Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"OrBameo", and Happy Birthday, Elvis?

Poor Rush. The guy must be feeling really irrelevant these days. He is trying so hard to get a rise out of us black folks and it ain't even working. When a racism chaser like moi doesn't even feel motivated to take the bait you know he (Rush) has hit rock bottom.

"Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh described a new Oreo that will have both chocolate and vanilla cream as a "biracial" cookie and said that "it isn't going to be long before it's going to be called the Or-Bam-eo or something like this." Limbaugh later called it the "Or-Bam-eo" himself.
LIMBAUGH: Kraft foods is going to launch a new Oreo. You ought to see -- that got Snerdly's attention. It's a Triple Double Oreo. Do you like Oreos, is that?
Well, it -- what it's going to be here, it's actually a biracial cookie. You've got three of the chocolate wafers, and then you've got the white vanilla cream -- the cream -- and then there's a chocolate cream. So you've got, you've got three -- the stuff, the thing that says Oreo on it, the wafer. And then you've got the white cream, then you've got another chocolate wafer, then you've got the chocolate cream, and then you've got the bottom wafer.
The Triple Double Oreo. You wait, it isn't going to be long before it's called the Or-Bam-eo, or something like this. Well, it's a biracial cookie, here. And this story is from the Chicago Tribune, and it's all about Kraft's juicing up its investment in the Oreo in recent years. Legitimate businesses.
Do I know you get Oreos and ice cream? Yeah, I know that. I don't -- I'm not a big ice cream fan, but I know that you can do that. I know that you can -- you know what? What I heard the other day, McDonald's? You know these -- what are they called? Rolos, these caramel things that come in a roll that you get? McDonald's is putting those in their soft ice cream or shakes or whatever. I saw that the other day. Yeah.
In the midst of all this talk of obesity. And, I mean, every time Michelle Obama goes out there and talks about healthful eating, the food industry responds with, "Oh, yeah? Take this." And Kraft comes up with the Or-Bam-eo, the triple double-dipper.
OK, to the phones.
The Chicago Tribune article that Limbaugh was referencing mentions nothing about race, of course, and it certainly doesn't describe it as a "biracial" cookie.
Limbaugh is clearly aware of the use of the word "Oreo" as a racial slur.
In 2005, Limbaugh repeated the dubious allegation that former Republican National Committee chairman Michael Steele had Oreos thrown at him in 2002 while he was running to be lieutenant governor of Maryland.
Limbaugh was discussing NFL quarterback Donovan McNabb's statement that some criticism of his play was related to race. Limbaugh listed Steele among the "names of people that the NAACP has tried to destroy."

I want to thank Tyrone Gayle from Media Matters for e-mailing that story to me. But, sorry Tyrone, Rush is about as relevant as the last man off the bench for the Washington Wizards these days. Maybe when he starts trying to buy his oxy pills again on the black market we will pay attention.

I must confess that I have never been a big Elvis fan. But the man is an A-merry-can icon. Maybe this is why some of you folks just refuse to believe that the man is dead. Some of you have taken it a step further, and you have actually declared that the day that the rest of us believe that he died, is actually the day that he was born:

"Before we get started, let's all say 'Happy Birthday' to Elvis Presley today," Bachmann greeted event attendees at a "Join Team Bachmann" rally in Spartanburg, SC.
"We played you a little bit of Promised Land when we pulled up. You can't do better than Elvis Presley and we thought we would celebrate his birthday as we get started celebrating taking our country back to work."

OK, I don't want to be cruel here ( "Dont be cruel", get it?) but Michele, once again,I think you might have a little problem:

"GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann mistakenly wished Elvis Presley a "happy birthday" today during a campaign event in South Carolina.
Presley -- "The King" to music fans everywhere -- died 34 years ago on this date." [Source]


Michele, I think you just lost the vote of every white woman who is over 55 in A-merry-ca.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    ACT Scores Up

    The class of 2011 showed some small gains in their readiness for college, according to a new ACT report released today, but America still has a long way to go before all high school graduates are prepared for college—or a career.

    The results also showed a significant race-based achievement gap. Just 4 percent of African-Americans met the benchmarks in all four subjects, compared with 11 percent of Hispanics and American Indians, 15 percent of Pacific Islanders, 31 percent of whites, and 41 percent of Asian-Americans. At least 50 percent of African-American, Hispanic, and American-Indian students didn’t meet any of the four benchmarks

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Remember when st reagan appointee made a stink over the eveel Librul ungawdly Beach Boys? Michelle is from that same Teahadi/Merican Talibani sect.
    If you want to see devotion, adoration and respect...go to Graceland and observe the fans.
    Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups.

    ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  3. Debo is an idiot!


  4. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Loriezed latos goc oyop dos nutagi ieyes. Gu nosal momal budielog sa ierolicod igigarar, arilug tisedu gie doyete. Yakar bo meyol! Tutep eki ete cih pe yayar palire! Falanol lehoful so yirit leli polete. Misapel era lo ginine sit royec ca otaran. Pato ta werara? Jiri Bachman aliexuna. Man dumpling lice var to ituc epahacew. Tedeyet sekomig tapi ci ralafat aho eceresi ruc neb dozam. Gep unoyano sanus tadoto nof. Ved otoni mes fi leho nal; banowe efines tihenec votec non. Imiefetud otot coto gieforag; hosenig erud inahetis ema ritiles ra tani ra gates zip.


  5. Hairy Pietur8:46 PM

    Yo Yo Mold what iz yo' problem? Did you not git enough oxygen at birf? You jive ta much sheeit dat noone understands cause you dum you know dat dum Jus' like Orenthawl James.

  6. Anonymous8:46 PM

    DQ you are a wite male.Only a idiot would pretenderate.


  7. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Only a idiot would pretenderate.

    Jew would no betta tan anywun my fren --idiot say hell-o to the littel mold

  8. Anon @ 7:58 PM, I am guessing that you were not in that 31 percent. ;)

  9. Anonymous9:04 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon @ 7:58 PM, I am guessing that you were not in that 31 percent. ;)

    Brilliant you are right, I was in the Somalian Eskimo Division, we only had 1 benchmark due to Affirmative Action, Blubber Chewing and I passed...a now I just need to find a job chewin blubber somewhere, I am good at it I tell ya. They should just do away with all these tests and then everyone will be so qualified in the real world. Heres my dipoma I passeded it say so rite heah now gimme dat paper whatchu mean do a budget spreadsheat..I aint signed on to be no mofo maid....

  10. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Why does mold get so much hate from goobers? Does she prove wite goobers are pretenderating AfAm?
    Yes i do believe thats it.I take pleasure in showing you gawd furin goobers.It will take more than a oral degree to smart me.Keep trying.I keep laughing and showing your ignorance.


  11. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Mold, is it true you used to be a tap dancer until you fell into the sink?

    Are you talking about yourself in the third precious? silly golum.

  12. Hey, Field, MSNBC is predictably running with the phoney "black cloud" story as well.

    If you fall for this one, it's only because you want to:

  13. Michael Steel did have oreos thrown at him as he campaigned in Maryland. Liberals hate no one more than minority Republicans and have no reservations venting their vile bigotry as long as the object of their racism is a political opponent.

    If you are against racism, you are against it wherever it rears its head.

  14. Where can I get me some of them Orbameos? They sound good.

  15. Anonymous10:49 PM

    ""GOP presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann mistakenly wished Elvis Presley a "happy birthday" today during a campaign event in South Carolina.
    Presley -- "The King" to music fans everywhere -- died 34 years ago on this date." "

    I am a Presley fan and we still celebrate his birthday so what's so terrible what Bachmann did? Nothing.

    You just want to mess with her because she is White, beautiful, has great legs, smart and free. Long live Elvis!

  16. Michael Steele is a pitiful, joke of a human being but he's not an oreo. I'd like to see a link to that story with pics.

    Chuck Berry is the King of Rock N Roll.

    Hound Dog is a Big Mama Thornton song.

    When efforts were being made to get Billie Holiday a stamp the administration objected because she was an addict yet Elvis had had two stamps for a few years.

    Fuck Elvis

  17. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Elvis could sing better than anybody, including James Brown and Little Richard.

    I hear among some people that Elvis probably wrote most of James Brown's songs for him.:) He was the greatest Rock Star EVER!

    That's why MJ wanted to marry his daughter.

  18. Anonymous11:08 PM

    Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure.

    Never lose sight of the fact that liberals are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off their fathers. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Boob Juice (dream)


  19. Aw come on, Brooklyn.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth11:21 PM

    So...Elvis wrote the song,"I'm BLACK and I'm Proud"? Wow, I didn't know that Elvis was black and proud. I tell ya, learn something new everyday. Smh!

  21. Anonymous11:27 PM

    Brooklyn said, "Fuck Elvis"

    Only a bitch would say something like that about Elvis who is loved by all. You need to go to church 5 days a week. And you had better watch your mouth about Elvis. Show some respect.

    Chuck Berry the King? That's a laugh. just goes to show how little you know.

  22. Anonymous11:35 PM

    Why does mold get so much hate from goobers? Does she prove wite goobers are pretenderating AfAm?
    Yes i do believe thats it.I take pleasure in showing you gawd furin goobers.It will take more than a oral degree to smart me.Keep trying.I keep laughing and showing your ignorance.


  23. GrannyStandingforTruth11:38 PM

    Rush the drug addict is extremely delusional. It wouldn't hurt if he'd take some of the First Lady's advice and eat healthy, but well, when you a drug addict things like your personal appearance don't matter. Nevertheless, Rush the drug addict is an insignificant obese drug addict that has no room to talk.

  24. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Granny said, "So...Elvis wrote the song,"I'm BLACK and I'm Proud"? Wow, I didn't know that Elvis was black and proud. I tell ya, learn something new everyday. Smh!"

    You don't have to shake your head in disbelief. That 's your trouble, no one can tell you a thing. FYI:

    When James Brown went to Elvis, right away Elvis knew Brown had some talent. Elvis also knew that Blacks needed lifting up and that's when Elvis wrote the lyrics "I'm Black and I'm Proud" for James Brown. But Elvis let Brown figure out the music to go with the lyrics. It took Brown a long time but he finally came up with some music.

    But it's the lyrics that moved black people not so much the song. Elvis would even show Brown how to move his body.

    Elvis was behind a lot of songs sung by Blacks, esp the hits. I know this is hard for you to take, but facts are facts.:)

  25. @Elvis typically I wouldn't care but the Billie Holiday thing really bugged me.

  26. Anonymous12:00 AM

    No one can deny that "Behind every successful black person, there is a white person who helped them and showed them the way."

    Throughout the history of America, this has been true. Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron, Jim Brown, NBA players, NCAA players, NFL players, NFL coaches, black movie producers, actors, Aunt Jemima Syrup, Bob Johnson, Black CEO's, affirmative action, etc. All of the had to be supported by Whites. Even the military: Had it not been for Harry Truman the military would still be segregated!

    And certainly Obama would not be President if not for Whites and the perfect political storm that made it possible for a black man to have a chance at the WH.

    I suspect that even FN blog probably has a white friend guiding him, or maybe a Jewish person who Field looks up to.

    Face it. There is no getting away from Whites. They impact all the lives of Blacks.

  27. Now I see why Mold doesn't bother providing links..but here goes.

    Otis Blackwell songwriter

    There's more but whatever.

    Granny I admire your standing up and responding to Anons as much as you do.

  28. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Brooklyn, "@Elvis typically I wouldn't care but the Billie Holiday thing really bugged me."

    why are you blaming Elvis for this? what the heck did he have to do with stamps?

    "Don't be Cruel", little Brooklyn.

  29. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Grannies Cool, you know what they say

    "Old colanders never die, they just can't take the strain anymore"

  30. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Now I see why Mold doesn't bother providing links..but here goes.

    No, thats because shut down. But to give Mold credit he did have to drop out of communism class, because of lousy Marx.

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth12:19 AM


    I feel ya!

  32. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Brooklyn, I think you just need a "Whole Lotta Loving"

    from your loving Brooklyn Neighbor,

  33. snorkling12:23 AM

    The truth about what ails mold:

    Amoeba caused mold's fatal infection

    Officials at a camp attended by mold said it's impossible to determine where he contracted the amoeba.

    To avoid waterborne illness or contaminating swimming waters, health officials advise:

    Don't swim when you have diarrhea.

    Don't swallow pool, lake, pond or river water.

    Practice good hygiene

    To avoid waterborne illness or contaminating swimming waters, health officials advise:

    Don't swim when you have diarrhea.

    Don't swallow pool, lake, pond or river water.

    Practice good hygiene. Shower with soap before and after swimming.

    Wash your hands thoroughly after using the restroom or changing diapers.

    Avoid swimming, diving or other activities in obviously stagnant freshwater bodies when temperatures are high and water levels are low.

    Hold your nose or wear nose plugs when underwater or when diving or swimming in hot, shallow freshwater bodies.

    August 16, 2011

    The Virginia Department of Health does not know — and may never know — from which body of water mold contracted a deadly infection from an amoeba.

    "In all likelihood, we're never going to pinpoint exactly where this amoeba was acquired," said Dr. Keri Hall, the state epidemiologist.

    Her department received results from an autopsy Friday that confirmed the cause of death as primary amoebic meningoencephalitis, which is caused by Naegleria fowleri.

    She said the amoebas, which swim up the nose and enter the brain, live in freshwater bodies around the world.

    She declined to identify the person who died Aug. 5, but family members said he was mold, 69, of Henrico County.

    The victim's mother, mommy mold, said he attended a camp run by the Richmond-based Virginia Fishing Adventures the week before he died and had been drunk the first day of camp. She believes that's when he took in the fatal, contaminated water.

    She called mold "the insanest, most deranged man you'd ever meet."

    "He went from playing video games to being brain dead," she said.

  34. Anonymous12:24 AM

    Granny, I kid you not when I say , I relish the fact that you've mustard the strength to try to ketchup to me.

  35. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Brooklyn, I think you just need a "Whole Lotta Loving"

    from your loving Brooklyn Neighbor,

    12:21 AM

    Oh Lordie, the two of them together? Whoa! I would pay big money to see that.

  36. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Granny's the onion we've been grating for.

  37. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Has anybody seen KID tonight? has there EVER been a great black singer from Cleveland? Nope. Just Whites.

  38. Anonymous12:45 AM

  39. Duane Pipe1:28 AM

    Elvis aint got nothing on these guys and they are warrior leaders and warriors in training. Kid, don't watch this, don't want to spook you.

  40. Anonymous1:48 AM

    People with gold bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc. I think you will find this article VERY interesting. It could bring you more than twice your money:

  41. "You just want to mess with her because she is White, beautiful, has great legs, smart.."

    I will have to take your word for it.

    Sup Granny? I co-sign with Brooklyn.:)

  42. Anonymous7:47 AM

    While I am not an Elvis fan...I really can't see anyone who is thinking what Bachmann did was anything less than condescending.
    Remember when st reagan appointee made a stink over the eveel Librul ungawdly Beach Boys? Michelle is from that same Teahadi/Merican Talibani sect.
    If you want to see devotion, adoration and respect...go to Graceland and observe the fans.
    Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  43. Anonymous8:23 AM

    People posting here hate white people.Thats why they hate Elvis.Funny you don't see posters crying about "Freeway" Ricky Ross getting ripped of.

    Off topic question

    Why isn't Obama taking his'Magical Misery Bus Tour' to any black communities?

  44. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Remember when st reagan appointee made a stink over the eveel Librul ungawdly Beach Boys?


    No i don't.So please share the name of this appointee.

  45. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Had to look up the fake term. Seems some folks are upset that they volunteered to be Tea Baggers...even though many well-meaning Lefties informed the Tea Baggers of the consequences of wanting to be Tea Baggers. And...the Tea Baggers kept bragging about being Tea Baggers.
    Sort of a petulant stoopid...and a 'you can't tells me nuttin' response. Or...they like the visual of being Tea Baggers.

    Umm...there are AfAms in nearly every place...a singer on a TV show hails from the whitest part of West Virginia. Even in rural Pennsyltucky and upstate...AfAms the question seems oddly worded.
    Maybe the considerations are based on the logistics and physical constraints of a Prevost bus. I would not want to take one on South Street...unless it was when everyone had gone home.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  46. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Another racist black mob attack.

    Still want to pretend black mobs are not deliberating targeting whites?

    New Video Shows Philly Teen Attack

    PHILADELPHIA - First on Fox 29: a new video surfaces of another unprovoked attack in Philadelphia, right outside City Hall, by a group of teen girls on a worker.

    A woman attacked in broad daylight in May is now coming forward. And Fox 29 has obtained chilling video of the attack on her by a group of teenage girls.

    The exclusive video shows her walking outside City Hall, before dark at 8 p.m. on a Thursday, when out of nowhere, a group of girls comes up behind her, slams her on the ground, and starts hitting her repeatedly.

    Fox 29's Shawnette Wilson spoke to the woman who recounted the attack.

    "I initially came out the back corner right there near the Courtyard Marriot turn the corner, said bye to my coworkers and had an inkling to look behind me,” she said.

    "At that point the girl in front was already five feet off me."

    The pack then attacked the woman.

    “They are like dancing and screaming so a good 95 percent of them knew what was happening at the point."

    The woman said one teen grabbed her shoe and started beating her.

    "The one girl kind of grabbed me I was thrown in mid-air, for 25 seconds they were just hitting me there. I twisted and fell down and they continued to hit me and kick me, my shoe fell off one of the girls had that to continue to hit me.”

    The woman said the attack was relentless.

    “When I was in the air was when they got the first punch on my face that scared me I’ve near been punched like that,” she said.

    "Their primary concern seemed to be laughing and beating on me so it seems like teens all girl,” she said.

    “It seemed like they were on a roller coaster the way they were laughing."

  47. don't be cruel8:59 AM

    brooklyn says:

    Chuck Berry is the King of Rock N Roll.

    Hound Dog is a Big Mama Thornton song.

    Singers are singers. Rarely are they also songwriters.

    Chuck Berry was not a songwriter. You can tell from the lyrics. Neither was Elvis.

  48. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Another black mob attack.

    Food Deliveryman Robbed, Beaten Unconscious In Delaware

    WILMINGTON, Del. (CBS) – Police in Delaware are searching for seven suspects who robbed and attacked a food deliveryman, leaving him unconscious.

    The attack happened at about 10:40 p.m. Tuesday in the 500 block of W. 26th Street in Wilmington.

    According to investigators, the victim told them he was making a delivery when he was met by an unknown black male. The victim said six other black males appeared and began to strike him in the head and face until he lost consciousness.

  49. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Had to look up the fake term.

    Of course you did, being a copy and paster you don't think and knowing Obama is on a bus tour coupled with a small amount of cultural knowledge of the US "magic misery" never clicked with your low IQ that maybe they were talking about Obamas bus tour so you had to see what others could tell you to think

    Seems some folks are upset that they volunteered to be Tea Baggers... Really Who are some folks?

    even though many well-meaning Lefties informed the Tea Baggers of the consequences of wanting to be Tea Baggers -

    liberty, freedom, independance, self reliance - scary things to a liberal.

    And...the Tea Baggers kept bragging about being Tea Baggers.

    Especially those that practiced nut dippin on you, although I dont think there is anything to be proud of there, what flavor were they?

    Sort of a petulant stoopid..

    stupid is spelled this way, don't mis-spell it otherwise you sound stupid

    .and a 'you can't tells me nuttin' response. Or...they like the visual of being Tea Baggers.

    What is the visual of a political view?

    Umm...there are AfAms in nearly every place...a singer on a TV show hails from the whitest part of West Virginia. Even in rural Pennsyltucky and upstate...AfAms the question seems oddly worded.

    Tell that to Maxine Waters the CBC and Black voters, this shows you are a white boy and haven't been told how to think on this yet.

    Maybe the considerations are based on the logistics and physical constraints of a Prevost bus. I would not want to take one on South Street...unless it was when everyone had gone home.

    Why I am sure no one would try and strip it for the rims.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to avoid liberals who want someone to piss on them. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)

  50. Even I know that 8/17 is the anniversary of Elvis' death. Michelle Bachman just doesn't do her research. Earlier in the year she commented on a town being the birth place Of John Wayne, when it was actually the birth place of John Wayne Gacy, notorious serial killer. These kind of mistakes show a lack of preparedness, and embarrass women of all races.

  51. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Yabba dabba doo.


  52. Harvard Man9:42 AM

    abundidi said...
    "These kind of mistakes show a lack of preparedness, and embarrass women of all races."

    Give her a break. Women just aren't that smart.You can't hold them to a man's standard.

  53. fn:

    if that ignorant sexist racist rich fool rush were irrelevant
    he and his clones would not exclusively rule all talk radio

    millions of drones DO obey rush and tom joyner
    like hobama
    rush has his own neocon nazi minions

    never underestimate the EXTREME social power of syndicated mindlessness/scripted political groupthink

    DO be afraid and beware!

    It is morbidly ironic that Rush Limbaugh aurally poisoned millions for 15 years,
    then suddenly began becoming biologically deaf. It is even more powerfully karmic that he
    has bashed justice, truth, sanity, and righteousness as crimes, only to be exposed as
    an actual criminal himself. Even when one is a political puppet with a super
    syndicated microphone, what one reaps one sows. Those who throw stones at glass
    houses eventually exit from their own shattered homes in disgrace. Those who build
    their careers by being ruthless judges will also be ruthlessly judged...

    Life is filled with karmic lessons....Rush has been larger than life for Repulikkkan
    media puppeteers for 15 years. He has been America’s most powerful and supreme
    hatemonger, ever. He has almost single handedly acted as the leader of a national neocon
    revolution. He has personally made hate speech the most lucrative and most
    duplicated radio fare nationwide. And now, he has once again been exposed and

    His attack on Donovan McNabb exposed his racism to millions who had tastefully missed his
    radio shows. His confession regarding his drug addiction has now exposed his
    hypocrisy to millions, including those rabidly racist fools who are his radio fans. Now that Rush
    has been busted for criminally purchasing drugs, he has belatedly announced that he
    is a drug addict.

    "If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996

  54. michelle b is a complete idiot

    she is a bimbo beard

    the sexist media will slay her even worse than they did the brainy brave hillary

    mb will be the comic relief of the entire ugly kabuki bs that will end in hobama's second selection in 2012


  55. Shut it, fool.

    I still need me some of them Orbameos. Somebody gots to hook me up.

  56. Anonymous10:46 AM

    michelle b is a complete idiot

    she is a bimbo beard

    the sexist media will slay her even worse than they did the brainy brave hillary

    mb will be the comic relief of the entire ugly kabuki bs that will end in hobama's second selection in 2012


    No, NO, NO Rick Perry is going to take Obama down. It is like comparing a whining little boy with a man who has actually accomplished good things. Obama doesn't stand a chance, Rick will be looking at Obama during the debates and Obama will be looking for help from the teleprompter or Michelle.

  57. anon:


    perry has been selected to make the selection look like a real election...

  58. "Rush is about as relevant as the last man off the bench for the Washington Wizards these days."

    Hamady Ndiaye takes offense with your comment, sir.

  59. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Yep, we Jews/women/professionals/college educated/Liberals don't know nuttin' according to a anonymous Troll on a blog.

    Had to look up the fake term. Seems some folks are upset that they volunteered to be Tea Baggers...even though many well-meaning Lefties informed the Tea Baggers of the consequences of wanting to be Tea Baggers. And...the Tea Baggers kept bragging about being Tea Baggers.
    Sort of a petulant stoopid...and a 'you can't tells me nuttin' response. Or...they like the visual of being Tea Baggers.

    Umm...there are AfAms in nearly every place...a singer on a TV show hails from the whitest part of West Virginia. Even in rural Pennsyltucky and upstate...AfAms the question seems oddly worded.
    Maybe the considerations are based on the logistics and physical constraints of a Prevost bus. I would not want to take one on South Street...unless it was when everyone had gone home.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  60. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Odd that an alleged lawyer would be so ignorant of pertinent facts. Oh, she went to OralU. A real law school would have made those shallow errors much less likely.
    FSM, what was she like as a practicing paralegal/layperson! Well, being a theocrat means never having to do the work...and getting it wrong means some Jews gotta die.
    Maybe you 'experts' could go sit in your local county court to discover why this is relevant.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  61. Educated black man.12:07 PM

    Mold has ruined this blog.

  62. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Here is a tissue for your hurt fee-fees wite dude.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  63. Anonymous12:39 PM

    mold passes for white

    mold has white eye culor

    mold types like a white

    Why does mold hate white so much?She can't fully pull it of? No matter how hard she tries she can't be white?

  64. A New Day12:40 PM

    Allen West: “Well I think Laura when you look at what is happening, the laughable hypocrisy is that the big black bus is not going into the black communities. When you have unemployment in the black community, 16.3% in July and it dropped down to 15.9% in the month of August, that’s not in the right direction. So you have this 21st Century plantation where the democrat party has forever taken the black vote for granted and you have established certain black leaders are nothing more than the overseers of the plantation. And, now the people on that plantation are upset because they’ve been disregarded, disrespected and their concerns are not cared about. So I’m here as the modern day Harriet Tubman to kinda lead people on the underground railroad away from that plantation into a sense of sensibility.”

  65. kudos to allen w!!!

    i hate him...
    but he is telling the truth!!!

    reps = dems

    Nadler accused Republicans of deliberately trying to blow up the national debt so they can later argue that popular entitlement programs – long a target for conservatives – need to be cut in order to prevent a fiscal catastrophe, according to Sahil Kapur, writing for Raw Story.

    In order to make this argument, history needs to be sent to the trash dumpster. Republicans have accrued three times the debt of Democrats. “This demonstrates that the self-applied rubric of ‘fiscal conservative’ is not true for Republican Administration’s unless we invert the accepted meaning of these words,” writes George Giles. He provides charts showing the profligate ways of establishment Republicans who claim the Democrats are the tax and spenders.

    Republicans like stealing your money as much as Democrats do. They are determined to lock your children and grand children into debt slavery for decades to come.

    Republicans controlled the House from 1995 until the Democrats took over and Obama ascended to the golden teleprompter. Jacob Hornberger of the Future of Freedom Foundation asked some pertinent questions about the Republicans in 2006.

    “How many departments were abolished when Republicans controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress? How many agencies? How many spending bills were vetoed? How many pork-barrel projects were jettisoned? How much was federal spending reduced?” writes Laurence M. Vance.

    Establishment Republicans like to pretend they oppose Obamacare and will repeal it now that they control the House and have gained seats in the Senate. Due to the fact Americans have poor memory, they were able to use this ruse to win election victories in November.

    “The fact that they didn’t repeal anything after they gained control of the Congress in the 1994 election is a long-forgotten thing to most Americans,” Vance notes. “The simple truth is that once in power Republicans not only never reverse the legislative damage done by Democrats, they add to it.”

    As the historian of the shadow government, Carroll Quigley, pointed out in his tome, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, that the “argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps of the Right, and the other of the Left, is a foolish idea acceptable only to doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy,” including the bankster scheme to imprison the American people in endless debt slavery.

  66. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Some news from Pennsylvania...
    I knew the Glorious Capitalist Wonderments had gotten rid or the icky nasty terrible awful union people who take away our fweedoms...but scamming foreign students is pretty low, even for them. Not only do the job creators put industrial grease into the Hershey product (barnyard chocolate)..they have to steal labour.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  67. Was it really necessary to make this new colossal sculpture on the D.C. National Mall look like something out of a Percy Bysshe Shelley nightmare? And did the Chinese artist/contractor they hired for this sculpture really think through this whole white granite angle? This thing looks less like Martin Luther King than a cross between Chairman Mao, Michael Jordan, Mike Tyson, and an albino.

    Chiefly Seattle explains the hulking Martin Luther King statue debuting on the National Mall in D.C.:

    "It's a monument to modern American corruption and incompetence in every way. First King's family held it up because they wanted a payout. A payout to "use his likeness". Not only were they not willing to "donate" his likeness for free to be used on a public monument, but some scumbag lawyer apparently managed to argue that chiseling an statue of a famous historical figure violates copyright.

    Then they get a mainland Chinese to sculpt it. Is that because out of 1 million art students in college at any time that none of them are competent enough to chisel some stone? Or that the powers that be just can't bear to miss out cheap Chinese labor? Or maybe someone just figured that no one understands the American civil rights struggle and the physique of a black man like a mainland Chinese communist?

    Then after they hire the Chinese he picks the wrong color stone. Was there a sale on white? Someone cancelled their marble countertop at the last minute and he got a half price special? Nope, turns out it was just what the Chinese prison labor dug up that month. Seriously.

    The cherry on top is this little nugget from wikipedia:
    In September 2010, the foundation gave written promises that it would use local stonemasons to assemble the memorial. However, when construction began in October, it appeared that only Chinese laborers would be used. The Washington area local of the Bricklayers and Allied

    Craftsworkers union investigated and determined that the workers are not being paid on a regular basis, with all of their pay being withheld until they return to China.[53]

    Lawyers and academics and copyright whores spend so much time and money arguing that the only way to afford the project is cheap foreign labor with substandard materials. And the result speaks for itself. Truly a monument for our times."

  68. memo to hobama on his opulent vacation:

    WHAT HOPE???

















    OHIO - 22 PER CENT




















    IOWA - 16 PER CENT












    UTAH - 12 PER CENT



    One in five American children now living in poverty according to new report
    14.7million children in families with income less than $21,756 a year

    Child poverty increased in 38 states from 2000 to 2009

    Mississippi is state with highest level - 31 per cent
    New Hampshire is state with smallest level - 11 per cent

    Read more:

  69. hey fn:

    why can't that hobama girl chris matthews see

    that hobama is gwb with a blackish cloudy grin????

  70. hey uts da mayor of utopia:

    tell hobama asap

    we are NOT ok/vacationing/golfing...!!!!
    NBA Player and Boston Celtics guard Delonte West needs a new job. So he's going to Home Depot.

    The 27-year old guard has made over $14 million during his seven year career in the NBA but according to his tweets, he's doing pretty bad.

    "It's official.. Pride 2 the side.. just filled out a application at Home Depot.. Lockout ain't a game.." he tweeted.

  71. Where's Obama...On Vacation Again2:21 PM

    field says:

    "Rush is about as relevant as the last man off the bench for the Washington Wizards these days."

    Thus, based on his own words, we see field occupies himself with the irrelevant.

  72. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Some news from Pennsylvania...
    I knew the Glorious Capitalist Wonderments had gotten rid or the icky nasty terrible awful union people who take away our fweedoms...but scamming foreign students is pretty low, even for them. Not only do the job creators put industrial grease into the Hershey product (barnyard chocolate)..they have to steal labour.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  73. magic johnson2:44 PM

    mold makes me miss uts.

    steve must have got fired. He only ever posted from work.

    maybe they caught him with mandingo porn one too many times.

    At least he can collect unemployment forever, or at least as long as Orbameo is president.

  74. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Obama should not have a vacation...why? Is it that he is so Other to you? Is it that he has taken far less time off than st reagan or bush? Or does it rankle you watching your better have free time with his family?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  75. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Some news from Pennsylvania...
    I knew the Glorious Capitalist Wonderments had gotten rid or the icky nasty terrible awful union people who take away our fweedoms...but scamming foreign students is pretty low, even for them. Not only do the job creators put industrial grease into the Hershey product (barnyard chocolate)..they have to steal labour.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  76. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Odd that an alleged lawyer would be so ignorant of pertinent facts. Oh, she went to OralU. A real law school would have made those shallow errors much less likely.

    Mold you ge"t funnier by the day, so in your Harvard Law studies" they took the time to review Elvis instead of law?

    I wanted to thank you again, I wasn't feeling 100% today and then reading your posts (trying to mind you, my children can spell better and make more sense than you) I suddenly feel myself again, you see no matter how big my problems ever get, they could be worse. I could have turned into a mindless liberal or even worse, a self loathing mindless liberal like you. I am so happy right now and it's all because of you...thanks ya.

  77. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Umm...unlike the dittoheads of ManDumpling love, most folks have to, like, work while at work. Yes, UTS posts...but I'll bet his workplace allows itty bitty SFW diversions. Compare that to the three hours of ManDumpling. Must be pretty relaxed and not all that demanding...if you can be a ditto for that amount of time.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  78. Cornel West2:57 PM

    mold held the Elvis chair at Harvard

  79. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Umm...unlike the dittoheads of ManDumpling love, most folks have to, like, work while at work. Yes, UTS posts...but I'll bet his workplace allows itty bitty SFW diversions. Compare that to the three hours of ManDumpling. Must be pretty relaxed and not all that demanding...if you can be a ditto for that amount of time.

    Nah, just unlike you it takes me second to transpose quick witty thoughts into words, you probably really have to work hard to squeeze out your incoherent mis-spelled gobbly-gook.

    Thanks again dumbbo.

  80. Larry Summers3:02 PM

    Cornel West said...
    mold held the Elvis chair at Harvard
    One fake black intellectual to another.

    mold has a better beard, though.

  81. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Field, Jon Steward says it so perfectly. About your post Tues and regardin Rick Perry and the Black Cloud bit, he puts out a sketch that sums up "racist dog whistles" and the democratic parties inventions and use of them in the black community - absolutely hilarious

  82. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Larry Summers said...
    Cornel West said...
    mold held the Elvis chair at Harvard
    One fake black intellectual to another.

    mold has a better beard, though.

    Ewwww run, that isn't his beard, he is standing on his don't think Mold even shaves yet.

  83. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Umm...unlike the dittoheads of ManDumpling love, most folks have to, like, work while at work. Yes, UTS posts...but I'll bet his workplace allows itty bitty SFW diversions. Compare that to the three hours of ManDumpling. Must be pretty relaxed and not all that demanding...if you can be a ditto for that amount of time.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


    See? A true liberal all the way, so the mistake you made is not because you are a dumbass, it's because you have other problems and you are sure somebody else has it better than you....yup, liberal all the way why not just add in ATM's the internet, Tsunami's in another country to your list of excuses?

  84. Anonymous3:13 PM

    Gee Troll, Stewart is on Comedy Central/Comedy why are you sending a link to known liars? Must be they sent out a call for fellow travelers to up their eyeball count. Helps with the donations...if paranoid Goober hears that umpty million visit the website.

    Schultz did it...and apologized. When will we hear one from st reagan? Or the MRC? Or Coburn?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  85. st. reagan3:15 PM

    "Schultz did it...and apologized. When will we hear one from st reagan? Or the MRC? Or Coburn?"

    I forgive you, mold.

  86. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Gee Troll, Stewart is on Comedy Central/Comedy why are you sending a link to known liars?

    Bahahah - the fecal chewing one is getting more and more crazy. So comedy central are liars? And you are seriously offended by a comedy skit? Hits to close to home does it? You do remember sticking up for stewart when he went on O Reilly don't Stewart is a liar in his comedy - another liberal action - I have never seen you use this word, probably because you can't spell it, but try this one on, it fits you perfectly - hypocrite.

    Schultz did it...and apologized. When will we hear one from st reagan? Or the MRC? Or Coburn?

    Schultz hardly apoligized for his crime, however Sharpton did not, he sounds just like you do too, uneducated, speaks as if he realy doesn't understand what multisyllable words mean and is very uncomfortable using them.

    Makes you wonder if everyone including you have to work this hard at making up racial accusations to the the point of vile ridiculousness, there must not be much real racism out there. Makes a whiteboy nutjob like you insane purpose even more meaningless and ridiculous. Use that word more often, it fits you.

    Have you ever thought of trying comedy? You might get away with more of what you say if you could just say...heyuuckk..heyuckkkkk just joshin...har..har.. we all think you are a joke anyway.

  87. Well, it's day 18 of Ramadan, and let's see how the mayhem is stacking up:

    Terror Attacks:
    In the name of Islam: 94
    In the name of all other religions: 0
    In the name of Anti-muslim right wingers: 0

    Dead Bodies:
    In the name of Islam: 373
    In the name of all other religions: 0
    In the name of Anti-muslim right wingers: 0

    Once again, it's Islam in a laugher.

  88. When black youth gangs target white strangers on the streets and spew out racial hatred as they batter them and rob them, mayors, police chiefs and the media tiptoe around their racism and many in the media either don't cover these stories or leave out the race and racism involved.

    In England, the government did not call out the troops to squash their riots at the outset. The net result was that young hoodlums got to rampage and loot for hours, while the police struggled to try to contain the violence. Hoodlums returned home with loot from stores with impunity, as well as bringing home with them a contempt for the law and for the rights of other people.

    In reality, like other rioters on both sides of the Atlantic they are often exultant in their violence and happy to be returning home with stolen designer clothes and upscale electronic devices.

    In both England and in the United States, whole generations have been fed a steady diet of grievances and resentment against society, and especially against others who are more prosperous than they are. They get this in their schools, on television, on campuses and in the movies. Nothing is their own fault. It is all "society's" fault.

    Dr. Dalrymple says, "I cannot recall meeting a sixteen-year-old white from the public housing estates that are near my hospital who could multiple nine by seven."

    In the United States, the color may be different but the attitudes among the hoodlum element are very similar. In both countries, classmates who try to learn can find themselves targeted by bullies.

    Here those who want to study in ghetto schools are often accused of "acting white." But whites in Britain show the same pattern. Some conscientious students are beaten up badly enough to end up at Dr. Dalrymple's hospital.

    Our elites often advise us to learn from other countries. They usually mean that we should imitate other countries. But it may be far more important to learn from their mistakes -- the biggest of which may be listening to fashionable nonsense from the smug intelligentsia.

    These countries show us where that smug nonsense leads. It may be a sneak preview of our own future. "Send not to know for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

  89. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Gee Troll, Stewart is on Comedy Central/Comedy why are you sending a link to known liars? Must be they sent out a call for fellow travelers to up their eyeball count. Helps with the donations...if paranoid Goober hears that umpty million visit the website.
    Why give any benefit to known liars? Wednesday, August 17, 2011 is the date for the Ed Schultz piece.
    Avoid wingnut Cons...go to the funny source!!

    Schultz did it...and apologized. When will we hear one from st reagan? Or the MRC? Or Coburn? Or Brietbart? Or Bozell? Or Kochs?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  90. Firebaggers are like hemroids said...
    Why isn't Obama taking his'Magical Misery Bus Tour' to any black communities?

    For the same reason Sarah Palin didn't take her Craka jack tour bus to your mammy's trailer park in Appalachia.

  91. even castro knows hobama is a hoax

    when will hobama nazis wake up???????

    Mr. Castro astutely perceives that there are two Obamas: a person who embodies the hopes and aspirations of the American people; and a chief executive whose ambitions are bound to serve the narrow interests of capital. On the one hand, Mr. Castro generally lauds Obama for his intellect, work ethic and mastery of issues such as global warming. On the other hand, Mr. Castro laments that Obama has been unwilling to act decisively on issues that might prove beneficial to humanity while working frantically to prop up a fatally flawed and unsustainable economic system. Not that any of this comes as a surprise to Mr. Castro; as a witness to the eleventh president to hold office since the Cuban Revolution, Mr. Castro knows full well that Obama's power is constrained by the demands of the economic system over which he presides.

  92. how long will it take hobama nazis to finally see hobama???

    wtfu asap!!!!!!!

    Two and half years into the Obama presidency, some of us spend more time mooning over pretty pictures of the First Family, their beautiful kids and regal mother-in-law than we spend publicly worrying over the fates of millions of families, children and elders we personally know. Why are some of us still trying to “save” the Obama administration. When will it be time to save ourselves from endless war, climate change, joblessness and the other ravages of late predatory capitalism?

    To many, it wouldn't matter at all that the First Black President has ignored skyrocketing black unemployment, endemic black mass incarceration, and singled out disproportionately black and unionized public workers for pay freezes, benefit cuts and other “shared sacrifices.” It would not matter that the international good name of African Americans, once symbolized by iconic fighters for justice at home and peace abroad like Muhammad Ali and Martin Luther King had been replaced by the likes of Colin Powell, Condoleeza Rice and Barack Obama, black Americans who have made their careers waging predatory and merciless wars upon struggling people in Africa, Asia and Latin America. It would be, critics of the movie would argue, about respect: respect for the First Black President, they'd say, is symbolic of respect for all of us.

    When we place a value upon the image and the symbolic meaning of the First Black President, of his fine black wife and children and mother-in-law living in that big White House that make these things even nearly as important as Obama's policies, we are loving the royal presidential family more than we love our own families, our own children, our own elders. That can't be good.

    Only the most foolish among us ---- and those whose careers and boat payments depend on it --- are still concerned with “saving” the Obama presidency, or obsessing about how adorable the First Family looks. Not to worry. Michelle, Sasha, and whatshername will be just fine. Barack will do OK too, even if he doesn't get a second term. And like they say, some grown folks just don't want to be saved. Obama should be working on how to save us from endless war, climate change and joblessness. He isn't. And he won't. It's time for us to love our own families, our own children and elders as much or more than we love his, and get busy.

  93. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Reagan is dead.oh how brave liberals are when slandering dead blacks who attack in mobs.when your messiah has failed you.i guess thats all you have.

    Another racist black mob attack.

    Still want to pretend black mobs are not deliberating targeting whites?

    New Video Shows Philly Teen Attack

    PHILADELPHIA - First on Fox 29: a new video surfaces of another unprovoked attack in Philadelphia, right outside City Hall, by a group of teen girls on a worker.

    A woman attacked in broad daylight in May is now coming forward. And Fox 29 has obtained chilling video of the attack on her by a group of teenage girls.

    The exclusive video shows her walking outside City Hall, before dark at 8 p.m. on a Thursday, when out of nowhere, a group of girls comes up behind her, slams her on the ground, and starts hitting her repeatedly.

    Fox 29's Shawnette Wilson spoke to the woman who recounted the attack.

    "I initially came out the back corner right there near the Courtyard Marriot turn the corner, said bye to my coworkers and had an inkling to look behind me,” she said.

    "At that point the girl in front was already five feet off me."

    The pack then attacked the woman.

    “They are like dancing and screaming so a good 95 percent of them knew what was happening at the point."

    The woman said one teen grabbed her shoe and started beating her.

    "The one girl kind of grabbed me I was thrown in mid-air, for 25 seconds they were just hitting me there. I twisted and fell down and they continued to hit me and kick me, my shoe fell off one of the girls had that to continue to hit me.”

    The woman said the attack was relentless.

    “When I was in the air was when they got the first punch on my face that scared me I’ve near been punched like that,” she said.

    "Their primary concern seemed to be laughing and beating on me so it seems like teens all girl,” she said.

    “It seemed like they were on a roller coaster the way they were laughing."

  94. Anonymous5:17 PM

    mold passes for white

    mold has white eye culor

    mold types like a white

    Why does mold hate white so much?She can't fully pull it of? No matter how hard she tries she can't be white?

  95. kkk assnons:

    file under
    violent white teens with heavy ammo

    The estranged dad of a Florida teenager accused of plotting a Columbine-style massacre at his former high school says his son "needs serious help."

    Alexander Cano said he was floored to see his son Jared's mugshot splashed across the television after the boy was arrested on Tuesday for hatching a plan to bomb Freedom High School in Tampa.

    "I don't know what he did," the elder Cano told the Tampa Tribune. "I have no idea what's going on with him. But he needs some help. He needs some serious help."

    "We all have our devils. But apparently he has a lot of devils."

    Cano, 52, said he went to the juvenile detention center to see his son - he and the boy haven't spoken in five or six years - but was turned away.

    "That's my son," Cano told the Tribune. "I love him more than anything in the world. And I'm going to see what I can do to help him. I'm going to do the best for him. I love him.

    "This is devastating," he added.

    Jared Cano, 17, was arrested after a tipster told police the teen was planning to blow up the school using pipe bombs on the first day of class next Tuesday.

    Cano was kicked out of Freedom high in 2010 for bad behavior.

    A raid of his mother's apartment in Tampa Palms turned up a stash of bomb-making equipment, along with a manifesto detailing the attack.

    Cops also found a small marijuana-growing operation.

    Cano has a long rap sheet, including past busts for drugs, weapons and burglary.

    But one friend said that Cano is no madman - just a troubled kid with anger issues.

    "He wouldn't go and do something like that. He'd say he's going to in the heat of the moment but that's his way of venting, I guess," the pal, who wouldn't give his name, told ABC. "I think he was just venting anger on a piece of paper."

    "He doesn't know how to vent," the friend added. "I told him, 'Dude, go in your room, scream in your pillow or something.'"

  96. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Firebaggers are like hemroids said...
    Why isn't Obama taking his'Magical Misery Bus Tour' to any black communities?

    For the same reason Sarah Palin didn't take her Craka jack tour bus to your mammy's trailer park in Appalachia.

    So Black communities are the fringe lowclass of America and that is why the president stayed away from any Black Community? Not a nice thing to say, but ok, will have to take your word for it.

  97. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Seems like that Florida teen thought Obama was kool.

    Anonymous said...
    So Black communities are the fringe lowclass of America and that is why the president stayed away from any Black Community? Not a nice thing to say, but ok, will have to take your word for it.

    I was going to ask the same question Anon.

  98. Lastman5:54 PM

    "It seemed like they were on a roller coaster the way they were laughing."

    There is something seriously wrong with today's young black people.

    This is the fruit of being taught nothing but grievance and resentment against whites.

    It was predictable.

    But where does it go from here?

  99. Anonymous said...
    So Black communities are the fringe lowclass of America and that is why the president stayed away from any Black Community?

    Are white communities the fringe of lowclass? I mean other than Debo and Palin?

    FYI, Prez Obama hasn't had a large presence in the black community since he ran for Prez. And the only "homies" he has looked out for are those he went to Harvard with.

    Still, I'm gonna vote for him anyway in 2012 because goobers like YOU NEVER gave the man a chance to do what he needed to do, despite his obvious shortcomings. You and your buddies would rather ruin America then blame him, than work with him.

  100. Dr. Uterine5:57 PM

    Ms. Queen said..."Still, I'm gonna vote for him anyway in 2012 because goobers like YOU NEVER gave the man a chance to do what he needed to do, despite his obvious shortcomings. You and your buddies would rather ruin America then blame him, than work with him."

    Typical black excuse making and poor reasoning.

    You will never be a doctor.

  101. Queen Truth Squad6:02 PM

    Not only that, she's a liar. She lives in an all white town, makes fun of people who live in PG and didn't vote for Obama the first time.

    She didn't get into any medical school. Now she's just hanging around, claiming to be part of a "research group," spreading her ignorance about medical issues, like HPV vaccinations.

  102. College Graduate6:14 PM

    QTS: "She didn't get into any medical school. Now she's just hanging around, claiming to be part of a "research group," spreading her ignorance about medical issues, like HPV vaccinations."

    Sad. Not everyone is cut out to be a doctor.

    Maybe someday she'll wise up and make herself useful somewhere. There are plenty of low-skill jobs in the healthcare field where someone can make a difference.

  103. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Still, I'm gonna vote for him anyway in 2012 because goobers like YOU NEVER gave the man a chance to do what he needed to do, despite his obvious shortcomings. You and your buddies would rather ruin America then blame him, than work with him.

    Oh but of course, to the capable,strong, intelligent Black Woman the best she can come up with is it's all the white mans fault. Maybe Mold is right about you.

    Tell me something, aside from the nonsense that the democrats to date have never presented a budget and that for the first two years of presidency he was totally in charge and no republican could even get into the back room meetings, how exactly did a white man make him not have ideas, not work, not be ethical, take many vacations, party hard, play golf, not work, campaign? You mean because they started to complain and said no when he wanted another blank check to spend trillions without any budget, plan or remotest accountability?

    Answer those questions, if you can. Where was he last week, campaining in white bread ville, where is now? Vacation, who stopping him, who is making him hide his inner genius, leadership and creativity?

  104. dick cheney6:51 PM

    Has it dawned on America that Obama is more dangerous to the US economy than Jimmy Carter?


    Buchanan: President 'steadily bleeding away support of nation, constituency'...



    Dems declare 'victory'...

    Focus on criminals...

    17 killed in Israel attacks...

    Armed men cross Egyptian border...


    UPDATE: Air Force discharging sergeant who doubts Obama...

    District to send drug testing kits home with middle schoolers...

  105. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure.

    Never lose sight of the fact that liberals are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off their fathers. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Boob Juice (dream)


  106. Anonymous6:55 PM

    OMG!!! Call the wingnut propaganda machine!!!! AfAm male takes vacation to be a family man to his family!!! OMG!!!!
    Even ookier, they are going to the place where upper class US people go!! OMG!!!

    Given the options from the Rs, Obama would have to really do something wingnut to not be reelected. And no, your fantasy 'politricks' league doesn't count. It has to be Real..not invented.
    Why give any benefit to known liars? Wednesday, August 17, 2011 is the date for the Ed Schultz piece.
    Avoid wingnut Cons...go to the funny source!!

    Schultz did it...and apologized. When will we hear one from st reagan? Or the MRC? Or Coburn? Or Brietbart? Or Bozell? Or Kochs?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  107. dicjk cheney6:56 PM

    Obama is among those blacks who believes that corporations obtain money the same way black ministers obtain it -- as gifts.

    Thus, like millions of blacks, he too believes the corporations should share their gifts by finding people to whom they want to give the money, and then call them employees.


    Inflation rising fast...

    Treasury Yields Fall to Record Lows...

    What went wrong with global recovery?

  108. a black mind is a terrible thing7:07 PM

    Scary stuff. IBM has developed a chip that will make recent black flash mob attacks seem like fun surprise parties.

    These chips will made the slaughter in Rwanda look like a warm-up.

    IBM unveils chips that mimic the human brain

    by Stuart Sumner

    18 Aug 2011

    IBM has unveiled a new experimental computer chip that it says mimics the human brain in that it perceives, acts and even thinks.

    It terms the machines built with these chips "cognitive computers", claiming that they are able to learn through experience, find patterns, generate ideas and understand the outcomes.

    In building this new generation of chip, IBM combined principles of nanoscience, neuroscience and supercomputing.

    "This is a major initiative to move beyond the von Neumann paradigm that has been ruling computer architecture for more than half a century," said Dharmendra Modha, project leader for IBM Research.

    Modha added that the chip may see applications in business, science and government.

  109. st. reagan7:10 PM

    mold: "Schultz did it...and apologized. When will we hear one from st reagan?"

    Just hold your breath for four minutes. Then I will come and speak to you.

  110. black mind is a terrible thing said..."Modha added that the chip may see applications in business, science and government."

    Well, unless they can spend 7 hours a day on their cell phones and constantly hit on each other, they'll never replace black people at the Post Office.

  111. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Didn't heroic brave heroes of wingnuttia Klebold and Harris giggle over bravely shooting unarmed children?
    So why are you lying that only AfAms are capable of anti-social behavior?
    Hmmm...maybe you should review your History...not much..just the Hatfield/McCoy issues. Or the biker gangs. Or the strangely constant MidWest psycho killers.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  112. Anonymous said...
    kunt licka buceta bref queef sniffa anon u right mildew is rigth bout dis smegma bref

    Damn SHITHEAD, you're REALLY on a roll tonight!!!!

    What do we have here, 18 different usernames/assonymous postings within an hour??

    I think you broke your own record tonight, Forskineded, LOL!!!!

  113. Anonymous said...
    Oh but of course, to the capable,strong, intelligent Black Woman the best she can come up with is it's all the white mans fault. Maybe Mold is right about you.

    And maybe you're a foreskin licker like Mold.

    Show me where I stated it's a white mans' fault? I voted for McCain, did you Goober? Or could you not vote because there was no place for you to park your sow?

    Never mind, that's the goobers default argument about intelligent Blacks when: 1) They're around a bunch of Black's that out educated it and 2) That's all you've been taught since you rolled out from the snuff under your pappy's carcinogenic bottom lip.

  114. Anonymous7:41 PM

    DrQ, if it helps...most wingnut Cons have a paid staff of blog hijackers. They literally have a couple of screens up and a bunch of sockpuppets. Makes an illusion of support and that the 'nummers' are greater than they actually are. Oh, there are troo beleevers who volunteer to Troll for free.
    Encountered this with the antibortionists.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  115. I'll try again. Methinks big, fat sweaty dudes shouldn't be talking about cookies on his show. He could use a few health tips from the First Lady.

  116. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Hey Field I got a nomination for the Field Negro award

    Kathy Griffin.
    Normally can't stand, her but this was true Field Negro behavior

