Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The day after the earthquake, and Killadelphia is still here.

Well, it's a day after the earthquake, and the [right] wingnuts have already started blaming Obama. Apparently they thought that if he wasn't out golfing he might have been able to stop it. An earthquake! They thought he should have done something to stop it. Or, he should have been more engaged, and maybe, just maybe, it would not have happened. Okaaayyy.

Words are not needed for certain things.

Meanwhile, back here on earth.

 “We're going to catch the little bastard, and he's going to do some serious time,”

That's Philly's HNIC on the recent shooting at a city rec. center where six people were shot. That's harsh language from Mayor Nutter, but the guy is obviously frustrated. I can't say I blame him. As a kid, he used to play in that playground, and the young punks doing the shooting look just like he does. Probably grew up in the same environment, and with the same social structure. Yet, he went on to get an Ivy League education from one of the nation's finest business schools (Wharton), and became the mayor of A-merry-ca's fifth largest city. If he can do it, why can't the little thug doing the shooting? To Nutter this is all personal. They are destroying the image of his city, and he is not a happy camper.

Nutter is so pissed, that he is digging into the city's crime reward fund and offering up 20,000.00 to anyone who will snitch on the shooter. (I wish I knew the SOB. His ass would be in jail faster than the bullets that came out of his .40- caliber gat. But that's just me. I don't live in that neighborhood, so I don't have to worry about someone firebombing my family once I cash my reward check. But I digress) Nutter had more to say:

"'We need the community's help and support. Someone knows who it is. We want that information today. We want that person in custody today. Then he can stand up as the coward he is and pay the price for the crime committed,' ....Given the 'incredible nature of the crime,' Nutter said he decided to dip into a $500,000 crime reward fund created by City Council earlier this year.
'We will not tolerate this kind of insane, asinine, idiotic behavior at any of our facilities,....They are safe havens . . . they are off-limits to this kind of heinous behavior. We will not stand for it.'..Of the gunman, Nutter said: 'We're going to find your little butt and lock you up."' [Source]

That's if someone doesn't split his wig first Mr. Mayor.

“This guy walked up and started shooting,” said Bill Evans, 54, a lifelong neighborhood resident who was among the spectators at Kingsessing Recreation Center. “I don’t think he meant to [kill] anybody because he was aiming low, at peoples’ legs.” HUH?!! Bill, what did you say? He didn't mean to kill anybody? WTF? He was shooting into a crowd of people! I don't care where he aimed his weapon. See, this is what's wrong with some of you Negroes...let me stop, that's for another post. *shaking head*

"All are in stable condition but one man, 19, who is critical but stable after being shot in the stomach. “Kids today are armed to the teeth,” Evans said. “I saw guys all around me pulling out guns of their own to protect themselves, that’s how bad it is.” [Source]

Like I said Mr. Mayor, that reward probably won't be necessary. You might want to give that money to his mama for his funeral.



  1. GrannyStandingforTruth9:25 PM

    The kids are gone crazy, politicians are gone crazy, some of these folks posting on this blog are gone crazy, folks in other countries are gone crazy, white and black separatist are gone crazy, and the list just goes on and on. The world is coming to an end! Smh!

  2. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "“This guy walked up and started shooting,” said Bill Evans, 54, a lifelong neighborhood resident who was among the spectators at Kingsessing Recreation Center. “I don’t think he meant to [kill] anybody because he was aiming low, at peoples’ legs.” HUH?!! Bill, what did you say? He didn't mean to kill anybody? WTF? He was shooting into a crowd of people! I don't care where he aimed his weapon. See, this is what's wrong with some of you Negroes...let me stop, that's for another post. *shaking head*"

    Mr. Field, the fact that the kid aimed low in order to NOT kill anyone was proof that the kid has a heart, and a deep respect for life.

    Have a heart, Mr. Field. The kid is not a murderer, just a little misguided. Your Mayor needs to calm down, and so should you, Mr. Field. I swear, you are either going off on some black kid, or some wingnuts, or you are thinking about jumping off the Ben Franklin Bridge.

    Now don't go calling my boss, Mr. Field. I am only trying to help you see the light.

  3. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Thanks Granny. But it's nothing new. Wherever humans reside, craziness is a given. Humanity is quite messy, it's been like that from the beginning. That's what God is for:

    To help you transcend your insane human nature. Throughout human history there have been humans who have done it...not many, but it can be done nonetheless.

    Unfortunately, most humans are interested in doing that. They are perfectly content living the crazy life.

  4. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Correction@9:45p: Unfortunately, most humans are *NOT* interested in doing that.

  5. Brother Field. Black male killed wife and three of her kids last week. Everywhere there is violence. Kids see images all day concerning guns and killing. The results are seen in their behavior. Two wars ten years and longer with the kids hearing "we need to kill him" by pundits, politicians and even presidents. Then having no balance from the home. We can only expect more. I can say that during Vietnam the young only heard about killing on the evening news. Now I see 24/7 on tv, Internet, and print news so much violence. A t least one of the lesson that I learned from being in Vietnam is that war is not the answer. ...Hello Sister Granny. seems like you are refresh and coming back with a vengeance. Stay true to our cause. StillaPanther2. Ps...I see where Sister Alicia is still holding up. You go girl. Well later, must move on I feel the buzzards circling.

  6. Anonymous11:00 PM

    StillAPanther2, thank you for your comment. I agree, the buzzards are won't be long now. Take care of yourself.

  7. GrannyStandingforTruth11:18 PM

    Hello StillaPanther:

    It's always good to hear from you.

  8. Mr. Field, the fact that the kid aimed low in order to NOT kill anyone was proof that the kid has a heart..blah, blah, blah..

    Now don't go calling my boss, Mr. Field. I am only trying to help.


    Joke or no joke, you're exactly what's wrong in America.

    Shit wouldn't be so funny in a lily white community.

  9. Anonymous11:30 PM

    The Fundamental Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals When it Comes to Equality.

    It can be summed up to this:
    Equal in opportunity (Real people), not equal in outcome(CONServatives).

  10. GrannyStandingforTruth11:34 PM

    BTW, StillaPanther:

    I sorta took your advice and trimmed my plate a whole lot, so I am not as active with too many irons in the fire as I once was. I feel so much better now. Those days of over exhaustion are no more and I'm beginning to catch up with my age.

  11. Yankees Suck12:02 AM

    Field, you defend Philly all the time. Don't you think, with all the bad news coming out of Philly, that it's slowly sinking into the "new" Detroit?

    Tell us some GOOD news about Philly. You live there.

    I can't remember the last time I heard GOOD news about Philly.

  12. Not A Victim12:08 AM

    " Rottnkid said...
    Mr. Field, the fact that the kid aimed low in order to NOT kill anyone was proof that the kid has a heart..blah, blah, blah..

    Now don't go calling my boss, Mr. Field. I am only trying to help.


    Joke or no joke, you're exactly what's wrong in America.

    Shit wouldn't be so funny in a lily white community.

    11:27 PM"

    Where I come from, it doesn't happen. Because, they knowe people have guns on them (legally), and will defend themselves, and the innocents.

  13. So sad about the shooting. I'm sorry to say, but this is one of the reasons I don't understand why some people take issue with abortions.

    "I wish I knew the SOB. His ass would be in jail faster than the bullets that came out of his .40- caliber gat. But that's just me."

    You? A singing Canary would have nothing over me. In fact, make it pro bono. All these guns, gangs, street thugs and the no snitching crap has-got-to-end.

  14. "Where I come from, it doesn't happen. Because, they knowe people have guns on them (legally), and will defend themselves, and the innocents."

    And see that's the other problem right there. And I wonder who would normally be considered the "innocent" vs. the "guilty" to the people where you come from.

  15. Anonymous12:27 AM

    stillapanther is the same as fp the loser manhater kuntbreaf banks clone

  16. mellaneous12:31 AM

    Good point Granny!

    Still a Panther thanks for the reminder.

    This is getting crazier and crazier and what's really wild is where and how do they get these serious guns. The kids are shooting in my city as well.

    No rhyme no reason lets settle our problems by violence. Amazing!

  17. Still Not A Victim12:35 AM

    Well, LA,

    Innocent folks don't rob, rape, and murder you.

    Responsible people who carry weapons defend themselves, and their loved ones.

    It's not really that hard ti discern the difference.

    I've certainly, after 50 years on this earth, been shooting since I was 12, ever shot an innocent person.

  18. Not A Victim12:38 AM

    I'm surprised, LA, that you needed a defintion of "innocent".

  19. Nipsy1:19 AM

    I heard the Obama adminstration was moving to name the fault under DC after George Bush.

    Then he can say, "don't blame me for the earthquake, it was Bush's Fault."

  20. Freeman1:22 AM

    So Field, Mayor Nutter is a "House Negro" because he wants to get serious about street crime?

    That's effed up.

    You are part of the problem, not the solution.

  21. NSangoma1:24 AM

    Ignorance is Philadelphia.

    Tell that silly Negroe that we all have major blood vessels, veins and arteries, in our legs.

    A wound to either a vein or an artery or both, can lead to a person bleeding to death.

    field booty, just how damn dumb are you damn dumb darkies in Philadelphia?


  22. Hey Field, have you seen the new MLK statue in DC yet? It just got delivered, from, get this, China.

    They even make our national monuments in China now.

    It's huge. And white. And strangely enough, vaguely Chinese looking.

    Couldn't they find a brother over here that can carve a statue? And maybe a darker shade of rock? Damn.

  23. Buford1:33 AM

    NSangoma said...
    Tell that silly Negroe that we all have major blood vessels, veins and arteries, in our legs.

    Are you saying the best place to shoot a negro is in the legs?

  24. Anonymous1:38 AM

    Oh violence. Just 'hunting accidents'...and those odd 'gun-cleanings' that just happen to tag the old wife. Or 'suicides'.
    Or heroic brave George Banks saving his kids from a world filled with Liberals.


  25. Vulgar Anony said.. "stillapanther is the same as fp the loser manhater kuntbreaf banks clone"

    Don't you ever stop? Grow up. And don't even waste your time, I have no urges whatsoever to further engage you after this.

    Anony 12:35, "I've certainly, after 50 years on this earth, been shooting since I was 12, ever shot an innocent person."

    Well it sounds like you shot yourself a guilty one or two. I wonder what exactly were they guilty of that earned you that pleasure.

  26. La♥audiobooks said..."I wonder what exactly were they guilty of that earned you that pleasure."

    Moronic, vapid blog posts. Like yours.

  27. Anonymous1:45 AM

    There is a mass delusion in whitebread suburban America that they are the real America, and that they are being oppressed by high taxes to pay for poor minorities, even though the reality is actually the reverse: urban centers pay the bills for parasitic suburban lifestyles, which are ultimately unsustainable socially, fiscally and environmentally. -- From Digby's Hullabaloo.

    -- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin

  28. Ole Chucker1:46 AM

    The poor kid probably just had a poorly-sighted weapon. A little work at the range and some adjustments, and he'll be hitting people square in breadbasket in no time.

    I alway say, if your gonna do something, do it right.

  29. Anonymous1:47 AM

    While the wite dude argues with himself...I propose a sojourn to Suburban Guerrilla...specifically as it addresses the US race to feudalism.

    While Koch-suckers see this as a good thing...I would remind you that the Middle Ages you so desire...are when Islam ruled, the Chinese had culture, and the Indians made better stuff. Go ahead, look it up...but I wonder if David Barton has made room in witeJebushistoree for those pesky Facts.

    When a slave in Islam has it better than a 'free wite man' in the Galt's Gulch of the time...maybe your goals are stoopid, eh?


  30. Fuckaballoon1:49 AM

    Digby and his Hullabaloo are full of shit.

    Urban centers may subsidize their local suburbs because they are the center of commerce, but they far and away make up for it by consuming the vast majority of federal subsidies.

  31. Grandpa Galton1:54 AM

    mold said..."When a slave in Islam has it better than a 'free wite man' in the Galt's Gulch of the time...maybe your goals are stoopid, eh?"

    Yes, and when monkeys fly out of your ass, it's Tuesday.

    Today's Thursday, though, and your fevered dreams of Baron Von Koch are laughable.

    If you are worried about slavery, you should be worried about liberalism using government to control more and more of your life.

  32. mellaneous1:55 AM

    Oh Boy Field I see you have attracted quite the crowd.

    This video always reminds me of the good in the world and the possibilities of the world. It always lifts my spirits when I get to cynical.

  33. Anonymous2:00 AM

    RttnKid, "Joke or no joke, you're exactly what's wrong in America."

    Well, Mr. RttnKID, I will tell you what you have said to bw on this blog:

    "If you knew me you would know that I was joking."

    Remember? I guess you are the only privileged one who is allowed to say that?

    Well, if I'm wrong with America, then so are YOU. Especially Black America, you hypocrite.

  34. Anonymous2:12 AM

    Granny, glad to hear that you are finally getting in touch with your body and age. For a lot of our folks, it takes a long time to begin to feel. Most of the time they don't feel anything for themselves or others...

    FN is proof of that, esp during the day.

  35. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Where is your budget to back your specious claim? Pout all you want, the urbans get taxed, and quite heavily, to support the rurals and suburbans. At the State and Federal level. Next you'll try to pretend the monies are for public goods like roads. Not so...which you would know had you done the work of reading the budget.
    The vast subsidies are eated by the rurals and suburbans.
    Oh, and FDR did some of this because those areas were so godawful poor.

    GaltBoy, the statement is historically correct. Pout all you want. Stamp your widdle feets. Changes nothing.
    It's our government. Why are you so filling your Vitters over the citizens of the US setting up rules? We like clean water, air and soil. We like to be able to make informed decisions. And you are trembling at the concept of an informed public who has agencies able to enforce laws and regulations. Why does that scare a 15 yo boy?

    And I worry more about bushmoles and christmoles doing controlling than the precepts of modern Liberalism. While it means you can't be a bigot and sell your daughters for does mean you are free to wed the adult of your choice.
    Makes me question how you define control...and why you are opposed to a Democratic form of government...and what you hope to supplant our Republic with.


  36. Anonymous2:19 AM

    There is a mass delusion in whitebread suburban America that they are the real America, and that they are being oppressed by high taxes to pay for poor minorities, even though the reality is actually the reverse: urban centers pay the bills for parasitic suburban lifestyles, which are ultimately unsustainable socially, fiscally and environmentally. -- From Digby's Hullabaloo.

    -- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin

  37. Anonymous2:20 AM

    While the wite dude argues with himself...I propose a sojourn to Suburban Guerrilla...specifically as it addresses the US race to feudalism.

    While Koch-suckers see this as a good thing...I would remind you that the Middle Ages you so desire...are when Islam ruled, the Chinese had culture, and the Indians made better stuff. Go ahead, look it up...but I wonder if David Barton has made room in witeJebushistoree for those pesky Facts.

    When a slave in Islam has it better than a 'free wite man' in the Galt's Gulch of the time...maybe your goals are stoopid, eh?


  38. Anonymous2:27 AM

    "'We will not tolerate this kind of insane, asinine, idiotic behavior at any of our facilities,....They are safe havens . . . they are off-limits to this kind of heinous behavior. We will not stand for it.'..Of the gunman, Nutter said: 'We're going to find your little butt and lock you up."'

    Field, do you really believe they will find him? And if they do, will they really lock him up? for how long?

    For the Mayor to claim that there are safe haven facilities in Philly is bullshit. Wherever there is a black neighborhood in Philly, it is NOT safe and all the Mayors in Philly can't make it safe.

    Philly is on its way to being the next Detroit.

    BTW, Philly is no longer the 5th largest city in America. The latest census this week lists Phoenix having surpassed Philly because of the high influx of illegal immigrants there.

    But I am sure you are elated about it, considering you are a zealous defender of Mexicans.

  39. Anonymous2:35 AM

    "Well, it's a day after the earthquake, and the [right] wingnuts have already started blaming Obama. Apparently they thought that if he wasn't out golfing he might have been able to stop it."

    Now Field, you know that is not true. Why must you make things up into a big lie? You are no better than the wingnuts you profess to be dishonest.

  40. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Field mentioned the is a review..
    I especially like that wite menz took the time to TELL me what I should do. Yep, gonna take advice on a journo pub from the local Gomer.


  41. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Granny said on feb 9, 2011 on her blog:

    "What the heck is wrong with President Obama? Has someone kidnapped the Barack Obama that ran for President and replaced him with a clone? Because it looks like to me he is more interesting in winning the approval of the wingnuts than he is the people who put him in office."

    Yet, in the previous thread and others she has been Obama's greatest advocate. Does anybody know who or what Granny is Standing For? Because it sure isn't for Truth.

    Will the real Granny please Stand Up?

  42. Anonymous3:08 AM

    While thewingnut Cons are doing the 'who us?' fake ignorance of the Blame Obama First and Always crowd...this piece made me curious... indicates hydrofracking as a possible cause for earthquakes.


  43. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Field mentioned the is a review..
    I especially like that wite menz took the time to TELL me what I should do. Yep, gonna take advice on a journo pub from the local Gomer.


  44. Anonymous3:19 AM

    anon@2:57am-"Granny said on feb 9, 2011 on her blog:

    "What the heck is wrong with President Obama? Has someone kidnapped the Barack Obama that ran for President and replaced him with a clone? Because it looks like to me he is more interesting in winning the approval of the wingnuts than he is the people who put him in office."

    Yet, in the previous thread and others she has been Obama's greatest advocate. Does anybody know who or what Granny is Standing For? Because it sure isn't for Truth."

    Wow, anon. That is very revealing. I just looked that up on her blog. That is very revealing about the nature of her character.

    You nailed her lying ass real good. She hasn't changed a bit. Once a liar always a liar. i should have known that any Negro who has a name like Granny Standing for Truth is a liar...LOL

  45. Anonymous3:25 AM

    ooking at the right-wing insistence that the poor aren't really poor because the poor aren't starving to death and dying in the streets in mass numbers, I was initially baffled. Over 40 million Americans receive "food stamps" via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That's over 13% of Americans. And the eligibility requirements for that program are high -- for example, if you are a single male, you basically aren't eligible. Over 50 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid. That's around 17% of the population of the USA. And again, the eligibility requirements for that program are very stringent -- e.g., if your car is worth more than $2,000, forget it, no Medicaid for you, and single men aren't eligible period -- so this undoubtedly underestimates the number of poor people. And finally, thanks to Social Security propping up the incomes of older Americans, a larger percentage of the young than the old are poor -- 20% of children are being raised in poverty.

    Given that we have close to 20% of Americans requiring monthly food assistance and medical assistance to keep from starving to death or dying of treatable illnesses, the notion that they aren't poor doesn't pass the laugh and giggle test. Yes, our poor have it better than the poor in Somalia thanks to these government programs that keep them from starving to death or dying of treatable illnesses... but do right wingers seriously submit that receiving food and medical assistance makes you somehow NOT poor?

    But of course, the whole point of this exercise, for the oligarchs who run the GOP, has nothing to do with facts. It didn't occur to me until this morning what's going on: It's that old game of the New Confederacy, NIGGER KNOCKING, where Southern politicians competed to tell poor white trash, "You may be poor, but at least you're not a NIGGER! And we're going to keep those niggers in their place!" The point being that if the oligarchs could keep one class down further than the white trash, then they didn't have to address the lack of educational opportunities, lack of healthcare, and lack of adequate housing amongst poor whites. Because if a white man complained about his status, he was told "hey, look, you have it better than niggers at least!"

    And of course Somalis and Mexicans are the new niggers in this scenario -- two nations basically destroyed by the United States or its proxies, kept down just like the black population of the New Confederacy prior to the Civil Rights Act. And now the poor white trash are being told "hey, you're not rich, but look, at least you're not a MEXICAN!" As if that somehow makes them any less poor, the fact that some other group of people has it worse than them.

    Will it work? Well, it worked in the New Confederacy for generations -- by keeping the blacks down, the oligarchs who ran the New Confederacy managed to avoid the sort of investments in human capital that turned places like New York and California into thriving engines of innovation. Will it work today? Well... I haven't seen that poor white trash have gotten any smarter. After all, that's the oligarch's plan, as it's been for generations -- to keep the majority of their constituents so poor, working so hard, and so undereducated that they'll buy whatever drivel the oligarchs are handing out. So why *wouldn't* it work?

    Or as JzB is fond of saying: WASF.

    -- Badtux the Once-poor(*) Penguin

    And yes, it sucked big time -- I much prefer my current situation where I'm in the upper quintile rather than the lower quintile.
    Posted by BadTux at 8/24/2011 09:14:00 PM

  46. Anonymous3:42 AM

    anon3:25am, if your theory is right about the poor white trash, and feeling better than Niggers, what happened with the Asians? they seem to have done very well.

    Now, the Latinos are moving ahead. Why are we always at the bottom? There is something 'else' other than poor white trash that is our problem. I think it is because we are very fearful and passive and easily used and pushed around. We lack dignity and self-esteem. Otherwise, this bullshit would have ended a long time ago with us just like it ended with the Asians.

    No, we got some crap in US that is helping and making it easy for the wm to keep us down.

  47. Anonymous3:43 AM

    ooking at the right-wing insistence that the poor aren't really poor because the poor aren't starving to death and dying in the streets in mass numbers, I was initially baffled. Over 40 million Americans receive "food stamps" via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That's over 13% of Americans. And the eligibility requirements for that program are high -- for example, if you are a single male, you basically aren't eligible. Over 50 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid. That's around 17% of the population of the USA. And again, the eligibility requirements for that program are very stringent -- e.g., if your car is worth more than $2,000, forget it, no Medicaid for you, and single men aren't eligible period -- so this undoubtedly underestimates the number of poor people. And finally, thanks to Social Security propping up the incomes of older Americans, a larger percentage of the young than the old are poor -- 20% of children are being raised in poverty.

    Given that we have close to 20% of Americans requiring monthly food assistance and medical assistance to keep from starving to death or dying of treatable illnesses, the notion that they aren't poor doesn't pass the laugh and giggle test. Yes, our poor have it better than the poor in Somalia thanks to these government programs that keep them from starving to death or dying of treatable illnesses... but do right wingers seriously submit that receiving food and medical assistance makes you somehow NOT poor?

    But of course, the whole point of this exercise, for the oligarchs who run the GOP, has nothing to do with facts. It didn't occur to me until this morning what's going on: It's that old game of the New Confederacy, NIGGER KNOCKING, where Southern politicians competed to tell poor white trash, "You may be poor, but at least you're not a NIGGER! And we're going to keep those niggers in their place!" The point being that if the oligarchs could keep one class down further than the white trash, then they didn't have to address the lack of educational opportunities, lack of healthcare, and lack of adequate housing amongst poor whites. Because if a white man complained about his status, he was told "hey, look, you have it better than niggers at least!"

    And of course Somalis and Mexicans are the new niggers in this scenario -- two nations basically destroyed by the United States or its proxies, kept down just like the black population of the New Confederacy prior to the Civil Rights Act. And now the poor white trash are being told "hey, you're not rich, but look, at least you're not a MEXICAN!" As if that somehow makes them any less poor, the fact that some other group of people has it worse than them.

    Will it work? Well, it worked in the New Confederacy for generations -- by keeping the blacks down, the oligarchs who ran the New Confederacy managed to avoid the sort of investments in human capital that turned places like New York and California into thriving engines of innovation. Will it work today? Well... I haven't seen that poor white trash have gotten any smarter. After all, that's the oligarch's plan, as it's been for generations -- to keep the majority of their constituents so poor, working so hard, and so undereducated that they'll buy whatever drivel the oligarchs are handing out. So why *wouldn't* it work?

    Or as JzB is fond of saying: WASF.

    -- Badtux the Once-poor(*) Penguin

    And yes, it sucked big time -- I much prefer my current situation where I'm in the upper quintile rather than the lower quintile.
    Posted by BadTux at 8/24/2011 09:14:00 PM

  48. Anonymous3:52 AM

    Some of you anti-Cain folks, like Field and Granny, who call him a slave catcher and an uncle tom might have to eat your words after reading this. the man is DOING for the black community a lot more than a lot of Blacks are doing. And that includes Obama.

  49. Anonymous4:03 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I must say that you are doing a great job for Obama. No one has refuted you here, except me. Even AB remains silent about your trashing of the efforts of Tavis and Cornell and your sanctifying of the non-efforts of Obama.

    Dr. Queen said, "You may want to check the scrip on your specs, because AB and I have praised the work of both West and Smiley for YEARS on this blog!!!

    Don't be so quick to assume folks on this blog all drink Obamanade. Hell, I didn't even vote for him in 2008 but will in 2012 just to piss off all the Goobers."

    9:04 PM

    Why wouldn't I assume they agree with Granny? If what you say is true, why aren't more Negroes speaking up?

    You see, to remain silent is to be complicit with the opinions of Granny. As Blacks, isn't that what we complain about Whites who won't speak up about the injustices done to us?

    Well, Obama is doing a lot of damage to us and NO ONE is speaking up.

    Sorry gutless-ass Negroes are sickening!

  50. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Looking at the right-wing insistence that the poor aren't really poor because the poor aren't starving to death and dying in the streets in mass numbers, I was initially baffled. Over 40 million Americans receive "food stamps" via the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. That's over 13% of Americans. And the eligibility requirements for that program are high -- for example, if you are a single male, you basically aren't eligible. Over 50 million Americans are enrolled in Medicaid. That's around 17% of the population of the USA. And again, the eligibility requirements for that program are very stringent -- e.g., if your car is worth more than $2,000, forget it, no Medicaid for you, and single men aren't eligible period -- so this undoubtedly underestimates the number of poor people. And finally, thanks to Social Security propping up the incomes of older Americans, a larger percentage of the young than the old are poor -- 20% of children are being raised in poverty.

    Given that we have close to 20% of Americans requiring monthly food assistance and medical assistance to keep from starving to death or dying of treatable illnesses, the notion that they aren't poor doesn't pass the laugh and giggle test. Yes, our poor have it better than the poor in Somalia thanks to these government programs that keep them from starving to death or dying of treatable illnesses... but do right wingers seriously submit that receiving food and medical assistance makes you somehow NOT poor?

    But of course, the whole point of this exercise, for the oligarchs who run the GOP, has nothing to do with facts. It didn't occur to me until this morning what's going on: It's that old game of the New Confederacy, NIGGER KNOCKING, where Southern politicians competed to tell poor white trash, "You may be poor, but at least you're not a NIGGER! And we're going to keep those niggers in their place!" The point being that if the oligarchs could keep one class down further than the white trash, then they didn't have to address the lack of educational opportunities, lack of healthcare, and lack of adequate housing amongst poor whites. Because if a white man complained about his status, he was told "hey, look, you have it better than niggers at least!"

    And of course Somalis and Mexicans are the new niggers in this scenario -- two nations basically destroyed by the United States or its proxies, kept down just like the black population of the New Confederacy prior to the Civil Rights Act. And now the poor white trash are being told "hey, you're not rich, but look, at least you're not a MEXICAN!" As if that somehow makes them any less poor, the fact that some other group of people has it worse than them.

    Will it work? Well, it worked in the New Confederacy for generations -- by keeping the blacks down, the oligarchs who ran the New Confederacy managed to avoid the sort of investments in human capital that turned places like New York and California into thriving engines of innovation. Will it work today? Well... I haven't seen that poor white trash have gotten any smarter. After all, that's the oligarch's plan, as it's been for generations -- to keep the majority of their constituents so poor, working so hard, and so undereducated that they'll buy whatever drivel the oligarchs are handing out. So why *wouldn't* it work?

    Or as JzB is fond of saying: WASF.

    -- Badtux the Once-poor(*) Penguin

    And yes, it sucked big time -- I much prefer my current situation where I'm in the upper quintile rather than the lower quintile.
    Posted by BadTux at 8/24/2011 09:14:00 PM

  51. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Nothing like the Obama 'damage' to WATB wites...than to have THAT Norman Rockwell painting so in their face.
    Reminds us all of exactly how much we should trust them.


  52. Anonymous5:20 AM

    If you look closely, you can see the TaxBaggers and WATBs trying to prevent the child from attending school. They still are.


  53. Field, you defend Philly all the time. Don't you think, with all the bad news coming out of Philly, that it's slowly sinking into the "new" Detroit?

    Tell us some GOOD news about Philly. You live there.

    I can't remember the last time I heard GOOD news about Philly."

    Philly IS good news. It's one of the best cities in A-merry-ca. If I have to tellyou why you are not very sophisticated. Remember, you only here about the bad stuff. That's true everywhere.

    Philly is a first class city, if you ever come to visit I will be glad to have someone show you around. I won't do it myself because, frankly, I don't trust wingnuts.

    "o Field, Mayor Nutter is a "House Negro" because he wants to get serious about street crime?

    That's effed up.

    You are part of the problem, not the solution."

    What school system did you come out of? Did they teach reading comprehension? I think you are part of the bigger problem with A-merry-ca: You talk or write before you think.

  54. BarackaFlackaFella7:06 AM

    President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.

    The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides one-year “lifetime” memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel.!

  55. Anonymous8:08 AM

    Wow, talk about an echo chamber! If nothing else, the Nazis have the mindless repetition of unsourced gossip down.
    Pray tell, who was the 'sorce'? What is the name of this alleged gay gathering place? Maybe you should live in Chicago for some time and learn.
    Learn that many of the immigrants who populated Chicago have ethnic histories of banyas, saunas, hamams, shvitz.....

    So maybe instead of verbatim passing along of cutNpaste of wingnut Con could find some news. Or are you just a pimp seeking eyeballs for scamsites?


  56. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Nothing like the Obama 'damage' to WATB wites...than to have THAT Norman Rockwell painting so in their face.
    Reminds us all of exactly how much we should trust them.

    If you look closely, you can see the TaxBaggers and WATBs trying to prevent the child from attending school. They still are.


  57. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Kentucky Fried Chicken in Obama's {alleged} home country.Glad to see A-merry-can capitalism alive and well in foreign countries.

    KFC hits Kenya
    NAIROBI, Kenya— The Associated Press

    The major reason that neither golden arches or Whoppers are found in Nairobi is concern over the supply chain. The KFC investors worked with a Kenyan chicken supplier for more than a year to bring it up to the quality control standards demanded by KFC's parent company, Yum Brands Inc.

    The restaurant's Aug. 11 opening was met with long lines of enthusiastic customers. Some waited for up to 90 minutes to be served.

    At 2 p.m. local time on Tuesday, about 40 people stood in a single line that flowed to five cash registers. Most of the restaurant's 100 seats were filled.

    Customers Zahir and Rahat Lalji smiled as they ate a Zinger sandwich and a two-piece chicken meal. Rahat Lalji said she had been anticipating the opening for months.

    “We really appreciate that this KFC came to Kenya after many years. We're really happy it's here,” said Zahir Lalji, a 36-year-old in the transportation business who studied in Canada and even worked at a McDonald's there.

    “We're hoping McDonald's will come in,” he added. “Pizza Hut, Dunkin' Donuts. It's an open market for those with investment capital.”

    Gavin J. Bell, the restaurant's general manager, said KFC's Kenyan chicken supplier — Kenchic — had to make more policy and procedural changes in the last year than in the company's first 20, including ensuring that the chicken was kept cold “from farm to fork” and that items could be easily traced in the event of recalls. Calls to Kenchic for comment were not answered.

    “Those are tall orders for companies that haven't based themselves on that,” Mr. Bell said. “Those are standard practice in Europe, America, Australia, however in this part of the world we are raising the benchmarks of the supply chain, and the hospitality standards at the same time.”

  58. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Kentucky Fried Chicken in Obama's {alleged} home country.Glad to see A-merry-can capitalism alive and well in foreign countries.

    KFC hits Kenya
    NAIROBI, Kenya— The Associated Press

    Final part

    David Kincheloe, the president of the U.S. group National Restaurant Consultants, said he began looking into a KFC franchise in Kenya for a different investor 2 1/2 years ago, but that the biggest obstacle was, again, the supply chain. Mr. Kincheloe said it's logical that KFC is paving the way for more U.S. brands.

    “Yum Brands is working their way into the African market,” he said, referring to KFC's Louisville, Kentucky-based parent company. “Once you're able to get KFC in and you're able to work out the issues with the supply chain maybe you'll see a Long John Silver's, a Pizza Hut, a Taco Bell.”

    The Nairobi KFC investor group includes a man whose family owns 40 KFC restaurants in South Africa, and there are plans for expansion here. Two more KFCs are slated to open in Nairobi this year, and Bell said the group wants to open 15 restaurants in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the next three years.

    Mr. Bell said he believes that McDonald's doesn't want to be left out of East Africa, and that the Illinois-based company is looking at the East Africa market as well.

    “It's only a matter of time until they do and a matter of finding the right partnership for the brand, the franchisee and the franchisor,” he said of a possible McDonald's entry. McDonald's didn't return a call seeking comment.

    The national chairman of the Kenyan National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Laban Onditi, said the fact that KFC chose to open in Kenya first, among all other East African countries, shows the country is an investment destination.

    “In Kenya there is still a very virgin market that has not been fully tapped,” he said.

    Kenya does have fast food restaurants from South Africa, like the hamburger restaurant Steers. It also has Pizza Inn and Chicken Inn, but no American chains until now.

    Chicken Inn is where Albunus Kithokoi was working until he landed a new job as a KFC manager. His training included more than three months of working at KFC outlets in South Africa. When the 37-year-old opened the restaurant's glass doors for business, he folded them up near a sign explaining how Colonel Sanders opened his first restaurant in Kentucky in 1939.

    “This is a brand that everyone knows. They say the queue is long but it's worth it. They don't mind the wait,” Mr. Kithokoi said.

    In one of the many groups of children at KFC was Beverly Onyango, who turned 12 on Tuesday. Onyango, who has done quite a bit of international travel and is familiar with American fast food, named KFC as her favorite restaurant. She's eaten at outlets in Dubai and Thailand, but is happy to finally have one in Nairobi.

    “Not having to go somewhere else is good,” she said.

  59. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Nothing like the Obama 'damage' to WATB wites...than to have THAT Norman Rockwell painting so in their face.
    Reminds us all of exactly how much we should trust them.

    If you look closely, you can see the TaxBaggers and WATBs trying to prevent the child from attending school. They still are.


  60. smile, you're on candid camera8:49 AM

    black pancreas forever said:

    I can say that during Vietnam the young only heard about killing on the evening news.

    Utter nonsense. In fact, it was during the 1960s that black violence went out of control. Riots in Watts, Detroit, Newark and a steady increase in murder, rape and robbery. Black violence soared from 1964 to 1991, when the national murder rate and other crime rates began to decline.

    Now I see 24/7 on tv, Internet, and print news so much violence.

    The increase in media coverage is a function of the expanding role of media. In the 1960s, there was radio and TV, neither of which operated 24/7. There was no Internet, there was no cable, there were no video cameras in the hands of millions.

    The newspapers were incapable of covering the growing rate of crime in black neighborhoods.

    Now, with video cameras everywhere, it's plainly obvious who commits street crimes.

  61. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Yes, it is quite obvious that only AfAms make the evening news. And that some wite crime goes utterly unreported.
    Any other fakery you wish to share? Or was this you lie for the day?


  62. willie horton9:02 AM

    mold has ass cancer says:

    Yes, it is quite obvious that only AfAms make the evening news.

    Evening news? How about the hourly news as it's reported on the Internet?

    As the FBI statistics show, blacks commit murder at 8 times the rate of whites. All that killing fills a lot of media space.

  63. BetterMan9:05 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    BetterMan said...
    Look if you are gonna start something with me fluffycakes you are going to need to do a lot better then this. You make a whole lot of suppositions based upon what precisely?

    Fluffycakes???? What kind of man uses the term "fluffy cakes"??

    ONLY a white dude fruitloop, LOL!!!!!!

    Too bad with all of the education I read you say you supposedly have, apparantly you aren't intelligent enough to understand the insult of someone like you being called "fluffycakes"

    What was the line in idiocracy when the guy speaks english properly, the idiot in the future talk like a fag..did you pen that line, fluffycakes? Here let me help you, you will never be able to puzzle this simple insult out with your idiocracy level education. When a strong man calls you fluffycakes he indicates you are about as worrisome as a gnat and that you are nothing but soft air filled pastry, crumbling at the slightest resistance with little to no consistancy.

  64. fn:


    as long as teens of all races in all countries have no real parenting/education/jobs/goals...

    the worst is yet to come


    I can't help but notice how the creation of flash mobs is probably the first time in recent memory that black teenagers have gotten this much attention from media or public officials. Rather than focusing on the teenagers who are doing great things with their lives, the media loves to put a spotlight on the few scary looking black kids who decide to rob a store on a Saturday night. In spite of the media bias, there are quite a few reasons that the media, Mayor Nutter and the rest of us could have been paying attention to black teenagers in the past.

    We could have spent time addressing the 40 percent unemployment rate of black teens all across America. Public officials seem to forget that an idle mind is the devil's workshop... when you combine a hot summer with nothing productive to do, teenagers are going to find their own ways to use that free time.

    Mayor Nutter and other critics of these errant teenagers could have also taken note of the fact that Philadelphia has the most racially segregated public school system in the entire United States. Suburban kids are getting all they need to build a great future, while inner city kids are only learning how to join flash mobs.

    Finally, there could have been a spotlight shed on the dramatic rise in black teen homicides in Chicago, Philadelphia and other major urban centers across America. But of course, this doesn't make the news because it's not an inconvenience to everyone else. Also, politicians who might decide to change gun laws to curb the violence would miss out on financial contributions from gun manufacturers.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. ps:

    until books are as popular as guns and real parenting is as cool as night clubbing...


    until parents like the vdlr teach their kids to study and read as well as they teach them to curse/envy and dance/fight...

    we are all doomed

  67. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Oh, did I reveal your wite hoax? Your fake of claiming that the Civil Rights gave rise to animals rioting in the streets. lie.
    Seems your wite bigots Councils fudged the 'nummers'.
    Like now, you wail endlessly over the imagined Welfare Queens getting houses they don't 'deserve'...yet studiously avert your eyes over what wite banksters did.

    Your fib may sell in churches and bigot halls...but some of us were indeed alive for the 1960s.

    Wonder why you aren't equally upset over the poor white Appalachian crime wave.


  68. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Nothing like the Obama 'damage' to WATB wites...than to have THAT Norman Rockwell painting so in their face.
    Reminds us all of exactly how much we should trust them.

    If you look closely, you can see the TaxBaggers and WATBs trying to prevent the child from attending school. They still are.


  69. the day that teens can become as engaged by a great book as intensely as they can engage a gun/ the day that the revolution will come...

    please pray for all of the real parents and great kids who are lost in the frays/sprays...

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. fn:


    hobama is NOT responsible for the recent DC quake during his opulent vacation...

    but he has left us with endless tremors from his dated bankster quake and his/their BIGGEST quakes loom...FAR beyond DC!


  72. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Nothing like the Obama 'damage' to WATB wites...than to have THAT Norman Rockwell painting so in their face.
    Reminds us all of exactly how much we should trust them.

    If you look closely, you can see the TaxBaggers and WATBs trying to prevent the child from attending school. They still are.


  73. fn:


    parents always trump addresses

    always have

    always will

    Starred Review. Two hauntingly similar boys take starkly different paths in this searing tale of the ghetto. Moore, an investment banker, Rhodes scholar, and former aide to Condoleezza Rice, was intrigued when he learned that another Wes Moore, his age and from the same area of Greater Baltimore, was wanted for killing a cop. Meeting his double and delving into his life reveals deeper likenesses: raised in fatherless families and poor black neighborhoods, both felt the lure of the money and status to be gained from dealing drugs. That the author resisted the criminal underworld while the other Wes drifted into it is chalked up less to character than to the influence of relatives, mentors, and expectations that pushed against his own delinquent impulses, to the point of exiling him to military school. Moore writes with subtlety and insight about the plight of ghetto youth, viewing it from inside and out; he probes beneath the pathologies to reveal the pressures—poverty, a lack of prospects, the need to respond to violence with greater violence—that propelled the other Wes to his doom. The result is a moving exploration of roads not taken.

    *Starred Review* In 2000, Wes Moore had recently been named a Rhodes Scholar in his final year of college at Johns Hopkins University when he read a newspaper article about another Wes Moore who was on his way to prison. It turned out that the two of them had much in common, both young black men raised in inner-city neighborhoods by single mothers. Stunned by the similarities in their names and backgrounds and the differences in their ultimate fates, the author eventually contacted the other Wes Moore and began a long relationship. Moore visited his namesake in prison; he was serving a life sentence, convicted for his role in an armed robbery that resulted in the killing of an off-duty policeman. Growing up, both men were subject to the pitfalls of urban youth: racism, rebellion, violence, drug use, and dealing. The author examines eight years in the lives of both Wes Moores to explore the factors and choices that led one to a Rhodes scholarship, military service, and a White House fellowship, and the other to drug dealing, prison, and eventual conversion to the Muslim faith, with both sharing a gritty sense of realism about their pasts. Moore ends this haunting look at two lives with a call to action and a detailed resource guide.

  74. Anonymous9:51 AM

    FOR ALL OBAMAHOLICS and those who are voting for Obama in 2012 just to piss off Goobers(Dr. Queen) and those loyal to Obama no matter what he does(Granny and Field):

    IMO, not only is his Presidency over, his political career is over, period. He will end up in oblivion as a Professor somewhere like Al Gore.

  75. anon:

    i hope u r right

    but gwb won in 2004 ONLY because he was selected by the bilderbergs etc

    ditto for his cousin hobama
    in 2012

    no matter what ANY voters do

    hobama is being a total dick because he knows he has already won/been selected in advance since g soros picked him in 2006...

    This remarkable statement reveals the true program of a future Obama administration: savage austerity, brutal economic sacrifice, and a massive further reduction in the standard of living of the depleted and exhausted US population – as demanded by David Rockefeller, George Soros, and Obama’s Wall Street backers. This will be done under left cover – through a global warming tax, a third world solidarity tax, and other demagogic frauds, with the revenue going to bail out Goldman Sachs, Citibank, and JP Morgan Chase. The tired, discredited post-9/11 “war on terror” slogans will be dumped. Most interesting is that Obama’s sound bytes are actually a sloganized version of a key passage from Zbigniew Brzezinski’s recent book Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower (New York: Basic Books, 2007), pp. 198-199. This book contains Zbig’s desperate strategy for preserving the crisis-ridden US-UK world empire, including by making the US “social model” more attractive to developing sectorpublics. Zbig writes:

  76. we can still dream...

    ron paul 2012!

  77. more proof of doom

    more deeds of demon seeds via the vdlr and her fertile clones...


    CHICAGO (CBS) – A 16-year-old has been charged in the rape of a 68-year-old woman at a Gary train station earlier this month.

    Aarion Mosley of Gary has been charged as an adult with rape and robbery in the Aug. 13 attack of the woman as she sat in a passenger shelter at the Miller South Shore station during a late night rainstorm.

    Police said Mosley rode up on a bike, sat down next to the victim, pulled out a gun and assaulted her. The attack was captured on Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District parking lot security cameras.

  78. Anonymous10:46 AM

    kuntbreaf banks is not a genius kuntbreaf banks is a fool kuntbreaf banks aint ha no job kuntbreaf banks is a liar loser and FRAUD hows that 250 iq treating u kuntlicker?

  79. hey lack:

    i told u so!!!!

    conspiracies are real!!!

    hobama lied!!!!

    hobamacare will slay all of us

    only pharma corps will win BIG!

    watch and see.

    INDIANAPOLIS — A new survey from a large benefits consultant says nearly one of every 10 mid-sized or big employers expects to stop offering health coverage to workers once federal insurance exchanges start in 2014.

    Towers Watson says an additional 20 percent of the companies it surveyed last month are unsure about what they will do. The remaining 71 percent expect to continue offering benefits.

    Exchanges were devised under the health care overhaul and aim to provide a marketplace for people to buy insurance that can be subsidized by the government based on income levels.

    Benefits experts say retailers and companies that pay low wages are most likely to drop coverage for their workers. But they also caution that companies are far from making a final decision on this.

  80. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  81. Anonymous11:01 AM

    the only thing ur disgusting ugly and old ignint ass can do buceta licker is to make shit up about anonymous commeters u have no idea bout sweetie pie ure a gottdam loser a fraud a liar and a disgrace funny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef and kuntlick banks set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months ago

  82. Anonymous11:08 AM

    sheboons on parade who have no respect for the class and no respect for her teacher jess like u sheboon chump kunt!

    stoopid nigra kunt needs to be expelled and burned in the town square jess like u kuntlick banks sheboon

  83. Yankees Suck11:23 AM

    "field negro said...
    Philly is a first class city, if you ever come to visit I will be glad to have someone show you around. I won't do it myself because, frankly, I don't trust wingnuts.

    6:34 AM"

    So. Field. Let's just say, hypothetically, that you were to show me around your fine, fine, city.

    If we were to get robbed or shot on our little tour, would you really think it would be by a nasty Republican, such as myself?

    Or would it be by a fine, upstanding, Democratic worshiper of Obama?

    Methinks your trust is misplaced.

  84. Anonymous11:38 AM

    If you look closely, you can see the TaxBaggers and WATBs trying to prevent the child from attending school. They still are.

    Mold the Brain Damaged Penguin

  85. hey lack:

    hobama lies about EVERYTHING!
    especially hobamacare!!!


    A new book about the life of Barack Obama's mother is casting doubt on an anecdote shared by the president during his 2008 election campaign and subsequent push for health care reform, The New York Times reports.
    According to A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mother, a biography written by Times reporter Janny Scott, Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, had health insurance during her battle with cancer in 1995, a claim that seems to run counter to the narrative repeatedly described by the president.

    Politico relays the key passage from Scott's book:

    "Ann's compensation for her job in Jakarta had included health insurance, which covered most of the costs of her medical treatment. Once she was back in Hawaii, the hospital billed her insurance company directly, leaving Ann to pay only the deductible and any uncovered expenses, which, she said, came to several hundred dollars a month."

  86. Anonymous11:53 AM

    "So. Field. Let's just say, hypothetically, that you were to show me around your fine, fine, city.

    If we were to get robbed or shot on our little tour, would you really think it would be by a nasty Republican, such as myself?"

    LOL. Now that is funny. But it is quite possible in Philly.

    Nevertheless, whether Philly is a fine city or a city in line to be the next Detroit is based on your reference point.

  87. hobama lies like the vdlr lies and breeds, endlessly!!!!...


    What caught our attention was not just the fact that Barack Obama’s mother’s own words prove him a liar, the new book about Obama’s mother also raises the question if Obama ever contacted Cigna Insurance on behalf of his mother in her Disability Claim after Dunham notified the company she had turned the case over to ”my son and attorney Barack Obama.”

    There’s one last interesting tidbit in the Times. Obama’s mother wrote to Cigna after they declined her claims that she had turned the case over to “my son and attorney, Barack Obama.” Scott could not determine from the documents she viewed whether Obama had ever written to Cigna on his mother’s behalf. Isn’t it interesting in all of Obama’s rhetoric about his mother’s insurance battles, he always left himself out of the storyline? Did this lawyer son ever get involved?

    Interesting reading for sure. The White House has refused to comment on the claims in Janny Scott’s book. Imagine that.

    The fact that Barack Obama lied is not surprising at all. Nor is it surprising that none of the Obama media have bothered to report Obama’s outright lies about his mother. If Obama will lie about his own mother, he would have no problem lying about gay relationships and his relationship with the murdered Donald Young!

  88. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Just want everybody to know that as of yesterday I submitted my letter of resignation to Mr. Field. I can no longer participate on FN because of the following disappearances:

    LAA, Desertflower, Hathor, Sharon frm WI, LAC, Mack Lyons, Ann G Myma, CareyCarey, the 'Greatest' KID, Frank D, Maria(my heart), RT, Jody, Brohammas, Purple Cow(but I realize PC is busy rioting in the UK), No Latinos, No Hawaiians, No Doctors, and No Scientists.

    All we got left is mold, Mellaneous, mold, AB, mold, Dr Queen, mold and more mold.

    I just can't take this shit anymore.

  89. Anonymous12:12 PM

    sheboons on parade who have no respect for the class and no respect for her teacher jess like u sheboon chump kunt!

    stoopid nigra kunt needs to be expelled and burned in the town square jess like u kuntlick banks sheboonsheboons on parade who have no respect for the class and no respect for her teacher jess like u sheboon chump kunt!

    stoopid nigra kunt needs to be expelled and burned in the town square jess like u kuntlick banks sheboonsheboons on parade who have no respect for the class and no respect for her teacher jess like u sheboon chump kunt!

    stoopid nigra kunt needs to be expelled and burned in the town square jess like u kuntlick banks sheboon

  90. Anonymous12:14 PM

    the only thing ur disgusting ugly and old ignint ass can do buceta licker is to make shit up about anonymous commeters u have no idea bout sweetie pie ure a gottdam loser a fraud a liar and a disgrace funny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef and kuntlick banks set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months ago

  91. Anonymous12:14 PM

    muah muah muah muah muahmuah muah muah muah u cante take it? this anon cante stand kuntlick banks and her qoohole crew and eyeve said it many times before that when field officially banks kuntlick and the motley qoohole crew then eyele leave seriouslyidea bout sweetie pie ure a gottdam loser a fraud a liar and a disgrace funny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef and kuntlick banks set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agoidea bout sweetie pie ure a gottdam loser a fraud a liar and a disgrace funny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef and kuntlick banks set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agoidea bout sweetie pie ure a gottdam loser a fraud a liar and a disgrace funny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef and kuntlick banks set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months agofunny too anon those with the least is the most willing to brag about they what nots dumb fools people like kimdaqueef set african americans back tenthousand years wit their valueless values of materialism and cursory undertanding dumb fools! give all sheboons a bad name the only person on the blog who was stoopider then her was maria and poor chile allow herself to get runout months ago

  92. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Just want everybody to know that as of yesterday I submitted my letter of resignation to Mr. Field. I can no longer participate on FN because of the following disappearances:

    LAA, Desertflower, Hathor, Sharon frm WI, LAC, Mack Lyons, Ann G Myma, CareyCarey, the 'Greatest' KID, Frank D, Maria(my heart), RT, Jody, Brohammas, Purple Cow(but I realize PC is busy rioting in the UK), No Latinos, No Hawaiians, No Doctors, and No Scientists.

    All we got left is mold, Mellaneous, mold, AB, mold, Dr Queen, mold and more mold.

    I just can't take this shit anymore.

    It is ridiculous.

    Mold just repeats the same nonesensical posts over and over all day long.

    AB just posts the same shit from her archives day in and day out.

    Then her stalker comes in and it's just nonsense back and forth.

    At least boneheadsteve is gone.

  93. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Well, if one really knew Philly, they could show you the Rs and their crimes. Think Wocky...with the great intellect of st reagan. And the morals so often acribed to those who dwell in West Virginia.

    Since one is so full of fake-knowledge about Philly, might we ask where you live? Mayhaps we could enlighten our fellow posters with some delightful anecdotes about your particular area.


  94. Anonymous12:46 PM

    There goes that penguin-headed Mold again.


  95. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Poor WATB selling eyeballs to scamsites. Blaming me for the decrease in your traffic is wonderful. Maybe you will have to find a job.

    As far as my posts being here...odd that you don't participate. Is there a reason? Like having to back your claims?

    Though, I admit that the wite guy writing to himself is rather boring. But then, he needs to pretend AfAms are what he fantasizes them to be. Otherwise, he is just a bigot and a loser.


  96. Anonymous12:55 PM

    If I am pathetic, what makes it so? A person who can't even use an identity for a blog? Or that I ask for proof? Or that I mention that some 'sorces' are partisan scams?

    Sour grapes, boy?


  97. Anonymous1:05 PM

    If I am pathetic, what makes it so?

    Oh, i don't know, maybe it's the rambling stream-of-consciousness nonsense gibberish posts, or the repetitious pastings from bullshit leftist blogs, or perhaps the hateful racist rhetoric that spews from the depths of your twisted psyche. Maybe that.


  98. Anonymous1:07 PM

    mildew why quote that douchebag amanda marcotte she is a piece of shit jess about as bad as kuntlick banks and her qoohole crew

  99. Anonymous1:07 PM

    stoopid nigra kunt needs to be expelled and burned in the town square jess like u kuntlick banks sheboonsheboons on parade who have no respect for the class and no respect for her teacher jess like u sheboon chump kunt!

  100. What if Obama isn't so smart?

    In 2008, Obama was hailed as a genius, a "first rate intellect," the smartest man to ever be president, and we know now the first part is true. He is the political genius who shed 30 points in his first years in office.

    He's the political genius who blew up his coalition in his first months in office, who led his party to annihilation in the 2010 midterms (while showing utter indifference to the fate of congressional Democrats), and gave the Republicans -- who were on the floor, in a coma -- more than they needed to come roaring back from the dead.

    He is the policy genius who "leads from behind," whose engagement ideas have gone nowhere, whose stimulus stimulated only the deficit, whose health care "success" helped kill off his recovery, and whose efforts to create jobs all fell flat.

    Maybe he isn't that bright.

    Almost 40 percent of the new jobs that were created happened under Perry in Texas. Liberals who fault that state for its low levels of taxes and spending might ask themselves why, if it is a hellhole, so many people go there and stay there.

    Many of them are fleeing states ruled by Democrats, which have high taxes, a strong union presence and a rich array of the programs that Democrats love.

    If this is idiocy, we may want some more idiots, as Lincoln once asked for more drunks in his army, rather like Gen. Grant.

    And if Obama is brilliant, and Bush is an imbecile, how come the genius kept most of the things the dolt set in motion: the protocols for fighting the war against terror, the surge strategy, the timetables, and even, in Robert Gates and David Petraeus, some of his main appointees? Why couldn't the genius improve on the idiot's handiwork?

  101. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Once again, Dr. Michael Mann and other climate scientists have been investigated by a third party to see if there was any wrongdoing in the “Climategate” scandal. And once again, they were cleared of any wrongdoing. They had been previously cleared by an International Panel of Scientists last year, by a panel at Penn State, and have been cleared by various other agencies as well. This time, the investigation was conducted by the National Science Foundation, and you can read the report in full here. Like the other investigations, the NSF found no evidence of falsifying data, manipulation of data, or destruction of data by Dr. Michael Mann or any of the climate research scientists based at the University of East Anglia.


  102. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Oh poor widdle boy! Did the old lady write too much 'academic' for you? Was it tough to swallow Truth after all those years of eagerly gulping down the lies of wingnut Cons?
    Yes, you are all miffed over the use of a leftist site...but you avoid the concept that the material was True.
    Racist? mean using the terms Goober and Heeyuck and wite. If you want to volunteer to be my guest. As far as uncovering the not so thick veneer of civility from the racist mob known as Tax Baggers...maybe they should, like, cease being racist jerkholes. Then what could be written? That they want their benefits...but nobody else should get any. That they have yet to actually read the US Constitution...or the other documents associated with the creation of the US....but they sure did love the revision done by Dave Barton.

    The style is personal choice. It requires a moderate literacy to grasp all the meanings. Since it causes you to mope...I would suggest a bit of improvement. Take a Literature course at your local community college. It might help immensely with your constant feeling of the adults speaking above your understanding.


  103. Climate Expert1:48 PM

    Mann can get his friends at Penn State to whitewash his actions all he wants, but fudging data to "hide the decline" is scientific fraud, pure and simple.

    Climategate exposed the idea of anthropogenic global warming as a hoax, and no amount of obfuscation is going to put Humpty Dumpty together again.

  104. Anonymous1:51 PM


    Anonymous said...
    Oh poor widdle boy! Did the old lady write too much 'academic' for you? Was it tough to swallow Truth after all those years of eagerly gulping down the lies of wingnut Cons?
    Yes, you are all miffed over the use of a leftist site...but you avoid the concept that the material was True.
    Racist? mean using the terms Goober and Heeyuck and wite. If you want to volunteer to be my guest. As far as uncovering the not so thick veneer of civility from the racist mob known as Tax Baggers...maybe they should, like, cease being racist jerkholes. Then what could be written? That they want their benefits...but nobody else should get any. That they have yet to actually read the US Constitution...or the other documents associated with the creation of the US....but they sure did love the revision done by Dave Barton.

    The style is personal choice. It requires a moderate literacy to grasp all the meanings. Since it causes you to mope...I would suggest a bit of improvement. Take a Literature course at your local community college. It might help immensely with your constant feeling of the adults speaking above your understanding.


    "The style is personal choice. It requires a moderate literacy to grasp all the meanings"

    Moderate literacy from Mold hahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahaha

  105. mold.......but you avoid the concept that the material was True

    No, the problem is that almost everything you post is not true. As a matter of fact, you seem almost pathologically obsessed with making statements that are diametrically opposed to the truth.

    What is your motivation?

    Are you the great defender of ignorance and misinformation?

    Why, pray tell?

  106. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Once again, Dr. Michael Mann and other climate scientists have been investigated by a third party to see if there was any wrongdoing in the “Climategate” scandal. And once again, they were cleared of any wrongdoing. They had been previously cleared by an International Panel of Scientists last year, by a panel at Penn State, and have been cleared by various other agencies as well. This time, the investigation was conducted by the National Science Foundation, and you can read the report in full here. Like the other investigations, the NSF found no evidence of falsifying data, manipulation of data, or destruction of data by Dr. Michael Mann or any of the climate research scientists based at the University of East Anglia.

    So, I should take the word of a holder of a high school breathing certificate over two panels specifically convened to unearth any Scientific wrongdoing? Really? Show your cv. Prove to me that you are adequate to the task. Or, keep you just did.
    Just because you really, really want to beleeverate something...doesn't make it so. And all you have is beleeveration.


  107. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Yes, moderate literacy. You already are obsessed with the concept that the adults are speaking above your level of comprehension...and I did note you avoid doing the work that makes the whole of the meanings available to you.

    Laugh at it, like a Left Behind....but no one is fooled.


  108. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Oh, you were outed as a liar...and you wants to revenge your widdle boy self. How about you begin by sharing Truth. Not beleefs or wingnut Con memes or your marching orders from your Koch-sucking Massa. Reproducible results, trained experts, and following the Scientific Method. Must be I'm busting your scamming pretty well.
    See, if you shared Truth, I could not point out you were lying.


  109. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Yes, it seems for some time now Mold has taken over the blog. Mold is also the vulgar anon.

  110. OffTheDemocraticPlantation2:30 PM

    When the white population falls below the 50% mark, the days of whites running interference for blacks will be over. And so will those special laws biased towards safeguarding perquisites for the “Disadvantaged,” which can be mighty expensive to enforce.
    Again, what are the odds that those 18th century injunctions devised by those funny little men in britches and waistcoats will prevail, once the polyglot new Americans from Asia and Central and South America begin to flex their political muscle?

    So many blacks and their white liberal gurus failed to appreciate those Anglo-originated laws based on “self-evident truths” and the consent of the governed, which were flexible enough to take under their protection the nation’s former slaves. Who will there be to ensure that jobs and scholarships and government contracts, and the surfeit of other entitlements, will be available for a people who have grown used to looking to others for slices from the economic pie, instead of baking their own share of it?

    Once what’s left of constitutional law is gone, partly out of neglect, because the story of the Constitution and its creators will no longer be taught in the various Chinese-Indian-Latino-Arab colored school systems, a new corner will be turned. If blacks think they’ve been mistreated at the hands of whites, just wait until the affirmative action, set aside party is over—when there is no one to insist that they get undeserved perks, or have a “right” to intrude themselves into places where they are not wanted.

    The new dominant ethnics come to this land with their own sob stories of oppression. Unlike whites, they are hardly likely to fall over one another to apologize for past wrongs. Nor are they likely to spend their time in Congress concocting new laws designed to discriminate against their own sons and daughters in favor of blacks.

    “Reparations,” did you say? Just wait until the first move is made to un-name and re-name some of those Martin Luther King, Jr. boulevards.

    Elizabeth Wright Black Editor of Issues and Views - RIP

  111. mold "See, if you shared Truth, I could not point out you were lying."

    What pains me is that the less educated might actually believe something you say. Your type is common on the internet, although you yourself are a particuarly ridiculous and extreme example.

    I suppose if someone is that dumb there is no helping them. Suffice it to say that most people can see the calculated harm you do, if only by degrading the level of intercourse on this blog comment section.

  112. Anonymous3:06 PM

    degrading the level of intercourse on this blog comment section. anon wit sense

    intercourse muah muha muah muah muah!!!

  113. Be careful what you wish for3:08 PM

    "The new dominant ethnics come to this land with their own sob stories of oppression. Unlike whites, they are hardly likely to fall over one another to apologize for past wrongs. Nor are they likely to spend their time in Congress concocting new laws designed to discriminate against their own sons and daughters in favor of blacks."

    This is indeniable. Demographics is destiny.

    The white majority that blacks so despise is the only thing standing between them and the bootheel of history.

    Racial spoils politics is a monster that will consume its creator.

    Once the white man has punished himself out of existence, the black man will not be able to stand up to the winds that will blow.

  114. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Anonymous said...
    mildew all these dummies say this anon and u r the same but its so clear that is not true but who cares? so long as those wingnuttist kuntlickin trolls are upset by our presence eye could truly give a phukk! muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah!

    Right, As if we couldnt see immediately that every time you post as the vulgar anon mold, you call yourslef mildew. The sad state of an insane pus ridden syphlis ridden tattered brain.

  115. thomas malthus3:31 PM

    As his ass cancer progresses, more necrotic ooze drips from his colostomy bag:

    Once again, Dr. Michael Mann and other climate scientists have been investigated by a third party to see if there was any wrongdoing in the “Climategate” scandal. And once again, they were cleared of any wrongdoing.

    Heres, the thing. Making predictions about the future is a risk-free activity. The forecaster can be insanely wrong. When the outcome is the opposite of his predictions, it makes no difference to the predictor, because we are free to cough up any opinion we like -- about anything.

    So the Global Warming Chicken Littles can squawk every day about the falling sky. And the rising temperatures. It matters not.

    Their predictions cannot be proved or disproved except by time, and by the time we arrive at the moment when Global Warming is supposed become harmful, all of us who are alive today will be dead.

    And by that time, a new fear will have replaced the fear of a tiny increase in global warmth, which, if it happens, will most likely increase our crop-growing seasons, increase the supplies of fresh water and deliver a global population of 14 billion, double today's number.

  116. If the US ever becomes a nation where blacks are the majority, the US will slide toward the primitiveness of Africa.

    Which African nation would the US most resemble? Hard to say. Probably more than one. At first, it would be somewaht like South Africa. But eventually, in the face of growing Islamic influence, it would become like Somalia.

  117. GrannyStandingforTruth3:39 PM

    Mold, notice how the wingnuts get so upset that they are unable to contain themselves, so their only weapon is to try and vilify you and others on here. They cannot handle what you are telling them, so their only defense is to vilify you. Smh!

    Yes, you are correct, they do think that some of us were not alive during the 60s or for that fact during Jim Crow.

  118. GrannyStandingforTruth4:02 PM

    Anonymous 12:10:

    Tear up your resignation paper because none of the people you've named have disappeared. They just prefer keeping above the fray because it does not solve anything.

  119. seer said...
    If the US ever becomes a nation where blacks are the majority, the US will slide toward the primitiveness of Africa.

    This will never happen. The black population has been about 13% for a long, long time now, and will never increase substantially.

    Mexicans have taken the place of the dominant minority, and as immigration from Latin America and Asia increases in the future, the black percentage of the population will likely decline. Whites will decline even faster, and once they are just another minority, real "change" will start for the black population.

  120. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Gosh, you still can't offer one bit of proof. Must be scaring you sill to see a little old lady show up and bring Truth to the discussion.
    No matter how much you lie and still have nothing. How about you start with some Truth...and see how that works. You know, those pesky Liberal-biased Facts. Actually, Facts are not biased. They just are.

    Speaking of Facts, why is high school graduate certificate TELLing us that mathematical modeling is the 'exact same' as his pull from his nethers predictions? Oh, because he knows the Data is with the Science community. And he obviously lacks the bare minimum necessary to understand the Science.
    How about you take a couple of Science courses at your local community college? You might also want to have enough mathematics to not seem like a moron spewing astroturf falsehoods. While being an 'obstinatarian' may make you fell manly and in seems more like a slave licking Massa. Or an ignorant boob unwilling to admit wrong.

    Why sure, the elites who went on to college and Left you Behind are going out of their way to deny you, Goober KochLicker, your personal SUV. Right. Like you matter that much. Really, the day you were Left Behind, they removed you from consideration. Their dead pets have more impact.

    We'll use Petroleum Engineer. Why would someone making about 10 times your salary, paid travel, and perks out the imagination...bother with a Left Behind? The BSE is out having fun and challenges and exciting work and peers who don't eat their nasal mucus.
    It is almost always never about you.


  121. The Grass Ain't Always Greener4:14 PM

    "Gato said...
    Whites will decline even faster, and once they are just another minority, real "change" will start for the black population.

    4:04 PM"

    Won't they be surprised when they see how the gooks & spics treat them?

  122. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Like I would give up my Constitutional Rights, purchased by the blood and agony of my make some mental defective Goober fantasy real. Keep TELLing your wite, unachieving self that the world will go to icky once bush and Quayle and Santorum no longer rule.
    All it means is that more folks get to try. WAhhhhh. WATB.

    Granny. That is their plan. Make the place so filled with wite wingnuts sockpuppeting...that humans will avoid the wite mental poo. Sort of like staying away from the Special Ed classes. Who wants to roll in autism when next door the AP class is doing gaseous Uranium extraction?

    Well...Sarey and Bachmann would...because they would be Queens!!
    Phyllis Schafly would have been gone if she had to be in the Big Kids Class...but as the smartest of the Specials...she could rule her own little patch of Heeyucks.


  123. Climate Expert4:25 PM

    mold: " Oh, because he knows the Data is with the Science community"

    I am in the Science community, and I can tell you that the data is NOT with those who wish correlate human CO2 emissions with climate change.


  124. Mishagi4:29 PM

    mold..."Like I would give up my Constitutional Rights, purchased by the blood and agony of my ancestors..."

    Your constitutional rights were purchased with the blood of Union soldiers, and are guarenteed only by the values of the white man, values which you yourself decry.

    Liberalism is busy shredding the constitution. When it is gone, so will be your rights.

  125. Anonymous4:40 PM

    And your degree? And your articles? And you are somewhat fibbing. are outright lying.

    Liberalism is the US Constitution. Which you would know if you had bothered to read it.
    Funny how wite heroic manly hero brave dude (Chickenhawk) forgets the long history of AfAms seeking their Rights despite the wites wanting to deny those same Rights.
    Maybe you should read some real History. Dave Barton is a fake. Wonder how you managed to delude your puny self that Rosa Parks did nothing. MLK...just a Jesus-following agitator. Sure.

    Sorry, you both make me laugh. One claimerating to being Scientifically literate...then denying in the same post. The other...who somehow misplaced over 300 years of AfAm History...but managed to find his WiteSaviour articles O Faith.


  126. Anonymous4:44 PM

    mold: "Liberalism is the enemy of the US Constitution."

    I agree.


  127. Anonymous4:47 PM

    mold: "Rosa Parks did nothing."

    I agree.

    Sitting in the front of the bus is hardly the Battle of Gettysburg.


  128. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Liberalism is the US Constitution. That's why you detest both.


  129. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Rosa Parks did more than that. A lot more. Maybe you should do some research. You know, learn.


  130. Anonymous4:57 PM

    mold: "Liberalism is the US Constitution. That's why you detest both."

    No,the Constitution is the Constitution.

    It says what it says.

    Liberalism is all about interpreting it to fit immediate needs and subverting it to "International" law.


  131. BetterMan said...
    When a strong man calls you fluffycakes he indicates you are about as worrisome as a gnat and that you are nothing but soft air filled pastry, crumbling at the slightest resistance with little to no consistency.


    I take it you're offended I chose to point out your effeminate phrases, like fluffycakes, fruitloop?

    Some women and men, love effeminate men. I just don't happen to be one of them.

  132. i love dr. boyce watkins!!!

    hobama and his nazis are disgraces to mlk!!!


    But there’s another part of me that becomes saddened and even disgusted by our decision to celebrate Dr. King’s life in a way that would probably insult him. Economic inequality has actually worsened over time, and the very politicians who claim to admire the life of Dr. King are quick to urinate on the ideals for which he stood. In fact, I venture to say that if he were alive, King would not attend this ceremony himself.

    Top 5 MLK Speeches Ever

    As it stands today, Black male unemployment is now over 40 percent in many urban areas, African Americans are being incarcerated at holocaust proportions, and inner city children are leaving school without even learning how to read. All the while, the political predators who care nothing for our issues are more than happy to stand and smile at the dedication ceremony for a man they would ignore and ridicule if he were alive right now. The truth is that they are glad to honor Dr. King with a memorial, as long as both he and his spirit remain in the grave.

    We commemorate the life of Dr. King without having the license to do so, like the pastor who recites the word of God as he molests his children and cheats on his wife. We don’t deserve Dr. King, and our decision to memorialize him while rejecting him is entirely reflective of the hypocrisy to which our nation has become accustomed. One must also wonder how Dr. King might feel about a country that continues to oppress the people he claimed to represent. We can’t profess to love a man and simultaneously destroy the people he cares about the most.

  133. Anti-Dementia5:28 PM

    GrannyStandingToPoop said...
    Mold, notice how the wingnuts get so upset that they are unable to contain themselves, so their only weapon is to try and vilify you and others on here. They cannot handle what you are telling them, so their only defense is to vilify you. Smh!

    You mean Mold isn't villifying himself by having conversations with himself as Mold talking to Smold?

    Oh, ummm, Sure. Of course you understand what the prefrontal lobotomized one is saying. .

    By the way, this aint the 60's anymore, catch up it's 2011 and even though Jim Crow was during your prime, you can't relive the past, those days are gone.

  134. Truth Hurts5:38 PM

    You cannot change a wingnut's 'mind' with facts, and you cannot use logic when arguing with them (as they will interpret logic as the enemy of their 'faith'). Following that line of reasoning, I feel the necessity to inject a bit of humor into the conversation:
    I was having a cup of coffee and reading The Onion. I decided to check up on my fellow socialists on TPM, so I pulled up the site and read this story;
    I actually started laughing, as I thought I had mistakenly gone back to The Onion.
    I hope you get a chuckle from that. And for all of you TEA Party wannabe fundamentalists out there, 'Have a good life, because mine is getting better everyday.'

    Retired Military, Manager Status, Happily Married with Child, African American, 'Living Proof that all you Right Wing, Racist, Republicans don't know jack shit about being black in America' guy who like alliteration.

  135. This comment has been removed by the author.

  136. This dumbass Anonymous said...
    RttnKid, "Joke or no joke, you're exactly what's wrong in America."

    Well, Mr. RttnKID, I will tell you what you have said to bw on this blog:

    "If you knew me you would know that I was joking."

    Remember? I guess you are the only privileged one who is allowed to say that?

    Well, if I'm wrong with America, then so are YOU. Especially Black America, you hypocrite.

    2:00 AM

    Reading and Comprehension is a good thing. Let's recap, shall we:

    Anonymous said...

    Wake up, Black America! Instead of complaining about Obama not fighting for us, WE need to do some fighting ourselves and hold his feet to the fire. That is the only way Obama and the Dems will stop ignoring and taking us for granted.

    10:02 PM

    Normally, I'm all about "bros before hoes" but in the broader scheme of things..

    Bullshitting aside, Maxine spoke the truth. I like her.

    Key word is "bullshit" like your comprehension level.

    "Bullshitting aside" to be exact.

    That means I was joking.

    You went back 3 blog entries to try and discredit me? Shame. Please be a little more accurate in YOUR truth.

    Now go clean up your room in your mom's basement and when you're done please wipe the Cheetos off your face when you're done.

    That is all.

  137. rk:

    cc that to the tea party

    they are torched for torching hobama too


  138. BetterMan6:04 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    BetterMan said...
    When a strong man calls you fluffycakes he indicates you are about as worrisome as a gnat and that you are nothing but soft air filled pastry, crumbling at the slightest resistance with little to no consistency.


    I take it you're offended I chose to point out your effeminate phrases, like fluffycakes, fruitloop?

    Some women and men, love effeminate men. I just don't happen to be one of them.

    Offended? Hardly, you obviously also have poor reading comprehensive skills and as I supposed, lack the intelligence to comprehend when you have been completely insulted, so much so that you continue on and prove the point, laughingly displaying your ignorance for all the world to see.

    What in the world makes you think your starting an argument is in anyway shape or form some type of loose invitation for you to express your personal preference in men? Did someone tell you they thought you were attractive? Did you think you would be invited to mate or that your sexual preference matters one whit with your starting this argument, thus bringing up the completely irrelevent point of your male preferences?

    Lets just say fluffycakes, that a real man doesnt care one bit what someone like you prefers or not, nor care what someone like you thinks or not. You obviously are very low brow and I would daresay you are more of a man then any woman should be. You needn't bring up your preferences in men to me ever again as you could never be on my radar. I like small petite very feminine, very intelligent, very clean and very fit women with max 8% body fat. Clearly you don't fit the bill in any of these categories so don't bring up your preferences with me again.

    In your world intelligence equals femininity, in my world the largest and strongest are also the most intelligent for we are smart enough to realize the value of being physically superior in that it enhances your mental prowess and working hard to ensure we don't have 40 pounds of jiggly smelly fat just on our ass like some do is a must.

    But know this fluffycakes, I am sure the majority of all that I have just said, will be over your head and it is not normal to get taller when you sit down.

  139. AB I read the report on belafonte. I agree with him. As far as the tea party - fuck 'em. they had their chance when Bush was in office.

  140. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Sorry liar, I only post using one moniker. And sockpuppets are a wingnut Con staple. Pretty much no Liberal/Progressives use the. But right-wingers almost always do.

    When the heroic brave manly ardent beleevers in Faith TELL us they have a Holmesian appendage...they get really miffed when I hand them a ruler and ask them to measure. They will blather on about how I am diametrically opposed to what they say...but what they say is pretty cheap. And note they hem and haw and not do the measuring.
    Everything but....


  141. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry liar, I only post using one moniker. And sockpuppets are a wingnut Con staple. Pretty much no Liberal/Progressives use the. But right-wingers almost always do.

    When the heroic brave manly ardent beleevers in Faith TELL us they have a Holmesian appendage...they get really miffed when I hand them a ruler and ask them to measure. They will blather on about how I am diametrically opposed to what they say...but what they say is pretty cheap. And note they hem and haw and not do the measuring.
    Everything but....



    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Language

  142. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Well, it did show you have no understanding of the US Constitution or law.
    Maybe that why you like 'natural law'...where wite mens gets to make all rules.
    Getting your legal education from pay newsletter scammers and perfessers who lie to downright funny.

    And before you pretend to know might want to review both case and precedent. That's a hint that you don't know...and it goes right over your head. doesn't to anyone who does know.
    Yes, you will say I am making it up...that there is nothing...but, there is. I await any poster who can detail what it means.


  143. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Sorry liar, I only post using one moniker. And sockpuppets are a wingnut Con staple. Pretty much no Liberal/Progressives use the. But right-wingers almost always do.

    When the heroic brave manly ardent beleevers in Faith TELL us they have a Holmesian appendage...they get really miffed when I hand them a ruler and ask them to measure. They will blather on about how I am diametrically opposed to what they say...but what they say is pretty cheap. And note they hem and haw and not do the measuring.
    Everything but....


  144. BetterMan6:29 PM

    When the heroic brave manly ardent beleevers in Faith TELL us they have a Holmesian appendage...they get really miffed when I hand them a ruler and ask them to measure. They will blather on about how I am diametrically opposed to what they say...but what they say is pretty cheap. And note they hem and haw and not do the measuring.
    Everything but....


    Are you insane?

    So you meet a lot of religious men who tell you they have penis's as big as Holmes (just knowing who this is proves you are a white guy) no old black granma is a porn freak of dead white porn stars who died of aids. Why are you?

    So when these religious men randomly tell you they have large penis's you then whip out a ruler to measure you do this in private or just pick a random street corner or alleyway?

    Do a lot of men walking around with their penis's hanging out find you attractive? Why do you think this happens to you so often?

  145. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Poor widdle boy...I place it in terms your teen age lad mind can grasp...and you grab it with both hands and run your -whatever- all over it. Hope you had fun. You sure seemed to.
    And you still avoided doing the measurement of your claimeratons. So, either you are transfixed by the Holmes...or your know that measuring will show you to be in error to the point of willful deceit.

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  146. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Poor widdle boy...I place it in terms your teen age lad mind can grasp...and you grab it with both hands and run your -whatever- all over it. Hope you had fun. You sure seemed to.
    And you still avoided doing the measurement of your claimeratons. So, either you are transfixed by the Holmes...or your know that measuring will show you to be in error to the point of willful deceit.

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  147. "In all the excitement over yesterday's earthquake, field forgot about the dismissal of Nafissatou Diallo's case.

    Once again a lying black woman was rebuffed by the facts.

    That didn't stop her hapless lawyer from demanding that the case be put in the hands of a "special prosecutor".

    Nafissatou Diallo's lawyer, Ken Thomson, seems to have learned what little he knows from the Tawana Brawley playbook.

    Will the lawyer now try to extract payment from Diallo? Investigators discovered that she has a lot of money in bank accounts that she cannot accout for.

    Will she be deported? Will her boyfriend kill her when he gets out of jail?"

    You overlook the predatory actions of a well-heeled and well-connected sociopolitical figure just to get your jollies off of putting some "lying nigger bitch" in her place. That says a lot about you, Cyrus, if that's really your name. You could be one of the two anons who cycle through usernames to keep up the illusion of multiple critics.

    From the previous post, but something has to be said.

  148. Anonymous6:45 PM

    There is a mass delusion in whitebread suburban America that they are the real America, and that they are being oppressed by high taxes to pay for poor minorities, even though the reality is actually the reverse: urban centers pay the bills for parasitic suburban lifestyles, which are ultimately unsustainable socially, fiscally and environmentally. -- From Digby's Hullabaloo.

    -- Badtux the Appreciative Penguin

  149. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Mack..I really like your mention of the cycling of one or two persons through usernames. It explains their use of the same scamsites, the obsession with certain themes, and the verbatim repetition of idiocies.
    One or two 15 yo loser youth who find meaning in being PITAs to AfAms.
    Two Left Behinds hyuck-hyck to themselves in the the class material is beyond their ken...and their response is to disrupt the rest.



  150. BetterMan6:55 PM

    Poor widdle boy...I place it in terms your teen age lad mind can grasp...and you grab it with both hands and run your -whatever- all over it. Hope you had fun. You sure seemed to.
    And you still avoided doing the measurement of your claimeratons. So, either you are transfixed by the Holmes...or your know that measuring will show you to be in error to the point of willful deceit.

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


    I can't make sense out of most of your insanity, which is reassuring to say the least. In any case what I can loosely dechipher is you go on about someone making claims about their penis size and your insisting they measure it to prove the size to you.

    Yes you are insane, who in your magical world of make believe offered to show you their penis? Was it someone in a private MSG? Suggest you go take them up on the offer and stop fishin for c@ock over here fluffycakes senior. I don't think there are any gay men around let alone ones that like little crazy white boys like you.

    You are getting sicker by the day, are you getting any help?

  151. BetterMan6:57 PM

    Mack..I really like your mention of the cycling of one or two persons through usernames.

    But Of course you Would Socrates/Mold/Mandinga/vulgar anon, penguinheaded Badtux, of course you would.

  152. BetterMan7:01 PM

    You overlook the predatory actions of a well-heeled and well-connected sociopolitical figure

    She was no doubt predatory and well heeled (huge amounts in her bank account most assuredly from her other sexual shakedowns) and I am sure she had several connections that she "sucked up" to. But I don't think she was that well connected, she was a not very attractive prostitute after all and that can only go so far with favors.

  153. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Badtux has their own blog. I only post with one moniker. Socrates is another poster. The others are not me. So why are you attempting to deflect from you use of sockpuppets, Butters? Afraid?


  154. BetterMan7:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Badtux has their own blog. I only post with one moniker. Socrates is another poster. The others are not me. So why are you attempting to deflect from you use of sockpuppets, Butters? Afraid?


    Mold the only thing I am afraid of is someday seeing a picture of you or even hearing that went postal and attacked some people. Other then that, I clearly have no issue telling you exactly what the fuck is what so why would I use another name, you know like you do when you stalk AB or DR Queen or a whole bunch of insane reasons only you know. Its never ceases to amaze me how transparent you are, how everyone knows what you do, yet you think they do not, then again, you are insane.

  155. BetterMan7:26 PM

    Surprise....Employees Of MSNBC Parent Company Comcast Top Donors To Obama Campaign Accounts…

    Comcast have contributed more money to President Obama’s reelection bid than employees from any other organization, according to a new analysis of Federal Election Commission data by the Center for rise!
    Comcast employees contributed nearly $80,000 directly to Obama for America and roughly $200,000 to the Obama Victory Fund, a joint account benefitting both the Obama campaign and Democratic National Committee, through the first half of 2011 records show.

    This explains why Obama spent part of his vacation hanging out with Comcast's CEO, the hiring of an quasi literate pundit named Al Sharpton who sold out the black community to comcast and promises never to be critical of anything Obama does following the firing of Henk Cygur.

    Ahh, the Lamestream Media, bought and payed for with your tax dollars, spreading party affiliation Propaganda. Looks like Obama does luv him some corporate media ho's dont he. He can't have the truth told all the time now can he.

  156. "Now, the Latinos are moving ahead. Why are we always at the bottom? There is something 'else' other than poor white trash that is our problem. I think it is because we are very fearful and passive and easily used and pushed around. We lack dignity and self-esteem. Otherwise, this bullshit would have ended a long time ago with us just like it ended with the Asians."

    Why do I have the distinct feeling you're speaking about your own cowardace and lack of dignity, and NOT on behalf of the black community as you purport yourself to be?

    As for the Asians, it's what happens when only the "best and brightest" have the monetary means and ambition to immigrate into the U.S., bringing with them a strong family support network that's largely overlooked by whites, the same people who give these folks "honorary white" status because they're nothing like those awful niggers. The Asian Pookies, Dayquans and Sheniquas stay in Asia.

    It's close-knit family support that makes all the difference. Black folks have been indoctrinated and encouraged to be at each other's throats by socioeconomic interests that fear what would happen if blacks stopped doing just that.

  157. "One or two 15 yo loser youth who find meaning in being PITAs to AfAms.
    Two Left Behinds hyuck-hyck to themselves in the the class material is beyond their ken...and their response is to disrupt the rest."

    If it was one or two 15-year-old jackoffs, the arguments would be a lot less coherent and the duration a lot shorter. Even the die-hard "Left Behinds" usually fuck off elsewhere after a spell. Anyone heard from Frank Drachman or no_slappz lately?

    No, I believe these guys are being paid to troll these and other blogs, to throw off the flow of discourse and discourage anyone else from having normal discussions.

    "She was no doubt predatory and well heeled (huge amounts in her bank account most assuredly from her other sexual shakedowns) and I am sure she had several connections that she "sucked up" to. But I don't think she was that well connected, she was a not very attractive prostitute after all and that can only go so far with favors."

    So she's a relatively unattractive sexual shakedown artist who attempted to defraud an honest man who only wanted to give her a tip?

    Shit, son. Guys like Strauss-Kahn would love you, if they bothered giving a fuck about you -- a sycophantic victim-blamer who sucks up to his elite "betters".

  158. By the way, I finished watching the ABC interview of Diallo:

    In no way is this woman "unattractive," unless you meant it in a "reflexive assumption that all nigger women are ugly" kind of way. Apparently she was attractive enough for Strauss-Kahn to "take an interest" to.

    "If the US ever becomes a nation where blacks are the majority, the US will slide toward the primitiveness of Africa.

    Which African nation would the US most resemble? Hard to say. Probably more than one. At first, it would be somewaht like South Africa. But eventually, in the face of growing Islamic influence, it would become like Somalia."

    With blacks and latinos out of the picture, the nation starts looking a lot like the Balkans.

    Which Balkan nation would the U.S. end up like? Bosnia? Albania? Serbia? What about Kosovo?

    Or the U.S. can luck out and drink itself downhill like the Russians. No niggers or beaners needed for that.

  159. BetterMan8:32 PM

    Mack Lyons said...
    By the way, I finished watching the ABC interview of Diallo:

    In no way is this woman "unattractive," unless you meant it in a "reflexive assumption that all nigger women are ugly" kind of way. Apparently she was attractive enough for Strauss-Kahn to "take an interest" to.

    You really should focus on what you feel and think and stop trying to so creatively tell others what they really mean, of course exclusively from your point of view. You think it's clever and it probably is to some, but not so much to others.

    Your right strauss-Kahn the 64 year old did take an interest. So to him she was worth taking her up on her offer and paying for a quickie. To me, she is not attractive in the slightest; body structure, hair, facial features. From MY point of view if I were ever paying for it and were Strauss Kahn, I sure would shop around a bit more and get more value for my money.

    Of course it got "ugly" you had an old man who thought he was paying for a quickie, getting scammed for a lot more and he refused to play along. Now the sexual worker is playing the race victim card and has apparantly done quite well for herself fleecing earlier patronsj judging by her salary as a maid, her impressive bank accounts and no other means of income.
    They both are less than admirable people, yet your nonsense and throwing race into the mix is disgusting. She is a hooker, and deserves the justice she sought out as does he. He should be convicted of patronizing a prostitute if it's illegal there and she should be convicted of felony extortion, tax evasion and fined accordingly, prostitution and deported if she is an illegal alien committing these crimes.

    Equal Justice for all as befits their actions.

  160. BetterMan said...
    In your world intelligence equals femininity...But know this fluffycakes, I am sure the majority of all that I have just said, will be over your head and it is not normal to get taller when you sit down.

    ONLY a fruitloop would associate an effeminate word like fluffycakes with intelligence.

    And by your preference for petite women, I can only conclude that some women REALLY like pencils. I only use them to write with. As a perfect size 8, my 6'3" size 16 shoe wearing hubby isn't complaining at all about me. Because he obviously has the goods to handle a woman with a$$.

    So with that Fruitloop, I bid you buh bye!!!


  161. BetterMan8:48 PM

    . As for the Asians, it's what happens when only the "best and brightest" have the monetary means and ambition to immigrate into the U.S., bringing with them a strong family support network that's largely overlooked by whites, the same people who give these folks "honorary white" status because they're nothing like those awful niggers. The Asian Pookies, Dayquans and Sheniquas stay in Asia.

    You have an excuse for everything don't you? Now its a plot to make blacks look bad, the asian hide their "pookies" and only allow the best and brightest to immigrate with money and this makes blacks look bad?

    You live in an alternate reality perhaps but the Asians, Indians, Africans and so on that I know and have seen come to the US all my kife, come here and dont speak the language, are poor as dirt, live 10 to a room paying there own way and not taking governemnt handouts but recognize the potential freedom they have to be anything they want in this great country where the only class is what you limit your improvement and hard work to. They sieze the opportunity and do not waste time sitting on the couch bitching about how the world owes them, from where they left they know better. They work at menial jobs, improve their skills, invest and before you know it they have better jobs, better educations, own the store that sells malt liqour and chips, they own the apartment house and rent out the apartements.

    What was their secret weapon? They weren't entitled, the knew they had rights and opportunity and Seized them and planned and made it happen, even if once in awhile a US born black or other gave them hell for achieving, they said, so sorry for you and kept moving.

    Perhaps we all could just learn from their old american morals of family, moral values, hard work, support and achievement. Where not trying your best is a dishonor, not a badge of success.

    There is nothing wrong with the Asian, African, Indian, Middle Eastern outlook to success and it is shared by Americans of all races, we would do well to promulgate it instead of making these inane excuses of fabricating plots to account for others failures. .

  162. Your ideal8:52 PM

    Ms.Queen said...
    As a perfect size 8, my 6'3" size 16 shoe wearing hubby isn't complaining at all about me. Because he obviously has the goods to handle a woman with a$$.

    So with that Fruitloop, I bid you buh bye!!
    Are you retarded? Please let us know, because you sure sound like it.

    In truth you are fat and manless.

    Which is sad, because you can't make up for it with brains.

    You will never be a doctor.

  163. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


  164. BetterMan9:07 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    BetterMan said...
    In your world intelligence equals femininity...But know this fluffycakes, I am sure the majority of all that I have just said, will be over your head and it is not normal to get taller when you sit down.

    ONLY a fruitloop would associate an effeminate word like fluffycakes with intelligence.

    And by your preference for petite women, I can only conclude that some women REALLY like pencils. I only use them to write with. As a perfect size 8, my 6'3" size 16 shoe wearing hubby isn't complaining at all about me. Because he obviously has the goods to handle a woman with a$$.

    So with that Fruitloop, I bid you buh bye!!!


    Ahh, look at the ghetto slug in you come out. I knew you couldnt hang even for a moment intellectually.

    So in your world using a word you think is effiminate because you aren't used to hearing it in your yo, you mofo speach patterns signifies lack of intelligence? Why is that? Why are you stupid enough to believe someone smacking you in the head calling you fluffycakes denigrates them and not you for the airhead fruitcake that you are and they are calling you?

    Oh the power of an education, cant even properly insult someone like you, you dont have the intellect for observing witty irony, it escapes you. So you revert to dick phallacies <---I know you wont get that without help.

    How old are you? How many degrees did you say you have? With all of this all you can think of to say is, yeah, well I gots a fat ass and you gots a small dick and therefore you cants handles it, yo. Wow, what if, just what if it's only you that has a fat disgusting ass? Then what?

    Anyway, there you have it.
    I am not gonna denigrate myself furhter talking shit like this with you. You can keep swimming in your cesspool of life if that is all you have and it makes your little shitbowl swirl.

    However, one parting shot in fairness, after all you started something you obviously are in no shape mentally to handle, just how tall are you when you sit down?? Is it much taller then when standing up or only a few feet? Do you really think walking around with a load of cellulite blubber in your pants is attractive and healthy? Ohhh thats nasty..ewwww.

    Now, if you still want to continue your attack, you are really going to have to do better then your grade school ghetto crap, so far all you said was I am feminine because of a word I used that you don't understand the context of and that I must have a small dick because you have a big fat disgusting ass that raises your height making you taller when you sit down then when you stand up.

    You have to do much better then that there fluffycakes, YO.

  165. BetterMan9:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Event though many of your heroes are closeted...I can't assume that on your part...simply because you are struck numb by the mere mention of Holmes. So, to be kind, I'll just offer that you are very much aware that testing your claims in any way will prove them false...and you know this.


    No, I never made any claims about my penis to you. what is it with people with minds like you and Dr Queefa anyway?

    No, I will never prove to you nor let you get within 5 miles of me or my penis, so give it up, you aren't going to ever see it, have it, hold it or even smell it. Fuggeda about it ya butt bandit and stop with the freaky deaky fluffycake show.

  166. BetterMan said...
    However, one parting shot in fairness, after all you started something you obviously are in no shape mentally to handle, just how tall are you when you sit down?? Is it much taller then when standing up or only a few feet? Do you really think walking around with a load of cellulite blubber in your pants is attractive and healthy? Ohhh thats nasty..ewwww.

    Ewwww and Fluffycakes. Sounds like the vernacular of a middle aged white man, with a bald head, beer belly, and a predilection for all things effeminate and 10 year old boyish.

    5"8" is plenty tall for a 6'3" Black man. But at barely 5'10", you wouldn't know anything about that other than you got the short end of the life's stick, figuratively and literally.

    But you better watch it ButterMilk. I can see the top of your bald spot from here in metro DC, LOL!!!!

    Is that Sir Mix-A-Lot I hear playing in the background? "I like big butts, and I cannot lie....little in the middle, but she got much back"!!!!!

  167. BetterMan3:26 PM

    Ewwww and Fluffycakes. Sounds like the vernacular of a middle aged white man, with a bald head, beer belly, and a predilection for all things effeminate and 10 year old boyish.

    5"8" is plenty tall for a 6'3" Black man. But at barely 5'10", you wouldn't know anything about that other than you got the short end of the life's stick, figuratively and literally.

    But you better watch it ButterMilk. I can see the top of your bald spot from here in metro DC, LOL!!!!

    Is that Sir Mix-A-Lot I hear playing in the background? "I like big butts, and I cannot lie....little in the middle, but she got much back"!!!!!

    11:01 PM

    You really are out of your league aren't you. Why in the world are you speaking as if someone wants you? What in the world gave you that insane idea? Why would I want a woman who can hide a chicken in her ass and who looks like she is bending over while standing up. No fluffycakes as you already know, real fit intelligent men prefer firm, heartshaped feminine asses. We don't like hog asses, aside from just looking nasty with the cellulite bumps and scarred pockmarks, to many diseases can find purchase in such a nasty environment. Aside from the fact that you simply can't wear corduroy.

    What are your degrees in? Crayon Snorting? Booger Eating? Beginning Pottery? They certainly can't be in any subject that requires remedial english or critical thinking.

    Let me sum up and respond to your hoodrat adolescent nanny nanny poo poo rant quickly.

    Yes, I am the guy who looked at you with disgust. Yes, I am the type of guy who has never hit and you and has not asked you out nor ever will. Is it your looks? partially, but mostly it is your nasty personality which contributes to your laziness which makes you a greasy blubber laden sloth like creature who then thinks imagined flaws in someone else makes her grease laden body acceptable.

    I now scrape you from my shoe, begone Fluffycakes.

  168. Anonymous5:09 PM

    i love it,negroes shooting negroes because they don't right from wrong.they don't go to church or recieve any parenting from their breeder.i like it when you negroes attack white liberals because it turns them into conservitives.they will end the welfare state and negroes will have to get off their lazy asses and work.besides we have no money because your boy is negro rich and pissed it down the drain.well have a good time killing each other,you know you might want to try africa because you don't have to worry about going to jail.

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