Wednesday, July 13, 2011

"Where is the beef?" In the garbage disposal.

Some people sure can be cruel. I have a confession to make: My man johnson has taken a direct hit on the chin a time or two in his life, and it hurt like hell. In fact, the pain was damn near unbearable.

Which leads me to Mr. Kieu: ( I think that's his name.)

"Kieu and her husband were still living together in a Garden Grove condo that he owned. He had filed for divorce in May, and they argued before the attack about friends staying at the condo, authorities said.

On Monday night, police say Kieu spiked a meal and served it to the victim.
The 60-year-old man started to feel sick and went to lie down, then awoke tied to the bed as Kieu attacked him with a 10-inch kitchen knife, police said.
She then put the penis down a garbage disposal, police said.
"It's hard to believe what would motivate a person to do this sort of thing," the district attorney's chief of staff, Susan Kang Schroeder, said outside court. "It's one of the worst things you could do to a person short of killing him."
Newly appointed defense attorney Lee Gabriel made no public statement after the hearing.

Police did not release the victim's name. He underwent surgery and was listed in good condition at University of California at Irvine Medical Center, hospital spokesman John Murray said.

Murray declined to say whether the penis was reattached or provide any additional details about the victim's condition, citing patient privacy laws.
Kieu was charged with one felony count of torture, one felony count of aggravated mayhem and sentencing enhancements for great bodily injury and personal use of a knife. If convicted of all counts, she could face life in prison without the possibility of parole.

Garden Grove Police Lt. Jeff Nightengale said Kieu called police Monday night to report a medical emergency and told arriving officers "he deserved it" before pointing to the room where the victim was found bleeding profusely. She was taken into custody without incident and refused to talk to officers further.

The couple was married in December 2009. When the victim filed for divorce, he cited irreconcilable differences, court records show. Kieu was slowly moving her things out of the condo, authorities said.

The victim declined to comment when he was reached by phone Tuesday by The Orange County Register.

"This is a private matter," he said.'[Story]

"Private matter"? I don't think so Mr. Kieu. With all due respect, this is a very public matter. Every one of us out here who share that particular body part with you.....wait, I take that back.... Everyone of us out here who share that body part that you used to have are affected by this story. It was painful just reading about it. I swear this adds a whole new meaning to the term ground beef.

I know that "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", but ladies, even you all have to admit that this was a bit much. Please tell me that girlfriend isn't starting a new trend. And why did she have to put the poor man's pleasure stick down the garbage disposal? I mean that's like adding insult to injury. Couldn't she have just thrown the damn thing away like Lorena Bobbitt? I guess she wanted to make sure my man never used it again. It's amazing what they can do with modern science these days.

I have some protective athletic cups around here somewhere. I think I will start wearing those bad boys to bed.

Finally, I loved this Harold Meyerson article on the republiclowns war on government. Make no mistake, it is a war,but it is one that they will ultimately lose. Why? Because at some point people will wake up and realize that they are being hoodwinked. Not all the people, just enough folks to vote their asses right back out.



  1. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Hahaha! Field,So what's up? Pun intended Cause if you're being good you've got no need for those cups!Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Finally, I loved this Harold Meyerson article on the republiclowns war on government. Make no mistake, it is a war,but it is one that they will ultimately lose. Why? Because at some point people will wake up and realize that they are being hoodwinked. Not all the people, just enough folks to vote their asses right back out.

    Lets say your right. Then what field? Keep borrowing, borrowing, borrowing? How long do you think that is going to last until we are all on the bread line? Raise taxes? OK sure, go for it, how long and how much will that get you and will it be enough to offset the immediate further destruction of the economy?

    You really trust someone who does nothing but spend and whine and cannot even produce a budget over two years? Are you serious? He couldnt even be a crack dealer on the corner, he has no sense of business.

  3. Some people look human but they're broken on the inside. Let something equivalent happen to her and see if she thinks she deserves it.

  4. PilotX9:59 PM

    Lesson for all, if you're getting divorced somebody has to leave. As far as the R's they are intent at making the country as ungovernable as possible so in the minds of voters we will have no choice but to hand all of the affairs of government into the hands of private companies. It always amazes me that people who "hate" government run for government office but hey, why try to make sense out of nonsense. Hopefully this new crop of R's don't screw things up too badly.

  5. Anonymous10:10 PM

    I am lost out here in the ocean trying to get to PR. I feel abused because some wonan keeps giving me wrong directions. Considering what women are capable of, being lost with all my body parts is a blessing.

    But Maria is still on board. I am watching her ass.

  6. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Hahaha! Field,So what's up? Pun intended Cause if you're being good you've got no need for those cups!Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    Ohhh how naughty...

    You know what was long and hard on Uptown Steve??

    The first grade.

  7. "It always amazes me that people who "hate" government run for government office but hey, why try to make sense out of nonsense."

    They hate government when it's aimed at them, not when they're the ones doing the aiming. Besides, can't pass up those sweet kickbacks and perks, right?

    "I have some protective athletic cups around here somewhere. I think I will start wearing those bad boys to bed."

    Well, you haven't pissed off Mrs. Field lately, so rest easy and don't worry about it.

    Just don't piss off the Mrs. :)

  8. Anonymous10:25 PM

    dear mr field, what a story! please tell me that she did not grind up his penis? if so, do men who have died offer their parts to other men waiting for a penis instead of a kidney?

    mr. field, this is one fucked up story if i say so myself. why am i not using caps in their proper place? because this story leaves me feeling a less than a man.

    i mean, i can't get an erection. it's stories like this one that is going to cause all straight men to go on a fucking strike. so i advise women to protest such surgical removals as inhumane because it damages the fucking psyche of all American men.

    as for me, i am going on a fucking strike until there is a bill passed against shit like this.

    women are so heartless and vicious. a good gentle kind man doesn't stand a chance in this world.

  9. "Ohhh how naughty...

    You know what was long and hard on Uptown Steve??

    The first grade."

    Sure you weren't thinking about something else there, pal?

    "But Maria is still on board. I am watching her ass."

    There's a name I haven't heard or seen in a while. Didn't LAA and some other folk run her off? I don't think I've seen her in months.

  10. Anonymous10:32 PM

    I bet the Republicans are in shock that Obama walked out on their stupid racist asses today. Good for him.

    It's all over for the dunces called Republicans and Tea Partiers. As Obama said, "enough is enough."

    Looks like we headed for default and a downgrade in our country's bond rating. Isn't this what the R's wanted, to make Obama fail?

    Now they will have to live with their sorry scheme. Where the hell is that fatass Rush Limbaugh? he's awfully quiet.

  11. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    "But Maria is still on board. I am watching her ass."
    There's a name I haven't heard or seen in a while. Didn't LAA and some other folk run her off? I don't think I've seen her in months"
    Mack, It's Maria Shriver. Anonymous is sailing with Maria Shriver. he picked her up at Kennebunkport and convinced her to sail with him.She was looking for a hook up. Arnold is looking to sue her for child support and it's a tangled up mess. Anon is in Antarctica right now smoking up a storm....I told him to get rid of her, he's watching her ass.....:0

    Hey Anon, Desertfox to Anon, Desertfox to Anon...If you see a woman on the shore with a canon aimed at you, just DUCK!!! Oh Lawd!!! I hope she doesn't also put your pen...never mind....10-4 over and out...

  12. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Mack Lyons, "There's a name I haven't heard or seen in a while. Didn't LAA and some other folk run her off? I don't think I've seen her in months."

    It's been a year. I've counted the days. I miss her so, and I am sure UTS and a few others do also. She was a wealth of factual and historical information.

    We keep losing white posters because they get attacked by some of the racist Blacks on FN. They are the ones Field should be moderating.

    When you got racists like PilotX, Mack Lyons, UTS and a few others, this blog is at 'risk' of being an all black segregated blog which is VERY UN-AMERICAN AND VERY REPUBLICAN!

    Field, I protest such discrimination and racism.

  13. Anonymous10:47 PM

    "Ohhh how naughty...

    You know what was long and hard on Uptown Steve??

    The first grade."

    Sure you weren't thinking about something else there, pal?

    Pal? I'll have you know young man, I could be your mother, show some respect.

  14. Hey Field this is a really tragic story. I wonder if No Slappz will speak on it since it happened in Brooklyn. I guess not since Jew on Jew crime isn't his beat.

    One thing that strikes me about this though the Hasidim have their own world in that part of Brooklyn. Why is that okay? If the Hasids were Muslims...oh nevermind.

  15. Anonymous10:57 PM

    "Hey Field this is a really tragic story. I wonder if No Slappz will speak on it since it happened in Brooklyn. I guess not since Jew on Jew crime isn't his beat."

    Yeah, this was a violent crime where the child was cut up and put in a refrigerator and other parts put in a suitcase. Blacks don't do violent things like this. Where is no_slappz, and why isn't he commenting on the Jewish daily news?

    Field, how could you miss the Jewish News of the day IN BROOKLYN where no_slappz lives?

    Do you think Slapnuts will comment on this? Let me answer that for you...NO.

  16. Wesley R10:57 PM


    Bet The Boner is really slamming down the drinks. The Teabaggers are giving him and The Turtle fits it appears. In the end Cantor and Crew are going to cost the Republicans big time next year.

  17. Anonymous11:01 PM

    "She then put the penis down a garbage disposal, police said."

    It doesn't say whether she turned on the disposal or not. Obviously she is not a Christian or a Muslim. A woman can go to hell for such a deed.

  18. Anonymous11:05 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    Hey Field this is a really tragic story. I wonder if No Slappz will speak on it since it happened in Brooklyn. I guess not since Jew on Jew crime isn't his beat.

    One thing that strikes me about this though the Hasidim have their own world in that part of Brooklyn. Why is that okay? If the Hasids were Muslims...oh nevermind.

    Why does it sound like you are happy some insane man killed a little boy?

    How are they different? Let me count the ways

    The neighborhood is in great shape, well maintained and taken care of by the Hasidim.

    They wont kill you for not agreeing with them

    They do not have a pedophile wargod prophet

    They aren't going to blow themselves and you up to get 72 virgins and sit at the feet of allah with 10 year old girls

    They don't teach children how to use AK47's and hate the world

    They dont demand you pay for thier lifestyle, beliefs and idealogy

    They usually know how to work hard and be self sustaining.

    Jew see what I mean?

  19. Anonymous11:08 PM

    REGARDING THE US CREDIT RATING: Read it and weep folks.

    "After cutting Ireland to junk status on Tuesday, Moody's said late Wednesday it's placing the Triple-A rating of bonds issued by the U.S. government on review for possible downgrade, citing "the rising possibility that the statutory debt limit will not be raised on a timely basis, leading to a default on US Treasury debt obligations."

  20. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Wesley R said...

    Bet The Boner is really slamming down the drinks. The Teabaggers are giving him and The Turtle fits it appears. In the end Cantor and Crew are going to cost the Republicans big time next year.

    Nah, Obama has cooked his goose, no one has forgotten the debt ceiling means - we have borrowed to much, kept spending for three years and now need to borrow more.

    No one has forgotten he had all the opportunity in the world to raise the amount he could continue to borrow and spend when dimmies controlled the works.

    No one has forgotten democrats have not produced a budget for over 700 days and refused to do so because politically if people saw what they are spending it would be suicide.

    No one has forgotten how it is to actually pay bills and have an income and have to live within that income , yet democrats do not have to do this, with our money. Almost like the party is full of people who demand entitlements paid for by someone else.

    No one has forgotten the economy and what his stimulus has not done,

    No one has forgotten unemployment and how he makes it worse each day.

    Now France just pulled out of Libya. So Obama is going to have to explain how he was following france and the UN in leading the killing and bombing there.

    He will also need to defend how he keeps walking back cuts that came from his very own VP's recommendations and playing games.

    Over the last several days the White House has been walking back the savings on the Biden number. Thursday it was $2 trillion, Monday it was $1.7-1.8 trillion, Tuesday it was $1.6-1.7-1.8 trillion. This morning our staff met with White House folks and the wrapup from that meeting said that the WH is now at $1.5 trillion.

    Given those figures, Eric pointed out that wherever we are it’s a long way from the $2.4 trillion needed to meet House GOP goals of dollar for dollar so he suggested a possible short-term goal in order to avoid default. Said to the President, since we can only reach so much in savings and you keep moving the goalposts, I will move off my position of only doing one vote in order to avoid default.

    The President then got heated. He said he was willing to explain and defend his position. Said he could get well above the numbers the GOP is talking about with revenue increases. Said he wouldn’t be afraid to veto and he will take that message and defend it to the American people. Said if we default it will be a tax increase on every American. Said it is his responsibility is to the American people. Said, I have reached the point where I say enough. Would Ronald Reagan be sitting here? I’ve reached my limit. This may bring my presidency down, but I will not yield on this.

  21. Anonymous11:12 PM

    BrookLyn said...
    "Hey Field this is a really tragic story. I wonder if No Slappz will speak on it since it happened in Brooklyn. I guess not since Jew on Jew crime isn't his beat."

    This is a tragedy and very scary considering Jew on Jew crime is very rare, esp among Hasidics. This could be a clue that the end of the world is near.

  22. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "She then put the penis down a garbage disposal, police said."

    It doesn't say whether she turned on the disposal or not. Obviously she is not a Christian or a Muslim. A woman can go to hell for such a deed.

    She was a muslim, she had to dispose of the pork product or risk the wrath of Allah Salickem Da Salami

  23. Gee, you don't suppose Madam Butterfly comes from the hood do ya? She sure don't look it. Who knew...

    Mack said: 'There's a name I haven't heard or seen in a while. Didn't LAA and some other folk run her off? I don't think I've seen her in months."

    No, Maria left because you negros were her last chance, and yet she still couldn't hook a one night stand on this blog holding a brown paper bag over her head.

    Just like Catherine Kieu Becker who chopped a pecker, Maria was also jilted, manless and lonely. It would have been a matter of time before one of you negros ended up bobbitted by Maria just the same. Consider it a public service.

    And btw, no wonder he's lost at sea near Aruba and thinks he's in Greece watching penguins. Of all people, he has Maria advising him, this explains it all.

  24. Anonymous11:33 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    "And btw, no wonder he's lost at sea near Aruba and thinks he's in Greece watching penguins. Of all people, he has Maria advising him, this explains it all."
    and don't forget about that "medical" marijuana he says he smokes! I wonder what part of the world he's in now.....

  25. Anonymous11:53 PM

    LAA, "Gee, you don't suppose Madam Butterfly comes from the hood do ya? She sure don't look it. Who knew..."

    I was thinking the same thing. I concluded that she DOES look like she comes from the hood.

    LAA, "No, Maria left because you negros were her last chance, and yet she still couldn't hook a one night stand on this blog holding a brown paper bag over her head.

    Just like Catherine Kieu Becker who chopped a pecker, Maria was also jilted, manless and lonely. It would have been a matter of time before one of you negros ended up bobbitted by Maria just the same. Consider it a public service."

    Oh Lordie, I'm thinking UTS isn't going to like what you said about Maria and him.

    "And btw, no wonder he's lost at sea near Aruba and thinks he's in Greece watching penguins. Of all people, he has Maria advising him, this explains it all."

    That's cold, LAA. It's cold enough out here without you dropping the temperature.

  26. Anonymous11:56 PM

    Desertflower, "and don't forget about that "medical" marijuana he says he smokes! I wonder what part of the world he's in now....."

    Maria, roll me another joint, will ya? Let's see what this map says....where the fuck am I?

  27. Anonymous12:12 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Maria, roll me another joint, will ya? Let's see what this map says....where the fuck am I?"
    LOL! There you are! Well good luck and good night. At least you're having fun on the high seas!(pun intended).Don't let the Terminator get you!

    I'm off to my warm bed.....

  28. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Desertflower, "I'm off to my warm bed.....

    Wait..don't go to bed. Maria just passed out. I need someone to stay up and talk to me. Damn it's dark out here.

    Where the hell is Field. Please don't tell me he's sleeping too. That's irresponsible. No blogger should be asleep while one of his devoted posters is in distress!

    Just goes to show you 'when the chips are down, no Negroes can be found.'

  29. "We cannot default, but we cannot afford to retreat right now either," the former Alaska governor said. "Now is not time to retreat, it's time to reload.

    "We cannot afford to retreat...­" said the former governor who quit half way through her term.


    Now back to the dude with no...

  30. Braulio1:09 AM

    They oughta feed that bitch feet first through a garbage disposal.

  31. Rottnkid said...Now back to the dude with no...

    fucking clue how to run a country.

  32. ANOTHER OBAMA RECORD!… Deficit Tops Trillion Dollars For Third Year in a Row


    We knew you could you’d do it.

    Obama tripled the deficit this year with the failed Obama-Pelosi stimulus plan.

    In Obama’s second year the deficit topped a trillion dollars again. It was unprecedented.

    The Obama deficit this year may reach $1.29 trillion.

    Barack Obama and Democrats also added over One Trillion Dollars to the Federal Budget in the last 4 years.

    That’s at least a 30% increase in federal spending in just 3 years.

  33. Anonymous1:43 AM

    RK, "We cannot afford to retreat...­" said the former governor who quit half way through her term.


    Brother RttnKid, stop acting like you are some kind of a tar baby.

    She didn't quit. She resigned because she had other interests. And yes, if she decides to run for President, she could beat the socks off of Obama.

  34. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Danny Glover, fyi...there hasn't been enough stimulus spent to turn around the economy that the last Prez created. It will take another Qe3 and possibly QE4. But that's something you wouldn't understand.

    Maybe YOU should run for office.

  35. Anonymous1:50 AM

    has anyone ever noticed that when the word "tar baby" is used, Negroes shut up? I wonder why?

  36. Anonymous said...
    Danny Glover, fyi...there hasn't been enough stimulus spent to turn around the economy that the last Prez created. It will take another Qe3 and possibly QE4. But that's something you wouldn't understand.

    That's good, Einstein, real good.

    You are apparrently an adherent of the school of thought that the so-called stimulus failed because it was, as former Enron adviser Paul Krugman puts it, "woefully inadequate." This is the economic analogue of the Kagan Principle, which liberal Supreme Court justices would use to limit freedom of speech: The more stubbornly corrupt the government is, the more justified it is in curtailing fundamental liberties in the name of preventing corruption.

    It's a common refrain among those who lust to increase government's size and power: Every failed measure justifies more of the same. Poverty programs make it harder to escape poverty? We need more poverty programs! Racial preferences heighten racial division? We need more racial preferences! And a diversity manual for every janitor in the country! When ObamaCare ends up driving the costs of medicine up and the quality and availability down, you can bet the people who created that monstrosity will claim it failed only because it didn't go far enough.

    Let's generalize this into the First Rule of Liberalism: Government failure always justifies more government. As Obama said today, complaining about Republican pressure to cut spending: "I'd rather be talking about stuff that everybody welcomes--like new programs." Fortunately for the country, the voters don't always agree.

  37. Anonymous2:09 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, your post was incomplete. You did not inform your readers what Mrs. Kieu spiked her husband's food with.

    I would be very interested in knowing what it was before I reach PR. I would love to mix it with some of my CA medicinal pot and fry it with some green tomatoes into Desert's food one evening to fire her up!

    Mr. Field, does this idea sound like a good idea to you?

    Please notify me ASAP.

  38. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Danny Glover, why have a closed unwilling mind? It is because of this sort of mind that America is about to default for failure to raise the debt ceiling--which even Wall Street has said will have grave consequences. So has Moody's-- who is about to downgrade our credit rating.

    What will it take for the American people to wake up? an economy and a market crash?

  39. NSangoma3:38 AM

    Sen. McConnell warns that default could “destroy” the GOP brand, but Rep. Cantor rejects his proposal to break the stalemate over raising the debt limit.

    MoFo like Cantor are knuttz.


  40. Thats similar to a butcher backing into a meat grinder and getting a little behind in his work?

  41. "It always amazes me that people who "hate" government run for government office..."

    Or use government services more than the rest of us.

    Dear Mr. President of Anon Inc. I see that some of your peeps had jokes last night. :)

    And yes, she did spike (no pun intended) his food.

    Desertflower, you need Jesus.

    "Let's generalize this into the First Rule of Liberalism: Government failure always justifies more government"

    What has the private sector done for us lately? Tell them to get up off that money and start investing in A-merry-ca.

  42. Brother RttnKid, stop acting like you are some kind of a tar baby.

    She didn't quit. She resigned because she had other interests. And yes, if she decides to run for President, she could beat the socks off of Obama.

    1:43 AM

    lol..She quit. Tar one, haven't heard that in a while. I bet you had to dust that off. And by the way I recommend a you check this place out. Breakfast is pretty good:

    Tar Baby's
    1048 Sea Mountain Hwy
    Cherry Grove
    N. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

    Anonymous said...
    has anyone ever noticed that when the word "tar baby" is used, Negroes shut up? I wonder why?

    1:50 AM

    Same thing could be said about the white dude next door always listening in on us when that white girl is getting her...
    Never mind, that's too much info.

  43. Anonymous7:27 AM

    "Same thing could be said about the white dude next door always listening in on us when that white girl is getting her...
    Never mind, that's too much info."

    RK, you are a racist. You prove that mixed marriages are racial in nature. Please leave alone any good wm who lives next door to you. He is just trying to do his part in improving your all black neighborhood.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. Rottnkid said...
    RK, you are a racist. You prove that mixed marriages are racial in nature. Please leave alone any good wm who lives next door to you. He is just trying to do his part in improving your all black neighborhood.

    7:27 AM

    lol..The dude that snorts bath salts?..If anything he's improving the "street economy". White dude from CT who loves his drugs and his Mommy and Daddy bailing out his 30 yo

    7:33 AM

  46. Anonymous7:40 AM

    anon@7:27am--"RK, you are a racist. You prove that mixed marriages are racial in nature. Please leave alone any good wm who lives next door to you. He is just trying to do his part in improving your all black neighborhood."

    Way to put RottenKid in his place, anon. Just who do some of these uppity FN folks think they are?

    I can hardly wait for the GOP to take over this country and straighten out these liberal black dems. And believe me, they need straightening out!

    They need to learn what it is to be an upstanding person like a black conservative. It's time we got our country back!

    The GOP/Tea Party's first act should be to close down FN blog because it collects too many Negroes in one place! That could stir up a revolt in this country of ours-and we can't have that.

  47. Anonymous7:46 AM

    CORRECTION: anon @7:40am said, "They need to learn what it is to be an upstanding person like a black conservative. It's time we got our country back!"

    anon meant to say "boy" instead of "person".

  48. Anonymous7:55 AM

    RK-"lol..The dude that snorts bath salts?..If anything he's improving the "street economy". White dude from CT who loves his drugs and his Mommy and Daddy bailing out his 30 yo"

    You Lie. No white dude snorts drugs and you know it, esp if he is from the rich state of CT. They don't have trailer parks in CT.

    Why must you try to put down Whites? aren't you married to one? now see, anon on another thread was right...interracial marriages are hate marriages and could lead to the Kieu/Babbitt syndrome.

    When the GOP takes over, there will be a bill introduced to end these un-Christian mixed marriages and same-sex marriages that goes against the Bible. They just aren't the Christian way....the Muslims support this also.

  49. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Brooklyn, "Hey Field this is a really tragic story. I wonder if No Slappz will speak on it since it happened in Brooklyn. I guess not since Jew on Jew crime isn't his beat."

    Where is no_slappz? did this story shut him up?

  50. ""It always amazes me that people who "hate" government run for government office..."

    Conservatives say "Government doesn't work" - then get elected to prove it.

  51. Anon-Goober

    "I can hardly wait for the GOP to take over this country and straighten out these liberal black dems. And believe me, they need straightening out!"


    I been hearing this bull$hit for 30 years or ever since Ronny Reagan got elected.

    "The white man is gonna get his country back and get you niggers in line."

    Then what happens?

    The Rethugs toady up to the rich, goobers like you lose your jobs but as long as they attack Affirmative Action you support them.

  52. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Wow. it's great to see so many anons adjusting to daytime posting. Pretty soon we will have good representation during the day and the night! Keep the faith anons.

  53. Anonymous8:17 AM

    UTS-"The Rethugs toady up to the rich, goobers like you lose your jobs but as long as they attack Affirmative Action you support them."

    Brother uts-For your own good, you will be the first Negro to be straightend out in Nov 2012. The GOP will make an example out of you..How does it feel to be the future 'poster child' of the Tea Party?

    correction: please change 'poster child' to 'poster Negro'.

  54. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Strange, how Goober inventerates a rule for Libruls, that not one Liberal/Progressive ever heard of. Bet he thinkerates he am clever.

    Not every citizen is a Palin, wanting to be the centre of attention. Some folks see the arrival of Brietbarts as a plague. And it makes them queasy to know that FOX is tapping their phones and email. Goobers may deny a woman's Right to Privacy...because women are chattel. What about when Goober's $12K/month bill from 1-800-RENTBOY is revealed? Or the extensive collection of furries in Santorum's PC?

    My worry is that the Fascists will continue their wage reductions, just as they did prior to WWII. FDR SAVED Capitalism in the US. The next economic collapse might see violence and the hunting down of rich, no matter where they hide.


  55. Superious8:39 AM

    We all need to support Obama, in order to get elected and give us hope, he promised to cut the deficit in half by 2013, this was in Feb 09 and the deficit then was 458 Billion

    .....wait...he what? He wants to borrow more now, no its not raise the debt ceiling, it is borrow more money? Oh the budget he proposed for 2012 that got rejected had a deficit of over 2 trillion?

    If every american were given a million dollars every day since the birth of Christ , it would NOT equal half of Obama's deficit just for this year/2011 - 1,645,000,000,000

    How ya like me now!!!!

    If another 2 trillion is borrowed for someone making 50k or less your portion of being on the hook will be 74,000k.

  56. Anonymous8:42 AM

    "My worry is that the Fascists will continue their wage reductions, just as they did prior to WWII. FDR SAVED Capitalism in the US. The next economic collapse might see violence and the hunting down of rich, no matter where they hide."

    You have just proved what I have always suspected about you...Socialist!

  57. "Brother uts-For your own good, you will be the first Negro to be straightend out in Nov 2012. The GOP will make an example out of you.."

    What are they gonna do?

    Force me to take Tom lessons from Allen West at gunpoint?

  58. Anonymous8:49 AM

    You Repubs ought to STFU. You know nothing about the economy. you proved that with GWB for 8 years.

    Did you dunces know that money is made to be spent? No, I guess not, considering how you bash the Dems and Obama. You sorry GOP-PERS like Cantor ought to STFU. Cantor is going to be responsible for America defaulting on its debt. What a sorry bunch of people you Repubs are.

  59. Anonymous8:53 AM

    UTS-"Force me to take Tom lessons from Allen West at gunpoint?"

    Oh no. they won't do that cuz you already are a good tom. but they will teach you to shut your wolfing big mouth.

  60. Anonymous9:12 AM

    It seems plausible that the penis was run through the disposal and the surgery was to keep Mr Kieu from bleeding to death.
    There is also the question of Mr Kieu and I would surmise the Science-based medical community would strive to return that function.


  61. Anonymous9:12 AM

    If you want to shut UTS up, just whoop out your long as you don't mind the gagging & slurping noises.

  62. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If you want to shut UTS up, just whoop out your long as you don't mind the gagging & slurping noises.

    I just threw up in my mouth a little..ewwwww. I think semen steve served on the goodship lollipop or was it the horatio hornblower?

  63. Anonymous9:21 AM

    “My administration has a job to do as well. That job is to get this economy back on its feet. That’s my job, and it’s a job I gladly accept. I love these folks who helped get us in this mess and then suddenly say, “Well this is Obama’s economy.” That’s fine. GIVE IT TO ME. My job is to solve problems, not to stand on the sidelines and carp and gripe. So, I welcome the job. I want the responsibility.”

    — President Obama, July 14, 2009
    How ya like me now?

  64. fn:

    what is worse?

    the repubs staged war on their peers

    or hobama's real war on the global poor/global black mongrels???


  65. re:

    lorena bobbit 2.0

    millions of hets hate each other

    and it fuels homohatred via fantasies/envy etc

    this is just further proof


    In a classic essay entitled, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities” [Burst of Light. 1988. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, NY], renown scholar, poet, and author Audre Lorde wrote:

    “When I say I am a Black Lesbian, I mean I am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women. It does not mean I hate men. Far from it. The harshest attacks I have ever heard against Black men come from those women who are emotionally bound to them and cannot free themselves from a subservient and silent position. I would never presume to speak about Black men the way I have heard some of my straight sisters talk about the men they are attracted to. And of course that concerns me, because it reflects a situation of noncommunication in the heterosexual community that is far more truly threatening than the existence of Black Lesbians.”

    Were Audre alive today, she would probably elaborate upon this reflection, extensively. She might include her observations of paternity tests on TV talk shows, the increase in date rapes, and the usage of designer drugs that enable those rapes. She might elaborate upon the fact that such hatred is now dually expressed, irrespective of gender. On that note, she might reflect upon the misogyny that blares in music lyrics penned by men, or the lewd sexism that glares from pornographic music videos directed by men etc....

    Clearly, gender wars are bloodier than ever. There is a hatred between heterosexual men and women that is tangible in every arena. The intensity of such hatred was epitomized by 26 year old Rae Caruth’s murder of a pregnant 24 year old acquaintance, Cherica Adams. Cherica is most accurately referred to as his expectant “baby mama”. This unique hatred has spawned its own vocabulary. Baby mama is a common noun used to describe an emotionally detached incubator that is unloved and uncommitted. Baby daddy describes a biological sperm donor that is rarely a father. It is profound that both terms seem to be deliberately incorrect grammatically. They imply no formal possession. Even a mere apostrophe s is forbidden as an implicit suggestion of any iota of ownership or attachment.

  66. You Looked Better In The Closet9:35 AM it National Faggot & Dyke day?

    I must not have gotten the memo.

  67. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Hey, I thought those asian chicks were supposed to be docile and submissive. I think I'll stick with the sistahs and just worry about getting cursed in public or something.

  68. the repubs have spent a few days posing as sane regarding hobama's insane debts

    hobama has spent 3 years(11+ if you count his prequel cuzzes gwb and dick c)

    insanely and ruthlessly robbing the poor to pay rich banksters and fund endless wars

    and ONLY hobama nazis are enraged at the repubs while they coddle and excuse hobama


    The blindness of the DLC-era “Third Way” Democratic Party continues to be an astounding thing. For more than a decade now they have been clinging to the idea that the path to electoral success is social liberalism plus laissez-faire economics – in other words, get Wall Street and corporate America to fund your campaigns, and get minorities, pro-choice and gay marriage activists (who will always frightened into loyalty by the Tea Party/Christian loonies on the other side) to march at your rallies and vote every November. They’ve abandoned the unions-and-jobs platform that was the party’s anchor since Roosevelt, and the latest innovations all involve peeling back their own policy legacies from the 20th century. Obama’s new plan, for instance, might involve slashing Medicare and Social Security under “pressure” from the Republicans.

    I simply don’t believe the Democrats would really be worse off with voters if they committed themselves to putting people back to work, policing Wall Street, throwing their weight behind a real public option in health care, making hedge fund managers pay the same tax rates as ordinary people, ending the pointless wars abroad, etc. That they won’t do these things because they’re afraid of public criticism, and “responding to pressure,” is an increasingly transparent lie. This “Please, Br’er Fox, don’t throw me into dat dere briar patch” deal isn’t going to work for much longer. Just about everybody knows now that they want to go into that briar patch.

  69. joker in a box assnon:

    scan up

    u r the textbook pud dreg audre's het pals lament

    carry on u "macho" moron.

  70. Those Wild and Wacky Third-Worlders10:16 AM

    Hmmm. I wonder what would have happened to this knife-happy gook if she had lived in say, Saudi Arabia?

    Come to think of it, if she HAD been born in Saudi Arabia, she probably would have had HER "little man in the boat" whacked-off years ago.

  71. I always thought Audre Lord was a man in drag.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. fugly moron bitch uts:

    have u ever been mistaken for a any garb/pose?

    lordE fool!!!

  74. Steve Likes his TV10:27 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I always thought Audre Lord was a man in drag.

    you like that doncha you go out in drag often or just at home for mama? are you an exclusive dairy queen?

  75. Anonymous10:27 AM

    uts, "I always thought Audre Lord was a man in drag."

    what a bigoted thing to say.

  76. LAA, that last post of yours was hella funny!

    As for the fisrt part of this post, I say you reep what you sow. A cheater who loses his penis isn't gonna get an ounce of sympathy from me. Problem for the cutter is that she's going to be the poster child for women who maim men, her a$$ is going to jail!

  77. Unfortunately for Prez. Obama, the Repubs would rather financially kill the country at his expense than put forth any real policies which would help pull this country out of the financial mess it's in.

  78. Oh so Queen, you believe a husband who finds out his wife is cheating on him has the right to assault her?

    Watch the inconsistency folks.

  79. fugly beta male bitch uts:

    yeah...i bet many of your bitchy lil cloned fools agree...

    u conked coon hobama gurl

    Perhaps, Sakia did not have the luxury of such safety inside her own space in this cold world. Because she appeared to be masculine, she probably evoked even more hatred in insecure “men” than I do. Such gaybashing excuses for real men fear butch lesbians who dare to embrace the masculinity that eludes their own fragile egos and weak sexual identities. They fear that butch lesbians may be better ideal men than they can ever be themselves. They fear that lesbians posess superior sexual skills with superior sexual tools that do not lie, cheat, infect, or fail to satisfy. They hate their own internal and latent homosexuality that butch lesbians may sexually awaken and arouse. They hate all lesbians who co-parent the children they abandon. They hate lesbians that may know more about sports and even play basketball better than they do. They hate lesbians who often cherish and adore the queens that they emotionally abuse by being whorish court jesters who hypocritically, and even comically, whine about being kings...

    Carmen McCrae sang “Only women bleed”...Nina Simone sang “I wish I knew how it would feel to be free”... Women are mortally wounded and hemorrhaging everywhere every day. We are endangered, disempowered, and slain by misogyny and all of its morbid and violent manifestations whether we are homosexual or heterosexual. Irrespective of whom we love, or how we live, women are not safe in this world. We are not safe in any city in any country. We are raped in our own homes by our own husbands. We feel unsafe in our own baths and showers. We are unable to even sleep soundly. We know that we can become prey for any evil bastard with a libido or a switchblade or both. We know that we trust men who may betray us at any deranged moment at the whim of any hostile erection...

    Living as a woman in a sexist world is to live in constant danger and fear via venomous words and vicious glances. Every woman knows this perpetual fear as deeply as she knows the taste of her own saliva. Men only taste this fear when they are imprisoned. Only then do they experience the curse of being sexual prey for 24 hours of every day. Only then do they know how every lewd glare can render them naked. Only then do they know the sexual harassment that women endure daily. The world is a prison for women. We are all sentenced to consecutive lives of misogyny without parole.

  80. Dr. Queen:

    hobama's 23 trillion dollar gift to repub banksters and his escalation of repub wars and his own new WORSE racist wars in africa have bankrupted america...

    what have the dems/hobama done to save america??????

  81. "Living as a woman in a sexist world is to live in constant danger and fear via venomous words and vicious glances."

    Oh bull$hit.

    Only dykes and ugly manhaters spew this nonsense.

    Many women love being women and love even more the looks and attention they get from men.

    Comes from being beautiful and desireable.

    The Audre Lords of the world never experience that and they are angry at men.

  82. fugly beta male bitch uts:

    cc that bs to beautiful het women
    who are raped beaten and abused each day by sick sorry sexist mfs like u


    a colorist mf coon like u might start

    halle barry
    dorothy dandridge
    flo anthony


    cc that bs to the next woman u rape u amoral nig

  83. Rejects Of Nature10:51 AM

    Lesbians & fags should all be given lobotomies.

  84. UTS!!!/brainless "butch" gay assnon:

    such surgery would be redundant and impossible for dl morons like

  85. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    Unfortunately for Prez. Obama, the Repubs would rather financially kill the country at his expense than put forth any real policies which would help pull this country out of the financial mess it's in.

    Actually it's unfortunately for americans that Prez Obama wants to financially kill the country he has spent an unbelievable amount of money and wants to borrow even more..don't blame republicans for wanting to stop that, you should thank them .

    This is like getting mad at daddy because he is telling mommy she cant borrow money for booze from the neighbor anymore and that he has to pay back the loan and find the rent money too. It isn't daddies fault, who borrowed and spent and wants to do a lot more borrowing and spendin?

    The repubs put out a budgert, where is the dems and obamas? 800 days and counting and they have no budget.

  86. "cc that bs to beautiful het women
    who are raped beaten and abused each day by sick sorry sexist mfs like u"

    I thought this thread was about a woman who chopped off her husband's bozack.

  87. sorry lying colorist rapist mf uts:

    cc that bs to the gorgeous het gabrielle union too!!!

  88. AB The Dickless Wonder11:06 AM

    As usual, AB has turned the thread into a Queer/Obama thread.

    Hey, you know what AB & Mr. Kieu have in common?

    She ain't got no dick either!

  89. u r no einstein/eunuch assnon uts:

    u do flatter me so

    do i EVER lie????

    is this chopped dick saga evidence of het bliss????

  90. that iconic dick hobama has enough brazen peen for us!!!

    President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of a stormy debt-limit meeting with congressional leaders Wednesday, a dramatic setback to the already shaky negotiations.

    “He shoved back and said ‘I’ll see you tomorrow’ and walked out,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told reporters in the Capitol after the meeting.

    Read more:

  91. CC This, AB, You Dyke11:13 AM

    Ah, those sweet lesbians:

  92. Anonymous11:14 AM

    UTS, I ask you to consider the post by SkepChick about the 'attention' of men. While flirting between equals is fun...some of the actions of men are creepy or threatening.
    There is also a lot of comment by bloggers...and MRA Trolls.

    Nice point on how it is 'funny' when she does the assault....but sick when he does. Teachable moment.


  93. Mold

    No doubt leering, harrassment, catcalls and unwanted attention is always wrong and should not be tolerated.

    And harrassment is not always just from men toward women.

    Many times if a woman is attracted to a man and he doesn't respond in kind, she can turn into an obnoxious, stalking harrassing nutcase.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. uptownsteve said...
    Oh so Queen, you believe a husband who finds out his wife is cheating on him has the right to assault her?

    Watch the inconsistency folks.

    Get real Steve. By the time a woman gets to the "cut his penis off point", that cheating mofo' done been caught NUMEROUS times.

    And when men resort to violence in the face of infidelity, they usually KILL their cheating wives although for some men not having a penis is far worse than being dead, LOL!!!

  96. Uptown's next door neighbor11:34 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    And harrassment is not always just from men toward women.

    On that note, uptown, please leave my dog alone

  97. Anonymous11:36 AM

    I notice AB isn't making any comments about that link on Lesbian violence:

    Oh well....if it shuts her up, good job, whoever posted it.

  98. Anonymous said...
    Actually it's unfortunately for americans that Prez Obama wants to financially kill the country he has spent an unbelievable amount of money and wants to borrow even more..don't blame republicans for wanting to stop that, you should thank them

    I agree that we need to spend less, NOT more.

    I just don't think ruining the country for decades to come should be part of the "financial" plan.

    This ain't Ronny Reagan's 1980's we're dealing with here.

  99. Queen,

    "Get real Steve. By the time a woman gets to the "cut his penis off point", that cheating mofo' done been caught NUMEROUS times."

    Then why doesn't she just leave him?

    "nd when men resort to violence in the face of infidelity, they usually KILL their cheating wives although for some men not having a penis is far worse than being dead, LOL"

    You couldn't prove this if your life depended on it.

    This is just more double standards, inconsistency and excuses for female brutality.

    Some of all y'all are just amazing and relentless in your self-righteousness.

  100. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I have yet to encounter a man killing his SO for infidelity....but I am quite aware of many who murdered her for telling him 'No' or otherwise asserting individuality. Seems manly heroic brave menz thinkerate of women as chattel...and become violent when she shows signs of independence.
    Pandagon wrote a post on male intent... should provide insight.
    Oh...the links....while I expect that any simpleton can peruse the general public information, SkepChick and Pandagon are a bit more select. One should not need me to address the English alphabet...but might need a hand with Quantum Theory Mechanics.


  101. violently ignorant assnon:

    all human relos are violent


    u r a late liar like uts and hobama!!!!!!!!!!

    get a clue u homohating moron

    just like wiggers are WORSE than niggers

    butch women are often more macho and insane and violent than the twisted men like uts whom they mimic

    yet another reason my wife and i are PROUD to be femmes who ONLY dates femmes

    u lie ike hobama!!!!!!


    I remember the first time I heard of Venus Landin. It was well over a decade ago…I was producing and hosting a popular and legendary radio show, Les Chanteuses Africaines, at WRFG in Atlanta, Georgia. I heard of Venus in Atlanta’s vast black lesbian social circles...

    Suddenly in 1993, a casual acquaintance became morbid headline news. Venus had been murdered by an ex-lover named Bisa Niambi. This black lesbian murder suicide stunned the city of Atlanta.

    Later, Alice Walker made the local shock a global one when she penned a tribute and a special poem to Bisa in the acknowledgements and afterword of her classic book on female genital mutilation entitled “Warrior Marks: Female Genital Mutilation & The Sexual Binding of Women”. Alice mentioned that Bisa had been a gifted masseuse and a tragic cutter. She mentioned Bisa's visible wounds of self-mutilation that dulled her pain as she expertly practiced her profession. Alice even reprints Bisa's business card as a final tribute to her beloved reflexologist.

    I was also haunted by the memory of Bisa. This sudden villainess had been a loyal fan who often phoned me in the studio at WRFG. I still think of her when I hear the songs she requested so often. Her voice was always lonely and tortured, even as she strove to sound mellow. Often she would chat briefly and intimately during those late night studio calls. I am a very spiritually sensitive person, protected always by legions of African angels. As Bisa thanked me for soothing her musically, or spoke of the incest that tortured her incessantly, I always felt an inexplicable sense of dread…

  102. This comment has been removed by the author.

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. This comment has been removed by the author.

  105. ps u coon uts:

    i have had many het men call my shows and detail how butch lesbians have taught them to wound and play and woo women...

    shame on all u bitches u nig!!!!!!

  106. Anon says..
    You really trust someone who does nothing but spend and whine and cannot even produce a budget over two years? Are you serious? He couldnt even be a crack dealer on the corner, he has no sense of business.
    9:26 PM
    Crack dealers don't have to go looking for revenue. The revenue comes to them without any compromising. And if you piss off the dealer enough, your "taxes" just might go up. You sir have no sense as a street dealer ..I'm just saying.

  107. Mack Lyons said...

    "But Maria is still on board. I am watching her ass."

    There's a name I haven't heard or seen in a while. Didn't LAA and some other folk run her off? I don't think I've seen her in months.

    10:28 PM
    I suspect she still lurkes..

    Anonymous said...

    Looks like we headed for default and a downgrade in our country's bond rating. Isn't this what the R's wanted, to make Obama fail?

    10:32 PM

    China is also re-evaluating it's American holdings. Not good for either one of us but I suspect they'll come out pretty much unscathed.

  108. BrookLyn said...

    Hey Field this is a really tragic story. I wonder if No Slappz will speak on it since it happened in Brooklyn. I guess not since Jew on Jew crime isn't his beat.

    Maybe NS will give us the technical know who on how to re attach the little guy.

  109. Obahomo said...

    Rottnkid said...Now back to the dude with no...

    fucking clue how to run a country.

    1:19 AM

    You can do better? Wait - you never ran for ANY office.

  110. Anonymous said...
    RK-"lol..The dude that snorts bath salts?..If anything he's improving the "street economy". White dude from CT who loves his drugs and his Mommy and Daddy bailing out his 30 yo"

    You Lie. No white dude snorts drugs and you know it, esp if he is from the rich state of CT. They don't have trailer parks in CT.

    Why must you try to put down Whites? aren't you married to one? now see, anon on another thread was right...interracial marriages are hate marriages and could lead to the Kieu/Babbitt syndrome.

    When the GOP takes over, there will be a bill introduced to end these un-Christian mixed marriages and same-sex marriages that goes against the Bible. They just aren't the Christian way....the Muslims support this also.

    7:55 AM

    Since dude just got laid off I'm sure I'll be seeing him around a lot..slobbering and slurring.. I'll be sure to "capture" the moment to post it for you. And for the record, I know they don't have trailor parks in CT - I was born and raised there. Plenty of money and plenty of rich white kids with drug problems..

  111. Sorry ya'll I didn't mean to AB the thread.

  112. Serena is looking scrumptious. Sorry Field.

  113. rk:

    expand your vision and your alphabet asap boy

    u missed a lot of silly mfs who are off topic herein all day everyday

    maybe because most are pale and remind u of your beloved favored beckies???

  114. rk:


    how is that any worse than how u always OJ this blog...

    from white powder to white pu**y????

  115. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Ummm...after a trip through the disposal...there will be a need for 'plastic surgery'.
    Odd, mentioning business acumen when most of the TaxBaggers are on assistance and the Rs are Trust Fund kids. And how, exactly, is government a business? Do the Marines expect to make a profit? If old folks cost too much, do we RIF them for the continued income of Cantor and Bachmann? How do you outsource municipal services? hand the equipment and funds over to the cousin of Sarey?

    If China calls the note, the US standard of living will be between that of Third and Second World. Not a pleasant situation.


  116. hey oj rk:

    that blackish dick hobama lies about everything...even his white mama!!!

    seen this whitewashed bs???

    During his presidential campaign and subsequent battle over a health care law, Mr. Obama quieted crowds with the story of his mother’s fight with her insurer over whether her cancer was a pre-existing condition that disqualified her from coverage.

    In offering the story as an argument for ending pre-existing condition exclusions by health insurers, the president left the clear impression that his mother’s fight was over health benefits for medical expenses.

    But in “A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mother,” author Janny Scott quotes from correspondence from the president’s mother to assert that the 1995 dispute concerned a Cigna disability insurance policy and that her actual health insurer had apparently reimbursed most of her medical expenses without argument.

  117. hobama girl uts:

    r u popping out of that bold empty suited dick hobama's cake?

    Oh boy, this is going to look bad.
    The Republicans may not realize it, but they have an extra point of leverage in the debt ceiling talks: Barack Obama’s birthday.

    It’s on Aug. 4. The president is turning 50. He’s decided to have a quiet celebration with family and a few close friends.


    Instead, the president is planning an extravagant fundraising bash Aug. 3 at the Aragon Ballroom in Chicago, including a birthday concert teaming with celebrities and – for couples contributing $35,800 – a private dinner with the president. All this just one day after the government is scheduled to run out of cash!

    Undoubtably, the sight of so much money getting thrown around and dissolute stars crooning to Obama will make a stirring contrast with a federal government bankruptcy featuring unpaid government workers, seniors and soldiers wondering how they’ll afford the groceries, shuttered national parks, and angry investors trying to cash out their Treasury Bills.

  118. kosher kkk kapo jew needs slaps:

    cc this to white blog now!!!

    Tamara Lee Mason wanted to play Yahtzee with her three sons after they all returned home from Christmas dinner at a friend's. When the boys wouldn't, she got mad, grabbed a few things and stormed out of the house.

    That's the story Mason's oldest, Dylan C. Clemens, told investigators back on Dec. 27, according to criminal charges filed in Stevens County District Court. A much stranger story is laid out in criminal charges filed Tuesday against Clemens, 25. His half-brothers Andrew Q. Cobb, 18, and Jacob S. Cobb, 17, were charged Friday.

    Mason's decomposing remains were found Thursday buried in the back yard of her home in Alberta, a town of about 130 people in far western Minnesota.

  119. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Mack said: 'There's a name I haven't heard or seen in a while. Didn't LAA and some other folk run her off? I don't think I've seen her in months."


  120. Anonymous1:04 PM

    I never could figure out why AB seemed to have such a hatred & obsession with Maria.

  121. It's a shame how the man-hating bearillas chased off sweet Maria.

  122. Anonymous1:29 PM

    If Field's blog was like one of those "Survivor" series, anyone want to lay money on who would be the first one to get their big ass thrown off the island? Preferably, to the sharks?

  123. Truth Hurts1:38 PM

    Perhaps I missed it (as I have to skim through the comments to avoid killing brain cells with the usual tripe from NS /SN and various anon's), but that was the first time I have seen 'AB' used as a verb. Very appropo, RK.

  124. SqueakySteveInDaHouse2:08 PM

    Damn Uptown you are busy on this blog today! Well, figuring the story is about a guy with no dick who got abused by a woman I expected you would have a lot to say and you do, don't ya sweetie,mmmmmmm you know all about this subject better than most.

    People at work always wondered why you had a squeaky voice, I told them it had to be the little whistle you carried around and the beatings from the wife whenever you misbehaved. Looks like I was right..right Squeaky Steve honeypookins?

  125. hey chopped down beta male bitchy assnons/uts and his imaginary pud coon pals:

    i bet ALLA u bitches would be voted off before me

    i can swim and fish much better than u sissies

    and i look much better than all of u lard assed man boobed ghosts do in swimsuits too

    but i bet ALL of us would outlast outplay and outwit that witless blackish island dick obama after nov 2012...

  126. Anonymous2:10 PM

    ield negro said...
    "Desertflower, you need Jesus."
    :) I know, I know, and just for the record, juust in case any sailor anons are planning any "funny stuff" with me,(I heard some rumors) I have a gun and I know how to use it. AND also I believe that if a woman is abused, since men are much stronger, now I ask you, how else can one defend ones self??? Yes, I'm sorry, but hack it off!
    That's all I'm saying!
    So don't even think about messing with me. I take no prisoners

  127. Thar She Blows!2:37 PM

    Hell Alicia, I heard the last time you tried to lay on a beach, Greenpeace and a crowd of other folks came down and tried to roll you back in the ocean.

  128. Eyetalian Vageena2:43 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    It's a shame how the man-hating bearillas chased off sweet Maria.

    Says uptown quietly as he looks at a Ragu jar and touches himself.....

  129. blowhard assnon/uts/motley dick:

    your juvenile fantasies are lamer than your lard ass/man boobs/missing warrior skills...


    your silly lies and fantasies do nothing to mask the global spectacle of that real icy cold dick hobama.


  130. hey motley dick/hobama nazi dl fish uts:

    harpoon this u hobama ho

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    A progressive activist group is preparing to protest at President Obama's Chicago campaign headquarters, demanding that he refuse to cut what they view as staples of the social safety net.

    The protest comes as a response to news that Obama is offering spending cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security in an effort to resolve the debt-ceiling crisis that is currently gripping Congress.

    Organizing the demonstration is the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, which is hoping to send a clear message to the President: his base won't support him if he cuts the entitlements.

    It is attempting to gather at least 200,000 signatures on a petition that reads:

    President Obama: If you cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid benefits for me, my family, or families like mine, don't ask for a penny of my money or an hour of my time in 2012. I'm going to focus on electing bold progressive candidates who will fight to protect our Democratic legacy.

  131. guppy duppy coon uts:

    chop and blend this:

    As the heated political standoff over raising the nation's debt ceiling continues, with proposals to cut Medicare and Medicaid and potentially delay Social Security payments now on the table, almost 5,000 pastors have signed on to a letter urging legislators and President Barack Obama to not cut programs that aid the poor.

    The letter, which was printed in Wednesday's Politico and is being delivered to Congressional offices, calls on decision-makers to listen to their pastors and reminds them that the "moral measure of the debate is how the most poor and vulnerable fare."

    Organized by Sojourners, a Washington, D.C.-based national network of Christians focused on social justice issues, the plea continues the "Circle of Protection" effort the group launched during federal budget debates earlier this year to propose keeping cuts to social services off the table.

  132. Those Scary Progressives2:51 PM

    I'm sure that will leave Obama shaking in his loafers.

  133. Anonymous2:54 PM

    AB said...

    "i can swim and fish much better than u sissies"

    buceta bref has natural chum all she do is open da legs and all da fish go to dat fishy oily stuff leakin she right she fish beeter den u

  134. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  135. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  136. De Vandeving Germun3:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


    De Vandeving Germun Sez, vut in da fock are you twy-ing to sey? Vye are you bringing up da veenies? Vee dont vant to see no raised veenies in theze parts...put down za veenie and slowleeeze backs avay...get avay frum daz veenies..
    or I vill be forced to giv you das boot

  137. AB's Therapist3:14 PM

    Where's Kevorkian when you need him?

  138. This comment has been removed by the author.

  139. FishySmell3:19 PM

    serial sea food snacks for reject thug peen serial baby deddies like a mug!

    Say wut?? Cum agin or press 1 fer english

  140. uptownsteve said...
    It's a shame how the man-hating bearillas chased off sweet Maria.\>>>>>>>

    Sweet my black a$$, this heffa ain't no where near sweet.

    alicia banks said...


    how is that any worse than how u always OJ this blog...

    from white powder to white pu**y????

    AB, you KNOW you need to stop, ROTFLMBAO!!!!

  141. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  142. Alicia Banks3:24 PM

    AB's Therapist said...
    Where's Kevorkian when you need him?

    We went fishin and I satz on his face he died

  143. Dr. Queen:

    how brazen and hypocritical all these lost oj nigs are!!!!

  144. Join Club Moldilox Today3:37 PM

    Join Club Moldilox today;

    Due to absolutely no interest whatsover, this special club, offer has been extended. Join now today and get a free years supply of used adult diapers directly from Mold.

    Note* Uptown Steve; you are already Vice President of the Moldilox he-man woman haters club so you do not need to keep applying for membership. The used diaper offer is limited to one per new club member, no excuses, no extra diapers will be sent.

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Private Language:

    Join the Moldilox Club today; this is a limited and exclusive offer:

    Club President: Mold - White Male/Pretenderating To be Black Granny.

    Vice President: Uptown Steve: Pretendarating to understand how light switches and flushable toilets work.

    Assistant V.P - Valet and Chaffuer - Purple Cow - Assist's Mold with frequent adult diaper changes and topical application of anti rash cream.

    Club requirements strictly enforced.

    *Must be able to speak Gibberish,(MoldiloxSpeak)
    clear communication is not necessary and highly undesireable
    *Must be able to assume the opposite stance of anything logical and scientifically known to man, despite overwhelming evidence
    *Must eliminate the words logic and common sense from all practical aspects of existance.
    *Ability to use blame the world crutches with wheelchair experience and shackles a plus.
    *Must totally enjoy the feel of a full wet used adult diaper against the skin for extended periods of time.
    *Must posses little to no integrity and self respect; no respect for others tolerated.
    *Must be able to spin on a dime and blame everyone in the world for events except those responsible
    *Must be able to spin well enough that video evidence is deemed different than actually viewed
    *Must be able to stand the stench of fecal matter eminating from ones own mouth (and diaper)
    *Must be able to apply fallback excuses of non related historical events.
    *Must recognize that when the gift is not accepted as the bestedess ever; blame the wrapping paper.

    Several other restriction's apply; please contact any of the club officers for applications and for complete list of eligibility requirements.

  145. "Note* Uptown Steve; you are already Vice President of the Moldilox he-man woman haters club so you do not need to keep applying for membership"

    Hey I'm not the one advocating gential mutilation.

    Reasoning isn't your strong suit, is it?

  146. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  147. Mold, be many strokes have you had?

  148. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  149. Anonymous4:10 PM

    EKG said...
    Mold, be many strokes have you had?

    He is mid stroke right now - whacka-whacka-whacka-flacka

  150. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  151. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  152. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  153. Dr. Neuropocolypse4:11 PM

    EKG said...
    Mold, be many strokes have you had?

    Today? Or year to date?

    mold has had more strokes than uptown's weenie.

  154. gated peasant uts:

    shame on hobama and his bankster boyz....shame!!!!!!

    JPMorgan Chase, the second-largest U.S. bank by assets, reported a 13 percent jump in profits, to $5.4 billion, as lending continued to slide, fewer borrowers fell behind on their payments and problems with its mortgage practices again dampened earnings.
    The lender's overall revenues were up 7 percent to $26.8 billion, thanks to increased fees from its various units, offsetting declining interest income from lending to borrowers. Its profit was also boosted by a release of $1.2 billion in reserves back into income, helping it to beat analysts' estimates

  155. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Joe wilson was right, Obama did and does lie...

    White House Won’t Refute Claim Obama Lied About His Mother Not Having Health Insurance On Her Deathbed…

    The lies continue to come apart.

  156. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  157. LOL, Desertflower I forgot. The "medicinal" marijuana would explain those penguins, (or thinking you're sailing a yacht, that is actually a dinghy without obvious navigational system), who knows... hehe.

    AB, decent men don't pacify nor defend catcalling or similar types of sexual harassment, because they themselves never have need to unleash it. So what does that tell you about UptownOJ? And it's funny how referencing a black fem (or even a black lesbian) makes him even more defensive and sexist.

    And while I would never condone cruel premeditated castration outside of administering it to a rapist, I enjoyed Dr. Queen's retort. LOL.

  158. And gee, how come slappy hasn't showed up as yet with some "black news"? Golly, I wonder what's keepin 'em.

  159. O's Going Dowwwwnnnnn5:22 PM

    Sounds like any ole turd could beat Obama in an election right about now:

    Obviously, Moldy needs to become Obama's Campaign Chairman, if O is to have a chance in hell......yuk, yuk.

  160. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  161. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Damn the white house was just caught in another lie. It said it never tried to exclude Fox from interviews because FOX tells the truth and doesnt stroke Obama. well wouldnt you know it a Judicial watch inquiry found documentation it does/did and continues.

    I can't wait till the Departement of Injustice head is exposed, tried and jailed for all of the laws he broke, next up, Obama fundraising in the whitehouse which is against the law.

    What a bunch of thugs are in the white house

    "Deputy White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest bluntly described the White House’s position on Fox News Channel in an October 23, 2009, email to LeCompte: “We’ve demonstrated our willingness and ability to exclude Fox News from significant interviews…”

    The Treasury Department blacked out a key email regarding its refusal to make available Treasury Secretary Geithner for an interview on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace.

    “The Obama administration seems to have lied about its attempt to exclude Fox News Channel from access to an interview with the ‘pay czar.’ These documents show there is a pervasive anti-Fox bias in the Obama White House,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The juvenile Mafioso-talk in these emails has no place in any White House. For the Obama administration to purposely exclude a major news organization from access to information has troubling First Amendment implications.”

  162. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Obviously, Moldy needs to become Obama's Campaign Chairman, if O is to have a chance in hell......yuk, yuk.

    Remember Mold isn't all there, he keeps rereading his fist garbled sentence see's "weenies" and says I want to see weenies again..ok I post, I post...heh-heh weenies...think of Mold as a combination of beevis and butthead.

  163. I actually blame the mess Prez Obama is in, on all of you who voted him in office!

    You all knew d*mn well that the nation was a financial mess BEFORE he was elected. Therefore you should have known given how rampant racism is in this country, that folks with power would do their very best to make sure he failed miserably!

    So shame on the lot of you for naively thinking this country could handle "change" at the hands of a Black man!!!

  164. UptownOJ? Now that's some funny 'ish, LOL!!!

  165. Queen Laa:


    uts is the grand coon wizard of all beta male bitch court jesters

    he is a disgrace to every tribe of blacks kings globally!!!!

    bon soir

  166. Dr. Queen:

    hobama and his banksters made every financial ill 23 trillion times worse...


    U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration weakened the country’s economy by seeking to foster growth instead of paying down the federal debt, said Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of “The Black Swan.”

    “Obama did exactly the opposite of what should have been done,” Taleb said yesterday in Montreal in a speech as part of Canada’s Salon Speakers series. “He surrounded himself with people who exacerbated the problem. You have a person who has cancer and instead of removing the cancer, you give him tranquilizers. When you give tranquilizers to a cancer patient, they feel better but the cancer gets worse.”

    Today, Taleb said, “total debt is higher than it was in 2008 and unemployment is worse.”

    Obama this month proposed a package of $180 billion in business tax breaks and infrastructure outlays to boost spending and job growth. That would come on top of the $814 billion stimulus measure enacted last year. The U.S. government’s total outstanding debt is about $13.5 trillion, according to U.S. Treasury Department figures.

    Obama, 49, inherited what the National Bureau of Economic Research said this week was the deepest U.S. recession since the Great Depression. Even after the stimulus measure and other government actions, the U.S. unemployment rate is 9.6 percent.

    Governments globally need to cut debt and avoid bailing out struggling companies because that’s the only way they can shield their economies from the negative consequences of erroneous budget forecasts, Taleb said.

  167. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Welcome to the democratic dream, it has arrived.

  168. PilotX6:52 PM

    "this blog is at 'risk' of being an all black segregated blog which is VERY UN-AMERICAN AND VERY REPUBLICAN!"

    Oh, to dream. Ha! Then again Slappz would have to get a job or something and put all that superior intellect to use. Couldn't have that could we?

  169. Anonymous6:59 PM

    LAA and Brooklyn Dyke, are you making light of the Jew on Jew murder? Leiby Kletzky's death?

  170. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Obama is competing with Jimmy Carter for worst president in American History - I think he wins, hands down. Cause you can't lie and steal with your hands up.

  171. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Wonder why unpaid weenies are so eager to be useful idiots for de cause? The wingnut Welfare pays...but these Goobers volunteer to have their wages cut, their benefits taken, and their pensions stolen. And then these Left Behinds cheer on the people who did it.
    Is it the 'promise' of returning to the days of open racism? Is it the hope that women will be desperate enough to date Heeyucks?
    Or is it their pride...that they would rather be turned into serfs rather than admit they are wrong or stoopid?


  172. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
    uptownsteve said...
    It's a shame how the man-hating bearillas chased off sweet Maria.\>>>>>>>

    Sweet my black a$$, this heffa ain't no where near sweet.

    Sweeter than your big ass!

  173. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Desertflower, :) I know, I know, and just for the record, juust in case any sailor anons are planning any "funny stuff" with me,(I heard some rumors) I have a gun and I know how to use it. AND also I believe that if a woman is abused, since men are much stronger, now I ask you, how else can one defend ones self??? Yes, I'm sorry, but hack it off!
    That's all I'm saying!
    So don't even think about messing with me. I take no prisoners"

    Lord have mercy. I am sailing around the world to go see a wm with a gun and believes in hacking off penises! Damn.

    Now see. Maria would never even think of doing such a thing. She makes love to men, not hack their dicks off. She is a REAL woman, and that's why she gets the men who want to know their penis is safe, physically, emotionally, and sexually.

    In these unsafe penis times, Maria is a Godsend, versus some penis hacking sistas who come straight from emasculation hell.

  174. Anon. why should the WH make anyone available to FOX? They are not a real news organization.

  175. Anonymous11:11 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon. why should the WH make anyone available to FOX? They are not a real news organization.

    Right, only those who are insane and tell one side of the story while stroking the marxist in charge and his cronies are news organizations. Well, the majority of america disagrees with you and that is simply because far, far lefties are a very small minority. Thank god otherwise everyone woudl be on physcotropic drugs.

    The point you make is exactly the majority of americans point, you say it's ok to be immoral and illegal because YOU don't like FOX. Well, thats not how the law works nor is it fairness and equity and FOX has the highest ratings because they aren't the pandering network. They do show both sides and don't go insane like tingles and madcow and the other panderists.

    I thought a lawyer such as you would have higher standards than a tingly liberal.

  176. Re: Bobbett 2.0
    Lil' Mrs.-penis-garbage-disposal returned the favor to her Abuse-Sir. What's most sickening to me is how the comments further damn the victim. Someone mentioned the submissive Asian stereotype yet didn't consider perhaps she had more than enough dick forced on her!

    Shame to see HERE the usual litany of objectification enforcing the patriarchy: bitches better suck a dick or be silenced, so to speak.

    The article presents an opportunity exploited by the medical community with that restorative surgery for the weaponized fetish. Los Angeles perpetuates the cycle of abuse by enabling the victims to physically become the likeness of their aggressors rather than imprisoning/ castrating repeat sex predators, prescribe them Viagra!

    #Alicia Banks said it best, referencing the gender hatred. Now where's that quote Eyes read yesterday... posted on fb by "Dealing With Depression:"

    ‎"If I can say anything to you, it is to invite you to look deeply and recognize the real enemy. That enemy is not a person. The enemy is a way of thinking that has brought a lot of suffering for everyone. This is an opportunity for us to sit down, be calm, and do just that -- identify the real enemy and seek ways to remove it." — Thich Nhat Hanh

    Can't we all JUST get along?
    Peace in the middle, beasts!

    [Eyes gotta create a dang xanga id 2 msg Ms. Banks about hemorrhaging so instead I AM splattering screens via the fieldnegro :) Thanks for the free speech dialogue platform!]
