Friday, August 05, 2011

Where are your white friends Mr. President?

Black journalist from all over these divided states are in my town for the NABJ Convention. I would have attended but I am not a journalist. A couple of you folks gave the field a holla ( it must be the back of my head) while grubbing in the Reading Terminal. (You black folks sure love to eat) Folks did look like they were having a good time and handling their business, so it was all good.

Anywhoo, as is always the case with black folks, it seems that there is a bit of controversy surrounding the conference. Apparently some of you "real" journalist didn't like the fact that the permed one got the gig on MSNBC and you wrote about it. Well, unfortunately, the good Rev. got all sensitive and cried crabs. I am not mad at Jeff Winbush, he was merely saying how he felt and expressing a sentiment that I know that a lot of you real journalist are feeling but -some of you- are too afraid to say. (You never know when you might need the permed one. He does have a lot of powerful friends.) Black folks! *shaking head*

Finally, I wonder how many of the black journalist in town were talking about how FOX Nation dissed their boy? And black people wonder why O tries to stay away from them. As soon as he wants to let his hair down and let his black side flow, you white folks on the right call him on it.
"To most news Web sites, what happened at the White House on Thursday night was a private 50th birthday party for President Obama. To an editor at Fox News, it was something a little different.

“Obama’s Hip-Hop BBQ Didn’t Create Jobs,” read the headline on an article on The Fox Nation, a conservative arm of, which is owned by the News Corporation. Below the headline were photos of Mr. Obama and, separately, three black celebrities who attended the party, the basketball player Charles Barkley, the comedian Chris Rock and the rapper Jay-Z.
Not pictured were any attendees of other racial backgrounds, like the actor Tom Hanks or Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.

The article, published Friday morning, generated more than 2,000 comments and substantial objections from people who found it to be inaccurate at best and racist at worst.
Media Matters for America, a progressive group that campaigns against Fox, asserted that the article was part of a pattern of “race-baiting headlines and content” on the Web site.

No reporter or editor’s name was attached to the “hip-hop BBQ” article. Through a spokeswoman, Bill Shine, the executive vice president for programming at Fox News, declined to say whether the article adhered to the site’s standards.
The “didn’t create jobs” comment in the Fox headline most likely was a reference to the White House press secretary Jay Carney’s statement earlier this week that “the White House doesn’t create jobs.” Mr. Carney said the White House declined to comment on the Fox article.

The Fox Nation, an offshoot of the main Fox News site, exists mostly to elicit comments from users and link to news sources. The “hip-hop BBQ” article contained no original reporting; rather, it contained excerpts from several accounts of Mr. Obama’s party, including Politico’s, which listed the attendees and noted that the party included jazz and R&B performances and a D.J.’s hip-hop music.

“The president asked everyone to dance — and they did!” read the Politico account. The menu included barbecue chicken, ribs, hot dogs and salad.
Mr. Shine said in a statement, “We used the hip-hop reference per Politico’s Playbook story this morning which stated ‘Also present: Chicago pals, law-school friends, donors — and lots of kids of friends, who stole the show by doing dance routines to the hip-hop songs, in the center of the East Room.’ ” [Source] 

Hmmm, no mention of watermelons? I guess we will have to wait for FOX & Friends for that one.



  1. NSangoma10:43 PM

    S.&P. Downgrades U.S. Long-Term Debt
    Rating Lowered From AAA for First Time in History
    By BINYAMIN APPELBAUM and ERIC DASH 2 minutes ago

    Standard & Poor’s removed the United States government from its list of risk-free borrowers on Friday night, dropping the rating to AA+ on concerns about rising federal debt.


  2. Anonymous10:57 PM

    Oh Field, you left a tad out of your post, here corrected for you:

    Media Matters for America, a progressive group funded by George Soros and currently under review for being a complete shill for the one world movement with it's "tax free" status in jeapordy due to as previously noted being a literal arm and entrenched in the George Soros camp that is currently using demoncrats and obama to destroy the US by devaluing the dollar due to incompetent fiscal policies, thus creating a one world currency - that campaigns against Fox, as FOX does not drink the kool aid of the Soros funded one world order Obamabots, tells the truth and doesn't get silenced by continual weak kneeded racial accusations, asserted that the article was part of a pattern of “race-baiting headlines and content” on the Web site.

    There was a BBQ right as the stock market crashed, did boy wonder say anything? Nah. only in the midst of a double digit recession with a downgrade of our credit rating and he has BBQ and Dances, not that it matters, he does nothing but fundraise, campaign and play gold anyway - until he needs to break out the victimhood and start pointing fingers.

    He is Barack Hussein Camacho and we are living in the times of idiocracy, Raise my credit card limit, I gots lots more to spend fore the dollar crashes, not so much it's close.

  3. S&P cut the nation’s rating for the first time ever from AAA to AA+.

    Thanks Obama.Thanks Democrats.

    Was there a BBQ at the WH?

    Was there hip-hop there?

    Did Obama use non-union workers for the BBQ?

    Where there no jobs created at the BBQ?

    Whats the problem?

    Al gets a show?Hasn't MSNBC learned anything from CNN?{Piers Morgan,Eliot Spitzer}


    Chris Hansen "To Catch a Predator" got caught cheating again.This time with a stripper.

  4. More than 3 black people seen standing together at Obama birthday party. Do the police know about this?
    Do these black people really have invites? Did you know the President's black? Oh the horror!!!!

  5. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Some Negroes are just jealous of Rev Al. If more Negroes were more like Sharpton, we wouldn't have a racial problem.

    Rev Al has guts and speaks his mind, unlike most Negroes.

  6. Standard & Poor’s warns

    – The outlook on the long-term rating is negative. We could lower the long-term rating to ‘AA’ within the next two years if we see that less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case.

  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "S&P cut the nation’s rating for the first time ever from AAA to AA+."

    Oh Lawd, the market is going to do another nose dive next week.

  8. "Media Matters for America, a progressive group funded by George Soros and currently under review for being a complete shill for the one world movement with it's "tax free" status in jeapordy due to as previously noted being a literal arm and entrenched in the George Soros camp that is currently using demoncrats and obama to destroy the US by devaluing the dollar due to incompetent fiscal policies, thus creating a one world currency - that campaigns against Fox, as FOX does not drink the kool aid of the Soros funded one world order.."

    Why doesn't Glenn Beck post under his real name? :)

  9. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Funny thing is Barack Hussein BBQ Commacho knew about this problem in January, democrats knew about this problem since Obama took office and they held the majority in congress and the senate, this is WHY they did not pass a budget in two years and have not even proposed one in 800+days, including despite all the bullshit the time surronding the increase of the government spending credit card (debt ceiling) I know democrats are evil and immoral and don't care about anything but buying voters but Obama cannot be this stupid, every action he takes, approves, embarks upon is so clearly going to furhter destroy the U.S he has got to be doing this on purpose. No one can be this incompetent and stupid despite surrounding himself with idealogical idiots who have never even had a run in their stockings let alone run anything.

    I no longer think he is a dolt, I thikn he is doing this on purpose and following cloward pivens plan that he loves and used to teach, precisely, dollar crashes, america owes a lot of money, big nations china, russia, brazil already bitch slapping america and saying we need to move away from the dollar, it will happen. They will say we cannot trust the incompetent liars in washington, they will just print more money and furhter destroy the worlds economy- unfortunately they are right, when this happens we will be thankful to get 25 cents on the dollar and many if not most entitlements will vanish, it will be real interesting watching the limousine liberals continue to try and spin this when everyone wakes up.

  10. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Why doesn't Glenn Beck post under his real name? :)

    Nice, How liberal of you field, can't hang with the facts proceed to liberalism alinksky tactic 101 try and discredit the source. Further proof of your Soros brain washing. Nothing wrong with Beck, he just got too big and scared the living shit out of the liberal elite, they were getting exposed. So they mustered up an army of know...sheeple demoncrats and voila. I mean com'n what kind of people actually give props to a pimp mack daddy like Rev sharpton? Really what kind?

  11. blackinalabama12:04 AM

    Jeff Johnson did a great commentary on the Sharpton vs Journalists controversy on TJM (it was pro Sharpton). In my opinion Sharpton did not take a job from a Journalist. It is clear that the 24hrs so called news media are looking for talk show style personalites not Journalists. I am not a fan of Sharpton. However, it is nice having a voice from a different perspective on TV especially when the President of the US is called "Boy" on national TV.

  12. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Glenn Beck...wait a minute didnt' he predict the credit downgrade of the US even when Tim Geitner was saying "no way US can lose its AAA rating"? Of course Beck was right, thats why Soros had to spend a lot of money to get beck out, he was exposing spooky dude and his employee (obamas) plans.

    Now whats the first thing the democrats do when they hear of the downgraded credit rating? Reassure the public? talk about plans to reign in spending that caused the credit downgrade? Nope, not at all, they will just try and raise taxes...per Harry about disconnected. You can tax high earners 100% and it still wont make a blip against Obamas spending.

    the solution is simple, reduce spending, incorporate one flat tax rate where EVERYONE pays thier fair share. not just 49% of americans while the other 51% hop in the cart and have time to campaign.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. S&P just downgraded the USA.

  15. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Say Hello To Spooky Dude Soros

    Dated July 25th

    Jack Barnes: Someone dropped a bomb on the bond market Thursday – a $1 billion Armageddon trade betting the United States will lose its AAA credit rating.

    In one moment, an invisible trader placed a single trade that moved the most liquid debt market in the world.

    The massive trade wasn’t placed in bonds themselves; it was placed in the futures market.

    The trade was for block trades of 5,370 10-year Treasury futures executed at 124-03 and 3,100 Treasury bond futures executed at 125-01.

    The value of the trade was about $850 million dollars. In simple terms, if that was a direct bond buy, no one would be talking about it.

    However, with the use of futures, you have to have margin capacity behind the trade. That means with a single push of a button someone was willing to commit more than $1 billion of real capital to this trade with expectations of a 10-to-1 return ratio.

    You only do this if you see an edge.

    This means someone is confident that the United States is either going to default or is going to lose its AAA rating. That someone is willing to bet the proverbial farm that U.S. interest rates will be going up.

    I believe what happened is a debt-ceiling deal was done in Washington and leaked to a major proprietary trader. Everyone knows the debt negotiations in Washington have been an extreme game of brinksmanship between political parties, but now someone knows how that game played out.

  16. Anon. @ 5:15 AM that was an interesting and insightful post. Thanks.

  17. As my man Felix pointed out, the S&P downgrade had nothing to do with either Obama or Liberals...

    "The US does not deserve a triple-A rating, and the reason has nothing whatsoever to do with its debt ratios. America’s ability to pay is neither here nor there: the problem is its willingness to pay. And there’s a serious constituency of powerful people in Congress who are perfectly willing and even eager to drive the US into default. The Tea Party is fully cognizant that it has been given a bazooka, and it’s just itching to pull the trigger. There’s no good reason to believe that won’t happen at some point."

    Though I would be more impressed had S&P not made a $2 Trillion error on their calculations.

    I mean I get my maths wrong occasionally - but never by $2 Trillion....

  18. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Is Mr Hansen removing R voters from the rolls? Are any of his 'asides' underage? Why are you obsessed with his marital fidelity...with other consenting adults? Seems you should be more concerned with the plethora of Cons who seek out children.

    Are Saul and Alinsky magickal words that, once uttered by one who trooly beleeves, will crush thy opponent in a discussion? Would Geroge and Soros also be so imbued with fairy dust?

    If it was all about the debt...S&P should have downgraded with st reagan and bush. They took on unmanageable amounts of debt. Yet, we had to wait for a somehow markedly different President. A home loan to some teeny wage white person is fine...even balloon payments...but an AfAm can be a seven-figure earner...and it is the strictest of loans and tightest schedule. Hmmmm...

    FAUX assumes everyone lies and that everyone is smooching the wrinkled gluteus of their Master and that everyone is hired based on nepotism and ignorance. Must be their FAUX experience.

    Loved that TaxBagger pouting baby refusal to pay their bills caused a reduction. Seems they thoughterate there is no consequence for actions. Oh...Christine ODonnell (saved by Rs who declined to act on her misuse of funds)...Dover PA Creationists...antibortionists....Deadbeat Walsh...

    Thanks for the post, FN. It never fails to amaze me that any gathering of AfAms would be placed in racist terms.


  19. Anonymous9:01 AM

    The Wikipedia entry for Media Matters has been Palinized. Con Troofs were snuck in.


  20. It's O's party. So who he invites is none of our business. Black guest: SO WHAT.

  21. BTW It is the Secret Services job to do the screening of the crazies, not ours.

  22. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Hathor said...
    BTW It is the Secret Services job to do the screening of the crazies, not ours.

    Your right, but they did ask us to keep an eye on Mold.

  23. Anonymous10:23 AM

    You'll note that Eric Cantor is cheerfully, gleefully reneging on the promise made to the People.
    Wonder why.


  24. milton friedman10:28 AM

    Obama's spending is doing to the entire US exactly what the sub-prime lending practices -- encouraged by the government -- did to housing and the domestic economy.

  25. Easy Rawlins10:31 AM

    anon 10:22 says:

    Your right, but they did ask us to keep an eye on Mold.

    He was the white guy in black-face singing "Mammy".

  26. phonics10:41 AM

    Black journalist from all over...are in my town for the NABJ Convention...A couple of you folks gave the field a holla while grubbing in the Reading Terminal.

    Reading terminal? Black journalists? Sounds more like Special Ed. Or an Ebonics Convention.

  27. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Would you care to provide proof of your statement? Or do we just realize that you and Truth are not speaking to each other?
    Still, it is sweet that 15 yo boys are clinging to the racism and ignorance that will serve them so well in their life of servitude.


  28. BetterMan10:45 AM

    The Purple Cow said...
    As my man Felix pointed out, the S&P downgrade had nothing to do with either Obama or Liberals...

    "The US does not deserve a triple-A rating, and the reason has nothing whatsoever to do with its debt ratios. America’s ability to pay is neither here nor there: the problem is its willingness to pay. And there’s a serious constituency of powerful people in Congress who are perfectly willing and even eager to drive the US into default. The Tea Party is fully cognizant that it has been given a bazooka, and it’s just itching to pull the trigger. There’s no good reason to believe that won’t happen at some point."

    Though I would be more impressed had S&P not made a $2 Trillion error on their calculations.

    I mean I get my maths wrong occasionally - but never by $2 Trillion....

    Sorry but this is Pure leftist spin taken from the delusional mainstream media "Americas ability to pay doesn't matter" ummmm, no that is ALL that the credit report is about. Amazing how the word spending never entered the picture with "your man Felix" The Tea Party is a group of individuals who were specifically elected to stop the irresponsible out of control spending as they like the ones who elected them are adults that believe in accountability and responsibility and could see the present economic crisis coming miles away. They aren't the type of individuals who would borrow recklessly and then makes excuses to creditors, rather they are they type who live within means to ensure commitments are kept, especially paying the bills. Therefore this rhetoric trying to blame the Tea party for the spending is utterly ridiculous, yet at the same time expected from the Obama administration, it is what they do tax, borrow, spend and blame others when the fantasy results are not forthcoming.

    I have watched dozens of news programs and not one of them has said what the S+P report actually specifies about SPENDING being the main problem and cause of concern, after all this is common sense to anyone alive, you spend more then you take in and then are reluctant to live within your means and want to continue borrowing and spending, you someday wont be able to pay back your bills; if you cannot borrow from your other credit cards.

    S+P Report;

    The outlook on the long-term rating is negative. We could lower the long-term rating to 'AA' within the next two years if we see that less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case. [...]

  29. BetterMan10:51 AM

    Are Saul and Alinsky magickal words that, once uttered by one who trooly beleeves, will crush thy opponent in a discussion? Would Geroge and Soros also be so imbued with fairy dust?

    If it was all about the debt...S&P should have downgraded with st reagan and bush. They took on unmanageable amounts of debt. Yet, we had to wait for a somehow markedly different President. A home loan to some teeny wage white person is fine...even balloon payments...but an AfAm can be a seven-figure earner...and it is the strictest of loans and tightest schedule. Hmmmm...

    Mold, I say this with the "goodest" intentions for you, on this topic you are way, way over your head. No amount of Palin this or St Reagan that will let you twist anything on this subject into an even remotely understandable comment, do yourself a favor and don't explode your head trying to understand something as simple yet to you complicated topic as economics, again It's a given your little head will explode.

  30. BetterMan10:55 AM

    Though I would be more impressed had S&P not made a $2 Trillion error on their calculations.

    I mean I get my maths wrong occasionally - but never by $2 Trillion....

    Have you seen Obamas rejected budget? The one where he made the 2 Trillion spending error? He forgot to include all projected spending and it was actually a deficit of an additional 2 trillion he was forecasting to SPEND, anyways thankfully it was soundly rejected by all democrats.

  31. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Jane Hamsher...

    Newsbusters as a 'sorce'? Brent Bozell III as an authority? You have pretty low standards to accept the fibs of MRC and their astroturf friends. Matty Shepard offers 'opinion' to fit the needs of 'clients'. What is it when one sells fake nooz for money?

    Oh, the alleged Liberal Media a lie used to drum up contributions from the stoopids. It also eases their anguish that the MSM ignores the natterings of Left Behinds. Umm....that is pretty much your life...being ignored. Marginal. Expendable. And while I won't be your guest for dinner...I would much prefer you to be gainfully employed and enjoying your proletarian existence. Where are the jobs the TaxBagggers claimerated about? What is the R program to hire folks? Why are the rich only hiring servants?

    Newsbusters, might as well wear the 'sign' the comic used to offer.


  32. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Is Mr Hansen removing R voters from the rolls? Are any of his 'asides' underage? Why are you obsessed with his marital fidelity...with other consenting adults? Seems you should be more concerned with the plethora of Cons who seek out children.

    Are Saul and Alinsky magickal words that, once uttered by one who trooly beleeves, will crush thy opponent in a discussion? Would Geroge and Soros also be so imbued with fairy dust?

    If it was all about the debt...S&P should have downgraded with st reagan and bush. They took on unmanageable amounts of debt. Yet, we had to wait for a somehow markedly different President. A home loan to some teeny wage white person is fine...even balloon payments...but an AfAm can be a seven-figure earner...and it is the strictest of loans and tightest schedule. Hmmmm...

    FAUX assumes everyone lies and that everyone is smooching the wrinkled gluteus of their Master and that everyone is hired based on nepotism and ignorance. Must be their FAUX experience.

    Loved that TaxBagger pouting baby refusal to pay their bills caused a reduction. Seems they thoughterate there is no consequence for actions. Oh...Christine ODonnell (saved by Rs who declined to act on her misuse of funds)...Dover PA Creationists...antibortionists....Deadbeat Walsh...

    Thanks for the post, FN. It never fails to amaze me that any gathering of AfAms would be placed in racist terms.


  33. Anonymous11:06 AM

    One of the finest Westerns ever...

    History did not begin with the ascension of st reagan...nor are your ancestors cluewless.;)


  34. BetterMan11:14 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Jane Hamsher...

    Newsbusters as a 'sorce'? Brent Bozell III as an authority? You have pretty low standards to accept the fibs of MRC and their astroturf friends. Matty Shepard offers 'opinion' to fit the needs of 'clients'. What is it when one sells fake nooz for money?

    Oh, the alleged Liberal Media a lie used to drum up contributions from the stoopids. It also eases their anguish that the MSM ignores the natterings of Left Behinds. Umm....that is pretty much your life...being ignored. Marginal. Expendable. And while I won't be your guest for dinner...I would much prefer you to be gainfully employed and enjoying your proletarian existence. Where are the jobs the TaxBagggers claimerated about? What is the R program to hire folks? Why are the rich only hiring servants?

    Newsbusters, might as well wear the 'sign' the comic used to offer.


    and BOOM there goes Molds little head exploding, see Mold now your walls are covered with shit, well I tried to warn you.

    It's pretty funny that in 5-6 paragraphs you said NOTHING about the situation and your analysis, yet you twist, turn, quiver and spew accusations, try and discredit statements all with gibberish and not one fact.

    A little tip for you, I give you credit on trying to utilize the alinsky techniques you see other lefties use but you aren't very good at it. You need to have a base understanding of fact and intersperse your name calling with some factual foundation for it to have an effect other then someone saying look at this dimwitted crazy man.

    Now, despite all your useless words, you said nothing about the S+P actual report and this is what was linked, maybe you were too busy trying to stay in la-la land and discredit the link, rather then looking at the content.

    Son, you are over your head and it shows, very much so.

    I have to admit you are pretty funny, now claiming there is no liberal media bias..that's a hoot. Even they say they are slanted left you ninnyhammer.

    Now, if you keep embarassing yourself, don't point a finger at me, I tried to warn you about yoru head exploding.

  35. BetterMan11:16 AM

    Anonymous said...
    One of the finest Westerns ever...

    History did not begin with the ascension of st reagan...nor are your ancestors cluewless.;)


    So incapable of handling complex thought and staying on topic you are now going into random brainfart mode? Ok so you like old westerns? Good for you, maybe you want to be a cowboy when you grow up?

  36. BetterMan11:24 AM

    Holy shit Mold, Now I know where you get a lot of your insanity, so the far lefties in an effort to spin this are attacking S+P, killing the messenger and saying that they want congress to revoke S+P's authority as a credit ratings agency...holy shit you guys are totally insane and I mean this from the heart totally bumbling bat shit fucking insane..this is the same group that has the balls to say anything about the tea party...holy whackjobs!!

  37. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Butters, is you lonely in Mom's basement?
    Yes, keep repeating the magickal word 'Alinsky'. It sounderates so politically astute. Sure.
    S&P is old news to me...and would be to you if your interests included valid sources.
    Newsbusters? Might as well wear a 'sign'.
    Hamsher is usually quite correct. Which is why the fascists hate her. Not only is she an 'uppity' woman...she is correct. Jane Hamsher...

    Is Mr Hansen removing R voters from the rolls? Are any of his 'asides' underage? Why are you obsessed with his marital fidelity...with other consenting adults? Seems you should be more concerned with the plethora of Cons who seek out children.

    Are Saul and Alinsky magickal words that, once uttered by one who trooly beleeves, will crush thy opponent in a discussion? Would Geroge and Soros also be so imbued with fairy dust?

    If it was all about the debt...S&P should have downgraded with st reagan and bush. They took on unmanageable amounts of debt. Yet, we had to wait for a somehow markedly different President. A home loan to some teeny wage white person is fine...even balloon payments...but an AfAm can be a seven-figure earner...and it is the strictest of loans and tightest schedule. Hmmmm...

    FAUX assumes everyone lies and that everyone is smooching the wrinkled gluteus of their Master and that everyone is hired based on nepotism and ignorance. Must be their FAUX experience.

    Loved that TaxBagger pouting baby refusal to pay their bills caused a reduction. Seems they thoughterate there is no consequence for actions. Oh...Christine ODonnell (saved by Rs who declined to act on her misuse of funds)...Dover PA Creationists...antibortionists....Deadbeat Walsh...

    Thanks for the post, FN. It never fails to amaze me that any gathering of AfAms would be placed in racist terms.

    One of the finest Westerns ever...

    History did not begin with the ascension of st reagan...nor are your ancestors cluewless.;)


  38. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Whats wrong with a hip-hop BBQ anyway.

  39. milton friedman11:42 AM

    S&P did not make a $2 TRILLION error.

    Obama's team merely says S&P overestimated the amount of US debt to be outstanding in 2021.

    As anyone with experience predicting the future of this economy knows, it is impossible to predict where we will be in 10 years.

    Team Obama's prediction of US debt in 2021 may, in 2021, prove close. Maybe too high. More likely, too low.

    Same for GDP in 2021. But based on the published figures, Obama believes GDP in 2021 will be about $23.7 TRILLION. Could be. Or not.

    You can be sure that S&P projects that GDP will fall in the range of $20 Trillion to $27 Trillion.

    After Obama leaves office, policies will change. If he's followed by another Democrat, our predicament may get worse.

    If he's followed by Romney in 2012, we will have a pro-business president who will open more territory to drilling and reduce taxes on corporate income earned outside the US.

    Romney might succeed in making the US the place where more manufacturers want to operate. Under Obama, they're fleeing as fast as they can, including GM and GE, two manufacturers he's simultaneously helped and hogtied.

    It takes a black, liberal, Harvard law-school idealist to make so many bad decisions in less than three years on the job.

    The Change We Can Believe In, is the Change to be realized by voting this clown out of office.

  40. Easy Rawlins11:47 AM

    betterman says:

    I have to admit you are pretty funny, now claiming there is no liberal media bias..that's a hoot. Even they say they are slanted left you ninnyhammer.

    No liberal bias in the news media. OJ is innocent. It's all in the chemistry of mold's pus.

    He's a white guy. A fact evident by the syntax of his gibberating.

  41. BetterMan11:48 AM

    Mold Said...
    Butters, is you lonely in Mom's basement?

    Projecting again..sigh....NO and wherever I am you are NOT invited to join me, is that clear? You are not WELCOME nor INVITED so stop fishing.

    I shouldn't engage you any more you are clearly batshit crazy, but I have to ask, what purpose does it serve to you or anyone on this blog to copy all your posts and repost them in one single post? Are you trying to show how crazy and mentally deficient you are? Well, if so, it you will be happy to know it worked, everyone knos how crazy you are. Or rather, it is a time saving device for you, after all it takes you forever to copy and paste others thoughts and then put them into incoherent non related paragraphs.

    Now do yourself a favor and go clean the shit on your walls from when your head exploded, before your new "uncle" comes downstairs and paddles your ass.

  42. I Hear Voices11:52 AM

    betterman asks:

    I have to ask, what purpose does it serve to you or anyone on this blog to copy all your posts and repost them in one single post?

    Possibly "mold" is a team effort.

  43. cough hack cough copd11:55 AM

    Speaking of hypocrisy, has our Idiot-in-Chief stopped smoking?

  44. Anonymous11:56 AM

    One of the finest Westerns ever...

    I love westerns unlike wites and left behinds when daddy is ridin me like a pony he always yells yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaww ride em cowboy he even lets me keep the tv on while he diddles my butt-saddle so I can pretenderate we are playin cowboys and heffer and he is brandin my little white cow butt with his big red poker st reagen was such a cute man sometimes i dream he would have loved a little white guy like me and he could be my daddy but i just pretend now that mommies newest friend and my newest uncle is st reagen while he brands me


  45. BetterMan11:59 AM

    betterman asks:

    I have to ask, what purpose does it serve to you or anyone on this blog to copy all your posts and repost them in one single post?

    Possibly "mold" is a team effort.

    Hmmm could be, but I kinda doubt there could be a group of people that were this collectively insane and stupid. Then again you never know. The only thing I learned today from all of Molds post is that he likes cowboys.

  46. gay caballero12:03 PM

    betterman says:

    The only thing I learned today from all of Molds post is that he likes cowboys.

    No doubt his favorite is Randy Jones, the Cowboy from the Village People.

  47. BetterMan12:08 PM

    betterman says:

    The only thing I learned today from all of Molds post is that he likes cowboys.

    No doubt his favorite is Randy Jones, the Cowboy from the Village People.

    HA-HA-HA I can see him now singing YMCA and making the letters with his that is funny as hell!!1

  48. saddle sores12:11 PM

    betterman, that poor old sore mold knows how it is to feel like Ned Beatty in Deliverance. Having that feeling of wanting to put an arrow through some toothless hillbilly and swearing the gang to secrecy about the rumpus pumpus. Yeah, mold knows about that.

  49. BetterMan12:13 PM

    China furthering the big push to eliminate the dollar as a global currency, it is going to happen. We will all be swimming in yen soon.

    China -- the United States' biggest creditor -- said Washington only had itself to blame for its plight and called for a new stable global reserve currency.

    "The U.S. government has to come to terms with the painful fact that the good old days when it could just borrow its way out of messes of its own making are finally gone," China's official Xinhua news agency said in a commentary.

    After a week which saw $2.5 trillion wiped off global markets, the move deepened investors' concerns of an impending recession in the United States and over the euro zone crisis.

    In the Xinhua commentary, China scorned the United States for its "debt addiction" and "short sighted" political wrangling.

    "China, the largest creditor of the world's sole superpower, has every right now to demand the United States address its structural debt problems and ensure the safety of China's dollar assets," it said.

    It urged the United States to cut military and social welfare expenditure. Further credit downgrades would very likely undermine the world economic recovery and trigger new rounds of financial turmoil, it said.,0,389757.story

  50. "It's definitely undermined U.S. credibilit­y," Mahbubani said late Friday. "Everyone is wondering if you have such a dysfunctio­nal political process, how can you provide global leadership­. It's very dangerous for the world."

    The political process...­Let's talk about that....

  51. Xinhua said the U.S. must slash its "gigantic military expenditure and bloated social welfare costs" and accept international supervision over U.S. dollar issues.

    Last month, China's top general, Chen Bingde, also linked America's financial woes to its military budget and asked whether paring back on defense spending wouldn't be the best thing for U.S. taxpayers.

    Alls China wants is our military to go away and the way they see it will eventually - one way or another.

  52. milton friedman12:22 PM

    China says:

    It urged the United States to cut military and social welfare expenditure.

    Well, there's something disturbing about China urging the US to cut defense spending. However, a lot can be done about social welfare spending.

    Let's give all the foreclosed, empty houses to families who want to move out of public housing. I was in Detroit a few weeks ago. It's a ghost town. The cost of banks writing down the value of foreclosed empty homes is bound to be a lot less than continued support of our horrifying public housing system.

    Further credit downgrades would very likely undermine the world economic recovery and trigger new rounds of financial turmoil, it said.

    Yep. Not only are we the only Super Power policing the world militarily, we are also the island of financial safety and security.

    And Obama is willingly sacrificing both. That's the muslim in him. Anti-American, anti-Freedom to the core.

  53. Whole Lotta Seoul12:26 PM

    Wouldn't it be great if China were to seize North Korea and kick it into the same shape as the better parts of China?

    When the Chinese urge the US to cut its defense spending, they cannot possibly think the US would defend North Korea against such a beneficial change of control.

  54. O'Neill said he tried to warn Vice President Dick Cheney that growing budget deficits-expected to top $500 billion this fiscal year alone-posed a threat to the economy. Cheney cut him off. "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said, according to excerpts. Cheney continued: "We won the midterms (congressional elections). This is our due." A month later, Cheney told the Treasury secretary he was fired.

    I don't recall any Tea being brewed then.


  55. milton friedman12:42 PM

    rottnkid quotes:

    "You know, Paul, Reagan proved deficits don't matter," he said,

    It's not the deficits per se. It's the percentage of GDP.

    US debt now equals GDP. Obama has taken the last of the equity out of the economy. He's a moron.



    HELL NO!


    “Dissent is the highest form of patriotism.”

    -Howard Zinn

    “Did the black community give up its rights to make demands because the president is black?... Would it not be a sign of political maturity to put aside that Obama is the first black president and to judge by the (worsening) conditions since the election and to make demands based on that?... “

    -Kamau Franklin – Black Agenda Report

    “A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited… Everything is worse for every major Black demographic since December 2007. There is nothing to be upbeat about – except, for Obama supporters, the election 0f 2008. From that point on, a large segment of Black America became disconnected from reality, numb to their own pain and to the pain of their children. They have been singing zippidity-doo-dah while all around them Black America is in economic free-fall. These deluded Black folks have been rendered incompetent and politically useless to themselves and their families by the mere existence of a Black president. Obama's election was, besides the Great Recession itself, the worse thing that has happened to Black people in a long time.”

    -Glen Ford - Black Agenda Report

  58. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Wow...writing posts critical of me...then answering yourself. And agreeing with what you just wrote.

    Umm...why are you-all so quick to embrace your inner homosexual? Cowboy to urban gay man in a nanosecond. It does seem your worst insult is to call someone 'queer'.

    The reference escaped you...One of the finest Westerns ever...

    I did find it hi-larious for Chickenhawks to worry about the US military. How can fanboys play Risk with people when the mil is cut back?
    Yes, part of it is that they will be more active in their part of the globe. Another is that they see TaxBaggers as cowardly Chickenhawks, willing to wage long as not one precious RussertJr, Santorum, Quayle, bush, Cheney, or Koch is ever in harm's way.

    Keep trying to absolve st reagan and bush...because they said magickal words that showed they were one of the Elect, like Warren Jeffs.

    Keep eagerly gulping down the rancid ooze from TaxBaggers and being a Koch-sucker...I'm sure it did wonders for your scanty wage job and the lack of benefits, vacations, Universal, and seniority.

    Oh, Butters...I have enough Economics to work as a professional Economist. So, yes...I do know. And being 'lectured' by a person who has a decided unfamiliarity with the Theatre of the Absurd.

    Rottn, thanks for the Fact-based posts. It is nice to hear from one who doesn't see the Chinese as backward or lesser.


  59. BetterMan1:55 PM

    Oh, Butters...I have enough Economics to work as a professional Economist. So, yes...I do know. And being 'lectured' by a person who has a decided unfamiliarity with the Theatre of the Absurd.

    Rottn, thanks for the Fact-based posts. It is nice to hear from one who doesn't see the Chinese as backward or lesser.

    Ha-Ha did you decide to quit your lawyer gig? That was the last one, remember when you said you graduated Harvard and were tyring to discuss legal procedure with Field. This following your being a radio station owner, DJ, Pilot, Owner of a Manufacturing company and on and on and on you are sick dude.

    Funny how you always are an expert in everything yet cannot offer anything worth listening to when you say these things.

    So you are a professionall economist now? Is that what you call going to the mailbox for your governemnt checks?

    You said a whole bunch of nonsense, chickenhawks, St Reagan blah..blah..blah... so then tell me, if you are a professional economist by the numbers what is happening today? Why did it happen and what do you think we can do economically to turn from the cliff we are driving over? Tell me, my thoughts on the economy are absurd, ok prove it, share yours with us, only leave out your usual infantile posturing gibberish, speak dollars and sense.

    Will stand by. I predict however being the complete insane fraud you are you will come back with something like ..I gave you a hint I am not doing your work...if so, hang your head in shame castrate yourself, you are pathetic.

  60. Isn't this the same Standard & Poor's that gave some of the banks we had to bail out an A-OK as far as their credit status?

    I will stick with Fitch and Moody's for now.

    Oh, and wingnuts, one of the reasons that they (S&P) gave for dropping us to AA status was the gridlock and lack of compromise in Washington. Who do you think is most responsible for that?



  62. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Shaddup AB and put a sock in it.

  63. Thurber2:51 PM

    mold lives The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

  64. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Butters, other people read my posts and comprehend. They either respond in the appropriate manner...or boldly state what they correctly understood. You make things up...then answer only what you inventerated. Which is why I used the schoolyard Left Behind habit of calling those girls who were not interested, for whatever reason, in the Left 'lesbians'. While it could be that the Left Behind was hygienically challenged or could just be that she was not interested. Yet the Left Behind had to create a fantasy universe where the Left Behind was Queen...and ruled...and everything they said was Gospel.

    While you wail that it is unpossible for me to have done what I should not be using the nepotism and eye candy of FAUX as a standard. Why not review the CV of some of the local State College professors?
    And just because a Left Behind had one low-wage, dead-end job from high school to retirement...does not mean others were likewise.

    Real simple Econ...the TaxBaggers are liars. The Reich-wingers and wingnuts are liars. Cons are liars.
    And some beleeverate these falsehoods because then they can sneer at 'urbans' and those who they deem as lesser. Or just plain ignorance about Econ.


  65. Anonymous2:53 PM

    You are missing the correct movie/book reference. While wingnuts and Cons seem congenitally forced to vastly overstate their quals...I am understating. Hope this helped!


  66. bad debts2:55 PM

    field asks:

    Isn't this the same Standard & Poor's that gave some of the banks we had to bail out an A-OK as far as their credit status?

    Different department, entirely different analysis.

    You know, like neuro-surgery is different from cardiac surgery.

  67. jolson2:58 PM

    mold, still in black-face, still singing "Mammy".

  68. BetterMan3:05 PM

    While you wail that it is unpossible for me to have done what I should not be using the nepotism and eye candy of FAUX as a standard. Why not review the CV of some of the local State College professors?
    And just because a Left Behind had one low-wage, dead-end job from high school to retirement...does not mean others were likewise.

    Real simple Econ...the TaxBaggers are liars. The Reich-wingers and wingnuts are liars. Cons are liars.
    And some beleeverate these falsehoods because then they can sneer at 'urbans' and those who they deem as lesser. Or just plain ignorance about Econ.

    As predicted, you are a waste of time. Go away, if you see my name or an adult comment refrain from interjecting your insanity. You just said a whole lot of nothing again, what did any of that have to do with any advice you as an "economic expert" could offer, nothing.

    Piss off insane little clown boy.

  69. BetterMan3:16 PM

    Oh, and wingnuts, one of the reasons that they (S&P) gave for dropping us to AA status was the gridlock and lack of compromise in Washington. Who do you think is most responsible for that?

    Oh I dont know field, could it have been the class warfaremongering little kid democrats who wanted that blank check without any responsibility oa they started saying insane things souding just like mold -- oh my god if we dont get that blank check past the 2011 election it will change life on the planet as we know it? Could it have been the demoncrats who despite spending more in three years then all US presidents combined played politics, broke the law and did not pass a budget since Obama took office because as they said they KNEW they would get voted out for being irresponsible? Could it be the same demoncrats who not only have not passed a budget nor offered any solutions at all to the debt and spending crisis when all the teaparty people were raising concerns about spending did nothing since at least last Jan even though they controlled all branches of government? Could it be the same demoncrats who not only havent' passed a budget but have not even offered one from the Senate for over 800 Days? 2 years without even offering a budget, that is criminally irresponsible. could it be the same demoncrat president who put a budget together that was so fiscally irresponsible his own party unamimously rejected it and the CBO then found he was actually spending 2 trillion more then he proposed adding to our debt albatross? Did he go back and redraft as required by law, nope, still no budget, yet he plays a lot of golf and is campaigning and fundraising endlessly. Wheres the budget from the democratic senate with all these problems?

    When you have all of this and then some poeple say hold on, we need responsbility and a reality check here, those aren't the bad people, they are the ones that should be applauded not the little kid who has been hitting his sister for an hour until she kicks him and then he CRIES mom she hit me...thats who is responsible.

  70. You could do a headline like this:

    "FOKKKS News Racebaits Obama"

    and change the content daily.

  71. PurpleHeadedMonster3:45 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    You could do a headline like this:

    "FOKKKS News Racebaits Obama"

    and change the content daily.

    Or something like

    "Obama is incompetent so leftwing Media constantly looks to cover poor performance with false racial accusations and no one cares anymore"

  72. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You are missing the correct movie/book reference. While wingnuts and Cons seem congenitally forced to vastly overstate their quals...I am understating. Hope this helped!


    You bet you are understating you are not just nuts , you are totally fucking insane and what skills you have ninnyhammer.

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. it is truly tragic to watch al sharpton make mike dyson REGRESS into just another hobama nazi nig

    black blind racist fools are blaming EVERYONE else for what that blackish hoax hobama and his peer banksters do



  75. Anonymous5:12 PM

    field-"Isn't this the same Standard & Poor's that gave some of the banks we had to bail out an A-OK as far as their credit status?

    I will stick with Fitch and Moody's for now."

    yes it is, and it was severely criticized for its high rating on the banks. actually, it was considered part of the reason for the 2008 crash.

    S&P won't make that mistake again. but Fitch and Moody's have. It doesn't take a genius to see the political turmoil and gridlock in Congress that is going nowhere. There is an undercurrent of possibly defaulting on America's debts.

    It reminds me of the wars we engage in and the promises to stay with the country we are trying to help. But, as usual, as soon as things get a little tough, we cut and run. America has a reputation in the world as being undependable.

    Our economy is on the brink of dipping into another recession. Look for QE3 as a stimulus to keep it from going off the cliff. We need revenue growth but the GOP/Tea Party won't allow it. So the economy is rocking back and forth on the edge of a cliff....PRAY FOR A MIRACLE...because our politics is cancer.

  76. Anonymous5:29 PM

    I dont know what everyone is talking about, what economy problem? Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, head of the Democratic National Committee, assures us the economy has turned the corner. So it's all good, or do you think this is more democratic balogna?

  77. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Butters, I noticed you neglected to offer any proof of your claim to Economic literacy. All you did was stick a self-made post-it on you...with the word 'adult'. Is that like other magickal Saul, Alinsky, Librul, Jew?

    You are doing classic 'sour grapes'. If you don't understand, just ask for clarifications...or take the course in your local accredited community college. You mistake urging you to excellence (not the fake ManDumpling kind) as dismissive of you as a person. No. It is asking you to join the literate adults.

    How about it? Care to undertake the work so abhorred by wingnuts and Cons?


  78. Anonymous5:45 PM

    If you wonder about DWS, check out the local bloggers from her district. See who gives her 'campaign contributions'. That should enlighten you.


  79. BetterMan6:12 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Butters, I noticed you neglected to offer any proof of your claim to Economic literacy. All you did was stick a self-made post-it on you...with the word 'adult'. Is that like other magickal Saul, Alinsky, Librul, Jew?

    Hey dickface, didnt I tell you when you see my name to ignore it?
    Do so immediately. Turn off the radio station that you own and DJ on, Leave the corporate office where you own the company and run manufacturing assemblies, drive to the airport in your limousine as the limo driver, go through TSA and check yourself as you used to be security, hop onto your plane that you own and are the pilot of, go to your law office that you have opened since you graduated from harvard and specialized in criminal law and know statistics so well and then fire up your pc and start trading as you also were a stockbroker and commodities trader and use the vast knowledge you also have as an Economic advisor to make money on the market

    You fucking fruitcake you -- don't even look at my name online from here on. Go back to stalking AB and everyone else, sorry AB but I know you will also put this nutjob in his place.

  80. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Butters, all I did was encourage you to take a class. Why is that so distressing?
    Rather than focus on what I've done...create your own life.

    AB, the wite dude, never could...put me in my 'place'. Odd that you feel a need to shut off an 'uppity' woman. Is it the refusal to defer, the asking for proof, or my obvious nature?

    Offer still stands, hie thee to a University!


  81. Anonymous6:48 PM

    As Atrios points out, we've lost 500,000 public sector jobs since July 2009, the point at which the graph starts. (With more to come, obviously.)

    So two points: First, as Media Matters notes, the claim that the Recovery Act hurts the private sector is false:

    [T]he private economy has actually gained 1.2 million jobs net since the Recovery Act took effect[.]

    Second, if you follow 1930's hard-right economists like Hayek and Schumpeter and take Mellon's advice — to liquidate everyone and let the work of the Depression complete itself — what you're seeing in that chart is a good thing.

    [L]iquidate labor, liquidate stocks, liquidate farmers, liquidate real estate… it will purge the rottenness out of the system. High costs of living and high living will come down. People will work harder, live a more moral life. Values will be adjusted, and enterprising people will pick up from less competent people.

    The dismantlement of government is a feature, not a bug, and it's understood that the process will be painful, even wrenching. Just as the dismantlement of the safety net will be wrenching (witness the Dow this week). It's just the price of doing the damage that needs doing. (Besides, all the really smart money is in Treasuries, not stocks. Dimmo Congressman Eric Cantor shorted the wrong market!)

    My little secret (shh) — The NeoLibs and Movement Conservatives, if they succeed, will get exactly what would have happened in 1932 if FDR hadn't been elected (not referencing Black; note Roosevelt's 1936 Syracuse speech). I think they think they're prepared for that, what with NSA and hard-core cops (public and private) everywhere. But as they say, the best laid plans, etc. Bummer that, for all of us.



  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. BetterMan said...
    You fucking fruitcake you -- don't even look at my name online from here on. Go back to stalking AB and everyone else, sorry AB but I know you will also put this nutjob in his place

    The reason "mold" continues to spread "spores" all over this place is because normal posters respond to it as if it doesn't spaz out and become vdlr/vulgar assnon.

    Personally, I'm a Black/White person, you either agree with this nonworking, lifeless psycho, or you don't. So, regularly responding to the vulgar psycho = I'm a vulgar psycho too. And in the meantime, the "spores" continue to "germinate" and "grow".

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Prex Obama's reelection bid is TOAST!!! He should have taken MY advice and either: 1) Ran in 2012 for the FIRST time or 2) Made history then got the hell out of dodge!

  86. Anonymous7:21 PM

    field if you and al"twana brawly" sharpton are what passes for leader ship among negroes you are f#* have stuck your self to a third generation commie traitor who, with the help of the national socialist workers party,are destroying being a foreigner and not a real american can always run home but the rest of us will have to clean up the mess he makes.that will mean no more hand outs, it is going to be no work no eat. when we get that fraud out of the white house we will want to send the traitor to negro college.

  87. "you have stuck your self to a third generation commie traitor who, with the help of the national socialist workers party,are destroying america..."

    Nope, sorry, unfortunately he is not a Socialist. He is somewhat of a right leaning centrist. This is why what you are predicting might actually happen. :)

    What we need in this country is a good old fashioned Socialist revolution.

  88. milton friedman8:04 PM

    field says:

    What we need in this country is a good old fashioned Socialist revolution.

    Yeah, because we know how well the revolutions worked out in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam.

    And we know how much the Chinese want to go all out with their capitalist experiment because it's taken them so far so fast.

    I hope you realize that in 1980, the GDP of Haiti was larger than the GDP of China. These days the Chinese are hot on our trail, and they owe it all to capitalism.

    Meawnhile, Haiti is still a mess.

  89. Anonymous8:22 PM

    "Yeah, because we know how well the revolutions worked out in the Soviet Union, Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam."

    you are confused what socialism is. One thing for sure, Capitalism isn't working for the masses. It works only for the few.

  90. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Does anybody remember the name of the sister who lives in Japan?

  91. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Mr. Field, FYI:

    I hope you will buy gold to offset your portfolio which is 'definitely' headed to hell. Thank your Congress and Obama. No one is innocent, including the American Voter who voted in the Tea Party last November.

    Like Putin said last week: "The world is quite sick of America."

    So am I. The 2008 crash, the insanity of Congress and now a credit downgrade, which I predict Fitch and Moody's will follow shortly after Congress returns. Those fools won't make things better they will make things worse...yep we are headed to hell.

    Personally, I think there is more going on than we can see that Obama and Congress is keeping to themselves for their own enrichment.

    Watch your portfolio, Mr. Field.

  92. Our world credit is downgraded, a bunch of our soldiers dead in Afghanistan, the president having a hip hop, blacks are beating white "folk" in Wisconsin, Fields hiding behind someones skirt and reporting more racist trash. Go ahead and give it your best shot folks, I can take it!

  93. Anonymous9:32 PM

    UncaMiltie, maybe you hadn't noticed...but China hasn't elected any wingnuts lately.
    Cuban citizens have Universal, free education, exemplary longevity...and this is with the US attempting regime change on a constant basis.
    VietNam is doing pretty good. Oh, you mean the reaction to the Catholic ruling cadre. For that I will defer to the poster with the 'kicking the dog' metaphor.
    North Korea is not is aristocratic. Sort of what happens when Dan Quayle is Dear Leader...followed by Ben Quayle.
    Russia does pretty well. You should read some real History to understand.
    The Chinese regulate their market...and the US is kept at arms length...unlike Haiti.

    Putin is one smart dude. Not only did he allude to the US invasion of Russia to protect plutocrats...he let all the others bullied by US interests identify with him. The abuelto in Cuba who can't visit because some rich whiners miss their servants/slaves. The Viet who was bombed for Kissingers Viagra. The peasants murdered by US supported death squads. The Iranians who watched as Mossadegh was removed by the US. The Germans and Japanese who could not bring criminals to justice...and had to endure decades of boors.
    Yeah, our elders saved the world in WWII. And everyone thanks them. They don't feel any need to be grateful to the morons who vote for Bachmann.


  94. Anonymous9:38 PM

    dear rainywalker, you are not alone. I agree with you. Unfortunately I am in the minority on FN blog. You might say I am a black minority in a black minority...a double minority. They label Blacks like me uncle tom but I could get a fat rats ass.

    Look for those kiss-ass FN Negroes like Mack and PilotX to attack.

  95. Anonymous9:38 PM

    rainy, if the prediction of this blogger comes to pass.. will rue your words.
    I have looked at the Wisconsin 'riot'...and wonder why so many people are pushing the 'race war' idiocy. Maybe they wants to fire guns at unarmed citizens.
    me, I want the little ruffians arrested, adjudicated, and disciplined according to Law.
    Compare that to what the Cons are asking to occur.


  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. rainywalker said...
    Our world credit is downgraded, a bunch of our soldiers dead in Afghanistan, the president having a hip hop, blacks are beating white "folk" in Wisconsin, Fields hiding behind someones skirt and reporting more racist trash. Go ahead and give it your best shot folks, I can take it!

    Oh it's like that??

    Well then let me add that unemployment for black men is in the 20+% range, more Blacks than whites have had their homes foreclosed on, and I work with a white woman who has a 2 year degree, making more money than I do with 2 Master's degrees.DOING THE SAME DAMN JOB!!!!!!!!

  99. Anonymous9:49 PM

    "Our world credit is downgraded, a bunch of our soldiers dead in Afghanistan, the president having a hip hop, blacks are beating white "folk" in Wisconsin, Fields hiding behind someones skirt and reporting more racist trash."

    Wisconsin isn't the only place where this has happened. Even Field posted about it happening in Philly....several times! There are more. I find it strange that the media isn't reporting this, if nothing else for white innocent citizens protection.

    Btw, these are the future of the black race...violent, corrupt and heartless.

  100. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Dr. Q said, "is in the 20+% range, more Blacks than whites have had their homes foreclosed on, and I work with a white woman who has a 2 year degree, making more money than I do with 2 Master's degrees.DOING THE SAME DAMN JOB!!!!!!!!"

    You forgot to mention that she had more experience and has been working much longer than you have.

    And if it is true, then why are you so busy getting degree after degree when all you need is a 2-yr degree? Maybe you should consider leaving and finding another job.

    Rainwalker is right. Those thugs are attacking and beating people in the streets and I want to see their black asses put away. FYI: I AM Black but wrong is wrong.

    Unemployment? the irony the high unemployment is happening under a black President. That is UNCONSCIONABLE, but typical how we treat each other.

  101. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Gosh, whatever will we do with those violent, drunken, incestual Irish? Or those smelly, odd food eating Italians? Or....
    Keep trying to make it racial. It is funny to watch.

    DrQ, how does a white make more than you? Are your degrees out-of-field?


  102. "Our world credit is downgraded, a bunch of our soldiers dead in Afghanistan, the president having a hip hop, blacks are beating white "folk" in Wisconsin"

    Rainy, it sounds like A-merry-ca in the sixties. Just replace Afghanistan with Vietnam, Wisconsin with Alabama, whites beating blacks, and...wallah! Same old same old.

    "The more things change is the more they stay the same." Just history repeating itself. Relax, you and the republic will be fine.
    We just didn't have FOX back them to tell us about the evil "hip hop" parties.

  103. "Rainwalker is right. Those thugs are attacking and beating people in the streets and I want to see their black asses put away. FYI: I AM Black but wrong is wrong."

    You are still black? I thought the Hispanics drafted you? Did they leave you undrafted? Oh my!

    I know a few Asians, let me put in a call for you.

  104. Anonymous10:04 PM

    If this is the 60s, where are the DFHs? We have plenty of closeted gays with bow ties...and Chickenhawks...but no Hippies.


  105. Anonymous10:09 PM

    "You are still black? I thought the Hispanics drafted you? Did they leave you undrafted? Oh my!"

    That's it. I'll teach you to mess with me. I'm becoming Jamaican.

  106. Anonymous10:40 PM

    field negro said...
    "The more things change is the more they stay the same." Just history repeating itself. Relax, you and the republic will be fine.
    We just didn't have FOX back them to tell us about the evil "hip hop" parties.
    Hahaha! I see you're feeling better! That's good!:)))

  107. "You are still black? I thought the Hispanics drafted you? Did they leave you undrafted? Oh my!"

    That's it. I'll teach you to mess with me. I'm becoming Jamaican."

    Oh Lawd! Sipping some ganga tea.

  108. Anonymous said...
    You forgot to mention that she had more experience and has been working much longer than you have.

    Yes, she has more experience at this organization than I do, but not as much overall job experience.

    But that's not my point. If our races were reversed, this would NOT be the case. And I know PLENTY of black men and women working with the feds in similar situations as I'm in.

    The BIG difference between me and the white chick is that 5 years from now, I'll be in the middle of med school, and her 2 year degree having ass will STILL be at this organization.


  109. Anonymous11:32 PM

    "The BIG difference between me and the white chick is that 5 years from now, I'll be in the middle of med school, and her 2 year degree having ass will STILL be at this organization.


    Haven't you heard? folks with degrees are w/o jobs today.

  110. Anonymous8:54 AM

    field i must tell you that there is no difference between marxism,communism,socialism,nazism,progressives they all lead to a loss of freedom and bring poverty.commies and muslims are the leading mass that what you want?

  111. Demitri Kornegay6:50 AM

    I have two questions and two questions only- How many birthday parties have been held at the White House for previous President's birthdays that had all White guests and did anyone, media or public, complain or write about that?
