Thursday, August 04, 2011

The Dow drops, and thugs in Philly try to drop some passengers on a bus.

I tried calling my broker twice today but the son of a b&^%% wont return my call. I guess he has been a bit busy of late. 512 POINTS?!! WTF?!!

I am looking over my financial statement and my investments are allocated with Fidelity Freedom. I am loaded up on Vanguard and Harbor Capital with my U.S. Stock Funds. With Dodge & Cox and European Pacific Growth Fund with my international stocks, and none of it makes a damn bit of difference because they are all sinking fast. And you know who I blame for this? You stinking wingnuts! Spooking the markets by putting a gun to our heads,daring us to blink, and screaming that the sky is falling. This is all on you. But I am sure that this is just how you wanted it. If the markets are down, birthday boy looks bad, and his presidency goes bye bye. Nice.

Still, unlike a lot of other investors, I am not going to panic. I am going to ride this thing out. I have done it before. I trust my portfolio....for now.

Anyway, enough about money. Now for some more serious stuff.

I will set it all up for you: Woman is on a bus with her toddler. She starts beating the little rugrat and a passenger in the bus ( a young black male) decides to intervene and tell her that she should check herself and the way she goes about handling her business. Girlfriend takes offense, gets on her cell phone, and calls her crew to meet her at the bus stop.

This is what followed: (Watch the video with this link)

I wish I could comment some more on this story, but you all know the drill; for reasons beyond my control I just can't. *chomping at the bit*


  1. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Watched the vid. Seems like unfit Mom and her crew should all be guests of PA for a while. Hope they like what Corbett has planned to save money.


  2. Anonymous7:22 PM

    So Mr. Field, that Anon that advised you about the stocks falling on the last or next to last thread was right? I remember he said stick to gold...hmmmmmm.
    I don't know much about stocks, but maybe one should panic and sell? Aren't there advisers for this type of thing? :O

  3. "And you know who I blame for this? You stinking wingnuts! Spooking the markets by putting a gun to our heads,daring us to blink, and screaming that the sky is falling. This is all on you."

    The fear of a global economic slowdown and bad unemployment numbers plays no part in the Dow drop.

    NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


    ITS SARAH PALIN!!!!!!!1

    ITS FOX NEWS!!!!!!!1



  4. Anonymous7:31 PM

    The stocks falling was a direct result of the Austerian policies being implemented. While the TaxBaggers dance with glee over the concept of 'undeserving urban poor' being even more 'sacrificial' also means the Demand drops. Duh. Keynes was correct.

    As far as gold, it is more a bubble driven by wite dudes who are unable to comprehend money. Gold fits their need to stroke their cash. Often.

    Although I think their survivalist fantasy is a nice, harmless hobby...if they were serious they would do better to review the history of economic collapses.


  5. Anonymous7:31 PM

    It's a miracle the bus driver didn't have a collision!

  6. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Why those lovable Nazi TaxBaggers are just harmless ManDumplings (unless you are an underage Dominican boy). Their attempt to push the US into insolvency is only a cute and darling prank. Like placing red-hot coat hanger wire on the genitals of frat pledges...or waterboarding goat herders.
    Sorry, I lost what grudging respect I could muster for Beck when he equated murdered children in Norway with Hitler if that justified the killing.

    You brought in the diversion. Is there a reason to deflect attention from the morons who desperately wanted to end the eveel Federal Government? What is gained by yelling for us to not remember who the Goobers are?
    Political partisanship is expected...ruining OUR government is not. Whine about eveel Libruls offering US citizens equal standing under Law all you seems the TaxBagggers want to make this Somalia West.


  7. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Desertflower, have to give props to the driver...getting out of there was not an easy task. Thank FSM no one was injured or killed.


  8. What a waste of human potential, and then there's the Philly story too.

  9. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "Desertflower, have to give props to the driver...getting out of there was not an easy task. Thank FSM no one was injured or killed.

    Yes, he really kept his cool in the face of danger! He must be scared to go to work now!

  10. Yeah, the driver. Good thinking under fire.

  11. dirty harry8:13 PM

    Hey, where I live, in New White City, those things happen every day. Every day groups of white thugs point their guns at other white people, and sometimes they shoot them.

    A couple of days ago, one of my white brothers robbed a woman sitting in her wheelchair. There was a security-camera video that caught the action.

    One of these days I'm going to have to move somewhere safe, like Somalia.

  12. blackhawk8:18 PM

    desertflower says:

    Yes, he really kept his cool in the face of danger! He must be scared to go to work now!

    Yeah, I heard he asked to be reactivated so he could return to his Army unit, driving a Humvee in Afghanistan.

  13. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The wingnuts are all WATBs over the drop...trying to pin the entire mess on Obama. Strange, given that just before they were begging for the Austerian sacrifices to be made...for the 'good of the country'. Maybe they beleeverated all the pain would be borne by the icky poor 'urbans'...not the Galtian Troo Beleevers in Fwee Markets.
    Though, this was predicted by those nasty Liberal-biased Fact-using Lefties. Wonder why they have been more accurate and have better stats?


  14. Keep blaming the few with no power.Keep those left talking points coming.

    Meanwhile,back on earth,we're on the verge of global panic.Obama keeps diddling.Our media offers no facts,instead choosing pro wrestling like coverage of politics and our fiscal crisis.

  15. milton friedman8:31 PM

    field says:

    And you know who I blame for this? You stinking wingnuts!

    Sorry bonehead. This is a response to Obama loading too much debt on the balance sheet of the US -- without letting the economy exploit new opportunities to generate more revenue -- like opening up more territory for oil drillinng, and by cutting taxes on money earned by US corporations in other countries.

    Spooking the markets by putting a gun to our heads,daring us to blink, and screaming that the sky is falling.

    The US is now as leveraged as the homeowners who borrowed 100% of the purchase price for the homes on which they later defaulted.

    This is all on you. But I am sure that this is just how you wanted it.

    So you're one of the nitwits who believes that everyone who buys and sells stocks somehow gains when the markets fall and economies around the world grow weaker.

    If the markets are down, birthday boy looks bad, and his presidency goes bye bye. Nice.

    Here we have the sign of the ultimate paranoia. Over the last couple of weeks, the value of the US stock markets has dropped by $1.1 TRILLION, and you think it's a white conspiracy to unseat Obama.

    You are delusional.

    But it is true that markets respond to the amound of free reserves in an economy, and given the fact that QE2 is over, there's not a lot of free reserves around in the US economy.

    Why? Lousy political leadership. Obama is a bigger impediment to economic expansion than Jimmy Carter ever was.

  16. I remember he said stick to gold...hmmmmmm.
    I don't know much about stocks, but maybe one should panic and sell? Aren't there advisers for this type of thing.."

    No Desertflower, he was wrong. Gold is a short term fix. I am going to ride it out. The wingntus can't call the shots forever. :)

    Yes the bus driver was all that. I think dude drove straight to the hospital.

    He was actually my FNOTD when this happened a few months ago.

    "Hey, where I live, in New White City, those things happen every day. Every day groups of white thugs point their guns at other white people, and sometimes they shoot them.

    A couple of days ago, one of my white brothers robbed a woman sitting in her wheelchair. There was a security-camera video that caught the action."

    You must live on Wall Street.

  17. Anonymous8:34 PM

    We are saddled with the MOST incompetent president at the most inopportune time. We will suffer the consequences of falling for a line and 53 million people wishin' and a hopin' for hopey and changey.

  18. milton fraud-man, you sound like this wingnut I knew once.;)

    Here we have the sign of the ultimate paranoia. Over the last couple of weeks, the value of the US stock markets has dropped by $1.1 TRILLION, and you think it's a white conspiracy to unseat Obama."

    Who said anything about a "white conspiracy"? That's a "Freudian slip" if I ever heard one.

  19. moneybags8:46 PM

    field says: investments are allocated with Fidelity Freedom. I am loaded up on Vanguard and Harbor Capital with my U.S. Stock Funds. With Dodge & Cox and European Pacific Growth Fund with my international stocks...

    What about those Jamaican money managers? Or are they in Africa? I forget. Yeah, maybe they're Nigerians. Yeah, those Nigerians, they know how to manage money, being stock market geniuses, the way they are. Yeah.

    They're always sending me letters about giving me millions if I'll just sign for the money. I guess they have too much of it and it takes up too much space, so they want me to have some of it.

    ...and none of it makes a damn bit of difference because they are all sinking fast.

    Yeah, sinking, until the markets start to rebound which will happen when the White House is occupied by someone who understands where money comes from.

    Obama could be that person -- if he has a brain transplant. But as long as he sticks with his economic policies, the US is in trouble, and by extension, the world is also in jeopardy.

  20. milton friedman8:53 PM

    field says:

    Who said anything about a "white conspiracy"? That's a "Freudian slip" if I ever heard one.

    White conspiracy? You said it -- And you know who I blame for this? You stinking wingnuts!

    If there are more than one or two "wingnuts" who are black, that's news to me.

    Meanwhile, ALL stockmarket decisions are made by whites. Hence, if you believe the market was moved deliberately to mar Obama's birthday, then you are stating it was the work of whites who wanted to ruin his day.

    However, I do hope Obama is sane enough to admit he needs to try an entirely new way to stimulate the economy. A way that includes unleashing corporate expansion even if it means ignoring a lot of his idealistic nonsense about how the world "ought" to operate.

  21. "What about those Jamaican money managers?"

    Funny you should say that. Let me introduce you to my friend, Michael Chin.

  22. mencken9:14 PM

    The Power of Bad Ideas

    What we've got here is far worse than a failure to communicate.

    There was drama at the White House this week when a man tried to hurl himself over the fence. But the Secret Service intervened and talked the president into going back inside and finishing his term.

    That's from Conan O'Brien's monologue the other night.
    It captures the moment pretty well.

    Mr. Obama's poll numbers continue to fall, his position in the battleground states to deteriorate. From Politico: "Obama emerges from the months-long [debt ceiling] fracas weaker—and facing much deeper and more durable political obstacles—than his own advisers ever imagined."

    The president seemed to admit as much when he met with supporters at a fund-raiser in Chicago. "When I said 'Change we can believe in,' I didn't say, 'Change we can believe in tomorrow.' Not 'Change we can believe in next week.' We knew this was going to take time." When presidents talk like that, they're saying: This isn't working.

    One fact emerged rather starkly during the crisis, and it will likely have implications in the coming year. It is that the president misunderstands himself as a political figure.

    Specifically, he misunderstands his rhetorical powers. He thinks they are huge. They are not. They are limited.

  23. milton friedman9:25 PM

    Michael Lee Chin:

    Yeah, a Chinese Jamaican who's lived most of his life in Canada.

    In the late 1980s, AIC suffered from a collapse in the real estate market, in which it had invested. It recovered throughout the early 1990s by maintaining investments in large groups, such as Merrill Lynch and TD bank (formerly Toronto Dominion).

    This caused investments to grow from US$8 million in 1990 to nearly US$8 billion by 1998.

    Do you understand what the preceding means? I'll tell you. It means that money from investors was steered into his hands because he says he's black.

    Clearly he was allocated those funds on the basis of racial set-asides -- not investment success.

  24. milton friedman9:27 PM

    On October 5, 2006, Lee-Chin announced his resignation as CEO of AIC, to be replaced by Jonathan Wellum, AIC's chief investment officer.

    That's business talk for "he got fired."

  25. I don't think President Obama has an economic policy. He has Summers (who says women are genetically science challenged), and then he has Timothy Geithner, who is on the merry-go-round of his klan making policy and benefiting from it financially, even as others suffer.

    Obama has been ill-advised. He didn't know anything about the economy and he went with the same white men (Summers) who wanted to deregulate derivatives under the Clinton Administration. Derivatives were eventually deregulated and that led to the economic crises. So, why bring Summers back to the White House? Just because he worked for Clinton (before he insulted all women with his rant about women being genetically under-performers).

    Obama should have brought Robert Reich
    back to Washington to make economic policy. Robert Reich was the leftist in the Clinton Cabinet and ultimately resigned when Clinton took stock of a new Republican House majority and Clinton dodged to the right, cutting benefits for poor people, to avoid losing his job in the 1996 Presidential Election.

    If Obama gets re-elected then this asinine, bone-headed budget deal might look like a political winner. With the Dow going down 500 points it seems more likely to me that the "deal" just made will further destroy the economy (of the American people) and make it impossible for Obama to get re-elected.

    The only hope now is that Sarah Palin runs for president and the Republican Party nominates her, so that those who voted for Obama in 2008 will see a real scary reason to vote for Obama again in 2012.

  26. I hate to disappoint you, but I think the bus drive did what all bus drivers do. When the riders who wanted to get off of the bus got off, he closed the door and drove away. There's nothing exceptional about that.

    It just so happens that the habits of bus drivers in general coincided with the health needs (survival) of those who were still on the bus.

    A hero would have perceived the danger and driven past the stop without stopping, where the men were waiting with guns drawn.

    A hero would not have stopped his bus in such an abnormally and unusually dangerous place. EVERY bus driver who sees men with guns drawn should drive past that bus stop in order to save the lives of the people on the bus.

  27. Anonymous9:55 PM

    "Hey, where I live, in New White City, those things happen every day. Every day groups of white thugs point their guns at other white people, and sometimes they shoot them."

    Oh. I didn't know you lived in Albania.

  28. Damn dude, maybe I don't want to hang out in Philly afterall. I'm safer here in Chicago. Now that's some new bull, shooting a whole bus because your woman's paranting skills were challenged. Then those punls run off like little girls. Do I need to bring my own water because there's something in the taps in Philly.

  29. Anonymous10:43 PM

    field negro said...
    "No Desertflower, he was wrong. Gold is a short term fix. I am going to ride it out. The wingntus can't call the shots forever. :)"
    I certainly hope everything returns to normalcy soon! :)

  30. Anonymous10:46 PM

    field negro said...
    "You must live on Wall Street."
    LOL! Yup, true dat!

  31. Anonymous10:49 PM

    You seem to forget that 0bama had no plan and the Democrats haven't passed a budget in over 800 days. Most of that time they had a supermajority.
    You gotta stop parroting liberal talking points and think for yourself.
    The markets dropped primarily because of comments made by the EU President.
    There are no Euro reserves left and it looks like Italy & Spain will probably need a bailout. That's "the straw" that spooked the markets

  32. "Mr. Obama's poll numbers continue to fall, his position in the battleground states to deteriorate. From Politico: "Obama emerges from the months-long [debt ceiling] fracas weaker—and facing much deeper and more durable political obstacles—than his own advisers ever imagined."

    Blah blah blah....we will see come Nov. 2012. BTW, dd anyone find out anything more about that company that slipped that cool mil to Mitt?
    Oh wait, we can't find out anything, because it wasn't a real company. Carry on.

    "Do you understand what the preceding means? I'll tell you. It means that money from investors was steered into his hands because he says he's black."

    Hater! :)

  33. PilotX, don't let a few bad apples scare you away from my fair city. Most of them can't even shoot straight.:)

  34. PilotX said...
    Damn dude, maybe I don't want to hang out in Philly afterall. I'm safer here in Chicago...

    I feel ya homey. In Richmond VA they don't play, and they will shoot your ass, but the one thing Street Pirates (Thanks CF) don't do is shoot up buses up full of people.

  35. There's a fly in my mint julip11:20 PM

    "New tax data from the Internal Revenue service shows that in 2009, incomes fell, unemployment claims rose, and the U.S. economy shed nearly two million taxpayers.

    And of the 235,413 taxpayers who earned $1 million or more in 2009, 1,470 of them paid no taxes."

  36. 'Excuse me madam, you're in restricted airspace':

    Officials scramble two F-16 fighter jets to intercept pilot, 75, in kit plane
    Myrtle Rose, 75, was flying her Kitfox Model 2 in Illinois

    But she entered restricted airspace during Obama visit
    F-16 fighter jets scrambled because she had no radio

    You can imagine the surprise on the 75-year-old woman’s face when a flight in her kit aeroplane was interrupted by two F-16 fighter jets.
    But the Kitfox Model 2 being flown by Myrtle Rose had entered restricted airspace during President Barack Obama's visit to Chicago this week.
    Defence officials scrambled the jets when air traffic controllers could not contact Ms Rose, of South Barrington, Illinois, as she had no radio.

    Is this like getting pulled over with busted tags?

    Legal opinions please

  37. Someone gives you grief about your parenting, and you call a hit squad on him?

    I feel bad for the kid. Things going the way they are, he's not gonna be seeing his momma for a long time behind this shit.

  38. "Is this like getting pulled over with busted tags?

    Legal opinions please"

    An old lady drifting into restricted airspace with a hobby plane and no radio? That's gonna be treated like a minor annoyance. I wonder if anyone bothered to tell her about the restricted airspace.

  39. mellaneous12:14 AM

    Field that video was deep. The inner city is producing just what its supposed to produce . You could call the craziness that craziness produced.

    Think about you had poor parenting, you were poor, you have low self esteem,you have poor to little education, you have little hope of finding a real job (even the folks who jumped through the hoops are struggling) you have no idea who you are and what you come from, no appreciation for the ancestors or your elders, you feel like you don't count anyway, people don't have much expectation of you, you watch the most violent TV, the most violent movies, listen to the most vile,violent and mysogynistic genre of HIp Hop, you know that the majority of society sees you as second class and you live in jungle like survival of the fittest like circumstances.

    So PRESTO the worst of them act like their environment dictates and we are surprised.

    I am not surprised any more by the craziness I see in the hood just as I am no longer shocked by the mayhem carried out in the name of US imperialism. They both convey a real sickness.

    @ Francis Holland -
    you are guilty of doing what a lot of apologists for Obama and that is pretend that he was just influenced by some other sinister force.

    Its a a fairy tale. Obama knows exactly what he is doing its why he chose Summers in the first place.

    Man you are in Brazil and you still trying to pretend this stuff is real. The economic policies of this country has nothing to do with uplifting the people. Its only interested in supporting the ruling rich, the multinationals, the big banks, the defense industry and its lackeys.

    Come on Man!

  40. dirty harry12:37 AM

    mellaneous writes:

    So PRESTO the worst of them act like their environment dictates and we are surprised.

    Surprised? Who's surprised. We're resigned to it. It's what we have come to expect -- from blacks. And they always deliver.

    By the way, with cell phone tracking being what it is, the cops should have no trouble tracing the call made by the woman on the bus to the punk thugs with the guns.

    Let's hope field shows the round-up and the perp-walk of these dirtbags who are such brave defenders of women who beat children that a gang of them terrorize one black guy who was looking out for a black child.

    That's blacks for you. Slinging guns in response to a comment from one person. Most likely the father of that child getting the beating was one of the gangsters.

    I wonder if he beats the kid too? Who pays for the kid's well being? Okay, we know it's the kindly taxpayers, who want nothing more than to know the baby daddy has a Glock 9mm and maybe an automatic rifle to point at passengers on a city bus.

    Parts of Philadelphia are descending to the depths of darkest Africa.

  41. mellaneous12:56 AM

    I see that Slappy got tired of being ignored so now he tries disguises

    But his faulty economics disguised as a know it all economist and his rabid racism gives it away.

    That some kind of mighty self hate. Because nobody could have that much unearned hatred without first hating themselves.

    The worst African is better than him any day!

  42. "Parts of Philadelphia are descending to the depths of darkest Africa."

    Because Africa is just filled with violent savages waiting to either strike out at unsuspecting whites or be tamed with the firm hand of the white man.

    Seriously, you guys should learn how to better veil your bigotry. People can see clear through this shit.

  43. Anonymous3:33 AM

    PT 2:
    Do yourself a favor, Mr. Field: At LEAST ask your broker his opinion about having Gold as a small percent in your overall portfolio. I will be very surprised if he recommends against it. If he does, you need to get another broker. You need one who returns your calls anyway. (Generally 5-10% Gold in an investor's portfolio is recommended.)

    We’re in a financial meltdown, Mr. Field. The dollar is on its way to who knows where, but it looks like it might be to hell. The Euro is certainly on its way to hell; equities are being sold off… Gold is in many investors’ portfolios that’s providing some balance and stability.

    Well, I have said all I can say to you regarding this matter, Mr. Field. Whatever your decision may be, I wish you good luck.

  44. Anonymous3:46 AM

    those people are savages plain as phukkin day mellanus was rite about one thing the cities is designed to make its denizens stoopid and feral

  45. Anonymous3:48 AM

    333 anon is rite gold keeps climbing if u can afford it invest in some precious metals and if ure afraid then hoard some silver coins they are easier to trade on open market and maintain their value longer more stability in some sense specially against the dollar also there was a push for copper a few weeks ago

  46. Hey Field, those parts of Philly aren't descending into "deepest, darkest Nigge...ahem...Africa", are they? I hate to have to hire a crew of armed white South Africans to keep me safe when I visit. I'd use those Teabaggers, but they'd probably turn on a brown-skinned feller like me.

    Go ahead and tweet me on Twitter sometime.

  47. Anonymous4:04 AM

    PT 1:
    Desertflower, "So Mr. Field, that Anon that advised you about the stocks falling on the last or next to last thread was right? I remember he said stick to gold...hmmmmmm. “

    Field replied, "No Desertflower, he was wrong. Gold is a short-term fix. I am going to ride it out. The wingntus can't call the shots forever. :)"

    Mr. Field, FYI: Gold is NOT a short-term fix. It has not been a short-term fix, for many many years. Today it is considered not only a "safe haven" for investors, but is also considered ‘currency’-everywhere.

    Mr. Field, times have changed, not only because of poor economic and financial conditions worldwide, but trading. Few investors buy and hold and ‘ride it out’ anymore, unless they are 25-30 years old. But Mr. Field, you are 50+! Mr. Field. at your age, it’s quite risky these days to buy and hold.

    Mr. Field, I am afraid this ride to below 11,000 on the Dow isn’t going to be very pleasant for you because this down draft might be only half-way finished. There will be a couple of bounces along the way, but it will be short-lived. You see, there are investors stuck in this carnage, who are waiting to get out whenever there is a bounce up. This of course, causes a sharp reversal, and sends the market lower. In short, Mr. Field, Investors are selling and going to cash- and gold… And that is WHY your broker was so busy today. His investors were calling to cash out. .Afterall, who can trust a market that our present Congress has played a big role in?

  48. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Mack, "Because Africa is just filled with violent savages waiting to either strike out at unsuspecting whites or be tamed with the firm hand of the white man."

    All you do is attack people who are voicing a concern. I am Black and when I see Negroes at a bus stop with guns and auto -matic weapons, I think Philly has dropped into a black hole of vicious animals. This IS 2011! It ain't the days of Al Capone.

    What the hell is the matter with you? Are you condoning the actions of those terrorizing Negroes? They are beasts, and I won't defend them. Nor will I defend that sick ass bw who was beating her child.

    I will uphold what the brother did to stop her from hurting her own child.

    We are one sick violent race. And we have people like YOU defending that crap.

  49. Anonymous4:16 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Field that video was deep. The inner city is producing just what its supposed to produce . You could call the craziness that craziness produced.

    Think about you had poor parenting, you were poor, you have low self esteem,you have poor to little education, you have little hope of finding a real job (even the folks who jumped through the hoops are struggling) you have no idea who you are and what you come from, no appreciation for the ancestors or your elders, you feel like you don't count anyway, people don't have much expectation of you, you watch the most violent TV, the most violent movies, listen to the most vile,violent and mysogynistic genre of HIp Hop, you know that the majority of society sees you as second class and you live in jungle like survival of the fittest like circumstances.

    So PRESTO the worst of them act like their environment dictates and we are surprised.

    I am not surprised any more by the craziness I see in the hood just as I am no longer shocked by the mayhem carried out in the name of US imperialism. They both convey a real sickness.

    The causes are clear and evident wherever there are blacks. Everywhere there are blacks.
    IQ, aggressiveness and propensity for violence most certainly are genetic and most certainly are not randomly and evenly distributed without regard to race. Yes black culture and government dependence are also problems but I would say that hyper-masculine black culture is a byproduct of hyper-masculine black genetics.

    Ask yourself this...Why did Chinese calligraphy start in China 3,000 years ago and not in Africa 3,000 years ago? Why did we have astronomy and mathematics in the white Middle East 3,000 years ago and not in black Africa?

    Why are all these flash robs and flash mobs turning the word "youths" into another way of saying Blacks ?

  50. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Field, "PilotX, don't let a few bad apples scare you away from my fair city. Most of them can't even shoot straight.:)"

    Field, when was the last time you checked your Killadelphia Meter? It seems low.

  51. "All you do is attack people who are voicing a concern."

    No. I attack those who throw out racial innuendo under the cover of "voicing a concern".

    "We are one sick violent race. And we have people like YOU defending that crap."

    You have me mistaken, sunshine. I don't defend this bullshit. Neither do I defend shit like this:

    "The causes are clear and evident wherever there are blacks. Everywhere there are blacks.
    IQ, aggressiveness and propensity for violence most certainly are genetic and most certainly are not randomly and evenly distributed without regard to race. Yes black culture and government dependence are also problems but I would say that hyper-masculine black culture is a byproduct of hyper-masculine black genetics.

    Ask yourself this...Why did Chinese calligraphy start in China 3,000 years ago and not in Africa 3,000 years ago? Why did we have astronomy and mathematics in the white Middle East 3,000 years ago and not in black Africa?

    Why are all these flash robs and flash mobs turning the word "youths" into another way of saying Blacks ?"

    It's another roundabout way of saying blacks are a defective, stupid race whose "natural aggression" should be put to use for menial labor and other such hogwash. It's whites who are disappointed their designated punching bags want to punch back and black "Uncle Tom" types who hate their own skin and wish to play sycophant to whites they perceive as more powerful who peddle this garbage.

  52. Anonymous5:21 AM

    Mack Lyons Said...

    "It is whites who are disappointed their designated punching bags want to punch back"

    Unfortunate but predictable, you are justifying violent antisocial thuggery by saying there really isn't a problem if whites would just accept the violence it is warranted and justified it is just that whites don't like it.

    For clarity lets restate what you have perfectly just done yourself:

    "The causes are clear and evident wherever there are blacks. Everywhere there are blacks.
    IQ, aggressiveness and propensity for violence most certainly are genetic and most certainly are not randomly and evenly distributed without regard to race"

  53. Anonymous5:23 AM

    Mack, "It's another roundabout way of saying blacks are a defective, stupid race whose "natural aggression" should be put to use for menial labor and other such hogwash. It's whites who are disappointed their designated punching bags want to punch back and black "Uncle Tom" types who hate their own skin and wish to play sycophant to whites they perceive as more powerful who peddle this garbage."

    You prove their case everytime you try to answer them. You give them power when you show them how their words affect how you feel about yourself.

    And why conclude what YOU think they are thinking? YOU have concluded they are thinking in an around about way that Blacks are stupid and violently aggressive. But nowhere in their comments did they say that....YOU SAID IT and projected on them! It's YOU who is thinking lowly of your own race.

    If you 'truly' thought it was all "hogwash", you would not be affected AT ALL by what someone says. They would be irrelevant. They wouldn't even register on your radar.

    But YOU make their opinions of Blacks very important. Again, you prove their case by responding back.

  54. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Where is Field? I know he can't be sleeping with his portfolio about to make another grand dive of Friday. My God, the man must have nerves of steel.

    Or maybe he took something to help him sleep? Like heavily spiked warm milk?

  55. Anonymous5:43 AM

    You see Anonymous 4:16 AM, with Google, there is no reason for anal orifices such as yourself to remain IgKnint.

    verbose mode off, for this is not my blog

    Sorry but Black emotionally soothing fables - science does not make. You do recognize, although given IQ limitations you may not that you qouted something entitled Art and Myth?

    Aside from the facts of all mysteriously wonderfully advanced black led nations in ancient times suddenly vanishing without a trace except as represented in black folklore and mythology never to surface again at any point in history anywhere on the globe up to present times, early developed man originated in Asia. This was readily known and repeatedly scientifically proven by geneticists working on egyptian mummies and more.

    I have provided links to the actual science, they may be a bit over your head as you are accustomed to googling black mythology and folktales but nevertheless good luck. As a "thinker" have you ever wondered how negroids would have developed such things as an alphabet yet lost all knowledge use and buried any traces of this development until centuries later when contacted by Arabs/Asians who vividly describe the illiteracy and savagery of Negroid races? Further attested to by modern times where more then half of negroids cannot tackle the simple tasks of reading and writing adequately to perform mundane routing caucasian tasks resulting in factual elimination of written graded exams of competency for many professions.

    Genetic research confirms that non-Africans are part Neanderthal

    Half of European men share King Tut's DNA

  56. Anonymous6:29 AM

    LT, agree with you on the MSM habit of fake equivalence/balance and pushing the freak shows.

    UncaMiltie, hope you are paid for repeating that nonsense. It would be terrible to actually be that confused. Carter was actually great for business. And, very few people since the Depression babies pay cash for a house in the US. Why are you so unfamiliar with actual business and the housing market?

    Sorry Troll, bush will be the most incompetent. I know you want to rewrite historee like the jebusman...but Obama will more likely be a Hoover.

    Wasn't that long ago the poor whites were the gangs. And Cons were bravely TELLing us that those folks were animals and subhuman and undeserving and we should not spend one cent on making the conditions better.
    While some Goobers thinkerate the universe began with st could look up gangs in the 1950s.

    I don't know about you-uns...but getting business advice form wingnut welfare recipients seems a tad counterproductive. They are either craven Koch-suckers, beleevers in Fwee Market Fundie dogma, or inherited every single penny. Me, I prefer a Rational person who sees both the effort...and the Luck.

    If you want...head over to The Agonist blog...or Liberal Oasis..or read some neutral Econ bloggers. They pretty much agree that Austerian sacrifice reduces markets. Duh.


  57. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Mack, you are correct...and judging from the backpedaling spin of the Troll...hit the target quite directly.

    Umm..Troll5:43...trying to sounderate like you am educated is like watching Beck pretenderate he am teecher. You only fooled yourself...and the Goobers. Let me remind you that many whites are are more than a few Asians. Yet...racist you only mentions AfAms. Would you like some hints as to the vast store of knowledge about the Africans? What you are selling is wite historee poo. And is not based in Fact...but on your personal shortcomings.


  58. "Unfortunate but predictable, you are justifying violent antisocial thuggery by saying there really isn't a problem if whites would just accept the violence it is warranted and justified it is just that whites don't like it.

    For clarity lets restate what you have perfectly just done yourself: "

    All because of this choice of sentence:

    "It is whites who are disappointed their designated punching bags want to punch back"

    It's not just a portrait of blacks being "uncontrollably violent" by whites who exhibited various forms of verbal and social passive-aggressive abuse towards blacks, it's also the fear held by whites of "violent blacks" getting their "just due" by inflicting harm upon whites and white society. It's the case of a boy who constantly beats and abuses his dog until one day, the dog snaps and mauls the child half to death. This desire for blacks to be infallibly docile in the face of constant abuse is wishful thinking from people who know what they're doing is wrong and know that one day, they'll receive ample comeuppance if they continue what they're doing. An infallibly docile black is a black who won't turn on their fellow whites.

    Again, I'm not condoning violence, period. Just pointing out that you can't abuse an ethnic group and expect them to remain docile and servile through thick and thin, no matter what.

    "If you 'truly' thought it was all "hogwash", you would not be affected AT ALL by what someone says. They would be irrelevant. They wouldn't even register on your radar."

    That's an interesting point. If I consider your views "hogwash", then those views shouldn't affect me at all. Therefore, there should be no response from me or others who consider those views "hogwash". Which leaves your views to be unchallenged, causing those who are less astute of the current situation to believe that since your views are being unchallenged by others, others must be quietly accepting your views as true, which in turn causes them to accept those views as true. This causes an otherwise false assumption, initially dismissed as "hogwash", to be considered true and factual.

    *que Anon's head exploding*

  59. Anonymous8:26 AM

    It's not just a portrait of blacks being "uncontrollably violent" by whites who exhibited various forms of verbal and social passive-aggressive abuse towards blacks, it's also the fear held by whites of "violent blacks" getting their "just due" by inflicting harm upon whites and white society. It's the case of a boy who constantly beats and abuses his dog until one day, the dog snaps and mauls the child half to death. This desire for blacks to be infallibly docile in the face of constant abuse is wishful thinking from people who know what they're doing is wrong and know that one day, they'll receive ample comeuppance if they continue what they're doing. An infallibly docile black is a black who won't turn on their fellow whites.

    This explains why most interracial rapes,assualts and murders are committed by black males.

  60. Anonymous8:47 AM

    More racist black mob attacks

    Police Investigating Multiple Beatings Near State Fair Park
    Several Law Enforcement Agencies Responded To Area Late Thursday Night

    Read more:

    MILWAUKEE -- Local law enforcement agencies are investigating several incidents near State Fair Park late Thursday night.

    Milwaukee police said that around 11:10 p.m., squads were sent to the area for reports of battery, fighting and property damage being caused by an unruly crowd of "hundreds" of people. One officer described it as a "mob beating."

    Police said the group of young people attacked fairgoers who were leaving the fair grounds. Police said that some victims were attacked while walking. They said others were pulled out of cars and off of motorcycles before being beaten.

  61. Anonymous8:51 AM

    More on the racist black mob attacks.

    WEST ALLIS - Witnesses tell Newsradio 620 WTMJ and TODAY'S TMJ4 of a mob of young people attacking innocent fair-goers at the end of the opening night of State Fair, with some callers claiming a racially-charged scene.

    Milwaukee Police confirmed there were assaults outside the fair.

    Witnesses' accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

    Authorities have not given official estimates of the number of people involved in the attacks.

    "It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people," said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ. He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis.

    "They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever."

    "It was 100% racial," claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.

    "I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn't do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us. They just kept walking right past their car. They were looking in everybody's windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black. Guarantee it."

    Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.

    "That rated right up there with it. When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, 'There's not enough cops to handle this.' There's no way. It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road. They were knocking people off their motorcycles."

    Roffers claimed that as he left the state fair with his wife, crowds near that entrance were large, and someone in that crowd .

    "As we got closer to the street, we looked up the road, and we saw a quite a bit of commotion going on and there was a guy laying in the road, and nobody was even laying there. He wasn't even moving. Finally a car pulled up. They stopped right next to the guy, and it looked like someone was going to help him. We were kind of stuck, because we couldn't cross. Traffic was going through. Young black men running around, beating on people, and we were like 'Let's get the heck out of here.' The light turned, and I got attacked from behind. I just got hit in the back of the head real hard. I'm like, 'What the heck is going on here?' I heard my bell ring."

    Roffers further described what witnesses said happened to the man who was lying in the street.

    "People were saying he was on a bike. They tore him off his bike and beat on him. We were walking to the west on Schlinger. I was watching behind me a lot more diligently, making sure there wasn't anybody coming to get us anymore."

    One person claimed that someone was knocked off a motorcycle.

    TODAY'S TMJ4 video shows West Allis police handcuffing at least one person, but they won't say how many people they took into custody.

    Some witnesses described attacks on the State Fair Grounds as well.

    Milwaukee Police said that their officers were sent to State Fair Park for "complaints of battery, fighting and property damage due to a large, unruly crowd."

    A police sergeant told TODAY'S TMJ4's Melissa McCrady that the number of calls describing injuries are still coming in, so they could not give an accurate number of people who were injured.

  62. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Stick with high quality mega cap stocks or funds that have a history of increasing dividends. Do not forget to allocate some funds to high quality fixed income with emphasis on corporate bonds, lesser so on U.S. or foreign gov't debt. Income generation is king in a market like this.

  63. Anonymous8:54 AM

    More on the racist black mob attacks.

    Eric: "I feared for my life"

    Eric, who asked Newsradio 620 WTMJ not to use his last name, talked about the incidents that happened as he, his wife and a neighbor left the fair Thursday.

    "We exited at the Schlinger and 84th exit, and we walked south about a block, and then went up and got our car, came back up and around down Schlinger. When we made a left hand turn, we were stopped in traffic. I looked toward the bridge, right before you get on the freeway, and all I saw was a road full of black kids, jumping over people's cars, jumping on people's hoods, running over the top of them."

    Eric then claimed that he saw hundreds of young black people coming down a sidewalk.

    "I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face."

    Then, Eric talked about trying to get out of the car to help the victim.

    "My wife pulled me back in because she didn't want me to get hit. Thankfully, there was surprising a lady that was in the car in front of me that jumped out of the car real quick and went over there to try to put her body around the kid so they couldn't see he was laying there and, obviously, defenseless. Her husband, or whoever was in the car, was screaming at her to get back into the car. She ended up going back into the car. These black kids grabbed this kid off the ground again, and pulled him up over the curb, onto the sidewalk and threw him into the bushes like he was a piece of garbage."

    Eric claimed that the victim in that beating was by himself, and that there was a split of white people on one sidewalk and black people on the other.

    "There was nobody else around to help him. There were no other white people, period, on that side of the street. They were going in the opposite direction because, those people who were coming out of the fair that saw these people coming, they either went back into the fair or took off running south on 84th Street."

    Eric expressed anger at the State Fair Police for what he considered a lack of response.

    "The thing that irritated me, the State Fair Police, the State Police, were down by the Pettit entrance to get in there," said Eric. "There was probably 5 or 6 officers down there. That's where all these kids came from. They came out of the Midway, across the front of the Pettit. They were still filing out of there. The State Fair Police, they knew this was going on. They knew these kids were beating these guys in between that exit and Schlinger at the next gate."

    "They were stopping traffic, and I said 'What in the hell,' excuse my language, 'what are you guys doing directing traffic when there are 300, 400 black kids up the road beating the hell out of everybody, pushing people off of motorcycles?' I was livid. I could not believe they were directing traffic."

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. fn:

    join the HUGE club!

    do u blame hobama too???

    u r ignoring 23 trillion + ADDITIONAL reasons/factors...


    hobama's debt debacle
    hobama's banksters
    hobama's funding of eternal wars



    Still don't believe it's the job of corporate Democrats to push the corporate agenda further than Republicans ever could? When Bush 2 couldn't even pass his own bankster bailout in September of 2008, he called Barack Obama in off the campaign trail to round up a sufficient number of Democratic votes, including votes in the Congressional Black Caucus, to pass the Bush bailout. Before even assuming office, Barack Obama was carrying out Republican policies even Republicans could not enact. Upon becoming president himself, Barack Obama quintupled down on the $3 trillion Bush bankster bailout with a further $16 trillion, the largest transfer of public wealth to private hands in the history of humankind.

    So if you're an Obama supporter, and you're disappointed that your president won't fight for you --- if you're an Obama supporter and you wonder why the president won't stand up for Medicaid, Medicare and social security --- here's the answer. The president really, really is smarter than you. He knows what side he's on and you don't. He knows that the two-party system is a veal pen, where as long as “he can play good cop to the Republicans' ever worsening bad cop, the game is fixed, and not in your favor.

  66. white riot9:08 AM

    WEST ALLIS - Witnesses tell Newsradio 620 WTMJ and TODAY'S TMJ dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

    "It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people," said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ. "They were attacking everybody for no reason whatsoever."

    "It was 100% racial," claimed Eric, an Iraq war veteran.

    "When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, 'There's not enough cops to handle this.' There's no way. It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road. They were knocking people off their motorcycles."

    "As we got closer to the street, we looked up the road, and we saw young black men running around, beating on people, and we were like 'Let's get the heck out of here.' The light turned, and I got attacked from behind. I just got hit in the back of the head real hard. I'm like, 'What the heck is going on here?' I heard my bell ring."

    Some witnesses described attacks on the State Fair Grounds as well.

    Milwaukee Police said that their officers were sent to State Fair Park for "complaints of battery, fighting and property damage due to a large, unruly crowd."

  67. white riot9:11 AM

    Eric, who asked Newsradio 620 WTMJ not to use his last name, talked about the incidents that happened as he, his wife and a neighbor left the fair Thursday.

    "We exited at the Schlinger and 84th exit, and I looked toward the bridge, right before you get on the freeway, and all I saw was a road full of black kids, jumping over people's cars, jumping on people's hoods, running over the top of them."

    Eric then claimed that he saw hundreds of young black people coming down a sidewalk.

    "I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face."

  68. Change We Can Believe In9:14 AM

    But, Field.....Debbie Wasserman Schultz (The DNC Chairlez....Har),said just Wednesday of this week...."WE'VE really turned this economy around".

    Could she have just been clueless.....or just lying?.

  69. white riot9:19 AM

    Then, Eric talked about trying to get out of the car to help the victim.

    "These black kids grabbed this kid off the ground again, and pulled him up over the curb, onto the sidewalk and threw him into the bushes like he was a piece of garbage."

    "There was nobody else around to help him. There were no other white people, period, on that side of the street. They were going in the opposite direction because, those people who were coming out of the fair that saw these people coming, they either went back into the fair or took off running south on 84th Street."

    A witness told WTMJ that as he worked in a kiosk at the State Fair Midway, he saw what he described as "a Riverwest type mob. Easily between 50 - 100 kids all under 18 and all African American. They were running around knocking people over (young kids and adults), looting the Midway games (stealing the prizes), starting fights."

    "It was just complete chaos. There were police on horses, lots of security guards, and EMT's on the scene. They never got control of the area."

    A State Fair spokeswoman said that there were arrests made involving the incidents on the grounds.

    Roffers described his emotions and reactions to the attacks outside the park.

    "I turned around and looked, there was this black kid standing there laughing, thinking it's funny. My wife's like, 'Let's get out of here.'

    "It's one of those things, you don't expect it. Your reaction to it is, first of all, quite surprised, then you get so angry, it's like, 'What in the hell's going on there? Why are these guys acting like such hoodlums? What are they picking on anybody for?'

    "We were just like cattle being herded out of the park, and they were picking and choosing who they wanted to beat on."

    But according to Roffers, they did not have enough people there to handle the crowds, and he claims that the main stage acts - MC Hammer, Young MC and Tone Loc, were the draw for a crowd he claimed was there.

    "I think the headliner they had last night is what drew the type of crowd they had last night. I've never been at that fair where they had so many African-American people.

    "There's never usually that many of them, at that park, for whatever reason that I can figure."

    State Fair spokeswoman: "Unfortunate situation, hopefully an isolated situation."

  70. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    msnbc = hobama tv

    they even made mike dyson look like a hobama groupie....shame!!!


    i was surfing tv and saw super hobama nazi melissa lacewell actually denying that most felled democrats are imploding/hate hobama's demonic debt debacle...


  71. see the new hobama nazi denials about the torched/tortured duped dems here


  72. kudos to poor chi warriors!!!

    The city of Chicago is under a microscope today as President Barack Obama made his way into town last night to kick off his 50th birthday festivities and, more importantly, raise campaign funds after having lost millions due to the debt debate.
    His opponents are taking the trip as an opportunity to take some hits at the President and his adopted hometown of Chicago. Last night, President Obama returned home for a birthday party and fundraiser that featured a serenading of "Happy Birthday" led by Jennifer Hudson who was accompanied by jazz legend Herbie Hancock. The band O-K Go also took part in the star-studded festivities and private dinner that cost a whopping $35,800 per ticket. All of the money raised is set to be split between Obama’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

  73. kudos to my heroes cornel and tavis!!!!!!!

    mlk would be proud!!!

    Princeton professor Cornel West and PBS talk show host Tavis Smiley, both vocal critics of President Obama, will embark on a “poverty tour” this weekend that will take them to 16 poor communities across the nation. It kicks off Sunday in Obama’s hometown of Chicago. Although according to West, “it is not an anti-Obama tour,” it does seek to highlight what they say is lack of effort by both the president and Congress to address the needs of the Americans who have been hardest hit by the recession. West recently discussed the road trip’s goals with, as well as some of the criticism he’s received for speaking out against Obama. Why are you embarking on the poverty tour and whose idea was it?

    West: Tavis Smiley and I had been talking for a year about how to dramatize the poverty and humanize our perception of poor people in America. This is especially so for the Black poor. Poverty has been criminalized, poor people demonized and what we want to do is dramatize poverty and humanize our perception of poor people to overturn what has been in place for so long. When he came up with this idea for the tour I thought it was a magnificent idea.

  74. hobama is a rabidly elitist and brazenly ruthless chi town thug!!!

    his typically opulent party proves he has no love for any poor black mongrels

    even in his own chi home/ slums


  75. milton friedman9:59 AM

    mold putrifies:

    And, very few people since the Depression babies pay cash for a house in the US.

    Wrong, bonehead. People with varying incomes, particularly Wall Streeters, frequently pay cash for their homes.

    Why are you so unfamiliar with actual business and the housing market?

    I know all about the part of the housing market in which I participate.

    It's your class of morons who always miss the boat.

  76. no prez has ever created such abject global misery


    globally partied so often and so opulently as we suffer

    from spain to chi to endless golfing/international rock star vacations


  77. gravity wins again10:06 AM

    Life in Phildelphia is sick and getting sicker:

    A professor at Chestnut Hill College dove over a second-floor railing inside a building on campus during his class, killing him, police say.

    Rudolf Alexandrov, 71, an adjunct professor teaching mathematics at the private four-year school, walked out of his class Wednesday afternoon, returned briefly, yelled some words and then ran to a railing overlooking the veranda, reports the Daily News.

    Campus security was summoned and Alexandrov dove over the railing and hit the marble floor, some 20 to 30-feet below.

    Philadelphia police called it a suicide.

  78. ie

    hobama and his birthday fans dined well

    i am sure their repast was paid for in cash

    hopefully that turbo breeding party crashing ebt trick vdlr will share the exact menu with us when she returns to her section 8 apt after the big bash....NOT!!!


    NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Nearly 15% of the U.S. population relied on food stamps in May, according to the United States Department of Agriculture.

    The number of Americans using the government's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) -- more commonly referred to as food stamps -- shot to an all-time high of 45.8 million in May, the USDA reported. That's up 12% from a year ago, and 34% higher than two years ago.

    The program provides monthly benefits to low-income individuals and families, which they can use at stores that accept SNAP benefits.

    To qualify for food stamps, an individual's income can't exceed $1,174 a month or $14,088 a year -- an amount that is 130% of the national poverty level.

  79. kudos to that racist fool sean h

    SEAN HANNITY, HOST: And after sitting on the sideline for most of the debt debate, President Barack Obama, well, he is giving himself a not so well-deserved pat on the back at this hour in the form of a lavish birthday party. But in light of the U.S. surpassing $14.3 trillion in debt, the Dow crumbling, millions still out of work, and the country flirting with a double dip recession, perhaps the President could find a better way to spend his time, however yet again, he is turning his back on the American people and our struggling economy. In return, he is attending a star-studded birthday fundraiser, headlined by Grammy Award-winning artist Jennifer Hudson. Oh, and by the way, the event is being held in a $40,000 a night ballroom, he's charging more than $35,000 per person for admission. And by the way, you can even pay an extra 10 grand to get yourself a photo with the president.

    I think by now it's pretty clear, this president is more interested in his celebrity status than solving the problems we face as a nation. Now, if you're not convinced, consider this. Tonight marks the 37th time the president has held a fundraiser since launching his re-election campaign. And, by the way, at around the same time in his presidency, George W. Bush attended only three. Alright, let's say you're still not convinced, let's head to the golf course. Because President Obama certainly has, playing a grand total of 75 rounds of golf since taking office. Now by comparison, George W. Bush in his entire eight years as president played golf only 24 times. So, that doesn't include basketball. That doesn't include the other concerts. That doesn't include the vacation trips. So how can anyone still defend President Obama's record? It's beyond me. Joining us with analysis tonight, a columnist for the Scripps Howard News Service, founder and president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, Star Parker is back. And the author of the new hit book Muzzled: The Assault on Honest Debate, Juan Williams is also back. And by the way, coming down moments ago, I check my handy Drudge report Juan, and let's see, we are now at 100 percent debt GDP with the new numbers that have come out. We've had horrible economic news. The president did all these fundraising trips until three weeks out of this crisis, even though we knew it was going to happen in January. Do you see a little disconnect here?

    Read more:

  80. body count10:27 AM

    NYPD Daily Blotter

    August 4, 2011


    The body of a man between 30 and 40 years old was found floating in the Hudson between 86th and 87th Streets at 7:10 p.m. yesterday.

    The medical examiner is investigating the cause of death.


    A confrontation in Inwood early yesterday ended with a man shot dead, police said.

    Miguel Rodriguez, 21, was arguing with a group of foes on Dyckman Street near Vermilyea Avenue at 12:42 a.m. when shots rang out, sources said.

    Rodriguez, shot in the head, was pronounced dead at the scene. The gunman fled and no arrests have been made, cops said.


    Police are seeking the public's assistance for help in identifying the shooter who killed a man in Jamaica on May 26.

    Kyle Padmore, 30, was shot once in the back of the head in front of his home. He died at Jamaica Hospital.

  81. beta male bitch coon original mf oj uts/endless sexist racist assnons:


    this is the definition of a real black man

    this is what ALL women want in a brother
    even us lesbians

    So let it be known that we are looking for a brother that will turn the ships around.
    A brother who will go into the crack house and turn the ships around.
    A brother who will go to the places where it is open season on our children and turn the ships around.
    A brother who will hear the screams of sisters beaten to death by the men who say they love them and turn the ships around.
    A brother who will hear the whimper of our babies born with AIDS and turn the ships around.
    A brother who will remember how freedom feels and turn the ships around.
    A brother who will gather with the warriors and march down to the edge of the sea and turn the ships around/turn the ships around/turn the ships around/and this time, turn the ships around.

    A brother who knows there is no such thing as a rape joke.
    A brother who uses condoms without being asked.
    A brother who doesn`t call sex screwing.
    A brother who knows that time and tenderness are more important than size and speed and that reciprocity is everything.
    A brother who knows that permission must be gained at every step before proceeding.
    A brother who doesn`t describe the details of an intimate heterosexual encounter by saying, "Man, I knocked the bottom out of it." Or: "I f*cked her brains out." Or: "I drew blood from that b*tch."
    A brother who says: "I made her feel good. I showed her how much I love and cherish her."
    A brother who says: "I rubbed warm oil on her."
    A brother who says: "I kissed every part of her I could kiss."
    A brother who says: "I made her feel so safe and happy and free that she fell asleep in my arms and her heart beat sounded like the ocean after a storm..."
    We are looking for a real good brother.
    We are looking for a brother who will turn the ships around.

    We are looking for a real righteous brother. An all grown up, ain`t scared of nuthin`, and knows it`s time to save the race righteous brother.

    A good father/good husband/good lover/good worker/good warrior/serious revolutionary righteous brother.

    A tuck the baby in at night and accept equal responsibility for child raising and household maintenance chores righteous brother.

    A generate a regular paycheck or provide evidence of mutually agreed upon, full-time alternative service to the race or to the family, such as playing a saxophone or writing novels, or providing community defense, or taking primary responsibility for children`s nurturing and education righteous brother.

    A read a book and play a tune and dance your slow dance sweet and low down righteous brother.

    A love black women, protect black children and never hit a woman righteous brother.

    A turn the TV off and let`s talk instead righteous brother.

    A turn the TV off and let`s make love instead righteous brother.

    A stay at home `cause that`s where you wanna be righteous brother.

    A brother who can listen.
    A brother who can teach.
    A brother who can change. For the better.
    A brother who can move. Toward the center of the earth.
    A brother who is not intimidated or confused by the power and the magic of women.
    We are looking for a righteous brother. What we used to call a good brother.
    A brother who loves his people.
    A brother who doesn`t hit or holler at or shoot or stab or grab or shove or kick or slap or punch women or children.
    A brother who doesn`t call women hoes, b*tches, skanks, pu**ies, dykes, sl*ts, c*nts, etc., etc., etc.

  82. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Pretty amazing how such 'independents' can all post the same piece. Almost as if they were one person...or paid to spread the propaganda.

    Mack, nice analysis and post. Well reasoned, Data-based, and supported conclusions. I also refute (refudiate to Goobers) the falsehoods. It does take time...and I'm certain yours (and mine) is worth far more than the drivel spewers.

    Change, follow the money. DWS has donors you would recognize...and the local political bloggers have detailed the Liberal-biased Facts.

    UncaMiltie, nice of you to assume Wall Streeters pay cash for housing. You base this on what? That they make far more than you? Maybe you should look at the cost of money...and other Data.
    Which part of the market? Cleaning short-sales/foreclosures? Mowing the lawns for the banks? really need to write from what you know...not what you beleeverate or was in the latest wingnut piece. Not what was the last 'marching order/talking point' from Massa....what you know.


  83. Anonymous11:04 AM

    mold-"Would you like some hints as to the vast store of knowledge about the Africans? What you are selling is wite historee poo. And is not based in Fact...but on your personal shortcomings. "

    mold, i would like some facts that u obviously can post for me and others. please do, genius.

  84. Anonymous11:21 AM

    ab@10:43, it sounds like you are looking for Jesus Christ. and if a brother existed as you listed, it seems to me he would gravitate to a woman with similar qualities. what does a bw have to match it?

    why is it you sisters never list what should be expected of a sister? u see, a bm with those qualities probably would not want the average sister, esp the one who wants those qualities in a bm but lacks them in herself. that's just a dream of a little girl looking for her daddy, not a man.

  85. Anonymous11:27 AM

    anon@4:04am, the market reversed just like you said it would. And gold is up.

  86. Anonymous11:27 AM

    OK, Troll. There is this Google it with appropriate terms...and use valid .edu.
    You could look up Penn State, UPenn, Harvard, Yale, Oxbridge (Oxford and Cambridge) colleges.
    If you feel like learning.)


  87. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Are those anything like wite Myths? Like wite superiority? Or wite genius? Or wites 'civilized' the Africans (Chinese, Viets, Thai, Indians, etc)
    Instead of hoperating that the readers are as ignorant (or more) than you about the African contributions...maybe you could, like, research the subject.
    Yes, there are Universities with professors who know about this. Well, not Libertee or OralU. Try Harvard, Yale, UPenn...probably some State U.


  88. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Are those anything like wite Myths? Like wite superiority? Or wite genius? Or wites 'civilized' the Africans (Chinese, Viets, Thai, Indians, etc)
    Instead of hoperating that the readers are as ignorant (or more) than you about the African contributions...maybe you could, like, research the subject.
    Yes, there are Universities with professors who know about this. Well, not Libertee or OralU. Try Harvard, Yale, UPenn...probably some State U.


    Hello, your spelling and grammer immediately indicate one of significantly lesser intelligence. No shock there, no point engaging in a discussion on science with someone with limited capabilites. I would like to point out however that the word you use often is spelled white. Additionally, the peoples you seem to think are Africans originate in Asia/Asia Minor - Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian and so on. It really is quite easy to distinguish Asians from Africans, although seemingly a challenge to someone of your again evinced capabilities.

  89. Mold Is A Stupid Moniker11:53 AM

    Hey Mold....speaking of "myths", here's a few black ones for ya:

    Now, go take you suppositories like a good post-menopausal hag.

  90. Anonymous11:55 AM

    LOL, Glenn Beck wanna-be. Posturing as if you have education beyond Grade Six.
    Discuss Science all you want...when you cling to racist pseudo-sciencey immediately are revealed as a fraud.
    Umm...your confusion is NOT the hallmark of an educated person...but that of one pretenderating. Just because you walk around with leather patches on your blazer...only means you have leather patches on your blazer.
    Same with bow ties.
    Same with chalk boards.
    List your CV anytime, dude.


  91. Anonymous11:59 AM

    You really don't get the reference. How does it feel to not understand? I would explain...but I can't wait for you to graduate from high school. I'll likely be dead of advanced old age by then.
    You will need at least a MS to get the joke.;)


  92. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Shaking hands in celebration on a bus, thugs who had just hunted down a schoolboy, 16, like a pack of animals and stabbed him to death
    By Colin Fernandez

    Leaning across the bus seat, these teenage killers shake hands in a sickening moment of self-congratulation.
    One is heard to say to another: ‘You’re the new young boss.’
    Just half an hour earlier they had been among a vicious gang who hunted down a schoolboy ‘like a pack of wild dogs’ before knifing him to death.

    The teenager was pursued across a suburban park by his attackers, many of whom were still in their school uniform, before he was stabbed through the heart and collapsed in a shop doorway in front of his mother, Kim.
    Victim: Nicolas Pearton was killed in South London after being chased by seven gang members across a park before being stabbed in a shop door
    As the gang fled, they waved their knives in the air and shouted the name of the gang ‘triumphantly’.
    The still from bus CCTV footage shows two gang members, then aged just 16, celebrating. Dale Green, who minutes earlier plunged a kitchen knife into Nicholas’s back, can be seen clasping hands with gang leader Lamarr Gordon in a ‘sickening gesture of approval and congratulation’.
    Gordon – known as ‘Lamarr the scar’ because he had a scar from 23 stitches in his face – was heard to praise Green’s knifing, telling him: ‘You’re the new young boss’.
    Another member Joseph Appiah, then 15, carried out a head count to make sure none of the gang – known as Shanks and Guns (shanks being slang for knives) – had been arrested after the attack in Sydenham, South London, in May last year. Other gang members had abandoned an armoury of weapons including knives and wooden poles in the park.


  93. Anonymous12:06 PM

    It's not just a portrait of blacks being "uncontrollably violent" by whites who exhibited various forms of verbal and social passive-aggressive abuse towards blacks, it's also the fear held by whites of "violent blacks" getting their "just due" by inflicting harm upon whites and white society. It's the case of a boy who constantly beats and abuses his dog until one day, the dog snaps and mauls the child half to death. This desire for blacks to be infallibly docile in the face of constant abuse is wishful thinking from people who know what they're doing is wrong and know that one day, they'll receive ample comeuppance if they continue what they're doing. An infallibly docile black is a black who won't turn on their fellow whites.

    Your thoughts are indicative of the very topic we are discussing. Your logic escapes me, perhaps your post was written in haste? I didn't read anywhere someone stating that docility was sought? Is it your view that for blacks there is no choice of civilized behaviour, rather they must swing the pendulum extremely as if on a jungle vine oscillating between agressive savagery or docility to another race? In your own words you are saying then there is no living with Blacks.

    Your choice of comparing Blacks to Dogs is an unfortunate one and given recent events may be prophetic. The animal Blacks are currently kicking around is law abiding whites, whites who inevitably are going to start meeting the unbridled savagery with similar violence and I daresay more effectively due to the ability to plan, organize and carry out complex thoughts, traits and capabilities not typically evident in Blacks and completely absent in the "youth" .

  94. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Why shore, Gomer. Pull down the christian manual o style and pretend youse gots an edumacation.
    Can we say strawman? Because you only brought that. Terrible strange that you can't directly address the points...but can certainly construct your own fake argument...which you then address.
    Oh, love the fake Glenn beck pedagogical tone...with misused words and assumptions offered without proof.
    But then, Truth and Data are not in your vocabulary, are they?


  95. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You really don't get the reference. How does it feel to not understand? I would explain...but I can't wait for you to graduate from high school. I'll likely be dead of advanced old age by then.
    You will need at least a MS to get the joke.;)


    It feels quite good actually, were I to begin understanding the Gibbonish gibberings of a madman such as you, then the end times would certainly be nigh.

    I get the joke quite readily, I wonder if you realize that you are the literal embodiment of the same.

  96. gated coon uts:

    watch dem fancy gates!!!

    PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY, Md. - A widely touted strategy aimed at keeping Maryland residents from losing their homes by bringing banks and homeowners to the bargaining table has met with little success as the nation braces for another wave of foreclosures.

    Maryland passed a law a year ago that gave homeowners in foreclosure the right to mediation, if they ask for it. The Justice Department reported in a November study that there were 25 mediation programs in 14 states.

    As of May 31, just 56 homeowners in the state have gotten a modification of their loan through the mediation program. Borrowers complain that lenders are more interested in foreclosing than negotiating. One borrower was horrified to discover that the bank had sold her home during the mediation process.

    Foreclosures slowed in the early part of 2011, as lenders dealt with accusations of “robo-signing”—approving foreclosure documents without looking at them. But now, they're coming back with a vengeance: In March, almost 30,000 notices of intent to foreclose were filed, more than twice as many than in any month since the state began keeping records in 2008, according to an analysis of state records by the Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University.

    For communities of color around the country, a “lagging collapse” may be ahead, said Alan Mallach, a nationally known housing expert who has done extensive on-the-ground research into the foreclosure crisis. Prince George's county is a case in point. The nation's wealthiest majority-Black county, it has been devastated by the foreclosure crisis. Heavily targeted by subprime lenders in the boom years, the county is now staggering under the weight of abandoned homes and plummeting prices. The county received more than 7,100 notices of intent to foreclose in March.
    “I think it's grim. And it's going to be grim for a while. I'm not sure we're anywhere near the aftermath yet. We're still in the middle of the storm,” said Mr. Mallach.

  97. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Oh, love the fake Glenn beck pedagogical tone...with misused words and assumptions offered without proof.
    But then, Truth and Data are not in your vocabulary, are they?


    Oh dear, did I misuse a few words? Could you point out which ones and the proper usage. Your obvious grasp of the english vernacular shall be at the least Illuminative.

  98. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Nope. You are pretenderating. It is typical Wite Trash to never admit..see Sarey Palin.
    You really do need a MS to get it. And trying to say otherwise...only shows that you don't.


  99. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Sure jebus, just visit your local high school and take AP English.
    The public one.


  100. more proof that hobama is 13 times worse than bush


    The so-called debt ceiling crisis has nothing to do with the government running out of money. It is about the creation of a super committee, a council of thirteen, designed to circumvent Congress and ignore the will of the American people.

    The ruling elite have a plan to take America down. The takedown has a timeline, a schedule, and it has been interrupted and set back by Congress. Despite the fact Congress usually does whatever the globalists tell them to do, certain members hold up the agenda by holding hearings and introducing resolutions on everything from the Federal Reserve to the globalist wars in the Middle East, South Asia and now Africa.

    The handpicked “super Congress” – six members from the Senate, six from the House, and the president forming a committee or gang of 13 – will now push through the elite’s agenda behind closed doors in direct violation of the Constitution.

  101. milton friedman12:35 PM

    mold purges:

    UncaMiltie, nice of you to assume Wall Streeters pay cash for housing. You base this on what?

    Personal experience.

  102. Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ Didn't Create Jobs

    --GUESTS: Al Sharpton, Patrick Gaspard, UBS Investment Bank President Robert Wolf, FCC Chair Julius Genachowski, Leader Nancy and Paul Pelosi, Secretary Tim Geithner, Secretary Arne Duncan, U.S. Trade Rep. Ron Kirk, Secretary Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep./DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, former Virginia Gov. and DNC Chair Tim Kaine, Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, Robert Gibbs, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Valerie Jarrett, Michael Strautmanis, Pete Rouse, Bill Daley, Deputy Chief of Staff Alyssa Mastromonaco, Denis McDonough, John Brennan, Rahm Emanuel, Tina Tchen, White House chef Sam Kass, Julianna Smoot, Marty Nesbitt, Eric Whitaker, Linda Douglass, and many more.

    Read more:

    The same thing can be said about the Republican led Congress on VACATION.

  103. Study Hall12:43 PM

    If there were nothing but water where the continent of Africa exists, the intellectual development and store of knowledge in the world would be exactly what it is today.

    In case you missed the reference: blacks have added ZERO to humanity's fund of knowledge.

  104. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sure jebus, just visit your local high school and take AP English.
    The public one.


    So you truly are a Supercilious vacuous ninnyhammer, how droll. Here I thought I might have found someone intellectual based on superlative writing skills and obvious ability to transform more complex thoughts into easily digested prose.

    Oh and I assure you I am not "pretenderating" ('s pretending) I truly do not get the essence of the joke that is "you" nor sadly do I expect I ever will.

  105. Anonymous12:49 PM

    UncaMiltie, somehow that doesn't sound like proof...but a hope that no one asks did you snoop into others finances...
    Is it anything like the 'war stories' of Chickenhawks?
    It does 'smell' more of your tales coming apart.

    Rottn, didn't those 'winners' and TaxBaggers run on jobs? Were they speaking of their new job...or the ones that were supposed to be created? Seems like 'stealth' the religio-crazees who lie to you about their overweening desire to stooopid your kids...until they are elected and the courts get involved. Dover was a very expensive lesson...don't let Goobers run things.


  106. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Yes, it is pretenderating. Which would be easily understood...if you were truly what you claimerate.
    Feel free to fool Goobers and jebus followers. The 'appeal to authority' is better done without reaching for the Beck fake.


  107. Not Sure12:58 PM

    The same thing can be said about the Republican led Congress on VACATION.

    Thanks for posting this link RottnKid, I swear it is more and more like idiocracy every day.

    Ladies and Gentlemans I gives you da prezident Barack Hussien Camacho

  108. The only one "pretenderating" is you.You have expose your lack of knowledge and reasoning many times.

    Keep on making yourself a fool.We will keep laughing.

  109. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Yes, it is pretenderating. Which would be easily understood...if you were truly what you claimerate.
    Feel free to fool Goobers and jebus followers. The 'appeal to authority' is better done without reaching for the Beck fake.


    Goober, you hate I presume white people and people who follow jesus. Assuming you are logical and are none of these, what exactly are you,besides a ninnyhammer of course.

    By the way, what in the name of deviled eggs are you trying to communicate? It appears you are just hitting random keys with the tip of your penis and not being very coherent. Are you ill?

  110. Not Sure1:06 PM

    Rottn, didn't those 'winners' and TaxBaggers run on jobs? Were they speaking of their new job...or the ones that were supposed to be created? Seems like 'stealth' the religio-crazees who lie to you about their overweening desire to stooopid your kids...until they are elected and the courts get involved. Dover was a very expensive lesson...don't let Goobers run things.


    Jay Carney declared Thursday that “the White House doesn’t create jobs.” Something any non life dependant democrat already was aware of and something Obama has definitely proved since becoming president, he has destroyed a couple of million jobs though.

  111. NSangoma1:23 PM

    Anonymous 11:25 AM,

    Actual paintings, carvings, and statues of Tut Ankh Amen from his tomb are stick figures; motherfuck you!!

    We already know that the Egyptians laid all kinds of pipe in Europe; having a similar genome is a non-starter.


  112. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Sorry, bush destroyed jobs. Obama is declining to use proven Keynesian methods to increase employment, hence Demand.

    LT, show your work. Just because you TELL us, only means that you TELL what you want to sell. Feel free to offer proof. And self-appointing yourself Class prima facie that you are not.

    Troll, just because you are a wite dude...does not mean everyone is. What is the basis for your claim? Wisherating? Magical words...when you say them?

    Study, nice of you to invent your own version of historee. David Barton must be your idol in this. Too bad there is History, and it disagrees with your magickal wisherating. Odd how Goobers with zero importance keep bringing up this canard. Maybe you should take an actual class.

    Not, perhaps a better choice would be Hoover. Mr Hoover was quite effective in many regards...but strongly held to Free Market Fundamentalism. And had a great deal of Faith in small government.


  113. Anonymous1:37 PM

    NS, wonder how many Sareys and Michelles found the Egyptians sexy? Those travelers with cash. And bathing habits. And literacy.

    I admit a fondness for the Chinese view of History being cyclical. Not too long past, being white was synonymous with incest, ignorance, no hygiene, vast infanticide, abject poverty, routine violence, and thuggery. Yet now many of the areas are quite civilized.

    Ummm...when you TELL me you know historee...and you can only go back as far as the ascension of st are being silly. Not all History was written by white fact, quite a lot was done by those some posters wisherate to denigrate.

    Just so you understand...David Barton is a putz. He is a partisan political and religious charlatan. He has about as much value as a I do as a pro football player. (RIP Bubba Smith)


  114. Anonymous1:49 PM

    NSangoma said...
    Anonymous 11:25 AM,

    Actual paintings, carvings, and statues of Tut Ankh Amen from his tomb are stick figures; motherfuck you!!

    We already know that the Egyptians laid all kinds of pipe in Europe; having a similar genome is a non-starter.

    Now, Now, temper, temper, clearly you dont understand the science of genomes to even state something as nonsensical as similar genomes are non starters. We arent talking about genomes that define big lips, sheeplike hair and intelligence levels exclusively. We are talking about Genomes that specifically define race and in the case of our discussion are present in white Europeans and not in any Negroid race atall.

    In any case I understand, you aren't expected to be able to handle such a complex matter, so no worries, stick with your stick figures, crayon drawings and art and fables despite again there being no real world evidence of any moderateley advanced black culture, mysteriously following the time period of your fables.

    Note however, despite your use of the vitriolic term "motherfuck you" while not totally certain of what that means due to the negroid language you use, let me be very clear - I am not your father, lets get that out of the way and ensure the utmost clarity. I never met, let alone fucked your mother, of that I am positive, otherwise you would be a mongrel and slightly more intelligent with the influx of my genes. (Reference Barack Obama for further clarity on this racial aspect)

    Have you embarrassed me "often" yet?

  115. Not Sure1:55 PM

    Anonymous said...
    NS, wonder how many Sareys and Michelles found the Egyptians sexy? Those travelers with cash. And bathing habits. And literacy.

    I admit a fondness for the Chinese view of History being cyclical. Not too long past, being white was synonymous with incest, ignorance, no hygiene, vast infanticide, abject poverty, routine violence, and thuggery. Yet now many of the areas are quite civilized.

    Ummm...when you TELL me you know historee...and you can only go back as far as the ascension of st are being silly. Not all History was written by white fact, quite a lot was done by those some posters wisherate to denigrate.

    Just so you understand...David Barton is a putz. He is a partisan political and religious charlatan. He has about as much value as a I do as a pro football player. (RIP Bubba Smith)


    This dear readers is the mind of a liberal for all to see. Frightening isn't it? No doubt evidence of physcotic dementia. It is sad when a small brain and intellect begins to rot, there isn't much that could be afforded to be lost to begin with. I do wonder as to the cause of the rot, perhaps, syphllis, heroin or crack heavy use, angel dust? All known to destroy productive brain cells.

  116. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Hmm..since race is a construct....what is this Troll trying to sell?
    What does Troll mean by advanced? NASCAR? bush?
    What is negroid language? WEB DuBois? Frederick Douglass? Phyllis Wheatley? Oprah? Eminem?
    What proof, other than his magickal wisherating does Troll offer for the wonderment of his genetic material?
    Can you offer a CV? Or career path of continued advancement? Or creativity beyond the norm?
    Or is this person just 'pissing off Libruls' to assuage his obvious lowly status and not-existent accomplishments?


  117. Anonymous2:02 PM

    "moderateley advanced black culture"

    What? Where?

    There isn't one majority black country in the world thats advanced or moderate.

    Today black is synonymous with rape,incest,aids,murder and cannibalism.

    So keep the bone in your nose while pretenderating advanced black culture.


  118. Anonymous2:15 PM

    So, you are telling us you have no's some....

    Oh, there is plenty more...but you should be aware that 'making things up' is only good on FAUX and other wingnut welfare places.


  119. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Now, we could discuss ancient Africa...
    University of Pennsylvania
    Penn State

    Do you require other colleges? Oxford, Cambridge, the Sorbonne, Moscow U...pretty much any European University has tons of information that disputes your claim.
    The problem isn't the lack of proof for African is that there is a lot of proof.


  120. Anonymous2:21 PM

    By the way, what exactly is the wite Goober contribution? What have Heeyucks done for the Universe?


  121. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Mold Said..

    Hmm..since race is a construct....

    Oh good god, now he is taking the Politically correct stance of disproving science. What an idiot. Humans as all other life can be categorized into subspecies, humans are made up of races, these races have specific DNA and characteristics only associated with each race. Genomes can tell you the precise race of those living and dead.

    I mean if race is a "social contruct" as you say then why is it used for affirmative action and other means of providing handouts?

    What a total ninnyhammer.

  122. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Anonymous said...
    By the way, what exactly is the wite Goober contribution? What have Heeyucks done for the Universe?


    Apparantly totally created yours, mum and dad are goobers and heeyucks, we know.

  123. Anonymous2:31 PM

    So, you are telling us you have no's some....

    Oh, there is plenty more...but you should be aware that 'making things up' is only good on FAUX and other wingnut welfare places.


    No "clew" of what you blithering blathering gibbonese speaking ninny hammer. Speak english and create full thoughts or stop trying to communicate it's painful watching you vomit on your keyboard with this incessant drooling blather.

  124. This Is The Thanks We Get2:33 PM

    "Anonymous said...
    By the way, what exactly is the wite Goober contribution? What have Heeyucks done for the Universe?


    2:21 PM"

    You should just be glad we pulled your great-great-great granpappy & granmammy out of those trees, and brought them to North America.

    Taught your granpappy a good trade, and your granmammy how not to bite down on that that, it ain't no hyena sausage.

  125. The Frankenstein monster pointy-headed liberals have created with their welfare programs and toxic rhetoric has been set free by Hope & Change. The unleashed beast was last spotted in suburban Milwaukee:

    Witnesses’ accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night. …

    “It looked like they were just going after white guys, white people,” said Norb Roffers of Wind Lake in an interview with Newsradio 620 WTMJ. He left the State Fair Entrance near the corner of South 84th Street and West Schlinger Avenue in West Allis. …

    “It was 100% racial,” claimed Eric [who asked that his last name be withheld], an Iraq war veteran from St. Francis who says young people beat on his car.

    “I had a black couple on my right side, and these black kids were running in between all the cars, and they were pounding on my doors and trying to open up doors on my car, and they didn’t do one thing to this black couple that was in this car next to us. They just kept walking right past their car. They were looking in everybody’s windshield as they were running by, seeing who was white and who was black. Guarantee it.”

    Eric, a war veteran, said that the scene he saw Thursday outside State Fair compares to what he saw in combat.

    “That rated right up there with it. When I saw the amount of kids coming down the road, all I kept thinking was, ‘There’s not enough cops to handle this.’ There’s no way. It would have taken the National Guard to control the number of kids that were coming off the road.”

    Except that the National Guard takes orders from the politically correct liberals who rule us, and who are on the mob’s side. Eric describes a scene from America’s ongoing “fundamental transformation”:

    “I looked toward the bridge, right before you get on the freeway, and all I saw was a road full of black kids, jumping over people’s cars, jumping on people’s hoods, running over the top of them.”

    Eric then claimed that he saw hundreds of young black people coming down a sidewalk.

    “I saw them grab this white kid who was probably 14 or 15 years old. They just flung him into the road. They just jumped on him and started beating him. They were kicking him. He was on the ground. A girl picked up a construction sign and pushed it over on top of him. They were just running by and kicking him in the face.”

    When the mob was done beating the child for being Caucasian, it “threw him into the bushes like he was a piece of garbage.”

    As usual, the authorities reacted like the national media — by pretending nothing was happening.

    Eric expressed anger at the State Fair Police for what he considered a lack of response. …

    “They knew these kids were beating these guys in between that exit and Schlinger at the next gate.”

    “They were stopping traffic, and I said ‘What in the hell,’ excuse my language, ‘what are you guys doing directing traffic when there are 300, 400 black kids up the road beating the hell out of everybody, pushing people off of motorcycles?’ I was livid. I could not believe they were directing traffic.”

    In addition to beating white children, multicultural activities including “running around knocking people over” and “looting the Midway games,” according to another witness. Why should the scum in Washington do all the looting?

    The local NBC affiliate attempts to discredit its own story by using the word “claim” 11 times, as if the multiple witness were just making it up. The national news will barely mention the explosive story or ignore it completely. Most people won’t even know about this growing phenomenon until they and their families are caught up in it.

  126. Milwaukee Police confirmed there were assaults outside the fair.

    Witnesses' accounts claim everything from dozens to hundreds of young black people beating white people as they left State Fair Thursday night.

  127. mellaneous2:54 PM

    Wow Field this thing really degenerated today. Life is getting tougher for folks on the planet and one imbecile wastes valuable space time trying to make a point that he simply can't make.

    Peoples environment usually determine what they choose to do. The early Europeans were rough customers partly because they live in a harsh environment.

    Slaps can stop already, repeating the same thing over and over does not make it right.

    And if you really want to play the, who is the most violent game, who do you think the folks being occupied in Afghanistan, and Iraq think are more violent?

  128. There's Gonna Be A Reckoning3:00 PM

    None of the Highly Advanced & Civilized black geniuses that frequent this blog seem too eager to comment on the hate crimes that occurred at the Milwaukee State Fair.

    Should I be surprised?

    I just someone would have been carrying, and pulled a gun, and shot a few of those animals.

  129. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Anonymous said...
    kuntbreaf da banks qoohole and her alter ego wannabe dawktaw da kimqueef have taken on many no slapz sockpuppets jess to get attention the talking points is the same and do not require any critical thought whatsoever those kuntsuckin liars and shills!

    Mold is melting down again...

  130. Anonymous3:12 PM

    ns had to change his name so he wouldn't sound like a repetitive fool. But as usual, his same old jargon gives him

    I know why you changed your name, you coward. You were too embarrassed by the Jew who VIOLENTLY dismembered that poor little Jewish child. It's interesting how you notice the violence in the black community but you fail to see it in your own.

    Are you still a fan of Hitler? The Jewish community must be proud of you. lol

  131. Gung Ho3:13 PM

    And if you really want to play the, who is the most violent game, who do you think the folks being occupied in Afghanistan, and Iraq think are more violent?

    If you are siding with Al Queda and the enemy why surely they think the Black and White and Spanish and Asian Americans shooting at them are violent.

    I mean you aren't communist enough to think all those black folk join the army and then watch whites fight the war are you?

    Amazing how those folks in Iraq and afganistan hate americans of all colors in fact when they gas womens schools because they dare to learn...oh wait that wasnt americans..when they stone women because they dared report rape..oh wait that wasnt know, that might explain why the civilians and not the terrorists really want americans to stay, they keep them from being butchered and enslaved in the name of Allah you mindless marxist.

    So what are you going to do as a black leader in stopping all this racist violence? Will you as can be predicted say nothing and then blame the victims? Or get outraged when the victims refuse to be victims any longer and start shooting, hurting and maiming the savage youths? Leader..heh of what, what exactly do you minister except for hate?

  132. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I noticed that Slapnuts changed his name also. lol.....racists tend to do

  133. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Dear Mr. Field, I sincerely hope you managed to get in touch with your broker today. How are you feeling today, better?

  134. @Field: Why do you think the national media is ignoring all the stories this summer of black mobs targeting white people?

  135. unlicked uninvited vdlr:

    so how about that chi bash u turbo breeding invitation needing party crasher????

    got cake with that henny u snuck in inside of your ghetto swap meet fucci knock off?

  136. marvin:

    it is out of control indeed

    and it is being ignored because racism is a relic per the post racial hoax hobama

    hobama would have to actually address racism/black rage etc if this made headline can do!

  137. shiny scalp whiny stalker unlicked uninvited gate crasher late basher vdlr:

    did security engage u in chi???

    did your ebt card barter bs fly at the cash bar?

  138. Anonymous3:49 PM

    liar liar pants on fire liar liar pants on fire kuntlick alicia banks is a loser a liar a fraud a figment of her alter ego wannabe dawktaw da kimqueefs imagination so what will happen next oh some anon will conveniently say that mold is having a meltdown and accuse this anon of being mold then kuntbreaf will tell this anon that they are bald and a turbo breeder the only thing that pitiful kuntsuckin moron can say is u r bald cuz i'm too stoopid to engage u on ur level cuz i cante even lie strate all my lies are even nonsensical kuntbreaf qoohole banks!liar liar pants on fire liar liar pants on fire kuntlick alicia banks is a loser a liar a fraud a figment of her alter ego wannabe dawktaw da kimqueefs imagination so what will happen next oh some anon will conveniently say that mold is having a meltdown and accuse this anon of being mold then kuntbreaf will tell this anon that they are bald and a turbo breeder the only thing that pitiful kuntsuckin moron can say is u r bald cuz i'm too stoopid to engage u on ur level cuz i cante even lie strate all my lies are even nonsensical kuntbreaf qoohole banks!liar liar pants on fire liar liar pants on fire kuntlick alicia banks is a loser a liar a fraud a figment of her alter ego wannabe dawktaw da kimqueefs imagination so what will happen next oh some anon will conveniently say that mold is having a meltdown and accuse this anon of being mold then kuntbreaf will tell this anon that they are bald and a turbo breeder the only thing that pitiful kuntsuckin moron can say is u r bald cuz i'm too stoopid to engage u on ur level cuz i cante even lie strate all my lies are even nonsensical kuntbreaf qoohole banks!liar liar pants on fire liar liar pants on fire kuntlick alicia banks is a loser a liar a fraud a figment of her alter ego wannabe dawktaw da kimqueefs imagination so what will happen next oh some anon will conveniently say that mold is having a meltdown and accuse this anon of being mold then kuntbreaf will tell this anon that they are bald and a turbo breeder the only thing that pitiful kuntsuckin moron can say is u r bald cuz i'm too stoopid to engage u on ur level cuz i cante even lie strate all my lies are even nonsensical kuntbreaf qoohole banks!liar liar pants on fire liar liar pants on fire kuntlick alicia banks is a loser a liar a fraud a figment of her alter ego wannabe dawktaw da kimqueefs imagination so what will happen next oh some anon will conveniently say that mold is having a meltdown and accuse this anon of being mold then kuntbreaf will tell this anon that they are bald and a turbo breeder the only thing that pitiful kuntsuckin moron can say is u r bald cuz i'm too stoopid to engage u on ur level cuz i cante even lie strate all my lies are even nonsensical kuntbreaf qoohole banks!

  139. Anonymous3:54 PM

    mellaneous said...
    Wow Field this thing really degenerated today. Life is getting tougher for folks on the planet and one imbecile wastes valuable space time trying to make a point that he simply can't make.

    Stop being so hard on yourself...wait don't get excited I know about you fake rev'nds.. stop being so tough on yourself not hard-on.

    Peoples environment usually determine what they choose to do. The early Europeans were rough customers partly because they live in a harsh environment.

    The early Europeans are not black youths wilding today, this is a lazy way not to talk about what is happening and or blame someone in history by comparison. Most capable adults do adapt to difficult times, so you are saying the youths are just adapting and we can expect this to be the norm even despite all the money provided to try and help them where leaders like you have not?

    Slaps can stop already, repeating the same thing over and over does not make it right.

    Well, take your own advice, you haven't been right yet, you keep repeating some crazy marxist mantra with a hodgepodge of MalcomX, rev wright all sprinkled on the top with sugar to hide the (you'r gonna like this) Shit sandwich.

    So what do you do with violent youths? forget more money, your generation already burned through the rest of the countries good will donations, now what?

  140. Anonymous3:57 PM

    field i am going to make this easy to under stand when you spend money you don't have for things we don't want pretty soon you run out of money.that is where we are now,the check book does not balance so you have to stop spending.neither party did that they only agreed slow down their spending which does not balance the field cutting spending is easy we can start with batfe,hhs,hud,freddy&franny who got us into this mess,agricluture,energy,miss-education,student loan,home land security,cut state in half.there you go jay-make i just saved us a trillion dollars.

  141. pasting wasting no birthday cake tasting vdlr:

    did u cut and run from hobama's security

    like u incessantly cut and run your psycho looped bs all over this blog daily


  142. Anonymous4:01 PM

    just another day on a philly bus with those fun loving TNB and some out standing negro parenting.

  143. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Troll, race is not what you pretend. Your sources don't back your claim. Or does 'stripey' not ring a bell? Also, Affirmative Action is not a handout. Why are you lying? Exactly how does 'politically correct disprove science'? What do you mean by 'politically correct'? Or 'Science'? might want to read the about the subject. Silly Goobers trying to pretend their ancestors were better than mine is not supported by Facts. But then, your whole point is to be stoopid and as obnoxious as possible. And keep beleeverating that someday the planters will thank you for your efforts.

    So, you are telling us you have no's some....

    Oh, there is plenty more...but you should be aware that 'making things up' is only good on FAUX and other wingnut welfare places.


  144. "So keep the bone in your nose while pretenderating advanced black culture."

    My my, these republiclowns are becoming unhinged. Is thhis what happens when there are no jobs and poor people fight for the scraps?

    "Field: Why do you think the national media is ignoring all the stories this summer of black mobs targeting white people?"

    I don't know about the "national media" but here in my home town flash mobs have been front page news all summer.

    Why do you think the "national media" ignores all the black on black killings in urban A-merry-ca, and gives us wall to wall coverage of a missing little white girl in New Hampshire?

    "Dear Mr. Field, I sincerely hope you managed to get in touch with your broker today. How are you feeling today, better?"

    Not much. 60 points does not make a rally.But at least I am breathing a little easier. :)

  145. kudos to allen west!

    Congressman Allen West (FL-22) released this statement today:

    “Happy 50th Birthday Mr. President! While surprises are for birthdays, it is no surprise to the American people that your failed economic policies –- from TARP to your health care bill–- have resulted in disaster for our economy. Since taking office, unemployment has remained at or near 9 percent for 28 months, America has added $3.4 trillion in debt in 29 months -- the equivalent of about $4 billion per day -- we have an anemic housing market with record foreclosures, and an average price of nearly $4 for a gallon of gas. Even your budget did not receive one single vote in the United States Senate -- and the icing on the cake –- a stock market slide of nearly 800 points in the last 5 days.

    While it may be hard to hear the American people’s frustration over the pop of the champagne corks and R&B bands at your $30,000/person birthday party, the citizens of this nation are suffering under your failed leadership. The best present you can give the American people will be for you and your failed economic policies to be defeated in November of 2012.”

    Read more:

  146. Anonymous5:42 PM

    well got that right but i don't think field can give up his marxis sugar plums that don't work,have never worked.even if you kill a 100,000,000 people it still will not work.oh they already did that,still on go!

  147. Govt officials: US expecting S&P downgrade

    A government official tells ABC News that the federal government is expecting and preparing for bond rating agency Standard & Poor’s to downgrade the rating of US debt from its current AAA value.

    Official reasons given, he official says, will be the political confusion surrounding the process of raising the debt ceiling, and lack of confidence that the political system will be able to agree to more deficit reduction. A source says Republicans saying that they refuse to accept any tax increases as part of a larger deal will be part of the reason cited.

    The official was unsure if the bond rating would be AA+ or AA.

    Another government official confirms the Obama administration is preparing for the downgrade but is not 100% positive it’s going to happen, and if it does happen officials are not sure when it will happen.

    Before ratings agencies issue a downgrade, there is often some back and forth that goes on behind the scenes. Treasury Department officials have been making the case for months that S&P should not downgrade US debt.

    -Jake Tapper (@jaketapper)

    Enjoy your alleged birthday Mr. president.

  148. Anonymous7:59 PM

    While the Great Depression was only fun for the extremely did leave life lessons. One is to always have the ability to survive the wisherating of TaxBaggers.

    LT, you might want to read the Econ bloggers about S&P and their desire for Crisis Economics. Seems S&P have an agenda...and it has nothing to do with objectively rating the US debt. I would not even put it past them to be doing this because of the colour of Obama.


  149. Anonymous9:18 PM

    "Why do you think the "national media" ignores all the black on black killings in urban A-merry-ca, and gives us wall to wall coverage of a missing little white girl in New Hampshire?"

    That easy enough to answer. It's because of the differences in the color of one's skin. White is more valuable and more important than Black. It has been that way since the birth of this nation.

    Actually, it's pretty standard thinking and behavior in America. Accept it, and you won't have any problems.

  150. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Field, "Not much. 60 points does not make a rally.But at least I am breathing a little easier. :)"

    Well, next week should be interesting. S&P downgraded America from AAA to AA. We headed down, Mr. Field... As it should be. How can a country maintain a triple A rating with a Congress and government like ours?

    BTW, look for Gold to go through $1700/ounce in 2-4 weeks! It's a shame that you are riding down that rabbit hole when you could have bought some gold and made money.

    have a good weekend, Mr. Field.

  151. "Enjoy your alleged birthday Mr. president."

    "Alleged"? Oh great, another "Birther."

  152. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I went to see the Rise of the Planet of the Apes. The theatre was full of our folks. As usual, it was noisy with our folks talking to the screen and rooting for the apes, who behaved like our folks who shot up the bus in Philly.

    The leader of the Apes acted and thought like a gang leader which everybody in the theatre related to and loved...We are so violently weird.
