Thursday, August 11, 2011

The republicans debate, and Aruba strikes again.

"I firmly believe that race riots are on the way," .... "They are being encouraged...[the Obama administration] will take this country down. If it looks like they are losing, the uber left, they will take it down. If I can't have it, no one will."

Oh my! Talk about wishful thinking. That was a very popular wingnut personality giving his dire warning about where A-merry-ca is heading. Let's follow their logic: They are sure that Obama will lose the next election, therefore, we can all assume, that race "riots are indeed on the way." As a member of the "uber left", let me be the first to say that that's not a good look for A-merry-ca.

And if Obama is going to lose the next election, one of the people on the stage debating to become the republiclown candidate for president is going to more than likely replace him. (I know that Governor Big Hair will announce soon)
I am trying to watch it, but it's hard. Newt, Herman,Mitt,Michele, Ron....Honestly, I would rather watch reruns of Baywatch Nights. Ron Paul is actually making the most sense, that ought to tell you something.

Anyway, as is to be expected, it looks like they are going after O hard. Hey this is politics, it's blood sport, they have to do and say what they have to in order to get elected.

O, on the other hand, says that he is fed up with the way politics is being conducted here in A-merry-ca.

 "..They look at what's happening in Washington and they think these folks are really from outer space because they don't seem to understand how critical it is for us all to work together, Republicans, Democrats, independents, in order to move this country forward," ..." the country is realizing the need to get involved.
"We're going to have to get engaged and we're going to have to speak out,"...  "We're going to have to register the fact that we expect more and we expect better." [Source]

Hmmm, doesn't sound like a man who wants a race war to me. Sounds like a man who wants to hold hands and sing Kumbaya with the wingnuts. Good luck with that.

"Unfortunately what we've seen in Washington in the last few months has been the worst kind of partisanship, the worst kind of gridlock, and that gridlock has undermined public confidence and impeded our efforts to take the steps we need for our economy,"

Mr. Obama is such a gentleman. Unfortunately for him, gentlemen don't win elections. Not when unemployment is hanging around the 9% mark and people want to work. Not when A-merry-ca is involved with three wars and folks are hearing about soldiers being killed on the evening news.

.....The debate is still going on and Herman Cain is making a fool of himself while he talks about Mitt Romney's religion. Mitt, on the other hand, is talking about the ideal home for children being with a mom and a dad, Newt is defending the government's right to give "loyalty oaths", and Michele is defending being submissive to her husband. I swear, these clowns on the right might just snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I guess we can relax people, maybe there will be no race riots after all.

Finally, if you are a white woman here in A-merry-ca and planning a vacation; you might want to stay away from Aruba. Seems that just five years after Natalee Holloway, yet another woman has gone missing on that island paradise.

Ladies, in the future, may I suggest Jamaica? Yes we have Dexter and his "black bamboo", but he will just take your pocket book, not your life.



  1. Bamboolio11:07 PM

    "Mr. Obama is such a gentleman. Unfortunately for him, gentlemen don't win elections."

    Hmmm. So how did Mr. Obama win last time? Not by being a gentleman. He won't be a gentleman this time either, with the White House strategy already leaked as being "destroy Romney".

    He wasn't at all interested in reaching out to "wingnuts" when his party controlled both houses of congress. In fact he rammed through the largest entitlement change in history on a 100% partisan vote, with zero input from the Republicans.

    But to you he's just a nice guy, looking for love in all the wrong places.

    Honestly, do you believe the stuff you write?

  2. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Have you heard any rumor that Obama might not run in 2012? Btw, he might be impeached when Congress returns.

  3. Anonymous11:19 PM

    A 'Rastitute' LOL!

    and oh my goodness, so much for those so called 'prim English ladies'! and here I thought it was only m...oops...I mean my goodness who knew??? ;)

  4. Seems like Aruba is well on its way of becoming a sort of "Dead Pretty White Girl Storage".

  5. Black n' blue bamboo11:23 PM

    Careful Desert Flower, you old slut, data from high-risk groups suggest that at least 9 percent of Jamaican commercial sex workers and 20 to 30 percent of men who have sex with men (MSM) are estimated to be HIV-positive.

  6. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Field, "Ladies, in the future, may I suggest Jamaica? Yes we have Dexter and his "black bamboo", but he will just take your pocket book, not your life."

    Dear Mr. Field, since I left the AA race to become Jamaican let me say that I have no regrets. I had no idea there would be so many British women looking for Jamaican men just for sex. I have pictures of 12 Brits on my wall and I've only been here 5 days! That is amazing...i'm going to be rich!

    This shit never happens in racist A-merry-ca.

  7. "Btw, he might be impeached when Congress returns."

    I think I hear Rod Sterling's voice.

    Desertflower you need Jesus.

    LOL@ Anon 11:25 PM.

    Black n' blue Bamboo you sound like a hater.

  8. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Black and Blue Bamboo said, "Careful Desert Flower, you old slut, data from high-risk groups suggest that at least 9 percent of Jamaican commercial sex workers and 20 to 30 percent of men who have sex with men (MSM) are estimated to be HIV-positive."

    There's always a wretched sick mf in every crowd and you are it, you piece of shit. You are just jealous and pissed off because no one wants your ugly sorry sex-less ass.

  9. Anonymous11:45 PM

    There's always a wretched sick mf in every crowd and you are it, you piece of shit. You are just jealous and pissed off because no one wants your ugly sorry sex-less ass.

    Dont do it sheeezzzz gotzzzzz da aidzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  10. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "I firmly believe that race riots are on the way," .... "They are being encouraged...[the Obama administration] will take this country down. If it looks like they are losing, the uber left, they will take it down. If I can't have it, no one will."

    That might be the case. But the race riots always take place in our own community so Whites can be safe and view our frustration on TV from their living rooms.

    Besides, the way things are looking the country will be taken down BEFORE the next election by the Tea Party, the GOP, and the Democrats.

  11. Anonymous11:50 PM

    I live in the Bay Area and the ones i know with aids are all White. I am sure Black n Blue is from the Bay Area and is White.

  12. Wesley R11:54 PM

    Every Wingnut debate is going to be the same, 'I'm more conservative than you', 'No, I'm more conservative than you'

  13. Wesley, it will be more like this: I am crazier than you. No, I am crazier than you.

    "That might be the case. But the race riots always take place in our own community so Whites can be safe and view our frustration on TV from their living rooms."

    Hmmm, sad but true.

  14. Anonymous12:03 AM

    46 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I live in the Bay Area and the ones i know with aids are all White. I am sure Black n Blue is from the Bay Area and is White.

    Maybe you should go to a better part of town, that place doesnt fit the national health statistics. Or are all the ones you know chargin u to go wit da wite ones?

  15. Wesley R12:03 AM

    BTW Field,

    THE EAGLES ARE LOADED!!!! They flashed all of their free agent signings on the NFL Network, and it took up the whole screen. I just hope the offensive line holds up.

  16. Anonymous12:11 AM

    What ever happened to the freedom fighter called Granny? See. it's people like her who talks shit but when it's time to put up or shut up, she is no where around.

  17. Anonymous12:27 AM

    What is up with these GOP??? It seems like they're all dotty!

    GWB and Cheney were sharks, and now these all look and talk like basket cases. I guess the GOP want their candidates to look and act as innocuous and religious as possible?

  18. Anonymous12:29 AM

    field negro said...
    "Desertflower you need Jesus."
    Ummmmmmm yeah, that too :)))

  19. mellaneous12:32 AM

    What up Field! I disagree with your choice of Field Negro, Field Negro's don't excited about the slaves children acting fool, they get excited at Pharoah who won't let the slaves or their children go!

    I feel you on wanting folks to parent their kids and not wanting kids to act the fool. But really with what this government does in the world and at home (speaking of acting the fool, these people are literally killing folks in about 5 countries, of course the response to this is CRICKETS) what do we really expect the youth to do.

    The same is true in England these imperialist countries preach about morality and good behavior but they behave in other countries as immorally and badly as they want.

    They preach the importance of materialism and bling above all else and make it as difficult for some of the population to get their share. And then they top that, by making sure that one part of the population is almost always treated with suspicion and are given straw to make their bricks. Less education, less employment, less money, less resources, less respect. And even when they make the bricks in spite of the lack of material they are still criticized.

    And in the midst of this insanity we expect our children to act like well adjusted angels as if they don't know what's going on.

    They know the rich get their money primarily by rigging the game, overcharging and underpaying workers, hiding their riches and not paying their taxes. They see that certain people get advantages that others don't.

    They know the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is crap and is fought for oil, other raw materials and for US strategic purposes. They know that real people are being killed daily and on purpose to fulfill the profit motive.

    They have eyes, they know their olks are locked up for drugs and other folks are not. They know the real reason for racial profiling.

    And we can only reserve our anger for them!

    I didn't hear the good mayor berating those who cost many of his good citizens their homes.

    The most celebrated act in the US has always been the berating of fellow blacks by blacks in authority. Your mayor can now right his own ticket, now that he told the niggers off, he has joined the club!

  20. KARMA!

    Angry Mob Tries To Kick Down Door at Boehner's Office


    See, this is when you bring axes, torches and pitchforks­.

    lol..London, here we come!

  21. Anonymous12:57 AM

    And we can only reserve our anger for them!

    I didn't hear the good mayor berating those who cost many of his good citizens their homes.

    The most celebrated act in the US has always been the berating of fellow blacks by blacks in authority. Your mayor can now right his own ticket, now that he told the niggers off, he has joined the club!

    Mellaneous are you seriously attacking the mayor because he is an adult and trying to stop kids from wilding, robbing and committing crimes? Are you seriously trying to excuse their behaviour by saying we are at war or some boogeyman has your hands tied and you cannot create, work or achieve wealth in this country, despite ALL the free programs designed to improve your skills?

    Are you seriously attacking the first black adult to publicly try and stop black youths from ruining their lives and going to jail for committing criminal dastardly offenses against others? Are you really a man of god? No really are you?

    Are you seriously a man? Where are the parents, families, communities, preachers, rev'runds that are tasked to raise these children to become sastisfied accomplished men and women with a sense of worth and value and skills to overcome the obstacles in life that everyone faces? Where are the leaders who are to teach them how to be proud of themselves without needing to hate someone else? Then you wonder why they are disgustingly dysfunctional? It isn't the boogie man and demons in your head that you use to blame for your failures, It is YOU!!!

    God help the black race if you are an example of adult leadership. Not only are your views dysfunctional they teach downright delusional hate and absolutely a whacky sense of finger pointing. If I were a child in your presence I would learn that if I want nice things I have to wait for someone to give them to me and no way I could earn them on my own, I am not capable. What a sad man you are.

  22. Good post Field and I trust all is well with Desertflower. Peace as we try to navigate these turbulent waters!

  23. Anonymous1:30 AM

    Is this what your fighting to keep going? Are you proud of this? Look at all these healthy women who apparantly are breeding like rabbits. Where are the men? What IQ would you say most of these people have and what jobs do you think they can do?

  24. GrannyStandingforTruth1:33 AM

    Anonymous 12:11:

    I'm right here, reading and watching the news and debates. Did it ever occur to you that I might not have anything to say at the present.

  25. GrannyStandingforTruth1:40 AM

    Field, did you hear Bachmann make that "tip of the spear" statement? A subtle racist remark!

  26. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Granny, "I'm right here, reading and watching the news and debates. Did it ever occur to you that I might not have anything to say at the present."


  27. Anonymous1:51 AM

    granny, i see there was an anon on your blog that left you speechless about Obama. don't feel bad. we do that all the time to the regulars here on FN. Ask Field, he'll tell ya. hell, sometimes we make him, uts, mack and ab cry at the same time.

  28. Anonymous1:57 AM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    Field, did you hear Bachmann make that "tip of the spear" statement? A subtle racist remark!

    If the spear fits, then chuck it.

  29. GrannyStandingforTruth2:18 AM

    Anonymous 1:51:

    Nope, that person did not make me speechless. I just was listening and thinking to myself or rather reading their comment and thinking to myself. BTW, that person was ... and well...I won't tell what came to my mind when I read it. However, I will tell you this that I got a little tickled. *wink*

  30. I'm a little late on poetry day, but here's a relevant one from the excellent Attila the Stockbroker - he brought me a beer once, back in the '80's.

    by Attila the Stockbroker

    Dazza is a looter

    In trainers and a hood

    He trashed his local corner shop

    He’d learned that greed is good

    The CCTV nailed him

    The papers called him scum

    Now Dazza’s in the barry place

    And crying for his mum


    There’s no such thing as society

    So steal and cheat and loot

    Just one thing to remember though -

    Make sure you wear a suit!

    Bazza is a looter

    In brogues, pinstripe and tie

    Short selling in the City

    He made millions on the sly

    He nicked our hard earned savings

    Then turned round and said thanks

    He got to keep the money -

    And we bailed out the banks!


    There’s no such thing as society

    So steal and cheat and loot

    Just one thing to remember though -

    Make sure you wear a suit!

    When greed’s the creed that breeds and breeds

    What else can you expect?

    The selfish scum get richer

    And communities get wrecked

    Some rob us with an iron bar

    Some with a ‘puter screen

    And when they say it’s ‘legal’

    it’s even more obscene.........

    Dazza is a street kid

    And what he did was wrong

    But he probably wouldn’t do it

    If he felt he could belong

    Bazza's rich and priveleged

    He doesn’t give a sh!t

    He takes us for a load of mugs

    And gets away with it!

  31. GrannyStandingforTruth5:52 AM

    Clap, clap, clap, bravo, bravo, woohoo!

    Purple, I loved the poem, it was excellent and sounds just like those Corporation WELFARE folks in Amerikkka.

  32. @Mell, when I read your comments I thought that Nutter had turned into Frank Rizzo or something.
    He didn't.
    You have a subgroup of people who don't know how to act and are causing issues for other people. This is their fault and/or the fault of their parents.

    I don't think Nutter has to go off on a critique of capitalism and imperialism to point out that it's not a good idea for young black folks to run around assaulting people.

  33. Obama is conflict-averse. It is very very difficult for him to deal with people who don't like him or oppose him. It's a failing. He can't change that at this point in life.

  34. Anonymous6:40 AM

    AbFab! We have it on zero authority that the London looters are not human...but somehow of less importance than the Twits (Monty Python).
    Mell, you are so correct. There is a Royal with a coke habit large enough to rot off her entire nose. She makes tabloid pages. Wonder what the penalty is for one not born bush?

    Bachmann thinkerates she is SpecOPs! LOL! She submits, submissively to closeted Marcus in ALL things...and then prances about saying she is the equivalent of SEALs/Rangers/Marine Scout? What an ego! What delusion!

    Race riots is an old witey wish. They want to shoot unarmed US citizens for fun. They want to be 'heroes' about something...but studiously avoid mil service. Not only are they far too eager to murder...they ignore most of History.
    Love the 'experts' who keep pushing the racial theme for the London riots. Or that the rioters are not human. Apologists for Thatcherite 'Austerity' that only forces sacrifices upon the poor. Old Maggie liked the ideer of riots...and relished the return of the quellings. Instead of reading historees that makes slavery sound like a Socialist Paradise run by benevolent Stone Age Patriarchs...they could read on how often the poor used to riot. Welfare all bad for Goober. Goober can't be Master. But Goober not injured or killed as Welfare keeps the under classes more tame.
    The armories in US cities and towns are there for a reason. Those pre-Minimum wage days were soooo wonderful! While a glorious gawd-fearin' business could pay nearly nothing...and then steal more from the die lead to the question of what occurs when the worker can't eat.

    Natural Law is big on property 'rites'. Evell gubmint can't akes away the property 'rites' of gawdly mens. You know, slaves are property, wimmens is property. And Bobbie Bork was a big natural 'rites' supporter. Which is why the Congress was less than thrilled that a modern jurist would
    concluderate that those uppity darkies should just go back to kindly Massa or that women had fewer rights than animals. He was no victim...he was ousted by his own witemens is gawd philosophy. To accept Bobbie Bork, after actually reading his works, is unlikely amongst sane adults. Go ahead, read his stuff.

    The Aruban teen killer likes the attention. We should decline to feed his ego.


  35. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Mell, again with the Facts. It horrifies me to have a medical profession who can retain a license for refusing to provide an Adequate Standard of Care...because they feel morally superior to me.
    If they want to be followers of jebus, let them walk away from the profession and become full-time hypocrites or scam artists.
    Even with the Tories stealing any NHS funding not nailed down, the Service is still doing better than the 'supply-side' medical fantasy of the US.


  36. Anonymous said...
    .Ask Field, he'll tell ya. hell, sometimes we make him, uts, mack and ab cry at the same time.

    And the only reason that could be is because your a$$ smells like an over ripe onion.

  37. During that debate (for the few minutes I watched) I didn't get any relevant information that would make me think that they have any clue as what to about anything. They just pointed the finger at who voted for what.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate,

  38. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I think these girls have as good an explanation as you're going to find. Having looted alcohol from a local shop, they calmly explained to a BBC reporter that the riots were all about showing the rich, the government, and the police that they could do whatever they want. When asked why they were destroying their own community, they said they were attacking the shop owners and people with money. And they thought the whole enterprise was a great deal of fun.

    Sometimes people say that there is no real left-wing in America, and that's kind of true in Britain, too. But we do have a left-wing. It's just a left-wing designed to kill the seductive power of communism and to build a bulwark against anarchism. Different countries chose different ways of responding to the economic catastrophes of the 1920's and 1930's. The Russians became totalitarian. Europe succumbed to fascism. We chose a New Deal. It was a middle road. It provided a safety net and tolerable working conditions. It created a huge middle class. It didn't arouse the far right or far left instincts of the nation, but put them into sleep mode.

    Now we're back to 1920's level of income disparity. Conservatives are attacking every aspect of the New Deal. What rich people seem to be forgetting is that the opposite of the New Deal is not some idyllic paradise of free-market bliss. The opposite is rampaging mobs who light 'poo' on fire just to show you that they can do whatever they want. Eventually, that can include burning down your business or your house, or, maybe, even taking your life.

    And it's not just income disparity that's a problem. Consider how this all started. A bunch of smart people set up a kind of scam using complex financial instruments that no one can understand. They got rich beyond all imagination, while the rest of us lost our jobs, lost our retirement money, lost, in some cases, our homes. And then we were told that there was no money for our cops, no money for our firefighters, our nurses, our teachers. And next we'll be told that our Social Security check will be smaller and we'll have to wait another year or two to get our Medicare. Meanwhile, the rich, represented ably by the Republicans, refuse to pay one dime in extra taxes.

    With that kind of attitude and that lack of accountability, it's not hard to see why some people might start losing hope and might start losing respect for "the system." If the rich don't wise up quick, the scenes from England will be coming to America. Bet on it.

    But, it all about the uppity Darkies!!


  39. mi vida loca8:15 AM

    Maybe he's just crazy.

    Eduardo Marmolejo, 17-Year-Old Student, Charged With Murdering School Principal Suzette York

    By ADRIAN SAINZ 08/11/11

    MEMPHIS, Tenn. -- A 17-year-old student charged with first-degree murder in the slaying of a Christian school principal told investigators he had planned to stab the woman on the third day of classes, when he knew he'd be alone with her in a classroom, police said Thursday.

    Eduardo Marmolejo was held without bond and ordered to undergo a mental evaluation by a Juvenile Court judge during a hearing Thursday.

    Marmolejo has been charged with planning the killing of 49-year-old Suzette York for months.

    York's body was found by a teacher in a classroom on Wednesday at Memphis Junior Academy, a Seventh-day Adventist school of less than 100 students.

    The teenager appeared before Judge Sheldon McCall, wearing a bright orange jail jumpsuit.

    Prosecutor Chris Lareau said the killing was premeditated and asked McCall to detain Marmolejo.

    Both Lareau and the two defense attorneys appointed by the court asked for mental evaluations of the teenager.

    The judge appointed the two attorneys after Marmolejo's mother said the private lawyer she hired did not make it to the hearing.

    She said she could not remember the attorney's name.

    The judge then returned to the courtroom and ordered the mental evaluation.

    "Our main concern is to determine if he is a danger to himself and a danger to the community," McCall said.

    Police said Marmolejo told investigators he planned to kill York because he did not like her and she had made him angry.

    Marmolejo was one of the oldest students at the school, which has students in pre-kindergarten through high school.

  40. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I think these girls have as good an explanation as you're going to find. Having looted alcohol from a local shop, they calmly explained to a BBC reporter that the riots were all about showing the rich, the government, and the police that they could do whatever they want. When asked why they were destroying their own community, they said they were attacking the shop owners and people with money. And they thought the whole enterprise was a great deal of fun.

    Sometimes people say that there is no real left-wing in America, and that's kind of true in Britain, too. But we do have a left-wing. It's just a left-wing designed to kill the seductive power of communism and to build a bulwark against anarchism. Different countries chose different ways of responding to the economic catastrophes of the 1920's and 1930's. The Russians became totalitarian. Europe succumbed to fascism. We chose a New Deal. It was a middle road. It provided a safety net and tolerable working conditions. It created a huge middle class. It didn't arouse the far right or far left instincts of the nation, but put them into sleep mode.

    Now we're back to 1920's level of income disparity. Conservatives are attacking every aspect of the New Deal. What rich people seem to be forgetting is that the opposite of the New Deal is not some idyllic paradise of free-market bliss. The opposite is rampaging mobs who light shit on fire just to show you that they can do whatever they want. Eventually, that can include burning down your business or your house, or, maybe, even taking your life.

    And it's not just income disparity that's a problem. Consider how this all started. A bunch of smart people set up a kind of scam using complex financial instruments that no one can understand. They got rich beyond all imagination, while the rest of us lost our jobs, lost our retirement money, lost, in some cases, our homes. And then we were told that there was no money for our cops, no money for our firefighters, our nurses, our teachers. And next we'll be told that our Social Security check will be smaller and we'll have to wait another year or two to get our Medicare. Meanwhile, the rich, represented ably by the Republicans, refuse to pay one dime in extra taxes.

    With that kind of attitude and that lack of accountability, it's not hard to see why some people might start losing hope and might start losing respect for "the system." If the rich don't wise up quick, the scenes from England will be coming to America. Bet on it.


  41. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I think these girls have as good an explanation as you're going to find. Having looted alcohol from a local shop, they calmly explained to a BBC reporter that the riots were all about showing the rich, the government, and the police that they could do whatever they want. When asked why they were destroying their own community, they said they were attacking the shop owners and people with money. And they thought the whole enterprise was a great deal of fun.

    Sometimes people say that there is no real left-wing in America, and that's kind of true in Britain, too. But we do have a left-wing. It's just a left-wing designed to kill the seductive power of communism and to build a bulwark against anarchism. Different countries chose different ways of responding to the economic catastrophes of the 1920's and 1930's. The Russians became totalitarian. Europe succumbed to fascism. We chose a New Deal. It was a middle road. It provided a safety net and tolerable working conditions. It created a huge middle class. It didn't arouse the far right or far left instincts of the nation, but put them into sleep mode.

    Now we're back to 1920's level of income disparity. Conservatives are attacking every aspect of the New Deal. What rich people seem to be forgetting is that the opposite of the New Deal is not some idyllic paradise of free-market bliss. The opposite is rampaging mobs who light 'poo' on fire just to show you that they can do whatever they want. Eventually, that can include burning down your business or your house, or, maybe, even taking your life.

    And it's not just income disparity that's a problem. Consider how this all started. A bunch of smart people set up a kind of scam using complex financial instruments that no one can understand. They got rich beyond all imagination, while the rest of us lost our jobs, lost our retirement money, lost, in some cases, our homes. And then we were told that there was no money for our cops, no money for our firefighters, our nurses, our teachers. And next we'll be told that our Social Security check will be smaller and we'll have to wait another year or two to get our Medicare. Meanwhile, the rich, represented ably by the Republicans, refuse to pay one dime in extra taxes.

    With that kind of attitude and that lack of accountability, it's not hard to see why some people might start losing hope and might start losing respect for "the system." If the rich don't wise up quick, the scenes from England will be coming to America. Bet on it.

    But, it all about the uppity Darkies!!


  42. Shady Grady,

    You're right.

    Obama is David Dinkins/Wilson Goode on a national level.

    And you remember what happened to them.

    White folks feel comfortable initially with soft black men but ultimately don't respect them and utlimately will roll right over them.

    I don't know what more it will take for Obama to realize that at this point in the game his only option to succeed is to get hard.

  43. white flight8:22 AM

    field posts:

    But the race riots always take place in our own community so Whites can be safe and view our frustration on TV from their living rooms."

    Hmmm, sad but true.

    In other words, whites don't riot, and blacks know this.

    Moreover, blacks seem to learn nothing from the outcome of rioting.

    Did rioting in Detroit in 1965 make Detroit a better place? Or did it accelerate the departure of the white economic base?

    How about the riot in Watts? And the repeat riot in South Central?

    Talk about slow learners. Non-learners.

  44. "In other words, whites don't riot, and blacks know this."

    Another lie.

    White kids tore up College Park, MD
    in 2002 after the Terps won the NCAA title.

    Riots by inner city dwellers are pathetic expressions of hopelessness and anger.

    Ghetto dwellers tore up Detroit, Watts, and South Central because as far as they were concerned they were living in hell anyway.

    Might as well have the fire.

    BTW goober, more hispanics were arrested for rioting and looting in South Central in 1992 than blacks.

  45. Sistah Souljah did have a point in 1993.

    If angry inner city dwellers take the riots out to the white suburban neighborhoods there will be quick social change.

  46. union jack8:30 AM


    The British Empire is a thing of the past. They've cutting loose pieces of it for a long time, most wisely by letting go of India/Pakistan in 1945.

    These days, outside of the British Isles, the only places connected to the old empire are tiny islands like the Falklands and a couple in the Caribbean.

    Considering the crime in the black Caribbean islands under its wing, Great Britain is probably thinking about giving them full independence too. But there'd be a bloodbath, especially in Jamaica.

  47. burn baby burn8:33 AM

    down's syndrome steve says:

    Ghetto dwellers tore up Detroit, Watts, and South Central because as far as they were concerned they were living in hell anyway.

    Might as well have the fire.

    An excellent example of black logic.

  48. Anonymous8:38 AM

    WEST ALLIS, Wis. (AP) - The investigation into 11 of the violent incidents on the opening night of the Wisconsin State Fair has resulted in the arrest of a 16-year-old African-American who reportedly told investigators he targeted whites.

    West Allis police said Thursday the teen was arrested late Wednesday. The Milwaukee teen was booked on suspicion of attempted robbery and robbery. Police recommend that he face additional penalties for hate crimes.

    Police say the teen told investigators whites were chosen because he considered them "easy targets."

    On opening night of the fair last week, 31 people were arrested and at least 11 people were hurt. The West Allis Police Department has said race was a factor in the 11 violent incidents it's investigating.

    The State Fair has stepped up security since the attacks.

  49. cecil rhodes8:40 AM

    rwanda steve says:

    If angry inner city dwellers take the riots out to the white suburban neighborhoods there will be quick social change.

    Oh, there'd be some changes, but not the ones you dream about. On that note, it's clear you fantasize about killing whites, which appears to be a widespread fantasy among blacks.

    Whereas, whites are happy to simply move away.

    As always, moron, we get back to the issue of the complete absence of successful black nations and governments.

    If you clowns were really getting the short end of the stick, there'd be black nations in Africa providing examples of black success.

    However, as we all know, every black nation in Africa is a stinking mess of poverty and disease. By comparison, the worst black life in America is a hundred times better than life in any African nation except South Africa, which derives its health from the white economy.

  50. "However, as we all know, every black nation in Africa is a stinking mess of poverty and disease.

    Another lie."

    Have you ever even been to Africa?

    Of course not. You're just spouting the racist bs being fed to you by Faux News.

    And obvious America is much better than the European shithole your ancestors came from or otherwise you wouldn't have made the trip.


    And don't think it's not very obvious how jumpy you get at any mention of a black uprising coming to your neghborhood.

    Typical racist pussy.

  51. the man who would be king8:48 AM

    dumbtown steve says:

    I don't know what more it will take for Obama to realize that at this point in the game his only option to succeed is to get hard.

    It will take an awakening that informs him that his policies and goals are complete failures and that he's headed for defeat in 2012.

    Leave to a moron like you to believe the president can "get hard", as though he can send out troops to force Americans to accept his political idiocy.

    This moronic president had the support of America to try his version of military thinking in Afghanistan. Okay. He had support. But his strategy has failed and he's refusing to admit that we're in a hundred year war if we stick with his program.

    However, he's such a coward that he won't do the smart thing and stop combat operations. He's too worried about his reputation.

    As a quasi muslim, he knows that no matter how many members of the Taliban US troops kill, some new ones will replace the dead ones, which means the only way to win is to wipe out all the Taliban in one shot. But we're not about to drop a nuclear bomb in Afghanistan.

    So why allow Americans to die for control of real estate that has no value? It's a mystery, until you consider Obama and his vanity problem.

  52. Anonymous8:49 AM

    It's a Pattern: London Rioters Are Leaving Bookstores Untouched

    While the rioters in England this week have looted shops selling shoes, clothes, computers, and plasma televisions, they've curiously bypassed one particular piece of merchandise: books. The Economist observes that while rioters have a centuries-old history of book burning, "books are losing out to high-end jeans and Apple-made gadgets" in London, with the Waterstone's bookstore chain emerging unscathed and the WH Smith chain reporting only one incident (some stores closed as a precaution). In explaining that the store would probably stay open during the unrest, one Waterstone's employee even felt comfortable enough to issue a dare to the rioters: "If they steal some books, they might actually learn something." The exception to the rule is the gay bookstore Gay's the Word, which had its front window smashed and its shopfront splattered with eggs (notably, no goods were stolen). "Our impression is that there are certain people who have an issue with a visible gay business and are using the excuse of chaos to cause anti-gay damage," an assistant manager told PinkPaper.

    Chris Rock nailed that one YEARS ago: "Want to save your money? Put it in your books.... 'cause niggaz don't read. Sheeit, books are like Kryptonite to a niggah!"

    I thought white women were kryptonite to a niggah.


  53. Anonymous8:50 AM

    BTW goober, more hispanics were arrested for rioting and looting in South Central in 1992 than blacks.

    Nigga say wut? Nigga Say wut? Nigga say wut?

  54. dark continent8:52 AM

    steve the moron asks:

    Have you ever even been to Africa?


    But the more important question is -- have you been to Africa?

    Meanwhile, every country in Africa has a negative immigration rate. Get it? People are leaving. Even a guy as dumb as you should understand what that means.

    However, since you think Africa is appealing, which countries are your favorites? To which would you go for a vacation?

  55. No Slappz or whatever alias you're using at the moment.

    For somebody who is so obsessed with how awful black folks are you sure seem to love spending time around us.

    You are one sick individual.

    You have no idea how much I laugh at you.

    You just pull terds out of your ass and throw them.

    Your assertions have no basis in fact. They are merely expressions of your pathetic fear and hatred.

    Which country in Africa did you visit and why did you go?

    My wife and I are saving for a trip to Africa next year.

    Either Ghana or South Africa will be the destination.

  56. vote out hussein9:01 AM

    field babbles:

    Anyway, as is to be expected, it looks like they are going after O hard. Hey this is politics, it's blood sport, they have to do and say what they have to in order to get elected.

    It's as though field is seeing presidential politics for the first time.

    As for politics being a "blood sport", well, if it is, where's the blood? I haven't seen a drop, nor do I expect any to be shed by the candidates.

    But blacks will shed plenty of blood between now and election day as they continue to murder one another at 8 to 10 times the rate of whites, and probably 100 times the rate of asians.

  57. cecil rhodes9:11 AM

    steve the retard says:

    Either Ghana or South Africa will be the destination.

    South Africa -- 90% white. Figures. As out of control as the murder rate in South Africa is, the country is still safer than almost all other African nations.

    As for Ghana, possibly the AIDS capital of Africa. Median age of 21, in other words, another nation of children led by idiots.

    Bad water found everywhere, though the water in Ghana is not as bad as it is in other African nations.

    Why? The benefits of water-cleaning technology developed by whites. Still, disease is a big problem.

    The muslim population has not yet grown to the point of destroying the country, but it may happen anyway.

    Literacy? Not much of it.

    Wealth? GDP per capita (do you know what the term means?) is $2,500.

    Yeah. Great place. There are no reliable crime statistics, which means, of course, that crime in Ghana is out of control.

  58. "8 to 10 times the rate of whites, and probably 100 times the rate of asians."

    Where does he get this bull$hit from?

    What a clown.

  59. ex libris9:17 AM

    While the rioters in England this week have looted shops selling shoes, clothes, computers, and plasma televisions, they've curiously bypassed one particular piece of merchandise: books.

    It must a matter of reverence. The other items are the trappings of a mindless vapid culture that is rotting the intellect of the nation. But books are different.

    They are the repository of all that's good. Bookstores are the sanctuaries, the houses of worship. Home of the saints.

  60. fn:

    are u serious?????

    u are quoting hobama as if he is innocent????

    hobama is what is wrong with amerikkka!!!!!!!!!!

    and it is ONLY his very own exclusively beloved banksters who will riot if he loses because they are the ONLY americans he has done anything for!!!

    hobama and his bankster rullers have been brazen cads with all poor mongrels!!!!!!!


    A consciously Black opposition to the First Black President, on issues of peace and economic justice, is taking shape.” Some of the players “on tour”: Cynthia McKinney’s “Eyewitness Libya” tour; Tavis Smiley and Cornel West’s “Poverty Tour”; and Congressional Black Caucus efforts to put distance between themselves and Obama on their “Job Fair/Town Hall” tour. Meanwhile, Obama’s minions attempt to maintain a “Black Wall” around the president, with diminishing results. “The realization that the dream was a chimera is one thing, but to awaken to a catastrophe in which the Great Black Hope is revealed as the Great Black Betrayer, is another magnitude of pain.”

    On the mass level, the Black break with the president will be wrenchingly painful and drawn-out. Obama-ism, like other theatrical products, requires the suspension of disbelief, a willed walling off of reality. Had it not been so, the poseur from Illinois could never have caused the vast majority of African Americans – the group most suspicious of the workings of power – to conflate the fate of The Race with a center-right, corporate politician.

    Having invested so much in the Obama persona – and endlessly reaffirmed that commitment in countless settings with fellow African Americans – it is inevitable that Black folks undergo the harshest “withdrawal” experience imaginable. The realization that the dream was a chimera is one thing, but to awaken to a catastrophe in which the Great Black Hope is revealed as the Great Black Betrayer, is another magnitude of pain. It will be an ugly – and uneven – spectacle.

  61. black on black crime9:18 AM

    Where does he get this bull$hit from?

    The FBI Crime Statistics.

  62. "South Africa -- 90% white"

    Oh Lord this boy is really nuts.

    "About 79.5% of the South African population is of black African ancestry,[4] divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different Bantu languages, nine of which have official status"

    As far as Ghana is concerned:

    "The economy of Ghana has been listed as The World's Fastest Growing Economy in 2011 with an economic growth of about 20.146 % for the year 2011 in economic research led by Economy Watch with data coming from the IMF's tracker of GDP Growth in constant prices in the national currency"

    Slappz, you're clown, a fool, a sockpupet.

    You have no credibility.

  63. Nosmo King9:20 AM

    My wife and I are saving for a trip to Africa next year.

    Either Ghana or South Africa will be the destination.

    Ghana - good choice one of the African nations currently with the highest white population thus disease and poverty are lower then all other African nations. At one time this was South Africa but since Apartheid ended; disease, poverty and crime have exploded as can be expected.

    In example the rate of aids in adults 15-49 in Ghana is 1.9% as compared to Botswana 23.9%, South Africa - 18.10%

    Significance you say how does that compare to a dominantly white nation? Well Germany's rate is 00.10% the US even with 13% black population is at 00.60% while Zambia is 15.20%, Zimbabwe is 15.30 and so on.

  64. no one should be praying for a white republican to win harder than a poor black mongrel hobama nazi

    unlike hobama
    a racist elitist clone of hobama who is white just MAY be checked/stopped as he slays millions of black mongrels globally

    January 20, 2017 will be liberation day. That date will be the last day that Barack Obama can possibly be President of the United States. Assuming he will be reelected in 2012, his second term will end on Inauguration Day in 2017 and that will be a wonderful moment, even if his successor is a Republican.

    If those words seem heretical, consider the following. Before Obama’s election, Social Security and Medicare were sacrosanct, safe from any political evil intent. George W. Bush’s legislative successes ended with his plans to “reform” Social Security. Bush took on Social Security and faced both tepid support from his own party and unified opposition from Democrats. The certainty of political support for these programs was such that they were often referred to as “the third rail of politics.”

    Now the budget deal has made that once non-negotiable position as negotiable as anything else. The “super committee” which will make budgetary decisions away from the eyes and ears of public scrutiny, is under no obligation to support what ought to be completely off the budget cutting table.

  65. Clamidia Jones9:25 AM

    Steve you seem to live in La-La land are you really trying to argue that Africa is a sunny resort vacation spot, doesn't have poverty and disease and third world the same since the 1600's lifestyle problems and to top it all off trying to blame fox news for this? Boy you are one of the dumbest people on the planet, except for the African who thinks he can cure aids by raping babies.

  66. kudos to tavis and cornel

    and all who saw hobama since 2006

    we were clairvoyant and reticent and far too kind

    history has already vidicated us

    we will be documented as heros who NEVER slept on that rabid repub raygun loving mongrel hating hoax blackish mf hobama!!!!!

    Regarding the ugly side of Black withdrawal from Obama-mania: Al Sharpton and radio’s Tom Joyner have colluded to keep Black folks corralled and harmless with a phony “Jobs and Justice” rally on the Washington Mall, August 27, the day before dedication of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial. On Sharpton’s MSNBC talk show, the “Have-Mouth, Will Get Paid” preacher and the Obama-worshipping DJ barked the word “jobs!” at each other for an eternity without putting forward a single proposal to boost employment. How could they, without embarrassing Obama, who has no jobs-creation plan worthy of the name?

    Joyner, the DJ, gets down and dirty attempting to maintain the defensive “Black Wall” around his leader. He recently castigated former friends Cornel West and Tavis Smiley for daring to criticize the president, claiming their breach of Obamite discipline emboldened Mark Halperin, a (white) senior political analyst on MSNBC, to refer to Obama as a “dick” on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” show. That kind of bullying was very effective during the presidential campaign, when lists were made and asses threatened to be kicked. But, those times are over, especially since the Libya attack.

    The two heretics, now partnered on the Smiley & West radio show and in the midst of a 16-city “Poverty Tour: A Call to Conscience,” have made Black opposition to Obama more broadly acceptable, by virtue of their celebrity.

    Smiley, the television host, said the "wretched debt-ceiling legislation signed by the president is a declaration of war on the poor." Obama’s last State of the Union Address, he says, was the first one since 1948 in which the word “poverty” did not appear.

    West, the Princeton professor, asks: “Is Barack Obama actually who he says he was when he used the democratic rhetoric of King, or is he in fact the technocratic, pro-business acting president who gives lip service to the condition of poor people but no serious focus, lip service to working people but no jobs bill, lip service to fairness but policies that reinforce the kind of wealth inequality that already ravages the landscape of our society. That’s the fundamental question. And that’s far beyond polls.”

  67. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Speaking of Africa, best Somalian Pirate clip in awhile. I think these 40 odd pirates had a sinking feeling as they slipped to the bottom, notice the obvious islamic men mixed with black somalians.

  68. kudos to tavis and cornel!!!

    and all who saw the real hobama since 2006

    we were clairvoyant and reticent and far too kind

    history has already vindicated us

    we will be documented as heroes who NEVER slept on that rabid repub raygun loving mongrel hating hoax blackish mf super bankster super congressed nazi hobama!!!!!

  69. UTS,

    Do they know that 20% of 10 is less than 20% of 100?

  70. Clamidia Jones9:41 AM

    Intellectually inferior, in fact inferior in all ways Steve Said...

    "The economy of Ghana has been listed as The World's Fastest Growing Economy in 2011 with an economic growth of about 20.146 % for the year 2011 in economic research led by Economy Watch with data coming from the IMF's tracker of GDP Growth in constant prices in the national currency"

    Well for starters, you prove yet again you can't read or don't have comprehesion in your eagerness to create false facts to support your wishes.

    Ghana is projected to be the fastest growing economy in "Sub-Saharan Africa" as reported by "WORLD BANK" not fastest growing economy in the world you dolt, you really should take the time to read things you google to support your infantile claims.

    Oh and very important for you be extremely careful of your actions if you visit Ghana, Ghana is the latest African country to recently condemn homosexuality, leading to a climate of fear and preventing homosexuals from accessing vital health services. So you wont be able to get aids drugs or anything else you need while there.

  71. Anonymous9:48 AM

    If Africa am soooo eveel...why did the bushTwin go there on a fetus removal trip with Moms?
    Whites do riot. Bloomsburg PA.
    Oh, there is plenty from History about white riots. Except, now the whites are on eveel socialist welfare.

    Why would any adult steal the Sarey Palin hagiography? It has a street value of less than zero. Plasmas, on the other paw, can be sold for food.

    Austerity sounds so mean and cruel and full of gawdly jerkholery...great fun for losers and those who inherited wealth...until those hungry folks have no options.


  72. mellaneous,

    The issues you expect the Mayor to address are not quite as applicable to Philadelphia. Foreclosures are much more prevalent in the suburbs, which our mayor has no jurisdiction.

    The Mayor, school administration and City Council have just had a recent public debate about funding the the schools, which was a serious issue for Philadelphians. They came up with a solution in a timely manner; I am not saying that everyone agrees, but there had to be more funding. This is one of our local problems that concerns the local citizen, not what the World Bank is doing.

    In my world, when my son was a teenager, teenagers could tell you the history of Hip-Hop, but couldn't tell you who the VP was, sometime the president too. Some teens were in environments that weren't suppose to produce thuggish behavior, none the less they were fascinated with the thug life.

  73. Clamidia Jones10:06 AM

    Why would any adult steal the Sarey Palin hagiography? It has a street value of less than zero. Plasmas, on the other paw, can be sold for food.

    "On the other Paw"? At least you know animals when you see em. But of course you would, dogs sniff each others asses when they meet, just like you and uptown weak kneed low IQ steve.

  74. Quote: Union Joke "Considering the crime in the black Caribbean islands under its wing, Great Britain is probably thinking about giving them full independence too. But there'd be a bloodbath, especially in Jamaica."

    FYI, Jamaica has been fully independent since 1962, which is even longer than God's own country of Barbados.

    There are about a dozen of countries still under British protectorate, most of which Britain has been trying to off-load for years. In the Carib I think that includess Anguila, the Caymens, Montserrat, and the BVI, IIRC.

    As I say Britain would quite happily release all of these nations, with the exception of Diego Garcia (military base) and South Georgia (oil).

  75. that warlock/hologram hobama has deliberately ignored and slain black dems

    and all of his poor starving jobless homeless black mongrel worshippers/fans

    and left them bleeding bumbling and limping lamely into 2012


    The debt ceiling hoax has made a gaggle of Democratic party “progressives” nervous enough to begin to put some temporary distance between themselves and Barack Obama. The Congressional Black Caucus is holding a series of town hall meetings and job fairs around the country over the next couple weeks, including events in Chicago, Atlanta and Los Angeles. Pitifully, CBC members calling it their “Jobs Tour,” though they appear to have no more than a few hundred jobs ---- all from private employers --- to give away nationwide. After all, their own president, from the moment he walked into the White House, has told us that only the private sector can create jobs, despite the fact that another Democrat three generations ago created hundreds of thousands of jobs as part of the New Deal.

    Rep. Cleaver got it right..... the deal coming out of the debt hoax IS a Satan Sandwich with a side order of Satan Fries. But the master chef in that kitchen, the man who put “entitlements on the table” in the first place is President Barack Obama. The Satan Sandwich could not have been created without his willing, even enthusiastic cooperation, and it's just the first course in a loathsome banquet.

    Thanks to chef Obama, a “supercommittee” of a dozen members of Congress has assumed the power to repeal decades of progressive legislation by simply cutting the funds for it. By 2012 all the prattle about “hope” and “change” will ring hollow for millions. We'll be chowing down on that second course, with a new pretend-crisis debt ceiling upon us. The progressives and Congressional Black Caucus members who are edging away from President Obama now will be reminding us that after all, he's black, not white, and a Democrat, not a Republican. Republicans are white supremacists, remember?

    The progressive Democrats will be reminding us that we have no choice --- not because we have no choices, but because they have already made theirs. Political progressives are, after all, married to their careers, not to the people. As long as our vision stretches no further than the next election, they almost make sense.

  76. Anonymous10:15 AM

    black males show us how manly they are by attacking in mobs or when your not looking.we are told blacks invent stuff.yet we have somalia.we know about black bamboo.what about the aids rate?

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    hope and change

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  77. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Most teens are fascinated with the 'faster' life. Ever hear of flappers? Or watch the execrable 'Grease'? Or Elvis Presley?

    witeyjones, it was a reference to those who know...and you don't. Please visit your local public library (before the TaxBaggers shut them down for sin and being too costly fer gawd-fearin jebus folk) and inquire.

    Purple, I find it odd that poorly educated whites keep fantasizing that the heathen native savages are crying out for the manly BDSM hand of Marcus Bachmnn...or some other wite dude.


  78. Anonymous10:20 AM

    As I say Britain would quite happily release all of these nations, with the exception of Diego Garcia (military base) and South Georgia (oil).

    Oh I highly doubt leaders with knowledge and sense would want to offload the Cayman Islands - huge returns in banking capital, the rest sure, they are little resource gobblers with one Volcanic Island with minimal population as for these - Brits wont be allowed to offload them or declare independance for them as they would starve and asking them to be independant and self sufficient would be racist, at least called that.

  79. Anonymous10:30 AM

    There might just be some hope left for Britain after all.

    They are proposing a bill where anyone convicted of rioting is immediately stripped of welfare benefits and kicked out of public housing. NICE!!!! If you wont do the job of parenting the kids you brought into this world if you wont work to support them and they destroy and steal the work and property of others, at minimum we aren't going to support YOU.

  80. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Wow, an 'expert'. Was it prayin' to jebus that did it? Watchin' FAUX? Or readerating the vast panopoly of wingnut welfare output?
    Ummm...your 'understanding' of the Cayman situation is about a micron deep...and utterly misses relevant issues.
    Just because you TELL us you know....doesn't mean you have the slightest clew.

    I already listed websites.


  81. Anonymous10:39 AM

    yes!!!!!!strip the animals of their welfare and watch the riots stop wit a quickness.kicking negros out of the projects if they got caught selling drugs worked great here in Amerkkka.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    hope and change

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  82. Alicia did you see what Steve Harvey said about tavis and Cornell's bus tour?

  83. Anti Mush10:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Wow, an 'expert'. Was it prayin' to jebus that did it? Watchin' FAUX? Or readerating the vast panopoly of wingnut welfare output?
    Ummm...your 'understanding' of the Cayman situation is about a micron deep...and utterly misses relevant issues.
    Just because you TELL us you know....doesn't mean you have the slightest clew.

    I already listed websites.


    What in the bloody hell are you trying to say? You sound like a retarded gibbon repeating while mixing up key phrases he has read others say.

    What do you know about Caribbean Islands? What links are you talking about? Though painful try and make sense man your a blithering drooling mental mushpot and give the left a seriously bad name.

    So lets take it slow for a mental mushpot, you say when discussing Cayman Islands and banking and importance to britain due to tax returns from this activity that I missed relevant issues.

    What issues were missed, be specific.

  84. Bury Me in a group hole if its cheaper10:45 AM

    What do you get under decades of democratic leadership? You get a state that can't even afford to bury it's dead.

  85. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Now that is odd. Outside of Chi-town, IL is decidedly R...and cheap. So the spin is to blame 'those urban people' for the Rs activities?

    Gotcha, Troll. You don't know. And I won't do the work for you. You will have to get off your wite gluteals and do the actual work. But, I wasn't doing this to gloat. The websites are listed. Another the objective business media.

    Some posted bits from the Torygraph. Yes, they were trying to sell the print version of FAUX as a valid journalistic source. Now the OOGA BOOGA tone of the Cons makes sense in the Torygraph.


  86. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Gollee Gomer, ever get the feeling you being taken?

    I really liked the bit where Michelle compared public schools to Auschwitz. Wonder what was dying in her fantasy? christian beleefs? Ignorance? Malleable know-nothings?
    Or was she just playing to the morons?


  87. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Some posted bits from the Torygraph. Yes, they were trying to sell the print version of FAUX as a valid journalistic source. Now the OOGA BOOGA tone of the Cons makes sense in the Torygraph.


    Stop fiddling with and posting your little bits. Glad something makes sense to you, as for you to the rest of us, hardly. Reading your posts is like trying to watch a show on a stolen plasma tv that was gifted during the riots, dropped, kicked and smeared with shit and vaseline...not much gets through.

  88. Anonymous11:09 AM

    So lets take it slow for a mental mushpot, you say when discussing Cayman Islands and banking and importance to britain due to tax returns from this activity that I missed relevant issues.

    What issues were missed, be specific.

  89. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Now that is odd. Outside of Chi-town, IL is decidedly R...and cheap. So the spin is to blame 'those urban people' for the Rs activities?

    Gotcha, Troll. You don't know. And I won't do the work for you. You will have to get off your wite gluteals and do the actual work. But, I wasn't doing this to gloat. The websites are listed. Another the objective business media.

    Some posted bits from the Torygraph. Yes, they were trying to sell the print version of FAUX as a valid journalistic source. Now the OOGA BOOGA tone of the Cons makes sense in the Torygraph.


  90. ivan the terrible11:12 AM

    The pirates won't do that again:

    The Euro Union navy who patrol these waters would not interfere because they feared there could be casualties (!)

    All explanations are in Russian with a single exception of when a wounded pirate says something in English and the Russian soldier says "This is not a fishing boat."

    All conversations between the commandos are in Russian but the pictures speak for themselves.
    The soldiers freed their compatriots and the tanker.

    The Russian Navy Commandos moved the pirates back to the pirate vessel, searched it for weapons and explosives, then left and blew it up with all remaining pirates hand-cuffed to it.

    They used the anti-piracy laws of the 18th and 19th centuries where the captain of the rescuing ship has the right to decide what to do with the pirates.

    Usually, they were legally hanged with no lawyers or court proceedings required.

    Perhaps from now on, Russian ships will not be targets for Somalian pirates. Other nations might take note.

  91. Anonymous11:15 AM

    After sifting through these comments, I am 100% convinced there will be NO race riots (or any other kind of riots) in America. You people get along so well!

    I am also convinced Scarlett Johansson is stalking me and wants to have my baby.

  92. trial by fire11:21 AM

    To define the potential riots as "race riots" is misleading.

    There will be no direct confrontation between blacks and whites. Instead, blacks will do what they've done regularly for decades -- burn down their neighborhoods for no comprehensible reason.

    Whites will stand back and watch from a safe distance, though some -- white firefighters and cops -- will try to minimize the destruction.

    However, there's not much reason to get in the way of this seeming natural course of events. Whites in New Orleans say they are now living in a city that was, in some ways, improved by Katrina.

  93. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Wow, an 'expert' in Sociology! What skool? Wites is gawds Chillen? Repeating Mindless Drivel Uneeversty?

    Plenty of reasons, if one goes off the racist reservation. Which one do you prefer? The antagonistic policies of the Cons? The Austerian idiocies that make sure profit is private and risk is borne by the poor? The Thatcherite removal or meaningful it made workers 'uppity' to dame Maggie?

    Why is your 'improved' city was done by kicking out AfAm citizens? Oh...that is your ideer.


  94. Anonymous11:46 AM

    TaxBagger and wingnut 'saving' a village.
    Heroic brave manly men keeping th scourge of eveel from...somewhere.


  95. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Barack Obama's father was a Negro.

    Oh and also, Bigamist, drunk and wife-beater

    To this I say, no shit Sherlock

  96. no

    but i will asap

    i am in no rush as steve harvey is a liver lipped hobama sucker/hobama nazi


  97. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Why is your 'improved' city was done by kicking out AfAm citizens?


    crime and proverty rates drop when afam pop is lower or at zero.yes bravery black males attack after katrina.only when they saw equal numbers of Americas wanting to save their belongs,did blacks run like cowards.keep believerating blacks riot because of poverty.blacks really riot because of adidas and sony.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    hope and change

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  98. yeah



    HELL NO!!!!!!!

    any apolitical/illiterate nig like steve harvey

    who cannot think of any reason that hobama would be hated except:

    1. hating/envy
    2. racism

    is a blind racist gd fool


    Steve Harvey is doing a good job of campaigning for President Obama. Harvey was recently invited to President Obama's birthday party, putting him squarely in the camp of black public figures who've been recruited by the White House to help discredit anyone who speaks ill of the Obama Administration. Rather than asking whether or not Smiley and West's issues are relevant, Harvey, Tom Joyner and others know that it's easier to simply smear the credibility of the messengers. In American politics, character assassinations are typically preferred to actually dealing with the issue itself.

    When it comes to the state of African American affairs, there are at least a couple of camps: Those who've been affected by the downturn, and those who have not. Those who have jobs and plenty of money in the bank have little reason to care for the poor, since America as a capitalist society teaches us that poor people simply don't matter. Those who are concerned about the recent loss of 40 years of African American wealth are typically not those who have New York Times best-selling books and multimillion dollar radio and TV syndication deals.

    Harvey and others like him must confront the fact that President Obama was the first Democratic president since Harry S. Truman to not mention the poor in his State of the Union Address. This is not an assault on the president himself, but rather, a call to all Americans to speak up on the distorted values that have been embraced by our selfish and myopic political leaders in Washington. Their decision to ignore the poor in favor of the financial and educational elite (notice that all members of the Supreme Court went to school at Harvard or Yale at some point) is reflected in the fact that America's disparity between the rich and the poor is reaching levels that may ultimately shake the foundation of our Democracy.

    Harvey's comments about Smiley and West were not only uncalled for, they are ultimately destructive. As much as Harvey might want to interpret the Smiley West Poverty Tour as an assault on the Obama Administration, they should at least be given credit for speaking up for those who've lost their political voice. Obama's strongest defenders have long argued that the president can't do everything himself. So, we can't then turn around and criticize those who are taking urgent matters into their own hands.

    Times are serious and economic despair is hitting millions of Americans far and wide. But Steve Harvey doesn't feel any of this economic pain because rich men have the luxury of playing politics.

  100. only in hobama's/gwb 2.0's america can speaking up for poor people be considered treason...

    THAT IS A GD SHAME!!!!!!!!



  101. clearly steve harvey has been too busy sucking hobama to see this map


  102. steve harvey is smarter than the unlicked uneducated unsung vdlr

    but still even dumber than her smallest bag of crack rocks if he cannot see ALL of the hatred that hobama and his banksters have EARNED globally

    ditto for all brain dead black racist drone mongrel hobama nazis


  103. Anonymous12:24 PM

    UK Mail

    It would have been so easy to demand ‘an eye for an eye’ and risk a race war on the riot-torn streets.

    But with immense dignity, Tariq Jahan, whose 21-year-old son was mown down and killed in an apparently racist murder in Birmingham, appealed for calm yesterday.

    Haroon Jahan was one of three young Muslims who died after they were thrown into the air ‘like tennis balls’ when they were hit by a car which mounted the pavement at 50mph while they were trying to protect local shops from looters on Tuesday night.

    The shocking killings, the worst incident in four nights of rioting across Britain, left the city a tinderbox after it was confirmed that the man arrested on suspicion of murdering the Asians is black.

    Locals claimed that Afro-Caribbean gangs had been prowling the area, setting light to cars and shouting at Muslims ‘you will burn’ just before the alleged murders.

    As racial tensions rose to boiling point with some Muslims calling for ‘retribution’, 45-year-old Mr Jahan – who desperately tried to revive his dying son – urged people not to seek revenge.

    no no these riots are no racial.

    the seas would stop rising

    the earth will heal

    hope and change

    obama will pay my rent

    obama not looking like the messiah these days,eh?


  104. Miles from Kingston12:34 PM

    Been away for a while. It seems that Mold is the new AB.

    It might be better for the sake of the conversation if there were a limit on the number of posts per hour of obviously insane people.

    For example, Mold apparently believes George Bush's daughters went to Africa to have dual abortions ("If Africa am soooo eveel...why did the bushTwin go there on a fetus removal trip with Moms?").

    She also believes that somehow Sarah Palin faked her last pregnancy, and her Down Syndrome baby was actually birthed by her daughter Bristol. How she fooled the medical profession (and a hostle media) up in Alaska or how Bristol hid her pregnancy is not explained.

    Mold skews any debate toward Looneyville, and single-handedly brings down the level of discourse significantly.

    I assume since she has access to the internet, she probably has access to medication. Just not enough, apparently.

    Although it is occassionally entertaining to read nonsensical gibberish, it is not a healthy amusement when it is at the expense of the mentally deficient.

    Mold should be encouraged to seek professional help.

  105. Obama doesn’t have much to say on Easter, but he treats Ramadan like a national holiday. Wednesday evening he hosted Muslims at the White House for an “Iftar” dinner. His dinner speech ranged from trite to bizarre to alarming:

    “Like so many faiths, Islam has always been part of our American family, and Muslim Americans have long contributed to the strength and character of our country, in all walks of life. This has been especially true over the past 10 years.”

    Off hand I can’t remember any Muslim Americans making significant positive contributions to this country, but I can remember what happened 10 years ago. Ten years ago was August of 2001, when I had many friends working in the World Trade Center.

    Is this guy stupid or evil or what?

  106. hey slob marley at 1234

    we see u you whacked out weak wigger

  107. slob marley/faceless foolish assnon:

    thank u for all the new fans u brought both fn and i from your pathetic stalker "site"!!!....

    u wigger loser wannabee

  108. that political moron/rich apolitical joker steve harvey clearly missed hobama's hitlerish punch line/super congress bs post his demonic debt

  109. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Now that is odd. Outside of Chi-town, IL is decidedly R...and cheap. So the spin is to blame 'those urban people' for the Rs activities?

    Gotcha, Troll. You don't know. And I won't do the work for you. You will have to get off your wite gluteals and do the actual work. But, I wasn't doing this to gloat. The websites are listed. Another the objective business media.

    Some posted bits from the Torygraph. Yes, they were trying to sell the print version of FAUX as a valid journalistic source. Now the OOGA BOOGA tone of the Cons makes sense in the Torygraph.


    Listen, I will type this slowly so maybe you can understand....highest concentration of poor and those on social programs, Chhheeeee caaaaa goooooo - damn can you get any more stupid? Or for you should I say can you be any more stupider

  110. hey slob marley:

    cc this to the new hitler/hobama and his super congress/banksters!!!

    u wicked witless wigger

    When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.” – Napoleon

    “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.” – Thomas Jefferson

    The reason this new power grab by the Super Congress is so dangerous is because it represents the official end of constitutional government in the United States. Combine the power of the Super Congress with the power of dictatorial executive orders that have been used by Bush and Obama, and what you get is the absolute destruction of freedom, the American Constitution, and the rule of law.

    The Super overlords in the new imperial Congress and President Obama will force austerity cuts on the American people, just like the paid-off politicians are doing in Greece. America will go through what Greece is going through right now, and what Argentina went through in the beginning of the last decade except it will be ten times worse in America.

    And who is responsible for the collapse of nations and the destruction of national economies? The traitorous and criminal parasites who control the private Federal Reserve Bank, IMF, WTO, and World Bank.

    They are not capitalists and representatives of the free-market, they are corporate fascists and oligarchical monopolists. So don’t blame capitalism for America’s destruction. Blame plutocracy. Blame stupidity. Blame media brainwashing. Blame treason.

  111. hey slob marley:

    heil eminem!!!

  112. BetterMan1:37 PM

    The Obamacare LIES outright deceptive LIES have been exposed. After seeing this everone in the country will know Obamas regime and party are nothing but filthy pigs. How in the world can you estimate the cost of healthcare by specifically excluding coverage for families, wives and children knowing this would be 500BILLION dollars. How? The same way you claim opponents are racist, by lying!!!!

    The good news is the appeals court has just ruled the individual mandate is unconstitutional. Obama's goose is cooked, he did not get anything accomplished other then lying and fleecing citizens.

    500 Billion New Reasons To Invalidate ObamaCare

    By HOWARD RICH Posted 08/10/2011 06:52 PM ET

    A few hundred billion dollars here, a few hundred billion dollars there — sooner or later we're talking about the real cost of Barack Obama's new socialized medicine monstrosity.

    Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once said that "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it." Apparently, passing the legislation was also a prerequisite to determining its actual price tag — which as it turns out is much higher than anyone fathomed.

    The latest cost overrun associated with ObamaCare? A $500 billion "error" associated with insuring the spouses and children of new entitlement recipients. That's $500 billion in additional deficit spending — although it didn't stem from an "error" so much as it was the result of a deliberate miscalculation.

    As it attempted to calculate ObamaCare's true fiscal impact, the Congressional Budget Office was explicitly instructed to ignore the cost of covering family members under new eligibility requirements for low-income private sector employees.

    "The Congressional Budget Office has never done a cost-estimate of this (because) they were expressly told to do their modeling on single coverage," researcher Richard Burkhauser told the Daily Caller this month.

    Documents obtained from the Democratic-controlled Joint Committee on Taxation confirm Burkhauser's account — and demonstrate the lengths to which Obama supporters went in an effort to hide these costs from the taxpayers.

    Obviously this isn't the first "oversight" associated with this unconstitutional abomination. In March of 2011, Obama's heath care czarina Kathleen Sebelius was forced to acknowledge under oath that the government double-counted $529 billion in "savings" associated with the implementation of the legislation.

    Numerous other errors and omissions have been uncovered within ObamaCare's fuzzy math — including a $52 billion raid of Social Security and a $72 billion repayment obligation for a new "long-term care trust fund."

    According to Congressional Budget Office estimates released on the eve of its passage in March 2010, ObamaCare was originally projected to add $109 billion to the federal deficit over 10 years.

    We can now add more than $1 trillion to that total (and counting), shredding once and for all Obama's ridiculous claim that his signature legislation is "one of the biggest deficit-reduction plans in history."

    It's also critical to remember that all of this deficit spending comes after the imposition of new tax hikes totaling hundreds of billions of dollars — a double whammy for taxpayers.

    In addition to its infamous (and unconstitutional) individual mandate, ObamaCare also includes a new employer mandate tax, a new tax on "Cadillac" health insurance plans, the creation of a new 3.8% surtax on investment income for households that earn more than $250,000, increases in Medicaid payroll taxes, a new tax on medical device manufacturers, a new tanning tax, a tax hike on drug companies and at least a dozen other new "revenue enhancements

  113. BetterMan1:39 PM

    Many of these tax hikes have already been implemented — siphoning money away from our economy at the worst possible time. They're also being collected even after a federal judge struck down ObamaCare in its entirety.

    Also — and this is a critical point — the official cost projections for ObamaCare factor in a decade's worth of tax hikes and deficit spending and only six years of programmatic "benefits." Obviously, that discrepancy vastly understates the long-term impact of ObamaCare on federal deficits.

    During the recent debt-ceiling debate, Republican leaders proved unwilling to make major inroads in reducing the federal government's mushrooming debt. They also abandoned key long-term fiscal restraints aimed at lowering future deficits.

    As a new "supercommittee" convenes to take another stab at these long-overdue reforms, it's clear that gutting ObamaCare must be its first order of business.

  114. anon:



    slob marley:

    heil vanilla ice!!!!

  115. lack:

    where are those jobs????

    why STILL no manna from your hobama god?????

    Can't find a job? Sue your alma mater
    Students from Thomas M. Cooley Law School and New York Law School are suing their alma maters for misleading them about job prospects after graduation. Cooley is getting hit for $200 Million while NYLS is getting slapped with $250 Million.

    The former law students claim that both schools skewered their post-graduation employment information to make it look like people who earned their degrees there were landing great jobs and living the life. When in actuality, the percentages included people who may have gotten jobs, but ones that had nothing to do with the legal industry (i.e. greeter at Wal Mart). They also claim that the schools only reported favorable salaries from former students who volunteered the information.

    Representatives from both institutions scoff at the allegations and vow to fight them in court.

    "These are nothing other than attempts to bring public attention to this issue and it certainly doesn't seem like the right way to go about it," said Jim Thelen, Cooley's general counsel to the Wall Street Journal.

    Suing your school for fraud because you can't find a job? Sounds like someone was paying attention in class.

  116. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Suing your school for fraud because you can't find a job? Sounds like someone was paying attention in class.

    Damn, if those goes to court then the next thing you know is they will ensure there are academic tests with strict standards.

  117. Anonymous2:34 PM

    as usual field the kuntbreaf imbecile is ruining the thread all she does is spam and spam and spam and tell everyone how smart she is surely someon wit a 250 iq acts more dignified then this! but whoever said dirty snatch sniffers were trustworthy anyway!

  118. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I never said both bushTwins went for a fetus removal. Why are you lying?
    Sarey claiming pregnancy is at odds with the Facts. Funny thing about HIPPA, it means the med professional who reveals Sarey was not pregnant...will never work again.
    Although it is really, really nice to beleeve in Sarey Tales...the Facts indicate a Bristol pregnancy with Grandma Sarey stepping in.
    Tut-tut, pretending to be 'above it all' is an old scam, son. And if you can't bring Facts...maybe you should write for wingnut welfare.
    I'll note you never bothered to offer any countering Data.

    Butters, your person is attached to the Koch brothers, the Cato, and to removing government. Whatta heroic multimillionaire, asking you to do he can have more. Why did you not mention his partisan wingnut proclivities...embarrassed?

    Umm...keep beleeverating all poor folk are AfAm and urban. It shows racism. Pretty much Chicago supports the rest of IL. Which you would know...if you had read the Budget. Not to worry, it is pretty much the same for all cities. NY, Philly, Boston, LA...they are the ones sending welfare to rural and suburban areas.

    Yep, without those nasty icky terrible awful 'urban' folk...Jeffy Dahmer, Son of Sam, Phil Garrido, the Dead Rabbit Gang would not be criminals. What about the wite power losers from Idaho? Or the child-molesting FLDS gang?
    Maybe your christmoles in the bureaucracy stop counting crime? Yes, I do know what they do.


  119. Anonymous2:45 PM


    Twaddle, bunk and tommyrot,
    Blather and tomfoolery,
    Trumpery and poppycock,
    Bosh and rigmaroolery.

    Slaver, drivel, blah and tosh,
    Balderdash and hooey,
    Folderol and fudge kibosh,
    Hokum and balooey.

    Mold's Official Language

  120. Anonymous2:51 PM

    I still like the bit about Bachmann doing this to scam the rubes. Like her family farm. Like the PrayAwayDeGay. Like the foster for kids. Like her greatest Legislative contribution was to push for incandescent light bulbs.
    Gollee Gomer, ever get the feeling you being taken?

    I really liked the bit where Michelle compared public schools to Auschwitz. Wonder what was dying in her fantasy? christian beleefs? Ignorance? Malleable know-nothings?
    Or was she just playing to the morons?

    TaxBagger and wingnut 'saving' a village.
    Heroic brave manly men keeping th scourge of eveel from...somewhere.


  121. BetterMan2:53 PM

    Ode To Mold an Original Poem by BetterMan

    Tweedle dee and tweedle dum
    I know a guy named Mold who swallows gum
    He said it makes his insides feel all gooey and icky
    But he likes the taste cause its hot sweet and sticky
    I dont think swallowing gum can be good for you
    Maybe he better go back to swallowing goo.
    When he told me about the gum I couldnt help but wonder
    If it got stuck in his ass and he farts would there be thunder
    He said nah it doesnt cause any trouble
    Just now and then he'll blow a foul bubble.

  122. Anonymous3:03 PM

    In one rural senatorial district that had not elected a Democrat in a century, the Democratic candidate reached 48 percent of the vote.

    One poster could not 'unnerstan' why the WI recall was not a victory for the Nazis...the above quote is an indicator. These are districts where the Rs are essentially the ruling Single Party. Keep declaring 'victory' reminds me of the Internet Law.;)


  123. This comment has been removed by the author.

  124. Unlicked unglued unkempt unread uneducated unsung vdlr:

    You lie like your play baby deddy hobama!!!!

    When you are evicted from your roach infested section 8 apt

    You will gladly decorate your filthy cardboard condo/turbo trick’s tricked out literal roach motel with hobama stickers

    And the homeless thug peen you snare will enjoy that hobama tat at the small of your swollen maytag back you hobama nazi turbo breeding illiterate whore!!!!!!!

  125. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Seriously, the Archdiocese of New York is troubled by the mandate to teach sex education in New York City public schools.

    Could there be anyone with less credibility on the subject? Maybe Warren Jeffs.

    Here's the thing: An entity that aided and abetted child rapists shouldn't really be speaking against sex education for children.

    Important to note that the NY Catholic Archdiocese is still embroiled in the child rape scandal. In fact, as Duncan Osborne from Gay City News reported, during the past legislative session, the Archbishop's lobbyists spent more money fighting bills tied to the child rape scandal than they did fighting marriage equality. That says a lot.
    AmericaBlog...Joe Sudbay

    Maybe the reason they don't want it that the children will know what conservative priest is doing to them is WRONG. And yes, the correlation between pedophile and conservative is close to 1.0


  126. vdlr decoder:

    spam = facts that roast lying hobama nazis like charred pigs...proof that cans the boarish drone bs from hobama nazis like mystery meat tins...


  127. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Seriously, the Archdiocese of New York is troubled by the mandate to teach sex education in New York City public schools.

    Could there be anyone with less credibility on the subject? Maybe Warren Jeffs.

    Here's the thing: An entity that aided and abetted child rapists shouldn't really be speaking against sex education for children.

    Important to note that the NY Catholic Archdiocese is still embroiled in the child rape scandal. In fact, as Duncan Osborne from Gay City News reported, during the past legislative session, the Archbishop's lobbyists spent more money fighting bills tied to the child rape scandal than they did fighting marriage equality. That says a lot.
    AmericaBlog...Joe Sudbay

    Maybe the reason they don't want it that the children will know what conservative priest is doing to them is WRONG. And yes, the correlation between pedophile and conservative is close to 1.0


  128. BetterMan3:21 PM

    I know a guy name Mold who isnt that bright
    Hes so controversial he thinks black is white
    He cant really spell or put forth clear thoughts
    His words are like the dirtiest murkiest broths
    He thinks he is witty when really in fact
    He sounds like a dude, who with a bat has been whacked
    When he claims I wont do your work what he specifically means
    Is I am pretendin and dont know jack shit or beans
    His knowledge of everything is to him simply grand
    when you ask him a question reason sinks into quicksand
    He likes to invent words that we know he cant spell
    He thinks by this trick we will think he is swell
    The truth is we know he is just some dumb dude
    Who probably has to flip burgers for food
    He has an IQ of about 35
    and hes constantly on this blog shuckin his jive.

  129. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Seriously, the Archdiocese of New York is troubled by the mandate to teach sex education in New York City public schools.

    Could there be anyone with less credibility on the subject? Maybe Warren Jeffs.

    Here's the thing: An entity that aided and abetted child rapists shouldn't really be speaking against sex education for children.

    Important to note that the NY Catholic Archdiocese is still embroiled in the child rape scandal. In fact, as Duncan Osborne from Gay City News reported, during the past legislative session, the Archbishop's lobbyists spent more money fighting bills tied to the child rape scandal than they did fighting marriage equality. That says a lot.
    AmericaBlog...Joe Sudbay

    Maybe the reason they don't want it that the children will know what conservative priest is doing to them is WRONG. And yes, the correlation between pedophile and conservative is close to 1.0


  130. Vinnie Del Negro3:30 PM


    What is crazier, AB and her turbo cut and pasting or mold repeatedly posting the same gibberish over and over again?

    This place is a lunatic asylum.

  131. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Seriously, the Archdiocese of New York is troubled by the mandate to teach sex education in New York City public schools.

    Could there be anyone with less credibility on the subject? Maybe Warren Jeffs.

    Here's the thing: An entity that aided and abetted child rapists shouldn't really be speaking against sex education for children.

    Important to note that the NY Catholic Archdiocese is still embroiled in the child rape scandal. In fact, as Duncan Osborne from Gay City News reported, during the past legislative session, the Archbishop's lobbyists spent more money fighting bills tied to the child rape scandal than they did fighting marriage equality. That says a lot.
    AmericaBlog...Joe Sudbay

    Maybe the reason they don't want it that the children will know what conservative priest is doing to them is WRONG. And yes, the correlation between pedophile and conservative is close to 1.0


  132. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Seriously, the Archdiocese of New York is troubled by the mandate to teach sex education in New York City public schools.

    Could there be anyone with less credibility on the subject? Maybe Warren Jeffs.

    Here's the thing: An entity that aided and abetted child rapists shouldn't really be speaking against sex education for children.

    Important to note that the NY Catholic Archdiocese is still embroiled in the child rape scandal. In fact, as Duncan Osborne from Gay City News reported, during the past legislative session, the Archbishop's lobbyists spent more money fighting bills tied to the child rape scandal than they did fighting marriage equality. That says a lot.
    AmericaBlog...Joe Sudbay

    Maybe the reason they don't want it that the children will know what conservative priest is doing to them is WRONG. And yes, the correlation between pedophile and conservative is close to 1.0


  133. This comment has been removed by the author.

  134. GrannyStandingforTruth3:44 PM

    White flight:

    You need to stop that! Whites have rioted in the past too and can clown just as bad as any other group of people. A good example of that can be seen on this blog. The color of a person's skin has nothing to do with it. It's called human behavior and human behavior is not defined as skin color, it's HUMAN behavior!

    Now, I don't know about the riots in Detroit other places, but I do know about the Watts riot of 1964 because I was there, and I know what the results were.

    What people failed to remember is that Martin Luther King marched for Civil Rights back then, but it was the Watts Riots that sealed the deal. People seemed to forget that little detail of the Civil Rights Movement. That's what forced them to stop and realize the injustice that poverty and violation of civil rights breeds. Desparate people take desparate measures when there is no hope or help in sight. BTW, I'm not advocating riots either, but merely stating a fact of life.

    I have lived a long time and seen and experience many things in life. Along the way, I've met a lot of people from all walks of life. No group of people has a patent on intelligence! Not one single one! I've met some smart white folks, and I've met some dumb ones. I've met some smart black people, and I've met some dumb ones. I've met some smart Asians, and I've met some dumb ones. I've met some smart Hispanic/Latinos, and I've met some dumbe ones.

    People are people and that's the bottom line. I've met some good ones and I've met some bad ones, and skin color had nothing to do with it, it was always that person's WAY OF THINKING! What a lot of people do not realize is that Repent in Christianity literally means CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING! Because it is the mind that is out of order with moral principles.

    Greed is a disease of the mind that opens the door to all sorts of evil. People will rob, steal, and kill for money when they worship it like a god. Greed is the root of every single corrupt immoral principle in society. It is the engine to total destruction.

  135. lack:

    what jobs????
    what hope???
    what change????

    The financially strapped U.S. Postal Service is considering cutting as many as 120,000 jobs.

    Facing a second year of losses totaling $8 billion or more, the agency also wants to pull its workers out of the retirement and health benefits plans covering federal workers and set up its own benefit systems.

    Congressional approval would be needed for either step, and both could be expected to face severe opposition from postal unions which have contracts that ban layoffs.

    The post office has cut 110,000 jobs over the last four years and is currently engaged in eliminating 7,500 administrative staff. In its 2010 annual report, the agency said it had 583,908 career employees.

    The loss of mail to the Internet and the decline in advertising caused by the recession have rocked the agency.

  136. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Sarey Palin birthed the antichrist. St. Reagan lives in a volcano in Africa where he performs abortions on prominent republican fee-males. socialism never killed anybody. Among my many Nobel prizes includes one for fecal art. Mandumpling goober de heeyuck gluteal thinkerating gets you nowheere. i don't have pedophilic fantasies 24 hours a day - sometimes i pass out and just have dreams. its besser that way.


  137. GrannyStandingforTruth4:22 PM

    The USPS is one of the agencies that makes big money without fail on a daily basis. Because mail is delivered come rain, shine, sleet or snow. A stamp cost money, no mail is delivered free and every single American uses it. It's hard to believe that they are financially strapped. Smh!

  138. mellaneous4:22 PM

    @Shady who said:

    "I don't think Nutter has to go off on a critique of capitalism and imperialism to point out that it's not a good idea for young black folks to run around assaulting people."

    Shady that's just the point he wouldn't dare go off on the source of real criminality in the world and in our society.

    These kids clearly are misbehaving but these kids didn't drop no cluster bombs on anyone or turn down somebody who was qualified for a job because they didn't look right, or pay someone $8 an hour when they make profits in the tens of millions.

    I think you and everyone else got my point but we are all in denial even as things get obviously worse for us regular folks. Its still easier to call out the Negro kids they won't seek their intelligence agencies on you for speaking out.

  139. mold said..."Maybe the reason they don't want it that the children will know what conservative priest is doing to them is WRONG. And yes, the correlation between pedophile and conservative is close to 1.0"

    The problem was not conservative priests, the problem was homosexual priests. Over 95% of the abuse was perpetrated by homosexual priests. The Church is to blame in that it failed to keep degenerate perverts from becoming priests. This is called "liberalism".

    And as far as the wider populations goes, the largest concentration of pedophiles is found in Hollywood, not exactly a conservative bastion.

  140. Barry Soetoro4:32 PM

    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    The USPS is one of the agencies that makes big money without fail on a daily basis
    Granny, the post office actually loses billions every year.

  141. mellaneous4:34 PM

    @Hathor who said"

    The issues you expect the Mayor to address are not quite as applicable to Philadelphia.

    Hathor I don't expect the mayor to condemn social ills or to take seriously tackling the most pressing issues of inequality in his town. Those days are just about gone. Politicians in this country even on many local levels support the status quo and those in power.

    Again you miss my point, which is there are a lot more seriously pressing evils going on than roaming teens. And the other point is that its much more acceptable to beat up black teens than to take on the government for sending our children to kill other folks for oil and power!

  142. there is a method to the madness of that racist hobama and his banksters


    That’s an anecdotal observation on my part, but Steven Pitts at UC Berkeley’s Center for Labor Research and Education is amid a study of black employment in the public sector. He shared some preliminary data with Colorlines that suggests these jobs are in fact significantly relevant to black America. Pitts’ data is thus far national, meaning it includes the public sector in largely white states (in the Plains and New England, for instance). But even with that tempering effect, some numbers leap out:

    14.5 percent of all public sector workers in the nation are black, making the sector second only to health and education services as the most heavily black workforce. In all other sectors, black workers hover around or below 10 percent. Again, if you took out states with disproportionate white populations or even focused on states with budget crises, I bet you’d see an even greater disparity.

    More than one in five black workers are employed in public administration, as are 23.3 percent of black women in the workforce. That compares to just under 17 percent of all white workers.

    Black women in the public sector make significantly less than everyone else. Their median wage is $15.50 an hour; the sector’s median wage overall is $18.38. White men make $21.24.

  143. mellaneous4:38 PM

    @ Purple Cow great poem

    @AB you have a point, the black president is causing a serious divide among the would be civil rights leaders.

    Steve Harvey has been making a fool of himself for quite some time. I knew he was out there when he did a show supporting the recruiting efforts of the US Army. And they are recruiting are kids to go off and kill folks and for what reason. But this idiot has been promoting this crap.

  144. Johnny Thugge4:40 PM

    mellaneous said: "Shady that's just the point he wouldn't dare go off on the source of real criminality in the world and in our society."

    Hate to break this to you mel, but the source of real criminality is criminals.

    Fools like you making excuses for violent, wasted lives is what has ruined our communities.

    Kudos to Nutter for speaking the truth.

  145. Anonymous4:40 PM


    GrannyStandingforTruth said...
    The USPS is one of the agencies that makes big money without fail on a daily basis. Because mail is delivered come rain, shine, sleet or snow. A stamp cost money, no mail is delivered free and every single American uses it. It's hard to believe that they are financially strapped. Smh!

    Its called Union and unproductive negro labor, Ever try and get help at the post office while shenaenae fights with the three coworkers sitting behind her and then gets pissed at you the customer?

  146. rotted tree + rotted seed = rabid fruit


    i bet hobama and reggie would never dare pull this stunt on michelle

    Well, he is unknown no longer. He has been bought to life in a compelling biography by American journalist Sally H. Jacobs. And what a vile man he turns out to have been: a drunken, wife-beating, bribe-taking bigamist of extreme arrogance, who spent much of his life propping up bars while bemoaning his fate and running down rivals.

    His nickname was Double-Double after the way he liked his whisky. He was a fantasist, who told self-aggrandising stories and impersonated his bosses.

    He married four times and had seven or nine children, depending who you listened to. And he was such a brazen womaniser he even bought mistresses home when his latest wife was asleep, loudly demanding the marital bed for his conquests.

  147. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Keep selling the priests excuse for molesting children. So, by your not-Logic, all heterosexuals are as nasty as Warren Jeffs and attack children.
    Sorry, it was more the conservative priests who molested...and they went after children.

    Sure...pedos are all in Hollywood...except those that are priests...or FLDS...or Woody Allen...or Mark Foley...or the hordes of youth pastors...

    Granny, USPS was cost effective and offered decent jobs at decent pay. Compare that to the private firms that call the drivers 'independent contractors' to avoid insurance, pensions, pay and other consequences of having employees. Thank st reagan for this bit of fiction.

    Bachmann is still a religio-crazze who submits subserviently to the closeted Marcus. Why can't he run for the office? And how many other choices has he made 'for' her? Probably the one that every wingnut mentions with obsessive frequency...and explains her 'eyes on jebus' stare.


  148. mell:


    all who are awake know that blacks better pray for a white prez asap

    hobama/gwb 2.0 is slaying us like no other prez has EVER done!!!

    we are blinded by black skin and that is allowing hobama to slay us all


  149. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Keep selling the priests excuse for molesting children. So, by your not-Logic, all heterosexuals are as nasty as Warren Jeffs and attack children.
    Sorry, it was more the conservative priests who molested...and they went after children.

    Sure...pedos are all in Hollywood...except those that are priests...or FLDS...or Woody Allen...or Mark Foley...or the hordes of youth pastors...

    Granny, USPS was cost effective and offered decent jobs at decent pay. Compare that to the private firms that call the drivers 'independent contractors' to avoid insurance, pensions, pay and other consequences of having employees. Thank st reagan for this bit of fiction.

    Bachmann is still a religio-crazze who submits subserviently to the closeted Marcus. Why can't he run for the office? And how many other choices has he made 'for' her? Probably the one that every wingnut mentions with obsessive frequency...and explains her 'eyes on jebus' stare.


  150. dutch boy4:59 PM

    Holland -- Plug that leak. The leak that's hemorrhaging cash:

    Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job

    August 11, 2011
    By Fred Lucas

    ( – President Barack Obama on Thursday toured a vehicle battery plant in Michigan, touting his administration’s focus on green technology and jobs, at a corporation where federal money authorized by the economic stimulus law that Obama signed at the beginning of his presidency had created "green" jobs at a cost of about $2 million in federal subsidies per job.

    Obama told the employees of Johnson Controls Inc., in Holland, Mich., gathered at the factory that they represented how America can come out of a recession by making products that can be sold around the world.

    “Look what’s happening in Holland, Mich.,” said the president.

    “Every day, hundreds of people are going to work on the technologies that are helping us fight our way out of this recession.

    "Every day you’re building high-tech batteries so that we lead the world in manufacturing the best cars and the best trucks -- that just doesn’t mean jobs in Michigan.

    "You’re buying equipment and parts from suppliers in Florida and New Mexico and Ohio and Wisconsin, all across America."

    This is Obamanomics. Spend Two Million Taxpayer Dollars to create a job that pays $50,000.

    Oh, the insanity.

    Last month, Chevy sold 125 Volts, its electric Edsel.

  151. mold on the brain5:05 PM

    mold: "Sorry, it was more the conservative priests who molested...and they went after children"


  152. michael jackson5:06 PM

    betterman poetizes:

    I know a guy name Mold who isnt that bright

    Hes so controversial he thinks black is white

    Hence his misunderstanding of his gender and race.

  153. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Ok, what is the 'sorce' of this partisan hacerky. How do they arrive at their 'nummer'?
    See...simple Googlery reveals the fake piece was by a Brent Bozell lie factory. The same bunch that whines because Nazi -ahem- conservative falsehoods were not given the same value as Fact-checked, somewhat objective reporting.

    Believing this scam artist is prima facie for gullibility. Hope you sent money to Brent...much besser than feeding your local poor kids..and Bent really need the money sent by stoopids.


  154. This comment has been removed by the author.

  155. unprepared unlicked uneducated unstable vdlr:

    ask hobama can u borrow his fan

    he has just begun to smoke u like u smoke blunts!!!

    there is no henny that will fix this!!!!!!

    Oakland – Local housing authorities across the nation are preparing for major cuts to HUD’s Section 8 housing voucher programs (Housing Choice Voucher Program), after being directed in June by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to come up with lists to prioritize which voucher recipients would be dumped in the event of major cuts to the subsidized housing program.

    HUD’s threat to cut Section 8 and most current budget cuts diminish or eliminate survival programs for poor people, widening the fast-growing chasm between rich and poor.There are over 3,000 public housing authorities across the nation serving over 2 million low-income households in the Section 8 voucher program.

    Tens of thousands of low-income families across the nation face homelessness if HUD’s housing programs, including the Section 8 program, are cut any further, and the recent HUD notice telling PHAs to prepare lists of who should be dumped from their Section 8 programs is an ominous sign of a catastrophe in the making.

    HUD’s housing programs were cut by around 14 percent during a round of major budget cuts last April, and it appears that an additional 6 percent or more in budget cuts may occur in the near future, to further shred the federal housing

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. S&P is Right5:13 PM

    betterman writes:

    A few hundred billion dollars here, a few hundred billion dollars there — sooner or later we're talking about the real cost of Barack Obama's new socialized medicine monstrosity.

    No. It's much worse. The numbers are counted in TRILLIONS.

  158. As far as USPS is concerned - Congress did this shit to 'em:

    “The USPS economic crisis is the result of a provision of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 that requires the Postal Service to pre-fund the healthcare benefits of future retirees — a burden no other government agency or private company bears.” The mandate requires the USPS to fund a 75-year liability over a 10-year period and costs the USPS more than $5.5 billion per year.

    This stands out the most:

    "a burden no other government agency or private company bears."

    If any other company had to do this, they would raise holy hell.

    The USPS has the money but in other accounts that THE USPS OWNS NOT THE TAX PAYERS.

    “the federal government is holding billions of dollars in postal overpayments to its pension accounts.”

    2-1 that the money has been siphoned off like the SSN.

  159. Roman Koch5:16 PM

    "Hope you sent money to Brent...much besser than feeding your local poor kids"

    I did, and you are right, it is a much better use than feeding fat-ass poor kids.

  160. Anonymous5:16 PM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.


  161. vdlr to hobama:

    "do u gats a shed fo me in dc????"


    hobama to the vdlr:

    "hell no u black mongrel...just vote for me in 2012 and stfu!!!!"


    President Obama's greatest domestic imperative is the transfer of public wealth and resources to the private sector. He moved tens of trillions of dollars to Wall Street in the guise of rescuing the economy. Hundreds of billions in public funds are scheduled for transfer to private insurance corporations over the next decade or so, masquerading as a health care plan. His support for corporate-backed charter schools and other so-called public-private partnerships has dramatically escalated the privatization of education in the United States. Obama calls it a "Race to the Top." Now, the Obama administration is serving up to corporate vultures the nation's dwindling stock of public housing, with bankers as the ultimate beneficiaries.

    The plan is slick, but easy enough to see through - like the president, himself. Dubbed the Transforming Rental Assistance initiative, or TRA, the scheme would allow banks and other speculators to mortgage public housing, and then raise the rents to ten percent above market value [7]. The federal government would make up the difference, pumping the people's money directly into Wall Street accounts. Eventually, of course, the feds will halt or cut back payments, and the properties will revert to the bankers, who will sell them to developers and kick out the tenants. This is gentrification and urban displacement on a gargantuan scale - brought to you by the First Black President.

    Imagine! Obama wants to transfer to banks and developers tens of thousands of acres of public-owned urban property - home to 1.2 million families, disproportionately Black and brown - all the while subsidizing the banksters' profits with billions of taxpayer dollars. He would entrust the fates of millions of poor people to the tender mercies of the same criminal-minded class that has destroyed a generation and more of Black homeowners and displaced legions of Black renters from the gentrifying cities.

  162. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Nice to know that you proved PTBarnum correct.
    Me, I'd prefer to feed my neighbours rather than thinkerate my manly brave manhood purchases of guns and ammo would keep me safe.
    You really should read History.

    And when the hungry folks knock on your door...will you have enough?
    Far better to have them working, fed, clothed, housed and...involved in the system.
    If you lose nothing by rioting...what is the downside?


  163. why frisco looks like sweden


    Falling vacancy rates

    The net result is that vacancy rates are falling and rents are rising in the city. RealFacts says that the average monthly asking price in San Francisco for studio apartments in complexes with at least 50 units hit $1,801 this year, up 13 percent from $1,595 a year ago. Across apartment units of all sizes, landlords at these big complexes are now asking for an average of $2,361 a month, up 5 percent from a year ago.

    Marcus & Millichap said the city's vacancy rate is now 4.2 percent, compared with 4.8 percent in 2010 and 5 percent in 2009.

    Over in the East Bay, the rental market is not as hot, with rates and vacancies holding steady. But in tech-dense Santa Clara County, rents grew 6.6 percent, from $1,650 a month to $1,759 on average, according to RealFacts.

    Read more:

  164. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Nice to know that you proved PTBarnum correct.
    Me, I'd prefer to feed my neighbours rather than thinkerate my manly brave manhood purchases of guns and ammo would keep me safe.
    You really should read History.

    And when the hungry folks knock on your door...will you have enough?
    Far better to have them working, fed, clothed, housed and...involved in the system.
    If you lose nothing by rioting...what is the downside?


  165. Anonymous5:25 PM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.


  166. mold on the brain5:26 PM

    mold: "The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this."

    Why would you be surprised? You made it up.

    Please reference the "data" that correlates the political leanings of priests to their proclivity for young boys.


  167. Anonymous5:28 PM

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.


  168. PT Barnum5:29 PM

    "Me, I'd prefer to feed my neighbours rather than thinkerate my manly brave manhood purchases of guns and ammo would keep me safe."

    My "neighbors" are well fed by their government keepers. My Glock keeps them off the lawn.

  169. kill the messenger5:31 PM


    Another moron who cannot read financial statements or understand simple economics.

    The Post Office cannot cover all its expenses through the sale of postal services. It's that simple.

    If FedEx or UPS were to find themselves in the same condition, they would have to file a Chapter 11 bankkruptcy.

    But as bad as things are at the Post Office, the filing might be a Chapter 7, a liquidation.

  170. Anonymous5:31 PM

    You want me to do your work? Why do so many of you feel Entitled to order an older AfAm woman around? Oh, the answer is 'No' your own work. And you can find it easily enough...just don't waste time with any Con sites. You might also look for Data outside the US.
    Pretty much, conservative priests were the molesters.
    Pout all you want...the Data backs me.;)


  171. mold on the brain5:33 PM

    mold: "But you are free to check the Data."

    I did. I used your patented "research" methods and the results were not surprising at all. It turns out that 100% of the pedophile priests were homosexuals with liberal political beliefs. They were all, everyone of them, registered democrats. They all voted for Obama too.

    Well, I guess that defintively settles that.

  172. fn:

    seen this

    karma and premonition are real


  173. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Bachmann is still a religio-crazee who takes orders from her closeted gay husband. Her great accomplishment is to be upset that she is no longer relevant. She fought for incandescents! Woo hoo.


  174. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Try again.
    Using typical conservative methodology may make you feel comfortable...but it never seems to be backed by Data.
    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.


  175. mammy5:41 PM

    moldy says...

    Why do so many of you feel Entitled to order an older AfAm woman around?

    One of these nights, on Comedy Central, moldy is going to appear, looking like Robin Williams reprising his role of Mrs Doubtfire in blackface.

    With lots of Morky sounds thown in.

  176. Wheezy McWhorter.5:49 PM

    mold onthe brain said...I did. I used your patented "research" methods and the results were not surprising at all. It turns out that 100% of the pedophile priests were homosexuals with liberal political beliefs. They were all, everyone of them, registered democrats. They all voted for Obama too.

    Wow. Mold loses big today. Her being so wrong on this issue makes me question everything she has ever said. I'm not sure I believe the story of Sarah Palin faking giving birth to a retarded baby anymore. My oh my.

  177. Anonymous5:54 PM

    You answered my question. You want me to be your slave.

    No thanks.


  178. Chlorox5:56 PM

    1) Mold is a dyke or faggot, or maybe even one of those Tras-creatures.

    2) Mold is an atheist.

    3) Atheism breeds Communists, Socialists, & Fascists.

    Mold is just plain stupid. Because of #1, 2 & 3.

    That's it, in a nutshell.....if you get my meaning.

  179. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Keep declaring your self..and your sockpuppets the victor...I will mention the Internet Law about this...;)

    I do understand that Facts are anathema to some...being Left Behind can be painful. And Facts can be very contrary to conservative fantasy. Still, you should use the Facts.
    Which is why Sarey covering for Bristol makes more sense...than the long and convoluted tale of Sarey being pregnant.

    So, your response is to be pouting? The correlation between child-molesting and being a conservative priest is 1.0. I do admit to being surprised at this. But you are free to check the Data.
    Essentially, if you are a conservative priest...there is a highly strong likelihood that you molest kids. And the more conservative (Opus Dei) the greater the probability of molestation.

    Keep calling me names...and not addressing the threat to children.


  180. call me at my orifice6:10 PM

    moldy inserts:

    Keep declaring your self..and your sockpuppets the victor...I will mention the Internet Law about this...;)

    Internet Law? Is that where you have yourself arrested for buying gerbils from

  181. Manly Manny Manson6:31 PM

    mold: "I do understand that Facts are anathema to some...being Left Behind can be painful."

    Was something painful Left in your Behind?

    Your ability to separate fact and fantasy is clearly compromised. Why don't go outside and lecture the squirrels.

  182. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Tweedle dee and tweedle dum
    I know a guy named Mold who swallows gum
    He said it makes his insides feel all gooey and icky
    But he likes the taste cause its hot sweet and sticky
    I dont think swallowing gum can be good for you
    Maybe he better go back to swallowing goo.
    When he told me about the gum I couldnt help but wonder
    If it got stuck in his ass and he farts would there be thunder
    He said nah it doesnt cause any trouble
    Just now and then he'll blow a foul bubble.

  183. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I know a guy name Mold who isnt that bright
    Hes so controversial he thinks black is white
    He cant really spell or put forth clear thoughts
    His words are like the dirtiest murkiest broths
    He thinks he is witty when really in fact
    He sounds like a dude, who with a bat has been whacked
    When he claims I wont do your work what he specifically means
    Is I am pretendin and dont know jack shit or beans
    His knowledge of everything is to him simply grand
    when you ask him a question reason sinks into quicksand
    He likes to invent words that we know he cant spell
    He thinks by this trick we will think he is swell
    The truth is we know he is just some dumb dude
    Who probably has to flip burgers for food
    He has an IQ of about 35
    and hes constantly on this blog shuckin his jive.

  184. Anonymous6:38 PM

    You want me to do your work? Why do so many of you feel Entitled to order an older AfAm woman around? Oh, the answer is 'No' your own work. And you can find it easily enough...just don't waste time with any Con sites. You might also look for Data outside the US.
    Pretty much, conservative priests were the molesters.
    Pout all you want...the Data backs me.;)


    When he claims I wont do your work what he specifically means
    Is I am pretendin and dont know jack shit or beans

  185. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Labor Fight Goes Postal as Unions Rip USPS Cost-Cutting Plan to Slash Jobs, Revamp Benefits

    Now the post office is slashing jobs and looking to pull its workers out of the extra special super duper retirement and health plans the elite congressman and senators get.

    The nerve, I say ban the USPS and help the unions fight, if you get any mail send it back immediately especially government financial checks as soon as you see these checks show you are unahppy and support the union and send them back right away.

    Thank You Barack, with love


    Blacks Across The US

  186. @clamidia jones......

    Really...are you serious with a moniker like that. After laughing at the silliness of it all--I could only shake my head.

    Field, I know you want us to be aware of the kind of people who are out there. Some of the vile and misinformed statements that they make are disturbing. Just think some of them may be in positions to hire, treat our medical needs and teach our children or others within our schools and higher education institutions. It's the kind of stuff that lends to "night terrors".

  187. Anonymous9:08 PM

    Carolyn Moon (Amina) said...
    @clamidia jones......

    Really...are you serious with a moniker like that. After laughing at the silliness of it all--I could only shake my head.

    Glad you can laugh, that's the point, don't take life so serious, no one gets out alive.

    and I mean looking at all sides Carolyn Moon is right up there with Clamidia Jones, good job

    Carolyn Moon - Howling at the moon or Caroling at the Moon - Merry christmas - I get it. I miss the Amina part is that like Caroling at the Moon in A minor?

  188. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, how was your week? I hope you have gotten over your suicidal fantasy, are taking your preventive neurotic medicine to stay calm and collective. Stay on top of your condition... I'd hate to see you end up like AB. Lord have mercy.

    I am providing a link to alert your FN readers that state pension funds are now in financial trouble and it looks like things are going to get worse. I pray that your benefits and job are not tied up in state pensions. NY, FL and CA are having a tough time of it.

  189. GrannyStandingforTruth9:21 PM

    I'm not surprise regarding pension funds because folks have been raiding them for a long long time. Expect to see more of this coming to the light.

  190. Wow Field,

    With Slap The Nut, and all of his aliases, I'm trying to follow the convo, but DAMN. Anywho, Bachman won the Iowa straw poll...looking for Sarah to fall in line soon.
