Friday, August 12, 2011

Those rioters in London, men being raped, and the Poverty Tour continues.

Hmmm, it's looking more and more like not all of those rioters in England belonged to the dregs of proper society. Maybe the Brits will have to think again before they expurgate these hooligans from their midst.

"Cameron's former adviser Danny Kruger wrote in the Financial Times that the riots are the "intifada of the underclass." But among those arrested are a straight-A Exeter University student whose family wealth makes it unlikely she would loot out of necessity, and a 24-year-old college graduate and aspiring social worker whose mother said, "She didn't want a TV. She doesn't even know why she took it," according to The Daily Mail.

Daniel Knowles at The Telegraph argues that, "Many of these criminals are no different from [liberal politician] Nick Clegg, who at the age of 16 narrowly escaped a conviction in Germany for setting fire to a professor's cactus collection for a 'drunken lark.' Or, for that matter, from the Bullingdon Club, of which David Cameron and [London Mayor] Boris Johnson were members, which goes around smashing up restaurants.

There is something deeply hypocritical about middle-aged politicians condemning teenagers as though these sorts of crimes have never happened before."
But London Mayor Boris Johnson said Londoners want to see "significant sentences" for anyone involved in looting or violence." [Source] 

Oh my! I guess you just never know with kids these days.

Meanwhile, over in Zimbabwe, they are raping men.

"We appeal to members of the public to pass any information to the police regarding three women who have gone on a spree of kidnapping and indecently assaulting young men around town,” Harare police boss Angeline Guvamombe said in a statement.
“The women drive in posh cars and offer their unsuspecting victims lifts before spraying some liquid substance on their faces.
“Once the victim is drowsy, he is taken to a secluded place or house where he is forced to have sex,” said Ms Guvamombe. “I want to warn these criminals that their days are numbered,” she added."

I know what some of you neanderthals are thinking, and you might as well get those thoughts out of your minds right now. This is not funny. Those men could have been seriously hurt during their traumatizing ordeal......

And, here in A-merry-ca, the Tavis and Cornel "Poverty Pimp Tour" continues. Unfortunately, it is causing all kinds of public airing of dirty laundry by us black folks:

"The funny thing about the much ballyhooed and ridiculed Tavis Smiley/Cornel West joint production poverty tour is how the tables are turned. In the tag team summer wrestling rift between Smiley/West and Sharpton/Joyner - which seemed more like salty long-nailed high school girls scratching it up over the basketball team captain that is President Obama - there were some very distinct class conflicts playing itself out.

Smiley and West were characterized as part of the "Ivory Tower" elite, that Black "Bougie" Jack-and-Jill-like crowd of pretentious and highly educated "middle-class" African Americans that had much to say about the struggle but had never really struggled; in the case of these two, they were bohemian intelligentsia accused of fighting the fight from the comfort of marbled institutions and never really being "on the street."

Sharpton - with Joyner and then others like Steve Harvey now joining in for fun and ad revenue - represented that "street cred" that Smiley and West never had, highly stylized, sophisticated and very loud "ghetto" activism that spoke to the everyday worries and hardships of the "working class." If something goes down or pops off "in the community" in any location that is Black USA, you'd find Sharpton replete with entourage, banner signs, megaphone and trademark perm.

For the most part, the distinctions are stylistic (and somewhat demeaning) more than philosophical. Lecture halls versus talk show radio, essentially. Soft versus hard. One "N.I.C." versus the other "N.I.C." Mainstream versus fringe. You see where this is headed." [Source]

Yes, I see where it's "headed": straight to their bank accounts. All of them.

Finally, let's go over to Austria, shall we? Apparently there is a new type of medical therapy being used over there.

"VIENNA - A famed Austrian museum has fired an employee for washing his hands and face with his urine.
Alfred Zoppelt says he was fired after 23 years of working as an attendant at the Belvedere, a castle in Vienna with a major art collection. He says his adherence to urine therapy was previously "never a problem."
Zoppelt, 57, said Thursday his notice from Belvedere says he was fired because "you regularly rub urine into your skin, particularly the face and hands. With this, you soil your place of work ... and threaten the health of your co-workers."
A woman answering the Belvedere press department phone confirmed that Zoppelt was fired but refused to give her name or further information.
Believers in urine therapy claim medical and cosmetic benefits but these have not been proven." [Story]

Now there is a guy who I can gurantee you wont be getting raped anytime soon. Ergh!!

And on that note I am going to call it a night. 



  1. Anonymous9:35 PM


    Somehow I just knew you would have that yucky urine story which I also read in Maui News today.

    You didn't mention your Eagles last night. Didn't they play a game?


  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Field, I hope they catch those rapists. It is terrible and sinful to rape defenseless and vulnerable men like that. And what is that shit they throw on his face that renders him weak and vulnerable. Those women need to go to prison. Africa is becoming more and more dangerous. They had no right to attack him sexually like that! It's time to start a world-wide black men's movement.

  3. Team Smiley/West right here.

    But then I'm sure ya'll knew that, LOL!!!!

  4. "You didn't mention your Eagles last night. Didn't they play a game?"

    Yes Makaii, they did. But it's pre-season, I can't get too excited about my birds just yet. Although #7 did look good.

    "Field, I hope they catch those rapists. It is terrible and sinful to rape defenseless and vulnerable men like that. And what is that shit they throw on his face that renders him weak and vulnerable."

    Anon.I agree. It is shameful indeed.

    Dr. Queen, somehow I knew you were riding with that crew.:) Did you see them in D.C.?

  5. Anonymous10:11 PM

    To accuse Tavis and West of not being genuine is plain wrong. Anybody can see they are for the little guys. The poor in this country need their help and here on FN, you shameless Negroes are spitting on them. You are nothing but a bunch of BlackTea Partiers in disguise!

    And who the hell does that lying phony bw abuser Steve Harvey think he is? That man needs Jesus.

    And Al Sharpton? PLEEEEZE!

  6. Anonymous10:23 PM

    LOL Field, ditto ergh! Have a good night and a restful sleep!

    But on a more serious note, I have question, how is it possible to lull a man into drowsiness or whatever and still he's able to perform and under duress???? That's a magic potion those girls have, they gonna be millionaires!!!:)))

    The difference between Tavis and Smiley and Sharpton and Jackson,is Sharpton and Jackson talked the talk AND walked the walk!

  7. Farley10:28 PM

    There is also a skin therapy that involves coating your face with your own blood.

    But I'm sure you wash it off before you head out the door?

  8. GrannyStandingforTruth10:28 PM

    "The difference between Tavis and Smiley and Sharpton and Jackson,is Sharpton and Jackson talked the talk AND walked the walk!"


  9. Anonymous10:31 PM

    I also wanted to comment on the rhetoric of the GOP. The rhetroric about the "illegal" immigrants taking jobs away, the flash mobs, the poor on welfare,etc.

    There is a masterful speech made by Robert Kennedy, may he rest in peace)on this very kind of rhetoric and it's consequences. How it breeds separation and violence against one another. I found it and posted it on my blog. I think it's very profound.

    So while President Obama, preaches unity and togetherness, the GOP instill separation violence and hatred of American against American. Where are their brains located?
    Please watch the speech.

  10. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Tavis and West are the only ones out there raising awareness of the plight of the poor, which no one is talking about.

    I am grateful they are making the tour, and speaking out about it. Obama sure as hell hasn't mentioned anything about the suffering of the poor, downtrodden or even the suffering of Blacks.

    BTW, in terms of wealth, Blacks are on the bottom of ALL races . And you Negroes are badgering Tavis and West for raising awareness about this?

  11. mellaneous10:36 PM

    Nice Post Field a lot to digest.

    I think the guy in the Telegraph was making the same point or similar to what I was trying to make about Micheal Nutter

    @ the anons and others

    You are a disengenous lot. I never ever said that what the kids did was right, and you all know it. And I didn't attack Nutter as the anon tried to say.

    And I am not crazy, I know real wrong when I see it and anyone who thinks its not wrong to kill people for oil or just to take their land is the real crazy person.

    I am all man because I stand up for what I believe in. I stand for human beings being wrongly attacked
    in other countries and stand with those who are discriminated against and oppressed in this country.

    And I have a track record unlike you blog thread warriors. I would be careful talking about what I didn't know. Because I just might be more man than those who are trying to call out mine because I pointed out the hypocrisy of calling out kids but not adult criminality.

    And sense crime is defined by Webster as "a grave offense especially against morality and as "something reprehensible." I think its safe to say murdering folks for their possessions by bombing them back to the stone age is criminal.

    All the folks trying to make me out to be crazy or making my point. they have guts to call out kids but not injustice that cost people their freedom, dignity, liberty and sometimes their very lives.

    Black folks sure have come a long way. We now turn our eyes from the injustices that this society commits so. we can better enjoy its trinkets

    I AM ALL MAN! e tAnd I have been a pretty good role model, anon. You don't know me or what I have done. But if I had to judge I would say I am a better role model than you because I tell children there is more to life than just a good job and a nice car. I tell them about principles and the importance of being a good human being and looking out for their neighbor, whoever or whatever he/she may be!

    And I ain't perfect but I try to be a godly man at that! Who do you think God will be most angry at flash mobbers or those who decide that folks should die by the thousands because they have something they want.

    Try to misunderstand or obfuscate this, brave Mr. Anon, it's easier and definitely more acceptable to call out and beat up on black children in this society, than to criticize the gov't for not finding monies to provide more summer jobs, or recreational opportunities or opportunities to enjoy an affordable college education for these same children.

  12. mellaneous10:38 PM

    Good point anon

    Anon said:

    "BTW, in terms of wealth, Blacks are on the bottom of ALL races . And you Negroes are badgering Tavis and West for raising awareness about this?"

  13. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Mell, "@ the anons and others

    You are a disengenous lot. I never ever said that what the kids did was right, and you all know it. And I didn't attack Nutter as the anon tried to say."

    Who are you talking about? There are no comments here about you. You seem terrible hurt by some anon that's not here.

  14. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Desertflower, that was a great speech by Bobby Kennedy. It was a shame that he was killed by violence.

    The call for peace, dignity and respect for our fellow human being seems to be no longer applicable in this country of ours. The rhetoric against violence somehow has faded away into the darkness of violence itself today.

    Anyway, that was a great speech. thanks for sharing it.

  15. ted kennedy11:39 PM

    anon writes:

    Desertflower, that was a great speech by Bobby Kennedy. It was a shame that he was killed by violence.

    Killed by violence. More precisely, he was shot in the head by a muslim.

    In fact, the Islamic war on America got its official start when Sirhan Sirhan, the palestinian arab muslim, murdered Bobby Kennedy.

  16. I'm Ready11:39 PM

    Karl Denninger:

    "The very acts that led to the crash of 2008 are back in play, and they're doing the same thing to market volatility. Banks are still hiding derivative exposure, claiming that they need these "customized" products for customers (and refusing to exchange-trade all of them.) Banks are still holding assets on their balance sheets at what the market judges to be a fantasy value - not only is their stock price half of book value or less in many cases, but we know there's nobody with actual money who believes the claimed valuations on the balance sheet are real, as if they did they'd buy up all the stock and get the assets at half price - an instant 100% (or more) capital gain.

    Who wouldn't do that, if they believed the banks? Every one of these institutions with deeply-underwater balance sheets - Bank of America and Citibank in particular - would be bought out tomorrow. The fact is that nobody believes these marks are real. Nobody. It would only take one "somebody" with money who would pounce on such an opportunity - if it was real. And there are lots of people with money.

    I repeat: There is not one entity with funds that believes these banks are honestly reporting asset values. NOT ONE."

    Praise thr Lord, and pass the ammunition.

  17. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Desertflower, that was a great speech by Bobby Kennedy. It was a shame that he was killed by violence.

    The call for peace, dignity and respect for our fellow human being seems to be no longer applicable in this country of ours. The rhetoric against violence somehow has faded away into the darkness of violence itself today.
    11:16 PM
    Indeed. However,it is the duty of those who govern us to not use inflammatory statements that will bring on this hatred and violence of one man against another.

    Statements that are calculated to cause hatred of and between people of different classes and colors (thank you for the distinction Francis Holland!)The GOP is constantly doing this and it has it's dire consequences.

    Is it not the duty/role of a government to rule it's country and people towards peaceful coexistence?

  18. Anonymous11:49 PM

    If you want to see a good movie, go see "The Help" this weekend. For sure, this movie is going to be a winner.

  19. Anonymous11:56 PM

    I'm in the Special Forces, and if you're ever lost in the woods, drink your urine if nothing else is's sterile, so no worries.

  20. @Anti Muslim bigot

    Robert Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan a Rosicrucian. It is based on Christianity.


    There some Tom in your city that made a anti-Obama profanity You Tube and he's getting a shoutout from all the racist groups you could shake a stick at. From Beck to Michelle Malkin he's getting much love. I guest he's part of Amy Holmes new "Hire a Tom" program. He calls himself Felonious Munk.

  21. miscellaneous12:00 AM

    mellaneous writes:

    I would be careful talking about what I didn't know. Because I just might be more man than those who are trying to call out mine because I pointed out the hypocrisy of calling out kids but not adult criminality.

    What kind of gibberish is this?

    Are you moldy?

  22. BTW, when was the LAST TIME Tavis and Cornel went out and help a black person? You can't say the same thing about Rev. Sharpton and Tom Joyner. Tom has probably raised millions of dollaars for HBCU's and black people usually call Rev. Sharpton when they're in trouble, not Tavis and Cornel. People forget that Rev. Sharpton was stabbed in the chest at a march.

  23. Anonymous12:10 AM

    "Indeed. However,it is the duty of those who govern us to not use inflammatory statements that will bring on this hatred and violence of one man against another."

    Duty? since when did it become the duty of those who govern America not to use inflammatory statements? This type of rhetoric has been going on since the beginning of America. It has only escalated some today because of a lack of leadership and citizens voting in the Tea Party.

    To have a sense of duty one has to have a sense of moral and ethical values. Very few today have that.

    It doesn't matter whether it's the GOP, or the Democrats. They both fan the fire of hate. It is part of the human condition since the beginning of time...hate, that is. It is our spiritual malady, our frailty. But some pray to overcome those flaws and try to do the right thing. There aren't too many humans with that kind of heart, though. Never has been.

  24. Sergei12:18 AM

    Desertflower said...So while President Obama, preaches unity and togetherness, the GOP instill separation violence and hatred of American against American

    You have this completely flipped. It is the democrat party that depends on racial animosity to stay in power. Has not Obama purpposely driven people apart? His party believes in a racial and class spoils system, where those that have are demonized by those that take.

    The Republican party ideology is color blindness before the law and equal opportunity for all. One America where everyone is free to lives their individual lives as they see fit.

  25. Anonymous12:20 AM

    Felonious Munk is a wise brother. He is also my cousin. Please watch and listen to his insight. Congress needs to hear this:

  26. Allamo Joe12:24 AM

    kid said....You can't say the same thing about Rev. Sharpton and Tom Joyner. ....... People forget that Rev. Sharpton was stabbed in the chest at a march.

    People also forget that Rev. Sharpton caused the murders of those poor people at Freddy's Fashion Mart and went to the mat for the pathetic Tawana Brawley hoax. He is a demagogue of the worst sort and anyone who admires him is a rascist moron.

  27. mellaneous12:25 AM

    Anon nice try I was responding to the crap that the anonymous poster put out there. How do I know which anon it was since you are all called annonymous.

  28. Yo kid, you got a problem with the truth? I will fuck your motherfucking ass up.

  29. Anonymous12:29 AM

    Sergei-"The Republican party ideology is color blindness before the law and equal opportunity for all. One America where everyone is free to lives their individual lives as they see fit."

    I suppose all the past racist rhetoric from the Republicans didn't happen? Get Real. Nobody believes your GOP bs-- including the GOP itself. Especially the Tea Party who has carried racist signs at its rallies labelling Obama a Nazi, a Muslim, un-American, and not born in America. If that isn't inflammatory I don't know what is.

  30. mellaneous12:30 AM

    Field I think the commentor hit it on the head. Sharpton is on the wrong side of history, but West has a history of at least trying to speak out against the inequities of US society.

    Smiley seems a bit suspect but who cares if he is try to bring attention to the plight of the poor.

    It was the same position I took with Sharpton, as long as he was helping advance the call of human rights he was at least helping, even if he was also helping himself.

  31. Puckerd, with a .4512:35 AM

    What is it about the black guys wanting to do other black, or white guys up the ass?

    I don't understand. Is is some sorta "Black" thing?

    I hear them Muslims like it too.

  32. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Duty? since when did it become the duty of those who govern America not to use inflammatory statements? This type of rhetoric has been going on since the beginning of America. It has only escalated some today because of a lack of leadership and citizens voting in the Tea Party.

    To have a sense of duty one has to have a sense of moral and ethical values. Very few today have that.

    It doesn't matter whether it's the GOP, or the Democrats. They both fan the fire of hate. It is part of the human condition since the beginning of time...hate, that is. It is our spiritual malady, our frailty. But some pray to overcome those flaws and try to do the right thing. There aren't too many humans with that kind of heart, though. Never has been.
    12:10 AM"
    WOW! wow,wow,wow,....maybe so, maybe there aren't, and yet who are you? What side are you on?

    Maybe, as Gandhi said "we need to be the change we seek" ???

  33. Thomas12:39 AM

    @mellaneous: A real man doesn't lead children astray by excusing their criminal behavior. You tell them they aren't responsible for their actions because in your confused concept of reality you think the more important priority is venting your hatred of capitalism.

    The more food stamps, rent money, free lunches, and EBT cards get showered on people with no moral compass, the more lost they get. You need to preach true Chrisitan principles instead of that half-baked Marxism you spread around.

  34. Sergei12:41 AM

    Anon @ 12:29 said..
    If that isn't inflammatory I don't know what is.

    You don't know much, that's for sure.

  35. Puckerd, with a .45 said1:00 AM

    So. Two guys doing it up the ass is not considered stange or perverted on FN???????????????????????????

  36. Anonymous1:06 AM

    Desertflower, "Maybe, as Gandhi said "we need to be the change we seek" ???"

    True. I believe that's what everyone is doing to the best of their ability, including politicians. It's like playing the piano. Some play it better than others, though.

    We are humans who carry a lot of ignorance that we sometimes think is knowledge. Because of that, we are always either 'in' a crisis, or we are 'in-between' a crisis.

  37. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Desertflower, I do my best to be on the side of doing the right thing. Republican or Democrat seems to be on the wrong side of truth nearly all of the time.

  38. Anonymous1:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desertflower, "Maybe, as Gandhi said "we need to be the change we seek" ???"
    True. I believe that's what everyone is doing to the best of their ability, including politicians. It's like playing the piano. Some play it better than others, though.

    We are humans who carry a lot of ignorance that we sometimes think is knowledge. Because of that, we are always either 'in' a crisis, or we are 'in-between' a crisis."
    This is true! We humans are a complicated lot aren't we?

    It's up to the wiser ones, the ones that can "play the piano better" to lead and guide towards a more happy and peaceful society. But I completely understand where you are coming from, the majority of politicians/governants today are in it for the power and the money, and that's too bad.

    John Kennedy said something that is as relevant today as it was at that time. He said "Those that make a peaceful resolution impossible, will make violent revolution inevitable".

    And I believe that is the why of all the rioting going on in England and elsewhere.

  39. mellaneous1:30 AM

    Thomas you are a liar and you wouldn't know anything about Christianity if it slapped you in the face.

  40. Anonymous1:38 AM

    "Those rioters in London, men being raped, and the Poverty Tour continues."

    damn...wherever there is shit, bm are in it. Someone please tell me why does this shit happen to bm who are known as peace-loving upholders of fidelity, and generous bm? Why Lord, why?

  41. Anonymous1:47 AM

    Sergei, "You don't know much, that's for sure."

    After many years on earth, I realize how little I know as a human being. But thanks for reminding me, oh wise one.

  42. Anonymous1:52 AM

    Thomas, "The more food stamps, rent money, free lunches, and EBT cards get showered on people with no moral compass, the more lost they get. You need to preach true Chrisitan principles instead of that half-baked Marxism you spread around."

    Thank you Thomas. Could please you tell me what Marxism is because I really don't know?

  43. Life is Strongest Suvive2:08 AM

    It's the Testonre level in Blacks, Male & female, They can't resist. They are simply a subspecies of Humans. As we all are.

    Many exceptions, basically from interbreeding exist, but not enough to off-set the fact that Hispanics have already overtaken them.

  44. Anonymous2:15 AM

    This has gotten interesting!

    No trolls.....carry on!

  45. Anonymous2:47 AM

    Perry/Palin 2012 They will save us oh and the best part is watching liberal immoral heads explode all the while. Remember you heard it here first.

    Oh and Mellaneous you can be the minister of immorality, you can tell the nation which sins are forgiven as long as someone else commits a sin you think is worse. We'll call it the doomed to hell for leading others to evil rev'rund morality code.

  46. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    This has gotten interesting!

    No trolls.....carry on!

    shhhhhhhh...Mold had a hard day.

  47. mellaneous3:54 AM

    Anon said:
    "damn...wherever there is shit, bm are in it. Someone please tell me why do this shit happen to bm who are known as peace-loving upholders of fidelity, and generous bm? Why Lord, why?"

    Try telling to the Iraqis or the Afghanis or the Pakistanis or the starving Somalis for that matter or the other thousands of victims of US imperialism. And its face sure aint black.

  48. guy fawkes8:02 AM

    field posts:

    "Many of these criminals are no different from [liberal politician] Nick Clegg, who at the age of 16 narrowly escaped a conviction in Germany for setting fire to a professor's cactus collection for a 'drunken lark.'

    I see field is always ready to create an equivalence that lets the black miscreants off the hook.

    As if burning a cactus is a crime equivalent to looting and torching stores.

    Or, for that matter, from the Bullingdon Club, of which David Cameron and [London Mayor] Boris Johnson were members, which goes around smashing up restaurants.

    Really? Did either participate in these activities? And what does "smashing up restaurants" mean? Turning over tables? Running out on the bill? Or burning it to the ground?

  49. cecil rhodes8:10 AM

    mellaneous, you get dumber by the hour.

    Try telling to the Iraqis or the Afghanis or the Pakistanis...

    Yeah, as if there aren't 20 million Iraqis who are thrilled about having more freedom and a far better shot at prosperity. I fyou had any knowledge of economics, you'd know Iraq is going in the right direction because its citizens are taking it in that direction.

    As for Afghanistand, well, it seems you're saying the US had no business going after the people who attacked us on 9/11. And, with respect to Pakistan, you have the weird idea that letting Osama bin Laden hide there was okay.

    ... or the starving Somalis for that matter or the other thousands of victims of US imperialism. And its face sure aint black.

    The only whites near Somalia are the whites trying to help the starving blacks who've been victimized by the murderous muslims, who themselves are black.

    Somalia is a wasteland. Always was, always will be.

  50. Anonymous8:11 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Anon said:
    "damn...wherever there is shit, bm are in it. Someone please tell me why do this shit happen to bm who are known as peace-loving upholders of fidelity, and generous bm? Why Lord, why?"

    Try telling to the Iraqis or the Afghanis or the Pakistanis or the starving Somalis for that matter or the other thousands of victims of US imperialism. And its face sure aint black.

    Mellaneous, Thats horrible, how long have you been doing this? As a part of the US what do you have to say for yourself? I mean you are an american citizen aren't you? Or are you one of the millions of Somalis that the U.S people generously feeds, clothes, assists with farm tools, fishing boats etc each year and I do mean each year?

  51. miscellaneous8:14 AM

    mellaneous writes:

    Thomas you are a liar and you wouldn't know anything about Christianity if it slapped you in the face.

    Am I the only one who sees the ataggering irony pouring out of the idiot mellaneous?

  52. martians have landed8:22 AM

    field posts:

    "We appeal to members of the public to pass any information to the police regarding three women who have gone on a spree of kidnapping and indecently assaulting young men around town,”

    Harare police boss Angeline Guvamombe said in a statement.

    “The women drive in posh cars and offer their unsuspecting victims lifts before spraying some liquid substance on their faces.

    “Once the victim is drowsy, he is taken to a secluded place or house where he is forced to have sex,” said Ms Guvamombe. “I want to warn these criminals that their days are numbered,” she added."

    Either writers for The Onion are now working in Harare, OR the women are wearing strap-ons, OR Africans, including field, will believe anything.

  53. Anonymous8:24 AM

    miscellaneous said...

    Am I the only one who sees the ataggering irony pouring out of the idiot mellaneous?

    Mellaneous is known in real life as Rev'rund X. Here is a video of one of his sermons.

  54. a black mind is a terrible thing8:28 AM

    kid says:

    Robert Kennedy was shot by Sirhan Sirhan a Rosicrucian. It is based on Christianity.

    You and mellaneous are a pair of ree-tards.

    Sirhan is a palestinian, arab muslim. Yasser Arafat loved him and tried to convince US prison authorities to let him serve his sentence in a palestinian jail -- in Gaza.

  55. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Heres one of mellaneous talking about god and mofo house negroes

  56. Anonymous8:37 AM


  57. a black mind is a terrible thing8:37 AM

    It's always a mistake to broadcast one's towering idiocy.

    But if common sense is to be disregarded, then at least the idiot should find a good make-up person. Or, in this case, a dentist who performs implants.

  58. Anonymous8:44 AM

    hahahaha! The good Reverend X! hey at least he gets religion with the drugs! and he dances pretty good LOL! What a way to start a Saturday!
    Only on the Fields! LOL! Love it! AMEN!

  59. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Melleanous/Rev X said...

    "Try to misunderstand or obfuscate this, brave Mr. Anon, it's easier and definitely more acceptable to call out and beat up on black children in this society, than to criticize the gov't for not finding monies to provide more summer jobs, or recreational opportunities or opportunities to enjoy an affordable college education for these same children"

    And I say..
    Are you an Honest Man?

    “But you say that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak? What strength do you mean? It is not the strength of guns or muscles. Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think. Then is money made by the man who invents a motor at the expense of those who did not invent it? Is money made by the intelligent at the expense of the fools? By the able at the expense of the incompetent? By the ambitious at the expense of the lazy? Money is made – before it can be looted or mooched – made by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability. An honest man is one who knows that he can’t consume more than he has produced.”

  60. Anonymous9:12 AM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.

    All the responses were bluster and claimerations that I was in error...but not one offered proof of their beleef.
    Silly boys...why don't you do your own work? All the Internet at your short-fingereed vulgarian selves....and you refuse to use it.


  61. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Mold Said..

    "Silly boys...why don't you do your own work?"

    When he claims I wont do your work what he specifically means
    Is he is pretenderating and dont know jack shit or beans

  62. Alton Maddox9:30 AM

    “But resist we much, we must, and we will much, about that.... be committed.”

    Rev Al Sharpton/Rev'rund X the 1st.

  63. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Umm...the boy-raping group are Fundies. You know...the same ones that Sarey and Michelle and Walker and Santorum and Toomey and Kasich and a lot of TaxBaggers attend.
    No, the Iraqi people don't think of pudgy wite Goober as their Savior. They see 'Merica as an invading force that tends to shoot out of ignorance. Pretty much everyone there had it better, before bush 'compensated' for his teeny.
    The 9/11 actors were Saudi, and bush did what to that group? So why don't you enlist? Any time. We're waiting.

    Urine is not sterile. Special Forces? Probably not. Nobody here is vetted. That's a hint.

    The tale sounds like one of those troo christian tales. Where the conversion to christ was mighty and should be often told. Or the witches found by Fundies. Or the 'Merican Day Care (McMartin). Or the wet yer Vitters about the great unbeknownst librul conspracy.

    While the wingnuts and Cons continue to beleeverate that the beret and clove fags make an artist....that a bow tie and buzzwords make one an expert...and mindless adherence to gross stupidity makes one a politician....most of us have that kindergarten-based distaste for lies and unfairness. You LOSE authority when you fib. You LOSE the leadership by being unfair.


  64. Anonymous9:31 AM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.

    All the responses were bluster and claimerations that I was in error...but not one offered proof of their beleef.
    Silly boys...why don't you do your own work? All the Internet at your short-fingereed vulgarian selves....and you refuse to use it.


  65. a black mind is a terrible thing9:32 AM

    A few honest and true words:

    Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think...Money is made – before it can be looted or mooched – made by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability.

    Let's try again. Why is Africa so stinking poor?

  66. Anonymous9:34 AM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.

    All the responses were bluster and claimerations that I was in error...but not one offered proof of their beleef.
    Silly boys...why don't you do your own work? All the Internet at your short-fingereed vulgarian selves....and you refuse to use it.


  67. a black mind is a terrible thing9:36 AM

    Then is money made by the man who invents a motor at the expense of those who did not invent it?

    Is money made by the intelligent at the expense of the fools?

    By the able at the expense of the incompetent?

    By the ambitious at the expense of the lazy?

    There's a reason Africa, and all other black nations, are so stinking poor.

  68. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Field, you should know that rapists are

    Mold losers who seek out those they see as weaker. A person rubbing urine on their body is surely many respects.

  69. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Field, you should know that rapists are losers who seek out those they see as weaker. A person rubbing urine on their body is surely many respects.


  70. Anonymous9:38 AM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.

    All the responses were bluster and claimerations that I was in error...but not one offered proof of their beleef.
    Silly boys...why don't you do your own work? All the Internet at your short-fingereed vulgarian selves....and you refuse to use it.


  71. clorox9:39 AM

    moldy is a white male suffering from strange ailments.

  72. the bladder9:41 AM

    It may seem bizarre, but people have been drinking their urine forever. It's sterile.

  73. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Clorox, "moldy is a white male suffering from strange ailments."

    Most Whites suffer from strange ailments. Einstein once claimed that racism is a strange inhumane stricken disease of Whites, and it has spread to no_slappy who is hiding once again as A Black Mind is a Terrible Thing.

    The disease is greed, hate and delusion. It is a mental, emotional and spiritual disease that Whites can never get out of. So the beat goes on until the riots spring up all over the earth against them...Stupid, so very Stupid.

  74. Anonymous12:08 PM

    why liberals and socialist pretendarate riots are about poverty?these riots have been exposed to be about sony and adidas.blacks raping?nothing new about that.nothing new about urine.blacks having been washing their hair,drinking,and soaking in urine for 100 of years.

    child-molesting?Think nambla being a part of glaad.marching in parades with Nancy Pelosi.john kerry 2004 democrat convention.obama's family.hollywood liberals.correlation with gays and children.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    hope and change

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  75. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Why are all of these trolls beatin up on Mellaneous and no bm like KID coming to help him out? let me answer that for don't care about bm.

  76. This comment has been removed by the author.

  77. field negro said...
    Dr. Queen, somehow I knew you were riding with that crew.:) Did you see them in D.C.?

    And you know it, LOL!!

    Unfortuantely, I didn't hear they were here until I saw them on MSNBC (I think)a few days ago talking about their poverty tour. However, I find interesting the black political dichotomy being created between Sharpton/Harvey/Joyner and Smilely/West.

    And I'm sure the "best" is yet to come, LOL!!!!

  78. Anonymous12:35 PM

    “But resist we much, we must, and we will much, about that... be committed.”
    -Rev Al Sharpton

  79. "If you want to see a good movie, go see "The Help" this weekend. For sure, this movie is going to be a winner."

    Only if you put a gun to my head the entire time. I wouldn't go to see "The Help" if Lark Voorhies prmised to see it with me in a theater she reserved for just the two of us.

    That's how strong my feelings are about "The Help".

    "Either writers for The Onion are now working in Harare, OR the women are wearing strap-ons, OR Africans, including field, will believe anything."

    I believe this story. Why do you think it's a lie? Never underestimate the power of the johnson.

    "It's the Testonre level in Blacks, Male & female, They can't resist. They are simply a subspecies of Humans. As we all are.

    Many exceptions, basically from interbreeding exist, but not enough to off-set the fact that Hispanics have already overtaken them."

    Did you all see the irony of those comments?

    And folks wonder why I blog. You just can't make this s^%% up. :)

  80. Cat Scratch Fever12:49 PM

    Did you really expect anything different? From London to Philadelphia to Milwaukee, goons are rioting in the streets. And guess what? I don’t believe it is the fundamental fault of the goon squads that they’re rioting, although there’s no excuse for beating people and destroying property.

    Societies, especially America’s, have created a shattered social system in which lawlessness and irresponsibility are excused by boneheaded liberals because they don’t think government has provided enough for these supposedly disadvantaged and downtrodden people.

    The shiftless, looting goons and their liberal allies think rich people should be taxed more, and more economic advantages must be provided to largely uneducated, unskilled, lazy, incompetent goons. Eat the rich, my foot.

    The problem, of course, is the exact opposite. For decades, government has provided too many programs, too many checks, too many safety nets, too many handouts and too many taxpayer-provided gimmes. The goons literally expect a handout instead of a hand up.

    Now that governments have become broke because of any number of grossly expensive and tremendously inefficient social-welfare experiments gone awry, once-vibrant economies such as the United States are slowing down thanks to the self-imposed heavy hand of debt, tax systems that punish producers, and borrowing and spending gone mad.

    Jobs have evaporated even for skilled, talented and motivated Americans. There are no jobs for goons unless you think robbing, plundering and peddling dope are resume builders.

    So now the goons are taking to the streets and creating mayhem in the name of social justice and whatnot.

    If the goons had an ounce of brains among them, they would come to the conclusion that the reason they are dumb, unskilled mouth-breathers unprepared for the future is because of bloated, runaway government, not because there has been too little of it or that the rich do not pay enough in taxes.

    These idiots are useful political pawns for the very political punks who have manipulated these morons into believing that Uncle Sham is their sugar daddy instead of what Uncle Sham really is - a political-street-corner dope-pusher, a community organizer who has gotten them strung out on the most powerful drug of all: dependency.

    Extinct among these goons is any sense of what once made America great. Gone are the independent, strong-willed, pull-yourself-up-by-your-own-bootstraps people who thought the basic role of the federal government was simply to protect them from invasion by another country.

    Now we are a nation of wussies and stupid goons who have suckled on the teat of Aunt Sugar Momma for so long that many Americans know nothing different. When the teat runs dry, gangland rioting follows. Kicking the habit of dependency is an obviously painful process.

  81. Anonymous12:55 PM

    "However, I find interesting the black political dichotomy being created between Sharpton/Harvey/Joyner and Smilely/West.

    And I'm sure the "best" is yet to come, LOL!!!!"

    I find the political dichotomy between them quite disturbing and further proof of the continuation of a splintered race.

    There is nothing funny about it. We need to be unified in supporting the poor and downtrodden since it is primarily us.

    But we can't even do that. Blacks continue to show, like others, that they really don't give a shit about Blacks. President Obama needs to be pressured to give attention to the poor and yes, Blacks. However, it's widely known that Blacks are easily divided because of their own shameless condemnation.

    Dr. Queen, there is nothing funny about what's on display about us Blacks. But I understand where you are coming from: Might as well laugh because 'we ain't nothing and we gonna be nothin.'

    Keep up the good work, girl...Keep it real!LOL

  82. Anonymous1:35 PM

    "Dr. Queen, there is nothing funny about what's on display about us Blacks."

    I can tell you have never watched an episode of Al Sharpton on CNN or seen a wacka flack video, trust me there is much, much that is funny.

  83. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Rick Perry - Americas Greatest days are not behind us they are ahead of us. Rick Perry 2012

    OK Field, Now you have your topics for the next year, bashing Rick Perry as the liberals whose heads have not exploded will start to get even more and more desperate, and start up the liberal slime machines.....

  84. Rick Perry needs to sit his fake, extra southern sounding accent ass down somewhere!!!

    @Anon 12:55, thanks!

  85. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Rick Perry needs to sit his fake, extra southern sounding accent ass down somewhere!!!

    He will babycakes right in the whitehouse chair, he gonna kick Steve Hussien Erckel to the curb

  86. @Cat Scratch Fever

    Pretty pathetic posting up a racist article from Ted Nugent that the draft dodger posted in the Washington Post. Maybe you should have included the cartoon of a monkey on top of Big Ben that was in that article. I think that the reason you see minorities acting violent is that people like you are encouraging it either directly or indirectly. Maybe bigots like you should stop encouraging violence by treating minorities like animals. BTW, the riots in England was about class and race. Many whites participated.

  87. @Anonymous 2:04 PM

    Perry is going to have a problem with almost about every group but white male racist. He had a prayer rally with Homophobes, anti-Semites, anti- woman, anti-immigrant, anti- Muslim, anti -Black bigots. BTW you do know that Steve Erkel was a TV chracter who's a genius, now Tea Baggers don't generate jobs or the economy.

  88. Anonymous3:03 PM

    @Cat Scratch Fever

    Pretty pathetic posting up a racist article from Ted Nugent that the draft dodger posted in the Washington Post. Maybe you should have included the cartoon of a monkey on top of Big Ben that was in that article. I think that the reason you see minorities acting violent is that people like you are encouraging it either directly or indirectly. Maybe bigots like you should stop encouraging violence by treating minorities like animals. BTW, the riots in England was about class and race. Many whites participated.

    2:46 PM

    Racist? How so? How is it racist? who said anything about race or skin color? He is talking about moochers. What are you trying to say, when he says Moochers and you say it is racist? You don't realize what you say when you say these things.

  89. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Perry is going to have a problem with almost about every group but white male racist. He had a prayer rally with Homophobes, anti-Semites, anti- woman, anti-immigrant, anti- Muslim, anti -Black bigots. BTW you do know that Steve Erkel was a TV chracter who's a genius, now Tea Baggers don't generate jobs or the economy.

    The only people Perry will have a problem with is the insane liberal left, a significant minority in this country. If Steve Erckel to you is a genius, that explains your awe of Obama. I thought you would be against someone like Erckel...he wears his pants real high.

  90. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Maybe bigots like you should stop encouraging violence by treating minorities like animals.

    So its all someone else's fault that as YOU say minorities act like animals. Well, I say the last thing someone like me wants is to treat minorities like animals, after all Humans take care of animals and provide food and shelter like you want. I want you to provide your own and contribute to society. Not just take from it. So see, I am for elevating you, not downgrading you as you seem to want to stay in the basement. Now stop projecting, mooching knows no skin color although you as a racist bigot obviously think differently.

  91. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Brother KID, you got Rick Perry wrong. He is not anti-Black. Any black Texan will tell he is not. It is true he suspects Muslims as terrorists but can you blame him?A Muslim psychiatrist claiming to be a conscientious objector against serving in the war, was allowed to remain stateside at Fort Hood, Texas.

    And what did he do? He killed some of our soldiers at Fort Hood. Most Texans and a lot of other Americans across our country are uneasy about Muslims, including me.

    Nevertheless, I think all will agree, that Rick Perry is 'exactly' what is needed for our country at this time-for Blacks, Whites, and Latinos. He will win by a landslide.

  92. Anonymous said...
    Nevertheless, I think all will agree, that Rick Perry is 'exactly' what is needed for our country at this time-for Blacks, Whites, and Latinos. He will win by a landslide.

    Especially if he keeps that fake ass "george bush" accent up, LOL!!!

    Word verification, coonsh? WTF!!!!!!

  93. mellaneous3:28 PM

    I see the anonymous folks have jokes. I guess that's one way to best me since your backward and reactionary ideas won't win the day.

    Come on desertflower don't feed into the crap that's not me.

    Good one though! LOL

    @Field the Help believe it or not helps some folks who didn't know better to know that we as black folks didn't go from slavery to good times and equal opportunity.

    You have seen many a misinformed and apolitical person post something on one of your threads talking about slavery is over and alluding to the idea that we as black folks talk about it all the time.

    They act as if they have no idea about the 100 years of legal apartheid in this country called Jim Crow segregation, which was not just about seperation but about violent degradation and even murder.

    the movie reminds folks of those times which were very real and it gives us a taste of what these women endured. Its not all that but it is educational.

    And it helps remind folks that these hard working black women and the hard working black men that maintained the grounds of many well white folks, worked off the books and they never got Social Security and other old age relief.

  94. mellaneous3:34 PM

    "Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think...Money is made – before it can be looted or mooched – made by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability."

    Slappy give it up they aren't going to let you in, its why they pay you to keep up their propaganda while they are out yachting.

    And this of course is the lie of the day.

    Real wealth historically has been made and maintained at the point of a sword or more lately a gun.

    Its still true that "behind every vast fortune lies a great crime"

  95. Anonymous3:50 PM

    mellaneous said...
    "Come on desertflower don't feed into the crap that's not me."
    LOL! I know that's not you!

    I was laughing at the "strap on" comment they made about the so called female rapists. I should have quoted the comment, but I hadn't had my coffee yet!My bad.

    Believe me, I can tell by the way you express yourself the kind of gentleman you are. :)

  96. Anonymous4:05 PM

    You have seen many a misinformed and apolitical person post something on one of your threads talking about slavery is over and alluding to the idea that we as black folks talk about it all the time.

    As a great scholar named Pantera once said..

    There's nothing special about it
    It's either there when you're born or not
    Gifted with talent or no big deal
    Welcome to the death of a century...

    Cause yesterday don't mean shit
    What's over is over and nothing between
    Yesterday don't mean shit
    Because tomorrow's the day you have to face
    There's no rewinding time
    Yesterday don't mean shit

    Reliving old reviews is a useless tool of confusion
    Don't hold your breath for the turn-around
    Come into the world of ruthless odds...

    They'll tell you about guilt
    And in time you'll face the darkness...
    But darkness is a friend to you
    Embrace and fly through the madness
    Flying past God and wars and conflict
    Oppressor in you
    Plowing through minds and paranoia
    Oppressor in you
    The oppressor's in you

  97. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Real wealth historically has been made and maintained at the point of a sword or more lately a gun.

    Its still true that "behind every vast fortune lies a great crime"

    with leaders such as yourself teaching youths this, whats the point, sit back on the couch and wait for opportunity to knock on your door. then when it doesnt and you are old and start being a reverund, blame the world for not bestowing it's riches at your feet.

  98. a black mind is easily misled5:12 PM

    Real wealth historically has been made and maintained at the point of a sword or more lately a gun.

    Yeah, Bill Gates is a gunslinging killer who forced the world to buy Microsoft Windows.

  99. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Yeah, Bill Gates is a gunslinging killer who forced the world to buy Microsoft Windows.

    well he is white, so white supremacy, didnt the republicans stand in the way of brain redistribution? Gottdamn conservative opressors

  100. Anonymous5:37 PM

    As riots in the U.K. become increasingly volatile, bands of vigilantes, in this case Muslim ones, are roaming the streets looking to take on any and all comers — mainly because three of young men in their community were run down and killed while trying to defend their family’s business. Now since many of the rioters are reportedly black, racial tensions between the two groups have flared, with one Muslim man vowing to “hunt down these black men, cut off their heads and feed them to our dogs.”

  101. "OK Field, Now you have your topics for the next year, bashing Rick Perry.."

    Nope. I wont bash him if there is nothing to bash him about. I believe in being fair...

    "So its all someone else's fault that as YOU say minorities act like animals. Well, I say the last thing someone like me wants is to treat minorities like animals, after all Humans take care of animals and provide food and shelter like you want. "

    When you talk about "minorities, are you referring to white people? You do realize, don't you, that you are in the minority here on god's green earth.

    "Animals"? That's how you refer to Mr. Charlie these days? My my, I guess it all started with Jeffrey Dahmer eating his victims.

  102. Anonymous8:03 PM

    When you talk about "minorities, are you referring to white people? You do realize, don't you, that you are in the minority here on god's green earth.

    I didnt say it, Kid did. Notice the emphasis on YOU in my reply back to Kid as he used the words minorities and animals. To me people are people, contributors are contributors and moochers are moochers, to Kid if I have a view he doesnt like, I am a racist and while years past I would care, I realize now it's like trying to piss in a fan and as they say in Haiti; je m'en fous

  103. fn:

    i thank god for tavis and cornel each day

    only in that rabid blackish elitist hobama's amerikkka could 2 black heros like tavis and cornel be slandered so for speaking for the poor that hobama has bilked!!!!


    how have hobama and his banksters fattened their own accounts???

    how has hobama pimped the poor at the polls then abused them in dc???

    how so???

    why are hobama's glaring elitist sins ok????


    it is the rage that u blind hobama nazis have evoked that will slay hobama in 2012...


    Any poor, illiterate, hypnotized, lobotomized, and blind black fool who votes for Hobama in 2012 is actually insane. They are doubly insane if they do so at your, or Al Sharpton's, direction. And, they deserve whatever additional insanity they shall endure via Hobama. No president could ever be more ruthless than Hobama has been simply because adoring black mongrels would never allow any other president to be so.

    No fans of any other president would ever act like racist Hobama Nazis, who slay and slander all rebels of all races who dare to call Hobama out. No DL president would ever be ignored like the DL Hobama, by black homohaters who exclusively guard sexual secrets of players with blackish pimp swaggers. No other president could ever inspire minstrels like you and that permed out and sold out Sharpton to dance such genocidal jigs.

    What “prize” has Hobama given to anyone who is not a bankster or a war profiteer??? Where should poor black people cast their eyes to find one single political gift from Hobama? Why do you perpetually slander Tavis Smiley? Why do you pretend that Tavis has not been a clairvoyant and reticent hero regarding that joker Hobama?

  104. steve harvey is the new al sharpton

    hobama is the new gwb

    and tavis and cornel are the new mlk


    Steve Harvey is doing a good job of campaigning for President Obama. Harvey was recently invited to President Obama's birthday party, putting him squarely in the camp of black public figures who've been recruited by the White House to help discredit anyone who speaks ill of the Obama Administration. Rather than asking whether or not Smiley and West's issues are relevant, Harvey, Tom Joyner and others know that it's easier to simply smear the credibility of the messengers. In American politics, character assassinations are typically preferred to actually dealing with the issue itself.

    When it comes to the state of African American affairs, there are at least a couple of camps: Those who've been affected by the downturn, and those who have not. Those who have jobs and plenty of money in the bank have little reason to care for the poor, since America as a capitalist society teaches us that poor people simply don't matter. Those who are concerned about the recent loss of 40 years of African American wealth are typically not those who have New York Times best-selling books and multimillion dollar radio and TV syndication deals.

    As we analyze the issue of poverty, joblessness and economic inequality, it might help us to put aside our personal feelings about Cornel West, Barack Obama or anyone else. Instead, let's focus on the issue at hand. If Harvey, Joyner and others are concerned about the plight of the jobless, the homeless and the poor, they should simply outdo Smiley and West with their own attack on the poverty.

    Harvey's comments about Smiley and West were not only uncalled for, they are ultimately destructive. As much as Harvey might want to interpret the Smiley West Poverty Tour as an assault on the Obama Administration, they should at least be given credit for speaking up for those who've lost their political voice. Obama's strongest defenders have long argued that the president can't do everything himself. So, we can't then turn around and criticize those who are taking urgent matters into their own hands.

    Times are serious and economic despair is hitting millions of Americans far and wide. But Steve Harvey doesn't feel any of this economic pain because rich men have the luxury of playing politics.







  106. WTFU!!!!!!!

    Westen bemoans Obama’s refusal to follow this example. He writes: “In contrast, when faced with the greatest economic crisis, the greatest levels of economic inequality, and the greatest levels of corporate influence on politics since the Depression, Barack Obama stared into the eyes of history and chose to avert his gaze. Instead of indicting the people whose recklessness wrecked the economy, he put them in charge of it. He never explained that decision to the public—a failure in storytelling as extraordinary as the failure in judgment behind it.”

    This criticism assumes, of course, that Obama could have provided a credible explanation for his decision to put the lunatics in charge of the capitalist asylum—including, most obviously, his selection of Timothy Geithner, head of the New York Federal Reserve during the 2008 crash and one of three principal organizers of the bank bailout, as his secretary of the treasury. Likewise, he chose to renominate Federal Reserve Board Chairman Ben Bernanke, another key architect of the bailout, for a new four-year term.

    More importantly, Obama chose to continue the bailout of the banks begun by Geithner, Bernanke and Bush’s treasury secretary, Henry Paulson, and then to greatly expand it. Every aspect of the new administration’s financial and economic policy was driven by the determination to restore solvency to the investment banks, stock traders and hedge funds, at the expense of the working class.

    Obama proposed an economic stimulus policy tailored to boosting corporate profitability, not jobs, and rejected any direct job creation by the federal government. After blocking efforts to limit executive pay at the bailed-out banks, the president demanded a 50 percent wage cut for newly hired auto workers as the price of bailing out General Motors and Chrysler. And his health care “reform” was driven by cost-cutting, not the extension of coverage to the uninsured.

  107. kudos to tavis and cornel!!!

  108. mellaneous8:29 PM

    @AB good point and good commentary on Steve Harvey.
    @Field hey man you can respond to my point about "The Help" I would appreciate hearing your point of view. I saw the movie and I lived it a bit my grandmother was a maid and I heard some real stories that let me know that her relationship with her employers was not benign.

    @Anon- however you spin it oppression is real to those who oppressed and no amount of redirection will change. In the real world there are real and real oppressed.

    But you do have the right to pretend that the lie is the truth!

  109. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Love the Manichean false choice offered by Goobers. You either are on welfare, and therefore Blcak...or you work dutifully and earn vast rewards...and are therefore wite.
    Hmm...maybe they are missing some options? Perhpas work for Kochs like a dog, be wite, and make next to nothing. Then whine when you see an AfAm earn more.

    I did note that it was horrible beyond all redemption to use tax monies to better the lives of US citizens. That somehow it am immoral to share the blessing of being in the US. Really? What does Jesus say? No, not revrunt BillySurJimRayBobLeroy....not Michelle (these eyes are from submitting to my hubby's desires)....not megachurch Ricky Warren....Jesus.

    And one wonders, what exactly do conservatives do that is sooooo much more needful and difficult and worthy? Are they emergency Pediatric surgeons? Are they NYPD or NYFD? I especially like the verbatim stories of how they were so much better workers than the union ones. And how they watched Affirmative Action cheat some wite dude out of a job.
    Really? Or are they repeating mindless idiocy as a way of proving their bona vides to be part of the tribe of Stoopid?


  110. anon:


    peace & TRUTH!!!

  111. "Field hey man you can respond to my point about "The Help" I would appreciate hearing your point of view. I saw the movie and I lived it a bit my grandmother was a maid and I heard some real stories that let me know that her relationship with her employers was not benign."

    Sorry Mell., I am not feeling it. I respect people like your grandmother and what they went through, but I would like to hear it told from their point of view. To me, this is just one more story of the white savior showing courage to help us "po" black folks out of our condition.

    I am staying off "The Help" bandwagon.

  112. field negro said...
    Sorry Mell., I am not feeling it.....To me, this is just one more story of the white savior showing courage to help us "po" black folks out of our condition.
    I'm with you 100% on this Field, and while I LOVE Viola Davis, I won't be seeing the movie. EVER!

    And she'll probably get the Academy Award since Black folks tend to only get it when they're roles are as miscreants or maids.

  113. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Field, "Only if you put a gun to my head the entire time. I wouldn't go to see "The Help" if Lark Voorhies prmised to see it with me in a theater she reserved for just the two of us.

    That's how strong my feelings are about "The Help"."

    Well, Mr. Field, no one is going to put a gun to your head. But it IS a part of American history during the Jim Crow days. Like it or not, Blacks wouldn't be this far if there weren't some Whites involved.

    You seem to apathetic to that fact. You want to hear from the perspective of Blacks? Go see the movie and you will hear it! and you will hear those Southern Whites view, also.

    Regardless whether you go see it or not, it WILL be seen by millions, both Blacks and Whites. It will be most helpful to those African immigrants who don't understand the strugglies of African Americans.

  114. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Dr. Q, "And she'll probably get the Academy Award since Black folks tend to only get it when they're roles are as miscreants or maids."

    that is why they call your generation, "Generation X".

  115. Anonymous said...
    that is why they call your generation, "Generation X".

    Yes, I'm the generation who heard first hand stories from relatives of how humiliating it was to work for some of these white families.

    For many Black women, being "the Help" was barely one step above being a slave.

  116. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Well, the Latinos think differently. They see it as a 'step up' from where they were. To them, it is the right direction to where they are headed. That is why they are ahead of us.

    Uneducated and poor. That's what many of us were during the Jim Crow days. That is a fact. The Help captures that truth and it also captures a lot of shame about being Black by Whites and the courage and strength it took to withstand the indignity of it all.
