Saturday, August 20, 2011

I am not smiling with Coke and Nivea isn't being civilized.

I don't think that I will be having a Coke and a smile anytime soon. (Not that I would. Those sodas are bad for you.) My good friends from Atlanta decided to invest four billion dollars in China. That's FOUR BILLION with a B!

Those "emerging markets"  sure have a lot of clout. I guess since corporations are people according to our friend, Mitt Romney, Coke just wanted to show that they have friends of all races and nationalities.     

"Kent said the company is even considering listing its shares on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, adding itself to the list of mainstream brands listing their depositary receipts on exchanges outside of their home base. Massachusetts luggage maker Samsonite opted to list in Hong Kong in the second quarter rather than do its initial public offering on the NYSE. The new China investments will focus on innovation, infrastructure and expansion of its production capacity. The company now has six manufacturing centers in the country."

"Expansion of its production capacity." I think that means more jobs for my friends who just put a beat down on those Hoyas.

I wish my friends at Coke all the best.

And then there is the latest little racial controversy here in A-merry-ca brought to us by yet another clueless advertising executive:

"Skincare brand Nivea’s popular “Look like you give a damn” campaign went very awry this week after they released a new print ad that showed a well-groomed, clean-shaven black man about to toss away a rubber mask of his earlier self with facial hair and an afro.

Over the model, words in giant font read: RE-CIVILIZE YOURSELF.
The public outrage over the ad was immediate, with many calling the ad racist. “The message couldn't be clearer,” wrote Nona Willis Aronowitz at Good, “natural hair on a black man isn't a style preference or a nod to afrocentrism — it's straight-up uncivilized.”

Questlove, a musician who often tweets about race issues, was angered by the ad, tweeting Thursday: “Lotion with a 38-year-old stripper’s name really wants my head off. Uncivilized? #[expletive]Nivea.”

Within hours, Nivea had apologized. On its Facebook page, the company wrote: “This ad was inappropriate and offensive. It was never our intention to offend anyone, and for this we are deeply sorry. This ad will never be used again.”
The ad is already printed in the September issue of Esquire, and Nivea still runs other variations of the ad, including one that features a white male model and rubber head, with no text about “re-civilization.” [Source]

Questlove, I feel you homie, that head in the brother's hand does look a lot like you. I can see why folks are upset. I get the message that this campaign sends, and it's not a good one. Civilized is a relative term, so where the hell does Nivia get off implying that some dude who looks like Questlove isn't civilized and the dude with the J. Crew v-neck, is civilized?

I am not even going to call them racist, just stupid. Their advertising agencies need to start putting some added flavor in their board rooms, and get out of this Procrustean approach to all of their products. Mad Men is a nice television show, but it's just that; a television show. This is 2011. Nivea, please feel free to join us whenever the spirit moves you. The time you spend apologizing for this type of faux pas could be well spent developing better products. (BTW, your Q10 moisturiser for men sucks. Or, as my white friends like to say: "Sucks balls"! )

Questlove, time for the Roots to drop another classic and show those fools over at Nivea that just because you rock your hair like their definition of uncivilized; actually listening to your music is as far away from uncivilized as it gets.  



  1. I don't see it, but I defer to your Fieldness.

  2. Yeah! Because as the whitest Puerto Rican alive, even I know that a brother with an even afro and well-groomed facial hair is civilized. Satan knows that my premature gray hair makes a well-groomed afro impossible, although I was more than capable of one as a child. I look more like Einstein than Cornell West, and I'd challenge anyone to question West's claim to being civilized.

    Hell, from my time in the Marines living in close quarters with people from everywhere, the black men had to work just a little harder than everyone else to maintain the grooming standards, including the razor bumps and ingrown hairs (I've got semi-kinky PR hair, I get those too). Someone in the know wouldn't remotely consider this Nivea ad for publication, because it doesn't remotely make sense.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. NSangoma11:53 PM

    That Lakeesha button is racist.

    What kind of people give their children names like Lakeesha?

    No, wait, never mind.


  5. Anonymous11:56 PM

    "The public outrage over the ad was immediate, with many calling the ad racist. “The message couldn't be clearer,” wrote Nona Willis Aronowitz at Good, “natural hair on a black man isn't a style preference or a nod to afrocentrism — it's straight-up uncivilized.”

    Well, someone should tell Field about it because he has shaved all of his hair off. I am surprised that he had the nerve to post this story.

    You know, it's getting so that you can't move or say a word without our people going into an outrage. We have got to be the most sensitive raging, screaming complaining victimized race on the planet.

  6. Anonymous12:03 AM

    "That Lakeesha button is racist."

    Is Lakeesha missing? why is the button called Lakeesha but shows someone else missing?

    Please explain.

  7. Anonymous12:09 AM

    Well, someone should tell Field about it because he has shaved all of his hair off. I am surprised that he had the nerve to post this story.

    No worry about Chinese getting jobs, black folk arent going to get them anyway, Obambi just issued an executive order to stop deporting illegals AND to give them work permits. What is this man thinking there are 22 million americans who are out of work or looking for more than a P/T Job, oh well, I guess his attempt at getting re-elected is more important then americans and the country, come on all illegals, come on in and take whatever you like now. This man is a pure mess and has committed many acts of treason, this being one of them.

  8. Meanwhile, black-on-black crime is on the rise.

  9. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Field, you are wrong about Coke being bad for you. It is very refreshing and tasty, esp when it's hot. So instead of being a negative thinker think of how refreshing it is.

    I am glad to see KO in China and going on the Shanghai Exchange. Emerging markets and China is where the money-making action is. Corporations know that if they aren't going global, they are in deep shit. The US is no longer what it used to be and it is slipping fast while China is climbing fast.

    Even Apple is in China, and Google is crying in its beer because of its stupid arrogant mistake of effing with the Chinese government. It was a good lesson and a good example by the government of China: "Don't mess with us, or there will be severe consequences." The Hoyas learned that lesson too.

  10. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Anon@11:56pm-"You know, it's getting so that you can't move or say a word without our people going into an outrage. We have got to be the most sensitive raging, screaming complaining victimized race on the planet."

    Don't forget the movie, "The Help". Our folks were raging about that too. Imagine that. We get mad and cry wolf over a fucking movie! Eventually people are going to get tired of Blacks crying wolf. This is such whining bullshit.

    Soon, Corporations and businesses will pay no attention, and make any commercial they please and tune out whatever Blacks have to say...just like Obama has done.

  11. Jesus are black folk sensitive.

    Transpose a white guy in the picture, same reaction?

    All this does is cost a brother a job, and convince companies not to market products to black people.

    Ridiculous. Again.

  12. Hard MF Facts of Life1:13 AM

    Horrors, an American company making money in China. How else are we gonna get our dollars back?

    It's not like companies can build plants here, with the EPA on their ass, the NLRB forbidding plants in non-union states, Obamacare making the costs of employees skyrocket, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world.

    The money goes where money grows. Welcome to Obama's America.

  13. @ Field: Consider these incidents, all from this summer:

    * At the Wisconsin State fair, groups of black teens numbering anywhere from 25 to 100 “were targeting anyone who was white or appeared to look white,” and beating them, according to the local police chief. At least 18 people were injured, and 30 have been arrested.

    * In Denver, couples leaving restaurants were being attacked by a group of black men with baseball bats.

    * A young white man named Carter Strange had his skull fractured by a mob in South Carolina. He was attacked at random while jogging.

    * A young white man named Dawid Strucinski was beaten into a coma by a mob in Bayonne, NJ.

    * Anna Taylor, Emily Guendelsberger, and Thomas Fitzgerald were beaten to the ground and stomped in separate Philadelphia flash mobs.

    * “Every weekend in July,” according to local news, “police have battled large, flash-mob beatings and vandalism” in Greensboro, NC.

    * In a mostly-white suburb of Cleveland, witnesses reported large groups of young blacks walking through the streets, “shouting profanities and racial epithets,” and one man was viciously beaten while leaving a restaurant with his wife and friends.

    * A young white lady named Shaina Perry was taunted and beaten by a black mob in Milwaukee who remarked “Oh, white girl bleeds a lot.”

    * In Peoria, a group of at least 60-70 African American youth marched down one of the side streets (W. Thrush) to the 4 lane main drag (Sheridan). They were yelling threats to white residents. Things such as we need to kill alll the white people around here. This was the fifth large mob action in about a month

    The similarities among these attacks point to a trend: First of all, these are not run-of-the-mill crimes. They typically involve group attacks against defenseless, random victims who have no means to resist and did nothing to provoke their attackers. These flash mobs often stomp their victims even after they are down, as most of the news reports describe.

    Then there are the racial similarities: The attackers are invariably black. Philadelphia’s mayor conceded as much when he condemned flash mobs, addressing the rioters with the charge, “You damaged your own race.” The victims are usually not black.

    Several qualifications are in order: It is clear that only a small number of black teens take part in these attacks. Blacks are more likely to be victims of violent crime than any other group due to black-on-black crime. Also, interracial crime is a fraction of all crime, and hate crime is an even smaller fraction of that.

    Nonetheless, these flash mobs are a social problem that needs to be addressed. If the races were reversed, we would be witnessing an outpouring of guilt of biblical proportions. Instead, the victims are white and we get an outpouring of ignominious silence. So far, precious few leaders in academia, politics, the legal system, or the media have spoken out directly against this troubling trend.

    Something bad is going on here.

    For a man who values the truth, why the silence?

  14. fn:


    so much for hobama's post racial america...huh?

  15. ronald reagan7:38 AM

    field writes:

    I guess since corporations are people according to our friend, Mitt Romney, Coke just wanted to show that they have friends of all races and nationalities.

    Nope. Corporations go where there's demand for their goods and services, and they go where they're wanted, and they go where the labor supply is productive.

    If the goal were simply to find a low-wage nation, they'd go to Haiti. But corporations do not invest their capital in nightmare nations, no matter how low the wages are.

    If you were doing the planning for Coke, where would you put new facilities? Coke always tries to produces its syrup in countries where its products are sold. Even though there's growth in the US market, does anyone doubt there's much higher growth prospects in a nation of 1.5 billion people?

    Part of the problem is Obama. He won't reduce or eliminate the tax on corporate profits earned outside the US.

    What should Coke do with the money it's been earning in China? Bring the money back to the US and pay a big tax? Or reinvest in China and make more and more?

    When it comes to economics, Obama is a moron. Actually, in many areas Obama is a moron, and the voters have begun to notice. Of course he blames America's economic problems on everyone and everything except his policies and programs.

  16. Tawana Himey Maddox Tax Evasion7:39 AM

    Here is a fine example of the dumbing down forced by Affirmative Action. Two Weeks and the performance is Hilarious, although very sad.

    But resist we much....we must and about that we much.. Hey, I only transposed one word, you just racist...

    Are we in trouble seeing as how the DOW dropped 630%?

    Who runs the environmental "projection" agency?

    When bottles flew through the air in the B-ball brawl in China why did they have to throw in"as well as..through everbody's side empty bench" The statement department said this was unfortunate..wait? What?

    Oopps there it is....AA action permanent racebaiter.

  17. ronald reagan7:46 AM

    field posts:

    Massachusetts luggage maker Samsonite opted to list in Hong Kong in the second quarter rather than do its initial public offering on the NYSE. The company now has six manufacturing centers in the country."

    It's within Obama's power as president to make the US a better place for manufacturing. But he's too much of a hardliner to do it. The necessary steps go against his faculty-lounge socialist dogma.

  18. ronald reagan7:47 AM

    Hmmm. ONe of my previous posts disappeared. Hmmm.

  19. ronald reagan8:00 AM

    field posts:

    "Skincare brand Nivea’s popular “Look like you give a damn” campaign went very awry this week after they released a new print ad that showed a well-groomed, clean-shaven black man about to toss away a rubber mask of his earlier self with facial hair and an afro.

    Before an advertising campaign shows up in the mass media, it goes through a test period with focus groups.

    You can bet the focus groups brought together to test this ad idea included blacks.

    So even though the ad was approved by people in the focus groups, it seems to have failed. That happens. Big deal. A mistake.

    Meanwhile, several years ago -- well before GM's bankruptcy, there was an ad campaign that said:

    "Go to your GM dealer and get a Hummer."

    There was never a word about that ad. No public comment. No Letterman or Leno jokes.

  20. ronald reagan8:11 AM

    More Obama failures:

    GM says bankruptcy excuses it from repairs...

    FLASHBACK: Obama guaranteed warranties...

    GOV'T MOTORS stock hits new low...

    Critics of the GM bankruptcy argued that it would mean the new GM would have no obligation to honor the warranties issued by the old GM.

    The warranties are like the retiree pension and healthcare benefits at the old GM. They are eating up all the profits.

    The fact that the new GM wants to invalidate the warranties means the warranties are making the new GM unprofitable. This problem raises the question of whether the new GM will file for a second bankruptcy before the 2012 election. Or will the new GM get Bailout II?

  21. Anonymous8:21 AM

    "Go to your GM dealer and get a Hummer."

    There was never a word about that ad. No public comment. No Letterman or Leno jokes.

    I guess proof that everyone likes the idea of a hummer, while some do not enjoy an unkempt black head.

  22. "Anon@11:56pm-"You know, it's getting so that you can't move or say a word without our people going into an outrage. We have got to be the most sensitive raging, screaming complaining victimized race on the planet."

    "We"? "Our people"? If you are a black man I just woke up with Lark Voorhies this morning. :)

    No one can hate themself that much. Not even a black wingut.

    "Something bad is going on here.

    For a man who values the truth, why the silence?"

    No silence about flash mobs Anon. I have blogged about them ad nauseam on this site. But you are not hearing what you want to hear.

    I personally do not believe that these attacks are (or were) racially motivated. I know a thing or two about some of the victims and the perps here in Philly and I can tell you, without question, that racism was not the motivation for any of these attacks.

    It's more like some of our deep and long hidden problems in urban A-merry-ca coming out in the open.


    "It's not like companies can build plants here, with the EPA on their ass, the NLRB forbidding plants in non-union states, Obamacare making the costs of employees skyrocket, and the highest corporate tax rate in the world."

    Corporations are people, but they are just bad people.

    If they could make a profit by creating poor working conditions for their workers and putting the rest of our lives n danger, they would.

    That's why I am glad that one of you wingnuts are not in charge.If yu were, we would all be dying of cancer within a few years while our ten year old children work in the factories for $2 an hour.

  23. Anonymous8:46 AM

    When our resident Free Marketeers TELL us that we have the bestest health care in the world (we do, just only for ManDumpling, McCain, Santorum and other rich people)....this is a contrary opinion.


  24. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Good widdle Goobers eagerly swallowing the marching orders. The EPA and NLRB are not what the liar was trying to push down the throats of willing wingnut Cons..and the public. Maybe it is that the poor dears of massively wealthy corporations can order around the hoi polloi....but a government official can shut your doors if you violate the law and regulations. OMG!! Government doing what we want. How utterly terrible! Agencies enforcing law.

    Natural hair? To me, and my admittedly elderly eyes, the gent looked decidedly uncivilized. But then, I see the same with JewFros, aping the greasy band Nirvana, and others who decline to wash and groom on a regular basis.

    Nivea should have done the same ad with a man carrying the unkempt head of a white scruff. Then, the unconscious racial issue would not have been raised.

    Actually, the US has tried to send US jobs to Haiti. But they have the problem of skilled labour expecting skilled labour wages. Poor corporations...all they wanted was to find cheap, cheap labour.
    If you are interested in how much your vaunted corps care for you...check out the Hershey choices....

    Hershey replaced the union folks...who did not make much more than the that is with the benefits.

    Oh, please dear fellow NOT go to gateway pundit. They lie...and you will give them eyeballs for free, allowing them to falsely claim they have actual readers.


  25. Tipsy Nipples9:28 AM

    To me, and my admittedly elderly eyes,

    The only thing old about you young white boy is your diaper, go change it. Then maybe some of the shit that comes out your mouth will make sense. But unlike a democrat I am a realist and don't live in illusion land, so I doubt it.

  26. Looks like my daughter's years of instruction in Chinese language are going to really pay off one day. The one thing I don't worry about is her taking an ass whipping Hoya style having also learned some Chinese "exercise" moves too!

    But then if a group of kids (from Chinese U) where to get into a fight with the all stars from the NBA, an ass by the NBA players is almost guaranteed. Fighting teens/young men + fighting grown ass men = Ass whipping courtesy of grown ass men.

    As for Nivea. I don't know any Black women who use their products, so that focus group BS mentioned by a previous posters is BS just like he is.

    Yeah China is going to be a zillion dollar economy one day until they all start dying of cancer from the dismal environmental laws there. Then they're quickly going to have a billion dollar healthcare bad, they'll just be billions of dead/dying Chinese, with Coke and Apple products produced from people with 12 limbs, 8 of them non functional.

  27. ronald reagan10:14 AM

    Article in today's NY Times:

    In Father's Memory, Fighting to Stay in Britain


    Britain repels illegal immigrants through an enforcement system partly run by private contractors, but it has legitimized treating foreigners as scapegoats.

    When you have a "free" national healthcare program, you have to keep out the freeloaders. Otherwise you eventually lurch toward national bankruptcy.

    Greece has spent itself into bankruptcy. These days, Greece wishes it were NOT a member of the European Union, which means it must live with the Euro instead of its own currencty -- the Drachma.

    If Greece were to resign from the EU and reissue Drachmas, it could print all the money it needed to get out of its hole.

    Not that printing massive amounts of money is a great idea. But, for all the other nations in the EU, it may be their preferred choice.

    Anyway, Obama likes the idea of printing money even though the piles of new dough have done nothing to actually stimulate economic activity.

  28. Y U So Dim10:18 AM

    But then if a group of kids (from Chinese U) where to get into a fight with the all stars from the NBA, an ass by the NBA players is almost guaranteed. Fighting teens/young men + fighting grown ass men = Ass whipping courtesy of grown ass men.

    Why u always talk bout violence? Confucious say tough man no talk he do.... tall and lanky get brought down quick-lee by kicks to knee followed by kick to throat, bye worry bout negro gang mobs we have plenty chinese peoples too we make egg foo young and chop suey of violent angry kneegrows and we betta scientist then u haw haw you clazee...

  29. ronald reagan10:23 AM

    field, in his ignorance, writes:

    Corporations are people, but they are just bad people.

    Bad people? Which corporations are bad people? I'd love to read your list.

    If they could make a profit by creating poor working conditions for their workers and putting the rest of our lives n danger, they would.

    If your foolish and uninformed statement were true, then every manufactured product in the world would come from factories in Third World countries. Everything.

    But if every factory were located in Third World countries, then the workers in those countries would begin to benefit from rising prosperity and after a while those nations would climb up from Third World status.

    About 20% of China's 1.3 billion people are climbing out of poverty and into China's growing middle class.

    How about nations in Africa? Nope. Nothing happening there.

    Haiti? Nope. As disastrous as ever.

    How about those other Surf, Sun and Sand countries in the Caribbean? Nope. Mostly poverty. Almost no foreign investment except some hotels.

  30. Anonymous10:45 AM

    RonTroll, you really should read more than the wingnut Con websites. There is plenty of investment in Africa and the Carribbean. Wonder how you missed it...and keep pretending it doesn't occur. Must be against what the priest of Fwee Markets told you in Fundie services.

    Labour is but one aspect of setting up a factory. Infrastructure, transportation, finance, skill level, public education, government support to the citizens...wonder how you missed this Business 101 material.

    Cheap oil lets you set up a factory in East BFE and ship to the US. If you have some real History texts in you local college...look at the US before cheap oil. Lots of regional and local businesses. Review the Erie Canal. Ask why it made sense.

    If you are interested in how much your vaunted corps care for you...check out the Hershey choices....

    If you add in the transportation costs...China isn't really all that cheap...but it lets you break the union.


  31. ronald reagan11:09 AM

    mold's ass cancer chemo kicks in:

    Cheap oil lets you set up a factory in East BFE and ship to the US.

    Yeah, that's why Japanese and German car companies build factories in the US.

    If you have some real History texts in you local college...look at the US before cheap oil.

    You mean before maritime engineers were designing huge cargo ships capable of moving goods around the planet for very little? As they say, it costs less to ship a barrel of oil from the middle east to the US than it costs to send a one-ounce letter first class across town -- 44 cents.

    By the way, global shipping expanded dramatically with the construction of the Panama Canal and the Suez Canal. Panama is now widening its canal.

    Lots of regional and local businesses. Review the Erie Canal.

    Yeah, the Erie Canal makes it easier to move goods from China, Japan, Korea, Germany and Canada to many parts of the eastern and midwestern US.

  32. ronald reagan11:10 AM

    By the way, it appears the Mad Purple Cow is now posing at mold.

  33. I Bang Ma Nei11:16 AM

    If you are interested in how much your vaunted corps care for you...check out the Hershey

    Hershey Highway eerie canal u are a sick man but not of asia why you want talk about your hershey highway eerie canal? You go now, no buffet for you, you go now my wife no like you!!!!!

  34. "How about those other Surf, Sun and Sand countries in the Caribbean? Nope. Mostly poverty. Almost no foreign investment except some hotels."

    Yes, Alcan and those other companies mining for Bauxite really do a hell of a job with those vacation packages. *rolling eyes*

    Hey ronald reagan, didn't you die from Alzheimer's disease? Looks like it is hitting you again in your second life.

    "By the way, it appears the Mad Purple Cow is now posing at mold."

    And slappy as the fake cowboy from California. ;)

  35. Anonymous11:48 AM

    RonTroll, the car companies built here because the local merchants placed barriers to entry. You might wish to compare the US models...with the ones sold nearly everywhere else.

    Who says? Grover Norquist? Gateway ScamPundit?

    You are simply blustering...because your appeal from authority is going bust. Nice typical wingnut Con fakery. Why don't you keep selling the lie to the poorly educated christian/cyber/charter skools? They might not laugh at you.

    f you are interested in how much your vaunted corps care for you...check out the Hershey choices....

    If you add in the transportation costs...China isn't really all that cheap...but it lets you break the union.


  36. Field, you are wrong about Coke being bad for you. It is very refreshing and tasty, esp when it's hot. So instead of being a negative thinker think of how refreshing it is.

    no, it is you who is wrong. coke, and most sodas, are poison.

    it is well established medical fact that HFCS and sugar contribute to many diseases and cause tissue inflammation. drink a case of coke sometime and see for yourself. there is nothing nutritionally valuable about soda, and if you want to feel truly "refreshed" on a hot day, you'll give your body what it needs, which is pure water. it taxes your body *more* to process the sugar and additives in a soda than it "refreshes" it. sodas are also addictive, and that's on purpose. there's a reason it's called "coke" and yes, it's still made with derivatives of COCAINE.

    i have a friend who is a PhD microbiologist/chemist. he has a fancy machine that analyzes the chemical components of any sample he puts in it. he once did analysis of a bottle of coke. he was sort of shocked to discover what was in it, in addition to the ingredients listed on the bottle. heavy chain plastics that cause cancer, "preservatives" that can lead to other diseases, filth... he gave a talk to the local business community about it, to encourage them to clean up local coke factories (the make coke with local water so it tastes "right" to people in the area) and shocked them as well, to discover how many pollutants were in their sodas.

    do yourself a favor and just don't drink soda. your body will thank you.

  37. ronald reagan12:17 PM


    England seized the island in 1655 and established a plantation economy based on sugar, cocoa, and coffee.

    The abolition of slavery in 1834 freed a quarter million slaves, many of whom became small farmers. Jamaica gradually obtained increasing independence from Britain.

    In 1958 it joined other British Caribbean colonies in forming the Federation of the West Indies. Jamaica gained full independence when it withdrew from the Federation in 1962.

    Deteriorating economic conditions during the 1970s led to recurrent violence as rival gangs affiliated with the major political parties evolved into powerful organized crime networks involved in international drug smuggling and money laundering.

    Violent crime, drug trafficking, and poverty pose significant challenges to the government today.

    Nonetheless, many rural and resort areas remain relatively safe and contribute substantially to the economy.

    The Jamaican economy is heavily dependent on services, which now account for more than 60% of GDP.

    The country continues to derive most of its foreign exchange from tourism, remittances, and bauxite/alumina.

    Remittances account for nearly 15% of GDP and exports of bauxite and alumina make up about 10%.

    But there's no aluminum smelting facility in Jamaica, probably because there's not enough electricity.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. ronald reagan12:19 PM

    More on Jamaica:

    The Economic growth faces many challenges: high crime and corruption, large-scale unemployment and underemployment, and a debt-to-GDP ratio of more than 120%.

    Jamaica's onerous public debt burden - the fourth highest in the world on a per capita basis - is the result of government bailouts to ailing sectors of the economy, most notably to the financial sector in the mid-to-late 1990s.

    In early 2010, the Jamaican government created the Jamaica Debt Exchange (JDX) in order to retire high-priced domestic bonds and significantly reduce annual debt servicing.

    The Government of Jamaica signed a $1.27 billion, 27-month Standby Agreement with the International Monetary Fund for balance of payment support in February 2010.

    Other multilaterals have also provided millions of dollars in loans and grants. Despite the improvement, debt servicing costs still hinder the government's ability to spend on infrastructure and social programs, particularly as job losses rise in a shrinking economy.

    The GOLDING administration faces the difficult prospect of having to achieve fiscal discipline in order to maintain debt payments, while simultaneously attacking a serious crime problem that is hampering economic growth.

    High unemployment exacerbates the crime problem, including gang violence that is fueled by the drug trade.

    I have a feeling you're among those who would legalize drugs.

  40. The ad was done with a surfer dude's head as well. The difference was Nivea didn't use the word "uncivilized"--hence side-eye.

    Just throwing something out there but what if these flashmob kids are racially motivated? What if they've watched the [white] media/establishment disrespect the first black POTUS and decided fuck it. If he can't get respect why shouldn't I just do what's expected--cause mayhem and instill fear. Interesting paradox for racists--no?

  41. ronald reagan12:30 PM

    broolyn, the occasional idiot, drops by:

    Just throwing something out there but what if these flashmob kids are racially motivated?

    What if? It means they're criminals on more than one level. Criminals soaked in irony. You're claiming they're fighting back against perceived racism by committing racist crimes. On a 1-to-10 scale for dumb, this is off the scale.

    What if they've watched the [white] media/establishment disrespect the first black POTUS and decided fuck it.

    Oh. But when Bush and Clinton were subjected to public vitriol, it was meaningless? Actually it is. That's part of living in a nation where there is Free Speech. You can criticize your government and the people in it without fear of retribution -- from the government.

    But blacks seem to have the idea that Obama is criticized for being black. Sorry. It's because he's incompetent.

    If he can get respect why shouldn't I just do what's expected--cause mayhem and instill fear.

    There it is. The black rationale for violence. This is why there are no prospering black nations on the planet. There's always a call for violence, but never a movement to take the steps that lead to national prosperity.

    Interesting paradox for racists--no?

    No. Nothing paradoxical in your explication of the black logic that jumps from bad press for the president to the black desire for violence. Par for the course, as black history has shown, over and over.

    And every time, the black violence is self-destructive.

  42. Anonymous12:57 PM

    The joke in my family is that it's the Caribbean (Trinidadian) in me that explains why I've earned college degrees in each decade of my life since I finished high school. kuntlickin wannabe dawktaw

    gosh the joke ought to be about how standards have been lowered to accomodate ur desire to BUY ur degrees u incompetent shit lickin moron!

  43. Anonymous1:14 PM

    RonTroll, must be all those recessive genes in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, Sweden, Russia, and Mommy Dearest England.

    Gosh, for you...historee really did begin with the ascension of st reagan.

    Is it the lying...or is it that you like to lie to only certain people...or is it that you really, really want to spread utter nonsense...or are you a paid weenie?

    You keep trying to pretend to be an authority...which is quite laughable as a dotty old dabbler like me can show how you are simply posing and posturing. Wite boy, if I can rend your tissue of are no expert.

    Chicago Dyke, welcome back!! Pleasure to hear from you again and hope you continue to bless us with your presence and opinions.

    If you are interested in how much your vaunted corps care for you...check out the Hershey choices....

    If you add in the transportation costs...China isn't really all that cheap...but it lets you break the union.


  44. I'll just assume that you're losing your mind like you're moniker indicates since you really didn't address my question. You racists like the bullies you are never expect your victims to strike back. Rude awakenings are best served cold as well.

    I continue to be amused by your coming here. What are you doing here? Do you make money per post as its been suggested? Black people no more solicit interaction with you than you want with us but somehow your kind can't help but seek us out. Why is that?

  45. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Some are paid by the posting, some are paid by the eyeballs they bring to scamsites, and some do it because they delight in being PITAs.

    Aint nothing a Goober with a penny hates more than a AfAm with a thousand dollars in WAM.


  46. Wingnuts in Charge2:02 PM

    Field Negro said..."If they could make a profit by creating poor working conditions for their workers and putting the rest of our lives n danger, they would.

    That's why I am glad that one of you wingnuts are not in charge.If yu were, we would all be dying of cancer within a few years while our ten year old children work in the factories for $2 an hour."

    Yes, and if they could make a profit by creating good working conditions and making our lives better, they'd do that too.

    The corporate model isn't good or evil. It can result in good or evil as it only focuses on profits.

    The government's proper role is to prevent it from doing evil. This is the legitimate function of child labor laws, pollution regulations, and worker safety laws.

    The problem is when government prevents it from doing good. Excessive red tape, excessive pollution laws, cronyism, tax policies that encourage sending profits and production overseas put our prosperity and well being in danger.

    It is undeniable Obama's policies are costing jobs. If he wants to save his presidency, he'd better start paying attention to some fundamental laws of economics.

  47. Anonymous2:23 PM

    What silliness!!
    Define excessive red tape or excessive pollution laws. Cronyism? from the Koch-suckers who brought us RussertJR and DoocyBoy and Bristol 'twoBabees' Palin and bush and Quayles and....

    Tax policies that make corporate taxes n the US the lowest in the industrialized world...aren't why you Massa sends stuff overseas. He does it to break the union and to deny any access to the money to those who created the wealth.

    Maybe, instead of parroting lines from a screed, you could read what Massa actually says.

    Here's a hint young boy...Google Love Canal or Cuyahoga River or Valley of a Thousand Drums. And whimpering for the multinational having to submit paperwork is only showing how much you personally hated doing your homework.


  48. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Coke went to China because the labour hasn't quite figured out how much they are worth. Sort of like a business moving from NYC to Podunk. For one generation, the locals Koch-suck. Then, their kids...who now can afford to attend a real college..return with the knowledge that similar tasks in NYC are paid 40X the rate in Podunk. And they see the safety devices and policies that let your parents and grandparents live to see 50...and more.

    So, they push for increases (but not to the NYC levels) and defer income for benefits and pensions. Yeppers, those eveel nasty icky horrible things are pay...and why, exactly, does the company need to steal it?

    Unions form when the company is dong evil. If the firm pays a decent wage, offers decent benefits, and operates in good faith...a union can't form. All the lies about how unions are from outside agitators are sheer falsehood.

    What some call 'Merican Capitalism...others call running one step ahead of John Law. See which one fits the actions better.;)

  49. Brooklyn, you pose a good question. Let me try to answer it with a little psychology for you:

    "Abnormal jealousy is usually defined as a psychological disorder in which a person experiencing this type of jealousy cannot conceal it. A person with abnormal jealousy may feel insecure, and oftentimes a person will go out of her way and harm someone else in an attempt to satisfy herself."

    Color arousal is a form of abnormal jealousy. Some folks have it bad. :)

    "Yes, and if they could make a profit by creating good working conditions and making our lives better, they'd do that too.

    The corporate model isn't good or evil. It can result in good or evil as it only focuses on profits."

    Nice try. But you and I both know that it would be easier for them to make a profit by ignoring proper working conditions and paying lower wages. This is why more and more of your corporate friends are choosing to set up shop in Third World countries.

    So sorry, I can't follow the logic of your argument.

    "I have a feeling you're among those who would legalize drugs."

    Yes, I would.

    Slappy, why did you change your handle? Are you just feeling nostalgic for reagan?

    BTW, I see that you are still good at utilizing Google and cutting and pasting to fool folks into thinking that you are actually smart.

    Remember, merely cutting and pasting something you read about a particular subject doesn't necessarily make you an authority on it.

  50. Anonymous said...
    gosh the joke ought to be about how standards have been lowered to accomodate ur desire to BUY ur degrees u incompetent shit lickin moron!

    Ain't that cute Manika, bringing up info from posts past! Thing is that if you had a degree, you could joke. But you don't because your sorry non working nigga' bitch ass was too sorry to go back to school and finish your eucation.

    Yeah, I must SUCK to be YOU knowing I could give you on of my Science degrees, STILL be a Scientist, and have one more science degree to spare!

    Now lick THAT, you baby shitty diaper/funky foreskin, psycho, stalking lunatic sperm receptacle!

  51. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Field, it's what passes for scholarship in his world. Whether charter/cyber/religio skool...they all prefer this version of knowerating.

    For a wingnut Con...he am smart!!


  52. "Field, it's what passes for scholarship in his world. Whether charter/cyber/religio skool...they all prefer this version of knowerating.

    For a wingnut Con...he am smart!!"

    "knowerating". Interesting word, Mold. I willremember that one.

  53. Anonymous3:07 PM

    negros really do need to re-civilize themselves.racist mob attacks,leaders of all interracial crime,bloods and crips.

    how can you re-civilize a group of people that where never civil to begin with?


  54. @BrookLyn

    Kind of strange that young black kids pick this year to go after white people. I think that some of it is paid for by the right. Remember ACORN and Shirley Sharrod. Also gangs don't go out and snatch 30 sodas and sandwiches, they usually go after millions of dollars. I remember the 18 year old that "registered" 72 times to vote in Cleveland for a beer and cigarette each time. BTW it is illegal for a adult to supply a juvenile a cigarette and beer.I wonder why Bill Sammon the head of Fox's News division know so much about it. If that was a white girl somebody would be in jail.

    BTW, those little incidents are not riots. Riots was what happened when people WERE really pissed.

  55. kid said...
    Also gangs don't go out and snatch 30 sodas and sandwiches, they usually go after millions of dollars.

    Sounds like you're talking about the Berni Madolf gang.

    And I doubt those were billion dollar sodas and sandwiches being stolen by the flash mobs. And I doubt even more then negative impact flash mobs will have on the stock market/economy.

  56. @Anonymous 3:07 PM

    I guess black people invented "The Combination", "The Syndicate", the Russian Mob, the Triads, the Yakausa,the Hells Angels, the Outlaws, the Aryan Nation, "La Cosa Nostra", "The Westies", "the Purple Gang", the Five New York Families", and don't forget the biggest crooks of all...Wall Street.

    Sorry the leaders of international crime are mostly white.

  57. Anonymous3:31 PM

    "Abnormal jealousy is usually defined as a psychological disorder in which a person experiencing this type of jealousy cannot conceal it. A person with abnormal jealousy may feel insecure, and oftentimes a person will go out of her way and harm someone else in an attempt to satisfy herself."

    Color arousal is a form of abnormal jealousy. Some folks have it bad. :)

    seems like this is the entire negro race, you even invent terms for your abnormal jealousy, white supremacy, affirmative action, racist, get the idea. Look at it this way, if we all of a sudden separated the country into two portions white/black....who do you think would be screaming about what the whites have created and who do you think would be jealous and who do you think wouldn't know you exist otherwise? Why I think we can look at any black nation today and see what would occur.

  58. @Wingnuts in charge and ronald reagan

    The problem is when government prevents it from doing good. Excessive red tape, excessive pollution laws, cronyism, tax policies that encourage sending profits and production overseas put our prosperity and well being in danger.

    It is undeniable Obama's policies are costing jobs. If he wants to save his presidency, he'd better start paying attention to some fundamental laws of economics.

    Sorry I like drinking clean water and breathing clean air. American corpooration are over seas because if a worker dies there's no regulation to investigate the company. Workers are exploited overseas. What you want is for the POTUS to let business TURN OUT AMERICA. Increasing child labor hours, decreasing minimum wage, promoting prison labor, I thought the right didn't want to be like China.

  59. @Anonymous 3:31 PM

    The reason some countries where they're darker people at are in bad financial conditions is called "arressted development". Yes you white bigots that come from the Conservative Citizens Council, the BNP, and other racist conservative parties go out of your way to definance other people and cultures. That's why China had the Boxer Rebellion and finally threw out all Europeans. That term "sick man of Asia" really pissed them off. Whites are in the position they're in because of the articles in the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel". Most of the world is of color and now white bigots are scared of how they treated all those darker skinned people. Even Rupert married a Chinese wife so that he (actually his wife) can own the media in China.

  60. Anony 12:09 said: "No worry about Chinese getting jobs, black folk arent going to get them anyway..."

    I too was thinking something along those lines with all those growing numbers of unemployed black people in America since.... And it doesn't matter if the jobs might be menial, these days a job is a job until you get your feet up again.

    Then again, why bother worry if these companies outsource the job market to China/Asia which has one of the largest illegal immigrant population in America anyway. These racist illegal and non-black people are going to get the jobs regardless, now it doesn't matter if they are in or out of America.

  61. @ La♥audiobooks

    They have a name and they're undocumented workers. You have black ones from Belize, Costa Rica, the West Indies, and other countries. there were many Black Hispanics that were founders of the Black Panther Party. Blacks and Latins anre not playing the crabs in a barrel thing anymore.

  62. "Why I think we can look at any black nation today and see what would occur.'

    I am so sick of you people with that crap. Africa is the way it is because of you thieving, greedy, lying, exploiting, deceitful soul-less conniving white people. Anywhere in this world where you may find suffering, chaos and mayhem, you will always find a greedy white face behind of it. I am getting so sick of you racist trolls on this blog.

    Too bad those set of mindless black slave catchers in Africa helped you perpetuate such global crime to the African people.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. "Blacks and Latins anre not playing the crabs in a barrel thing anymore."

    Okee dokee.

    And by the way, I hope you do know that there is a huge difference between the black Latin/Hispanic and non-black Latin/Hispanic people.

  65. Anonymous4:13 PM

    when talking about racist trolls bookie needs to look in the mirror.whitey ain't causing little negros dyin' in well,pick your black is what it is because of negros.


  66. Anonymous4:16 PM

    But Rushdoony told us if we only beleeverated then we wite folks would be christian overlords....just like the Old Testament. Multiple, underage wives...owning everything...and smiting our enemies.

    Nice points. Yes, China has never forgotten the wonderful wite rules and missionaries/spies/molesters. And the world is quite the opposite of BillO, Beck and the FAUX fan base. Payback could be painful.

    The Fwee Market priests no longer like the work of offering new and better products. Now, they just want cheap, cheap labour. Remember, the Captains of Industry hated Henry Ford for paying a living wage...even though it increased Demand.


  67. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Poor Troll, all you have is lies. What happens to you when you have to accept Reality?
    Keep in denial?
    Or delve deeply into the teachings of Dominionist/Reconstructionist fantasy?
    Maybe sell eyeballs to scamsites?


  68. Anonymous4:27 PM

    yes mold if we only embrace obamlism everything would be betta.

    mold still shows angry.why can't mold be white?mold has fine hair and bright eyes.mold post like a white person.still mold could never pass for "wite" no matter how many knobs she slob.



    ALL kids are responsible for their OWN behavior in all races

    blame their real horrid parents ogf all races

    not mythical republikkkans...

    ask any teacher
    their classrooms are daily flash mobs!

  70. fnotd = marcia dyson!!!


    mike's consistent clairvoyant better saner half!!!...


    free the truth about hobama


    free the land/world/black mongrels etc!!!

  71. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Poor baby, no matter how much you wail...the US still prefers Obama to the fakery you espouse. And yes...we embrace the centrist, moderate, right-leaning Obama in vast preference to anyone you like.
    Something about sanity, you understand. We like our elected officials to be Reality-based...not dogmatic Troo Beleevers in Koch-sucking.

    Still, I love how wingnut Cons assume that knowerating is the same as knowledge. Like being a Chickenhawk is the same as serving.

    Love how Hershey used slave labour to replace their union workforce.
    Such gawdly capitalists!! Who needs eveel gubmint when Hershey chooses to fire nasty icky union people making about $14/hour with deportable students for $8/hour and charging the kids for housing.


  72. "how can you re-civilize a group of people that where never civil to begin with?"

    I know, when I was younger and would go to one of those college bars, I would think the same thing:
    Those Sigma Nu & Sig Tau folks really could use a good dose of civilized juice.

    "Look at it this way, if we all of a sudden separated the country into two portions white/black....who do you think would be screaming about what the whites have created and who do you think would be jealous and who do you think wouldn't know you exist otherwise?

    Yeah right! The white country would be watching black country TV for everything from fashion trends to make up tips. :)

    Sorry wingnut, I think we would be good in black country. I know I would. Now some of your self- hating black wingnut friends, on the other hand, not so much.

  73. illiterate inbept molded lying racist sexist clueless moron:

    read a mf book and a mf poll asap!!!

    PRINCETON, NJ -- A new low of 26% of Americans approve of President Barack Obama's handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since Gallup last measured it in mid-May and well below his previous low of 35% in November 2010.

  74. What, me worry?

    A Gallup poll finds 11 percent of Americans satisfied with the way things are going in the United States, the lowest rate since December 2008 and just four percentage points above the all-time low from October 2008.

    Americans continue to cite the economy and jobs as the most important problems facing the country.

    And a new low of 26 percent of Americans approve of President Barack Obama’s handling of the economy, down 11 percentage points since mid-May and by far the lowest rate of his presidency.

    Indeed, Obama is at a low ebb on five of seven major issues tested in the new poll.

    Probably a good time to go on vacation.

    Read more:

  75. Kingnut5:12 PM

    Mold: "ax policies that make corporate taxes n the US the lowest in the industrialized world...aren't why you Massa sends stuff overseas. He does it to break the union and to deny any access to the money to those who created the wealth."

    Your ignorance is stunning.

    And if it's just an act and you know better, then your malevolence is stunning.

  76. Kingnut5:16 PM

    Field Negro:

    'Nice try. But you and I both know that it would be easier for them to make a profit by ignoring proper working conditions and paying lower wages. This is why more and more of your corporate friends are choosing to set up shop in Third World countries.

    So sorry, I can't follow the logic of your argument."

    Then the government should do what it can to make paying good wages in proper working conditions here in America as competetive as possible.

    Or at least stop adding to the costs of prooduction.

    It's really not that difficult a concept.

  77. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Field, a Japanese anime, Ghost in the Shell, offered up a vision of the US being split into literate and wingnut Con sections.
    You agree quite nicely with the alternate future of the studio.:)


  78. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Silly wingnut, you hoperate that we can't read a budget. Government adds almost nothing to the 'cost of production'.

    Why are you lying? Is this a paid gig...or do you just want to pretend?

    Ummm...I do know better. Which is probably why your 'appeal to authority' fails. You just want to try an ad hominem...and hope that the rubes accept it.

    Hope you get paid to be this dishonest. It would be a shame if you did this crap for free.


  79. Kingnut5:28 PM

    kid said..."Sorry I like drinking clean water and breathing clean air. American corpooration are over seas because if a worker dies there's no regulation to investigate the company. Workers are exploited overseas. What you want is for the POTUS to let business TURN OUT AMERICA. Increasing child labor hours, decreasing minimum wage, promoting prison labor, I thought the right didn't want to be like China."


    Actually kid, it's the Obamaites that are so enamored of China.

    American inventiveness and productivity can beat the Chinese.

    You do drink clean water and breathe clean air. I grew up on the eastside of Cleveland in the 1960's. I remember going downtown with my dad and just choking on the smoke coming up from the mills in the Flats. I remember the litter everywhere, and the river catching on fire.

    Things are so much better now, and no one is advocating going back to the old way of doing business. But the EPA is a monster out of control. The regulations they are pushing now offer incremental and dubious benefits at astronomical costs. We are regulating ourselves right into bankruptcy.

    Unions have to adapt too. Most of guys on my block growing up worked in the steel or automotive plants. They all made good money, full benefits, and long vacations because there was no competition back then. The world has changed and nobody is going to pay double for American steel or cars anymore. No amount of wishing is going to change that.

  80. Kingnut5:32 PM

    mold:"Silly wingnut, you hoperate that we can't read a budget. Government adds almost nothing to the 'cost of production'."

    What motivates you? Are you a crusader for the cause of ignorance?

    How can you type such breathtakingly stupid statements such as "Government adds almost nothing to the 'cost of production'"?

    Or a better question: Why?

  81. kudos to marcia!!!

    she has been right re: that repub hoax hobama
    since 2007!!!
    just like tavis...

    I’m sure there are so many households that are divided between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. For example, Jesse Jackson supports Barack Obama. However, his wife Jacqueline Jackson supports Hillary Clinton. Below is a piece about Marcia Dyson, an ordained minister, who supports Hillary Clinton and her husband Michael Eric Dyson, a professor, who supports Barack Obama. They must have some great dinner conversations.

    A House Divided
    By Marcia Dyson and Michael Eric Dyson |
    From pillow talk to a political pillow fight.

    So given my personal track record, I astounded myself when I realized that the person that I would travel the country campaigning for — the person I trusted to work on behalf of African American children in need of Head Start programs, for people of color whose uninsured illnesses were left untreated, for single moms and working women who are treated as second class citizens with less pay for equal work than all my brothers of varied hue, and for minorities whose communities are targets of environmental racism — was NOT black! Not a Negro!

    Yes, this phenomenal black woman is standing beside the phenomenal white woman – Hillary Clinton. For this moment in HERSTORY, I will let this capable, more than qualified, compassionate and intellectual white woman clean up a white man’s mess.

    My darling husband will agree with me on my last few words about needing to clean up Bush’s carnage. But the love stops there. Friends have asked me about our pillow talk this campaign season. “Pillow talk??? Girl, I need to have someone come and clean up all the feathers from our pillow fights!” is my usual response.Let’s say Michael and I have agreed to disagree. We find ourselves in corners of the same room whispering to our different camps about strategies and critiques. We are both suspicious and on watch so that our bright ideas don’t end up being used in our opponents’ campaigns. When it gets too intense, we call a truce, come to the communal table and dine together. Then we quickly kiss and return to our political work.

  82. mrs j jackson is intimate friends with hobama...

    her daughter is even malia's godmother

    and she STILL did not support that fake corp slumlord ho hobama for prez!...deep!!!


  83. Obama 20125:55 PM

    Hillary Clinton is a criminal.

    Hillary Clinton is a liar.

    Hillary Clinton is the worst Sectretary of State since Madeline Albright.

  84. obama 11 in 2011/dumbed down hobama nazi assnon:

    hillary is a drone who takes orders from that warmonger ruler/hnic hobama

    and if she was prez and hobama was her scty of state...u sexist ignorant mfs would be coddling hobama even more


  85. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Well, because it is true. While you pout over the 'incremental' progress...which is boilerplate from a fail to mention the Science behind doing the removal of toxins.
    Or that the firms decline to invest in the processes and equipment that allow for cheaper environmental compliance.

    Oh, rather than accept the word of a Koch or Koch-sucker on their face...I conduct due diligence.

    Wonder how nearly every other developed nation manages to have long vacations, benefits and wages. Must be some magickal thing. They also have real profits...not the st reagan accounting dodge 'profits'.
    If you have to raid the pension are not profitable.

    And, if you look at the numbers, most US firms have bailed to bust their union...not make money. As an investor I dearly love that a business will dump millions into an attempt to avoid having a union shop. And the money is sooo wisely spent. Why, those funds could have been used frivolously to buy new tech, pay decent wages and benefits, or be handed to me in dividends.


  86. hey Field, I stopped in Philly for a couple of hours. Didn't have time to hail you up but next time I'll try to get a couple a Red Stripes with ya. I did dig the Drexel radio station that was rocking the reggae all day. Didn't get hemmed up by a flash mob but I did keep it above 60mph through your massive.

  87. ronald reagan6:17 PM

    brooklyn writes:

    You racists like the bullies you are never expect your victims to strike back. Rude awakenings are best served cold as well.

    In other words, in your view, whites attacked by the black flashmobs are, in fact, racists who need the rude awakening of a beating provided by blacks.

    Yep. That's advanced black thinking.

    Based on this sample of your logic, OJ was justified when he killed his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. They were, in your view, racists whites who deserved to die.

  88. ronald reagan6:19 PM

    Hey mold, you moron,

    This week the Greek banking system will come close to collapsing. At this point, it appears that only a bailout from the EU can save it. Germany and France might pull out.

  89. ronald reagan6:24 PM

    mold says:

    Google Love Canal

    You mean that healthy happy place that many call home?

    If you think Love Canal is an unhealthy place your ass cancer must be getting worse.

    mold is a white male.

  90. Backlash6:25 PM

    ronald reagan said...
    brooklyn writes:

    You racists like the bullies you are never expect your victims to strike back. Rude awakenings are best served cold as well.

    In other words, in your view, whites attacked by the black flashmobs are, in fact, racists who need the rude awakening of a beating provided by blacks.

    Yep. That's advanced black thinking.

    Based on this sample of your logic, OJ was justified when he killed his ex-wife and Ron Goldman. They were, in your view, racists whites who deserved to die.

    That sums up modern black thinking quite accurately.

    It is world view based on a twisted reading of history and a bloated sense of entitlement.

    Something has to give. Soon.

  91. happy sunday to all!

    an ode and a sermon to the rudely awakened hobama nazis who are playing possum on hobama


  92. Kingnut6:30 PM

    mold: "And, if you look at the numbers, most US firms have bailed to bust their union...not make money. As an investor I dearly love that a business will dump millions into an attempt to avoid having a union shop."

    Mereley out of spite? A business forgoes profits just to get back at their workers? I doubt that business would get any investors, unless of course they were morons.

    I'd ask you if you were a moron, but I already know.

  93. Obama 20126:32 PM

    Obama bitchslapped Hillary in 2012. She is "B" team material at best.

  94. ronald reagan6:42 PM

    in an exchange with field:

    "I have a feeling you're among those who would legalize drugs."

    field says:

    Yes, I would.

    And there you have it. He's a person who would give the full protection of the Constitution to those corporations who are people to produce the most addictive drugs that scientists can produce.

    Then what? The government will collect taxes from drug addicts like it collects taxes from tobacco addicts.

    Twelve dollars for a pack of Marlboros in NY City. The cigarettes themselves cost about 10 cents to produce.

    The government will become partners with the drug companies that utilize advertising companies to expand their base of addicted buyers.

    They will develop crystal meth that is even more addicting than today's street product, and the government will tax it, claiming some of the money will go toward anti-drug education.

    Every convenience store, every 7-11, will sell beer, cigarettes and pot.

    Along iwth the beer and Viagra ads, there will be pot ads. There will be athletic events sponsored by pot sellers, just as there has been the Virginia Slims tennis competition.

    Pfizer, Bristol-Myers and other big pharma companies will develop new and more addictive forms of heroin.

    It'll be grand. Just grand. And the government will cut itself in by imposing lots and lots of taxes on the addicts, who, by the way, will come from all over the world to buy legal drugs.

    Rush Limbaugh can buy OxyContin at Walgreens, right off the shelf next to the aspirin, and below the cocaine.

    When people say they believe the world would be better off by legalizing drugs, their total ignorance of human behavior is on display.

  95. lying moron obama 11 assnon:

    hobama barely won in 2008!!!

    and ALL msm media slew hillary for him

    that punk bitch hoax hobama needed that help to beat a female


    totals can’t be known.
    The political Web site Real Clear Politics has an excellent tally, with links to official reports from state election authorities. Those show that even counting Clinton’s win in Florida, where the two were on the ballot but did not campaign due to the state’s violation of party rules, Obama beat Clinton in the popular vote by 41,622 votes – a small margin, only 0.1 percent. Obama’s margin grows to 151,844 votes, or 0.4 percent, when estimates are included for Iowa, Nevada, Maine and Washington, which did not release official totals of popular votes.
    Only by counting Michigan, where Clinton’s name was on the ballot but Obama’s was not, can Clinton claim to have won more votes. Counting only officially reported results, Michigan puts Clinton’s total ahead nationally by 286,687 votes or 0.8 percent. Once estimated votes from the four non-reporting states are included, the margin becomes less significant: 176,465 votes, or 0.5 percent. And if Michigan’s "uncommited" votes were accorded to Obama, he’d have a 61,703-vote lead (0.2 percent), counting estimates from the non-reporting states.

  96. sane voters will slap that hoax bitch hobama in 2012


  97. Anonymous6:50 PM

    FYI: for all you FN Negroes who can't help yourself in complaining about everything, "The Help" is now #1. This proves no one gives a damn about your views, esp Field:

    LOS ANGELES — "The Help" continues to clean up at the box office, taking over the No. 1 spot with $20.5 million in its second weekend.

    The drama about Southern black maids had debuted in second-place a week earlier. "The Help" raised its domestic total to $71.8 million and bumped "Rise of the Planet of the Apes," which slipped to No. 2 with $16.3 million after two weekends at the top.

    A rush of new movies had weak openings: the family sequel "Spy Kids: All the Time in the World" at No. 3 with $12 million; the action remake "Conan the Barbarian" at No. 4 with $10 million; the horror remake "Fright Night" at No. 5 with $8.3 million; and the literary adaptation "One Day" at No. 9 with $5.1 million."

    Just goes to prove that "quality" movies reign supreme. Your lack of quality judgments in the arts and the inability to separate your prejudices are an embarrassment to our race.

  98. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Video of our frustrated people without jobs and Maxine Waters ready to take on the President...It's about time some politician speak out against what the President is doing to our race! And I hope the Black blogosphere will join in the fight for our welfare.

    Of course, Field and Granny have already shown that they will not. Our high unemployment(2X the national average) seems to be fine with them.SMH

  99. more pookie madness in philly???


    *Another sign that … well you know. Here’s the deal. In Philadelphia, at least two men actually fired automatic weapons into a crowded city bus because a woman on board allegedly asked them to shoot at a passenger who criticized her for hitting her child.

    Dramatic video obtained by shows men with high-powered rifles firing into a Septa bus last month.

    Prosecutors allege that Penny Chapman, who was riding the bus with her young son, became upset after a passenger sitting behind her criticized her for spanking the boy.

    Chapman then made a phone call directing brothers, Karon and Raheen Patterson, to fire at the passenger when the bus arrived at her stop, prosecutors say. (more…)

  100. @Kingnut

    You are NOT or have ever been in Cleveland. You can read the Wikipedia verson of Cleveland all you want but you played yourself.

    What LONG vacations did Auto Workers have?

    No one went to the Flats in the 60's and not with a kid.

    The River DID NOT catch on fire. A real Clavalander knew what caught on fire. No I'm NOT going to help you figure out WHAT really happened.

    BTW the problemm with the American Auto industry was that people working in prisons overseas will make a car cheaper than a people who are not in prison. If you read "Megatrends" you will know that poor people overseas will make things cheaper that a person in the Union over here. Which is why the POTUS has to "make jobs".You can't make a bridge or seweers overseas and send it over here. Updating our interstructure will take decades and will enable us to raise wages. If the POTUS do that then people can buy more goods and more people can become employed. Mopst of those factory jobs are not coming back here. Having Americans purchase more good will help our economy and help the worlds economy. People like the Koch's and Murdoch don't need to flee the west and set up in China. They need to be good Americans and employ some people over here.

  101. ronald reagan7:06 PM

    kid makes being dumb an art form:

    Sorry I like drinking clean water and breathing clean air.

    We have clean water because corporations provide everything that's needed to clean the water and make it safe.

    Same for clean air. Corporations make the products that clean exhaust gases and clean other waste that's created by processes other than combusion.

    You're a true dummy.

    By the way, every year, about 5 MILLION people die in Africa from drinking unclean water. Why is the water so unsanitary in all of Africa?

    American corpooration are over seas because if a worker dies there's no regulation to investigate the company.

    Oh. So in your weird world, a corporation is supposed to write new work rules for other nations.

    You're so dumb you don't understand the role of government OR the role of business.

    Workers are exploited overseas.

    Workers are offered jobs. They can refuse the jobs, or take them. If a country is poor, like Pakistan, it's hardly the fault of the clothing companies that offer some of their cutting and stitching work to the people living there.

    What you want is for the POTUS to let business TURN OUT AMERICA.

    Your first problem is your total ignorance about real jobs. Microsoft and Google pay their employees a lot of money because those companies need smart, well educated people.

    But clothing manufacturers need people who can perform low-skilled labor. Machines are doing more and more of the work.

    At this point, unless the labor is priced at Pakistani wage levels, it will be handled by a machine.

    Increasing child labor hours, decreasing minimum wage, promoting prison labor, I thought the right didn't want to be like China.

    Kids are required to go to school until at least age 16. In your crazy world the high dropout rate among blacks is probably part of some conspiracy to obtain cheap labor, even though the unemployment rate among black high-school dropouts is about70%.

    It is illegal for prisons to allow prisoners to work for profit-making enterprises. In case you don't know, that's slavery.

  102. ronald reagan7:13 PM

    kid, seems like the stupid pills have kicked in:

    You can't make a bridge or seweers overseas and send it over here.

    In fact you can, and it's done. But you might have to assemble the parts, like the bridges and sewers are from Ikea.

    Bridges are built with a lot of precisely designed pieces of steel that can be formed anywhere on the planet. Same with pipes.

    Same with the equipment used to build the bridges and sewers.

    Should a construction company buy equipment from Caterpillar? Or Komatsu?

    Again, you don't know a thing about construction or manufacturing, any any technical subject. Worse, you're really determined to stay ignorant.

  103. Anonymous7:14 PM

    "Prosecutors allege that Penny Chapman, who was riding the bus with her young son, became upset after a passenger sitting behind her criticized her for spanking the boy.

    Chapman then made a phone call directing brothers, Karon and Raheen Patterson, to fire at the passenger when the bus arrived at her stop, prosecutors say. (more…)"

    Our folks are so rageful, shame-based and violent. I once lived in Philly, and I just don't think there is much hope for a lot of Blacks in Philly. Every Black has a gun, some have high powered ones. No one with tempers like those Blacks should have guns. These folks are off-the-chart. They are very sick people.

  104. ronald reagan7:16 PM

    kid says:

    Updating our interstructure will take decades and will enable us to raise wages.

    The idiot speaks again.

  105. Anonymous7:17 PM

    AB, why won't you speak to the video of our people and Maxine Waters against Obama?

    Are you now a supporter of Obama like so many on this blog at our expense?

  106. ronald reagan7:20 PM

    anon posted:

    "Prosecutors allege that Penny Chapman, who was riding the bus with her young son, became upset after a passenger sitting behind her criticized her for spanking the boy.

    Chapman then made a phone call directing brothers, Karon and Raheen Patterson, to fire at the passenger when the bus arrived at her stop, prosecutors say. (more…)"

    See how easy it was to track this moron who made a phone call from the bus to her retarded boyfriend with his gun?

    Is there any reason people should wonder at the high incarceration rate among blacks?

    Almost all criminals are stupid, despite the Hollywood glossing they get. If almost all criminals are stupid, and there are a lot of black criminals, then we can conclude there are a lot of stupid blacks.

  107. FYI: for all you FN Negroes who can't help yourself in complaining about everything, "The Help" is now #1. This proves no one gives a damn about your views, esp Field:"

    Wrong again, wingnut. It is exactly as I predicted. Folks in the majority here in A-merry-ca, LOVE movies like this, with the dignified "Magic Negro" and the white heroine [or hero] standing up to bigotry.

  108. ronald reagan7:33 PM

    field writes:

    "Abnormal jealousy is usually defined as a psychological disorder in which a person experiencing this type of jealousy cannot conceal it.

    First, and as usual, you're working with the wrong words.

    Jealousy is NOT the fitting word. For your purposes, the right word is envy. You should learn the difference. Yeah, you'll probably say you meant "jealousy", but it's the wrong word.

    Second, you're projecting. This is a serious problem in black culture.

    A person with abnormal jealousy may feel insecure, and oftentimes a person will go out of her way and harm someone else in an attempt to satisfy herself."

    Hmmm. You've described black behavior. But more importantly, you've described the feelings of blacks relative to whites.

    You know, those flashmob beatings, and other examples of anti-white action crimes.

    AS you know, whites almost never attack blacks, and for the last 40 years there are only a handful of cases of whites engaging in racist attacks on blacks.

    But according to FBI crime statistics, there have been plenty of whites attacked by blacks.

    In other words, attacking whites is the black expression of envy.

  109. In regards to the Coke/China debacle I shall remain silent untill I can gather more information. I strive to employ a method to my madness that requires me to do some light reading/reasearch prior to posting. My "gut" as GWB would say, says that Coke/China is a lucrative short term deal at best. Long term it may prove a worse marriage than any of Larry Kings/Elizabeth Taylors umpteen failed abysmal marriages. Nivea is just silly - they let their marketing team expose their real feelings/colour arousal about us Negros.Personally I thinks that Trump/Blagojevich are far better targets for derision for male hair care product marketing teams. Like Paul Mooney said, " they have the complexion for the protection by the collection."

    * pardon my spelling. Grammar gestapos knock ur selves out-literally.*

  110. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Nice strawman RonTroll. How generous of you to place your own fibs in another's post. Thank you for the wingnut Con of 'slippery slope'. Haven't heard that piece of idiocy for quite a while. Maybe it was Santorum, spreading his Santorum over the horrible concept of people having rights.

    As far as clean are literally pulling items from your Santorum.
    And the prisoners are already working for 'non-profits'.

    RonTroll, you are still trying to 'appeal from authority'...and you don't have any. By your own writing, I can discern you are unaware of of much that you write about. While this is a positive for religio-crazees, wingnuts and Cons...for most of the Reality-based world...this is a negative.

    Yes, Queenwingnut....firms do drop profits to be nasty to unions. And not just small amounts. Some firms will do without profits for years to break a union. This is not it is commonplace...and has been done for years.

    Field, we 'Mericans love the white hero saving the day with faithful Magic Negro makes the Reality of what we did to our citizens for centuries more palatable. And gives us the image that we are not so bad and the world has natural law with whites at the top of the Social Darwinist pyramid. You are correct!


  111. Anonymous8:03 PM

    kid said...
    @Anonymous 3:31 PM

    The reason some countries where they're darker people at are in bad financial conditions is called "arressted development". Yes you white bigots that come from the Conservative Citizens Council, the BNP, and other racist conservative parties go out of your way to definance other people and cultures. That's why China had the Boxer Rebellion and finally threw out all Europeans. That term "sick man of Asia" really pissed them off. Whites are in the position they're in because of the articles in the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel". Most of the world is of color and now white bigots are scared of how they treated all those darker skinned people. Even Rupert married a Chinese wife so that he (actually his wife) can own the media in China.

    Kid you really are dumb. It's like watching a little kid who saw the lecture but it was over his head so he qoutes parts of it incorrectly.

    The Japanese were the one who called Chinese the sick men of Asia, during occupation.

    Arrested development, no development, genetics. Call it what you will and attempt to blame some white guy who once propped them up but is now lonnnnnnngggggg gone. Every single black nation ever througout history all over the globe is third world at best. It isnt' because white nations continue to feed them when they can't do so themselves, it isn't because they were slaves hundreds of years ago, every race were slaves at one point in history. It is because they think like you - hardly.

  112. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Moldy Nipples said..
    Silly wingnut, you hoperate that we can't read a budget. Government adds almost nothing to the 'cost of production'.

    If you are democrat, obviously not, otherwise they would have produced a budget as required by law but they haven't because they know the incompetence will shine and they will be booted out faster then voted out.

  113. Anonymous8:07 PM

    By the way, every year, about 5 MILLION people die in Africa from drinking unclean water. Why is the water so unsanitary in all of Africa?

    Because 50 years ago some white guy helped them run things efficiently and now they don't know how, so they shit in the bodies of water, throw dead bodies in the bodies of water and the wonder why they get sick. I know why, its all the white guys fault, he left.

  114. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Sure, some anon blogging teen boy is the master race or superman of Nietzsche. Excuse me while I snicker at your fatuous ego.
    Maybe your scamsites fail to mention some of the reasons for the arrested development. How about the st reagan removal of birth control from aid. Maybe it is nothing to a horny teen age boy whose only date is....himself...but a woman might not want to Duggarize her life. Especially when there is no massive government support.

    Or that many of the foodstuffs offered by the generous christmoles are spoiled. Or the material donated by businesses is less than spec.

    We could offer that it is easy for a disciple of ManDumpling to decry the lesser beings of other lands...sitting in the Chickenhawk safety of Mom's Basement. Sure is simple to make a claim about how wussy the other high school you have never left the confines.


  115. mellaneous8:22 PM

    Just curious guys but I was wondering who the Magic Negro was in the movie.

    Field is right the movie as usual makes a heroine out of the white woman who recorded the stories of the maids.

    But we shouldn't too hastily overlook a few things.

    - this is a movie as Field points out and I second that is not interested in truly reflecting all of the horror of the times.

    -this is a movie not a documentary

    - what the movie portrayed was indeed bravery on the part of the white woman who told the story and on the part of the women who risked a lot to tell the story.

    - no Negro had any magic besides the sister who put her crap in the chocolate pie and let the woman know that she ate it. IN real life she most likely would have been murdered and run out of town.

    - that particular maid actually worked her "magic" on the woman who was ostracized by white society. But in actuality that's not all that far fetched since these Negro woman worked their magic on white households and made them better often at their own expense.

  116. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Troll, thanks for lying. It makes me smile that one who writes in English could be so utterly ignorant of History, Health and other subjects.

    Before you brag about how safe your water might want to check with your county Emergency Plan.

    And all your vaunted witeness does not protect you against the -ahem- you have acquired.;)


  117. mellaneous8:25 PM

    Field another name for Coke is "killer Coke." Coke has been implicated in hiring para military groups to kill union organizers in Colombia.

  118. mellaneous8:30 PM

    the resident racist passing as a senial mental midget of a former president said:

    By the way, every year, about 5 MILLION people die in Africa from drinking unclean water. Why is the water so unsanitary in all of Africa?

    Now who is being stupid? How did the water get soiled in Africa? I can tell you unequivocally that in some countries Nigeria comes to mind, much of the water is polluted by oil from the efforts by oil corporations to extract it.

  119. mellaneous8:37 PM

    The resident racist said:

    American corpooration are over seas because if a worker dies there's no regulation to investigate the company.

    Oh. So in your weird world, a corporation is supposed to write new work rules for other nations.

    You're so dumb you don't understand the role of government OR the role of business.

    The resident racist got this right, the role of business is to make money, nothing more.

    But he is so callous and ammoral he can't see the problem with this, this is why I don't bother addressing him because he isn't really a human being, just a paid stooge, who really believes the masters propaganda, even while he only gets pennies as a supporter!

  120. Anonymous8:46 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Just curious guys but I was wondering who the Magic Negro was in the movie.

    Barack right? He's the only magic negro I know, oh yeah that magic wore off and even with the lamestream media still spinning he is exposed.

  121. "Because 50 years ago some white guy helped them run things efficiently and now they don't know how, so they shit in the bodies of water, throw dead bodies in the bodies of water and the wonder why they get sick. I know why, its all the white guys fault, he left."

    Or he went there in the first palce.

  122. Welcome back, slappy. I am glad to see that you could make bail. Did you have to put up that Victorian of yours in Brooklyn? :)

  123. Kingnut8:55 PM

    kid said...

    You are NOT or have ever been in Cleveland. You can read the Wikipedia verson of Cleveland all you want but you played yourself.

    What LONG vacations did Auto Workers have?

    No one went to the Flats in the 60's and not with a kid.

    The River DID NOT catch on fire. A real Clavalander knew what caught on fire. No I'm NOT going to help you figure out WHAT really happened

    Born in East Cleveland. Moved to Cleveland Heights.

    My steelworker next door neighbor, who had started in the mills right after WWII, got 6 weeks vacation a year, and 12 weeks every third year.

    I didn't say I went to the Flats as a kid, I said I went downtown and smelled the smoke coming up from the Flats.

    And yes, dumbas the "river" didn't catch on fire, stuff in the river did.

  124. Anonymous9:06 PM

    This is what FN Negroes ought to be focusing on, instead of Coke:

  125. Anonymous9:14 PM

    "mellaneous said...
    Just curious guys but I was wondering who the Magic Negro was in the movie."

    Mell, you know as well I do that there is NO magic Negro in the movie. But those Negroes like Field, who hate the movie has to make something up to discredit a good movie.

    I am surprised that you have backtracked on your prior comments in order to placate Field. Maybe you should consider politics, flip-flopper?

    I thought you were a stand up guy who put Truth before Personality but I was wrong. You are just like the rest of the Negroes on this blog who cater to Field as if he is YOUR magic Negro who knows everything. It's unbelievable cowardice.
