Tuesday, August 09, 2011

"Catch a fire".

I would like to thank the nine members of the Federal Reserve Board who voted to keep interest rates low until 2013. (The three of you who voted no can take a very long hike.) The markets reacted accordingly. Maybe I won't take that plunge into the Delaware River off the Ben Franklin Bridge after all. Of course this is not good news for the wingnuts, because, in their hearts, they want the markets to tank. It's not a nice thing to say but it's real talk and you all know it.

Now to these riots in London. I hope that we are learning a lesson from what is taking place across the pond. These crazies seem to be in a Dionysian and frenzied state as they loot and burn everything in sight. And why? Too many unemployed young people on the outside looking in? Too much frustration with a system that seems stacked against them? Or is it just too many criminals masquerading as normal citizens who were waiting for their chance to act on their malevolent impulses?

It started off, -as so many of these riots tend to-as a perceived injustice done to someone who was powerless by someone in authority. That was the flash point, the excuse, and it was all the folks who make up the poor and the underclass in London needed to get started.

So is it coming here? Well, folks like Glenn Beckkk and Rush Limpboy certainly think so. In fact, Rush said the rioters are the same as Obama voters.

"Rush warns that the unruly crowds in London are “the equivalent of Obama voters in this country” and as a result, American is “not far from this.” And he’s got the tape to prove it, as an interview with a British rioter explained the motive behind the unrest: “we’re just showing the rich people we can do what we want.” Given that the outspoken protester also blamed conservatives in the government and rich people with businesses, Rush heard everything he needed in order to conclude this sounds just like an Obama voter.

And now with “near race riots” in Wisconsin, Rush predicted “this is what we have in store, we’re on this path.” With London “burning” is Rush right to be vigilant, or merely hyperbolically finding new ways to link Obama to anything bad going on around the world?" 

"Race riots"? No, not yet Rush. And it will be more like class riots. I know that you want to divide the poor and working class people by race, and that has worked for you folks in the past, but I am not so sure it will work this time around.

Back in the sixties when black folks were burning the inner cities of A-merry-ca; white folks had jobs and houses and were quite content while they "pursued happiness." Watching those coloreds riot on the evening news was entertaining, and it was far from their reality. Not anymore. I think that poor and working class white folks are ready to riot right along with us here in A-merry-ca. In case you didn't notice, that is what's happening in England.

But it's not happening here, not yet. Oh we have our flash mobs, but unlike the underlying causes of the London riots, they are not causing havoc in our cities because of some kind of economic frustration, or because they are out demanding justice; they are doing it for fun. And as bad as that might seem to us, it might not be such a bad thing after all, because the moment that they realise that there is nothing funny about their condition, it all could change.

I think that a litte Marley right about now would be quite fitting: *iPod on*

  Ooh-ooh-oo-ooh. Oo-oo-ooh! Oo-oo-ooh.
Slave driver, the table is turn; (catch a fire)
Catch a fire, so you can get burn, now. (catch a fire)
Slave driver, the table is turn; (catch a fire)
Catch a fire: gonna get burn. (catch a fire) Wo, now!

Ev'rytime I hear the crack of a whip,
My blood runs cold.
I remember on the slave ship,
How they brutalize the very souls.
Today they say that we are free,
Only to be chained in poverty.
Good God, I think it's illiteracy;
It's only a machine that makes money.
Slave driver, the table is turn, y'all. Ooh-ooh-oo-ooh.

Slave driver, uh! The table is turn, baby, now; (catch a fire)
Catch a fire, so you can get burn, baby, now. (catch a fire)
Slave driver, the table is turn, y'all; (catch a fire)
Catch a fire: so you can get burn, now. (catch a fire)



  1. slapnuts9:02 PM

    "If you seen these negros"

    Please call whatever 9-11 is in yo area.

    Take a good look at those negros breaking into Kentucky Fried Chicken


    "Race riots"? No, not yet Rush."

    Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.

    "It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people," said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ. He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis.

    "They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever."

    "It was 100% racial," claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.

    "I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn't do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us. They just kept walking right past their car. They were looking in everybody's windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black. Guarantee it."

    Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat


  2. To quote Mos Def - "What broke the camel's back, here's a secret. the million other straws underneath it. Its all mathematics.'

    Frankly, I feel rioting solves little to nothing and is often counterproductive. But, people out in streets looking for a better day, is always a good thing.

    Except, too many folks in the state are convince their problems are caused by brown people with leaf blowers or the negro in the White House. Hopefully, we'll catch on before things start going buckwild ala London.

  3. Slapnuts9:06 PM

    Eric: "I feared for my life"

    Eric, who asked Newsradio 620 WTMJ not to use his last name, talked about the incidents that happened as he, his wife and a neighbor left the fair Thursday.

    "We exited at the Schlinger and 84th exit, and we walked south about a block, and then went up and got our car, came back up and around down Schlinger. When we made a left hand turn, we were stopped in traffic. I looked toward the bridge, right before you get on the freeway, and all I saw was a road full of black kids, jumping over people's cars, jumping on people's hoods, running over the top of them."

    Eric then claimed that he saw hundreds of young black people coming down a sidewalk.

    "I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face."

    Then, Eric talked about trying to get out of the car to help the victim.

    "My wife pulled me back in because she didn't want me to get hit. Thankfully, there was surprising a lady that was in the car in front of me that jumped out of the car real quick and went over there to try to put her body around the kid so they couldn't see he was laying there and, obviously, defenseless. Her husband, or whoever was in the car, was screaming at her to get back into the car. She ended up going back into the car. These black kids grabbed this kid off the ground again, and pulled him up over the curb, onto the sidewalk and threw him into the bushes like he was a piece of garbage."

    Eric claimed that the victim in that beating was by himself, and that there was a split of white people on one sidewalk and black people on the other.

    "There was nobody else around to help him. There were no other white people, period, on that side of the street. They were going in the opposite direction because, those people who were coming out of the fair that saw these people coming, they either went back into the fair or took off running south on 84th Street."

    Your so right fields.All these black mob attacks are not about race.Blacks just happen to target places that white people were.

  4. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Field, "I think that poor and working class white folks are ready to riot right along with us here in A-merry-ca. In case you didn't notice, that is what's happening in England."

    It is very noteworthy that your post left out the Latinos, and rightly so. They won't join Blacks in their riots. Some Whites might, but most Latinos hate us enough to join the side of the White establishment.

    Field, thanks for making that clear by not saying the obvious about Latinos.

    'IF' the poor, downtrodden, and hungry should riot, it will be a terrible mess, considering they far outnumber any other class:


  5. Farley9:17 PM

    Hmmm....no black folk were at the fair?

  6. Field said:
    "I know that you want to divide the poor and working class people by race, and that has worked for you folks in the past, but I am not so sure it will work this time around."

    50 years ago my parents taught us that no matter how the bosses made it look, all working people were in the same boat and wouldn't accomplish anything until we understand that across the bosses then defense-industrial now prison-industrial divisions.

  7. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Farley, "Hmmm....no black folk were at the fair?"

    They were the ones attacking Whites. Please read the article slowly. This time with put effort in comprehension.

  8. amen fn!!!


    “Poem about Police Violence”

    by June Jordan

    Tell me something
    what you think would happen if
    everytime they kill a black boy
    then we kill a cop
    everytime they kill a black man
    then we kill a cop

    you think the accident rate would lower subsequently?
    sometimes the feeling like amaze me baby
    comes back to my mouth and I am quiet
    like Olympian pools from the running
    mountainous snows under the sun

    sometimes thinking about the 12th House of the Cosmos
    or the way your ear ensnares the tip
    of my tongue or signs that I have never seen

    I lose consciousness of ugly bestial rapid
    and repetitive affront as when they tell me
    18 cops in order to subdue one man
    18 strangled him to death in the ensuing scuffle
    (don't you idolize the diction of the powerful: subdue
    and scuffle my oh my) and that the murder
    that the killing of Arthur Miller on a Brooklyn
    street was just a "justifiable accident" again

    People been having accidents all over the globe
    so long like that I reckon that the only
    suitable insurance is a gun
    I'm saying war is not to understand or rerun
    war is to be fought and won

    sometimes the feeling like amaze me baby
    blots it out/the bestial but
    not too often tell me something
    what you think would happen if
    everytime they kill a black boy
    then we kill a cop
    everytime they kill a black man
    then we kill a cop

    you think the accident rate would lower subsequently



  9. Anonymous9:44 PM

    Field are you really saying you want a race war and all the attacks on whites by blacks where they have put people in the hospital are all in fun? ANd everyone needs to be warned it isn't serious yet, really, so worse is coming? Is this the standard you really want to establish? As an adult is this what you teach black "youths"?

  10. Anonymous9:47 PM

    everytime they kill a black man
    then we kill a cop

    the race is doomed, just fucking doomed.

  11. anon:

    i saw the videos and linked them


    hobama is a rabid ruthless elitist

    hobama and his ilk actually want poor people to die and go away...

    cornel and tavis are noble black warrior bros







  12. lack:

    2 braver black men than you said:

    Freedom is not something that anybody can be given.
    Freedom is something people take, and people are as free as they want to be.
    -James Baldwin

    He who is whipped oftenest, is whipped easiest.
    -Frederick Douglass



  13. anon:


    hobama is the prez of the super rich

    that is why he has his own new super congress


  14. "Hmmm....no black folk were at the fair?"

    Farley, I think the black folks at the fair got bored and started rioting. They picked on the white folks because it was...well, their fair. I think.

    Maybe someone that was there can help me.

  15. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Farley said...
    Hmmm....no black folk were at the fair?

    Can't read?

  16. Farley10:50 PM

    Anonymouses said:

    They were the ones attacking Whites. Please read the article slowly. This time with put effort in comprehension.

    Can't read?

    Anonymice. Don't have names? How sad for you.

  17. GrannyStandingforTruth10:56 PM

    Field, you got me looking for my Bob Marley cds now.

    If the Republicans do not change their ways, it is going to be a riot over here. It won't be the race riot that white supremacist, drug addict Rush is hoping to have though. It is gone be one of those UNITED rainbow riots and after the way they disrespect they've shown Johnny Law, firefighters, and military, I wouldn't be surprised if they unite with the people.

  18. Anonymous11:05 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Field, you got me looking for my Bob Marley cds now.

    If the Republicans do not change their ways, it is going to be a riot over here. It won't be the race riot that white supremacist, drug addict Rush is hoping to have though. It is gone be one of those UNITED rainbow riots and after the way they disrespect they've shown Johnny Law, firefighters, and military, I wouldn't be surprised if they unite with the people

    Why are you so violent?Haven't you learned anything in all your years on this earth?

  19. I believe some of what you say is true. However, the white proles are still malleable. They still believe the words of their masters and pretty much live in the house. Their balls have not yet descended, so getting them to riot wil be a chore. . . but maybe, just maybe if a few join in, others will follow.

  20. GrannyStandingforTruth11:50 PM

    Anonymous 11:05:

    "Why are you so violent?Haven't you learned anything in all your years on this earth?"

    I'm not violent. Matter of fact, I'm one of the most non-violent people's on this earth, if folks let me be. Yup, I learned to stand up for what I believe in. I would list all of the things I've learned, but it would take as many years to tell you as it did for me to learn them, and I'm still learning something new every day.

  21. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Quite a few black people from outside the US often love to say how the US black people are lazy, criminal, degenerate and inferior. Many of the black Africans, Europeans, and others I met, they buy into the fox news description of us completely. Don't tell me otherwise, I've heard it from the horses mouths, and no, not everyone is like that....Oh well, I guess it's not just US.

    Seriously, whether you like to admit it or not, this affects black peoples' image world wide. Rioting London style and violent flash mobs are a direct reflection of how we view ourselves. Otherwise, they would know that rioting and destroying their own neighborhood and the property of innocent people over a sperm donor gang banger is BENEATH THEM and NOT IN THEIR INTEREST.

    Yes, they may be poor...so are/were many of us. They probably face discrimination in some manner daily..that's not going to change. People distrust outsiders...unless "your own" homogeneous society, you are an outsider. Any honest person admits that what is going on in the UK stems from a lack of any moral compass, ignorance of self and history, poor family units, low self esteem, and a dose of predatory, useless, organized religion somewhere in there. I see a lack of respect and looters taking advantage of others through theft.

    Think of the rioters as what they really are, bullies and terrorists. Arrest them, use force if necessary, and slap them on a chain gang for cleanup detail and repairs. Maybe they'll learn something useful...not likely though. It's London so it's all on film. Before you start whining about someone's wayward baby looting and attacking people, think about your own safety or at least that of others. Why is some London hoodrat more important than anyone else? Sharing an ancestry country of origin from the 1700s and back or a higher melanin content isn't a good enough answer.

    That goes for people in the US, which is my primary concern. IF the accounts of the Wis. fair attacks are true, than those involved in attacking the white fair goers should be charged with a hate crime. Stop making excuses for the dregs...it doesn't help anyone.

  22. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Hey Mold,
    Can you translate what Sharpton is Saying here, sounds like you write.


  23. GrannyStandingforTruth12:41 AM

    Anonymous 11:59:

    I agree with you that the rioting reflects on blacks images because folks have been programed to think negative and the worse of blacks before this riot for many centuries, so this is just fuel for the fire.

    As for what happened in Wis, I haven't read or heard about it yet to voice an opinion on it because I do not know what happened.

    While I was away on vacation, I watched the local news there. It seemed strange to me that here I was in the deep South and they were actually showing as many whites on the news committing crimes as blacks, in fact more. In an odd sort of way it was a balance compared to how the news presents the faces of crime in the MSM that is shown nationwide, which tends to make it seem that only blacks commit crimes.

    One other thing I noticed was the whites I came across were geniunely, friendly, and nice to me, and that too was odd being it was in the South. It wasn't a forced friendly act with the pasted on smile because their eyes were smiling too. You can tell a lot about a person when you look them straight in the eyes.

  24. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Brendan O’Neill: “The political context is not the cuts agenda or racist policing – it is the welfare state, which, it is now clear, has nurtured a new generation that has absolutely no sense of community spirit or social solidarity. What we have on the streets of London and elsewhere are welfare-state mobs… This is not a political rebellion; it is a mollycoddled mob, a riotous expression of carelessness for one’s own community. And as a left-winger, I refuse to celebrate nihilistic behaviour that has a profoundly negative impact on working people’s lives.”

    The social state awards an oligarchic patrician class with votes and power to deliver parasitic income redistribution to a swelling underclass = modern Rome. This mob has no self worth because nothing is expected of them except to keep the patricians in power. No self worth means no self control. It is seen anywhere a populace has become dependent on the state and lost self reliance. Something given has no value, therefore they value the property of no one.

    Wait until the hammock and freebies are taken away, they will consume each other.

    Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2011/08/09/give-a-man-a-fish-and-hell-riot-for-free-fish/#ixzz1UbBqv4tG

  25. Al Sharpton: We much totally much be committed.I much a dream.We much.We much.

    Al's a laugh.

    Republicans win the Wis. recall.Republicans win 4 out of 6.

    Republicans have a great chance at picking off at least one Democrat next week.

    Was the net gain of 1 seat worth
    15+ million $ Libs?

  26. Anonymous1:15 AM

    Field, "I would like to thank the nine members of the Federal Reserve Board who voted to keep interest rates low until 2013. (The three of you who voted no can take a very long hike.) The markets reacted accordingly. Maybe I won't take that plunge into the Delaware River off the Ben Franklin Bridge after all."

    Mr. Field, don't let this bounce fool you. However, I am glad you feel some relief and your suicidal depression has lifted. What would FN followers do?

    Btw, while you are feeling good about the market, may I suggest that you move to a city where there are no bridges? May I suggest Chicago? The land is flat, there are no mountains to jump off of. And should you decide to jump off the Michigan Ave bridge into the Chicago River, it won't kill you. In fact, lots of Irish folks jump in it during St. Patrick's Day drunk and no one dies.

    Mr. Field, Chicago is a place to save yourself from yourself! I'll be glad to help you move. BTW, there is plenty of legal criminal work for you in Chicago. The criminal workload there will make what you have in Philly look like a vacation. And who knows, maybe you will run into AB and Rahm.

    Tomorrow should be an interesting day, Mr. Field.

  27. mellaneous1:19 AM

    Church say Amen, church say Amen

    Field said:

    "...unlike the underlying causes of the London riots, they are not causing havoc in our cities because of some kind of economic frustration, or because they are out demanding justice; they are doing it for fun. And as bad as that might seem to us, it might not be such a bad thing after all, because the moment that they realise that there is nothing funny about their condition, it all could change."

    Let the church say Amen!

  28. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Let the church say Amen!

    Amen to stealing and putting people in the hospital, what kind of preacher are you?

  29. Anonymous1:48 AM

    Field, you and your cronies can never call Glenn Beck a racist again. He never was one anyway:


  30. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Have noticed how quiet PURPLE COW has been? HA! Looks like the UK is the most violent and racist nation on the planet.

    Purple Cow, you'd better get your black ass out of the UK before something happens to your silly dumb ass. Move to MN. Michele Bachmann will be glad to see ya.

  31. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Whoa! that is some good-looking black anchor on Glenn Beck cable. She even looks like Lisa Turtle.

    Field, I think Beck is messing with you.

  32. Quote Anonnymous 1:55 am

    "Have noticed how quiet PURPLE COW has been?

    Nope. I posted three time yesterday, four times the day before.

  33. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I don't remember you being so sympathetic to the disenfranchised folks who rioted in Vancouver several months ago. I encourage folks to look at your post about that. A very differnt outlook. I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact that most folks who rioted there were white.
    In London there was a block where every store but one was looted. Jewelry store, bodybuilding supliment store, electronic store, T Mobile store, and bookstore. Can you guess which one the rioters had no interest in?

  34. Sometimes you have to look deeper. There is more than just thuggery going on in London. City officials were warned two years ago. A peaceful march to Scotland yard happened two weeks ago. Think that DWB only happens in the US? Think again. This riot is similar to what happened in the same neighborhood back in London in 1985, when a young black female died of a stroke as the police searched her home. A stroke! She was 26 years old.

  35. Quote: As If We Didn't Know "What colour is Mark Duggan? Mark Duggan is the man who was shot dead by the police on Thursday in Tottenham."

    He is of mixed race.

    "I read articles on the internet. But oddly, no one would say what colour Mark Duggan was.

    Why is it relevant?

    "No one would say the unsayable, that the rioters were, I suspect on the whole, black. Then, finally, Toby Young’s Telegraph blog post on the riots was published."

    The 'rioters' are on the whole poor. Black people are disproportionately poorer than most. However these are far from race riots, any analysis if the video evidence will show that every skin tone on Earth is represented.

    They rioted in Gloucestershire last night...



    "Is Toby Young the only journalist out there who will dare say that these riots are about race?

    Yes, because he's a racist cunt of long-standing, and he's wrong way more often than he's right,

    "Still, one paper did carry a photo of Mr Duggan. When I saw the photo, it confirmed what I knew instinctively: black youths once again have set London alight."

    Sooooooooooooo, your logic is that because the man who was executed was of mixed race that this means only black people are rioting???

    Does this argument of yours makes sense even to you?

    "Some of the black kids I used to teach will tell you that the riots are absolutely justified. A number of adults would agree with them. Everywhere I read that the protest was understandable because “people are very angry”.

    Well generally, that's the way it goes, innit.

    "I’d like to know what they’re angry about. Mark Duggan is dead. He was shot by the police in a shootout."

    You call it a shoot-out, I call it an assassination.

    "Duggan was in a minicab and shots were fired from both the cab and the police elsewhere."

    Not true, forensic tests have found that Duggan fired no shots.

    " A police officer was hurt in the incident and a bullet was found lodged in a police radio."

    By the Police's own admission, the bullet that injured the cop was a police-issue round. Most likely hit him from a ricochet.

    "Either Duggan was shooting at the police or the driver of the minicab was."

    Not true, the IPCC investigation has shown that one police officer was the only person to fire any shots. One of his shots killed Duggan another hit his fellow officer.

    "Either Duggan was in the wrong place at the wrong time and his death is a terrible tragedy – he was caught in the crossfire – or he shot at the police and the police defended themselves."

    Not true, for the reasons previously stated.

    "Whatever the explanation, the police did not kill this man in cold blood."

    Cold blood, hot blood - call it any blood you like, but an innocent man was shot dead.

  36. Received this messgae from my friend Robert.

    "First of all, me and the family are OK.

    Only my Mother is still in Tottenham and she is tucked up safely in a hospital bed.

    I was blissfully unaware it had kicked off until yesterday afternoon as I was abroad with my Girlfriend and kids.

    Luckily for me, i live on the other (poorer) side of Enfield to Enfield town and there are no shops worth looting in my area.

    Sleeping was difficult as the sounds of helicopters and police Sirens were deafening.

    Seeing the destruction in parts of Tottenham very close to where i grew up is wierd.

    As for the person being shot, I know people who know people who know him and everyone is surprised that he would be involved in any gun crime, hence the march.

    The police are a disgrace igonoring them for 5 hours and they could have diffused this situation with ease.

    This is another Menezes."

  37. Purple Cow, once again, thanks for the FACTS. Facts are always good.

    Anon@1:15 am, you are a good Anon. I always appreciate your honest and insightful advice. Chicago is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Too cold in the winter for the kid. Sorry. :(

    Republicans win the Wis. recall. Republicans win 4 out of 6.

    Republicans have a great chance at picking off at least one Democrat next week.

    Was the net gain of 1 seat worth
    15+ million $ Libs?"

    Yes, and 20 Mil from the Koch Brothers lost you one.

    Thanks Mell, did you bring an offering plate?

  38. Anonymous6:51 AM

    So, the 'proof' of some wite dude that I am like him is.....that I write like a dead white man. Ummm...did you not know that just about every single college graduate of 'my' generation writes like dead white men? It is pretty much a given.
    It also shows you are still fauxtraged over your own outing. And your desire is not to share Truth...but to 'get 'er'. And you wants to do it the 'same'. Syntax...as if all AfAms wrote like the 'urban ebonics' you beleeverate is a birthright of those not wite.
    I'm no Toni Morrison. I am also not the inenterated AfAm of your wite surpremacist fantasies.

    The post from edroso applies to the London situation.

    Funny, you see the pics and there are plenty of pale folk rioting and looting. So, why are some trying to sell this as a racial thing?

    One poster expressed their delight in the purchase of gold by college 'perfessers'. Ummm...shows their usual customer has literally no exposure to that demographic. Being a GoldBug crosses class and status lines. And it is a Fallacy of Logic....to buy gold because a salesperson indicated that 'perfessers' are buying.

    Wisconsin was either a stolen election...or the voters deserve the idiots. Watch for that state.


  39. ”The insidious flourishing of anti-establishment attitudes is paradoxically helped by the establishment. It grows when a child is dragged by their mother to social services screaming for help and security guards remove both; or in the shiny academies which, quietly, rid themselves of the most disturbed kids. Walk into the mental hospitals and there is nothing for the patients to do except peel the wallpaper. Go to the youth centre and you will find the staff have locked themselves up in the office because disturbed young men are dominating the space with their violent dogs. Walk on the estate stairwells with your baby in a buggy manoeuvring past the condoms, the needles, into the lift where the best outcome is that you will survive the urine stench and the worst is that you will be raped. The border police arrive at the neighbour's door to grab an "over-stayer" and his kids are screaming. British children with no legal papers have mothers surviving through prostitution and still there's not enough food on the table.

    It's not one occasional attack on dignity, it's a repeated humiliation, being continuously dispossessed in a society rich with possession. Young, intelligent citizens of the ghetto seek an explanation for why they are at the receiving end of bleak Britain, condemned to a darkness where their humanity is not even valued enough to be helped. Savagery is a possibility within us all. Some of us have been lucky enough not to have to call upon it for survival; others, exhausted from failure, can justify resorting to it.”

    Camila Batmanghelidjh 09.08.11

  40. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Reporter Witnesses Racial Attacks in UK


    Just like with the black racist mob attacks here in America,blacks will always show you who they are.

  41. Anonymous8:09 AM

    The 'conversion story' of the author brings to mind the 'I used to be the worstest sinner evah until I found jebus' of the Fundies. Wonder if it will stand scrutiny? My fave was the alleged druggie who found jebus after injecting maryhoochie/devil weed/reefer madness.


  42. Anonymous8:16 AM

    "I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face."

    the bravery of negros.why do negros feel so brave when they are attacking in mobs?like they shoot children in the head?these brave negros want to rape,rob,murder.

    they do this under the "woe is us"banner.they not know non-blacks see through and know their thugry?

    obama is not the massiah.obama is not the choosen one.get over it negros.


  43. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Umm...only right-wing whiners call Obama "messiah'. Lefties either hoped Obama would grow in office or resigned to the fact he was better, superior, smarter, comelier, saner than Geezer/MILF. Calling Obama 'Messiah' or 'Chosen One' is a strawman non-argument. Pretend that he is 'uppity' and those who voted for him in lieu of the Geezer and grifting MILF are clewless. Then heroically 'take them both down a peg'. Sorry, faker...the Left has been long aware of the right-leaning, Chicago Skool policy preferences of Obama. And the padnering of McCain to the illiterates of his Party was shameful, degrading, and cost him millions of votes. One does not bow to peasants. MILFy Maw was an abomination to most women.

    What I find funny is that your b=most beloved and highest caliber candidates...are considered 'special' by the rest of the US.


  44. Anonymous8:48 AM

    I wondered why Wisconsin had kept scums pretending to be Rs...then some kindly bloggers cleared that up. The votes were counted by the person who conveeeniately founderated just enough votes to had the election over to her 'friend'. Kathy Nicklaus is her name. She has a history of magickal happenstances. Statistically impossible occurrences. Good thing she am christmole.


  45. milton friedman8:48 AM

    On Wisconsin:

    After tens of millions of dollars spent by outside interest groups, dozens of attack ads and exhaustive get-out-the-vote efforts, Democrats on Tuesday fell short of their goal of taking control of the state Senate and stopping the agenda of Gov. Scott Walker.

    Republicans won four of six recall races, meaning the party still holds a narrow 17-16 majority in the Senate — at least until next week, when Sens. Robert Wirch, D-Pleasant Prairie, and Jim Holperin, D-Conover face their own recall elections. A third Democrat, Sen. Dave Hansen, D-Green Bay, easily survived a recall attempt last month.

    The unionization of federal and state workers is one of America's mistakes.

    Unlike failures tied to unions in the private sector, there's no escape from the failures of government unions. There's no bankruptcy option for repairing the damage they do.

  46. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Why are you spamming Fields blog??
    Have some respect!!

  47. I see this enterprising entrepreneur in East London has 40 new iPhone 4's for sale...


    That's the kind of enterprising capitalist spirit that will get this country back on it's feet again!

  48. white flight9:02 AM

    field, a misinformed nitwit from Jamaica, ignorantly writes:

    Back in the sixties when black folks were burning the inner cities of A-merry-ca; white folks had jobs and houses and were quite content while they "pursued happiness." Watching those coloreds riot on the evening news was entertaining, and it was far from their reality.

    Entertaining? The 60s riots were entertaining?!

    The towering ignorance of this statement shows how far the black myths travel. A clown who lived in another country who was a kid at the time, thinks American whites were "entertained."

    In your ignorance, you seem to believe that whites never lived in the cities and never moved out of them as blacks moved in.

    All northern cities were well over 90% white until the 1950s. As blacks arrived, whites departed and moved to the new suburbs near the cities where they had grown up.

    From personal experience they knew they would be better off by moving away from blacks. Not fighting them, just moving away from them and their problems.

  49. milton friedman9:11 AM

    field, the economist who dwells in Neverland, writes:

    I would like to thank the nine members of the Federal Reserve Board who voted to keep interest rates low until 2013.

    S&P sent the message that our economy is weak and likely to stay that way, partly because Washington is involved in its own version of a gang-fight.

    Yesterday, by announcing that it would hold rates at these near-zero levels until 2013, the Fed confirmed S&P's credit downgrade.

    The message from the Fed was about its expectation of sustained weakness in the economy, weakness that might worsen. The Fed wisely said it will stick to its low-rate policy till 2013 -- after the next presidential election -- to keep itself out of the political nonsense that's keeping a bootheel on the neck of the economy.

    But, without saying it, the Fed said it's Obama's moronic policies that are retarding the economy. Unfortunately, the obvious is not obvious to field's blind followers.

  50. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I see this enterprising entrepreneur in East London has 40 new iPhone 4's for sale...


    That's the kind of enterprising capitalist spirit that will get this country back on it's feet again!

    Are the prisons big enough? At least they get everything free, I think they may have to work some though, they won't like that.

    Even more unfortunate is the connected person they stole these from might show up and take out everyone in the apartment to ensure this poor gene pool doesn't reproduce and create more dependants for Britain.

  51. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    ”The insidious flourishing of anti-establishment attitudes is paradoxically helped by the establishment. It grows when a child is dragged by their mother to social services screaming for help and security guards remove both; or in the shiny academies which, quietly, rid themselves of the most disturbed kids. Walk into the mental hospitals and there is nothing for the patients to do except peel the wallpaper. Go to the youth centre and you will find the staff have locked themselves up in the office because disturbed young men are dominating the space with their violent dogs. Walk on the estate stairwells with your baby in a buggy manoeuvring past the condoms, the needles, into the lift where the best outcome is that you will survive the urine stench and the worst is that you will be raped. The border police arrive at the neighbour's door to grab an "over-stayer" and his kids are screaming. British children with no legal papers have mothers surviving through prostitution and still there's not enough food on the table.

    It's not one occasional attack on dignity, it's a repeated humiliation, being continuously dispossessed in a society rich with possession. Young, intelligent citizens of the ghetto seek an explanation for why they are at the receiving end of bleak Britain, condemned to a darkness where their humanity is not even valued enough to be helped. Savagery is a possibility within us all. Some of us have been lucky enough not to have to call upon it for survival; others, exhausted from failure, can justify resorting to it.”

    Camila Batmanghelidjh 09.08.11

    So in essence Britain's multiculturalism is a wholescale failure and the liberal/socialists have spread misery by demanding illegal immigration and various other policies flourish to the point where the working class can no longer afford to support the drain on the country and those expecting a nation to bottle feed them and provide all forms of support, turn to drugs and prostitution versus free programs for educational and personal development, free housing, energy, food and so on. So lacking support of working Britains who surely and strangely for some reason would rather feed thier own wife and kids versus that newly arrived immigrant from Somalia, they chose to burn and destroy in retaliation.

  52. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Purple Lips Said...wait that is obama...


    Finally rioters with a little bit of brains, go riot where you don't live and people might have something worth looting and stealing. Why do they call it rioting? It's organized stealing and vandalism is all.

  53. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Republicans win the Wis. recall. Republicans win 4 out of 6.

    Republicans have a great chance at picking off at least one Democrat next week.

    Was the net gain of 1 seat worth
    15+ million $ Libs?"

    Yes, and 20 Mil from the Koch Brothers lost you one.

    Now Field you are sounding as disengenious as a liberal...oh...

    "In the end, the union-backed Democrats picked up only two state Senate seats in Wisconsin last night, at a staggering cost in time, effort, and of course money. One of the seats was solidly Democratic, held by a Republican due to an apparent fluke of nature. The other was held by an alleged adulterer who had moved outside his district to live with his young mistress, and whose wife was supporting his recall.


  54. south central9:48 AM

    field says:

    "Race riots"? No, not yet Rush. I know that you want to divide the poor and working class people by race...but I am not so sure it will work this time around.

    No race riots? In a manner of speaking that's true. But who are the American rioters? Once again, just as they were in the 1960s and in the 1990s, the American rioters are black.

    Check with the mayor of Philadelphia for his views on blacks. He's one black male speaking about his fellow blacks. And he's got nothing good to say.

  55. @Field Aljazeera (via Free Speech TV) did a good piece on their viral show. They talked about recall of a few 1960 laws that direct police to target AA folks, poor whites etc..Class war.

  56. robert mugabe9:52 AM

    What are blacks rioting about now? Does anyone have an answer?

    Do they riot in Africa? Nope. Why not, I wonder? Must be because they're living prosperous, healthy and enjoyable lives.

  57. Anonymous9:54 AM


    Tank Yew AmeweeCans espeshall-lee demokwats yew bowwow bowwow bowwow from us you tax all companies like cwazy so thay come to china and you buy so many chinese pwoducts because ameweekans prices too high fwum unions we luv you make us so much muh-neey and super powa tank you . now dont fohget you pay interest so you can keep bowwow and keep giving to peoples who you put out of work and need more muh-neey
    we like ameweekans work for us vewy nice yes

  58. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Investors are selling and raising cash and going to Gold. The market is tanking.

    Mr. Field, whatever happens, DON'T JUMP! Since you have been reluctant to take my investment advice- even though I have been right many times- then at least listen to your Puerto Rican friend, Desertflower....don't jump. But if you do, remember, all the brothers' yachts are on the Camden side. Don't jump on the Philly side! There will be no one there to fish you out.

  59. Quote Anonny 09:28

    "So in essence Britain's multiculturalism is a wholescale failure and the liberal/socialists have spread misery by demanding illegal immigration and various other policies flourish to the point where the working class can no longer afford to support the drain on the country and those expecting a nation to bottle feed them and provide all forms of support, turn to drugs and prostitution versus free programs for educational and personal development, free housing, energy, food and so on. So lacking support of working Britains who surely and strangely for some reason would rather feed thier own wife and kids versus that newly arrived immigrant from Somalia, they chose to burn and destroy in retaliation."


  60. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Speaking Of the Wisconsin deal, Rev Al Humpty Dumpty Sharpton had this to say:

    "resist we much, we must and we will much..about..that be committed".


  61. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Purple Cow Said...

    Whatever the explanation, the police did not kill this man in cold blood."

    Cold blood, hot blood - call it any blood you like, but an innocent man was shot dead.

    Purple, aren't guns against the law over there? Any Idea why Mark Duggan had a fully loaded pistol on him? Maybe he wasn't "the innocent honor student with a promising future" after all. Was he a policeman? Secret Service agent? Drug dealer? Gang henchman? Hired killer? Armed robber? Why the gun?

    The IPCC said Duggan was carrying a loaded gun, but it had no evidence that the weapon had been fired. It said tests were continuing.

  62. GrannyStandingforTruth10:34 AM

    When I watched Maddow yesterday,I did not see any black faces rioting in London. Every face I saw coming out of the stores from looting and those in confrontations with the police were WHITE, so now why are people blaming black people? Smh!

  63. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Go Mr Cameron!!

    Mr Cameron added he had spoken about this issue for years. It is a “complete lack of responsibility in parts of our society. People are allowed to feel that the world owes them something that their rights outweigh their responsibilities. That their actions don’t have consequences well they do.”

    Mr Cameron also indicated that the scope of an inquiry will go further to examine the kind of value systems that exist in many deprived parts of Britain.

    “It is all too clear that we have a big problems with gangs in our country. For too long there has been a lack of focus on the complete lack of respect shown by this group of thugs,” he said.

    “There are pockets of our society that are not just broken but frankly sick. When we see children as young as 12 and 13 looting and laughing, when we see the disgusting sight of an injured young men with people pretending to help him while they rob him, it is clear that there are things that are badly wrong in our society.”


  64. "...they are not causing havoc in our cities because of some kind of economic frustration, or because they are out demanding justice; they are doing it for fun."

    It's the same here, too. This is the future. In the Arab spring it became evident you could use twitter and social networking sites to organise public protests and uprisings: now in the UK the general, anti-social, lowlife gangs and criminal element have cottoned on to the fact they can use it the same way to invade city centres in their hundreds/ thousands, too many for police to deal with unless well-prepared, and then go on looting, burgalry, arson, and mugging sprees. They have no idealistic, social agenda whatsoever other than to aquire a new Armani suit and sell it on ebay and for a buzz. In Manchester they looted an OXfam charity shop for God's sake. Viva la revolution! (Footage of it: http://uk.jumpoff.tv/2011/08/09/manchester-riots-overhead-view-of-looting-on-oldham-street/ )The only political element in all of this is that you could argue they have been made the anti-social criminals they are (even before these riots) because it's society's fault. But if you believe that, why not just open your prisons and let out all the other criminals in their for the same criteria applies. It's probably more about dysfunctional family upbringing and the encroaching fashionable glamourisation of criminality and anti-authority that's been prevalant since the 60's. Couple that with a general leniency in British courts. If it was simply their social circumstances alone there wouldn't be a significant percentage who come from the same communities (myself for example) who go on to get jobs, buy houses and live as normal citizens. A lot of these kids will deliberately fail arranged job interviews because they do not want to work. Instead their jobs are being filled by Poles and a million+ other immigrants from eastern Europe because the indigenous population are not prepared to do them. Some of the rioters where as young as 12, how can you say that is protest about lack of job opportunities etc? They are still at school, and opportunites are there if they take them, but fact is they will probably drop out and become like their older siblings, live on the dole following a life of petty crime because work or study is difficult and crime is 'cool'. That's why the tattooist near me has a picture of Al pacino as 'Scarface' on the wall, because it's cool. To say the government or local Authorities neglects these communities is wrong. The last Labour government bent over backwards to redevelop deprived areas near me, investing millions in new housing, schools, create equal opportunities, develop fairer education etc, but it is all just pissing against the wind: there is already too deeply ingrained a social-family dysfunctionality within a climate of amoral, anti-sociability, encouraged in a large part (it's got to be said) by US cultural influence in which criminals, violence and selfish maverick behavour is repeatedly glamourised in films. Tv progs & music. You couldn't advertise a lifestyle choice any better if you paid saatchi & saatchi! And now, as said, these youths are using social media, not to organise protest, but to facilitate criminal looting and burgalry (the bulk of arrests for the first night of protest in London were for burgalry) by going about it mob handed.

  65. nutty muhammad10:46 AM

    Don't stick bombs in your hats. Put them in your neighborhood mosque. See your imam. He'll help.

    As for you non-muslims -- keep your hands off that dish-towel on the heads of muslim men. That ain't no do-rag.

    KANDAHAR, Afghanistan – Afghan President Hamid Karzai met recently with members of the country’s clerical councils to get their assistance in persuading insurgents not to hide explosives in suicide bombers' turbans or in other religious or cultural symbols.

    The Taliban, however, appear to have responded by hiding a bomb in a mosque in Kandahar province.

    In the last five weeks, suicide bombers have killed the mayor of Kandahar and a senior cleric in the city with small amounts of explosives hidden in their turbans. In both cases, the bombers grabbed their victims before triggering the explosives.

    It is believed to be the first time turbans have been used in suicide attacks.

    A man’s turban has important religious and cultural significance and it is considered dishonourable to touch it.

  66. Pink Elephant11:06 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    When I watched Maddow yesterday,I did not see any black faces rioting in London. Every face I saw coming out of the stores from looting and those in confrontations with the police were WHITE, so now why are people blaming black people? Smh!

    The riots started when a black gangsta was shot and killed whilst waving a gun at armed police. Family and friends protested and then rioted, shortly following all manner of societal miscreants who think the world owes them something decided to descent into evil and thought it a great opportunity to follow suit and get some free stuff so they joined in and it became a multiracial stealing and violence spree.

    As for Rachel Maddow, I guess we found one of the 100 odd or so people who actually watch that show, guess she edited the videos to be politically correct as is the norm. All of the first day live shots were very very clear.

    I hope the ones who haven't been arrested continue the riots/destruction/stealing shopping spree tonight but I suspect they will not, they know plastic bullets and water cannons have been deployed.

  67. moodys11:08 AM

    The Dow is down about 450 point -- around 4%.

    Obama is part of the problem. What's wrong with this moron?

  68. Anonymous11:25 AM

    moodys said...
    The Dow is down about 450 point -- around 4%.

    Obama is part of the problem. What's wrong with this moron?

    Hey, leave him alone, he got a Nobel Peace prize..did you?

  69. Quote Anonnymous "Purple, aren't guns against the law over there? Any Idea why Mark Duggan had a fully loaded pistol on him? Maybe he wasn't "the innocent honor student with a promising future" after all. Was he a policeman? Secret Service agent? Drug dealer? Gang henchman? Hired killer? Armed robber? Why the gun?

    Absolutely nobody ahs suggested that Duggan was an honour student with a promising future, it's just that in a true democracy you can't allow teh police to execute citizens that they don't approve of/

    We don't know for sure that the gun that was found at the scene, (but not on Duggan's person), belonged to Duggan. But even if it was Duggan's gun, British law does not allow the police to simply shoot anyone carrying a gun.

    We know from forensic tests that Duggan did not fire a gun, we know from the Police statement that one individual police officer is the only person that fired a gun at the scene.

  70. Incidentally, the looting has now spread north of the border to Scotland.

    Look at this brazen criminal filmed in Aberdeen.


    He doesn't look very black to me, he looks kinda - white...

  71. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Share with us a few words about "AMERICAN SUITE"... looks like good like a good summer read. Also... Anyone out there read "THE NEW JIM CROW"?

  72. Anonymous12:13 PM

    anon, "FN:
    Share with us a few words about "AMERICAN SUITE"... looks like good like a good summer read. Also... Anyone out there read "THE NEW JIM CROW"?"

    The market is down +400. Field is not thinking about reading a book today. Try Granny, she claims to love reading books.

  73. Anonymous12:17 PM

    wow. if there is violence, rioting anywhere in the world that involves black folks, FN Negroes talk about it like it's the only important story on the planet. Our country is suffering economic times, and Blacks especially are suffering but FN Negroes don't talk about their own suffering....Amazing!

  74. Field,

    Thanks for mentioning the danger of color-aroused ideation, emotion and behavior in an earlier post. I think it helps people to conceptualize things in a more straightforward and less subjective way.

    I noticed you used the term "race" above and I want to challenge you about it. You said,

    "I know that you want to divide the poor and working class people by race, and that has worked for you folks in the past, but I am not so sure it will work this time around."

    The point you seem to be making is that the poor and the working class, regardless of skin color, have much in common in terms of marginalization, exploitation, impoverishment and invisibility. What they have in common is substantial.

    So, why do you use the word "race" instead of skin color. It frankly doesn't make any sense. You are saying that, paraphrased, people with white skin, in spite of their skin color but because of their class, suffer marginalization, exploitation, impoverishment and invisibility.

    And you are also saying that people with brown skin suffer marginalization, exploitation, impoverishment and invisibility.

    Since the definition of race as a social construct is basically 'suffering marginalization, exploitation, impoverishment and invisibility based on skin color, you're effectively saying that whites and Blacks cannot be divided based on the above.

    If poor and working whites and Blacks as a class cannot be divided based on the above marginalization, than you're use of the word "race" to mean nothing more than skin color. In so doing, you're supporting the idea that biological "race" exists and that biological race goes deeper than skin color and maybe we Blacks really are less intelligent because our skin is brown, and maybe we don't win the gold in swimming because our bodies don't float well.

    By using the word race as you have, you'r agreeing with the Klu Klux Klan that skin color is a fundamental determinant, all by itself, of who will be intelligent and hard-working and who, instead, will be lazy and indolent.

  75. Francis, I think you'll find that Field was using the term 'race' as a convenient short-hand. We all know what he means.

    We all know that scientifically there is no such thing as race, and it is indeed a social construct, but we don't need to spell that out every time we discuss race or class issues.

    Similarly we don;t have to quote Wretched of the Earth, or Das Kapital in their entirety every time we raise the subject.

    This is a blog, not a PhD thesis.

  76. I challenge you to look at your sentence highlighted above and see if the term "skin color" is what you are really referring to rather than "race."

    Frankly, I think that the insistence that race exists because of social status based on color is . . . confusing people. It's confusing you. You said above that people who have so much in common based on class cannot be divided based on "race". But, according to the "race" studies people, the word race is so essential because it carries the meaning of marginalization. I hope you can see how the use of the word "race" in this context is taking us around in circles instead of illuminating the subject you're talking about.

    So, do this much for me, please. If you're talking about skin color then use the simple word "color" which all of us can understand immediately.

    Also, when you are talking about the marginalization and exploitation based on skin color, just say "marginalization and exploitation based on skin color." Because I swear that the only way to understand the way you used the word "race" above is to assume that you are using race and skin color as synonyms, and that ain't right. If so, then you aren't using the word "race" as a high-falluting Black academicians do. You're just using the word in the same way the Klu Klux Klan does, to bootstrap skin color up into skin-color-based differences like inherent moral and intellectual inferiority.

    If you use the word "race" when what you really mean is only "skin color," then you're reading audience is going to remain confused, believing the KKK lie that race is fundamentally biological and that skin color points to Blacks various kinds of inherent Black inferiority.

    You're a lawyer, for God's sake! You know how to use words with precision. If your blog is about "skin color" and "race", but you never use the term "skin color," then it becomes obvious that you are conflating skin color with "race" (as Black academicians define race), as well as conflating skin color with "race" as the Klu Klux Klan defines it.

    If all of this is confusing, it's because people such as yourself refuse to say "skin color" when that is all they really mean.

    Look at the notorious crime of Deryl Dedmon, who brutally beat and then ran over a Black man because of the ideation and emotion that Dedmon felt toward brown skin. It wasn't primarily "race" that lead Dedmon to attack the brown-skinned man. There was no way for Dedmon to know that this particular man was marginalized and exploited based on his skin color. It was brown skin and the emotions that are aroused in Dedmon when he thinks about or sees brown skin that provoked the attack. It was pure color-aroused antagonism and hatred.

    There simply is no excuse for confusing people by using the term "race" in those cases when "skin color" is all we really mean.

    As I wrote at my blog, in an article entitled, "Don't Confuse "Race" with "Race," we have GOT to realize that using one word to mean two interrelated but absolutely different concepts is not helping people to understand "race" and it also is not helping people to understand "race."

  77. mellaneous12:45 PM

    Good speech by Mr. Cameron but all he has to do is look in his own backyard to find the symptons of today's violence.

    British imperialism has long acted like the world owed it something. In fact it spent much time and still does stealing from others at home and abroad.

    It meddles in the affairs of others and quickly does violence to those that get in the way of their desires. If another country has something they want they set up unfair trade or they just go over and take it.

    They only recently reached a half compromise in Northern Ireland before that they just walked all over them. And they have the nerve to preach to poor and working class people.

    The nerve of the hypocrites!

  78. Coming To A 'Hood Near You12:47 PM

    I can't believe Detroit isn't on fire yet.

    But, then again, maybe it is. Who could tell?

  79. mellaneous12:52 PM

    @Francis Holland

    Good point Francis.

    IN the meantime it sure would be nice to have folks from different ethnicities, from different backgrounds, with different skin tones, but who form the working class to come together and demand their fair share of this countries wealth.

    Field is right whatever the semantics, people have to come together to struggle for a government that makes sure they are not exploited by big business on the job or in the marketplace. They have to come together to make sure that there is a system in place that makes sure there is health care for all when one of us gets sick. We have to come together to end the system of mass incarceration that hurts us all. We have to come together to make sure all children are treated as important and are given a fair chance to succeed.

  80. mellaneous12:56 PM

    @Purple Cow who is this person Camila her words were eloquent. Thanks for posting.

    "It's not one occasional attack on dignity, it's a repeated humiliation, being continuously dispossessed in a society rich with possession. Young, intelligent citizens of the ghetto seek an explanation for why they are at the receiving end of bleak Britain, condemned to a darkness where their humanity is not even valued enough to be helped. Savagery is a possibility within us all. Some of us have been lucky enough not to have to call upon it for survival; others, exhausted from failure, can justify resorting to it.”

    Camila Batmanghelidjh 8/9/11

  81. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Good and timely quote from Marley Field.

  82. sigmund roid rage1:10 PM

    The vile speak:

    Savagery is a possibility within us all. Some of us have been lucky enough not to have to call upon it for survival; others, exhausted from failure, can justify resorting to it.”

    Camila Batmanghelidjh 8/9/11

    Savagery? Within all of us? Perhaps.

    What are the conditions under which it's unleashed?

    Among blacks it seems to come out whenever enough of them have whipped themselves into a frehzy over nothing in particular.

    The killing of one person in England seems to have set them off. Even though the brother of the shooting victim asked for calm, the black rioters rage on.

    From the day before this questionable killing to the day after -- did anything change? Was a punitive law passed? Were there massive assaults on blacks? In short, was there a REASON for people to burn down neighborhoods and loot stores?


    Was anyone's survival hanging in the balance?


    Looks like we're witnessing yet another furious raging outburst by blacks who are rebelling against something that is found only in their limited heads.

  83. miscellaneous1:18 PM

    mellaneous the nitwit speaks:

    ...people have to come together to struggle for a government that makes sure they are not exploited by big business on the job or in the marketplace.

    The government you describe can be found in Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and almost every nation in the middle east and Africa.

    Being bereft of an understanding of economics, you probably believe that if all the "big corporations" left the US, the nation would benefit.

    I suppose the US could reform itself somehow and import everything, but other countries that have followed that path rarely have the money to pay for the imports. Of course, like the oil nations of the middle east, we could sell oil to the rest of the world. But we don't produce enough to meet our domestic needs, so exporting oil for cash might not work.

    Then again, if there were no "big corporations" here, our oil consumption would drop about 90%, which would allow us to export some oil, if we were able to actually to the drilling, which is doubtful.

  84. GrannyStandingforTruth1:29 PM

    Preach it Mellaneous!

    It's about time that people start telling the truth about the dishonesty and how Britain and our own country has really dealt with other countries and the poor. The truth will set them free and people need to be set free from the bondage of lies to end and heal the blindness. For too long they've been putting a bandage on dirty wounds instead of trying to clean the wound first and put some salve on it to heal the wounds.

    How can you heal the world with lies? That's not possible and will never work until folks own up to the wrong they've done as well to cause the different situations.

    My dad always used to say when someone steals from a thief that thief crys the loudest. However, when a thief steals they swear that they are innocent.

  85. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Silly ConcernTroll...it is called a regulated Free Market. You know..the one where banks can't crash an economy with gambling games. Or firms pollute the water, air and land. Or hide funds...so that JoeMoron with his $14K/year has to pay more in taxes.

    Drilling. Sillies. Why don't you review the Texas, Oklahoma and PA experience with boom/bust. And why are you parroting drivel? I do hope you are paid to be so clewless.

    Odd that the Goobers are still trying to sell the UK riots as wholly racial. Umm..that journalist (remember them?) Rachael Maddow offered you the vid of your fellow pales stealing and assaulting...and your colour vision changes their complexion.
    You can see the pics and vids from the area...so you are lying to us.


  86. camelot1:32 PM

    With respect to Assad, several cruise missiles would be more persuasive:

    The White House is expected to demand that Syrian President Bashar Assad step down, following his regime’s violent attacks on anti-government protesters.

    Sanctions against Assad are also expected, marking the Obama administration’s toughest stance yet on the Syrian leader. [Ynet]

    Those Jews:

    • In London, Jews respond to the riots, which spread to Jewish areas and caused damage to Jewish-owned businesses. [JTA]

    • Jewish Londoners’ reactions, via Twitter. [Jewish Chronicle]

    • The Jewish community in London has been encouraged to donate clothing, blankets, and towels to help those affected by the rioting. [Jewish Chronicle]

    • Another primer, this time to help explain the London riots. [Mother Jones]

    • A Philadelphia blogger has been arrested for threatening Joseph Lieberman, suggesting on his blog that the Jewish senator should be shot in the face. [Gawker]

    A blogger from Philadelphia threatening Joe Lieberman? Could it be? Dare I say it? Is the blogger the nitwit known as field?

  87. City Of Bruthaly Love1:35 PM

    More disadvantaged youths cry out for justice:


  88. Anonymous1:40 PM

    This is a blog, not a PhD thesis. dummy da magenta cow

    hey magenta cow ya idgit! why get on mister holland for putting u to task? u r the first muthaphukka up in here correcting folks and badmouthin da united states now ya gets mad cuz brother holland set u strate? boy u out cher dam mind! ya need to learn humility ya fool!

    btw mister holland is crazy but very smart and he know what he talkin about so dont phukk wit him lest u incur the wrath of all on this blog!

  89. miscellaneous1:41 PM

    mellaneous the confused, says:

    My dad always used to say when someone steals from a thief that thief crys the loudest. However, when a thief steals they swear that they are innocent.

    Okay. Let's work on this.

    If someone steals something, the person who steals is a thief.

    Therefore, if someone steals from a thief, that person is a thief.

    Thus, according to the confused father of the confused mellaneous, the thief stealing from the thief cries loudly OR proclaims innocence.

    As we know, both occur at high volume. In other words, when a crime is committed, you never know who did what, nor who is who, until the investigation progresses.

    Unfortunately, nitwits like mellaneous see the world through the lens of moronic non-logic.

  90. mellaneous1:45 PM

    cut it out Slappy you are ruining a good thread. Everybody knows that Freud character and Milton and the others are you.

    As always you are wrong and civilization won't advance by letting oil exploration and oil companies run amok. You probably didn't know thas cable cars flourished before the oil and auto companies conspired to make sure we would be dependent on their products.

    You are the one who doesn't understand economics. Because you accept the popular parlance of the ruling rich, which basically says that they ought to take advantage of every worker and every government and avoid paying in as much as possible, doesn't make you economically literate.

    It just makes you a stooge for the ruling class and quitely frankly some new kind of fool. Because unless these people are paying you, they don't care nothing about you as you advocate for their ability to run roughshod over us.

    And calling folks name doesn't change anything. Its right up there with calling yourself expert on economics, its only true in your racist and diseased mind!

    And BTW Vietnam has gone to the free market and North Korean is totalatarian. But you wouldn't know that you are so busy pulling against the working class having just a fair and equitable chance!

  91. Comrade Mell1:45 PM

    Mellaneous sees the world though the lens of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

  92. mellaneous1:48 PM

    @slappy I didn't say this Granny did, you are going to get docked if you can't even troll right.

    "My dad always used to say when someone steals from a thief that thief crys the loudest. However, when a thief steals they swear that they are innocent."

  93. Paralytic Western Society

    By Victor Davis Hanson

    It is fascinating to see how postmodern Western societies react to wide-scale rioting, looting, and thuggery aimed at innocents. In Britain, politicians contemplate the use of water cannons as if they were nuclear weapons; and here the mayor of Philadelphia calls on rappers to appeal to youth to help ease the flash-mobbing that has a clear racial component to it (is the attorney general’s Civil Rights Division investigating?). His appeal is perhaps understandable, but many of the themes of rap music — violence against the police, racial chauvinism, and nihilism—may well be some of the cultural catalysts behind the flash violence, though to suggest as much would be seen as more racist than the racist profiling used by the flash beaters. All these incidents are symptomatic of a general breakdown and loss of confidence in Western society. Such urban violence was of course a constant in 19th- and 20th-century Europe and America, but now it is deeply embedded within modern sociology and no longer seen quite as criminality.

    We seem able to admit that massive federal and state entitlements have created a sense of dependency, a loss of self-respect and initiative, and a breakdown of the family, yet we still seem to fear that trimming the subsidies would lead to some sort of cold-turkey hyper-reaction. We assume that society is to blame for disaffected youth and therefore are hesitant to use commensurate force to quell the violence or even to make it clear that perpetrators are responsible for their own conduct. Yet at some point — when the violence reaches middle-class communities or, in serial fashion, downtown or suburban stores — we likewise assume that sufficient force will be used. Sociological exegesis will go out the window. Reality has a way of dispelling such cognitive luxuries.

    On the national level, this sad paralysis, this Hamlet disease, is reflected in calls for more spending and stimulus even as we concede that we have no plan or ability to pay back the massive and unsustainable debt we’ve already run up. The president’s Keynesian technocrats, to whom he outsourced economic policy, have all quit or been fired, or are contemplating leaving soon. He is left fearing that the usual progressive stimulants — near-zero interest, massive federal borrowing, increases in unemployment insurance and food stamps, public works projects, middle-class tax holidays — have not worked, and yet he cannot imagine assuming responsibility, taking the heat, and trying something different. We can’t decide whether the Libyan rebels are noble reformers or — as we learn more and more that Gaddafi’s mercenary forces are as tough as many warned — incompetent and worse, so we sorta bomb, sorta not, sorta follow the French, sorta not. In other words, lancing these boils is seen as worse that letting the boils grow, so on matters of debt and foreign policy, for now we do nothing, though we know that at some point nature will take its course in the form of financial insolvency and humiliating defeat. Then our post facto recriminations will be even more acrimonious than our present loud inaction. We are left with the Roman maxim of the remedies seen as worse than the disease.

  94. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 ure nothing but a wingnut stooge like kuntbreaf alicia fool banks u lack the smarts to come up wit ur own ideas and the only thing u do is insult mildew and cut and paste from other sites ya stoopid freeper kunt!

    and mellanus stfu ya hypocritical loser! always running ur mouth about injustices but ur quick to rationalize injustices committed by african americans and poor people jess cuz they belong in ur race u cante see past ur own asshole KUNT!

  95. Anonymous1:55 PM

    freepers and losers what a site!

  96. general motor1:56 PM

    mellaneous dreams:

    As always you are wrong and civilization won't advance by letting oil exploration and oil companies run amok.

    Low-cost energy is the key vitamin necessary for the advance of every society.

    You probably didn't know thas cable cars flourished before the oil and auto companies conspired to make sure we would be dependent on their products.

    Oh, but I do know. There were the Transcontinental Cable Cars that ran from NY to LA since 1776. But when the president of the company refused to run a cable car to Detroit, Henry Ford said "well screw that, I'll ruin that jerk with gasoline powered cars and me and my pal John Rockefeller will take old Rod Cable's money. Yep. We'll fix his wagon, we will."

  97. mao is dead2:01 PM

    mellaneous practices his dumbness:

    And BTW Vietnam has gone to the free market and North Korean is totalatarian.

    Vietnam is now attempting to follow the path set by China, which is the path of prospering through capitalism.

    Both nations learned the hard way that communism doesn't work except in the case of killing off the domestic opponents to communism. But then the communist leaders realize they really need the capitalists, so they find a way to reconnect.

    Whearas, they could have listened to the US and Europe from the start and created prospering capitalistic economies without all the senseless slaughter.

    but, you're a guy who favors slaughter in the name of whatever it is you believe in.

  98. Anonymous said...
    Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982 ure nothing but a wingnut stooge like kuntbreaf alicia fool banks u lack the smarts to come up wit ur own ideas and the only thing u do is insult mildew and cut and paste from other sites ya stoopid freeper kunt!

    and mellanus stfu ya hypocritical loser! always running ur mouth about injustices but ur quick to rationalize injustices committed by african americans and poor people jess cuz they belong in ur race u cante see past ur own asshole KUNT!

    In english mold.Please.

  99. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Mr. Field, FYI:

    "Investors have been using gold and silver as a flight to safety, as well as a way of protecting themselves against the loss in value of the USD, which could be accentuated through further quantitative easing. South Korea and other emerging market central banks have been drastically increasing their gold and silver holdings. In a recent Forbes article Jeff Clark, senior precious-metals analyst with Casey Research emphasized that:

    “So far in 2011, central banks in the emerging markets have already bought more than double the gold they bought in all of 2010, and we’ve got almost five months to go for the rest of the year,”

    China itself has been demonstrating to its citizens the value of investing in silver and last year China accounted for 23% of the worldwide silver demand alone. China's new mercantile exchange is also making it much easier to have access to silver and silver contracts, which should also help increase Asian investor's demand for metals."

  100. GrannyStandingforTruth2:22 PM


    Nope, let's work on your understanding. The only thing you got right was that both were a thief. However, what you didn't seem to grasp was the fact that the first thief was wrong, but claims innocence. When the same deed is done to him, he forgets that he is guilty of the same crime.

    In other words, what goes around, comes around. If you steal from someone, someone will steal from you. If you destroy something that belongs to someone else, someone will destroy something that belongs to you. Only it will be seven times worse.

    Do you get it now Mr. think you a scholar? Looks like you're the one confused since you couldn't figure out that simple principle of life.

    Field, where are these psuedo intelligent trolls coming from? I swear they need to go back and start school all over again. Smh!

  101. miscellaneous2:22 PM

    field titles this one:

    "Catch a fire"

    Interesting black locution.

    When a black girl discovers she's pregnant she and her friends say
    she "catch a baby" from some sperm donor. Inevitably a black sperm donor.

    Seems now London "catch a fire" in the same offhand, irresponsible, self-destructive way a black girl becomes pregnant.

    But she might want the pregnancy, figuring it leads to more welfare benefits, possibly a new place to live, and some kind of weird status in the black community.

    Maybe that's how it is in London when it comes to "catch a fire". Maybe the morons have an idea they'll derive some benefits paid for by others.

    Is there a cure for idiocy?

  102. mellaneous2:27 PM

    @Slappy posing as Mao

    Do you ever read what you right. Don't they pay you to make a little sense?

    Your insane self wrote:

    Both nations learned the hard way that communism doesn't work except in the case of killing off the domestic opponents to communism. But then the communist leaders realize they really need the capitalists, so they find a way to reconnect.

    Whearas, they could have listened to the US and Europe from the start and created prospering capitalistic economies without all the senseless slaughter.

    but, you're a guy who favors slaughter in the name of whatever it is you believe in."

    Are you crazy it was the capitalist countries that first colonized Vietnam (France) and then tried to bomb them back to the stone age (The US)

    It was the nationalists who were led by the communists who led the fight against the US invaders and the French colonialists.
    And BTW clearly I am not for slaughter the US kind or any other kind. You are the one that supports the US wars of aggression and acquisition, not me (And for the record 100's of thousands of human beings have been slaughtered as a result, but you cheer and other apologists for the crimes of the US have cheered it on.)

    Remember I am the anti-war activist that comments here. So stop being ridiculous.

    If you are going to troll and get paid for it at least take some pride in making sure your misinformation, at least seems logical.

  103. kenya2:30 PM

    granny flossing her tooth:

    You're too dumb to know when a crime has been committed and when it hasn't.

    Therefore, since you don't know one thing from another, you'll do best in an African nation where no one has anything. Then you can feel equal to everyone else, all of you living in tin-roofed sheds with outdoor latrines and no electricity.

  104. mellaneous2:34 PM

    @Anon said
    "and mellanus stfu ya hypocritical loser! always running ur mouth about injustices but ur quick to rationalize injustices committed by african americans..."

    Anon you are a liar!

    I have never in my entire life rationalize the unjust act of an African American or any other kind of human being!

    You anons are simply going to have to try harder. I guess if your debate skills are minimal you will resort to lying.

    Repeat as much as you want, its still not true and you can't find anywhere among anything that I have written an attempt to justify an injustice. I may have explained why something occurred but never justified it.

    Field I'm out. Got some more meetings and work to do. I see the paid misinformers are feeling desperate today.

  105. mao is dead2:38 PM

    mellaneous jabbers:

    It was the nationalists who were led by the communists who led the fight against the US invaders and the French colonialists.

    The communist reign in Vietnam was such a total complete failure that Vietnam has been begging the US and other capitalist nations for trade opportunities.

    Like I said, the idiots leading Vietnam in the 50s and 60s could have spared themselves all the hardships they imposed on their nation by jumping right to capitalism -- the place they are now desperate to reach.

    You don't get it. Communism NEVER works. Not only that, it's a lousy concept. The theory itself is foolishness because there's an expectation that those in a centrally planned economy will work hard enough to make it succeed.

    In other words, the idiots who believe in communism believe the people will supply enough excess productivity to overcome all the usual sludge that mires every bureaucracy.

    It's never happened, and it will never happen, because humans won't go along with that plan.

    And as Africa proves, imposing any form of government on blacks is almost impossible.

  106. GrannyStandingforTruth2:42 PM


    You wouldn't know dumb if it slapped you in the face. Blind people cannot see and you are blinded by your hate and ignorance. You fear competition from black people because of your insecurities, so you use namecalling as a crutch to hide them. You are pitiful creature!

  107. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Mell, they bravely volunteer others to do the task of Empire. Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly. Or going to war with folks...for some reason or another. You know, manly manhood stuff. But taking care to not attack those nations with the ability to retaliate.

    Granny, nice post. Facts and conclusions supported by evidence. And I loved the thief bit. Reminds me of all the loudly blustering pols.

    Some Chickenhawks keep wanting the race war...mostly so they can shoots them all the 'miggers' they sees...and no icky gubmint will call them to account. Riiight. What makes you think whites will side with Goobers, Heeyucks and wites? Maybe they will see you as the problem. Hmmm...fight against my friends and neighbours...or put down some screaming cowardly poos? The weenies call for an end to law, order and society...and to have Left Behinds as the new theocratic lords.
    That may delight your fanboy notions...but I do like modern life...running water, central heating, and unspoiled foods. You are selling 'The Road'...not too appealing.


  108. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Umm...seems our resident fake historee person forgetterated that the US sent troops...to make sure eveel commies didn't succeed. As did others. Cuba is Communist...and folks there live far better than a lot in Capitalist wonderments that were their neighbors.
    Nice of you to TELL us nonsense. But it still is incorrect, no matter how much you want to beleeve in business jebus.
    Keep raising your hands to st reagan and showing how much you trooly beleeve. Yes, your tenents are Fundie...like the evangelicals that PrayAwayDeGay. And about as irrational.


  109. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.


    Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.

  110. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Mell, they bravely volunteer others to do the task of Empire. Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly. Or going to war with folks...for some reason or another. You know, manly manhood stuff. But taking care to not attack those nations with the ability to retaliate.

    Granny, nice post. Facts and conclusions supported by evidence. And I loved the thief bit. Reminds me of all the loudly blustering pols.

    Some Chickenhawks keep wanting the race war...mostly so they can shoots them all the 'miggers' they sees...and no icky gubmint will call them to account. Riiight. What makes you think whites will side with Goobers, Heeyucks and wites? Maybe they will see you as the problem. Hmmm...fight against my friends and neighbours...or put down some screaming cowardly poos? The weenies call for an end to law, order and society...and to have Left Behinds as the new theocratic lords.
    That may delight your fanboy notions...but I do like modern life...running water, central heating, and unspoiled foods. You are selling 'The Road'...not too appealing.

    Umm...seems our resident fake historee person forgetterated that the US sent troops...to make sure eveel commies didn't succeed. As did others. Cuba is Communist...and folks there live far better than a lot in Capitalist wonderments that were their neighbors.
    Nice of you to TELL us nonsense. But it still is incorrect, no matter how much you want to beleeve in business jebus.
    Keep raising your hands to st reagan and showing how much you trooly beleeve. Yes, your tenents are Fundie...like the evangelicals that PrayAwayDeGay. And about as irrational.


  111. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face."

    the bravery of negros.why do negros feel so brave when they are attacking in mobs?like they shoot children in the head?these brave negros want to rape,rob,murder.

    they do this under the "woe is us"banner.they not know non-blacks see through and know their thugry?

    obama is not the massiah.obama is not the choosen one.get over it negros.


  112. Anonymous2:58 PM

    So how many millions was it that they spent on 'Prince' Williams wedding???

    The working,the middle,the poor class? Let em eat cake! :)

  113. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.


    Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.

    Fat black women who overate themselves into getting disability and now ride around supermarkets on scooters spending the food stamps - oh my Fybromyalgia hurts, it hurst whens I walks.. single black moms who get SSI income for the children they created but cant provide for or find the daddy, everyone else is supposed to support, are these chickenhawks?

  114. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Desertflower, it was more that the Tories cut benefits, education, housing...pretty much every thing..and then gloated...'whud ya gonna do 'bout it'?
    It is easy to not care about the Royals when you have food, clothing, shelter, and some other nice bits. But for some...they aren't happy unless you are miserable (see, sacrifice, Austerians). So, they have to remove all your fun.
    See how some pols speak of the folks down on their luck...pure mean.


  115. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.


    Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.

  116. Anonymous3:43 PM

    And the Word went out...and it was 'push the meme of the day'. The meme was good...it was a lie about the riots being cause by uppity undeserving ungrateful darkies. And all the Koch-suckers and those on wingnut welfare did spread the noxious Word. And did many of the ignorant repeat the Word..as it pissed off their intellectual, social, economic and hygienic betters.
    All praise to the propaganda machine that allows such utter falsehood to be cast among the citizens. All praise to the ideer that Left Behinds are the Master SmartieFolk. All praise to the unthinking slow throttling of the working class. Let us blame those who read.

    You know, Fundies...sooner or later the public will figure out what you do to little children. And when they compare notes...see that you enjoyed being evil...they might remember with less than fondness. Sort of when you were a bully in school. And then they could repay your sadism.


  117. black and blue3:45 PM

    Group Of Teens Randomly Attack Man On Kelly Drive

    August 9, 2011

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – On the same weekend that two men were beaten by violent mobs of teenagers in Center City spurring a police crackdown, another man now says he was randomly attacked on Kelly Drive.

    Christopher Dean says he was between Boathouse Row and the Girard Avenue bridge heading west, he says, when he saw a group of four or five teenage boys standing by the side of the path. Suddenly, one of them stepped out toward his bicycle and punched him in the face.

    Dean was hit so hard, he says he blacked out. Dean says the teens appeared to be between 15 and 18.

    “It felt literally like a blunt force nose of an airplane smacking into me full force. I think it was as hard as he could possibly hit somebody,” Dean said. “You don’t know what’s hit you when something like that happens.”

    Pictures show his face bleeding profusely. He needed stitches and his skull was fractured in three places, he says.

    “The doctors … said that’s brass knuckles, the only way your skin can be opened up that way, that’s brass knuckles,” he said.

    Police confirmed Dean’s story and said there have been no arrests.

  118. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.


    Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.

  119. anon racist

    "All northern cities were well over 90% white until the 1950s. As blacks arrived, whites departed and moved to the new suburbs near the cities where they had grown up."


    Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, NYC, Detroit all had significant black populations prior to the 50s

    The black southern migration to the North began in the 20s with blacks LOOKING FOR JOBS in the northern factories. Just like the white immigrants before them.

    "From personal experience they knew they would be better off by moving away from blacks. Not fighting them, just moving away from them and their problems."

    The northern cities were just as segregated as the South. Often with blacks paying more for rent for inferior housing than whites because their options were limited.

    After WW2, the US government financed white flight to the suburbs at the exclusion of blacks who paid taxes and served in war just like the whites.

  120. "Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly."



  121. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Mr. Field, FYI:

    Gold futures jump to record on equity slump
    3:13 pm ET 08/10/2011 - MarketWatch Databased News

    SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Gold futures climbed to a record Wednesday as concerns about a global economy slowdown and a slump in equities kept anxious investors in the metal.

    Gold also benefitted from the U.S. Federal Reserve's decision Tuesday to keep ultralow interest rates at least through 2013, maintaining the opportunity cost for the metal low.

    Gold for December delivery rose $41.30, or 2.4%, to finish at $1,784.30 an ounce on the Comex division of the New York Mercantile Exchange.

    The contract traded as earlier topped $1,801 an ounce, an intraday record for the metal.

    "The market remains well bid and the downturn in the equity markets continues to show a lack of investor confidence," said Jim Steel, a precious metals analyst with HSBC in New York.

    Mr. Field, it might be a little late to buy Gold now. It has run up fast. As I mentioned in a previous comment Gold's movement would be parabolic. It looks like Gold just might hit 1900-2000 by the end of the year. However, I suspect a correction is coming soon.

    Wait for the pullback, Mr. Field. Then buy. You should own some gold for balance because equities are going to tank even more this month before the Fed steps in with QE3. Just sayin. Just trying to help.

  122. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Who cares? Goobers? Fundies? Is it such a crime to have dad diddle my skittle? Why is there such rightie fixation my skittle? bush will never diddle like my dad?

    Oh how i laugh at the leftbehinds.Goobers will never know my special place.


  123. Anonymous3:56 PM

    UTS, but...but the wite historee preacher done told me that them lazy shiftless darkies done came here lookin fer handouts.
    Shame how Facts seem to contradict their Fundie beleefs at every item. Hmmm...given that their hypotenuse is not supported by the evidence...maybe it is time for a new one.

    What I find even more funny is that these wite weenies wail endlessly about the AfAms being newcomers. Sure. How many wites came here between the wars? And how many AfAms have family that predates the American Revolution?


  124. Anonymous3:58 PM

    field i am going to give you and your readers some real black history.this was related to me by my uncle who was a paratrooper with the 82 airborne.he said that the only ground support piolets that never shot then up was the tuskegee airmen who flew low enough to see who was who before shooting.

  125. Anonymous4:00 PM

    A gold salesperson. Now I know that some posters are paid Trolls. They do this shilling on the Con blogs to the moron Goobers. Who buy gold...because...it am in de Bible!!!
    So isn't forcing your patriarchal self on your daughters...then blaming then for being all sinful and enticing. So isn't murdering your neighbours...as some Stone Age myth told you to through 'voices'. So isn't the stoning offense of cheeseburgers.
    Must be the quota got raised.


  126. Anonymous4:00 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    "Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly."



    Please use facts,data,proof.Something that libs are scared of.

    Stop making baseless statements.You will get called on your bullshit everytime.

  127. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Our heroic brave Chickenhawks have other priorities. Like stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.


    Who? Please list names of"brave Chickenhawks" who are stealing Social Security and Medicare from the elderly.

  128. Anonymous4:02 PM

    nice historical facts about the Black migration to the North and their experiences, uts.

    Whites are totally ignorant of it. Of course why would they know? they think we are less than human.

    Slavery and Jim Crow might have ended by law, but the state of mind of the white perpetrators has not. You cannot legislate the mind of an individual. He/she must be willing to do so.

  129. Anonymous4:03 PM

    UTS, thanks for the abbreviated list. I was declining to answer as the petulance of the writer brought the idea more prominence. Pouting and stamping their widdle feets made the Chickenhawks bravely stealing Social Security and Medicare from those who already paid into the system...for decades...more visible.

    Sarey and Bachmann could have served. Quayles, Santorum, Toomey...pretty much the whole wingnut caucus.


  130. Anonymous4:07 PM

    "A gold salesperson. Now I know that some posters are paid Trolls. They do this shilling on the Con blogs to the moron Goobers. Who buy gold...because...it am in de Bible!!!
    So isn't forcing your patriarchal self on your daughters...then blaming then for being all sinful and enticing. So isn't murdering your neighbours...as some Stone Age myth told you to through 'voices'. So isn't the stoning offense of cheeseburgers.
    Must be the quota got raised."


    You are a crazy person who makes no sense. besides, what would you know about Gold or the market? You obviously have no investments, and no job.

  131. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Field the market gave back what it gained yesterday and acting like it wants to give some more. Can you believe it? WTF!*

  132. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Pouting and stamping their widdle feets made the Chickenhawks bravely stealing Social Security and Medicare from those who already paid into the system...for decades...more visible.


    Please tell us how much has been stolen and how they are stealing Social Security and Medicare from those who already paid into the system.

    Where is the money going to?Tell use more.Start with facts.

  133. Anonymous4:14 PM

    While the Mandarins and Versailles on the Potomac courtiers are trying to keep their Kochs wealthy and cosseted...what if the tipping point has been reached?
    FDR saved capitalism by sharing a smidgen of wealth with the working class. Not only did this prevent revolution, it made the rich even more wealthy.
    Obama is religiously following the diktats of the Chicago Skool...and this system has a track record of utter failure. Not only does it not work as presented, it has a habit of causing massive social unrest and economic disaster.
    Add in the millions of people who have weaponry...and we might be in for what the Chinese call 'interesting times'. I would caution the useful astroturf idiots known as TaxBaggers that there are many who have guns and aren't as gullible as they.
    I have already mentioned that their dream of becoming the new lords in a hectic and chaotic society...is not based in Reality. Seems a putz is still a putz, even if he has a gun.
    The Russian experience is recent and should be a model for what the US might endure.


  134. Mold,

    "Sure. How many wites came here between the wars? And how many AfAms have family that predates the American Revolution"

    Right on.

    We were here from the GETGO.

    Established this nations foundation of wealth with our FREE LABOR.

    These goobers better recognize.

  135. Anonymous4:26 PM

    i was told by muh massa if i raised my hand and worship obama has the messiah.thangs would be ok fo me.obama would pay my rent.putgas in my car.give me a pay raise.

    why has my messiah done failed me.that good man jimmy carter never done me wrong.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  136. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Since only the Reich-wing has that particular beleef...and then only to berate Obama for not being jebus...it is only the wingers who are dancing with glee that Obama is a right-leaning centrist.
    The Messiah Obama is their creation.
    Lefties/Progressives knew Obama was moderate centrist with right-of-centre polices. We just hoped he would grow in office.
    Still, he is vastly better than a Geezer pandering to the TaxBagger morons or the sop to the religio-crazees in the form of a 'stealth' candidate.
    Even now, with the whiners trying to crash the economy on purpose...so they can blame Obama...he still would be elected.
    Think about it Gomer. All your posturing...and he is still more popular than any of your best options.;)


  137. Anonymous4:34 PM

    We all remember Michael Jackson for his music. Who, other than family, remembers 'insert generic christian musican here'?


  138. Anonymous4:39 PM

    We also remember Michael Jackson for his diddling.Does he remind you of someone you love mold?


  139. steve's retarded4:40 PM

    unbearably stupid steve:

    In 1950, NY city was 90% white. As were the other northern cities.

    As usual, you're confused about black demographics. You know, that blacks were about 10% of the population till WWII. In the 1950s and 60s immigration rules changed. That's when people from the Caribbean started streaming in. To NY City and and straight up to Chicago and Detroit.

  140. dumb is painless4:43 PM

    his dumbness steve speaks:

    Established this nations foundation of wealth with our FREE LABOR.

    Oh yeah. Slaves were acquired free of charge. Didn't have to buy them or feed them.

  141. Damn sure didn't PAY them.

    What a friggin racist loser.

  142. barackalypse now4:50 PM

    Dow down 520 points.

    The problems in the US are problems that our moronic president has failed to solve.

    It's not that he's been a little off. Close, but not quite hitting the bullseye.

    He's missing by a mile. Because he's an idiot ideologue who knows nothing about practical economics.

    He dwells in the faculty lounge, to which he may return after the next election.

  143. Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters

    A few weeks after the U.S. city of Detroit was ravaged by 1967 race riots in which 43 people died, I was shown around the wrecked areas by a black reporter named Joe Strickland.
    He said: ‘Don’t you believe all that stuff people here are giving media folk about how sorry they are about what happened. When they talk to each other, they say: “It was a great fire, man!” ’

    If you live a normal life of absolute futility, which we can assume most of this week’s rioters do, excitement of any kind is welcome. The people who wrecked swathes of property, burned vehicles and terrorised communities have no moral compass to make them susceptible to guilt or shame.
    Most have no jobs to go to or exams they might pass. They know no family role models, for most live in homes in which the father is unemployed, or from which he has decamped.

    They are illiterate and innumerate, beyond maybe some dexterity with computer games and BlackBerries.
    They are essentially wild beasts. I use that phrase advisedly, because it seems appropriate to young people bereft of the discipline that might make them employable; of the conscience that distinguishes between right and wrong.
    They respond only to instinctive animal impulses — to eat and drink, have sex, seize or destroy the accessible property of others.
    Their behaviour on the streets resembled that of the polar bear which attacked a Norwegian tourist camp last week. They were doing what came naturally and, unlike the bear, no one even shot them for it.
    A former London police chief spoke a few years ago about the ‘feral children’ on his patch — another way of describing the same reality.
    The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call ‘lives’: they simply exist.
    Nobody has ever dared suggest to them that they need feel any allegiance to anything, least of all Britain or their community. They do not watch royal weddings or notice Test matches or take pride in being Londoners or Scousers or Brummies.
    Not only do they know nothing of Britain’s past, they care nothing for its present.
    They have their being only in video games and street-fights, casual drug use and crime, sometimes petty, sometimes serious.
    The notions of doing a nine-to-five job, marrying and sticking with a wife and kids, taking up DIY or learning to read properly, are beyond their imaginations.

  144. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Actually Goober, the slaves were not fed. You should read some of the archeological findings. And you had the ability to force your Massa on the unwilling female slave and 'create' your cheap workers.
    As for the whites...they were less valuable, less dependable, less intelligent, and less skilled. Far more expendable than slaves. Why else send hordes of illiterate hillbillies off to die...and keep the actual workers on the plantation.
    Think about it...the great Southern heroes were considered less worthy than slaves.:)


  145. last part

    A century ago, no child would have dared to use obscene language in class. Today, some use little else. It symbolises their contempt for manners and decency, and is often a foretaste of delinquency.
    If a child lacks sufficient respect to address authority figures politely, and faces no penalty for failing to do so, then other forms of abuse — of property and person — come naturally.
    So there we have it: a large, amoral, brutalised sub-culture of young British people who lack education because they have no will to learn, and skills which might make them employable. They are too idle to accept work waitressing or doing domestic labour, which is why almost all such jobs are filled by immigrants.
    They have no code of values to dissuade them from behaving anti-socially or, indeed, criminally, and small chance of being punished if they do so.
    They have no sense of responsibility for themselves, far less towards others, and look to no future beyond the next meal, sexual encounter or TV football game.

    They are an absolute deadweight upon society, because they contribute nothing yet cost the taxpayer billions. Liberal opinion holds they are victims, because society has failed to provide them with opportunities to develop their potential.
    Most of us would say this is nonsense. Rather, they are victims of a perverted social ethos, which elevates personal freedom to an absolute, and denies the underclass the discipline — tough love — which alone might enable some of its members to escape from the swamp of dependency in which they live.
    Only education — together with politicians, judges, policemen and teachers with the courage to force feral humans to obey rules the rest of us have accepted all our lives — can provide a way forward and a way out for these people.
    They are products of a culture which gives them so much unconditionally that they are let off learning how to become human beings. My dogs are better behaved and subscribe to a higher code of values than the young rioters of Tottenham, Hackney, Clapham and Birmingham.
    Unless or until those who run Britain introduce incentives for decency and impose penalties for bestiality which are today entirely lacking, there will never be a shortage of young rioters and looters such as those of the past four nights, for whom their monstrous excesses were ‘a great fire, man’.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-2024284/UK-riots-2011-Liberal-dogma-spawned-generation-brutalised-youths.html#ixzz1Uf2ps77U

    Best posting about the rioters.

  146. "In 1950, NY city was 90% white. As were the other northern cities."


    I'm calling your racist ass on this.


    There were almost a million blacks in NYC IN 1950.

    Completely dominated Harlem.

    Blacks and Latinos were solidly in the South Bronx, Bedford Stuyvesant, and Brownsville prior to the 50s.

    My grandparents came to a solidly black neighborhood on Clinton Ave in the South Bronx from South Carolina in the 30s.

    Adam Clayton Powell and Hulan Jack were elected NYC representatives in the early 40s.

    Back up your assertion.

    Watch the POS disappear folks.

  147. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Hmm...you remember your fantasies given life by rumour and innuendo. Why am I not surprised.
    It is more about your issues...and the need to pretend you are superior to others....without doing the work that garners respect.
    Oh...was that fictional fantasy ever proved?


  148. Anonymous4:59 PM

    Pouting and stamping their widdle feets made the Chickenhawks bravely stealing Social Security and Medicare from those who already paid into the system...for decades...more visible.


    Please tell us how much has been stolen and how they are stealing Social Security and Medicare from those who already paid into the system.

    Where is the money going to?Tell use more.Start with facts.

  149. Going once, going twice.....5:01 PM

    Shoot, Mold. Back in the early 1800's, a good slave might cost you $1,000. Think about that in today's money.

    Only a fool would needlessly starve or beat such an investment.

    Of course, I'm sure that your ancestors could be bought off the bargain rack.

  150. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Why shoore, and not one pet owner abuses their valuable animal. And spouse abusers are so absolutely careful not to damage their chattel.
    How many of your neighbours 'beat' their expensive vehicles?
    Why...lets ask businesses what they do with their expenditures...work them as hard, fast and cheap as possible. Only putting the barest minimum into repairs or maintenance.
    Anything else costs money.
    And your point?


  151. Too bad there wasn't free agency for slaves.

    These goobers are NUTS.

  152. Pedro5:12 PM

    " uptownsteve said...

    These goobers are NUTS.

    5:09 PM"

    I heard that! They could have gotten Mexicans A LOT cheaper!

  153. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Not really, you should not assume that History began with the ascension of st reagan. For many years, the whites were the illegals. They moved in, dropped the wage rates, lowered property values, were disgusting jerkholes, and stole property every time they could.
    So...you have Pat Buchanan accusing Messicans of what whites did. And Lou Dobbs is worried that the original owners will kick out the squatters.
    Go ahead, read something besides David Barton or other fakers.


  154. James K. Polk5:22 PM

    Remember the Mexican-American war.

  155. A lot of vivid discussion going on. Props to Francis Holland and Mell. And welcome back, Granny.

    I noticed a lot of the resident asshats here are now using names that are very, very similar to ones used by the regular posters, to fool people into thinking their troll posts belong to those regulars, instead of the asshats. Clever little buggers, these folks are.

  156. StillaPanther25:42 PM

    Brother Field...."seem to be stacked against them"....that system is stacked against all minorities and people that did not drop out the "wight womb". My word.....you know what it means.

  157. "In 1950, NY city was 90% white. As were the other northern cities."

    I don't know about other northern cities, but here are the racial and ethnic stats for NYC, from 1900 to 2010. Stats are also broken down by borough.


    I hate to say it, Steve, but this blind squirrel stumbled upon an acorn this time:

    Population: 7,891,957
    Percent White: 90.17 (7,116,441)
    Percent Black: 9.47 (747,608)

    Keep in mind you had people of Jewish, Irish, Scottish and Eastern European extract counted as "white".

    Now watch as this guy gloats about how right he was, only to fuck up and spout yet another non-truth. He's a blind squirrel, after all.

  158. GrannyStandingforTruth5:50 PM

    Thanks Mack!

  159. Mack,

    Where do the Puerto Ricans and Dominicans who completely dominate the Bronx fit into those stats?

    And we were discussing demographics prior to 1950.

    There ain't no freakin way David Dinkins got elected in NYC with a 90% white population in NYC in 1989

    Sorry bruh, but your figures are wrong.

  160. steve's retarded6:05 PM

    mack lyons says:

    Keep in mind you had people of Jewish, Irish, Scottish and Eastern European extract counted as "white".

    Here's some news for you, bonehead -- Jews, Irish, Scots and Eastern Europeans are and have always been white.

    It's not a question of "sort of". They're white.

  161. NYC 2010 demographics

    The city's population in 2010 was 33% white (non-Hispanic), 23% black (non-Hispanic), and 13% Asian. Hispanics of any race represented 29% of the population

  162. "Sorry bruh, but your figures are wrong."

    I'm not gonna argue, but those stats aren't wrong. Just take a look at them for yourself.

  163. "Here's some news for you, bonehead -- Jews, Irish, Scots and Eastern Europeans are and have always been white"

    Spoken from a racist Jew dying to be recognized as "white"

  164. "I'm not gonna argue, but those stats aren't wrong. Just take a look at them for yourself"

    I just did.

    Besides growing up there.

  165. steve's retarded6:08 PM

    unbearable dumbness of steve said:

    There ain't no freakin way David Dinkins got elected in NYC with a 90% white population in NYC in 1989

    Hey screwball. 1989 is not 1950. By 1989 NY City was 25% black, 25% hispanic, 45% white and 5% asian.

  166. "Here's some news for you, bonehead -- Jews, Irish, Scots and Eastern Europeans are and have always been white.

    It's not a question of "sort of". They're white."

    "White" is a racial construct created to make the jobs of the census folks and statisticians easier, and numerically bolster the racial dominance of whites in the U.S. These people were originally Jewish, Irish, Scottish, etc. They intermarried with others, including the "white" Americans who could trace their heritage back to the Mayflower and beyond. That's how they ended up being "white".

  167. So where are your 1950 stats?

  168. steve's retarded6:12 PM

    dumb as dirtsteve:

    Spoken from a racist Jew dying to be recognized as "white"

    Only blacks have this weird fixation on who's white.

  169. If the northern urban cities were 90% white in 1950 then what the fuck was the purpose of "white flight"?

    They would have just kept the blacks and latinos cornered in their in limited small areas and continued the white domination.

    There's already documentation that Walter O'Malley wanted to move the Dodgers out of Flatbush in the early 50s because the area was being dominated by blacks and Puerto Ricans.


  170. "Only blacks have this weird fixation on who's white"

    Oh yeah.

    Ask the Aryan Nation yahoos if Jews are white.

  171. steve's retarded6:20 PM

    smack me in the head lying:

    "White" is a racial construct created to make the jobs of the census folks and statisticians easier, and numerically bolster the racial dominance of whites in the U.S.

    Ah. Now we hear from another weirdo black guy with the "who's white" fixation.

    These people were originally Jewish, Irish, Scottish, etc. They intermarried with others, including the "white" Americans who could trace their heritage back to the Mayflower and beyond.

    What a nitwit you are. So in your mind the people living in England in 1620 were a separate race from the people of Ireland and Scotland.

    You clowns will believe anything.

    That's how they ended up being "white".

    In it's own weird way, this fixation on who's white is consistent with the weird black obsession with blackness itself. Being too dark is bad, while being light-skinned is good. Nuts. Just nuts.

    Them's some deep problems you got there cowboy.

  172. steve's retarded6:27 PM

    And now a few words from our resident retard:

    Ask the Aryan Nation yahoos if Jews are white.

    Yeah, I heard their leading scientist is about to receive a Nobel Prize for isolating the sports and entertainment gene found in blacks. But the committee had to think twice becaue he also discovered the intelligence gene in blacks was missing.

  173. Okay, Okay goober you're white.

    We believe you.

    Just don't attend any RAHOWA meetings and tell them your name is Lipshutz.

  174. A guy by the name of "steve's retarded" attempts to accuse me and other blacks here of having a "fixation" on whites. Classic comedy.

    And how's your fixation on proving uptownsteve wrong going, BTW? You can't seem to do anything other than keep the guy's name and posts on your tongue.

  175. No, no. I was wrong.

    It's tantamount to stalking. "Retard", get thee off the Internet and to a shrink, post haste!

  176. Anonymous11:54 AM

    what a bunch of racists fools because you blame whitey for your own short comimgs.i do like to see negroes attacking whites especialy white liberals because it shows that you are not like decent people.so keep up your racism as i love it when you show your true colors.
