Sunday, July 24, 2011

That is not a bible in Mr. Breivik's hand.

Talk about a rush to judgement. Just check out this wingnut site (don't miss the comments section) for all the talk of those evil Moooslims right after the [right]wingnut lived out his Glenn Beckkk fantasies in Norway.

Seems my man had his own little manifesto where he decried multiculturalism and all the race mixing and immigrants who are heading to Western European countries.

"Text in the video rails against the 'Islamization' of Europe and 'cultural Marxists' and asserts that the majority of Europe's population will be Muslim by 2050 'unless we manage to defeat the ruling Multiculturalist Alliance.'
"'elebrate us, the martyrs of the conservative revolution, for we will soon dine in the Kingdom of Heaven,' the video says."

Norway has what, four million people? Here in A-merry-ca we have over three hundred million. Hmmm, what are the chances of another Behring Breivik appearing right here in the land of the [only some are]free? I am guessing that it's pretty good. And you all wonder why I am just as suspicious of Bob as I am of Muhammad.

Finally, I thought that it was only places like Louisiana and Texas that suffered from environmental racism. Boy was I wrong. Apparently just up the road from me in New York there are clear examples of the big R "rearing its ugly head." 

Folks, don't forget to wear your gas masks the next time you are up in Harlem.


  1. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?

    This is why you don't get my address.


  2. Estes9:14 PM

    "Environmental racism" is one of the stupidest concepts ever developed in the long, sordid history of racism chasing.

    And your fevered attempt to score political points over the actions of a lone madman are pathetic.

    This site is becoming a joke.

  3. White is the wrong color skin to wear on a subway into the Bronx, as Jason Fordell learned the hard way:

    "After Fordell transferred to a crowded 4 train at 42nd St., four young, black men began harassing him, cops said.

    “People started saying stupid little comments — cracker this, white boy this, f—-t this,” Fordell said. …

    As the train continued into the Bronx, the confrontation became physical, he said.

    “I was in a headlock, punched and kicked on the floor,” Fordell said.

    Then a passenger decided to join in — declaring, “Oh, I get a few shots, too,” before kicking and punching Fordell in the head, according to cops.

    When Fordell finally left the train at his Fordham Road stop, his original attackers snatched his bag and ran. Inside was $2,900 worth of merchandise, cops said.

    Fordell says everyone on the train egged on the attackers."

    Police do not consider the incident a hate crime, for reasons that should be obvious by now.

  4. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?

    This is why you don't get my address.


    No one on this site has ever asked for your address.

    Why lie?

  5. Anonymous9:38 PM

    From the previous thread:

    "Field: I am a Swiss national with an international perspective. I value my world citizenship more than my Swiss passport.
    I just want anyone with a name like Uncle Tom to see how silly he looks to the outside world.
    If the words I used to deal with him were offensive to you Field, pardon me.
    I certainly would never use words like that to another human being.
    Anyone who gives himself a name like Uncle Tom deserves what he gets."

    I agree that anyone who names himself as UncleTom or Ann G Myma deserves what they get. In fact, they really need their asses kicked, not by Whites, but by Blacks. Negroes who name themselves such self-degrading names have no sense of self-worth.

    And I agree they deserve to be called all kinds of denigrating names by Whites and Blacks because that's what they are. BTW, I am Black and I hate Negroes who give themselves eff'd up tommin names that relate to the days of slavery and Jim Crow.

  6. NSangoma9:53 PM

    ... Also not helpful to his argument? The fact that Fordell has since admitted that, after being called names, he resorted to racial slurs himself on the fateful train ride. "They're calling me cracker, and so I called him spic," a beaten Fordell told WPIX. When the station then asked, "If you're using racial slurs, why should police call it a hate crime?" ...

    Who gets on a subway train with $3000.00 worth of shit?

    If you've got $3000.00 worth of shit in your shopping bag, where is your chauffeur?

    Motherfuck you and yours, Winston Smith.

  7. This kind of shit happens all the time.

    Never, ever, do you here stories where random black people are attacked for being black to the approval of large crowds of white people.

    Motherfuck you and your fucking mother, NSangoma.

  8. Anonymous10:42 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Who gets on a subway train with $3000.00 worth of shit?

    You are saying that anyone who puts himself in a crowd of blacks is a fool and deserves to be beaten and robbed, because everyone knows blacks are all violent criminals.

    You racist piece of shit.

  9. NSangoma11:00 PM

    ... Never, ever, do you here stories where random black people are attacked for being black to the approval of large crowds of white people. ...

    Both you and your education EAT THE TURTLE DOO, Winston Smith.

    Both you and your education SUCK,
    Winston Smith.


    Thanks for clarifying what I actually said for me, Anonymous 22:42.


    You stinking anal orifice.

    Anonymous 22:42, you and Winston Smith butt-buddies?


  10. If David Duke was walking in Klan country with $3,000.00 worth of goods in a bag at a Klan rally, HE'LL GET ROBBED! The guys story don't sound right. I don't care if you're in Beverly Hills, you got $3,000.00 worth of stuff on public transportation, you're getting robbed.

  11. Anonymous11:16 PM

    You are saying that anyone who puts himself in a crowd of blacks is a fool and deserves to be beaten and robbed, because everyone knows blacks are all violent criminals.

    You racist piece of shit.

    The evidence is pretty convincing and evidence there is, not theory.

  12. "Police arrested Barminthe Ramoutar, 54, of Bushwick, Brooklyn and charged him with felony gang assault and robbery. Ramoutar has no prior arrests, cops said".

    The story said YOUNG BLACK MEN. I guess 54 is the new 18.

  13. It looks like because of the Norway massacre white supremist are going to look for every article about blacks harming whites to justify what happened over there. Don't believe me go to the Conservative Citizens Council blog where Slapnuts and his anti-Semitic friends get their news articles. BTW the Conservative Citizens Council used to be the White Citizens Council.

  14. Anonymous11:34 PM

    "Who gets on a subway train with $3000.00 worth of shit?

    If you've got $3000.00 worth of shit in your shopping bag, where is your chauffeur?"

    KID, I bet people do it more often than you think. $3000 isn't that much money and you sure as hell don't need a chauffeur...maybe a taxi, but a chauffeur?

    For Pete's sake, it's not $3,000,000. It's a lousy $3000!

    Of course, if you live in Cleveland, Ohio, $10 is a lot of money. BTW KID, where did you get the computer you are using? somebody loan it to you while riding the subway?

    You Negroes are getting pretty uppidity with your name calling on FN blog. You need to show some civility instead of acting like the n....... everyone else thinks you are. Knock it off, you bird brain ignoramuses.

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Kid, "It looks like because of the Norway massacre white supremist are going to look for every article about blacks harming whites to justify what happened over there. Don't believe me go to the Conservative Citizens Council blog where Slapnuts and his anti-Semitic friends get their news articles. BTW the Conservative Citizens Council used to be the White Citizens Council."

    Kid, I love the way your racist mind thinks. It's unbelievable.

    But you are right about the Conservative Citizens Council. It was formerly the White Citizens Council.

    However, it is integrated with Negroes today. I bet Jesse Lee Peterson and Juan Williams are members since they are Conservatives. Nothing wrong with that...there are lots of Conservative Blacks and still growing in numbers. I bet even Obama is a member.

    Kid, you ought to consider joining. It might help to get your ass out of Cleveland. Isn't that where Boehner is from? No wonder he walked out on Obama. They hate Negroes in Ohio and the Negroes are scared shitless of Whites too.

  16. Anonymous11:48 PM

    00 PM

    If David Duke was walking in Klan country with $3,000.00 worth of goods in a bag at a Klan rally, HE'LL GET ROBBED! The guys story don't sound right. I don't care if you're in Beverly Hills, you got $3,000.00 worth of stuff on public transportation, you're getting robbed.

    See there you go thinking from the black perspective, public transportation is filled with minorities, ergo if you know blacks its a given that anyone with 3k worth of stuff is gonna get robbed you expect it to happen because you know blacks and are one, anyone like you say would be stupid to go around blacks with much of value...thats a fact and you are right.

  17. Anonymous12:07 AM

    You know, the guy who commented as "Winston Smith", isn't Winston Smith.

  18. NSangoma said...
    Anonymous 22:42, you and Winston Smith butt-buddies?

    No, the only ass I'm pounding is your motherfucking mother.

    Don't let me catch you on the subway with more than $3.

  19. Anonymous said...
    You know, the guy who commented as "Winston Smith", isn't Winston Smith.

    The fuck I'm not.

  20. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Louis Farrakhan spews out worse hate speech then the far right in this country. No one tries to censor him. I approve of talking about Muslims, blacks, Arabs, and immigrants the way that white sheet wearing negroid talks about whites, jews, gays.

  21. Anonymous2:39 AM

    Kid, thanks...I wondered why the Goobers all seemed to wait for Massa to tell them what to 'think'.

    SlapTroll, you seem rather quiet in your quest to find my address. Seems your rationale is the same as your brave heroic hero.
    And since he IS using the 'reasoning' of the Cons and wingnuts...why are you so defensive?
    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?

    This is why you don't get my address.


  22. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Monday, July 25, 2011
    NEW VOICE COLUMN UP (, about the rightblogger reaction to Anders Breivik's Norwegian rampage. As is customary with these guys, they imagine themselves the aggrieved party, put upon by liberals who connect their politics with Breivik's just because -- well, their politics are Breivik's. If my local ward-heeler went on a mass-murder rampage, I wouldn't feel obliged to explain to the world that not all Democrats are mass murderers, especially on such thin evidence of slander as rightbloggers present. For a bunch of internet tough guys they sure are pissy and defensive.
    -roy edroso Alicublog

    The Voice piece also has those 'sorces' that some were trying to pass off as valid earlier. Interesting how they TELL us that the children 'was askin' fer it'.

    Watch as the wingnut welfare and Con bloggers try to spin this one.


  23. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Here's an actual political piece... much lays out why Goobers are unworthy scum.


  24. Anonymous3:41 AM

    The fuck I'm not.


    No, you're not, shitbird.

  25. Anonymous3:45 AM


    I was walking down the aisle of home depot yesterday when I got a huge shock, they had a whole section of "little cunt" remover, I quickly shook my head and then realized that I now associate "mold" with "little cunt"

    So, if anyone needs some little cunt remover, you can find it at home depot.

  26. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Monday, July 25, 2011
    NEW VOICE COLUMN UP (, about the rightblogger reaction to Anders Breivik's Norwegian rampage. As is customary with these guys, they imagine themselves the aggrieved party, put upon by liberals who connect their politics with Breivik's just because -- well, their politics are Breivik's. If my local ward-heeler went on a mass-murder rampage, I wouldn't feel obliged to explain to the world that not all Democrats are mass murderers, especially on such thin evidence of slander as rightbloggers present. For a bunch of internet tough guys they sure are pissy and defensive.
    -roy edroso Alicublog

    The Voice piece also has those 'sorces' that some were trying to pass off as valid earlier. Interesting how they TELL us that the children 'was askin' fer it'.

    Watch as the wingnut welfare and Con bloggers try to spin this one.
    Here's an actual political piece... much lays out why Goobers are unworthy scum.


  27. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Monday, July 25, 2011

    Little Cunt,
    Sorry, Village voice is known to be liars, lunatic lefties and filled with guys who like smoking poles, I guess that's why you read it.

  28. Environmental racism" is one of the stupidest concepts ever developed in the long, sordid history of racism chasing."

    Estes, I regret that I don't have the time or the patience to teach you. Maybe someone reading this blog will feel sorry for you and give you a bit of an education on the subject.

    As for using a tragedy for political gain; please go into the first link I provided. That is a classic example of what you referred to.

  29. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Hi Everyone,
    Today is a great day!!!!

    On rare occasion in the history of the world have we been given the glorius opportunies that we have now. I am so happy, now maybe some day I can fulfill my dreams of marrying my male homosexual life partner - once I find him - or he finds me - tee-hee.


  30. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Here's an actual political piece... much lays out why Goobers are unworthy scum.


    OK fellas, please tell me if you like the article...just for those big strong guys who misssssed it the site name is Balloon Juice tee-hee and its talking about Scum tee-hee. You guys are awesome...wanna see my pigeon chest and scrawny arms?


  31. Winston Smith said...
    This kind of shit happens all the time.

    Never, ever, do you here stories where random black people are attacked for being black to the approval of large crowds of white people.

    Actually, they called this a Klan rally and in some cases particularly as it relates to lynchings, just a regular ol' sunday afternoon gathered around a local oak tree.

    Or in more modern terms, Tea Party festivities lite.

  32. And somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Thorazine made people sleepy????

  33. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Monday, July 25, 2011
    NEW VOICE COLUMN UP (, about the rightblogger reaction to Anders Breivik's Norwegian rampage. As is customary with these guys, they imagine themselves the aggrieved party, put upon by liberals who connect their politics with Breivik's just because -- well, their politics are Breivik's. If my local ward-heeler went on a mass-murder rampage, I wouldn't feel obliged to explain to the world that not all Democrats are mass murderers, especially on such thin evidence of slander as rightbloggers present. For a bunch of internet tough guys they sure are pissy and defensive.
    -roy edroso Alicublog

    The Voice piece also has those 'sorces' that some were trying to pass off as valid earlier. Interesting how they TELL us that the children 'was askin' fer it'.

    Watch as the wingnut welfare and Con bloggers try to spin this one.
    Here's an actual political piece... much lays out why Goobers are unworthy scum.


  34. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.


  35. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Dr G...good thing you are an 'Internet doctor'...
    Oh...this is a drug that is rarely used in practice...and has had replacements for....many, many years. Decades.


  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Anonymous said...
    Dr G...good thing you are an 'Internet doctor'...
    Oh...this is a drug that is rarely used in practice...and has had replacements for....many, many years. Decades.

    Mildox, VDLR, Manika, Psycho Stalking Bitch (PSB for short), it's called pharmacological SARCASM, which those of us with advanced degrees in Pharmacology like myself or my Dr. Sister, understand quite well. And you could too if you could get off those bowel aromatized opiates long enough.

    So perhaps instead of spending time 24/7 on the internet you lifeless fool, maybe you should try to find some online program that would let you finish your Physics degree.

    Then again, Ted Kazinsky showed us that a Psycho with a technical degree is a dangerous and deadly combo!

  38. Your Internet Stalker10:37 AM

    Here we go with the internet catfights, meow!

  39. Your Internet Stalker10:38 AM

    My bad... Peace be upon you oh mighty dr. queen!

  40. Your Internet Stalker10:41 AM

    I've got a technical degree......

    In Heat/AC!

  41. Anonymous11:11 AM

    DrG, too late. I uncovered something an actual Doc would know...and you most certainly did not
    Google and 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' is not the 'exact same thing' as an actual earned medical degree.
    Calling it 'sarcasm' as an attempt to save your 'authority' pretty a current or fairly recent student of the medical arts would use X for the 'sarcastic med'. also don't know what to say in the patois of the 'healers' insults.

    Feel free to continue your Internet name.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  42. President Obama just turned down a last minute budget deal between the Republican House and the Democratic Senate.

    He wants the economy to crash.

    Obama is now officially the worst President ever.

  43. Ole Andersson11:15 AM

    One thing I haven't heard...were most of the "youths" who were killed on the Island of Middle Eastern / Arab descent?

    Why would he shoot kids who were obviously Scandanavian? That just doesn't make any sense.

    I can understand the car bomb, as he claimed he was trying to kill the Prime Minister, who he blamed for the immigration policies

  44. The end is near for Obama and the the Democrats:

    "The black-led South Central L.A. Tea Party (whose motto is “Power to the People”) is reportedly planning a protest against the NAACP at the organization’s 102nd annual convention in Los Angeles on July 24. The group is headed up by the Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, president of BOND Action (the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny).

    Black Tea Partiers’ specific gripes about the civil rights organization include that it’s been “spreading lies” about racism in the Tea Party movement and promoting “black genocide” through its support of Planned Parenthood.

    “The NAACP is a tool of the Obama administration,” Peterson said. He added, “For decades this group has supported left-wing policies which have created dependency, destroyed black families and hurt race relations.”

    Welcome, my brothers.

  45. fn:

    what is hobama's plan for the economy?

    other than paying banksters and pharma ceo's and eternal global warmongers/profiteers???

    where are the jobs?

    where is all of the hope and change?

  46. what???????

    President Obama’s insistence that the U.S. is not at war with Libya, even as Washington and its allies methodically assault the country’s military and infrastructure, reveals that the many “Other Wars” around the globe have become, collectively, “the main arenas of conflict” with the Empire. Yet, “many whites who consider themselves anti-war activists also recognize as wars only those conflicts that kill Americans, make great drains on U.S. treasure, or create palpable distortions in the ‘American Way of Life’ – for example, significant losses of their civil liberties. Imperial aggressions that kill, starve, displace and imprison millions, at home and abroad, go unrecognized as wars – an obscene “left-wing” mimicry of Obama, himself.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Hey AB! How's it going?

  49. ole asks:

    Why would he shoot kids who were obviously Scandanavian? That just doesn't make any sense.

    Why? Because he's a psychopath. That's the only explanation.

  50. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Anders Behring Breivik is a coward, a weasel, a spineless murderous rat!and that is the sum of his pitiful existence.

    To go out and kill a bunch of kids that were basically sitting ducks is one of the most cowardly things a person can do! He wrote a lot of crazy ramblings, but he didn't have the nerve or the courage to go out and fight for his ideals himself! No, instead he guns down innocent children. What a coward!!!

    I hope they let those parents have at him!!!

  51. Your Internet Stalker said...
    I've got a technical degree......

    In Heat/AC!

    Actually, Mildox dropped out of college and likely doesn't have a technical degree or any other degree for that matter.

    Unless they're giving out degrees in internet surfing now, LOL!!!!

  52. Anonymous11:29 AM

    TaxBaggers are racists...and too cowardly to be honest. Wow...racist AND cowards. Which is worse?

    bush is be the Worst President Ever. Shame you have to fake it for your racism. But, we already knew why you had an animus against Obama. Thanks for confirming.

    The whole brave heroic Con hero followed the script...murder unarmed children who may grow up to vote Leftist. Heroically manly many bravely shoots them eveel Libruls...and seeks an excuse for his Con/wingnut actions.
    Read the fanfics of the Reich-wingers...those who have not Palin-sanitized their blogs and websites after they figured out the adults would find their fantasies of such ilk...disgusting.
    He was a fan of Gateway Pundit, Fjordman, and Atlas Shrugged...

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  53. Anonymous11:31 AM

    DrG, still too late. I have multiple degrees in a variety of academic fields.
    Feel free to continue as a poster.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  54. Hey Dr. Queen!

    I missed you!

    I am toiling on some special projects...I will be posting/lurking sporadically.

    Have a regal day sista!

  55. alliana11:54 AM

    Turgo said...
    President Obama just turned down a last minute budget deal between the Republican House and the Democratic Senate.

    He wants the economy to crash.

    Obama is now officially the worst President ever.

    That's just it, he can't be this stupid. He must really be working to collapse America.

    If the democrats weren't complicit and wanted to save the country and their party, they'd initiate impeachment proceedings against Obama.

  56. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Monday, July 25, 2011
    NEW VOICE COLUMN UP (, about the rightblogger reaction to Anders Breivik's Norwegian rampage. As is customary with these guys, they imagine themselves the aggrieved party, put upon by liberals who connect their politics with Breivik's just because -- well, their politics are Breivik's. If my local ward-heeler went on a mass-murder rampage, I wouldn't feel obliged to explain to the world that not all Democrats are mass murderers, especially on such thin evidence of slander as rightbloggers present. For a bunch of internet tough guys they sure are pissy and defensive.
    -roy edroso Alicublog

    The Voice piece also has those 'sorces' that some were trying to pass off as valid earlier. Interesting how they TELL us that the children 'was askin' fer it'.

    Watch as the wingnut welfare and Con bloggers try to spin this one.
    Here's an actual political piece... much lays out why Goobers are unworthy scum.


  57. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198212:01 PM

    Why does mold continue to lie? The Liberal way is to keep the lies going so people will believerate that Crystal Mangum was really raped or that hope and change is real?

    Yes, Liberals are the real cons.

    Mold continues to make claims of multiple degrees,yet she lacks basic fact and shows signs of retardation.

    Sometimes i find it hard not to laugh at the mentally challenged.

  58. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Monday, July 25, 2011
    NEW VOICE COLUMN UP (, about the rightblogger reaction to Anders Breivik's Norwegian rampage. As is customary with these guys, they imagine themselves the aggrieved party, put upon by liberals who connect their politics with Breivik's just because -- well, their politics are Breivik's. If my local ward-heeler went on a mass-murder rampage, I wouldn't feel obliged to explain to the world that not all Democrats are mass murderers, especially on such thin evidence of slander as rightbloggers present. For a bunch of internet tough guys they sure are pissy and defensive.
    -roy edroso Alicublog

    The Voice piece also has those 'sorces' that some were trying to pass off as valid earlier. Interesting how they TELL us that the children 'was askin' fer it'.

    Watch as the wingnut welfare and Con bloggers try to spin this one.
    Here's an actual political piece... much lays out why Goobers are unworthy scum.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  59. An Educated Person12:05 PM

    @ mold: Constantly bragging about fictional academic and career accomplishments and repeatedly re-posting the same bogus information form sketchy sources does not actually make people believe you know what you are talking about.

    Just the opposite actually....

  60. alliana:


    we are ruled by one party that is ruled by one corporatist/bankster/bilderberg/
    wall st class

    reps = dems

    and their staged dramas have become more sloppy and transparent than ever before under hobama and his bankster owners


  61. Anonymous12:32 PM

    The overwhelming majority of violent rapes in Nonway are commit by muslims.

    The majority of crimes are commit by muslims in Norway.

    Their gov. has done nothing to protect its citizens.

    Not suprising something like this happen.

    Malcolm X “Chickens Come Home To Roost”

    Here in America,

    Racist black mob attacks are happening all over the country.

    There is a black male raping white women epidemic in this country.

    Black males are the leaders in interracial rape, assualts and murder.

    Wouldn't be suprised if something was to happen here.

    Got to watch those chickens.

  62. Anonymous12:44 PM

    SlapTroll, so in your fantasy world...allegations made by Fjordman are reason enough to shoot unarmed children. The worry you feel when you compare your 'manhood' to a fictional beleef justifies killing children.
    What utter manhood. How brave of volunteer others to die for your terrors of teeniness. Heroically, you urge the murder of kids to salve your racism.

    Oh, you thinkerate we don't know you are spewing from 'sorces'? With men like you...I'll easily prefer least they are men.


  63. Anonymous12:49 PM

    If heroic manly brave christian wingnut was so eager to shoot children over his hissy fit...why did he not patrol the crime areas? Instead of bravely wingnut shooting kids...he could have placed his Chickenhawk self into those places where you pretend there are incidents.

    Tell me again why you thinkerate murdering children is so necessary to you?


  64. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


    we are laughing at you, not with you.

    no one but the insane celebrates child murder. you are obviously insane.

  65. Dildos "R" Mold12:55 PM

    What's the deal, Mold?

    Did you have another stroke this weekend, or are you just showing the toxic signs on ingesting too much Boudreaux's Butt Paste again?

    Funny how UTS seems to be the only one who can understand a damn thing you post here.

  66. Ashutaur1:14 PM

    The non-Muslim terrorist attack is the exception that proves the rule.

  67. A criminal is running our justice system1:22 PM

    More than 150 Mexicans and at least one U.S. government agent, are dead because ofthe “Gunwalker” program used by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to pump American guns into Mexico. The agency videotaped the sale of the gun that killed Border Patrol agent and military veteran Brian Terry. Weapons waltzed into Mexico under its “Operation Fast and Furious” have begun turning up in American cities. A second program called “Operation Castaway” has been discovered, walking guns into Honduras. MS-13, the most dangerous gang in the world, has strong ties to Honduras.

    Operation Fast and Furious was run out of Phoenix. Operation Castaway bubbled forth from the Tampa office of the ATF. Some of the ostensible gunrunning “targets” of these operations turned out to be paid FBI informants. The programs enjoyed funding from the Obama “stimulus” package. These factors combine to make regional ATF supervisors, or acting ATF Director Ken Melson, unsuitable as fall guys.

    Ken Melson doesn’t want to be a fall guy. He’s cooperating with congressional investigators, but their requests for information have been stonewalled by Attorney General Eric Holder at every turn.

    House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R.-Calif.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R.-Iowa) of the Judiciary Committee have sent an increasingly testy series of letters to Holder, most recently demanding he move the Justice Department “from spin mode to disclosure mode” and stop treating the Gunwalker scandal as “merely a public relations problem.” Nevertheless, Holder continues to pump out billowing clouds of blue smoke, fill committee chambers with fun house mirrors and wipe out 80% of the documents he hands over with the dreaded black marker of redaction.

    Everywhere the Obama administration encounters legal controversy Eric Holder can be found, and rarely in a good way. He’s been criticized by Congress for dragging his feet on terrorism investigations, and became famous for insisting on the lunatic idea of trying top terror masters in civilian courts—a notion even the White House has backed away from. His big shot at civilian prosecution of a terrorist ended with bomber Ahmed Ghailani’s beating 224 murder counts, only to be convicted for what amounts to aggravated vandalism.

    Holder has been hammered by Sen. John Cornyn (R.-Tex.) for doing a “grossly inadequate” job of protecting military voting rights, which just happen to produce a lot of Republican votes. Like many prominent Democrats, he’s a tax cheat, who somehow forgot to pay property taxes on a $400,000 town house in Queens.

    Holder has been instrumental in Obama’s plan to ignore the Defense of Marriage Act. Attorneys general are supposed to enforce laws, not choose which ones to disregard out of personal distaste. That’s one of the differences between a republic and a dictatorship.

  68. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Umm...Darrell Issa was the one who pushed for the 'free guns fer criminals' really should learn to read....not just repeat.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  69. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.


  70. Inquiring minds1:41 PM

    mold: christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...

    Is mold repulsive or pathetic, or some of both?

  71. Mold Lies1:41 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    Umm...Darrell Issa was the one who pushed for the 'free guns fer criminals' really should learn to read....not just repeat.


    1:33 PM"

    You're a lying sack of shit. Put up; or shut up.

  72. mold just makes shit up1:46 PM

    What causes more misery, "Environmental Racism" or Humanitarian Aid?

    As the starving women of Sudan/Somalia/Ethiopia/Kenya were paraded in the media to bewail the loss of most of their (each of them, typically) seven children, it was notable that few young men were in sight (most were doubtless enjoying the high life of rape and pillage in the militias) and that no apology was forthcoming from Catholicism, Islam or holy-holy American Republicanism for having forbidden contraception, abortion and sterilization. Even H.M.G. had played its part over 50 years in creating the latest African tragedy, as a London correspondent explained:

    "Over the past 50 years , through the provision of governmental Aid and the work of NGOs such as Oxfam, the West has fed a population explosion in countries whose ability to accommodate their now vastly increased populations from their own resources is nil. By keeping Aid flowing a vicious circle is created. The population in a country rises because Aid allows more to survive which generates a demand for more Aid is made because the country cannot support them. More Aid is forthcoming and the population increases again above what the country can bear. This was an easily foreseeable outcome and a policy which no responsible person let alone a government should ever have advocated, bringing increased poverty to the poorest countries. The liberal internationalist politicians have created a vicious circle of deprivation."

  73. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.

    What...did I reveal that Darrell Issa was the wingnut who pushed for the guns to be sold...despite the lie that it was Holder? Gosh...and it's in the public domain. Go ahead. Look. Do the work. Or, just repeat your talking points/marching orders.
    And your fauxtrage is funny. Because the info is public. Which source do you refuse to look up?


  74. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.


  75. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Same mentality as those who convince themselves they are serving some greater purpose by strapping a bomb to their chest and blowing themselves up in a crowded shopping area. Life is a bell shaped curve and the crazy/dangerous people live on both ends.

  76. Mold Still Lies2:10 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    What...did I reveal that Darrell Issa was the wingnut who pushed for the guns to be sold...despite the lie that it was Holder? Gosh...and it's in the public domain. Go ahead. Look. Do the work. Or, just repeat your talking points/marching orders.
    And your fauxtrage is funny. Because the info is public. Which source do you refuse to look up?


    1:47 PM"

    No. YOU made the baseless allegations against Issa. YOU do the "work".

    The onus is upon YOU to prove it.

    You truly are a liar.

  77. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.

    Oh...when you 'quoterate' might want to conduct due diligence upon your heroes...the sooper genius you cited as a 'sorce' is rather unsavoury.


  78. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19822:16 PM

    What...did I reveal that Darrell Issa was the wingnut who pushed for the guns to be sold...despite the lie that it was Holder? Gosh...and it's in the public domain. Go ahead. Look. Do the work. Or, just repeat your talking points/marching orders.
    And your fauxtrage is funny. Because the info is public. Which source do you refuse to look up?


    You didn't reveal anything.Obama and Eric Holder gave weapons to Mexican and Honduras drug cartels.

    Mold tells lie after lie in hopes she will be believed.

    Silly goober.

  79. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Not baseless. Easily found. You are just shiftless and want everything handed to you and the rest of the racist blather.
    No, you have no 'authoriteh' to order me about. But I do delight in your absolute abhorrence of work. Your simpleminded repetition of talking points...without knowing the story. Your bluster and poutrage over being told Truth and expecting minimal effort from you.
    Left Behind, perhaps?

    I do offer links when the info is rather esoteric for a general audience or is found 'off the beaten track'. I decline to hand you your homework when it is both public and easily found.

    You are failing at 'yez duz it too!' lie.


  80. New York Steve2:25 PM

    "What...did I reveal that Darrell Issa was the wingnut who pushed for the guns to be sold...despite the lie that it was Holder? Gosh...and it's in the public domain."

    The reality is that Issa has been leading the investigation into this scandal.

    What mold is doing is the equivalent of accusing Archibald Cox of being responsible for Watergate.

    mold will say anything - it's utter jibberish.

    And exceedingly weird. Is this a black thing? Why does Field allow a crazy person to clog up his comments section?

  81. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Mold, the only "public domain" you're associated with is your butthole.

  82. Physco Man I Am Mold2:32 PM

    What's the deal, Mold?

    Did you have another stroke this weekend, or are you just showing the toxic signs on ingesting too much Boudreaux's Butt Paste again?

    Funny how UTS seems to be the only one who can understand a damn thing you post here.

    It's the "butt paste" that give thems a common tongue....ewwwwww

  83. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19822:35 PM

    There's no logic,no fact, no reason behind what mold post.

    Just lie after lie.

    Mold would rather pretend than do the work.Mold would much rather remain a simpleton.

  84. BetterMan2:52 PM

    Mold would rather pretend than do the work.Mold would much rather remain a simpleton.

    Mold is an agitator, he seems to take great pride in being as dumb as possible and gets a kick out of all the attention, why else would a white boy kicked out of school pretend to be a black grandma and hang out on a black blog talking about things he doesn't even have the faintest clue about. He has not once, not once backed up any of his assinine claims, he can't, he is a little parrot who like parrots somewhat mirror what others are saying but gets it really, really wrong...and besides he wears adult diapers and likes to squish around in his poo while he types all day.

  85. Anonymous3:11 PM

    fed gives banks 16 trillion

  86. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Issa pushed for the guns to go to bad wonderful for him that he gets to 'investigate' himself. Not that Issa was honest to begin with...or didn't have a criminal record...or was one of the least ethical persons in Congress.
    Butters, I won't do your work. That's your fantasy...having AfAms at your Beck and call.

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  87. moldex3:32 PM

    "Issa pushed for the guns to go to bad people..."

    Lies and gibberish, all day long.


  88. BetterMan3:37 PM

    Butters, I won't do your work. That's your fantasy...having AfAms at your Beck and call.

    Nah, not quite moldiskidmark, and no, I will not butter your biscuit, you are barking up the wrong tree there transgendered one.

    First off you aren't an Afam, second, you shouldnt say ANYTHING if you don't know what you are talking about and cannot produce a link, even Field asks for links rightly so all the time, you are the only fruitcake that talks shit and then has to write two paragrpahs later to back out of it and blame people who don't believe you.

    Don't you have any shame at all? Ha-Ha real funny eh? I ask the guy who shits in his pants if he has any shame..Ha Ha real funny, eh? No, I mean it Ha HA real funny, eh?

  89. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Butters, and your 'proof' that I am not AfAm? I mean, besides your ardent wisherating.
    I do know. That's partly what irritates you fakers. You are far too used to blowing smoke up the churchers jeans. You are not familiar with speaking to those who have the credentials and experience. And it shows.
    Why should I do your work? Especially when it is easily available to you. That just highlights your laziness and reluctance to use Facts.
    Laughing at your own indicative.

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  90. Anonymous4:55 PM

    ya anyone who still uses or prescribes thorazine is practicing in the dark ages or perhaps a back alley servicing pimps who dont mind trimethylamine secretions on a ho

    all of these comments about mildew are ridiculous first u accuse him of being a wite guy then a black woman crazy and down the line none of u know or have been able to find shit out about mildew so r making things up phukkin pathetic specially that queef who would like to be a dawktaw but will NEVER EVER EVER be a dawktaw since the only thing it thinks about is pussy dick and shit all day got to think on a higher level sweetie pie if u want to be taken serious

  91. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


    ya mildew real funny skoolin that wannabe dawktaw kimdaqueef as to u and darrel issa though ure wrong

  92. Anonymous5:03 PM

    There were far more Christians killed in Egypt by Muslim terrorists on Christmas Day then people killed in this tragedy. Why when Muslims committ hate crimes it does nothing to stop the anti-Christian, anti-Jewish, anti-western hate speech that continues on recklessly regardless of how many hate crimes it inspires?
    Muslims continue to blame the Zionists for everything. How is this worse then the Islamaphobia Muslims always complain about. A recent poll showed most Muslims still don't believe it was Arabs and/or Muslims who comitted 911. Yet if at first I believed Muslims probably committed Oslo I'm a bigot? 10 years after 911 Muslims still are in denial? How is this less offensive?

  93. why is it ok for hobama to be worse than bush in every way???????

    There was a time when much of the public clamored for justice to rain down on White House illegalities, through impeachment. But then came Barack Obama, who made George Bush’s crimes his own and “then proceeded to out-Bush Bush, especially when it came to wielding imperial power and doing away with what’s left of due process and the rule of law.”

    Thus, with Obama, we get a continuity of George Bush's crimes, plus a whole host of new ones. Call it Bush-Plus. But, unlike during Bush's crime spree, there is little clamor for Obama's head outside the racist Right. If Michelle keeps Barack in check and there are no sexual indiscretions, it looks like he'll have a record-breaking term in office, in terms of breaking the law. And Black Americans, by clinging to Obama, will lose the distinction of being a people that cherish justice most of all.

  94. Anonymous5:17 PM

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers and put them on his pee-pee

    She sells seashells by the seashore

    Rubber baby buggy bumpers

    Ha-Ha real funny beavis, eh?


  95. Anonymous5:21 PM

    sea shells by the sea shore with a kuntbreaf qoohole and a wannabe dawktaw both absolutely useless in the situation LOSERS!!!!!

    hey kuntbreaf why dontcha jess shut up? thought u was going today ya liar!

  96. Anonymous5:23 PM

    hey alicia kuntlick banks hows that 250 iq treating u? solved any of the worlds problems with ur alleged intellect? oh wait, uve been posting on this blog inventing sockpuppets and talking that bullshyt all day here what a waste of alleged talent ya kuntlickin imbecile! as to wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef her ego is so fragile and her intellect is so lacking that the only thing she can do is make things up about mildew and hope that whatever she says may stick but it wont since shese wrong about everything shese said today this is the nature of dumb lying clucks and chickenheads they bring nothing to the table but burr headed naps and bad attitudes!

  97. Anonymous5:25 PM

    burr headed trimethylamine secreting kuntlickers like alicia buceta breaf banks and wannabe dawktaw the kimqueef make alleged african american womens look bad if eye met them in public eyed hate african american womens

  98. Anonymous5:38 PM

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Peter Piper Picked a peck of pickled peppers and put them on his pee-pee

    She sells seashells by the seashore

    Rubber baby buggy bumpers

    Ha-Ha real funny beavis, eh?


  99. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I do know. That's partly what irritates you fakers. You are far too used to blowing smoke up the churchers jeans. You are not familiar with speaking to those who have the credentials and experience. And it shows.
    Why should I do your work? Especially when it is easily available to you. That just highlights your laziness and reluctance to use Facts.
    Laughing at your own indicative.

    Field, environmental racism is more accurately called environmental classism. Although some christians do love their lying-fer-jebus placement of toxins amongst AfAms...most businesses will look at the political clout, the incomes, the educational level, and other pertinent barriers and hindrances.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License.
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.

    Ha ha. Real funny, eh?


  100. Anonymous5:43 PM

    She smells buceta bref by da seashore see what i'm sayin monkey dick

    How much wood can I get if I get Ab wet and dawktaw and me makin da whoopee

    How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    I wanna rub my chin on da carpet while munchin wit AB and dawktaw Queenie

    Can sumbody call da amberlamps I gots da menses on my lipses

    Ha Ha real funny, eh?


  101. Uh oh, looks like Frankenbitch is back, LOL!!!
