Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Dow drops, Amy helps, and Michele is still crazy.

Wall Street, you are killing me! Folks, I might not even finish this post. It all depends on how long it takes a bottle of valium to kick in. Even Mrs. Field is worried, and girlfriend never looks over her 401K statements.

Anywhoo, I know who will be first in line to see The Help this summer: My girl Amy Holmes. Seems girlfriend has found a new gig being the help to a very deranged and racist antagonist. But there will be no acrimony from me towards Amy tonight. I wish girlfriend all the best. Times are hard out here and folks have to get their eat on. Good for Glenn Beckkk. He found his own version of Obama. Like O, one of Amy's parents is a black African and one is a white A-merry-can. Unlike O, however, she was not born in this country; Amy was born in Africa. But I am sure that Glenn will pick her brain to learn more about Obama. She will be a valuable asset come 2012.

I see that Jon Stewart has come out and ripped Newsweek for their latest issue with Michele Bachmann on the cover.[See pic with this post] They have been taking a lot of heat for it. Apparently folks say it makes her look crazy. Ahhhhm, excuse me, she is crazy. Was the photo of her doctored? The answer is no. I think it does a wonderful job of capturing who Mrs. Bachmann really is. So Jon, take a chill pill and go back to fighting the clowns over at FOX.  Sometimes you can be a bit too voluble for your own good.

Besides, it's not even about the Newsweek cover; it's more about what was revealed in the actual article:

"One of the more interesting tidbits to be discussed about GOP presidential front-runner Michelle Bachmann in the current issue of the New Yorker is that one of the books she kept listed on her website as a “must read” was a biography of Robert E. Lee by J. Steven Wilkins. Wilkins is a revisionist historian that seeks to downplay or even glorify the Souths’ tradition of slavery. From the book:
Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded upon racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause. The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith. . . The unity and companionship that existed between the races in the South prior to the war was the fruit of a common faith.
Got that? Because Africans were forcibly converted to Christianity, they didn’t mind being slaves at all but rather worked extra hard to enrich their white owners. For Jesus.This is the rising star of the GOP. If you are even contemplating voting for this woman, you are a goddamn idiot." [Source]

OK, so Justin Rosario was a little harsh, but I get the point.

Hmmm, maybe Ms. Bachmann wasn't so glad that the "Founding Fathers" ended slavery after all.

Finally, good for Lucy Nobbe. Ms. Nobbe dropped $900 to fly a banner over Wall Street to let the bums in New York and Washington know how the rest of us feel about their shenanigans.

Ms. Nobbe, your actions had Field Negro written all over it.


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    field add precious metals to your portfolio.

  2. Michelle may want to lay off the bo-tox because it's NOT a good look, LOL!!!

  3. Anonymous7:46 PM

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  4. "obama will pay my rent"

    You're probably wishing he'd pay yours. It'd free up the money for that new bass boat you're lusting after.

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    Ouch! Mack, LOL!
    Michelle is upset because her underlying batpoo crazy is now revealed. All that deception and fakery...and we all know she should not be near anything serious.
    I especially like the 'submit' to hubby part.
    I have always invested with the Great Depression haunting my choices.


  6. GrannyStandingforTruth9:23 PM

    Field, I like the title to your topic, it is sorta catchy. The last part of the title is the truth, nothing but the truth, so help me God.

  7. cleaning up9:27 PM

    The film adaptation of Kathryn Stockett's best-selling novel, The Help is in theaters today.

    The story centers on relationships between white families and their African-American housekeepers in 1960s Mississippi.

    Her brother’s maid, Ablene Cooper, who claims the character Aibileen is based on her, has filed a lawsuit against Stockett. (Washington Post)

    Meanwhile Stockett revealed in an interview on KCRW's The Business that she sold screen rights for The Help to her childhood friend, Tate Taylor, who wrote, directed, and produced the film, despite the objections of her husband, agents, and advisers.

  8. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Mr. Field, I thought of you when watching this video of the E-Trade baby who hit hard today in the stock market:

  9. cleaning up9:29 PM

    Amusing that she waits till now -- when the movie comes out -- to file the suit. When was the book published?

    Hearing scheduled in Mississippi lawsuit over character in best-selling book ‘The Help’

    August 9, 2011

    JACKSON, Miss. — Lawyers for Kathryn Stockett want a judge to dismiss a lawsuit that accuses the author of “The Help” of basing a character on a real-life maid who works for Stockett’s brother.

    A hearing is scheduled next week in the lawsuit filed by a Mississippi woman who claims she was the basis for the maid in the book that has been made into a movie that opens Wednesday.


    Weigh In Corrections?

    It’s based on relationships between white families and their African-American maids in the segregated South of the 1960s.

    A driving character in the novel is a woman named Aibileen. A real-life woman named Ablene Cooper says she worked as a maid for Stockett’s brother. She claims in the lawsuit that Stockett used her name and likeness without permission.

  10. Anonymous9:31 PM

    From the previous post, some silly boy was pretenderating that some folk are 'white'. I can attest to Italians not being considered white. In parts of New England the Irish are still not 'white'. Eastern Europeans...again, not 'white'.
    If you are going to fib about might want to try it where the posters are not able to read. Or, like me, have lived with the Reality of Italians, Eastern Europeans, and Irish not being 'white'.
    Not too long ago, here in the US, ole crazy Michelle would not be 'white'. Seems you missed the Civil Rights movement.

    You Goobers thinkerate you so smart...but you do tend to spill your idiocy when you assume the listener is as wite as you. I do 'pass for' quite well. And I have the Universal Look...I pretty much fit in anywhere.;)


  11. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Sorry, previous THREAD. My bad.

    I wonder why the 1960s are now so urgently popular. Maybe all the 1950s Geezers who worshiped the faintly remembered days of their gawd-like youth are no longer pushing their version of events. Great, now we have to sit through really bad fake 1960s dreck. No DFHs, no Civil Rights, no Feminism...just loud, stoopid, ignorant, obnoxious, Entitled wite guys fouling everything they touch...wingnut paradise.


  12. gene pool9:46 PM

    Yeah, well, the Irish, the Italians and the Eastern Europeans, just like the English, were prohibited from marrying blacks by the anti-miscegenation laws.

    Because they're white, like you, moldy.

    We know you're a white male, moldy.

  13. gene pool9:50 PM

    moldy says...

    Not too long ago, here in the US, ole crazy Michelle would not be 'white'.

    In your dream world even polar bears aren't white.

  14. Anonymous10:11 PM

    “Anywhoo, I know who will be first in line to see The Help this summer: My girl Amy Holmes. Seems girlfriend has found a new gig being the help to a very deranged and racist antagonist.”

    Dear Mr. Field, I hate to bring this up, but you continue to ignore my comments. Yet, you mention related information in a Post the following day without even an honorable mention of me. I feel like you are fleecing me, Mr. Field. As ANOTHER example, the anchor on GBTV…I posted about her TWICE to you in the previous thread..TWICE! You made no comment. However, it’s in your post today, without the slightest acknowledgment to me.

    Why me, Mr. Field? This has been going on for a while. Mr. Field, I feel like a black Rodney Dangerfield: ”I get no respect”. I notice that you give credit to Desertflower PR ASAP! But you ignore me in here in shoot-black-men-on-the-Bart Oakland. Did you hear that, Mr. Field? I live in effing Oakland…it’s bad enough to be living here and not receive some love for my hard earned posts. What do I have to do, wear a dress like Desert?

    It’s rough out here…don’t make me beg like Tavis and West for a little love. I need to feel wanted. Hell, you sometimes even given attention to KID and he lives in Cleveland! And you mean to tell me that you can’t even give me an effing H/T? WTF?!*

    May God rest Rodney Dangerfield’s soul.

  15. Dear Anon@10:11PM, I did indeed see your comments yesterday, and I meant to comment but forgot. Yes, I would like to thank you for bringing it to my attention.

    The President of Anon Inc. should be proud of you. :)

  16. GrannyStandingforTruth10:26 PM

    Field, please acknowledge Anonymous 10:11 because he lives in the Bay Area and it's rough living in the Bay Area for black men like he said in shoot black men on the Bart in the back Oakland. Wave at him or something. *sigh*

  17. Any bets?

    Deadly Shooting At N.J. Country Club

    08 Aug 2011

    BEDMINSTER, N.J. (AP) -- Authorities are investigating an early morning shooting that left one groundskeeper dead and another wounded at a country club in northern New Jersey.

    Somerset County Prosecutor Spokesman Jack Bennett says the wounded man is in critical condition and the suspect fled to Essex County, where he took his own life.

    No names have been released.

    The shooting happened at 5:08 a.m. Monday at the Fiddler's Elbow Country Club in Bedminster.

    Bennett says it does not appear to be a random shooting as the groundskeepers knew one another.

    Somerset and Essex county prosecutors are investigating.

    The 54-hole golf course is the largest in the state and one of the most lavish in the Northeast.

  18. Francisco Jimenez, a Fiddler's Elbow Country Club groundskeeper who committed suicide Monday, Aug. 8, after authorities say he shot a fellow employee there.

    A lover's quarrel gone bad? Love in the rough? Or did a woman come between the two of them?

  19. Anonymous10:54 PM

    from the previous thread:

    Troll said, "And now a few words from our resident retard:"

    UTS said, "Ask the Aryan Nation yahoos if Jews are white."

    Troll said, "Yeah, I heard their leading scientist is about to receive a Nobel Prize for isolating the sports and entertainment gene found in blacks. But the committee had to think twice becaue he also discovered the intelligence gene in blacks was missing."

    Is this true?

  20. Any bets?

    Ahhh, some siblings on the loose maybe? Oh wait, they caught them.

    Never mind.

  21. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Mr. Field, did you view the E*Trade video I left for you? It is quite funny.

  22. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Every picture I've seen of Bachmann she's had that glassy, whites-all-round stare; don't think it's possible to take a picture where she doesn't look crazy.

    Re: her recommended reading--it's clear I'm not *nearly* active enough trying to keep these religious lunatics' delusions out of my nephew & godchildren's schoolbooks.

    Good for Lucy Nobbe; just wish someone had hit on that idea earlier.

  23. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, I have on numerous occasions asked you to stop messing with my girl Michele. But you keep messing with poor Michele. Mr. Field, you didn’t mess this much with Beck and Limbaugh combined. And the way Jon Steward made of her photo on the cover of Newsweek was a crying shame. I think it is a lovely photo. It gives her that “born again” Christian heavenly's beautiful!

  24. Able Baker12:37 AM

    Ms..Queen said...
    Michelle may want to lay off the bo-tox because it's NOT a good look, LOL!!!

    And y'all should lay off the spackling and shoe polish because it ain't working for you, Muaahahahaha!

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth12:38 AM

    Oh Lawd, Anonymous 12:03:

    You tripping, that is not a born again Christian heavenly look. Nevertheless, the picture is her natural look and shows the real her...crazier than a road lizard.

    I'm sorry, but she does not have that glow. Spirit recognizes Spirit and she does not have it.

  26. A-girl12:39 AM

    "Slavery, as it operated in the pervasively Christian society which was the old South, was not an adversarial relationship founded upon racial animosity. In fact, it bred on the whole, not contempt, but, over time, mutual respect. This produced a mutual esteem of the sort that always results when men give themselves to a common cause. The credit for this startling reality must go to the Christian faith. . . The unity and companionship that existed between the races in the South prior to the war was the fruit of a common faith."

    This is beautiful - maybe it's true. In any event, we are all better off today because of it.

  27. Anonymous12:42 AM

    Granny, I think you are jealous of Michele, esp her looks and her relationship with God. Don't worry, there's plenty of room "at the inn.":)

  28. Nosmo King12:44 AM

    GrannyStandingToPoop Said...

    I'm sorry, but she does not have that glow. Spirit recognizes Spirit and she does not have it.

    Oh so you are saved and holier than thou? I bet you are the head.

  29. Anonymous12:48 AM

    A-Girl-"This is beautiful - maybe it's true. In any event, we are all better off today because of it."

    You are right. Race relations today have never been better.

  30. GrannyStandingforTruth1:03 AM

    Nope, I'm not jealous, I do not have any reason to be jealous of her. I'm just telling the truth.

    And Rick Parry, I'm looking at him on tv and can see those two red eye pupils staring back. Lord help! Ain't no real light in him! Smh!

    A-girl, southern christianity preached to the slaves to obey their masters. Obey the very men who sold their children from up under them never to see them again. Obey the very same men that were raping their daughters and in some cases sons who were sometimes children. Obey the very same men who did this to them:,r:7,s:0&biw=1187&bih=512

    and this:

    and this:,r:7,s:60&biw=1187&bih=512

    Tell me what is beautiful about it. How would you feel if this was you and your family? Would it still be beautiful?

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth1:10 AM

    Nope, I'm not holier than thou. Never that!

  32. Granny: "Obey the very men who sold their children from up under them never to see them again. Obey the very same men that were raping their daughters and in some cases sons who were sometimes children."

    Black men don't want to the see their children, and they do all the raping of their children themselves today. At least back then you could walk down the street without getting shot at.

  33. GrannyStandingforTruth1:29 AM


    I can understand your fear, but you're painting black men with a broad brush because there are many black men that don't fit in that category. However, I think that crosses all color lines, but not all men.

    What street you walking on that they're shooting at you? What are you into that has people shooting at you? I walk down the street and don't have that fear or worry. Although, I do know that a lot young men have to deal with that these days.

  34. Anonymous1:54 AM

    Now I understand why uptown Steve is so confused and dysfunctional sounding whacky in his view of the economy, Rev'rund Al is his hero and this guy is the pinnacle of the bell curve. Just listen to him try and understand English with simple matters such as debt ceiling VS Downgrade due to not enough cuts. Steve tell the truth you watched Al live on this right?

  35. mellaneous2:06 AM

    Good post Field you are on a roll.

    It sure is no surprise that Bachman recommends a revisionist historian, and someone who has simply made a fairy tale out of the conditions of US slavery.

    Anon above- I think you are confused if you think the debt ceiling and the other debt talk is real. Its all about cutting back programs for the poor and the elderly. Because face it the rich and Big business are not going to give up any of their earnings, it would be downright sacreligous.

  36. Anonymous2:24 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Good post Field you are on a roll.

    It sure is no surprise that Bachman recommends a revisionist historian, and someone who has simply made a fairy tale out of the conditions of US slavery.

    Anon above- I think you are confused if you think the debt ceiling and the other debt talk is real. Its all about cutting back programs for the poor and the elderly. Because face it the rich and Big business are not going to give up any of their earnings, it would be downright sacreligous.

    Maybe it's something in the water or air with Rev'unds. How about instead of cutting back programs for the "poor and elderly" we look at all the wasteful spending and boy there is a ton of it, check out the video, seems like your getting sharptonized as well.

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth2:30 AM


    Amen! Slavery was a horrible crime against humanity. They did a lot of so-call medical experiments of slaves back then too that disfigured and killed them and I'm not referring to the Tuskegee syphillis experiment either. Nope! They were experimenting on slaves way before that. Some of the stuff they did was unbelievable and just downright cruel and barbaric.

  38. GrannyStandingforTruth2:35 AM

    Baucus and possibly Ryan are going to be on that Super Congress. I know that Baucus is for sure, so that means that Congress is not be sincere in doing what is right. Remember Baucus and the Health Care Debate?

  39. GrannyStandingforTruth2:36 AM


  40. I know that revisionist Civil War history. Nothing new about it. All the slaves are smiling & humming the theme from "Gone With the Wind" & saying, "Now you behave yo'self, Miz Scarlett."

  41. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Bob, you gone live a long time because I was thinking about you the other day. You came across my mine and I was praying that all was well with you.

  42. mellaneous4:02 AM

    @thanks for the compliment Granny

    Anon there is plenty of wasteful spending but it isn't wasted on grandmothers, poor children, working mothers and working people who can't afford health care, or in early childhood education.

    For waste all you have to do is look at the money spent on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. And you have to pay attention to all the corporate welfare which the gov't gives the rich in all kind of forms.

    And you can look for waste in the bank bailout that just recently happened in front of everyones eyes but too many were quiet about that obvious rip-off.

  43. Anonymous5:02 AM

    @thanks for the compliment Granny

    Anon there is plenty of wasteful spending but it isn't wasted on grandmothers, poor children, working mothers and working people who can't afford health care, or in early childhood education.

    For waste all you have to do is look at the money spent on Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya. And you have to pay attention to all the corporate welfare which the gov't gives the rich in all kind of forms.

    And you can look for waste in the bank bailout that just recently happened in front of everyones eyes but too many were quiet about that obvious rip-off.

    Mellaneous, getting worried about you, the only "preachers" I know up and about all night long are preachers that are spreading the gospel of the dark one and by dark one I don't mean Zhacariah down the hall but good ol beetlejuice hisself. Isn't forcing some to pay for the sins of another also evil? Isn't promoting that some nameless stranger work 2 jobs to pay taxes and support the child of Niquisha who happens to be working on her 4th one (she doesn't really work,she just lays there) and who doesn't really know who the babies daddy is due to culture, isn't that the worst from of evil?

  44. Anonymous6:20 AM

    From the previous thread, some silly boy was pretenderating that some folk are 'white'. I can attest to Italians not being considered white. In parts of New England the Irish are still not 'white'. Eastern Europeans...again, not 'white'.
    If you are going to fib about might want to try it where the posters are not able to read. Or, like me, have lived with the Reality of Italians, Eastern Europeans, and Irish not being 'white'.
    Not too long ago, here in the US, ole crazy Michelle would not be 'white'. Seems you missed the Civil Rights movement.

    You Goobers thinkerate you so smart...but you do tend to spill your idiocy when you assume the listener is as wite as you. I do 'pass for' quite well. And I have the Universal Look...I pretty much fit in anywhere.;)
    I wonder why the 1960s are now so urgently popular. Maybe all the 1950s Geezers who worshiped the faintly remembered days of their gawd-like youth are no longer pushing their version of events. Great, now we have to sit through really bad fake 1960s dreck. No DFHs, no Civil Rights, no Feminism...just loud, stoopid, ignorant, obnoxious, Entitled wite guys fouling everything they touch...wingnut paradise.


  45. No one believed Ronald Reagan could be elected president. He was a B-movie actors, for God's sake. But he had also been Governor of California twice.

    So, as between Palin and Bachmann, whom would you prefer? Why not both of them, as president and vice president? The whole world is going to end anyway. Why not go out with a bang?

  46. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Mell, you are correct.

    Troll, the actual Welfare Queen is Bristol Palin. Two illegitimate offspring. Entitled wite.

    ShallowPool, show your proof I am a wite dude. Any time. Or does it mess with your wite superiority fantasy to know an AfAm does more before breakfast than you do with your entire life?

    Other countries have saved their banks. They nationalized the assets...rationalized the salaries...and made the banks profitable. Really, it was one of the worries of the banksters. That the US would have the banksters accountable for their misdeeds.

    If you look, that Newsweek cover was the most flattering choice. The one that made her seem the least crazy, incompetent, or ugly.


  47. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I think gross misunderstandings of the 1st law of thermodynamics are about as common as people intoning 'correlation does not imply causation' as if it was the most profound statement ever made, and one that PhD level researchers are unaware of.

    Often the stupid or lying question is resolved with the simple answer: they just don't care.

    This was a response to FAUX lying some more about climate change.


  48. Anonymous7:27 AM

    So basically, what we have here is two clowns at the Politico insert their own opinion into a piece, implying that the Obama campaign will engage in anti-Mormonism. Except no one in the campaign ever said that, and there is no record of any hint of anti-Mormonism in anything Obama has ever said or done. Then, a former Bush speechwriter, one of the members of the worst administration ever, the folks who willingly stated they were creating their own reality, claims that not only is it true the Obama team will be running on anti-Mormonism, but they are doing it to get Romney to lose his cool and say things he never would say. Except, of course, he’s already said those things and more.

    Our entire BLEEPing political discourse is like a hazy acid trip in which our pundits are all in a fugue state, discussing a fantasy world based on their own internal rapidly shifting alternate reality which itself was devised on a faulty premise that no one made. You and I are the lucky ones who get to see these freaks hiding in the light.
    by John Cole (Balloon Juice)

    This is pretty good...and uncovers the background why some posters are ludicrous.


  49. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Most people don’t understand that the federal government doesn’t really take taxes to put in a gilded room in DC to buy teak desks for Senators. Rather, much of the federal government’s operations are a pass through program, meaning taxes taken today are sent out to program beneficiaries today. Both Social Security and Medicare work this way, for example-- and that’s over 40% of the US budget.

    As it happens, it is usually the case that the citizens living in a state do not receive the same amount in total benefits and other federal spending as they contribute. The citizens of some states—the ones in various shades of green in this map-- pay more in taxes than they receive. The ones in red receive more federal tax money than its citizens pay.

    While the pattern is not perfect, a few things stand out here. First, many “conservative” states are in fact net tax recipients-- e.g., they get more than they pay. Many such states have lots of poverty, farms, military bases and retired persons, and such persons and programs get lots of federal tax support.
    Another thing that stands out here is that, in general, the “rich”-- or net tax contributing-- states are those with the United States’ major cities: NY, California, Illinois, Texas, Georgia, etc. (The latter two are exceptions to the “conservative = welfare states point I made above.)
    Political Prof
    Down With Tyranny (blog)


  50. I’ve got the latest London riot jokes for you...

    Six shots were fired in London last night.
    Thankfully all missed.
    Police are looking for Nicklas Bendtner.

    Q: What's the difference between Croydon and
    Fernando Torres?

    A: Croydon's on fire.

    I’m here all week folks, try the veal.

  51. target practice8:15 AM

    The Brooklyn Times:

    Assemblyman’s Vehicle Is Hit by Gunfire in Brooklyn, but He Is Unharmed


    August 11, 2011

    A sport utility vehicle driven by Assemblyman William F. Boyland Jr. was hit by gunfire in Brooklyn on Wednesday evening as he rode with his 7-year-old son, a police spokeswoman said.

    Gunfire shattered the back window of a sport utility vehicle driven by Assemblyman William F. Boyland Jr. in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn about 6 p.m. on Wednesday.

    Neither Mr. Boyland nor his son was injured, said the spokeswoman, Deputy Inspector Kim Royster of the New York Police Department.

    Inspector Royster said Wednesday night that investigators did not believe that Mr. Boyland, a four-term assemblyman who represents the 55th Assembly District in Brooklyn, was the intended target of the shooting, which occurred in his district. She said it appeared to be “a random shooting.”

    “It doesn’t seem they were aiming at the vehicle,” Inspector Royster said.

    The shooting occurred about 6 p.m. while Mr. Boyland, who was returning from a barber shop, was driving near the intersection of Saratoga and Sutter Avenues in Brownsville, the authorities said.

    After hearing several shots ring out, Mr. Boyland pulled over and called the police, Inspector Royster said, adding that initially, Mr. Boyland, 40, did not know that the vehicle he was driving, a 2009 G.M.C., had been struck.

    But he soon realized that his back window had been shattered, Inspector Royster said.
    Investigators recovered a bullet lodged in one of the front seats, Inspector Royster said.

    It is not immediately known what the other shots, which did not strike the vehicle, hit, Inspector Royster said.

  52. target practice8:20 AM

    It's too bad this clown continues to get re-elected. But that's black voters for you:

    Mr. Boyland was indicted in March in a bribery and corruption scandal.

    Mr. Boyland pleaded not guilty to charges that he accepted money as a consultant in return for his influence in Albany on behalf of MediSys Health Network. (Mr. Boyland and others ensnared in the scandal are to go to trial in early 2012 and later this year.)

    In late May, the Legislative Ethics Commission issued a finding that Mr. Boyland may have violated state ethics law by working as a paid consultant for Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center while advocating on its behalf.

    Mr. Boyland, who is known as Junior, is chairman of the Assembly Subcommittee on Senior Outreach and Activities and sits on the Housing, Economic Development, Local Government, Banking and Aging Committees, according to his Web site.

    His district, the 55th, includes the neighborhoods of Brownsville, Crown Heights, and part of East New York.

    As an assemblyman, Mr. Boyland, who earns $79,500 annually, faced harsh criticism for his performance this year: he was absent for 20 of the 60 days the Assembly was in session, and did not introduce a single piece of legislation this session.

    He is a native of Ocean Hill, Brooklyn. His father, William F. Boyland Sr., known as Frank, held the seat his son now holds for two decades, before retiring in 2002.

    His uncle Thomas S. Boyland was also a State Assembly member, and his sister, Tracy L. Boyland, was a member of the City Council.

    Councilwoman Letitia James of Brooklyn, who called herself a close friend of Mr. Boyland, said that the shooting was “typical of the violence in Central Brooklyn, which is just out of hand.”

  53. Isn't it amazing how Bachmann and Palin supporters are the loudest critics of Obama's "qualifications".

    It defies belief.

    And I know this goober directly above me is not singling black folk out for supporting indicted politicians.

    Not in NYC.

  54. Target Practiced Goober seems to forget about one Joseph Bruno.

  55. frank luntz8:35 AM

    Bachmann is NOT going to run as the Republican candidate for president in 2012. We know that.

    But you clowns obsess about her like you previously obsessed about Sarah Palin, the other female Republican who is not the next Republican nominee for president.

    The women are just the warm-up act for the headliners.

    Who are they? Romney and Perry. One will become the nominee for president and the other may become the nominee for vice president.

    Meanwhile, there won't be any chicks on the ballot, unless Hillary replaces Biden.

  56. Romney, I don't think so. The evangelicals hate Mormons, and he's yet to adequately explain to the Tea-Partiers why he brought in his own version of Obamacare.

    Perry is just a numbnuts.

  57. "Bachmann is NOT going to run as the Republican candidate for president in 2012. We know that."

    Sez who?

    She's beating the crap out of Romney in all the GOP polls and is going over very well in Iowa, the first real test.

    Perry is going have to explain how a professed secessionist is going to be President of the United States of America.

    Obama doesn't look real strong right now but his ace in the hole is the gaggle of nutcases running on the GOP side.

  58. Anonymous9:53 AM

    uts, you are absolutely right. I am amazed how people can make stuff up in their minds about Bachmann or Palin not being considered the Presidential candidate.

    I highly recommend you read Francis statement up above, regarding Reagan. Blacks said he could not be President, either...but he did. They said a bm could never be Prez but it happened.

    Some of you FN Negroes kill me with your omniscient futurizing as if you KNOW what's going to happen, which coincidentally is what you WANT to happen. WHEN has much of anything worked in your favor?

  59. What blacks said Reagan couldn't be President?

    You totally pulled that out of your ass.

    We knew that he very well could and would be President because of the reationary mood of white America in 1980.

    Just think about it.

    A mere 16 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, an actively anti-Civil Rights politician gets elected President on a campaign theme of "states rights".

    Now in 2012 with the political and media evisceration of the first black President, a far-right nutcase as President is a definite possibility.

  60. Anonymous10:33 AM

    st reagan also cut a deal with the Ayatollah. And the Contras. And invaded a teeny weenie country. And My fave) called adult AfAms 'George'.
    Until bush, his was the most corrupt administration...ever. Worse than Teapot...or the opportunists who followed Grant into office.
    st reagan set a new record for sleaze, incompetence and pilfering from the Public Treasury. But, boy bush was even more so!!

    Would widdle WATBs like the names and addresses of Historians who made this claim? Sure...every single academic. You have to go to double-wide skool o historee and bibles and paid Koch-suckers to find the revisionists.

    To be fair, st reagan made it socially acceptable to be a racist moron again...and bush rarely threw any of his people under the bus for any reason, no matter how criminal or unethical or immoral.

    If you aren't able to read on that the writing of Lincoln to those of st reagan, bush or the DoubleMILF Twins. And then try to explain why the R Party has chosen to opt for the least qualified.


  61. bomb in my turban10:36 AM

    Once a muslim, always a muslim:

    Obama's Iftar dinner remarks

    By POLITICO STAFF | 08/11/11

    We're all children of a loving God,' Obama said at Wednesday's Iftar dinner.

    "Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the White House. Tonight is part of a rich tradition here at the White House of celebrating the holy days of many faiths and the diversity that define us as a nation.

    "So these are quintessentially American celebrations -- people of different faiths coming together, with humility before our maker, to reaffirm our obligations to one another, because no matter who we are, or how we pray, we’re all children of a loving God.

    "Now, this year, Ramadan is entirely in August. That means the days are long, the weather is hot, and you are hungry. So I will be brief.

  62. Lt. Commander Johnson (ret.)10:40 AM

    Stevie always had that obsession with things being pulled out of his ass....and then shoved back in.....and pulled back out.

    It was shore (old sailor's joke) good to see him last week at the reunion, though.

    *sniff* Brought back old memories from those long, cold, stormy nights on the water.

    He can still whoop-up a mean biscuit, too!

  63. Thank you Mold

    No wonder these goobers love Fox TV so much.

    They employ the same method of information and debate.

    Pull terds out of their rear end and throw them.

  64. frank luntz10:44 AM

    Why did Reagan beat Carter?

    Very simple. Carter humiliated himself -- and the nation -- during the Iran Hostage Crisis. But he destroyed his presidency with nuttiness like the Windfall Profits Tax on oil companies.

    Carter was a scold, lecturing Americans on how to live. Telling people to put solar water heaters on their rooftops. That was a disaster. Meanwhile, Carter's drunken, idiot brother Billy was trying to arrange deals with Khadaffy.

    Do we know anyone like this? Hmmm. How about the scold in the White House today?

  65. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Silly goobers.Why i waste my time? I do "pass' for wite.Think Michael Jackson.Without the witing cream.

    Jealous cause my dad diddles my skittle?

    My dads diddling can make hee hee long time.Michael Jackson got nothing on my hee hee.


  66. Anonymous10:45 AM

    uts-"What blacks said Reagan couldn't be President?"

    The same Blacks on this blog who are saying they KNOW Michele Bachmann won't be President. Just think about it.

    Francis L. Holland-"No one believed Ronald Reagan could be elected president. He was a B-movie actors, for God's sake. But he had also been Governor of California twice."

    I totally agree with Francis. I was in my mid thirties at the time and MANY Blacks felt there was NO WAY 'some movie star' could be President....Just like some FN Negroes here are saying about Bachmann (or Palin).

    Well, if the GOP/Tea Party are capable of defaulting on our nation's debt and not taxing the rich, they are capable of running Michele Bachmann or Palin--and winning!

    You talk about the country was ready for Reagan in the 80's? Well, the country is sick of Obama and quite ripe for someone like Bachmann.

    I don't ever want to see that spineless push-over Obama again. What he has done to the Black race in American has been devastating. Yet, you got FN Negroes still defending him.

    Hell, I can't even tell if he is Democrat or Republican! But one thing for sure: he ain't for the poor, and downtrodden.

  67. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Hahahahaha! I must say, the Anons are funny today! Thank you! Nothing better than starting the day with a good belly laugh! :) well actually, now that I think of it, there is something better,but never mind, we won't go there ;)...

    Anyhoooos, I swear, the anons could be stand up comedians! Really...maybe they really are.....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  68. steve the retard said:

    She's beating the crap out of Romney in all the GOP polls and is going over very well in Iowa, the first real test.

    Exactly how far into the 2008 primary season did EVERYONE believe Hillary would represent the Democratic party?

    As usual, retard, you're rectum's sounding off like a marching-band tuba.

  69. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    From the previous post, some silly boy was pretenderating that some folk are 'white'. I can attest to Italians not being considered white.

    this make belve moulignon needs to feed some fish

  70. "Exactly how far into the 2008 primary season did EVERYONE believe Hillary would represent the Democratic party?"

    Certainly not Obama and his supporters who went on to whup her booty.

    After New Hampshire, Obama went on a streak of about 5 straight primary victories.

    You don't make any sense Goober.

    But then again, do you ever?

  71. Anonymous10:57 AM

    st reagan also cut a deal with the Ayatollah. And the Contras. And invaded a teeny weenie country. And My fave) called adult AfAms 'George'.
    Until bush, his was the most corrupt administration...ever. Worse than Teapot...or the opportunists who followed Grant into office.
    st reagan set a new record for sleaze, incompetence and pilfering from the Public Treasury. But, boy bush was even more so!!

    Would widdle WATBs like the names and addresses of Historians who made this claim? Sure...every single academic. You have to go to double-wide skool o historee and bibles and paid Koch-suckers to find the revisionists.

    To be fair, st reagan made it socially acceptable to be a racist moron again...and bush rarely threw any of his people under the bus for any reason, no matter how criminal or unethical or immoral.

    If you aren't able to read on that the writing of Lincoln to those of st reagan, bush or the DoubleMILF Twins. And then try to explain why the R Party has chosen to opt for the least qualified.


    You sound just like Rev Al Sharpton, very disconnected hardly functioning brain, visibly inferior intellect, constantly speaks total nonsense as he is over is head trying to understand something a little more complicated then representing fake racism cases, evading taxes, inciting riots, having people killed this you AL? I hope so, I hope the world isn't this filled with true idiots.

  72. Anonymous10:58 AM

    You don't make any sense Goober.

    But then again, do you ever?

    Nigga Say wut? Nigga Say Wut? Nigga Say Wut?

  73. Anonymous11:02 AM

    DF, only in their opinion are they comedians. When you have to sockpuppet a fake person to laugh at what you thought was really shouldn't quit your day job.
    Kathy Griffin
    Margaret Cho
    Whoopi Goldberg
    Paula Poundstone
    Some ladies who earn a living at being humorous.

    Why are Trolls so focused on male rectums? And what Troll would like to do with another male?

    Gosh, Carter didn't have a secret deal with the Ayatollah like st reagan. Or hand weapons to the brave heroic Contras who somehow managed to shoot those wily unarmed civilians. Windfall Profits mean your glorious Master has to pay one of the unwashed working class....ewwwwww. The tax was not that onerous. As for solar...I would point out that our tax money went to cover the increase in st reagan could no unnnerstan hard difficult solar nergy. Would widdle WATB like the layperson bloggers, the solar advocates, the academic pieces...or just that we would not need to bush smooch the Saudis if all the South had solar panels on their roofs.
    Oh, Carter served...US Navy...Nuke.
    st reagan got Nancy.
    Must be the Chickenhawk....yowling about Teddy..or Cheney...or bush....or Quayles....


  74. frank luntz11:02 AM

    steve the retard says:

    Certainly not Obama and his supporters who went on to whup her booty.

    After New Hampshire, Obama went on a streak of about 5 straight primary victories.

    AFTER New Hampshire. When was that -- on the election timeline? The NH primary was early January 2008.

    So maybe in about five months you'll be in a position to rate the chances of today's front-runner.

    Meanwhile, as usual, retard, your example was flawed. You used the example from the wrong party.

    If you want to compare apples to apples, you'd have to look at the timeline for McCain's ascension to becoming the presumptive candidate. There was no certainty among Republican hopefuls at such an early stage.

  75. Anonymous11:04 AM

    st reagan also cut a deal with the Ayatollah. And the Contras. And invaded a teeny weenie country. And My fave) called adult AfAms 'George'.
    Until bush, his was the most corrupt administration...ever. Worse than Teapot...or the opportunists who followed Grant into office.
    st reagan set a new record for sleaze, incompetence and pilfering from the Public Treasury. But, boy bush was even more so!!

    Would widdle WATBs like the names and addresses of Historians who made this claim? Sure...every single academic. You have to go to double-wide skool o historee and bibles and paid Koch-suckers to find the revisionists.

    To be fair, st reagan made it socially acceptable to be a racist moron again...and bush rarely threw any of his people under the bus for any reason, no matter how criminal or unethical or immoral.

    If you aren't able to read on that the writing of Lincoln to those of st reagan, bush or the DoubleMILF Twins. And then try to explain why the R Party has chosen to opt for the least qualified.;)


  76. ditto fn:

    we need MUCH more than mere valium

    no drugs will fix this doom

    the worst is yet to bleed us all

    we need a supernatural salvation

    the dems/repubs have robbed us all

    most jobs/money lost will NEVER return/be recovered etc


    mb is crazy as a blind beard/loon


    lucy is my new shero!!!


  77. tavis and cornel are my fav heroes!!!!!!!

    mere drugs will not do...

    we need to bwes some belated tea!!!

    ask a brit

  78. Luntz Goober

    "Meanwhile, as usual, retard, your example was flawed. You used the example from the wrong party.

    If you want to compare apples to apples, you'd have to look at the timeline for McCain's ascension to becoming the presumptive candidate. There was no certainty among Republican hopefuls at such an early stage."

    But weren't YOU the idiot who brought up Hillary as an example of the "inevitable candidate"????

    Is ya stupid or just a masochist?

  79. Anonymous11:16 AM

    And what is reality: Well, it has little to do with current austerity measures which are at best a spark laid into tinder that long predates it. The UK has long had a very stratified society, as you would expect of the only major European nation which still possesses an active royalty. The Thatcher administration pretty much fixed those stratifications in stone by destroying the labor unions and imposing strict classification schemes upon the schools, wherein children are filtered into different tracks early on in their school career based upon how middle class they are err excuse me "standardized tests" which just *coincidentally* measure things that only middle class kids would know. Combine this with the fact that the upper classes go to private ("public") schools that provide a much different education from that provided by the government schools, and the end result is the UK has the worst social mobility of the 20 developed countries in the OECD. If you're born poor in the UK, there's over a 50% chance that you will die poor in the UK. And in certain neighborhoods it's even worse than that. In heavily minority communities there is basically no hope, no future, nothing to lose.


  80. Anonymous11:17 AM

    So what to do? For Britain to fix the issues that led to this rioting would require either a) a time machine to go back and un-elect Margaret Thatcher and her fixing of the class stratification in Britain into stone, or b) much hard work resolving those issues today, which would require Brits who are not of the lower classes to admit that class is a significant issue and that opportunity must be provided for all or the results will not be good. But in my experience talking with ordinary middle-class Brits about class, the typical reaction is “tosh, you know those lower classes simply lack the drive / intelligence / whatever to succeed.” Apparently the Netherlands, Norway, etc. have more intelligent lower classes? That’s all I can conclude based upon such comments.

    Now, in the article above about OECD statistics regarding social mobility, look at who is 3rd from last on that list. Yeppers, the land of (little) opportunity, the United States, which isn't much above Britain on the social mobility scale. Our elites have been doing their own bit of social stratification here in the USA, attempting to create an aristocracy of their own, and apparently feel that Americans are too timid, too cowardly, too... bought... for there to be unrest here like there is in Europe right now. But their current actions, such as the unwise application of the Austerity Fairy's magic Wand of Proctology Job Creation that magically creates jobs out of application of said rough and jagged wand to anal regions of a most unwilling citizenry (or so the Austerians say, even though it has never happened), risk creating a large number of people who have no hope, no future, nothing to lose from rioting. And once that happens all it takes is a spark...

    - Badtux the Class Penguin
    Posted by BadTux at 8/11/2011


  81. we need to BREW some belated tea!!!

    kudos to tavis and cornel!!!

  82. Anonymous11:20 AM

    why is the left so sexually obsessed with Reagan?does the left not know their facts can be proven lies?

    Reagan had no deal with we know mold lies?both the democrat control congress and the Rep. controlled senate found no also found the myth got started by the media believrating leftwing sources that had no cred. and had been proven liars.

    the myth was started by lyndon laRoucheand his democrat followers.

    keep lying and pretendrating that carter didn't suck and obama isn't the second coming of carter.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  83. hobama is a thin skinned thinner resumed trifling evil dick!!!

  84. Anonymous11:25 AM

    " Why are Trolls so focused on male rectums? And what Troll would like to do with another male?

    You aren't convinced that they really want anything to do with your male rectum I hope. Don't kid yourself.

    But resist we much, we must and we will much about that.
    --Al Sharpton

  85. molded:

    u r a racist revisionist illiterate moron.

    read a mf book asap.

  86. al sharpton is hobama's permed out sold out wigged out black vote czar/pimped bottom bitch pimping the fleeced black sheeple/poor blind black mongrels


  87. Sorry Goober

    Documented evidence that Reagan crony and eventual CIA Director cut a deal with Iran to delay release of US hostages until after the POTUS election of 1980.

  88. reps = dems


    some clones are worse than others


    kudos to all who voted for hillary as i did!!!

    i am prouder i did so each day!!!

    Finding it hard to defend his often listless and repetitive performances, Democratic strategists and commentators are privately agreeing with Republicans and comparing Mr Obama to Jimmy Carter, another Democrat who remains the post-war benchmark for a failed president.

    "He is a do-gooder at heart," said Morris Reid, a Washington consultant and former Clinton official. "He thinks everyone has the same agenda to do the right thing, but other people don't have the same agenda. Their agenda is to score points and get their party re-elected.

    "This is the downside of him not being terribly political like Bill Clinton was. Bill Clinton woke up every day relishing this kind of fight, and Hillary is just a tougher person. The Clintons are much more combative, they are always ready to go to Defcon 1 ('war is imminent' state)."

  89. Anonymous11:43 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    Sorry Goober

    Documented evidence that Reagan crony and eventual CIA Director cut a deal with Iran to delay release of US hostages until after the POTUS election of 1980.

    11:36 AM

    Nigga Say wut? Nigga Say Wut? Nigga Say Wut?

  90. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Nice try...Lyndon LaRouche support is pretty much all right-wing. The st reagan deal with the Ayatollah is not real...because you TELL us this?
    Carter served...US Navy...Nuke.
    st reagan got Nancy.
    Keep beleeverating Carter was bad...because it makes the choice of doddering st reagan more tolerable.
    Carter was exactly? Because the right-wing still lies about the man? Because he is still lucid...and st reagan had Alzheimer's in his first term? Or that Carter has been proven correct by time...and time has enshrined the st reagan administration as the second most corrupt, incompetent and venal in US history?
    Why are Trolls so focused on male rectums? And what the Troll would like to do with another male?
    Even in retort...the Troll lovingly regales us with his wish concerning male rectums.


  91. I agree that Obama just doesn't seem to be the political animal we need right now.

    He's scared to death of being tagged with the "angry black man" label and this lack of toughness and aggressiveness is going to be his downfall.

  92. I see black people11:46 AM

    On Wisconsin:

    Call after call came in to the 911 dispatcher, each sounding similar but adding a new story:

    "Hi I'm calling because my kids came from the state fair and they were attacked by a group of black people that opened the car door and started punching them," one woman tells the dispatcher.

    Then, another caller:

    "Hi, uhm, there was like 25 black kids that were trying to jump a State Fair park worker," a woman says.

    Meanwhile, West Allis police say race did play a factor in 11 incidents they're investigating from that night, including nine assaults, and that it might still charge some of the incidents from that night as "hate crimes," according to Milwaukee radio station WTMJ.

    Many of the tapes, which were obtained by WTMJ, sound like echoes of each other.

    One caller just after 11:30 said he "just wanted to make sure somebody got to the kid who was getting, just, pummeled on the side of the road."

    WTMJ Milwaukee
    Police dispatchers were overwhelmed by reports of violence.

    ​"The African Americans that were beating the hell out of him pulled him up off the sidewalk into the bush," he says. And then: "And the security guard, the African American lady that was working that gate, her ass needs to be fired, because she didn't do a damn thing. She just stood there and watched."

    In another tape, a man who sounds drunk or dizzy tells the dispatcher he was jumped and beaten, and eventually turns his rage on her.

    "Yeah, there's a group of African Americans that are walking down 75th Street, going north, that thought it was okay to have a law abiding citizen walking by... and they just jump me, what?"

    "Do you need an ambulance, sir?"

    "No I don't need an ambulance. I'm bleeding but I don't give a shit."

    "Do you want an ambulance?"

    "No I don't want a fucking ambulance. Send some squads, arrest these people."

    "We have squads all over the area you're going to have to walk up to an officer and find one."

    "Walk up to an officer? I don't see an officer anywhere what are you talking about?"

    "We have about 20 squads all around the general area."

    "I mean this is what I gotta go through, I pay taxes and I'm walking down the fucking street -- really? -- and this is what the fuck happens, some stupid fucking black motherfuckers, they think they can just punch people, really?"

  93. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Nice try...Lyndon LaRouche support is pretty much all right-wing. The st reagan deal with the Ayatollah is not real...because you TELL us this?
    Carter served...US Navy...Nuke.
    st reagan got Nancy.
    Keep beleeverating Carter was bad...because it makes the choice of doddering st reagan more tolerable.
    Carter was exactly? Because the right-wing still lies about the man? Because he is still lucid...and st reagan had Alzheimer's in his first term? Or that Carter has been proven correct by time...and time has enshrined the st reagan administration as the second most corrupt, incompetent and venal in US history?
    Why are Trolls so focused on male rectums? And what the Troll would like to do with another male?
    Even in retort...the Troll lovingly regales us with his wish concerning male rectums.


  94. Anonymous11:50 AM

    uptownsteve said...
    I agree that Obama just doesn't seem to be the political animal we need right now.

    He's scared to death of being tagged with the "angry black man" label and this lack of toughness and aggressiveness is going to be his downfall.

    There goes that brilliant mind again, just what Blacks need right now is "more" aggressive "animals"
    the approximation of your IQ is dropping by the post.

  95. jimmy carter11:52 AM

    Come November 2012, when it's down to the wire for the failed Obama presidency, our idiot-in-chief will pull out his last stop and urge his black supporters to turn America into a burning London if whites fail to re-elect him.

  96. uts:

    it is MUCH deeper than hobama's ineptitude
    wicked trumps wimp


    hobama and his banksters simply have nothing to be angry about
    as we perish
    they are richer and happier than ever

    our depression is their nirvana


    verizon is bleeding
    while tom joyner/hobama/at&t wait to buck dance a boon upon its grave...shame!!!!!

  97. LOL!!!!

    Nothing scares goobers more than strong virile black men exerting themselves.

    Get tough Obama and I guarantee these righties will peel up just like the dickless cowards we all know they are anyway.

  98. Obama's re-election slogan will be:

    By any means necessary.

  99. steve the retard asks:

    Get tough Obama and I guarantee these righties will peel up just like the dickless cowards we all know they are anyway.

    What does "get tough" mean?

  100. Don't project goober.

    The slogan of the right since Jan. 22nd, 2009 has been "Get rid of the nigga, BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY."

  101. hobama and his rich ruler peers have had over 23 weeks of vacation this yr

    how many americans will not have/take/afford just 1 week off????


    But it turns out Obama has already spent nearly half his presidency outside Washington. As of January 2, Obama has been president for 712 days. According to figures compiled by CBS News reporter Mark Knoller, who serves as a sort of unofficial White House record-keeper, Obama has spent 339 of those days -- nearly 48 percent -- outside Washington.

    According to Knoller, Obama has spent 176 days on domestic trips, 70 days on foreign travel, 58 days on vacation, and 35 days at Camp David. (You can add a couple more vacation days to the total before the president returns from his break in Hawaii.) Nevertheless, Jarrett claimed that Obama has had to spend "almost every waking hour in Washington" since taking office. The truth is more like half of that.

    And the president will likely spend more time away from the capital in the months ahead. Jarrett is no doubt right that Obama believes he needs to devote more time to "engaging" the American people. But Knoller's figures show that the people already see a lot of the president. Of Obama's 712 days in office, just 45 days have passed without a presidential public appearance or statement of some sort, according to Knoller.

    But even as he has appeared on America's television screens nearly non-stop, Obama's job approval rating has steadily inched downward. According to the RealClearPolitics average of polls, Obama's approval rating stands at 45.4 percent, versus a 47.9 percent disapproval rating. (The president's approval rating in the RCP average was last at 50 percent in January 2010, last above 55 percent in July 2009, and last above 60 percent in June '09.) In addition, polls show that voters disapprove of Obama's handling of the economy, as well as other key issues, and also disapprove of his signature achievement, the national health care law. All the while, the American people have been seeing and hearing the president almost daily, sometimes two or more times a day.

    So as he begins his re-election campaign, Obama can travel even more and engage the people more. But that won't change the fact that many voters simply don't like what he has done.

    Read more at the Washington Examiner:

  102. "What does "get tough" mean?'

    Is the widdle goober scared that Obama will go around slappin white Republicans?


    "Get Tough" means go after the right with the same amount of vehemence and anger in which they're coming after you.

    Attack their patriotism and hypocrisy.

    Highlight how they were willing to let the nation default in order to achieve their political goals.

    Point out the hypocrisy. Like how many Tea Partiers and specifically Bachmann are the biggest government teat-suckers around.

    Or how this Tea Party aligned Georgia Rep. Tom Graves (R), who castigates Washington for fiscal irresponsibility, reached an out of court settlement Wednesday after he was sued for defaulting on a $2.2 million loan -- which his attorney argued is the bank's fault for lending him the money in the first place.

    Aint dat a trip?

  103. Anonymous12:04 PM

    still more lies from the left.its so easy to check and prove them wrong.

    google "lyndon larouche democrats".there the ones that first used the obama hitler posters.

    why lie and prentend they are rightwing?

    every single source that was used to push myth of the deal has been discredited.expose has lies or inventions.

    read the democrat findings.there you find facts.or keep believing the cia killed jfk or snapple has secret ingredients in it that makes blacks sterile.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  104. retard steve writes:

    "Get Tough" means go after the right with the same amount of vehemence and anger in which they're coming after you.

    Yeah, pretty much what I expected from a retard.

    Not a word about getting the economy back on track.

    But a whole lot about revenge. That's a black mind for you. Always obsessed with stuff that isn't there.

  105. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Watching this video made me very angry at Obama. He disses Tavis forever but kisses the ass of Tea Partiers and GOPs. He jigs like a Lawn Boy. Of course, you FN Negroes won't say anything about this:

  106. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Judge fines ACORN $5,000 for voter registration scheme

    A judge Wednesday slapped the defunct grass-roots community organizing group ACORN with a maximum $5,000 fine for its role in a voter registration compensation scheme in the 2008 election cycle.

    District Judge Donald Mosley was confined by statute to fine only the corporation, which pleaded guilty in April to one count of felony compensation for registration of voters.

    Mosley said that if there were an individual standing before him, and not a corporation, that person would have been given a 10-year prison sentence, "and I wouldn't have thought twice about it."

    The judge chastised the now-bankrupt corporation for making a "mockery" of the nation's election process. "This isn't a banana republic," Mosley said.

  107. Anonymous12:13 PM

    LaRouche is a right winger. Read his political views. And Santorum.
    Just because a group of wingnuts calls themselves Lyndon LaRouche does not mean they are Democrats.
    Many liars-fer-jebus do the same...until they are elected...then we see they are religio-crazees.

    Actually, Snapple has ingredients that make wite men impotent and lust after small Dominican boys. Just ask ManDumpling.

    Obama as Messiah is a right-wing meme. We were just happy to have a sane adult instead of Pandering Geezer and the religio-crazee. WE still do. Even with the Liemachine set on 11...most US citizens trust and respect Obama more than any R candidate. Yes....AfAm male is superior to your absolute best.


  108. Anonymous12:17 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    Nothing scares goobers more than strong virile black men exerting themselves.

    Get tough Obama and I guarantee these righties will peel up just like the dickless cowards we all know they are anyway.

    11:55 AM

    Listen Eggplant, this shows your low IQ once again. Just because you are a low brow violent and virile eggplant..Virile, did you really just say that? What are you an animal? Your ability to plant seed means what to who??? doesnt mean you scare anyone, it shows that you should never be included on anything resembling constructive thought. You don't know how, you only know how to blame, bring down, destroy but not create anything. The only thing positive or actually creative you have ever said is how great the economy is and how good Obama is because he is half black. Well we know how that delusion is playing out for you don't we.

    Violent and virile .....hahaha what is your IQ 50? you think you are going to get anything but life in prison or whacked for being violent and spreading your seed?

    You shall forever be named eggplant the destroyer. What a laughable attempt at humanity you are and I mean that laughable...hahaha.

  109. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Yep, chickenpoo...just like UTS said. Blustering as they cower like lower status dog.

    Why does the concept of an adult AfAm male being equal of other adults scare you? And the absence of automatic deference and submissive servility is not a bad thing.


  110. Mold

    He's scared out of his mind.

    Isn't it obvious?

  111. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "LaRouche is a right winger"

    larouche runs for president has a democrat,register to vote democrat,claims 9-11 was a inside job.and he wanted Bush impeached.

    mold lies exposed.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  112. Anonymous12:29 PM

    note the bravery of black males.they only attack in mobs.or when your back is turned.shoot little kids in the head.they expose their savergy.must make them brave.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  113. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Ahh...attention ho'. We know how to deal with you.;)


  114. anon 1209:


  115. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Silly goobers.Why i waste my time? I do "pass' for wite.Think Michael Jackson.Without the witing cream.

    Jealous cause my dad diddles my skittle?

    My dads diddling can make hee hee.Michael Jackson got nothing on my hee hee.


  116. uts:

    anyone who is not PETRIFIED by hobama and his banksters is just NOT paying attn

    all blind adoring distarcted hobama nazis included



    the tea party has NOTHING to do with global wilding banksters and mortally bleeding portfolios etc

  117. uts:

    anyone who is not PETRIFIED by hobama and his banksters is just NOT paying attn

    all blind adoring and distracted hobama nazis included



    the tea party has NOTHING to do with global wilding banksters and mortally bleeding portfolios etc

    ask a libyan

  118. hobama is a disgrace even to his own crack dealing hero ronny raygun


    When he had power, he didn’t use it. He wanted to be a “transformational” president like Ronald Reagan, but failed to understand that Reagan’s strategic shows of strength allowed him to keep the whip hand without raising his voice.

    And now, just when the high school principal in the Oval has been browbeating Congress to help create jobs, he is once more distracted from that task as he tries to save his own.

    He goes to fund-raisers to tell people to stick with him, but he seems to be trying to reassure himself.

    “I have to admit,” the president said in Chicago, “I didn’t know how steep the climb was going to be.”

  119. Anonymous12:49 PM

    uptownsteve .. AKA Eggplant the destroyer said....

    He's scared out of his mind.

    Isn't it obvious?

    HA-HA I have a problem with you, I do. I can't think of word that fits your intellect, stupid just doesn't do it justice. You are so funny. You probably dont even realize you sound like a wannabe tough 13 year old.. Look, look he didn't kill me, dats cause he skared, he must be skared. HAHA

    What precisely are you claiming I am scared of? Lets break down your idiocy and expose it. What are you claiming I am scared of:

    You? Physically? How so? What led you to this decision? You know who I am? How I look? My fitness level? My proficiency with weapons? My size? Be specific.

    Obama getting physical - Steve Erkel on steroids? - he doesnt have the potential to get tough verbally or physically and gets bitch slapped by women in politics every day. This is you, he tried talking shit, facing down opponents with lies and got his shit handed right back to him, then people like you cry, its not fair waacismmm...waahh..wahhh. This is you.

    Your Intellect? How ? Your shining wits and debating skills using the race card and racism as an excuse for everything from weight gain to viral infections? Your sharp detailed analysis of the economy, politics and superb ideas for overcoming problems? What exactly, be specific.

    Maybe I need someone with your obviously high IQ willing to spread his virile seed to explain what about you could possible threaten me and make me scared as you seem to think some punk words on a blog will cause. Please explain away, I am ready to learn from you oh virile eggplant.

  120. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Uptown Steve the violent - now don't waste our time and insult our intellect coming back with the same patterned responses you have memorized and roll out time and time again- drooling, angry, racist, blah, blah, blah or even worse ask a Al sharpton nonsensical nonrelated question to divert.

    stick with facts and assumptions that YOU made, back them up as a real man would and intellectualize them. Wow, now that is a challenge, make sense and dont be a violent senseless idiot, you won't be able to do it, you don't have the capacity.

  121. @moldy steve:
    It seems you truly are that foolish: you thought the real race problem was the white redneck remnant. You really do see racists around every corner, and white racism in every instance of black failure. You are as blind to black bigotry as you appear.

  122. louis f has been slaying hobama since hobama illegally attacked libya

    but notice how the hobama nazi wimps who bash cornel and tavis
    never bash louis f???

    clueless cowardly black mongrels!


  123. ax me1:01 PM

    Living near D.C won't be fun the night Obama loses the election.

    They'll be runnin' an' gunnin' all night. Fires, looting, and widespread mayhem all over the country, actually, mayhem and rioting will occur in and around black neighborhoods.

  124. the blackish racist hobama's new super congress is 100% white


    kudos to jjj!!!
    Yet neither Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell nor Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner has deemed it appropriate or felt the need to nominate a minority to the Super Committee that will have a lot to say about whose budget will be cut, whose taxes will rise, who will be ask to sacrifice and who will suffer the most under the new committee's decisions. And while women represent a majority of the U.S. population, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid did appoint one woman to the committee. So far the nine appointees to the committee are comprised of eight white men, one white woman and no minorities. In other words, those who suffer the most under the present economic catastrophe are least represented on the new Super Congress committee.

  125. how many times can that repub lapdog hobama pimp slap the cbc in the face before they ALL wake up????

  126. Koch adds Life2:22 PM

    Unions' failure to recall four Republican state senators shows that their days of power through intimidation are over. If this was a rehearsal for 2012, the White House should start making other plans.

    The natives are still restless, the pitchforks sharp and the Walker revolution safe. Portrayed by union leaders as an aberration fueled by a generic voter wrath against incumbents, the GOP grab of both houses of Wisconsin's legislature and the governor's office in 2010 was predicted to fade once voters realized "workers' rights" were at risk.

    Then a funny thing happened on the way to the polling booth, that shrine to the secret ballot so anathema to union leaders. Voters decided they liked a limited government that said there are things we just can't afford. They also liked the idea that taxpayers had rights and could and should control how their money is spent.

    Big government liberalism is dead.

  127. Obama is a useful as a two-legged dog2:23 PM

    " uptownsteve said...
    "What does "get tough" mean?'

    "Get Tough" means go after the right with the same amount of vehemence and anger in which they're coming after you.

    12:04 PM"

    I'll give Obama credit for being smart enough to recognize the obvious: "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay your ass on the proch...monkey".

  128. please pray for all teachers and school admins daily!!!

  129. Alton Maddox2:34 PM

    I don't know, I am with Steve he gets it right.

    "But resist we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed"
    -Rev Al Sharpton

  130. Anonymous2:49 PM

    alicia banks said...
    please pray for all teachers and school admins daily!!!

    This is mind boggling and horrible. I think as one of the commentors on that story said, we should take a page from Obama and embrace our Islamic side and do what those like him who have created this society clamor for. Find him guilty of murder and have teachers publicly stone him to death while buried up to his neck, all the while broadcasting live on the evening news, with the message that from now on there will be repercussions to your actions and you aren't going to get a slap and a tickle and some leftist saying, poor baby had it hard it isn't his fault.

  131. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Yep, chickenpoo...just like UTS said. Blustering as they cower like lower status dog.

    Why does the concept of an adult AfAm male being equal of other adults scare you? And the absence of automatic deference and submissive servility is not a bad thing.

    I admit to surprise that WI voters would retain any of the people who voted so gleefully to impoverish their State. I also wonder about Donna Nicklaus...who magickally finds just enough votes to appoint a wingnut...and has done this finderating more than once. She also has all the votes under her personal care...and tallies them using her own, self-written, software. The alleged votes are also just low enough to not trigger an automatic recount. Hmmm....
    If the voters did retain the morons...they chose to be stoopid. God bless 'em.

    You might want to mention it was an unseating of a very hardcore R an off-election. That indicates you are spinning a horrible loss. Not one seat should have been up for grabs...and that so many were switched is a stunning defeat for Kochs and Koch-suckers. Considering the recall drive was outspent by at least four times more (the funding that was public) and likely about 10 times (including the Citizens United under the table cash) more...they pulled off a miracle.
    You are painting a smiley face on an utter upset.

    Me, I live in one of the States that ships taxes to Goobervania. If eveel bigGubmit is taxes will decrease...and the funds will stay home. Where do you thinkerate you will be when the Fed money faucet dries up? I left a link for that question on this thread.
    Really, what do you thinkerate will occur? That those nasty icky awful terrible 'urbans' will go without and you can gloat at their misfortune? Ha. Pretty much the urban centres will continue the Welfare and social they will not be shipping taxes to your State. You and your neighbours will feel the sacrifice. The Mid States and New England and the Left Coast will be fine.


  132. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Ummm...the Troll is TELLing us that a Lefitst said something. Can Troll name this alleged Leftist that Troll is so angry about? Or were these words from Troll?
    As far as Islam....Troll is not and expert. Let him describe what he 'knows' about Islam. Pretty much he is TELLing us that all Muslims stone people for infractions. Not true.
    I listed some websites...CIA, US DEPT of STATE, Lonely Planet...there are others. They all point out that Troll is pulling his fake Islam poo...from someplace other than Reality.

    Leftists brought you vacations, pensions, safer working conditions, safer food, cleaner water, more open government, and a lot of other nice why are you making up stuff?


  133. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I Remember Stupid Things

    I remember stupid things,
    Like when Aunt Mable lost her face,
    And how we got on hands and knees,
    But couldn't find it anyplace.
    And how she goes without a nose,
    How on her head there's just a hat.
    And it's all true, I swear. For I
    Remember stupid things like that.


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Molds Official Language

  134. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Ummm...the Troll is TELLing us that a Lefitst said something. Can Troll name this alleged Leftist that Troll is so angry about? Or were these words from Troll?
    As far as Islam....Troll is not and expert. Let him describe what he 'knows' about Islam. Pretty much he is TELLing us that all Muslims stone people for infractions. Not true.
    I listed some websites...CIA, US DEPT of STATE, Lonely Planet...there are others. They all point out that Troll is pulling his fake Islam poo...from someplace other than Reality.

    Leftists brought you vacations, pensions, safer working conditions, safer food, cleaner water, more open government, and a lot of other nice why are you making up stuff?


    No, leftists brought us YOU, enough said. Ciao a wise man once said....dee-dee-dee.

    "But resist we much… we must… and we will much… about… that… be committed"
    -Rev Al Sharpton

  135. Cherry Koch3:14 PM

    mold: "I admit to surprise that WI voters would retain any of the people who voted so gleefully to impoverish their State."

    You are surprised because you are a moron.

    Wisconsin voters realize what is impoverishing their state: greedy public sector unions and other parasitic democrat constituencies. Thirty million dollars of union dues and all the bluster of union thug intimidation tactics couldn't persuade the people of Wisconsin to cower in submission.

    This is a new day.

    The vermin are being routed.

    The mold is being scraped from the wheels of progress.

  136. ax me3:17 PM

    The way the stock market's going up, you get the feeling Obama told Carney he wasn't going to run in 2012.

  137. Anonymous3:26 PM

    federated, moderated, obliterated glee,
    I sputerate, expectorate and incinerate for fwee,
    I germinate, supparate and ululate till I grows a tail,
    No need to speculate or conversate, I am a white male


  138. @ Purple Cow:
    The riots are the apotheosis of the welfare state and popular culture in their British form. A population thinks (because it has often been told so by intellectuals and the political class) that it is entitled to a high standard of consumption, irrespective of its personal efforts; and therefore it regards the fact that it does not receive that high standard, by comparison with the rest of society, as a sign of injustice. It believes itself deprived (because it has often been told so by intellectuals and the political class), even though each member of it has received an education costing $80,000, toward which neither he nor—quite likely—any member of his family has made much of a contribution; indeed, he may well have lived his entire life at others’ expense, such that every mouthful of food he has ever eaten, every shirt he has ever worn, every television he has ever watched, has been provided by others. Even if he were to recognize this, he would not be grateful, for dependency does not promote gratitude. On the contrary, he would simply feel that the subventions were not sufficient to allow him to live as he would have liked.

    At the same time, his expensive education will have equipped him for nothing. His labor, even supposing that he were inclined to work, would not be worth its cost to any employer—partly because of the social charges necessary to keep others such as he in a state of permanent idleness, and partly because of his own characteristics. And so unskilled labor is performed in England by foreigners, while an indigenous class of permanently unemployed is subsidized.

    The culture of the person in this situation is not such as to elevate his behavior. One in which the late Amy Winehouse—the vulgar, semicriminal drug addict and alcoholic singer of songs whose lyrics effectively celebrated the most degenerate kind of life imaginable—could be raised to the status of heroine is not one that is likely to protect against bad behavior.

    Finally, long experience of impunity has taught the rioters that they have nothing to fear from the law, which in England has become almost comically lax—except, that is, for the victims of crime. For the rioters, crime has become the default setting of their behavior; the surprising thing about the riots is not that they have occurred, but that they did not occur sooner and did not become chronic.

  139. Anonymous3:39 PM

    subisidized, medicated, ingnorated glee,
    I breederate, eatorate and renterate for free,
    I whinerate, cheatorate and favorate still I always fail,
    No need to enunciate or thinkerate, I am a blackish female


  140. Dalrymple, I've read some ill-informed, pseudo-intellectual claptrap in my time, but this bollocks of yours really takes the biscuit.

    This is nothing to do with the Welfare State, though it is something to do with popular culture - but not in the way you imagine.

    This is about the relationship between society and commerce. Between a society that bombards youths with images of consumer goods and celebrity lifestyle, and then insures that it’s close to impossible for them to attain those things.

    It’s about the 450,000 British people under the age of 25 who have never had a job. It’s about the disaffected young people who went to schools in grim Victorian slums, whose personnel consider it a triumph if just one pupil a year reaches university.

    "Consumer society relies on your ability to participate in it. So what we recognize as a consumer now was born out of shorter hours, higher wages and the availability of credit. If you're dealing with a lot of people who don't have the last two, that contract doesn't work. They seem to be targeting the stores selling goods they would normally consume. So perhaps they're rebelling against the system that denies its bounty to them because they can't afford it."

    Alex Hiller, Principal Lecturer in Marketing, Nottingham University.

    "Many of the people involved are likely to have been from low-income, high-unemployment estates, and many, if not most, do not have much of a legitimate future. There is a social question to be asked about young people with nothing to lose."

    John Pitts, Professor of Criminology, Bedfordshire University

    “That's what drags these events into focus: not the stuff that was stolen, but the people behind the stuff.” Zoe Williams, The Guardian.

    You've clearly never been within 3000 kilometers of the UK in your tiny, sheltered little life, so bizarre is your vision of what England is like. It's a right-wing fantasy-land. The truth is that inequality in Britain is greater than any other country in the E.U. (though not as great as in the USA), Britain's justice system is one of the most punitive in the Western world (we jail more people (and for longer) than anyone else in teh E.U..

    Britains work more hours per year than any other nation in the EU, but still 40% of all the poor people in Europe are British. Why? because Thatcher destroyed the welfare state. Far from being expensively educated, since Thatcher, Britain has chosen to go down the road of a low skills, low educated, casualised workforce, with few rights (much fewer than Germans for instance). The idea was that the British people would be a source of cheap, disposable labour for the world's multinationals. Well the multinationals have gone to the third world, but we are still left with a population without an education, without skills and without hope.

    That's what these riots are about.

    Oh and Amy Winehouse as an example of modern Britain??????????? - do fuck off you clueless twat.

  141. Clamidia Jones4:04 PM

    Ahhhh, it's poetry day.
    OK here is my contribution

    I cross ocean,
    poor and broke,
    Take bus,
    see employment folk.

    Nice man treat me
    good in there,
    Say I need to
    see welfare.

    Welfare say,
    "You come no more,
    We send cash
    right to your door."

    Welfare checks,
    they make you wealthy,
    Medicaid it keep
    you healthy!

    By and by,
    I got plenty money,
    Thanks to you,
    American dummy.

    Write to friends
    in motherland,
    Tell them 'come
    fast as you can.'

    They come in turbans
    and Ford trucks,
    I buy big house
    with welfare bucks

    They come here,
    we live together,
    More welfare checks,
    it gets better!

    Fourteen families,
    they moving in,
    But neighbor's patience
    wearing thin.

    Finally, white guy
    moves away,
    Now I buy his house,
    and then I say,

    "Find more aliens
    for house to rent."
    And in the yard
    I put a tent.

    Send for family
    they just trash,
    But they, too,
    draw the welfare cash!

    Everything is
    very good,
    And soon we
    own the neighbourhood.

    We have hobby
    it's called breeding,
    Welfare pay
    for baby feeding.

    Kids need dentist?
    Wife need pills?
    We get free!
    We got no bills!

    American crazy!
    He pay all year,
    To keep welfare
    running here.

    We think America darn good place!
    Too darn good for the white man race.
    If they no like us, they can scram,
    Got lots of room in Pakistan.

  142. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Britains work more hours per year than any other nation in the EU, but still 40% of all the poor people in Europe are British. Why? because Thatcher destroyed the welfare state. Far from being expensively educated, since Thatcher, Britain has chosen to go down the road of a low skills, low educated, casualised workforce, with few rights (much fewer than Germans for instance). The idea was that the British people would be a source of cheap, disposable labour for the world's multinationals. Well the multinationals have gone to the third world, but we are still left with a population without an education, without skills and without hope.

    Thats what happens when you sit on the couch and make demands. There is plenty of free education, plenty of workskills courses, plenty of free training remaining so why woudl the free checks for sittin at home being disrupted stop someones quest for improvement? Also, Germany is 90% White, and doesn't have a third world nation inside it supposedly first world , say salami lickem brother and bend over whilst the most recent immigrants eat your lunch. You got what you were after, providing for the least of us, yet who thought that a black man would lose his place and freebee's to someone else..hah

  143. Pete.4:10 PM

    @ Purple Cow

    Your ignorance and parochialism is astounding. Do you ever read anything outside the Guardian?

    The spiritual atrophy of Britain seems so complete that there is no moral culture to speak of. Anarchic rioting is indeed the apotheosis of the welfare state. It is also the unanswerable rebuttal to the idea of a polite, kind secularism in which we all sort of get along because, well, it's the right thing to do:

    "the loss of faith in Christianity and the consequential lack of confidence in moral and social standards have become embodied in the ideal of a materialistic, mechanized state . . . It is no longer possible . . . to accept the benefits of civilization and at the same time deny the supernatural basis upon which it rests." - Evelyn Waugh

  144. Anonymous4:13 PM do know that the unions were able to toss out incumbent Rs in a recall election. This despite the massive funding brought by Kochs and Koch-suckers. Still a smiley-face on a massive defeat for the folks who want WI to be poor.

    Keep covering your selves in may thinkerate it upsets the adults.
    Funny how you literally have nothing to add.

    Purple, thank you for that well-written post. It answered a few questions I had with regard to the Thatcherite misery visited upon UK citizens.
    And, you'll be happy to note that most of the European Press mirrors you analysis.

    It is odd that weenieMan is so happy over the death of Amy Winehouse. Did she ever brush him off? Was he a stalking fan? Wonder what weenieMan feels about the killing of Norwegian children?

    Again, Purple, nicely done!!


  145. alfred nobel4:17 PM

    Clamidia Jones -- You win today's creative writing prize.

    I'd add the Humor prize too, the truth of your poetry is too painful for laughs.

  146. Old King Koch4:20 PM

    "Still a smiley-face on a massive defeat for the folks who want WI to be poor."

    No mold, the Tea Party won. Prosser won. Walker won.

    The people have won.

    The leaches have lost.

    This is new day.

  147. Unemployed Kloppenberg4:22 PM

    Again, Purple, nicely done!!


    Weak minds think alike.

  148. BetterMan4:22 PM

    Can I join in??

    W - We
    E - Enjoy
    L - Living
    F - Free
    A - And
    R - Refuse
    E - Employment.

  149. Get Off My Teats4:33 PM

    In 2010 -

    Once the seat of an empire, now the holder of an unemployment accolade.

    The UK has the highest number of workless households 1/6 of all children grew up in workless households, households where no one has EVER worked.

    can you imagine, entire households where people have NEVER worked during a child growing up.

    Ahhh, yes no wonder they want the welfare state to continue.

    The countries generous benefit system make it more lucrative to stay at home then get a job.

    Life is hard, especially when you just start out, but no pity from me for people who want to jump the effort and work needed to achieve success. Work hard, work long, work crappy jobs on your way to improvement. Want to eat, work, get your hands out of our pockets, we worked very hard for that money that you envy and want to take by guilt or force.

  150. You might want to mention it was an unseating of a very hardcore R an off-election.


    Dukakis,Clinton,Gore,Kerry,and Obama won Wisconsin.

    Hardcore R state?I think not.

    No wrong doing found.

    Try to spin the amount of money the left lost in the recall?

  151. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Sockpuppet Day!!
    Bachmann is still batpoo crazy and as a submissive servile person...would take orders from closeted hubby Marcus.
    If he wants to run things so much...why doesn't he run for office?
    What exactly has Bachmann done? I mean, other than pushing racist and homophobic nonsense. What

    I love how ignorant sillies think they are soooo much besser than the folks who are signed up for Welfare. Yep, you show your true heroism by denigrating Downs persons...or a paraplegic...or a terminal patient who can no longer work. So manly, you are.


  152. reverend ike4:41 PM

    Gimme dat ole time religion. Yessir:

    Pastor Tased, Woman Stabbed after Church Service

    (ST. ELMO, Ala.) - The Mobile County Sheriff's Office is investigating a bizarre case out of St. Elmo, after a church pastor was tased, and a woman was stabbed during a fight.

    It happened at the New Welcome Baptist Church after Sunday service.

    Simone Moore is a self proclaimed R&B artist, he ran unsuccessfully for the US Senate, and he's a teacher in Mobile County. Now, Moore is wanted by the Mobile County Sheriff's Office after authorities say he tased Rev. Daryl Riley.

    Deputies say it all started when Moore, who worked as the Minister of Music was handed his last paycheck, and told by Rev. Riley that his services were no longer needed. Investigators say that's when Moore tased the pastor.

    A fight ensued, and deputies say Harvey Hunt, a deacon at the church, pulled out a pocket knife and began stabbing Moore's mother, Agolia, in the arm.

    Six people were injured in the fight, all have been released from the hospital.

    Lashea Gray lives near the church, she told us, "It was unbelievable for it to be at that church, a lot of people go there, never heard of any problems. That was shocking to me to see that going on."

    Warrants have been signed for both Moore and Hunt.

  153. Years of liberal dogma have spawned a generation of amoral, uneducated, welfare dependent, brutalised youngsters

    A few weeks after the U.S. city of Detroit was ravaged by 1967 race riots in which 43 people died, I was shown around the wrecked areas by a black reporter named Joe Strickland.
    He said: ‘Don’t you believe all that stuff people here are giving media folk about how sorry they are about what happened. When they talk to each other, they say: “It was a great fire, man!” ’

    If you live a normal life of absolute futility, which we can assume most of this week’s rioters do, excitement of any kind is welcome. The people who wrecked swathes of property, burned vehicles and terrorised communities have no moral compass to make them susceptible to guilt or shame.
    Most have no jobs to go to or exams they might pass. They know no family role models, for most live in homes in which the father is unemployed, or from which he has decamped.

    They are illiterate and innumerate, beyond maybe some dexterity with computer games and BlackBerries.
    They are essentially wild beasts. I use that phrase advisedly, because it seems appropriate to young people bereft of the discipline that might make them employable; of the conscience that distinguishes between right and wrong.
    They respond only to instinctive animal impulses — to eat and drink, have sex, seize or destroy the accessible property of others.
    Their behaviour on the streets resembled that of the polar bear which attacked a Norwegian tourist camp last week. They were doing what came naturally and, unlike the bear, no one even shot them for it.
    A former London police chief spoke a few years ago about the ‘feral children’ on his patch — another way of describing the same reality.
    The depressing truth is that at the bottom of our society is a layer of young people with no skills, education, values or aspirations. They do not have what most of us would call ‘lives’: they simply exist.
    Nobody has ever dared suggest to them that they need feel any allegiance to anything, least of all Britain or their community. They do not watch royal weddings or notice Test matches or take pride in being Londoners or Scousers or Brummies.
    Not only do they know nothing of Britain’s past, they care nothing for its present.
    They have their being only in video games and street-fights, casual drug use and crime, sometimes petty, sometimes serious.
    The notions of doing a nine-to-five job, marrying and sticking with a wife and kids, taking up DIY or learning to read properly, are beyond their imaginations.

  154. hobama enjoys yet another opulent vacation on our dime


    gwb would be crucified!!!


    Most Americans can't afford a $1,000 emergency expense
    It's less than the cost of a car repair, but many Americans would struggle to come up with $1,000.
    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- When the unexpected strikes, most Americans aren't prepared to pay for it.

    A majority, or 64%, of Americans don't have enough cash on hand to handle a $1,000 emergency expense, according to a survey by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, or NFCC, released on Wednesday.

    Only 36% said they would tap their rainy day funds for an emergency. The rest of the 2,700 people polled said that they would have to go to other extremes to cover an unexpected expense, such as borrowing money or taking out a cash advance on a credit card.

    "It's alarming," said Gail Cunningham, a spokeswoman for the Washington, DC-based non-profit. "For consumers who live paycheck to paycheck -- having spent tomorrow's money -- an unplanned expense can truly put them in financial distress," she noted.


    At a time when many more cash-strapped Americans are stuck at home instead of vacationing at the beach, President Obama next week will lead an entourage of several dozens to exclusive Martha's Vineyard island at a cost of millions to taxpayers.
    While technically he is paying for his estimated $50,000 a week rental of the 28-acre beachfront Blue Heron Farm in woodsy Chilmark, the dozens of U.S. Secret Service agents, communications officials, top aides, drivers, and U.S. Coast Guard personnel with him will be covered by taxpayers as with every other presidential vacation.[Get your Whispers on your iPad--subscribe to U.S. News Weekly.]

    His 11-day stay will require the Coast Guard to keep ships floating near Obama's farm, a presidential helicopter and jet at the ready and security agents on 24-hour duty. Armored SUVs dubbed "war wagons" have been flown in to carry the presidential family around the island. It was the same way when former President George H.W. Bush visited Kennebunkport, Maine and Bill Clinton visited Martha's Vineyard during their presidencies. [See political cartoons about President Obama.]

  155. last part

    A century ago, no child would have dared to use obscene language in class. Today, some use little else. It symbolises their contempt for manners and decency, and is often a foretaste of delinquency.
    If a child lacks sufficient respect to address authority figures politely, and faces no penalty for failing to do so, then other forms of abuse — of property and person — come naturally.
    So there we have it: a large, amoral, brutalised sub-culture of young British people who lack education because they have no will to learn, and skills which might make them employable. They are too idle to accept work waitressing or doing domestic labour, which is why almost all such jobs are filled by immigrants.
    They have no code of values to dissuade them from behaving anti-socially or, indeed, criminally, and small chance of being punished if they do so.
    They have no sense of responsibility for themselves, far less towards others, and look to no future beyond the next meal, sexual encounter or TV football game.

    They are an absolute deadweight upon society, because they contribute nothing yet cost the taxpayer billions. Liberal opinion holds they are victims, because society has failed to provide them with opportunities to develop their potential.
    Most of us would say this is nonsense. Rather, they are victims of a perverted social ethos, which elevates personal freedom to an absolute, and denies the underclass the discipline — tough love — which alone might enable some of its members to escape from the swamp of dependency in which they live.
    Only education — together with politicians, judges, policemen and teachers with the courage to force feral humans to obey rules the rest of us have accepted all our lives — can provide a way forward and a way out for these people.
    They are products of a culture which gives them so much unconditionally that they are let off learning how to become human beings. My dogs are better behaved and subscribe to a higher code of values than the young rioters of Tottenham, Hackney, Clapham and Birmingham.
    Unless or until those who run Britain introduce incentives for decency and impose penalties for bestiality which are today entirely lacking, there will never be a shortage of young rioters and looters such as those of the past four nights, for whom their monstrous excesses were ‘a great fire, man’.

    Read more:

  156. Anonymous4:46 PM

    LT, before you make such statements, you might want to review the political situation. Yes, that is a hint.

    Still a smiley face on an utter defeat for the TaxBaggers and Walker. Prosser 'won' when the magickal votes were 'found'. Pretty amazing. Miraculous.

    Odd how feeding, clothing and housing fellow citizens is such a terrible hardship on a man who wants slaves. It is rather interesting that the writer pretends that everyone has the same chance and ability and luck. Why, he never took one handout to become deputy assistant alternate manager of telephone cleaners.
    Maybe we should let the lower orders starve for his ego. What could go wrong with nearly a quarter of the population going hungry for his gloating?

    Poor baby, having to share a miniscule bit of wealth with fellow citizens...don't they know that he...all by hisself wrote the Magna Carta...dug the Chunnel...edited Blackstone. Or maybe he is just a greedy mean jerkhole who wants us to grant him an excuse to act stoopid.
    Sorry mate, you are on your own being a jerkhole.


  157. Anonymous4:48 PM

    LT, if you are going to waste least cite persons not so obviously lying to us.


  158. Clamidia Jones said: "We think America darn good place!
    Too darn good for the white man race.
    If they no like us, they can scram,
    Got lots of room in Pakistan."

    Actually, Pakistan is pretty damn full of Pakistanis. There is nowhere for the white man to go, which is why he is now making a stand.

    As the white population continues to fall, there are no longer enough productive middle class people to support to the ever expanding dependent class.

    We are in for some rough times. Black people are incapable of supporting themselves.

    Clayton County, Georgia is a reflection of what Black people are capable of... destroying. The Black Undertow obliterated a once thriving county in a matter of two decades. As of 2009, 25 percent of Black people in Clayton County were on EBT/Food Stamps, not to mention that almost every school in the county provides free lunches to the predominately Black student body. Indeed, all of Metro Atlanta has counties where more than 20 percent of the Black population (in some cases, 40 percent) are sustained via EBT cards.

    The overwhelming majority of Clayton County is Black, with nearly every elementary, middle and high school in the county providing free lunches to Black students whose parents - okay, parent - lack the financial acumen to provide monetary assistance to their children and feed them, themselves, on their own dime.

    White people have fled Clayton County. In 1980, they represented 91 percent of the population. They built an economic infrastructure out of nothing, only to see it erode once they fled from the Black Undertow pouring in from Atlanta.

    Clayton County offers the most stunning visual proof of what happens when white flight meets the Black Undertow; once thriving schools become academically inept, because the students who made those schools academically thrive are gone, their parents moving them to safer cities; the business infrastructure collapses - sustained by the purchasing power of white people who made the county economically viable and attractive to big box stores and business investments - and ultimately replaced with empty strip malls replete with dollar stores, nail and hair salons, and payday loan stores. That is the economy of the Black Undertow.

    In 2010, Atlanta had a Section 8 voucher riot. 30,000 Black people rioted for the chance to sign up for Section 8 vouchers that won't be available for five -to- seven years. We learned in the tragic Brittney Watts story that all of the violent crime in Atlanta is monopolized by Black people; the same can be said of virtually all of the surrounding counties.

    Atlanta Public Schools (APS) has just had a hilarious Black cheating scandal exposed that the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce tried to help cover up, because they know new businesses will not want to move into the city if accreditation is lost. Where will these new investors in the city too busy to hate send their children? A school run by cheating Black teachers, trying to help academically inept Black students meet the standards set by their white counterparts in the lily-white (peaceful) suburbs?

    Atlanta will be the city where Black-Run America (BRA) dies. The Day the EBT Cards no longer work... Clayton County has given us a glimpse, just a glimpse of the anger that will appear. All across this country exist counties where a majority or near majority of Black people subsist on EBT Cards/ Food Stamps.

    Dallas, Memphis, Detroit, St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Nashville, Birmingham, Mobile, Cincinnati, Portland, Seattle, Denver, Houston, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Orlando, Columbia, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Indianapolis, Minneapolis... all with populations of people who subsist on EBT/Food Stamps. The Day the EBT Card no longer provides free food to a certain segment of the population that believes it is their right, their duty to continue receiving welfare and other amenities from the government, is the moment the experiment of BRA officially ends.

  159. check on hobama's hope and change in your state...


  160. bottle of gin4:49 PM

    East St Louis was so broke 20 years ago that is sold City Hall. These days the city suspended garbage pick-ups, and the police department only works weekdays, 10 am to 2 pm with an hour for lunch.

    Feds Called in to Curb Eastside Crime

    August 11, 2011 10:41 AM

    ST. LOUIS, Ill. (KMOX) - The public housing complexes on the east side of the river might just be the deadliest places in the country, but efforts are underway to secure the area.

    Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is bringing in federal law enforcement to help state and local authorities crack down on crime. Figures show that East St. Louis is nearly twice as dangerous as even the worst streets in Chicago.

    “You will find that the crime rate here is the worst in the nation,” Durbin says. “The club scene in East St. Louis is a crime scene.”

    Durbin says that although the public housing complexes are managed federally, their problems come from local sources.

    “You cannot have this club scene turn out to be the wild west, where innocent people are victimized by it, no matter what the revenue is to the city of East St. Louis,” he says.

    “And you can’t open liquor stores on every corner near housing developments and expect good things to come if you’re open all night.”

    Durbin says the responsibility is on city leaders’ shoulders to change the public housing situation.

    Sister Julia Huiaskamp has tutored many kids in the area, and she says opportunities are few.

    “We have many, many children who have been cheated by the public schools system here, who do not have the skills they need to get a job, even if there were any jobs to find,” Huiaskamp says.

    She also says the problem extends beyond just kids.

    “We have so many parents of the children that we work with who have no cash income – their only income is food stamps,” Huiaskamp says.

    Durbin says poverty is a longer-term issue, and for now efforts will focus on reducing crime by tracking down and prosecuting criminals.

  161. Oh what the hell, since it's poetry day:

    "My papa is a Socialist, my mamma, too, and I,
    And if you'll wait a minute now, I'll tell the reason why;
    I'm sure that when you understand, you certainly will see,
    You'd better all be Socialists, and vote with pa and me.

    You see this earth is long and wide, good things above, below,
    And there are lots of people, too, who want to make things go;
    Besides, we're all just quite alike, need food and clothes and rest,
    And if we all were Socialists, we all would share earth's best.

    But now John D. owns all the oil, most banks, and railroads, too,
    And then a few own all the land, so what can poor folks do
    But tramp and starve and beg for jobs, and work and work and work?
    And all the wealth we make, but scraps, we give the wealthy shirk.

    Now isn't every papa, most, the very biggest goose,
    To give away most all he makes to men who don't produce?
    So that a few rich families may all be living fine,
    While all we weary working folks must suffer, want, and pine.

    And then they do such foolish things, I often wonder why
    They "strike" and lose their jobs, and let us freeze and starve and cry;
    When, if all joined the Socialists, in four years more or five
    We'd all be wealthy partners in the world's greatest working hive.

    For if they'd stop to think, they'd see how easy 'twas to make,
    Together, all we'd want to have, and what we'd make, we'd take;
    So that the children, all alike, our papas, mammas, too,
    Would all enjoy earth's happiness, as Socialists want all to.

    So papa is a Socialist, mamma, we children, too;
    We want to make all children rich and happy, too, don't you?
    Good food and homes, nice shoes and clothes, we children want, don't you?
    So all of us are Socialists; please, won't you be one too?"

  162. Free Man4:59 PM

    "So all of us are Socialists; please, won't you be one too?"


  163. The only one lying is you.


    Ha!You have so much to learn my dear.

    Here's another hint.More register voters.

  164. Steve5:08 PM

    Why are some African American youths using Twitter to form flash mobs to loot stores? Why are some playing "knockout king" using, among others, white liberal bloggers' heads as punching bags?

    My assumption would be: because they can.

    Others, however, seem more shocked. They ask: Wasn't voting for Obama supposed to stop this kind of thing?

    Yeah, well, maybe. Or maybe the rationalizations for Obamamania weren't quite as foolproof as they had seemed back in 2007-08.

  165. "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. " — Margaret Thatcher

  166. Steve said....Wasn't voting for Obama supposed to stop this kind of thing?

    The answer should be, no, electing Obama was at least part of what started it. Were there violent "flash mobs" before Obama? I don't remember any. The phenomenon certainly has something to do with the technological means by which they are summoned, which didn't exist until recently - but mightn't it also have a connection with the empowerment that young underclass blacks must feel at having a black man in the White House? Obama's attorney-general, Eric Holder, dismissed the voter-intimidation case against the self-styled Black Panthers in Philadelphia, giving a clear signal that the administration would turn a blind eye toward black thuggery against racial and class enemies.

    Political violence against whites has been widely tolerated, and in some cases overtly encouraged, by black rulers in Africa, e.g., in South Africa and Zimbabwe. Isn't it curious that Obama has taken no public notice of the flash mob phenomenon? Could it be that he tacitly approves? His silence and inaction are in striking contrast to David Cameron's prompt response to similar violence in England.

  167. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Muir said..."Isn't it curious that Obama has taken no public notice of the flash mob phenomenon? Could it be that he tacitly approves?"

    i think this is coming from high up top - Remember Eric Holder said he would not prosecute blacks for hate crimes, several whistle blowers who left said he wasn't going to pursue any cases against minorities as 'payback'
    He sent a clear message out by dropping the black panthers case.

    Obama publicly chastised a white police officer for arresting Gates.

    There have been plenty of obvious 'hate crime' cases in municipalities across the country - and departments as diverse as NYPD and local iowa sheriffs did not pursue hate crime charges.

    out seattle the cheif of police went as far as to say he wasn't going to arrest blacks for minor crimes... and received widespread liberal praise.

    Lastly the media has ignored it but still goes into a frenzy about white college students tossing cotton balls around on campus.

    In order to stop/prevent these crimes liberals have to let go of a lot of cherished ideology.. you think that's going happen???

  168. "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. " — Margaret Thatcher"

    The problem with Capitalism is that too few people have it.-Field Negro

  169. fuente5:19 PM

    capitalism creates wealth.

    Socialism destroys it.

  170. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Political violence against whites has been widely tolerated, and in some cases overtly encouraged, by black rulers in Africa, e.g., in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

    Obama and Eric Holder is tolerating and encouraging violence against whites.

    Obama is no different than Robert Mugabe.

    Barack Ogabe


  171. Harry Baldwin5:24 PM

    "In order to stop/prevent these crimes liberals have to let go of a lot of cherished ideology.. you think that's going happen???"

    With the election of Obama, liberals wanted blacks to get the message of "if we act nice and stay in school, white folks will accept us like Obama and help us"

    But I think many among the black underclass got the message, "a black dude is president? we got the POWER!!"

    Underclass blacks aren't interested in living up to liberals' expectations of them except when they're attempting to con them, as at parole hearings.

    Barack Obama realized he could achieve power and success by appealing to liberals' vanity, but he had the upbringing and intelligence to pull this off. Most underclass blacks do not.

  172. Dear 'Liberal Tormentor - tormenting liberals with logic and facts since1982'

    You can't run away from me for ever.

When are you going to answer my points about job creation in Wisconsin?

    Why won't you debate?

    What are you scared of?

    In case you’ve “forgotten”…

    Quote:Liberal Tormentor: “Obama should be thanking Gov.Walker and Wis.Republicans.

Almost half of all new jobs created in June were in Wisconsin.”

    Well, if this is an example of the alleged “facts” that you claim to have been tormenting Liberals with since 1982, I suggest that you have been deluding yourself for 29 years, because this claim is demonstrable nonsense.

    Firstly the job statistics nationally and by State are compiled in a completely different way, and your bureau of labor statistics specifically warns against conflating the two.

    Secondly the figure of 18.500 is not an overall figure of jobs created nationally in the USA, it is a NET figure of jobs gained. This net figure is unusually low this month because there were many jobs lost due to bad weather – most notably Tennessee lost 16,900 jobs, Missouri shed 15,700 jobs, and Virginia had a loss of 14,600 jobs.

In fact according to the U.S. Labor Department, five states added more net jobs last month than Wisconsin did -- Texas (32,000 jobs), California (28,800), Michigan (18,000), Minnesota (13,200) and Massachusetts (10,400).

    This is why Walker is now busily trying to distance himself from these ludicrous claims…

    "We made it very clear at our announcement that (our number) was not half of all the jobs out there, though it is an interesting parallel," he said in a speech in Warsaw, Wi.

  173. Anonymous5:42 PM

    field negro said...
    "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. " — Margaret Thatcher"

    The problem with Capitalism is that too few people have it.-Field Negro

    But anyone can get it with some effort and the law then protects what you have earned with your mind and sweat and toil. Not in socialism, you will all do as dear leader says as dear leader wants the very best for the elite and you must work for the state and your comrades.

    Why do you want to turn us back into serfdom? You do realize in socialism the standards are even stricter for producing. All those welfare folks will be made to go out and toil in the fields for everyones good comrade, or if they are intelligent and can think , they will become part of the elite ruling class.

    Under socialism someone with the mind and abilities of a Mold would be plant food. Under capitalism, the nations wealth help take care of him. Albeit he cant have a limo to drive him around, but he is well taken care of I am sure.

  174. Quote: Pete ""the loss of faith in Christianity and the consequential lack of confidence in moral and social standards have become embodied in the ideal of a materialistic, mechanized state . . . It is no longer possible . . . to accept the benefits of civilization and at the same time deny the supernatural basis upon which it rests." - Evelyn Waugh

    You do know Waugh was a genuine self-confessed fascist don't you?

    What kind of political point are you trying to make that requires the words of a fascist to back it up?

  175. Purple Cow, you just laid down the ruckus at 4:01 PM, my friend. Its good to have an actual Brit who can laid down the truth to the ignorant wingnut masses - who don't realize that Thatcher's policies were Ron Reagan's in drag (hence why Alan Moore's Sci-fi Classic, V for Vendetta, resonated with Americans in the 80's, eventhough he was flipping the bird to the UK Tories and Thatcher).

    Like the US, the UK has great income inequality and unbelievable social ills (though not as insane as the States) because we've been a path of right wing 'austerity for growth' for over 30 years.

    I just pray that our leaders in the US wake up before poor folks go Watts '69 on our asses. But with Obama and the Dems more terrified of their shadows than a groundhog on February 2, and the GOP being run by half wits who obviously didn't pass basic economics in college - we have two chances, Slim and Fat.

  176. Short Ribs5:51 PM

    You know the old African saying....."It takes a village to eat a pygmy".

  177. no one who calls that rabidly elitist super bankster hobama a socialist
    can give him one iota of credit for any socialist deed/policy

    hobama is only a socialist for the rich!
    he has slain the poor globally for decades to come
    and hobamacare will slay millions more mongrels of all races
    by designs dictated to hobama by his pharma corp rulers....


    In the US, health benefits are being slashed, public education gutted and social services eliminated, while the Obama administration prepares further budget cuts in excess of $4 trillion. With over 24 million American workers unemployed or underemployed, millions of families have been forced to declare bankruptcy and abandon their homes. In close collaboration with the government and the trade unions, US auto companies have cut the wages of new employees by 50 percent—to just $14 an hour, setting a precedent for every industry. American conditions are being driven so low that the US is now becoming a preferred cheap labour destination.

    The Obama administration’s agenda, along with that of its counterparts in Europe and internationally, amounts to a social counter-revolution, aimed at wiping out the gains made by the working class in the decades following World War II. This domestic assault is being accompanied by a return to great power rivalries and imperialist gangsterism on a scale not seen since the 1930s. The war on Libya is nothing but a naked attempt by the US, Britain and France to seize control of the country’s energy resources and reverse the growing influence of China and other “emerging” economies. In Asia and the Pacific, intense military tensions have developed between the US and China, drawing countries throughout the region into their struggle for geo-political dominance.

  178. As I understand it, every child in America recites the pledge of allegiance to America, every day in school.

    I wonder how many Americans know that that pledge was written by a committed Socialist?

    Given that it's poetry day, I'll leave you with this fine AMERICAN poem about Socialism.

    The road is long
    With many a winding turn
    That leads us to who knows where
    Who knows when
    But I'm strong
    Strong enough to carry him
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother
    So on we go
    His welfare is of my concern
    No burden is he to bear
    We'll get there
    For I know
    He would not encumber me
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother
    If I'm laden at all
    I'm laden with sadness
    That everyone's heart
    Isn't filled with the gladness
    Of love for one another
    It's a long, long road
    From which there is no return
    While we're on the way to there
    Why not share
    And the load
    Doesn't weigh me down at all
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother
    He's my brother
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother...

  179. that emaciated blackish hobama is not my brother

    and he has FATALLY weighed down poor people of all races worse than any other prez ever


  180. that boney bold blackish bastard hobama is ONLY carrying heavy fat cat banksters

    he is starving the poor and refuses to lift us up in anyway


    Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver pronounced the debt deal a Satan Sandwich. The CBC is conducting its own “jobs tour,” without any government jobs, and the House progressive caucus is denouncing the series of rolling raids on Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security that the debt deal sets in motion. But will this, or anything stop progressives from re-hiring Chef Obama again in 2012?


  181. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Doesn't weigh me down at all
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother
    He's my brother
    He ain't heavy, he's my brother...

    It's nice when your brother needs a helping hand and you give him one then he hops off and pulls his load. But when a lot of brothers never hop off and more pile on expecting the same road, then start beating you on the head because you are falling - that is socialism.

    By the way, these are song lyrics, not a poem and they were written during the heroin induced hippy explosion - you know hippies who all had hard working parents to support them while they touted free love and drugs. Most changed to survive or wound up like you.

  182. ignorant wingnut masses6:05 PM

    LACoincidental said...
    "Purple Cow, you just laid down the ruckus at 4:01 PM, my friend. Its good to have an actual Brit who can laid down the truth to the ignorant wingnut masses - who don't realize that Thatcher's policies were Ron Reagan's in drag"

    We do realize that. It's why Britain's prosperity rebounded along with America's starting in the 1980's.

    Your ignorance of historical facts is astounding , LAC. Falling for the Cow's laughable misinformation is proof enough of that.

  183. He ain't heavy, he's my brother...6:09 PM

    And I shall carry him when he needs it.

    As he would carry me if I needed it.

    If the State mandates everyone a cripple, then there will be no one to carry anyone.

    Charity is given.

    Welfare is taken.

  184. luv me sum whitey6:24 PM

    How's you white American wife doing purple?

  185. Anonymous6:29 PM

    LT, Keep looking. You will eventually understand.
    Odd how eveel Socialism impoverished Germany, Norway, Sweden, France, Italy, Spain...and others. Must be some wite magick to know that you are the only dude working...and that all those on welfare are moochers. Like the Downs client, the paraplegic, and the single mom. Yep, she and her kid should work just like some nameless poster on a blog TELLs us he does. And he also was told not to work so hard as it made the union people look bad. And he watched union dues be used for things he...the grand lord of dinkytown...disagreed with.
    Nice of Maggie Thatcher to assume that the money used for Socialist policies was 'others'. Seems it was everyones cash...but Maggie knew so much don't even have to ask her.
    Well, Thatcherite antics did hand lots of money to the already rich.

    Gee, why are the sillies not mentioning the Bachmann lack of qualifications? Why are they avoiding her subservient submissive subordination to the wishes of closeted Marcus?
    Oh, she is a religio-crazee...Dominionist? And her historee makes light of the experience of slavery. Nice to know that she can so cavalierly dismiss the small child found with the markings of decades of hard labour. She thinkerates that a first-grader should toil for Massa...and have the body wear of a working class man of 80 years.

    Nice of her to volunteer others to be hurt.


  186. Quote: Love Me some Whitey

    "How's you white American wife doing purple?"

    The word is 'your' - not you...

    That's y-o-u-r

    I'm just here to help, I know how the American education system has let many of you down..

    And seeing as you asked, she's sick in bed with a chest infection thank you very much. However the free antibiotics we obtained are now kicking in and she'll be well enough very soon.

    Socialized medicine - you've gotta love it.

  187. Free Man6:35 PM

    Purple Cow: "However the free antibiotics we obtained are now kicking in and she'll be well enough very soon."

    Nothing is free, Cow.

    That medicine did not just appear in your home.

    Someone had to develop that medicine, appropriate the resources to produce it, and expend their labor to manufacture it.

    That you have a "right" to the fruit of their labor makes them ultimately slaves.

    And when socialism is done, everyone is a slave.

  188. Anonymous6:40 PM just don't get to TELL us what will happen with the money once it is taxed. Wahhh. will give charity. Yep. Anytime. Soon. Sure.
    Welfare offers fellow citizens the minimum needed to survive. While you pout that you can't be a flaming jerkhole to citizens getting a grudging pittance...and claim that taxes are 'taken' can feel free to move to the areas where you can test your manly Rugged Individualist mettle...
    Given your petulance over the teeny amount offered...I would wonder about your skills, education, and worth to the company.

    Bachmann is still religio-crazee. Has done almost nothing but hypocritically suckle at the Federal teat (PrayAwayDeGay is a scam) and throw a hissy fit over Americans getting Justice.


  189. Can I join in??

    I-In tears,

  190. Anonymous6:44 PM

    yes purple cow wife is wite.what brutha turn down wite vigina? make not one difference a brutha from ove da pond had to get a mail order wite wife.why sistas so mad?

    who gives a whooot?

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  191. Quote Free Man

    "Someone had to develop that medicine, appropriate the resources to produce it, and expend their labor to manufacture it.

    That you have a "right" to the fruit of their labor makes them ultimately slaves.

    No it doesn't numbnuts. Slaves don't get paid.

    Are you suggesting that the personnel of the world's giant pharma companies don't get paid??

  192. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Tell me young boy, how many slaves are in Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, Belarus, Germany, France....
    Oh wait, they vote for their taxes to be used for Universal...and you keep wanting to send all your taxes to the Kochs. Real bright, sonny.
    TELL us again how smarterate you are.


  193. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The Purple Cow said...
    Quote: Love Me some Whitey

    "How's you white American wife doing purple?"

    The word is 'your' - not you...

    That's y-o-u-r

    Will you provide the same spell check service to your black associates? Mold? LAC? Yourself?
    Don't be an ass and condemn yourself to ridicule by being a shallow hypocrite.

    I for one would like to see a lot of folks like you firmly entrenched in real socialism in a real barter system.

    Need antibiotics? Sorry comrade supply is short, we have had to send all we had to headquarters, then you will need to barter and work if you find someone on the black market, what skill do you have comrade, I don't know, I collected welfare for 30 years. Goodbye comrade, you get nothing.
    Go ahead complain, call them racist, call them unfair, then you will get arrested for being disloyal to the party and put to work. Go for it, the funny thing is capitalists who have developed skills during thier lifetime will survive, true socialists will be left dead for the lack of skills and uselessness.

  194. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Oh, speaking of Historical our resident sillies know how many riots took place in the US? How many were involved whites? And how many had nothing to do with the eveel that am welfare?
    You might be interested that since Welfare, the rioting has been far, far less. Must be all those obese TaxBaggers getting their BlubberOs on time.


  195. Free Man6:55 PM

    Purple Cow:
    "No it doesn't numbnuts. Slaves don't get paid."

    They get paid - food, shacks, rags to wear - just not in free exchange for the true value of their labor.

    Slaves are denied their natural rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Someone else has the right to their labor.

    If you have a "right" to healthcare, then you have a "right" to the labor of healthcare providers. They may receive better pay than the slaves of the past, but since they do not own their own labor, they are slaves.

    This is not where we are today, but is where socialism must necessarily lead us.

  196. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Nice piece witey, but it is more correct to describe that as a business example.
    Remember Enron and their glee at stealing from Grandma?
    Or what happens to whistle blowers?
    Or how Pharma distributes meds?

    What you imagined in Socialism...exists in Real Life in business.


  197. king gautrek7:02 PM

    Norway -- it derives most of its GDP from selling oil to the rest of the world. It consumes about 10% of its North Sea production internally and sells the other 90% at prevailing prices.

    The luck of geography has made Norway a rich country. Otherwise, it's known for Henrik Ibsen, Knut Hamsun, Edvard Munch, some shipping companies and not much else. Well, now it's known for its mass murderer.

    Norway was also cozy with the Nazis in WWII.

    And the population of the country is less than five million.

    I'm in favor of the US pumping lots more oil, in fact, pumping so much that we export like we're Norway.

  198. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh, speaking of Historical our resident sillies know how many riots took place in the US? How many were involved whites? And how many had nothing to do with the eveel that am welfare?
    You might be interested that since Welfare, the rioting has been far, far less. Must be all those obese TaxBaggers getting their BlubberOs on time.


    diz mans luvs him sum welfare u shoudl be shamed you leech bastard if you can blog all day den you can surely do some work on the pc for some company even if it is minimum wage now get to work you lazy sack o shit

  199. Anonymous7:03 PM

    No, your glorious gawd-bothering medical unprofessional refusing to have and Adequate Standard of Care get zero acceptance.
    We have a right to an attorney...funny how none are 'slaves'. We have a right to vote...where are the 'slaves'?
    Keep making it funny.


  200. Monkeyshines7:05 PM

    What you imagined in Socialism...exists in Real Life in business.


    de only bizness you know white boy is monkeybizness wen da monkeys do da bizness in your azz ya dum demented queefa buceta bref idjut
