Thursday, August 18, 2011

Where is Yao when you need him?

I swear they can't take you Negroes anywhere. So now you done went and started a fight with the Chinese. This is not a good look for John Thompson III and the boys. I don't care how many bows those Chinese were throwing at you, you boys should have just sucked it up and walked away. Instead, we have an ugly international incident on our hands.

 "BEIJING — What began as a goodwill trip to China for the Georgetown men’s basketball team turned violent Thursday night, when its exhibition game against a Chinese professional club deteriorated into a benches-clearing melee in which players exchanged blows, chairs were thrown and spectators tossed full water bottles at the Hoyas players and coaches as they headed to the locker room.

Georgetown Coach John Thompson III pulled his players off the Olympic Sports Center Stadium court with 9 minutes, 32 seconds left in the game and the scored tied at 64 after a chaotic scene in which members of both the Georgetown and Bayi Military Rockets teams began swinging wildly and tackling one another.

There were an estimated half-dozen individual altercations on the court , and eventually some Chinese onlookers joined the fracas, including one wielding a stanchion. As the brawl spilled beyond the baseline, an unidentified Bayi player pushed Georgetown’s Aaron Bowen through a partition to the ground before repeatedly punching the sophomore guard while sitting on his chest.
Georgetown senior center Henry Sims had a chair tossed at him by an unidentified person, and Georgetown freshman forward Moses Ayegba, who was wearing a brace on his right leg, limped onto the court with a chair in his right hand..."

Oh Lawd! Maybe you boys couldn't have just walked away after all. What's wrong with the Chinese? They don't have love for GT? Have they ever heard of Patrick Ewing, Sleepy Floyd, AI, and Alonzo Mourning?

"The brawl occured one night after Vice President Biden, who is in Beijing on a four-day visit to discuss U.S.-Chinese economic relations, attended a Georgetown game against another Chinese club at the Olympic Sports Center. That game, which was won by Georgetown, passed without incident.

The turbulent ending to Thursday night’s contest marred what had been billed as the second game of a two-day “China-U.S. Basketball Friendship Match” in Beijing. Georgetown intended for the team’s 10-day trip to China to be an athletic, cultural and educational exchange designed to promote the school internationally."

Maybe next time we will send Duke.

I really don't want to blog about Michele Bachmann as much as I do, but girlfriend just wont let me walk away.

Here is the latest from the Queen of the tea party:

"This could be the least serious campaign promise of the year. While on the trail in South Carolina this week, Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann vowed that if elected president, gasoline prices would fall to less than $2 per gallon.

"Under President Bachmann you will see gasoline come down below $2 per gallon again," Bachmann said during a town hall meeting in Greenville, S.C., according to The Hill newspaper. "That will happen."
To accomplish this, Bachmann said, she would encourage more oil drilling by opening up spaces currently under federal protection and reduce restrictions and regulation on oil companies. The national average for the price of gas is currently $3.60 per gallon." [Source]

Michele, I have a news flash for you: if gas is selling at less than $2 a gallon during your presidency that will not be good for the economy. Just a thought. Still,if you can get the field to pay less than $2 a gallon at the pump, you just might have my vote.

Finally, speaking of the tea party, I see that a new study by a couple of academics is confirming what I believed all along about my wingnut friends. Remember how they tried to say that they were independent of either political party? Well, it turns out that was a lie. And, as it turns out, they don't like us black folks too much, either. Nooooooo.

"Our analysis casts doubt on the Tea Party’s “origin story.” Early on, Tea Partiers were often described as nonpartisan political neophytes. Actually, the Tea Party’s supporters today were highly partisan Republicans long before the Tea Party was born, and were more likely than others to have contacted government officials. In fact, past Republican affiliation is the single strongest predictor of Tea Party support today.

What’s more, contrary to some accounts, the Tea Party is not a creature of the Great Recession. Many Americans have suffered in the last four years, but they are no more likely than anyone else to support the Tea Party. And while the public image of the Tea Party focuses on a desire to shrink government, concern over big government is hardly the only or even the most important predictor of Tea Party support among voters.

So what do Tea Partiers have in common? They are overwhelmingly white, but even compared to other white Republicans, they had a low regard for immigrants and blacks long before Barack Obama was president, and they still do.
More important, they were disproportionately social conservatives in 2006 — opposing abortion, for example — and still are today. Next to being a Republican, the strongest predictor of being a Tea Party supporter today was a desire, back in 2006, to see religion play a prominent role in politics.

And Tea Partiers continue to hold these views: they seek “deeply religious” elected officials, approve of religious leaders’ engaging in politics and want religion brought into political debates. The Tea Party’s generals may say their overriding concern is a smaller government, but not their rank and file, who are more concerned about putting God in government." [Source] 

A desire "to see religion play a prominent role in politics". That sounds like another group I know.


  1. Passing along more anti-Tea Party propaganda.

    When will you learn?

  2. Chinese people stomping on negros?


    I though they just hated white Americans.

  3. That picture looks like a vision of the future, after all the white people are gone, and the world consists of Negros battling Chinamen.

    Looks like Round 1 goes to the Chinamen.

  4. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Field this right here was crazy.I'm talkin about Michele not the fight.

    Anyway if she wins I'm holding her to that 2 dollar a gallon gas thing.

  5. "Field this right here was crazy.I'm talkin about Michele not the fight.

    Anyway if she wins I'm holding her to that 2 dollar a gallon gas thing."


    "That picture looks like a vision of the future, after all the white people are gone, and the world consists of Negros battling Chinamen."

    What about the Indians? No Indians?

  6. Whitey would have lost9:24 PM

    The minute a China man showed some blood, the whole Hoya team would have been hemmed up in the China man prison. I wish China man would have tried that shit in DC.

  7. Anonymous9:26 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous9:27 PM

    You just can't take black folk any where.Next time it should be Duke.Never hear a bad word about black Duke bb players.

    Congresswoman Maxine Waters can't get no love in the fields?She is fighting hard for black Americans who are suffering under the Obama regime.

    Maxine is begging to be unleased so she can take the fight to the man.The black man:)

  9. Whitey would have lost said...
    The minute a China man showed some blood, the whole Hoya team would have been hemmed up in the China man prison. I wish China man would have tried that shit in DC.

    You wish will come true, black man. Someday we stomp you on you own court.

  10. Anonymous9:32 PM

    "I really don't want to blog about Michele Bachmann as much as I do, but girlfriend just wont let me walk away."

    Mr. Field, I am becoming more and more irritated with you messing with my Minnesota girl. That is not right, Mr. Field. Damn. Enough is enough...

    In addition you get most of your FN Negroes-who will follow you anywhere- to pile on beating her up worse than the Chinese beat the shit out of those Negroes. You Negroes had better not go fucking around with those Chinese. They are hot-tempered Tai Chi Kung Fung fighters and will hand you your black ass.

    Mr. Field, let me try a different level of consciousness by showing Michele to some of you unenlightened Negroes who the REAL Michele Bachmann is!

    Mr. Field, Michele is a child of God and you and your cronies are messing with God's child. Now, I don't need to tell you how God feels about this, but let's just say that HE AIN'T HAPPY. And when God is unhappy, strange shit starts to happen to those who have messed with His child. Lord, have mercy.

  11. As the Hoyas getting curb stomped by Chinese pro players, well it is a bunch of college kids against grown men in their prime - all things equal, a 19 year old college kid will get clocked by an in shape 26 year pro ball player. But whatever, stupidity and rage knows no color.

    And we all 'discovered' that Tea Party Republicans are just old school race baiting, anti-government, homophobic, immigrant bashing right wingers in tricorner hats? No? Really? The whole Obama as the Witch Doctor and Birther movement wasn't a clue? How many times and ways can we all say what is obvious? Let me "say it" as loud as possible....


    Phew, had to let that out. Sorry for such theatrics, but how many more groups have to do research to show us what even most people with common sense already know? The election of a centrist, pragmatic Black President showed that we have moved forward in race relations and that the country want something different. It also showed that we were sick of Bush-era policies and wanted change.

    But, the election of a Black man to the most powerful office on Earth (even a rather milquetoast, quasi-corporatist one like Obama) also awaken every bigoted troglodyte to the right of Bob Dole who now coalesced (like so many mold and bacteria) into a mass we now call 'The Tea Party'.

    The Tea Baggers don't give a damn about war, the economy or anything substance - they just don't like a "darkie" and his family occupying the white house. That salient racism, along with hating poor people, educated people, immigrants and gays, defines the Tea party.

  12. Ming the Merciless9:33 PM

    "What about the Indians? No Indians?"

    The Indians are lovers, not fighters. Besides, nobody wants any part of India.

    But China is going need all the natural resources in Africa.

  13. strassus9:40 PM

    What a small minded bigot LAC is, always quick to parrot the liberal conventional wisdom in a condescending, preening fashion.

    Take a look in the mirror. Who is demonizing people he doesn't agree with? Who is stereotyping people by race and class? Build yourself a cartoonish strawman and knock it down again, LAC. What a hero!

    God, you are a buffoon.

  14. Dear President of Anon Inc., please see what your subject said to me @ 9:32 pm. Please make him stop, I am trying to have a peaceful night.

    La~Coincidental, why don't you just say how you really feel?

  15. Anonymous9:45 PM

    One of the contributors to the op-ed which field writes about has a interesting take on the negative effects of diversity.

  16. Yikes, I think I'd better change my avatar!

    But I'll be damned if I'm gonna remove that alumni plate from my ride!!! I'll just avoid driving through Chinatown this weekend, LOL!!!

    BTW Field, you could passed on this story for MY sake!

  17. Win Wong10:13 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Yikes, I think I'd better change my avatar!

    Don't worry, everyone know you didn't really go to Georgetown.

  18. These Teabaggers need to get up off their cousins and get a life. Screw these so called journalists. For almost three years they fed into this Tea Party BS and reaped profits from all this mayhem. Sorry, but the sane majority are gifted bullshit detectors and had their number from the get-go. Go crawl back under the rock you came out of and do your damn jobs better. Journalists and researchers my hiney!

  19. since you black racists don't get out much past your negro blogs or Huffpo, I'll fill you in: the majority of people are very happy to see the Chinese kick the butts of your gutter-ape "supermen".

    You dummies are too myopic to see that the negro fetish has peaked. People are fed up with your whining and your gutter ape mentality and your constant demands for AA privileges and your sympathy for everything criminal-and-black.

    You'll have to get used to the real world soon. I pity you.

  20. Monet, you've been teabagged way too many times. That deprives you of oxygen and you can't think straight.

  21. yeah LAC, that Obongo is a certified genius... 57 states.

  22. Win Wong said...
    't worry, everyone know you didn't really go to Georgetown.

    Awwww, what's wrong, you mad the Chinese would have laughed your community college team out the gym for not being smart enough to play them in the first place, and for wearing overalls in the gym?

    Try rolling the pants legs up at the knees like you do when you're in the toebaca ( cracka for tobacco) fields, LOL!!!!

  23. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Yikes, I think I'd better change my avatar!

    But I'll be damned if I'm gonna remove that alumni plate from my ride!!! I'll just avoid driving through Chinatown this weekend, LOL!!!

    BTW Field, you could passed on this story for MY sake!

    Alumni plate? Is that what they give janitors after 20 years of scrubbing the sh*t out of toilets?

  24. Wesley R10:29 PM

    Shit if Duke would have gone to China and gotten into a fight with a Chinese team, they would still be running. At least Georgetown stood their ground. Let's Go Hoyas, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, Let's Go Hoyas, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap,

  25. White Hoya10:34 PM

    Ari: "I'll fill you in: the majority of people are very happy to see the Chinese kick the butts of your gutter-ape "supermen".

    I'm not, I'll always pull for my countrymen first.

    It was just a basketball game, but I think it is a good reminder to blacks that even though the rest of the world resents America, just like most blacks do, they don't especially have any warm and fuzzy feelings for black people.

    American blacks and American whites have more in common with each other than American blacks do with thte rest of the world.

    A house divided cannot stand.

  26. I imagine if the Duke players were anything like the lacrosse team......... Nevermind.

  27. Duke just wasn't a good suggestion, Field.

  28. Wesley R said...
    Shit if Duke would have gone to China and gotten into a fight with a Chinese team, they would still be running. At least Georgetown stood their ground.

    Looks like they did more running than standing:

  29. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Win Wong said...
    't worry, everyone know you didn't really go to Georgetown.

    Awwww, what's wrong, you mad the Chinese would have laughed your community college team out the gym for not being smart enough to play them in the first place, and for wearing overalls in the gym?

    Try rolling the pants legs up at the knees like you do when you're in the toebaca ( cracka for tobacco) fields, LOL!!!!

    When you drive by chinatown did you hear woookkk----aaaaaaaaa--gggggg--eeeeeeeeee??? If so you are going to fast.

    Next time slow down so you can hear what they are sayin clearly, what they are sayin is woook aaa biiiiiiggggg monkeeeeeeee, sheeee soooo ugggllllyyyyy

  30. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I imagine if the Duke players were anything like the lacrosse team

    They would get framed by a nasty ghetoo ho with 10= dna samples on her?

  31. Ms.Crystal Queen said...
    I imagine if the Duke players were anything like the lacrosse team.........

    I'll bet you imagine that a lot.

    Do you like to pretend you are a stripper, too?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Mike Krzyzewski said...
    Looks like they did more running than standing

    Hell I would have run too, afraid they were about to "kung fu" my ass, LOL!!!

    Once thing is for sure though. White boys "can't jump" or fight, so maybe next time they'll play in Switzerland.

  34. Dr.Queen said...
    A goober has no idea what the concept of "a house divided cannot stand" means.

    Even worse, the typical goober's house will fall long before that of many Blacks because while he was tea bagging his a$$ off, the rest of us were making/saving money.

  35. mr mensa10:50 PM

    la coincidental says:


    What's the Tea Party? Just a bunch of voters. big deal.

    Bigots angry about a black man in the White House. No. Angry about an incompetent in the White House.

    Obama's smarter? Really? First, we've never seen the results of any Obama IQ test, nor his SAT scores, nor his college grades, nor his LSAT score, nor his law school grades.

    But you claim he's smart.

    Even we suspend our disbelief for a moment to examine that claim, here's what we get:

    Unemployment at 9.1%, national debt now equal to GDP and the downgrade of US credit. That's coupled with Obama's failing war in Afghanistan, his failure to recognize Pakistan as an enemy, his ineffectual efforts to remove Ghadhafi, his meek request for Assad to give up Syria, his meek and unresolved issues in Yemen and his meek response to the fact that Islamic extremists are rising to power in Egypt.

    On top of all this, Obama wants the US to INCREASE its imports of oil. Is he nuts? Or just to smart for the rest of us?

    Eight months after Bush was inaugurated, the US was hit by 9/11. In 2005 hurrican Katrina hit. In 2008, the financial meltdown was in full swing.

    Since Obama's inauguration he has faced NO domestic terrorist attacks and no major hurricanes struck. There was some serious flooding of which little was heard after the rains stopped.

    Thus, Obama has had almost three disaster-free years to improve the economy. However, he has failed.

    Is he too smart to get the country back on track? Is that it?

    At this point, that's all his supporters can say.

    "Ooooh," they say, "he's so smart. There must be something wrong with everybody else that the economy is still such a mess."

  36. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Dr.Queen said...
    A goober has no idea what the concept of "a house divided cannot stand" means.

    Even worse, the typical goober's house will fall long before that of many Blacks because while he was tea bagging his a$$ off, the rest of us were making/saving money.


  37. ebartonstl10:55 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Once thing is for sure though. White boys "can't jump" or fight, so maybe next time they'll play in Switzerland

    A goober has no idea what the concept of "a house divided cannot stand" means.

    You racist piece of trash.

  38. Dr. Golden11:00 PM

    Ms.Queen said..."Even worse, the typical goober's house will fall long before that of many Blacks because while he was tea bagging his a$$ off, the rest of us were making/saving money."

    Oh really, how is your unemployed ass saving money?

    You will never be a doctor.

  39. Sponfocu11:03 PM

    You racist piece of trash.


    What racism? Sounds like you're just a dumbass.

  40. So lemme guess assnon, you're a lacrosse player too? And no, bawling up paper balls and chasing them around with your mammy's broomstick doesn't count, LOL!!

  41. Anonymous11:05 PM


    You sound so silly and off-the-charts. Where do you get such ideas? You have never heard anyone from the tea party say what you claim they are thinking. Those thoughts are coming from YOUR mind, not theirs. You have conflated yourself with the Tea Party. It's your projections on them that you see, but you aren't aware enough to be conscious of it. People like you, Mack and Kid- who think they know what Whites are thinking- are all the same.

  42. Anonymous11:07 PM

    ebartonstl said...
    Dr.Queen said...
    Once thing is for sure though. White boys "can't jump" or fight, so maybe next time they'll play in Switzerland

    A goober has no idea what the concept of "a house divided cannot stand" means.

    She just a ghetto ho who when compared to her hood family mambas got this false sense of "class"
    meanwhile she might have a betta weave den some of the sistas but outside the hood she is a like a gigantic shenana, a joke. Everybody has seen one of dese sistas, has on the bright red pink weave and says now dis shit is classy. I be da most elegant motherfuckin ho here, i uses a napkins when I eats my KFC not just my sleeve. Never realizing what she really is, then again to most of her family sadly, she is a step up.

  43. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Looking at the photo, why do bm have such skinny calves?

  44. Anonymous11:13 PM

    "And Tea Partiers continue to hold these views: they seek “deeply religious” elected officials, approve of religious leaders’ engaging in politics and want religion brought into political debates."

    The Tea Partiers aren't the only ones who want religion brought into political debates. There are many religious folks who want it brought into the debates and the political landscape.

  45. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    So lemme guess assnon, you're a lacrosse player too? And no, bawling up paper balls and chasing them around with your mammy's broomstick doesn't count, LOL!!

    If you are supposed to be the better representative of negroes, why do you still sound so much like a gutter ghetto slut? People write the way they speak and you don't sound intelligent at all. In example "bawling" is crying, the word you sought was balling, only you have a mammy, if he were white he would have a mother or mommy if you wish to be condescending. How can someone have four degrees yet still be such a gutter urchin? I think you are lying, your IQ is clearly and I do mean clearly lacking.

  46. rodney king11:18 PM

    Leave it to the black guy to claim the commission of crime occurs at the same rate among whites as it does among blacks

    And then the black guys says that "parents" of the black thugs have to counsel their kids about how their bad behavior might hurt their chances for getting into a good college.

    Amazingly, no one laughed when spoke, though John King had to cover his face and the camera cut away.

  47. Yeah, like Gomer would say shazam! You mean Tbaggers are just old fat white republikkkans in costume? Next thing you're gonna tell me Field posted stories on Ladybird Bachmann's beard, and flyin bows and didn't mention them together

  48. This is an American champion, I wish he would have got up and kicked some ass!

  49. do as I say, not as I do, Obama the smoker11:24 PM

    Anyone care to bet on whether Obama himself will ever own a Chevy Volt?

    We know he'll never buy one. Since he knows he himself will never buy one, why does he believe other people should?

    That's a lunatic liberal/socialist/martinet for you.

  50. Reality check11:29 PM

    "And then the black guys says that "parents" of the black thugs have to counsel their kids about how their bad behavior might hurt their chances for getting into a good college"

    If moms can be located, she might say:

    Don't get caught! If you see the po-lice, run! But get me some Gucci first. And beat some white ass. If you do get caught, don't snitch! And don't call me, I'll be at the club.

  51. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Everybudy says dis and everybudy says dat and...

    Listen lemonheads, if you speak to 2 people you know, this isn't everyone.

    Forty-three percent (43%) of voters say they are conservative when it comes to fiscal issues such as taxes, government spending and business regulation. Thirty-seven percent (37%) characterize themselves as moderates in this area, while 14% are fiscal liberals.

    Whats the Black population, plus DWL's, wow, about 14%. Lib'ruls.

  52. Anonymous11:32 PM

    do as I say, not as I do, Obama the smoker said...
    Anyone care to bet on whether Obama himself will ever own a Chevy Volt?

    I don't even think he can drive.

  53. Anonymous11:34 PM

    How can someone have four degrees yet still be such a gutter urchin? I think you are lying, your IQ is clearly and I do mean clearly lacking.

    Schools have been dumbed down for years. Few actually teach academics and have strong standards. Not many minorities could keep up and this was "discriminatory" so they got rid of advanced critical thinking classes and replaced it with African written literature - about a 15 minute class, or something totally difficult like urban garbage can art home economics or the art of finding time for you even though you are a pretween and have two kids without either of the fathers present.

  54. Dwuane DaSinc11:44 PM

    Unfortunately, minorities often suffer so that whites can pat themselves on the back. Liberals routinely admit minorities to schools for which they are not qualified, yet take no responsibility for the inevitable poor performance and high drop-out rates which follow. Liberals don't care if these minority students fail; liberals aren't around to witness the emotional devastation and deflated self esteem resulting from the racist policy that is affirmative action. Yes, racist. Holding someone to a separate standard merely because of the color of his skin -- that's affirmative action in a nutshell, and if that isn't racism, then nothing is. And that is what America did to Obama.

    True, Obama himself was never troubled by his lack of achievements, but why would he be? As many have noted, Obama was told he was good enough for Columbia despite undistinguished grades at Occidental; he was told he was good enough for the US Senate despite a mediocre record in Illinois; he was told he was good enough to be president despite no record at all in the Senate. All his life, every step of the way, Obama was told he was good enough for the next step, in spite of ample evidence to the contrary. What could this breed if not the sort of empty narcissism on display every time Obama speaks?

    And what about his character? Obama is constantly blaming anything and everything else for his troubles. Bush did it; it was bad luck; I inherited this mess. It is embarrassing to see a president so willing to advertise his own powerlessness, so comfortable with his own incompetence. But really, what were we to expect? The man has never been responsible for anything, so how do we expect him to act responsibly?

    In short: our president is a small and small-minded man, with neither the temperament nor the intellect to handle his job. When you understand that, and only when you understand that, will the current erosion of liberty and prosperity make sense. It could not have gone otherwise with such a man in the Oval Office.

  55. Super Fly11:45 PM

    "Whats the Black population, plus DWL's, wow, about 14%. Lib'ruls."

    Interesting fact: Most Americans wildly overestimate the black population of the US.

    Minority Americans even more so.

    In a 2002 poll, the mean guess of nonwhites as to the percentage of blacks in America was 40% and the the mean guess on Hispanics was 35%.

    The fact these added up to 75%, leaving a max white population of 25% was apparently lost on the poll takers.

    White people didn't do much better, guessing around 33% black. Even whites with doctorates had a mean estimate of 25% for the black population.

    The actual percentages are about 70% white, 15% hispanic, and less than 15% black.

    These misconceptions must have something to do with the huge overrepresentation of minorities in the media.

  56. Anonymous12:25 AM

    The actual percentages are about 70% white, 15% hispanic, and less than 15% black.

    These misconceptions must have something to do with the huge overrepresentation of minorities in the media.

    Right, similar with leftists, very minor population in this conservative nation, thus estimating that with blacks and liberals together around 14% of the country, this includes 1-2% of gays.

  57. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Here is a video of Christine O'Donnell another of my favorite ladies. She is so cute and innocent. What I can't figure out is why everyone is messing with my girls Bachmann, Palin and O'Donnell. They are such lovable sweethearts.

    The only reason I can figure out is that the Dems are afraid of them. And the women are jealous of them, esp bw who wish God had given them such talents. Well, Granny, you can't have everything.

  58. Anonymous1:20 AM

    Mr. Field, FYI, more info on the rise of GOLD:

    NEW YORK (AP) — “The price of gold hit its latest record high, near $1,830 an ounce, as investors spooked by the prospect of a return to recession sought out safety Thursday in the precious metal.

    Gold prices have more than doubled since the recession began in late 2007. They've risen about 19 percent since the beginning of June, as European leaders struggled to keep the debt crisis from infecting the region's major economies and U.S. politicians nearly drove the country to the brink of default, prompting Standard & Poor's to cut the country's AAA credit rating.”

  59. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Dr Queefa we know, we know..

    A student at the Georgetown University Law School got into trouble a few years ago for disclosing data showing that black students had scored well below whites on their admission tests. Taylor says he could have cited published data on LSAT scores to make his point. They show that a mere 17 blacks in the entire country equaled or exceeded the average LSAT score of all students admitted by Georgetown Law. Since the school admits about 70 blacks each year, most of them obviously had LSAT scores below the Georgetown average.

  60. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Now that is an odd basketball game. Wonder what the story is?

    Tax Baggers have long been known to be astroturf. And more than a few of their memebership are Rs. Duh.
    Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease.

    Two dollar gas? Michelle either is lying, has no clew about the possible reserves, or is blowing smoke up the nares of equally ungifted gullible marks.


  61. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Not only are you passing off Bozell lying aren't even bothering to cite it. Must be he needs eyeballs. How else to sell the scam of being relevant? Go to Bozell's scams and let him pretend that people actually visit. Yep. Just like the bulk buying of Regnery products.

    Taylor 'found' magickal evidence. Really? What is the evidence? Were his 'findings' ever reviewed? You can TELL me all you want that you are on SEAL Team Six...but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  62. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Much of the handout fails even a basic logic test. Justin Rubin, MoveOn's executive director said: "It is ridiculous that Republicans think that every constituent that stands up and challenges them at a town hall is a MoveOn member. The fact of the matter is their policies are deeply unpopular with the vast majority of Americans - not just MoveOn members. If Republicans don't want to take questions from their constituents it is probably time for them to find a new line of work."

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  63. Not Like Other Anons7:12 AM

    Taylor 'found' magickal evidence. Really? What is the evidence? Were his 'findings' ever reviewed? You can TELL me all you want that you are on SEAL Team Six...but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim.


    He's on SEAL Team Six? The one that got blown up on da choppaaaaa? No way, not unless it was reformed or something.

  64. Assnon I'll bet my almost 6 figure salary, your spelling acumen doesn't translate into a better salary, home, or car.

    So pardon me while I remind you to kiss the ass of my hood ornament. All the way to gooberville and back though my instincts are telling me your actually that trolling, non working, forskin sniffing troll Manika.

    And if my spelling still bothers you, take it up with Steve Jobs then kiss my hood ornaments ass again!

  65. ax fo da stax7:35 AM

    Here we ago. Any day know, we're going to see Affirmative Action for black scientists seeking funding for studies asking why blacks prefer to walk in the street rather than on the sidewalk.

    Black Scientists Less Likely to Win Federal Research Grants, Study Reports

    New York Times
    August 18, 2011

    A research grant application from a black scientist to the National Institutes of Health is markedly less likely to win approval than one from a white scientist, a new study reported on Thursday.

    Dr. Francis S. Collins of the National Institutes of Health, which commissioned the report, said that he would act on its findings.

    Even when the researchers made statistical adjustments to ensure they were comparing apples to apples — that is, scientists at similar institutions with similar academic track records — the disparity persisted.

    A black scientist was one-third less likely than a white counterpart to get a research project financed, the study found.

    The researchers said they did not know whether applications from black researchers were somehow weaker, or whether a combination of factors was at play.

    For every 100 applications submitted by white scientists, 29 were awarded grants. For every 100 applications from black scientists, 16 were financed.

    After the apples-to-apples statistical adjustments, the gap narrowed but still existed.

    The medical research community has long struggled to recruit more minority scientists.

    For example, about 2.9 percent of full-time medical school faculty members are black, Dr. Collins said; according to census figures, blacks make up 12.6 percent of the population.

    “It indicates to us that we have not only failed to recruit the best and brightest minds from all of the groups that need to come and join us,” Dr. Collins said, “but for those who have come and joined us, there is an inequity in their ability.”

    Members of other races and ethnic groups, including Hispanics, do not appear to run into the same difficulties.

    Asians were somewhat less successful, but the gap disappeared when foreign-born scientists — who may have difficulty with English in writing successful grants — were excluded.

    Hmmm. But they don't exclude blacks who have difficulty with English.

  66. Monet7:52 AM

    Seems like u know what I'm talking about re: the r very sensitive....lmao. The comments here are proving that racism is alive and well in America and anyone denying that is a lying sack of excrement.
    These young men get into a fight and look at your my my, this is why you morons love war so much, only difference is then all the blacks and whites come together to take out the others.

  67. chinese take out8:06 AM

    Obama's policies and practices are making the US less attractive for investment:

    Coca-Cola Plans $4 Billion China Investment

    By JAMES T. AREDDY in Shanghai and MIKE ESTERL in Atlanta
    Wall Street Journal

    Coca-Cola Co. Chairman and Chief Executive Muhtar Kent said Thursday that the Atlanta soft-drink giant plans $4 billion in new spending in China over the next three years, the latest big investment commitment by multinational food and beverage groups targeting the world's No. 2 economy.

    In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Kent said the investment would be used to add bottling plants, expand some existing facilities and fund initiatives in distribution, marketing and the development of new cold drinks. "It's our third-largest global market, growing at double-digits," he said.

    U.S. fast-food chain McDonald's Corp. has plans to expand its number of stores in China to 2,000 by 2013, from the current 1,300.

  68. Try this on for size, statistical assnon.

    EVERY Black PI (that's principal investigator, stupid) at Georgetown is VERY well funded.

    At Howard the same cannot be said, and the primary reason is RACISM.

    Now put that in your crystal meth pipe and smoke it next to your mammy's oxygen tank!!

  69. "Alumni plate? Is that what they give janitors after 20 years of scrubbing the sh*t out of toilets?''
    Statements like these just brings more ignorance to the conversation, because no one know who they are really talking to.
    Also taking about SAT is idiocy too, no one giving you a job has ask for them.

  70. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Seriously, the fight that broke out between the Hoyas and Chinese is no laughing matter. Once again it shows the disrespect that black people have to endure from around this world. Yes, fighting is wrong, but, you dont have to stand for a beat down to prove that you are better than that. The Hoyas defended thereselves just the way anyone else would have in a simular situation. This is in no ways a laughing matter. How would you react in the same situation in foreign territory no damn good and well that those people were out to hurt you and didn't care or give a damn about how it looks. Sending Duke may have changed the hostility some what because they have more white boys on the team, but that's not even a given. Blaming the Hoyas for defending themselves is pure ignorance. Sounds to me like some of you think just because they are young and black they don't desire to protect themselves or deserve respect. The Chinese don't like Black people and that's a fact. What this country needs to do is stop trading and importing their products, and see how their attitude changes.

  71. Fn:

    Cc this to t d jakes…gwb’s fav church house boy


    What political party does NOT force religion into politics???

    Including that legally wed dl adulterer gay marriage hating hobama?

    Gwb pimped black church mongrels even BETTER than his evil cuz hobama/the tea party…


    All rebels need to take notes from the tea party…including their TYPICAL religious bs…

  72. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Try this on for size, statistical assnon.

    EVERY Black PI (that's principal investigator, stupid) at Georgetown is VERY well funded.

    At Howard the same cannot be said, and the primary reason is RACISM.

    Now put that in your crystal meth pipe and smoke it next to your mammy's oxygen tank!!

    Of course a Black PI is well funded at Georgetown, it's all Federal Grant Money after all, educational welfare. Do you have the basketball team assist with the financial status and minority reports?

    Were you one of the ones who performed the study on the sexual preferences of cockroaches?

  73. dissent trumps double standards!!!


    ALL dissent is patriotic and mandatory under hobama's ruthless upgraded expanded new world order

    why is the tea party judged so unfairly and hypocritically by all???


    blanketed and blamed for a few racists kkk members who clown at their rallies???

    NOT allowed to force their religion into debates and laws???



  74. fn:

    what if you were judged by that molded moron who rules this blog????

  75. brew some black tea asap!

    In That’s No Angry Mob, That’s My Mom, talk radio host Michael Graham delivers an uproarious, full-throated defense of millions of typical Americans like his mom—ordinary people who worry that Obama’s socialist policies are jeopardizing America’s future. In his unique, irreverent style, Graham fires on:
    accusations that tea partiers are racists: “In the upside down world of the Obama Nation, people who spend a lifetime following Reverend Wright aren’t racists. But people who show up at a rally to oppose single-payer healthcare are.”accusations that tea partiers are terrorists: “Fashion terrorists, maybe. I doubt the typical tea partier is going to run amok in the halls of government, but many appear to have done so in the aisles of Wal-Mart.”a professor he debated on TV: “He really thought the tea parties were some dangerous new development, perhaps linked to the militia movement, survivalist cults, or—worst case scenario—the Glenn Beck show.”Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ insistence that reporters find out what tea partiers think: “Really, Maxine, you can’t figure that out on your own? The huge ‘No More Big Government!’ signs they’re waving aren’t a clue?”

    The Obama administration promised “hope and change” for everyday Americans. They have delivered contempt and vilification instead. That’s No Angry Mob, That’s My Mom exposes this deception in a no-holds-barred takedown of Team Obama’s condescending arrogance.

    My own take is fairly simple. Obama won because people were fed up with George W. Bush. Specifically, they were upset at how long two wars were taking. Beyond that, many Americans, for whom fiscal responsibility is a big deal, were upset at Bush's 700 billion dollar bailout (more than a few fiscal conservatives, myself among them, actively hoped the Repubicans would lose for that alone) and in general the previous president's policies on immigration and his own venture into socialized health care (prescription drug coverage) alienated his base without attracting any real support from the left. Obama, a man without a record, said all the right things. He would support a transparent government; no secret deals. He would impose fiscal discipline and pay for any new programs with cuts elsewhere. He would not raise taxes on anyone making more than $250,000 a year. And he would bring our troops home. Obama has since broken every one of those key campaign promises and people are upset. And they are becoming increasingly vocal about it. So naturally, the administration and its supporters are faced with a choice: they can actually do the things that won them the election, or they can attempt to marginalize their opponents. They are going with the latter strategy and all polls suggest it will come back to haunt them this election year.

  76. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Dear Mr. Field, No one can refute that you are always ‘right’ on your blog, FN. Even the majority of FN posters amazingly agree with you on virtually everything.

    However, being 'right' and being in alignment with ‘reality’ and truth is another matter. I understand your prideful struggle, Mr. Field, I really do. It is quite painful for a man of your stature to admit he was wrong about Gold, and Anon was clearly right. But, it is only money, Mr. Field. I am sure you can make more money by working a little harder and a little longer into your eighties or early nineties. BTW, do you know the average life-span of a bm? Get busy, Mr. Field, because life is short.

    As you 'ride the market out’, or should I say- as you 'ride it DOWN’? Meanwhile, the Anon (whom you claimed to Miss Desertflower was wrong about GOLD) is getting filthy rich... from GOLD!

    Have a good ride, Mr. Field. How I wish you could have been a little open-minded to the mind of reason. It would have saved you some money. But the good news is that the ride down below 11,000 or possibly below 10,600 on the Dow won't be much longer.

    Btw, did you ask your broker about having some GOLD in your portfolio as I suggested? Since you have not replied to any of my comments, I am assuming that you did not. My dear Mr. Field, I was just trying to help you. However, throughout my professional career, I have learned that it is difficult to help a brother of your personality and pride. Most bm seem to know everything and therefore have little room to learn anything new. Holding on to foolish pride is going to cost you some money, Mr. Field. It doesn't come free. I hope what you are paying for it is worth every penny.

    Brace yourself for market swings today, Mr. Field, it's quite volatile. But GOLD is on fire, AGAIN.

  77. memo to hobama:

    vanished jobs trump perpetual vacations!!!!


    More than 3,000 people showed up for the Congressional Black Caucus’ “For the People” Jobs Initiative at Atlanta Technical College Thursday.

    The “For the People” Jobs Initiative is a five-city tour, and launched in Cleveland, Ohio August 8th.

    According to, the Atlanta job fair featured help finding work with the federal government, GI Bill and veterans’ job training, help for job seekers over age 55, and advice on interviewing, along with offering direct contact with potential employers. reports:

    Thursday’s event took place in 90-plus degree Atlanta temperatures, and some job seekers fainted as they waited in lines that wrapped around the building in the early hours of the job fair, hoping to talk to the more than 90 employers who signed up for the event.

  78. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Laura Schlessinger beats up on Charlie Rangel:

  79. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Laura Schlessinger beats up on Charlie Rangel:

    This is an immediate classic. What a democratic politician sounds like when asked direct simple questions about policy. Completely expose how he is the plantation overseer keeping black folks on the democratic plantation with policies that have failed for decades and that have never worked. All the while blaming, bush, two wars, other's all someone else's fault doesn't seem to be holding up as well as it used to.

  80. Queen Truth Squad10:44 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Yikes, I think I'd better change my avatar!

    But I'll be damned if I'm gonna remove that alumni plate from my ride!!! I'll just avoid driving through Chinatown this weekend, LOL!!!

    BTW Field, you could passed on this story for MY sake!

    10:07 PM

    OF COURSE YOU SHOULD. You never went there and never will!

  81. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Love how the Hyuck-Hyuck crowd brings up Science as a waste of hared-earned taxpayer monies....but fail to mention Faith-based scams. PrayAwayDeGay...really?

    I would offer a defense of Science...but you could go to Pharyngula and other experts in the field who blog. They are more eloquent, accurate, and knowledgeable. Besides, they have already done the task of taking Goober from the zero Science religio/cyber/charter skool non-education to at least being able to understand the very basic concepts needed to grasp why study is important.

    Grants are based on many criteria. I wonder where the writers found their 'expertise'? Do they write Grant Proposals? Are they on the Committees that hand out the Grants? Are they academically on par with those who are requesting the Grants? Do they know the process for Grants?

    Or, are they paid Trolls, making poo up to satisfy the Koch-sucking for the day? Why is the answer to every single question posed...AfAms is inferior? Isn't that a bit like an 'article of faith'? Either the Troll is a racist silly boy, a product of the aforementioned skools, or paid to push the meme that is false on its face.

    They stopped using the 'wite peeples is allus better'...during the bush times. ;)

    LAC at 932pm...very true. NOte how upset the Trolls became when you pulled the curtain of TrooMericanHero back and we all saw the racists.

    Using Rasmussen as a claim to validity is prima facie that your claim is false.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  82. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "This is an immediate classic. What a democratic politician sounds like when asked direct simple questions about policy. Completely expose how he is the plantation overseer keeping black folks on the democratic plantation with policies that have failed for decades and that have never worked. All the while blaming, bush, two wars, other's all someone else's fault doesn't seem to be holding up as well as it used to."

    I agree. But have you noticed that FN Negroes , including Field himself, think like Rangel? That is like they are on the plantation run by Obama?

    For instance, it is clear that unemployment for Blacks is almost TWICE that of the national average but most FN Negroes twist and contort their thinking in favor of Obama-- even though his behavior clearly indicates he hasn't given them the time of day.

    They have profound denial!

  83. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!!

    Isn't it just cute how all the widdle Nazis are speaking the same lies for the MSM? Almost like they received guidance from Massa on what to say. Although the idiocy of claiming Ds as the plantation is an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Their proof of the claim....repetition and that they are TELLing us this. Wow, what skool did they attend?

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  84. Anonymous10:57 AM

    We are losing on all fronts. As the photo shows, we can't even win a fight against the Chinese at a basketball game!

  85. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Try this on for size, statistical assnon.

    EVERY Black PI (that's principal investigator, stupid) at Georgetown is VERY well funded.

    At Howard the same cannot be said, and the primary reason is RACISM.

    Stupid is as stupid says.

    Georgetown is a much better institution than Howard. If blacks at Georgetown receive more funding that blacks at Howard, that's not racism, that's money going to better science.

    There are so many avenues for minority favored funding that if a black PhD with an academic appointment and average ideas does not have money then he/she is lacking.

    Black Americans had better get their shit together. Many of the ones I see are smart enough but have been coddled for years and are shocked when they finally reach the point that they have to push themselves to the limit. More and more of our scholarships for minorities are going to first-generation Africans. Just our department alone has five; two Somalis, two Nigerians and one from Uganda. All of these kids have typical first generation immigrant work ethic which is bust ass until you bust through. All are on full scholarship. None of them is descended from vicitms of American slavery or segregation, but they are the ones cashing in on AA opportunities that should rightfully be going to American blacks.

  86. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!!

    Isn't it just cute how all the widdle Nazis are speaking the same lies for the MSM? Almost like they received guidance from Massa on what to say. Although the idiocy of claiming Ds as the plantation is an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Their proof of the claim....repetition and that they are TELLing us this. Wow, what skool did they attend?

    So you say a lot of nothing, why do you disagree other then someone else might be a bad person? Why?
    By the way, everyone knows repitition is all you have, you do nothing but day after day even when the original is gibberish, you still repeat it.
    So tell us why do you disagree and tell us how things are for black folk. We'll wait cause we know you will have to go find and ask a black person.

  87. Anonymous11:01 AM

    mold, "Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!!"

    at least you know where you are and you know your place. typical sick bi-polar self-deprecating Negro.

  88. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Silver and Palladium is popping! So is Gold!

    Poor Mr. Field.

  89. hobama's rock star serial vacations are a slap in the faces of vacationless jobless homeless americans of all races

    his cloned cuz gwb and laura would be crucified for this!!!


    One man and his dog: Obama begins vacation in Martha's Vineyard (but why did he need TWO helicopters and Air Force One for the 500 mile journey?)

    Stocks closed 400 points down Thursday as Obama boarded Air Force One

    Obama staying at $50,000-per-week farm house

    However, the American people won't hear details of the proposals, or any other solutions to the nation's economic woes, until Obama returns from his summer sojourn in Martha's Vineyard, the wealthy island enclave off Massachusetts, where his family will vacation for the third straight year.

    Then there's the issue of perception. Obama will be vacationing at a rented multi-million dollar estate on an island known as a haven for the rich and famous at a time when millions of Americans are out of work and countless more are financially strapped.

    The house rents for about $50,000 a week.

    Bill Clinton's aides were so concerned about vacation perceptions that they polled the public before deciding where he should go.

    While Clinton preferred trips to Martha's Vineyard, polling sometimes pushed him toward places like the more rugged Jackson Hole, Wyoming

    Read more:

  90. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!! Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul. Wow, what skool did they attend? Must be he needs eyeballs. Their proof of the an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists....but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure. Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly cited of the fact that liberals lose facts off their sites. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Brain Juice (delusion)


  91. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Anonymous said...
    We are losing on all fronts. As the photo shows, we can't even win a fight against the Chinese at a basketball game!

    even black fights are AA, they stack it up with gaggles of thugs rarely 1 and 1 and equal fights too risky.

  92. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!! Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul. Wow, what skool did they attend? Must be he needs eyeballs. Their proof of the an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists....but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure. Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease.

    The eternally dittoed mushmind is back. Say it agin spam, say it agin.

  93. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Why is Howard underfunded? RACISM in NIH peer review! NIH said it! And "Queen," fraud, doesn't have a degree from Georgetown!

    NIH-commissioned study identifies gaps in NIH funding success rates for black researchers

    Black applicants from 2000-2006 were 10 percentage points less likely than white applicants to be awarded research project grants from the National Institutes of Health after controlling for factors that influence the likelihood of a grant award, according to an NIH-commissioned study in the journal Science. In an accompanying commentary, NIH Director Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., and Principal Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S, Ph.D., call the findings unacceptable and commit to immediate action by the NIH.

  94. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Silver and Palladium is popping! So is Gold!

    As is Molds wee bonny little boner

  95. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Field why are my comments going to blog owner approval?

  96. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Black applicants from 2000-2006 were 10 percentage points less likely than white applicants to be awarded research project grants from the National Institutes of Health after controlling for factors that influence the likelihood of a grant award, according to an NIH-commissioned study in the journal Science. In an accompanying commentary, NIH Director Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., and Principal Deputy Director Lawrence Tabak, D.D.S, Ph.D., call the findings unacceptable and commit to immediate action by the NIH.

    oh oh we have another gap - quick fund dat study on KFC Queen LaQeefa is currently undertaking.

  97. Affirmative action always peters out at some point. There's affirmative action all the way up the line through education ... until research proposals are submitted to the NIH. At that point, race information is stripped off the application.

    “This situation is not acceptable,” NIH Director Francis S. Collins told reporters during a telephone briefing. “This data is deeply troubling.” ...
    Only 1.4 percent of applications came from black scientists, even though they account for about 12 percent of the U.S. population, the researchers found. "

    So, obviously, we are dealing with a problem huge in scale: Blacks make 1.4% of all applications and get 0.8% of approvals, so we are talking about a shortfall of 0.6% of all approvals. If there is a discrepancy of 0.6 percentage points disadvantaging blacks, then, apparently, it's a big story and everybody better worry about it.

    Seriously, that's how normal probability distributions (a.k.a., bell curves) work. Among all the people in America who are at least 5'9", say, most are men, but a significant minority are women. Among six footers, the percentage of women drops a lot compared to 5'9". Among people over 6'3", the percentage of women is very, very low.

    But, you aren't supposed to understand bell curves. Being stupid about probability distributions shows your heart is pure.

    Something else that even fewer people understand is how diversity programs steal from other diversity programs. You can see it more easily with sports. Say that the U.S. government announced a far-reaching program to dominate women's volleyball in the Olympics by 2024 by getting more 6'3" women to specialize in volleyball from a young age. American volleyball should spare no expense making extremely tall, extremely athletic girls into volleyball players. Well, the obvious side effect would be that spending a lot of money on volleyball would just raid other sports that want extremely tall, extremely athletic girls like basketball, soccer goalies, swimming, and water polo.

    Same thing with racial diversity programs, especially ones at super-elite levels like this upcoming one. The issue here isn't even getting more blacks to become qualified medical researchers. The issue is getting more blacks to be really good medical researchers. How do you do that? Mostly, you raid very smart blacks off other career tracks, like, say, Goldman Sachs.

    What this kind of brouhaha ends up being about is providing a few easy jobs for members of the protesting group.

  98. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Love how Sailer am an expert. Just ask him...oh don't need to ask...he will TELL you.
    Sure, athletes at the world-class level are cogs. What a quaint and utterly false notion. And pretending medical research is the 'exact same' as doing fraud for a bank is the fantasy of a person who is unfamiliar with both fields.

    He is TELLing you that NASCAR is the same as Forumula 1 is the same as drag racing is the same as Sprint Car is the same as Rally racing is the same Kart. Yeppers, he sure am expert....he TELL you.

    The previous post on some Heeycuk not knowing about the Grant Proposal process, content, requirements and his lack of the basic credentials still stands.

    Still, hope he gets paid to sell this poo to others. It would be sad for him to actually beleeve such idiocy.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  99. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Love how Sailer am an expert. Just ask him...oh don't need to ask...he will TELL you.
    Sure, athletes at the world-class level are cogs. What a quaint and utterly false notion. And pretending medical research is the 'exact same' as doing fraud for a bank is the fantasy of a person who is unfamiliar with both fields.

    He is TELLing you that NASCAR is the same as Forumula 1 is the same as drag racing is the same as Sprint Car is the same as Rally racing is the same Kart. Yeppers, he sure am expert....he TELL you.

    The previous post on some Heeycuk not knowing about the Grant Proposal process, content, requirements and his lack of the basic credentials still stands.

    Still, hope he gets paid to sell this poo to others. It would be sad for him to actually beleeve such idiocy.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)

    Is this what an educated Black Liberal sounds like? No, I dont think so. It is someone who has an agenda towards making Black Folk look like total fools. Has to be, no one is this stupid or has unlimited access to the internet from the crazy house.

  100. Wun Hung Lo12:52 PM

    Me chinese me play joke me put pee-pee in your coke.

  101. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Telling It Like It Wasn’t

    A fromer times report looks back at the The Crown Heights Riot.


    Twenty years ago next week, on the night of Aug. 19, 1991 — the night that Gavin Cato and Yankel Rosenbaum were killed — my editor called me at home to tell me that riots had broken out on the streets of Crown Heights. “We’re covered for tonight but I want you to start your day there tomorrow,” he said.

    Over the next three days, working 12 hours shifts and only going home to sleep, I saw and heard many terrible things. I saw police cars set on fire, stores being looted and people bloodied by Billy clubs, rocks and bottles. One woman told me that she barricaded herself into her apartment and put the mattresses on the windows so her children would not be hurt by flying glass.

    Over those three days I also saw journalism go terribly wrong. The city’s newspapers, so dedicated to telling both sides of the story in the name of objectivity and balance, often missed what was really going on. Journalists initially framed the story as a “racial” conflict and failed to see the anti-Semitism inherent in the riots. As the 20th anniversary of the riots approaches, I find myself re-examining my own role in the coverage and trying to extract some lessons for myself and my profession.

    At the time, I was a religion writer at The New York Times and was well connected in the Lubavitch community, the predominant Jewish group in Crown Heights. I was one of probably a dozen Times reporters and photographers on the streets over the course of the riots. We were a diverse group, representing many religions and racial backgrounds.

    My job was to file memos to the main “rewrite” reporters back in the Times office in Manhattan about what I saw and heard. We had no laptops or cellphones in those days so the other reporters and I went to payphones and dictated our memos to a waiting band of stenographers in the home office. The photographers handed their film off to couriers on motorcycles who took the film to the Times.

  102. fn:

    seen this???

    more proof that class is the new black

    2nd false confessions = ransomed freedoms


    The facts of a dark fairy tale

    In recent years, the case of the West Memphis Three has become a cause celebre, with two popular documentaries, a website (, big-time legal names rallying to the cause, and "Free the West Memphis Three" T-shirts worn by celebrities who weren't even celebrities when Jason Baldwin, Damien Echols and Jessie Misskelley disappeared into the state prison system.

    Behind all the sloganeering, however, the story of the murders in West Memphis is a sad, terrible tale about a horrendous crime, and a horrendous upending of justice. Three 8-year-old boys, abducted, trussed like hogs, beaten, one of them castrated, all drowned in a ditch. Three young men convicted of the crime, one by his compromised and coerced confession, the other two solely on a case so inane, backward and superstitious as to be laughable if the outcome wasn't so damned sad. This is the dark landscape Arkansas Times contributing editor Mara Leveritt surveys in her new book, "Devil's Knot."

    The story is almost a dark fairy tale: a trifold symmetry, a haunted and magical wood, a band of daring and determined men, schooled in arcane arts.: And any fairy tale worth its salt needs monsters.


    kkk assnons

    u r not immune to amerikkan just-us

  103. ps:

    kkk assnons

    u r not immune to amerikkkan just-us

  104. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Telling It Like It Wasn’t

    A fromer times report looks back at the The Crown Heights Riot.

    Part 2

    Yet, when I picked up the paper, the article I read was not the story I had reported. I saw headlines that described the riots in terms solely of race. “Two Deaths Ignite Racial Clash in Tense Brooklyn Neighborhood,” the Times headline said. And, worse, I read an opening paragraph, what journalists call a “lead,” that was simply untrue:

    “Hasidim and blacks clashed in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn through the day and into the night yesterday.”

    In all my reporting during the riots I never saw — or heard of — any violence by Jews against blacks. But the Times was dedicated to this version of events: blacks and Jews clashing amid racial tensions. To show Jewish culpability in the riots, the paper even ran a picture — laughable even at the time — of a chasidic man brandishing an open umbrella before a police officer in riot gear. The caption read: “A police officer scuffling with a Hasidic man yesterday on President Street.”

    I was outraged but I held my tongue. I was a loyal Times employee and deferred to my editors. I figured that other reporters on the streets were witnessing parts of the story I was not seeing.

    But then I reached my breaking point. On Aug. 21, as I stood in a group of chasidic men in front of the Lubavitch headquarters, a group of demonstrators were coming down Eastern Parkway. “Heil Hitler,” they chanted. “Death to the Jews.”

    Police in riot gear stood nearby but did nothing.

    Suddenly rocks and bottles started to fly toward us and a chasidic man just a few feet away from me was hit in the throat and fell to the ground. Some ran to help the injured man but most of us ran for cover. I ran for a payphone and, my hands shaking with rage, dialed my editor. I spoke in a way that I never had before or since when talking to a boss.

    “You don’t know what’s happening here!” I yelled. “I am on the streets getting attacked. Someone next to me just got hit. I am writing memos and what comes out in the paper? ‘Hasidim and blacks clashed’? That’s not what is happening here. Jews are being attacked! You’ve got this story all wrong. All wrong.”

    I didn’t blame the “rewrite” reporter. I blamed the editors. It was clear that they had settled on a “frame” for the story. The way they saw it, there were two narratives here: the white narrative and the black narrative. And both had equal weight.

    After my outburst things got a little better. The next day’s report began like this: “Black youths hurling rocks and bottles scuffled with the police in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn last night, even as Mayor David N. Dinkins tried to personally calm the racially troubled neighborhood after two nights of violence.”

    But the Times still had trouble changing its frame. Perhaps most troubling was an article written in the midst of the rioting under this headline: “Amid Distrust in Brooklyn: Boy and Scholar Fall Victim.” The article compared the life of Gavin Cato, the 7-year-old boy killed in the car accident that spurred the riots, and the life of Yankel Rosenbaum, 29, who was stabbed to death later that night. It recycled every newspaper cliché and was an insult to the memory of both victims, but, again, it fit the frame.

    “They did not know each other,” the article said. “They had no reason to know… They died unaware….” In the eyes of the Times, the deaths were morally equivalent and had equal weight.

    The Times editorial page followed suit. “The violence following an auto accident in Crown Heights reminds all New Yorkers that the city’s race relations remains dangerously strained,” the editorial said. It concluded by praising Mayor Dinkins, giving him credit “for a hard night’s work” and doing “the job that New Yorkers elected him to do.”

  105. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Telling It Like It Wasn’t

    A fromer times report looks back at the The Crown Heights Riot.


    The one who first broke the frame and spoke the truth was the fearless poet of the New York newspaper business in those days, Jimmy Breslin, then a columnist for Newsday. He was one of numerous reporters, photographers and television journalists who were beaten or otherwise injured during the riots. In Breslin’s case, he was dragged from a taxi by a group of rampaging young men, pummeled and stripped of his clothes. That night, he vowed to tell the truth of his humiliation, although he anticipated the resistance. “And someone up in the higher echelons of journalism, some moron starts talking about balanced coverage,” he said.

    The other person who spoke the truth was the brilliant former executive editor of the Times, A.M. Rosenthal, who by 1991 had become a columnist for the paper. Rosenthal was one of the first journalists at the Times to call the riots what they were. “Pogrom in Brooklyn,” was the headline of his column on Sept. 3, 1991, just two weeks after the riots ended.

    “The press,” Rosenthal wrote, “treats it all as some kind of cultural clash between a poverty-ridden people fed up with life and a powerful, prosperous and unfortunately peculiar bunch of stuck-up neighbors — very sad of course, but certainly understandable. No — it is an anti-Semitic pogrom and the words should not be left unsaid.”

    It pains me to recall that not many people at the Times took Rosenthal seriously at the time. He had gone from being the editor of a great “liberal” newspaper to being a “conservative” columnist who seemed to return to the same issues over and over again: the security of Israel, anti-Semitism, the persecution of Christians in China and the war on drugs.

    But Rosenthal was right about Crown Heights. In 1993, two years after the Crown Heights riots, an exhaustive state investigation sharply criticized Mayor Dinkins for not understanding the severity of the crisis. It also faulted his police commissioner, Lee Brown, for mismanaging the police during the riots.

    The critical state report was widely covered in the press. “For the Mayor,” the Times headline said, “A Harsh Light.”

    But another report, this one on how the press covered Crown Heights, got little publicity. It was written in 1999 by Carol B. Conaway, then an assistant professor at the College of Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., and published in an academic journal called Polity. Her article is called “Crown Heights: Politics and Press Coverage of the Race War That Wasn’t.”

    “Journalists and their audience alike rely on ‘frames’ when writing about and understanding newsworthy events because they provide cues for understanding others’ experiences,” Conaway wrote. But, she added, sometimes the frames are wrong.

    She continued: “The New York Post, a tabloid, shifted away from the race frame to focus on black anti-Semitism within a few days of the initial rampages, while the New York Times persisted with the racial frame for at least two years.

    “Yet,” she added, “one cannot understand the events [that unfolded in Crown Heights] without getting beyond the binaries of black versus white encouraged by the use of the race frame, and understanding the more complex dynamics of the conflict.”

    As someone who saw the conflict unfold I can attest to this first-hand. I am telling my story in print for the first time because it is important that we journalists examine our mistakes and learn from them. Fitting stories into frames — whether about blacks and Jews, liberals or conservatives, Arabs and Israelis, Catholics and Protestants or Muslims and Jews — is wrong and even dangerous. Life is more complicated than that. And so is journalism.

  106. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Sailer am a wite dude who thinkerates that magickally AfAm are getting the good stuff he deserverates for being wite.
    So no...he is not a Black Liberal.

    If you mean me, than I wonder what constitutes an acceptable Black Liberal by your Anon-definition. And how you define fool. Or stupid.

    Sounds more like you are doing the 'this am you' ploy of widdle boys in Elementary School.

    No Tom here for your wite approval. But I am delighted at your desperation. It means you will either become adult in your posts...or cling like a Fundie to beleef. I encourage the adult path.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  107. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Sounds more like you are doing the 'this am you' ploy of widdle boys who thinkerates that magickally I am delighted at your desperation you deserverates for being wite. He is TELLing you that NASCAR is the same as Forumula 1 is the same as drag racing is the same as Sprint Car is the same as Rally racing is the same Kart. Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!! Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Sure, athletes at the world-class level are cogs. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul. Wow, what skool did they attend? Must be he needs eyeballs. Their proof of the an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists....but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure. Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease. Still, hope he gets paid to sell this poo to others. They stopped using the 'wite peeples is allus better'...during the bush times. ;)

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly cited of the fact that liberals lose facts off their sites. It explains almost everything they don't do if they do it or don't.
    -Brain Fissure (lesion)


  108. terry hobbs is killer of these boys

    an abusive druggie hunter who was the last to see the 3 alive

    he is the stepfather of one of the slain


    Jo Lynn McAughey, Stevie's aunt, stated that Terry Hobbs repeated sexually molested his daughter, Amanda. He used cocaine, crystal meth and marijuana. She stated she was at the Hobbs house on May 6, 1993 and saw "Terry wash clothes, bed linens and curtains at an odd hour. [snip] ...he was not just washing the dirty laundry, but he was also taking clothes out of the dresser drawers and washing those, too." She stated she found Stevie's prized pocketknife, one he always kept with him, among Terry Hobbs belongings. Pam declared she was surprised that the knife was not found on his body. Jo Lynn said that Terry Hobbs had told her that his experience as a butcher gave him the skill to make the cut on Chris Byers' genitals. She stated she discovered Terry had a large cache of knives. Terry Hobbs admitted to the drug use, gave contradictory stories about Stevie's knife, denied washing items on May 6th, denied discussing the murders with Jo Lynn and denied the molestation charges.
    Judy Sadler, Stevie's aunt, stated Stevie told her Terry Hobbs locked Stevie in the closet and beat him. He forced Stevie and his sister Amanda to watch pornography, and threatened to kill members of the Hicks family if Stevie told. Terry forced Stevie to sexually molest his sister. He made Stevie watch him masturbate. Terry Hobbs denied this.
    Sheila Hicks, Stevie's aunt, stated that Terry Hobbs whipped Stevie Branch leaving welts. He forced Stevie to play "dead cockroach," lying on his back with his arms and legs raised. When his limbs grew tired and he tried to lower them, Terry would "whoop" him. She also stated that Stevie talked about fights that Terry and Pam had and Stevie saw Stevie strangling Pam. Finally, she stated in 1997 that she saw Terry Hobbs simulating sex with his then nine year old daughter, Amanda.

    Marie Hicks, Stevie's grandmother, claimed that Terry Hobbs was physically and sexually abusive, used drugs and was alcoholic. She said that when Amanda Hobbs was young, she confided in her that Terry Hobbs stuck his finger in her "booty." Terry Hobbs denied all of this.
    Amanda Hobbs, Terry's daughter, gave a devastating plea regarding her father's abuse. Terry denied the abuse and said he couldn't remember if he ever discussed this subject with her.
    Sharon Nelson, Hobbs girlfriend, said that Hobbs stated that he found the bodies before the police but left them there, undiscovered. Hobbs denied this.
    David Jacoby, Hobbs friend, said that he only searched with Terry Hobbs briefly before dark. He also stated that when Terry Hobbs came to his house, he saw the three victims in the street behind him. Hobbs denied ever having seen the victims that evening.
    Mildred French, an elderly neighbor of his during the 1980s, said that she was sexually attacked by Terry Hobbs. She also stated that he claimed to have killed her cat. Charges were filed. Without actually denying the attack, Terry dismissed this as being ancient history. He admitted to being sentenced to counselling at the time. He denied saying he killed her cat.

  109. terry hobbs is the actual killer of these boys

    an abusive druggie hunter who was the last to see the 3 alive

    he is the stepfather of one of the slain


  110. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Hey Mold, Obama said send yourself a postcard sometime.

  111. Anonymous1:44 PM

    "Alumni plate? Is that what they give janitors after 20 years of scrubbing the sh*t out of toilets?''
    Statements like these just brings more ignorance to the conversation, because no one know who they are really talking to.
    Also taking about SAT is idiocy too, no one giving you a job has ask for them.

    True but they represent knowledge lever, most likely if you have very low SATS when they interview you and you can only say dem dare dat axe and they had had a thing you won't get hired.

  112. Anonymous2:12 PM

    More scamming? Massa done change the marching orders to have all good Quislings push the Crown Heights issue...just in time for the fake meme of Blackity Black Black criminals stealing from gawd-fearin' wite folks.

    Here com de race war all you gawd-fearin' wites!! Get yous guns and await the massive hordes of darkies leavin' da eveelbigcitee and going miles out to the country...fer some never explained reason.

    Silly Goober. Fall of Rome would not be what you fantasize as witeMan BigHero. Maybe you should read some real History of that time and see what really happened to your ilk.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  113. Anonymous2:28 PM

    "what really happened to your ilk."


  114. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Simple query, young lad. All it requires it for you to read and compare your socioeconomic status to that of the equivalent Roman one. Serf or slave will do.
    Basic, basic, simple item from a basic GenEd High School History class.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  115. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    "what really happened to your ilk."

    Mold drank his ilk, he calls it balloon juice his daddy calls it special man sauce

  116. Anonymous2:45 PM

    What part of pass fur wite don't you understand? Many wites like my eyes.Like my mandinga.Keep pretenderating you is smarter than i.I will keep showing other wise.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  117. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Yep...Michelle wants to get rid of the eveel make the weenies clean up after themselves EPA...
    Evolutionary theory explains this. Which one might know had they bothered to take a basic GenEd High School class in the subject.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  118. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Found this on Pandagon on why MRAs and Nice Guys(tm) and wingnut Cons are clewless about women..every single condescending stereotype about women: that we're emotional children, that we're easily deceived, that we're incredibly stupid, and above all, that we cannot make decisions on our own, but instead are natural followers who are just doing what we're told. And that therefore it's a matter of giving women the correct masters, because women, being basically like dogs, don't really have free will or moral agency.

    No wonder Hillary and Michelle Obama upset the poor dears, God Bless 'em. (It's a Southern thing, you wouldn't understand);)

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  119. mellaneous3:09 PM

    @Hemroid liberal tormentor

    What does Crown Heights have to do with this post?

    I don't understand why some folks who are Jewish, seem to blow out of proportion the incidences of black dislike of Jews. And I have seldom heard this crap from Jewish people I know.

    The actual truth is most black folks can't and don't differentiate Jews from whites. (Keep in mind that I said most as in the majority)

    Most black folks see Jews as whites and wouldn't know a Jew from a white. Of course in the case of the Hassidic New York Jews who wear clothes and styles that ID's them that is different.

    And what makes this so bizarre is the use of the word of "pogrom." Blacks have never committed any pogroms. And the Crown Heights dispute was a dispute between two neighborhoods.

    I suspect that Jews who make a big deal out of whatever Black anti-semitism there is do so out of cowardice. It is the Europeans that historically have hunted and boiled, and hung, and baked, and burned and attacked Jews historically killing millions and displacing millions more.

    (quite frankly I have heard very little hatred expressed toward Jews among the many black folks I know and have encountered)

  120. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Mell, it because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Do a quick Google and nearly every fibbing liar is selling the poo...verbatim.
    When they are accusing the Left of being is from their experience. They seem to have no idea what to do or blog...until Massa orders them.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  121. Duane DaBathtub3:21 PM

    What part of pass fur wite don't you understand? Many wites like my eyes.Like my mandinga.Keep pretenderating you is smarter than i.I will keep showing other wise.

    Mold is Mandinga/Mandinga is Mold is Socrates is the Vulgar anon Caught again beyaaaatch!!!!!!!

    You aint so smurt as you beeleverated you dumb dumb ninnyhammer.

  122. kudos to the wm3!!!

    jail terry hobbs now!!!

    I have now spent half my life on death row. It is a torturous environment that no human being should have to endure, and it needed to end. I am innocent, as are Jason and Jessie, but I made this decision because I did not want to spend another day of my life behind those bars. I want to live and to continue to fight for our innocence. Sometimes justice is neither pretty nor is it perfect, but it was important to take this opportunity to be free.
    I am not alone as there are tens of thousand of men and woman in this country who have been wrongfully convicted, forced into a false confession, sentenced to death or a lifetime in prison. I am hopeful that one day they too will be able stand with their friends and family to declare their innocence.

    This whole experience has taught me much about life, human nature, American justice, survival and transcendence.

  123. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Mell, it because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Do a quick Google and nearly every fibbing liar is selling the poo...verbatim.

    Are we suppose to take your word for it?Please provide some proof.



  124. unlicked unqualified vdlr:

    who dat let u babysit dey kid??


    pookies rule the world!

    In today’s hoodrat news, 23-year-old Keyona Davis is sitting in a Daytona Beach jail today charged with endangering the life of a child who she was hired to babysit.

    Davis was charged with child neglect after police say she rode in the bed of a pickup truck with an 8-month old baby next to her in a stroller.

    According to the Orlando Sentinel, police were alerted by a flurry of 911 calls from horrified drivers and pedestrians who snapped pictures and videos of the spectacle.

    Davis remains in jail with no bond. No word on if the driver was also arrested, or who the baby’s parents are — or parent — as the case may be.

  125. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to stay away from liberals who normally piss on themselves. It explains almost everything they do as most liberals are a real mess.
    -Spittoon Juice (chug,chug)

    Mold/Mandinga/Socrates/VulgarAnon/Resident Field Negro Blog Stalker and physcopath/C'mer little girl want some candy from Unca Mold?

  126. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Mell, it because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Sounds more like you are doing the 'this am you' ploy of widdle boys who thinkerates that magickally I am delighted at your desperation you deserverates for being wite. He is TELLing you that NASCAR is the same as Forumula 1 is the same as drag racing is the same as Sprint Car is the same as Rally racing is the same Kart. Plantation, plantation, plantation...and dare I say....plantation!!!

    Who paid for Sarey, Queen of the Mat-Su? Who funded reagan's enemas left me lethargic. Sure, athletes at the world-class level are cogs. Rushdoony pioneered ...TaxBagger, states 'rites', natural law, parasites, Librul. Wow, what skool did they attend? Must be he needs eyeballs. Their proof of the an EPIC FAIL...they Massa is not a forgiving entity.

    Only a Left Behind would believerate in gravity. Bachmann just obediently submissived into their cups, it is odd that some posters can't recognize Rational Consumer and pageant moves of Sarey. ManDumpling was outre' when the Federal government was staffed with competent, qualified Rationalists....but I think I would ask the SEALs I know to confirm your claim. It will take more than a oral degree to smart me. WATB, and Entitled Wite. And they will leave the church to vote for him, en masse. With so many bushmoles and christmoles making our government less efficient and effective...he becomes just another Marcus. No tsunamis in Tejas. Sure. Why sure, nothing could ever go wrong when giving Teahadi/Merican Talibani political power. They would be sooo grateful to their Galtian overlords that the genuflection would never, ever cease. Still, hope he gets paid to sell this poo to others. They stopped using the 'wite peeples is allus better'...during the bush times. ;) Like my mandinga. Keep pretenderating you is smarter than i.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly cited of the fact that liberals lose facts off their sites. It explains almost everything they don't do if they do it or don't do it.
    -Brain Fissure (lesion)


  127. unsafe unemployed uneducated unglued vdlr:

    good luck hunting for a new baby to abuse/endanger/"sit" after u beg 4 dat bail!!!

    u trifling turbo breeding babysitting manual needing trick!!!

  128. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Mell, it because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Do a quick Google and nearly every fibbing liar is selling the poo...verbatim.

    Are we suppose to take your word for it?Please provide some proof.



  129. the lying lye-ing baldheaded vdlr's sketchy "perms" are always temporary


    rebels will give hobama a truly permanent vacation in 2012!!!!!!

    One of the last good times that President Obama enjoyed before the frenzy of debt negotiations began was a chuckle he shared with Jeff Immelt, CEO of General Electric and now head of the president’s outside panel of economic advisers. At a June 13th meeting of the president’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, a questioner said he assumed that President Obama knew about the difficulties caused by the drawn-out process of securing permits for construction jobs. Obama leaned into the microphone and offered a breezy ad-lib: “Shovel ready wasn’t as, uh, shovel-ready as we expected” -- and Immelt got off a hearty laugh. An unguarded moment: the president of “hope and change” signifying his solidarity with the big managers whoseworldly irony he had adopted.

    A certain mystery surrounds Obama’s perpetuation of Bush’s economic policies, in the absence of the reactionary class loyalty that accompanied them, and his expansion of Bush’s war policies in the absence of the crude idea of the enemy and the spirited love of war that drove Bush. But the puzzle has grown tiresome, and the effects of the continuity matter more than its sources.

    Bush we knew the meaning of, and the need for resistance was clear. Obama makes resistance harder. During a deep crisis, such a nominal leader, by his contradictory words and conduct and the force of his example (or rather the lack of force in his example), becomes a subtle disaster for all those whose hopes once rested with him.

  130. Anonymous4:52 PM

    This blog is lacking in posters with maturity and depth. anons and others feed daily on useless empty postings by mold and her/his admirers. There used to be people of high intellect and integrity but they are virtually gone.

    FN is deterioating and definitely losing its mojo. Nevertheless, there has been a different class of Negroes who are taking the place of once critical thinking with solely emotional childlike binges, which mold certainly is one.

  131. Anonymous5:04 PM

    "Nevertheless, there has been a different class of Negroes who are taking the place of once critical thinking with solely emotional childlike binges, which mold certainly is one."


    Mold sees it her position to ridicule and disparage any comment that deviates from her "unique" leftist perspective built on resentment and misinformation. She does this in an infantile way, using made-up assertions and garbled speech to mount mean-spirited ad hominem attacks.

    AB used to dominate the discussion with her turbo-posting and obsessive need to have the last word, but people learned to ignore her. Perhaps if mold were ignored, constructive discussion could resume.

  132. molded masturbator/lying loony nell assnons:

    u r a racist sexist lying looping fool

    u pretend i am a white male because i slay u...

    we all see u

    i never lie

    and i post rebel truths and facts all over the www daily!

    u envy me u witless wilding wigga wannabee

  133. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Since there are so many armchair pundits with nothing to are some Russian pics...

    Neat stuff. But only if you have a mind.

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  134. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Why of course you are the nominated yourself...and agreed with your sockpuppet. Using polysyllabic words just enforces your case..for don't say.

    Must be you are tired of being 'outed' and want to remove the nasty eveel icky horrible terrible awful 'Jew'. Then all will be fine.

    Bachmann promising cheap gas made me wonder...if we are going after the resources that were only economically viable when oil hit $100/ can she make the cheap Saudi light crude promise?
    You can retrieve oil...but it takes more expensive methods, the refining is far more costly, and the price reflects the reduction in Supply.
    Then again, she admits to being a christmole for a lawyer who can't keep very relevant material in her head...and is a submissive obedient.


  135. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Mell, it because Massa done tole the wingnut Cons to push the story. Do a quick Google and nearly every fibbing liar is selling the poo...verbatim.

    Are we suppose to take your word for it?Please provide some proof.



  136. Anonymous5:49 PM

    AB.You are well informed and i enjoy your post.

    Mold.Ummmmm not so much.I now understand why mold doesn't source or drop links much.

    Her sources are far left fringe.Thats where she gets her spiffy words,terms,and info.Most times she will pass it off as her own.No original thought.

  137. Anonymous5:57 PM

    AB, we all know you are Black, regardless of what mold says. Any fool can go to your blog and/or investigate who you are.

    mold is projecting his/her own whiteness on you. Ignore this lying evil clown. It is only looking for attention anyway. Too bad FN Negroes spend so much time catering to mold. It is very sick.

  138. Anonymous6:00 PM

    liberals are like hemroids

    yes they is mold glad you agree

  139. Anonymous said...
    Stupid is as stupid says.

    Then your stupid a$$ head must be swimming ASSnon!

    Anonymous said...
    Georgetown is a much better institution than Howard. If blacks at Georgetown receive more funding that blacks at Howard, that's not racism, that's money going to better science.

    There are so many avenues for minority favored funding that if a black PhD with an academic appointment and average ideas does not have money then he/she is lacking.

    Georgetown is "better" than Howard by whose standard?? YOURS? BULLSHIT!!!

    Howard produces more FAR Black MD's and PhD's than G'town, so while the academic sky is the limit for me at my alma mater, this isn't the case for everyone.

    I'm glad there are schools like Howard and Meharry and other HBCU's because without them, the number of professional Blacks especially MD's and PhD's, would be significantly diminished.

    Now about your statement regarding African getting affirmative action (AA), I STRONGLY agree with you!! Africans should NOT qualify because they are not the descendants of slaves!!! And they will quickly remind you of this before using the AA benefits!

  140. alicia banks said...

    what if you were judged by that molded moron who rules this blog????

    Good question!

  141. Marcus6:19 PM

    mold:"You can retrieve oil...but it takes more expensive methods, the refining is far more costly, and the price reflects the reduction in Supply."

    Wow, pure genius. You've heard of supply and demand. You must have won a Nobel Prize.

    In truth mold, the price of crude oil accounts for about 65% of a galllon of gas, while refining costs only make up 14%.

    The remainder is distribution and marketing (8%) and taxes (13%).

    Now tell us something else you know nothing about.

  142. moses6:20 PM

    mellaneous burps:

    And I have seldom heard this crap from Jewish people I know.

    Like blacks are forthcoming with all their views on whites when speaking with white acquaintances and friends face-to-face -- and vice-versa.

    You should realize that liberal Jews are fully aware of the crime statistics and the extent to which social pathologies have devasted blacks.

    The actual truth is most black folks can't and don't differentiate Jews from whites.

    Al Sharpton does, and he's got nothing good to say about Jews.

    Most black folks see Jews as whites and wouldn't know a Jew from a white.

    News flash. Jews are white (except for converts of other races). The only people who believes Jews are not white are blacks. But blacks seem to have an irrational focus on skin color.

    Of course in the case of the Hassidic New York Jews who wear clothes and styles that ID's them that is different.

    You've described the Jews of Crown Heights.

    And what makes this so bizarre is the use of the word of "pogrom." Blacks have never committed any pogroms.

    With 800,000 murders, the slaughter in Rwanda was probably too large to qualify as a "pogrom."

    And the Crown Heights dispute was a dispute between two neighborhoods.

    Ah, the idiotic black conclusion. You really haven't got the slightest understanding of the subject. None at all.

    I suspect that Jews who make a big deal out of whatever Black anti-semitism there is do so out of cowardice.

    You're going 100% dumb with this claim.

    It is the Europeans that historically have hunted and boiled, and hung, and baked, and burned and attacked Jews historically killing millions and displacing millions more.

    In the entire world, there are only 15 million Jews. Six million live in the US and about five million live in Israel.

    Hitler wiped out six million. But long before Hitler there were muslims conquering the territories where Jews lived. They were forced to convert to Islam or die. Some died.

  143. Mr. Man6:24 PM

    Dr. Queen said...Howard produces more FAR Black MD's and PhD's than G'town

    And Chevy makes more cars than Cadillac.

  144. Hutu my voodoo?6:29 PM

    mellaneous said..

    And what makes this so bizarre is the use of the word of "pogrom." Blacks have never committed any pogroms.
    With 800,000 murders, the slaughter in Rwanda was probably too large to qualify as a "pogrom."

    Yes, blacks have the necessary malevolence but not the organizational skills. It's lot of work killing 800,000 people with just machetes.

  145. Mr. Man said...
    And Chevy makes more cars than Cadillac.

    YOU outta know, Goober!!!

  146. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Mr. Man said...
    And Chevy makes more cars than Cadillac.

    YOU outta know, Goober!!!

    Where is the old cadillac junkyard? There isn't one - blacks like Queen Queefa buy em and then put 2000$ rims on em and huge bass droppas in the trunk..might be fallin apart and they may live in dumps but they gots dat caddy wit rims and a fawty everynite yeah..uh..uhh...

  147. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Dr.Queen said...
    Mr. Man said...
    And Chevy makes more cars than Cadillac.

    YOU outta know, Goober!!!

    you never graduated nuffin queenqueefa udderwise u wood no its oughta not outta jellyass

  148. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Sorry Marcus, but the extraction cost is relevant. Wisherate all you want, you only proved you are not conversant with the industry.

    Rwanda was when their version of wingnut welfare told one group to go after another. Yep, heroically brave heroes of wingnut Cons took machetes to unarmed civilians going about their daily lives.

    Keep making up poo, Roid. I do source. I do not post from the far Left fringe. Well, from your perspective, Nixon was I discount your version. Are you pathologically compelled to lie?

    Must be the wingnut Cons are fauxtraged at a little old lady asking questions and pointing out that they are useful idiots.
    Was it the mention of their sockpuppetry? The wingnut Con websites that lie to you? The urging to offer free eyeballs to the scams of Bozell and other right-wing fibbers?
    Or that an alternative exists to their Reich-wing worldview? One where women are equals...and superiors. How eveel of me!
    And the closing...I must be revealing the Cosmic Secret of Cons.;)

    Never lose sight of the fact that conservatives are mostly motivated by the desire to piss off liberals. It explains almost everything they do.
    -Balloon Juice (blog)


  149. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry Marcus, but the extraction cost is relevant. Wisherate all you want, you only proved you are not conversant with the industry.

    Lemme guess you are a drilling expert, well a least gettin drilled from da rear I would believe your an expert in that right young man.

  150. Marcus8:44 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sorry Marcus, but the extraction cost is relevant. Wisherate all you want, you only proved you are not conversant with the industry.

    No, I've just worked in it for the last 21 years, that's all.

    You are a joke.
