHITE NATIVE NORWEGIAN!!!!

    Jason Blankenship
    On the contrary, I don't watch that tripe at all. I'm all ears if you can prove that global terrorism isn't dominate by muslims.

  102. Mack, why must you tell lies? And while you're paying me the "no nevermind" (unbelievable), remember that it was you who lied and then dragged your effeminate emotions all the way over to this thread to bother me.

    "Okay, so which "rapists" did Mold defend?

    Or was it "potential rapists"?

    Steve, what the hell is wrong with you? For the last time, the CONVICTED vicious rapists of Dunbar Village. Or do you happen to think that when people speak of "rapists" they are referring to you? You and Macklina are the only hysterical and delusional males on this blog. The other black men who comment are not defensive, insecure and mentally infantile as the two of you. It's pathetic.

    Mold is an idiot.

  103. Mack, why must you tell lies? And while you're paying me the "no nevermind" (unbelievable), remember that it was you who lied and then dragged your effeminate emotions all the way over to this thread to bother me.

    "Okay, so which "rapists" did Mold defend?

    Or was it "potential rapists"?

    Steve, what the hell is wrong with you? For the last time, the CONVICTED vicious rapists of Dunbar Village. Or do you happen to think that when people speak of "rapists" they are referring to you? You and Macklina are the only hysterical and delusional males on this blog. The other black men who comment are not defensive, insecure and mentally infantile as the two of you. It's pathetic.

    Mold is an idiot.

  104. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sounds like the Norway Perp is a local wingnut. Great.
    Nice Goober discussion 'tactic' of placing words on a post...then claimerating that other said it. Nope. That was you. We will write our own stuff, thank you.

    My thoughts and prayers are with the Norwegians this night.


  105. "Mack, why must you tell lies? And while you're paying me the "no nevermind" (unbelievable), remember that it was you who lied and then dragged your effeminate emotions all the way over to this thread to bother me."

    "Effeminate emotions". Say, can you do anything else other than use emasculating language to attack me, or is this all you're capable of?

    Why the fuck do you keep sticking your head out of the doghouse, knowing full well you're just gonna get hit again?
