Wednesday, July 20, 2011

No end in sight for Uncle Rupert.

I know that I said I would stop bashing FOX NEWS in my posts, but I lied.

Here is a shock, Bill O-Liely is actually sticking up for his Uncle Rupert in these scandals that are rocking the News Corp Empire. Bill seems to think that this is much ado about nothing, and that it is a left wing media "witch hunt" to get to those pillars of virtue over at FOX.

In fact, wingnut central is hardly covering the scandal. But fortunately, the rest of A-merry-ca is starting to take notice.

"You have the New York Times absolutely running wild with the story," he said. "Front page, front page, front page. Column, column, column. Vicious stuff, vicious stuff. And it's all ideological, is it not?"

Bill, they are only "running wild" because it is a big story. Folks, can you imagine if we were talking about Ted Turner or George Soros and not Uncle Rupert? You would see more BREAKING NEWS headlines on FOX than dumb blondes and jigging Negroes.

The folks over at FOX are praying that this scandal will go away, but it won't. I suspect that the stuff going on across the pond is just the tip of a very large iceberg. I hope that we can finally rid ourselves of this scumbag and his evil corporation. Money can buy you a lot, but it can't hide the truth.

Oh, and speaking of scumbag:

"Glenn Beck laughed about the death of a whistleblower involved in the phone hacking scandal and asked listeners to "pray" that Fox News was not involved in the crisis.

On his Tuesday show, Beck joked about the death of Sean Hoare, who was the first journalist to go on the record about the phone-hacking crisis at the News of the World in a 2010 New York Times article. Hoare was found dead in his London home on Monday. Beck said he loved the story of the death.
"I'm not saying that foul play was involved, but it is suspicious that he's dead," Beck said, laughing. (On Tuesday, police categorically concluded that no third party was involved in Hoare's death.)

He then joked that Vladimir Putin was involved in the death, before turning to Fox News, which, like the News of the World, is owned by News Corp.
Beck said he was worried that the scandal would be used by opponents of Fox News to try and bring it down, but that, as far as he knew, there had never been a hint of a scandal at the network.

"Pray that that is so and that they are thwarted," Beck said. "...They will use this and it will shut down."' [Source]

Yes Glenn, I will be praying for FOX NEWS, but I don't think you would like to hear what I will be telling the big guy.


  1. BetterMan10:54 PM

    Sorry field, had to answer this from the prior topic

    Mack Lyons said...
    "Hey Mold,
    Now that we know you can speak english and arent as incoherent as you try and make out most times tell us WHY do you use fake ebonics all the time? WHY? Answer the question."

    It's his way of ridiculing the hell out of you guys. After all, some of you could use an hour or two of "Hooked on Phonics", considering some of the comments I've seen from you folk.

    Actually, he is a white guy who was outed as a stalker on numerous other blogs and who frequently stalks AB and Dr Queen on this blog, who specifically said he had to talk down to fit in on this blog, because negros speak ebonics, so he had to dumb his speech down. Why do you think he won't answer me genius?

    "Steve/Mold/Hanging Judge grow the hell up and try and get ahold of your uncivilized animalistic behaviours."

    Damn if that ain't a stretch. And it harkens back to a time when whites considered blacks to be "animals", a separate species from honorable white men and therefore not required to be given any of the respect or human considerations that whites gave among themselves (unless they were dirt poor white trash).

    Perhaps you should grow up and learn how to debate someone without resorting to Jim Crow-era logic and speech.

    Perhaps before running your mouth and riding in all liberal to the rescue like with the faux racism nonsense, you would have found out that your boy is a tough guy and when being debated and humiliated because he arrogantly and nastily cannot produce facts to support his completely nasty and illogical racist nonsense he gets very angry and starts bashing the women, relies on fake racism charges all that he initiates with name calling and then when that doesnt work to hide his ignorance he starts threatening people being a comic tough guy acting like a little animal demanding people meet up with him in person for again either some violence or some luvin.

    Don't you come back with this in the middle nonsense spouting Jim Crow bullshit, there are no passes for someone who is violent and uncivilized. I could care less what his skin color is and YOU and he need to get over those lame excuses. If you are a man you are responsible for your actions and words and no bullshit from 40-50 years ago will give you a pass for what you do or say today.

    You can take your fake racism, your other PC charges, your Jim Crow cards and any other excuse buzzwords you normally use to get out of situations you have created and stick em wherever you like but they aint stickin here, that is a fact.

    If you want respect, real men earn it. They don't force it with political correctness when they don't have a damn clue what they are talking about and or make physical threats. Then try and flip the script and say well, forget my behaviour but you sound like ......many years ago, Jim Crow...blah..blah screw that weak kneed excuse for life nonsense. Jim Crow didn't make Steve Do or say anything, he did it himself. End of story and end of your ill informed liberal rescue mission.


  2. Sorry Field, but I have too:

    "'The full consequences of a default,or even the serious prospect of a default by the United States are impossible to predict and awesome to contemplate.

    Denigration of the full faith and credit of the United States would have substantial effects on the domestic financial markets and the value of the dollar in exchange markets. The nation can ill afford to allow such a result.'

    "That's Ronald Reagan," Boxer emphasized, suggesting that Republicans recall that model. "All they have to do is look at their icon, Ronald Reagan, and understand you don't play with fire when it comes to the full faith and credit of the United States of America.

  3. And as far as 'ol Rupy is concerned for all you so called Anons who believe in God, country, low taxes, even though your poor asses aren't millionaires, jump on ITunes radio and check out Ms. Randi Rhodes on
    KPTK AM 1090 Progressive Talk, she has a damn good segment on Rupy tonight. It's live, not a Podcast. She also makes sense,in layman's terms(for you simple mother truckers)on what's really going on in this country on a general basis.

    "I say and I say it again, you've been had. You've been took. You've been HOODWINKED, BAMBOOZLED, led astray, run amok."

    And this quote is from Malcolm X but it seems at this time, whites are getting it too.

    Ask my neighbor, white boy from Connecticut.

  4. "Dismissed."

    Goddamn, son. I must have touched a nerve there. Talk about hit dogs hollerin'.

    Respect? You know jack shit about respect. I suspect the only "respect" you've ever gotten from people is when you bullied it out of them. You can't earn respect that way.

    It's past time you ran back under the doghouse before you get hit again.

  5. Anonymous11:11 PM

    So Bill O'Reilly believes that this much ado about nothing. The idea of a news organization with a culture in place to invade individuals' privacy by hacking into their voicemail, and paying police to obtain information about whenever George Michael gets arrested (GM wondered how the media showed up whenever the police arrested him).

    I don't think the police are going to investigate the death of Sean Hoare. The cause of his death is a matter of importance to rule out foul play, perhaps he did died of natural causes or suicide, but should be known.

    I'm not a fan of Fox News, but people should be concerned about any news organization that wield so much power that it is willing to do anything to get a story. Set aside going after celebrities and politicans, but private citizens and invading their privacy rights by hacking their voicemail which is not that difficult to do particularly those who have AT&T and Sprint as their cellphone carriers. I guess hasn't noticed that the World of the News has been shut down after 168 years of printing, Rebecca Brooks stepped down, and arrested by appointment, the head of Scotland Yard resigned to name couple, less not forget that the guy running the Wall Street Journal resigned. The story is significant in Great Britain, but we in the US have the attention span of a nat.

  6. I like this Avatar, but I'm on some other shit. Changing.

  7. Farley11:31 PM

    They at Fox are scared ----less.

  8. Scotland yard is Fucked.

    "That wariness is likely to grow in light of evidence revealed over the last week that Scotland Yard investigators may have been bribed or blackmailed for information, the Americans said."


  9. BetterMan1:41 AM

    Mack Lyons said...

    Goddamn, son. I must have touched a nerve there. Talk about hit dogs hollerin'.

    Respect? You know jack shit about respect. I suspect the only "respect" you've ever gotten from people is when you bullied it out of them. You can't earn respect that way.

    Good, I see we agree as you are repeating my precise words on respect and you are mirroring my specific point. Respect is earned, not forced or bullied or bludgeoned with PC. I will not be bullied with threats, attacks and last but certainly not least fake racism and political correctness bullshit, that shit can be saved for the weak minded ones who live on crutches and finger pointing excuses.

    Now for that stupid "hit and doghouse comment...nah, we'll just let that one go.

  10. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Ask my neighbor, white boy from Connecticut.

    Whats his number?

  11. If anyone's interested, here's the video feed for the final shuttle landing, about 35-40 minutes out. It's something I woke up early for.

  12. Hey folks, you can always finish your conversation in another thread. I don't mind and I am pretty sure that the folks reading it don't mind as well.

    hennasplace, I loved the first part of your comments.

    Mack, that was a Philly boy bringing that shuttle in.

    His momma lives in my hood. :)

  13. And with the landing of STS-135 comes the end of an era. Glad to see the ol' bird come back to the roost in one piece.

    I hate feeling all good and whatnot, only to come back to shit like this:

    "Good, I see we agree as you are repeating my precise words on respect and you are mirroring my specific point. Respect is earned, not forced or bullied or bludgeoned with PC. I will not be bullied with threats, attacks and last but certainly not least fake racism and political correctness bullshit, that shit can be saved for the weak minded ones who live on crutches and finger pointing excuses.

    Now for that stupid "hit and doghouse comment...nah, we'll just let that one go."

    This guy, who probably spent a good hour or so putting on his best Walt Kowalski impression, is still engaged in the bullying rhetoric he is apparenly accusing me and others of, even though he's the one throwing around "liberal" and "political correctness" like derogatory epithets. This same guy genuinely believes that blacks are somehow using Jim Crow as a crutch and an excuse for gaining handouts and special treatment.

    He goes about calling the people willing to speak out against his special brand of bullshit "animals" and I call him out on it. And he FLIPS THE FUCK OUT. Fucking amazing to see this ol' mutt literally leap 3 stories high after catching his lick.

    The poor bastard even thinks I'm repeating his "precise words" about respect. He still doesn't quite get it. He's still justifying his bullying behavior. Which means he still knows jack shit about respect and how to earn it. Not that he's gonna get much here from anyone NOT named "Anonymous".

    And now the hit dog's staring at me from under the doghouse, fronting like he's gonna take another run, knowing full well he's just gonna get hit again.

    I don't know, Field. It must have been the whole "(unless they were dirt poor white trash)" reference. It must have hit too close to home for him to bear without protest.

  14. "Hey folks, you can always finish your conversation in another thread. I don't mind and I am pretty sure that the folks reading it don't mind as well."

    Personally speaking, once the comments fall into moderation mode and something new gets posted, I move on. Different strokes and all.

    "Mack, that was a Philly boy bringing that shuttle in.

    His momma lives in my hood. :)"

    Good to know ;)

  15. And for anyone else wanting to see the shuttle landing (but missed the live feed), I'm pretty sure Youtube will have that up, minus the lengthy shots of the Mission Control map :D

  16. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I don't use 'ebonics' why is Butters accusing me of doing so? Is it to provide cover for the faker who posts drivel signing as me?

    Mack wins. Nice stuff there, Mack.

    Murdoch is doing the 'Crazy Don' act. Vinnie 'da chin' Gigante...for you oh-so 'expert' posters.
    Note how the MSM is puffing the trophy wife slapping the pie thrower AFTER he is restrained by others. They speak of her attack upon a restrained person in almost glowing and reverential terms.
    As one blogger has mentioned, it helps to visualize the Murdochs as a criminal enterprise....their actions make more sense.

    Jon Stewart's piece on Hoare was pretty good. Much better than the MSM puffery of trophy wife...and certainly better than the FAUX worries of Massa In Trouble.


  17. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Oh, I did not stalk AB or Dr Queen. I outed AB as a wite dude...because I am compelled to unearth Truth. And why does this upset you? Why does Butters need to make stuff up? Isn't my Real self enough?
    Lying about me being outed as a a complete fabrication (lie) and should suffice to show the veracity of Butters.


  18. The unfavorable coverage of Murdoch & News Corp from most everyone but his own organizations is gratifying. But then, you have these other idiots lionizing Wendi Deng with a Facebook page.

    I love Americans and their rationale for everything, don't you?

  19. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Yo Field, don't worry about Glenn Beck's prayers... mine cancelled his out. Its all up to you now.

  20. Good job Mack.

    Anon-Goober/Better Man is a troll and an internet loser.

    Just ridicule him and maybe he'll go away.

  21. Anonymous9:29 AM

    If anyone thinks this scandal will stop a zealot from plugging into Fox (or CNN or MSNBC or HLN) for their daily download of how and what to think, they are wrong.

  22. Field,

    It is a clear case of the "chickens coming home to roost". Didn't really expect anything differenct from O'Reilly and Beck...not surprised. I must admit however,"Wendy the Tiger" was not having it. *L*

  23. Anonymous10:25 AM

    When you have built your claim to expertise upon the FOX and wingnut welfare themes...and both are revealed as frauds and/or criminals....what does that do to you?

    Wendi Deng...when you want Asians to act like white trash. All that money and she could star on TruTV.


  24. ^^^^^^^ PUNK A$$!!!!

    Wendy Deng exactly what she should have done! Defend her ol' man

  25. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Another racist black mob attack.

    Police Seek Robbers In Baseball Bat Beatings
    Gang Attacking Couples Leaving Downtown Restaurants, Bars, Police Say
    DENVER -- Police are trying to identify a gang of men who are beating couples with baseball bats and robbing them in downtown Denver.

    Denver police spokesman Sonny Jackson said there have been two attacks, each involving the robbery of a couple leaving restaurants or bars at closing time.

    Just before 2 a.m. on July 16, a couple was walking home from a restaurant-bar near East 10th Avenue and Pennsylvania Street when they were surrounded by a group of men, according to a police report

    Two men wielding baseball bats hit the man and woman in the head, "causing major bruising and swelling," the report said. Then a robber grabbed the woman's purse.

    The man and woman were transported to Denver Health Medical Center for treatment, police said.

    On June 26 near 1000 Broadway, a couple was in an alley near their vehicle when a group of men walked up and "assaulted them with a baseball bat and demanded money," a police report said. The robbers grabbed the woman's purse and ran to a waiting car, police said.

    The attackers are “not nice people," Jackson said.

    Police describe the attackers as four to five black men, ages 18 to 21 years.

  26. BetterMan10:49 AM

    Mack Lyons Said...

    This guy, who probably spent a good hour or so putting on his best Walt Kowalski impression, is still engaged in the bullying rhetoric he is apparenly accusing me and others of, even though he's the one throwing around "liberal" and "political correctness" like derogatory epithets"

    Actually it took about 5 minutes to respond to your very typical rhetoric. When you come into an argument and throw around bullshit Jim Crow and oh noees...he called a black man an animal and expect someone to back off...that is political correctness bullsit. Total bullshit and you are not going to bully anyone with it. If someone is violent and cannot have a discussion without thuggin it out when they are proven to be less then intelligent, that is a animal and all the PC you try and fling about won't change a thing. But you expect it too, obviously, you expect the usual pass cards to work and now are upset they dont'.

    Like I said, we agree respect is earned and not bullied, no... let me try this, I agree with your use of my sentence that said this when you used the precise words and said it back in your reply. ,

    However don't think this means I believe you or Steve have earned respect and or am looking or was looking for your's. You seem to make the same self serving conclusions Steve makes, I could never respect someone who uses excuses so readily.

    Then you talk violence and....ahhh enough of your PC crap.

    You aint "hittin" anything, I aint a "dog" and you can take Jim Crow and tatoo his name on your ass, it will not control anything any more and no bad behaviour is gonna get a pass, because of disconnected choice PC buzz words.

  27. BetterMan10:53 AM

    Oh, I did not stalk AB or Dr Queen. I outed AB as a wite dude...because I am compelled to unearth Truth. And why does this upset you? Why does Butters need to make stuff up? Isn't my Real self enough?
    Lying about me being outed as a a complete fabrication (lie) and should suffice to show the veracity of Butters.


    Really now, well we will see if we give a shit enough to pull the old posts where you outed yourself, also the old posts where you stalk AB and Dr Queen as for making stuff up, how many professions do you have now?

    You do know Mold that everyone has seen these posts of yours? You do know people aren't stupid and I am sure when AB or Dr Queen see your little comments about not being a stalker, might just have something to say.

  28. BetterMan10:56 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Good job Mack.

    Anon-Goober/Better Man is a troll and an internet loser.

    Just ridicule him and maybe he'll go away.

    8:23 AM

    Loony Coon Steve,
    Yeah, maybe you should post your thoughts on the economy or your thoughts on Dunbar village to kick off the ridicule. That is always entertaining. Or do you want to say Jim Crow ten times before you say anything so you have built in passes?

  29. I never got the impression that Mold was speaking Ebonics. I thought Mold was speaking in the vernacular of poor whites. Some times sounds very similar.

  30. Jeezus Chris Troll don't you have any kind of life?

    You were the first one ranting at 10:54 last night and you're still here jabbering at 10:56 this morning.

    I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

  31. Anonymous11:19 AM

    The meltdown of the vulgar uber-sleaze merchant and pimp, Murdoch and, hopefully, FOX/FAUX news(?) can't happen fast enough. How will the ubiquitous millions of A-merry-kkkans who constitute the current zeitgeist of idiocracy survive?

  32. BetterMan11:32 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Jeezus Chris Troll don't you have any kind of life?

    You were the first one ranting at 10:54 last night and you're still here jabbering at 10:56 this morning.

    I'm starting to feel sorry for you.

    Hey Stevey, aren't you at work? Anyway, see I knew you were funny, YOU feel sorry for ME....that's a hoot.

  33. Anonymous11:51 AM

    UTS, probably a paid Troll. It would be sheer desperation to Troll for free.

    Butters, while I do admit to outing the wite dude posting as AB, where are you fantasizing this about Dr Queen?
    Or did I remove your sockpuppet mask and you all whine-filled?

    Jealous? Instead of puffing up your widdle-boy fauxtrage over the status of Left Behinds (which most of them chose) could, like, enlist in the US Armed Forces. Or take a class in your local Community College. Or shower daily. Or learn manners.
    Most of these are positive responses.

    FAUX is scrambling to provide cover for what appear to be criminal activities. While some of the poofy coifs might be 'legitimate' seems that the rest of the business is not.
    Vinnie 'da chin' Gigante pulled the 'crotty senior' scam....pretty much as Murdoch was attempting. The Mafia Wife, Wendi Deng, was resplendent and as defensive as any NJ Italian mobster mom.
    At least we know how Breitbart could be so sure the pics were from Anthony Wiener.
    Jon Stewart...“Well, I guess if the guys who were bribed don’t think there’s anything wrong or suspicious in the death of the guy who blew the whistle on the company providing the bribes … I’m satisfied.”


  34. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Molds Personal Language.


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

  35. Every time I see Murdoch and co squirming in front of Parliament - I keep think "Rosebud". If Rupert's predicament mirrors the downfall of Charles Foster Kane. Hell, he's an acolyte of William Randolph Hearst and "Yellow Journalism" - why wouldn't his life mirror the Orson Welles' satire of his hero?

  36. I'm trying to figure out how Mold thinks he/she has outed AB as a "wite dude". AB has more personal credibility online than most of us.

    Is this "wite dude" impostor paying the original AB or her family to exploit those Alicia Banks photos with corroboration of her factual past radio program to create this fictional character? While anything is possible, should I take the word of a raceless, ageless, genderless unknown character by the name of Mold?

  37. Anonymous1:18 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    I'm trying to figure out how Mold thinks he/she has outed AB as a "wite dude". AB has more personal credibility online than most of us.

    Is this "wite dude" impostor paying the original AB or her family to exploit those Alicia Banks photos with corroboration of her factual past radio program to create this fictional character? While anything is possible, should I take the word of a raceless, ageless, genderless unknown character by the name of Mold?

    It's just his latest nutty tactic. He knows he was exposed so now he is trying to deflect onto AB. Funny how he "forgets" how he is always attacking and stalking her, while at the same time he is trying to say she is a white guy like he is.

    Not very bright.

  38. Anonymous1:20 PM

    LAB, the person posting on this blog as AB is a wite dude. As for the pic...which one are you? The white woman from Florida...or the AfAm from Brentwood?
    A radio program? The AM stations used to accept nearly every request to fill air time. Until the de facto monopoly with could hear gunfetishists, pineywoods gawd preechers, ads for the local MomNPop, and many others.
    It would not surprise me to hear that a wite dude masquerading as an AfAm had a radio show. Amos N' Andy ring a faint, tinkling bell?

    Your pics do the lynch mob proud. Didn't you see the anti-busing, 'states rites', outraged over sumpin' lynch mob around both of these folks? I'd acquit just to infuriate those dregs.

    UTS, probably a paid Troll. It would be sheer desperation to Troll for free.

    Butters, while I do admit to outing the wite dude posting as AB, where are you fantasizing this about Dr Queen?
    Or did I remove your sockpuppet mask and you all whine-filled?

    Jealous? Instead of puffing up your widdle-boy fauxtrage over the status of Left Behinds (which most of them chose) could, like, enlist in the US Armed Forces. Or take a class in your local Community College. Or shower daily. Or learn manners.
    Most of these are positive responses.

    FAUX is scrambling to provide cover for what appear to be criminal activities. While some of the poofy coifs might be 'legitimate' seems that the rest of the business is not.
    Vinnie 'da chin' Gigante pulled the 'crotty senior' scam....pretty much as Murdoch was attempting. The Mafia Wife, Wendi Deng, was resplendent and as defensive as any NJ Italian mobster mom.
    At least we know how Breitbart could be so sure the pics were from Anthony Wiener.
    Jon Stewart...“Well, I guess if the guys who were bribed don’t think there’s anything wrong or suspicious in the death of the guy who blew the whistle on the company providing the bribes … I’m satisfied.”


  39. LAA

    "AB has more personal credibility online than most of us."

    Lawd I remember when you two hated each other.

    Remember when she used to call you "Kola Boof" and you accused her of hating black women?

    Now both of you have been cyber fellating No Slappz.

    This blog has more plot twists and alignment changes than the NY Yankees of 1977.

  40. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Sorry...but once I realized AB was a wite dude with an agenda...I declined to speak with them. So, why are you lying about me? Does it make you all manly? Is it the attention you so desperately crave? Or is it damage control? To smear those who seek Truth?

    If all you have is 'yer one too!!!' without have lost. But it is fun to watch you childishly ape the adult behaviour.

    Murdoch is doing the Vincent 'da chin' Gigante ploy of crazy old coot. Mayhaps the Village will allow doing work is hard and being a spokesmodel is much easier.


  41. Anonymous1:41 PM

    LMAO@ Bill O'liely

    and this is why I love you's don't choo change one bit!


  42. "Now both of you have been cyber fellating No Slappz."

    Steve, I have constantly fought against Slappz and his racist disdain for black people/children and his willful ignorance on Africa. So has AB, but you forget that. As long as you don't catch a black woman in the Mission Fighting meme for the honor and benefit of black men, all that racial solidarity doesn't count, right? Sorry, I can't be a suicidal Mammy like Mold, who would defend vicious rapists because they have melanin. Sick.

    As for me and AB in the past, I've since learned that AB was never my enemy.

    Mold, you lost me somewhere after the first sentence, as usual. Anyway, why does AB has to be presumed a "wite dude" because of her 'non-black folk' approved political beliefs? So based on your Dunbar Village beliefs, shouldn't I be inclined to assume that you're a male rapist, because a black woman of all people SHOULD NOT have said the things you said in defense of those rapists. Go ahead and ponderate on that.

  43. Sorry for the typos, I'm too drained already. I actually work for a living.

  44. Anonymous2:10 PM

    But it is fun to watch you childishly ape the adult behaviour.

    who you calin ape white boy?????!!!!!!

  45. Anonymous2:32 PM

    LAB, you are confusing what you term as support for alleged rapists with supporting Constitutional Rights.
    AB has a distinct lack of familiarity with the AfAm experience. And will cite 'sorces' whenever possible. While I am most certainly a 'pass-for' with skin much, much lighter than a paper bag...I have observed the treatment of AfAms from the perspective of the privileged white majority. AB writes like a wite dude getting paid to infiltrate AfroBlogs with a fake persona. Note how the 'Black' items they use are stereotypical and rarely, if ever, found outside of wite wingnut racist and proto-racist themes.
    Pretty much, they are what a wite racist with zero AfAm friends or experiences would assume is an AfAm.
    I don't presume that just because you are a guilty pile of should give up Constitutional Rights. I will refuse to relinquish any citizens access to these cherished freedoms...even if the end point is capital punishment. Also, why would any AfAm be encouraging lynch mobs? No matter how despicable the Perp...they need to be adjudicated by process and Rule of Law...not because some Goober losers have bloodlust.

    Equality for me is not just a buzzword spouted by a paid PR flack on is a tenet of belief.


  46. Field, a black man is receiving lots of um, challenges from his white neighbors in Texas.

    Man Claims $300,000 House For $16.
    Due to Texas Adverse Possession: Kenneth Robinson [A black man] uses Texas adverse possession to acquire a $300,000 home for only $16. The home was foreclosed on the owner and the mortgage company went out of business. Kenneth filed $16 worth of paperwork to gain control of the abandoned house. The only thing Kenneth has to do is stay there for 3 years and he can ask for the title to the home.

  47. Anonymous3:22 PM

    As if any of the fury over Murdoch does anything to mitigate the destruction caused by the Obama presidency.

    Isn't his failing presidency something real? Are his policy failures a creaton of the media? Or are they real?

  48. I don't know how many times I have to tell ya'll, Mold = VLDR = Mandisha R = Psycho stalker extrodinare.

    One would expect that a physics major/ college drop out would be pretty bright, even if it is displayed in a thrazine IV needing way. So the fact that she: 1) Has time to post on this blog all damn day long and 2) goes between different "characters" at a whim shouldn't surprise ANYONE here.

  49. Bleach3:49 PM

    Mold the white dude said....

    "I don't presume that just because you are a guilty pile of should give up Constitutional Rights."

    Stop lying buzzardbreath, they confessed,none of they rights were violated and you know that what about the constitutional rights of the public and the victims who sharpton wanted to violate by getting these confessed rapist back on the street with bail because they black?

    By the way, aint no way an elderly black woman like you supposed to be would EVER support some young thugs who made a mom blow her son to gettin bail and doing it again while they awaitin tip your hand more and more senor white kid. Aint no doubt you are a white guy.

  50. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Dr Queen, sorry...but I only post as Mold. Your fantasy theory of multiple sockpuppets (like wingnuts always do) is false. As is the college drop-out trope. You are confusing me with Sarey Palin.
    Why are you unable to grasp how a college graduate could easily post on a blog? Perhaps you should seek a college graduate and ask.

    Troll, the point sailed over your head like a 767. Whether or not some ill-educated Goober in rural dumbBoobistan thinkerates they needs to kill some AfAm folks to satiate their bloodlust is not quite enough to eradicate Constitutional protections. Your self-appointed non-majesty should at least read up on Constitutional Rights (don't bother with the lying wingnut and Con sites) before showing abject ignorance. Even if these clowns are the Jeff Dahmers you keep trying to paint them as...they still are afforded Rights that can't be removed by Pwincess Pundit.
    Who died and made you Queen?
    So your 'proof' is that you said it. Really? Ever hear of reproducible data? Or peer-review? Just because Goober Heeyuck TELLS us something...pretty much means he is full of pompous bluster. How about taking a local Community College basic class in one of the Sciences? You'll then grasp the meaning.

    Murdoch is playing poor old coot...just like Vincent 'da chin' Gigante. We accept the snooping around the rich and most are adults and volunteered. But Murdoch pere et fils snooped into the life of a 13 yo murder victim. They should be disciplined.


  51. LAA

    "Sorry, I can't be a suicidal Mammy like Mold, who would defend vicious rapists because they have melanin. Sick."

    Talk about sick.

    To you all black men are potential rapists.

    I often wonder what happened to you in your life to elicit such anger and hatred for your own brothers.

    I find it very sad.

  52. Anonymous5:31 PM


    uptownsteve said...

    "Sorry, I can't be a suicidal Mammy like Mold, who would defend vicious rapists because they have melanin. Sick."

    Talk about sick.

    To you all black men are potential rapists.

    I often wonder what happened to you in your life to elicit such anger and hatred for your own brothers.

    I find it very sad.

    No you dimmie dimwidiot she specifically said she cannot support someone who defends vicious rapists, not all black men you disengenious Mold lover.

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Mold said:
    Who died and made you Queen?
    So your 'proof' is that you said it. Really........ about taking a local Community College basic class in one of the Sciences? You'll then grasp the meaning.

    Mandinga (that's the female version of Mandingo), mentioning publications, and CC science classes are a dead give away of your dropped out of college as a science major self.

    Maybe you should have 10 more kids and use the part of your brain that's not crazy, to homeschool your uncircumsized brats.

  55. "Steve, I have constantly fought against Slappz and his racist disdain for black people/children and his willful ignorance on Africa. So has AB, but you forget that."

    I hate to butt in, but I know AB didn't truck with any of Slappzshit's mess. I've seen it for myself.

    You, on the other hand, never said much about the man, not even when he took runs at black women and children. Only when other people called you out on it did you even bother to tell Slappy Boy where to stick it.

    I'm just telling what I recall from past experiences

    "Sorry for the typos, I'm too drained already. I actually work for a living."

    We all do. You know, bills to pay, mouths to feed, etc, etc,....

  56. "Man Claims $300,000 House For $16.
    Due to Texas Adverse Possession: Kenneth Robinson [A black man] uses Texas adverse possession to acquire a $300,000 home for only $16. The home was foreclosed on the owner and the mortgage company went out of business. Kenneth filed $16 worth of paperwork to gain control of the abandoned house. The only thing Kenneth has to do is stay there for 3 years and he can ask for the title to the home."

    I remember the so-called "goobers" being up in arms, largely because 1)they didn't think to do that themselves, and 2)because a lowly Negro took advantage of it.

    I wish him luck in his endeavor. With Texas being Texas, I won't be surprised if he isn't run off by his fellow Texans engaging in some good ol' fashioned "Texas Justice".

  57. Anonymous6:54 PM

    DQueen, your 'analysis' is rather lacking. And you 'left behind' some salient Fact...such as my statements about having degrees. Either you 'forgotterated' or are trying to wingnut spin your post.
    Gee...actually most of it reads like wingnut sockpuppetry. Why are you using the wingnut Manual of Lacking Style?


  58. 'You, on the other hand, never said much about the man, not even when he took runs at black women and children. Only when other people called you out on it did you even bother to tell Slappy Boy where to stick it."

    No one had to call me out on anything. Call names!

    Mack, I would ignore you otherwise, but I can't stand a meddlesome gossip man who spread rumors worse than a woman. I have duked it out with Slappz ESPECIALLY when he took racist liberty to black women and black children! Remember when he said his son went to a predominantly black school in NY, and that the black children were practically stupid and thieving? Do you remember that? And I don't recall YOU saying anything about that, nor when he trashes on black women/black mothers. Go find a bra someplace and go sit down.

    Steve, I've never uttered nor insinuated anything close to black men being potential rapists. Simple minded self. One could equally wonder why you get so defensive when the topic turns to male convicts, thugs and rapists. Doth protest too much. Nonsense.

  59. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I hate to butt in, but I know AB didn't truck with any of Slappzshit's mess. I've seen it for myself. Mack Lyons

    gosh Mack u werent around when buceta breaf supported david duke were ya? its okay ure forgiven but that nasty fool aint worth defending it is a gottdam liar and freek of nature

  60. Anon-hole

    "No you dimmie dimwidiot she specifically said she cannot support someone who defends vicious rapists, not all black men you disengenious Mold lover."

    So perhaps you produce a statement of mine defending rapists.

    Right after you produce the one where Sharpton does.

    You're pathetic.
