Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Straight Outta Compton"?

If any of you Negroes are free on the 24th of this month you might want to head to Los Angeles to join a march led by my man Jesse.

'LOS ANGELES, July 14, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- The newly formed black led South Central L.A. Tea Party group will hold a major rally to expose the lies and misinformation of the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) during its102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The purpose of the rally is to bring attention to the failed liberal big government agenda of the NAACP and to expose their lies and hypocrisy on race issues.
Who: South Central L.A. Tea Party
What: Rally to expose the failed big government agenda and lies of the NAACP
When: Sunday, July 24, 2011, from 2-4 p.m.
Where:1201 S Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90015 (Outside the L.A. Convention Center- West Hall).

"The NAACP is a tool of the Obama administration," said founding member and President of BOND Action, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. He added, "For decades, this group has supported left-wing policies which have created dependency, destroyed black families, and hurt race relations." Rev. Peterson cited the following examples:

  • NAACP spreading lies about the Tea Party movement. NAACP has made numerous false allegations of 'racism' against the Tea Party movement, but has yet to provide a shred of evidence backing up their baseless claims.
  • Support for failing public schools and unions. The NAACP has aligned itself with the United Federation of Teachers to block 22 of the worst performing schools in New York City from being shut down. This has put them at odds with thousands of black parents in Harlem who support replacing these failing public schools with charter schools.
  • NAACP's hypocrisy on crime and race. The NAACP has remained silent while black thugs attack white Americans and commit crimes in flash mobs across the country -- but
    NAACP President Benjamin Jealous says he's "deeply concerned” with the lack of black news anchors on Television.
  • The NAACP supports black genocide. As an ally of Planned Parenthood and abortion on demand, the NAACP has aided and abetted in the death of some 15 million black babies since the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling legalizing abortion.
This event is open to all Tea Party supporters and like-minded patriots of all races."

Whoops, I think this is the wrong Jessie.

Wait, did they say South Central L.A. Tea Party? Oh Lawd! Now I done seen it all.
Isn't  that like saying a Jamaican ski club?

Anyway, it should be interesting. If any of you make it to the rally please holla at your boy. I would love to hear how it went down.


  1. Anonymous11:58 PM

    I think it is a smart move for the Tea Party. It will garner black and brown votes in 2012.

    I am especially happy they are going after the NAACP, which is not worth a damn. that is what I like about the Tea Party: they are courageous and WILL DO what they say they will do. Unlike the NAACP and liberal black Dems who should have been after the NAACP decades ago. But they are a chicken spineless group, who loves to kiss the ass of Ben Jealous.

    Field, I WILL say "hello" to Jesse on the 24th. I'll be flying out of Philly on the 23rd...want to join me, or are you chicken also?

  2. I was watching CNN, they did a thing on Tax Cuts, they showed that when Clinton raised taxes, over 23 million jobs were created, while when Bush cut taxes for the Wealthy only 3 million jobs were created.

    And they wanna blame that brown dude.

    Hey Field, rare to see you tweet! lol

  3. "Anyway, it should be interesting. If any of you make it to the rally please holla at your boy. I would love to hear how it went down."

    Same here. It'd be interesting to watch.

  4. mellaneous1:07 AM

    Well Field this kind of foolishness was bound to happen. There is an old saying that things don't stay neutral, they either go forward or backwards.

    Backwards here we come.

    Imagine that; black conservatives protesting the NAACP. Incidentally without the weak old NAACP a lot of these silly self hating negroes, with bad political analysis wouldn't be able to practice their foolish politics.

    Times are changing.

    As proof times have changed the first commenter would have been ashamed to say in public what he says in public and forget writing it down.

    And there was a time when a man/woman had the temerity to make bold foolish statements they had the intestinal fortitude to sign their name to it. I find it strange that anon above would be calling folks chicken and talking about courage when he doesn't have the guts to identify himself/herself with an ID or moniker on this blog.

    I think whether he realizes it or not its consistent with the position he/she takes.

  5. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Mell, "Imagine that; black conservatives protesting the NAACP. Incidentally without the weak old NAACP a lot of these silly self hating negroes, with bad political analysis wouldn't be able to practice their foolish politics."

    Since when did folks like you get the right to call someone else self-hating when you hate yourself?

    You are right about one thing, though...times are changing and the Tea Party in South Central will be living proof for all of you non-changing Negroes who think the NAACP is sooooo great.

    Ben Jealous and the NAACP don't care about Blacks.

  6. Mitchell Craig1:49 AM

    Hey Anonymous!

    I guess you won't be happy until your Tea Party Pals get that silly 14th Amendment repealed.

    Then you people will be right where you belong.

    On sale at




    "Most Black people are not honest and don't like to work."

    "Most Black preachers aren't called by God, they are called by their mommas."

    "Most Black preachers teach hatred of Israel."

    "Most Black people, not all, but most, like lies over truth."

    "A lot of Christians aren't really Christians, especially Black ones."

    "When it comes to sex, you can't trust a Black preacher."

    "Blacks who complain should be put back onto the plantation so that they would know how to work."

    "Most Black men are not worth anything."

    "Black preachers are racists".

    “If whites were to just leave the United States and let blacks run the country, they would turn America into a ghetto within 10 years.”

    “There is relatively little discrimination against blacks”

    “Blacks have made great economic progress, but along the way, most have become morally bankrupt. Seventy-percent of black children born out of wedlock is unacceptable.”

    “Blacks today are not suffering due to racism or the lack of economic opportunity; they’re suffering because of their lack of moral character.”


    "Racist Holiday from Hell"

    "W.E.B. Du Bois was a communist, socialist pig,"

    "Homosexuality is not about family, it's not about love. It is about sex, nothing but sex."

    "If Rush is a racist, I'm a racist."

    "I think we all agree that Barack Obama was elected by, mostly by black racists and white guilty people."

    "Thank God For Slavery”

    "Barack Obama hates white people – especially white men."

    "Blacks see racism everywhere they look, even though by most accounts there is really very little racism left among whites--certainly not among those with much power and influence. The sad truth is that black racism is far more pervasive today than is white racism,"

    "There are illegals coming into this country, and they're bringing crime and drugs, all kinds of stuff. So there is a savage personality to what they're doing."

    "Most black men are very weak and insecure.",0

  8. "You are right about one thing, though...times are changing and the Tea Party in South Central will be living proof for all of you non-changing Negroes who think the NAACP is sooooo great.

    Ben Jealous and the NAACP don't care about Blacks."

    So should blacks completely disregard the NAACP because of its current actions...or rather, inaction? Despite the organization's previous work in ensuring that blacks could even do things such as organize a Tea Party rally, let alone any other kind of rally?

    There are a lot of people eager to whap the ol' NAACP over the head and bury it in a shallow grave. And instead of seeing that another, newer organization with fresh faces and a fresh perspective carry on the work done by the NAACP, people want damn near any memory of the organization to vanish without a trace.

  9. mellaneous2:44 AM

    Anon or whatever you are. Clearly you don't know what the expression self-hating means.

    Because unlike you I want to end racism not pretend it doesn't exist, I want government to help everyone not just its current benefactors which include the big banks ( pay their bailout), major corporations (welfare, tax breaks, land donations etc) and even contractors who depend on the gov't for their livlihood, yet fail to share the contracts with women or other people of color.

    Self hating Negroes agree with their enemies about black folks.

    Self hating Negroes pretend racism doesn't exist or hasn't existed.

    Self hating Negroes see the pin in the eye of black folks but miss the whole plank that the system has in it.

    No sir you are the self hating Negroe. I on the other hand at least have sense enough to take my own side.

    You are so weak and your positions are so weak you won't even identify yourself at all, for fear you may discovered and outed.

    In fact you don't even have an original idea. You get yours from Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck and other conservative books or articles you read, without thinking through the implications.

    Now thats self dislike!

    That is what you do,not me.

  10. Isn't this Peterson guy the same nutter who thanked white people for slavery on FoxNews a while back?

    I don't think he is self-hating, I think he's a cynical opportunist. He knows that no black man ever got poor by making white people feel better about themselves.

    Truth be told, I doubt there's a black man in America who hates white people more than Peterson.

  11. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Isn't this Peterson guy the same nutter who thanked white people for slavery on FoxNews a while back?

    Yeah, he said something like if there were no slavery then black folks would have been in Africa still and look at the state of the countries in Africa versus conditions for blacks in the U.S. Everyone is trying to get out of Africa.

  12. Ms. Cleopatra Jones6:54 AM

    Anonymous said...
    But you continue on with your tirade against FOX. With a name like Ann G Myma

    Obviously, you're too daft to understand, the name is Ms. Ann G. Myma not Aunt Jemina. It's a joke- and at the same time- a feminist take on the character.

    Yes, because what the world needs is a feminist take on a sterotyped black hanky wearing pancake mammy.

    Why Don't you just call yourself
    Ms Shaniqua Jones or Ms Nosmo King
    Or Ms. Leroy Brown

    We do agree, the name is a joke, a total joke and indicative of you and your Soros agenda and funding. Interesting you only show up when there is a concerted Soros media blog push. Are you really some white college kid like Mold?

  13. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Mitchell Craig, "I guess you won't be happy until your Tea Party Pals get that silly 14th Amendment repealed.

    Then you people will be right where you belong.

    On sale at"

    Hell Mitchell, we Negroes are already on sale. Looked at the unemployment numbers lately?

  14. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The Purple Cow said...
    Isn't this Peterson guy the same nutter who thanked white people for slavery on FoxNews a while back?

    Yeah, he said something like if there were no slavery then black folks would have been in Africa still and look at the state of the countries in Africa versus conditions for blacks in the U.S. Everyone is trying to get out of Africa.

    Ethiopia and Kenya are suffering a huge measels epidemic.

  15. Anonymous8:25 AM


    "Most Black people, not all, but most, like lies over truth."

    I have been Black all of my life and I have found this to be true, and I am not a Peterson fan. Blacks today are in profound DENIAL.

    "A lot of Christians aren't really Christians, especially Black ones."

    It doesn't take a genius to see this truth. Of course, this is another DENIAL by a lot of Blacks.

    "When it comes to sex, you can't trust a Black preacher."

    This is very true. A black moron knows this. Can anybody say, "Eddie Long?"

    “If whites were to just leave the United States and let blacks run the country, they would turn America into a ghetto within 10 years.”

    Detroit is a fine example of what will happen if Blacks are allowed to run America...Let's face it. Blacks are not ready for prime time, not only in America, but in Africa as well.

    Finally, most of you Fox haters and Jesse Lee Peterson haters are free to hate. There is no law that says you can't hate. But at least have the courage and morals to face the truth even though your enemies point them out.

    If you want to know about the truth, listen to your enemy. Unlike your friends they won't hold back.

    Ann G Myma, I am still waiting for YOU to face the truth of when you put Field down...calling him a HOUSE NEGRO. You keep silent about your own words but you winnow the words of others in the wind. You are nothing but a self-serving HYPOCRITE who is trying to use the good folks on FN blog.

  16. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Anon@8:25am, here is a comment by Ms. Ann G. Myma about Field. Since she likes to QUOTE others to put them down, I think it is only fair to QUOTE her:

    "Field, I agree with Mack Lyons wholeheartedly. As a matter of fact, the name Field Negro has completely lost its luster on this blog. You should renamed it, House Negro. I mean it! After all,that is exactly what this once great blog has become."

    Her comment is nothing short of a put down. Plus she has the nerve to call Field a House Negro while she has a name like Ann G Myma. Everyone knows only a house negro who want to please the white folks would have a name like that.

  17. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "Ann G Myma, I am still waiting for YOU to face the truth of when you put Field down...calling him a HOUSE NEGRO. You keep silent about your own words but you winnow the words of others in the wind. You are nothing but a self-serving HYPOCRITE who is trying to use the good folks on FN blog"

    Ms. Ann G Myma - White college boy blogging for Soros.

    Perhaps you could explain to us considering your position on the inside why Soros all of sudden decided to step up his campaign against Fox? It woulnt' have anythign to do with his being exposed with over 30 ties to major News Organization now would it?

    In fact the more I see about this the more I realize it is always the corrupt ones that are trying to out others and claim they are the ones that are actually corrupt. Interestintg.

  18. Anonymous9:56 AM

    S+P raised the state of Ohios credit rating, they clsimed that Gov Kasich whined so much about his predecessor that this made sound economic was the budget and fiscal responsibility that did it.

    "Unlike President Obama, Kasich actually took proactive steps to reduce the size of Ohio's government and improve business conditions for the private sector. Plus he didn't blame his predecessor, demonize his political opponents, or say "I" and "me" all the time".

  19. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Gosh, where oh where is your proof for your claimerations? That Soros funds the even a portion of how wingnut welfare supports the Reich-wing? Or do you just make it up...hoping that it 'pisses off Librusl'?
    Kasich S&P rating is a 'sorce'. Note that it is log-rolling by known wingnut liars. Keep trying to sell liars as valid.

    Now that you are aware of the problems of FAUX, ou whine it everyone else's 'fault'. Where is your 'personal responsibility' meme? Your manly man heroes sneak into the phone of a 13 yo girl...and you blame Soros? Is this the same as the 'dog ated me homework' you tried to sell?

    Don't look now, Soros has investments in foodstuffs, housing, clothing and such. They must all be 'tainted' by his 'Jewishness presence' and your loyal Aryan/wingnut self must cleanse the Earth.
    Heard it before, gutless Nazi wimp. At least they enlisted.


  20. Anonymous11:43 AM


    Anonymous said...
    Gosh, where oh where is your proof for your claimerations? That Soros funds the even a portion of how wingnut welfare supports the Reich-wing? Or do you just make it up...hoping that it 'pisses off Librusl'?
    Kasich S&P rating is a 'sorce'. Note that it is log-rolling by known wingnut liars. Keep trying to sell liars as valid.

    Now that you are aware of the problems of FAUX, ou whine it everyone else's 'fault'. Where is your 'personal responsibility' meme? Your manly man heroes sneak into the phone of a 13 yo girl...and you blame Soros? Is this the same as the 'dog ated me homework' you tried to sell?

    Don't look now, Soros has investments in foodstuffs, housing, clothing and such. They must all be 'tainted' by his 'Jewishness presence' and your loyal Aryan/wingnut self must cleanse the Earth.
    Heard it before, gutless Nazi wimp. At least they enlisted.


    I love reading your posts. They make absolutely no sense whatsover and remind how mindless liberals are.

    Twiddley Dee and Twiddly doo
    Mold needs to change his diaper it's full of poo.

    Thanks for being the poster child for why Liberals should be ignored.

  21. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Since TaxBaggers are astroturf funded by the Kochs and other like-minded racist Facists...and the cash goes to anyone (recall 'I am not a witch'?)...why shouldn't a AfAm con man line up for the munny?
    Nearly all Con posters are funded by Wingnut Welfare. Why should barely educated wite boys in Mom's basement be the only beneficiaries of Master's largesse?
    NAACP pushed legislation that made wite folks equal to AfAms, so I understand your hatred for them.
    And, being a Tom makes you 'unique'. Look at how Hollywood actors try to differentiate their 'brand'. How many businesses sell on the fantasy of standing out from the crowd...Mercedes, Audi, beauty merch...they are selling the 'I am different and unique'. Being a Tom is pretty good sales for the Koch orgs. It gives cover to the racist and Fascist underpinnings of their beleef system. Judas Goat, anyone?


  22. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Gosh, where oh where is your proof for your claimerations? That Soros funds the even a portion of how wingnut welfare supports the Reich-wing? Or do you just make it up...hoping that it 'pisses off Librusl'?
    Kasich S&P rating is a 'sorce'. Note that it is log-rolling by known wingnut liars. Keep trying to sell liars as valid.

    Now that you are aware of the problems of FAUX, ou whine it everyone else's 'fault'. Where is your 'personal responsibility' meme? Your manly man heroes sneak into the phone of a 13 yo girl...and you blame Soros? Is this the same as the 'dog ated me homework' you tried to sell?

    Don't look now, Soros has investments in foodstuffs, housing, clothing and such. They must all be 'tainted' by his 'Jewishness presence' and your loyal Aryan/wingnut self must cleanse the Earth.
    Heard it before, gutless Nazi wimp. At least they enlisted.


  23. "Field, I WILL say "hello" to Jesse on the 24th. I'll be flying out of Philly on the 23rd...want to join me, or are you chicken also?"

    Sorry, I have a dental appointment that day.

    Hey Anonymous!

    "I guess you won't be happy until your Tea Party Pals get that silly 14th Amendment repealed.

    Then you people will be right where you belong.

    On sale at"


  24. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hmmm...I thought all of Wal-Mart was created in China or some other Fourth World area.


  25. I live in Los Angeles and I can tell you that this "South Central Tea Party" is little more than Peterson's pandering stunt to get more duckets out of Tea Party/Cooperate paymasters. There aren't enough Black and Latino conservatives to fill a Mini Cooper in South LA, and most of his support will shipped in white folks from the OC and Antelope Valley. And frankly, most Black people in LA have no clue who this clown is.

    This is a stunt, pure and simple, just as much of Sarah Palin's fake Presidential "aspirations" - its a distraction.

  26. Anonymous1:23 PM

    And frankly, most Black people in LA have no clue..................

    Not just LA, not just in LA.

  27. I've officially had it with the NAACM when Sharpton and that organization Showed their support for the Dumbar Village gang rapists. The ten young black men who raped and tortured a black mother and her son in their home, and then attempted to light them on fire.

    Doesn't sound like much advancement there.

  28. Anonymous2:36 PM Gladney? Like the Miami fat wite import 'Riot'? Like all of Breitbart's lies? Like bush standing small with an actor costumed like a firefighter? Like Cantor's failed hissy fit?
    For a group so obsessed with calling themselves 'adults'...they sure do spend a lot of time and effort acting like spoiled children.


  29. NSangoma3:04 PM


    I'll be Gott-Damn; field-booty, tell these Niggers to stop fucking since they can't take care of the spawn.


    Will Black Male Achievement Programs Help Bridge The Gap?
    The disparity is quite evident in San Diego. During the 2009-2010 school year Black students, who make up a mere 12 percent of the district’s students, accounted for 21.5 percent of suspensions compared to white students who accounted for only four percent.

    The numbers provide insight into similar statistics on California’s and the nation’s prison population. Blacks make up about 7 percent of California’s population, and make up 32 percent of its prison inmates. Nationally, Blacks account for about 13 percent of the population and nearly 40 percent of those incarcerated.

    Just how pitiful do you Nigguhs seek to be, want to be?

    It is enough sometimes to make one want to change their colour and become a white-conservative or Chinese or anything but a North American Negroe.

    Coloured People, please cut this pitiful Niggah shit out; stop it, stop it, stop it!!!

    Black Heaux, stop fucking dick and just suck dick; do not let that Niggers sperm hit the back of yuh nas-sti-si-dy pussy; that will help decrease some this po' helpless cullud edumacationally gapped chillin problems.


    And, I do not mean DICK in the PUSSY, FUCK.

    Just, FUCK.

  30. Anonymous3:14 PM Gladney? Like the Miami fat wite import 'Riot'? Like all of Breitbart's lies? Like bush standing small with an actor costumed like a firefighter? Like Cantor's failed hissy fit?
    For a group so obsessed with calling themselves 'adults'...they sure do spend a lot of time and effort acting like spoiled children.


  31. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Anonymous said... Gladney? Like the Miami fat wite import 'Riot'? Like all of Breitbart's lies? Like bush standing small with an actor costumed like a firefighter? Like Cantor's failed hissy fit?
    For a group so obsessed with calling themselves 'adults'...they sure do spend a lot of time and effort acting like spoiled children.



    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Personal Lingo....does a retard know he is a retard or does he go uhhhhh and drool, meanwhile thinking he actually said something? I wonder.

  32. Anonymous3:42 PM Gladney? Like the Miami fat wite import 'Riot'? Like all of Breitbart's lies? Like bush standing small with an actor costumed like a firefighter? Like Cantor's failed hissy fit?
    For a group so obsessed with calling themselves 'adults'...they sure do spend a lot of time and effort acting like spoiled children.


  33. MoldsIsOneOfJerrysKids3:44 PM


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Personal Lingo....does a retard know he is a retard or does he go uhhhhh and drool, meanwhile thinking he actually said something? I wonder.

  34. Bleach3:45 PM

    Mold's Personal Lingo....does a retard know he is a retard or does he go uhhhhh and drool, meanwhile thinking he actually said something? I wonder.

    Mold watcha think? you the only qualified round these parts to anser dis qustion so lemme axe you do u?

  35. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Famous Psychiatrist: Liberals are Clinically Insane

    Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”

    “A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do,” he says. “A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation’s citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do.”

    So extravagant are the patterns of thinking, emoting, behaving and relating that characterize the liberal mind that its relentless protests and demands become understandable only as disorders of the psyche." The Liberal Mind reveals the madness of the modern liberal for what it is: a massive transference neurosis acted out in the world's political arenas, with devastating effects on the institutions of liberty.

  36. And yet later they will scoff when people call them a bunch of backwater racists.

    Some of these Tea Party people are probably hailing from the same camps that have been predicting a race war since I was a child, and so, they are hell-bent on crafting a self-fulfilling prophecy. Old dogs, same tricks, new collars.


  37. Perhaps it's my peculiar situation: military brat upbringing, my own decade of service, I now practice law next to a large Air Force Base & the biggest prison in Cally4nia, my wife works for a law enforcement office, etc, but I've always known a few black conservatives. I often find myself (far) to the (figurative) left of a colleague or client, my wife's coworkers/spouse, even one of my closest friends for a quarter century now. Never an out and out Faukkkser like these sound.

    I wouldn't hold out much hope for cracker participation if I were them though, there isn't anyone who looks like me getting off the 91 to Tbag in Compton.

  38. Anonymous5:38 PM Gladney? Like the Miami fat wite import 'Riot'? Like all of Breitbart's lies? Like bush standing small with an actor costumed like a firefighter? Like Cantor's failed hissy fit?
    For a group so obsessed with calling themselves 'adults'...they sure do spend a lot of time and effort acting like spoiled children.


  39. Anonymous5:45 PM

    BleachTroll, while your posturing is quite effective in Fundie churches, it is obvious that your ploy is the remnant of Left Behind choices.
    Keep beleeverating you am smart.

    Verite', yes. These ARE the same willfully ignorant Goobers who predict a 'race war' based on their beleef that they would win....unlike their last foray, the US Civil War.
    Honestly, the only way they could better their lot is to have an Apocalyptic Armageddon where all those who are superior are dead. Chaos sounds much better to their current future is to be low-wage, easily RIFed labour.

    Odd how the loudest proponents of wite superiority are the worst examples...;)


  40. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Did everyone notice how Ann G Myma disappears when challenged? Spineless one who calls Field a House Negro and tells everyone this is their opportunity to get back at FOX NEWS for its racism against AAs. Yet she is nowhere to be found.

    Typical Negro...when challenged, they can't be found. No guts.

  41. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "I've officially had it with the NAACM when Sharpton and that organization Showed their support for the Dumbar Village gang rapists. The ten young black men who raped and tortured a black mother and her son in their home, and then attempted to light them on fire."

    Does anybody know what finally happened to the mother and son? Was justice finally served or did those ten monsters get away with it?

    Al Sharpton showed how corrupt a black minister can be.

  42. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Hmm...I'm supposed to accept your Brietbartian fantasy that Al was 'supporting' alleged criminals. Why should I give your fable any weight? Because you want to sell me something? Do I get free gold if I beleeverate this dreck?


  43. Anony, I can't remember what happened to all of them, they were tried at different times. I found a link that showcases at least four of them going to prison for life. And they also have links to audio files.

    Mold, Sharpton was giving his "support" to those demon rapists against the "ebol" justice system, even after knowing what those very evil demented savages did to that woman and her son. To hell with Sharpton. Please don't argue on behalf of corrupted black people, or over sad situations you obviously don't know about.

  44. In fact Mold, go on youtube to do your search. Knock yourself out.

  45. Anonymous7:20 PM

    @Mold & La@audiobooks
    The Rev. Al was actually attempting to make sure the alleged gang rapists received 'due process' and all protections due the accused.

    I suppose u can look at what Rev. Al did in that instance as "supporting" the gang rapists in question, depending on your point of view. Some crimes are so horrific (like this particular one) that some people feel the alleged perpetrators don't deserve due process. This is one of those crimes. For example, the alleged perpetrators forced the mother to perform oral sex on her own 11 year old year son among other horrors.

  46. 'I suppose u can look at what Rev. Al did in that instance as "supporting" the gang rapists in question'

    While he may not have supported what they did, he give his time and showed support for them otherwise. Why did he and NAACM not show support and concern for the victims instead? And rather give warning to the same 'ebol' justice system and the housing administration to make sure nothing like this would EVER happen again to a poor black mother (or anyone) in such a community? Were there no other black people in need and more worthy of their support somewhere else? Not these human waste. It is what it is. To hell with Sharpie and the gang.

  47. Anonymous7:42 PM

    So, the 'support' was making sure the alleged Perps received the Rights guaranteed by the US Constitution? How is this bad? With inadequate counsel, they could appeal...and be freed.
    And, remember the Scottsboro Boys?


  48. FBI Seeks Email, Facebook Access In Barnes Case

    Federal investigators are asking for warrants to access Facebook pages and various email accounts linked to Monroe teen Phylicia Barnes as a part of a child pornography and sexual exploitation investigation.

    The agency also wants access to four accounts that appear to be associated with men in Baltimore.

    Barnes, 16, disappeared while visiting family in Baltimore in December 2010. Her body was found in a river about an hour north of the city in April.

    Police are investigating her death as a homicide but have not released a cause.

    Eyewitness News put in calls to the FBI's office in Baltimore and to the Maryland State Police on Friday, but were told they couldn't comment.

    Chris Swecker, a former assistant director for the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division, offered some insight on the investigation.

    "There are facts that amount to probable cause, which is a pretty high standard that there is some connection to a child exploitation case,” Swecker said.

    Swecker said agents will likely be looking at Barnes' web surfing history to see what sites she visited. Also, he said, they will possibly look at the texts of any emails to see if someone was trying to exploit her and whether anyone tried to entice her to travel.

    Swecker said this latest move shows investigators are committed to turning over every stone.

    “These are tough cases to work," Swecker said. "You have to be fairly heartened investigators to stay with these type of investigations, and I hope they get to the bottom of this one."

    Shortly after Phylicia's disappearance, her mother, Janis Sallis, said she feared her daughter may have been a victim of human trafficking or sex crimes. Channel 9 reached out to the family Friday about the latest development in the case and is waiting to hear back.

  49. "So, the 'support' was making sure the alleged Perps received the Rights guaranteed by the US Constitution? How is this bad? "

    So why wasn't the agenda to show support for the victims and make sure they are guaranteed their due process of JUSTICE? And why not make sure these waste of breathing air stay off the streets so they don't terrorize anymore people, black people just like them???

    "With inadequate counsel, they could appeal...and be freed."

    Mold, I'm confused by this statement. You usually don't make much sense to me, so I'm hoping this is the case and you're not saying what I think you're saying. I have zero respect for anyone who would state that these ten filth bags should be on the streets among human beings.

    Shaking my head. I can't even get mad with you, I would only hope they become your neighbor - poetic justice.

  50. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Here is a review of Rev. Al's actions and lies.

    What Al did in typical race baiting fashion was take the Dunbar case and compare it to a date rape case involving 3 white teens.

    Because the white teens got bail,it was racist that the Dunbar teens didn't.

    The Dunbar case was 100 millions times worst,and Rev. Al lied and tried to moonwalk his statements about bail back.

    The actions of the Florida NAACP were pretty sick to.

  51. And Mold, you dare compare the Dunbar rapist to the Scottsboro Boys? I'm now convinced that your elevator doesn't go all the way up.

    Those boys even admitted to the crime! Have you no compassion for their victims? Hell, the victims are black too. You know, what the Dunbar rapist did transcends race. Sharpton and co. showed a dangerous and damaging message to society. Unbelievable.

  52. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19828:16 PM


    I agree with you.This case was sad and disturbing on so many levels.

    The way the NAACP and Sharpton acted was twisted.

    Using this case to talk about black teens in prison?

    Advocating short prison sentences?

    Advocating bail for these monsters?

    The black blogosphere showed its power by forcing Sharpton and the NAACP to backtrack.

    I hope the victims were able to get help they need to move foward with their lives.

  53. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Wow! Sockpuppets!
    If you missed the legal point, you should not be commenting on legal issues. Like the screaming morons surrounding the Orlando case, it is more about their need to lynch someone to assuage their pain at being Goober. Claiming what you desire as 'just-us' only reveals why we have our keep you and others like you far, far away.
    Scottsboro Boys...gee, I don't how one could confuse the demand for the death of AfAms without trial...with the demand for the death of AfAms without trial. Why do you find it imperative to not offer a trial? Are you worried that you will miss the hanging?
    Guilt is NOT determined by you...despite your overweening need to be Pwincess of Life N Death.

    TaxBaggers have always been astroturf...and now we see a Tom lining up for the Wingnut Welfare. If you-all are so opposed to welfare and 'picking your wallet'...why are you not upset that an AfAm is taking the munny from the Kochs that could go to you?


  54. Anonymous8:49 PM

    So, the 'support' was making sure the alleged Perps received the Rights guaranteed by the US Constitution? How is this bad? With inadequate counsel, they could appeal...and be freed.
    And, remember the Scottsboro Boys?


    As if it were needed, more proof of the insanity of liberals. Sure, explain away horrific behaviour with the craziest of alibis and actually believe it. Right, Sharpton was making sure the murdering rapists got a fair trial? Why wouldnt they? Only from a liberal mind, you can't make this stuff up.


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Personal Lingo....does a retard know he is a retard or does he go uhhhhh and drool, meanwhile thinking he actually said something? I wonder.

  55. Lib Tormentor, I too agree. I refused to look at this as black teens and the prison system. These were no poster boys for such cause, none. I can't find one beast in the animal kingdom that would have done such a thing to another animal, much less a human being.

    "Scottsboro Boys...gee, I don't how one could confuse the demand for the death of AfAms without trial...with the demand for the death of AfAms without trial. Why do you find it imperative to not offer a trial?"

    Mold, where on earth did you see anything about the Dumbar rapist possibly being denied a trial? You have no clue about the case, do you?

    WOAD had a better coverage about this case. And I'm sorry I linked that other blog earlier. I read further and saw that the author was insinuating the victims Haitian "voodoo" country as possible cause for such crime to happen to her. Good grief. Too many black people need clinical help. Good night!

  56. hey lack:

    conspiracies are real

    ask any foreclosed hobama nazi

    cc this to hobama and his long form bc

  57. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Wow! Sockpuppets!

    You know all about sockpuppets dont you socrates err...I mean Mold...err...I mean vulgar mean I forget the other three names.

    "If you missed the legal point, you should not be commenting on legal issues".

    Precisely what is the legal point? Eh...explain how a race baiter needed to get involved with this crime where the criminals made the mother fellate her own son? Oh, I get it, this is your life.. you like that don't ya you sick liberal!!!

    "Like the screaming morons surrounding the Orlando case, it is more about their need to lynch someone to assuage their pain at being Goober".

    Oh so your on caseys side as well? Figures.

    "Claiming what you desire as 'just-us' only reveals why we have our keep you and others like you far, far away".

    Goobly-gook a hump a lee bee-bee

    "Scottsboro Boys...gee, I don't how one could confuse the demand for the death of AfAms without trial...with the demand for the death of AfAms without trial. Why do you find it imperative to not offer a trial? Are you worried that you will miss the hanging?"

    So if Sharpton didnt make some money on this, the trial wasn't going to happen? Hmm really...again, I think you are motivated by liking these criminals because they made the mother fellate the like that is this your dream? Does mommy know? Even more importantly, does daddy know Huh Oedipus??

    TaxBaggers have always been astroturf...and now we see a Tom lining up for the Wingnut Welfare. If you-all are so opposed to welfare and 'picking your wallet'...why are you not upset that an AfAm is taking the munny from the Kochs that could go to you?


    As for this last paragraph holy fucking demented liberals batman...this guy needs some drugs quick...oh and big towel to wipe up the make no sense my man, you really need to get a grip on those random gibberish thoughts.

  58. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19829:01 PM

    Once again mold post on a topic she knows nothing about.

    Her ignorance and lack of logic posting shows she knows nothing about Dunbar and the actions of Sharpton and the NAACP.

    This is what happens when you don't read,explore,and learn.You turn into mold.


  59. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 1982 said...
    Once again mold post on a topic she knows nothing about.

    Her ignorance and lack of logic posting shows she knows nothing about Dunbar and the actions of Sharpton and the NAACP.

    This is what happens when you don't read,explore,and learn.You turn into mold.


    Mold is a white guy. I just pressure cleaned my roof, washed away a ton of Mold, it's nice and clean now.

  60. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "I hope the victims were able to get help they need to move foward with their lives."

    So do I. That was a horrific crime done to mother and child physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I pray they will pull through and be able to live a normal life despite the tragic intrusion into their lives by demonic immoral asses.

    I can't even imagine the mother or the child ever getting over it, but I still believe in miracles.

    Maybe Field will do a Post on how they are surviving and living today? I really hope they are getting good loving care.

  61. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Reading the comments about this story leaves me depressed and angry on so many levels, even though it has been a while ago.

    1. The nature of the crime was horrific
    2. The teens were Black.
    3. The mother and son were Black.
    3. Rev Al Sharpton showed no compassion to the mother and son.
    4. Rev Al trivialized the mother and son.
    5. Rev Al showed his true colors as a leader in the black community.
    6. Corrupt leaders permeate the the black community, a problem we have had to deal with for so long that it has become part of the culture.
    7. FEAR is prevalent in the black community of senseless Black-on-Black crimes.
    8. FEAR is prevalent in the black community of white abuse and injustice against Blacks.
    9. Lack of Moral Principles and the Moral Potency in our race to do the 'Right Thing'.
    10. Lack of Unity for justice in our community.

    Whether one agrees or disagrees with the list, the point is that we Blacks NEED to LOOK and OWN up to the REALIY that we are facing in our lives as AAs. Potentially, this is PTSD stuff that's growing in our lives.

  62. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Whether one agrees or disagrees with the list, the point is that we Blacks NEED to LOOK and OWN up to the REALIY that we are facing in our lives as AAs. Potentially, this is PTSD stuff that's growing in our lives.

    I used to belong to AA, just say no and put down the bottle "hic" issss eassshyyyyyy...

    Hey Is Michel Martelly gonna throw down a few raps at the wedding in haiti rotten eggs kid? Yeah man, married in a tent with mud pies and the pwesident...woo-hoooo hope nobody gets raped or has thier food stolen then again there are still a lot of white folks with foods and guns so some civilization can be found in pockets.

  63. PilotX1:59 AM

    Field, I nominate Jesse Lee P for a lifetime Coonie award. I wish I could go to his TEA party event, I may have to make a trip out there. I love his take on how the NAACP is a racist organization because it hasn't commented on the attacks of Blacks on whites. This coon is OC but if he doesn't jig somebody else will.

  64. LAA

    "I've officially had it with the NAACM when Sharpton and that organization Showed their support for the Dumbar Village gang rapists"

    Another outright lie spewed by LAA.

    Her hatred for black men in and black organizations is clinical.

  65. Anonymous11:40 AM

    The Dunbar Village gang rapists poured gasoline on the mother and son (to get rid of the "evidence") but couldn't find any matches. Since the gang rapists couldn't find any matches to set the mother and son on fire, they survived the attack.

  66. If it not were for my job I would still be in LA at the NAACP national. It was my first time at a National and it is OUTSTANDING!!! Celebrities and common folk, side by side, listening, talking and developing plans to change OUR communities from the inside out. I'm tempted to call in sick the rest of the week to return!! BTW did not see any Tea Party protesters.

  67. John Kyle8:25 PM

    "Isn't that like saying a Jamaican ski club?"

    No, but they once had a damn fine bobledding team. Actually beat the US teams when they competed.
