Sunday, August 21, 2011

Maxine, the devil is upset with you.....

...He says that sending all those tea- party people to hell will only ruin the joint.
The first time I met Maxine Waters in person she was flirting with my friend from law school while we visited Washington some 15 years ago. (Relax Sidney, it was totally innocent. I won't even repeat what was said.) I have followed her career ever since. And it has, to say the least, been colorful. (No pun intended.) 

Girlfriend told the tea party folks to "go straight to hell", recently, and, as you can imagine, wingnuts are "fit to be tied."

“I’m not afraid of anybody,” said Waters. “This is a tough game. You can’t be intimidated. You can’t be frightened. And as far as I’m concerned, the ‘tea party’ can go straight to hell.”

Mrs. Waters, I am sure that they are all convinced that they are going to that other place. You know the one. Where they have all the Angels, milk and honey, and no black folks. So I bet that you telling them to "go straight to hell" must have really pissed them off.

Anywhoo, I love Maxine's fight. And before you wingnuts think it's only the right she has it in for, Maxine has made it quite clear that even our boy O is going to get the business from her if he doesn't get his s&^% together. She wants O to pay more attention to black folks, and she is letting her constituents know that she will be holding his feet to the fire. This seems to have become a trend: Black folks have become somewhat frustrated with O, and they are letting their politicians know about it.

"The economy, the loss of jobs, the pain is real. We’re talking about indisputable facts,” she said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”
“We’ve got to be in the discussion. We want to be part of the solution. We cannot continue to go on watching everybody talk about what the solutions are without us being included in it,”

I agree with her there. I know that O and his peeps will be looking for a large voter turnout from old reliable, and it would help him in key swing states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida. But if these Negroes in places like Philly, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Tampa, and Jacksonville stay home, O better start packing his bags for that long ride back to the Windy City. It's no secret where the next presidential election will be won or lost: In northern suburbs with independent white voters, and the turn out in urban areas in key swing states. That's it. No need to listen to all the political pundits on television bore you for hours with red state blue state crap. I just gave you the key to winning in November, 2012 in a couple of sentences.

So Maxine is right.  O and his people have to address urban issues in the larger discussion about economic recovery. What good is it going to do if home values go up again and Tyrone keeps breaking in to my nice new home because he can't find a job or wants to support a drug habit? Or, unemployment drops for the rest of A-merry-ca and stays at double digits for poorly educated urban youths with nothing to look forward to but a long criminal record? We have all these great resources at our finger tips and at some point we are going to have to start connecting the dots.Politicians (both locally and nationally) are not doing that, and we are going to pay for it down the line. The truth is, we are probably paying for it already.

Finally, every time you think that Governor Big Hair is a legitimate candidate for president of these divided states, or every time he questions O's patriotism or love of country; just remember the following quote from him just a couple of years ago:

"Texas is a unique place. When we came into the union in 1845, one of the issues was that we would be able to leave if we decided to do that,” Perry said. “My hope is that America and Washington in particular pays attention. We’ve got a great union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, who knows what may come of that.”

And with that, I rest my case.




  1. Anonymous8:59 PM

    About time someone stood up to the Koch-sucking astroturfers. Like all bullies, they depend on people not standing up to their idiot bluster. And you-all wonder why I do. Maxine sets the example.

    Let Tejas go! Seems they forgot how much they needed the stimulus, the Federal mil money, and the support from all those eveel nasty literate States.


  2. Alas, it seems some diamond company asshole has lent money to her campaign:
    But the author also is a rwanda genocide denier so take this with a grain of salt.

  3. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Let's face it. Obama has proven that he cares little about the black community. Unfortunately, Blacks can twist and contort their fantasies that he still cares even though he has turned his back on them.

    It's time for Blacks to grow up and face reality. Instead of words look at his behavior towards us. And Obama's behavior says just the opposite of caring.

    Wake up, Black America! Instead of complaining about Obama not fighting for us, WE need to do some fighting ourselves and hold his feet to the fire. That is the only way Obama and the Dems will stop ignoring and taking us for granted.

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Sarah will enter the race next week. Pray that she doesn't win because she can beat Obama.

  5. "Let's face it. Obama has proven that he cares little about the black community. Unfortunately, Blacks can twist and contort their fantasies that he still cares even though he has turned his back on them."

    Still lullabying yourself to sleep with the myth that black folks are somehow waiting on Obama to pay their rent and gas?

  6. "Still lullabying yourself to sleep with the myth that black folks are somehow waiting on Obama to pay their rent and gas?"

    Yes, where did that come from? I think it's another one of those FOX manufactured urban legends. Kind of like the Panthers intimidating folks at the voting booth.

    "Sarah will enter the race next week. Pray that she doesn't win because she can beat Obama."

    I am praying that she does win so that I can quit my job and blog full time.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Wake up, Black America! Instead of complaining about Obama not fighting for us, WE need to do some fighting ourselves and hold his feet to the fire. That is the only way Obama and the Dems will stop ignoring and taking us for granted.

    10:02 PM

    Normally, I'm all about "bros before hoes" but in the broader scheme of things..

    Bullshitting aside, Maxine spoke the truth. I like her.

    Maxine just took a page of the Tea assholes play book - because it worked. She's on a mission to fire up "the base". It won't be too hard because of the fact is that Blacks are always "last" in terms of receiving any type of "benefits" (And I'm not talking about welfare either, so don't try that dumb shit. Lots o'Whites are catching up in that category - fast). The fucked up thing is that Whites have to feel the pinch and bitch first before Blacks can even be heard, to be considered, to even present our case.
    The problem is, as a whole, within the USA for us people that are hurting,is that there's no unity to resolve the problem. Us "serfs" have the same common problems but we're all pointing at each other as the cause. It's not "us", it's "them." People in corporate. People in Congress, people in the Senate, in that order, and in partial, the President.(We probably need to add the Supreme Court in the mix as well.)

    I like the USA as a mixed bag of shit. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Follow the money and then you'll see where shit is getting jacked up.

  8. miscellaneous11:02 PM

    mellaneous wrote:

    Now who is being stupid? How did the water get soiled in Africa? I can tell you unequivocally that in some countries Nigeria comes to mind, much of the water is polluted by oil from the efforts by oil corporations to extract it.

    Hey bonehead, the problem with water in Africa is in the diseases that it carries from one place to the next. You know, or more likely you don't -- diseases like River Blindness and a load of intestinal diseases.

    Meanwhile, since you don't know, oil and water do not mix. In fact, sprays with oil in them have been used to kill mosquitos and other disease carriers that are found around ponds and rivers.

    A little oil on the water does not kill anyone.

  9. NSangoma11:11 PM

    What y'say 'bout Obama, Maxine:


  10. "A little oil on the water does not kill anyone."

    Tell that to people who lost their livelihoods after Deepwater Horizon.

  11. You know RK, that phrase "bros before hos" is classic. But not in a thread about Ms. Waters and not unless we're talking about "Debo".

    And why in the company of Goobers anyway?

    I'm really hoping I missed something here because that sh@t wasn't close to cool,

  12. I knew I was catch some flack..All good. Justified response in this conversation. If you know me in person, you'd know I was joking. Kinda hard to portray that in a comment on a blog, text, etc.. That's why I followed up with, "Bullshitting aside, Maxine spoke the truth. I like her."

    I like to joke around and have fun and plus I'm not a eloquent writer.

    I'm not worried about the goobers, you can't win with them anyways, even if the truth smack the shit out of them.

    On that note, where is No_Slappz?

  13. miscellaneous12:21 AM

    mack lyons says:

    Tell that to people who lost their livelihoods after Deepwater Horizon.

    Wake up. Nobody lost his livelihood as a result of the Gulf oil leak.

    In fact, BP has been paying generously and those who've made claims -- fishermen, motel operators, etc. -- got at least a full season of pay. They got a paid vacation.

    As you can tell from the absence of news stories, there's been no problems this year, and the only story about the oil leak has been about the absence of lasting effects.

    Interestingly, one recent story about a "dead zone" in the Gulf was published. According to the story, the dead zone was caused by crop fertilizer in the water of the Mississippi River going into the Gulf and killing a lot of marine life.

    But the oil has had no lasting effect.

  14. miscellaneous12:27 AM

    field jabbers:

    Maxine has made it quite clear that even our boy O is going to get the business from her if he doesn't get his s&^% together.

    Even the dumbest among us get one right now and again.

    She wants O to pay more attention to black folks, and she is letting her constituents know that she will be holding his feet to the fire.

    Unfortunately the dumbest among us cannot recognize incompetence when it's staring her in the face.

    This seems to have become a trend: Black folks have become somewhat frustrated with O, and they are letting their politicians know about it.

    Trend? The moment of clarity. When even blacks realize that our muslim-in-chief is a hapless failure as president.

  15. Hedley12:29 AM

    Maxine Waters is going down for major House ethics violations.

    Like many scoundrels on their way to the gallows, she lashes out at those she thinks are vulnerable, trying to deflect attention for her own misdeeds.

    She is a an idiot, a criminal, a loser.

    Good riddance.

  16. miscellaneous12:31 AM

    The price of GM stock is going lower and lower. It ended last week a little above $21 a share. That's down from its $33 IPO price.

    Now GM says it won't honor warranties, even though Obama promised that it would.

    GM may well be headed for a second bankruptcy. Obama has to pray that GM stays afloat till after the election.

  17. Alamo Joe12:35 AM

    mold: Let Tejas go! Seems they forgot how much they needed the stimulus,

    Idiot. It is the Texas model that is suceeding. The Federal Bloatacracy is failing.

    Viva Texas!

  18. Anonymous1:23 AM

    maxine waters is a vile narcissistic worm. demands "tolerance" for her ilk, and those she agrees with or champions, but sees fit to openly vilify opponents of her point of view, wishing them an eternity in hell. nice. and the thing is, all the liberal/progressive feckless smarmy acolytes, they think that's great. they get to speak however rudely they want to, but the rest the world has to show maxine waters "tolerance" when addressing her. hey maxine. go I^&*($ yourself. seems like fair turnaround for your wishing that i go to hell. screw you lady;

  19. miscellaneous2:02 AM

    I really need to stop posting before I get my ass kicked. I'm sorry for fucking up your blog, Field.

  20. Anonymous2:21 AM

    Field, "I am praying that she does win so that I can quit my job and blog full time."

    Mr. Field, what do you mean by that? You keep messing with my girl Michele Bachmann, then you mess with my anchor girl at Beck cable news, now are going to mess with my favorite girl Sarah?

    Mr. Field, that ain't right. I am beginning to feel that you are doing this to eff me up. You need Jesus.

  21. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Mell, "I really need to stop posting before I get my ass kicked. I'm sorry for fucking up your blog, Field."

    don't worry i'll protect you, esp from mack. keep sharing, man. mack can't do a damn thing anyway.

    And Field wants everyone to express themselves freely, esp cussing ministers. let her rip, mell.

  22. "Mr. Field, that ain't right. I am beginning to feel that you are doing this to eff me up. You need Jesus."

    I think I will look for him now that the tea party folks have been sent to hell by Maxine. :)

  23. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Hey when does Maxine get out of jail for her ethics violations?

  24. miscellaneous8:09 AM

    You learn a lot about the intelligence of Senators and Reps when the Senate and the House investigate situations -- like the banking crisis.

    A few asked intelligent questions that lead to answers that actually enlighten people and bring understanding and clarity into the picture.

    Then you get Maxine Waters, who asked questions of such towering stupdity that you wonder if this idiot was able to pass the test for a driver's license.

  25. miscellaneous8:15 AM

    The scary part about Maxine Waters is her popularity among blacks. Her continuing presence in elected office says there are a lot of morons in California.

    But, Charlie Rangel, tax evader and perpetrator of real estate fraud, is still in office.

    The determination of blacks to support criminals at every level of government is truly astounding.

  26. Anonymous8:25 AM

    You say Maxine Waters sending the Tea Party to hell will ruin the you realize that nearly every member of the Black CBC is under investigation for corruption and illegal activity? Why is that?

    Do you ever realize things just aren't right? Yeah, yeah I know after they all started getting caught with the Ethics committee that Nancy Pelosi put in place because she thought she would catch conservatives now the CBC wants the ethics committee eliminated, why? Its' racist to catch so many Black criminal lawmakers. Amazingly bereft or morality, we know who already sold their souls to the devil.....don't we Field.

    From 2004 to 2008, the Congressional Black Caucus’s political and charitable wings took in at least $55 million in corporate and union contributions, according to an analysis by The New York Times, an impressive amount even by the standards of a Washington awash in cash. Only $1 million of that went to the caucus’s political action committee; the rest poured into the largely unregulated nonprofit network.

    But the bulk of the money has been spent on elaborate conventions that have become a high point of the Washington social season, as well as the headquarters building, golf outings by members of Congress and an annual visit to a Mississippi casino resort.

    In 2008, the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation spent more on the caterer for its signature legislative dinner and conference — nearly $700,000 for an event one organizer called “Hollywood on the Potomac” — than it gave out in scholarships, federal tax records show.

  27. Anonymous8:39 AM

    i a negro,you a negro,we all be negros.we can't criticized isn't one of us.he is better than us.born from a mandingo warrior and a wigger,obama is the chosen one.our messiah.obamessiah.

    if them teabaggers try to stop our messiah.well they well go straight to hell.

    we can all pretend negros ain't waiting in line for obama cash.

    just like we can pretend negros wasn't thinkin' obama gonna pay my bills.

    it's porant to member just who the bullies are and what happens when you stand up to them.they bite your fingers off or shoot you.wait,thats union thugs doing that.

    molds' bravery is for all to admire.mold sits behind her puter screen everyday and battles those bulling teabaggers.mold lifts from fringle left webstites and pretends they are her on words.why can't mold be rewarded for her bravery?mold served just like john f. kerry.did you?lets rewarded mold.give her something she desires above all else.whiteness.


  28. Relax y'all, as field said, forget about all that boring rhetoric about jobs this and unemployment that. In the big scheme of things, those that are not working - most of them - could give a rat's ass about politics, and if they had any sesne at all, they sure wouldn't vote for a Republican, who cares little or nothing about Joe Smoe.

    In short, politics is nothing more than a game of words and Big Bank (best speaker) takes little bank (stumble mouths). Taking that into consideration, my man Obama is the best, most powerful orator in the last 50 years, so he has this on lock. Seriously, it's all about words and emotions, and Obama has shown (been there and done that) that he has his thumb on the pulse of human emotions. Granted, he's up against racism and ignornace but again, he has been here before.

    And, he is one of the slickest brothas I know. Seriously, he doesn't show his hold card when people are yelling and panicking and acting a damn fool. Oh no, I'm telling you, ol'boy is playing for the long haul. When the time is just right, he will say all the right words. And when it's all said and done, he will break-out with James Brown's "It's The Big Pay Back" and "Say it loud, I am Black And Proud"

    I'm telling y'all, put your money on black, it's a done deal. This man is 4 steps ahead of the average racist, bigot and damn fool, and any one of those clods on the Republican team.

    Remember, although some folks believe they are talking some real deep intelligent shit when they claim they are making him responsible and holding his feet to the fire, however, the real truth is, talking negatively about him does not draw people to him and we don't need enemies on our own team. If not Obama then who!!??

  29. Fn:

    All true warriors never censor ANY political truth…
    Ask tavis and cornel


    KUDOS to Maxine for scalding that traitor hoax hobama with some belated black tea!!!!

    And kudos to the tea party…even as they hurt LESS than blacks
    They dared to scald hobama FIRST!!!

  30. hey fn:

    if constant flirting is ok for it not ok for maxine too???

  31. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Miscellaneous, "The scary part about Maxine Waters is her popularity among blacks. Her continuing presence in elected office says there are a lot of morons in California."

    It's no scarier than those Whites who support Rick Perry, or those Whites who keep voting for Michele Bachmann. They are far less intelligent than Maxine.

    But you are right, those CA Blacks love Maxine. It's still a mystery to me why. The only reason I can come up with is that she says the things the people in her district want to hear. That's pretty much the norm in black communities. The CBC hasn't done shit for years but they keep getting elected.

    Blacks go for the words and promises of politicians, little, if any action. Look at how we keep following Obama and he hasn't done a damn thing for us. It's in our genetic hearts to fall for words but no action. We fall for it EVERYTIME.

    I am grateful to Tavis and Cornell who are bringing this awareness in our communities. Let's hope Maxine isn't just speaking more words with no plan to Obama.

  32. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Miscellaneous-"But, Charlie Rangel, tax evader and perpetrator of real estate fraud, is still in office.

    The determination of blacks to support criminals at every level of government is truly astounding."

    Well, don't worry about it. Pay attention to your own white criminals at every level of government...there are at least 10-20 times as many. Everybody is merely following the examples of their white massas.:)

  33. anon:


    maxine is always disrespected by racists/sexists

    she is no saint
    as no politico ever is

    but she is a true warrior

    Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles) made the following statement upon learning of journalist Gary Webb’s death:

    “I am stunned and pained with the loss of Gary Webb. Gary was a friend and one of the finest investigative journalists that our country has ever seen. The Dark Alliance series was one of the most profound pieces of journalism I have ever witnessed. Gary’s work was not only in depth, revealing and confrontational but it single handedly created discussion and debate about the proliferation of crack cocaine and the role of the CIA.

    “Unfortunately, the major news papers attempted to silence him by undermining his personal character and his professional integrity. Through his diligence, he has brought to the attention of the American public the failed policies of the CIA and the drug war.

    “I spent two years working with Gary following his revelations and I am convinced that his work was factual and well documented. Unfortunately, as stated before, the attack on Gary Webb by major media outlets such as the LA Times, Washington Post and the New York Times were devastating and destructive.

    “It is interesting that at the time that he uncovered and exposed the deficiencies of the CIA, he was attacked as rogue. It is only recently as an unintended bi-product of the war on terror that the rampant problems and mismanagement of the CIA have come to light.

    “When he pointed out the numerous red flags concerning the CIA including their turning of a blind eye to the trafficking of cocaine from Nicaragua during the conflict between the contras and the Sandinistas, he was painted as the enemy.

    “Gary Webb is a journalist of courage and I truly believe that the latest revelations about the intelligence communities’ failures have vindicated him.

    “I will miss him and in his memory I can only hope that rather than silencing, we as a country will cultivate and encourage courageous truth seeking journalists like Gary Webb,” Congresswoman Maxine Waters said.

  34. miscellaneous10:24 AM

    anon 9:40 says:

    Well, don't worry about it. Pay attention to your own white criminals at every level of government...there are at least 10-20 times as many.

    The white miscreants, with the exception of Ted Kennedy, are voted out after their bad behavior is reported. But black miscreants are re-elected, many many times. Like Rangel.

  35. miscellaneous10:29 AM

    carey carey says:

    I'm telling y'all, put your money on black, it's a done deal. This man is 4 steps ahead of the average racist, bigot and damn fool...

    Four steps, then three steps, then two steps. Even for a black guy, it's tough staying ahead when you're running down the street carrying a stolen TV.

  36. miscellaneous10:36 AM

    anon 9:33 writes:

    It's no scarier than those Whites who support Rick Perry, or those Whites who keep voting for Michele Bachmann. They are far less intelligent than Maxine.

    Perry has an admirable personal history AND Texas has enjoyed an improving economy during his governorship. You can say he was in the right place at the right time, but by any measure, he's been a successful leader in Texas.

    Maxine is nothing but a moron. To say otherwise is to reveal a notable lack of intelligence.

    Bachmann is not presidential material. But she's smart. You can't earn the degree in tax law that she holds without some brainpower.

    Once again, Waters is a bonehead with the look an escaped psychiatric patient.

  37. Anonymous10:54 AM

    It's hypocritical and shortsighted to demand that Obama give special attention to anyone based on race.

    He didn't run as a black candidate. And without the support of white people he wouldn't have been elected.

    Fact is, and we must face this, he has allowed the Republicans to shit on everyone of every race who isn't a millionaire!

  38. NSangoma10:58 AM

    Slave, hoop, ethnic, regardless you Negroe womenz be liking them:

    Something else fo' field to BISH about.


  39. kkk assnons:

    pookies of all races rule all of the world

    file under
    wf pookies who hawk children
    A desperate Florida mom was locked up after she tried to hawk her 5-year-old son to some friends for $2,000 police said.

    Jessica Marie Beers, 28, was nabbed by cops on Saturday after a couple she offered the child to dropped a dime on her to authorities, My Fox Tampa reported.

    John Gardner, 58, told police he and his wife had met Beers at church, and they had occasionally babysat the boy and given the single mom food and money because she had fallen on hard times, according to the website.

    Earlier this week, she said they could keep him in exchange for $2,000

    Pinellas County police said Beers admitted to attempting to sell her tot, but didn't say why.

    Gardner said Beers was hooked on prescription pills.

    The troubled mom faces charges sale of parental rights and probation violation.

    The boy, whose name was not given, was with child protection agents.

  40. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Miscellaneous, "Maxine is nothing but a moron. To say otherwise is to reveal a notable lack of intelligence."

    Can't argue with you. I have long considered you to be rhe expert on morons.

    "Once again, Waters is a bonehead with the look an escaped psychiatric patient."

    I agree. She has that Michele Bachmann look.

  41. Anonymous11:27 AM

    anon, "He didn't run as a black candidate. And without the support of white people he wouldn't have been elected.

    Fact is, and we must face this, he has allowed the Republicans to shit on everyone of every race who isn't a millionaire!"

    You are exactly right. Obama is the President of ALL Americans, not only Whites. Obama would do well to remember that.

    Maybe Blacks should keep their mouths shut and continue to quietly suffer, even though unemployment for them is almost twice the national average--the highest in history?! Obama's silence on this extremely suffering matter is deafening.

    Is Obama actually the President for ALL people, EXCEPT Blacks? I don't think so.

    And you are right. He would not have been elected without the white vote. I have often wondered if he could be elected 'with' the White vote 'without' the support of the Black vote in 2012?

  42. hobama has earned his corp keep/corp coffers anew...

    A just-released study by the Center for Responsive Politics shows that President Obama is relying more on Wall Street to fund his re-election this year than he did in 2008, according to CNBC, which obtained an advance copy of the report.

    The report says that one-third of the money Obama's elite fund-raising corps has raised on behalf of his re-election has come from the financial sector.

    "Individuals who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector are responsible for raising at least $11.3 million for Obama's campaign and the Democratic National Committee," the report says.

    And, all of Obama's “bundlers” — top fundraisers who obtain donations from people and groups in their business, professional, and personal networks — have raised a minimum of $34.95 million.

    Obama has even added new Wall Streeters who did not work for him in 2008, including former Goldman Sachs CEO Jon Corzine, Evercore Partners executive Charles Myers, Greenstreet Real Estate Partners CEO Steven Green, and Azita Raji, a former investment banker for JPMorgan.

    Obama and the DNC combined are on pace to far exceed the amounts Obama raised from Wall Street donors in 2008, both in raw dollar amounts and as a percentage of what he raises overall.

    According to the Center's research, Obama fundraisers who worked in the finance, insurance and real estate sector were responsible for a minimum of $16 million, or about 21 percent of the $76.5 million estimated minimum amount brought in by top bundlers.

    Moreover, the Center has identified 80 bundlers — out of 244 whose names were released by the Obama campaign last week — who are part of the financial sector.

    Forty-four of these specifically work for the securities and investment industry.

    United Press International reports that Obama has raised more money than his Republican rivals in 36 states and Washington, D.C.

    Read more: Wall Streeters Top Obama Re-Election Supporters
    Important: Can you afford to Retire? Shocking Poll Results

  43. hobama is president of wm banksters ONLY

    and only broke black racist hobama nazis deny that glaring fact

    For the first time in generations, a presidential election campaign saw virtually no demands from the Black side of the electorate. Two years into Barack Obama’s term, a code of silence remains in force. “Are we so wrapped up in the symbolism of a black president that we can’t hold him accountable to the demands of a community that voted for him upwards of 97%?” And why this peculiar behavior by Black people? “Other communities don’t give up their right to make demands on political leaders they vote for.”

    Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that? This is not to say that the conditions are Obama’s fault, but there are things that government can do that needs to be demanded of it from the community. In fact by creating a left self-determining pole of black demands, it could even provide cover for the President to meet some of those demands. More importantly it puts us as a people back in the middle of a conversation on what is in the best interest of our community. That is not something that we can leave to mainstream black pundits who keep their distance from any conversation on what is best for the black community and how to achieve it.

  44. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Now lick THAT, you baby shitty diaper/funky foreskin, psycho, stalking lunatic sperm receptacle! kimqueef da wannabe dawktaw who only brags about edumacayshun she aint neva had jess like kuntlickin banks

    hey kuntbreaf and wannabe dawktaw hows that 250 iq treatin u kuntlicker banks? solved any of the worlds problems lately? hey kuntlickin kimqueef hows that studying for the mcat going along? finding that ure simply too stoopid to grasp the concepts dummy?

    eye mean golly ure a great example of how affirmative action has phukked up our edumacayshun system sweetie both of yall shitsacks!

  45. lickless lifeless vdlr:

    you are the poster rat for great life achievement...NOT!!!

  46. dumb dreg vdlr:

    u r the wizard of wit...NOT!!!

    your witless looping vulgar lies do not pass for wisdom as they do on the porch with 40s in the hood...


  47. "If you know me in person, you'd know I was joking. "

    Most "jokes" are windows to what people actually think or feel. Don't even try to back peddle. We all know you don't have any respect for black women, you don't have much for white women either considering how you routinely boast about using them for your lingam warmer.

    "On that note, where is No_Slappz?"

    The criminal coward has been here all this time hiding under various goobering aliases.

  48. Anonymous11:50 AM

    your witless looping vulgar lies do not pass for wisdom as they do on the porch with 40s in the hood...kuntlick banks

    golly kuntlick why u always talkin bout 40s and what not? got that 20 year AA pin ya kuntlick? so ure almost 50 years old you say? and yet u steadily stay typing up here talking inane bullshit and cutting and pasting shit 247 like a serial killer ya kunt

  49. Video Doesn't Lie12:58 PM

    " field negro said...
    "Still lullabying yourself to sleep with the myth that black folks are somehow waiting on Obama to pay their rent and gas?"

    Yes, where did that come from? I think it's another one of those FOX manufactured urban legends."

    Just axk Peggy:

    Oh...there's more. But I'm sure you rocket scientists could find it on your own.

    If you wanted to.

  50. Anonymous12:59 PM

    The teaparty is holding up Obamas plans, the teaparty is holding up Obamas ideas, congress is delaying, congress is delaying, he urges congress to hurry up and vote. One little problem, he never sent anything yet....

    The man makes incompetence look good. He needs to resign now, nothing but political rhetoric and hate speech from this man.

    President Obama has touted three pending U.S. trade deals as measures that could immediately spur job growth, if only Congress would approve them to become law. The only problem: the White House has not yet formally sent the deals to Congress for a vote.

    “With 1.3 million jobs lost under the ‘stimulus’ binge and the unemployment rate over 9 percent, there’s no excuse for the White House to delay a moment longer,” said Don Seymour, communications director for House Speaker John Boehner, in a blog post Friday. “If President Obama wants Congress to ‘go ahead and get those trade deals done,’ he should submit them for ratification as soon as possible.”

  51. Anonymous1:00 PM

    i am 48
    that elder 50 yr old geezer hobama is not your baby deddy!!!!

    kuntlick banks

    u telling me a 48 year old person who claims to be the smartest person on the planet AND be gainfully employed acts like a child posting inane insults to anonymous commentators online? ur lies r now totally nonsensical kuntlicker

    tell us about that iq of urs again sweetie pie? published any papers lately? solved any of the worlds problems with ur um intellect? muah muah muah muha muah muah muha muha muah

    stoopid little dummy ur lies aint even make sense jess like ur made up alterego with what four or five degrees from bullshit university? muah muah muah u incompetent shit stain!

  52. Anonymous1:04 PM

    u r your own best mirror you cracked chicken headed turbo breeding kook kuntlick banks

    really? u sure about that sweetie pie? u lack the smarts to even come up with convincing lies hon hows about that 250 iq of urs? hows about ur alleged job as a teacher? gosh ude think a teacher mite appreciate people who have kids but such is ur irrationality kuntlick nothing u say makes sense and the shit u cut and paste is not unique ure nothign but a wingnut drone liar loser and kuntsucker infected mite munchin moron!

  53. Anonymous1:05 PM

    u r your own best mirror you cracked chicken headed turbo breeding kook kuntlick banks

    really? u sure about that sweetie pie? u lack the smarts to even come up with convincing lies hon hows about that 250 iq of urs? hows about ur alleged job as a teacher? gosh ude think a teacher mite appreciate people who have kids but such is ur irrationality kuntlick nothing u say makes sense and the shit u cut and paste is not unique ure nothign but a wingnut drone liar loser and kuntsucker infected mite munchin moron!

  54. Anonymous1:05 PM

    u r your own best mirror you cracked chicken headed turbo breeding kook kuntlick banks

    really? u sure about that sweetie pie? u lack the smarts to even come up with convincing lies hon hows about that 250 iq of urs? hows about ur alleged job as a teacher? gosh ude think a teacher mite appreciate people who have kids but such is ur irrationality kuntlick nothing u say makes sense and the shit u cut and paste is not unique ure nothign but a wingnut drone liar loser and kuntsucker infected dog ear mite munchin moron!

  55. Alamo Joe said...

    Idiot. It is the Texas model that is suceeding. The Federal Bloatacracy is failing.

    Viva Texas!

    You've got to be kidding me...SUCEEDING IN WHAT?!!!
    ...All those "jobs" created, the majority of which are low wages.
    ...More children than almost every state without health insurance.
    ...on the lower end of the totem poll for education.
    ...and a Governor so unpopular in his state that he received "less than" 40%of the vote to win that position.(in the state of Texas, it does not require a 51% vote to win)

    I could go on and on about Governor "Good Hair" don't try me.

  56. NSangoma said..

    I'll admit I'm still not familiar with all the regulars here, but this made me laugh...gotta watch "The Wire". BTW, "Slap the Nut", you're at it again.

  57. lickless clueless truthless
    honor studentless vdlr:

    no teacher "appreciates" the dumb bad vulgar demon seed clones of defective ignorant illiterate filthy fertile turbo breeding dregs like u...


  58. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I really enjoy reading the desperate attempts to paint christian weenies as the kewl kids. Nothing like christian rock or make you realize how talented and musically gifted the real artists are.

    Shades of Reconstruction...where every AfAm was 'under investigation'. How many are actual investigations...and how many are bushmole and christmole smear jobs?

    Yep, Maxine...she so 'stupid' cause she a girl and girls is stupid and gots cooties and are not as neat as boys.
    I waited for any proof of the claim made by our resident 10 yo boy....but they never offered any.

    Perry's 'miracle consists of Federal stimulus money, a regulated housing market (from the last boom/bust),and the man-love the MSM seems to have for rangy BrokeBack Mountain cowboy memes.

    While the wingnuts make up idiot tales of Liberal bias...there actually is a trend to see the world from the cocktail circuit of DC and NYC. The MSM asks the socially monumental Mrs Greesnpan what she thinkerates of Libya...and, really, who cares what some old Grande Dame of the Coastal Nobs pulls out of her cadre of unpaid interns? We could, like, read Al Jazeera or the BBC or the CBC or local folks for the actual news.

    Liberal bias...if you beleeve are the touron who buys the Brooklyn Bridge...then brags about it.


  59. lickless beardless vdlr?

    trouble in dl geezer paradise???

    While some of the country was fixated on a wedding that is destined to end in divorce, U.S. President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama did nothing to diminish reports that their own marriage is on the rocks. For starters, the couple arrived on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts on Friday in separate jets — sparking rumors of discord between the commander-in-chief and his wife. Then the media made much ado about this REUTERS photo showing Mrs. Obama icily shutting her husband out while listening to music on her iPod as they left their vacation home yesterday. It was one of the rare times the Obamas were seen together publicly on the well-to-do island.

    What do you kids think of the Obamas’ apparent marital problems?

  60. Anonymous2:36 PM

    I really enjoy reading the desperate attempts to paint christian weenies as the kewl kids. Nothing like christian rock or make you realize how talented and musically gifted the real artists are.

    Shades of Reconstruction...where every AfAm was 'under investigation'. How many are actual investigations...and how many are bushmole and christmole smear jobs?

    Yep, Maxine...she so 'stupid' cause she a girl and girls is stupid and gots cooties and are not as neat as boys.
    I waited for any proof of the claim made by our resident 10 yo boy....but they never offered any.

    Perry's 'miracle consists of Federal stimulus money, a regulated housing market (from the last boom/bust),and the man-love the MSM seems to have for rangy BrokeBack Mountain cowboy memes.

    While the wingnuts make up idiot tales of Liberal bias...there actually is a trend to see the world from the cocktail circuit of DC and NYC. The MSM asks the socially monumental Mrs Greesnpan what she thinkerates of Libya...and, really, who cares what some old Grande Dame of the Coastal Nobs pulls out of her cadre of unpaid interns? We could, like, read Al Jazeera or the BBC or the CBC or local folks for the actual news.

    Liberal bias...if you beleeve are the touron who buys the Brooklyn Bridge...then brags about it.


  61. miscellaneous2:53 PM

    President Obama has touted three pending U.S. trade deals as measures that could immediately spur job growth, if only Congress would approve them to become law.

    The only problem: the White House has not yet formally sent the deals to Congress for a vote.

    It gets worse. The three trade agreements have been sitting Obama's desk for over two years.

  62. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Gosh, witemike...where did you find your nooz? And why do you avoid sharing this?

    Could it be the 'sorce' is lying...and everyone would know it was a lie...if you showed who wrote it?

    Poor wite boys, all that harrumphing and pouting...and Obama will still be the Chosen One.


  63. mold's meds3:04 PM

    Liberal bias...if you beleeve are the touron who buys the Brooklyn Bridge...then brags about it.


    Starting a little early with the Listerine today, huh mold?

  64. Essence73T said...
    You've got to be kidding me...SUCEEDING IN WHAT?!!!
    ...All those "jobs" created, the majority of which are low wages.
    ...More children than almost every state without health insurance.
    ...on the lower end of the totem poll for education.

    Au contraire, Essence.

    The education numbers are not scintillationg because of the large percentage of low-income, non-English proficient Mexican children in the system.

    Texas works, which is why people keep moving there.

    Claifornia doesn't, which is why people keep leaving.

  65. Anonymous3:14 PM

    yes mold loves reading about Christian kids. no one has posted anything about Christian how brave mold is fo bashing kids.must make her feel real good.makes up for her lack of whiteness?

    essence73T isn't familiar with Perry getting over 55% of the vote 2 out of 3 times he ran.essence isn't familiar about the jobs obama is creating?

    4 more years of high unemployment,low wage jobs,higher banking fees,higher health insurance cost,higher food cost and inflation.


  66. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Gosh, witemike...where did you find your nooz? And why do you avoid sharing this? But, but but but we gots to Impeach Clinton. How many are actual investigations...and how many are bushmole and christmole smear jobs?...Sorry Marcus, but the extraction cost is relevant because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Sounds more like you are doing the 'this am you' ploy of widdle boys who thinkerates that magickally I am delighted at your desperation you deserverates for being wite. Wisherate all you want, Nixon was Leftist...He is TELLing you that NASCAR is the same as Forumula 1 is the same as drag racing is the same as Sprint Car is the same as Rally racing is the same Kart. Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!!

    Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Sure, athletes at the world-class level are cogs. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul. Keep making up poo, Roid. Wow, what skool did they attend? Must be he needs eyeballs. Their proof of the an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists....but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. The urging to offer free eyeballs to WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure. Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease. Still, hope he gets paid to sell this poo to others. They stopped using the 'wite peeples is allus better'...during the bush times. ;) Like my mandinga. Then again, she admits to being a christmole for jebus...Keep pretenderating you is smarter than i. Rwanda was when their version of wingnut welfare told one group to go after another. Yep, heroically brave heroes of wingnut Cons took machetes to unarmed civilians going about their daily lives. I waited for any proof of the claim made by our resident 10 yo boy....but they never offered any.

    Liberal bias...if you beleeve are the touron who buys the Brooklyn Bridge...then brags about it.


  67. Anonymous3:26 PM

    SloJoe, thank you for repeaterating the wingnut marching orders for this issue. Doughy Russ got paid...did you?
    Nice of you to have Gooberpathic abilities...which are to make up reasons for people to do things without researching the issue or asking the people why they did something.
    As a resident CA poster once mentioned, on this very blog, it was the tax idiocy placed on CA by a weenie who was upset his gawd-fearin' wite tax munny wuz being allocated to those 'urban people'.
    Then again, there are parts of CA that are wingnut and christian Troo Beleevers...and their failures support this hypothesis.

    Thank you Troll, for making things up. It would really strain your intellect to respond to the actual you inventerate one...and then yak about what you inventerated. Nobody's a medal for showing up.

    'I really enjoy reading the desperate attempts to paint christian weenies as the kewl kids. Nothing like christian rock or make you realize how talented and musically gifted the real artists are.'


  68. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Nice of you to have Gooberpathic abilities...Gosh, witemike...where did you find your nooz? And why do you avoid sharing this? But, but but but we gots to Impeach Clinton. How many are actual investigations...and how many are bushmole and christmole smear jobs?...where every AfAm was 'under investigation'.

    Sorry Marcus, but the extraction cost is relevant because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Sounds more like you are doing the 'this am you' ploy of widdle boys who thinkerates that magickally I am delighted at your desperation you deserverates for being wite. Wisherate all you want, Nixon was Leftist...He is TELLing you that NASCAR is the same as Forumula 1 is the same as drag racing is the same as Sprint Car is the same as Rally racing is the same Kart. Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!!

    Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Sure, athletes at the world-class level are cogs. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul. Keep making up poo, Roid. Wow, what skool did they attend? Must be he needs eyeballs. Their proof of the an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists....but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. The urging to offer free eyeballs to WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure.

    Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease. Still, hope he gets paid to sell this poo to others. They stopped using the 'wite peeples is allus better'...during the bush times. ;) Like my mandinga. Then again, she admits to being a christmole for jebus...Keep pretenderating you is smarter than i. Rwanda was when their version of wingnut welfare told one group to go after another. Yep, heroically brave heroes of wingnut Cons took machetes to unarmed civilians going about their daily lives. I waited for any proof of the claim made by our resident 10 yo boy....but they never offered any. Liberal bias...if you beleeve are the touron who buys the Brooklyn Bridge...then brags about it.

    I really enjoy reading the desperate attempts to paint christian weenies as the kewl kids. Nothing like christian rock or make you realize how talented and musically gifted the real artists are.


  69. miscellaneous3:53 PM

    The Libyan rebels overthrew the brutal dictator Gaddafi because the people really want the kinder, gentler governing structure of...

    Libyan Draft Constitution: Sharia is ‘Principal Source of Legislation’

    Lachlan Markay

    August 22, 2011

    The dust has not yet settled over the Libyan capital of Tripoli since rebels took control over the weekend.

    But already, a draft constitutional charter for the transitional state has appeared online.

  70. semi colon3:59 PM

    mold has ass cancer in his white male ass. Being a special kind of Christian Scientist, he goes for home remedies, like giving himself radiation treatments by stikcing his ass in his microwave.

  71. hey lack:

    watch for hobama's 2nd false flag asap!!!

    conspiracies are real!!!

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's not looking good for this 10th anniversary of 9/11. All the indicators are there to tell us they need a massive distraction and excuse to take this idiotic war on terror to horrific new levels and even more Orwellian internal controls and crackdowns.

    Why They'll Do It Now

    1. The illusion is wearing thin and ratings show it.
    Obama's 'house of corporate banking thugs' administration is tanking in public perception. The matrix-generated veil of lies is disintegrating as economic realities hit home. His and congress' ratings are at record lows. His political opponents have even announced publicly to watch out for a false flag.

    2. They've done it before at similar times.
    Clinton did Waco then used it to justify Oklahoma City. Now there's an interesting precedent. Bush 2 was just a neocon nincompoop stooge, but his ratings were in the basement on 9/10 and soared on 9/11...another two-termer like the criminal Clinton shoed in by false flag catastrophe.

    3. The demonization of all Americans as potential terrorists.
    As we've seen with the Norway patsy repeat, the enemy is now arch-anythings. Arch conservatives, activists, Christians, militia, military vets, religious whack jobs, disgruntled taxpayers, people who don't want to get X-rayed or fondled by the TSA, people with guns, cars with Ron Paul stickers, children selling lemonade without a's beyond wrong.

    Read Full Article

  72. Anonymous4:08 PM

    SloJoe, thank you for repeaterating the wingnut marching orders for this issue. Doughy Russ got paid...did you?
    Nice of you to have Gooberpathic abilities...which are to make up reasons for people to do things without researching the issue or asking the people why they did something.
    As a resident CA poster once mentioned, on this very blog, it was the tax idiocy placed on CA by a weenie who was upset his gawd-fearin' wite tax munny wuz being allocated to those 'urban people'.
    Then again, there are parts of CA that are wingnut and christian Troo Beleevers...and their failures support this hypothesis.

    Thank you Troll, for making things up. It would really strain your intellect to respond to the actual you inventerate one...and then yak about what you inventerated. Nobody's a medal for showing up.

    'I really enjoy reading the desperate attempts to paint christian weenies as the kewl kids. Nothing like christian rock or make you realize how talented and musically gifted the real artists are.'

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do. (Balloon Juice)


  73. Anonymous4:25 PM

    IS THERE A MESSIAH IN THE HOUSE? Is this a question that African-Americans should be asking, or should they look at themselves for leadership? Individually we as people sometimes place to much responsibility on those we think are going to lead us to the promise land. The spirit of the one-man Saviour should be set aside but not forgotten, but remembered for the beauty of those who accomplished so much, along with the memory of Martin, Malcolm, Fannie Lou Hamer, and others of my generation we can feel the PRIDE of their achievements, along with the feeling of a a job well done in addition to knowing that there is no mountain that is too high for us to climb.

    The year 2008, presented this country with its first African-American President, of the United States. Although the thread of racism is still being sewn into the fabric of our society, the needle does not pass through as easily.

    Looking towards the future, we should not set the bar of our expectations so high that the weight becomes heavy on the shoulders of one individual, that it plays into the hands of those whose rhetoric keeps us divided.

    As people, we should support the person chosen not just because of ethnicity but because the American people feel the person chosen is the one best suited for the position of PRESIDENT OF THIS UNITED STATES. Furthermore, we must understand that the person has to govern for all the people and not just one segment of the population.

    Furthermore, we must understand the importance of our independence by being careful of our political choices, especially those at the Community, Local, and State levels for these are the politicians, and community leaders, that directly affect our Communities.

    To many times we have placed our trust with individuals that have taken us for granted and in the end been disappointed.

    The attitude of a great many Americans will be at the first sign of trouble is to jump ship or find some way to sabotage any progress without giving any chance for change. Some will use his ethnicity, some will use his experience, and some will just dislike him period. One thing is for shure regardless who is in office all the problems of the world will not be solved at once.

    The fate of a Country lies with its people, and the fate of a Community lies also with its people.

  74. Alamo Joe and Anonymous said...

    essence73T isn't familiar with Perry getting over 55% of the vote 2 out of 3 times he ran.essence isn't familiar about the jobs obama is creating?

    4 more years of high unemployment,low wage jobs,higher banking fees,higher health insurance cost,higher food cost and inflation.


  75. Alamo Joe....You're obviously NOT from Texas or you would know THESE FACTS:

  76. 442 days till election day5:01 PM

    August 22, 2011

    Gallup Poll
    Obama in Close Race Against Romney, Perry, Bachmann, Paul --Romney has slight edge over Obama, Bachmann slightly lags

    Frank Newport

    PRINCETON, NJ -- President Barack Obama is closely matched against each of four possible Republican opponents when registered voters are asked whom they would support if the 2012 presidential election were held today.

    Mitt Romney leads Obama by two percentage points, 48% to 46%, Rick Perry and Obama are tied at 47%, and Obama edges out Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann by two and four points, respectively.

    Gallup's generic presidential ballot -- measured six times this year -- shows a close race between Obama and a generic "Republican presidential candidate."

    President Obama's job approval rating is hovering around the 40% mark. This is below the rating that any of the six incumbent presidents re-elected since Eisenhower has had at the time of the presidential election.

  77. turbo breeding + turbo pasting + turbo hobama nazi = the triply trifling vdlr...


  78. anon:


    on election day

    the vdlr will distribute flyers that prove her IQ is still -442

    they will read:

    "i am unlicked and hobama must be undefeated"....


  79. 442 days till election day5:18 PM

    essence73t linked:

    Consider the Texas that Perry holds up to the rest of the nation for admiration.

    Okay. Let's consider:

    It has the fourth-highest poverty rate of any state.

    Proof that it's worthwhile for Mexicans to sneak over the border and obtain the vast array of social services granted to the needy.

    It tied with Mississippi last year for the highest percentage of workers in minimum-wage jobs.

    More proof that illegal aliens know how to exploit the system to its fullest.

    It ranks first in adults without high school diplomas.

    More proof of the effect of Mexicans sneaking into the country, then putting their kids in the public schools until they decide to drop out.

    Twenty-six percent of Texans have no health insurance — the highest percentage of medically uninsured residents of any state.

    Only because the illegal Mexicans cannot qualify, except for emergency-room service.

    It leads the nation in the percentage of children who lack medical insurance.

    Yet another result of having so many illegal aliens in the state.

    Texas has an inordinate number of employers who provide no insurance to their workers...

    No employer is legally required to provide healthcare. Having a job that does not offer healthcare should be an incentive to find one that does. Meanwhile, there's no reason to offer healthcare to low-skill, no-skill, low-wage workers who are under 25.

    partly because insurance rates are high, thanks to an absence of regulations.

    Oh. In the writer's simple mind, the ABSENCE of regulations make healthcare coverage expensive.

    Yeah. Here in New York, the per-person cost of Medicaid is $13,000 a year. Over $1,000 a month for each person on Medicaid. That's what "regulations" provide.

  80. Anonymous5:19 PM

    so everyone what does the allegedly smartest human on the planet do every day? ude think she would live in a protected building with armed guards to guard that intellect...ude think that she would actually be doing something productive with her time considering how smart she is and all...ude think she would come up with a cure for aids or perhaps a way to make gold from hay but instead oh no instead this greasemonkeyin fool who claimerates to be so gottdam smart would have yoll beleeverate that she gots some edumacayshun! the mere thought is laughable and pathetic!

  81. Anonymous5:20 PM

    so everyone what does the allegedly smartest human on the planet do every day? ude think she would live in a protected building with armed guards to guard that intellect...ude think that she would actually be doing something productive with her time considering how smart she is and all...ude think she would come up with a cure for aids or perhaps a way to make gold from hay but instead oh no instead this greasemonkeyin fool who claimerates to be so gottdam smart would have yoll beleeverate that she gots some edumacayshun! the mere thought is laughable and pathetic!

  82. 442 days till election day5:21 PM


    You be dumb...

  83. Anonymous5:22 PM

    so everyone what does the allegedly smartest human on the planet do every day? ude think she would live in a protected building with armed guards to guard that intellect...ude think that she would actually be doing something productive with her time considering how smart she is and all...ude think she would come up with a cure for aids or perhaps a way to make gold from hay but instead oh no instead this greasemonkeyin fool who claimerates to be so gottdam smart would have yoll beleeverate that she gots some edumacayshun! the mere thought is laughable and pathetic!

  84. alicia banks said...
    turbo breeding + turbo pasting + turbo hobama nazi = the triply trifling vdlr...


    You left off turbo $hitty diaper changing, turbo semen receptacle, turbo college drop out, turbo foreskin saving turbo pyscho!


  85. Dr. Queen:


    she is a loopy loony loose wombed loser!!!

    and she can never defend hobama!!!


  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. Anonymous said...
    hey kuntbreaf and wannabe dawktaw hows that 250 iq treatin u kuntlicker banks? solved any of the worlds problems lately? hey kuntlickin kimqueef hows that studying for the mcat going along? finding that ure simply too stoopid to grasp the concepts dummy?

    eye mean golly ure a great example of how affirmative action has phukked up our edumacayshun system sweetie both of yall shitsacks!

    Awwww what da' matter, you mad you don't have the education needed to qualify or justify taking the GRE?? That's graduate record exam for dumb ass college quitters like you! And the MCAT? That's NOT the exam for a physics college drop out like your pathetic ass, LOL!!!

    You sniff $hit all day, cutting and pasting ALL DAMN DAY on various blogs, you must comment on what, 30 blogs a day?

    Get a fcukin' life you stupid imbecile bee-oytch!!!

  88. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Get a fcukin' life you stupid imbecile bee-oytch!!! kimdaqueef miss i is edumacayted and upset cuz u hit my funnybone and revealed my lies dummy

    key kimdaqueef aint u pissed off? how someone like u who so busy wit school and all gots the time to post this bullshit? and cante u come up with insults of ur own? eye mean ya stole the term imbecile and also phukk cuz ure too stoopid to come up wit ur own insults for someone as edumacayted as u this is disappointing

    ude think someone with supposedly 4 or 5 degrees would come at them with some ill insults but instead ur intellectual laziness and lack of discipline shows thru all the more reason why affirmative action programs have failed and how dummies like u try to act sophisticated but ain even know how to act shit

  89. 442 days till election day5:38 PM


    The Washington Post story about Perry claims he and Texas benefited from Roosevelt's government programs. Specifically the building of dams.

    Well, there are about 16 major dams in Texas, but only 6 were built in the 1930s. The others were built in the 50s, 60s and 70s.

  90. Anonymous said...
    key kimdaqueef aint u pissed off? how someone like u who so busy wit school and all gots the time to post this bullshit? and cante u come up with insults of ur own? eye mean ya stole the term imbecile and also phukk cuz ure too stoopid to come up wit ur own insults for someone as edumacayted as u this is disappointing

    Pissed off? At what, you? Why?

    Crazy, 24/7 internet posting, no life, college drop out, semen receptacle mofo's get nothing but a HUGE laugh from me!!!

    Besides the fact I've got the life you WISH you had, MUAH!!!

    So tell me, did you win the election as president of the save our son's foreskin club yet?

  91. This comment has been removed by the author.

  92. Dr. Bradley Whitebread5:45 PM

    Ms.Queef said...
    Awwww what da' matter, you mad you don't have the education needed to qualify or justify taking the GRE?? That's graduate record exam for dumb ass college quitters like you! And the MCAT?

    Yes Ms. Queef, how did it go taking the MCAT?

    You will never be a doctor.

  93. Anonymous said...
    key kimdaqueef aint u pissed off? how someone like u who so busy wit school and all gots the time to post this bullshit? and cante u come up with insults of ur own? eye mean ya stole the term imbecile and also phukk cuz ure too stoopid to come up wit ur own insults for someone as edumacayted as u this is disappointing

    Pissed off? At what, you? Why?

    Crazy, 24/7 internet posting, no life, college drop out, semen receptacle mofo's get nothing but a HUGE laugh from me!!!

  94. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Yes Ms. Queef, how did it go taking the MCAT?

    You will never be a doctor. anon wit sense

    we all know this shit stain ghetto fish stick piss wig weave smelling liar aint gone be no dawktaw sheeit she be lucky if she ca be a cna wiping people ass for a living

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Anonymous5:48 PM

    kim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctor

  98. This comment has been removed by the author.

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. Anonymous said...
    key kimdaqueef aint u pissed off? how someone like u who so busy wit school and all gots the time to post this bullshit? and cante u come up with insults of ur own? eye mean ya stole the term imbecile and also phukk cuz ure too stoopid to come up wit ur own insults for someone as edumacayted as u this is disappointing
    Change your username AGAIN psycho bitch?

    Crazy, 24/7 internet posting, no life, college drop out, semen receptacle mofo's get nothing but a HUGE laugh from me!!!


  101. alicia banks said...
    Dr. Queen:

    the filthy frantic vdlr has proven that she is clinically insane

    and insanely renowned at her local vd clinic...indeed!



    She probably has tertiary syphilis based on how absolutely crazy this bitch is.

  102. And how in the hell can someone who posts on this and other blogs ALL DAMN DAY under mold, manika, and other assnon names and who clearly has NO job, question someone else about a few posts every now and then?

    Crazy ass bitch!

  103. And I'll bet the crazy bitch gets so "excited" posting nonsense all day long that her hands shake while she types, LOL!!!!

    Or maybe the shaking is crack withdrawal?

    But you will get the last word of your 1000 posts today because unlike you, I have a family, a rewarding career, and an exam to study for.

    Get a life Looney Tunes!

  104. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Well, how does the 'expert' know that all those people dragging down the glorious wite state of Tejas are Mexicans? Or that the low-wage, low-skill employees are Mex?
    Must be the magick of being wite and christian.
    Or, the 'expert' makes stuff up.

    Some folks from Tejas did strike me as nice, well-mannered and well-meaning folks who would be intellectually challenged by the Philadelphia newspaper.
    They are all white.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do. (Balloon Juice)


  105. kimqueef is a sperm receptacle6:41 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. Anonymous6:54 PM


    in the past I have enjoyed reading the majority of your posts, however, currently I feel that your site is being abused; and although it will not deter me from reading it. From time to time. I believe that is lost quite a bit of the luster that it originally had.

  107. Dr. Queen:


    the vdlr's serial STDs have fatally infected the tiny bit of brain matter she has left.

    it is truly a gd shame!!!

  108. Anonymous said...

    in the past I have enjoyed reading the majority of your posts, however, currently I feel that your site is being abused; and although it will not deter me from reading it. From time to time. I believe that is lost quite a bit of the luster that it originally had.

    This is to be expected when a tertiary syphilis infected moron decides to stalk and turbo post.

  109. Anonymous7:05 PM

    kim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctorkim will NEVER be a doctor

  110. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Ms.Queef said...
    Awwww what da' matter, you mad you don't have the education needed to qualify or justify taking the GRE?? That's graduate record exam for dumb ass college quitters like you! And the MCAT?

    Yes Ms. Queef, how did it go taking the MCAT?

    You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.

  111. mellaneous7:21 PM

    Rottenkid said:

    "The problem is, as a whole, within the USA for us people that are hurting,is that there's no unity to resolve the problem. Us "serfs" have the same common problems but we're all pointing at each other as the cause. It's not "us", it's "them."

    Kid Amen this was right on point!

  112. mellaneous7:26 PM

    No slap resident racist posing as miscellaneous said:

    "Wake up. Nobody lost his livelihood as a result of the Gulf oil leak.

    In fact, BP has been paying generously and those who've made claims -- fishermen, motel operators, etc. -- got at least a full season of pay. They got a paid vacation."

    This is not true,many small business owners are still fighting to have their claims fulfilled. And there are still problems resulting from the flood.

    Surely you were jesting. You can google and find out that everything has not been settled as a result of the spill.

  113. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Ms.Queef said...
    Awwww what da' matter, you mad you don't have the education needed to qualify or justify taking the GRE?? That's graduate record exam for dumb ass college quitters like you! And the MCAT?

    Yes Ms. Queef, how did it go taking the MCAT?

    You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.You will never be a doctor.

  114. miscellaneous7:37 PM

    mellaneous says:

    This is not true,many small business owners are still fighting to have their claims fulfilled.

    The claims process has been so wide open that it invited massive fraud, just like the claims process following Hurrican Katrina.

    Bottom line -- all legitimate claims and lots of illegitimate claims are being paid.

    BP allocated $20 billion. However, the total claims have added up to much less than the $20 billion the US government demanded BP set aside.

    And there are still problems resulting from the flood.

    Oh. Are you blaming BP for flooding along the Mississippi?

    The Gulf Oil Spill proved something important. It proved that very little damage is done by an oil leak of the amount of oil that came from the Macondo well.

    Moreover, almost no oil reached the shore. In other words, the beaches were spared.

    The oil leak was a disaster for the enviro-nuts who are stuck with the reality that nothing much happened. They were desperate for mass death of marine life in the Gulf, for this to be their showcase.

    What happened? Nothing. Well, not quite.

    The people who lost their jobs were oilfield workers, the guys on the oil rigs. The guys who would be going to work at new wells that would have been drilled after the BP lead. They've been hurt, and the country has been hurt because the loss of production from the Gulf was made up with imports.

    You're a dummy.

  115. miscellaneous7:43 PM


    The oil industry provides many many thousands of high-paying jobs. The industry could employ many thousands more. But...

    Employment in the oil industry is limited by the government. Not by financial constraints.

    So, if you believe the government should do something about job creation, then you ought to be bright enough to suggest that government could make progress by simply getting out of the way of the oil drillers.

    Exxon recently made a huge discovery in the Gulf. A oil reserve of at least One Billion Barrels.

    Guess what? Our idiot-in-chief president won't let Exxon start drilling. Our muslim-in-chief president prefers that we buy more oil from his fellow muslims in the middle east.

  116. Gotta LOVE the avatar feature for blogging, LOL!!!!

  117. So tell me Manika, how DOES it feel to know that I'm breezing my way MCAT style, through the subject your sorry ass was too much of a punk to finish an undergrad degree in?

    The ONLY thing you succeeded at doing in your entire sorry ass, stalking life was having demon seeds, and the ONLY reason that worked was because it didn't just involve you!


    Now are YOU angry Boo-Boo?

  118. Dr. Bradley Whitebread8:35 PM

    Hey genius, it's spelled "quitter".

    You will never be a doctor.

  119. Shanika8:37 PM

    Ms.Queef said...
    So tell me Shanika, how DOES it feel to know that I failed my way MCAT style, through the subject any sorry ass could finish an undergrad degree in?

    Sad. Amused, but sad.

    You will never be a doctor.


  120. Martian Luther Queen8:41 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Gotta LOVE the avatar feature for blogging, LOL!!!!

    Yes, a vulgar gesture is much more appropriate than the logo of a school you never attended.

    You will never be a doctor.

  121. Anonymous8:51 PM

    witeMikey...could you offer some proof of your vast, all-encompassing claims?
    Odd how 'fraud' enters in when citizens are asking for their just due. How do you define fraud? Are there examples...or do you just assume?

    The 'no oil reached shore' lie was debunked quite some time ago....why are you repeating a known falsehood?

    Exxon Valdez took place years ago...and they are still detailing the damage to the local ecosystem (big word...make christians scared!!).

    Here are some new terms for you..
    dispersant components
    sand used to cover oil
    denying claims to prevent paying

    Before making poo might want to read what the Federal Government defines as fraud. isn't when AfAm citizens are legally entitled to a service or settlement.


  122. Yeah, I thinkerate Boo-boo is one angry bee-otch, LOL!!!

    So did I spellerate bee-otch, kurectli?


  123. Anonymous9:36 PM

    It wasn't the Tea Party that rolled over on extending the Bush tax cuts this past year (throwing in some sweeteners on inheritance taxation as well). No sir, it was Barack Hussein Obama who bent in two and gave the rich all that they wanted. And it isn't the Tea Party that pushes for keeping open the flow of millions of Hispanic laborers into the US, where they have been displacing black citizen labor for decades, but Barack Obama and the rest of the liberalconservativeneoconprogressive establishment.

    You want change that will help actual American citizen-workers of all backgrounds, black included? Then get yourself a real leader who will fight for it, America. Someone with balls, like Hillary Clinton. Not an empty suit like Obama.

  124. Oh Well..."Slap the Nut" and his Aryan Anonymous brothers and sisters just cut and paste all day long.

    Really feeling sorry for ya right life, no melanin. *smh*

  125. I'm proud that my state sent Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee to Washington. I sure wouldn't want to be the O-man if either decided to take me to the woodshed.
