Monday, July 25, 2011

Is O showing the sisters enough love? And mass transit blues.

O, you better be careful, you don't want to play with the black female vote. I know that most sisters will still ride or die with you (Mrs. Field included) but you have got to start showing them some love.

Faye Anderson, a friend of mine, and a blogger who I respect, wrote a piece about it, and wouldn't you know it; today I noticed that Dr. Boyce Watkins wrote about it as well.

I saw Faye at a conference down in D.C. and she was telling me that quite a few sisters were pissed at O but none would go on the record. (Unlike moi, Faye is a real journalist.) Now I love Faye, but I am not sure who, exactly, O could have invited to represent the black female civil rights community? And why is this even an issue? Shouldn't we all be uniting around common goals about what is best for our community and A-merry-ca as a whole?
Dr. Watkins disagrees with me:

"Dr.Julianne Malveaux would have been a perfect choice, since you don’t exactly see scores of black women with PhDs in Economics from MIT. Given that the men had gathered to discuss job creation and economic growth within the Black community, I can only imagine that Dr. Malveaux might have something productive to say.

The fact that Dr. Malveaux, along with every other talented Black woman in America, is consistently left to the side in these important conversations should be disturbing to all of us. As we fight for the civil rights of our community, we might want to take a second to realize that we are not immune from the temptation of oppression. With all due respect to the men who’ve taken the time to meet with the president, I grow increasingly disturbed that the powerful Black female political voice has been largely kept in the background. Given that Black men are the most marginalized group of people in American society, it is clear that Black women led the way in building the passionate energy that gave our nation its first Black president.

Adding insult to injury, Dr. Height mentioned to President Obama that it is time that a Black woman be allowed to serve on the Supreme Court. Instead, the Obama Administration barely glanced at the thousands of talented Black female attorneys and judges across the country, and chose another Harvard University alum (Elena Kagan) with a horrifically racist hiring record. Kagan was the right political move, but the wrong ethical move, and President Obama surely knows this.

The goal in making these points is not to bash President Obama or the men who conduct meetings with him. It is to make it clear that Black men must take the lead in insisting that women be allowed to advocate for our community as much as our men. I hope and expect that Jealous, Sharpton and Morial are in agreement. I also hope that powerful Black women will speak up on this issue as well.

When fighting for what is rightfully yours, there comes a time when you no longer need to be diplomatic. Let’s move Black women away from the back of the political bus."


The next time I go to San Francisco, I will be renting a car. The mass transit po po out there doesn't f&*^ around. Dead for not having a fare? WTF?

And, finally, speaking of mass transit. I know times are tough in A-merry-ca for you Negroes with the recession and all, but you have got to stop taking your anger out on white people. That s&^% is not cool. "Can't we all just get along"?

"A Bronx man was viciously assaulted and robbed on a subway train Sunday by four men who he says taunted him for being white.
Police confirmed they are investigating the assault and robbery of Jason Fordell, 29, but have not labeled it a hate crime.
They are seeking the four assailants, who fled the scene. A fifth passenger who police say spontaneously joined in the attack has been arrested.
"Everyone on the train was egging them on," said Fordell, 29, of the early-morning attack on the 4 train." [Source]

Mr. Fordell, let me be the first to apologize to you on behalf of all peace loving Negroes everywhere. That should not have happened. And, to be fair, if it had been the other way around I would probably be blogging about it. Probably....

Oh ohhh, there is an update to this story:

"Police were unable to find the gang, but they were able to find and arrest 54-year-old Barinthe Ramoutar, who Fordell fingered as the eager straphanger. Last night a judge released Ramoutar without bond.

“It’s simply physically impossible,” Ramoutar’s lawyer, Trudy Strassburger, said of the attack yesterday.

Her client, she says, is a balding fruit salesmen with no criminal record and arthritis, from 24 years working as a welder, so bad he cannot make a fist. She says that the arrest was just a case of mistaken identity.

Fordell identified him on the platform at Jerome Avenue and Fordham Road a good 45 minutes after the attack is said to have occurred.
The judge apparently agreed with Ramoutar’s lawyer enough to release him without bond. However, he still faces charges of robbery, assault and grand larceny.

Meanwhile, the four other attackers, three black men and a hispanic [SIC] man, remain at large—which makes it very hard for police to determine if the attack was in fact racially motivated, as Fordell has claimed.
Also not helpful to his argument?

The fact that Fordell has since admitted that, after being called names, he resorted to racial slurs himself on the fateful train ride. “They’re calling me cracker, and so I called him spic,” a beaten Fordell told WPIX.

When the station then asked, “If you’re using racial slurs, why should police call it a hate crime?” Fordell responded, “because they’re the ones who started with me.” [Source]

Mr. Fordell, those Negroes were still wrong, but your hands were not exactly clean. There was clearly some "color arousal" issues going on (thanks for that word, Francis)and being "color aroused" in certain situations is never good.


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Hows that hope and change workin' fo ya? Can't believe y'all fell for that con.

    Still no mention of Rodrick Dantzler? I guess a black man mass murdering 7 white people not enough to get a FN mention.

  2. A wonderful post...Field. Dr. Malveaux would have been a wonderful asset at some of those "economically focused" meetings. She is forthright and the President may have found this difficult to deal with. As I've said before--some of his choices and policies have me made quite uneasy. He's facing some awful stuff up there on the hill and considering that somewhat tempers
    how and what we should say. However, he must do better in this area!!

    You know Field, I don't like bullying of any kind and like the man who lost his life at the airport by a single punch; people must weigh what they say to other folks. There are consequences.
    I'm glad this man got out of it alive and has a chance to introspectively assess his role in all of this.

    I, too, thank you and Francis for introducing me to the phrase "color arousal". It is so on point.
    BTW: I love those pictures of the President and his wife showing love.

  3. Kathy7:21 PM

    Mr. Fordell's story is not adding up, in you link, he boards the 4train at 42nd St., that is Manhattan, so are the next two express stops, 86th and 125th street, and to top it off, Mr Fordell rides this train to the Bronx all the time, according to the article, cuz that is where he lives!!! Jerome and Fordham Road. I would bet it's some kind of set up to get some money, maybe he can claim the loss and get money from the MTA or something.

  4. The ONLY Black woman Prez Obama has shown any real "love" for is Michelle Obama.

    Of course, that's exactly what I expected he would do.

    The only "man allowed" to look out for Black woman on a national level is a White man.

  5. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    The ONLY Black woman Prez Obama has shown any real "love" for is Michelle Obama.

    Of course, that's exactly what I expected he would do.

    The only "man allowed" to look out for Black woman on a national level is a White man.

    And Oprah at least in 2008, now Oprah said she wont be involved in his election..I wonder why

  6. FN:
    I've said it before and it bears repeating that San Francisco is one of the most racist and classist cities in our country. I lived there and had some good times and some bad times. But what I noticed is that over time, the Black population diminished and became more indigent. You almost never see Black professionals as often as you see bums and beggars. The city enables that type of soul crushing behavior. And its always been open season for killing Black men out there. Just as oOscar Grants family.

  7. S**t Field,

    You can't apologize for" your" a$$*(@$ any more than I can for "mine." We aren't responsible for them; they aren't "ours" unless we back them up.

  8. Gotta say,

    I've been a fan of Dr. Malvoux' for years. I used to watch her on a PBS talking head show, and she always seemed to articulate an angle most issues that made sense to me.

    Also, as a (greater) Bay Area dweller, I'll tell you about your "Hobsen's choice" in San Fran. Muni sucks. It shouldn't bother with a schedule because it's meaningless. I've seen no No. 17 busses for 2 hours, then 8 in 5 minutes. I've had busses abandoned by the driver in route, busses that the driver refuses to move until it empties because of fare jumpers, Then there's the trains, the outstanding feature of which is that the entire system breaks down whenever a part does, and that happens often. Then there's BART......... or a car, which requires parking, in a city with more cars than public and private parking spaces combined. Paylots get full, forget onstreet; so there are only the spaces to park that traffic opens up. I've parked 10 blocks from a lunch date near USF, and paid for the privilege. Best bet for tourists is a cab or car service; spend your time in the city, not traffic.

  9. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Notice how adroitly the paid wingnut welfare recipients always try to distract attention away from FNs post...and to a wonderfully coincidental post on a astroturf blog or website. Almost like Left Behinds who haven't done their schoolwork. And only the Left Behind thinkerates they are fooling anyone.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Gang of Black Men...where have I heard this scam before??? I mean, other than wingnuts with an agenda...scaring Vitter wetting low-infos about the Scary Big World.
    Such heroic manly men...terrified of a self--created Boodgey-Man. So bravely shooting unarmed send a message. Boldly murdering kids for the 'crime' of someday becoming Leftist.

    Given the only options of Geezer/MILF christian and right-of-Nixon/Biden...we overwhelming picked the sane ones. Hope and Change were nice marketing slogans...and you are the ones eagerly swallowing the ad. It was all over the Lefty could even read the older posts. Although Lefties will issue retractions...their material remains....very much unlike the 'wee-witing historee' of the Con and wingnut bloggers.

    Obama is a centre-right pol...except in the ScaryBlackMen fantasies of heroic brave manly men who can't quite accept that AfAms are US citizens...and most have been here longer.


  10. sistermoon9:59 PM

    Hmm... let's see... Regina Benjamin (US Surgeon General)... Susan Rice (US Ambassador to the UN)... Lisa Jackson (Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)... Valerie Jarrett (Senior Advisor to the President).

    You're absolutely right - the man's got a problem with Black women.

  11. So only now some black women are waking up about Obama and this black male presidential solidarity rubbish? And only now they are realizing how black women routinely get their necks stepped on for the sake of uplifting black and blackish men without reciprocation? Well.

    As for the unfortunate transit death, it's not a big surprise this happens when you run while black. And it's not surprising they might be trying to cover up their behinds by pretending the victim had a gun. Typical. Now, I wonder what our illegal non-blacks and the Mexican "allies" in that area are saying about it? Nada... como costumbre. Carry on black people, keep fooling yourselves.

    As for the thugs on the subway beating the white guy, I've long suspected that the white guy himself used slurs of his own. Even so wrong is wrong.

  12. "Dr. Height mentioned to President Obama that it is time that a Black woman be allowed to serve on the Supreme Court."

    Allowed? Shouldn't such a position be earned? On that note, shouldn't affirmative action stop somewhere? I mean making a black woman VP of Human Resources to keep Big Government off your ass is one thing, but appointing someone to the highest court of the land to fill a quota is flirting with disaster. That's what got us Sotomayor, Kagan, Ginsberg, O'Connor and Thomas - not exactly a stellar line up.

    When a rock solid black woman candidate comes along, I'm all for it. But the Supreme court already has too many weak minority / female hires. Obama's first two appointments were laughable.

  13. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Field, "Now I love Faye, but I am not sure who, exactly, O could have invited to represent the black female civil rights community?"

    Dear Mr. Field, I am surprised that you would NOT know WHO Mr. O could have invited. I would think LAA would come immediately to your mind. Mr. Field, you and I know there is no one more passionate for the civil rights of the bf than LAA and/or FP. How could you ignore her? Only one other bm by the name of UTS tries to ignore her. NOW I am beginning to think that you and Mr. mouthy UTS are emotional twins joined at the hips.

    Lord have mercy, one uts is enough for this planet and our race.

    Field, "And why is this even an issue?"

    Mr. Field....After the big shootout between a number of us on FN blog about the NAACP and the Dunbar Village incident, you have to ask, "And why is this even an issue?" Please, Mr. Field, just think about it for a minute.

    Field, "Shouldn't we all be uniting around common goals about what is best for our community and A-merry-ca as a whole?"

    Mr. Field, I see you have unconsciously picked up the "Old Negro Question" that's been asked repeatedly NOT ONLY on FN for years, but in the black race for decades. The answer is always the same: "YES, we 'SHOULD.'" But, "NO" we HAVEN'T.

    So, Mr. Field, I gave you answers to you your questions. Will you reciprocate by answering my ONE little question.... If we SHOULD be UNITED, why are we so fractured and divided as a race?

    Please, no tap dancing. Please.

  14. Affirmative action was designed to combat systematic hiring discrimination, not mandate every group of people have the same demographic breakdown as society at large.

    Some areas are dominated by certain groups because that's were the talent is. In extremely selective positions such as professional basketball or physics professors, this talent distribution can result in decidedly non-diverse workforces.

    How many of our greatest athletes are jewish? How many of our leading intellectual legal scholars are black woman? Why should be we be scouring the forest for a black female justice? No NBA franchises are desperately searching for a Mexican point guard. The NFL isn't under pressure from the Asian community to "appoint" a starting Chinese running back.

    It is what it is. No one is holding back dozens of qualified black women ready to run our country. Just like all those white cornerbacks, they're just not there.

  15. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    the only you can shoot is a result of premature ejaculation when you watch sesame street, who you think your kidding numbnuts.

  16. Purita11:48 PM

    "The goal in making these points is not to bash President Obama or the men who conduct meetings with him. It is to make it clear that Black men must take the lead in insisting that women be allowed to advocate for our community as much as our men."

    I think President Obama's problem with Black Women is evidence of deeper problems. As you may recall, John McCain released 1100 pages of his medical records, while Barack Obama released a one-page summary. It appears to me from reading Obama's memoirs that the President suffered some sort of mental health problems in the early 1980s and in 2000. Did he seek medical attention? I think perhaps his fragile mental condition is allowing him to be manipulated by those around him into abandoning our community.

  17. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Field, "The next time I go to San Francisco, I will be renting a car. The mass transit po po out there doesn't f&*^ around. Dead for not having a fare? WTF?"

    Mr. Field, you are exactly right, the police in SF bay area don't mess around, esp if you are Black or Latino. You see, the police force and the mass transit police and the Bart police(East Bay/Oakland) won't hesitate to bust a cap on your ass and they WILL get away with it.

    I have mentioned before that the Bay Area is very racist. The White gays make it that way. Btw, they are the same white racists who blamed the entire black race for Prop8. I bet the cop who shot that unarmed teenager was white and gay.

    So please, Mr. Field...RENT A CAR, and stay off mass transit because anything might- and DOES happen on public transportation here. I have enjoyed your blog for years and I want to keep on enjoying it.

    BTW, when are you coming to the Bay Area? Give me a call and I will give you a grand tour of where your cousins live.

    First, I'll take you to East Oakland. Next, to Richmond. Then, if we are still alive, I'll take you into the hood in SF.

    Does that sound exciting to you, Mr. Field? Just want you to know that there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you, Mr. Field....Don't forget to call me.

    PS. Bring UTS with you so I can shove his ass off the Golden Gate Bridge. Can I get an Amen?

  18. @Monte Negro may I introduce you to Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist.

    I think you essentially proved Faye's point. There are plenty of people out there who may not be on your radar who are extremely well-qualified for these positions.
    Unfortunately, being AfAm, female or both typically drops you below people's radar.

    However I disagree that Obama is guilty of this as Valerie Jarett, et. al demonstrate. Kagan was a nod to the Harvard alumni (he needs their dough for the war chest) and Sotomayor locks the Hispanic vote.

  19. mellaneous12:20 AM

    Good post Field. It does seem strange that black women were left off out of the discussion, especially considering how many well versed black women there are in our society. But they didn't miss anything. The center right president and party don't have the answers for us working people.

    Can you say third party?

    @LAA is this thing with Latins a fetish for you?

    The reason I ask is because as you may recall I am real live activist that has stood against racism, police brutality, the US wars and for workers rights to organize unions and stood in union picket lines. I have also stood for women's rights.

    And I can tell you on many occassions especially in Miami there have been Latin folks standing shoulder to shoulder with black folks.

    You can chose to deny my experience and what I have seen with my own eyes, but its true anyhow. I have a friend Micheal Martinez who always answered the bell when we protested police brutality or a police murder while in Miami.

    Because you don't believe in it or personally witness it does not mean that there isn't class solidarity across racial lines.

    And I don't understand how being cynical about solidarity helps anyone. I mean whats the point of saying over and over that Latins don't support blacks? Of course there is prejudice among some Latins, but that doesn't describe all of them. And more importantly it doesn't mean that there won't someday be solidarity between our groups, esp the working classes.

    Its almost as if you want things to be backwards and that you don't really wish for black brown solidarity.

  20. BrookLyn said...
    "@Monte Negro may I introduce you to Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist"

    Likewise I can offer Peyton Hillis, running back for the Cleveland Browns, another exception that both proves the rule and demonstrates the lack of real barriers.

    Neither of these gentlemen received their positions for any other reason than they are damn good at what they do.

    No one can say the same for Kagan or Sotomayor. The radar is already tuned to find that black female legal super star, it's just not picking up many blips.

  21. Anonymous12:57 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Because you don't believe in it or personally witness it does not mean that there isn't class solidarity across racial lines.

    Except for white people. Everybody hates the white man.

  22. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Mell, "You can chose to deny my experience and what I have seen with my own eyes, but its true anyhow. I have a friend Micheal Martinez who always answered the bell when we protested police brutality or a police murder while in Miami."

    Mell, YOU aren't the only one who has had experience with Latinos. I Live in CA and many Blacks have experienced nothing but racist attitudes from Mexicans and non-White Hispanics. Bottomline: They want NOTHING to do with us. They see us as less than human.

    So, if you think LAA is going backwards, there are millions of Blacks who are with her and I am one of them. From my own experiences with Mexicans, they are the biggest racists ON THE PLANET.

    Therefore, Mell take your grand "fetish" of how wonderful and together we are and stick it. Like you I have experiences with these assholes here in CA and I KNOW they don't give a damn about us.

    You are such a kiss-ass-blind fool who would sellout his race. LAA spoke the truth and you want to put her down and diminish her experience with Mexicans and non-White Latinos as less than yours?? You are a typical bm who looks down on bw as though they have no feelings or rights....

    YOU have the attitude of Obama and YOU missed the point of Field's post, dumbass.

  23. Not Rev. Al. Remember the Imus-Rutgers thing, Al rushed to New Brunswick to defend the Black Ladies-in-distress only to run into someone named C. Vivian Stringer who was taking care of business herself, & quite accustomed to having her own podium & handling media, thank you very much, Al.

  24. Anonymous3:33 AM

    @FN I never could fully trust that Obama would do anything in particular to better the lives of black women as he is working to do for other folks.Even non Americans.I never even trusted that outside his wife and Oprah he would even acknowledge our existence.

    @Mell I'm with LAA and Anon 1:10 am.

    Ain't nothing nice.The Latino's Hispanics have their own agendas.They are using black people ,lying and claiming we are all in this together via the "we are all (People of Color)" slogan.It's a lie for the very most part.Everyone knows it.
    They know it,other foreigners know it and are looking to do the same thing,cops know it,and racist white people know it too.


  25. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Mr. Fordell, those Negroes were still wrong, but your hands were not exactly clean. There was clearly some "color arousal" issues going on (thanks for that word, Francis)and being "color aroused" in certain situations is never good.

    Sticks and Stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you- names should not be illegal but violence sure should be. If you hear names and see a gaggle of negroes, they will jump you.

  26. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Mellaneous-"Its almost as if you want things to be backwards and that you don't really wish for black brown solidarity."

    I swear, you must be from another planet. No one wants things to be backwards nor has anybody said such ridiculous crap, except you. Your perception of the way things are between Blacks and Browns is waaay off, brother. Since when did the Cubans in Miami fall in love with Blacks? I'll answer that for you: NEVER! They can't stand Blacks and every Black knows it, except you...where have you been?

    You claim to be an activist, but you certainly aren't for Blacks. And since you have just proved that you aren't for us, who are you for, the Cubans in Miami? don't get me wrong. There are a 'few' Latinos who will work with us, just like there are a few Whites who will work with us. But the overwhelming majority is "definitely" not interested in helping us one bit.

    Mell, I must say I don't believe you could possibly be much of an activist in the black community. Of course, you DID say that you are a Reverend. So I guess you are active. But most black preachers actions never match their words. Most are the biggest bullshiters on the planet. You certainly are upholding that tradition very well.

  27. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Field, when it comes to cops killing bm in the Bay Area, little is done about it. Remember Oscar Grant was shot in the back by the Bart Police. Guess what? the cop who did it is free now. It only took a year, and he's free!

    so you have got to know the cop who leveled his gun on the teen and killed him will be on the beat in another week or so.

    The lives of Blacks are worthless in the Bay make sure you are riding the bart. You might get shot for no reason, other than the fact that you are Black.

  28. Hey, I visited SF, and it seemed like a nice city at the time. But I neverlived there. Thanks for giving me the 411 folks, I will be careful when I visit next time. :)

    "Hmm... let's see... Regina Benjamin (US Surgeon General)... Susan Rice (US Ambassador to the UN)... Lisa Jackson (Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency)... Valerie Jarrett (Senior Advisor to the President).

    You're absolutely right - the man's got a problem with Black women."

    Well if you put it that way.

  29. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19828:33 AM

    Dr.Queen said...

    The only "man allowed" to look out for Black woman on a national level is a White man.

    White men love and cherrish the Nubian Princess.

  30. gwb would be bashed if he repeatedly dissed blacks and black women as hobama does...

    hobama/gwb 2.0 should be bashed too!


    kudos to dr. boyce and cornel who call that sexist trifling dl bitch hobama out always!!!

  31. hobama is a racist elitist ruthless cia hoax sexist dick bitch!!!

    voting for Democrats is necessary to safeguard the U.S. Supreme Court. “Kagan is a blank slate careerist with political expediency as her only qualification,” who found it beyond her powers as Harvard Law School dean to hire any tenured Black faculty. In fact, she hired relatively few white women.

    Her nomination is troubling for many reasons. Once it became widely known that she could not find one black person worthy to hire as a tenure track law professor when she served as dean of Harvard law school, she and her boss began to get if not a cold shoulder, a lukewarm one. Indeed, this white woman could find only six white women to hire, out of a total of 32 positions filled during her tenure.

    Just as troubling as Kagan’s dismal diversity record is the role she played in the Clinton administration in ensuring the continuation of disproportionate sentencing for crack cocaine convictions. Kagan urged Clinton to ignore the recommendations of his Federal Sentencing Commission which called for an end to the injustices in sentencing. "Our more nuanced message will not sell as well as the 'tough on crime' opposition message in an age of sound bites." The Obama administration is asking black people to defend the record of someone who played a direct role in swelling jail cells with black people

    Hopefully the disappointed Obamites will learn a lesson from their past behavior. Why shouldn’t their idol think that he can insult their intelligence? So far he has had no reason to believe that there are any limits on what he chooses to do. If there is anything positive in the Kagan nomination it is the possibility that the dysfunctional relationship between Obama and his supporters has finally ended.

  32. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Umm...maybe you thinkerate there are no Jewish athletes...but that only shows you can't do a basic web search and are a racist. As far as Mex point are making poo up. Not all people are as you imagine them.
    Oh, you are eagerly and most willingly swallowing the ancient and crusty poo that was sold as Truf when AfAms were finally allowed to try out for the NBA and NFL and MLB.
    For your Gooberish information...there are many Physics professors who are female. Pharyngula (blog) has been a way for laypersons to see and converse with them.
    Math is not the sole purview of geeky white men...contrary to the beleefs of Scott Adams.

    Affirmative Action asks why on earth did one hire bush...when another candidate was vastly more competent. I know it makes the ill-equipped and unprepared cry about how unfair the Mean Ole World is to their lily witeness....but it does support merit. Just not the merit solely based on lack of melanin.;)


  33. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Its still funny.Be mo funnier if these were applied to you.

    Umm...maybe you thinkerate there are no Jewish athletes...but that only shows you can't do a basic web search and are a racist. As far as Mex point are making poo up. Not all people are as you imagine them.
    Oh, you are eagerly and most willingly swallowing the ancient and crusty poo that was sold as Truf when AfAms were finally allowed to try out for the NBA and NFL and MLB.
    For your Gooberish information...there are many Physics professors who are female. Pharyngula (blog) has been a way for laypersons to see and converse with them.
    Math is not the sole purview of geeky white men...contrary to the beleefs of Scott Adams.

    Once again,we see someone posting that goes way over molds pea sized brain.

    For someone who claims to have many college degrees,you sho is stoopid.

    You should go back and reread what he posted.You won't look so foolish next time.

  34. A few of the women who should have been in contention are Marian Wright Edelman, longtime president of the Children's Defense Fund and the first black woman admitted to practice in the state of Mississippi in the 1960s; Judge Janice Rogers Brown, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals, D.C. Circuit, and who Obama supported while he was a senator; Harvard Law professor Lani Guinier, who, despite the controversy when she was nominated by President Bill Clinton to be an assistant U.S. attorney general, is an excellent legal scholar; and Elaine R. Jones, formerly of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, who has three decades of experience as a litigator and civil rights activist.

    The question many in the black female legal community (of which I am a part) are asking is why did the sisters get passed over once again?

  35. But, the May 9 letter was too late. Less than 20 minutes after receiving the document, emailed to the NNPA News Service around 10:37 p.m. from Melanie Campbell, CEO and convener of the Black Women's Roundtable (BWR), a breaking news email from the Washington Post came headlined, “Obama to pick Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court.” By the morning of May 10, the news was out and widely reported.

    Still the letter was strong and clear, sending an “end-of-honeymoon” type message that President Obama must begin to listen to those he credits for having put him in office with hopes for Black progress.

    “As we have throughout history, African-American women played a significant role in the 2008 election because we were especially aware of the impact this presidency would have for generations to come,” states the letter, dated May 9. “Our trepidation regarding General Kagan is premised on the lack of a clearly identifiable record on the protection of our nation's civil rights laws. As women leaders, we greatly respect General Kagan's intellectual capabilities and highly accomplished record in the Administration and academia. Nonetheless, there is a dearth of a specific emphasis on the civil rights laws utilized in the protection of racial and ethnic minorities and those traditionally disenfranchised in this nation.”

    The letter also asserted, “Especially disconcerting is the perceived lack of real consideration of any of the extremely qualified African-American women as potential nominees. While we were very pleased to witness the placement of the Honorable Leah Ward Sears and Judge Ann Claire Williams on the reported lists of potential nominees, there did not appear to be any serious consideration of their candidacy, once again.”

  36. hobama BLATANTLY ignores all black mongrels...

    especially female/jobless/homeless ones


  37. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Umm...maybe you thinkerate there are no Jewish athletes...but that only shows you can't do a basic web search and are a racist. As far as Mex point are making poo up. Not all people are as you imagine them.
    Oh, you are eagerly and most willingly swallowing the ancient and crusty poo that was sold as Truf when AfAms were finally allowed to try out for the NBA and NFL and MLB.
    For your Gooberish information...there are many Physics professors who are female. Pharyngula (blog) has been a way for laypersons to see and converse with them.
    Math is not the sole purview of geeky white men...contrary to the beleefs of Scott Adams.

    Affirmative Action asks why on earth did one hire bush...when another candidate was vastly more competent. I know it makes the ill-equipped and unprepared cry about how unfair the Mean Ole World is to their lily witeness....but it does support merit. Just not the merit solely based on lack of melanin.;)


  38. Fecal Mold11:10 AM

    Hey stupid twat..You can lie and try and blame it on Issa all you want, but Issa & Grassley are about to bring your boy Holder DOWN!

    (Ssee? I don't just make shit up. I can provide liks to verify what I say)

    Now....THAT'S funny!

  39. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Yup, the Department of Injustice is intimidating witnesses, sending them letters telling them they should be careful what they say or else..I wonder what they have to hide?? Nah, just shitting , I KNOW what they have to hide with this illegal and incompetent regime

  40. LOL 11:08 pm :)

    Mell, I have to make this fast, I hate sounding like a broken record. TP/Blinks and the Anony said it best. Black people have always made excellent foot soldiers and great "mi pana" for those who can muster enough tolerance to be our allies for their self seeking agendas, duh. Then they usually turn around and kick us in our teeth and apply the same discrimination tactics against us. I don't blame them. The rate things seem to be going with the Latin boom in America, perhaps black people might eventually have to make allies with the same "ebol white man" in the near future (lol in a sad way).

    Now, I was specific when I mentioned Mexicans and illegal non-black [Latinos] in that "area". Too many people, including some blacks, seem to think Hispanic/Latin people are one in the same and lump them willy nilly together. In your case, this confusion could cost you your life if you dare step foot certain places in California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas etc.. Are you even aware of the different Latin/Hispanic cultures and the various social/racial indoctrinations amongst them?

    Furthermore, I can't begin to emphasize on how much the non-black Cubans, Puerto-Ricans, Dominicans, South Americans in Miami, NY etc.. do not like black people either. And most black Hispanics/Latinos do not want to be associated with black people or being black, period.

    Mell, I've already mentioned that I come from a multi-cultural and a multi-racial background. I do not have a fetish, perhaps I'm more privy to what you might be more ignorant to. And I've found that it's mostly black males who always sees this imaginary Latin/Hispanic bonding, and it's usually for their own personal agendas as well. I'll leave that alone.

  41. Monte Negro is a useless troll.

  42. Anonymous11:50 AM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Monte Negro is a useless troll.

    must have struck a nerve......

    i thought he made sense.

  43. Anonymous11:52 AM

    How can they explain that they think it’s fair to force our children, our grandchildren, our great grandchildren to finance this debt through higher taxes. That’s what it will have to be. Why is it right to increase our nation’s dependence on foreign creditors? They should explain this. Maybe they can convince the public they’re right. I doubt it. Because most Americans know that increasing debt is the last thing we should be doing. After all, I repeat, the Baby Boomers are about to retire. Under the circumstances, any credible economist would tell you we should be reducing debt, not increasing it.Democrats won’t be making argument to supper this legalization, which will weaken our country. Weaken our county.”

    --------Harry Reid senate floor 2006

  44. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Being a democrat means never having to be consistent with your past positions.

    The MSM media will let democrats say something different every day and never question it.

  45. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh? Troll TELLS us it is all Holder and That One...but the Reuters article does not support his fantasy.
    The Moonie Times piece is a 'puff' for Issa and -cue ignorance- is about the attorney for the ATF giving legal advice to those testifying. How...utterly normal. And, given that Issa pushed this idiot program and now needs sacrificial government employees to distract from his meddling involvement...pretty predictable.
    Neither offers proof.
    Keep working at it! This is still besser than repeating mindless wingnut blogs.


  46. Anonymous12:13 PM

    AnonTroll, thank you so much for citing Mr Reid out of context and without any background whatsoever. It is this type of heroic manfully brave activity that allows brave heroes to maintain their impressive consistency with quote mining and making stuff up. Without your efforts to smear elected officials, we might have a country where Social Security is safe, Universal Health Care reduced business costs, and taxes supported the lives and well-being of all citizens.
    Thank you again for being so willing to lie-fer-de-cause and remove all respect and authority for your own self.


  47. Anonymous12:22 PM

    AnonTroll, thank you so much for citing Mr Reid out of context and without any background whatsoever. It is this type of heroic manfully brave activity that allows brave heroes to maintain their impressive consistency with quote mining and making stuff up. Without your efforts to smear elected officials, we might have a country where Social Security is safe, Universal Health Care reduced business costs, and taxes supported the lives and well-being of all citizens.
    Thank you again for being so willing to lie-fer-de-cause and remove all respect and authority for your own self.


    What a bunch of drivel drabble. The background and context is so straightforward even a crazy liberal like you cant spin it. Background and context is a vote to increase the debt ceiling and Harry Reid saying how he is against it on the senate floor.

    Manhood? Sorry dude, but you need to get out more, blogging has nothing to do with your manhood. Unless you are a freak like you that is such a little pussy he pretends to be a woman....then I say you need help-whackjob.

  48. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Hey nutjob, why are you promoting that liberals get hunting licenses and use the second amendment remedies? Are telling liberals to go crazy like they normally do and step up the violence?

    Pathetic little transgender crazy ass foaming at the mouth mofo.

  49. Barry Goldwater12:25 PM

    “Freedom is a fragile thing. Its enemies are human greed, lust, envy, vanity, and selfishness. We should also be aware that noble motives can destroy freedom. The charitable instinct to improve the lot of the less fortunate may be accompanied by acceptance of the need to control, to regulate, to subtract from the substance of the more productive members of society, to employ the bayonets of governmental compulsion. Perhaps the most dangerous notion of all is the belief that given the proper amount of power and the ability to manipulate and manage, well-intentioned men can create heaven on earth.

    We must put aside the childish notion that we can spend ourselves into prosperity. Every householder, every laborer, every business manager, every professional man in this nation knows in his heart that if we continue year after year to spend more than we take in, bankruptcy is inevitable.”

  50. thank god!!!!!!!

    hunger trumps hoaxes


    rebellion trumps hopelessness unchanged

    the rep/dem games in dc are playing out as hobama is more exposed as inept and unreal each day

    But here's the breaking news for wishful Democrats: George W. Bush isn't running for anything but exercise.

    "More than a third of Americans now believe that President Obama’s policies are hurting the economy, and confidence in his ability to create jobs is sharply eroding among his base," the Post reports.

    Strong support among liberal Democrats for Obama's jobs record has plummeted 22 points from 53% down below a third. African Americans who believe the president's measures helped the economy have plunged from 77% to barely half.

    Obama's overall job approval on the economy has slid below 40% for the first time, with 57% disapproving. And strong disapprovers outnumber approvers by better than two-to-one.

  51. mold gibbered....Issa pushed this idiot program glibbedly do....

    No, you blithering idiot, this is entirely on Holder. Mark my words you feeble-minded troll, Holder will have to resign before the election.

    And oh yes, guess what? Prosser beat Kloppenburg in Wisconsin.

    Now stick your head back up your ass and find that nickel.

  52. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Prosser beats women? And you are proud of this? Why?

    What, you thought your lie would pass unnoticed? Take the words, 'I like little boys'. It makes a lot of difference who says it and where....
    8 yo girl
    K teacher to worried student
    catholic priest

    Barry Goldwater. Yep. Wealthy scion who was all miffed that poor people got food, clothing, shelter, retirement and medical care from their own government. While he manfully inherited all that. Spending to Prosperity has more than a few flaws. First...government is NOT business, it does not need to 'profit'. Second, it was spending to increase demand. You do recall this from Econ 101? If you are a wingnut, thinkerate of demand as fuel...too little and the machinery stops. Third, you might want to ask what the agenda is of a man whose entire worth stems from being born to money.

    Oh, do you say those things to your Grammy?

    Keep beleeverating that it was Holder...because some underachieving blogger wrote this...either for wingnut welfare or to push their own idiocy.

    Love the projection of the Troll. I merely am reminding the Goobers of things they thoughterate were soooo funny.


  53. Anonymous12:57 PM

    What, you thought your lie would pass unnoticed? Take the words, 'I like little boys'. It makes a lot of difference who says it and where....
    8 yo girl
    K teacher to worried student
    catholic priest

    You are one sick little man, only you can come up with the "appropriate time to say you like little boys" of course you know this, for you found out the hard way by getting kicked out of college that you can't say this as an adult male.

    Where do you come up with this shit?

  54. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Bulack Noowz todayz

    Who gonna put they lips on de bottle after dis?

  55. Anonymous1:11 PM

    What is your 'proof' that I am an adult male? All that has been offered is that I quoted white men...or that Goober wisherates it to be so.

    The example was to highlight that background and context are valuable to discussion. Such as your need to pretend I was ever expelled. Why does that make you feel better? Is that your background?
    It helps to look at the failure bush was as a 'businessman' when speaking of his 'authoriteh' in that field. It is when so many Goobers and Heeyucks thoughterate it was funny to carry automatic weapons to public meetings.

    Affirmative Action scares wites because their 'special hiring' will be questioned. Sure, you can hire the grossly incompetent like bush did...but there will be someone asking why.

    Obama is attempting to be a pol. Whatta surprise. He needs the banksters cash and the Villager-imagined vast middle voters. If the Rs had a candidate...they could win. With their current slate...job destroying bankster, crazy Michelle, Let the Bridges Fix Thyselves T-Paw, Won't pay the employees Cain, serial adulterer Newt, etc....they can't win. But, their right-of-Nixon policies will.


  56. Ms. Margaret Sanger1:34 PM

    Come, now,'s well past time for your euthanasia.

  57. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    You thoughterate that was clever? Maybe you should read her writings and see what she actually did. Must be nice to be a male virgin and never, ever have to worry about pregnancy, or supporting children, or budgets, or abuse....just laugh (hyuck, hyuck) at your own jokes.

    Your confusion with the Social Darwinism of the rich (your Masters) and her efforts are funny.


  58. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    You thoughterate that was clever? Maybe you should read her writings and see what she actually did. Must be nice to be a male virgin and never, ever have to worry about pregnancy, or supporting children, or budgets, or abuse....just laugh (hyuck, hyuck) at your own jokes.

    Your confusion with the Social Darwinism of the rich (your Masters) and her efforts are funny.


    Time to marginalize this delusional fruitcake, he makes liberals look insane. No one has a clue what the hell you are trying to say. Go take an overdose of your medications, maybe just maybe if you survive it will rewire your brain to normalcy and if you don't..oh well. A win-win plan if I have ever heard one.

    Toddles nutcase.

  59. Maggie Sanger1:54 PM

    "You thoughterate that was clever? Maybe you should read her writings and see what she actually did. Must be nice to be a male virgin and never, ever have to worry about pregnancy, or supporting children, or budgets, or abuse....just laugh (hyuck, hyuck) at your own jokes.

    Your confusion with the Social Darwinism of the rich (your Masters) and her efforts are funny.


    1:41 PM"

    Aw now, Moldy.....don't get so upset! OK, we won't call it "euthanasia".

    We'll just call it, "long overdue birth control". Just lay back, relax, and enjoy.

  60. Anonymous2:04 PM

    We'll just call it, "long overdue birth control". Just lay back, relax, and enjoy.

    I don't think he will take your advice, he is used to hearing bend over and take it faggot

  61. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Anonymous said...
    We'll just call it, "long overdue birth control". Just lay back, relax, and enjoy.

    I don't think he will take your advice, he is used to hearing bend over and take it faggot

    Oh-oh Vulgar anon to surface for sure today....

  62. Can't We All Just Get Along??3:06 PM

    Uh, Oh....looks like Mold & UTS had a little disagreement:

  63. Anonymous4:15 PM

    See, you don't know. All that bluster, name-calling and making stuff up...and you still prance around calling yourself the 'winner'.
    You still don't know anything about Sanger. You still don't comprehend writing on the Grade Eight level (for the General Ed students). You still thinkerate calling someone a 'faggot' is an insult...that was middle school.

    Anonymous said...
    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    You thoughterate that was clever? Maybe you should read her writings and see what she actually did. Must be nice to be a male virgin and never, ever have to worry about pregnancy, or supporting children, or budgets, or abuse....just laugh (hyuck, hyuck) at your own jokes.

    Your confusion with the Social Darwinism of the rich (your Masters) and her efforts are funny.


  64. Anonymous4:18 PM

    dear mold, why are so many commenters so fixated about you? it must be because you are a challenge to them, intellectually.

    you are quite popular on have them eating out of the palm of your hand... i admire that...just sayin.

  65. mellaneous4:21 PM

    @LAA, Anon. Tp et al..

    You all are absoulutely, positively one hundred percent right!

    I lived in Miami so I know that a large number of Cubans don't like black folks and when in power discriminated like the whites who had been previously in power. And you are right there are a significant number of Mexicans who do not like black folks. And you are right about some Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and other Latins in general. A lot of them don't like black folks.

    When MLK said that he had a dream that black children and white children would play together in the red hills of Georgia and that one day his children would be judged by the content of their character, most folks sighed yea right come on Martin, white folks hate us.

    I'm not crazy everyone you is right on with your observations but the question put to every generation is: Should things remain the same or should we try to change them. Should we accept things as they are or try to envision something better.

    Kick me all over this board if you want LAA but I will stand on the idea that we must figure out a way to come together as human beings or suffer the fate of death as fools.

    I aim my fire at the real enemies of humanity those who can order the death of Iraqi's and long prison sentences for poor black brown and white. I aim my fire at those who pay themselves but pay my brothers a pittance,who can shut down their factories while waving the American flag so they can go to a country of brown people and pay them 50 cents a day for the same work.

    I am not naive!

    "If there is no vision the people perish"

    Jesus talking to a crowd,said that people ought to love their neighbors as themselves. So a rather well informed brother asked, "Who is my neighbor?" Jesus told him a little story, we know it as the story of the good Samaritan........

  66. Anonymous4:27 PM

    mellaneous said...
    @LAA, Anon. Tp et al..

    You all are absoulutely, positively one hundred percent right!

    You sound like Obama now.

  67. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Mell, nice post!
    I caution you about comparing the Miami bunch...who ran away because Fidel promised Justice...and the Cubans still at home. Almost all of the US Cubanos whine about the loss of their servants, positions, and estates. The Cubans at home are pretty neat. Take the Canadian Route and discover Cuba for yourself!

    Please forgive me for digression. Your post was most excellent!


  68. Stop Watch4:58 PM

    Black Track and Field Events at a Jewelry Store in Brooklyn:

    See the robbers shoot the owner of the jewelry store then vault over the display cases, sweep the bling from the sheleves, vault over the cases again ans sprint out the door.

  69. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Anonymous said...
    dear mold, why are so many commenters so fixated about you? it must be because you are a challenge to them, intellectually.

    you are quite popular on have them eating out of the palm of your hand... i admire that...just sayin.

    4:18 PM

    Hi Mold, this is Mold, nice talking to myself, a credit to dementia. Someday you too will smile my blacktooth grin.

    He-He Beavis that was funny.


  70. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Mell, nice post!
    I caution you about comparing the Miami bunch...who ran away because Fidel promised Justice...and the Cubans still at home. Almost all of the US Cubanos whine about the loss of their servants, positions, and estates. The Cubans at home are pretty neat. Take the Canadian Route and discover Cuba for yourself!

    Please forgive me for digression. Your post was most excellent!


  71. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  72. S. Froid5:03 PM

    mellaneous writes:

    I lived in Miami so I know that a large number of Cubans don't like black folks and when in power discriminated like the whites who had been previously in power. And you are right there are a significant number of Mexicans who do not like black folks. And you are right about some Puerto Ricans, Dominicans and other Latins in general. A lot of them don't like black folks.

    Hmmm. Have you done any soul searching, some self analysis or cultural analysis to understand why others hold these views?

    Or do you simply assume everyone else is wrong?

  73. mellaneous5:09 PM

    Thanks Mold but you underestimate me. I keep telling folks that I am a political/community activist. So of course I have investigated the Cuban situation.

    Clearly the revolution was a good thing and you are right most of the Cubans while crying oppression were really crying about the fact that they couldn't oppress folks like they had gotten used to. Many of them came to the US so they keep doing what they has always been doing. The poorer Cubans drunk the koolaid of course and got over here and discovered they had to work like dogs and sometimes were treated as such.

    Some of the more foolish ones have the nerve to look down on black folks and pretend that they lifted themselves up by their own bootstraps. The irony is that many white Americans hate them as well.

    Yeah Mold I am quite aware of Cuban history. I have talked to and actually hosted forums years ago with Cubans from the mainland. Needless to say that didn't get the best reception from the Gusano's.

  74. Death & Taxes5:13 PM

    In 1980 about 28 million people received Medicare benefits. the total outlay at that time was about $38 billion.

    In other words, about $1,350 per beneficiary.

    In 2010 the number of Medicare recipients was about 47 million and the cost was $522 BILLION.

    That's $11,100 per beneficiary.

    Growth of the program at this rate is unsustainable. The rationing of healthcare is on the way, but Obama wants to pretend it's possible to pay for it all.

  75. Cuba Libre5:18 PM


    Cuba is an economic failure. The island's economy is no healthier than Fidel himself.

    The only hope for Cuba is for Fidel to die as soon as possible so Raul can begin the process of shifting toward capitalism.

    Ex-pat Cubans will return to Cuba and they will construct a good economy. Americans will live there on pensions and manufacturers will open factories there.

    Oil drilling companies will begin to extract oil from the waters around Cuban and the country might become suddenly prosperous.

    But nothing will happen till Fidel is dead.

  76. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Mell, thanks for clarifying your position. I really love how you expressed the US Cuban stance.

    TaxTroll, did you find that on a wingnut site? Sure seems all statistically mathlike and such. Oh, you left out quite a bit of it because you are selling poo...or don't know?

    Drink, you are leaving material out of your fantasy. Like why you need Fidel to die. Or that the Cuban people have no desire to be your slave or servant. In case you missed it...both Canada and Europe have the ability to do business in Cuba. Wonder what the wingnut Con is that prevents this (US)?

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?


  77. Anonymous said...
    you are quite popular on have them eating out of the palm of your hand... i admire that...just sayin

    Listen Frankenbitch,

    We ALL KNOW you post on this site unter multiple personalities to support yourself, so cut feigned "support" of your position, okay loney tunes?

  78. mellaneous5:36 PM

    @Cuba libre

    I'm not going to argue the merits of Cuban society because folks usually line up based on their preconceived notions.

    So let me say that anyone who is knowledgable about pre-Castro Cuba and Cuba under Batista will tell you that for everyday Cubans life was hell. And while there are valid criticisms of race in Cuba the situation for blacks in Cuba was comparable and some places than the Jim Crow south.

    And also any discussion about Cuba has to be kept in the context that Cuba is a Third World country.

    It also has to be kept in mind that it tried a different socialistic economy in the middle of a capitalist world. The capitalist have done everything to sink the Cuban economy even going as far as trying to murder Fidel and sabotage Cuban crop production (this is all documented BTW by former CIA agents).

    And you can't talk about Cuban economy without trying to figure out how you would survive without the ability to trade, which is what the blockade of Cuba by the US has effectively done.

    And keep in mind despite these setbacks the Cubans still figured out how to educate their population - even the US admits that it has one of the best education systems in the world.

    And despite its economic limitations its medical system is the best in the Third World and is comparable to some developed nations.

    Now you can carry on with your criticisms.

    Oh and BTW your utopian dream of turning Cuba into a cesspool and whorehouse for the US and Europe is never going to happen. Thats always been the ex-pats dream, but its never going to happen. The Cubans no matter what you think of them and their economy are not going to give away their country.

  79. mellaneous5:40 PM

    @Mold thanks again

    Mold said:
    "Or that the Cuban people have no desire to be your slave or servant."

    Good point that is what big business wants to do,which is what they did before. And you are right the Europeans have tried the if we can't beat em lets join em, strategy. And of course the Cubans have to cater to some free market iniatives because otherwise they won't survive.

  80. "Ex-pat Cubans will return to Cuba and they will construct a good economy. Americans will live there on pensions and manufacturers will open factories there."

    Great. So it becomes what it used to be prior to 1959, minus the mob bosses (although corporate America makes a wonderful stand-in). I just hope those factory workers get better than the 31 cents/hour bestowed upon Haitian factory workers:

    At least Americans will be just in time to buy up all of those classic cars, before Cubanos themselves chuck them for more modern metal:

    "Oil drilling companies will begin to extract oil from the waters around Cuban and the country might become suddenly prosperous."

    The only people directly benefiting from oil extraction will be the oil company's upper and mid-level management, and their stockholders. Unless they're willing to offer Cuba hefty royalties and hope those are properly disbursed to the people, as opposed to being hemmed up and spent up by the government on concerns that don't affect or even hurt the Cuban people.

  81. "Kick me all over this board if you want LAA but I will stand on the idea that we must figure out a way to come together as human beings or suffer the fate of death as fools."

    Going up against LAA and her anon sockpuppets is akin to sticking your head into a mound of fire ants. So I applaud you for standing up to someone who seems hell-bent on knocking down and cowing those she and her lackeys don't agree with.

  82. Anonymous6:00 PM

    DrG, pretty much only wingnuts use sockpuppets. I have never used why are you lying? And yes, it is a known strategery of the Reich wing to fake support through multiple fact both the christian and political arms have encouraged useful idiots to do just that.

    Don't retreat, reload.
    Librul Huntin' License
    Second 'Mendment Remedies.
    Not so funny now, eh?

    Mell, Mack....wonderful posts!! You used Facts and based your findings are valid Data. Nicely done and quite elegant.


  83. "mellaneous,

    Cuba is an economic failure. The island's economy is no healthier than Fidel himself.

    The only hope for Cuba is for Fidel to die as soon as possible.."

    A-merry-cans have been claimg that Fidel is dying for the past...oh, I don't know; TWENTY YEARS!

  84. Rafael6:42 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Clearly the revolution was a good thing

    Tell that to the families of the thousands murdered by Fidel and Che after the revolution, or the thousands who are rotting in prison today because they dared to voice an oppositional position.

    Cuba is a hell hole today because of the failure of socialism and the tyranny of its dictator, not because of the US embargo.

    Stop being an apologist for evil. It discredits everything else you write.

  85. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Mell, "Because you don't believe in it or personally witness it does not mean that there isn't class solidarity across racial lines."

    Where is the Black-Latino class solidarity Mell? Where is it? NOWHERE.

    Mell, "Kick me all over this board if you want LAA but I will stand on the idea that we must figure out a way to come together as human beings or suffer the fate of death as fools."

    Have you figured it out yet? Why don't you try to figure out how to get members of your own race to come together before you go galavanting down to Miami looking for Latinos to team up with?

    Lack of UNITY and harmony The black race has been splinterd for decades, if not centuries. Why don't you figure a way for Blacks to come together first?

    Maybe that moron Mack Lyons can help you.

  86. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Thousands in the mind and cardiac cavities of those who had to -gasp- give up their servants. How arrive at the US and have to work.
    It might help if you, like, sourced this fantasy 'nummer'. It sounds so much like the 'thousands' of children Satanically molested in day care.

