Tuesday, September 20, 2011

American Justice?

This is another sad day for these divided states of A-merry-ca. No, not because Ron Artist sucked on Dancing with the Stars, but because, once again, we have diminished ourselves as a people and a country by our actions.

Troy Davis was denied clemency by the Georgia board of pardons and parole, and he will be killed by the state of Georgia tomorrow. Not that I am surprised, this was an uphill battle all along. Davis didn't have much going for him; just the people who believed in his innocents and that the death penalty is wrong 

For the record, after reading the trial transcript from the case; I believe that Mumia Abul Jamal was guilty, which is why I have never advocated for his release on this site. (Although I do not think he should be given the death penalty) But I am not so sure about the guilt of Troy Davis, and if the folks clamoring for him to get the needle are going to be honest with themselves;  they would have to tell you that they aren't either.   
But vengeance is mine sayeth the state of Georgia, even if it means the wrong person will be sacrificed. The relatives of that slain officer want justice, and they want someone to pay for their loss. Anyone. Troy Davis fits a profile, and he was arrested, tried, and found guilty. I suppose that's good enough for them. Given their emotional stake in the outcome, that’s understandable. What is not understandable, are the actions of so called reasonable people who are charged with making important decisions.

Still, this too will pass, and they know it. As I write this post the name Troy Davis is not even trending on Yahoo. Sarah Palin, Brooke Burke, Jeff Conaway, Cam Newton, the Boston Red Sox; all of them are getting more play in the American psyche than some black man in Georgia charged and convicted of killing a police officer many years ago.  Hey, if the state of Georgia didn’t kill him, some other black man would. Or, maybe high blood pressure, diabetes, or any one of those other diseases that Negroes tend to get. He lived to the ripe old age of 41, which is more than we can say for other men who look like him in A-mery-ca. So what’s the big deal?     

Those of you (black and white) who advocated and fought on this man’s behalf should be proud of yourselves. I know that it’s hard to see a person who might be innocent of the crime for which he was charged put to death, but your conscience should allow you to sleep tonight, which is more than I can say for Terry Bernard, Robert Keller,Albert R. Murray,James E. Donald, L. Gale BucknerSteve Hayes, and the rest of you in A-merry-ca.
Oh well, at least Nancy Grace's debut went alright.


  1. i pray that everyone who has libeled mumia will someday regret that betrayal



    unlike troy

    the fbi/police have stalked mumia since he was 15


  2. http://chamblee54.wordpress.com/2011/09/14/the-date-for-troy-davis/

    There is a lot of gray area in this case. I have written about it five times, and the more I read the less I am sure of. I do think the State should be more certain of guilt before getting the needle out.
    I read the opinion of the last Judge to review this case. I am not a legally minded person. Reading legal documents is very dangerous for the mental health of non prepared people.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    He is a Black man. What about this farce do you not understand? Troy Davis, has come under the rule of "White" justice. The decision was made and finalized long ago. He must die. And like you said, if the white people didn't get him, some other Black man would have. Sad.

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Stop this Obama! A innocent black man is going to be killed.

    Why don't you care,obama? We don't even care about each other anymore.

    These are the times when wish i wasn't black. I can't read this blog anymore.I just can't

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    7 of the 12 Jurors who sentenced Davis to death were..........
    damn racists,


  6. NSangoma1:13 PM

    Excuse my ignorance, but exactly where was Troy Davis when the off-duty Savannah GA policeman was murdered?

  7. What is different? White person dies somebody must pay. How many times in the history of this country has a white person been executed for killing a person of color?

  8. Anonymous1:26 PM

    @ Pilot X..
    well there was James Earl Ray...umm and that dude who shot Malcolm the Xth, oh yeah, they were Black, lets see....
    Andy Griffith, in "Murder in Coweta County"
    OK it was just a movie...


  9. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Field, your posts only prove that it sucks to be a bm in America. I know, I know. I must be White and should take my comments to a racist white blog. SMH

  10. Truth Hurts1:44 PM

    You anon's are pathetic. This should be a conversation / discussion about proof of guilt required for the death penalty, and all you want is to create obfuscation and distraction.
    Pilot, thanks for speaking the truth.

  11. Anon

    "These are the times when wish i wasn't black. I can't read this blog anymore.I just can't"

    Then go. Please.

  12. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Anon, "Why don't you care,obama? We don't even care about each other anymore.

    These are the times when wish i wasn't black. I can't read this blog anymore.I just can't"

    Anon, I have said your comments many times before on this blog but never got any support.

    Where were you when Mack Lyons, Field, Rottenkid and UTS attacked me and began calling me a 'depressed Negro' and that I should "off myself?"

    Anyway, I hear you, and I feel the same. It's no fun being a bm in America. Black life is very tentative at best, and it seems as though a bm in America is powerless to do anything about it.

    I don't know about you, but I find that not only depressing but frightening. It is the same when Blacks lived in terror during Jim Crow days. And God-forbid that you are a bm tried in the South. You are as good as dead.

    Is there any wonder why PTSD permeates our race? yet, some of us don't notice it because it is so common that we actually think it's normal.

  13. Anonymous1:57 PM

    PilotX, "What is different? White person dies somebody must pay. How many times in the history of this country has a white person been executed for killing a person of color?"

    Just proves who has the power and who doesn't.

  14. This fool is about as black as I am the King of Spain.

    Who does he think he's fooling?

    He's another, blotched face, yellow toothed racist goober who gets his jollies harassing blacks online.

    And he claims it sucks to be black?

    It obviously sucks to be HIM.

  15. Anonymous2:03 PM


    "These are the times when wish i wasn't black. I can't read this blog anymore.I just can't"

    Uts replied, "Then go. Please."

    1:49 PM

    Steve, you lost the bet and you are still here? Take your dumb-heartless-sordid self away from FN.

  16. ~
    Here are the undisputed facts:

    --Troy's fingerprints didn't match those found at the crime scene.

    --There was no gunshot residue on Troy's fingers. In fact, no physical evidence at all connects Troy to this crime.

    why is Troy on death row? Because of testimony from nine people who said that Troy pulled the trigger. But an astounding seven of these nine people have since recanted their testimony in sworn affidavits, with several saying they were pressured to finger Troy by police. Of the two who haven't come forward, one is said to be the police's initial suspect, and the other testified that the shooter was left-handed, but Troy is right-handed.


    Was Troy Davis at the scene of the murder when it happened? If so, why was he there?

  17. Truth Hurts said

    "You anon's are pathetic. This should be a conversation / discussion about proof of guilt required for the death penalty, and all you want is to create obfuscation and distraction."


    Pathetic nuisances.

  18. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Steve said, "There are a couple of very committed neurotic racists who are determined to troll and clog up FN's blog because they can't stand black folks having a place to come and discuss topics interesting to us."

    Now, now steve. The above statement indicts you. It is clear that you consider FN blog is for Blacks. You have been a liar for so long you can't even handle a small obvious truth staring you in the face. You are a pretty deluded guy.

    Come on, admit the truth. It won't hurt a bit.

  19. Field..my heart is heavy today and for those who believe in prayer...ask God to grant Troy peace as he takes that long walk to the execution room. Included in that prayer should be his family and especially his sister who is fighting a medical battle for her life as well. They should be comforted by the fact that they went to extraordinary lengths to stop the state from killing him. For others, let this travesty of justice motivate you to join ongoing crusades to end state sanctioned killings. There is a professor Michelle Wallace who has written a book about the inequities of the justice system and how people of color have become alarming casualties of it. Her book is "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness". Her speeches are on YouTube and are worth viewing.

    Thanks again Field for all you do.

  20. Hobama is playing good cop/bad cop with repubs
    And only dumb blind foolish racist hobama Nazis are falling for his blackish charades…


    Since January, 2009, Barack Obama has been Social Security’s relentless antagonist. He has succeeded in maneuvering the program into “the middle of the budget deficit debate, where it does not belong and from which it has been purposely shielded since its origins in President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal.” When the president and his allies chant “Go Big” on deficit reduction, they are aiming at Social Security’s heart.
    No need, that is, unless one wants to dismantle Social Security as we know it by sucking the program into the maelstrom of the deficit debate. Obama undermines the program’s finances because he is determined that Social Security in its present form not survive his time in office. If Obama succeeds, Social Security will become just another “entitlement” to be mangled in a grand bargain with the GOP, like Medicare and Medicaid. Obama wants to be remembered as the president who brought the Republicans and the right wing of the Democratic Party into harmonious consensus – over the dead carcass of the New Deal. That’s what he means by “Go big!”


  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. fn:

    please delete 1500

    i suddenly cannot do so

    wrong day...


  23. By Him in whose hands are the heavens and the earth, I invoke the Curse of Almighty God on all those who allowed this innocent man to be put to death. That includes those who voted in the affirmative on the parole board, the prosecutors, even the family of the dead officer; who in their irrational hatred,blinded them from seeking true justice. God does not love those who are unjust. May God visit them with calamities in this life and up to the Day of Judgment. May God Punish the transgressors of Justice and Shower His Mercy upon the innocent.

  24. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Hey Uptown Stevie,

    For a brother who married a cracka biotch you sho nuff have a jacked sense of reality and self wurth.

    Wuz up wit dat shit my brother from another mother?

    My hood rats be appreciating dat the blacker the berry the sweeter the juice.Is a sistah to much woman fo you or is YOU dat ashamed to be a blackman?You aint nuthing but a dicrase and a hippocrate.

    Dr.Frank Drackman gots yo dumb goober azz diagnozed fool.....big talker little walker-itis.

    Sistah Latrina,
    Queen of REAL black MEN.....not boys wishing they was king of spain

  25. Mohammed Sucked Little Boys3:28 PM

    "AbdulAlim said...
    By Him in whose hands are the heavens and the earth, I invoke the Curse of Almighty God on all those who allowed this innocent man to be put to death. That includes those who voted in the affirmative on the parole board, the prosecutors, even the family of the dead officer; who in their irrational hatred,blinded them from seeking true justice. God does not love those who are unjust. May God visit them with calamities in this life and up to the Day of Judgment. May God Punish the transgressors of Justice and Shower His Mercy upon the innocent.

    3:07 PM"

    Oh, why don't you go throw some bones, sacrifice a chicken, and screw a goat.

  26. fn:

    thank u for finally saying something nice about nancy g!!!

  27. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Me, I was surprised by the circus freak being able to dance so well. The 'model' was stiff, the vet was really good, and Ricki showed she got rhythm.
    Though, my fave was BabyMommy Brooke Burke falling over Tristan...and he wasn't interested.

    Loved the pros. If you-all knew the sweat, blood and pain that it takes to be that good....


  28. Just Sayin'3:50 PM

    Alicia honey,

    Either you missed Field's sarcasm or I missed yours.

    Field is many things; but being gracious to a conservative voice will never make the cut......he's too opinionated and bigoted for that.

    Just Sayin'

  29. "well there was James Earl Ray"

    um Frank, was James Earl Ray executed? Thanks for playing but read the rules first;-)

  30. jester spraying:

    fn did not have to compliment her at all...no?

    get over her/it/me.

  31. "Just proves who has the power and who doesn't."

    Nah just proves what we always knew, white men have to cheat and change rules to achieve perceived power. True power is playing fairly head to head but then again why subject yourself to obvious defeat?

  32. nancy g is very cool

    and one of my fav warriors on the planet

    and she danced much better than we all expected

    ditto for chaz and ricki

  33. cornel is my hero...kudos!!!!

    maxine/paul 2012

    Dr. Cornel West is leading a grassroots online community known as the New Progressive Alliance (NPA) in an effort to name a candidate as a primary challenger to President Obama.

    West has also teamed with consumer advocate Ralph Nader to bring progressive ideals to the forefront with a challenger to face Obama.


  34. kudos!!!



  35. "Oh, why don't you go throw some bones, sacrifice a chicken, and screw a goat."

    You know, if you wanted to invite him over to your house for Friday night, you could have just asked.

  36. Know the TRUTH4:41 PM


    1. How do you rationalize the need for affirmative action?

    2. How do you explain the current plight in that part of Africa ruled by blacks? It's a hard sell to blame Britsh colonialism this far out.

    3. What would you call a person who negatively stereotypes a racially identifiable group eg. "...white men have to cheat and change rules to achieve perceived power..."?

    Judge not lest ye be judged.

    Logic, reason and empathy are lost to the ignorance of racism that permeates your essence.

    Victimhood breeds contempt which stifles greatness and achievement.

    I will pray for you my brother.

  37. OJ Say He Innocent4:50 PM

    Come this time tomorrow, I predict those "I Am Troy Davis" tee shirts are gonna disappear faster than the Obama bumper stickers did off of white folk's cars.

  38. Just Sayin'5:08 PM

    OJ Say he Innocent:

    Do you think Field is against the death penalty in principal or only when it applies to the execution of black folks?

    Lawrence Russell Brewer, a white boy who gruesomely murdered a black man, is scheduled to die by lethal injection today in Huntsville, Texas; but I haven't read any protestations by Field or his followers on ths killer's behalf.

    For the record, Brewer deserves the death penalty; but it seems disingenuous when a white death row inmate is being needeled for killing a black man and the black death penalty opponents are eerily silent on the issue......

    Just Sayin'

  39. PilotX said...
    What is different? White person dies somebody must pay. How many times in the history of this country has a white person been executed for killing a person of color?

    And white folks wonder why Black folks cheered when OJ was set free?

  40. It's Obvious5:28 PM

    "Dr.Queen said...
    And white folks wonder why Black folks cheered when OJ was set free?

    5:21 PM"

    No, I don't think they did.

    Just like whites will cheer when Mr. Davis gets what's been coming to him, for far too long. He's had all his appeals. Where was Johnny Cochran?

  41. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Dr. Queen,

    Pull your racist head out of your azz and google Lawrence Russell Brewer......he's a white guy who will be executed today in Texas for killing a black guy----this confirms your blind hatred and stupidity.

  42. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Wite dude, what form of Logic are you trying to pretend you are using? Define 'reason'.
    What do you mean by 'empathy'?

    Cry about AfAms getting a fair chance by the use of Affirmative Action some more. Weep copious tears over the horrible nasty icky concept of a fair and equitable competition.

    Keep showing your hidebound ignorance about Africa each time you repeat that canard. But, it does show your membership in the I Wants to Beleeverates It club. Perhaps you could, like, research what you are claimerating expertise in...like Michelle Bachmann and vaccines.

    Yep, you remind me of a perjurer who kept wailing 'tell the truth'...when what they wanted was for their perjury to be accepted. Funny thing, they are on record as a liar.


  43. From The Atlanat Journal-Constitution, 9/20/2011:

    "This is the fourth time the state of Georgia has set an execution date for Davis. On three prior occasions, he was granted stays -- twice just hours before his execution was to be carried out.

    On one occasion, the U.S. Supreme Court stepped in and ordered an extraordinary hearing, giving Davis the chance to clearly establish he was an innocent man. But a Savannah judge, after hearing two days of testimony, ultimately ruled that while Davis’ new evidence “cast some additional, minimal doubt on his conviction, it is largely smoke and mirrors.”

    Cast some ADDITIONAL minimal DOUBT on his conviction?

    This is unfathomable. This judge has admitted that there is doubt in Davis' case and yet the state of Georgia is still going to murder him tomorrow?

    It's like we're living in some lawless fourth world country.

  44. "Lawrence Russell Brewer, a white boy who gruesomely murdered a black man, is scheduled to die by lethal injection today in Huntsville, Texas; but I haven't read any protestations by Field or his followers on ths killer's behalf.

    For the record, Brewer deserves the death penalty; but it seems disingenuous when a white death row inmate is being needeled for killing a black man and the black death penalty opponents are eerily silent on the issue......"

    Dear Just Sayin'

    The cases are not the same. While I don't support the death penalty, I point out to you that in Davis' case a g-d judge has admitted there is DOUBT over his conviction, and yet will allow his execution. That's the horror of this particular case.

  45. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Why can't Obama save Troy Davis?

    It pains my soul to see another victim of white racism die.

    Why isn't there millions being spent on saving Troy?

    Wheres hollywood and their money?

    Wheres all the rap and hip hop stars?

    Wheres all the rich white Liberals?

    They saved those white bois in West Memphis. I guess they think its ok to kill a innocent black man.

    Its so hard being black.

  46. I say Black folks need to put their money where their mouth is when issues like these come up.

    My family was considering relocating to the Hotlanta area in the next year or 2, but now we're not.

    This case made the decision to stay put in Metro DC that much easier. This is not to say that MD doesn't have its own issues, but since I hate the deep South anyway, everything works out in the end.

  47. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    My family was considering relocating to the Hotlanta area in the next year or 2, but now we're not.

    This case made the decision to stay put in Metro DC that much easier. This is not to say that MD doesn't have its own issues, but since I hate the deep South anyway, everything works out in the end.

    Thank God for small miracles!!! ATL don't be needing anymo hoodrats.

  48. Dr. Cornel West is leading a grassroots online community known as the New Progressive Alliance (NPA) in an effort to name a candidate as a primary challenger to President Obama.

    West has also teamed with consumer advocate Ralph Nader to bring progressive ideals to the forefront with a challenger to face Obama.

    Hate to say it Alicia but Ralph Nader? He'll lose. Cornell West? Ask a dude in the hood who he is, you're better off putting up Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Cornell has no name recognition in the hood. He needs to be out in the streets like Al and Jesse did in their past days.

    Just saying..

  49. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Before making a statement about the judge...perhaps you should read the entire opinion.
    The term is 'reasonable doubt'.

    Umm...silly lad...this is a State issue, not Federal.
    Of what relevance is Hollywood and their money? Maybe they want to be supporting without paying PR folks.
    Real Roxanne is probably raising her kids. Tupac and Biggie are, like, dead.
    Rich, white Liberals have been voicing their opinion on this...which you might know if you bothered to research the topic. Nearly all the high-traffic Lefty blogs have run threads on this. Keep beleeverating, dude.

    Keep weeping your KKKrocodile tears over the AfAm experience.


  50. The State of Georgia seems far more concerned about upholding the old Southern standard that a black lamb must be sacrificed if white blood is spilled by a black suspect than they are about upholding genuine justice. Justice would would be to err on the side of his innocence given the number of recantations and lack of physical evidence, but no. Erring on the side of justice is too compassionate and open-minded a deed, it seems, for political aspirants of the South in so-called "post-racial America." And the board's decision is political; let us make no mistake about that.

  51. Just curious...

    AB do you have any opinion on the repeal of DADT? Sorry if I missed it in the previous thread.

  52. Weather the condemned is guilty or Innocent, none of us have reason to sleep soundly while this ghastly abomination; the avoidable deliberate killing of human beings, continues in our names.

  53. Anonymous8:19 PM

    What a racist post,mold.You have removed all doubt.You are a white boi pretending to be black.

    You should take a look at the West Memphis white bois to see the relevance.

  54. Anon

    "Why can't Obama save Troy Davis?"

    Because legally State Governors have the ultimate authority over death row cases in their jurisdictions.


  55. This travesty of justice is exactly why I don't support the death penalty - period. Killing 1 innocent man is worse than killing 100 guilty men.

  56. Brooklyn asks

    "AB do you have any opinion on the repeal of DADT? Sorry if I missed it in the previous thread."

    That would require AB giving President Obama some credit which of course she is loath to do.

  57. I guess T'Keyah Crystal Keymah couldn't choose one name from all those black woman sitting on death row to put on her t-shirt.

    And Steve wanted to know where were the black women to support Davis. I'm willing to bet my split unit that most of those who petitioned to save Davis were black women.

  58. That may very well be LAA.

    But we know you weren't one of them.

    Don't we?

  59. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Obama could speak out.Take a stand. Put pressure on Georgia to save Troy Davis.

  60. Anonymous9:03 PM

    "Field is many things; but being gracious to a conservative voice will never make the cut......he's too opinionated and bigoted for that.

    Just Sayin'"

    Amen. and he is proud of his mean-spirited bigotry. It's his reason for blogging and living.

  61. Good point LAA! Not only that but the commonalities among most Black women on death row is having been abused by men as children/young women and domestic violence.

  62. Anonymous9:06 PM

    "Obama could speak out.Take a stand. Put pressure on Georgia to save Troy Davis."

    Oh no he would never do that for a black man or for Blacks collectively. But he will speak up for immigrants and Latinos and Whites.

  63. Early in his term Obama spoke out against Skip Gates getting unjustly handcuffed and arrested and what happened?

    The goobers in the media went wild and Obama then had to eat shit and invite the racist cop to the White House for a beer summit.

    On top of that a black female cop from Cambridge threw a public tantrum and said she would never again support Obama because he insulted her "friend"...the white cop.

    Get real LAA.

  64. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Dr.Queen said...
    Good point LAA! Not only that but the commonalities among most Black women on death row is having been abused by men as children/young women and domestic violence.

    Good points LAA and Dr. Queen.

  65. Anonymous9:12 PM

    The Shocking Plight Of Black Women Prisoners

    THERE is sickness eating away at the heart of the African-American family and community. This sickness is locking away thousands of our women--our wives, mothers, sisters and daughters--and keeping them, often for years at a time.

    These Black women are prisoners, but the fact that they have been convicted of crimes often pales in comparison to the underlying causes and impact of their incarceration. For as surely as these "forgotten offenders" have been sentenced, they are suffering--and their plight is shocking. Experts say that while under the care of the correctional and judicial systems, Black women must cope with racism, drug addiction, sexual exploitation, motherhood and pregnancy, and a system that often is not set up with women in mind.

    The statistics are alarming. A Black woman in America is seven times more likely to be imprisoned than a White woman, according to the U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Labor Statistics. In 1998, half of the 84,000 women confined in prisons at the local, state and federal levels were African-American. Today, there are more than 100,000 women in prisons across America. While nearly two-thirds of the women on probation or parole are White, nearly two-thirds of the women confined to prisons at all levels are minorities.

    "That clearly tells us that racial differences exist at every level of the correctional system," says Dr. Zina McGee, a sociologist at Hampton University. "In many cases, Black women are given harsher sentences for the same, or lesser crimes than White women."

  66. Anon goober

    "Oh no he would never do that for a black man or for Blacks collectively. But he will speak up for immigrants and Latinos and Whites."

    Wait a minute.

    Didn't the goobers say Obama was a racist who "hated whites" and hung out with militants like Rev. Wright?

    I guess it depends on the conversation at the time, huh?

  67. Hey "Just sayin", have you ever heard of Cameron Todd Willingham? He was white.

    If you haven't you can read about him here:


    You are welcome.

    I am always willing to educate you wingnuts.

  68. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Steve, "Sorry Goober but this doesn't prove anything.

    First off where in that quote did I use the word 'Stormfronters" or say in this quote that this was a blog for blacks?
    My quote doesn't even come close to what you asserted.

    So rant, drool, and piss your self.
    But you lose AGAIN."

    Dear Steve, you have 'repeatedly' claimed FN is a site for Blacks.

    BTW, there is not one person on this blog who believed you would leave or accept defeat anyway. Your character is of the shady-dishonest-crooked type.

    You LIE, even though the data proves otherwise. But I understand why you do what you do: You are from the hood where it is shameful for a bm to be wrong. That would kill your childish foolish pride. LMAO!!!!

    Like Purple Cow, and some other Blacks, I am done with you.

  69. Anonymous9:17 PM

    So Obama should be silent while a innocent black man is murdered by the state of Georgia?

  70. Anonymous9:20 PM

    "I am always willing to educate you wingnuts."

    That's where you often fall down, Field. I am not a wingnut. Besides, who asked you to teach anyway, your clouded mind?

  71. "Not only that but the commonalities among most Black women on death row is having been abused by men as children/young women and domestic violence."

    Yeah. Eileen Wuornos was abused by men as a child and a young woman but did that excuse her systematically stalking, robbing and murdering seven men?

    This debate is starting to deteriorate into the same old tired bw versus bm bullshit perpetuated by the angry, lonely black male haters.

    The tragedy here is that there is a ton of evidence that points to Troy Davis' innocence yet he will executed in 24 hours.

    May God bless Troy's soul and welcome him into eternal salvation.

  72. "Like Purple Cow, and some other Blacks, I am done with you."

    You ain't black and I doubt if you're "done" with me.

    You can't deal with someone who is going to stand up to your obsessive trolling and race hate.

  73. Anonymous9:34 PM

    "The tragedy here is that there is a ton of evidence that points to Troy Davis' innocence yet he will executed in 24 hours.

    May God bless Troy's soul and welcome him into eternal salvation."

    Like I said before: It sucks to be a bm in America. We are all marked men in America. If the Whites don't get us, then our own folks will. It really sucks.

  74. Dr. Queen, you know it. 85% of black women in the penal system are there because it had something to do with a man. Murder of a man due being battered. Aggravated assault due to the absurd man-sharing culture in the black community, mulling, embezzlement to feed children of dead beats... you name it. Man.

    Anony said: "Oh no he would never do that for a black man or for Blacks collectively. But he will speak up for immigrants and Latinos and Whites."

    Do you remember when Obama piratically begged for that vicious murdering rapist Humberto Leal? Mr. Viva Mexico? A vicious murdering rapist who would beat his blackish ass and violate his black family in a hot pinata minute. Yet, not one peep for the life of Davis, a black man who at least didn't commit such heinousness.

    But Steve and kind wouldn't notice things like that anyway.

  75. that word was practically. Gee, I have no idea why "pirate" came to mind.

  76. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Father please forgive them they know not what they do

  77. Geez UTS, didya have to pull a serial killer out your ass? And a white one at that?

    Oh that's right, serial killers typically only come in one flavor, LOL!!

    BTW, the best thing a Black man can do to avoid the unfairness of the death penalty, is to stay as far away as possible from the justice system. It ain't "right" and it ain't fair but since when has what's right and fair characterized a Black persons life from birth to death?

    Word verification: sista!

  78. The Leal case was a totally different situation LAA and you know it.

    Obama administration lawyers argued that Leal's execution violated international law because he was denied legal help.

  79. LAA, "pirate" came to mind because confused focus AKA the depressed Negro is back, LOL!!

    Or maybe it has Barney cow disease?

  80. "That's where you often fall down, Field. I am not a wingnut."

    If it walks like a duck....

  81. Dr. Queen

    "BTW, the best thing a Black man can do to avoid the unfairness of the death penalty, is to stay as far away as possible from the justice system."

    I guess that would go for the black women on death row as well, right?

  82. Prez Obama is too busy playing politics with people he cat win against to take a position on this death penalty case.

  83. Black women aren't targeted by the same people Black women are targeted by.

    A black man's nemesis is the white man. A black woman's is the Black man.

    And before you go off the deep end about how much I hate Black men, don't. I love a Black man and I'm loved very well by a Black man!!

  84. That should read black women and men have different threats.

  85. "A black man's nemesis is the white man. A black woman's is the Black man."

    Or a black woman.

    Ya hear about the stabbing at Bowie State?

    Y'all really need to quit this bull$hit.

  86. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Last decade 58% of serial killers were black.


    Most interracial rapes and murders are committed by black males.

    Black man is the nemesis to all of those who want to stay alive.

  87. Steve, you need a reality check. Check the stats in your own back yard. Black women are the victims of crime most often when the perp is a Black man. It's just a fact!

    And why are you talking about the ISOLATED incident at Bowie State? You sound like a damn wingnut!

    So I gotta ask, whose side are you on?

  88. Queen,

    Women regardless of race are victimized primarily by men that they know and of the same race.

    Why are you trying to make this an indictment of black men?

    Whose side are YOU on?

    What is your point?

    You think that a violent white guy who dates a black woman won't beat her?

  89. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Isn't black men the leading cause of death among young black females?


  90. The justice system/ white men target Black men especially when it comes to death row.

    But you're complety ignoring the "role" Black men have played in why there are so many Black women in jail and on death row.

    Hey look, I'm down for Black unity and all that other 'ish, but not at the expense of truth. And a foundation based on truth is critical to pulling the Black community out of the $hitstool it's currently in.

  91. Anonymous10:29 PM

    uptownsteve said...

    You think that a violent white guy who dates a black woman won't beat her?

    Its highly unlikely a white male would beat a black woman he dates.

    Black men are 12 times more likely to beat white females they date than white men beat black females.

  92. MP Gallivan10:31 PM

    My dear friend Mac Walton (daddyBStrong..MacDaddy)
    wrote eloquently and often about the injustice to Troy Davis and it breaks my heart that the efforts of so many
    will be rebuffed by the "powers that be". Mac would be sorely distressed for he believed that truth would triumph. Here's one of his posts calling for reason and justice in this case. Still waiting for his blog to be revived...hopefully soon

  93. Steve, all I know for sure about white men beating a black women he dates is that if he does, he'll likely get away with it!!

  94. Queen,

    "But you're complety ignoring the "role" Black men have played in why there are so many Black women in jail and on death row."

    Sorry, but that's a pile of shit.

    In Maryland for instance, which is a big women's rights state, if a man breathes too hard in a woman's direction and she calls the cops he goes to jail.

    Most of those women on death row are violent sociopaths who committed egregious crimes.

    Many of them against CHILDREN.

  95. Steve, have you ever talked to female prisoners? Because I used to volunteer at one prison and many of the women there, both black and white, had been abused by same race men.

  96. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Who made them violent sociopaths,steve?

    BLACK MEN......

  97. Oh so white men are responsible for the violence of black men then, right?

    Using your logic.

  98. BTW Steve do you remember the sista' in of county that was set on fire at work? How did Marylands laws help her?She had a restraining order!!!

  99. PG county! Dang apple spell check!!

    And yeah, I think racism is partially responsible for why some black men are violent.

  100. Queen,

    If you talk to violent male inmates they will tell you that they also were abused and beaten in their lives.

    Violence begats violence.

    You live in the DC area.

    You remember the woman in DC who killed four of her kids and left their bodies in the house to rot a couple of years ago?

    A MAN made her do it?

    Is she not responsible for her actions?

  101. Steve, where was the FATHER of those kids?

    "Your honor, I rest my case!"

    BTW, I don't the dad was white, do you?

  102. mellaneous10:57 PM

    Field I feel you on these posts.Unfortunately the conversations are the usual divisive comments. I can't believe the heartlessness exhibited by some of the folks on this thread.

    While they think they are being cute in actuality they are acting like barbarians.

    I hope the brother finds a way to go to his death in peace.

    I am against the death penalty for just about anyone.

  103. Queen,

    "Steve, where was the FATHER of those kids"

    So she killed them because the father wasn't home???????????

    This is hopeless.

    Go date some white dudes.

    Good luck.

    Anonymous, there are some sistas here ready and willing.


  104. Anonymous12:25 AM

    UTS, "The Leal case was a totally different situation LAA and you know it."

    You sound like a White person defending the injustices and unfairness done to Blacks while fighting for a true killer who is not Black.

    Oh let me join you and avoid the argument: Obama is a good guy and can do no wrong. He is also a lover of the Black race......he just doesn't know how to show it. So, fellow AAs let us think what we think he is thinking and support him 100%.

    Obama really wants to help us but the White Man won't let him. Yeah, that's the ticket. I was depressed now I feel like a happy, joyous and free Negro...like Steve and Field. Wow. I feel great! All it took was to change my thinking to perverted thinking and bingo!

  105. Anonymous12:31 AM

    Field, do you still think anon was wrong about Gold or you were wrong? Which is it?

    Field, do you still think anon was wrong about your Eagles and Vick or maybe you were wrong?

    Field, do you still think anon was wrong about the Redskins or maybe you were wrong about them being a "suck" team?

    Field, do you know that the Redskins could win the NFC and the Eagles will be no where close?

  106. Anonymous12:38 AM

    "PG county! Dang apple spell check!!"

    How would the Apple spell check know that you wanted to put "PG" before County? That's not a spelling error. Like the anon says, you will never be a doctor.

  107. Anonymous12:38 AM

    Field, are you depressed yet? I know, it sucks.

  108. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Dr. Queen, "And yeah, I think racism is partially responsible for why some black men are violent."

    How does that work, brainy? Are you in agreement with anon who says, "it sucks to be a black man in America"?

  109. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Well, Chris Rock said on stage that no White person in America would trade places with a black man like him, even though he is rich. Now that says it all about being Black in America. It sucks.

    There is no one, Black or White, who would trade places with UTS...unless it would be AB.

  110. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Watch this video of Obama pushing for the passage of bill for Latinos. No, he did not even mention Blacks. In fact, his speech completely ignored Blacks. However, Obama must be an alright Prez because UTS defends everything Obama does.:)


  111. Anonymous1:41 AM


    You got it wrong, Field. He said he only had $400,000 BEFORE he fed his family. So don't lie on the man. I empathize with him because it takes a lot of money to feed a family these days, esp if the family is White.

  112. Anonymous1:55 AM

    mellaneous said...
    Field I feel you on these posts.Unfortunately the conversations are the usual divisive comments. I can't believe the heartlessness exhibited by some of the folks on this thread.

    While they think they are being cute in actuality they are acting like barbarians.

    I hope the brother finds a way to go to his death in peace.

    I am against the death penalty for just about anyone.

    So the people who don't tolerate murderers, murderers who snuff the life from someone else because they are evil are the barbarians and not the murderers? You have to be the most ass-backwards preacher I have ever heard. Your the opposite of everything that would promote good, are you a priest for the church of satan?

  113. GrannyStandingforTruth2:19 AM

    "Since Mr. Davis' conviction, seven out of the nine witnesses against him have recanted their testimony and no physical evidence has been presented that links Mr. Davis to the murder. No murder weapon was found."

    "One of the star witnesses in the case, Darrell Collins, later told news networks, “I told them (police) over and over I did not see this happen. They put what they wanted to put in that statement.” Brenda Forrest, one of the jurors in the trial who found Mr. Davis guilty, has since changed her mind. “If I knew then what I know now, Troy Davis would not be on death row. The verdict would be not guilty,” she told a Savannah news station in 2009."

    This is overwhelmingly tenebrous and sad!!!

  114. GrannyStandingforTruth2:27 AM

    I meant to say *This is overwhelmingly tenebrously sad!!*

  115. GrannyStandingforTruth3:01 AM

    About the sidebar regarding Rep. John Fleming, I wonder how hard he think it is for those that don't have one red cent left after paying basic bills, and when they open their refrigerators all that's there is the light bulb and ice?

    I once observed a man going through the garbage can. At first, I thought he was looking for cans to sell, until he pulled out a half eaten biscuit and ate it. It made me sick to my stomach and I vomited I wonder do people like that ever cross that Louisiana Representatives mind?

    I saw young children sleeping under a freeway underpath surrounded by debris. I wonder does he ever think about them?

    But yeah, I guess Rep John Fleming is really suffering with only $400,000 left after feeding his family. Poor, poor John...

  116. GrannyStandingforTruth3:04 AM


  117. GrannyStandingforTruth3:04 AM


  118. All I have to say is that Mr. Flemming must have a really big family.

    "Field, are you depressed yet? I know, it sucks."

    Loser, if you were me, you would wake up everyday and thank the Gal upstairs for your blessings.

    But I am pretty sure that it sucks to be you. Just sayin.

    Mellaneous,I am afraid that you might be right. But for some folks, this is pretty much the only joy they get out of life. So at least I am providing a service for them.

    I am glad that I can do that much.

    "Who made them violent sociopaths,steve?

    BLACK MEN......"

    No, they are just acting like Americans are supposed to act.
    Just ask those Native Americans and those slaves down in South Carolina. They can tell you all about violent and sociopathic behavior.

  119. UTS that was a pathetic response to my comment considering YOU brought up the lady that killed her 4 kids especially when you know those kids' Black father likely dumped his "seed" and left.

    As for me going to date a white dude, again another sucker punch when I've been crystal clear that I don't roll like that.

    I guess I know whose side you were on with the fight recently.

  120. Among OTHER things...the victim's family saying "I'm not for blood. I'm for justice" pisses me off royally.

    Like....God dammit.....since when is a conviction and LIFE IN PRISON W/O PAROLE *not* count as justice? Fuck, I'm not even opposed to the Death Penalty in theory.....I think it can be sadly pragmatic in say, a state of anarchy, the Wild West, or a Post-Apocalyptic Wasteland.....but I'd like to think that one of the world's most advanced fucking civilizations can get by just fine without it.

    Who puts it in people's heads that spending 50 fucking years in GENPOP and being a old-ass 70 year old man stuck between The Aryan Nation and The Black Guerilla Family is somehow TOO MERCIFUL?

    And of course, The Teahadists can't clap loud enough for this shit. If they had their way, we'd be having gladiator games and feeding people to lions in the Georgia Dome.

  121. "And of course, The Teahadists can't clap loud enough for this shit. If they had their way, we'd be having gladiator games and feeding people to lions in the Georgia Dome."

    Instead, we have NASCAR crashes and state-sanctioned executions. Simulated bloodlust to satiate ordinary rubes.

  122. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I couldn't sleep last night and have been up since three. I keep thinking about all the injustices and innocents of the world. I guess even though I believe in God, and I pray to it, still can't comprehend/accept the existence of man's barbarism to man....

  123. Queen Truth Squad8:38 AM

    Dr.Queen said...
    I say Black folks need to put their money where their mouth is when issues like these come up.

    My family was considering relocating to the Hotlanta area in the next year or 2, but now we're not.

    This case made the decision to stay put in Metro DC that much easier. This is not to say that MD doesn't have its own issues, but since I hate the deep South anyway, everything works out in the end.

    6:17 PM


    Wonders never cease.

  124. Anonymous8:51 AM

    chit they have to roll queen in flour to find the wet spot.

    of course dat hoodrat didn't go to med school.

    she didn't even finish mlk high school.

    "Simulated bloodlust" funny you didn't mention black males.they be some bloodlusting mofos.more people have been killed in the war between the bloods and crips than all of the obama wars combined.

  125. brooklyn:


    equality as cannon fodder in eternal global wars does not impress me

    especially since gay widows get no pensions etc

    before gay soldiers' corpses are cold...the brutal inqualoty begins anew...

    see more



    Thank you President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0!!!

    Unlike former president King Shrub/George W. Bush, you did not veto the belated Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act.

    Thank you for enacting this new law that will finally equate the deaths of homosexuals with others who are hated, beaten, and murdered.

    We homosexuals sincerely appreciate that our ongoing murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings will now be as legal as the countless murders, lynchings, rapes, and beatings of heterosexuals. All hate crimes are escalating in this violent world increasingly filled with bigoted, jobless, homeless, and hungry people…

    The excessive and unequal frequency of our violent abuses may wound us a bit less, now that our fatal gaybashings will be illegal. We homosexuals are indeed violently abused by all races and classes of persons all over the world.

    Please remember that the profound and valid equality we seek still escapes us as you continue to evade and ignore the real legal changes that we homosexuals so desperately need. That equality includes:

    The equality of marriage and international marital benefits

    The equality of not being forced to live lies in uniform

    The equality to share all insurance benefits and other financial assets with our spouses

    You must understand that all of the above human rights make the equal right to become an illegal punching bag or a corpse feel like a criminally small feat.

    We are weary with your waiting and window dressing Sir.

    And, we are watching you…


    Alicia Banks

  126. rk/really knows nothing:

    like kissing and telling
    one should never brag about not knowing ralph nader

    ralph is a FUNDER
    not a candidate


    read more
    whore less
    your retention is horrid

  127. brooklyn:


    equality as cannon fodder in

    why would any sane person het or gay want to die for hobama's global oil/gold/opium robberies????

    eternal global wars does not impress me

    especially since gay widows get no pensions etc

    before gay soldiers' corpses are cold...the brutal inequality begins anew...






  128. rk/really kicking his own ass in a marathon now:

    more on nader fyi

    The left's anger over the public option and the anti-Obama revolt is long overdue, says Ralph Nader. Benjamin Sarlin talks to the self-professed "pioneer" of the current progressive rage.

    Democrats are steaming over the White House’s capitulation to liberal nemesis Joe Lieberman’s demands to remove a public option and Medicare buy-in from the Senate’s heath-care bill. Progressive figures including Howard Dean and Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas have gone so far as to suggest scrapping the bill entirely and starting over, sparking rebukes from White House officials like David Axelrod, who called such a move “insane” in a Morning Joe interview on MSNBC on Thursday. With polls already showing many Democrats planning on sitting out 2010 midterms, the conflict has drawn comparisons to Ralph Nader’s third-party run in 2000, which many Democrats blame for tipping the election to George W. Bush—and for leaving Lieberman to wreak havoc in the Senate.

    This is all good news to Nader, a vocal critic of the bill who considers the health-care debate a turning point in the left’s relationship to Obama.

    “This is what I meant a year ago when I said the next year will determine whether Barack Obama will be an Uncle Tom groveling before the demands of the corporations.”

    The four-time presidential candidate said he was particularly encouraged Thursday morning, when he read Dean’s op-ed in The Washington Post.

    “Good for Howard Dean,” Nader said, adding that his only criticism was the former Democratic National Committee chairman didn’t go after the bill hard enough.






  129. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Mr. Bennett,

    If Troy Davis is executed, we have not only regressed 100 years, but each of us will be affected when they kill this man.

    My biggest fear is that the bar in terms of evidence for the death penalty will fall even further.

    I hope the face of Troy Davis haunts the state of Georgia forever.

    Gil Cureau

  130. uts:

    did that elitist blackish dog ever say anything about sean bell or oscar grant???

    as he yapped for skippy???




  131. desertflower:


    millions of troy clones never sleeep in jail...


  132. excuse all the typos

    rushing as always


  133. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Field, "Loser, if you were me, you would wake up everyday and thank the Gal upstairs for your blessings."

    So much strange stuff in one statement. Why or what makes a loser? And who is the Gal upstairs? Very strange, indeed, and probably can't be explained. But that's what depression is like.

  134. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Mr. Bennett,

    If Troy Davis is executed, we have not only regressed 100 years, but each of us will be affected when they kill this man.

    My biggest fear is that the bar in terms of evidence for the death penalty will fall even further.

    I hope the face of Troy Davis haunts the state of Georgia forever.

    Gil Cureau

    Wasn't Tory Davis found and convicted for having a handgun he remove the serial numbers from? Why have a gun, why remove the serial numbers? What kind of person carries an illegal handgun with filed off serial numbers?

    Didnt Davis also shoot Michael Cooper in the face the same night?

    Was it all coincidence that the same guy he was wildin with and he wound up in a fight with Larry Young who was being beat by Davis, Coles and Collins were at the scene of the murder of the Cop? When the Cop MacPhail intervened somebody shot him, ok so he is saying even though he shot someone earlier that night it wasn't him and he did not have a gun.

    When the cops went looking for him the next day they found he already ran, he decided coincidentally to drive to atlanta with his sister. While at his house though the cops found a pair of shorts with MacPhails blood on it - that was dismissed from evidence because the cops were inompetent and though given permission by troys mom to search the lawyer was able to get it ruled they needed a search warrant. Why did he run? If he didnt do anything and had no idea police would be looking for him why run?

    He was given numerous trials, numerous appeals and he lost them all, the last one with the famous "recanted on paper only " witnesses, not one of them was called to testify why they changed thier mind years later under oath, did any of them agree to testify, under oath?

  135. Anonymous10:23 AM

    The execution of Troy Davis represents how far Blacks and Whites have come as a society, consciously. Have we been asleep, or do we know better?

    Does the hatred of disgust toward one race block any possibility of seeing each other as good decent human beings? Clearly we are at an important crossroads and the road we choose will be very important.

    Troy's execution might awaken the national conscience, or it may not. Life in the US may go on as usual, esp in Georgia where the justice system has determined that Troy is guilty.

    67% of Americans approve of the death penalty! That alone speaks loudly about Americans.

  136. Anonymous10:44 AM

    anon, "If Troy Davis is executed, we have not only regressed 100 years, but each of us will be affected when they kill this man."

    Oh, I don't know. Many will sleep well at night in much the same way we sleep whenever a child is aborted.

    The death penalty must be fed, one way or another in much the same way the abortion law must be fed.

    Because capitalists are the originators of both laws, there is no discrimination between the blood of innocence and guilt.

    If Americans sleep well when babies are aborted, Americans will probably sleep well when Troy is executed. I mean, what's the difference when it comes to killing God's children?

  137. there are millions of poor white troys too

    class trumps race


    ask oj
    a bm who became a rich wm then lost his money and class....





  138. sarah palin may shake up the world


    WASHINGTON -- Look out President Barack Obama. Even Sarah Palin's gaining on you.

    A new McClatchy-Marist poll finds that Obama looks increasingly vulnerable in next year's election, with a majority of voters believing he'll lose to any Republican, a solid plurality saying they'll definitely vote against him and most potential Republican challengers gaining on him.

    Even in potential matchups where he leads, Obama in most cases has lost ground to the Republican.

    The biggest gain came for Palin, the former Alaska governor who hasn't yet announced whether she'll jump into the fast-changing race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

    After trailing Obama by more than 20 percentage points in polls all year, the new national survey, taken Sept. 13-14, found Palin trailing the president by just 5 points, 49-44 percent. The key reason: She now leads Obama among

    Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/09/20/v-fullstory/2417008/poll-finds-obama-losing-ground.html#ixzz1YbDqAf7d


  139. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Desertflower-"I couldn't sleep last night and have been up since three. I keep thinking about all the injustices and innocents of the world. I guess even though I believe in God, and I pray to it, still can't comprehend/accept the existence of man's barbarism to man...."

    I know the feeling. It's known as spiritual depression but often misdiagnosed as clinical depression.

    Either way, it can cause infrequent insomnia whenever something like the Troy Davis execution rattles Conscience and bothers the Heart deeply.

  140. there is still hope for troy

    please keep praying for him!

    it is not over yet


  141. Anonymous11:54 AM

    mr. brewer will get the needle to day in texas for murdering mr.bird,the second perp will follow shortly while the third got life.

  142. Anonymous11:57 AM

    "A new McClatchy-Marist poll finds that Obama looks increasingly vulnerable in next year's election, with a majority of voters believing he'll lose to any Republican, a solid plurality saying they'll definitely vote against him and most potential Republican challengers gaining on him.

    Even in potential matchups where he leads, Obama in most cases has lost ground to the Republican."

    Obama is lacking in direction, integrity and heart. He is quite selfish and we don't need another 4 years of that. He is not worthy of the Presidency, but I am not sure if America has anyone who is. We really need someone to bring to the office a sense of moral goodness.

    I thought Obama would have done that but it turns out he is just as crooked, if not more, than Bush. At least, Bush did what he said he was going to do and lives according to who he is.

    Obama out and out lies. No one knows who he is because what he says today he does the opposite tomorrow. His words and actions never match. He is a big disappointment on several fronts.

    The biggest disappointment to me as bm is he turns out to be another brother who cares nothing about me, and consequently has no qualms about betraying me. And make no mistake about it, he has betrayed his own people who for the first time in history went to the poles in droves to vote for him. He has stabbed us in the back.

    As far as I am concerned, the greatest evil on earth is a black man who turns his back on his own people and brings great harm to them and yet, he remains mute, and goes about his day as if he has done nothing.

  143. ANON 1157



  144. Queen

    "I guess I know whose side you were on with the fight recently."

    I'm on Troy Davis' side which is what this thread was originally about.

    Then you and LAA went on a rant about black women being under seige from black men.

    And you question whose side I'M on????????

  145. “That was a first for show-and-tell in this town,” Police Chief Richard Downing said. He added that the boy’s mother, Michelle Cheatham, 32, was arrested later on drug charges and released on bail."

    I guess a black man made her smoke crack.

  146. Anonymous1:26 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  147. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I know the feeling. It's known as spiritual depression but often misdiagnosed as clinical depression.
    Yes, I love that phrase "spiritual depression". Indeed it is so spiritually saddening to feel that most of the time we really are just savage animals. Biting each other by the tail to get one step ahead and killing each other for some material and most often bare necessity of life,when the world has such abundance to offer...

  148. msg from troy


  149. rk/really knowing nothing special:

    u r not alone!

    best wishes


    The chances of a Black woman finding a “Good” Black man are extremely slim, according to a study by Best Black Dating Sites.

    The study claims that only about 3% of Black men fulfill the criteria of being a good, qualified partner.

    The criteria was primarily based on data compiled on whether the eligible Black men were heterosexual, good-looking, successful, or childless.


  150. troy is ready to die...

    Davis will get a physical and clean clothes at 3 p.m., and an hour later his final meal. Davis has asked to have the same thing for dinner that the rest of the 2,100 inmates will have Wednesday – a cheeseburger, potatoes, baked beans, slaw, cookies and a grape drink.

    At 5 p.m. Davis can make a recorded final statement, one that is longer than the one he can make once he is strapped to the gurney in the death chamber.

    He will be allowed to pass the time listening to music, reading, watching television and talking on the telephone. And all the while a prison guard will take meticulous notes of everything he does, how much he eats or doesn't eat and his mood.

    An hour before he is scheduled to die, Davis will be offered a sedative to calm him.


  151. Dr. Queen3:09 PM

    Steve you need to stop, you're like a dog with a brand new bone!!!

  152. Sigmund3:31 PM

    51 PM

    uptownsteve said...
    “That was a first for show-and-tell in this town,” Police Chief Richard Downing said. He added that the boy’s mother, Michelle Cheatham, 32, was arrested later on drug charges and released on bail."

    I guess a black man made her smoke crack

    Has anyone ever told you that you are very easy to despise? You are vile, did you know that? I am sure you do. You have to be one of the most "narcadickist" men around, it's always about you and everyone is wrong except you and you know it all. Want to know why you come off like a dumbass so often, if not most times? Because know-it-alls are so busy talkin they never listen and thus wind up not really knowing anything except how to be loud and disruptive. Get a clue, buy a brain, read a book, shut up once in awhile and think before you spout, you might learn something and appear less of a moron to the world.

    Now, I love everyone and even after telling you the truth am calm and peaceful and filled with tranquility, because people like you get kicked to the curb immediately with their everneedy negativity phsycosis, you need strife and negativity to survive otherwise you might have to look inwards and see maybe not such good things.

  153. another righteous execution may balance unjust murder this pm

    and this too shall pass:

    Brewer is one of three white supremacists convicted of the dragging death of James Byrd Jr. in Beaumont, Texas, in 1998. Byrd accepted a ride from the three defendants, who beat him mercilessly, urinated on his limp body, tied chains to his ankles and tied them to a truck, dragging his body three miles. It was reported that Byrd was conscious for most of the dragging, attempting to hold his head up, which was eventually severed along with his arm after his body hit a culvert. His remains were found in 75 different places.

    Brewer, 44, who reportedly showed no remorse during the trial, helped fasten Byrd to the truck, pulling him along the road and dumping what was left of his shredded body outside a black church and cemetery. Brewer and John William King received the death penalty, while the third killer Shawn Allen Berry received a life sentence.

    Reuters is reporting that Ross Byrd, James Byrd Jr.'s son, is hoping that the state will show Brewer the mercy that his father was not given. "You can't fight murder with murder," Ross Byrd, 32, told Reuters late Tuesday. "Life in prison would have been fine. I know he can't hurt my daddy anymore. I wish the state would take in mind that this isn't what we want."

    Brewer is scheduled to die by lethal injection after 6 p.m. local time in Huntsville, Texas.

    This is a heavy day for America, with the Davis and Brewer executions scheduled on the same day and within one hour of each other. We find it interesting that Byrd's family wants Brewer spared, while MacPhail's family wants Davis executed despite the recantations by witnesses. One death row inmate is convicted of killing a police officer, and the other of participating in one of the most heinous crimes in recent American history, yet they will both be killed by lethal injection on the same day, highlighting the precariousness of the death penalty.

