Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A "big black cloud" is hanging over Thibodaux.

Now you all know me, I can chase the big R with the best of em. But a couple of recent incidents have me crying slow down just a little and let's trot around the track.

A top A-merry-can diplomat in India found herself in some hot water recently for the following remarks: "I was on a 24-hour train trip from Delhi to Orissa," the eastern Indian state, Chao continued, according to Agence-France Press. "But, after 72 hours, the train still did not reach the destination ... and my skin became dirty and dark like the Tamilians."...

The U.S. consulate soon posted a statement of apology on its website:"During the speech Ms. Chao made an inappropriate comment," the statement, posted Saturday, read. "Ms. Chao deeply regrets if her unfortunate remarks offended anyone, as that was certainly not her intent."

Chao's comment came while she was attempting to recount "positive memories from her own study experiences in India 23 years ago," the statement continued." [Source]

Ok, that's one. Now here is the other one: "Barely days into his official presidential campaign, Texas Gov. Rick Perry has been a gusher of controversial quotes, calling President Obama’s patriotism into question, making vaguely threatening statements about Fed chairman Ben Bernanke, and now, making what some see as a blatant reference to President Obama’s race by saying that “a big black cloud” is hanging over the country. AURN White House Correspondent April Ryan, for one, wasn’t shy about calling Perry out.... 

The quote has been held up as a not-so-veiled reference to the President’s race. Loop21’s Maurice Garland translated Perry’s remark:
After that he said that a “big black cloud” was hanging over the country. In Perry-speak that means there’s a “big black guy running the country and I’m not too happy about it.”

Garland went on to say that he “hope(s) (Perry) doesn’t actually start ‘hanging’ these big black clouds he speaks of.”

Veteran White House reporter April Ryan, who was recently elected to the board of the White House Correspondents Association, was quick to call Perry out via her Twitter feed, tweeting “Rick Perry’s words ‘a black cloud over this country.’ He knows exactly what he is saying and appealing to. Perry has to remember if he is President he would be POTUS over all including black america who are part of his ‘black cloud.’” [Source] 

OK, so maybe I have to think about the Governor Big Hair quote a little more. Sometimes I just can't hear those racist dog whistles. But then, I am not supposed to. They are not meant for me.

Finally, speaking of black clouds; they are hanging over one particular Louisiana town tonight and here is why: "THIBODAUX, La. -The mother of 7 year old Jori Lirette can’t help but ask why, her son was brutally murdered allegedly at the hands of his own father. Jori has cerebral palsy and heart problems.

“He was a very important person in my life, maybe the best thing that ever happened to me,” says Jesslyn Lirette

30 year old Jeremiah Wright is accused of bludgeoning, decapitating and dismembering Jori Lirette. Thibodaux police say Wright left his disabled son’s head near the street in front of the family home, so the child’s mother would see it when she returned from running errands."

"See I told you that Obama was no good, now look what his pastor done went and did." No wingnuts, not that Jeremiah Wright. This Jeremiah Wright [see pic]probably hated Obama as much as you do.

"Veteran police officers who initially arrived on the scene to investigate were reportedly in tears. Outside of the home, a memorial is growing and the close knit community is shaken as well.

“It’s real hard to walk into campus this morning and see so many empty looking eyes because everybody is grieving over his death,” says Principal Diane Smith

Investigators are trying to understand too. They say when officers arrived at the house, Wright was standing on the front porch.

“Actually he told the officers that it was a CPR dummy, that the head was a CPR dummy,” says Chief Scott Sillveri

Later, they say Wright confessed to killing his son and cutting him up in the kitchen sink. Police say Wright’s only explanation for placing his son’s head by the road was to make the boy’s mother feel stupid when she saw it.
Wright has been in trouble before. He was arrested for contempt of court and drug charges.

“You will be missed and loved by everyone and we will pray every day in your honor. Love you,” says Jesslyn Lirette

Through tears, Jori’s mother, called him a star who will never be forgotten.

Wright is being held on a $5 million bond.

The boy’s mother said she left the house to go get her truck fixed so she could take Jori to the doctor Tuesday.

The couple was not married. They had been together, though, for 10 years."

Ten years?! Wow, that's a lot of clouds.


  1. I Got a cloud, too.10:09 PM

    Oh, come on....Big Black Cloud hanging over me has been an expression for Years & Years!

    Even Snoopy had one! (no, the real Schultz dog).

    It's been in so many songs!

    You're picking at every nit you see.

  2. Crazy is as crazy does, I guess. You know, not everybody thinks of Black people when they hear the words "dark cloud." Sometimes a word is just a word.

  3. Rick Perry ‘Big Black Cloud’ Quote Edited Out Of Context By MSNBC And ABC News

    GOP hopeful Gov. Rick Perry drew fire from some quarters earlier over a remark, reported by ABC News’ The Note blog, that “a ‘big black cloud’ hangs over the country.”

    As it turns out, Perry’s remark was much more specific. While he did use the phrase “big black cloud,” he was referring explicitly to the debt, as the full video of Perry’s remark reveals.

    Now, Schultz could have aired the entire clip, and still tried to make the case that Perry’s remark was poorly chosen. Chopping the clip the way he did was dishonest and, at best, an oversell by a zealous partisan commentator.

    But there is no excuse for ABC News’ reporters abridging Perry’s remark in that fashion. It was their reporting upon which April Ryan, and others, relied in forming their strong reactions to the quote, and not Schultz’s edited clip. It was the truncated, oddly-paraphrased fashion in which ABC reported his remark (“Perry warned that a ‘big black cloud’ hangs over the country”) which made me contact them (and Perry’s campaign) to check on the quote in the first place.

    We also performed several searches for video of Perry’s remarks before publication, but found nothing.

    Whatever your opinion of Governor Perry, politically or otherwise, he deserves to be quoted as fairly and completely as any other figure. Not to do so is inexcusable.

    Update: Salon’s Joan Walsh points out that The Ed Show didn’t completely edit out Perry’s comments about the debt. They play his lead-in comment, “Being able to pay off 14 and a half, 16 trillion dollars worth of debt. That big black cloud that hangs over America.”

    The clip did cut off Perry’s next remark, which would have been “That big black cloud that hangs over America, that debt that is so monstrous…”

    That’s an important bit of context, and contrary to Walsh’s tweet, BreitbartTV’s clip did include the full Ed Show lead-in. Walsh has a point, though, that Ed can make the case that he left in sufficient context, and that critics’ real problem is with the opinion he offered.

    The same cannot be said of ABC News’ The Note, who truncated and paraphrased Perry’s quote at both ends, completely removing any reference to the debt.

    Update: ABC News Deputy Political Director Michael Falcone responds by telling Mediaite, “Perry was speaking about the economy when he said that. We stand by the accuracy of our quote.”

    In the original ABC piece, the “big black clouds” quote was preceded by several quotes that were directed at President Obama, but were also about economic issues. Including the part of the quote that dealt with the debt would have greatly clarified Perry’s meaning. In fairness to Falcone, that doesn’t mean the omission was anything but an innocent editorial decision.

  4. http://www.mediaite.com/tv/rick-perry-big-black-cloud-quote-taken-out-of-context-by-msnbc-and-abc-news/

    Try again hustlas.

  5. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Obama as "Black cloud?" Puh--leeze. Barack Obama is perhaps the least threatening black man in the history of the United States, and that's part of his problem.

  6. Wesley R10:54 PM

    Anonymous 10:32pm,

    Amen! But that's why he was picked to run.

  7. Anonymous10:54 PM

    The quote has been held up as a not-so-veiled reference to the President’s race. Loop21’s Maurice Garland translated Perry’s remark:
    After that he said that a “big black cloud” was hanging over the country. In Perry-speak that means there’s a “big black guy running the country and I’m not too happy about it.”

    The fake race baiting starts already, Obama and the democrats are so , so afraid of Perry and rightly so. Only they blew it. SGT Schultz screwed up and the dems came out and blew the wad on a totally false easily disproven story. In fact we have video where he edited it to make it look like what Perry said was racist when it was anything but. No one, will believe anything any fake racebaiting democrat says ever again.

    What Perry said is there is a black cloud of debt hangin over the country, what Sgt Schultz did was edit it, cut it off at black cloud and then SAY HIMSELF that "the black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama" ... For shame.

    But again it is all good, the race card was played used and burned up for good on this one.

    Here is the video, I assume you didn't know and were just playing along as the Soros unofficial mouthpiece.

    I am really glad the dems are flipping out and have struck out awfully in taking swings at Perry. He is the one, add in Marco Rubio or Palin as VP and kiss the Obama credit card goodbye.


  8. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Maybe the dems are right, maybe the issues aren't important as long as you can spin personal lies about people. Oh Noes...I think Obama's white half is racist, in 2009 he said that america will bring light to the world for people who live under that dark cloud...gasp....he is racist, that has to be a dog whistle for...for....gimme a biscuit you pathetic losers.

    Barack Obama - 2009

    "That’s why we must promote our values by living them at home — which is why I have prohibited torture and will close the prison at Guantanamo Bay. And we must make it clear to every man, woman and child around the world who lives under the dark cloud of tyranny that America will speak out on behalf of their human rights, and tend to the light of freedom"

  9. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Do you think this has anything to do with the NAACP and the card on science? You know those racist hallmark people mentioned a black hole and right away the NAACP actually held a press conference cause they thought they said black ho's. Talk about ignorance of science and proper english.

    Seriously it is getting pathetic, are the democrats that much of a bunch of losers? I guess so, all they have is Obama and the usual failed liberal policies, they are starting to look and sound just like Mold - the quintessential democrat.

  10. "Obama as "Black cloud?" Puh--leeze. Barack Obama is perhaps the least threatening black man in the history of the United States, and that's part of his problem."

    A beige cloud, maybe?

    "The fake race baiting starts already, Obama and the democrats are so , so afraid of Perry and rightly so. Only they blew it. SGT Schultz screwed up and the dems came out and blew the wad on a totally false easily disproven story. In fact we have video where he edited it to make it look like what Perry said was racist when it was anything but. No one, will believe anything any fake racebaiting democrat says ever again."

    Is that a link you provided at the end of your comments? Does that link show that Gov. Big Hair is not a racist? If it does, we all owe Gov. Big Hair an apology. Wasn't he hugging some black guy in church the other day? Well, there you have it.

  11. Ed Schultz is now apologizing for his dishonesty.Field needs to do the same.

  12. "Do you think this has anything to do with the NAACP and the card on science? You know those racist hallmark people mentioned a black hole and right away the NAACP actually held a press conference cause they thought they said black ho's. Talk about ignorance of science and proper english."

    Anon., I never saw that story, do you have a lnk? I will wait.....

  13. "Ed Schultz is now apologizing for his dishonesty.Field needs to do the same."

    Field is not Ed. Shultz.

  14. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Here is a real leader, a man of strength and conviction. Not a incompetent apologetic appeasement minded Steve Erckel.

    Top ten qoutes in just a few days. I am lovin it.

    10) “I hate cancer." Perry on why he supported a vaccine mandate in Texas.

    9) “We’re going to stop spending the money, unless I run out of ink in a veto pen.” Perry on how he's going to get a balanced budget.

    8) “I think you want a president who is passionate about America — that’s in love with America.” Rick Perry

    7) “Give him my love” Perry to reporters about fellow GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney

    6) “You don’t need a teleprompter to use it,” Perry on New Hampshire Motto "Live Free or Die."

    5) "We don’t have tsunamis in Texas.” Perry on why he supports nuclear energy.

    4) “I went to Texas A&M; he went to Yale. George Bush is not my opponent.” Perry on George W. Bush

    3) “This was Al Gore before he invented the Internet and got to be Mr. Global Warming" Perry on why he supported Al Gore in 1988

    2) "I never comment on whether I'm carrying a handgun or not . . that's why it's called concealed." Perry on whether he was armed while at the Iowa State Fair

    1) “Anybody that wears that color pants, you gotta win,” Perry to a man wearing salmon colored pants.


  15. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Hell of a campaign spot for Rick Perry, with April Ryan calling him out and falsely accusing him with a completely idiotic doctored tape.

  16. Anonymous11:12 PM

    "Do you think this has anything to do with the NAACP and the card on science? You know those racist hallmark people mentioned a black hole and right away the NAACP actually held a press conference cause they thought they said black ho's. Talk about ignorance of science and proper english."

    Anon., I never saw that story, do you have a lnk? I will wait.....

    Field Really? Are you pulling my leg? This was huge news, hold one I will be right back with the link

  17. Black cloud? They have some nerve, he looks more like a grayish cloud to me.

  18. Anonymous11:20 PM

    The card has a tape and says, hey world you are on notice (someone has graduated) you black holes you are so ominous...and you planets better watch your backs...

    The Naacp can be seen here during their press conference saying that the card references african american women as whores and at the end says "watch your back"

    there is no doubt the card was science based and in full context shows the grad taking over the universe, even energy absorbing black holes, you can clearly hear the "l" in Black Holes.


  19. Anonymous11:24 PM

    La♥audiobooks said...
    Black cloud? They have some nerve, he looks more like a grayish cloud to me.

    Well the presidency has worn him out, tough keeping all those lies straight and he is as he said a mongrel :)

  20. Just Trying To Understand11:33 PM

    Is that a link you provided at the end of your comments? Does that link show that Gov. Big Hair is not a racist? If it does, we all owe Gov. Big Hair an apology. Wasn't he hugging some black guy in church the other day? Well, there you have it.

    11:01 PM

    C'mon field. I respect you. You say, "Does that link show that Gov. Big Hair is not a racist?".

    You're innocent until proven guilty...at least that's the way it's supposed to work in the judicial system. Are you saying he's "proven guilty"?

  21. Goober11:35 PM


    Did you like the pic?

  22. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Is that a link you provided at the end of your comments? Does that link show that Gov. Big Hair is not a racist? If it does, we all owe Gov. Big Hair an apology. Wasn't he hugging some black guy in church the other day? Well, there you have it.

    Field, I respect you too but a cheap comment like this is below you after you accused him of being racist. Does you calling him Governer big hair mean you are racist? I thought I saw you combing some guys nice straight blonde hair the other day, well, there you have it, note I didn't stick around to see if you hugged him or not :)

  23. "C'mon field. I respect you. You say, "Does that link show that Gov. Big Hair is not a racist?".

    You're innocent until proven guilty...at least that's the way it's supposed to work in the judicial system. Are you saying he's "proven guilty"?"

    Well, yes, in our "judicial system" you are. But when you are an older white man from texas..... Hey let's just say that he is guilty until proven innocent. :)

    OK, Anon @ 11:20 PM, I saw the clip. Hmmmm. Black holes, huh? Now after reviewing it, I must say that I would not have made such a big deal about the narrator's phrasing. But the folks in L.A. obviously had issues with Hallmark. Some of them heard whores.

    Hey, those were poor black folks lived through Rodney King. I can't say that I blame them for being vigilant. You white folks will hide the Big R everywhere. Even in a greeting card.

  24. No Secrets11:54 PM

    No, it was a pic I sent him personally. If I could post it here, I would.

    A big, ugly black cloud rolling onshore from the Gulf of Mexico, near Grand Isle, Louisiana.

    No secret.

  25. Dick Tracy11:55 PM

    Hey there's a big black cloud coming out of Field's ass!

    Is it racist to notice?

  26. Gilian Tamilian11:57 PM

    "A top A-merry-can diplomat in India found herself in some hot water recently for the following remarks: "I was on a 24-hour train trip from Delhi to Orissa," the eastern Indian state, Chao continued, according to Agence-France Press. "But, after 72 hours, the train still did not reach the destination ... and my skin became dirty and dark like the Tamilians."..."

    Why that fucking gook! I'll knock the slant right out her eyes!

  27. Anon @11:40. Did you have your camera phone? Why didn't you video tape it? Now that would have been YouTube worthy.

    "Does you calling him Governer big hair mean you are racist?"

    Nope, it means that I am a Hairist.

  28. Dick Tracy there is something ironic about your handle, no?

  29. Democrat Propaganda Dupe11:59 PM

    Rick Perry said “a big black nigger” is hanging over the country?

    Why, I'll knock the white right out of his ass!

  30. Goober12:03 AM

    "Well, yes, in our "judicial system" you are. But when you are an older white man from texas..... Hey, let's just say that he is guilty until proven innocent. :)

    11:52 PM"

    Field, I understand you're:), in your response....but....you have an obligation......don't you?

    Or, should my trust in lawyers already be much more suspect?

  31. Democrat Propaganda Dupe, I see that someone can hear those whistles. :)

    Thanks for translating.

  32. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Hey, those were poor black folks lived through Rodney King. I can't say that I blame them for being vigilant. You white folks will hide the Big R everywhere. Even in a greeting card.

    Allright Field, I understand, I'll leave it at that. One thing thought, the only thing I like to hide that has a big R in it is a rabbitfish.

    I dont think real racists are that subtle. You have to be paranoid to take what people say as always being about you and just because you think everyone is out to get you , doesnt' mean that they aren't.

  33. "While he did use the phrase “big black cloud,” he was referring explicitly to the debt, as the full video of Perry’s remark reveals.

    Now, Schultz could have aired the entire clip, and still tried to make the case that Perry’s remark was poorly chosen. Chopping the clip the way he did was dishonest and, at best, an oversell by a zealous partisan commentator.

    But there is no excuse for ABC News’ reporters abridging Perry’s remark in that fashion."

    Wow, the MSM sure is quick. The guy just announced his run 3 days ago, and they already have the fake story calling him a racist.

    I heard he spit at Rep. Lewis and called him a jiggaboo!

  34. "Field, I understand you're:), in your response....but....you have an obligation......don't you?

    Or, should my trust in lawyers already be much more suspect?"

    More suspect? It shouldn't be suspect at all. The only person you should trust more than your lawyer is your spouse.

  35. Anonymous12:11 AM

    field negro said...
    Democrat Propaganda Dupe, I see that someone can hear those whistles. :)

    Thanks for translating.

    You guys and your whistles, you keep listening for what isn't there and you might miss a lot of what really is there.

    As for translating well I got my translation from a source that really can hear the dog whistles, my dog heard the same whistles, she said it sounded more like eat shit Obama you dork, I am going to eat your lunch, is that racist?

    Nah, only if he said Eat my Black shit coming out of the planet uranus (remember NAACP is sensitive to science terms) then that would have been a possible whistle, or at least a little lip pucker.

  36. "As for translating well I got my translation from a source that really can hear the dog whistles, my dog heard the same whistles, she said it sounded more like eat shit Obama you dork, I am going to eat your lunch, is that racist?"

    Of course not. But your dog is a she?.....Interesting.

    Sounds like you are fired up for November 2012. And who are you voting for pray tell? I am keepng an open mind. Maybe you can convince me to vote for your guy or gal.

    "You guys and your whistles, you keep listening for what isn't there and you might miss a lot of what really is there."

    OK, now you really have me paranoid. What is "there" that I am not seeing? Is this some kind of inside white joke?

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth12:31 AM

    I noticed not one of our regular bigoted crime watchers commented on that horrible crime that Jeremiah Wright committed. Could it be because he is white? I'm waiting for the "He was a good neighbor" line that they always use as an excuse for the so-called white angels.

    That was some sick dung!Jeremiah Wright must be a wingnut. The boy was handicapped and Jeremiah decapitated him and threw his head out front deliberately so that his mother could see it and look stupid. Smh!

    The mother was sleeping with the man for 10 years and he never married her?

    If he lived with her that long, he never intended to marry her. After being with him for 10 years she did not recognize that something was wrong with his mind? She should have left and moved on 8 or 9 years ago and maybe the right man would have come along and her son would be alive today. I feel an overwhelming sadness for her son who is dead because of a bad choice she made in a mate.

    For him to do something that cruel, he must have showed some type of signs that he wasn't playing with a full deck. I would like to know how he treated her son when he was living. We have some very sick puppies living in this world.

  38. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Of course not. But your dog is a she?.....Interesting.

    Pretty good! I got that "shrill" whistle.

    Sounds like you are fired up for November 2012. And who are you voting for pray tell? I am keepng an open mind. Maybe you can convince me to vote for your guy or gal.

    Believe it or not nobody yet, but I am really liking Perry and his credentials so far (Can you tell) None of the other R's did it for me at all and Obama - well I got tired a long time ago of having a hopelessly divided country.

    For some reason I have friends who find some interesting stuff, like that bit about Soros investing in the US credit downgrade before anyone but those who were actually in the room knew, I'll try and swing you over to the light...wait...that wasn't a whistle...I can't hear anything..wheres my dog?....

  39. Anonymous12:53 AM

    That was some sick dung!Jeremiah Wright must be a wingnut. The boy was handicapped and Jeremiah decapitated him and threw his head out front deliberately so that his mother could see it and look stupid. Smh!

    Now Granny was that necessary, I and the majority of the physciatrists in the world see liberalism as a complete mental disorder, delusions, violent, living in denial, black is white, white is black, up is down, down is up, you said this but you really meant this....Violence is ok if for this reason, bombing Afghanistan after 9/11 bad even though democratic congress/senate voted for it, bombing libya and staying against the constitution good, a democrat did it,

    and most of all, Mold is a liberal, want to talk about who is crazy now?

    The guy was a sick puppy, he should be put to death immediately lest his spores infect even plant life. End of story. Has nothing to do with his political views if anything I would bet you Molds next best selling novel that he was in fact a liberal - why? Because liberals support islamic jihadists who practice beheadings, see..using liberal logic now, but it doesnt' really matter does it?

  40. That boy's murder is a horrible, horrible story, and no one should be trying to make political points off of it.

    Come on, people.

  41. GrannyStandingforTruth1:02 AM

    Anonymous 12:53:

    Evading the incident regarding Jeremiah by bringing up something else or someone else does not make it go away.

  42. Anonymous1:10 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Anonymous 12:53:

    Evading the incident regarding Jeremiah by bringing up something else or someone else does not make it go away.

    Granny, your not getting what I said. The only issue is some nutjob beheaded a poor defenseless child, that is reprehensible, inexcusable and I don't want to hear any poor poor boy had a rough childhood statements, He needs to be executed post haste. Now, you were the one who brought up his potential political outlook, not anyone else, then you say someone is trying to make this go away. If they ask me I will help execute him, I will push the plunger once I see the evidence is irrefutable.

    So what are you talking about???

  43. Anonymous1:14 AM

    We live in a violent country, and world. Humans make the earth a dangerous place. It has always been that way. The only difference is violence in the world is escalating and growing.

  44. GrannyStandingforTruth1:17 AM

    I'm not making political points because I have no need to do that because I'm not a politician or political strategist. Matter of fact, I'm one of those people that those politicians are trying to score points with.

    Nevertheless, NOT one of those folks who on a daily basis claim to be so scared of black folks blah,blah,blah had anything to say about what Jeremiah Wright did to that poor young helpless boy.

    Yet, Jeremiah committed a horrendous crime. No need to fear him because he is white. No need to ask the white community to do anything about white crimes or their unwed mothers living with losers who murder their children because he is white and they are our good neighbors.

  45. GrannyStandingforTruth1:27 AM

    Anonymous 1:14:

    I'll try and remember that the next time the crime watchers on here want to exaggerate black crime and claim the good white neighbors.

    Now, y'all can continue the convo about Perry the crazy man. I'm going back to my corner.

  46. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Yet, Jeremiah committed a horrendous crime. No need to fear him because he is white. No need to ask the white community to do anything about white crimes or their unwed mothers living with losers who murder their children because he is white and they are our good neighbors

    Granny, frankly I dont get what your saying, obviously there were a lot of posts going on about Rick Perry.

    I dont see the parallel you are trying to make and I would probably get very angry if a bunch of white guys came on here and started to defend this killer saying it was just racism, the cops were out to get him, he had a tough life, etc, etc. Are you suggesting that there be a huge outcry for people to be on the lookout for white guys beheading thier children as you are comparing the flash mob violence and flash robberies? Is there a real parallel or are you reaching for a connection that isn't there? Like I said, I can't imagigine anyone white/black or any race defending this guy and looking to blame it on the cops, or saying he was a victim or any of that, he deserves to die and die now. If I have to choose based purely on facts and evidence, I will get uneasy around a group of black kids looking fiesty and running the streets at night, but I am not going to look at every white guy and wonder if he is on his way home to behead his child, at least not yet, are you? Is this what you are suggesting? So what should the outrage be? Beware of white beheaders? Who do we tell?

  47. GrannyStandingforTruth1:53 AM

    Anonymous 1:29:

    Isn't that a double standard? You fear black kids running the streets, but you do not fear white guys beheading children. So, are you telling me that crime is color coded and it's only something to worry about if the person committing it is black? After all, if a black person is accused of a crime they are automatically guilty. I guess that's why they have so many cases where they are finding out that the black man was not always guilty. Too bad they wait until that black man is too old and his youth is gone before they find out what they already knew that he was innocent.

    If I didn't know any better, I would swear that from your statement that you "get uneasy with a group of black kids running around" that what you really mean is that blacks movement should be controlled like it was during Jim Crow.

    After all there is no need to beware of whites because they are our good neighbors and they do not commit robberies. They don't behead children, they don't molest children, they don't shoot up schools, they don't murder, etc.

    BTW, you understand and know what I'm saying.

  48. GrannyStandingforTruth2:59 AM

    I loved reading Molly Irvins" books. Wasn't she the one that that gave Perry that nickname Goodhair? Anyway, I ran across some of her comments regarding Perry:

    "This, in turn, brings up the interesting role of coincidence in the life of Gov. Goodhair. Last summer, the Guv appointed an Enron executive to the state's Public Utilities Commission and, the next day, Perry got a check for $25,000 from Ken Lay. He explained this, to everyone's satisfaction, as being "totally coincidental."

    "The governor of Texas is despicable. Of all the crass pandering, of all the gross political kowtowing to ignorance, we haven't seen anything this rank from Gov. Goodhair since…gee, last fall."

    "Then he was trying to draw attention away from his spectacular failure on public schools by convincing Texans that gay marriage was a horrible threat to us all. Now he's trying to disguise the fact that the schools are in free-fall by proposing that we teach creationism in biology classes."

    "First, we Texans would like to salute the only governor we've got, Rick "Goodhair" Perry, the Ken Doll, for vetoing the bill to outlaw executing the mentally retarded."

    "We are Texas Proud.'

    "Such a brilliant decision—not only is Texas now globally recognized for barbaric cruelty, but a strong majority of Texans themselves (73 percent) would prefer not to off the retarded.

    "Gov. Goodhair's decision—in the face of popular opinion, the Supreme Court and George W. Bush's recent conversion on this subject—is a testament to his strength of character."

    "Or something."

    "His Perryness announced, anent the veto, that Texas does not execute the retarded. I beg your pardon, Governor. Johnny Paul Penry, now on Death Row for a heart-breaking murder and the subject of two Supreme Court decisions, has an IQ between 51 and 60, believes in Santa Claus and likes coloring books."

    "And that's not counting the other six we know about for sure since 1990."
    ~~Molly Irvins~~

  49. GrannyStandingforTruth3:08 AM

    So, beheading a handicapped child requires an education? Gosh golly wow! I guess, Jeremiah Wright must be a scholar with a Phd because he's white, huh?

    Ignorance is not bliss, that is a myth! Nope, that is an outright

  50. GrannyStandingforTruth3:10 AM

    Field, Okay, I'm gone be good and go back to my corner and hush.

  51. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Wait Granny, please don't go.


  52. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Isn't it just sweet when they went to all that trouble and pondering and thinking and focus-group testing...to get their dog whistles to pass...and we still call them on it? Pouting bluster from the Cons...like a nasty brat with the evidence of wrongdoing still on them...and their denials that only they beleeverate.

    I have dealt with criminals and find the traditional Liberal stance on their punishment to be a bit naive. Would a person fake mental deficit or illness to escape Justice?

    For alleged followers of Classical Economics, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer. Marriage could end the State support for a disabled child. Although some snake-oil salespeople sell marriage as the nostrum for all things and conditions...a sure sign of a Con job...it may not be in the best interest of the person.

    Ms Chao should really know better.

    I do love the doe-eyed denials of any racism by the Cons/wingnuts. They still thinkerate they all smarter and such.

    Although Perry is unable to effectively govern Texas and a distinct abhorrence for Science...he is very able to speak in Gooberish, WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse.

    No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure.


  53. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Granny, you stood up to bullies. Good for you! You also made really nice points.


  54. Anonymous6:40 AM

    So, the 'sorce' for Perry not being a racist...is Brietbart? And mediate? Ummm...they lie so much it is automatic to assume they lie...and the Truth is 180 degrees from what poo they are claiming.
    By TELLing us Perry isn't racist...those two liesites make me utterly certain Perry is a racist.
    Feel free to pretend any Liberal/Progressive website does the same for you-all. But we already know you are just making it up.;)


  55. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Oh Granny, were you in a foul mood last night?

    About Molly Irvins - attacking someone who has nice hair that she obviously is jealous of. Maybe he was the guy who she really liked who never looked her way, or in her mind snubbed her so painfully so, now she tries to get revenge in her liberal warped mind.

    Sure enough, Molly is a self described liberal:

    "As a student at private school, Ms. Ivins was tall and big-boned and often felt out of place. “I spent my girlhood as a Clydesdale among thoroughbreds,” she said".

    So then for revenge she spent her days attacking those who "she" thought were thoroughbreds or those with "good hair" because we know it is a crime to be both intelligent and have a good head of hair. How could god be so cruel to someone like her?

    Summation: She was a crazy jealous liberal filled with self loathing.

  56. silver lining6:57 AM

    A black cloud hangs over Facebook:

    Man shot dead after Pa. Facebook hit allegations

    Associated Press

    PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- London Eley and Timothy Bynum insist they were just blowing off steam when they posted a Facebook exchange about a plot to kill the father of Eley's baby.

    But target Corey White's family saw the posts this spring and called police. A Philadelphia judge on Monday upheld felony charges against the pair, who've been detained since their June arrest.

    Hours later, the 22-year-old White was gunned down on a southwest Philadelphia street.

    "I get the speculative connection to my client," said defense lawyer Gerald Stein, who represents Eley.

    "The hearing being yesterday and then, boom, the guy's dead a couple of hours later?"

    He believes it's mere coincidence - but is nevertheless glad his client was still in custody Monday night when White was killed.

    Police said they have several leads in the precision hit on White, not all of them related to the Facebook plot.

    Detectives in nearby Upper Darby had been looking to talk to White about a July 18 slaying outside a nightclub.

    They have a warrant for the suspected gunman, but heard talk that White was the getaway driver and wanted to question him, Superintendent Michael Chitwood said Tuesday.

    Police believe the man who shot White had carjacked two movie-goers in Upper Darby at 7:30 p.m., then driven the car to White's neighborhood nearby.

    One or two men in the car briefly argued with White before the gunman stepped outside and shot him once in the chest. The stolen car was found torched four hours later.

  57. black cloud7:08 AM

    Yeah, the beheading of the kid is a gruesome crime. At least the killer was caught and he's already confessed. Hence, no need for a trial -- hopefully.

    But the enormity of the crime changes nothing about the difference in the murder rates by race.

    Blacks still commit murder at a ratio of 8-to-1 compared with whites.

  58. black cloud over america7:14 AM

    Is the word "black" now a word that white candidates cannot use when they're running against a, mmmm, how do I say it, mmm, noir opponent?

    During those long hours on the road in Greyhound 1, will the Obama team break out the cards and play hearts? They can't let it get around that they play spades.

  59. chief black cloud7:20 AM

    Will the Obama team on Greyhound 1 avoid driving through Indian territory over there in the Black Hills of South Dakota?

  60. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Isn't that a double standard? You fear black kids running the streets, but you do not fear white guys beheading children.

    No granny, it's called common sense. Like I said, how many cases of a father beheading his child do you know of? Now compare that to what you are seeing in the news daily with gangs of kids robbin and mobbin, I leave further reflection to you.

    So, are you telling me that crime is color coded and it's only something to worry about if the person committing it is black?

    Of course not, however you as a wise elder would be foolish not to know the crime statistics and the likelihood of who commits which types of crime and take steps to protect yourself based upon these facts.

    After all, if a black person is accused of a crime they are automatically guilty.

    Ummm, your making a straw argument here, no one said the white guy was innocent, I said kill him, I don't care what his skin color is, I don't care if he is poor and just acting out against society, I don't care if he was a victim, an honor student, had a great future, a pillar of the community, if he never got a break, if the system was against him, if he was beaten as a child, if the cops arresting him called him cracka, if they were a little too rough with him because he was white, if he will get a stronger sentence then the murderer down the street,. if his momma didnt breast feed him or love him enough....I don't care - kill him.

    I guess that's why they have so many cases where they are finding out that the black man was not always guilty. Too bad they wait until that black man is too old and his youth is gone before they find out what they already knew that he was innocent.

    Yeah, that is horrible, happens to all other races too, so maybe it's a justice thing and not just a racist thing. When it happens to a non black it's a travesty of justice, when it happens to a black person it's racism?

    If I didn't know any better, I would swear that from your statement that you "get uneasy with a group of black kids running around" that what you really mean is that blacks movement should be controlled like it was during Jim Crow.

    Well, clearly you should stick to what you know best and making up things to attribute them to someone else is not one of those things. Because of the frequency and continuation of attacks on other and law breaking behavior of these kids and outright racial hatred turned to violence that are facts. I do want kids parented, I do want curfews like in Philly and if parents complain, too bad, part of having children is the responsibility of actually raising them and dealing with a lot of problems they cause you as children. If you think this is like Jim Crow, shame on you for missing the parents not raising the kids and then calling someone else racist for having to deal with the problem they created and aren't handling. I truly hope you aren't one of those liberals who will now become active because the po children are being treated harshly by having a curfew, rather then active with the poor parents who do not handle thier responsibilities, causing and allowing the situation. It is not societies job to be responsible for these kids, it is the parents who had them that are required to raise them.

    After all there is no need to beware of whites because they are our good neighbors and they do not commit robberies. They don't behead children, they don't molest children, they don't shoot up schools, they don't murder, etc.

    Where in the world are you getting this sourness from, of course whites do all this and no self respecting sane white person will defend them claiming they are innocent or victims when all evidence points to the lack of innocence.

    BTW, you understand and know what I'm saying.

    I guess I do, but don't understand the need for straw arguments. I didnt make reality but I sure can recognize and face it.

  61. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Why is self-loathing such a recurring theme amongst Cons/wingnuts? And why does the writer immediately assume that the reader would be intimately familiar with such a meme? It brings to mind the guilt assumed by Catholic authors...that has to be explained to non-Catholics...but nearly universally understood by Catholics.

    Gee, the only aspect of a woman appreciated by the lads...is how attractive she is to the boy. No wonder Cons/wingnuts like them the MILFy submissive Michelle and pageant moves of Sarey.
    I'll note that the pouty Entitled widdle boy said nothing about the writing skills of Ivins...who wrote without benefit of wingnut welfare or mass book buying or church 'reviews'.


  62. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Umm..Troll...what Granny did was not a straw argument. I know you really, really want to use the new word you learned...but you are not using it correctly.
    Take a few days and review the Fallacies of Logic from Wikipedia...or find a valid .edu with the same type of information.
    Just because the term was correctly applied to what you were doing...does not mean it is a Universal response.


  63. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Anonymous said...
    So, the 'sorce' for Perry not being a racist...is Brietbart? And mediate? Ummm...they lie so much it is automatic to assume they lie...and the Truth is 180 degrees from what poo they are claiming.
    By TELLing us Perry isn't racist...those two liesites make me utterly certain Perry is a racist.
    Feel free to pretend any Liberal/Progressive website does the same for you-all. But we already know you are just making it up.;)


    Nurses woke you early today huh? Spelling and grammar check still broken I see. Let me help. Source is spelled this way. Never start a sentence with "and" - I thought we covered this in remedial english 101 yesterday? The rest is ok except for the last paragraph, you make no sense in that.

    " Feel free to pretend any Liberal/Progressive website does the same for you-all". You left out the anchor in this run on sentence, the same what exactly? It might be in your head but if you don't communicate it clearly then the people you are writing to wont understand you.

    Glad I can continue to help, I understand you have had a tough life and even with all your professions and degrees - did you say you had six degrees or you used degree deodorant? Anyway, glad to help you on your quest to silent lucidity.

  64. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Umm..Troll...what Granny did was not a straw argument. I know you really, really want to use the new word you learned...but you are not using it correctly.
    Take a few days and review the Fallacies of Logic from Wikipedia...or find a valid .edu with the same type of information.
    Just because the term was correctly applied to what you were doing...does not mean it is a Universal response.


    Mold, you need another pill, they aren't working yet. Have you bathed? Or will the nurses be by later for that?

  65. Anonymous7:56 AM

    So, the 'sorce' for Perry not being a racist...is Brietbart? And mediate? Ummm...they lie so much it is automatic to assume they lie...and the Truth is 180 degrees from what poo they are claiming.
    By TELLing us Perry isn't racist...those two liesites make me utterly certain Perry is a racist.
    Feel free to pretend any Liberal/Progressive website does the same for you-all. But we already know you are just making it up.;)


  66. Anonymous7:58 AM

    History from Echidne..http://www.echidneofthesnakes.blogspot.com/..about Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs.


  67. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Mold Said....
    Why is self-loathing such a recurring theme amongst Cons/wingnuts?

    Quite simple really, look at you - living proof of someone who loathes who they are so severely, they project insanity daily and never have anything positive to say unless its a negative reinforcement of something that makes them feel inferior.

    Gee, the only aspect of a woman appreciated by the lads...is how attractive she is to the boy. No wonder Cons/wingnuts like them the MILFy submissive Michelle and pageant moves of Sarey.

    Your revealing a bit too much about yourself. Your feelings of being an unattractive female, whilst pretending to be a female are quite profound. You need to discuss this in the next session with your Doctor. Hell of a mind pretzel for the poor Doctor.

  68. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anonymous said...
    History from Echidne..http://www.echidneofthesnakes.blogspot.com/..about Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs.


    Ahh the blog of the "goddess of the snakes" is this one of your bunkmates in the ward?

  69. Anonymous8:17 AM

    This is pretty funny. From Bill White, who ran against Perry:

    There were also some silly things that happened that are still hard to believe. One consulting firm of his created artificial people to tweet. [The campaign] wanted to question my support in the African American community, but they couldn’t recruit an African American person to do it, so on Twitter they used a stock photo of a black person. One of the people who supported my campaign clicked on the image and found out it was a singer from Atlanta. The Twitter address was registered at the same location as one of Mr. Perry’s political consultants.



  70. sigmund fried8:18 AM

    Your feelings of being an unattractive female, whilst pretending to be a female are quite profound.

    It started with the chemotherapy for the ass cancer. When mold's hair fell out, he got himself a wig. Things took off from there. Bras, panties, dresses, heels. The works.

    You need to discuss this in the next session with your Doctor. Hell of a mind pretzel for the poor Doctor.

    The doctor can lift that black cloud in mold's head. But getting him to stop working the truck-stops is another issue.

  71. Anonymous8:26 AM

    You need to discuss this in the next session with your Doctor. Hell of a mind pretzel for the poor Doctor.

    The doctor can lift that black cloud in mold's head. But getting him to stop working the truck-stops is another issue.

    Ewwww.... I think I saw him once, heading in to the diner, toothless guy with a dirty blonde wig (actually dirty, not the color) sitting crooked on his head, sayin in a very baritone voice aye cracka wanta date...kinda spooky as he was white..well under the dirt you could kinda tell.

  72. Anonymous8:36 AM

    This is pretty funny. From Bill White, who ran against Perry:

    There were also some silly things that happened that are still hard to believe. One consulting firm of his created artificial people to tweet. [The campaign] wanted to question my support in the African American community, but they couldn’t recruit an African American person to do it, so on Twitter they used a stock photo of a black person. One of the people who supported my campaign clicked on the image and found out it was a singer from Atlanta. The Twitter address was registered at the same location as one of Mr. Perry’s political consultants.



  73. give me an oil change8:38 AM

    For some reason, mold is fascinated by hot dogs. He's especially fixated on the hot dog of someone named Nathan.

    Echidne..http://www.echidneofthesnakes.blogspot.com/..about Nathan's Famous Hot Dog.

    Nathan must drive his diesel to mold's favorite truck stop.

  74. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This is pretty funny. From Bill White, who ran against Perry:

    There were also some silly things that happened that are still hard to believe. One consulting firm of his created artificial people to tweet. [The campaign] wanted to question my support in the African American community, but they couldn’t recruit an African American person to do it, so on Twitter they used a stock photo of a black person. One of the people who supported my campaign clicked on the image and found out it was a singer from Atlanta. The Twitter address was registered at the same location as one of Mr. Perry’s political consultants.



    Democrats are going to have brain embolisms trying the usual decietful Alinsky tactics this time. We are on to your despicable games.

    When you say Bill White is this the very same guy who lost the election because of his looming corruption investigation?

    First he refused to release tax documents dating back for years, then when forced to, lo and behold they found

    The tax documents—from the years 2004-2008—reveal a business relationship that could cause political problems for the candidate. The documents show that White profited from investing in a company he personally enlisted to help with Houston's recovery from Hurricane Rita.

    After the storm devastated Houston in 2005, White reached out to BTEC Turbines to help provide emergency power, White told the AP today.

    White knew the company well. He had served on its board until 2004, and The Wedge Group—the holding company White headed before he became mayor—was a majority shareholder in BTEC.

    More than a year later, White earned more than $556,000 from his investments in BTEC Investments—the parent company of BTEC Turbines, according to his 2007 tax returns that were released today.

  75. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  76. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Why Rick Perry might win...'He occupies the cultural and intellectually empty heartland of the Republican Party'...WaPo, Richard Cohen.

    One might recall he uses this to be very, very successful at R politics.


  77. Anonymous8:57 AM

    -Balloon Juice (blog)


    What are all these whacky sites you visit? Now it's "balloon juice" I shudder to think what kind of juice comes out of balloons and what these people are using for balloons...ewwww...

  78. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Why Rick Perry might win...'He occupies the cultural and intellectually empty heartland of the Republican Party'...WaPo, Richard Cohen.

    One might recall he uses this to be very, very successful at R politics.


    Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head."

    --Francois Guisot (1787-1874):

  79. field negro said...
    "Ed Schultz is now apologizing for his dishonesty.Field needs to do the same."

    Field is not Ed. Shultz.

    Field is pushing the same false narrative that Ed is pushing.Anyone watching the unedited video knows Perry was talking about the Obama debt.

  80. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head."

    --Francois Guisot (1787-1874):

    Mold is still in his twenties cut him some slack

  81. So, the 'sorce' for Perry not being a racist...is Brietbart? And mediate? Ummm...they lie so much it is automatic to assume they lie...and the Truth is 180 degrees from what poo they are claiming.
    By TELLing us Perry isn't racist...those two liesites make me utterly certain Perry is a racist.
    Feel free to pretend any Liberal/Progressive website does the same for you-all. But we already know you are just making it up.;)


    Please list examples of Mediate lies.I know you want because like most Liberals, you lack fact and reasoning.

    The unedited video is the truth.ABC and MSNBC lies.Maurice Garland,April Ryan,and Field are race baiting.

  82. did perry lie???????

    bernanke and hobama have made life for white mongrels blacker than ever!!!... no???

    what is blacker in america than:

    black poverty
    black misery index
    black unemployment
    black foreclosures
    the blacked out middle class


    kudos to perry 4 telling the truth about that blackish hoax hobama!

    black clouds bring storms

    and hobama and his banksters have just begun to rain/reign!!!!

  83. what is blacker than hobama's global misery index????




  84. Wait until the next bubble/crash…

    See how the coming suicides of rich whites, fleeced like black mongrels by hobama and his banksters, will blacken news headlines soon






  85. BetterMan9:31 AM

    Uptown Steve, New jersey needs you.

    When the New Jersey State Police’s first class of recruits in two years reports for training today, only five of 123 will be black, a striking failure in the division’s decade-long effort to achieve greater diversity

    The NAACP’s vow of legal action reignites a contentious debate about why the State Police struggles to enlist new black troopers.

    While minorities like Hispanics have gained ground in the past 11 years, the percentage of black troopers has fallen from 8 percent to 6.4 percent, state figures show.

    The State Police has tried to change that by sending troopers to black churches, colleges, job fairs and cultural events. It also courted African-American community leaders like the Rev. Jethro James of Paradise Baptist Church in Newark. James said it’s discouraging when he invites troopers to speak, but so few blacks make the class

    Of the 263 candidates for the incoming class who passed the written exam - 33 were black, the office said. Of those 33, six dropped out and 22 were disqualified for failing a background check, the office said.

    Loriquet said recruits must detail their past — from unpaid tickets to criminal convictions — but many forget problems, don’t understand the questions or lie. "There are stringent guidelines, and we’re not going to soften that," he said.


  86. When will black mongrels see hobama’s global black doom….when will black hobama Nazis finally awaken and cry belated tears/brew some tea as white mongrels do????

    When will that blackish hobama’s black mask upon the new world order be seen by the black mongrels that he Bernanke and his banksters abuse most???????


    Most Democrats are so fixated on the prospect of another Republican in the White House, they are oblivious to the actual crimes of the current resident. “It is true that [Texas Gov. Rick] Perry called Social Security a ponzi scheme, but it is Barack Obama who has made common cause with Republicans to cut the program.” As for the Neanderthalian Rep. Michelle Bachman. Democrats “only care that Bachmann confuses Massachusetts with New Hampshire or Elvis Presley’s birthday with his death day” – not that Obama confuses the difference, in Libya, between war and not-war.

    While Bachmann and Perry stir up the Democrats’ antipathy to all things they claim to care about, Obama gets a pass no matter how awful his actions. The same people who get the vapors over prayers to end droughts, say nothing as their president wages wars of aggression in Libya and Somalia. Recent reports estimate that up to 168 Pakistani children have been killed by American drone attacks but that news brings not even mumbled words from the mouths of Obamaites.

    So, why not Michele Bachmann or Rick Perry? Since all of the conservative dreams are coming true under Obama anyway, it may make sense to have an honest conservative back in the White House. The comedic possibilities are endless. We should at least have opportunities to laugh as we head over the cliff.



  87. the blackest clouds are yet to come via hobama/his banksters/his super congress etc

    ask the tea party for some umbrellas asap!!!!







  88. Anonymous10:13 AM

    COOL RIDE, EH! It's the only way to travel for President Obama, who is pushing American jobs -- in a Canadian-made bus.
    Obama's $2.1 Million Buses

    It's all for jobs I swear, I am not campaigning, now pay for my canadian built buses
    -Barack Hussien Obama

    WASHINGTON -- President Obama is barnstorming the heartland to boost US jobs in a taxpayer-financed luxury bus the government had custom built -- in Canada, The Post has learned.

    The $1.1 million vehicle, one of two that Quebec-based Prevost sold the government, has been tricked out by the Secret Service with state-of-the-art security features and creature comforts.

    It's a VIP H3-45 model, the company's top of the line, and is used by major traveling rock bands.

    "That's the more luxurious model," Christine Garant of Prevost told The Post.

    Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/canucklehead_obama_bus_ted_gyztvw89k5MyKNS4B7Qp7O#ixzz1VIMzwGdX

  89. Anonymous10:14 AM

    In anticipation of next month's 10-year remembrance/commemorative activities: One of the causes for the attacks of 9/11 is our unwavering support of Israel's predatory hegemony over its Palestinian citizens. We can never have "closure" until we slay that particular dragon; dramatically reducing our military presence in the Middle East and elsewhere will also help.
    Thank you...

  90. chief big black cloud10:21 AM

    Of the 263 candidates for the incoming class who passed the written exam - 33 were black, the office said. Of those 33, six dropped out and 22 were disqualified for failing a background check, the office said.

    As the recently deceased Reverend Tims discovered, the ministry is wide open to criminals and drug addicts who want to masquerade as redeemers of lost souls.

    However, his own glorious redemption ended with a coke binge in a Times Square hotel.

  91. how many poor people's vacations were blacked out by that blackish perpetual party boy hobama????

    kudos to donald t!!!
    During a recent interview with FOX News Host Great Van Susteran, billionaire hotel magnate Donald Trump discussed President Barack Obama’s work ethic — or lack thereof.

    Van Susteran referred to a tweet that The Donald sent on his Twitter page about Obama’s nonstop vacations on the tax payers dime.

    Trump responded:

    Well, the fact is, he takes more vacations than any human being I’ve ever seen. They used to complain about George Bush, but I understand he’s already exceeded George Bush and we’re not even through the year. So he likes vacation.

    The Donald continued:

    …it sends a bad message. Here we have a country that really is going to hell in a handbasket. Let’s not kid ourselves. What’s happening to this country is horrible. All over the world, they’re talking about it. And we have a president that’s constantly — whether it’s Martha’s Vineyard or someplace else, constantly on vacation. I mean, all the time he’s on vacation! So I think it sends a very, very bad message. We have to work in this country to bring it back.

    Next week Obama and his family make their annual trek to Martha’s Vineyard for a 10-day vacation — against the advice of Democratic leaderss. The Obama family excursion to the playground of the affluent, non-working, old money rich adds to the nearly 60 days of vacations that Michelle Obama herself has already taken this year! That’s two months of vacations when most hard working stiffs are lucky to get 2 weeks of vacation per year.

    The Obamas’ refusal to cancel their Martha’s Vineyard vacation despite the economic turmoil and declining jobless rate sends a clear message to voters in next year’s elections.


  92. chief big black cloud10:32 AM

    WASHINGTON -- President Obama is barnstorming the heartland to boost US jobs in a taxpayer-financed luxury bus the government had custom built -- in Canada, The Post has learned.

    So Greyhound 1 was built in Canada? Is anyone surprised that Obama would choose a foreign-made bus?

    Why did the government buy this bus? Probably because the manufacturer offered it on the best terms. In other words, the Canadian bus company beat out the competition. Okay.

    Nevertheless, you have to wonder why Obama decided to motor around the midwest in a stinky diesel-powered bus when he could have traveled in an electric vehicle, recharging the batteries every few miles at friendly diners and Walmart parking lots.

    By the way, does he sit in the back of the bus? Is Rodney King driving this road hog?

  93. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Granny, Speaking of Beheadings...

    Hate Preached In Harlem: Nation of Islam Leader Farrakhan Says Fort Hood Shooter Is Not a Terrorist Just a Good Muslim Who Was Driven Crazy by the Terrorist American Soldiers Who Rape Muslim Men, Women & Families

    Where do they get this stuff? I guess he never expects anyone to think and say wait a minute are you actually saying U.S soldiers are raping Muslim Men anally and the world is covering this up. I mean I know all about the repeal of Dont ask Dont tell but......


  94. no clouds are blacker than those of the global/stormy doom that looms via that blackish hobama and his banksters...

    all over the globe, we all better brew some rebel tea asap!!!
    ask a libyan or a brit!

    The decision by the Fed, last week, to keep a key interest rate at near zero percent for 2 years is historic because the Fed has never done this before. This action will have profound negative effect on the U.S. dollar and its buying power.

    It also signals that even the Fed thinks the economy is not going to get better for at least 2 years. This action will affect every American and telegraphs a policy of inflation by the government. In November of 2009, I predicted this very path in a post called “The Fix is In.” Back then, I said, “It appears the “fix” is in as far as the road plan for the U.S. dollar and economy. The government and the Fed appear to have chosen a path of inflation for America and the world. This is not an official announced plan but it might as well

    Zero percent interest on a key Fed rate confirms my prediction right along with the rising inflation in just about everything except housing. In an extensive post about inflation this week, Theburningplatform.com said, “The storyline being sold to you by Bernanke, his Wall Street masters, and their captured puppets in Washington DC is that deflation is the great bogeyman they must slay. They make these statements from their ivory jewel encrusted towers as the real people in the real world deal with reality. The reality since Ben Bernanke announced his QE2 policy in August 2010 is:

    •Unleaded gas prices are up 45%.
    •Heating oil prices are up 46%.
    •Corn prices are up 71%.
    •Soybean prices are up 26%.
    •Rice prices are up 13%.
    •Pork prices are up 31%.
    •Beef prices are up 25%.
    •Coffee prices are up 38%.
    •Sugar prices are up 48%.
    •Cotton prices are up 13%.
    •Gold prices are up 42%.
    •Silver prices are up 115%.
    •Copper prices are up 23%.


  95. Anonymous10:48 AM

    By the way, does he sit in the back of the bus? Is Rodney King driving this road hog?

    Donald Young, Larry Bland, Nate Spencer and Larry Sinclair hang out in the back for when Obama needs a snack. Oh wait, Young and Bland and Spencer all DIED in 2007. hmmmmmmm Young and Bland were summarily executed...and Spencer just happened to have contracted and died from Aids in Dec of 2007.......hmmmmm all gay members of the rev wrights fellowship of the mind...who else belonged to this? Take a guess....AB any idea?

    Sucks doesn't it O well at least he still got Larry.

  96. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    In anticipation of next month's 10-year remembrance/commemorative activities: One of the causes for the attacks of 9/11 is our unwavering support of Israel's predatory hegemony over its Palestinian citizens. We can never have "closure" until we slay that particular dragon; dramatically reducing our military presence in the Middle East and elsewhere will also help.
    Thank you...

    Do you mean these Palestinian's:

    Palestinian Authority Showcases Its Kindergarten Students Educated With US-Taxpayer Funds Desire To Kill Jews In The Name Of Islam.


  97. anon:

    hobama was out on the dl in chi etc for years

    see more:




  98. anon:

    ditto for that dl thug rahmbo






  99. more on that dl thug hit man hobama





  100. 30 more corpses due to that warmonger/serial killer hobama

    30 more who died for oil/gold/opium



  101. gated hobama nazi coon uts:

    very dark clouds loom over the next wave of elite evictions via hobama and his buck wild banksters
    your own ritzy gates will be shaken too!...bet

    Burt Reynolds, once one of Hollywood's highest-paid stars, faces eviction from his Florida home after failing to pay the mortgage.

    The 75-year-old actor is being taken to court after claims he has failed to make a payment on his waterfront mansion for almost a year.

    Lawyers for Merrill Lynch have asked a judge to sell the £1.4million house, set in 4.5 acres, so they can recover the £700,000 the bank says it is owed.

    In a sign of the scale of his financial hardship, property records show Reynolds has a second £455,000 mortgage on the property with another bank.

    He bought the house, which has a swimming pool, private beach, boat dock, cinema

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2026685/Burt-Reynolds-lose-house-falling-700k-mortgage.html#ixzz1VIimTL6z

  102. Wait, Rick Perry uses a common (and apt) metaphor to describe the debt problem, and you are ready to take it as evidence of racism?

    "Black" people are the most easily manipulatable people on the planet.

    The democrats manufactured fake stories about the Tea Party, circulated photoshopped pictures of rally signs, and misrepresented facts in an effort to keep black people on the plantation, and it worked like a charm.

    Here they go again, and y'all just can't get in line fast enough.


  103. tu:



  104. big chief black cloud12:36 PM

    The black female driver piloting Greyhound 1 around the heartland pulled into the Indian reservation in the Black Hills that was made famous in the book "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee."

    The boys on the bus wanted to stock up on supplies available at the special tax-free shop on the reservation. They got cases of beer, and a carton of Marlboros for the president.

    The clerk told them that after returning home they could order more tax-free cigarettes over the Internet. Didn't matter about actually being in South Dakota.

    The clerk also mentioned a special product the tax-free shop offered to a few lucky shoppers.

    "We call it Rushmore", he said. "you know, cuz Mt Rushmore is nearby. But that ain't exactly the reason."

    As a test, they bought an ounce.

  105. that blackish hobama has betrayed all who are black/brown and poor

    any hobama nazi of any race who darkens the door of any poll
    to vote for hobama and his banksters' black clouds in 2012 is a gd cursed fool


    Latinos overwhelmingly voted for the First Black President. And why not? He wrapped himself in the mantle of Dr. King, made explicit promises to humanize the immigration system, and even spoke out against some of the racist scapegoating of immigrants. But that was then, as a candidate. After two and a half years as president, Obama's record marks him out as the bait-and-switch president.

    Unlike black Americans, who can still get misty-eyed at the sight of Michelle Obama and her pretty kids walking across the White House lawn to the Marine helicopter, Latinos have a much harder time fooling themselves about the fundamental nature of the Obama presidency. In that community, almost everybody has recent immigrants in the immediate family or among the in-laws, recent immigrants living downstairs or across the street, and more recent immigrants among the people they work, worship or go to school with.

    If the President continues to alienate Latino voters he will lose the election, plain and simple," said Carlos Roa from Presente.org, a national online advocacy group that seeks to empower Latinos nationwide. " He cannot expect Latino voters and an entire community to simply stand by and watch...”

    The threat is not an idle one. Can corporate funded and Democratic Party Latino leaders bring out a huge vote for Obama a second time, despite his abominable record on immigration? I wouldn't bet on it.





  106. big chief black cloud12:47 PM

    White House yesterday:

    Gaddafi 'toppled by end of August'...

    FLASHBACK: March 30: 'Their days are numbered'...

    FLASHBACK: April 15: 'Your days are numbered'...

    FLASHBACK: May 11: 'Muammar Gaddafi's days are numbered'...

    News Flash: The Obama administration days are numbered -- 446 days till election day.

  107. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Ms. Chao is not Asian.

  108. Tamils are dirty people.

  109. Tom Vilsack, Obama’s Secretary of Agriculture, has figured out how to get Americans back to work under BOcialism — get even more of us hooked on food stamps:

    “Well, obviously, it’s putting people to work. Which is why we’re going to have some interesting things in the course of the forum this morning. Later this morning, we’re going have a press conference with Secretary Mavis and Secretary Chu to announce something that’s never happened in this country — something that we think is exciting in terms of job growth. I should point out, when you talk about the SNAP program or the food stamp program, you have to recognize that it’s also an economic stimulus. Every dollar of SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in the economy in terms of economic activity. If people are able to buy a little more in the grocery store, someone has to stock it, package it, shelve it, process it, ship it. All of those are jobs. It’s the most direct stimulus you can get in the economy during these tough times.”

    Funny, food stamp enrollment has shot up 50% under Comrade Obama; you would think unemployment would have gone down. Rather, it has gone up 25% since he took office, and it was spiking at the time. Could it be that paying people not to work doesn’t reduce unemployment after all?


  110. Another horrible murder case involving a not-so-normal family:


    What the hell is going on?

  111. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Gee, maybe our 'experts' on Prevost could mention why the bus was purchased from a Canadian company. Nope. They can't. Seems they just drop the 'eveel Canuckistani steelerates jobs from reelMericans' and run.
    Go on...use those search engines on Prevost. Learn why the company provides the frames.

    Umm...wite boy in Mom's Basement...some of us have been to South Dakota. Your Con/wingnut/religio-crazee tale may be done to their -ahem- standards...but you really should at least do a Google map on the place you are lying about. Or, you might read the local blogs, watch the local TV, or go through the local newspaper.

    What the fibber who whines about the AfAm issue with NJ State Police is not mentioning is that the person who qualifies for State Police...is also qualified for other employment. Like the FBI. Or Postal Inspector. Or EPA. Those pay better. Why would a AfAm volunteer to take a pay cut to make Goober happy? And why is Goober lying to us?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  112. big chief black cloud1:41 PM

    With the promise of food stamps and free housing, who would move to Detroit? Any takers?

    Here's the thing. If increasing the number of people receiving food stamps actually puts people to work, as Vilsack says, we ought to be able to employ a lot more people if we give out gas stamps.

    To head off problems caused by gas-stamp users having car accidents, we can give them insurance stamps.

    By the way, the best way to reduce injuries in accidents is to drive a safe new car. Let's throw in some new-car stamps too.

    To take peoples' minds off everything that's going wrong, and to learn a thing or two, like black history, we can send them to college with school stamps.

    BOcialism. This could work.

  113. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that mold is motivated by the desire to remove his own prostate gland with a fork. The repeated stabbings explain almost everything he does.

    -Colostomy Juice (blog)

  114. Anonymous1:48 PM

    SooperGenius, the US economy is not a sports car...it is a tanker. There are no sudden, responsive moves. That would indicate to anyone not eating the Koch-sucker wafers or drinking the Koch-sucker KrewlAde...that we are still feeling the results of the bushMess. Though I do fault the Obama Chicago Skool reticence with implementing Keynesian policies...what would the result be if the stimulus, small as it was, had not been done? What happens to wingnut welfare Chickenhawk 'warriors' when the aristocracy is installed? Yes, TELLing us that the rich are better because they are born wealthy and are therefore more deserving is aristo. Not paying taxes is also aristo. Static social strata is aristo.
    Keep making things up...eventually you may fling a poo that is relevant to Obama and his choices. Otherwise...you are the widdle loser trying to TELL everyone the entire cheer squad am 'lesbian' and they do things with the teachers and you are so much better than them. We just note your lack of hygiene in a nation that has running water.;)

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  115. Jesus1:54 PM

    God, mold is stupid.

  116. "OK, so maybe I have to think about the Governor Big Hair quote a little more. Sometimes I just can't hear those racist dog whistles. But then, I am not supposed to. They are not meant for me. "

    No, you were right the first time. As a 50something 'merkin white man, the message I get from 'ol tex seccesh is that he's throwing his hood in the ring.

  117. Anonymous1:54 PM

    What the fibber who whines about the AfAm issue with NJ State Police is not mentioning is that the person who qualifies for State Police...is also qualified for other employment. Like the FBI. Or Postal Inspector. Or EPA. Those pay better. Why would a AfAm volunteer to take a pay cut to make Goober happy? And why is Goober lying to us?

    Oh I see, you do understand that that only 33 AfAms passed the test, six dropped out and 22 failed a background check, so you are talking about just those five?

    Wow, for you this must be like taking a mensa numerical reading comprehension test, did you have to take off your shoes to add and subtract to twenty...1...2...3..10..oh..oh ran out of finguuzz takin off mu shooz..taken off mu shooz ok this little piggy 11..12..13...phew day stink.....14..15....mom my toenails need'sa clippin...16...17...oh my...almost fell over...darn...lost count....ok startin over anda one...anda two.....fairies wear boots

  118. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that mold is mostly motivated by the desire to quell the seething havoc in her brain by imposing her reality on other people. It explains almost everything she does.
    -Colostomy Juice (blog)


  119. Obanth2:00 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "As a 50something 'merkin white man, the message I get from 'ol tex seccesh is that he's throwing his hood in the ring.

    You pathetic old homo.

  120. Anonymous2:06 PM

    You start out in 1954 by saying, "Nigger, nigger, nigger." By 1968 you can't say "nigger" — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, "We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
    -Lee Atwater

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  121. Tipper Gore2:11 PM

    I think what Mr. Atwater is saying from the grave is that if you have to look so hard for racism, maybe it isn't such a big deal anymore.

  122. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Ummm..Goober, why would an AfAm who can choose between NJ State Police and FBI take the one with lower pay, fewer opportunities and less benefits/pension? So you can feel better about your nothingburger life? And your quote mining is typical for wingnut Cons. The article showed that your spin is pretty much a deceit.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  123. Anonymous2:20 PM

    We want to cut this," is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than "Nigger, nigger."
    -Lee Atwater

    Figures you would identify with that guy ,he died delusional he had a brain tumor...wait...Mold do you feel any pain? I mean your head not your ass - oh ok I see it's easy to get the two mixed up they are so often together....how does it smell down there?

  124. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Nope, Atwater is saying that the old racism of your 'maybe' Daddy was losing folks for it being so jerkhole. Code had to be instituted to let you continue being a racist weenie...and your neighbor being able to treat you like you weren't a person who felt brave yelling at schoolchildren.
    You missed the class where the human ability to discern patterns was discussed. Oh, maybe you missed the college/high school.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  125. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Nope, Atwater is saying that the old racism of your 'maybe' Daddy was losing folks for it being so jerkhole. Code had to be instituted to let you continue being a racist weenie...and your neighbor being able to treat you like you weren't a person who felt brave yelling at schoolchildren.
    You missed the class where the human ability to discern patterns was discussed. Oh, maybe you missed the college/high school.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


    2:21 PM

    You missed the class where the human ability to discern patterns was discussed. Oh, maybe you missed the college/high school.

    Ahh I see so now you also sew, where do you get your patterns for sewing from? Mental Illness today Magazine?

  126. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I said aristocratic...but that does assume some form of merit...Pandagon offers a more accurate opinion.
    Sarah Jaffe also has more...Feministe

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  127. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who like to be pissed on. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Heavenly Man Juice (blog)


  128. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who like to be pissed on. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Heavenly Man Juice (blog)


  129. GrannyStandingforTruth2:35 PM

    Mold, you giving them the blues, that is why they are unable to restrain themselves from slandering your gender and intellect. Whitey's Conspiracy hit a nerve with them too, so now they want to attack his gender. BTW, Whitey I liked the nickname "ol Tex seccesh" it really fits Perry and speaks to his treasonous ways.

  130. Anonymous2:50 PM

    So, the 'sorce' for Perry not being a racist...is Brietbart? And mediate? Ummm...they lie so much it is automatic to assume they lie...and the Truth is 180 degrees from what poo they are claiming.
    By TELLing us Perry isn't racist...those two liesites make me utterly certain Perry is a racist.
    Feel free to pretend any Liberal/Progressive website does the same for you-all. But we already know you are just making it up.;)


    Please list examples of Mediate lies.I know you want because like most Liberals, you lack fact and reasoning.

    The unedited video is the truth.ABC and MSNBC lies.Maurice Garland,April Ryan,and Field are race baiting.

  131. Cyclic Mania2:57 PM

    By TELLing us Perry isn't racist...those two liesites make me utterly certain Perry is a racist.


    This explains mold's worldview.

    She sees everything backwards.

    Truth is falsehood; Falsehood is truth.

    Just take the opposite of what she says and you might make sense.

  132. memo to hobama:

    we see your blackish cloudy bs!!!

    Obama has put away the golf clubs, given up the Kobe steaks, and suspended his membership in the "Vacation-a-Month" club -- and now he's hit the road. Sleeves rolled up to mimic "the ordinary working man," Obama tours the Midwest -- on a bus -- to showcase his new look, replacing Blue Steel (head left, chin askew and up) with Magnum (head tilted...slight right).

    As the bus indicates, Obama has returned to being "an ordinary American" with sensible right-leaning values. The bus was chosen to remind Midwesterner moderates, liberals, and racists why they elected him. Obama's election was symbolic -- historic, in fact. The bus says about Obama: "Remember me? I'm the former nobody black guy with the funny name."

    I'd like to give Obama some advice on what businesses to tout.

    Pawn shops are a definite winner in today's economy, as are gold brokers. I'd say check out gun and ammo dealers but that's not his demographic.

    Obama is hoping that a few small successes will make people forget the devastation to America, the havoc that his policies have created.

    What's a few days here and there "roughing it" in a bus, when Air Force One is in the hanger ready to be deployed on a moment's notice for the next campaign stop? Soon Obama will be back to "business as usual," jet-setting around the country on our tax dollars in friendlier climes. But this won't stop the slide. The damage is done. Obama has Scorpioned us...Rocked us like a hurricane.

    How desperate Obama must be to give up his rock-star lifestyle -- the parties, the vacations, hanging with the big dawgs -- to visit an area of the country where he is practically despised? It's the Chitlin' Circuit for a rock star of his caliber.

    We now know how far the fall is from rock star to rock bottom.

    That's my rant!


  133. Anonymous3:40 PM

    LT, citing Brietbart as a valid 'sorce' for one. The writer is trying to give a halo to known liars. Although the MSM does the false equivalence and fake balance...this is providing cover to Brietbart.
    Wonder why.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  134. Anonymous3:51 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Mold, you giving them the blues, that is why they are unable to restrain themselves from slandering your gender and intellect. Whitey's Conspiracy hit a nerve with them too, so now they want to attack his gender. BTW, Whitey I liked the nickname "ol Tex seccesh" it really fits Perry and speaks to his treasonous ways.

    See now Granny is a real lib'rul, tell lies to get others to do dirty work while she sit back and cackles at that fool whiteboy Mold gettin his crazy ass kicked she know who you are Socrates everyone does toofless one aint so smurt

  135. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Granny Suffrin Sucotash Said

    Whitey I liked the nickname "ol Tex seccesh" it really fits Perry and speaks to his treasonous ways.

    who you callin whitey? dman racist

  136. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who like to be pissed on. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Heavenly Man Juice (blog)


  137. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who like to be pissed on. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Heavenly Man Juice (blog)


  138. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Danth's Law.

    If you have to keep TELLing how you have won....maybe your 'victory' in your mind is more about your lack in Reality.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  139. big chief black cloud4:10 PM

    News from the Front of the Obama Wars:

    'He's not in any black community'...
    'Unleash us'...

    CHICAGOLAND: Fire Department Ordered to Hire 111 Black Firefighters...

    $30 million in damages to be paid by taxpayers...

    For first time, more corn used for ethanol than livestock...

    OBAMA: Another year or more for housing turnaround...


    'Don't always believe what you hear'...


    Commiserates with jobless, then off to the Vineyard...

    TRUMP: 'Takes More Vacations Than Any Human Being I've Ever Seen'...

    Inflation builds...



  140. Danth4:21 PM

    You lose, mold.

  141. Anonymous4:24 PM

    It never was about 'winning'.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  142. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Danth's Law.

    If you have to keep TELLing how you have won....maybe your 'victory' in your mind is more about your lack in Reality.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


    Your right, why do you keep repeating this are you trying to convince yourself you won? You did win, you won hands down. You are king of the blithering idiots, all hail the king Mold. Mold, where did you get that name from anyway? An ex lover?

  143. big chief black cloud4:25 PM

    Big black cloud over Chicago, and not a word from either of the father's of Charinez's two kids, or her own father...

    Charinez Jefferson, Pregnant Chicago Teen, Fatally Shot, But Baby Saved (VIDEO)

    The Huffington Post/AP 8/17/11

    A baby boy is "fighting for his life" early Wednesday after his 17-year-old mother was fatally shot on Chicago's South Side.

    Charinez Jefferson was walking with friends about 10:35 p.m. when a man ran toward the group and began shooting, Chicago Police Officer Ronald Gaines told the AP.

    Jefferson, who was about six months pregnant, suffered multiple wounds to the body and one shot to her head.

    "I really don't know what happened," the teen's mother told the Tribune.

    "She was going to the corner store. She stopped to talk to a guy she knew and someone drove up and opened fire. That's what I've been told. I got down there but they already roped it off. I couldn't get to her."

    According to the Chicago Sun-Times, Jefferson was walking with a friend of her boyfriend when the gunman approached.

    She reportedly said "Please don’t kill me," to the gunman before she was shot.

    Jefferson also has a 1-year-old child and was entering her junior year at Banner Therapeutic Day School, according to NBC Chicago.

    The baby, which weighed 7 pounds and 3 ounces when he was delivered late Tuesday, was in critical but stable condition early Wednesday.

  144. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who like to be pissed on. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Heavenly Man Juice (blog)


  145. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who like to be pissed on. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Heavenly Man Juice (blog)


  146. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Charinez Jefferson 17 year old mother with a one year old child pregnant again and fatally shot while hanging with her boyfriends "friend"

    God we have become a third world nation, we are the world, we are Africa.

  147. Anonymous4:28 PM

    It was never about you.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  148. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    It was never about you.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


    Mold is retarded, Mold is copy and paste repeaterating Mold is retarded Mold is a loony tune, Mold makes no sense Mold is retarded Mold likes to copy and paste but can't spell or write his own stuff Mold is Retarded

    See how stupid it is when people are at your level? How old are you really? Mentally I am judging you to be about 9 possibly 10 years old. Anyway somebody today I think was talking about you when he wrote this paragraph (he wrote it, not copied and pasted-erated it.

    " I only spend time with Americans who are in the asset column, as I refuse to spend time with whiners, stinky hippies and others who sadly are terminally addicted to the curse of Fedzilla dependency. They are anchor-dragging mouth-breathers who do nothing to put gas in the tank of America. I have no use for those dependent punks."

    Mold, that is you to a T-bone steak you freakazoid gigantus.

  149. pukerating4:36 PM

    The growing visibility of Obama's failing presidency seems to have created a hormonal imbalance in mold. The body of an ass-cancer patient is sensitive that way.

    The combination of the chemo and having his ass radiated in the industrial-strength microwave used to treat his problem always leads to lots of open sores. Liberal sores, you might say. Then come the outbursts. The harsh words. The gender confusion. All par for the course.

    We haven't heard from Hugo Chavez for a while. I wonder how his ass cancer is progressing?

  150. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Love the calling me a 'lesbian' by a wee lad. I have to go pretty far back in my life to recall the 'this am you' widdle boy argumentum ad hominem.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  151. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Love the calling me a 'lesbian' by a wee lad. I have to go pretty far back in my life to recall the 'this am you' widdle boy argumentum ad hominem.

    Tryin that Lesbian stuff again?Hoping that we buy off on the fact that you are pretending to be female? Now just like all the other times no one has EVER said lesbian so where did you make this up from?

    You could never be as good as AB, besides the fact that you have totally different equipment. You are just a FreakaZoid

  152. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Since AB is a wite dude, you are correct in that we are not the same. Are you upset that I showed that the entire bit was the same as calling me a 'lesbian'? Why? Does that remove your best antic?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  153. Anonymous5:15 PM

    AB, "hobama was out on the dl in chi etc for years"

    You live in sin against the second coming of the black messiah. How dare you! Stop this slandering of the POTUS asap. You have no moral code or respect for yourself, your country, your humanity, or the divine powers above who have anointed him POTUS.

    You are not a true Christian or a true Chicagoan. Fix that asap.

    Learn how to care for Obama through your great Mayor, Rahm Emanuel who also was ordained by the divine powers.

    AB, you need to get yourself together quick, and join the rest of us in support of Obama the good-hearted caring man of the people.

  154. Anonymous5:26 PM

    "Since AB is a wite dude, you are correct in that we are not the same."

    You are probably right. She has an IQ of 250. She is too intelligent to be Black.

    But why does Mellaneous, Dr. Queen and LAA talk to her as if she is Black? Why does Uts, Mack and Kid see her as a sistah, a Lesbian, but nevertheless a Sistah?

    Something doesn't add up.

  155. more on that darkly evil cloudy icy bastard hobama

    i love maxine!

    she is flawed like all humans
    she is still my shero

    kudos madam!!!!
    maxine = fnotd!

    it is time to storm hobama!!!!
    It’s town hall season, and the Congressional Black Caucus is the first this year to get a mouthful from frustrated constituents on the economy. In a clip that quickly made the rounds in the news cycle, the panel meeting the Detroit crowd yesterday defended the President’s work, but with a bit of malaise, as Rep. Maxine Waters argued they were “getting tired” and “don’t know why on this trip… he’s not in any black community.” That the President is having trouble with his most loyal constituency is already being touted as a sign that 2012 isn’t going to be a Democratic cakewalk.

    At some points during the public meeting last night, the mostly black crowd became so agitated the representatives found difficulty speaking– this was certainly the case as Rep. Waters explained to the crowd that she believed “we’ve got to put pressure on the President, because you all love the President.” She said she understood the hesitation on attacking him, but then lay into the President once she got the crowd to settle, wondering where his economics plan was and lamenting that his August bus tour did not include any black neighborhoods:

    “The Congressional Black Caucus loves the President, too. We’re supportive of the president, but we’re getting tired. We’re getting tired. And so, what we want to do is, we want to give the president every opportunity to show what he can do and what he’s prepared to lead on. We want to give him every opportunity, but our people are hurting. The unemployment is unconscionable. We don’t know what the strategy is. We don’t know why on this trip that he’s in the United States now, he’s not in any black community. We don’t know that.”

    The frustration among members of the black community seemed to reflect to some in the media why the President’s approval ratings have been dwindling in such a dramatic way recently, such that his core support group feels alienated has he tours rural communities where he has never had a solid following and has already encountered some trouble with the local Tea Party leaders there. As panel moderator Jeff Johnson explained in his wrap-up, “the ‘hope and change’ message that rallied support from African-American communities in Detroit and beyond is long gone. Many are unclear what message can motivate this base to the polls again, while so many are suffering under a devastating economy and the reality of unemployment.” This, “exacerbated by the fact that at the same time the CBC Detroit town hall was taking place, the president was in Iowa dealing with the issues of rural Americans,” gave the panel, to its host, a new sense of urgency.


  156. racist sexist inept uneducated trailer pk troll molded moron/demonic nell:

    there is no greater sin than ignorance

    thus, u make me look like a lesbian saint/genius

    and u r the most evil sinful mf on this blog

    u prove that daily

  157. Anonymous6:09 PM

    They are allowing the wite dude to continue faking. You would have to ask them as to their reasons.
    Though, I would offer that it is quite funny to let a wingnut Con thinkerate they are fooling people. Sort of like letting wingnut Con Chickenhawks brag about what they did during the War.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  158. Anonymous6:15 PM

    ab is wite and mold has strange eye culor.

  159. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Anonymous said...
    ab is wite and mold has strange eye culor.

    It's just the Mold is full of sperm its up to his eyes, he needs to be emptied.

  160. "Charinez Jefferson 17 year old mother with a one year old child pregnant again and fatally shot while hanging with her boyfriends "friend"

    God we have become a third world nation, we are the world, we are Africa."

    No, we are A-merry-ca. Did you see the story I lead with? That might be the new normal.

  161. Anonymous6:55 PM

    No, we are A-merry-ca. Did you see the story I lead with? That might be the new normal.

    The diplomat talking about dark and dirty indians? No sure you mean the Icabod Crane madman. Which is worse? Hopefully we wont have to settle for either and can start getting a grip on all this violence. I have no idea how but something needs to be done fast.

    The first step is clear to me though, no more excuses

  162. Anonymous7:08 PM

    fyi, from Dave's Daily:

    "Investors are getting tired and count me in. Earnings are flowing in tonight after the close, some good and some bad. Other than hedge funds and HFTs we're all singing to a dwindling audience as investors flee markets. Where are they headed? Probably to gold and bank CDs. Once you break trust with investors it's hard to win them back. It's true so many investors are locked in to their 401K plans so they were happy when markets came back from 2008 collapse. But overall, they're a diminishing breed demographically.

    Senator Grassley has made no secret that he's after Steve Cohen's SAC Capital and has accused the SEC of destroying documents in his quest to get answers. This is a serious situation.

    The U.S. is in a bad spot. Multinational companies are doing well abetted by outsourced jobs which lower costs and a weak dollar making overseas sales look better. I don't think this is the long-term recipe for U.S. success."

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