Thursday, August 25, 2011

He doesn't like his slav...workers to have tattoos and piercings.

"Richardson, who said that Newton “was dressed perfectly” for their meeting, was blunt. “I said, ‘Do you have any tattoos?’” Richardson told Rose. “He said, ‘No, sir. I don’t have any.’ I said, ‘Do you have any piercings?’ He said, ‘No, sir. I don’t have any.’ I said, ‘We want to keep it that way.’ . . . .

“We want to keep no tattoos, no piercings, and I think you’ve got a very nice haircut.”

Interjected the host: “You sound like a Lombardi.”
Said Richardson, “No, I just sound reasonable to me.”

I must confess, listening to that soundbite sounds a lot worse than it reads.
You have to actually hear it.

I am disappointed in Charlie Rose. "You sound like Lombardi"? Nope, he sounded like someone else: A fifties era small town southern sheriff.

But Cam had to jig. He wanted that 24 million pay day. And for that kind of money Cam would have probably told the Charlotte Panthers owner that he would play a banjo for him and sing "I Wish I Was in Dixie" before he went to bed every night. Then I heard Stephen A. Smith co-signing with that b*&& s&^t today on the radio here in  Philly. "Bless Jerry Richardson's heart" he said, "somebody had to say it". Say what, Negro? Let's try this again: Cam Newton is a football player! I could care less if he wore a a bone in his nose and drove to the stadium in a pink tutu before every game. But this is A-merry-ca, we are so concerned with our image and nothing else. 

Now I understand that it's Jerry Richardson's team, and that he is the one writing the check. He has a right to demand certain things from his employees, that's a given. But would Jerry give the same lecture to Andrew Luck or Tim Tebow? I doubt it. And if Jerry has a no tattoo or piercing policy, why doesn't he demand it of all of his Panthers? -He just signed Jeremy Shockey for crying out loud! -

Memo to Jerry, Cam won't be working on Wall Street or Madison Avenue, he will be slinging a football in the NFL. I think it's fair to say that over 50% of the players in the NFL have ink, so what's the problem? Jerry should have been more worried about the laptops in the Panthers front office than how Cam was dressed or looked. (OK, cheap shot) Maybe that's why his Panthers stink so much and they only won two games last year.

Counter argument: "Field it's the man's team, football is a billion dollar industry, the man wants to make sure he is investing his money wisely on the number one pick in the draft. Doesn't your employer have the right to tell you how to dress and carry yourself in the work place? Besides, the team is in the bible belt, the owner has to careful not to alienate his fan base."

Well yes, it's his team and the best way to keep his fan base happy is to win.
I wear suits to work every day because I work in court rooms, Cam Newton wears a football uniform because he works on a football field. Big difference.

The best way for Jerry Richardson to invest his money wisely is to pick the best player available that can help his sorry team win. How Cam Newton looks or chooses to carry himself won't help the Carolina Panthers win one single game.

Ask all those folks from the Main Line who used to come and sit court side to watch AI break off fools if they cared about all his tats and his cornrows. They didn't. They wanted to be entertained and see the Sixers win games.

"Did you get crazy after the draft and go out and get any tattoos or piercings? Do I have to check you for anything?"

"No sir,"

I am a good slave worker.



  1. In other words, it wasn't about what was said. It was about how it was said and how it's framed in the historic racial context. Of course Richardson wouldn't have lectured Tim Teabag...ahem...Tebow this way -- he would have pulled him aside in a discrete "just between you and me" manner and asked him not to "get crazy" and tat himself up.

    At this point, Cam should finish up his contract, grab that $24 million and get himself traded to a better NFL team.

  2. Finished watching the video. Guy's got that "Southern small town sheriff" drawl going for him. When asked about Peyton Manning, "That's a hypothetical question."


  3. I wonder what he thinks about the majority of the men and some women that are in the military?

  4. Anonymous8:31 PM

    But,butta if he was white??????

    Is about has irratating as

    But,butta if he was black.

    The QB is the face of the team.Not the TE or punter.

    Mr.Richardson didn't say "boy i will take you out to the whipping post if you come here with tats and piercings."

    He meant it would be nice for Cam not to have those things.

    Mr.Richardson should have just gave a bag of money to Cam's dad.That would have been mo better.Worked once.Didn't it?

  5. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Maybe Tim Teabag should get some ink. Some of the more sports minded bloggers have mentioned that baby jebus done left Timmeh all alone.

    I must admit with my ancient ways...only prostitutes and Military had tattoos. For identifying the pieces. Black Dahlia was not a singular event. And the mil has accidents.
    When some idiot wants the 1950s back...they really only want to return to the days of carefree wite youth privilege.

    Still, it is rather creepy to have the 'plantation' structure of the NFL so boldly and baldly portrayed.
    Draft...or slave market. Inspect the teeth.

    At least the player gets paid something.


  6. T. Bogges9:27 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    Of course Richardson wouldn't have lectured Tim Teabag...ahem...Tebow this way -- he would have pulled him aside in a discrete "just between you and me" manner and asked him not to "get crazy" and tat himself up.

    At this point, Cam should finish up his contract, grab that $24 million and get himself traded to a better NFL team.

    Tim Teabag. Wow. That's funny.

    You have aremarkable talent for reading white people's minds and knowing just what they are REALLY thinking. Wow. That's a talent.

    Do you ever get tired of squeezing everything that happens into your idea of a "historical racial context"? It must be somewhat taxing at times. Like equating a man paid $24 million to a slave.

    Wow. That's some effort.

  7. T. Bogges9:29 PM

    Hey look Mack, you've got mold doing it.

    "Tim Teabag"

    heh heh.

    You know it's clever if Mold repeats it.

  8. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  9. Anonymous9:39 PM

    If the Tim Teabag laps it up with his holier-than-thou brand of christianity....he should wear it with pride.
    Pray in a closet.

    Oh, so the Fwee Market values the AfAm at $24,000,000...and you at $24,000. Well, I might be overestimating your worth...but I'll be generous. What do you do for your pittance? How much Koch-sucking? How much TaxBaggery?
    Even if all you are is an eyeball may feel rather enslaved. Especially when you have no pension, no medical, no vacation, no stock options, no profit shares, no future.
    Really, you might want to compare your wite the slaves at Jefferson's Monticello.


  10. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  11. Anonymous9:41 PM

    If the Tim Teabag laps it up with his holier-than-thou brand of christianity....he should wear it with pride.
    Pray in a closet.

    Oh, so the Fwee Market values the AfAm at $24,000,000...and you at $24,000. Well, I might be overestimating your worth...but I'll be generous. What do you do for your pittance? How much Koch-sucking? How much TaxBaggery?
    Even if all you are is an eyeball may feel rather enslaved. Especially when you have no pension, no medical, no vacation, no stock options, no profit shares, no future.
    Really, you might want to compare your wite the slaves at Jefferson's Monticello.


  12. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  13. Anonymous9:44 PM

    If the Tim Teabag laps it up with his holier-than-thou brand of christianity....he should wear it with pride.
    Pray in a closet.


    How can he wear it with pride when you want him to pray in a closet?

    Like being a bigot?

  14. I would love to have some of these tea baggin anons to come debate on this channel:

    Nice and live.

    The only requirement is you have to have a handle.

  15. I'm watching a tea bagger getting beat's starting to get painful to watch.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Maybe you should read your Bible?


  18. Rotten Kid

    Whenever the Tea Party Goobers venture off Fox TV and are asked tough questions they turn into virtual punching bags.

    You think Palin is ever going to do a CNN or MSNBC interview again?

  19. "In other words, it wasn't about what was said. It was about how it was said and how it's framed in the historic racial context."

    That too. But it was what was said with me as well.

  20. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  21. lol..true Steve, case in point, tonight's subject is abortion:

    Riggs, bush blew little 2 yearolds bodies to peices in Irag and nearly 100% of righties agreed with the invasion of Irag. So you tell us, why you care about a 0 to 4 or 6 month old fetus, but don't care about 1 and 2 year olds being blown to bits?

    The answer - no response.

  22. Bluntz9:58 PM

    You think Obama is ever going to do a Fox interview again?


  23. Baghdad Bob9:59 PM

    Rottenbitch: "bush blew little 2 yearolds bodies to peices in Irag "

    Your are insanely stupid.

  24. Why would he Bluntz? To get cut off and disrespected?

  25. Anonymous10:00 PM

    RottnKid, the business model is to pose being an AfAm or a faux-expert...and then list links to send the unwary to scamsites.
    HuffPo, the wingnut welfare, and the rest sell based on visitors'. And they pay folks to encourage visitors.

    If it was just one loser, we would soon tune out the obvious deceit. Hence the need for multiple usernames, many sockpuppets, and log rolling (Google) with other salespeers.


  26. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Rottnkid said...
    lol..true Steve, case in point, tonight's subject is abortion:

    Riggs, bush blew little 2 yearolds bodies to peices in Irag and nearly 100% of righties agreed with the invasion of Irag.The

    Who were these 2 year olds?What were their names?What are the names of all the righties that agreed with the Iraq war?

    answer - no response.

  27. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Field, don't you think you're being a bit irrational here?I'm sure he was just looking out for the guy.We all know how every year so many Americans contract Hepatitis from getting tattoo's.I'm sure he was not trying to police this boy's,I mean grown black man's,body.He just cares about his safety that's all

    (sarcasm off)


  28. lol..baghdad..too funny...Don't shoot the messenger. Man up and defend your belief. I provided the link..Oh (Good call Steve)it's not on Fox..

  29. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Well, Chickenhawks...this is something not found in your John Wayne version of war...but it is the Real Deal. Not only do you see macerated may have actually been the cause.

    I have noticed that Tax Baggers are quite unwilling to be questioned. As if they were aristos or priests or Perps.

    Must bring back those horrible memories of being Left Behinds.


  30. salespeer10:06 PM

    mold:If it was just one loser, we would soon tune out the obvious deceit. Hence the need for multiple usernames, many sockpuppets, and log rolling (Google) with other salespeers.

    Google it.

  31. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  32. Who were these 2 year olds?What were their names?What are the names of all the righties that agreed with the Iraq war?

    answer - no response.

    10:01 PM

    I have no clue, I wasn't in that war. Desert Shield/Storm, yes, Iraq no.

    Next question Cowboy.

  33. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Silly gawd furin goobers.You thinkerate Timmy Teabagger doesn't want to diddle my skittle?
    I knew a special qb back in the day.Thinkerate #12 of the boys.I didn't need much diddling to wet my skittle.Only my dad knew better.Is better.Much better.
    Keep believerating your way is better.I will be enjoying some diddling this weekend.


  34. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Oh heroic, brave manly Chickenhawk...head over to Al Jazeera (English) and see some names. Or, ask.
    It's easier to ask which right-wingers were against the bushWars. We only have a certain number of characters...and listing all the never-served war cheerleaders would abuse the privilege of posting here. Feel free to name the wingnuts who opposed the bushWars.

    Oh, if you can handle the effort, the PBS station offered the horrific vision of children mutilated by the bushWar. It is so easy for some of you to bravely giggle over this...but not me. Not only are the kids quite dead...and obviously so...but you have to realize our 'kids' were there. For repeated tours of duty. To save the bushTwins and Benjy and others from being Drafted.
    It will mess you up.


  35. Baghdad Bob10:17 PM

    Mold is a propaganda swallowing whore.

  36. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Silly gawd furin goobers.You thinkerate Timmy Teabagger doesn't want to diddle my skittle?
    I knew a special qb back in the day.Thinkerate #12 of the boys.I didn't need much diddling to wet my skittle.Only my dad knew better.Is better.Much better.
    Keep believerating your way is better.I will be enjoying some diddling this weekend.


  37. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  38. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Sorry, Chickenhawk...I have known folks who served. Not like 5th Deferment Cheney or Johwn Wayne or st reagan...but those on Iwo, Flanders, Nam...and others.

    Maybe instead of bravely cheerleading for bushWars, you can enlist. Go ahead. Ask for combat arms.



  39. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Oh heroic, brave manly Chickenhawk...head over to Al Jazeera (English) and see some names. Or, ask.
    It's easier to ask which right-wingers were against the bushWars. We only have a certain number of characters...and listing all the never-served war cheerleaders would abuse the privilege of posting here. Feel free to name the wingnuts who opposed the bushWars.

    Oh, if you can handle the effort, the PBS station offered the horrific vision of children mutilated by the bushWar. It is so easy for some of you to bravely giggle over this...but not me. Not only are the kids quite dead...and obviously so...but you have to realize our 'kids' were there. For repeated tours of duty. To save the bushTwins and Benjy and others from being Drafted.
    It will mess you up.


    Ok,mold.Post some names.

    What was the name of the show on PBS that offered the horrific vision of children mutilated by the bushWar?

  40. I couldn't find it Mold but this good enough for me:

    Week of 1.16.09
    In Your Words: Bush's Legacy
    What were the best and worst decisions made by President George W. Bush?

    Commenter: Deane Schneider
    Worst president in the history of the United States. Obliterated our freedoms and left one of the worst messses for President Obama to try and clean up.

    Commenter: Bob Reynolds
    1. Laisse Faire approach to regulation of business and finacial markets has led to the worst economic recession since the 1930'
    2. Dragged our national values into the cesspool by being a proponet of torture.
    3. Dragged us ino an unnecessary war costing billions of dollars and thousands of lives.

    America's worst decision
    1. Electing George Bush.

    Commenter: Joe Navarro
    His realization that Social Security works as it is is one of his best moves and giving almost everything to the rich in our society has left a disastrous outcome as bad as that of his governorship in Texas of which will take years to repair. Bush is one or the worst President in American history.

  41. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Libs bashing Bush? Say it ain't so.

    Still waiting on that PBS show,and list of names,mold.You made the claim.

    Not that i expect you to.You are like most libs on this board.Full of shit and empty on facts.

  42. Bluntz

    "You think Obama is ever going to do a Fox interview again?"

    Sure. Why wouldn't he?

    Liberals love to go on Fox and expose those fools.

    The problem is that Fox rarely invites liberals.

    For obvious reasons.

  43. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Damn there really must be no racism at all out there, now you pay a guy 24 million and you cant ask him to represent the team properly without someone calling you a slave driver, sheez. Did you ever think his image played a lot in him getting the offer aside from his proported skills? He is always free to turn down the 24 million and ask to go to another team and then go get as many tats, piercings and even wear a grill if he wants. Somehow, his not having any of that now indicates you have more of a problme with it then he does.

    You said you wear a suit to work, would your boss like if you all of sudden shaved a design into your head, got your nose or lip pierced? After all it isn't what you look like it is what you say and how you represent clients right? If he had an issue with the way you represent him and his company, department and yourself, is he a slave master too?

  44. But football players wear helmets on the field and aren't representing clients.

    They're gladiators.

  45. Anonymous10:54 PM

    went to see The Help today. It was a great heartfelt movie that probably will win a number of awards.

    The acting was the best ever!

  46. GrannyStandingforTruth10:59 PM

    I'm looking at the Ed Show and wondering if I heard him right. He said that Eric Cantor said no emergency relief for the Atlantic Coast unless there are spending cuts in the budget. Eric Cantor has lost the rest of his pea-brain.

    Now, the GOP party wants to hold emergency relief for Americans affected by the hurricane hostage.

    You know it's time to start making it mandatory for those in Congress to have a psych exam first, so the crazies don't get elected. Smh!

  47. NSangoma11:02 PM

    Thank you for this post, field booty.

    Looking at that gut on Richardson, reminded me to take the baby aspirin that I'd forgotten to take this morning.


  48. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Watching the Ed show proves you should be first in line for a psych exam.

    His show is poo.One lie after another.

  49. BetterMan said...
    so far all you said was I am feminine because of a word I used that you don't understand the context of and that I must have a small dick because you have a big fat disgusting ass that raises your height making you taller when you sit down then when you stand up.
    As it relates to these phallic references of yours, I believe it was YOUR people who started all this in the first place when you would castrate Black men before lynching them. And I'm sure your greatgrand fathers did it out of envy.

    Therefore, your "shortcomings" have both a sociological and genetic origins. Clearly it must suck to be you, but not by very much.

  50. asswipesteve11:13 PM

    uptownsteve said...the problem is that Fox rarely invites liberals.


  51. Not laughing with you11:17 PM

    Ms. Queen said...
    Clearly it must suck to be you, but not by very much

    The incoherence of your writing just gets worse.

    You will never be a doctor.

  52. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    I'm looking at the Ed Show and wondering if I heard him right. He said that Eric Cantor said no emergency relief for the Atlantic Coast unless there are spending cuts in the budget. Eric Cantor has lost the rest of his pea-brain.

    Yep Granny. I tweeted his ass.I should have added this to it:

  53. Anonymous11:37 PM

    I think tattoos rings in nose pierced noses and all that other ugly crap does not belong on the quarterback, the leader and representative of the team.

    I don't blame Richardson. Field you are just trying to make a racial thing out of this to keep your blog going. But there is none.

    Since when does a man's accent determine whether he is a racist or not? Some of the best Whites I know have Southern accents and some of the biggest racists on the planet have no accent. hell, President Johnson had a Texas accent, but Blacks flourished under his administration...the EXACT OPPOSITE OF President Obama.

    Field, all this blogging is making you and some of your followers like Mack Lyons sicker instead of better.

  54. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Dear RTTNKID, take a break. You are talking too much. Don't smart with me, just STFU.

  55. GrannyStandingforTruth11:41 PM


    Maybe, I should tweet him this one because it fits him better.

  56. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Now, now, anon. No need to jump on RttnKid, he is a good open-minded brother on the GOP side.

  57. Anonymous11:45 PM

    This is the last warning for you black dems: leave Richardson alone. He has done NOTHING to you sinful Negroes.

  58. BetterMan11:53 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    BetterMan said...
    so far all you said was I am feminine because of a word I used that you don't understand the context of and that I must have a small dick because you have a big fat disgusting ass that raises your height making you taller when you sit down then when you stand up.
    As it relates to these phallic references of yours, I believe it was YOUR people who started all this in the first place when you would castrate Black men before lynching them. And I'm sure your greatgrand fathers did it out of envy.

    Therefore, your "shortcomings" have both a sociological and genetic origins. Clearly it must suck to be you, but not by very much.

    Listen fluffycakes, getthefuggouddahere with that weak shit. How weak are you that you cant even have a discussion without going way back and excusing your ghetto-ness with a slavemaster castrating a slave and then excusing your getting whipped intellectually with some supposed imagined insecurity.

    First all you can say is you have a fat disgusting ass and you think therefore I must have a small dick.

    Now all you can do is yet again come back with more grade school ghetto crap. Says a lot about you.

    Lets clarify this, just because you admitted you have a big fat nasty hefty blubber ass, doesn't automatically equate that someone else must have a small penis. I know you would wish it to be this way, and in some warped way make you feel better about your fat nasty disgusting ass, but life isn't fair. Now, that just leaves you with a fat ass and an obviously lowbrow intellect.

    Are you really this much of a hoodrat? You started an argument for no reason and all you have to offer is hoodrat ghetto gradeschool taunts? How many degrees did you say you have? What could they possibly be in? Is it too late for you to get a refund? Or were they taxpayer funded? If so, can I get my money back?

  59. Kazimierz Jaroslaw11:59 PM

    Hey Field, why are you calling Cam Newton a Slav? I'm pretty sure he is a negro.

  60. "Since when does a man's accent determine whether he is a racist or not? Some of the best Whites I know have Southern accents..."


  61. "Hey Field, why are you calling Cam Newton a Slav? I'm pretty sure he is a negro."

    Now that was funny.

  62. GrannyStandingforTruth1:10 AM

    Let's see now, the GOP party wants to hold emergency relief for those who will be affected by Hurricane Irene. That's not all, nope, they want to kill everyone slowly with toxic, polluted bad water and air. To top it off they want to kill Bambi. Now you know they've lost their mind. Smh! The GOP has no respect for human or animal life. They only respect dead presidents.

  63. GrannyStandingforTruth1:12 AM

    *Let's see now, the GOP party want to hold hostage emergency relief for those who will be affected by Hurricane Irene.*

  64. Negronius1:15 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Let's see now, the GOP party wants to hold emergency relief for those who will be affected by Hurricane Irene. That's not all, nope, they want to kill everyone slowly with toxic, polluted bad water and air. To top it off they want to kill Bambi. Now you know they've lost their mind. Smh! The GOP has no respect for human or animal life. They only respect dead presidents.

    Really now Granny?

    WHO has lost their mind?

  65. GrannyStandingforTruth1:21 AM

    More Than 90% Of Black, Latino Students Pass California Exam

  66. Anonymous2:31 AM

    granny you aint provided no backup for that obviously false statistic up there come on now! u ca do better and speaking of that apparently betterman has had enough of wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef and her diatribes serves her rite and those of her kind like kuntbreaf banks da loser u see betterman is that they both ha the same shit in common they talk loud and aint say shit they brag about edumacayshun they obviously don't have and they insult others simply for axing them about they professed qualifications u correctly have seen this nasty set of wenches are nothing but frauds liars and fools along with being obsessed with private parts and generally thinking LOW like in the GUTTER dumb fools! kimdaqueef ure nothing but an imbecile ya hear me an imbecile!

  67. Pitydoe2:31 AM

    Obamas Leadership Is Like A Fart In The Wind. Its Formless, Has No Substance, Really Stinks And Is (Hopefully) Gone Quickly

    -- Wolfgang Riggins

  68. Anonymous2:33 AM

    this is truly classic blog insult material and should be chronicled in the hall of troll game!!!

    BetterMan said...

    Dr.Queen said...
    BetterMan said...
    so far all you said was I am feminine because of a word I used that you don't understand the context of and that I must have a small dick because you have a big fat disgusting ass that raises your height making you taller when you sit down then when you stand up.
    As it relates to these phallic references of yours, I believe it was YOUR people who started all this in the first place when you would castrate Black men before lynching them. And I'm sure your greatgrand fathers did it out of envy.

    Therefore, your "shortcomings" have both a sociological and genetic origins. Clearly it must suck to be you, but not by very much.

    Listen fluffycakes, getthefuggouddahere with that weak shit. How weak are you that you cant even have a discussion without going way back and excusing your ghetto-ness with a slavemaster castrating a slave and then excusing your getting whipped intellectually with some supposed imagined insecurity.

    First all you can say is you have a fat disgusting ass and you think therefore I must have a small dick.

    Now all you can do is yet again come back with more grade school ghetto crap. Says a lot about you.

    Lets clarify this, just because you admitted you have a big fat nasty hefty blubber ass, doesn't automatically equate that someone else must have a small penis. I know you would wish it to be this way, and in some warped way make you feel better about your fat nasty disgusting ass, but life isn't fair. Now, that just leaves you with a fat ass and an obviously lowbrow intellect.

    Are you really this much of a hoodrat? You started an argument for no reason and all you have to offer is hoodrat ghetto gradeschool taunts? How many degrees did you say you have? What could they possibly be in? Is it too late for you to get a refund? Or were they taxpayer funded? If so, can I get my money back?

    mauh muah muah muah muah muah muah

  69. GrannyStandingforTruth3:37 AM

    Anonymous 2:31:

    Nope, it is not false report. You know me better than that. I read it in the the Huffingtonpost. The reason I didn't give the link to it is because something was wrong with the link, but I knew that someone on here would question it. Anyway, here is part of the article cut n pasted.

    HuffPost's QuickRead...

    More Than 90% Of Black And Latino Students Pass California High School Exam » | August 25, 2011 at 04:31 PM

    For the first time, more than 90 percent of California's black and Latino students passed both the English and math portions of the high school exit exam by May of their senior year, according to new data released Wednesday.

    The milestone comes five years after California started requiring students to pass the controversial test -- a breeze for most seniors, a burden for many traditionally left behind -- before they can graduate.

  70. Anonymous4:33 AM

    "More Than 90% Of Black, Latino Students Pass California Exam"

    that is hard to believe.

  71. GrannyStandingforTruth4:36 AM

    Here is a better link. Read it for yourself.

  72. Anonymous5:10 AM

    field, to help you understand anon's comment:

    field said, "I am disappointed in Charlie Rose. "You sound like Lombardi"? *Nope, he sounded like someone else: A fifties era small town southern sheriff."*

    anon said, ""Since when does a man's accent determine whether he is a racist or not? Some of the best Whites I know have Southern accents..."

    Field said, "?????????"

    *The context of your statement that he sounded like a small town southern sheriff implied Richardson is a racist. He is not. And his Southern accent does not make him a racist.

  73. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Granny. Did you notice that Latinos had a better pass rate than our children?

    Why are we always last? Even black Scientists are weak in filing proper papers at NIH.

    What is with us that we can't excel academically, or scientifically like we do in sports?

  74. "The context of your statement that he sounded like a small town southern sheriff implied Richardson is a racist. He is not. And his Southern accent does not make him a racist."

    OK, his Southern accent does not necessarily make him a racist, but how do you know that he "is not" as you so confidently stated? Is he a friend of yours?

  75. GrannyStandingforTruth6:38 AM

    Anonymous 5:19:

    You think you slick. LOL! I discern you more than you think I do, but whatever floats your boat. I pray that you don't drown on it with your way of thinking.

    I am BLACK and PROUD! The only thing I wish is that I could be a little more blacker. Matter of fact, I wish I was blue black and that is about as black as a black person can get.

    Let me explain something to you. There is not anyone on this earth that could ever make me feel inferior or less than human, or ashamed of my people, regardless! Am I disappointed with SOME of them? Yes! Nevertheless, I would never disown them no matter how you or anyone else tries to belittle or denigrate them.

    Btw, DUMMIES COME IN ALL COLORS! There is no patent or copyright on intelligence!

  76. GrannyStandingforTruth6:54 AM

    That pissed me off and I am gonna tell you why. When blacks were not doing good in school, people complained about that and made it a big issue. Okay, now that black children have improved and are doing well, that's not good enough. Anonymous had to throw dung on it.

    In other words, no matter what black people do,someone is always going to have something negative to say because they do not want to see or hear anything positive about black people. They just want to keep black people down, so they can have a scapegoat. That's the very reason I care less about what people think because I know they are full of it. Fear is something else. However, there comes a time when folks need to find them another punching bag or scapegoat.

  77. GrannyStandingforTruth7:04 AM

    So what if Latinos scored higher. People act like it is a contest instead of a test to see if the children learned anything. I'm thankful that they passed the test because there were some of all colors who didn't.

    I'm so sick of hearing that "My dad is bigger than your dad" mentality. If I was a child and needed encouragement I sure wouldnt look for any to be forthcoming from some of these adults who seem to think education is a contest instead of a learning opportunity. School is stressful enough without an added burden of making it out a contest.

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. Anonymous said...
    Lets clarify this, just because you admitted you have a big fat nasty hefty blubber ass, doesn't automatically equate that someone else must have a small penis. I know you would wish it to be this way, and in some warped way make you feel better about your fat nasty disgusting ass, but life isn't fair. Now, that just leaves you with a fat ass and an obviously lowbrow intellect.

    Is this all you got, Little man, ButterMilk? Because the ghetto name calling over and over and over again is a little "old". Do you turn beet red when you say that? At the end of the day, you're still effeminate, sensitive, defensive, and "short".

    And I've still got to get an abstract submitted to my Supv. by 5PM COB.

    How many degree do I have? Enough to wrap around your scrawny ass and still be more educated than you.

    And since I believe you've morphed from the vulgar into a form I'd respond to, you can now join that loser, non job having psycho in topping my ignore list, and kissing my black a$$!!!


  80. GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    In other words, no matter what black people do,someone is always going to have something negative to say because they do not want to see or hear anything positive about black people. They just want to keep black people down, so they can have a scapegoat.

    I found this to be very true for the most part, but not when I attended Georgetown. White folks with money don't really care on way or another about the achievements of Black folks because they aren't ever in "competition" with us for anything due to how well connected most of them are.

    It's only the scraps like ButterMilk that have these "issues".

  81. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The only people keeping black people down are other black people.Without that,your black privilege makes your potential unlimited.

  82. GrannyStandingforTruth8:00 AM

    I'm gonna say this and I'm out because I am sick of negative thinking day in and day out.

    Sometimes, I wonder if it ever occured to some folks how some of those black and latino children may have had to walk through war zones to get to school and had to constantly be aware of their surroundings because they might get robbed. Nowadays, kids get robbed for their clothes, shoes, money too. The very reason some of them go out and get a gun is because they are scared and don't know what to do.

    There are a lot of children who want to learn, but are just as scared of the violence that is going on in the streets as adults are.

    We have some kids that have been Scarface indoctrinated and they want to be like the guy in the movie. The only thing is that Al Pacino got to go home and relax after he got shot up, but in reality when a child is shot on the streets they never get to go home ever again.

    Yet, those kids that passed that test did it and accomplished something positive in the midst of the violent, crazy mixed up world we live in. They could have been like some of these kids killing one another or on drugs or gave up hope and dropped out of school and said forget it, but they didn't.
    Instead, they were determined to succeed reaching their goal. However, because of the color of their skin, their accomplishment is dismissed as mediocre. Smh!

    Well, at least they have one person who is definitely proud of them and that's me because I know that a lot of those children have faced peer pressure, dangerous environments, dealing with bullies, some have parents on drugs or alcoholics, or either one of their parents have abandoned them, molested them, or they might even be hungry, homeless and that's just the tip of the iceberg. Children have problems too and they need encouragement, not negativity and more stress over a test that some folks want to make out of a contest to feed their ego.

    Through it all the children that passed the test have a more positive attitude than a lot of adults.

  83. GrannyStandingforTruth8:15 AM


    Please do tell me what unlimited privileges I have? And while your at it would you tell me where I can go to get these privileges that you boast about. Because I've lived a long time and must have missed out or didn't get the memo and I don't want to lose out on none of those unlimited privileges.

  84. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Thanks for the piece on bush. While the Rs are furiously trying to stuff his Worst pResident Evah down the memory is good to recall why we should never, ever appoint a Legacy like him again.

    I though it was the plantation owner attitude...not the accent. And you most certainly can encounter the Entitled Wite fantasy in Yankee Land as well.

    Granny, it was never, ever about performance...but about how the complexion is the true standard of a human being.
    BibleMan is therefore a better actor and character than Iago.


  85. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Granny, it is the dependency of not being wite...just like Coburn whined. After all, with his D fer Doctor (one should ask why he 'chose' his specialty) he is an expert on was his personal icon...Joe Mengele.

    Really, some Left Behind in their dead-end, low-wage, no future, no benefits nothingburger McJob is all miffy because an AfAm can attend a real college. Never mind that Left Behind will never have education beyond Grade Five...or make any effort ever at self-improvement. Never mind that the AfAm is a US citizen. Never mind that even today, christmoles and bushmoles are refusing services and programs to AfAms (Pigford).


  86. GrannyStandingforTruth8:46 AM

    Well, Mold, remember Pharoah tried to block the children of Israel from prospering. Old Pharoah kept on doing everything he could to make it harder and harder on them. BUT, it didn't work! You see, Pharoah had the wrong motives and when a person's motives are wrong it always backfires on them.

    However, I guess the rightwing Christians skipped over that lesson in the bible or didn't understand it one.

  87. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Oh heroic, brave manly Chickenhawk...head over to Al Jazeera (English) and see some names. Or, ask.
    It's easier to ask which right-wingers were against the bushWars. We only have a certain number of characters...and listing all the never-served war cheerleaders would abuse the privilege of posting here. Feel free to name the wingnuts who opposed the bushWars.

    Oh, if you can handle the effort, the PBS station offered the horrific vision of children mutilated by the bushWar. It is so easy for some of you to bravely giggle over this...but not me. Not only are the kids quite dead...and obviously so...but you have to realize our 'kids' were there. For repeated tours of duty. To save the bushTwins and Benjy and others from being Drafted.
    It will mess you up.


    Ok,mold.Post some names.

    What was the name of the show on PBS that offered the horrific vision of children mutilated by the bushWar?

  88. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Still waiting on that PBS show,and list of names,mold.You made the claim.

    Not that i expect you to.You are like most libs on this board.Full of shit and empty on facts.

  89. GrannyStandingforTruth8:54 AM

    Anyway, I'm going to bed because I have my little great-grandbaby here with me. She'll be waking up in a couple of more hours wanting to eat, so I need to catch me a quick nap before she wakes up.


  90. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Really, some Left Behind in their dead-end, low-wage, no future, no benefits nothingburger McJob is all miffy because an AfAm can attend a real college. Never mind that Left Behind will never have education beyond Grade Five...or make any effort ever at self-improvement. Never mind that the AfAm is a US citizen. Never mind that even today, christmoles and bushmoles are refusing services and programs to AfAms (Pigford).


    Really mold? Who are some of these people? List names and facts.

    Wha are the names of these christmoles and bushmoles? Please list examples of services refused.

  91. Anonymous9:54 AM

    liberals are like hemroids cante even spell and is too stoopid to admit hese teh same as slapnuts the same as queefa the same as kuntlick banks all asswypes who dont add shit to this site but negativity and dwaddle in bullshit

  92. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Is this all you got, Little man, ButterMilk? Because the ghetto name calling over and over and over again is a little "old". Do you turn beet red when you say that? At the end of the day, you're still effeminate, sensitive, defensive, and "short".

    And I've still got to get an abstract submitted to my Supv. by 5PM COB.

    How many degree do I have? Enough to wrap around your scrawny ass and still be more educated than you.

    And since I believe you've morphed from the vulgar into a form I'd respond to, you can now join that loser, non job having psycho in topping my ignore list, and kissing my black a$$!!!

    Punk! kimdaqueef da wannabe dawktaw
    Listen fluffycakes, getthefuggouddahere with that weak shit. How weak are you that you cant even have a discussion without going way back and excusing your ghetto-ness with a slavemaster castrating a slave and then excusing your getting whipped intellectually with some supposed imagined insecurity.

    First all you can say is you have a fat disgusting ass and you think therefore I must have a small dick.

    Now all you can do is yet again come back with more grade school ghetto crap. Says a lot about you.

    Lets clarify this, just because you admitted you have a big fat nasty hefty blubber ass, doesn't automatically equate that someone else must have a small penis. I know you would wish it to be this way, and in some warped way make you feel better about your fat nasty disgusting ass, but life isn't fair. Now, that just leaves you with a fat ass and an obviously lowbrow intellect.

    Are you really this much of a hoodrat? You started an argument for no reason and all you have to offer is hoodrat ghetto gradeschool taunts? How many degrees did you say you have? What could they possibly be in? Is it too late for you to get a refund? Or were they taxpayer funded? If so, can I get my money back?

    mauh muah muah muah muah muah muah

    KIM you will NEVER be a doctor

  93. rk:


    hobama is much worse than bush
    kudos to the tea party
    especially the blacks therein

    better late than never
    blacks better brew some belated tea asap

    Betrayal of the Poor: Bush never pretended to give a damn about the poor and the systematic mechanisms that keep them poor; openly calling the "haves and have mores" his "base." But Obama has been portrayed as different, mainly because the Democratic party is viewed as more empathetic to the poor. Obama promised affordable healthcare, to create new jobs, and to increase access to a college education. However, the mandated healthcare bill has proven to actually hurt the poor, the "jobs" bill HIRE was nothing but a smokescreen to pass capital controls, and college loans are increasingly worse than useless since record numbers of students can't find work to pay them off. So far he only seems to be helping the poor by extending food stamps to a record number of needy Americans -- which is currently on the spending cut chopping block by the way. Obama also extended Bush's tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans while the poor suffer the dramatic effects of inflation and the approaching austerity cuts demanded to prevent a government shutdown.

    Rule of Law is Dead: The Rule of Law is an ancient concept that means a society is governed by rational, objective written laws, as opposed to the personal whim or arbitrariness of some king. Under this pretext, no one is above the law, not even kings. Yet, we have seen this concept steadily erode from reality over many decades, but not so blatant as under George W. Bush whose team permanently subverted the rules in favor of the elite. Under Bush and now Obama, the corporate elite clearly get away with massive crimes against humanity and overwhelming fraud, while the little people are still routinely punished for all minor offenses. With not even a hint of punishment, banks can openly loot and defraud the public, the government can spy on Americans, the TSA can grope our private parts, while large corporations continue to poison us and the environment with impunity. The Feds, under Obama, have even raided legal medical marijuana dispensaries and private organic cooperatives. In addition, Obama signed an Executive Order to indefinitely detain "terror" suspects even after acquittal -- while other lawmakers seek to remove Miranda Rights. Who is prosecuting these crimes and injustices? When the criminal corporations with their government partners continue to run the system, there will be no rule of law, or justice.

  94. rk:

    kudos to the tea party!

    Bank/Corporate Bailouts: Although the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), otherwise known as the bankster bailout, occurred on Bush's watch, Obama fully supported it as necessary. Obama then followed up this massive wealth grab with a gargantuan stimulus bill which has basically been absorbed by the financial crisis as well. All said, Bloomberg and others reported the taxpayer guarantees for Wall Street are upwards of $23 trillion. Additionally, the best part of Obama's cabinet and appointed czars are directly connected to big banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs. Furthermore, Obama and Democratic leaders gave the Federal Reserve even more regulatory power over the economy. The Administration hails the Financial Reform bill as a big political accomplishment, but the bill never addressed the three major problems: doesn't break up or reduce the size of too-big-to-fail banks, doesn't remove the massive government guarantees to the giant banks, and it won’t even increase liquidity requirements to prevent future meltdowns. The inmates are too clearly running Obama's asylum.

    Expansion of Free Trade: Obama excoriated NAFTA, GATT and other so-called "Free Trade" agreements that were put in place under Clinton and Bush (with CAFTA). One of Obama's campaign mailers to Ohioans read "one million jobs have been lost because of NAFTA, including nearly 50,000 jobs here in Ohio." And Obama told unions that "he has always opposed NAFTA, and said the trade deal should be amended and renegotiated." It is abundantly clear that free trade agreements have not done well for American manufacturing and its workers (just like Obama told us during his campaign). These free trade agreements are designed to only help the multinational corporations who wrote them, and who Obama now works for. In contrast to being "opposed" to such agreements, the government moves forward with many new similar agreements.

    Illegal Domestic Surveillance: It seems the monster surveillance-industrial complex that was kicked off under Bush remains in full swing under Obama. Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney FISA-telecom immunity after vowing to support a filibuster of it while he was a Senator. Glenn Greenwald reported: "So candidate Obama unambiguously vowed to his supporters that he would work to ensure 'full accountability' for 'past offenses' in surveillance lawbreaking. President Obama, however, has now become the prime impediment to precisely that accountability, repeatedly engaging in extraordinary legal maneuvers to ensure that 'past offenses' -- both in the surveillance and torture/rendition realm -- remain secret and forever immunized from judicial review." And Carol Rose added, "The link between secrecy and surveillance is critical: in effect, our government is increasing its power to watch its citizens, while diminishing the power of citizens to watch their government – the very antithesis of democracy." It's telling how out of control illegal surveillance has become when private foreign companies are hired to spy on American environmental activists. This is in addition to the TSA's roll-out of naked body scanners and intrusive pat-downs selectively enforced at airports and fiercely defended by Obama's DHS.

  95. Rottnkid, how old are you? Were you actually in the military during Desert Shield/Storm? I once saw your age on your profile that suggested that you were very close to my age. I was attending junior High around that time. Interesting.

    Hi Steve, I missed you so much. :)

  96. hi Queen Laa:

    glad that rabid vulgar illiterate fertile uneducated...

    court jester the vdlr/molded did not run u away from your Queendom herein!!!

  97. "court jester the vdlr/molded did not run u away from your Queendom herein!!!"

    Not even a hurricane, I was still logged on the other day until the electricity and internet went due to a tropical storm (smile). I just wish FP would come back. LOL.

  98. baldheaded smooth brained vdlr:

    my long silky soft nappy lovely locks are real and gorgeous!

    got hate????

    got horsey hair???

  99. Queen Laa:


    i pray for u each day
    no land is safe

    u r a regal force always!



    i miss that regal warrior sista so much!!!!

    she slew with poetry and fire always!!!

  100. Anonymous11:10 AM

    golly kimdaqueef u beleeverate incorrectly sweetie pie and talking about putting an anon on ur ignore list is like kuntlick banks claiming to leave this site welcome but an obvious lie now lets put on our thinking caps shall we dummy...if u were really into ignoring anons and not having the last werd ur dumb disgustign burr headed black ass wouldntve said shit but ur comment betrays u ur ego is so fragile and ure so insecure over ur lies u feel the need to overcompensate by saying shit that is above ur level of intelligence ure an idgit kimdaqueef!
    golly kimdaqueef u beleeverate incorrectly sweetie pie and talking about putting an anon on ur ignore list is like kuntlick banks claiming to leave this site welcome but an obvious lie now lets put on our thinking caps shall we dummy...if u were really into ignoring anons and not having the last werd ur dumb disgustign burr headed black ass wouldntve said shit but ur comment betrays u ur ego is so fragile and ure so insecure over ur lies u feel the need to overcompensate by saying shit that is above ur level of intelligence ure an idgit kimdaqueef!
    golly kimdaqueef u beleeverate incorrectly sweetie pie and talking about putting an anon on ur ignore list is like kuntlick banks claiming to leave this site welcome but an obvious lie now lets put on our thinking caps shall we dummy...if u were really into ignoring anons and not having the last werd ur dumb disgustign burr headed black ass wouldntve said shit but ur comment betrays u ur ego is so fragile and ure so insecure over ur lies u feel the need to overcompensate by saying shit that is above ur level of intelligence ure an idgit kimdaqueef!
    golly kimdaqueef u beleeverate incorrectly sweetie pie and talking about putting an anon on ur ignore list is like kuntlick banks claiming to leave this site welcome but an obvious lie now lets put on our thinking caps shall we dummy...if u were really into ignoring anons and not having the last werd ur dumb disgustign burr headed black ass wouldntve said shit but ur comment betrays u ur ego is so fragile and ure so insecure over ur lies u feel the need to overcompensate by saying shit that is above ur level of intelligence ure an idgit kimdaqueef!
    golly kimdaqueef u beleeverate incorrectly sweetie pie and talking about putting an anon on ur ignore list is like kuntlick banks claiming to leave this site welcome but an obvious lie now lets put on our thinking caps shall we dummy...if u were really into ignoring anons and not having the last werd ur dumb disgustign burr headed black ass wouldntve said shit but ur comment betrays u ur ego is so fragile and ure so insecure over ur lies u feel the need to overcompensate by saying shit that is above ur level of intelligence ure an idgit kimdaqueef!

  101. unlicked unglued unsung unloved uneducated.....vdlr:

    u need some new tricks herein as badly as your baby deddies need a new hoodrat maytag


  102. memo from hobama:

    "let me be clear

    black mongrels need no internet...


    look at that turbo breeder the vdlr online

    she is always acting stupidly!..."


  103. memo from hobama:

    "let me be clear

    black mongrels need no internet...


    look at that turbo breeder the vdlr online

    she is always acting stupidly!..."


  104. memo from hobama:

    "let me be clear

    black mongrels need no internet...


    look at that turbo breeder the vdlr online

    she is always acting stupidly!..."


  105. memo from hobama:

    "it is time to end the silly season

    i must stop that silly serial std turbo predator drone the vdlr in the hood...


    our turbo breeders must do better!!!"

  106. Professor Caring11:49 AM

    Ms. Queen said..
    How many degree do I have

    None, probably. Certainly not an English degree.

    You will never be a doctor.

  107. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Ummm...why should I do your work for you? PBS should be enough.
    As far as bushmoles...there are at least two places to look Happy working!
    christmoles are more secretive. They are, in fact, Fifth Columnists and seek to be rats fer jebus in the wainscoting.
    Michele Bachmann just admitted to being one. Maybe you should look at her list of friends and appointees. Some of Sarey's appointees are christmoles.

    On an AfAm seem to persist in wanting things handed to you on a silver platter by an eldery AfAm female. Juvenile on your part...but expected.
    Do your own work. It will make you self-reliant and independent and all the other buzzwords you repeat.;)


  108. unlicked unwise unashamed unsung uneducated unfit unsterilized vdlr:

    see your vulgar slime at 11:16


    i told all yesterday about fertile turbo breeding child abusers like u
    who ONLY teach their demon seeds to be dumb violent bullies...

    now look and see how you have proven me to be 100% accurate yet again!!!

    u r as easy as u r sleazy u dimwitted dreg!!!

    Toxic parenting is universal in America. It knows no boundaries of race or class. Reality television proves that rich white parents are often even more toxic than poor black ones. Toxic parenting entails: Parents who begin abusing children chemically in their wombs, with recreational drugs and toxic diets; Parents who poison wombs that leave permanent damage inside children’s brains and nervous systems; Parents who do nothing to give lonely fatherless boys mandatory male role models; Parents who routinely physically and verbally assault teachers, but never spank or reprimand their children; Parents who buy children breasts and noses, rather than teach them to become surgeons; Parents who buy students expensive designer clothes, but never show them how to obtain free library cards; Parents who abuse drugs and dress like whores and thugs, as they actively encourage their children to become consummate mini clones; Parents who never attend a teacher conference, but never miss a field trip or party; Parents who are always on time at hair salons or nightclubs, but never bring children to school on time; Parents who harass or ignore teachers as they coddle or neglect children; Parents who brazenly place schools'/teachers' phone numbers on "call block", so that they are not bothered when their children bother others during school hours; Parents who hijack schools as babysitters, even on days when classes are not in session; Parents who brazenly enroll their children in first grade classes, fully aware that these children have never attended Pre-Kindergarten/Kindergarten; Parents who never read any books, and never read to their children; Parents who never teach children any moral intelligence, because they are amoral themselves; Parents who never teach children to sit still, behave, listen, and concentrate; Parents who hate children and dare to demand that teachers and other surrogates fully parent their own children; Parents who never teach children to do their homework; Parents who are intellectually incapable of helping children, or seeking tools/tutors to help children, with their homework; Parents who have no concept of proper child nutrition or sleep patterns; Parents who neither do or assign any chores; Parents who are irresponsible and incapable of teaching children to be responsible ...

  109. This comment has been removed by the author.

  110. memo from isadore to the vdlr:

    "i never gave a damn about fertile stupid peasant scared LAZY broke nigs like YOU who never worked and never had any courage pride dignity education etc...

    u dumb lazy evil trifling hobama loving broke nigs are not in our tribe!!!

    kudos to my baby girl!!!"

  111. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Ummm...why should I do your work for you? PBS should be enough.
    As far as bushmoles...there are at least two places to look Happy working!
    christmoles are more secretive. They are, in fact, Fifth Columnists and seek to be rats fer jebus in the wainscoting.
    Michele Bachmann just admitted to being one. Maybe you should look at her list of friends and appointees. Some of Sarey's appointees are christmoles.

    On an AfAm seem to persist in wanting things handed to you on a silver platter by an eldery AfAm female. Juvenile on your part...but expected.
    Do your own work. It will make you self-reliant and independent and all the other buzzwords you repeat.;)


  112. query from my grandpa iasdore to the vdlr:

    "wtf happened to you young fertile

    it is a gd shame what you turbo breeding whores and thugs have done to the black race!!!

    (ps: my smart comm scholar baby girl taught me that

  113. Anonymous12:20 PM

    ah ure jess mad cuz this anon is rite ur grandpa was generous to people who were less fortunate in money and in dick thats why he liked phukkin them wite womens so much to help them out for their deficiencies at home and all muah muah muah muah muah muah muah ur grandpa basically did everything u dont like kuntlick and he was wealthy from WORKING UNLIKE u who prolly aint neva had a real job ya unstable qoohole kuntwad

  114. memo from my grandpa isadore:

    "i am so proud of u baby girl...

    keep doling out endless ass whippings to fertile donkeys like the vdlr...

    u r a warrior to the death just like me!!!..."

  115. Anonymous12:25 PM

    memo from my grandpa isadore:

    "i am so proud of u baby girl...

    keep doling out endless ass whippings to fertile donkeys like the vdlr...
    kuntlick banks

    oh u think ur grandpa would insult people who have kids since he was busy making them with gawds know how many womens? thats the problem wit black guys they stick their dicks in eveyrthing and when a wite woman wants to give it up its all over u wist u was wite and u wisht u really was related to isadore banks uve gone to the point of mocking his memory by claimerating that he said shit to u how low brow ya shitlicker!

  116. dickless witless vdlr:

    when did u stop coveting any dick u could find ho???

    cc that bs to jfk and mlk

    2 more great men with great dicks
    who are NOTHING like that horrid dick hobama

    gat dat itch bitch?

  117. Anonymous12:27 PM

    grandpa isadore phukked wit wite womens cuz he cante stand those burrs on black womens given the opportunity most men dont like that shit which is why ur disgusting ass decided to lick carpets wit u burrheaded sheboon self kuntlick

  118. Anonymous12:29 PM

    isadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muahisadore banks liked to phukk wite women isadore banks didnt like ugly burr headed sheboons isadore banks was generous with his wealth and his dick isadore banks was a far better man then his descendents mauh muah muah muah muah

  119. memo from hobama's mama to the vdlr:

    "but u love my striped


    holla back isadore..wink"

  120. Anonymous12:40 PM

    How does the left act when ask to produce facts?They become awfully silent.

    Silly boobies.Repeating talking points from Soros funded websites and blogs won't make you smart.It makes it easy for me to show you factless.

  121. BetterMan12:45 PM

    Is this all you got, Little man, ButterMilk? Because the ghetto name calling over and over and over again is a little "old". Do you turn beet red when you say that? At the end of the day, you're still effeminate, sensitive, defensive, and "short".

    And I've still got to get an abstract submitted to my Supv. by 5PM COB.

    How many degree do I have? Enough to wrap around your scrawny ass and still be more educated than you.

    And since I believe you've morphed from the vulgar into a form I'd respond to, you can now join that loser, non job having psycho in topping my ignore list, and kissing my black a$$!!!


    How many degrees,Fluffycakes? How many? You might want to check your writing skills, you say the opposite of what you clearly intend, see your last paragraph. Morphed from bad to good. So bad to now good is your excuse for running?

    OK Summation; you are completely at a loss as to how you lost an argument YOU started for no reason, came out looking like the fool you are and once again can only retort with grade school taunts. Topping it all off with a nice helping of suppositions that you dug up somewhere deep in the bowels of your mind.

    Instead of beating down someone as you intended for reasons only known to you, that someone rents space in your head and builds a toilet. But don't give me too much credit, it was easy, the space was already vacant.

    Run along now fluffycakes and hopefully you will learn from this by next time not biting out rabidly and randomly for no reason and subsequently getting a mouthful of much more then you can chew, requiring you now to slink off leaving even more questions and doubts about your professed education, then there were originally.

  122. This comment has been removed by the author.

  123. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Ummm...why should I do your work for you? PBS should be enough.
    As far as bushmoles...there are at least two places to look Happy working!
    christmoles are more secretive. They are, in fact, Fifth Columnists and seek to be rats fer jebus in the wainscoting.
    Michele Bachmann just admitted to being one. Maybe you should look at her list of friends and appointees. Some of Sarey's appointees are christmoles.

    On an AfAm seem to persist in wanting things handed to you on a silver platter by an eldery AfAm female. Juvenile on your part...but expected.
    Do your own work. It will make you self-reliant and independent and all the other buzzwords you repeat.;)


  124. Anonymous1:01 PM

    who be you grandeddy???


    uncle even???? kuntlick banks

    gosh kuntlick to answer ur question go look in the mirror qoohole since were all family here my family is ur family isadore banks was my grandpa if he was urs if we can make shit up about ourselves like u do then take that back martin luther king jr was my grandpa how about that kuntlick? least eyem more inventive then u dummy!

  125. Duane DeSink1:05 PM

    alicia banks said...
    unlicked uninformed uneducated vdlr:

    do yo mama even know any of yo deddies????

    A woman walks into the downtown welfare office, trailed by 15 kids.

    'WOW,' the social worker exclaims, 'are they all

    'Yep, they are all mine,' the flustered momma sighs,
    having heard that question a thousand times before.

    She says, 'Sit down Leroy.' All the children rush to find seats.

    'Well,' says the social worker, 'then you must be here to sign up. I'll need all your children's names.'

    'Well, to keep it simple, the boys are all named Leroy and the girls are all named Leighroy.'

    In disbelief, the case worker says, 'Are you serious? They're ALL named Leroy?'

    Their momma replied, 'Well, yes-it makes it easier.
    When it's time to get them out of bed and ready for school, I yell, 'Leroy!' An' when it's time for dinner, I just yell 'Leroy!' An they all comes a runnin. An' if I need to stop the kid who's running into the
    street, I just yell Leroy' and all of them stop. It's the smartest idea I ever had, namin' them all Leroy.'

    The social worker thinks this over for a bit, then wrinkles her forehead and says tentatively, 'But
    what if you just want ONE kid to come, and not the whole bunch?'

    'Then I call them by their last names.'

  126. unlicked untamed untold unglued uneducated vdlr:

    more on how you monkeyshine u rabid infected baboon


    u r a fatal festering fool!!!

  127. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Mold is all hat and no cattle.

  128. unlicked unglued unclaimed uneducated unsterile unclean unbeweaveable colorist coon loon vdlr:

    u have gone so insane that you are actually lamenting stray babies and repetition herein.

    u is truly trippin!!!!

    u have spawned a village and paste your own vulgar lies and bs over and over and over....

    ya ain't know dat doe????

    dyam i am good!!!

  129. @ Alicia:

    You know it is insane to obsessivley respond to everything your vulgar stalker posts, don't you?

    Walk away once in a while.

    @ Alicia's stalker:

    Give it a rest, dude.

    We get it.

  130. nax/vdlr:

    no mercy

    no peace


  131. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Ummm...why should I do your work for you? PBS should be enough.
    As far as bushmoles...there are at least two places to look Happy working!
    christmoles are more secretive. They are, in fact, Fifth Columnists and seek to be rats fer jebus in the wainscoting.
    Michele Bachmann just admitted to being one. Maybe you should look at her list of friends and appointees. Some of Sarey's appointees are christmoles.

    On an AfAm seem to persist in wanting things handed to you on a silver platter by an eldery AfAm female. Juvenile on your part...but expected.
    Do your own work. It will make you self-reliant and independent and all the other buzzwords you repeat.;)


  132. why do all herein insanely ignore the crazy bs that the vdlr and molded do daily??????

    who gave them a pass herein????


    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    u do not even read his posts!!!!!

    who r u????



  133. Negros are kind people1:25 PM

    I watched THE HELP last night.I cried.It was THe movie of the year.THE HELP is a example of how well negros and whites got along back in the day.Everyone was happy and cared about each other.

    There was no negro males committing racial violence.Negro women wouldn't stab you if you said something nice to them.

    Even in these post racial times,we will never see that kind of love and harmony that THE HELP showed us.

    I only wish things could be different.

  134. the strange mind of mold1:26 PM

    bushmoles? chrismoles? wtf?

  135. Negros are kind people said...
    I watched THE HELP last night.I cried.It was THe movie of the year.THE HELP is a example of how well negros and whites got along back in the day.Everyone was happy and cared about each other.

    Yes, and all the bad people were white racists! Once again, hollywood makes it simple for us to understand.

    God bless the makers of The Help!

  136. Batista1:30 PM

    alicia banks said...
    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    You are doing more than your share, alicia. How many times have you posted today?

  137. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Batista said...

    alicia banks said...
    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    You are doing more than your share, alicia. How many times have you posted today?Batista said...

    alicia banks said...
    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    You are doing more than your share, alicia. How many times have you posted today?Batista said...

    alicia banks said...
    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    You are doing more than your share, alicia. How many times have you posted today?Batista said...

    alicia banks said...
    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    You are doing more than your share, alicia. How many times have you posted today?Batista said...

    alicia banks said...
    why is fn letting u run and ruin his blog?????

    You are doing more than your share, alicia. How many times have you posted today?

  138. Anonymous1:37 PM

    jess as soon as u post that nonsense kuntlick it is deleted see? ure a gottdam idgit and need to learn ur place little girl the blog administrator will only take so much of ur bullshit when ur post is deleted over twenty times u need to get the hint and stop posting it or leave ya nitwit but dummies like u never get the hint wit ur wite woman envying ass burrheaded kuntlicker!

  139. fn:

    man up

    come clean

    how is the vdlr deleting YOUR posts??????


  140. Anonymous2:38 PM

    who r u????


    who??????????????????? kuntlick banks axing this anon who they are and why they phukks wit her


  141. Malcolm2:45 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    They just want to keep black people down, so they can have a scapegoat.

    I found this to be very true for the most part, but not when I attended Georgetown. White folks with money don't really care on way or another about the achievements of Black folks because they aren't ever in "competition" with us for anything due to how well connected most of them are.

    It's only the scraps like ButterMilk that have these "issues".

    A glimmer of perception from Ms. Queen?

    Rich whites have nothing to fear from Affirmative Action, because it will not affect their livelihood. They don't care about the public schools, because they don't use them. They don't care about crime, because they can just move to a neighborhood with higher walls. They don't care about wage taxes, because that's not how they make their money. They don't care about regulations and rules that strangle small business, because there is nothing so crass as small business.

    What they care about is keeping other whites down and feeling good about themselves. Promoting the interests of minorities serves both these purposes simultaneously.

    Everything their liberal goodness "gives" minorities is paid for by the white middle class. Thus they not only get the credit, but it costs them nothing and has the added benefit of keeping the bourgeoisie from being able to afford the dues at the country club.

    And the icing on the cake is that they get to righteously accuse those who resent paying to assuage the consciences of their betters "racist", "mean-spirited" and and "greedy".

    And that is why rich people are "liberal" and middle class people for the most part aren't.

    And you can mock working class whites all you want, just don't think for a minute that they have any "privilege" over you.

  142. hey LA...if you see this message after all that spam...40 yo. I went in the Air Force at 17.

  143. Anonymous3:29 PM

    field, "OK, his Southern accent does not necessarily make him a racist, but how do you know that he "is not" as you so confidently stated? Is he a friend of yours?"

    field, you seem to have an inclination for seeing the glass half-empty, instead of half-full. Yet, I can relate to that kind of thinking. It is typical of FN followers. It's the kind of negativity that keeps dark clouds hanging over us, imo. It forever keeps one in compulsive-obsessive paranoiac hyper vigilance. It is very tormenting to the mind and heart.

    Richardson wanted a clean-cut leader, without tattoos, piercings to be his leading quarterback on the field, as well as off the field.

    Speaking as a father and a bm, I wish we had more bm of that character. We have too many kids wearing their pants below their butts and tattoos all over their bodies that run up to their necks.

    Again, I understand your attitude of mind. It's quite common. Even my girl Mellissa-Harris Perry has the disease, and she is quite smart. But, she can't even enjoy a movie, without that negative black mind-set kicking in. Imagine that. Even with her great intellect, She can't even enjoy a quality movie with some of the best acting in Hollywood, without her critic taking her enjoyment hostage and preventing her a moment of enjoyment at the movies.

  144. hey LA...if you see this message after all that spam...40 yo. I went in the Air Force at 17.

  145. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Loved the liar lying about Affirmative Action.
    Rich do send their children to public schools. Usually ones with high, high taxes. Rich folks don't need walls. At least not until Mexico Norte' is implemented by Tax Baggers. Rich people do have an interest in wage taxes...because they do know folks who work. The rich follow laws, rules and regulations as they prefer a society where all are contributing citizens. The crass is ignorant witey pretending to speak for them. They really don't need a craven Koch-sucker.
    The Koch brothers do.

    You obviously don't know any Rich people at any level.

    Crying that poor whites get stiffed by Affirmative Action is an old, old canard. Pretty much any valid study of the question has illustrated that the shoved aside white...pretty much only exists in the imagination.

    How many AfAms shipped your working class jobs overseas? How many AfAms pilfered your pensions? How many AfAms reduced your benefits to equal that of a temporary fast food employee?

    Sure, it was a government program that asks you to justify your choices in hiring.

    Still, you cry victim so loud, I thought you were a christian or Sarey/Bristol. And assuming you are a better...that was a laugh riot. You are confused between citizenship equality and performance equality. Or, is that typical for you.


  146. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Ummm...why should I do your work for you? PBS should be enough.
    As far as bushmoles...there are at least two places to look Happy working!
    christmoles are more secretive. They are, in fact, Fifth Columnists and seek to be rats fer jebus in the wainscoting.
    Michele Bachmann just admitted to being one. Maybe you should look at her list of friends and appointees. Some of Sarey's appointees are christmoles.

    On an AfAm seem to persist in wanting things handed to you on a silver platter by an eldery AfAm female. Juvenile on your part...but expected.
    Do your own work. It will make you self-reliant and independent and all the other buzzwords you repeat.;)


  147. Malcolm4:21 PM

    mold: ... all the other buzzwords you repeat

    That buzzing noise is just the erroneous neural firings going off in your diseased brain.

    I can honestly say you are one of the most vile, pernicious, ignorant, hateful, and malignant human personalities I ever run across.

    You are worse than useless; you are an intellectual cancer.

  148. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Maybe you should, like, write from actual stuff. You know, those pesky Facts.

    The word you seek is 'Socratic'.


  149. Anonymous5:29 PM

    LAA, AB does anybody know why FP has gone? I miss her too. i miss her depth of insight- and wisdom. Does anybody know if she is well and doing ok?

    So many sophisticated intelligent people have left this blog over the years. WC, a lawyer from Oakland, and Seattle _? come to mind.

    The average IQ of FN must be half of what it used to be.

  150. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Wingnuts are boring. And they can only repeat.

    I wondered why Bachmann and other wingnut Cons were so eager to crash public pay rates. Then, a friend mentioned that the local School District was offering a substantial reduction in pay for professional staff. While the pay is almost insulting to a credentialed a wingnut Con it is manna from heaven.
    This is the wingnut version of Legacy...lower the pay to where the unqualified can slither under the door!

    No wonder PrayAwayDeGay Bachmann likes the gets rid of all those elites with their degrees and experience...and Marcus can be alone with the young lads for prayer.


  151. Malcolm said...
    mold: ... all the other buzzwords you repeat

    That buzzing noise is just the erroneous neural firings going off in your diseased brain.

    I can honestly say you are one of the most vile, pernicious, ignorant, hateful, and malignant human personalities I ever run across.

    You are worse than useless; you are an intellectual cancer

    A glimmer of perception from "Malcolm"?

    Dr. Queen

  152. Sickandtiredofmask6:06 PM

    West Coast never left and is still here, so is FP, CF, and Seattle.

    The games people play!

    Let me see, I think I'll sign in using a different name today. Might as well join in on the masquerade ball, look down on those less fortunate, turn up my nose and snub folks. After all, those are the American principles of life.

  153. Hey LAA! Glad to hear you're safe! Hope dessert flower is okay too!

    AB, today yet another TKO at the expense of our stalker, LOL!!

    When will this jobless, careless college drop out ever learn!!!!

  154. Anonymous6:08 PM

    besides that queefa why u feel the need to alway get the last werd in dummy? its as if u have a compuslive need to say something even if u aint ha shit to say now how bout that its like a catch 22 or something oh wait ure too unedumacayted and cultured to know what that means dummy

  155. Anonymous6:28 PM

    My goodness, anon is tearing ab and dr queen apart. I thought I'd never see the day it would happen. Now I am feeling sorry for them. A great dynasty has fallen.

  156. Anonymous said...
    My goodness, anon is tearing ab and dr queen apart. I thought I'd never see the day it would happen. Now I am feeling sorry for them. A great dynasty has fallen.

    Heffa please! Ain't nobody worried about a jobless, careerless, senseless, sexless, psycho jiggaboo stalker!!!

    Now stop talking about your d*mn self!

  157. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Wingnuts are boring. And they can only repeat.

    I wondered why Bachmann and other wingnut Cons were so eager to crash public pay rates. Then, a friend mentioned that the local School District was offering a substantial reduction in pay for professional staff. While the pay is almost insulting to a credentialed a wingnut Con it is manna from heaven.
    This is the wingnut version of Legacy...lower the pay to where the unqualified can slither under the door!

    No wonder PrayAwayDeGay Bachmann likes the gets rid of all those elites with their degrees and experience...and Marcus can be alone with the young lads for prayer.


  158. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I did assume that the wingnut Cons wanted wage crashes just for the faint and statistically remote hope of having slaves/servants.

    My friend indicated that it was also removing the 'barriers to entry'. With cheap, cheap teaching wages...all those elites with their degrees and experience and standards and honesty will look elsewhere...opening the door for the woefully incompetent.

    The modest wage keeps wite losers from eve being considered. At $30K/ would never hire Goober or Heeyuck. But at $8K/year..the pay matches their skill level.


  159. GrannyStandingforTruth7:58 PM

    Could it be that what happened in those eight years of Bush reign and before that Reagan that what they did was transferred the the USA treasury coffer and Americans pensions into the hands of the wealthy by way of an INCOME TAX CHECK and the Wall street casinos? I remember President Clintons remark regarding what he thought when he got his income tax check back. Yup, everyone got their cut but the middleclass and poor. Now, there is no money, so to cover it up, they're demanding budget cuts to those who don't have any lobbyist fighting for them up on Capitol Hill. The real pyramid scheme was played out on Capitol Hill.

    What happened to people's retirement pensions? The pensions didn't just disappear in thin air, somebody got their cut.

    What happened to all of the money that has been payed in the form of taxes by middleclass and poor? Did it too just disappear in thin air seeing how while Bush was in office those last few years they were not funding those bills that were being passed?

    Oh nevermind, I guess that would be another conspiracy theory, but, nevertheless, I am curious as to what the folks up on Capitol Hill are investing in, so that I can run out and invest in it too. Mainly,because I know they're not going to bite off the hand that feeds them and that they'll make sure that their investments are safe and prospering.

    After all, Barbara Bush didn't suffer when she invested in Enron or did she since everyone at the top got paid. It was the little man at the bottom that lost out. That Ken Lay and crew were some genius when it came to running scam on their employees.

  160. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    My goodness, anon is tearing ab and dr queen apart. I thought I'd never see the day it would happen. Now I am feeling sorry for them. A great dynasty has fallen.

    Heffa please! Ain't nobody worried about a jobless, careerless, senseless, sexless, psycho jiggaboo stalker!!!

    Now stop talking about your d*mn self!

    6:45 PM

    Now why are you picking on anon, when all the anon did was tell the truth? You are trying to bully the little anon for being honest.

    Why don't you pick on the big anon who has been kicking you and ab's asses?

    you can't because the big anon is powerful, and too strong for you. Stop picking on anons smaller than you are, you dumb uneducated coward.

  161. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Hey you guys on the east coast getting ready for the hurricane???

    First an earthquake and now a hurricane! What next a plague of locusts???

    I know, I know, I'm so mean....

    Listen, don't worry, all it's going to do is rain.

    But please DO NOT listen to all the news BS! Believe me they are just warmongers and they have to sell ads!

    Don't worry it's nothing everything will be fine, you'll see, just rain.

    Love and kisses form a seasoned hurricane and earthquake survivor


  162. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Desertflower, "Listen, don't worry, all it's going to do is rain.

    But please DO NOT listen to all the news BS! Believe me they are just warmongers and they have to sell ads!

    Don't worry it's nothing everything will be fine, you'll see, just rain.

    Love and kisses form a seasoned hurricane and earthquake survivor"

    dear desertfox, thank you for the info. I am surprised that Irene would bring rain. I was thinking only high winds. Now you are saying there will be rain? damn...what kind of hurricane brings rain?

    btw, I am still sailing the high seas trying to get to PR, so we can get married. I swear, there is something wrong with this Atlas map. It seems to be outdated..."marie, please bring me another drink and one of those Jamaican weeds, my little honey bun."

  163. StillaPanther210:27 PM

    Brother Field ....this old white mqn has spent the majority of his life when.....what the white man said was top shelf..wrong or right. He only change out in the
    "we are all in this as one'. Being of meansand having to be around a diverse society....he still have old core values that he feels is right. I got to respect how he wants to run his organization. One of the hardest things I had to accept was when my kids made the decision to put tats on. So far they are in tastful body locations. My lessons were to show your best inside rather than outside your body.

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