Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I know it when I see it.

I see that Michele Bachmann and company are trying to save A-merry-ca from things such as porn and Gay Marriages. Nice. That's it Michele, keep fiddling while Rome burns.

Honestly, this s*&^ isn't even funny anymore. 

"This debt limit increase is his problem and I think it's time for him to lead by putting his plan on the table"

"His problem"!? No Mr. Speaker, it is all of A-merry-ca's problem. But this is what happens when a weasel plays politics and tries to appease the people on the fringes in his party. He didn't want to seem weak, and he wanted to stand up to the big bad beige man in the people's house. So rather than do what's right for the country, we get this "his problem" rhetoric.

“My message to the White House over the last several months has been real simple: The spending cuts have to be larger than the increase in the debt ceiling. Secondly, there are no tax increases on the table, and, thirdly, we have to have real controls in place to make sure this never happens again; real controls like a balanced budget amendment.”

"Never happens again"? Oh that's right, I almost forgot; it happened SEVEN TIMES under the last president, who was a...wait for it.....wait for it....Republican!

Anyway, we have until August 2nd before the s*&^ really hits the fan. That is when our esteemed Treasury Secretary, Timothy (I came from the Bartles & Jaymes charm school) Geithner, says that we won't have any more money available to pay our debts. Not good. So far we have been able to pay them by using "extra ordinary measures". (I think that means borrowing from pension funds and stuff) but for all of you who don't know; we already reached our debt limit back in May.

So here is what we can look forward to if the republiclowns don't get their act together:

The stock market will do a serious Greg Louganis.
There will be hyper inflation so our interest rates will go up and loans and credit will dry up.
Credit drying up is not a good thing. Business will have to lay off folks because they can't get loans from banks to carry out their day to day operations.
The interest rates in your credit cards will go up.
Grandma and grandpa won't get their social security checks.
The folks in the government (including the military) won't get paid.
Planning a vacation this summer? Forget it. Your dollar will be worthless in other countries.

In other words, it will all be just like the republicans want it. How else are they going to get control of the White House?

You know who would make a great porn star? John Boehner. He already knows how to f*&^ people.



  1. "But this is what happens when a weasel plays politics and tries to appease the people on the fringes in his party."

    My take on Obama exactly. He has spent the last 2+ years ignoring the reality of the situation and instead forging ahead with liberal wish list programs we couldn't afford in good times, let alone now.

    Thank God for the Republican fortitude in the House to stand up and fight for what the American people elected them to do.

    NOBAMA 2012!

  2. Mendenev1:03 AM

    "The stock market will do a serious Greg Louganis.
    There will be hyper inflation so our interest rates will go up and loans and credit will dry up.
    Credit drying up is not a good thing. Business will have to lay off folks because they can't get loans from banks to carry out their day to day operations.
    The interest rates in your credit cards will go up.
    Grandma and grandpa won't get their social security checks.
    The folks in the government (including the military) won't get paid.
    Planning a vacation this summer? Forget it. Your dollar will be worthless in other countries."

    This is all part of Obama's plan. He WANTS the economy to crash. He HATES America, he HATES capitalism, he HATES individualism.

    Once everything has been destroyed, the "fundamantal change" he promised can be stamped in our face like a boot.

  3. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Haven't been around here for a while. Thought I'd check in to see the bug debate about the racist mob attack on the 4th of July. Oops, wrong race.

  4. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, it's late and I can't sleep because of this debt ceiling crisis. I am shaking in my Republican boots. I thought by joining the GOP I was doing the right thing. Now I know what a BIG TIME mistake I have made.

    There should have NEVER been any restrictions on raising the debt ceiling. Playing with the American economy by trying to hold raising the debt ceiling hostage to get GOP political interests done is not only selfish but clearly shows how little the GOP cares about this country.

    You are right. Business will have to lay off people, credit will totally dry up, interest rates will go up, ssn checks won't go out, inflation will surely raise it's ugly head. But the most damaging will be the USA will lose it's credit rating by defaulting on it's debts.

    Mr. Field, it looks like we are toast, thanks to the Republicans who now realize their stupid selfish mistakes and NOW want to surrender. That's what happens when you try to satisfy the Tea Party and special interest groups.

    How stupid can you be? We need a better political system of honest statesmen--that has the welfare of the economy and the American people at heart.

  5. Anonymous1:14 AM

    What I don't understand is where is the money to sustain both the war in Afghanistan and the Iraq situation, where are all these billions coming from if the US is supposedly so broke?

  6. Anonymous1:18 AM

    anon 1:12am, i agree. raising the debt ceiling should be a separate deal that keeps America from defaulting on its debts. NO politics should be part of it. it should be clean w/o riders or special interests or political ploy.

    what a mess.

  7. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Obama should resign.

  8. President Obama should cover Billy Joel's song, We Didn't Start the Fire.

    The economy was weak when Obama took office. Two years in office a lot of it falls on Obama's shoulders but not all of it.

    Plus I can't even imgaine the trouble the President has getting anything past the senate.

    This very extreme blinded veiw of Obama be it for or against by many Americans is crazy.

  9. Anonymous1:23 AM

    Doret said..."Plus I can't even imgaine the trouble the President has getting anything past the senate."

    the senate is controlled by democrats.

  10. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Field, "So here is what we can look forward to if the republiclowns don't get their act together:

    The stock market will do a serious Greg Louganis.
    There will be hyper inflation so our interest rates will go up and loans and credit will dry up.
    Credit drying up is not a good thing. Business will have to lay off folks because they can't get loans from banks to carry out their day to day operations.
    The interest rates in your credit cards will go up.
    Grandma and grandpa won't get their social security checks.
    The folks in the government (including the military) won't get paid.
    Planning a vacation this summer? Forget it. Your dollar will be worthless in other countries."

    You forgot to mention that America's credit rating will be severely reduced.

    The Republicans are in big trouble on this one. They will pay dearly for this.

  11. Morrissey1:28 AM

    Obama is Carter all over again.

    Unfortunately, we don't have a Reagan on the horizon to save us again. At least I don't see him among the current bunch of Republican candidates.

    We wouldn't have survived a second Carter term, and we won't survive a second Obama term.

    Pray for America.

  12. Anonymous1:31 AM

    "Obama should resign."

    If anyone should resign it should be Boehner and McConnell. They are the two idiots that tried to appease their own political interests and the Tea Party by holding the debt ceiling hostage. what a stupid thing to risk the American economy for their own political interests.

  13. Simon Horbender1:33 AM

    This is what happens when a dumbed-down electorate is convinced by the media to elect as President a naive, marxist community organizer who never even managed a lemonade stand.

    WTF were we thinking?

  14. Anonymous1:36 AM

    I find it amazing that the posters in the comment section are blaming the President for this when it has been the GOP!

  15. Peter Stripe1:38 AM

    anon 1:31: what a stupid thing to risk the American economy for their own political interests.

    What got us here? Obama's insane spending while attacking the American businesses that keep everyting going.

    Even now he wants to ramp up spending and tax the businesses that could provide the jobs to get us out of this. The EPA is in the process of pushing new global warming regulations that will cost millions more jobs.

    He is either the stupidest president we have ever had or he is doing this all on purpose.

  16. Anonymous1:40 AM

    "This is what happens when a dumbed-down electorate is convinced by the media to elect as President a naive, marxist community organizer who never even managed a lemonade stand.

    WTF were we thinking?"

    we were thinking that after Bush had trashed the economy, we could not afford another Republican nitwit President like him. Btw, Bush had a lot of experience other than being a community organizer and look what that got us.

  17. Meatador1:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I find it amazing that the posters in the comment section are blaming the President for this when it has been the GOP!

    The GOP House is the only thing standing between us and complete disaster. The democrats are trying to drive the bus right off the cliff!

  18. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Anon @ 1:40:
    "Bush had a lot of experience other than being a community organizer and look what that got us."


  19. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Peter Strip, "What got us here? Obama's insane spending while attacking the American businesses that keep everyting going.

    Even now he wants to ramp up spending and tax the businesses that could provide the jobs to get us out of this. The EPA is in the process of pushing new global warming regulations that will cost millions more jobs.

    He is either the stupidest president we have ever had or he is doing this all on purpose."

    Raising the "debt ceiling" must be done to prevent default on our debt and losing credit. It is separate from all the other problems we have.

    Krugman, our top economist,(and others) have said that we haven't spent enough to stimulate the economy. I agree. It wasn't enough.

    Fyi. If the economy wasn't in the toilet when Obama took over, there would have been no need to take drastic actions to try and save the economy in the first place.

  20. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Meatador, "The GOP House is the only thing standing between us and complete disaster. The democrats are trying to drive the bus right off the cliff!"

    Well, if that's the way you see it, vote for Michele Bachmann and the Tea Party/GOP in 2012. She and the GOP will solve all of your Bush did.

  21. Anonymous @ 1:50 said..."Krugman, our top economist,(and others) have said that we haven't spent enough to stimulate the economy. I agree. It wasn't enough."

    You and Krugman are wrong. You don't chug another bottle of whiskey in an effort to sober up.

    The logic of Democratic "stimulus" is that if government shovels out enough money it will tide the economy over the crater. Home prices will recover, businesses will revive, and growth will resume. But what if home prices don't recover before the stimulus runs out?

    Back in 2009, the Obama administration made a judgment, implicit or explicit, that the housing crisis would be over in a couple of years, and that cheap money (QE1 and QE2) and a trillion dollar stimulus program would tide the economy over till then. But they were wrong. The housing market still hasn't bottomed out, and the economy hasn't snapped back.

    The Obama mistake was bad enough but the democrats made a second error. Assuming that the economy would revive they went ahead with their plans for expanding government spending and regulation, spraying money at their deserving supporters. They thought that the economy would soon be strong enough to increase the weight of government. With ObamaCare they increased the weight of government in health care. With regulation, spending, and subsidies pushing green energy they increased the weight of government in energy production.

    That's where the slick assumptions in "increase short-term deficits in ways that boost growth" kicks in. Suppose your "short-term deficit" doesn't boost growth? Suppose it is just another wasteful government program that increases the weight of government, and postpones the day when happy days are here again?

    That's where the Obamis are sitting right now. They have shot their bolt with cheap money and stimulus spending and cranked up the National Debt by 40 percent. But here we are in Summer 2011 and there is still no light at the end of the tunnel.

  22. Meatador2:01 AM

    "Well, if that's the way you see it, vote for Michele Bachmann and the Tea Party/GOP in 2012"

    Michelle is kind of whacko but if it comes to it, I will vote for her over the train wreck democrat party.

  23. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Anon @ 1:40:
    "Bush had a lot of experience other than being a community organizer and look what that got us."


    1:43 AM

    Yep. the American people voted for him because they had had it with the GOP.

    Maybe the problem doesn't lie with incompetent stupid politicians, maybe it lies with incompetent voters who keep electing incompetent people?

    Wait till Michele B. is elected President. That should be a nice mirror for the American voter to look into.

  24. You know, I appreciate a tastefully themed wedding as much as the next person, but this may be going a bit....well....

    It all seems lovely at first glance. And then you realize where they are, who's on the guest list and.....the help.

    I fucking love this picture. Sums up the entire affair better than words can.

    And the feedback?

    "Yes, it's pretty and the photographs are nice, but holy cow did no one think for a second just how hideously racist this theme was? Either they were so caught up in white privilege that it never occurred to them, or they were aware and did it anyway proving them to be terrible people. I really hope it was the former and not the latter, because while that is still awful, at least it means there is hope for those involved. Good grief."

    Well said.

  25. "This is all part of Obama's plan. He WANTS the economy to crash. He HATES America, he HATES capitalism, he HATES individualism."

    Nice spin. Reminds me of this vid, right before that stone gets tossed in for the final, violent coup de grace:

    Sums up what you're doing in a nutshell.

    "I find it amazing that the posters in the comment section are blaming the President for this when it has been the GOP!"

    It's all spin, baby! Just watch the video and then read the bullshit here. Guaranteed you'll have a laugh.

  26. "The logic of Democratic "stimulus" is that if government shovels out enough money it will tide the economy over the crater. Home prices will recover, businesses will revive, and growth will resume. But what if home prices don't recover before the stimulus runs out?"

    Meanwhile, the logic of the GOP "stimulus" is if the government funneled enough money to private investors on Wall Street, wealthy corporate interests and military contractors, then somehow these entities will embark on a spending spree that tides the economy over the crater. Businesses will reinvest in infrastructure and R&D, start a flood of hiring and basically funnel money back towards the middle and working classes, resuming national growth. Tax cuts, lax regulations and tax loopholes large enough to drive semis through were supposed to kick off this amazing growth according to the GOP.

    Instead, private investors and those wealthy corporate interests have simply parked the money in speculative money markets and interest-bearing accounts. "Economic shock doctrine" has taught them they can "do more with less", by firing the bulk of their workforce and squeezing efficiency gains from the remainder, skipping on infrastructure upgrades and relying on a lack of innovation and a captive market to tide them over until some other competitor from overseas leapfrogs them and forces them to play catch-up with half-baked products from an exhausted skeleton crew workforce.

    And they bank big profits and even bigger bonuses from impressed shareholders. Who cares about the unemployment rate? That's some other guy's problem.

    Shrinking government until it fits in Boehner's jock strap won't solve a thing if you still have an unemployment rate between 9% (official government figures) and 17% (unofficial rate from various sources).

  27. Anonymous3:53 AM

    What a mess. It's very depressing. I thought the world would end Oct 21 but it will end sooner on Aug 2.

    What a mess. All hope gone. The magic Negro Obama has failed many people. Why oh why, black man? why did you forsake all of those Whites who voted for you? and why did you forsake Mr. Field, who bravely posts for you again and again with no defense for cover?

    Why Obama, why?

    I can't sleep at night. I am restless, and can't wait fot the world to implode on Aug2. What a mess.

  28. Quote:Vokov "The logic of Democratic "stimulus" is that if government shovels out enough money it will tide the economy over the crater. Home prices will recover, businesses will revive, and growth will resume. But what if home prices don't recover before the stimulus runs out?"

    Actually that wasn't the logic of the stimulus plan at all, but as I said earlier,and the last three Nobel Prize winning economists have pointed out - the stimulus was much too small and the money has been spent much too slowly.

    Those countries that spent big are doing much better than those countries like the USA and the U.K. whose nerve failed them.

  29. "What I don't understand is where is the money to sustain both the war in Afghanistan and the Iraq situation, where are all these billions coming from if the US is supposedly so broke?"

    This is A-merry-ca, we can always find money for wars.

    Vokov, assuming you are right, is it wise for the republicans to pray for economic meltdown? I don't even think it's good politics. But we will see.

    "The GOP House is the only thing standing between us and complete disaster. The democrats are trying to drive the bus right off the cliff!"

    Anon. where do you get your smokes? That is some really good stuff you must be puffing. Reach out to me and I will have a farmer friend of mine in Jamaica send you some more. :)

  30. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Mack, nicely stated. Accurate and in layperson language.
    It should be instructive to 'experts' who lack even a basic knowledge of Economics and thinkerate that government is the exact same as their proletarian paycheck budget.

    st reagan crashed your working-class wages and benefits...and this 'saved' you how, exactly? st reagan cut deals with the Contras, heroic Fwee Marketeers who ended debate on the question of equitable distribution of public executing unarmed citizens. st reagan cut a deal with the Iranians, placing partisan politics above the interest of citizens and the nation. st reagan encouraged the hiring of woefully incompetent persons. Tell us again what the gain was...other than the ideer that Goobers and Heeyucks had managed to urinate in the drinks.

    I really can't understand the idiocy of wisherating a repeat of the Great Depression. I know you morons thinkerate you will do fine...but I would caution you on that assumption. You are not the Koch brothers, with a vast cushion of cash...nor are you able to 'live off the land'. You will be one of the millions of low-wage expendables. Why should your Master treat you any better than any other cog?
    Before showing off your abject ignorance and refusal to work....speak to the living survivors of that time. Studs Terkel even wrote a book (you do know what a real book is, yes?) using the voices of the people he interviewed. The rich never once noticed how bad it was....but your ancestors surely felt the agony.
    It sounderates soooo good, making the smart and washed and literates pay for your lowly status and reduced world....but you will fall even more.


  31. fn:

    how is this ANY different from hobama blaming gwb for all of his failures????


    hobama says that EVERYTHING is "gwb's problem" or "the mess i inherited"

    all politicos are evasive amoral liars and fools.


  32. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Mack, nicely stated. Accurate and in layperson language.
    It should be instructive to 'experts' who lack even a basic knowledge of Economics and thinkerate that government is the exact same as their proletarian paycheck budget.

    st reagan crashed your working-class wages and benefits...and this 'saved' you how, exactly? st reagan cut deals with the Contras, heroic Fwee Marketeers who ended debate on the question of equitable distribution of public executing unarmed citizens. st reagan cut a deal with the Iranians, placing partisan politics above the interest of citizens and the nation. st reagan encouraged the hiring of woefully incompetent persons. Tell us again what the gain was...other than the ideer that Goobers and Heeyucks had managed to urinate in the drinks.

    I really can't understand the idiocy of wisherating a repeat of the Great Depression. I know you morons thinkerate you will do fine...but I would caution you on that assumption. You are not the Koch brothers, with a vast cushion of cash...nor are you able to 'live off the land'. You will be one of the millions of low-wage expendables. Why should your Master treat you any better than any other cog?
    Before showing off your abject ignorance and refusal to work....speak to the living survivors of that time. Studs Terkel even wrote a book (you do know what a real book is, yes?) using the voices of the people he interviewed. The rich never once noticed how bad it was....but your ancestors surely felt the agony.
    It sounderates soooo good, making the smart and washed and literates pay for your lowly status and reduced world....but you will fall even more.


  33. fn:


    u think john b could be a porn star?

    on what basis?

    as if he has done more evil than hobama????



    the best john b could become is supporting actor/misc. extra to that global porn superstar/icon hobama who has proved that he knows how to f*uck the entire globe even harder than his cuzzes gwb and dick c.

    ask any libyan, former home owner,
    black farmer, gulf fisherman, serial stop lossed soldier etc...


  35. hobama is a gonzo bankster and a global gonzo porn star

  36. Join CLub Moldilox Today9:41 AM

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Private Language:

    Join the Moldilox Club today; this is a limited and exclusive offer:

    Club President: Mold - White Male/Pretenderating To be Black Granny.

    Vice President: Uptown Steve: Pretendarating to understand how light switches and flushable toilets work.

    Assistant V.P - Valet and Chaffuer - Purple Cow - Assist's Mold with frequent adult diaper changes and topical application of anti rash cream.

    Club requirements strictly enforced.

    *Must be able to speak Gibberish,(MoldiloxSpeak)
    clear communication is not necessary and highly undesireable
    *Must be able to assume the opposite stance of anything logical and scientifically known to man, despite overwhelming evidence
    *Must eliminate the words logic and common sense from all practical aspects of existance.
    *Ability to use blame the world crutches with wheelchair experience and shackles a plus.
    *Must totally enjoy the feel of a full wet used adult diaper against the skin for extended periods of time.
    *Must posses little to no integrity and self respect; no respect for others tolerated.
    *Must be able to spin on a dime and blame everyone in the world for events except those responsible
    *Must be able to spin well enough that video evidence is deemed different than actually viewed
    *Must be able to stand the stench of fecal matter eminating from ones own mouth (and diaper)
    *Must be able to apply fallback excuses of non related historical events.
    *Must recognize that when the gift is not accepted as the bestedess ever; blame the wrapping paper.

    Several other restriction's apply; please contact any of the club officers for applications and for complete list of eligibility requirements.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. jcmt:

    u rock!



    your powerful perceptive prose always makes my day


  39. "Never happens again"? Oh that's right, I almost forgot; it happened SEVEN TIMES under the last president, who was a...wait for it.....wait for it....Republican!"

    The reason why Boehner and the Repthuglicans can get away with this extortion and game of chicken is because their most dedicated activists are blind zealots and their biggest constituency are dummies and racists who don't want to know the facts.

    They just want that beige guy out of the White House.

  40. Anonymous10:04 AM

    UTS, have to agree with you. Even with my aged hands proffering policy issues with Obama, they cling to the racist Gooberite beleefs. As if that will give them back the jobs st reagan sent overseas.
    I still like Mack's take on their idiocy. The Heeyucks died in droves for the right of Planters to steal from poor whites. All those Southern dead for the righteous cause of feeling superior to the even less advantaged.
    I would pose the theory that the Rs are captive to primary controlling Fascists. They impose a 'Merican Talibani litmus test on candidates.
    I have dealt with Rs for decades and most are not as poo-brained as Bachmann, Palin or Norquist. In fact, more than a few were -gasp- pragmatic and community minded.
    Shows how old I am.


  41. lying coon uts:

    millions of white poeple who are not racist like you
    voted for hobama

    so your racist lies are moot

    this is not about his blackish skin

    this is ahout his clownish SORRY JOKER performance BANKSTER BS as prez

    wake up

    and handle hobama's money green evils asap

  42. see much more on that blackish porn star/global dick hobama's green sins here:

  43. AB

    "millions of white poeple who are not racist like you
    voted for hobama"

    Of course that's not what I said, is it muffmouth?

    I was talking about the goobers who will vote Republican no matter what because they see them as the white folks party.

  44. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I have dealt with Rs for decades and most are not as poo-brained as Bachmann, Palin or Norquist. In fact, more than a few were -gasp- pragmatic and community minded.
    Shows how old I am.


    now, now, don't feel bad. 22 is not that old and I am sure you have many,many years before age spots show on those lily white hands of yours. Unless you have masturbating excessively again? You haven't started that again I hope.

  45. foolish coon uts:

    u lie like that repub dick hobama!!!!!!!

    do u even read your own lies???


    u posted

    "They just want that beige guy out of the White House."

    THEY voted for that repub hobama.

    THEY are playing fools like u via one party.



  46. Anonymous10:39 AM

    UTS, and the Ds offer these Goobers the chance to compete on a level playing field. Riiight. They may be Left Behinds, but they do realize that the only way they win is to cheat and fix the outcome (see Bristol on DWTS, bush v Gore, caging, Grenada, Iraq etc). Can you imagine the fright of a Heeyuckian going into a contest...and they know that the AfAm is better?
    All the bluster is to let them pretend they are adequate.

    Still, their Masters will survive an economic meltdown...and quite nicely. What happens to the barely skilled and ill-educated? Why pay Jethro $8/hour when I can hire Messicans for $4/hour...and the Messicans show up, do the work, and don't TELL me anything?


  47. kosher kkk kapo needs slaps:

    kkkanibal kin?

    cc this to a jew blog now!!!!!!

    MYFOXNY.COM - The body of a missing eight-year-old boy from Borough Park, Brooklyn, was found Wednesday in two separate locations, according to the NYPD. The boy's remains were discovered inside a refrigerator in Kensington and in a dumpster in Greenwood Heights.

    A man seen in surveillance video taken on the day of the boy's disappearance was arrested, reported the Associated Press.

    There are unconfirmed reports that as many as three people were taken into custody, reported FOX 5 News reporter John Huddy.

    The NYPD has scheduled a news conference for 11 a.m. to update the public on the investigation.

    The remains found in the dumpster at 20th Street and 4th Avenue in Greenwood Heights were wrapped in a plastic garbage bag and placed inside a suitcase, according to the AP.

    The suitcase was removed from the dumpster just before 7 a.m.

    "The (nine-year-old) boy was brutally murdered. Dumped. What kind of world are we living in," N.Y. State. Assem. Dov Hikind told Good Day New York.

    The suspect may be a member of the tight-knit Jewish community in the Borough Park- area, according to N.Y. State Assmeb. Hikind who spoke with Good Day New York.

    On Wednesday morning, police responded to a tip of the car seen in the surveillance video outside a home at Avenue C and East 2nd Street in Kensington.

    The surveillance camera footage released Tuesday by the NYPD showed the boy walking up 13th Avenue Monday afternoon. He appears to talk to a man who was driving the gold colored sedan. The video does not show him getting into the car but he was not seen again.

    Kletzky was last seen leaving the Boyan Day Camp on 44th Street and 12th Avenue at around 4:50 p.m. Monday. He was supposed to meet his mother about six blocks away.

    According to the Associated Press, investigators tracked the man in the video after speaking with a dentist in the neighborhood who said he remembered somone coming in to pay a bill for a patient. Police used the man's records from the dental office to find him at the house where the gruesome discovery was made.

    As many as 2,000 people took to the streets Monday in search of the boy and the crowds returned on Tuesday to continue the hunt. A command post was set up at 57th Street and 15th Avenue for volunteers searching the area.

    Buses loaded with volunteers came from New Jersey to aid in the search.

    A community funded reward ballooned on Tuesday afternoon to $125,000 for information leading to the safe return of Kletzky.

    "Usually, these things are solved in a few hours," said Jacob Daskal, a member of the Shomrim volunteer civilian patrol. "It might be an abduction, but we're still hoping it's not."

    People in the community describe the boy as obedient and unlikely to talk to strangers.

    The The NY State Department of Criminal Justice Services issued a Missing Child Alert after 24 hours past since his disappearance.

  48. hood rich hobama nazi uts:

    how rich are u really coon????

    outside your gates
    any income under 250 K is poor!

    President Obama made $5.5 million in 2009. His $400,000 salary as president was mere walking-around money. He paid more in taxes - $1.8 million - than 90 percent of Americans earn in 10 years. More than some in a lifetime.

    Now it makes sense that he wants to pay more in taxes. So let’s add another $1.2 million to his taxes. Thus, $3 million off to the federal government, leaving him just - $2 million. With that, he could definitely lease a private jet — although even that much money would make buying his own out of the question. (Plus, there’s no need. He’s already got one. It’s called Air Force One.)

    But Mr. President, you really have no idea about how the rest of America suffers from taxes. And your definition of what is “rich” is so skewed as to be nonsensical. Let’s work the numbers.

    Mr. Obama pledged throughout his campaign that he would not raise taxes on middle-class America by one dime, that he’d only target those absurdly rich people making $250,000 or more. And he’s making good on his pledge - he refuses to negotiate with Republican lawmakers over the debt ceiling unless tax hikes are part of the plan. (Oh, and it’s another plan, like health care, that we’ll have to pass to find out what’s in it - even top congressional reporters still have no idea.)

  49. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Don't focus on the jobless and other distractions....stay targeted upon the 'fire sales' that will result. Not only will your neighbours sell everything they own for kitchen scraps, the governments will sell off public property at prices not seen since the Natives were 'removed' for gawd-fearin' wite invaders.


  50. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198210:58 AM

    Shows how old I am.


    Shows you lack basic understanding and critical thinking.

    You spew your nonsense about Reagan while your Obamessiah is sending jobs to China and destroying industries.

    You spew your nonsense about Reagan crashing your working-class wages and benefits while under your Obamessiah the working class is suffering like never before.

    UTS, have to agree with you. Even with my aged hands proffering policy issues with Obama, they cling to the racist Gooberite beleefs.


    Why do you still cling to racist goober beleefs?

    st reagan encouraged the hiring of woefully incompetent persons.


    Who are these incompetent persons?

    Don't cry mold.I don't expect you to answer.Its just so easy to knock down your simple minded strawmen.

  51. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198211:01 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Don't focus on the jobless and other distractions....stay targeted upon the 'fire sales' that will result. Not only will your neighbours sell everything they own for kitchen scraps, the governments will sell off public property at prices not seen since the Natives were 'removed' for gawd-fearin' wite invaders.


    Yes mold that is already happening.You can thank your Obamessiah.

  52. Anonymous11:06 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. Anonymous11:07 AM

    realize that the only way they win is to cheat and fix the outcome (see Bristol on DWTS, bush v Gore

    Please explain how Bristol cheated and fixed the outcome on Dancing witth the stars.

    Please use facts and provide links.

    Explain how Bush v Gore was fixed.Explain what laws the SCOTUS violated in its rulings.

    Please use links that work.And provide honest facts.

  54. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Wow, a Troll! Let me begin by mentioning that just because you say 'magic words' does not mean that you understand the meaning. As with a child playing 'dress up', you are merely aping the trappings of what I say....but the substance escapes you entirely.
    School must have been painful for you with the use of terms like 'critical thinking' being applied to your failures. While you attempt to paint my posts in a negative light by incorrect usage of the terms, I will encourage you to learn. First, you have to grasp what the terms mean...and not just the fake daffyntions from wingnuttia. Critical thinking hardly ever leads to Conservative beleefs. It should lead you to wonder why you support people stealing money from your wages, pensions, and benefits. And no, taxes are not stealing.
    Begging the question is from Middle School (have you stopped beating your wife) and shows that you are trying, somewhat desperately, to pretend to an authority both unearned and not in evidence.
    Speaking of evidence, the st reagan incompetents have been detailed. You know, Facts and Data. Not only are there lists, there are books on the subject. And, unlike wingnut fibs, were reviewed for accuracy.
    Feel free to do the adult thing and look for them.
    You might also want to look up 'Internet Laws'...there is one where 'declaring victory' is prima facie that you have lost the argument. Even the kids know this one.


  55. Join Club Moldilox Today11:15 AM

    Please use links that work.And provide honest facts.

    Sorry: rules of the Moldilox club, honest and facts are also two words and actions never allowed to be used by any club members. For further information please contact Moldilox club president Mold and VP Uptown really Outta town as its the bronx you dummy Steve

    Note: Projections of precisely what you are guilty of onto others is allowed and highly encouraged. For tips on this tactic and state of denial; please contact Moldilox Club VP Uptown "really outta town as it's the bronx you dummy" steve.

  56. clueless coon uts:

    hobama is YOUR god
    millions never worshipped him
    he has FAILED

    get over ALL of that asap!!!

    This is in response to those who have emailed me with their assertions that the “citizens of America” voted for Barack Obama by a landslide. The real numbers hardly support this.

    Black Americans make up 31% of registered voters. Only 13% of those voted for Obama

    Out of 300 million Americans, only 1/3 voted in this year’s election

    Out of that 1/3, only 63 million Americans voted for Obama. That’s 63 million out of 300 million Americans. Hardly a landslide

    Stocks fell over 500 points the day after the election. That’s the steepest post-election drop in history

    Obama’s popular vote margin over McCain (52.4-46.5) is less than Bush’s margin over Dukakis (53.4-45.6), and Bill Clinton’s margin over Dole (49.25-40.71)

    Democrats failed to win a filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate. Meaning that while Americans voted to elect Obama, they didn’t want a majority Democratic Senate that would slide his bills through

  57. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Club Moldiloxs president Mold Said...

    "Begging the question is from Middle School (have you stopped beating your wife"

    Mold, you had a wife in middle school? What was her name? Was it a real wedding or one of those school weddings? So you beat her and your school wife divorced you?

    Are you eating mushrooms?

  58. Anonymous11:29 AM

    SlapTroll, still miffed that your fibs were revealed by simply asking for the source of the lies? And you wish more than anything to avenge your pride by 'returning the favour'?
    Both the cheating of Bristol and the bush v Gore have already been detailed elsewhere. So why are you so keen on me describing the 'alphabet' to you? Is it that you are portrayed yourself as 'expert' and I ended that?
    Maybe if you used Facts and Data I would not have been able to...
    Oh, how does one define 'honest facts'? Is that all up to you? Or do your marching orders include the material that you are allowed to accept?
    Let me guess, IntelligentCreationismDesign is 'honest fact' while Evolution is 'junk science'.
    Keep trying to assuage your wounded pride, it looks silly.


  59. How to expose a Goober Part XIX

    "You spew your nonsense about Reagan while your Obamessiah is sending jobs to China and destroying industries."

    What jobs are Obama sending to China?

    Please provide evidence or a link.

    Remember how I punked him yesterday when he claimed blacks got free college tuition "just for being black"?

    Watch today's punk.

  60. hey uts:

    what recovery?????

    even gated celeb homes are being foreclosed!!!

    Grammy-winning singer R. Kelly faces a $2.9 million foreclosure on his suburban Chicago mansion.

    Crain's Chicago Business reported Tuesday that JPMorgan Chase Bank filed the foreclosure lawsuit last month in Cook County Circuit Court. The complaint states that Kelly hasn't made monthly mortgage payments since June of last year.

    Crain's reports the Olympia Field home's appraised value fell 26 percent in a year, to $3.8 million in 2010. The original 1999 loan was for $3.5 million

    The principal due is more than $2.9 million.


  61. Anonymous11:36 AM

    UTS, the asking for links stems from my asking for the origin of some concepts sold on this blog as that of the poster. When the sorces were reviewed, it was obvious that the writers were either passing along drivel in a thoughtless manner....or were deliberately spreading items they knew to be untrue.


  62. Anonymous11:37 AM

    field negro said...
    "This is A-merry-ca, we can always find money for wars."
    True! Sad but true!

    Yet no cost of living increase for the poor fixed income aged in years! :(

  63. more on that porn star hobama in africa

    shame on that racist war thug dick hobama!!!

    Beware of Americans bearing gifts, guns, and an AFRICOM patch; their embrace can turn fatal. “One minute, Gadhafi was America’s best friend in northern Africa and in the next minute he was an evil menace.” The turnabout can be sudden. “Robert Mugabe too has been romanced by imperialism and then jilted.” The results were highly inflationary, and may yet bring unwanted intrusions.

    One short month before the first U.S. attacks on Libya, President Obama requested that Congress increase U.S. aid to Libya’s military to $1.7 million. Then, with blinding speed, the U.S. launched its war against that country, and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton made the following dubious if not baseless accusations:

  64. Anonymous11:41 AM

    29 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    How to expose a Goober Part XIX

    "You spew your nonsense about Reagan while your Obamessiah is sending jobs to China and destroying industries."

    What jobs are Obama sending to China?

    Please provide evidence or a link.

    Remember how I punked him yesterday when he claimed blacks got free college tuition "just for being black"?

    Watch today's punk.

    LOL, thanks for the laugh and I really mean that.

    I swear this guy is like the Kenyan village idiot.....funny as hell..he is the type who has one tooth left and says...looooook atssss my beufiful teef...

    Only you think Blacks dont' get free college tuition and grants - ummm didn't Obama even use that talking point a few times...why yes he did!!

    Lesseeee on Job...check out how many jobs GE just moved to china...yup the same company who the CEO is obamas bongo butt buddy and didnt pay any taxes on billions and billions of income. He just loves you dumb spearchuckin coons..he does he really does.

  65. Mold,

    The goobers on this blog learned their tactics from the media liars over at Fox.

    Just make $hit up and toss it because their audience will believe whatever they are told.

    And when they are challenge to prove what they say, they just evade or ignore.

  66. kudos to cornel west!!!

    may god bless all of us who are not rich like uts!!!

    I’d like to call our attention to the numbers in regard to how much of the wealth of this country that the top 5 percent hold. The following statistics are from a Federal Reserve Board report from 2006:

    •The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans owned 33.4 percent of the wealth in 2004, up from 30.1 percent in 1989.

    •The wealthiest 5 percent of Americans held 55.5 percent of the wealth in 2004.

    •The poorest 50 percent of the American population collectively owned 2.5 percent of the wealth in 2004, down from 3.0 percent in 1989.

    •The very wealthiest 1 percent of Americans now own a bigger piece of the pie (33.4 percent) than the poorest 90 percent put together (30.4 percent).

    •The wealthiest 1 percent of Americans owned 62.3 percent of the business assets in 2004.

    •The wealthiest 5 percent collectively owned 88.7 percent of business assets.

    •The wealthiest 5 percent also owned 93.7 percent of the value of bonds, 71.7 percent of nonresidential real estate, and 79.1 percent of the value of stocks.

    At this moment there are millions of Lazraruses right outside the doors of the Capitol Building and 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue seeking relief from the stifling conditions of this economy and they have been there for quite some time. I imagine that the rich man did a great deal of rationalizing, denying and justifying: Lazarus deserves to be where he is; if Lazarus would just show some initiative; Lazarus can’t expect ME to solve his problems.

    To allow those upside down and backwards rationalizations to stand, would be the most resounding to hell with Lazarus of all.

  67. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Desertflower said...
    field negro said...
    "This is A-merry-ca, we can always find money for wars."
    True! Sad but true!

    Yet no cost of living increase for the poor fixed income aged in years! :(

    You right, we should be protesting the billion Obama just spent in Libya killing africans dammittt

  68. Oh so it's actually GE which outsourced jobs to China.

    And folks, that is how you expose a goober.

    Carry on.

  69. hobama has deliberately destroyed public ed

    hobama/gwb 2.0 is the XXX director of nclb 2.0 teacher porn too!!!


    The only thing scandalous about cheating in Atlanta’s schools is that No Child Left Behind made it inevitable and logical. The corporate reformers and their allies in the White House have programmed the public schools to “fail” in order “to crush public education and open the door to privatization of the schools.” Their formula can have no other result, just as high stakes testing could not help but cause schools to “cheat” by forcing low-achieving students to drop out.

    You cannot pass a law that two equals one. Neither can you mandate that every child will be above average but that is exactly what NCLB pretends to do. The designers and supporters of NCLB were never in fact interested in improving the public schools. They could have seen to it that all students have a chance to succeed by being graded according to their ability. They could have funded special needs and trade schools to develop employable skills. They could have expanded preschool programs and guaranteed reasonable class sizes.

    They did none of these because their real goal was to crush public education and open the door to privatization of the schools.

    The NCLB crowd invaded our schools like preachers among the heathens. Every child can learn, they preached, to which every teacher replied: Of course but every student cannot test above the thirty-third percentile. It is a statistical impossibility. Why? The normal population curve (shaped like a bell) does not bend to rhetoric or political will. It does not care how impassioned the preacher's sermon. No matter what the measurement, there will always be students at the bottom, students at the top and 68% in the middle. Like gravity or pi it is not negotiable. It does not vary.

  70. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198212:02 PM

    Poor mold.Pick up a book sometimes.




    Become well-versed.

    Its so much easier than pretending.

  71. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 198212:28 PM

    Foolio,who have you punked?

    “In all due respect I remind the secretary (of Energy) there is a four-letter word associated with the stimulus -- J-O-B-S,” Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., told ABC News who interviewed him for a report done in coordination with the Workshop’s ongoing investigation. “Very few jobs here, lots of jobs in China. That is not what I intended or any other legislator who voted for the stimulus intended.”

    If companies want to buy Chinese turbines, they can, Schumer said, but they shouldn’t do it with tax dollars that were earmarked for jumpstarting an American industry.

    “It is fine that the Chinese make them. But why don’t we use the stimulus money to start building up an industry to build them here, that was the very point of the stimulus,” Schumer told ABC. “No one even imagined, given how strongly the stimulus advertised jobs in America, that this would happen. I am befuddled that it happened and even more befuddled that the Energy Department is not backing off.”

    Wind Turbines made in China.Green stimulus jobs going to China.LED bulbs being made in China.

    Wanna talk about Government Motors {GM}?

    Wanna talk about how many jobs have been lost to China since the Obamessiah took office?

  72. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Bachmann, the not-doctor who will pray away your gay. And his spouse...who wails that darker complected US citizens are getting handouts...while she is raking in much, much more in ag subsidies.
    Must be the magic word, 'christian'. That absolves her!
    Ignorant of basic US History...claim to be christian and therefore a martyr for 'the cause'.
    Can't get money for your all-wite segregated it a christian akkkademy and watch st reagan and bush shovel funds away from public schools.
    Can't meet the minimum hiring standard...say 'christian' and be appointed.
    Want to discriminate based on race and sexual preference...whine that christians are the ones 'truly' being discriminated against.


  73. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Anon 11:42 and Anon 12:32:
    Thumbs up! *Like*

  74. I saw this, this morning on Morning Joe and I had to tip my hat to this dude on this statement:

    Brzezinski "We talked about the candidates earlier. It's amazing to me that some of the leading candidates are people who absolutely have no track record and have no serious ideas other than a lot of slogans."

    I know, I know..We elected Obama. Now that I got that out the way for you Anons, AB, Slappz, Slappnuts, etc..

    Dude has a strong point.

    What about the current pool of Republicans? Currently in office or running for President

  75. Anonymous12:45 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Oh so it's actually GE which outsourced jobs to China.

    And folks, that is how you expose a goober.

    Carry on.

    the more this man tries to communicate the more stupid you realize he really is. Is this desperation or does he just not have one ounce of brainpower?

  76. Desertflower said...
    Anon 11:42 and Anon 12:32:
    Thumbs up! *Like*

    You are going to hell.

  77. Anal Swappers1:15 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    uptownsteve said...
    Oh so it's actually GE which outsourced jobs to China.

    And folks, that is how you expose a goober.

    Carry on.

    the more this man tries to communicate the more stupid you realize he really is. Is this desperation or does he just not have one ounce of brainpower?

    12:45 PM"

    I's say that between UTS & Mold, they might could scrape together about an ounce...just enough to keep swapping with each other like an anal suppository.

  78. Raising the debt ceiling 7x under the past president... on her show Monday night, Rachel Maddow pointed out it's been raised 79x since Nixon was president.

    It's all rhetoric & show.

  79. Missouri Man1:29 PM

    California Girl said...
    Raising the debt ceiling 7x under the past president... on her show Monday night, Rachel Maddow pointed out it's been raised 79x since Nixon was president.

    It's all rhetoric & show.

    Right, so since it's been done before, we can just keep doing it forever and raise it as high as we want.

    Rachel Madcow is a disease.

  80. Anonymous1:36 PM

    President Obama and his advisers must think unemployment or the economy won’t matter to the average voter next year. About 1 in 6 Americans either find themselves in the unemployment line or are stuck flipping burgers to get by. Wages declined last month as unemployment and inflation ticked up. The economy isn’t growing, the job market is worsening, and Mr. Obama is threatening more of the same economic policies.

    Although the official unemployment number is scary enough at 9.2 percent, it doesn’t take into account people who’ve just lost hope of ever finding work and have fallen out of the Labor Department statistics. Just 64.1 percent of the population is at work - the lowest participation rate since 1984. Had this figure stayed at the same level where it had been two years ago, 65.7 percent, the official unemployment figure would actually be 11 percent. Add in the number of those stuck in part-time gigs, and the broadest measure of the situation rises to a whopping 16.2 percent underemployed.

    The bad news for American families doesn’t end there. The average weekly work hours declined last month, as did the average hourly wage. Over the past 12 months, hourly earnings increased a bare 1.9 percent in nominal terms. Those gains are wiped out by nearly twice as great an increase in the U.S. Consumer Price Index over the past 12 months of 3.6 percent. The bottom line is that real incomes are dropping.

    Things aren’t likely to get better. The latest U.S. Chamber of Commerce survey shows that almost two-thirds of small businesses do not plan to hire any workers in the coming year. Those who want to hire some help cited economic uncertainty and expected lack of demand as the top two reasons that they can’t. Small businesses provide almost half of all private-sector jobs, so it’s a bad omen when entrepreneurs choose to sit on the sidelines and wait out the indefinite regulatory future. There can be no sustained recovery, no sustained job creation unless small businesses are convinced it’s safe to invest and hire once again.

    Oddly enough, some European nations have been dealing with the global economic turmoil in a far more rational manner. Germany weathered a much deeper recession - a 6.6 percent dip in gross domestic product - with almost no loss in employment. The country had been working on cutting back its generous unemployment insurance programs and increasing the flexibility of its labor markets before the recession hit, but it didn’t flinch. The reforms stayed in place, and the country recovered more quickly, without massively inflating its debt burden.

  81. Goober Tormentor

    "Wanna talk about how many jobs have been lost to China since the Obamessiah took office?"

    Still waiting to see them.

    Not a Schumer speech.

    Some evidence.

    And this my friends is how you continue to expose a Goober.

  82. BTW Anonymouse Goober 1:36 pm

    At least have enough character to site your source.

    You cut and paste this bull$hit from a Washington Times editorial.

    The Moonie paper.


  83. Anonymous2:25 PM

    BTW Anonymouse Goober 1:36 pm

    At least have enough character to site your source.

    You cut and paste this bull$hit from a Washington Times editorial.

    The Moonie paper.


    alinsky alert, alinsky alert; when liberal braindead things cant deal with facts attack the speaker and the source alinsky alert. cant discuss the facts but can attack...

  84. Massah2:29 PM

    Yo stebey

    wit yo brayen u should be gettin me sumtin ta drink go fetch me a malt likker boy and make it snuuu-appy=nappy likes u head den gets yo ass backs here ans spits shine my shoes boy u best be doin a goods jobs to or else no watermelon no sicken n no grits fo yo ass fo dinner boy u hear me sun just sayin i starve yo lodown big head funny lookin mama got da hiv ass racoon coon lookin actin mofo

  85. Ann Coulter alert, Coulter alert

    only a braindead goober would plagiarize total stupidity and try to pass it off as his own words.


  86. Anonymous2:33 PM


    uptownsteve said...
    Goober Tormentor

    "Wanna talk about how many jobs have been lost to China since the Obamessiah took office?"

    Still waiting to see them.

    Not a Schumer speech.

    Some evidence.

    And this my friends is how you continue to expose a Goober

    Who you kidding, you don't have any friends except Mold ( I still think you are Mold) anyway, this is how you expose a man without a brain cell to spare. He actually thinks he is intelligent because he can split hairs and say that Obama has not personally resulted in jobs going overseas as he has never even owned a lemonade stand business and this negates the policies he pushes that destroy US businesses, the economy and do result in jobs going to China.

    Thank God we all know you do not represent the majority of the Black race. If you did, we would all be in deep, deep voodoo.

  87. Anon The Anon Is Posting as A Anon2:36 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Ann Coulter alert, Coulter alert

    only a braindead goober would plagiarize total stupidity and try to pass it off as his own words.


    What are you ten years old? My own words? My own words? Trying to take credit? Man you are the dumbest coon I have ever seen, you do realize I posted as anonymous as you should realize as just a moment ago you were the dumb coon who made it an issue. What a dumb, dumb, dumb coon you are.

    So now you say; anonymous is taking credit for anonymous posting anonymously HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA

    and that is all you have. Hang it up man, your braindead and just cant deal with reality. Your wife would be ashamed that you are exposing your ass to the world daily, she knows how dumb you are, but doesn't know you show people publicly daily.

  88. Anonymous2:37 PM

    When you pretenderate the Moonie paper is journalism...your sorce should be revealed for the fakery it is. Just because you wisherate that it was 'just so'...does not mean anything more than you desire your fantasies to be deferred to.
    As far as Facts, the author is lying when they tell you Austerity was successful.
    But then, you and your peers don't read...much less the plethora of information available.
    Germany declined Austerity....which you would know if you were not a useful idiot.

    Ms Maddow just showed the Rs for the hypocrites they have chosen to be. How is this her fault? That your chimperors have no clothes, throw poo at you and you willingly swallow it?
    Must be her use of Fact you find disturbing. How can FOX lie with her pointing out Truth?
    I empathize with her, as you were just as kindly when I debunked your lies about cheerleaders being lesbians. They decline to date you because you lack hygiene, manners, and class. Simple enough to share this with others...and they understand that you are the problem.
    How about using Facts and Data? Just because you are poor, uneducated and lack many skills does not mean you can't learn. If Douglass can can too.


  89. Anonymous2:39 PM

    By the way goober steve with the weave,

    Ann Coulter is more of a man than you could ever be, albeit that isn't saying much. About you, that is.

  90. Anonymous2:39 PM

    You been outed. Yes, you plagiarized and tried to claim it as yours. Ummm...just because they do this on Beck and FOX, does not mean you are able to do the same sort of dishonesty.


  91. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Ms Maddow just showed the Rs for the hypocrites they have chosen to be. How is this her fault? That your chimperors have no clothes, throw poo at you and you willingly swallow it?
    Must be her use of Fact you find disturbing. How can FOX lie with her pointing out Truth?
    I empathize with her, as you were just as kindly when I debunked your lies about cheerleaders being lesbians. They decline to date you because you lack hygiene, manners, and class. Simple enough to share this with others...and they understand that you are the problem.
    How about using Facts and Data? Just because you are poor, uneducated and lack many skills does not mean you can't learn. If Douglass can can too.


    Funny how DowLow Stevey and Mold both make so little sense, are you guys sexually related or just the same person?

  92. Anonymous2:45 PM

    You been outed. Yes, you plagiarized and tried to claim it as yours. Ummm...just because they do this on Beck and FOX, does not mean you are able to do the same sort of dishonesty.


    Ok, you got me, take me to court. I claimed it was my own, who am I ? What did I say that claimed it as my own? I am ANON you dimwitted twit. Do you know what Anonymous means? It means you don't know who I am, which means I cant take any credit now can I? RIght Steve/Mold Mold/Steve

    This is like a convention of omebas and NO I do not want to joint the Moldilox Club so fuck off.

    NO doubt, Mold is Uptown Steve and Uptown Steve is Mold. Two pieces of shit in a bowl, they don't think alike......meaning you are alike but just don't think.

  93. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19822:49 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    Goober Tormentor

    "Wanna talk about how many jobs have been lost to China since the Obamessiah took office?"

    Still waiting to see them.

    Not a Schumer speech.

    Some evidence.

    And this my friends is how you continue to expose a Goober.

    The only thing exposed is your ignorance.

    Did you read the link?

    Did you do more research into the things i listed?

    Instead you did a mold.Pretend like the facts don't exist,than go on the attack.

    That only works with simpletons.And Liberals.

  94. Anon Goober

    "Who you kidding, you don't have any friends except Mold"

    Are you kidding with this, you idiot?

    You post under 10 different names in a pathetic attempt to appear to have support.


    Don't get upset because I exposed and punked still AGAIN.

    You should be used to it by now.

    Sort of like jailhouse bitches who accept their fate and just put on the lipstick and dresses before they're even told.

  95. Lt. Commander Johnson2:58 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    Sort of like jailhouse bitches who accept their fate and just put on the lipstick and dresses before they're even told.

    2:51 PM"

    Now, THIS is one area Semen Steve had extensive experience in. I would advise you all to respect his expertise in this particular subject.

  96. Rottnkid said...

    I saw this, this morning on Morning Joe and I had to tip my hat to this dude on this statement:

    Brzezinski "We talked about the candidates earlier. It's amazing to me that some of the leading candidates are people who absolutely have no track record and have no serious ideas other than a lot of slogans."

    I know, I know..We elected Obama. Now that I got that out the way for you Anons, AB, Slappz, Slappnuts, etc..

    Dude has a strong point.

    What about the current pool of Republicans? Currently in office or running for President

    RK, the plan for the GOP is that if they make the economy bad enough, they could run a ham sandwich (which might have a higher IQ than Michelle Bachmann and T-Paw, who actually signed that stupid "slavery = strong family" bull) against Obama and win.

    The problem is that Obama, like Clinton is no dummy and knows when to work with them and when to stand there and make them look like fools. Which is what happened when McConnell and Boehner basically walk out of those debates with Obama with their tails between their legs. Love him or loathe him, Obama called the Republican's bluff and won, hands down.

    Here's a Flash fact - most of national debt are owed to private banks. We as a nation default, the private banks and Wall Street go belly up first. So, we don't have to worry about the Lefty hippie-dippies getting antsy, Goldman Sachs and BOA probably started making snarky calls to Boehner and McConnell to get them moving on the debt ceiling yesterday.

    Now, the bind the GOP are in is that they keep on this asinine quest to literally cause the Great Depression 2.0 to keep their semi-illiterate Tea Party base happy (that's until bread prices spike to $20 a loaf and even those Yahoos will have their pitchforks out for John Boehner's head), actually work with the President and raise taxes on their corporate paymaster a fraction of a percent (we really give tax breaks for corporate jets?! SMDH) or do nothing and reveal they've been wasting everyone's time with political theater.

  97. lack:

    what has hobama done to save the economy??????

    name it!???

    hobama has RUINED the economy worse than any repub prez ever!!!

    the repubs have never given 23 trillion to banksters...

    paid billions to bomb libya etc

    r u awake??????

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. wtf do the repubs have to do with hobama's libyan war and its costs?????

    The cost of the U.S. campaign in Libya is set to exceed the $750 million Pentagon estimate set out in March, according to a leaked Department of Defence Memo.

    The 'eyes-only' DoD dossier said the U.S. had already spent $664 million in Libya by mid-May - a running cost of $60 million a month since the bombing began in March.

    At the current rate of spending, the U.S. will have to shell out at least an extra $274 million till the end of the current 90 day no fly zone extension period - brining total expenditure to a minimum of $938 million.

    The news came as donors pledged more than $1.3 billion dollars to help support Libya's main opposition group, after countries backing NATO's military mission there met to prepare for the post-Moammar Gadhafi

    Read more:

  100. fnotd!!!!

    my newest hero in dc!!!

    a rare repub telling rebel truths about that lying repub dick hobama!!!!

    Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas)
    Gohmert then added, “So I would encourage our Speaker quit believing the president when he uses these scare tactics. There’s money there regardless of what we do and the seniors will be taken care of. That’s why it’s dishonest.”

    Gohmert joined Representatives Steve King (R-Iowa) and Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on Tuesday in introducing legislation that seeks to ensure that the federal government prioritizes payments to members of the Armed Forces in the event the U.S. reaches the debt limit.

    The Payment Reliability for our Obligations to Military and Investors to Secure Essential Stability Act, would set payment of military salaries and payment of principal and interest on publicly-held debt as the top priorities if the debt limit is reached.

  101. kudos to cornel west!!!

    he has never lied on hobama
    hobama proves that he is an evil amoral elitist dick more each day!!!

    The moral philosopher Cornel West, if Barack Obama’s ascent to power was a morality play, would be the voice of conscience. Rahm Emanuel, a cynical product of the Chicago political machine, would be Satan. Emanuel in the first scene of the play would dangle power, privilege, fame and money before Obama. West would warn Obama that the quality of a life is defined by its moral commitment, that his legacy will be determined by his willingness to defy the cruel assault by the corporate state and the financial elite against the poor and working men and women, and that justice must never be sacrificed on the altar of power. President Obama shakes hands with Princeton University professor Cornel West, center, after delivering remarks at the National Urban League 100th Anniversary Convention in Washington. (AP / Pablo Martinez Monsivais)
    Perhaps there was never much of a struggle in Obama’s heart. Perhaps West only provided a moral veneer. Perhaps the dark heart of Emanuel was always the dark heart of Obama. Only Obama knows. But we know how the play ends. West is banished like honest Kent in “King Lear.” Emanuel and immoral mediocrities from Lawrence Summers to Timothy Geithner to Robert Gates—think of Goneril and Regan in the Shakespearean tragedy—take power. We lose. And Obama becomes an obedient servant of the corporate elite in exchange for the hollow trappings of authority.

    No one grasps this tragic descent better than West, who did 65 campaign events for Obama, believed in the potential for change and was encouraged by the populist rhetoric of the Obama campaign. He now nurses, like many others who placed their faith in Obama, the anguish of the deceived, manipulated and betrayed. He bitterly describes Obama as “a black mascot of Wall Street oligarchs and a black puppet of corporate plutocrats. And now he has become head of the American killing machine and is proud of it.”

    hear cornel in his own words in many videos here

  102. hobama has DONE nothing to save america's economy

    he has made every ill gwb left WORSE & FATAL



    But there is a deep and quiet discomfort within the leading circles of the Obama regime: The “best and brightest” among his top officials are scampering to jump ship before the coming deluge: the Economic Guru Larry Summers, Rahm Emmanuel, Stuart Levey, Peter Orzag, Bob Gates, Tim Geithner and others, responsible for the disastrous wars, economic catastrophes, the gross concentration of wealth and the savaging of our living standards, have walked out or have announced their ‘retirement’, leaving it to the smiling con-men - President Obama and Vice-President ‘Joe’ Biden - and their ‘last and clueless loyalists’ to take the blame when the economy tanks and our social programs are wiped out. How else can we explain their less-than-courageous departures (to ‘spend more time with the family’) in the face of such a deepening crisis? The hasty retreat of these top officials is motivated by their desire to avoid political responsibility and to escape history’s indictment for their role in the impending economic debacle. They are eager to hide from a future judgment over which policy makers and leaders and what policies led to the destruction of the American middle and working classes with their good jobs, stable pensions, Social Security, decent health care and respected place in the world.

  103. "hobama has RUINED the economy worse than any repub prez ever!!!

    the repubs have never given 23 trillion to banksters...

    paid billions to bomb libya etc

    r u awake??????"

    So, AB, who are you gonna vote for come 2012? You have a republican candidate in mind?

  104. Yeah,

    Strom Thurmond.

  105. Anonymous3:52 PM


    uptownsteve said...
    Anon Goober

    "Who you kidding, you don't have any friends except Mold"

    Are you kidding with this, you idiot?

    You post under 10 different names in a pathetic attempt to appear to have support.


    Don't get upset because I exposed and punked still AGAIN.

    You should be used to it by now.

    Sort of like jailhouse bitches who accept their fate and just put on the lipstick and dresses before they're even told.

    Punked? I guess this is how you make it and have made it through life so far. When you fail a test, dey racist, when you aks a question dey racist, when you get exposed, you punked someone else.

    Ok Ashton kutcher in a magilla gorilla suit...whatever keeps you calm and stops you from hurting yourself and others.

    Glad to help

    It does say a lot about you that you tell stories of gettin raped in jail and wearin lipstick along with your justification for wearing dresses before you were told you had to. I am sure you are one of those who sags on the weekends when your white bosses can't see you, lettin em know you availible.

    Stay calm, it isn't your fault, it is genetics.

  106. Anonymous3:55 PM

    "hobama has RUINED the economy worse than any repub prez ever!!!

    the repubs have never given 23 trillion to banksters...

    paid billions to bomb libya etc

    r u awake??????"

    So, AB, who are you gonna vote for come 2012? You have a republican candidate in mind?

    You mean there isn't another democrat? Of all the liberals in the country there is only one democratic candidate? It's all or nothing with Obama? I don't remember another time in history when there was only one person without question who would represent the party. Says a lot.

  107. "I don't remember another time in history when there was only one person without question who would represent the party. Says a lot."

    Name the Republicans who ran against Reagan in 84 and Bush in 2004.

    Does it hurt to be such a stupid goober?

  108. Join CLub Moldilox Today4:02 PM

    Join CLub Moldilox Today

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Private Language:

    Join the Moldilox Club today; this is a limited and exclusive offer:

    Club President: Mold - White Male/Pretenderating To be Black Granny.

    Vice President: Uptown Steve: Pretendarating to understand how light switches and flushable toilets work.

    Assistant V.P - Valet and Chaffuer - Purple Cow - Assist's Mold with frequent adult diaper changes and topical application of anti rash cream.

    Club requirements strictly enforced.

    *Must be able to speak Gibberish,(MoldiloxSpeak)
    clear communication is not necessary and highly undesireable
    *Must be able to assume the opposite stance of anything logical and scientifically known to man, despite overwhelming evidence
    *Must eliminate the words logic and common sense from all practical aspects of existance.
    *Ability to use blame the world crutches with wheelchair experience and shackles a plus.
    *Must totally enjoy the feel of a full wet used adult diaper against the skin for extended periods of time.
    *Must posses little to no integrity and self respect; no respect for others tolerated.
    *Must be able to spin on a dime and blame everyone in the world for events except those responsible
    *Must be able to spin well enough that video evidence is deemed different than actually viewed
    *Must be able to stand the stench of fecal matter eminating from ones own mouth (and diaper)
    *Must be able to apply fallback excuses of non related historical events.
    *Must recognize that when the gift is not accepted as the bestedess ever; blame the wrapping paper.

    Several other restriction's apply; please contact any of the club officers for applications and for complete list of eligibility requirements.

  109. STLConsequential4:12 PM

    LACoincidental said...RK, the plan for the GOP is that if they make the economy bad enough, they could run a ham sandwich

    I think it was uptown's favorite white woman, Ann Coulter, who said if you ever want to know what liberals have been up to, just listen to what they accuse their opponents of.

    The only reason Obama the ham sandwich got elected was the financial crisis wich occurred 60 days before the election. This crisis resulted directly from democrat mandated subprime lending policies and was precipitated by Chuckie Schumer himself, who totally unprompted got up one Friday afternoon in August and said that IndyMac was in danger of failure, thus precipitating the run that culminated in the October surprise economic meltdown.

    Obama then pursues job killing policies for 2 and a half years and you sit there and accuse the Republicans of trying to crash the economy?

    I don't know how you breathe with your head so far up your ass.

  110. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Stevey with the too tight weavey Said..

    "I don't remember another time in history when there was only one person without question who would represent the party. Says a lot."

    Name the Republicans who ran against Reagan in 84 and Bush in 2004.

    Does it hurt to be such a stupid goober?

    Steve, I have lost track on the number of times you have been wrong, yet cannot remember once that you were right. Do you ever think or are you just such a hateful racist that everything comes out of your ass?

    Does it hurt to keep getting spanked like this? Don't you have any hesitation to getting publicy shamed time and time again? You know everyone knows how dumb you are, yet sees you call others dumb, why? Why do you do this to yourself?


    1984: Candidates for Republican Primaries

    Ben Fernandez

    Harold Stasson

    As we know, Reagan Won.

    Bush 2004

    Blake Ashby
    Richard Bosa
    John Buchanan
    Michael Callis
    Robert Haines
    Tom Laughlin
    John Rigazio
    Bill Wyatt of California

    Now history tells us Bush won the primary. Are you going to say you knew this?

    You truly do get dumber and dumber with each post. How in the hell do you function in the world? Oh, I know crutches and wheelchairs.

    So now, why are all your bananas linked to one candidate?

  111. mack:

    who could be more repub than that ruthless hobama and his rabid banksters


    i voted for hillary

    then i voted for hobama by default

    i deeply regret that daily

    i will never vote again


    i refuse to choose between feces and colorized feces

    see more on that:

  112. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Barack Obama is lazy.

    He is good at giving speeches. He is a master at ribbon-cutting ceremonies. It is ironic that he flubbed protocol in front of the Queen of England because he is the only person besides her and Hillary Clinton who receives a paycheck to smile and wave "hello" to people.

    The man does not do any real work. He does not know how. He has coasted through life with people telling him how exceptional he is despite a track record of accomplishment that screams mediocrity.

    During the 2008 campaign it was pointed out that he had never run a state, city, or business. As a community organizer, his job was to stand on the corner yelling "no justice, no peace." Compared to most people who have to be at work at a certain time and maintain certain hours doing real tasks, he pretty much led a charmed life. He was Barry the stoner in college, and used his gift of gab to charm the right people. They then promoted him all the way to the White House.

    Yet once the inaugural balls were over, he showed a complete disinterest in doing the work. He blamed his predecessor and displayed remarkable petulance for a man unwilling to contribute actual effort regarding legislation.

    His water carriers will praise him for passing health care, but this is not true. He had all but given up the issue for dead. Like her or not, it was the Pelosiraptor who rammed the bill down American throats and into law.

    His own budget proposal was so ludicrous that it was rejected 97-0. Paul Ryan offered a serious plan. Mr. Obama responded with everything but his own proposal.

    How does a man not have a plan for something as serious as the debt ceiling? How does a man wait months and months until the eleventh hour and then tell everybody else that they need to treat the matter seriously?

    What does one call a man who talks about cutting spending, but cannot find one single domestic discretionary program that he would actually cut?

    We call that man lazy.

    After three years in office, certain valid questions should have been answered by Mr Obama.

    What specific programs would the president cut?

    He wants us to innovate. What does that mean?

    Where are the jobs?

    Why did the stimulus fail?

    Where is his budget plan?

    At this point it is too much to ask this man to contribute anything worthwhile from a policy standpoint. The best Americans can hope for is for this man to channel his inner Bill Clinton after the 1994 midterms.

    Mr. Obama needs to do the one thing even Bill Clinton forced himself to learn how to do.

    Mr. Obama needs to be quiet and get out of the way. Let the adults handle things.

  113. mack:

    why would any sane person bother to vote in 2012....really?

    Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi walks through Barack Obama’s banking sellout, beginning with the president’s transition team. According to Taibbi, Obama’s transformation from populist to Wall Street’s best friend started on day one.

  114. why???????

    Taibbi also said that President Barack Obama gave key economic positions away to Wall Street insiders instead of keeping on progressive voices from his presidential campaign.

    During the campaign, Obama was primarily advised by people like Austan Goolsbee from University of Chicago and Karen Kornbluh who is a well known progressive economist. Obama gets elected, the very day he gets elected those people are basically off the team and he brings in a whole bunch of people from Wall Street.

    Primarily he brings in his former college buddy Michael Froman who is a Harvard classmate of Obama’s. Froman was a high-ranking Citigroup executive. He puts Froman in charge on November 5th of running the economic transition team. He was in charge of hiring people for the White House to run economic policy.

    Froman also brought in Jamie Rubin to be his number two. Rubin is the son of Bob Rubin who is a big Citigroup executive as well.

    Rubin probably more than any other person — single person — was responsible for the financial crisis by deregulating the economy in the White House. He also had a major role in helping to destroy one of the world’s biggest companies. You know, Citigroup. He has like one of the worst track records you can possible find in the country and yet he was the guy who was basically the architect of the entire Obama policy. Obama put him in charge of everything. The crew that’s running the policy in the White House is basically all tied to Bob Rubin.

    A couple of weeks after he hires these Citigroup people to run all those hires, they announced the Citigroup bailout which is a massive $300 billion giveaway to Citigroup…

    Watch all of Matt Taibbi’s comments below. His full story is expected in the January edition of Rolling Stone.

  115. ROTLMBAO!!!!!!!!!!

    The braindead goober produces the names of obscure candidates who weren't even invited to the respective conventions.

    Ben freakin Fernandez?????

    I'll tell you anon-goober, you are as much fun as a man can have at work!

  116. why????

    anyone who wastes time voting in 2012 is blind/deluded/masochistic...

    we must be our own politicos

    hobama and his bankster demons in dc cursed and doomed us all long ago

    Even the members of Obama’s economic team who have spent most of their lives in public office have managed to make small fortunes on Wall Street. The president’s economic czar, Larry Summers, was paid more than $5.2 million in 2008 alone as a managing director of the hedge fund D.E. Shaw, and pocketed an additional $2.7 million in speaking fees from a smorgasbord of future bailout recipients, including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. At Treasury, Geithner’s aide Gene Sperling earned a staggering $887,727 from Goldman Sachs last year for performing the punch-line-worthy service of “advice on charitable giving.” Sperling’s fellow Treasury appointee, Mark Patterson, received $637,492 as a full-time lobbyist for Goldman Sachs, and another top Geithner aide, Lee Sachs, made more than $3 million working for a New York hedge fund called Mariner Investment Group. The list goes on and on. Even Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, who has been out of government for only 30 months of his adult life, managed to collect $18 million during his private-sector stint with a Wall Street firm called Wasserstein-Perella.

    The point is that an economic team made up exclusively of callous millionaire-assholes has absolutely zero interest in reforming the gamed system that made them rich in the first place. “You can’t expect these people to do anything other than protect Wall Street,” says Rep. Cliff Stearns, a Republican from Florida. That thinking was clear from Obama’s first address to Congress, when he stressed the importance of getting Americans to borrow like crazy again. “Credit is the lifeblood of the economy,” he declared, pledging “the full force of the federal government to ensure that the major banks that Americans depend on have enough confidence and enough money.” A president elected on a platform of change was announcing, in so many words, that he planned to change nothing fundamental when it came to the economy. Rather than doing what FDR had done during the Great Depression and institute stringent new rules to curb financial abuses, Obama planned to institutionalize the policy, firmly established during the Bush years, of keeping a few megafirms rich at the expense of everyone else.

    That probably won’t happen anytime soon. But at a minimum, Obama should start on the road back to sanity by making a long-overdue move: firing Geithner. Not only are the mop-headed weenie of a Treasury secretary’s fingerprints on virtually all the gross giveaways in the new reform legislation, he’s a living symbol of the Rubinite gangrene crawling up the leg of this administration. Putting Geithner against the wall and replacing him with an actual human being not recently employed by a Wall Street megabank would do a lot to prove that Obama was listening this past Election Day. And while there are some who think Geithner is about to go — “he almost has to,” says one Democratic strategist — at the moment, the president is still letting Wall Street do his talking.

    These are the kinds of voters whom Obama’s gang of Wall Street advisers is counting on: idiots. People whose votes depend not on whether the party in power delivers them jobs or protects them from economic villains, but on what cultural markers the candidate flashes on TV. Finance reform has become to Obama what Iraq War coffins were to Bush: something to be tucked safely out of sight.

    What’s most troubling is that we don’t know if Obama has changed, or if the influence of Wall Street is simply a fundamental and ineradicable element of our electoral system. What we do know is that Barack Obama pulled a bait-and-switch on us. If it were any other politician, we wouldn’t be surprised. Maybe it’s our fault, for thinking he was different.

  117. One A Day4:35 PM

    Hey field,


    Today is the 171st day of 2011. I noticed the Killadelphia Murder Count now stands at 171!

    You Philly folks have been slacking all year! I knew you'd catch up, sooner or later.
    C'mon now... ya'll still have 194 days left to go before the New Year. No more goofin' off, in the City of Brotherly Love.

  118. Anonymous4:41 PM


    The braindead goober produces the names of obscure candidates who weren't even invited to the respective conventions.

    Ben freakin Fernandez?????

    I'll tell you anon-goober, you are as much fun as a man can have at work!

    HA - As much fun as a mud guppy can have at work, cause real men actually work at work and have to earn a living not living on affirmative action but living on performance.

    You are so single cell brained that I predicted you woudl come back and say something like this. They were candidates, I won't debate you on what your definition of obscure is and wether you want to dismiss them or not but some of them got plenty of votes, Bush was very strong and as I am sure you admit made a great president.

    The time your wife caught you playin with the neighbors little boy she didnt except your excuses when you said, but honey it wasnt another woman so don't think these same tactics will work here either.

    Now, the question that you have yet again evaded by posing your usual liberal twist and attack tactics was this is the first time I recall there are NO other candidates for a parties presidential primary. Now, are there any OBSCURE candidates or anything else you like to call it other then the Commie in the whitehouse for the 2012 presidential democratic race? Are there? Can you focus for a moment and answer that? Or is King Obama the only blessed one?

    Phew, what a dunce, next thing you know he will say I am only saying he is dumb because he is black and not because he is.

  119. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Another black thug mob robbin and stealin, now in New jersey they passed a law that food places must have an armed guard or they cannot stay open overnight. Gotta love black america turning into a third world nation faster and faster.

    Where are the adults reigning in these youths?

  120. Hey dumbass Goober

    The primaries and elections aren't until next year and I assure you that there will be some Wile E. Coyote or Dennis the Menace somewhere running for President as a Democrat.

    But tell me, just for yuks.

    Do you even know who Ben Fernandez is?

    Where's he from? What does he do?

    How many votes did he get?

    I'll give you credit for determination though.

    You're a determined imbecile.


  121. OOOOPPPPS!!!

    Looks like anon-goober didn't quite tell the whole Ben Fernandez story.

    "In 1984 Fernandez attempted a second run for the Presidency, but was unsuccessful. In that year, he basically kept to the New Hampshire primary, along with perennial candidate Harold Stassen. Each received around one percent of the vote. Fernandez ran a campaign on a similar scale in 1988, largely ceremonially."

    Goober, keep it coming.

    I never tire of making you look like the pathetic fool that you are.

  122. Anonymous5:08 PM

    UTS, noticed the back of the room lad uses multiple sockpuppets. They are just following the lead of the fatwiteimport riot for bush in Miami. Or the bulk purchases of wingnut books. Or the fake callers to ManDumpling.
    At most, there are two Con Trolls posting. And that is being generous. Like the clewless callow youth they never grew out of, they thinkerate they are fooling 'teacher' this case, the audience of the blog.
    As a moderate Liberal/Progressive, I am truly the middle of politics. Well, if you use Science and Data. By any valid measurement, I am the boring and bland vast middle voter. Yes, I have tested this way since (Year). If I test the hypothesis in the European political spectrum, I am even more middling.
    So, when a lad who needs to sockpuppet for supporters and pretend friends tries to make stuff up...I find it a great source of amusement to allow them to fake 'expertise'. By making their claims, they remove all validity Any competent adult can see the idiocy on the face. Like saying one is an Engineer...but lacks basic Math skills. Or that, by magically saying Obama is a KenyanMooslimSoshlustCommie, he magically becomes one. That is the thought process of a five year old. By 15, one should have a much firmer grasp on Reality.
    Maybe, I'll 'out' some more fibbers. Or not.
    I still encourage them to use Facts and Data.


  123. why would anyone who is paying attn ever vote for any consummate failure/bankster hoax like that blackish dick hobama????

    With all the talk of debt ceilings and federal spending cuts, you might think that the era of stimulus programs was behind us. Think again. I strongly suspect that by the end of the summer both parties will be putting together yet another tax and spending bill designed to get the economy going. Call it Stimulus 4.0.
    Such a package will fly in the face of efforts to cut the deficit, but that won't prevent it from being enacted. With the economic picture darkening daily, the burden of preventing another slump is falling on the White House and Congress. The Fed, which has just finished its second dose of quantitative easing, seems determined to sit on its hands. Before long, incumbents in both parties will start to panic about next year's election. Debates about the size of the federal government will take a back seat to getting reelected, and the result will be more tax cuts and spending increases.

    The White House is already floating the idea of rolling over this year's payroll tax cut, which was supposed to be temporary, and extending it to employers. The proposal, which would cost up to $200 billion, appeals to the Republicans' corporate base, and it could even be included in a last-minute deal to raise the debt ceiling. If that doesn't happen, the idea will be resurrected in September, when Congress returns to session and when it will be accompanied by other costly suggestions to help the jobless, such as extending unemployment benefits (again), boosting tax credits for capital investments (again), and providing firms with subsidies for hiring people.

  124. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hey dumbass Goober

    The primaries and elections aren't until next year and I assure you that there will be some Wile E. Coyote or Dennis the Menace somewhere running for President as a Democrat.

    But tell me, just for yuks.

    Do you even know who Ben Fernandez is?

    Where's he from? What does he do?

    How many votes did he get?

    I'll give you credit for determination though.

    You're a determined imbecile.


    This is like playing with a baby, I know genetically your IQ is quite low but really it is getting tiring.

    Yes of course I know who Fernandez is. I am not you, I don't emphatically say shit that I don't have a clue about. He was seriously in the running for awhile as the first latino in California- You know where that is right? You know what latinos are right? Wasn't the question wether or not there was another candidate, not one you deemed worthy or not?

    Too bad for you that the only other viable democrat you see qualified to run against Obama would be in your own words the likes of Wile Coyote or Dennis the Menace, I have to agree with you there. Considering the members of the black caucus intelligence (Island og Guam Tipping over) and corruption scandals (9 under investigation) Wiley and Dennis would be the best of the dems and frontrunners, so of course all your money is on the marxist in chief even though he has destroyed the country, why because to you, you have to vote democratic and above all else for the white man with a black sperm donor in the white house. You are not smart enough to do anything different.

    Now, again you finally answered the question although I am sure your smaller intellect didn't realize it. To recap, without Obama, you don't have a hope. Interestingly enough Obama running against a generic no name republican is losing every poll. So if you were smart ( I know, I know and I really am not being sarcastic) the democratic party would have a plan b. But, they won't and the economy will continue to die and democrats will conntinue to do nothing but blame and point fingers like petulant children, no way they will present a budget now afte 700+ days and Obama's own budget being laughed at and wholeheartedly voted down; will lose and then you will riot as you do with everything you don't like and there is more, but it is too over your head to actually think and plan ahead on what this will all mean for race relations and the U.S so we will leave it at that. But others aren't leave it to someone else to think ahead, they are planning and you may just find you are the one not ready and not have anyone to bail you out or that you can blame this time.

    See ya later Goober Stevey. Have you ever taken an IQ test? Lemme guess it had to have been about I right? I know, I know, intelligence and tests "is racist".

  125. Anonymous5:12 PM

    UTS, note how the Goobers follow the marching orders. How their Nazi foreGoobers must be proud!
    Yes, the same invective against the vitality-stealing Libruls was the same moronic spew lied against the Jews.
    Libruls too smart, too 'ffeminate, too urban, too dissolute, too wealthy, too successful....
    Same stuff they lied about the Jews.
    Seems they want a repeat of murdering unarmed fellow citizens.

  126. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    UTS, noticed the back of the room lad uses multiple sockpuppets

    Hey, that reminds me Socrates/Mold/Vilgar Anon, Lawyer, baker, candlestick maker, teacher, radio owner, DJ etc....

    Make sure you clean your socks before you use them to take care of yourself tonight, Steve mentioned he saw a really nasty sore on the tip last night and I am sure it is from reusing that dirty sock he mentioned.

  127. Anonymous5:17 PM


    Anonymous said...
    UTS, note how the Goobers follow the marching orders. How their Nazi foreGoobers must be proud!
    Yes, the same invective against the vitality-stealing Libruls was the same moronic spew lied against the Jews.
    Libruls too smart, too 'ffeminate, too urban, too dissolute, too wealthy, too successful....

    You definitely have to be butt bongo buddies with steve, who in the world ever told you anyone thinks liberals are smart, wealthy and successful.....aren't liberals the ones saying republicans are the wealthy ones? As for smart.....ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhhhhhahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Just look at you and Steve....Smart? Thanks for the laugh Moldilox. Hey how many members signed up for your club today? Or are you guys like Obama? Nobody wants to play but you?

  128. Marlin Perkins5:17 PM

    Moldy said:

    "As a moderate Liberal/Progressive, I am truly the middle of politics. Well, if you use Science and Data. By any valid measurement, I am the boring and bland vast middle voter."

    That's hilarious, you senile old fart. If you're a "middle voter", then an alephant is nothing but a big pig with a long nose.

  129. downlowsteve5:18 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I'll tell you anon-goober, you are as much fun as a man can have at work!

    Well, since you was busted for watching porn, that is.

  130. we are broke

    but hobama is LEGENDARILY rich yet again via his bankster owners


  131. mellaneous5:23 PM

    So Field where do you think we are heading? Your prognosis sounds a little bleak. Don't you believe that everything will just self correct?

    @Desertflower- The money for war is borrowed. Whenever someone says that the money used for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be used at home for education, health care or beneficial, some wise guy will quickly point out that the money is borrowed.

    I always think than why can't we used that borrowed money? The point of course is that everyone here likes to speak in terms of "we" whereas in reality the folks running things don't see us as part of "we." We regular folks are just workers or means to an end or providers of the human and raw material for their raw material.

    @Steve- if you think about it your nemesis AB does have a point. Obama almost acts as conservative as any Republican. I know that he has enacted a few light weight things but she has an interesting point.

  132. Anonymous5:25 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    I'll tell you anon-goober, you are as much fun as a man can have at work!

    Well, since you was busted for watching porn, that is.

    Steve, this is your boss. I need your sales figures trended by month and VS last year on my desk first thing in the morning. Word has it you do nothing but blog all day and I want to review the current incentive scheme where you are credited for existing customer sales revenue as well as revenue sold in other locations. We are going to start looking at just what you do, specifically what revenue YOU have generated - afferm-ma-teeve action be gott-damned and gott help you if I find child porn or pictures of men with socks on thier winkies on your computer.

  133. faceless shameless soulless kosher kkk kapo needs slaps:

    any resemblance to your own demonic mug?

    cc this to a jew blog now!!!

    The dismembered body of a 9-year-old Hasidic boy, who went missing from a Brooklyn day camp on Monday, was found stuffed inside a suitcase and thrown in a dumpster, according to the NY Post. Little Leibby Kletsky’s body parts were found discarded in 2 separate locations in Brooklyn, NY on Tuesday.

    Acting on tips and credit card receipts, police raided a Kensington home on E. 2nd Street this morning and arrested 35-year-old suspect Levi Aron, who led them to the locations where he discarded Leibby’s body parts. Leibby’s severed feet were found in the man’s freezer.

    Leibby was allowed to walk alone from the Boyan Day Camp on 44th street near 12th Avenue to meet his parents who had a doctor’s appointment on 13th Avenue and 50th street on Monday, according to the NY Post. Leibby was last seen leaving the Boyan Day Camp at 4:50 p.m.

    Boro Park Shomrim chief Simcha Bernath said the family confirmed the boy walked by himself, but normally he took the bus. The couple even took special pains to repeatedly go over the boy’s walking route with him, a friend said.

    Leibby was instructed to walk one block to 13th Avenue and then turn right on 13th Avenue and walk to 50th Street, said a family friend, Rabbi Bernard Freilich.

    Leibby was captured on grainy surveillance images from a Locksmith shop on 45th Street and Dahill Road. He had walked up 44th Street as instructed, but instead of turning right on 13th Avenue, he kept going to 45th Street.

    A gold car is seen in the video parallel parking at the curb near the shop. As Leibby walks into the video frame, a bearded Hasidic man crosses in front of him. In the next frame, the same man is seen walking back towards the gold car with Leibby following closely behind him.

    The man — who police described as “a person of interest” — is seen driving off in the gold car.

    Police said the suspect worked as a stock clerk at the Empire State Supply Co. hardware store on McDonald Avenue in Kensington

    A co-worker said Aron is divorced with no kids and acted completely normal at work yesterday. Aron allegedly suffocated Leibby before chopping him up. 3 knives were found in a butcher block inside Aron’s apartment.

    Leibby was the youngest child in a family of 5 girls. His distraught father, Nachman, had “tears in his eyes” as he watched the video footage of his son, according to Moishe Lefkovitz, the manager of the locksmith shop where the video was taken.

    “He kept shaking his head, saying, ‘Where are you going? Where are you going? What are you doing?’ ”

  134. mellaneous5:27 PM

    @Morissey are you a banker, a Wall Street bigwig, a corporate head or some rich guy because that's the only way that saying Reagan saved "us" makes any sense.

    And this gov't is taking us to Third World like conditions no matter who heads it. Trust me if you live long enough your analysis is going to look pretty silly when you are in the bread line.

  135. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Moldy said:

    "As a moderate Liberal/Progressive, I am truly the middle of politics. Well, if you use Science and Data. By any valid measurement, I am the boring and bland vast middle voter."

    Oh, Mold is vast in the middle allright, since he got kicked out of school and hangs out in mommies basement he gained lots of weight.

  136. mell:


    & he is certainly no resident of cali/any contra crack filled hood via that dick hobama's hero dope peddler ronny raygun...


  137. Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since 19825:32 PM

    Anonymous said...
    UTS, noticed the back of the room lad uses multiple sockpuppets. They are just following the lead of the fatwiteimport riot for bush in Miami. Or the bulk purchases of wingnut books. Or the fake callers to ManDumpling.

    What fake calls?

    What bulk book purchasses?

    Evidence please.

    Does mold not think her false claims can't be research?Her lies and ignorance can't be exposed?

    This is how you deal with Liberal mouth breathers.

    Challenge their posts.Their lack of fact and knowledge will be exposed.

  138. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Mell, st reagan 'saved' the idiot inbreds who are religio-crazees. His funneling of much Federal money to their christian skools and kkkolleges kept them from failing. He also 'saved' racist memes from the dustbin of History. Recall how he picked folks who tried to neglect their duties to enforce Civil rights? Or the constant drumbeat of 'welfare queens'?
    He also 'saved' the banksters from consequences and businesscrooks form jail.
    Though, for the posters is more about pretending racist morons are suitable for public discourse.


  139. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Oh mY god, Mold has just been found in a basement in Atlanta ON A 3 YEAR OLD........

  140. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Sorry Troll, the bulk book purchases of wingnut works is proven. As are the fake callers.
    Your denial is cute...and you should be aware that the links are available. Which ones do you wish to avoid researching? The business breakdown of book buying? The statements of publishers? The data from the bookstores? As far as the callers being paid can pretend to not know about the services that provide the 'callers'. You can deny that staffers have already given evidence.

    Gosh, you are soo much fun. Like a four year old aping Daddy.
    Unlike Cons, a challenge to me only shows that you are too lazy or stoopid to do the work. It does NOT mean I don't have the citations to 'slap' you with.;)


  141. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Though, for the posters is more about pretending racist morons are suitable for public discourse.


    No one is pretending, several have been telling you for ages you make no sense and are not suitable for anything... .

  142. why??????

    we are ALL doomed by the blackish hoax of that repub dick hobama!!!!

    Barack Obama is salivating at the prospect of concluding his Big Deal with the Republicans, the one that will move the center robustly – even transformatively – to the Right, where this president really lives. The debt-limit deadline is Obama’s big chance to panic a significant part of the Democratic Party into joining in the rape of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. “When the debt-limit showdown arrives, pray for gridlock, which would at least mean there is still resistance to Republican extortion.”

    President Obama says he’s determined to make the “big deal” with the Republicans – not like the little, piddling deals he has been cutting all along to benefit the corporate classes, but the BIG deal, the grand consensus he believes he was born to forge with the GOP. Although it’s true that it will take a whopper of a deal to outclass the bipartisan joint venture that transferred $14 trillion to Wall Street, the vast bulk of it on Obama’s watch, the First Black President is nothing if not ambitious. Obama’s Big Deal is actually the coup de grace for Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson's Great Society – relics, like Black activism, standing in the way of a post-everything world.

    Half or more of the Congressional Black Caucus will do whatever the White House asks of it, will sacrifice anything and everything dear to African American interests in order to preserve this particular Black family in the executive mansion for as long as possible. But many of Obama’s white groupies are facing the fact that they backed a corporate Trojan Horse. Paul Krugman, the columnist for the New York Times, should not have needed a Nobel Prize in economics to realize that Obama “basically shares the GOP’s diagnosis of what ails our economy and what should be done to fix it,” or that the president’s eagerness to gut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid “is something Mr. Obama and those he listens to apparently want for its own sake.”

    In other words, this guy works for the other side because that’s where his soul is – if he has one. He advocates policies that serve corporate pigs because he’s one of them. He harms poor people because he is contemptuous of them, just like his Wall Street friends and patrons. His administration is negligent or hostile to Black aspirations for the same reasons as his white business buddies, with whom he shares a worldview. He is every bit as much a war criminal as Bush, and as morally debased.

    The last thing we need is to allow this guy to conclude his long-sought Big Deal with the GOP under cover of a debt-limit crisis.

  143. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry Troll, the bulk book purchases of wingnut works is proven. As are the fake callers.
    Your denial is cute...and you should be aware that the links are available.


    Well post them.Whats so hard about that?

    Why can't you back up anything you post about with links?

  144. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Why can't you back up anything you post about with links?

    Cause bullshit dribbles and doesn't make a firm surface.

  145. Mold's a Bluffing Buffoon5:49 PM

    Let me guess:

    Moldy will say something akin to"I'm not doing your work for you".

    When the fact is, the only links Moldy could supply come straight from George Soros's talking points.

  146. Join Club Moldilox Today5:52 PM

    Join CLub Moldilox Today

    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Private Language:

    Join the Moldilox Club today; this is a limited and exclusive offer:

    Club President: Mold - White Male/Pretenderating To be Black Granny.

    Vice President: Uptown Steve: Pretendarating to understand how light switches and flushable toilets work.

    Assistant V.P - Valet and Chaffuer - Purple Cow - Assist's Mold with frequent adult diaper changes and topical application of anti rash cream.

    Club requirements strictly enforced.

    *Must be able to speak Gibberish,(MoldiloxSpeak)
    clear communication is not necessary and highly undesireable
    *Must be able to assume the opposite stance of anything logical and scientifically known to man, despite overwhelming evidence
    *Must eliminate the words logic and common sense from all practical aspects of existance.
    *Ability to use blame the world crutches with wheelchair experience and shackles a plus.
    *Must totally enjoy the feel of a full wet used adult diaper against the skin for extended periods of time.
    *Must posses little to no integrity and self respect; no respect for others tolerated.
    *Must be able to spin on a dime and blame everyone in the world for events except those responsible
    *Must be able to spin well enough that video evidence is deemed different than actually viewed
    *Must be able to stand the stench of fecal matter eminating from ones own mouth (and diaper)
    *Must be able to apply fallback excuses of non related historical events.
    *Must recognize that when the gift is not accepted as the bestedess ever; blame the wrapping paper.

    Several other restriction's apply; please contact any of the club officers for applications and for complete list of eligibility requirements.

  147. Anonymous6:01 PM

    You still have to do your own work. As far as Soros, that only exists in your you only know how to swallow marching assume others do.
    I even gave you hints to do the work. But, I knew you would avoid it. If you did the research, you would have to admit that the Data exists and I am correct. It is also the irritation you feel knowing a 'pass for' is telling you 'No'. In public. With plenty of witnesses to your racist failure.
    Maybe you should be adult and do your own work? Or...continue being the butt of the joke.


  148. Anonymous6:02 PM

    cast iron skillet hella black alicia banks sit down and shut the phukk up dummy!

  149. mellaneous6:08 PM

    Mold said:
    "st reagan 'saved' the idiot inbreds who are religio-crazees. His funneling of much Federal money to their christian skools and kkkolleges kept them from failing. He also 'saved' racist memes from the dustbin of History. Recall how he picked folks who tried to neglect their duties to enforce Civil rights? Or the constant drumbeat of 'welfare queens'?
    He also 'saved' the banksters from consequences and businesscrooks form jail"

    Mold those are excellent points and you are exactly right.

    Reagan's policies that supported a totally unregulated capitalism just opened the door for more thorough exploitation of the masses by the rich. He increased tax cuts for the rich gave them a larger trough to slop from. He deregulated everything. And then they had the nerve to tell poor folks that it will trickle down to them.

    Conservative white folks still celebrate him because he nourished their politics of resentment. They hated everyone who they felt was getting something they didn't deserve and every thing and every one that wasn't like them.

    All their resentment didn't put any food on their plate or make their lives.

    In fact most economists trace the roots of the recession and the ridiculous gains by the rich and comparable loss gof real income by the poor, back to Reagan.

  150. I am Ronnie Raygun6:23 PM

    • "Ronald Reagan never raised taxes."
    Reagan not only raised taxes as President, he raised them on some of the richest Americans - more than once. Robert Shapiro in Forbes gets the facts right.

    • "Reagan's economic policies ushered in an era of unprecedented growth."
    Not really. Nobel prizewinning economist Paul Krugman uses official Bureau of Labor Statistics' numbers to disprove that claim.

    • "All the best current Republican candidates are really Republicans like Reagan."
    Most current candidates for major Republican offices aren't even close to the man they claim as their political guide. In fact, if the last five Republican presidents were judged by current Republican party standards, none of them - especially Reagan - were conservative enough for their party today.

    • "All those horrible stories about Reagan being less conservative are revisionist history, written after his death."
    Joshua Green, currently a senior editor at The Atlantic, was an editor at the Washington Monthly in 2003, when Reagan was still alive. His piece from that year showcases Reagan's liberal legacy.

    • "Reagan NEVER had Alzheimer's symptoms while he was in office."
    Legendary CBS reporter Lesley Stahl was in a position to have almost daily access to the President. In her book Reporting Live, published in 2000, she relates a story that almost certainly disproves that myth - and also tends to match what is known about the medical progression of Alzheimer's.

    • "All you media people didn't REALLY know President Reagan - so you don't know how he REALLY was."
    That may be true for some media people. However, President Ronald Reagan's son, Ron Reagan - who has also been a member of the media - had the same kind of nearly unlimited access that most sons do to their fathers. In his recent memoir, My Father at 100, Ron Reagan busts many of the myths - on all sides - that others have constructed about his father.

  151. They call me Mr. Raygun6:29 PM

    Reagan was a tax-cutter.

    Certainly, Reagan's boldest move as president was his 1981 tax cut, a sweeping measure that slashed the marginal rate on the wealthiest Americans from 70 percent to 50 percent. The legislation also included smaller cuts in lower tax brackets, as well as big breaks for corporations and the oil industry. But the following year, as the economy was mired in recession and the federal deficit was spiraling out of control, even groups such as the Business Roundtable lobbied Reagan to raise taxes. And he did: The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 was, at the time, the largest peacetime tax increase in U.S. history.

    Ultimately, Reagan signed measures that increased federal taxes every year of his two-term presidency except the first and the last. These included a higher gasoline levy, a 1986 tax reform deal that included the largest corporate tax increase in American history, and a substantial raise in payroll taxes in 1983 as part of a deal to keep Social Security solvent. While wealthy Americans benefitted from Reagan's tax policies, blue-collar Americans paid a higher percentage of their income in taxes when Reagan left office than when he came in.

  152. My name is Raygun and I came back to save America6:31 PM

    Reagan nearly tripled the federal budget deficit. During the Reagan years, the debt increased to nearly $3 trillion, “roughly three times as much as the first 80 years of the century had done altogether.” Reagan enacted a major tax cut his first year in office and government revenue dropped off precipitously. Despite the conservative myth that tax cuts somehow increase revenue, the government went deeper into debt and Reagan had to raise taxes just a year after he enacted his tax cut. Despite ten more tax hikes on everything from gasoline to corporate income, Reagan was never able to get the deficit under control.
    Unemployment soared after Reagan’s 1981 tax cuts. Unemployment jumped to 10.8 percent after Reagan enacted his much-touted tax cut, and it took years for the rate to get back down to its previous level. Meanwhile, income inequality exploded. Despite the myth that Reagan presided over an era of unmatched economic boom for all Americans, Reagan disproportionately taxed the poor and middle class, but the economic growth of the 1980′s did little help them. “Since 1980, median household income has risen only 30 percent, adjusted for inflation, while average incomes at the top have tripled or quadrupled,” the New York Times’ David Leonhardt noted.

  153. Al is bitch slapping (Not you N0_Slappz)those teapublicans on Dude couldn't answer Al on why the the tax cuts enacted since 2001 hasn't created jobs..Dudes talking point went straight to 2008, skipped over the years in between..He never answered Al's question. Hate him or not Obama is gonna get a 2nd term. Sorry Haters.

    I hope Al gets his own show on MSNBC.

  154. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I hope Al gets his own show on MSNBC.

    Al? You mean this criminal/Fraud?

  155. Anonymous9:10 PM

    mellaneous said...
    "The money for war is borrowed. Whenever someone says that the money used for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be used at home for education, health care or beneficial, some wise guy will quickly point out that the money is borrowed"
    Yup!!! Always an excuse!

  156. O'Connell has come out and said that they can't fix this problem or Obama will get re-elected. That's your Right Wing working hard for y'all.

    What I don't get is the argument that we can't raise taxes on the wealthiest 2% because it won't make that big of a difference. Wha???? I'm dead ass broke and I shouldn't take a gig where I could make $100 because it won't make that big of a difference? Why is this country buying this bullcrap? The wealthiest 2% pay less taxes than I do. They can afford it!
