Friday, July 15, 2011

Rupert's "Ministry of Public Enlightenment"

I can't believe that people in this country still believe that FOX News  is a legitimate news organization.

"As the U.K. phone-hacking scandal continues to engulf News Corp's British segment, one of the company's top-performing assets in the U.S. is enjoying a bit of unrelated vindication.

Rewind to October 2009: Fox News Channel and the White House were at war. In one particularly heated incident, Fox claimed the Obama administration had tried to oust the "fair & balanced" network from an interview with Treasury official Kenneth Feinberg, when the other four news nets in the TV coverage pool had been offered access. In the end, Fox was included, and a Treasury Department spokesman snarled: "There was no plot to exclude Fox News, and they had the same interview that their competitors did. Much ado about absolutely nothing."

Emails that surfaced last week, however, through a public records request by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, suggest otherwise.
"We'd prefer if you skip Fox please," a White House broadcast media staffer advised a Treasury Department public affairs secretary ahead of the interview. In other emails during the same time frame, deputy White House communications director Jennifer Psaki called Fox News anchor Bret Baier "a lunatic" and boasted that "I am putting some dead fish in the fox cubby--just cause." In yet another email, another White House press officer wrote: "We've demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews …"

Proof of an anti-Fox agenda in the Oval Office? Judicial Watch thinks so.
"These documents show there is a pervasive anti-Fox bias in the Obama White House," said Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton in a statement. "The juvenile Mafioso-talk in these emails has no place in any White House. For the Obama administration to purposely exclude a major news organization from access to information has troubling First Amendment implications." [Source]

"News Organization"? Mr. Fitton,you are either being well paid by Rupert Murdoch or your organization has some very powerful illegal drugs hidden somewhere.

Sorry, but when I read articles like this and watch clips like this; I start to think that straight news is the last thing that FOX wants to give the public.

The FOX agenda is not to report the news to us in a straightforward fashion,it is to give the news they report a conservative slant and to influence and brainwash the A-merry-can people into their way of thinking. Goebbels would be proud.

So far, at least for 25% of the A-merry-can public, it seems to be working.


  1. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Fox News Derangement Syndrome strikes fields hard tonight.

    Love how field uses dishonest and selectively edited sources to prove FOX NEWS doesn't provide straigt forward news.

    If field would stop using leftwing kook sources and watched, he would have not got this post wrong.

    Would love to hear what field considers straigt forward news sources.

  2. Anonymous11:38 PM

    I wonder how Juan Williams feels about this? Maybe NPR was right about him not being a straight news guy. Now it makes sense for him to finally end up full time at Fox News.

    I keep waiting to hear O'Reilly give his straight and balanced news about what's happening in his orgn. But he is willing to negotiate for the Repubs and Dems over the debt ceiling!

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    The FOX agenda is not to report the news to us in a straigtforward fashion,it is to give the news they report a conservative slant and to influence and brainwash the A-merry-can people into their way of thinking. Goebbels would be proud.

    Right, because we all know that americans are all stupid (all the liberals like Maher, TIngles, Madcow ) Tell us so. Well maybe the people who watch their viciously liberal slanted nonsense are stupid but most americans are not and funny enough most americans aren't falling for the liberal name calling victimization anymore either, whatta ya know.

    God bless America, land of the free and home of the brave.

  4. Anonymous11:44 PM

    Slapnuts, where have you been? ever since there was mention of the Jewish boy killed and dismembered by an adult male Jew, you disappeared. What's the matter, you can't stand ONE day of Jewish News?

    And where is your sidekick no_slappz? did he jump off the Brooklyn Bridge?

  5. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Slapnuts, where have you been? ever since there was mention of the Jewish boy killed and dismembered by an adult male Jew, you disappeared. What's the matter, you can't stand ONE day of Jewish News?

    And where is your sidekick no_slappz? did he jump off the Brooklyn Bridge?

    Damn that was a racist thing to say.

  6. Anonymous11:57 PM

    "Right, because we all know that americans are all stupid (all the liberals like Maher, TIngles, Madcow ) Tell us so. Well maybe the people who watch their viciously liberal slanted nonsense are stupid but most americans are not and funny enough most americans aren't falling for the liberal name calling victimization anymore either, whatta ya know."

    Yep, most Americans are stupid. You are proof.

  7. Anonymous11:59 PM

    "Damn that was a racist thing to say."

    You have GOT to be kidding.

  8. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Slapnuts, where have you been? ever since there was mention of the Jewish boy killed and dismembered by an adult male Jew, you disappeared. What's the matter, you can't stand ONE day of Jewish News?

    And where is your sidekick no_slappz? did he jump off the Brooklyn Bridge?

    Unfortunately,my fellow Jew slappz has been arrested.I can assure you he is resting and getting the help he needs.With the help of the Jewish community Efron
    Heinemann{slappz} will heal his mind and soul.

  9. Anonymous12:03 AM

    well folks, it's friday night. do you know where your kids are? i bet the Conservatives do...they are all together watching Fox News.

    Liberals never know where their kids are or what they are doing.

  10. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Slapnuts, "Unfortunately,my fellow Jew slappz has been arrested.I can assure you he is resting and getting the help he needs.With the help of the Jewish community Efron
    Heinemann{slappz} will heal his mind and soul."

    Lord have mercy. I could tell by that boy talked about us that he was up to no good. Those Wall St. Engineers ain't never been worth trustworthy. Lord have mercy.

  11. Anonymous12:12 AM

    If NEWS ONE "For Black America"(no bias there!) is legitimate, Fox News is as well.

    Opinions are like a**holes, Field.
    You're obviously an intelligent man.
    Why are you constantly regurgitating
    the same old song?

  12. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Right, because we all know that americans are all stupid (all the liberals like Maher, TIngles, Madcow ) Tell us so. Well maybe the people who watch their viciously liberal slanted nonsense are stupid but most americans are not and funny enough most americans aren't falling for the liberal name calling victimization anymore either, whatta ya know."

    Yep, most Americans are stupid. You are proof.

    Actually you are in the minority as a democrat, what does that tell you your dumb but think you aren't so you are really really dumb.

  13. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I am a black Conservative who thinks the world of FOX NEWS. I NEED it; got to have it; can't live without it. There is no other news that is fair and balanced.

    Fox is also generous and 'willing' to help America at any time. Just yesterday Bill O'Reilly offered to broker the dead-lock in DC between the Repubs and Dems. No OTHER organization has such skillful people who can do that.

    So please. I beg of you. Stop calling FOX NEWS, "FAUX NEWS". Rupert Murdoch does not deserve that.

  14. Anonymous12:23 AM

    "Actually you are in the minority as a democrat, what does that tell you your dumb but think you aren't so you are really really dumb."

    Actually I am in the majority of the Democratic Party. Does that tell your dumb ass anything?

  15. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Slapnuts, "Unfortunately,my fellow Jew slappz has been arrested.I can assure you he is resting and getting the help he needs.With the help of the Jewish community Efron
    Heinemann{slappz} will heal his mind and soul."

    Lord have mercy. I could tell by that boy talked about us that he was up to no good. Those Wall St. Engineers ain't never been worth trustworthy. Lord have mercy.

    Little Efron has been under a lot of stress these last years.He is such a wonderful boy.He wanted to play sports.Well, you know what they say about Jews and sports!

    We tried so hard to get him into the media or hollywood.Little Efron wanted so much to be a engineer.

    He made us all proud.Everything was good until he met Shaniqua.

    Shaniqua destroyed his mind and soul.Made him do bad things.

  16. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Slapnuts, "He made us all proud.Everything was good until he met Shaniqua.

    Shaniqua destroyed his mind and soul.Made him do bad things."

    What a tragic Jewish story as told by a White. What kind of name is Shaniqua, Portuguese? Man, she must be a good-looker with a terrific personality for no_slappz to fall in love with her.

    Do you have a photo of her? and how do you pronounce her name?

  17. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, please make an announcement about no_slappz in your sidebar about no_slappz as told by the gentleman Mr. Slapnuts.

    I think it fitting that all Negroes hear what happened to poor no_slappz who wanted to please Shaniqua but ended up arrested by the police.

    I bet Shaniqua wasn't even her real name! I bet either LAA, Queen, or Desertflower had something to do with the demise of the great no_slappz. I miss him already.

    "Vengeance is mine," saith the Lord.

    Lord have mercy.

  18. Anonymous1:06 AM

    I'm Afraid No Slaps is with the great sausage in the sky.

    Rest Well no slaps, you were a great warrior we shall all remember.

  19. what news is not slanted?

  20. Anonymous3:04 AM

    AB, "what news is not slanted?"

    Well, according to the majority of FN folks the MSM is not slanted, nor is it biased. How else could they judge Fox News as being biased?

    You should know that Fox News is the only one that is unfair and unbalanced.

  21. For all of my wingnuts friends who keep referring to MSNBC. Please understand that, unlike FOX, MSNBC does not pretend to be a straight news organization like NBC,ABC, and CBS. FOX, on the other hand, does. See the difference?

    As for slappy, there will be nothing on the side bar for my intellectually challenged, jack of all trades -master of none-, friend.

    Hopefully he will fade into oblivion like all the other racist who came here and eventually found that they are kind of like a running joke. (See Frank Drachman)

    And I do hope that he is alive and not in jail. I mean how else is the poor frustrated chap going to expand his miserable mind?

  22. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Shaniqua is a black woman.Lots of evil,war,genocide,and men have been sent to prison because of black vagina.

    Little Efron is another man thats been destroyed by black vagina.

    I am making some rugelach for Efron.Its his fav Jewish desert.I am going to visit Efron this morning.

    Please keep little Efron in your thoughts.

    "straight news organization like NBC,ABC, and CBS"

    There's no such thing has a straight news organization.

    We would be here all day listing the fake left slanting news stories that CBS,ABC, and NBC has ran with.

    We can start with CBS--

    The fake Killian documents.

    When reporting about Bush's new book, CBS used a fake cover.{That came from a leftwing website}

    Than there's food giant.

    I could be here all day!!

  23. Anonymous10:08 AM

    "If field would stop using leftwing kook sources and watched, he would have not got this post wrong"

    That's like asking a crack junkie to stop smokin

    or a Nymphomaniac to stop spreadin her legs

    Or a lazy man to start working

    Or a kid to grow up and pay the bills and stop livin off they parents'

    Or someone collectin gubn't bennies to say, nah that aint right, I'm gonna go work at that job, you give these taxpayer monies to someone else or pay down the debt.

    Ain't gonna happen easily, only Field can open his mind or keep it in that little dark liberal corner of myopic vision :)

  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    What the Goobers call Librul slant is more...anti-stoopid. How would you feel if your most cherished idiocies were denigrated by much, much smarter people? All those Libruls jeering racists, those Libruls snarking glorious hot MILFs like Sarey and Michelle, and the nasty MSM expectation that you finished high school. FAUX supports racist drivel. FAUX gives us the Veseline shots of the wimmens! And FAUX assumes you are, at best, a functional illiterate.
    Well, they are pandering to their audience. Racist Left Behinds.


  25. Superious10:22 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What the Goobers call Librul slant is more...anti-stoopid. How would you feel if your most cherished idiocies were denigrated by much, much smarter people? All those Libruls jeering racists, those Libruls snarking glorious hot MILFs like Sarey and Michelle, and the nasty MSM expectation that you finished high school. FAUX supports racist drivel. FAUX gives us the Veseline shots of the wimmens! And FAUX assumes you are, at best, a functional illiterate.
    Well, they are pandering to their audience. Racist Left Behinds.


    Oh yes and YOU are the epitome of a liberal (it's not librul) believing they are highly intelligent and somehow in their world intellectually superior to others. Isn't that a hoot!!!!

    Purposely (in some cases) misspelling words in the false attempt for others to consider that you aren't white, male and gay.

    Thanks for being the liberal poster boy, with folks around like you to reinforce what liberals are, you solidify even the slightest wavering.

  26. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Note how GooberTroll has to inventerate a Librul? How assiduously he avoids addressing the issues?
    Does it sting to realize the FAUX target audience is essentially Left Behinds with almost no skills, education or prospects? And worse, absolutely no desire for improvement.
    The spellings are an old literary device. You know, the class you watched the 'snobs' take. Pretenderating that your illusory interpretation is funny. If you keep repeating the Lie, does it come true? Or are you still in the same place?

    As far as intellectual gifts, yes. I would deny it to satiate your inferiority complex...more to shut up your plaints...but I do prefer honesty. In a great many ways and many aspects I am vastly your intellectual superior. Duh.
    It does not mean that you are any less a person or citizen. Think of it as American football. I am a pro on a world-class played PeeWee. Off the field, we are pretty much regular folks. On the field, you are entirely out of your league.

    Poor FAUX, they wanted so badly to be the propaganda arm of the wingnut buffoons of the Rs. And to also claim journalistic integrity. Can't have both. You either tell the Truth, or you front for Rove, Santorum, Cheney, Breitbart, etc.

    Must be tough on the Goobers who were the target turns out that they always were wrong...and FAUX lied to them.


  27. Anonymous11:33 AM

    dear mr. field, while your post sets up argument and discussion about FOX NEWS, America is on the brink of an economic disaster of uncalculable dimension if the debt ceiling isn't raised.

    I understand that the folks on FN aren't interested or probably don't care, but it is going to be the worst in history, for Whites. I say 'Whites' to emphasize the devastation for Blacks and Latinos.

    Anyway, I found an article that simplifies what will happen to our country if America defaults:

    Nothing is more important than this, simply because it is going to negatively affect lives to the point of devastation. It is going to cost lives. Our political system has gone awry. It is terribly broken and with it comes the downfall of the American economy.

    Whether Fox News is a news orgn. or not is of little consequence to what lies ahead of us if the debt ceiling isn't raised.

  28. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Note how GooberTroll has to inventerate a Librul? How assiduously he avoids addressing the issues?
    Does it sting to realize the FAUX target audience is essentially Left Behinds with almost no skills, education or prospects? And worse, absolutely no desire for improvement.
    The spellings are an old literary device. You know, the class you watched the 'snobs' take. Pretenderating that your illusory interpretation is funny. If you keep repeating the Lie, does it come true? Or are you still in the same place?

    As far as intellectual gifts, yes. I would deny it to satiate your inferiority complex...more to shut up your plaints...but I do prefer honesty. In a great many ways and many aspects I am vastly your intellectual superior. Duh.
    It does not mean that you are any less a person or citizen. Think of it as American football. I am a pro on a world-class played PeeWee. Off the field, we are pretty much regular folks. On the field, you are entirely out of your league.

    Poor FAUX, they wanted so badly to be the propaganda arm of the wingnut buffoons of the Rs. And to also claim journalistic integrity. Can't have both. You either tell the Truth, or you front for Rove, Santorum, Cheney, Breitbart, etc.

    Must be tough on the Goobers who were the target turns out that they always were wrong...and FAUX lied to them.



    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Lib'rul Language

  29. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198212:19 PM

    Silly mold.Thinkin' her jiggin' will keep others from learning why the liberal left hates Fox News.

    Before Fox News,the left could lie on tv and in newspapers and never have their lies exposed.Jesse Jackson could cheat on his taxes without fear.Bill Clinton molest women and know the media would cover for him.

    Why were straightfoward news outlets sitting on the Clinton scandal?

    Silly of the left to think they would control the media forever.

    Silly mold.

    Yes.One must use devices when one doesn't use facts or logic.

  30. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Silly mold.

    Yes.One must use devices when one doesn't use facts or logic.

    And for Mold, those "devices" hook up to his car battery and he attacks the matter from the rear, right Moldilox?


    I'm surprised that the Murdoch Scandal is not the leading story throughout the black blogesphere. We owe him, don't we? Murdoch has used race to exploit, resurrect and encourage all that is ugly in America. There is no denying that racism and xenophobia are the cornerstones of the Fox News Network. In a most despicable manner,on both sides of the pond, Murdoch has used his media empire to scandalize- foment hatred and resentment against African Americans. A recent example of this- was the fake story he and Matt Drudge peddled about black violence on Memorial Day.

    Right now we have a grand opportunity. We should do everything we can to drive a steak through the dark heart of Murdoch- and that putrid bag of scum- call News Corp.


    Top 5 Fake Fox News Racist Scandals

    During and after the election of Barack Obama, Fox News has created several scandals through unethical journalism, to paint Barack Obama as a scary black man out to get white people. They have done so by taking quotes and videos out of context and ramming their so-called scandals down their easily influenced viewers throats. Here are there worst “scandals” of the past few years.

    5. Shirley Sherrod

    Rather than address the charges of racism that the NAACP brought to the Tea Party, the right wing media decided to try and dig up some dirt on the NAACP. What they found was a 2 minute clip of Shirley Sherrod talking about an incident with a white farmer from decades ago, who later would go on to become a close family friend. Rather than putting the clip in context, they branded it as racist and she was subsequently fired. When the full tape came out, it was revealed that the story was one of overcoming prejudices and reconciliation, not racism.

    How Fox And The Right Wing Media Twisted The Shirley Sherrod Story

    4. The New Black Panther Party

    During the 2008 election a member of the New Black Panther Party King Samir Shabazz was carrying a nightstick outside a Philadelphia polling center. Former DOJ lawyer, and right wing activist J. Christian Adams has said that the case was squashed to protect minorities. Despite the fact that no voters claimed they were intimidated and that the Bush Administration, not the Obama Administration decided not to pursue criminal charges, Fox News has tried to make the incident a scandal for the Obama administration.

    Pundit Claims Fox News Uses “Scary Black Man Thing” For Black Panther “Scandal”

    3. Van Jones

    Van Jones, the former Director of Green Jobs for the White House, signed a petition to investigate what happened on 9/11. He claims he didn’t know it was from a 9/11 Truther organization and he was just convinced into signing a petition under false pretenses. Glenn Beck went on a tirade against him which lead to his ultimate resignation. It is ironic that the right wing icon, Glen Beck who so thoroughly supports the Tea Party, which is full of 9/11 Truthers, criticized Van Jones for being a Truther. Right wing darlings Ron and Rand Paul regularly appear on top 9/11 Truther, Alex Jones’ show, yet have not received any criticism from Beck or Fox.

    Van Jones Tells Tavis He’s Not A 9/11 “Truther”

    CON'T FOR 2&1

  32. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Must be tough when the wingnut Welfare spigot from FAUX could end at any moment.
    Feel free to provide proof of Left lies in the MSM. I know you can inventerate some...just like your Fundie cohorts...and you will trooly beleeve.
    Shame that almost every sane person sees your beleef as sophistry and self-deception.
    While you might have a case for '
    Coastal bias' or 'Urban bias'...what you term 'Librul bias' is in actuality a bias towards Fact, Truth and Data.

    A literary device is a tool well known to those who can read and write. And mine, if you missed it due to a lack of training or skill, is predicated upon the reader being familiar with Science and Literature. At a Grade School level.
    So, how does it pass beyond your ken?

    AnnG, nice post. Looking forward to the rest.



    June 2008


    Fox News Channel displayed a graphic referring to the Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s wife Michelle as “Obama’s baby mama” on Wednesday, June 11th, in just the latest of a growing list of racially insensitive references to the African American candidate. The reference was made during an article with conservative columnist and Asian mouthpiece Michelle Malkin regarding whether or not it was fair to target Michelle Obama during the political campaign.

    In the past three weeks, Fox News anchor E.D. Hill has apologized for referring to the affectionate onstage fist bump shared by the senator and Michelle Obama as a “terrorist fist jab” and Fox contributor Liz Trotta has made grossly insensitive remarks calling for Senator Obama’s assassination. And if I had a dollar for every time somebody on Fox confused Senator Obama with terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, or has gone out of their way to use Mr. Obama’s middle name of Hussein, as in Saddam Hussein, I would be guaranteed not to ever worry about the price of gasoline or anything else for that matter. This is just another example of Fox’s impression of fair and balanced reporting. Fox actually practices a system of blatant offense, followed by an oops, and then an insincere apology.


  34. Anonymous8:02 PM

    47 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...

    Right now we have a grand opportunity. We should do everything we can to drive a steak through the dark heart of Murdoch- and that putrid bag of scum- call News Corp.


    Top 5 Fake Fox News Racist Scandals

    During and after the election of Barack Obama, Fox News has created several scandals through unethical journalism, to paint Barack Obama as a scary black man out to get white people. They have done so by taking quotes and videos out of context and ramming their so-called scandals down their easily influenced viewers throats. Here are there worst “scandals” of the past few years.

    5. Shirley Sherrod

    Rather than address the charges of racism that the NAACP brought to the Tea Party, the right wing media decided to try and dig up some dirt on the NAACP. What they found was a 2 minute clip of Shirley Sherrod talking about an incident with a white farmer from decades ago, who later would go on to become a close family friend. Rather than putting the clip in context, they branded it as racist and she was subsequently fired. When the full tape came out, it was revealed that the story was one of overcoming prejudices and reconciliation, not racism.

    How Fox And The Right Wing Media Twisted The Shirley Sherrod Story

    4. The New Black Panther Party

    During the 2008 election a member of the New Black Panther Party King Samir Shabazz was carrying a nightstick outside a Philadelphia polling center. Former DOJ lawyer, and right wing activist J. Christian Adams has said that the case was squashed to protect minorities. Despite the fact that no voters claimed they were intimidated and that the Bush Administration, not the Obama Administration decided not to pursue criminal charges, Fox News has tried to make the incident a scandal for the Obama administration.

    Pundit Claims Fox News Uses “Scary Black Man Thing” For Black Panther “Scandal”

    3. Van Jones

    Van Jones, the former Director of Green Jobs for the White House, signed a petition to investigate what happened on 9/11. He claims he didn’t know it was from a 9/11 Truther organization and he was just convinced into signing a petition under false pretenses. Glenn Beck went on a tirade against him which lead to his ultimate resignation. It is ironic that the right wing icon, Glen Beck who so thoroughly supports the Tea Party, which is full of 9/11 Truthers, criticized Van Jones for being a Truther. Right wing darlings Ron and Rand Paul regularly appear on top 9/11 Truther, Alex Jones’ show, yet have not received any criticism from Beck or Fox.

    Van Jones Tells Tavis He’s Not A 9/11 “Truther”

    CON'T FOR 2&1

    7:32 PM

    Holy George Soros, what a bunch of tripe. You really are a Soros funded blogger, for no one and I mean NO ONE else would try and disseminate the Alinsky tactic of discredit those who report on it like you do. WE saw the videos. WE saw the proof, in example the PANTHERS WERE videotaped and found guilty by default, yet the charges were dismisse by ERIC HOLDER and group, NOT bush, there was testimony in congress on this. WHo in the hell do you think you are kidding with all of this tripe. The world reported all of these things except for the soros mainstream media, fox picked up on it after everyone else knew.
    DIsgusting people, lie, twist, cheat but NEVER obey the law. You make me want to vomit...on YOU.

    Van Jone is a truther, he signed the petition, was videotaped discussing it.

    Get the fuck out of here with your fake alinsky lies, we are on to you hany head and you are sickening. Is this all the left can do LIE? and try and make it the people who report the truth's fault?

    WHy don't you talk about the pigsford scandal and how it's being investigated with your racist freind Sherod, what are there 85,000 farmer claims and there were never more than 35,000 black farmers.

    Drop Dead Liar.

  35. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Keep making things's hilarious!
    Oh, for more of making things up...Kenny 'Fall
    Down and Fake Injuries for
    Truth really frosts you...why is that?

    Thanks AnnG



    Fox News, are they Racists?‏ - YouTube


  37. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19828:36 PM

    Note how mold thinks lies and distortions are a"nice post".

    5.Shirley Sherrod

    Note her post is about Fox News, yet she includes other "rightwing media" under this heading.

    Why?Because no objective analysis
    can say Fox overhyped or was the cause of Shirley being fired.

    Look at TVNewser or Mediaite.They did studies.They disprove Liberal lies.

    4.The New Black Panther Party

    Obama did ask for a dismissal of a case that had already been won by default.

    Obama,Eric"my people"Holder and the DOJ stonewalled any investigations into the Black Panther case.

    Fell free to go to C-Span and watch Eric and DOJ officals stutter and squirm.

    3. Van Jones

    Of course we must believe VJ signs things he doesn't read first.Also, lets look at who VJs' friends are.

    Most 9-11 truthers are Democrats.A Pew Research poll shows 21% of Democrats believe Bush was behind 9-11.

    I will be waiting for more of your lies and distortions.

  38. I SMELL BLOOD!!!!




    Murdoch needs this scale of money-flow because his other ventures are showing performances that range from disastrous to mediocre.

    MySpace is dead and sold – for just $20Million, a fifth of the asking price. Rupert Murdoch lost Newscorp shareholders $580 million investing in and then completely mismanaging it. It was his first and only foray into social media, and the thing with these products is, putting up firewalls isn’t a good idea. The Digger isn’t good with anything that’s free or open.

    Fox News in the US, meanwhile, continues to lose viewers. His manically Rightist views (so incessantly pumped out, the Channel was voted Most Biased News Station in the US last month) are not in vogue at the moment: we could argue all day and night about exactly why, but the bottom line is that Fox’s ratings declined again last quarter (Apr-June) by 6% – and significantly, 14% in the 25-54 demographic. Newscorp’s other problem here was (until recently) Glenn ‘Bonkers’ Beck, a presenter so clearly off his head, Murdoch eventually had to dump him because corporate America stopped buying airtime in his slots. But the guy did have an audience, and it hasn’t been replaced.

    In the UK, rumours persist of Murdoch quietly inviting offers for his paywalled disaster, the UK Times titles. The Times (as well as its sister title the Sunday Times) has suffered a massive drop in online readership since disappearing behind paywalls in July last year.


    I found this site from a link from the Telegraph UK:

  39. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19828:49 PM

    And if I had a dollar for every time somebody on Fox confused Senator Obama with terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, or has gone out of their way to use Mr. Obama’s middle name of Hussein, as in Saddam Hussein, I would be guaranteed not to ever worry about the price of gasoline or anything else for that matter.

    And of course, you don't mention Democrats,Cnn,Msnbc,who have also confused Obama with Osama.

    Yeah Fox Haters.I know.


    "Rupert Murdoch's empire must be dismantled" – Ed Miliband


    Saturday 16 July 2011 21.00 BST
    Labour leader urges for new media ownership rules saying News Corporation chief has too much power in the UK.

    In an exclusive interview with the Observer, the Labour leader calls for cross-party agreement on new media ownership laws that would cut Murdoch's current market share, arguing that he has "too much power over British public life".

    Miliband says that the abandonment by News International of its bid for BSkyB, the resignation of its chief executive, Rebekah Brooks, and the closure of the News of the World are insufficient to restore trust and reassure the public.

    The Labour leader argues that current media ownership rules are outdated, describing them as "analogue rules for a digital age" that do not take into account the advent of mass digital and satellite broadcasting.

    "I think that we've got to look at the situation whereby one person can own more than 20% of the newspaper market, the Sky platform and Sky News," Miliband said. "I think it's unhealthy because that amount of power in one person's hands has clearly led to abuses of power within his organisation. If you want to minimise the abuses of power then that kind of concentration of power is frankly quite dangerous."


  41. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Ms. Ann G. Myma said...

    Fox News, are they Racists?‏ - YouTube


    8:23 PM

    The only racists are people like you, Disgusting people like you.

    What you should show is fake racism put out day in and day out. No one is buying it anymore, your excuses are done. People get passes and excused for breaking the law and antisocial behaviour because you can call somoene else racist, well screw that and screw you. If telling the truth makes me racist then I am as racist as they come and I don't give a FUCK what a little pissant lying sack of soros like you thinks. Take me to court.

    Obama IS the worst president ever making carter look competent and it is NOT as you soros freaks try and make it because he is a white man and was raised by a white family (not counting the muslim stepfathers) It is because he is incompetent a lying distorting far far left whackjob who can't see the forest for the tree and expects everyone else to pick up the pieces.

    Have a nice day MS Soros. Next time someone like you accuses someone of something they better have solid evidence instead of the usual rhetoric, you done used up your pass cards.

  42. Anonymous9:09 PM

    My, do you have screencaps of the constant 'error' of calling Barak Obama, der FAUX does?
    As far as wingnut 'sorces', do you think we are foolish enough to consider them as anything but 'lairs fer de cause'? The ones you listed are about as fake as Brietbart, so you are trying to sell poo.
    No thanks.
    Wonder how you define stuff. What exactly is a 9-11 Truther? Is it a person who has discovered that bush refused to act on intelligence? You make things up and expect us to beleeve as you...that is not likely. Most folks prefer Reality to gulping down marching orders like wingnuts.

    Since your sockpuppet is lost, the children can continue a lawsuit...if they are eligible. Duh.


  43. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Carter was competent, he just didn't fulfill your manLove like st reagan did. Obama is a right-centre politician...and always has been. Only in your self-induced 'martyr fantasies' is anywhere near Socialism. Would you like some sources to make a rational determination? I can use BBC, Aftenposten, and some others.

    In case you are confused, most Historians rate bush at the Worst pResident Ever. This is pretty much accepted by any valid and credentialed professional. I know, GooberHeeyuck of the Gawdly Versity of Manly Heroic Gawd-Fearin' Holiness disagrees....from his church/skool/trailer.
    Unlike the wingnut and reich-wing political spectrum, the Lefty branch is almost entirely unsubsidized. The Left has no Koch brothers, no Murdoch, no ALEC (writing legislation for the spokesmodels and morons), no wingnut welfare, and a much more diverse selection of opinions. Just because your experience is that of useful idiot or vassal, don't assume it applies to the Left.


  44. Anonymous9:24 PM

    MS any vagina;

    "Fox’s ratings declined again last quarter (Apr-June) by 6% – and significantly, 14% in the 25-54 demographic"

    The tricky dirty liberal forgot to mention that ALL cable news ratings decline, yet still FOX has triple the viewership of all of them, more viewers than several of them combined. YOu see FOX would tell you these points, but liberals would not. That is why no one trust the Obama networks. But htey trust fox.

    How many whackjob lefties have been fired lately? Yet the ratings still lag, wonder why? Maybe you and MOld are the only viewers tingles has left.


    Watch M.P. Edward Miliband challenge Prime Minister David Cameron's hiring of Murdoch's gargoyle, Andy Caulson. It's great political theater. Coulson, by the way, was arrested several days ago.

  46. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19829:42 PM

    When mold is confronted with facts,her post become confusing and illogical.

    When her talking points run out,her lack of knowledge shows.

    Than mold has to lie.

    Mold forgets about Soros,big labor who funds astro turfing,all those Liberal suger daddies who kept Huff Po going until the AOL buyout,and all those Liberal suger daddies who support NPR and leftwing talk radio.

    I'm suprised mold would lie about the left being subsidized.Its all on the web.

  47. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Ann G Myma, "Right now we have a grand opportunity. We should do everything we can to drive a steak through the dark heart of Murdoch- and that putrid bag of scum- call News Corp."

    Aren't you the one that told Mr. Field that his blog, Field Negro should be called "House Negro"? Now you are back trying to get everyone riled up to stomp FOX NEWS? GTFOH!

    I will NEVER forget your insults to Field and your pushiness to take control of FN blog. You are nothing but a phony ass house negro yourself who goes around trying to USE your own people to get what YOU want.

    YOU go and drive a stake through Mudoch's heart. That way you can become just like them. YOU don't need us house negroes.

  48. Anonymous9:47 PM

    You forgot to mention, oh wise and manly Troll, that FAUX gets most of its 'ratings' from the same place wingnuts get NYT 'best sellers'...bulk purchasing. While there is a true market for the racist ignorant drivel spewed by most of their puffy pundits, it is actually less than the PBS audience. The difference is created.
    I already posted on this...and the links are on that thread.
    Pretty much...Troll, his ten sockpuppets and his sister/wife/daughter are the viewers...a total of two.
    For Fwee Market Troo Beleevers, you don't know much about business...or the particular market of Mass Media. You just parrot and hope none of the readers have toiled in that field. Oops, I have. You make me giggle with girlish delight at your pretensions.
    Instead of showing that you haven't a bloody clew...get a job in the industry. See how little your christian morels are worth, how denigrated your idols are by those who know, and figure out how much you lose by being a useful idiot.


  49. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Ann G Myma-"I'm surprised that the Murdoch Scandal is not the leading story throughout the black blogesphere. We owe him, don't we? Murdoch has used race to exploit, resurrect and encourage all that is ugly in America. There is no denying that racism and xenophobia are the cornerstones of the Fox News Network. In a most despicable manner,on both sides of the pond, Murdoch has used his media empire to scandalize- foment hatred and resentment against African Americans."

    There are more important stories that are of immediate concern, like the "debt ceiling". If it is not raised the suffering of Blacks will be immense-many times greater than what Murdoch could possible do.

    I don't watch FOX so I could give a flying eff what happens to them. I DO care about our race and what the failure to raise the debt ceiling will do to us.

    But you continue on with your tirade against FOX. With a name like Ann G Myma, I am sure you will be effective. Racist Whites love that name. It reminds them of the good old days.

  50. Anonymous9:54 PM

    OMG! LOL!!! You really don't know! Posturing with abject ignorance...and trying to pretend Soros funds the Left the 'exact same' as the Kochs and Fiends fund the wingnuts and Reich-wingers. Talk about stoopid.
    Maybe you should, like, point out the actual errors and FAIL that the Left does...and not make things up.
    I know, you still want 'GooberRevenge' for me showing a poster to be a liar. Boo hoo. Maybe they should not lie.
    As far as proof, I still decline to do your work for you and I really can't see the need for me to teach you the alphabet. Your continuing obsession shows that you harbor resentment over 'losing'. And that your goal is 'payback'. Pout all you want. It changes nothing.


  51. Anonymous10:02 PM

    anon@ 9:54pm-"-"I'm surprised that the Murdoch Scandal is not the leading story throughout the black blogesphere...."

    Thanks for your remarks. I agree wholeheartedly. It is gratifying to see throughour most of the black blogosphere about the DEBT CEILING. I pray Obama, the Dems and the Repubs will come to an agreement. THAT is the most important story today thru Aug 2.

  52. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198210:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You forgot to mention, oh wise and manly Troll, that FAUX gets most of its 'ratings' from the same place wingnuts get NYT 'best sellers'...bulk purchasing.


    As far as proof, I still decline to do your work for you and I really can't see the need for me to teach you the alphabet. Your continuing obsession shows that you harbor resentment over 'losing'. And that your goal is 'payback'. Pout all you want. It changes nothing.


    When mold is confronted with facts,her post become confusing and illogical.

    Liberal Tormentor

    Told you so.

  53. Anonymous10:32 PM

    It might be beyond you to grasp the meaning...or you are the simple lad in the back of the class..braying that you am superior to the teacher because you are lost.
    Don't assume the rest of the class is as confused or benighted.
    Since you are taking on the role of class your own are welcome to it.
    As for 'declaring victory'...I suggest you review the 10 Laws of the Internet.
    It is not the beret or clove cigarettes that make the person an artist. Simply placing what you assume are arguments into the thread, does not make you correct. You miss the point. Is this deliberate? You know, 'piss off the adults'? Or are you unable to understand the material?

    Aping what others have done, without grasping the underlying concepts only serves to highlight your lack of comprehension. Hence the comparison of trappings of an artist...with the actuality of an artist.

    Still, you proved endless amusement to your fellow classmates...problem is...they are laughing AT you. No matter how loudly or often you declaim they are laughing WITH you.

    I would point to your school experience...and that should suffice.


  54. Anonymous said...
    But you continue on with your tirade against FOX. With a name like Ann G Myma

    Obviously, you're too daft to understand, the name is Ms. Ann G. Myma not Aunt Jemina. It's a joke- and at the same time- a feminist take on the character.

  55. Anonymous11:48 PM

    "Obviously, you're too daft to understand, the name is Ms. Ann G. Myma not Aunt Jemina. It's a joke- and at the same time- a feminist take on the character."

    It's not funny and a lousy take on the character by a bw...GET RID OF IT.
